#or maybe i'll do two days? OR CAN HE HAVE THE WEEK hmmmMM
gardenerian · 2 years
lmao there are 77 posts scheduled for march 28 you have been warned askljhf
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dayvoidkyoto · 2 years
stop fucking harassing Kwesi James.
i'm seeing way too many Try Guys fans commenting shit on his social media claiming that he knew about Ned and Alexandria because of the concert video, and that that makes him "just as bad as them".
no, it fucking doesn't.
let's say he knew. we don't know what he did with that information. everyone's assuming he hid it from Ariel. you don't fucking know that. he could have told her the second he knew and then have been told to stay quiet or act normal by Ariel because she didn't want the public to know before official statements could be made. none of us know what was happening behind the scenes.
the fact is, if he had gone public with it, the same people calling him a snake and an awful friend would have turned around and complained that he was "talking about things that didn't concern him" or "airing out other people's dirty laundry", and they fucking know it.
the Try Guys, their spouses, and at least part of the crew unfollowed Ned the second the statement went up. many of them unfollowed Alexandria as well. y'know who no one unfollowed? Kwesi. in fact, some people are saying the official account followed him for the first time after the statement--although i'll say to take that one with a grain of salt, as i don't know for sure that he wasn't followed in the first place. either way, no one unfollowed him (UPDATE 10/01/22: Ariel herself unfollowed Alex today. she didn’t unfollow Kwesi.). y'know why? maybe it's because she and everyone else can acknowledge that he didn't do anything wrong. you know, the actual people involved in the situation? whose opinion matters way more than the parasocial relationshipping fans on the internet that many of you are simply bandwagoning alongside with zero critical thinking skills.
i can't stress this one enough: the Try Guys had known since labor day weekend (9/5/22). this is an objective fact, they confirmed it themselves in their "what happened." video, which was posted on 10/4/22. no one is going after them, calling them snakes, or harrassing them. the crew had to have known for at least two weeks this is an objective fact. the first video Ned was cut out of was the Chocolate Eclair video, which went up exactly two weeks before the affair was confirmed (confirmed on 9/28/22, the video was uploaded 9/14/22). there's almost no way they found out, had a meeting, decided to cut him out, and then edited him out of it all in the hours of that Wednesday before they uploaded. that means they most likely knew beforehand. but, they could have done it all in a day. that still means they'd have known for two weeks. no one is saying shit to them (UPDATE 10/02/22: Rachel was apparently at the Harry Styles concert with them. her Instagram comment sections? full of love and support. not a "snake" or a "she knew" in sight). hmmmmm, i wonder why.
i'll close this out here with something many of you aren't going to want to hear: this unnecessary vilification of Kwesi is at least partially rooted in racism. you can't handle having to blame Ned alone for his actions, so you would rather harrass a Black man for no real reason to than acknowledge that your Favorite White Guy™ fucked up.
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froizetta · 9 months
20 Questions for fic writers!
Tagged by @ginbenci! Thank you! :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
12! All since last August
What’s your total A03 word count? 134,798
What fandoms do you write for?
So far just DCU, but I like a lot of things! I will branch out one day, when the brainrot loosens its grip.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Padam Padam - superbat, E (7.5k)
Batman's heartbeat keeps speeding up whenever Clark is around. For instance: when Clark greets him, half-naked, on a Gotham rooftop. Or when he uses his superstrength to save a busload of schoolchildren. Or sometimes even just when he smiles. Clearly the poor man is terrified of him.
By far my most popular fic! Probably because it found it's way to tiktok (this still feels wild to me). Despite the fact that borderline crack and I wrote it in about 3 days, it has twice the number of kudos as the fic below in this list. Or perhaps it's because I took the idea from a tumblr post rather than coming up with it myself? Hmmmmm.
2. An Honest Conversation - superbat, E (60k)
“So Bruce’s longtime best friend had suddenly decided to start eye-fucking him at random. So what? Bruce was used to being the object of this kind of attention. It didn’t bother him. It was—should have been fine. The issue was that it was Clark, and Bruce had enough trouble remaining rational about him at the best of times.” or Bruce and Clark go from friends to lovers the long, long, long way round. Featuring a number of revelations, a well-meaning but nosy son (Dick) and, most prominently, two adult men being completely and utterly useless.
My first fic, and the closest one I have right now to a magnum opus! It started off as a silly oneshot and then got surprisingly angsty towards the end (although no less silly tbh, that's apparently just my whole vibe as a writer).
3. Hiding In Plain Sight - superbat, T (3.5k)
Clark Kent, reporter for the Daily Planet, is clearly just Superman wearing glasses. For some reason, no-one but Bruce can see that. There is a distinct possibility that Bruce has lost his mind.
Written for Bruce Wayne Week 2023, as are the rest on this list! Written because...well. He totally is just wearing glasses. I'll happily suspend my disbelief, but I'm still not letting it go, damn it.
4. Holding Onto A Hero - superbat, T (2.5k)
Clark squinted sleep-tired eyes and frowned. “B? Everything okay?” And then Bruce shivered. In a fraction of a second he was beside the bed, and in another he was settling a knee onto the mattress and wrapping his arms around Clark’s waist, cowled face pressed into Clark’s chest. “So,” Clark said conversationally. “I’m gonna go ahead and take that as a no.”
The prompt was cuddle pollen, and it really is just a short-n-sweet, soft, cuddly, getting together fic. Also, I got to insert a little vague allusion to neuroscience, which is always nice (although oxytocin doesn't actually work like that, the effect is sex-specific and increasing it can actually promote aggression in some- okay, okay, I'll shut up).
5. More Fun Than Counting Sheep - superbat, E (5.5k)
When Bruce can't sleep, Clark proposes an unconventional solution. (The solution is sex.)
The prompt I took was sleep-deprived Bruce. Nothing about that suggested it should be smut, and yet here we are. I wrote this because I thought it would be funny to have Clark try to seduce Bruce into sleeping (and for it to work), and honestly? I stand by that.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm none of them really. Maybe A Stitch In Spacetime (Gen, 4.5k - in which Batman meets a version of himself whose parents never died so he became a surgeon like his dad). But only because the ending is more hopeful than actively happy. Batman has still lost Jason, but he's finally trying to heal; Doctor Bruce still wants kids he doesn't have, but maybe after this that will change. (Also, unrelated but I'm really proud of the title for this one lol. I love a pun, what can I say.)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, they're most all happy, but probably An Honest Conversation? Just because the finale was INCREDIBLY sappy, and there was a lot bullshit preceding it that they had to get through, which certainly made the ending cathartic to write!
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not yet! Apart from a couple of slightly iffy comments, everyone has been lovely. But then, I'm not writing anything particularly controversial lol. Hopefully the trend continues outside of genfic and superbat.
Do you write smut?
Yes, a lot lol, nearly half of my fics are E-rated. Look, if I write a romance in which the pairing solves some kind of relationship issue and grow closer as a result, some part of my brain is always gonna be thinking, "Hm. What if they banged about it?" Also, I love a sex comedy, so there's that too.
Do you write crossovers?
No. I don't think I'm into any fandoms right now that I would WANT to cross over tbh. I've read my fair share, though!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I'd theoretically be open to it! I think it would be tricky in practise though, unless you an your co-writer are really on the same wavelength. Even writers I really like don't necessarily write in the same style as me, so that could create difficulties.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I mean. Superbat right now for sure. I'm usually a multishipper, but for whatever reason they have a death grip on me. I'm still basically an omnivore though!
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmm, this feels like a very defeatist question since I do plan to finish everything I start. Probably the fic I started writing for a friend's birthday based on a premise we discussed nearly a decade ago. It's a wholesome romance between two of the sidest side characters in Haikyuu!! (Tanaka Saeko and Tsukiyama Akiteru, for the curious; they do interact, but barely), because my friend was there with her Charlie Kelly conspiracy board saying, "They're both in uni! They're in the same prefecture! They knew each other in high school! They're both older siblings of main characters on the same team, so they can go watch the matches together! There's so much to work with!!!" This has apparently been her lowkey white whale ever since, but she's never managed to write it, so I offered to have a go. Tragically, them being SUCH side characters means I have to all but invent a personality for one of them, which makes figuring out their dynamic a lot harder lol. But I still want to finish it one day, for her sake!
What’s your writing strengths?
Comedy I think, specifically deriving humour from awkward situations (that I have made up) - and often it's the quiet chuckle kind rather than the knee-slapping kind. But YMMV on whether anything I write is actually funny! I can only hope :')
What’s your writing weakness?
Well, I have lots of things I don't feel good enough to write (e.g. long, dramatic epics that I can't fill with jokes), but I mostly haven't wanted to try so I wouldn't say that's a weakness per se. And I have plenty of little things I feel like I need to work on, but none are an easy-to-identify kryptonite-style Weakness. Probably flow and pacing, as it's something I'm very particular about (especially for comedy, where imo it needs to be correct for it to work) but it doesn't always come naturally to me. I do a lot of rounds of editing trying to tweak things so they flow right. Hopefully that will come easier with experience! I'd be fascinated to know what other people thought my weakness was, though; it's often hard to judge yourself, since you're the audience you're writing for.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In what sense? As in, for example, writing a French-speaking character in French in an otherwise English-language fic? I think that's appropriate when the POV character doesn't speak French, but perhaps can be avoided if they do, as then the average reader is understanding as much as the POV character is.
As to whether I personally would do it, I only really speak one non-English language at a decent level, and even then it's hard to convey nuance in any language you're not fully fluent in. So only sparsely, only if necessary, probably only if I could get a native speaker to check it.
First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was Free!, the anime about the swimmer boys. Back when I was a teenager in school, probably ~16, I anonymously posted a gen crackfic on the LJ kink meme based on an experience I had with some schoolfriends, where a few of us tried to give a less birds-and-the-bees version of The Talk to a sadly uneducated member of the group during a camping trip. (Our school did actually give proper sex education, with the putting expired condoms on dildos and everything, but didn't go into the specifics of, say, doggy style). ANYWAY, that was the only thing I'd ever posted until this year, but apparently my proclivity for writing sex-related comedy has remained unchanged lol.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Man I don't know. I just did a similar tag thingy that asked this, and I wasn't sure then, and it feels boring to put the same answer twice? So I'll pick another that's my favourite for a different reason: Master of All Trades (Bruce & Hal, T, 4.5k). I think of all my fics, it has the highest ratio of good to not-that-deep, if that makes sense? Writing Hal's POV was incredibly fun, and I think it turned out really well! And it's definitely one of the few I can reread without cringing lol (reading your own writing after posting it is just embarrassing somehow).
Tagging: I nominate @burins and @unbreakabledawn, but literally 0 pressure at all!
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yesyourstalker · 4 months
Mahi: ..….... *sleep*...........*sleep*...........*sleep*
Neta:......*eating*.....*eating*...... Really mahi?
News anchor: it's going to be a cloudy day today folks. low humidity with a slight breeze out we do have a slight chance of rain tonight and off of this week so enjoy this day while we have it
[beep beep]
Gai(deadbeat): I'm out side
Neta: I'll be out in a sec
Neta: mahi get up you're closing the store today remember. You're late
Neta: mahi!
Mahi: mmmmmm.....
Neta: mahi!.
Mahi: I'm up! I'm up ........ ...... can I get another pain killer before I go?
Neta: *sigh*...........there might be some in the cabinet
Mahi: alright.......... which bottles is it you have tons of pills in here
Neta:*sigh*.......with the yellow label in the white bottle...*huff* let me get it ..................here, this one isn't so strong take one
Mahi: alright. Cod ......
Neta: you're already running late. Just be at work by 4:00 okay? We need a manager to close the store
Mahi: yeah yeah. let me just take a quick shower and I'm off
Neta: alright. See ya in two days
Mahi: Where are you going exactly?
Neta: it's a long complicated story that doesn't concern you. See ya
Neta:.... alright sorry for the wait....
Gai: no worries. Let's get going..
[30min into the drive]
Gai:.....................................................................so...how have you been.
Neta: I've been fine Dad.
Gai: that's good.... you're really going to be surprised by the house we used to live in....
Neta: hmmmmm
Gai: we had plenty of space outside we were thinking of putting a playground for you when you got older.
Neta: wow that's nice...
Gai: the house is technically one story but we have a basement and an attic
Neta: uh-huh...
Gai: it's a 4 bed and 3 bath.... Maybe you might remember this place
Gai:. ..................hm
Mahi: Candi, can you fill in for me I still feel hungover
Candi: No Mahi. Go to work It's only 5 hours
Mahi: Please I really don't feel like gooooing
Candi: No mahi I'm not filling in for you. You think you're the first one to go to work hungover?
Mahi: Come on Candi! Please I barely ask you for anything. Can you just do this one thing for me?
Candi:......................... Okay Mahi fine.
Mahi: love ya Candi
Candi: Let me just get out of this hospital bed and leave my baby unattended so I can fill in for your shift.
Mahi: oh
Candi: Oh no! It's no problem really. I'm pretty sure Ona will be fine without me. She's only 2 days old, she should be fine.
Mahi: Nevermind...... I'm sorry
Candi: I'm in the car now. I sure hope my stitches are healed enough for me to stand for 5 hours
Mahi: Ok I get it! I'm going to work! fuck
Candi: Great have fun at work see you in 3 weeks
Mahi: alright....bye........... congrats on the new baby
Candi: awwww thank yoooou. bye!
Mahi: *sigh*.........fuck
Merv: son don't stand behind the manatees one kick from them and you're in the hospital.
Noiji: he's right you know. that's how I lost my eye. (POP). . see?
Warabie: UGHH!
Ikkan: heheh noiji stop heheheh that's gross
Noiji: hahahahahahahahah
Merv: noiji put your eye back in and stop goofing off
Noiji: ok ok..I'll stop hehehe
Warabie: .....you were joking right? That was a joke
Merv: he was just teasing you. These girls are quite peaceful and don't startle easily but still be cautious
Warabie: alright............ how did you lose your eyes? if you don't mind me asking
Noiji: I have this thing called Polycythemia and when I was 12 I had a blood clot-
Merv: boys prep the animals before you start conversations
Warabie: hello
Mahi: hey man
Warabie: hey mahi. what are you doing?
Mahi: oh you know folding shirts stocking chokers. what are you doing?
Warabie: prepping a manatee so it can get milked
Mahi:...................cool?......... I guess......
Warabie: Yeah...... Surprisingly, it's not as bad as it sounds first we have to sanitize their nip-
Mahi: yeah no I don't want that image in my head thanks..... Candi had her baby......what color is this?
Warabie: what?!? She had her baby already!?
Mahi: Yeah her ink sac broke while she was working and it left a stain on the floor in the bathroom. Everyone's fighting about what color it is. I think it's baby blue.
Anto: It's not baby blue! You fucking idiot!!
Warabie: let me see........ Awwww the baby is turquoise.
Mahi: that is not turquoise. Turquoise has like a little bit of green in it.....right?
Naomi: No that's teal
Vinny: It's obviously aqua
Anto: No it isn't! it's sky blue! You know that if your head wasn't suck up your ass
Vinny: Ay watch yourself mother fucker, I'm not scared to go back to prison
Fugue: The color is very obvious
Anto: Oh really? What color is it since you seem to know of more than anyone else here?
Fugue: It's cyan
Vinny:............pfffthh...hehehehehhahahaha what? What is that?
Anto: Oh shut the fuck up! Are you serious!
Fugue: that shade would be considered Cyan
Anto: iT's cYaAnN!! You always have to make yourself seem like the smartest person in the fucking room.
Mahi: I'll call you back later......... Cyan is a neon color right That's not bright enough to be cyan
[3 hours in the drive]
Neta:...... ...........................
Gai: have you been talking to your aunt lately?
Neta: yeah we're talking
Gai: she tell you she's talking to Eddie again
Neta: not Eddie
Gai: that's what I said
Neta: how many chances is she going to give this guy?
Gai: I don't know. I'm honestly getting sick of him showing up randomly.
Neta: is he at least sober?
Gai: hell if I know
Neta: *ugh*..............................my blood sugar I get low. I need something to eat
Gai: alright I could eat I saw a takeout place.
Gai: this Place is actually really good. I've been here before It's the best takeout I'm telling you lady oyster is the best takeout place they The crab and lobster in their house Special fried rice
Neta: ehhh ..... I wouldn't say that this is the best place. Ikkan and I used to eat at a place called jelly wok, they put a whole friend egg on top of their lo mein and fried rice
Gai:.. what color is the shrimp with lobster sauce there?
Neta: brown..... it's the good kind
Gai: oh....was it eel owned?
Neta: isopod owned actually. They snuck up to the surface 12 years ago and no one said anything so they stayed
Gai: huh....well I think this place is better
Neta:....*eating*........hm ...it's not bad......*eating*.... it's really good
Gai: see... it's good like I said
Neta: i didn't expect them to have the coconut cream shrimp you rarely see that on menus nowadays
Gai: yeah it's octarian owned..
Neta:..... I can tell it's delicious..... Surface takeout and underground takeout are so similar when it comes to rice and noodles....*eating*......but their main dishes.....*eating * we don't have soft shell crab down below....... Wish we did.........*eating*.....
Gai: .........*eating*............... welp let's get back on the road...you want to drive?
Neta: yeah
Gai: how do you grow your tentacles so fast
Neta: distilled water..... I wash it in distilled water....I also stopped dying it to the root so it grows faster now
Gai: I see.... Noticing you have a little bit of pattern now
Neta: yeah... I was surprised when it started to show up again. I've been dying it for so never thought it would come back
Gai: you have the same pattern as your mother.......
Neta:..oh........ really?
Gai: yeah just like it..hm...
Neta:............................................I don't remember that much about mom.............
Gai: you were too young when she passed............hehehe she loved you tho... When you were born she showed you off to everyone... Coworkers, neighbors, the mailman ..hahaha he haha.... We couldn't get out of the hospital without her making nurses and doctors stop to look at her baby hehehe.... She'd show you swimming in your little ink tank
Neta: oh shit I forgot!
Gai: what? what happened
Neta: nothing, nothing My friend just had a baby and I told her I was going to give her Cirrina's old ink take when she was a baby.......... Let's do a quick stop so I can make a phone call. We need gas anyway
Neta: mahi go to my room for a quick sec
Mahi: I'm already in your room
Neta:........................* Inhale* * exhale*...... Okay...... Go to my closet and you'll see an ink tank that needs to go to Candi... You think you can give it to her?
Mahi: this pink backpack thingy
Neta: yes... that I also have a box of diapers and clothes for her too. but I'll give that to her later
Mahi: I don't think the hospital will allow me in. I can see
Neta: just ask for Candi
Mahi: ok......... where are you anyway?
Neta: uhhhhh? Dad?
Gai: we just made it trout mountains..*yawn*..... Another hour and and we get a motel tomorrow we'll drive to the house
Neta: we're in the mountains....... it's really nice up here..... actually...... I can see the city from up here.
Mahi: cool ...... Can I use your car?
Neta: no
Mahi: but your car has Built-In splatify and gps!
Neta: just use your phone, Go to the hospital. Ask for Candi. Give the ink tank to a nurse, she'll know what to do with it.........oh ......and take a picture of the baabbyy. I want to see her... Oh she's probably so cute
Mahi: inkfish babies are kinda ugly
Neta: what?
Mahi: nothing I see ya bye
Gai:..........*huff*.......*huff*........... I'm gonna go back to the car .......*huff*......... little light headed
Neta: dad?........ Dad!....... hey hey .....you okay?
Gai:....*cough*.... yeah.... I'm fine just thin air I guess heh.......ugh......*ssssssssssss*
Neta: something wrong with your neck?
Gai: no
Neta: let me see
Gai: Neta-
Neta:oh cod! .....dad!
Gai: I'm fine
Neta: how long have you had that sore?
Gai: only a couple of weeks it's fine I usually put a bandage on when it opens up again
Neta:. again!................*huff*............... Do you have any bandages?
Gai: in my glove compartment there should be some bandages and gauze
Neta: *hmmm*..... I'll drive the rest of the way..... you said the motel is an hour away?
Gai: yeah
Mahi: yeah hi I'm here to visit Candi.
Nurse: who?
Mahi: oh uhhh Candice
Nurse: Candice????
Mahi: Temp. Candice Temp
Nurse: Mrs. Temp okay ..... well visiting hours usually end around 11:30 but I can call her room and see if she wants any visitors
Mahi: mk...
Nurse: you can see her now
Mahi: cool . ...um... I was told to give a nurse this ink tank thing
Nurse: yep I'll take that. Thank you
Candi: look at her
Donn: she's beautiful.... and so tiny
Candi: I wouldn't say that.. pushing for 6 hours......but she's so precious
Baby: *yawn*....
Donn: awwwww.....
Mahi:...*knock*....*knock*...... hey Candi
Candi: hey Mahi....you brought the maternity tank?
Mahi: yeah. The nurse has it.............so that's your baby?
Candi: Yeah....... Who else would she belong to?
Mahi:... I don't know.........hm.... Is it supposed to look weird and squishy?
Candi: yes she's mostly ink right now.....so yeah she's supposed to look weird and squishy. ......you want to hold her?
Mahi: no
Candi: please... you'll look so cute holding the baby
Mahi: fine
Candi: awwww
Mahi: emm...................... what's her name?
Donn: Ona.
Mahi: oh.... that's nice........you can take Ona back now............ you're not gonna be here for three weeks so Seth will be taking over until you return
Candi: That's the plans
Mahi: Okay great
Nurse: The maternity tank is all set up for you ma'am
Candi: thank you
mahi: All right I'm going to Head back home..... Neta wanted me to take a picture of the baby to show him
Candi: no need I'm planning on doing a professional shoot tomorrow
Neta: hello?
Ikkan: hey babe. I didn't expect you to be up I was going to send a voicemail
Neta: oh.... sorry...... what are you doing
Ikkan: nothing getting ready to start my day...you?
Neta: about to go to sleep.... just made it to a motel
Ikkan: that's good, get some rest. I love you
Neta: I love you too. tell crab cakes I said hi.....................
Gai: *sigh*....
Neta: ................
Gai: .........you seem tense
Neta: did you even think about getting treatment before it started to spread? Did you catch it early? Did you catch it too late? What's going on dad?
Gai: do I really need to talk about this right now
Neta: Yes we do....we need to talk about this........ Why are you doing this? Why do you constantly......*sigh*..........[pulling over]
Gai: I made my decision Neta. Are you still mad about that?
Neta: you really think it's just that?! You really think I'm only mad about that! Not leaving me alone in the house by myself so you can go drink, not dropping me at my aunt's house when you couldn't deal with me, or enrolling me in the military or abandoning me in a mental hospital for 10 months!!! You missed my first wedding, you weren't there for the birth of your granddaughter and you haven't reached out for 18 fucking years!!!! and now that you're sick and dying you think it's the perfect time to reach out to me!!!
Neta: I just want to know why!? Why aren't you getting help or medical attention?!?!
Gai: you don't understand.........I just want to use my last moments in life to be a father and make up for lost time
Gai: son I-
Neta: I'm a 35 year old man!! Where were you when I was 19 and got a girl pregnant!!?? I had to teach myself how to parent!! When I was in a band!? I was successful I didn't see in the crowd! My business was one news opening day not a single phone call nothing..........................*crying*........
Gai: neta
Neta: and now you're here. Things were actually working out we're talking and laughing things are going great.... I'm spending quality time with my Dad something I've wanted for years...................*sobbing*...... It just feels like you're leaving me all over again........... every time I think you're here to stay you always find a way to leave me.......*sobbing*.......or get away from me all .....the time
Gai:.....................................*sigh*......... Neta......... I'm tired ........ I really am
Gai:.................... I lost my career ... ...my friends.....my home ......my wife.......You...........I lost everything in one moment and it ........it ruined me.....
[flash back sequins]
Gai: so what we have to leave? Where do we go?! This is octoling Territory!
Inkling soldier 1: all residents within the 50 mile radius have to leave the property..
Inkling soldier 2: sorry I know this is an inconvenience but we've reclaimed this property. We will be mailing information about your new location and where you'll be placed
Gai:No! I just bought this house! this is on an octarian base!.... what about my job. How am I supposed to go to work?
Inkling soldier 2: all factories, stores and businesses have already been shut down. They closed this morning
Gai: are you kidding so I'm out of job!.........
Inkling soldier 1: my apologies sir.... I don't agree with it either
Gai:.. come on man......you can't do this to us .....we just moved here....... our kid isn't even a toddler yet. Is there any way we can stay? I don't have that much money I can try-
Inkling soldier2: the land has been reclaimed for inklings we have a copy of the treaty if you want proof
Gai:"reclaimed" it was never yours to claim!!
Sydney: Gai please
Inkling soldier 2: sir if you don't leave the premises within a month we will have to take it by force...
Inkling soldier 1: your new location will be sent to you in the mail. Have a nice day
Gai:........[SLAM]...............cod damn it COD DAMN IT! Why is always me?
Sydney: honey......hey.... we'll be ok .... things like this happen all the time we'll bounce back like we always do
Gai: alright........ Everything is packed.... Neta is asleep.... let's go......
Sydney: here it says that our new location is going to be bunker 6988
Gai: just when you think you made it to the surface they find a way to shove you back underground
Sydney: [kiss] we'll be back eventually
Inkling soldier: name?
Gai: Gai Vern
Inkling soldier: ID?
Gai: here
Inkling soldier: alright.. family of 3. ..step out of the car sir.....you too ma'am...... we'll direct you to the line for your placement
Gai: ok but what about our car? What are they doing with our car?!
Inkling soldier: sir we need you to get in line
Sydney: we have everything packed in there! Our clothes, my mothers cookware, baby supplies ..... Neta! His insulin! He needs that!
Inkling soldier: we're sorry to do this folks but no outside material once you enter the bunkers medical supplies will be given to you when needed
Gai: we're home.......if you can call it that
Sydney:..... it's a little small...... but we'll make do... just until we get back on our feet. You find a job and I'll work from home with Neta
Gai:.. ....
Sydney: we'll be ok....[peck]
Sydney:........*huff*.........*huff*..........*huff*......... ... .........*smile* ..............
Gai:...... we'll be ok.... we'll bounce back like we always do
Sydney: yeah. . .......... ..... ....... . . . .... yeah ..
Gai: it's only going to be for a couple months. Okay I just need you to watch him......
Kat: months?
Gai: he's been acting out so just put him in his room if he does something. He's going to a different school he got kicked out the last one
Kat: Gai......
Gai: I just need to get back on my feet..... I got another job and I just need to save enough money and I'm settled
Kat: you've been saying that for years
Gai: well what the fuck do you want me to do!? I'm doing my best!.... just look after him I got shit to do. I come back for em when I come back for em
Kat: .......*sigh*.... Alright...
Neta: [packing]....
Gai:........... ................*sigh*..... your first mission with a Splatoon. You should be proud you worked hard for this
Neta: not like I had a choice did I?.......
Gai: hay it was this or boarding school and we can't afford that
Neta: *heh*......... Let's hope you can afford my funeral. You're still paying debts off for Mom's
Gai: hey! Neta!
Neta: [SLAM] .......
[end of flashback]
Gai: when I saw you in the e-ward.... I guess I couldn't face you..... I didn't know what to do....felt like I lost everything and everyone... I honestly just gave up.......
Neta:......................................*inhale*.........*exhale*...................ok......... shit........................
Gai:.....*sigh*.....we're here.....
Neta: we are?
Gai: yeah follow this path.............up here............ they must have paved the road. It's a smooth drive...........here it is............*wh*............our house........oh wow
Neta:..... This was our home?
Gai: yeah......*sniff*..... This is it...... just how we left it..........*sniff*........ nothing has changed.....
Gai: I got the key. Just gotta jiggle it a little and.. there..........*chough*..*cough* a little dusty tho
Gai: the skylight is new along with the furniture.....well it's not really new but not ours......tho it's nice. So? what do you think?
Gai: speechless right
Neta: yeah.....hehe... you bought this?
Gai: yeah back in 78, It's in perfect condition...(Pat ..Pat)
Gai: almost perfect condition.......... Just needs a little bit of a repaint and diy and it should be fine
Neta: dad there's a hole in the ceiling
Gai: just have to put in another skylight it'll be fine
Neta: sure dad. which one was my room?
Gai: right here on the left...............looks like whoever owned this place turned it in an office...we spent weeks on the nursery.....*sigh*.....at least they kept the paint color the same.........
Neta:.hm .....
Gai: the basement seems the same the carpet is a bit darker than I remember
Neta: who owned this place? After you and mom left?
Gai: it was a vacation home for the first couple of years.....an inkling family moved in and then a urchin family owned it for a while...... that's all I know.....is that black mold?
Neta:..... what are you going to do with this place?
Gai: that's up to you.
Neta: what?
Gai: It's up to you. This land and this house is yours.... It'll take around a year for it to be restored. By the time I clean it, gut it, repaired and repainted I'll be in hospice
Gai: it's yours. you're a home owner now you should be happy
Neta:... yeah.... I am .... I'm happy....... thanks dad.......how much time do you have left?
Gai: A year and several months doctors told me.......
Ikkan: so he's not getting any treatment?
Neta: no he's made up his mind
Ikkan: I'm sorry babe....he has plenty of time
Neta: I know.....*sigh*...... I don't blame him though.........*sniff*....*sigh*
Ikkan: maybe if you spend more time with him maybe he'll reconsider
Neta: I can only hope.
Ikkan: what does the house look like?
Neta: you'd love it's that mid something you like so much
Ikkan: mid-century?
Neta: yeah yeah it's that..... It is kind of worn down though you might need to hire some people to fix it up
Ikkan: where is it located?
Neta: in the mountains like waaay in the mountains, if you drive another half an hour, you'll make it to camp triggerfish
Ikkan: so the arowana mall would beee.....uhhh........at least an hour away by train
Neta: Cirrina would have to walk down to get to the train station for school that's at least 45 minutes
Ikkan: we can install a spawn pad
Neta: yeah...... When you get back I take you to the house. Sound good?
Ikkan: yeah we can do that. I'd also like to meet your Dad if that's ok....
Neta: yeah I'd like that. Cirrina should see her grandfather at least once....
Ikkan: think he has enough time to see you get married?
Neta: I didn't ask. That's just going to be another disappointment when he doesn't show up
Ikkan: Neta... I understand........
Neta: I'll ask....... but we're putting his chair in the back
Ikkan: good because invitations go out at the end of the month. I hope you picked your best man we have 2 months left and-
Ikkan: shit ok uhhhh I'll call you.......... In the morning - my morning.. I have to go bye!........... I love you Neta!
Neta:.........ok..... love you bye.
Gai: what was that?
Neta: nothing...... Do you have anything planned for the next few months
Gai: no. why?
Anto, mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort spent 30 minutes arguing over the color of the ink stain that was left on the bathroom floor....
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doctorbrown · 9 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
At least fifteen times through, easy. Probably more than that.
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
I sure did! I got my really neat BTTF backpack, a Hot Wheels miniature of the DeLorean, a couple prints from CC including a metal print of the DeLorean about to time travel, and probably another thing or two I can't think of off the top of my head.
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
Not one. I don't really drink soda. If I do, it's probably root beer or ginger ale.
What was a favourite bttf fanfic you read this year?
Oh god, one I absolutely LOVED was Time Is A Flat Circle. I really liked the darker tone of this fic, the villainous version of Doc presented here (because he would be a terrifying villain, lbr), and all the foreshadowing done in this fic as you get closer to the end that maybe you'll miss the first time and then you'll see it all come together later—wow, fantastic. Big fan of being unable to change the present/future via the past because everything's set to play out that way.
A favourite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
Ah hmmmmm. I don't go searching for fanart on here as much as I should, tbh. I did actually catch a couple of the Doctober artworks going around and a lot of those were incredible. I'll have to get back to you on this one.
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
I'm working on a doodle of Doc atm for fun, we'll see if I ever do anything with it. But fanfics, yeah, I guess you could sort of say I did! I participated in the Doctober '23 event, and actually completed all 31 days. I'm very hard on myself so I don't know if I'd give one I'm proudest of, but I definitely got much more comfortable with my writing as the days went on.
How many times were you late for school this year?
I have long since graduated haha.
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
A few (I'm not a huge film person actually), and I think they were mostly Chris Lloyd's things hmmm—Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, Star Trek III: Search for Spock, I Am Not A Serial Killer, Doc Brown Saves the World (it counts, I guess), Million Ways to Die in the West, there were probably others I'm sure but off the top of my head, these are the ones I remember.
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
A memorable moment? Hmmmm I'm not sure. I listened to enough Huey Lewis this year but I can't think of something particularly memorable about doing so.
How many times did you fall down this year?
A couple, probably. Can't say I kept count.
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
I sure did! I've seen it twice now and I'd see it a third time in a heartbeat. It was an amazing experience, I went in completely blind, didn't know anything about the production, the soundtrack, nothing. When it came to Broadway, my first time seeing it was in the pre-showing (or whatever they're called); like it wasn't technically open yet but wow, I was FLOORED. I came out immediately getting the soundtrack and listening to that damn thing on repeat for weeks.
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
I think she's only told it to me once. Twice, perhaps, for different context. But theirs is not a happy story so it's not exactly something that gets spoken about often.
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
My year in a BTTF quote? Uhhhhh. "Yeah, I saw it on a rerun." OR "Yeah, well uh, let's keep this brain melting stuff to ourselves, okay?"
Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a DeLorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock (maybe on this one because I may have knocked one down, can't remember), play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
Oh fuck if I know—this may be the year I quit the job that I hate that doesn't pay me what I deserve for my qualifications and figure out what I actually enjoy doing. I'll work on my confidence re: the content I put out, namely being proud of the things I create, whatever they are.
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tagged by: @cheriboms (thank you! not only for the tag, but for all the support and kind things you've said about anything I've posted) tagging: i'm not sure who to tag for this but if you see it and you like it, steal it!
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To some of the officers, what would you do if some of your inmates were.....hungry for something? Have their been a time they were really needy to get some help?
@demon-blood-youths & @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Most of the officers said nothing but they were quiet not sure on how to answer this question. "Lets just say....it happens from time to time. Though, it was really bad or dangerous one time when Mr. Henderson gave us new orders to 'test' something?" Davion said confused but he remembers.
"You want us to do what?" Officer Davion asked but Mr. Henderson sighed looking at them from a video feed.
"Yes. I need to be sure the inmates can behave themselves even with things of being punished for disobeying your orders. So, starting for a few days or two weeks. You are to give your inmates private time. Don't bother them unless your giving them food or something else. I have to be sure it works." he said.
"B..but what will that do sir? What if the inmates get angry about that?" Officer brooks asked.
"It's just a test. I need to see if the inmates get more rash but knowing them they might not. It's just for a few days to a week...It's going to be okay." he said but the officers were quiet. 'It shouldn't be hard. You all are strong to resist anything they pull..you got this..' he said to them.
"We didn't know what Mr. Henderson was trying to get. Maybe new data or something? Even so, we were doing as we were told but...our charges didn't like the idea." Terry said.
"Wait...that old fool seriously told you to not come bother me for a while? Private time? What the hell is that?" Terry looks to Sai who was annoyed but he was hoping to have some fun with the bat tonight but Terry remains quiet.
"Well, it's orders given to me and the other officers in the max prison. So...I will still visit but I'm not allowed to...bother you till a week or so is up. so you'll have to behave you naughty snake." he said.
"....That is stupid though..I know you can't fight off the need to want me. How will you know you and the others will fight through it?" he said looking at Terry.
"....We'll figure something out. As of right now, I'm not allowed to do anything to..you. But get some rest...I'll check on you in the morning." he said turning to leave but Sai grabs his shirt to stop him. "???"
"You won't be able to hold out you know...none of you are able to after all the fun some has done...what makes you think you'll hold off for so long?" Sai said against his ear but Terry said nothing.
".....I don't know. Depends on how long you can behave yourself or at least Resist....but it's hard even for you..isn't it?" he said getting out of Sai's hold to start walking off. Sai said nothing watching him leave but he felt hungry for something only to look down. This should be something. Painful but something. He knew the other inmates wouldn't like this since some have already gotten to the officers....
"So far, everyone is now on stand by till the week or say is done." Davion said seeing Ryu returning after telling Matt the same. Seems the experiment has begun for the officers and inmates.
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starcloud-nova · 2 years
omg bestie u read trc!!? tell me ur thoughts!! or not <33 i hope ure well <33
MOON HI omg i missed u how are you
YEAH yeah i finished call down the hawk like two days ago it was so ugh like UGH. im gonna have to find mi somewhere bc idk how i'll be able to wait until school starts back up. it's been like sooo hard for me to read books lately so it took me like a month to get through all of them minus blue lily which was my favorite and took a week but i still loved these shits so much.
favorite characters were like. gansey because he's gansey but also NOAH 💖💖💖💖💖 noah was soooo fucking. i love that kid so much and i'm so sad we'll never get to see what he was like before he died :(. noah also continually reminded me of @ aries so much and that's part of why i loved his character so much. he was so much like aries. ily aries.
my fave book was blue lily, lily blue. god blue lily was so good i loved every bit of it but the raven king !!! fuck shit that was some goooood horror like damn i wish there was more horror in novels like that i absolutely died at That One Scene with adam. henry was also a welcome change in pace from the chaos of the rest of the characters. i didn’t like him in bllb but he’s better now <3
let me tell you the books were naaaaawt at all what i expected because mostly i knew them as Those Gay Books that tumblr liked or maybe it was just this one blogger who liked them so anyways i was surprised at the plot. like. psychics :0 magic :00 not what i thought it would be. also the person i followed really liked gansey and adam and ronan and so when i read the summary of the raven boys i was like surprised that there was this random chick named blue. shocked, even. who was she.
they were incredible books tho i'll admit like genuinely would have me hooked if i could stand reading for longer than an hour at a time. like the plot was so well written and worldbuilding was so amazing and the characters were all so mwah mwah blorbo. it's only been like 6 months since i started book 1 (im pretty sure it was late december) i feel so nostalgic for the early days :). stupid fucking gansey with his stupid fucking notebook, ronan who had chronic “im obnoxious" disease. adam and his whole thing:(.
i find it so kind of funny sad how ronan and adam and like. and he. and. him punching adams dad like that was whew. also spent the entire book in distress that adam was sticking around so that he could ask glendower for the favor. :(((like that broke my heart ADAM YOURE STRONGER THAN THIS I SWEAR YOU CAN DO IT you are capable of great things babey:((((((.
as for book two. hmmmm. hmmmmm. im forced to admit i didn’t like the dream thieves as much. not that it was a bad book it was a great book but adam was like having a mental breakdown and so he was being mean to everyone and then ronan was taking drugs like candy under kavinsky’s supervision and that also made me sad. to quote myself “i always want more complex characters and storylines with realistic trauma and reactions until my favorite character is mean” snsjdjdnd. mr gray was like 🔫🔫🔫 i didn’t like him but then he was redeemed i suppose. he’s aight, esp with how he protected the kids in later books.
when i was reading i liveblogged in kestrel's server because @littlebluejane had read the books before me and provided excellent reactions to my reactions. was reading out of a paper book so i have like several pictures of pages of the best lines and ouch it hurts so bad. like the dynamic between blue and ronan was so good :(((asshole who cares and asshole who doesn't. the “wrong demon" line from when adam and ronan were driving around town haunts me to this day, and then blue and noah <333 they were in love but platonically.
[SPEAKING OF NOAH when i finally connected the dots in book four and got to the scene where NOAH is the one telling gansey that glendower saved him i lost my god damn mother fucking mind. like holy shit. HUHH. i will never recover. ever ever.]
i would mention shit from like cdth but i just finished it and the series isn’t done yet so we can’t find all the fun easter eggs and. mostly i’m just sort of reeling. so much happened in this book but mostly the summary on the inside was misleading because it implies hennessy and farooq-lane and ronan are all going to coincide but i don’t think farooq-lane even gets to look at the two of them. very misleading smh. parsifal was on my shitlist at first but after he died he’s off the hook ig. matthew and his whole THING killed me absolutely slaughtered me. also the implication that aurora was based off someone else. yeah. a Lot of stuff happened in this book. yeah.
ne ways this got so so long i’m sorry i had to relocate to my notes app bc i was like wait this doesn’t make any sense this is all jumbled up so then i regrouped i rearranged i rescouted and now we are here. at the end of this post. sorry moon sorry followers have fun reading all of this. read the raven cycle. four books all roughly 400 pages by maggie steifvater. good yes yes good.
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gaytrashracc · 4 years
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Another blurb for Julian Reversed and Ana!!
They had been travelling about the contorted and confusing lands for days, weeks....maybe months searching for their friends. It was hard to keep track of a linear timeline since the Devil had merged both the Arcane world and their world leaving nothing but chaos as the world attempted to balance what it could not.
During this time of searching, whenever they - or rather Ana- felt weary they would find a tree (one that they made sure wouldn't kill them while they slept) and Julian would spend a few hours to make a comfortable nest for the two of them to fit into, Ana often used Julian both as a bed, and his wings as a blanket- all of which he was all to happy to be seeing as he saw her as one of the constant and stable things in this confusing world.
As they had been walking for a couple of days(?) at this point, Ana began to limp, though she did try to hide it before Julian would notice, but....it was hard to hide anything due to his background as a doctor.
"Mmmmm...Darling, try as you might, struggle as you may," he said with a dramatic flourish that caused his feathers to fluff, "I can still see the pain in your gait." He stepped in front of her and smiled that charming and goofy smile. She had no choice but to stop and indulge in his dramatics. She feigned innocence, "Oh whatever do you mean? I'm perfectly fi-" she almost fell over trying to show how 'fine' she was but Julian's quick reflexes prevented her from tipping too far from throwing off her own gravity.
"Dear, perhaps save the theatrical flare for when you're not in pain?" He worried over her like a mother hen (or rather....a mother raven) before she relented knowing full well he would be pleading until she agreed to stop and though she didn't want to admit, she was having an intense flare of pain on top of being exhausted. She sighed, "I suppose we should stop for the..." she looked up to the sky, "Whatever time...of day it would be before everything went to hell."
"I do believe I agree, I'll find us a place to sleep for the time being."
She shook her head as he spoke, she was grew even more exhausted at the thought of him working so hard to build a place to sleep. They were in a nicely forested area with lovely glowing flora, not too bright and in many soft colors. Some plants seemed too big while others were the size they were intended to be. Her eyes began to droop the longer she looked at the strange landscape.
Letting out a yawn, she said, "Here should be nice." She rubbed her hand gently on the soft grass, though she hadn't realized that in her tired and somewhat trance like state with the landscape, she had sat down.
"O-on the uh....the ground?"
Before he could say anything, she'd already begun taking off her clothes, signaling she'd already made up her mind and would sleeping on the grass with or without him. He smiled softly and settled next to her, laying on the ground and looking up at the sky. He spread out one of his wings to be a sort of...makeshift bed as she stood up and stretched. He cooed a bit as she walked over to him and settled next to him. She looked over at him and saw him staring with wonder at her and smiled softly.
"Ilya, you've seen me naked more than a hundred times."
He acted like he was looking away thoughtfully and put a hand (or...claw?) on his chin. "Hmmmmm, I suppose you're right, but I'd still be just as happy to see you this way a hundred, no, a thousand more times!" He said loudly, almost as if proclaiming it to the universe itself. "Because, your beauty hasn't changed since the day we met."
"You mean, since the day you broke into my magic shop?" She chuckled.
"And I'd break into it again if I could meet you again." He said with a devilish grin.
She put her hands to his mouth and laughed, "If you don't stop being so corny, I'm beating you!"
He mumbled something through her hands that was likely another cheesy pun before Ana began yawning again. She settled back and he rolled onto his side, pulling her into his arms and she rubbed her face against his chest causing him to let a deep sound that almost sounded like a pure. She closed her eyes as he settled his other wing over her to keep her warm.
This one was a little bit long and one tiny detail I left out of this blurb, is that Ana will usually put a temporary spell over her antlers so she doesn't uh....stab him. Again.
This pic has been stuck in my head for a week so I just had to get it out. I hope the blurb was good. ;w;
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