#or to just stay home and lol do actual work for my portfolio
thecoloroute · 1 year
Back To School Shopping List for A College Freshman Art Student
Hi guys I went to RISD a few years back but I do remember looking up this question. if you're not going to college just yet but are interested in art, it could be super useful to get comfortable using the tools/mediums below. even though i know most teachers give a materials list the first day, i needed to be prepared way ahead of time because of my anxiety. in my case, i was told id get a list in person, but walking in with an empty bag just felt wrong to me lol??? i ended up bringing a couple things, but missed a few vital essentials so here's a list of everything that i can think of. read to the end for my wagon epiphany that i think all art students should adopt (if they havent already)
-a notebook or planner (lined). some professors will hit you with extremely important info right away and wont always tell you to write down what they're saying but 90% of the time its important stuff you dont wanna miss
-a sketchbook. this can help if they throw a quick exercise at you and you have to write/draw something quickly. i blanked and didnt bring a sketchbook from home (because i was told id need to get certain types according to the teacher's specifications) but looking back idk why i didnt?? first days are hectic. actually the first week lol. anyways there were single sheets offered but honestly having your own right off the bat helps for organizational purposes, saves time, and IF YOU'RE LIKE ME, prevents the need to get up in front of everyone
-writing utensils. I'd recommend a nice pen and a set of drawing pencils (doesn't have to be anything crazy cause your teacher will most likely request that you buy more advanced/specific tools later on)
-headphones. every teacher is different, but usually art students will be given little tasks to work on during their first day in class at college. I was not clever enough to remember to pack my headphones, and the silence in a room full of focused art students can be especially unnerving when you're nervous. Hearing a student's questionable music taste can be equally unnerving, so make sure to pack those.
-snacks/drinks. this is kind of a branch off of the last one, cause again it can get sooooo quiet in these classrooms/studios. Pack snacks to prevent belly grumbles. I have heard it happen to many people in my classes and i am a victim as well. stay ready
-sunglasses. seems trivial but super important because you'll probably be walking around outside a lot your first day. this is the typical college commute, up down and around the streets.
-MONEY. I AM GOING TO PUT THIS IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE THIS WAS BY FAR MY BIGGEST MISTAKE LOL. UNFORTUNATELY, STAY STRAPPED WITH CASH OR CARD BCUZ! SOME OF THOSE ART SCHOOL PROFESSORS ARE A LIL BOUJEE AND WILL SEND U RIGHT TO THE CAMPUS ART STORE DAY ONE. It was very overwhelming for me, and some might think its common sense but idk my entire school career you always get some time after school to buy that stuff. they really sent us shopping ten minutes into class so be aware or look broke like i did.
Other than that, all the stuff you'll have to potentially purchase that day will be specified by the teacher. If you're worried about getting the wrong thing, don't be. The students get to go together and the teacher gives very specific details about the products to buy, which the campus store workers are well aware of. Off the top of my head, i remember being sent to get materials for a few different classes throughout the day. I'll list them here without the brand specifics (1. cause i dont know and 2. cause it may not match what your teacher will want anyway) just to give you a general idea.
-large ruler, metal, 1 yard (3 ft)
-clear plastic t-shaped ruler for drawing
-sketchbooks, drawing pads (of all sizes)
-a large portfolio (looks like a gigantic black totebag for big art papers)
-sewing kit
-muslin fabric
-ink pens
-drawing pencils, different sizes
-drawing charcoal
-white paper drawing blender, a good eraser
-a toolbox for the drawing materials
-gouache paint
-brushes, pallets
-oil paint crayons
-a tool box
-ink pens like harry potter
That's pretty much it. If you'd like to grab some of these things before hand it should be fine, but for the most part id stick to waiting just to be safe.
Also a side note: I was a commuter so i could run home and grab my materials collected over my entire life but not every student is this lucky and some of their homes are thousands of miles away. if ur a traveling bird like them, it could be very VERY useful to pack some cool materials and tools like idk holographic paper or a jar of crystals because CAMPUS ART STORES ARE VERY EXPENSIVE!!!!
Also....... i know it sounds a little ridiculous but there were many many times i wished i had bought a wagon to transport things around campus. imagine me with a like 4ft portfolio bag the size of my body, a pencil toolbox, another toolbox for actual tools, my backpack, any projects i may have brought, a coffee if i am holding one??? and god forbid its a rainy day and i needed my umbrella lol.. it looks & feels difficult anyway trying to lug all the stuff art school requires.. so thats just some food for thought. Imagine a cute pink wagon?!??
anyways thats a wrap, have a lovely school year artists!
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dylawas-reblogs · 11 months
So there are a lot of things I like about my job, and there are a lot of things that I don't. Obviously the main thing is it's part time in an outbound call center and I don't have option to go full-time (not that I would anyway, it's a freaking call center and I'm already going insane on just 30 hours), so that's definitely an issue, but on the inverse, requesting time off doesn't have to be 2 weeks in advance-- It only has to be 2 days. So naturally, Monday, I decided I was going to take today, Thursday, off for a mental health break. Request goes through without issue, everything should be fine and dandy until I survived to Thursday right?
And then of course, my internet service decided last second it was going to do all day maintenance, not Thursday, no, because that would be too cosmically convenient. Nope. They decided to do it Wednesday. And I got no notification, because the text that was sent to me Tuesday never came through. And of course, Tuesday night was the night I decided to splurge on myself and get Olive garden and a personal pie, and Wednesday morning I decided to get a coffee, right before my work shift, and right before I came home, clocked in, then watched as my internet subsequently failed immediately as I was logging in.
Did I mention I'm buying new tires? So yeah, it's not minus $700 like I initially planned for (no work Thursday + cost of tires), but minus $850, and an unexcused work absence on top of that.
So yeah. Another example of the universe watching me decide, for once, it's safe to splurge on myself, I've been good, I've been working hard, I've been saving well, and then going, "but what if we immediately incurred an unexpected cost/ income loss on you. Lol." The frequency at which this happens is uncomfortably consistent. I get a raise, I have to start paying a food bill. I buy some figurines for my collection, I dent my bumper and break my tail light. I graduate college debt/ loan free, I have to pay more than half my income in rent, thus subsequently needing to take on more work hours. My sperm donor goes on vacation in a different hemisphere for a week and a half, and before I can even think about taking a mini vacation myself without him breathing down my neck, my older sibling gets covid, thus quarantining me at home as well due to being exposed to him.
At the very least, I can be thankful I didn't buy the tablet I was thinking of buying for on-the-go digital drawing. Then I would have been down over $1,000. All in just one week-- not even that, over 3-ish days.
That being said, I haven't taken time off for myself in God knows how long, and despite the unfortunate nature of having to call out yesterday, thus, putting a mark on my attendance record that I tried to avoid by getting time off approved Thursday anyway, it's sort of been giving me an opportunity to think, when I've been too busy or exhausted to do so recently. The thinking is only just now starting, but I'm starting to for once actually ponder objectively what I'm doing with my time and energy, and where I want my life to go from here.
Do I really need to stay in this job until I find full-time work? Do I not have enough cushion in savings to take a break despite my sperm donor imposing unnecessary rent that's half my monthly income on me (and me wanting to maintain enough savings that I never have to come back here once I do leave)? Is my constant fear of everything going wrong the moment I don't have a job founded? Is karma real? Is it real enough that I'm going to get into a serious accident the day after I turn in my 2 weeks (because with my luck, I genuinely feel like that's what's going to happen)? Will quitting my job really give me the time and space I need to improve my portfolio? Am I psyching myself up over nothing because my hatred of my father outweighs my common and objective sense? Is my father going to increase rent out of spite like I fear if I quit, because he somehow thinks punishing me is going to encourage me to work harder on finding a job as if my current lack of interviews is somehow my fault (never mind the job economy as a whole is garbage at the moment, and my particular industry is notoriously difficult to get into)? Is any potential spite or punishment from him worth it anyway? Am I the only one holding myself back (outside of financial issues, which generally is 100% traceable back to my father)? Do I keep the job even though it's only 30 hours a week, $15 an hour, and try to move out anyway?
Realistically, because I live in America, none of those above things can really happen before I gain full ownership of my car from him anyway, but with the new tires being put on as we speak, I'm going to be able to have that conversation soon. He's that kind of abuser where timing is everything in conversations. And once that car is officially in my name and not his, maybe everything else will fall into place. I just have to hope he's not going to be weird about it, but of course I know he will be, regardless of how carefully I plan on my wording and timing in approaching him, never mind the fact that I'm paying for everything on it now anyway.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. Sort of just following my train of thought on whatever track it goes, probably on account of the coffee. But I definitely need to take some time to just sit around and seriously think about my next steps, because I've just had my wheels spinning in mud for the past 6 months and my damn engine's about to combust. What do I need to do to make my life easier and restore some of my sanity, without putting my safety and future in jeopardy? What steps do I need to take that I haven't thought of in order to completely and safely separate from my father so I can move out without letting him know where I live or who I'm living with? How do I accomplish that without putting my younger sibling at risk since we're so close, and my dad will know that he undoubtedly knows something about my sudden disappearance?
Nothing can ever just be easy, can it? I know others have left undesirable home situations living on less or nothing, but I can't imagine leaving this place without at the very least full time work that offers health insurance. Maybe my standards are too high for myself, maybe I just have some kind of anxiety brain rot that keeps finding excuses for me to not go anywhere or do anything. I want so badly to be rid of him, It's not some brand of familial Stockholm syndrome. It's more along the lines of "if everything isn't perfect in my departure, then it will all go wrong and I'll end up back here anyway, and things will be worse."
Whatever the answer is to anything I've pondered about in this post, I think It's safe to say the current circumstances are killing me, If not physically, then definitely mentally, and emotionally I'm bleeding out.
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lol-despair · 7 years
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staywritten · 4 years
Studio Time│Bang Chan
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Studio Time│Bang Chan
Synopsis: Your boyfriend is producing your groups comeback and you learn the downside of dating a perfectionist. 
Genre: one shot, angst-ish? Happy ending, idol!Chan, idol!reader, fluff with more fluff at the end.
Word Count: 2108
I wrote this fic like 5yrs ago for a different artist lol But I re-read it recently and still really liked it so I re-vamped it for SKZ. Especially after that episode of Weekly Idol when the members said Chan was sweet to them but he was really serious when he was making music, so I figured this was the perfect fit. 
When your label announced that your comeback album will be produced by Chan you weren’t really sure what to think. You prided yourself on keeping your careers separate, but on the other hand he was an amazingly talented producer and it wasn’t often that he produced for idol girl groups. 
At this point of his career he was expanding outside of doing work for just Stray Kids. It was an opportunity at which both parties benefited. He could grow his portfolio in a way that wasn’t possible when just producing for Stray Kids and he was an up and coming name in the industry.
You two didn’t date publicly but your members and management were aware of the relationship, so some of the pressure was lifted. You didn’t have to pretend like you didn’t know each other. 
Walking into the JYP building, you led your members to Chan’s signature studio. Despite coming to his studio pretty regularly, it was a little nerve racking coming to it for work. You felt just as nervous as you did when meeting a new producer. “Are you excited to work with Channie? How lucky are we! What kind of producer is he?” Your youngest member chimed, hooking her arm with you. 
You nodded laughing, giving her hand a little pat. “I guess we are pretty lucky.” Not many producers would be open to input, but since your members had a close relationship with your boyfriend you figured the atmosphere would be lighter. “I’m not sure how he is as a producer honestly. He’s never let me see him work before. Like I’ve seen him make beats, but never recording.”
As you all walked into his studio you smiled seeing him sitting with Han on the couch. “Wally!” you chimed giving the bright green wall a little pat. 
“What about me?” Chan pouted. 
“What about you?” you teased, giving him a wink. 
You did your group greeting and bowed, laughing at how silly it felt. Normally that would be saved for broadcast and fan meetings but it was a force of habit as a leader.
“Awww cute!” Chan chuckled before formally introducing himself just to cover the formalities. It wasn’t often you got to see your boyfriend while working, but you also had to keep in mind that you still had to work.
Chan walked over to you, pulling you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling brightly. “I missed you” he grinned. You did your best to ignore the aweing from your other members and Han. His nose brushed down the bridge of yours. 
“I saw you this morning” you played with the hair at his nape.
“I know, I missed you this afternoon” he laughed, pecking your lips, lingering just a moment too long.
You giggled, melting into his arms. “Aww, you’re being really cute today” you whispered, pulling back to look at him. “Don’t look at me like that” a smile tugged at your lips, as you gently grazed your nails against his scalp. “We have work yo do”
“Mmmm” he sighed into your touch. “I’m just excited to make this song. I worked so hard on it, it’s perfect for you” he smiled. “I made it just for you”
“I can’t wait” you chimed, pulling away from him. He whined letting you step back, a cute pout on his lips.
“Awww you guys are cute, it’s kinda gross” Han pretended to choke back a gag before laughing and grabbing his bag. “I gotta head to an interview, so I’ll catch you guys later.”
After the formalities, he played the demo track for you. Your members loved it. It was fun, playful and it had a bit of an edge to it. You couldn’t wait to record it. That was one of the plus sides about working with your boyfriend. You were actually very vocal at home about the direction you wanted to go in with your group.
This would be your first track of the new year, and all of your members were officially adults now. You wanted something teasing, and mature, yet still youthful and in true Chan fashion, he nailed it. 
All that was left now was to record it.
One by one your members did their lines, recording their parts in manageable segments. Chan was very caring with them, almost holding their hand through the process. “Minah, try singing it like this.” he coached her through it, reiterating her part, and changing the articulation toward the end. 
She was your youngest, and still wasn’t completely confident in her own voice yet so she was a lot to handle. She did her best to follow directions, but sometimes things were just out of her vocal range and when that happened Chan adjust accordingly. He coached her to give her the confidence that was needed to reach the note. Once she adjusted he clapped and gave her a thumbs up. “Very good, that was perfect! One more time, from the top.” In the end he changed up her part to best suit her voice and she had a cleaner take. 
You were proud seeing him so kind. You couldn’t help but watch him with the brightest warmth in your eyes. Your group were like your baby sisters and he was being so good to them. 
Unfortunately Minah wasn’t the most difficult take of the day, but he worked with each one of them carefully. In their defense it was a difficult song to sing. It was a very dynamic with lots of changes, not only was this a genre change from your groups usual music it pushed your vocalist and rappers to step up.  
Soon enough it was your turn to record. 
Although you couldn't really call it recording. 
Chan wasted no time in stopping you every few words. Perhaps you were spoiled with how doting and sweet he was with your members. Because it seemed that he had no intentions of treating you in such a manner.
“Babe, can you do it seriously?”
“No- Again that sounds horrible”
“Do it again”
“Again, from the top.”
“It’d be nice if I had a single sample I could use.”
“If you can’t do it, perhaps we should have someone else do it?”
“This is kind of embarrassing”
Was this even the same person? You understood constructive criticism. Constructive is what he was with your members. This was just being mean. You slipped off your headphones and glared at him when he stopped you again. That time you were in the middle of another take. It would have been nice to get a single line out with his opinion.
You hated that you wanted to cry.
You had to deal with some pretty tough critics. Producers, songwriters, choreographers, your CEO. Making an album was a high stress process with a lot of hands on deck. It was your job, so naturally it wasn’t going to go smoothly. Especially when everyone had different creative views, but this was the worst recording you’ve ever dealt with in the entirety of your music career. 
You just hated being yelled at. 
He knew that better than anyone. All those nights, you would come home from work and he’d have to console you after you’d been scolded. Chan knew that yelling immediately shut you down. You bit back your tears, wanting to hold it together for your members. You could see them struggling from behind the glass. It looked like they wanted to say something, at least tell Chan to ease up, but you shook your head and took a deep breath.
Normally you would avoid confrontation and just sing it the way the producer wanted, but you just couldn’t do it. Because what Chan wanted, wasn’t you.
You finally set the headphones on the rack inside before walking out. “Where are you going?” he frowned watching you take your backpack. “We don’t have anything for your part. We need to start from the beginning”
You shrugged. “Give my part to Jieun, she’ll do it better”
Jieun gasped before reaching out to you, shaking her head profusely. “What? But Unnie-”
“It’s fine” you gave her a small smile, trying to calm her. “I’ll call the company directly and tell them I can’t participate in the recording”
“But it’s our comeback track! You can’t not have a part in it” Minah grabbed your hand. She looked back at Chan “Tell her to stay.” Seeing the hesitation in his eyes she frowned more “Chan tell-”
“That’s enough.” you gave her head a small pat. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get out of here. I’ll check in on you later.” you looked to your second in command “Jieun you’re in charge.”
Chan rolled his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest. “So you’re just leaving? Do you always quit like this? Is that the way you lead?”
You froze, hearing his words. 
Was he trying to hurt you? What could you have possibly done? He was fine earlier. You gripped your fist, your body shaking before leaving the room with your head held high. You knew when someone was trying to get a rise out of you, and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction.
On your way through the lobby you ran into Han. He smiled initially seeing you, but as you wiped away your tears he frowned. “Hey…”  His gentle voice pulled you out of your thoughts. It was too gentle. Almost sympathetic. You looked up, scrambling to bring a smile on your face. That signature idol smile you gave to the cameras. “You don’t have to do that…” he gave your shoulder a small pat. “Do you wanna get some coffee?”
You sat across from Han at the cafe across the street. He didn't push you to speak. He just gave you a moment to sort out your feelings, let you take your time and figure out what to say.
He sipped on his drink. “Chan-Hyung was being a jerk huh?”
It wasn’t really a question. There was a certain understanding in his voice. You looked up at him, your eyes narrowing. “Is he always like that?”
He chuckled. “Sometimes. Chan is a perfectionist. Always was. Always will be. There are times when our group has come to blows because Chan can just be a little too much when criticizing. Threatening to remove Changbin-Hyung’s part from the song, getting frustrated in vocal ranges…real harsh criticisms...things like that. I don’t even think he’s aware of when he’s doing it.” he sighed. “Like when we record it just seems like the stress finally gets to him.”
Your shoulders slumped. “But he was really nice to my members…Absolutely sweet to them…he was only mean to me. Not that I would want him to yell at my girls-I’d literally kill him. But…” you sighed staring into your coffee. “Why was he being so mean…”
“He was probably being extra careful with your members…”
“What do you mean?”
“When we were recording our collaborative stage with Niziu, Chan was really nice to them. Doting, constructive, an angel. But that day was hell on us. It’s like he had pent up frustrations and just couldn’t hold it in any longer. I swear Minho-Hyung almost quit that day.”
“What type of bullshit excuse is that?”
He shrugged. “No excuse. Just how it is…Like he can only be himself with people that he knows will forgive him. He can be an ass sometimes, but he sure does put out amazing songs.”
“But at what cost?” you sighed, taking a sip of your coffee.
Later that night Chan came home, sheepishly poking his head inside to see you sitting on the couch. His eyes widened as he entered. “You’re still here?” his voice a little more surprised than he’d like to let on. A lingering bit of reliefe to his tone.
You sighed turning the page of your book “I was going to leave your ass. But I figured we should at least talk. Despite what you make think of me. I’m not a quitter” you set your book down before crossing your arms. “So talk.”
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier. It’s just-” he groaned, raking his hand through his curly hair. “The track wasn’t going where I wanted to. It was getting away from me…The only way I’d like the track was for your part to be exactly what I envisioned...for you to bring everything back”
It made sense he did give you the biggest part of the song. The chorus, and bridge were the most memorable of his demo and he gave them to you. He even had you sing the demo for the company to pitch the idea. At the time you thought it was sweet, you had no idea the burden it’d be. 
It was obvious this song was made to be a solo for you.
“Your members did their best, but they just didn’t have the vocal range to do the song the way I envisioned it… So I made adjustments and compromises...” he sighed heavily. “And more adjustments...and more compromises...” he rubbed his temples. “Especially because if they can’t sing it at recording they wouldn’t be able to perform it on stage. So one change became another….” he sighed heavily, slumping into the chair. “I loved the song so much because it’s what I knew you wanted to release… But they just couldn’t...and…”
“I don’t think we can work together Chan…” you frowned. “You’re my boyfriend, and an amazing producer…but you can’t be both. In order for us to be happy with the track, and in order for me to be happy with our relationship we can’t work together.”
“We can still make it work. Let’s try again tomorrow.” he looked so hopeful. “I promise I won’t yell, and I-”
“You don’t understand Chan. You made me hate you.” your voice small, as you looked down. 
He sank down into himself. His shoulders slumping, hurt etched on his delicate features. Never in his lifetime would he have thought you’d say that. “You…You hated me?”
“I did…for a little bit…You made me hate myself…You made me feel like an inadequate leader, you made me question myself.” you hugged your knees. “I can’t feel like that ever again. I’m responsible for six other girls who look up to me. It’s so easy to get ransacked in this industry, to be pushed and pulled into concepts. They need to believe in me. I need to believe in me and my ability, but with you… I couldn’t. So for my sake…Let’s drop the project.”
He closed his eyes before nodding. “Alright…” He hated that he made you feel that way. He never intended it on getting that bad. He just panicked when he listened to the track, and you were the last person to record. You were supposed to be the saving grace of it. He wasn’t going to release something he didn’t at least like. Once again his overly perfectionist ways almost cost him something he wasn’t willing to lose. “I am sorry…” he whispered.
Producing was one of his greatest joys in the world, and singing was yours. There was just something so utterly heartbreaking knowing that you could never share your passions together. “I know…I’m sorry too.”
He bundled you in his arms, letting you lay your head on his chest. He pressed a kiss on top of your head. “I have one more compromise”
“You don’t give up do you?” you felt your lips tugging to a smile. “What’s your compromise lover boy?”
“What about I talk to your company into giving you this song for a solo for later this year? And you, me and Jisung write up a new song for your group comeback?”
“There’s no time”
He chuckled. “If anyone can write a song in crunch mode it’s Han Jisung” he smoothed down your hair. “I think with your help we can write something that’s mroe ideal for your girls”
“But a solo-”
“Baby I wrote that song for you.” he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. “That song was yours...And I need you to have it. You said your company was planning a solo debut anyway... so sing this.” 
“Chan I love you so much...But I can’t record an album with you”
His beautiful brown eyes gazed into you. “I offered you a compromise, offer me one too”
You pouted. “Fine, since you’re in the mood to make a deal. I’ll take your solo song only if I record with Jisung, and Changbin.”
“Deal” You smiled gently scratching his scalp, and placing a kiss at the base of his throat. “Mmmm...” a groan echoed from his throat. “I’m so sorry about today Baby”
“It’s fine” you relaxed into his touch as he traced patterns into your skin absently. You grinned. “It’s nice to know that you’re not perfect”
He chuckled, throwing his head back. “I never claimed to be perfect”
“Oh yeah?” You sat back, crawling onto his lap. A smile on your lips as you gazed into his eyes. “Mr. Perfect hair” you played with the hair on his nape. “Perfect smile” you placed a kiss on his lips. “Perfect dimples” your thumb brushing against his dimple. “Perfect voice” you pressed a kiss on his adam’s apple. “You are perfect in a million different ways.” you giggled “You’re just not meant t be my producer”
“I can live with loving you in a million other ways.” he stood up, lifting you in his arms and carrying you into the bedroom, your laughs echoing and filling the house.
Hey Friends! I hope you enjoyed that. It was nice revisiting an old fic and breathing some new life into it. If you liked it let me know <3 
I’m sorry my Felix scenario is taking so long... I’ve rewritten it like 8 times and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed I’m gonna try and revisit it when my mind is clearer. I’ve been starting at the screen for far too long. 
∘Tags List:
@skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @innivspearb @mini-meanhoe @poutychangbinnie
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monsterywriting · 4 years
Thenerius - pt 2
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word count: 5,675
male tiefling x female reader
Read Part 1 here
AN: whelp i guess this is getting (hopefully just) a third part... good luck to everyone else who’s going through finals week and don’t procrastinate your final projects/tests like i am! literally have a final today to study for and take after my 8 am and a portfolio due friday i haven’t started on lol
You were getting one last bucket-full of water for a much-needed bath from the pump around the back of the barn, too far to hear when the thundering sound of hooves on the dirt path approach the cottage. You also miss the shout of greeting and the sound of voices entering the cottage.
The sun was finally dipping below the horizon on a long day of playing catch-up around the homestead, and your only plans for the evening were to wash up and make dinner before passing out. So, when you finally reentered through the back door soaked in sweat and worn work clothes only to see your mother sitting at the small wooden table with none other than Thenerius, you were understandably shocked.
He was obviously here to kill you, getting revenge for how you humiliated him and refused his advances when he wanted you to accept them the most. You had been brave in that moment, brushed aside the fact that he was a pirate and more likely than not a killer, and now you would be paying the price.
When the tiefling saw you frozen at the doorway, his already bright demeanor seemed to reach the levels of the surface of the sun, blinding then burning when he stood up to greet you enthusiastically. You almost wish he was here to kill you, that fate infinitely better than whatever he actually had planned instead.
Pointedly ignoring him, you addressed your mother only, asking if she took her medicine yet.
“Your friend from work was keeping me company,” your mother smiled, though it was clear that she was drained from the encounter, “He brought your weekly payment from Aedan.”
Your head snapped over to Thenerius, the tiefling having the nerve to grin and hold up a pouch of coins. You were distracted, however, when your mother let out a soft cough she tried in vain to hold back. She broke out into a coughing fit, starting small and growing until they wracked her body.
Your concern grew, helping her to the bedroom and quickly getting some cough syrup into her. Once she was settled, you went back into the main room to deal with the purple menace.
He was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room once you returned, the pouch sitting on the table. You stalk over and grab the pouch, shoving it into the tiefling’s chest.
“You need to leave,” you hiss, beginning to usher Thenerius towards the door.
“Wait!” The bastard had the nerve to dig his heels in, refusing to move until you give up on forcing him.
“What?” You spat, glaring up at him. Perhaps you would have found it amusing, how he had to duck his head to keep his horns from scraping the ceiling, a grizzled pirate trying to make himself fit inside the cozy cottage. No, you definitely would have found it hilarious, if said pirate wasn’t in your cottage unannounced, the location of which you never divulged during working hours, apparently trying to win your affections after your admittedly callous rejection.
“I-” Thenerius hesitated, any confidence he had that carried him all the way to your home dissipating when you weren’t as responsive to his charms as he’d come to expect from you, “I wanted to apologize. You were right, about the proposal. I shouldn’t have done that.”
You blinked, having assumed you’d be given another unwanted love confession. You’re not sure what to make of the admission, though you’re certain it wasn’t a trick, as he seemed genuinely remorseful.
“What part, that we’ve only known each other for three weeks or that it was because you were so lonely and any girl who wagged her tail at you would have had you falling for her?” You’re internally grimacing as soon as the words are out, unable to believe how cold you sound even to yourself. You didn’t want to goad him to anger if he was just here to apologize.
“If my memory serves correctly, I believe the exact phrase you used was ‘bat their eyelashes’ at me.” The attempt at humor didn’t quite reach Thenerius’ eyes, but you still allowed yourself to deflate at the opportunity of a reprieve, “but that it came too soon. I had done it thinking of all the time that had passed since I met you, the time I spent halfway across the world and all I could think about was returning to you. Your smile alone made the entire six month journey worth it, but you gave me so much more in that time - not your love. I know that, now, but… your time, and affection. Once you said  that - that we’d only been in each other’s presence for three weeks - I realized, perhaps I was rushed in my assessment of who you were. I filled the gaps of who I wanted you to be in my head.”
By the end of his faltering speech, you had shut your eyes, screwing them tightly shut in order to avoid having to look into Thenerius’ eyes, the raw emotion that swelled behind them that threatened to consume you with it. You refused to allow yourself to be caught up in the moment, to let yourself fall any deeper in than you already were entrenched from his flowery words. Just words, you told yourself.
“Is that all you needed to say?” You clear your throat, opening your eyes and looking anywhere but him, your resolve thinning with the mere awareness of his gaze upon you, feeling yourself being worn down.
Perhaps ‘worn down’ wasn’t the right verbiage, though it very much felt like it. Dragging you out into the light? Exposing you to be scrutinized, or to be known? What is the difference, if any? Either way, you felt as though Thenerius could read every passing thought darting around your head at lightening speed, projecting loud and clear your true desires no matter what you could say to the contrary.
“No, I want to know you. My feelings haven’t changed since that night, but I want you to feel the same.”
You let out a deep breath you weren’t aware you were holding. The short sentence is so simple, clear in meaning and intent. It’s… infuriating. A wave of something flowed over you in that moment, a realization like a bucket of ice water dousing you. You were shaking, your realized, but not with cold.
“You want to change my mind?” You whisper, cursing yourself for your inability to do much more in this conversation than to parrot his words, “You come to my home - unprompted, in fact, considering our last conversation, entirely unnecessarily - to what, exactly? Prove that I’m some prize to be won over by you? Come see how sorry my life is, see my sick mother and how I work my ass off at the tavern and here and think I’ll jump into your arms with some words? You must know that I wouldn’t go with you. Nor would I sit here waiting for you to return from the sea, hoping you’ll return for a few weeks every year and grace me with your presence and gold.”
You pause for air, realizing with horror that you were crying of all things. You quickly run your hands over your cheeks, glaring at Thenerius in a silent challenge, waiting for him to turn tail and run, “Now go.”
In yet another turn of seemingly endless events that should no longer have surprised you with how consistently they’ve been happening, Thenerius surprised you yet again.
“Well, this is awkward. I may have sent my men back south with my ship. I’m in need of room and board,” Thenerius said, and for the life of you, no matter how closely you examined his expression, you could not figure out what the hell he was thinking.
“Go to The Deep, then. I happen to be of the inside knowledge that there’s plenty of vacancies this time of year,” you said, brushing past the tiefling on your way back to your forgotten bucket of water, ready to escape this suffocating atmosphere.
“I don’t have enough gold for the length of time I’m planning on staying,” he replied.
“This is sounding more and more like your crew left you here and took the ship for themselves,” you deadpan, hefting the bucket up and carefully carrying it back towards the bathroom.
“My crew wouldn’t do that,” Thenerius’ voice suddenly turned serious, “I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t have come here if they had.”
“Well, unlucky me, then,” you grumble, “You’re still not staying here.”
“You’re very sarcastic,” Thenerius noted, and you prayed for his sake that the comment wasn’t a part of his vow to get to know the real you.
You disappear down the hall and into the bathroom, dumping the bucket into the basin. To your great relief, the water was still steaming.
“Wait, your pay!” Thenerius walked in behind you. You could tell the exact moment he realized where he was, quickly averting his eyes from you.
You roll your eyes. As if you would undress for any reason while he was still in the house.
“Please, you may have lied to my mother, but I’m no fool,” you snort, ignoring the outstretched hand to check the water, “Mr. Thistle would never trust a pirate with money, much less tell you where I live.”
“I’ll- come back later,” he says, turning to get out the room.
“No, you’re leaving,” you follow after him.
“Dear, it’s much to too late for him to ride, he can sleep here.” You and Thenerius both jump at your mother’s sudden appearance, both of you having forgotten that you were arguing right in front of the bedroom.
“But-” your protest is cut short when she only shakes her head, and you hope to Tova that she only caught the tail-end of your conversation with Thenerius.
“If you must, you can ride with him tomorrow to ask Aedan to give him a discount. Tomorrow.”
You run your hands down your face, glancing out the nearest window to confirm it was in fact dark out.
“Fine,” you sigh, pointing at Thenerius, “but you’re gone first thing tomorrow!”
Thenerius at least has the decency to not look too excited under your scrutiny, thanking your mother quietly.
“Go wash up, mom, it’s ready,” you inform her, moving away from the doorway so she can slip past.
You consider telling Thenerius to go last in the bath, but you’re covered in dried mud and animal shit and you weren’t going to have his tavern smell stinking up the sofa.
“You’re next,” you tell him, finally noticing how cramped the hallway was with two people in it. You push past him to to sit at the table again.
Thenerius followed you, keen to the fact that he was on thin ice and remained wisely silent as you waited for your mother to finish in the bathroom.
When she exited, dressed in her nightgown and hair wrapped tightly in a towel, you ushered Thenerius in, barely giving him time to grab his bag on the floor next to the chair he’d been sitting in when you first walked in. You enter close behind, going around him to grab a towel for him to use and quickly leaving him to his privacy, letting out the longest exhale of your life once the door shut behind you. You go back to the table and sit, trying not to think about the naked tiefling in your bathtub as you started the fire under the stove.
As soon as Thenerius stepped out of the bathroom with his bag in hand, you rush in, not making eye contact before you slam the door shut behind yourself.
The water is still somewhat lukewarm, and clear enough besides the murkiness from the soap. You think about literally anything else besides the fact that Thenerius had been in the same water just minutes before you, using the bowl to run water over your hair and quickly lathering the bar soap with a clean washcloth. The sooner you get out the better, you think.
It isn’t until you’re out of the bath and looking at your nightclothes that you realize you’re going to have to wear them in front of him, unless you change into clean day clothes just to change into them in the privacy of your bedroom later.
It’s just tonight, you tell yourself, he’ll be gone tomorrow. And why would you have to modify your routine for him? He’s the one intruding. It won’t be a big deal so lang as you act like it isn’t. It’s not like you’ll be prancing around naked. They’re your winter ones, the material made much thicker than the normal cotton.
Properly talked up,  you walk out, pretending not to notice how Thenerius stops mid-sentence in a conversation with your mother to stare at you like the moon herself descended in front of him.
“I’ll have dinner ready soon.” You mumble, not stopping until you were safely in the kitchen.
You take the last eight eggs and crack them onto the iron skillet sitting on the stove, immediately sizzling before you take a flat spoon to scramble and scrape them into three plates. You then add leftover cuts from a chicken you culled from your flock a week ago to the skillet to cook, already seasoned. Then, you took the stack of unleavened bread your mother made during the day while you worked before putting them on another flat slab of iron on the stove to warm them.
Once you had a sizable enough stack for three people, you wrapped the resulting unleavened bread in cloth and balanced the three plates in your arms and carried everything back into the dining area.
You had heard Thenerius and your mother sharing a hushed conversation through the walls, but weren’t able to make out any specifics. However, when thy both immediate hushed up once you entered, it was clear who the topic of their chat was.
You set down the plates, frowning once you realized you’d have to sit next to Thenerius, as it was only a four-person table and they were already sitting at opposite ends. Once you were seated, however, the dinner conversation was thankfully limited as everyone focused on their plates.
Then it was time for your mother to take her tablets, you watching carefully as she downed them with a cup of water.  She retired to the bedroom shortly after, and though she tried to make it seem as though she was solely doing it to give you and Thenerius some privacy, it was obvious she was drained of all energy as she slowly shuffled down the hall.
You ignore Thenerius and grab the plates, taking them to the kitchen to dump the scraps in the bin and be washed. Thenerius’ plate is practically clean already, but your mother’s is concerningly hardly touched at all.
Dunking the emptied plates plates in the half-full sink, you scrub vigorously. Just as you are about to place the first one on the rack to dry, however, Thenerius takes it from you and dries it with the dishtowel.
You decide to say nothing, simply handing him the next plate once he placed the previous one on the rack.
You bring Thenerius a stack of blankets, dumping them on the cot next to where he sat for him to assemble himself.
Just as you turn to leave, a hand falls on your shoulder and you immediately stiffen. It quickly retracts.
“I don’t need this many,” Thenerius says quietly, looking dejected when you look over your shoulder at him as he tries to hand you a few of the blankets back.
“You do,” you inform him, “we’re at a higher altitude. It’s going to get colder.”
Thenerius places them back on the pile, his mouth opening and then closing. You wait. Finally, he clears his throat, “Thank you, for dinner. And for letting me stay here.”
“Thank my mom,” you reply, “and don’t get used to it. I was serious when I said you’re gone tomorrow.”
After a moment, Thenerius smiles, small but hopeful, “not first thing?”
“You have to pay for the meal and bed,” you huff, turning back around and going into the bedroom, careful to be quiet as you cross the cottage so as to not wake your mother.
You make sure the door is shut securely, and for good measure, you stick a piece of paper in the gap between the top of the door and the frame. You don’t think you’ll be able to sleep with the knowledge of a stranger sleeping in the next room, but almost as soon as your head hits the pillow, you’re waking to the sound of the rooster crowing the next morning.
You sit up abruptly, your mother still asleep next to you. You swing your legs over the edge of the mattress and scurry to the door, the paper still in the same spot you placed it when you take it back down.
You open the door quietly and slip out, glancing around the corner at the end of the hall to the cot. On the side closest to you, the stack of blankets are folded neatly, Thenerius’ pack leaning against one of the cot’s legs.
Your eyebrows furrow, going back to make sure the bathroom was empty before checking the kitchen, seeing neither hide nor hair of Thenerius in the cottage. Before you go search outside for the tiefling, you decide to at least get the stove going to warm up the cottage. As you stand in the kitchen looking for the box of matches, you realize you can hear the familiar, rhythmic thumping of an axe hitting wood.
Glancing out the window, you see Thenerius at an old stump splitting firewood a few yards away, his coat off and hanging from a tree branch. He stops to brush his hair back, careful to avoid his horns, before continuing.
Against your better judgement, you study him from the safety of the indoors. The last time you’d seen him, it had been shaved close. He apparently grew it out since then, dark waves forming curls around the nape of his neck that you’d noticed when he first arrived at the deep and now was sticking to his scalp with sweat.
As the sun broke over the horizon and illuminated the clearing, you could see how Thenerius’ back muscles flexed under the fabric of his shirt, sleeves rolled up to expose his thick forearms. Obviously, as a pirate, he would have to be at least somewhat fit. Hell, you’d felt them whenever he would insist you touch his arm while he flexed or would pull you into his lap.
But none of that quite prepared you for how he would look without the barrier of his coat, how he likely looked working out at sea.
You force your eyes back to the task at hand before they can venture downwards, finally finding the matches and lighting one with shaking hands before lighting the scrap of paper and tossing both into the stove.
Shutting the door and opening the grate, you return to the bedroom to change into your day clothes.
You immediately regret stepping outside as soon as you do, the light of the sun doing little to warm the icy air rushing inside your lungs and burning against your skin. Still, you are determined as you march around the cottage to where Thenerius continues to split the pieces of wood, though the pile of wood that took you months to chop down and cut into sections was now nearly gone and a neat stack of his split pieces had taken its place.
“I noticed you were running low,” Thenerius calls out as you approach, smiling as your eyes met his.
“It’s fine,” you huff, Thenerius’ smile brightening as though you just extended him the best praise of his life.
Annoyance bubbled in your stomach. Did he think he was cute? Acting like a love-struck teen and not a Tova-damned pirate? Or did he think you would be tricked by the illusion he put forth if he played pretend enough?
“Hurry up and finish that. There’s more work to do before breakfast,” you mutter, turning towards the barn as he would no doubt be crestfallen as you continue, “Then we’re going to The Deep.”
You go back to the kitchen briefly to grab the scrap bin before going to the chicken coop, making sure to latch the screen door behind you. You drop the scraps at the center of the enclosure, the chickens running over each other in a clucking mass of feathers and beating wings in their attempt to get at the food first. A few even manage to steal a few morsels before the more dominant ones chase them off.
Once the nesting area was empty, you went over and started collecting eggs in the same bin. Only six today, and you cooked the last of them in storage for dinner the night before. You worry your bottom lip, looking at the flock.
There were five hens and the rooster. You had been planning to let them breed in the spring to bring their numbers up, but that was still a long ways away.
You glanced over at the goats, currently in the pasture with the horses. You had two bucks and eight does. You had sold off the kids of four of the does, leaving you with five kids, three males. There was still the cured meat you got from the storehouse the other day, so you wouldn’t have to do anything drastic for food just yet, but it wouldn’t last soon at your current rate.
You had been planning on buying rabbits to raise for meat and fur, but you hadn’t been able to find the time to finish the winter hutch that was still partially completed in the barn.
Then you thought about everything else you had to do soon - castrate the three kids, patch the barn roof, harvest the second pasture’s grass and dry it for hay… and it seemed like every day you found something that needed repairing or replacing.
But… if Thenerius does plan on staying, you just may be able to keep everything afloat for the time being. With him there to collect the eggs and milk the goats while you worked shifts at the deep, then- appalled that you were planning ahead as though you would allow Thenerius to stay for months on end with you. No, you survived the last winter without any help, you could do the same this year.
Letting out a sigh, you dropped the eggs off in the kitchen before going back to the barn to wrap the horses snugly in blankets and let them out to graze in the pasture connected to the barn.
By that point, Thenerius comes to find you. You were admittedly surprised he’d finished that quickly, soaked with sweat and breathing heavily as he told you he was finished. You had even gone to check, not quite able to believe he’d gone through the entire wood pile that fast, or at least correctly. He looked proud when you peer up at him, but you refuse to praise him, directing him instead to the pasture while you grab two pails from the barn.
After showing him how to milk the does, you quickly fill about two pail's worth of milk between you from the four kidless does.
After taking the milk to the small pasteurizer in the barn, you set about making breakfast.
After taking the milk to the small pasteurizer in the barn, you and Thenerius returned to the cottage, your mother already up and standing by the stove.
You waste no time getting breakfast ready, making the six eggs you collected and take out the smoked meat. You make up two plates, setting them down in front of the two.
“I’ll be back soon,” you tell your mother, gripping her shoulder for a moment, “Don’t forget to take your medicine.”
“I’ve been taking it for three years, I don’t need you reminding all the time, you know,” your mother huffed, but she still pressed a kiss to the top of your head and waving you off.
“You aren’t going to eat?” Thenerius asked, thankfully swallowing his mouthful before speaking.
“I ate a couple boiled eggs while I cooked,” you reply, “clean the dishes after you’re done. We’ll go to The Deep afterwards.”
Grabbing your purse and heading to the barn, you click your tongue at the door leading out to the pasture, grabbing his saddle as your horse neighs loudly and nearly trampling over Thenerius’ horse in his attempt to get to you.
Any attempts on your part to name the capricious animal had been in vain, as he only ever responded to the sound of a clicking tongue, what your mother called him over to eat. It explained why he was fatter than a pregnant mare when you got here, unridden and getting fat on the lush pasture to himself and the treats.
Horse, as you’d taken to referring to him in your head, shoved his face into your hands, sticking your entire hand into his mouth in search of treats. You fish out a peeled hard-boiled egg from your pocket, the treat disappearing from your hand before you can even unfurl your fingers, Horse chewing it down quickly. Thenerius’ horse ventures over once she realizes you have food, and you have to press an open palm against Horse’s face to keep him from snatching the second egg you pull out before she can gently take it from you.
“Are those the eggs you ‘ate’?” You jump as Thenerius suddenly appears next to you, and you glare at him for sneaking up at you.
“I need to bribe him to come over and let me saddle him,” you said, neither confirming or denying the tiefling’s accusation, “he’ll be angry the entire ride otherwise.”
“Why didn’t you eat?” Thenerius presses, his eyes never leaving you as you unpin Horse’s blanket and refold it, throwing it over his back before securing his saddle on top.
“There wasn’t enough,” you shrug, climbing onto Horse’s back and pressing your legs momentarily into his side to get him to start walking.
You’re almost to the main road when you hear Thenerius pull up beside you.
“You should have taken mine,” he says after a moment.
You sigh. Clearly, wanting a nice, quiet stroll into town was too much to ask for, “Our horse is fine. He needs the exercise, anyways.”
“Not the horse, the food,” Thenerius said, actually sounding irate with you, “if there wasn’t enough you should have eaten mine.”
You bite back a laugh. You’ve heard Thenerius actually angry before, yelling at his crew members when one shoved another into a table in the tavern and broke it.
He’d been absolutely furious then, scaring even you with how his red eyes burned like hot coals, his face darkening to what you assumed to be an unhealthy purple-blue color as he nearly came to blows with the offenders. That feared pirate captain now reprimanded you like a child.
“Please, it’s one meal,” you snort, “I had plenty while I was working.”
“You shouldn’t skip meals,” he insisted, drawing close to your side to look down at you sternly, “You’re going to still be working the rest of the day after this, aren’t you?”
You roll your eyes and snap your reins, Horse speeding up to a canter and leaving Thenerius behind. The journey was familiar to you both, and you don’t even need to provide the horse with direction as he follows the twists and turns of the winding path with a sure foot.
You just want to hurry and reach The Deep, collect your pay, dump Thenerius on them and then go to Alfore to meet with the doctor about your mother.
You reach The Deep before Thenerius, tying Horse to a post outside the stables and making a beeline inside with barely contained excitement.
When you enter the tavern, Lenora is the only one in. Her welcoming smile quickly shrinks into a sheepish one once she sees you, however, turning on one heel to head straight towards the inn portion of the building.
Your eyes narrow, making a detour from Mr. Thistle’s office to go after her. You had an inkling as to what that was all about, and you couldn’t help but need to confirm it.
Your hand falls onto her shoulder and grips it tight, yanking her back just before she can abscond up the steps.
“Where are you going?” You ask, putting on a pleasant smile for the few patrons at the bar as you steer her down the hall to the privacy of the storage room, once an office.
“Please don’t kill me - he tricked me into telling!” Lenora begged for mercy immediate, clasping both hands in front of her.
“I highly doubt that,” you cross your arms, raising an eyebrow and waiting for her to try again.
Lenora had always been something of a romantic, constantly falling for one sweet gesture after another and declaring someone her ‘soulmate’ every few months. If she caught wind of Thenerius’ proposal, of course she’d think it was fine to play matchmaker. But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to make her sweat to teach her a lesson.
“Ok, but my intentions were good!” She pleaded, shaking your arm, “I mean, he obviously loves you, so I thought if he saw how you were living, you could get him to give you enough money for your mom!”
Your eyes widen, anger draining from your face and replaced with hurt, “so you told a stranger where I live, where my mother lives, so I could get him to feel sorry for me and bankroll my expenses? What else would I do, hm? Let him sleep with me for an allowance?”
Lenora realized her mistake too late, unable to backtrack as you spun around and left the room. You walk straight past Mr. Thistle’s office, too distraught to think about what you came here to do.
You untie Horse and quickly mount him, spurring him to go forward.
“Please don’t be angry! I didn’t mean you would do anything like that, I just wanted to help you-” you snap the reins twice to get Horse to a gallop.
“Are you okay?” You think Thenerius calls out, but you pay him no time as you race past, reaching the main road in no time and heading down the straight path to Alfore.
Your breathing is erratic as you try to get a handle on the unfamiliar emotions that threatened to overwhelm you. Perhaps in the past, you would have acted out in anger, lashed out at Lenora for the insult implied.
Now, however, you’re just tired. Worn out from two years of being back in this shithole, struggling to make ends meet, doing whatever you could. And because of that, your own coworker - someone you thought of as a friend, even - believed you to be so unscrupulous in your need for money that you’d take advantage of someone’s emotions for your own ends.
The worst part is, you were tempted. Tempted to step back. Tempted to let someone else take the reins. Tempted to use Thenerius’ misguided feelings for you to your advantage.
Had this what you’d been reduced to, from academic work to flirting shamelessly with customers to line your pockets? Do things your mother never did even when she was doing the same job, running the homestead, and saving money for you to move to the capital for your schooling?
So, at the end of your rapid-fire cycling through the stages of grief, you have no desire to fight Lenora over her true thoughts about you, nor do you wish to turn on Thenerius for the way he’s crashed into your life. You don’t qualify every action you ever did out of necessity or lay bare the fact that you were actually embarrassed by them. You don’t try to separate yourself from your choices by bringing up your past life or hard work. You simply loathe yourself for it.
Without your constant commands, Horse slows to a trot. You allow it, not wanting him to get hurt because of you. However, you soon regret your decision as you hear hooves charging up to you from behind.
You pull over to the side of the road, praying that whoever it was just passed you by. Of course, you had no such luck, the other horse slowing down next to you and Thenerius looking down at you with a concerned expression.
You say nothing and you don’t bother trying to outrun him, resigned to the fact that you wouldn’t be shaking him anytime soon.
“It wasn’t her fault,” he said once it was clear you weren’t speaking, drawing your sulking expression to point directly at him, “I pressured her to tell me where to find you.”
“Why are you still here?” You ask instead, exasperated and unwilling to have a conversation with him of all people about what happened between you and Lenora.
“I told you, my feelings for you haven’t changed,” Thenerius said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Even if I allow you to stay, it would only be to use you,” you argue, “you could work for months and waste your time if I never change my mind. Doesn’t that make you angry?”
“No,” he replied, a warm smile adorning his face as he looked at you, “because you said if.”
You blink dumbly as he spurs his horse forward, leaving you to catch up.
part 3
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whynotwinnie · 4 years
Timida part 2: Roger Taylor x OC
a quick part 2 that i wrote just now hopefully I keep the momentum lol
Timida Part 2 
No Trigger warnings yet (there is one cuss word though)
“It took you long enough,” Roger said you could see his fake mad face from here. You couldn’t help but laugh checking the clock on your wall reading 7:37
“Sorry, I left the cafe a little later than expected.”
“What time did you end up leaving?”
“It was almost 7 when I walked out.”
“Are you kidding me?” he shouted into the receiver. You flinched at the sudden noise jerking your head from the speaker.
“I was literally right there, I could’ve stopped by after recording to go see you again. I thought you would be gone by then.” hearing the pout that he definitely had on his face made your heart jerk.
“I actually usually stay there for a while, I don’t like being at home by myself,” you cringed at yourself realizing how you sound “I mean like- I don’t like being lonely,” you ran your hand through your hair wishing you could go back in time.
“I understand what you mean like you realize how alone you are when you’re… well alone. I used to get like that too when I moved out but now that I live with one of my bandmates I wish I could be alone.” He joked.
God, he is so nice and respectful good thing you didn’t hang up.
“That’s exactly how I feel.” you almost whispered to the receiver
“Don’t feel bad I’m sure everyone has gone through that in one way or another, but hey you’re never alone you have me, and if you’re lucky I’ll only bother you all the time.”
You laughed, he is so good at talking you felt yourself start to relax and you pulled a nearby chair to the phone hook so you can sit and talk.
“How was your band recording going?” wishing you sounded less awkward than you felt. 
“It was great actually we hardly fought this time and we didn’t have to record the same song more than six times so I’ll say it’s a win.”
“Do you guys fight often?”
“Well… Noooo-yeah we do but we know not to take it to heart we all just want the best for the group, by the end of the day whatever fight broke out is forgotten and forgiven. It’s very rare that we don’t fight but hey, maybe today was my lucky day with meeting you and a good band practice.”
Your face burned. 
“Oh well, I got free coffee today and met you so I think I got lucky too.”
You spent the rest of the time getting to know little things about each other
What’s your last name? Taylor, What’s yours? Oliviero-Vila. What’s your favorite color? Black, can I guess yours. Sure. Purple. No, it’s Green. Green does suit you, Mickey. Do you have any siblings? Yeah, my sister is named Clare. Do you have siblings? I have four older brothers. Jesus Christ four? Yeah, their names are Lucas, Marcelino, Benvolio, and Matias. How was that? Yeah, growing up was a pain but I love them… I guess. Do you have a middle name, mine is Luciana. No, I don’t have a middle name. You don’t? Nope. Are you sure? I’m sure. Are you lying? No why would I lie about my middle name? I don’t know maybe because you don’t like it. Who doesn’t like their middle name? Roger are you going to tell me your middle name or not. Fine… It’s Meddows. I like it! Well of course you do, you’re a girl. I’ll switch you Luciana for Meddows. I’ll take that deal.
It went on and on until he brought up what you did for work. 
“Well it’s kind of a long story but I used to work for this seamstress downtown but recently I decided to go a different direction and work for myself.”
“So do you like fix clothes?” 
“Well I do that, but I also make my own clothes which is my real passion but as of right now all the orders I get are me making hemlines or fixing a patch.” 
“Where have you advertise your stuff?”
“At the cafe actually I put my information on the community bulletin board and got a handful of customers.”
“Next time you and I can go hang flyers all throughout town advertising your stuff if you want.”
“That’s okay,” you said grinning “I think I’m doing well for myself as of right now.”
“Let me kno- Fred are you serious right now Mickey can you give me a second please.”
You heard commotion on the other end of the line another voice and Roger arguing back and forth until.
“Hello Darling, is this Mickey?” you heard Rogers voice faintly in the background “Fred stop that’s not funny.”
“Umm yes.”
“You sound pretty I can understand why Roger was an hour late to recording today.” Rogers voice again in the back “C’mon don’t do that”
“I’m so sorry I didn’t know he had anywhere to be.” were you in trouble right now?
“That’s okay dear I don’t blame you, of course, it’s this devil over here that causes all the trouble. But I have to say he could not stop talking about you he just kept going on and on about how you were so beautiful and how funny you are.”
You stayed quiet, how are you supposed to answer that?
“I don’t think I’m that funny.” 
The other voice laughed “I think we’re going to get along great, I’m Freddie one of Roger’s bandmates and his flatmate so for future warning don’t fuck in my room.”
You choked red in the face “Oh gosh no- I wouldn’t- I mean in your room- I mean I just met Ro-”
“I’m just joking darling! Please you are too sweet I’ll let you go but I do expect to see you soon. Ta!” Freddie then handed the phone to Roger who had some choice words for him.
“I’m so sorry about that Mickey, I couldn’t grab the phone from him because he was sitting on me.”
“It’s okay no harm done, he is actually quite funny.”
“Yeah, he’s like that all the time.” he yawned you checked the time 12:26.
“I can let you go, I think that’s enough excitement for the day,” you said 
“I would love to continue to talk to you Mickey, honestly.” 
“Can I call you tomorrow?” you said softly
“Yes please,” he sighed “Our recording ends at the same time but on the weekend we’re off, do you think I can take you on a date then?”
“I would like that very much, Roger.” 
“Great. I’ll let you get your sleep now Mickey.”
“Ok, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Roger.”
“Goodnight love” and he hung up.
That “goodnight love” kept replaying in your head until it felt fake, you couldn’t possibly go to bed. 
You looked back at the discarded fabric at your work station and decided that it was time to start the gown.
You turned on your ancient sewing machine and pulled out your mannequin to drape the fabric on. 
Five hours later you had finished a dark blue off shoulder, A-line evening dress. It was simple but chic. You wish you had a camera so you could take a photo of it but the sketch would do. Maybe you could ask the client to take a photo of it for you so you can save it to your portfolio. You yawned shaking your head, now you really needed to go to bed.
Taking off your jeans you slid into your comforter thinking about how your day played out, wondering what turn of events led you to meet Roger. Thinking about him made your heart squeeze and then you thought of the last thing he said to you was “Good night love.” and you shut your eyes and slept.
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sanaart · 4 years
This one's a bit more professional but, how did you get to work with RT/RWBY? I've always wanted to get to work with some company for like, voice acting, ideas, but I could never understand how or get to see how.. do you have any pointers?
Thank you so much for the question ;__; I’ll do my best! I went to SCAD Savannah in 2011, pursing a degree in sequential arts. I was fairly certain I wanted to do concept art, but I actually wanted to go into games originally! And maybe at some point I will end up in games, but for now I’m happy where I am. After that, I applied like crazy. I sent out over 45 applications, most I got no response, some rejections. I stayed at home for a year after graduated in 2015 and freelanced while applying to jobs. Kind of hated it, but y’know, gotta make that money lol. I ended up applying to RT, and did get a response!... But I think the person who read my application quit or something, because I didn’t receive anymore communication for months xD But I got contacted again to do freelance work for RvB Mercs, which then eventually lead into a concept artist position working on RWBY Volume 4! And I’ve been here ever since~ So for general pointers... this stuff is stuff I wish I did more of back then... - Make SURE to keep your portfolio and resume up to date! This one is hard, because it can be mad discouraging when you’re not really getting anywhere, but you always want to be getting rid of out of date work and putting your best foot forward while job hunting. Even if it’s not necessarily for a studio, show your skills! - This one might be obvious, but just... be nice! The industry is a lot smaller than you think it is, and you’ll lock yourself off from a lot of groups if you’re just needlessly an asshole. But on the flipside, people will remember if you were nice to them~ and I think last piece of general advice... - Be VERY careful about working for free. I’m not always going to say it’s a bad idea, but make sure you very very carefully consider what you’re doing. If I’m “working” for free, then it’s with friends that I trust, and we’re all essentially on equal footing. Someone who approaches you asking for free work, promises you’ll get paid after the kickstarter, and keeps all the rights to your work (and ESPECIALLY if they do not let you post it) is taking advantage of you. Don’t do this! It’s much better for yourself to create high quality work you actually own and can most importantly SHARE so that people who will actually pay you can see. Sorry I don’t have much specific about voice acting (I’m such a bad actor xD), but I point you over to miss Kdin for voice acting specific questions!! She’ll know way more than me for the nitty gritty of that field~
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editorialsonlife · 3 years
Welp, feeling like doing an update because there's been a lot going on to be honest. its one of those weird dichotomies where every day feels like an eternity and there's so much going on and then you look back and you're like oh, ok its just my brain making it difficult and making things take forever but anyway.
Lockdown life was good, apart from being thrust into it so suddenly dave left a banana on his desk. Wasn't great to come back to after 5 weeks out of the office - mummified mouldy banana!! Classic. We luckily got our first jab before lockdown started so that was good, and we were reasonably well stocked up on food and were generally a lot healthier this lockdown that last. honestly, there's a level of chill and serenity in lockdown that i just love. the ability to set my own schedule and only work the hours I actually work to get the job done? Amazing. getting 8.5 hours of sleep each night without having to wake to an alarm blaring? AMAZING. getting to go for walks every afternoon? SO FLIPPING GOOD. I love it so much, I really really do. I need this to be my life permanently.
Work is just ongoing and draining and honestly, coming back to the office was so fucking stressful and it was only one day. Being at home is just the fucking bomb. Pending home decisions, I wanna go contracting I think, but also ideally two part time contracts to have more flexibility? I dunno. You'd think a big 4 would provide variety but it really doesn't and honestly, with Richie leaving, wellington is just a sinking ship. Sean's off on parental leave, Kirstyn is down to four days a week, ben will be gone if he doesn't get promoted (and I don't think he will be tbh). Jack is just muddling along, Nigel wants to swap to consulting as well, Matt's going to be a shit leader in terms of bringing in work so it's just not going to work. and in our wider group it's going to get even more messy with heaps of the analysts leaving and a couple of senior hires too. so I think it's probably time to jump ship in general, pending the home stuff below. Also, coming back after a break again, I'm like, I don't actually like a lot of you? All the people I enjoy here are in other teams and groups, and I'll be sad to leave you all, but like, not enough to stay anyway lol.
Pending the home below, two options are to just going and get a job with a $30k payrise to make up for the maternity leave benefits I'm gunna leave behind when I leave this role - 18 weeks full pay, $100 a week for the first year back and a full year of maternity leave. It's basically 30k post tax which is a bit nuts to walk away from to be honest.
Otherwise the other option is to go contracting. Less security overall but holy shit so much money. If I went in as a project coordinator at the lowest rate to build up a bit of a portfolio I'd need to work 40 weeks of 40 hr weeks and Id basically match my current salary plus the lost family leave benefits and still qualify for govt maternity leave payments. Realistically I could go in as a project manager for $140 an hour ($60 more an hour than the above math) and absolutely smash it at that level as well so ya know, there's a bunch of other info. I like the idea of the flexibility of it and only having 6 months even if its a shitshow and beign able to walk away at the end of it. I really don't want to get a govt job and this is a v govt town which is fine but also, if I can avoid it that would be great. I just know I'm not gunna thrive in that environment.
Need to talk to Dave to get him across the line on the security issue part of that though. I've mostly come a long way in terms of my financial management (thanks YNAB) so I think he'd be ok with it mostly.
So there's a lot to toss up there because......
We got the reno plans done during lockdown, finally. which was super good. but holy fkn jesus $$$$$$ ++++++++++. The guy is coming around for the final quote on Thursday. We indicatively said $100k total because we're doing kitchen laundry bathroom and toilet. so only the most expensive rooms and when I was talking to him last week he said 'that might cover it' and they're seeing cost escalations of 7-10% a week which is just insane. we're not doing anything structural apart from putting in a cavity slider in the bathroom, and the quote they'll give us won't include flooring since they won't do it.
Meanwhile, the prefab homes I were looking at for our site were $425k fully done. Like, I'm not going to spend $130K on doing up my 1940s ex state house ya know? That's not good cost benefit ratio.
So depending on what that comes out at on thursday we'll be able to make some plans.
We also want to start trying for kids next year and need these renos done first - I am not having kids and no dishwasher lol.
Also we need bank financing so good to be in a permanent stable job for that application. the good thing is we have so much equity we know we can borrow whatever we need, I just don't want to spend that much money on it because it's fkn ridiculous. and if I'm going on maternity leave we need to be able to cover it all on dave's salary and whatever benefits I have as well so there;s a lot of financial planning and spreadsheeting going on at the moment lol. it's fab.
either way. we've got plenty of options up our sleeve. we've got friends who's brother owns a building company so we can talk to them, we've got the garage so we can get things prefabricated even if they're not installed til next year, Dave can get shit at cost through his work for whiteware, there;s plenty of things to like cost control we can do, we just need to know where we're starting from basically. thats the challenging part. but we'll figure it out, its just taking longer than I want it to basically.
We also planted up the vege garden for the spring/summer which was lovely, super jazzed about that. we've finally got the garden to a reasonably low maintenance level where everything is mostly under control and it's such a relief, honestly.
Man what a shift to lockdown last year honestly. I think the last 8 weeks in particular has just been like, a massive reality check of how absolutely shit the last year was and how fucking glad I am to be rid of it. I spent a week absolutely spiralling 2 weeks ago now and honestly, I don't know how I lived in the state for more than a year. I actually don't know how I did it. and I could not be more glad that I'm finally on the other side of it, for the most part. There's still a bunch of other stuff to work through (hahahahahaha when is there not like damn) but fucking hell its nice to just not be anxious and nauseous and wound up constantly. life is actually accessible. miracle.
My workmate had his bebe - I went round and got newborn cuddles and was like, oh, is this what it is to be clucky? this is odd. so there's that as well. I think we'll probably start trying next year pending renos and jobs etc. If the renos can be done in jan I'll prob just stick it at the job to get the benefits but I dunno. it's a tough call to make really. we shall see. This all assumes we get knocked up without any issues which is questionable these days. I really want to feel healthier before getting pregnant as well, and part of that is losing weight. however, given discussing that is what triggered the spiral we're working on that one slowly.
Also, lets have a moment for counselling, because fkn bless anne and all her hard work honestly. I actually ended up emailing her being like, I;m losing my shit on the monday and then talked to her on thursday. And its so funny because it's such a counselling thing but I didn't realise until afterwards what she'd done but she was like you're clearly not doing well and then the night before dave got a fkn miserable migraine and he was up for like, 2 hrs powerchucking except he didn't make it to the bathroom in time so guess who was cleaning up vomit at 130am trying not to chuck herself but I digress. anyway, not doing well, couldn't even explain why, didn't even have words and super tired and she's like, what lynaire up to this week how's she going with izzy and chat about that and then be like how are you feeling about your body and then 5 more mins of chat about the cat and the chickens and then like bam hard question and then hows it going with x and y and z and its like, it wasn't til I was on my walk afterwards when I FINALLY started feeling marginally better I was like damn woman work your magic for figuring it out for me and helping me reregulate. all over the phone as well since we were still in lockdown. GREAT WORK FRIEND.
and then last week was like totally fucked theoretical discussion about religion and the role it's played in my life and fate vs free will and all this nutty shit but genuinely just a great discussion. She's the best and I love her. thank good for good counsellors. thank god I can afford to pay for it honestly.
Dave and I are just chugging along, god bless that man. I love him. its amazing. I miss having friends close by but understand why they had to move (boooooo f u house prices). Family is pretty chill, still not really talking to dave's parents which is nightmarish but we'll deal with that when we need to. gunna have to go and visit them at some point coz dave misses them and I feel for him, I really do. It's the whole boundaries renegotiation I went through with my family last year post wedding blow up and its just not a fun place to be. oh well. can't fix it for him but also I'm not putting up with that level of BS from either of our families once we have children. not gunna happen.
Either way, life is busy and full and fun and I'm enjoying it. Daylight savings starts this weekend too, its october next week WTF and I'm just waiting for 4pm to find out what's gunna happen to our girls trip. Clearly we cancelled our sept trip to christchurch and akaroa and hanmer springs so my covid travel curse continues. fkn ridic. Still dunno what we're gunna do with $2500 of flight credits coz if we get knocked up theres def no international trips happening any time soon.
thus concludes the almost 2000 word write up of life. hope you've enjoyed it. I'll throw up some pics in a separate post if people care about reno plans. such a good time!
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July 4th, 2021 Day 9: Ending Our Last Full Day With A VERY Full Day Indeed
We arrived at the streetside parking lot for Geldingadalsgos (based on what I found out from Jeroen, the vent that I was taking photos of isn’t the volcano volcano, but more so a vent of a bigger volcano system; therefore, the vent itself doesn’t have a name, the eruption is called Geldingadalsgos, and the volcanic system is Fagradalsfjall Volcanic System. So, 60 Minutes named it wrong… lol) around 12:15am or so, at which time there were probably somewhere between 20-30 other cars parked. Yup, we didn’t even start hiking until after midnight. Indeed, we were a bit crazy and so was everyone else out there at an ungodly hour. Anyhow, because I got a little bit of rest in the car thanks to Minh’s driving, I was ready to go and see this volcano again.
Unlike the first trip to the volcano on our first day here in Iceland a week ago, this trip was much nicer despite the time of day we hiked. Instead of clear skies with heavy midday sunlight, we arrived as the sun was setting in the colorful orange and pink sky. The skies were darker than expected but the night itself teased us but never actually came in full force. The wind today was calm and collected compared to the violent winds the guys in the group endured last week. And the hike up the mountain was much smoother and easier than the first time up, likely because the authorities had done some fixing up, de-graveling, and repaving of different routes to make it safer for hikers. With conditions being great for hiking (and because I had emptied my camera bag of nonessentials), I made it up the mountainside in about 50 minutes or so, which was much faster than the first time. Cynthia and Minh slowly made their way up behind me since I was rushing to get to the top and they weren’t really into rushing.
Once at the top, I scurried across the ridge and to the same area that I had already hiked to last week, hoping for a good vantage point for some volcano photography. Most of the conditions were great for photography on this early, early morning. The skies were beautifully colored. The weather wasn’t too cold or windy. And the volcano was a little more active today compared to last Saturday. But the conditions weren’t perfect because we were still far from the volcano, the volcano wasn’t spewing out enough lava to make lava rivers that we could see from where we were, and the darkness of the lava field and volcano made it hard to take great landscape photos without the contrasting colors of lava rivers. But I guess that when you’re traveling on a tight schedule and you’re looking to photograph natural phenomena like erupting volcanoes and vents, you just have to make do with the photography conditions you’re presented with and live with the result.
So I just took out my camera and started taking photo after photo after photo of the vent spewing lava. I attempted to take portraits and action shots of the volcano and its activity as well as landscape shots of the volcano in relation to its beautiful surroundings and the gorgeously colorful sky above. I moved to a couple of different spots to try and find different perspectives from which to shoot from but ended up spending most of my time at one location where Cynthia had found a spot to sit and chill.
Throughout our time there, I tried my best to look for Jeroen, the photographer I was communicating with on Instagram. When I had contacted him earlier in the evening to help assess the volcano situation for the evening, he told me that he too was headed to the volcano and that if we spot each other, we should definitely say hi. But unfortunately, I never did catch him there. I later found out that he had hiked way past the point where I had stopped and had made his way over the mountain ridge and to the backside of the valley and lava field, where he discovered lava in action. He found a place to see lava (relatively) close up! So jealous! And that’s the problem with attempting landscape photography on a short schedule… You just don’t have enough time or energy to roam around and scope out areas after a packed trip full of sleep-deprived days. How I wish we could’ve had another whole week in Iceland just to hang out in Reykjavik and follow the volcano live stream until we found the opportunity to leisurely make our way over to photograph the volcano when its activity increases.
We stayed at Geldingadalsgos for quite some time and didn’t actually start heading back to the car until close to 4:00am. Minh and Cynthia went on ahead as I took some time for my last few shots. Once I finished, I ended up basically running down the mountainside and arriving at the split in the hiking route at around 4:15am, at which time I could see the heavy clouds and fog rolling in over the mountains, creating a beautiful, early morning scene. I caught up with Cynthia and Minh shortly after that and by the time we actually turned on the car to leave, it was around 5:00am or so. Yeah, really late and really early… I drove home as everyone crashed in the car and got us all home safely around 5:30-6:00am, at which time we all just crashed, knowing that there was little sleep to be had this morning. Because we had an appointment at 9:00am to get our COVID swabs completed for our flight back home, we slept for a measly 2.75 hours until 8:45am, at which time we had to wake up and jump into the car to drive to our testing site. Luckily, the line and swabs were quick and we were in and out in about 15-20 minutes.
We went home after the swab. The three of us who were out until early this morning were pretty exhausted and groggy. But because it was our last full day in Iceland, Cynthia was determined to make the most of it despite severe sleep deprivation. So instead of taking a nap like Minh did, Cynthia and I joined my parents on a morning walk to explore downtown Reykjavik. We started from our AirBnB located near Klambartun Park and slowly made our way toward Laugavegur, the main street lined with shops and stores that ran through downtown Reykjavik. As we strolled down the quiet street, we spotted a long line in front of a store and decided to take a closer look at what people were waiting for. And it was pastries and baked goods at Sandholt Reykjavik! So we joined the line (though mistakenly, since we waited in the dine-in line before realizing there was a faster, shorter line just for take-out from the bakery) and bought our delicious morning pastries to enjoy outside at a table nearby. And the pastries were delicious! Especially the almond croissant Cynthia bought! SO SO GOOD!
The family sat and enjoyed our pastries and coffee before continuing on our lovely morning stroll through town. We walked around downtown and checked out some stores here and there before turning around to head back toward Hallgrimskirkja to meet up with a rejuvenated Minh. Along the way, I took the family on a detour so that they could see my old flat on Bergstaðastræti. We briefly got lost along the way since I couldn’t remember exactly where it was but we eventually found it after some backtracking.
We met up with Minh at Hallgrimskirkja and took a brief look inside the church before splitting up from mom and dad to meet up with Thorsteinn and his girlfriend Thordis Erla on the other side of downtown at a cute brunch place called The CooCoo’s Nest near the Old Harbour. Along the way there, we stopped by to look in a couple of stores and even ran into an old Stanford buddy, Bryce Kam, and his wife walking around Laugavegur. What a coincidence! We chatted in the streets for a few minutes before we had to bid them farewell so that we could make it to brunch on time.
After a relatively short walk through town to get to the Old Harbour side, we finally arrived at The CooCoo’s Nest and found Thor and Thordis already there waiting for us and for a table to open up. After officially meeting Thordis, we sat outside and started catching up over all sorts of things until it was time to be seated at our table inside. We continued on with our great conversations inside as we ate our delicious brunch (Cynthia and I ordered their Breakfast Burrito and Eggs Florentine, both which were yummy). We had a wonderful two-hour long late brunch with the two of them and shared a ton of great stories and talked about all sorts of topics, from Thor’s and Thordis’ life updates (including buying a house together, Thor getting a new job managing assets and portfolios, Thordis going back to school to study industrial finance after briefly working, Thordis’s previous work life working for Icelandair as a flight attendant) to stories about our trip and our lives in the States during a pandemic. So much fun to catch up after almost five years!
Once we had taken our photos and said farewell to each other, Cynthia and I slowly walked through downtown and made a couple of stops along the way as we headed back to the house while Minh went off on his own to look for Icelandic sweaters to buy. By the time we arrived back at the apartment, there was only 1.5 hours left until our next social gathering with Sveinn Magnússon and Kristin Bragadottir at their house for dinner. OH. MY. GOODNESS. I was so full and so tired by the time we got home that I couldn’t even think about more talking and more eating. We helped do some laundry before Cynthia and I went to lie down and take a quick power nap. Unfortunately, we were woken up soon after we went to bed and rushed out of the house so that we could make it to dinner on time at Sveinn’s. We drove over there, and when we arrived, we were warmly greeted by Sveinn and Kristin before Minh and dad finally showed up after their souvenir-buying stroll. It was such a pleasure to see Sveinn and Kristin again after these busy last 4.5 years!
Sveinn and Kristin welcomed us with open arms into their warm home, one that I have visited every trip I’ve made to Iceland. While waiting for dinner to be prepared, I introduced Sveinn and Kristin to my parents and Cynthia, who they had never met, and we shared stories in the living room while sipping on white wine. It was great to finally introduce everyone to each other after they had all heard stories about each other over the years. We caught up for a while before we were seated at the dining table for a fabulous and delicious dinner spread that included an appetizer of shrimp and cheese salad, mains and sides of baked salmon with a puff pastry top, half-mashed potatoes, and salad, and rhubarb oatmeal pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert. What a yummy treat! Over dinner, we learned so much more about Iceland, past and present, from Sveinn and also learned about Kristin’s journey to her PhD in history and her authorship of several historical books as a result. Always so great to hear about the amazing things they are doing and the amazing knowledge they are always willing to share with us!
After dinner, we continued to sip on more wine while chatting more and looking through family photo books that Sveinn had collected over the years. I learned more specifics about Sveinn Magnusson as a physician. For example, before working at the ministry, he was a general practitioner in Sweden and Iceland and was boarded in Internal Medicine and Family Medicine. He then transitioned to working for the Icelandic government where he served primarily as director general, the second highest ranking civil, nonpolitical official in Iceland who reports directly to the prime minister. And while working at the ministry for 21 years, he served a total number of 16 prime ministers. These days, while not doing government work, Sveinn is primarily on call to do death exams on folks in the community. Every now and then, he is tasked with doing a little more than that. In one instance a few years ago, he was the physician who did the baseline intake physical exams for the group of Greenland boat guys who were involved in the murder of a young Icelandic woman. Crazy! After hearing all sorts of cool and crazy stuff and before we even knew it, it was 9:30pm and time for our exhausted family to bid Sveinn and Kristin farewell and a big thank you for hosting us at their lovely house on our short trip through Iceland.
Before driving home, we briefly stopped by the water so that everyone could check out Sun Voyager Sculpture and the Harpa Concert Hall. After some photos, we were pooped and drained, so we finally drove back home and started the task of packing and tidying up for our trip home. Minh’s energy tank was still holding some gas by this point (probably because of his effective power nap), so he decided to walk around downtown and check things out before hitting the sack. Cynthia decided to go with him to maximize her only full day in Reykjavik but because I was so tired, I stayed in to rest. I helped with laundry and hung out around the house until a bit past midnight, at which time I went to bed shortly before Cynthia and Minh returned home. What a ridiculously packed and exhausting last full day in Iceland! If only I had more time to just chill and do everything over a few days instead of over 36 hours… But at least there is one more half day left to enjoy tomorrow…
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. Today, tourism is the number one industry supporting the infrastructure and economy of Iceland, surpassing Iceland’s fishing industry. Therefore, when the pandemic hit and set the world on fire, tourism took a huge hit in Iceland and resulted in the crippling of Iceland’s economy. There were huge drops in revenue due to travel restrictions and mandates. But for some Icelanders, it was actually quite nice to have their country all to themselves once again after a decade-long boom in tourism. Local Icelanders got the chance to, once again, experience and enjoy Iceland’s beautiful nature the same way they used to enjoy it before tourists flocked to Iceland. It was now quieter and less crowded and locals could now go to tourist hotspots that they previously avoided due to tourist crowds (like the attractions along the South Ring Road). Icelanders got to travel locally with their families again and spent much of the pandemic just reconnecting with their families and friends. With tourism essentially on pause, it also gave nature time to rest and recover, something that was much needed in Iceland. Funny enough, though, despite everything I wrote above, when the country was open to tourists again, a lot of Icelanders, who are a social breed of people, actually appreciated and welcomed the tourists again. Not only did tourists bring money that was desperately needed into the country’s economy, but they also brought with them interesting conversation topics and new perspectives that helped break up the monotony of Icelanders keeping conversations afloat with people they’ve known their whole lives. During the pandemic, Icelanders actually missed seeing and talking to us tourists! Funny!
2. Thordis informed me that Icelandic weddings typically don’t have wedding parties to accompany the bride and groom to the altar but just have the bride and groom’s fathers present at the altar for their ceremony.
3. Supposedly, until 1974, the many rivers running through Iceland played a major role in travel and exploration in the country. Rivers were one of the major reasons that limited domestic traveling because, at the time, the country lacked a way to cross those rivers. However, around 1974, Iceland was gifted single-laned bridges to bridge them to broader horizons and to expand their previously-limited area for exploration.
4. When the latter half of the year arrives with its darkness, snow, and cold, windy weather, non-city-dwelling people in Iceland sometimes have to take up a secondary job or change the nature of their primary jobs because their work may be limited due to the challenging and harsh weather conditions. For example, if the farmers are growing crops, they can’t really do any of that in the winter. So they, along with other people from the countryside in need of something to do, sometimes volunteer to help in town. Sometimes they volunteer in civil roles and things like firefighting and teaching. Others will just take the down time to fix up their homes and do repairs they didn’t time to get to over the year. If you’re a farmer who raises animals or has animals to deal with, those farmers can continue working but maybe in a different way. Dairy farmers will continue their work with their cows. Sheep farmers will work to feed and breed their sheep after the sheep have been collected from the previously-green-but-now-yellow-and-brown fields where they roamed all summer. They can also start collecting the wool they shave off the sheep to get that side of the business going.
5. It isn’t that farmers don’t grow crops in Iceland because of the poor soil. Rather, they can’t grow successful crop fields because of the variation in the amount of sunlight and relative lack of sunlight during certain parts of the year. However, some manage to grow potatoes or other crops in very environmentally-controlled set-ups like greenhouses.
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dear-kumari · 4 years
I mean to send you a question for the "Ask me 1 thing" but totally forgot! I feel like I can probably guess how & why you got into animation, so instead: do you have a specific direction you want to go in with it? Work for a particular studio, in a particular genre/style, what types of projects, etc.? Like, ideally, where in the industry would you like to end up?
Good question! ^.^
I don’t know about a specific direction, but I do have some directions in mind.  Maybe too many directions.  They all involve staying in the US, for better or worse, because I’m still monolingual and inexperienced with traveling.  As for where I’d like to end up career-wise and what kind of projects I’d like to work on, that’s a little complicated.
[Warning: long post]
Before all that, though, I should probably preface that I’m still not sure if I’m going into the animation industry.  Not just because I’m inexperienced, don’t have a proper portfolio, don’t mesh with the genres/art styles that are popular here, can’t risk moving far from home rn, might never be disciplined enough for the industry, might never have the basic social skills and connections necessary to network in a highly competitive field ……  Yeah, I don’t mean to sound so pessimistic, but I generally try to be realistic about my options so I don’t get hurt as much. :’D  More importantly, though, I’m not sure if animation really is the right path for me — like, I love animation, I think my best ideas involve animation, and I think there’s so much untapped potential in the medium, but if the work climate of the industry isn’t good for me then it just isn’t.
So for now, I’m also getting an Art History major, keeping grad school options open, and learning skills/programs that are more relevant to webcomics and graphic design, just in case.  I think I’m gonna take a gap year after I graduate to just breathe, polish my portfolio/resume, and try to figure everything out.  Again, I’m not trying to be down on myself or anything; I do think I have marketable talents and whatnot, it’s just that … I’m not marketable, if that makes sense.  And I’m not really sure if I want to be. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Okay, with that boring brutal honesty out of the way, let’s get to the fun part!
The thing about major studios in the US is that most of them are in one if the worst places in the world, Los Angeles.  I don’t want to think too hard about having to live in or anywhere near LA or the LA County, even though it’s my most likely path; so for now, my big sky-castle dream is getting a job at Powerhouse Animation in Austin, Texas.  Austin isn’t exactly the best place to live in either, but my understanding is that it's still much better than LA (most cities are).  Plus, it’s way closer to where I live now, and I’m much less likely to die in a fire because of poor land management and/or gender reveal parties! :D
More importantly, though, I just really respect what Powerhouse is trying to do right now.  Most TV productions in the US outsource all of their actual animation to Korea and other countries, so it’s cool to see great 2D animation still being produced in-house.  I love Japanese and Korean studios, but I think we sometimes build up this mystique around them, like they’re the only people who can animate with more sophisticated character designs.  Powerhouse’s animation can definitely get awkward at times (we’ve had this convo re: Castlevania s3, lol), but they really hit it out of the park when they can.  My best hope for them is that they start producing shows entirely in-house someday and become like a Western counterpart to KyoAni.
This was supposed to be about me, wasn’t it … anyway, yeah, I’d love to work for Powerhouse Animation and/or my super idealized vision of what Powerhouse Animation could be.  My next-best choice is to suck it up and move to LA to try for Dreamworks, Sony, Frederator, Nick, Disney (TV) and Wonderstorm in that order.  Beggars can’t be choosers ofc, but I know there are studios that I just wouldn’t be able to vibe with stylistically.  (aside: I actually really wanted to work for Disney/Pixar on animated films when I was young, but my current tastes and abilities are so far removed from the CG film industry that I’m pretty sure I’d hate working there now.)
As far as what I’d like to do in the industry, that’s a whole bag of worms unto itself.  I’ve basically looked into every job in animation production besides the actual animation.  Storyboard artist (or revisionist, more likely) is my best bet for an entry position, which is great, because I love storyboarding!  And if you’re good at that, you can go up the ladder in a pretty traditional way, from storyboard artist to episode director and so on.
But, I’m also aware that there are barriers for people on that side of production, and that you’re more likely to move up to producer or showrunner positions if you start out as a writer or production assistant.  (Unless you’re working on a storyboard-driven show, of course, but I generally don’t like storyboard-driven shows …)  Writers and PAs don’t need to be good at drawing, obviously; writers need to be able to write collaboratively, while PAs need to be good at … being on top of scheduling/organization and being personable, as far as I can tell.  My general impression is that these positions are even harder to get into than the visual side of production and are based even more in Networking™, but I could be wrong.  Those positions might actually be more in line with my skills, but again, barriers to entry and whatnot.
A lot of the rules of the industry seem nebulous and arbitrary anyway, so idk.  Some people just get lucky and go straight from pitching shows to running them.  Besides, I don’t even know if I’d want the responsibility of being a showrunner — again, unless it’s at least a bit like my idealized vision of what showrunning should be.  Maybe I’m more of a writer.  Or a character designer.  Or a comics artist pretending to be a good fit for this industry (see, if the US had a comics-to-cartoon pipeline like Japan this wouldn’t be so difficult!)
At the same time, though, I think most people who enter the industry have a similar kind of struggle.  Like, you watch cartoons/anime as a kid and see behind-the-scenes footage, and you have this Vision of what kind of project you’d like to work on, and it’s not until much later than you realize that you’ll probably never have much of a say in it.  Even people who aren’t interested in pitching or producing shows have to grapple with that, I think.  Most of the storyboard artists/revisionists I follow on social media have personal side projects, like a webcomic or a pitch, that they’re clearly more passionate about than the actual shows they work on.  It’s not that they don’t like storyboarding that much — heck, that’s probably still their favorite thing to do! — or that they don’t like being part of a team.  I just don’t think anyone really goes into this field wanting to be part of an industry pipeline, if that makes sense.  Nobody’s brain is perfectly suited for a highly specialized corporate position.
So … in conclusion, Powerhouse Animation is cool, We Are All Renaissance Men, and I didn’t even talk about what kind of projects I want to work on, did I?  I guess AtLA, TSSM, and GL:TAS were big influences on me growing up; so, if the industry is still heavily entrenched in action-adventure shows for kids for the next decade, I’d be happy to work on shows like that.  I’d really love to work on  dark, mature stories, pretty slice-of-life, and/or technically ambitious productions that reflect my tastes in anime, but that might be too much to ask of the US at this point.  Just … well-written, script-driven shows with decent visuals, please?  I want to be part of projects that hold up to critical scrutiny.
Okay, so in conclusion for real:  My feelings about the animation industry are complicated, but I love everything animation-related and it’s been my dream career for a long time.  I’m just not going to commit to anything until I’m more confident in myself and my abilities and what I want.  This was very rant-y and disorganized and twice as long as it probably should have been, so thanks for reading. ^.^
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freewheelshippin · 4 years
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Ranmaru is a musician down on his luck and out of inspiration who got taken in by a sweet old couple running a gardening/flower shop, so while he pulls himself together, he’s grouchily helping out and making bouquets and doling out plant care advice. M is a tattoo artist with not enough clients, confidence in her art, or skills in keeping succulents alive, but maybe the toughie at the store across the street can help her with all three!
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and because I’m Like That I got tied up and uh....wrote a little (a lot) of something, focusing on the artistic funk part of the equation. But if you’ll let me have one more indulgence, the headcanon I have is that it eventually Happy Endings into becoming roommates and business partners, starting an indie label to support other artists!!!  
anyways here’s this excessively indulgent/serious fic that came outta this LOL
He was here, folded among big green leaves for much longer than he’d intended. The owners heard he was down on hard times and didn’t have a safe place to call home, so he holed up in their guest room. Before he knew it he was stepping in for them at every heavy mulch bag, every wheelbarrow piled high, every crouch that was too much for their aging bodies.
It wasn’t a bad life. It was an improvement, sure. He was alive and fed every day, and he’d never known a home so warm. But it still wasn’t his. He felt like a houseplant, tended to and placed in warm sun, but just as easily fading into the stillness of quiet moments and the background of everyday. He’d never wanted a life like a plant. He hungered deeply even though he was eating regularly again, and he felt more like a bored tiger, pacing in its cage but nowhere to go.
He’d been there long enough to start noticing the regulars. The first was that friendly guy who always got idioms wrong and bought the store out of all their cat grass. The second someone was even friendlier, and he’d bug him for what kind of flowers to get a florist. He kept asking even if Ranmaru never gave him an answer past ‘I don’t fucking know’ as he arranged bouquets that used as many herbs and broad, bold leaves as traditional flowers.
The third was someone who looked like she walked in from his past life (or the one he wanted back, anyway). The shaved head, the denim and patches, the ink peeking out from under her sleeves. She was friendly enough but nowhere near as ready to ask for things or will information about herself as the other two regulars, so he only knew her from her purchases and the name on her card.
It wouldn’t have been remarkable in itself if he weren’t so hungry. He’d burned bridges he shouldn’t have while he was ablaze, and now the only people who thought of him kindly were through this stupidly quaint little shop. He was too ashamed of his bullshit to be ready to show his face in those places right now, but he also craved chasing the stage and the dream he’d stayed alive for.
It was just a made-up story he was attaching to someone, he knew this. Maybe she went home and did everything she could to fade into pleasant background like a houseplant. But he’d rather pretend she went to the shows he wished he were going to, that her fingertips were callused in the places his were going soft, and pretend like he still could smell that stuffy, stale sweat from a venue. Maybe he hadn’t burned it away completely from his life and future.
Occasionally, he still wished he was starving, but he’d bury his hands in mulch and dig space for a new plant before he gave in to dumb thoughts like that.
The first time they had a conversation, it was because she forgot something. A big something, big enough that Ranmaru wondered how someone could have a head on their shoulders but forget this.
It was a long, flat portfolio bag. He flipped through it to figure out what it was and tried to not look past that. It was tempting, though, because the contents made him feel the tiniest bit sated for the first time since he’d started working here.
They were flash sheets for tattoos. It had to be hers, right? There was energy to them that he’d ached for but turned his back from. So when she came back, he brought it up very plainly.
“You forgot something here,” he said when she came up to the counter. He produced the portfolio bag.
“What, is it not yours?”
“No, no, it is! I just didn’t realize I’d even lost it!”
“How the hell did you manage that?!”
“A swiss cheese brain full of holes,” she laughed. “...Also, I’ve been really busy.”
“What would make you so busy you forget a giant stack of art like that?”
“....Whatever. It’s none of my business.” He started to properly ring her up before something occurred to him. “You bought the same succulent last week,” he commented, furrowing his brow. “And a few other times before. What’s so great about it, anyways?”
She made a face of discomfort and surprise, and he felt the same distant shame that he messed this last (even if imagined) connection to that life, too.
“...maybe you can help me, because I keep killing it.”
“You killed a succulent in a week?!”
“No! I mean. I don’t know, is that even possible?”
“First time for anything,” Ranmaru snorted.
“Okay,” she said, putting hands on the counter challengingly. “Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not one of those serial plant killers.”
Ranmaru just looked back at her incredulously. “You sure about that?”
“If it’s not a succulent, I know what I’m doing! I got a whole brood of chili plants and herbs and spiderplants…”
“You’re overwatering it.”
“You haven’t even seen the plant.”
“Yeah, I don’t have to. Everything else you mentioned doesn’t shit the bed if you water them too much, and succulents are stupidly sensitive to that kind of stuff. Are the leaves falling off if you barely even poke them?”
“......Yeah…” She looked apprehensive, almost resentful for a moment.
Ranmaru knew he shouldn’t, but he just kept talking. “I can’t tell you what you wanna do with your plants, but it sounds overwatered.  Don’t water it at all for a couple weeks. Make sure the drainage is good, repot it if it isn’t. Bring it in if you’re still fucking it up.”
“You sure are rude as shit when a plant buddy’s life is on the line, huh?”
“What’s the point of buying a plant if you’re just going to kill it?! You’re just throwing away your money that way,” he grumbled, embarrassed. Him, caring about plants passionately. That didn’t feel right for his image, but it felt more wrong to just let people uselessly throw away their time and money just to give a living thing no future.
“I mean, I’m also buying dupes right now to spruce up my workspace, it’s not like I just have a graveyard for my cash and failed succulents.”  
Ranmaru grunted. “Just bring ‘em in if they’re still giving you trouble. I can give you some cartons to make carrying ‘em easier.”
“Ahhhh, nah, don’t worry about it. I work across the street. It’s no problem.”
“Where?” He had a feeling he knew already.
“Oh, the tattoo parlor. I’m actually headed back there right now.”
“....Guess I could just as easily go over there.”
“Hey, and you could get a tattoo from me while you’re at it!” she laughed. “Here, hold on.” She fumbled a little before handing over her business card. Ranmaru studied it briefly before pocketing it gratefully.
When she tried to hand him money, he held a hand up.
“...Pay when you stop killing ‘em. I should’ve checked in sooner, and you get so much from here already, anyways.”
“...You’re sure.”
“If you feel guilty, then take my advice seriously.”
“....Weird business model, but I like it. I can’t give you a discount on ink, if that’s what you’re after.”
“Hell no. Go back to work. Come back when you stop watering them so much.”
“Alright, fine, fine. You drive a hard bargain,” she said with a laugh, scooping the plant into her hand. “I’ll see you next time I fuck ‘em up some other way.”
She left, and Ranmaru realized she forgot her portfolio bag again.
He didn’t do much of anything except sleep, eat, take care of the neighborhood strays, and work anymore, but he thought about practicing bass again. He didn’t have amps, pedals, or much of anything anymore, either sold in desperation or lifted by former bandmembers in spite, but his actual basses he couldn’t let go of. Sentimentality or some promise to himself this arrangement was temporary, he guessed.
He studied the business card a lot. Something about the style of the art on it felt right, beyond it being the dose of the studs, sweat, and tears he missed. He didn’t bother trying to describe it to himself further than that; it just felt right, and that’s all he needed to know, but it didn’t stop him from lying awake in bed, staring at it as he struggled to sleep or get out.
Eventually that led to the temptation of looking through the portfolio more thoroughly. He gave in after washing his hands so thoroughly he wouldn’t get the dirt of potting soil or the grease of human hands on it. Not out of secrecy, more out of respect.
Not all of them were things he’d say he was interested in -- science fiction, cartoons, dinosaurs, other stuff he didn’t recognize -- but so much was riffing on images, bands, lyrics, album covers that built his tastes in rock. Even models of bass guitars he’d tried to save up for, once upon a time. It didn’t match the tattoowork he was used to seeing, the lines and compositions feeling more like they belonged in a comic book or a gig poster.
It felt good. It was a small vision of the kind of future he’d wanted. Art and energy like that, paired with his music. He’d forgotten how the excitement of chasing a good future felt, much less feeling like it was even vaguely within grasping distance.
His eyes fell on an image that wouldn’t leave him. A severed, snarling wolf head, out of which winding leaves and vines and stems grew, blooming into orchids.
She didn’t come back for weeks. He went about this life as usual, but some days he’d find his fingers sliding over the smooth neck of one of his basses, missing their calluses as the strings dug into them. But the motions never left him, at least, and they hit notes like barely any time had passed.
He should give that portfolio back to her already. But he’d found himself looking at its contents more and more when he missed the stage so much he physically ached. He couldn’t be imagining this feeling this art made him have, not after this long.
At one point he made a copy of the wolf with orchids growing out of it. He cut it out, unbuttoned his shirt, taped it over his heart, and looked at himself in the mirror, and for the first time since the old couple took him in, he didn’t feel like a houseplant.
He came to the parlor with the portfolio in hand on a lunch break soon after that. She looked uncomfortably unoccupied, her area empty of clients while the other tattoo beds were occupied. He didn’t bother with the receptionist before calling her name. She practically jumped out of her skin from surprise.
He just presented the portfolio bag.
“Do you just not want your art back?”
“...It just slipped my mind.”
Because you’ve been busy, Ranmaru thought to himself as he looked at the empty tattoo bed.
“Did you kill your new plants yet?”
She straightened up and her whole demeanor changed, from the moon to the sun. “Now that I can rub in your face. Look, look, come see.”
She had a small planter of succulents, nestled among spideplants and a red prayer he remembered selling her. The spiderplant and red prayer looked healthy. The succulents didn’t look amazing, but they certainly weren’t on their way to meet their maker.
“Not bad. I’ll rec you some better succulent soil next time you come in. Whenever that is.”
“I figured I’d wait more than one watering cycle before I came in parading like a pageant queen.”
“Too many and I bet you’d be holding another plant funeral,” he said with a wry smile. “But take your shit back already. I’m tired of all your art being at my place where I’m the only one looking at it.”
“...Wait, hold on. Did you look through it?”
“....Sorry. It’s been weeks. I liked your business card and curiosity got the better of me.”
“Oh…” She looked not disappointed, just surprised. “So...you mean, like. Thumbing through the pages looking at it, not just staring at the bag look at it.”
“Is it a secret project or something?”
“No, no. Just…” She hesitated. “Some flash sheets that didn’t do well is all.”
“Really?” Ranmaru was surprised. “These?”
“...Yes? Did I forget something else in there?”
“No. Just. Surprised they didn’t do well. I like ‘em. There’s a good energy to them.”
“Well, that makes you the first,” she said with a hollow laugh.
Ranmaru barely considered with his head what he was about to ask. He’d already chewed it over so much and knew in his heart his answer that he didn’t need to hesitate.
“If nobody else claimed it, I want one of them,” he said resolutely. “The wolf with the orchids.”
“...What, like, now?”
“I’m on lunch, I can’t do now. But….when’s the earliest you got?”
She laughed grimly. “When do you get off work?”
“Then I’m available at six.”
“Then I’ll be here.”
She looked at him in disbelief.
“...You really want it that bad?”
“Don’t tell me what I want,” he growled. “I saw it and it felt right, thinking about it on me. Orchids are a part of my name, anyway.”
“....Okay, you know what? Let’s do this properly. We’ll do a consult at six. I’ll edit the design so it’s more personalized to you, then we’ll schedule an actual appointment you’re actually prepped for so you don’t pass out on the table. And don’t -- “ She caught him about to insist before the words could come out of his mouth. “-- I’m sure you think you’re real tough, but you can’t just tough guy your nervous system into taking more pain unprepared.”
“Fine. See you at six.”
Ranmaru wanted to tell her the hurry was less because he thought he could take it, and more because he was so ready to have it on him. He didn’t, though, and just left, head buzzing with hazy, overwhelming excitement he didn’t know how to express.
Consulting with her on the drawing was more fun than Ranmaru had had in weeks, maybe months. She stayed past her coworkers to do the consult, so they had the parlor to themselves to discuss edits. She played doom metal in the background, sludgy and slow enough that they could properly have a conversation, but the energy as she discussed the drawing with him, drew in edits, and made conversation was exhilarating like a concert.
It was so easy to talk. Even if he was short or blunt, it didn’t seem to stop her from continuing the conversation, and every development they pushed it in just felt good. He didn’t feel invaded, but he didn’t feel insignificant, either, and the way the drawing was going, he felt a kind of known he had lacked.
“I still can’t believe you want your first ink on your pec like that,” she remarked as she refined linework. Ranmaru enjoyed watching how her pen moved.
“It’s over my heart. Not just my chest.”
“That’s, uh.” She hesitated before capping the pen. “.......Are you really sure about this?”
“...” Ranmaru felt himself recoil at the thought of telling her the depth of what this drawing made him feel, but he wanted to communicate, somehow, that he couldn’t imagine regretting this. “I’m absolutely sure.”
“.......” She hesitated again. “This isn’t….a pity thing, right?”
The thought to hold his tongue actually managed to occur to him in time. The doubt she expressed pissed him off in so many different ways. That she was unsure enough to tell him, and that it was there to begin with. The thought of throwing away this connection just to be pissed made his stomach twist, and he thought of the person he saw in the mirror with the drawing taped to his chest that first time.
“This isn’t a pity thing,” he said stiffly as he forced his voice down. “....I saw that drawing and imagined myself with it. And I liked that vision of myself more than the current me.”
“Oh god,” she said, her face bright red. “That’s so goddamn deep. My dumb fuckin’ wolf really made you feel that?”
“It’s not dumb!” he barked. “Why’re you calling it dumb to me? I’m about to get it tattooed on me, aren’t I? Be prouder of your work!”
She took a deep breath after a moment of being totally taken aback. “....You’re right. Thanks. I should be more professional about this. So….my absolutely majestic, heaven-sent fuckin’ wolf really made you feel all that?”
Ranmaru felt his mouth crook into a smile. “Yeah. I want it to be mine, and I want that better me to be mine, too.”
She smiled back widely. “I’ll do your tit justice, then.”
The appointment was that weekend. When she pressed the stencil against his bare chest, he felt the hunger in him sated for just a moment. Not in a carnal urge sort of way, but more like the path forward felt brighter. Possible. Changes and connection and a future was possible again. He wanted more ink from her already, but he also wanted it to not just be that. He wanted a friendship.
“Okay,” she said as he laid on the table in front of her. “Ready?”
The whir of the machine and needles started and stirred a nervousness in his gut that he hadn’t expected, and he hesitated and gasped for a sec.
“...You OK?”
“Yeah,” he grunted. “Just…nervous.”
“Take a deep breath. It’s not too late to rethink or reschedule if you need more time.”
“No.” He was resolute. “I want this.”
She paused. “....I can’t do this the whole time. But just to get you comfortable.”
She offered her left hand to him to squeeze. He hesitated for a moment before taking it, folding each finger over hers. He can’t remember the last time he touched someone like this.
“...Okay. Deep breath. Let out out slowly…there we go. Ready?”
The needle plunged into him, and while it hurt, he felt excitement and renewal spreading through to his fingertips.
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lazarustrashpit · 4 years
Hey if you want to be an artist, I want to be artist but on the side since I am worried about the financial situation and I have to get a career and stay in school that’s what my parents say do you think I can become an artist still or? Or how do you manage? I’m not sure o becoming an artist since I’m not that good at digital, colors but I would like to be but in a more financially stable future.
Hi anon,
They don’t call us starving artists for no reason.
I’m not sure I’m the best person suited to answer this, as this is something I personally struggle with in becoming a full-time illustrator. However, I’m going to give you as honest of an answer as I can based on my own experiences. Please note, that I do not speak on the behalf of other artists. 
I’ve been a graphic designer for over 10 years, and an art director for a production company for half of that. What you see me doing on social media is something out of pure hobby. Fan art doesn’t pay my bills.
Short answer: Yes, it’s possible to become a full time artist and be financially stable. Is it easy? DEFINITELY NOT. Like with literally anything, it takes a lot of work and dedication to be successful. I’ve had the pleasure of conversing and working with several different types of artists. We’ve all struggled and continue to struggle, but the pay off is incredibly rewarding, if you can get your foot in the right door... but you gotta find the right door to begin with. What kind of artist are you interested in becoming? 
Artist is a vary vague term. There’s so many different career paths for each specialty. Comics: Pencilers, inkers, colorists, letterers; Concept artists: props, vehicles, costumes, backgrounds, fauna, aliens, buildings; Animation: 3d modeling, flash animation, compositing, rigging, storyboards, 2d hand drawn animation, 3d computer animation, stop motion animation. There’s a lot of positions out there. Saying you want to be an artist is like saying I want to be a doctor. Okay, but what type? Podiatrist? Veterinarian? Neurologist? Pediatrician? Psychiatrist?
Long scary answer below the cut.
Disclaimer: I’m not speaking on behalf of other artists, just my own opinion from my own experiences. Also, I am in no way trying to discourage you because a lot of what is written below is negative. The last thing I’d want is to deprive the world of another artist, but I also don’t want to provide some sort of false hope.
Being a full time artist is not easy. It’s extremely competitive regardless of what industry you want to dive into. It’s a lot of work and sleepless nights overcoming deadlines, your own self-esteem, and the biggest hurdle of all, finances.
Choosing any career is a big deal. As stated above, you have to do your research to really understand what you’re going to get yourself into. What’s the job market like for where you currently live? If there are not enough opportunities, are you willing to move for work? Yes, a lot of jobs can be done remotely, but if we’re talking about being financially stable, your best bet is to get yourself in with a studio full-time or on a long contract project. Freelance artistry is difficult—you set and negotiate your own rates for projects, and you’re responsible for marketing yourself to keep getting jobs, not to mention you are more susceptible to getting scammed and taken advantage of. And with social media being a driving force for a lot of marketing, you’re constantly fighting with the algorithm to get your work seen. Not to mention, there’s a lot of pressure because you get paid per project and if you can’t land a project, then you’re not getting paid. Whereas if you can work for a studio, the work is brought to you on a consistent basis, provided you can keep up with the demands and perform to the task at hand. A lot of the work may be repetitive and time sensitive, but it will be steady. Working for a studio/business gets you benefits like retirement options, health benefits, vacation/sick pay, tuition reimbursement, etc. 
There’s also the other side of being a freelance artist that no one ever really talks about. Everyone thinks that we spend every day just pumping out art, which is somewhat true, but we don’t often talk about the missing the endless emails with clients, the constant marketing, searching on artstation, fiverr, etc for gigs, querying literary agents, changing your portfolio(this is another thing I can talk about for days so hit me up in DMS if you want to discuss) constantly to reflect your very best work, keeping up on all your social media platforms to engage your audience, honestly, finding an audience in general is another conversation, dealing with carpel tunnel and other muscle related injuries... it goes on and on.
I moved 3000 miles across the United States from my hometown to California for better work opportunities. Are you prepared to work another job(s) to make ends meet? I worked in retail and a handful of odd jobs for several years before I fell into an actual full-time art job. 
Ultimately, it really depends on how passionate you are about this, and how much you’re willing to struggle to get to do what you want. For me, I fall into a very depressive state if I can’t flex my creative muscles for even one day. I worked as an event coordinator for several years, and was never worried about money. However, despite being financially well-off, I was so incredibly miserable every single day because I just didn’t have the energy to draw when I got home. It was nearly impossible for me to get out of bed every morning. Then, I landed a job as a graphic designer, I made less, but I was so much happier, but it still wasn’t enough. I would work a full day and still come home and draw something after having dinner, even though I had already spent 8 hours being creative beforehand. It’s literally something I just need to do to be happy. It helps me relax and de-stress. So, what I’m saying is, if you’re not passionate about it, don’t make it your main focus. Why open a restaurant if you’re not ready to wake up at 3 am to bake bread or go to the fish market for fresh ingredients? 
In the end, I’d rather be dirt poor and drawing, than be wealthy and miserable. But that’s not for everyone. It really, really, really, just depends on who you are.
A lot of artists have day jobs and do art on the side for supplemental income. If you have the drive to keep that up, because it will be taxing on your physical and mental health (please take proper breaks), then please pursue it. I would NEVER want to discourage anyone from pursuing art as a career or hobby. I just want to be real about the struggle. The beautiful thing about art is that it’s never too late to fall into. It just takes time and dedication to the craft. I’ve spoken with dozens of animators that didn’t fall into it until they were in their 30s and now work full-time for Disney. Anything is possible if you have the talent and the drive for improvement. 
Again, I’m not speaking on any other artists’ behalf. I’m sure we all have differing opinions and experiences on the topic. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about this further. As you can see, I can ramble about this for days, so I’m just gonna shut up now lol
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amaikana · 4 years
the self-indulgent TPN teen life/school/soulmate AU pt.1
--- part 01 || part 02 || part 03 --- p.s.: this sets in no real place in particular, but for personal convenience sake I’m referencing to my own country which has the school system and social culture similar to Japan including the seniority thing
p.s.s.: I use the term “senior” and “junior” instead of “upperclassman” and “underclassman” for (again) personal convenience sake ---
RAY GRACE (17 yo, 2nd year High School)
Isabella’s biological son and Norman & Anna’s step-brother
Definitely has siscon & brocon but he just refuses to admit it
Has extra soft spot for Anna, literally never snaps at her
Argues with Norman all the time about lunch menus and physics theories
Works part-time in neighborhood Bakery, uses his employee discount to treat Norman & Anna all the time but still claims he doesn’t overly love them to this day
The “School Prince” because he has the “cool and aloof” image except that he’s actually just being tired all the time
Tricked into joining the basketball club but turned out to be very good at it and before he knew it everyone nominated him to become the captain (still questioning why he’s still staying until this time, just doesn’t want to admit that he actually cares about his team)
Joining the Student Council mainly for the sake of having enough good portfolio to apply for college scholarship
Senior member of Human Resource Division; Head of Disciplinary Committee; known for that scary senior you better not mess with (actually got that Disciplinary Committee position by random draws and just appears grumpy all the time because lack of sleep)
Fixing everyone’s phones/computers as a hobby and additional side job
“Fighting” with the girls’ basketball club’s captain, Violet, like every week for getting turn using the the school’s court
Actually soulmates with Violet, but never really brings it up because he doesn’t believe in soulmates
NORMAN GRACE (16 yo, 1st year High School)
Formerly “Norman Ratri”
Anna’s biological brother and Ray’s step-brother
Was a student at Lambda Academy (a prestigious school) but decided to transfer because he thinks a school full of genius gets too boring
Formerly Anna’s partner-in-crime against Ray, now mostly Emma’s partner-in-crime against their siblings
Soulmates with Emma, initially decided to just be casual friends but ended up getting along too well as partner-in-crimes
Stealing Ray’s popularity at school just within the first week after he transferred
Junior member of the Student Council Public Relation Division, but often gets assigned to Ray’s division projects anyway because he and Ray just works too well as a team
Initially barely gets along with Ray and only did it for his sister’s sake, but this changed after Ray got suspended from school in 5th grade because his brother (mistakenly) defended him from bullies (it was actually his classmates playfully messing with him but Ray misunderstood lol)
He and Ray often play chess to determine who’d get the turn with the Nintendo switch at weekends (he mostly wins lol)
Everyone thinks the spoiling brother to Anna is Ray but it’s actually him
Loves bugging Ray too much ever since he realized that Ray never really gets mad at him and Anna
Working on website coding freelance gigs every now and then. Initially wanted to get a ‘real’ part-time job like Ray, but Ray was so against it because “you have weakass immune system and no one wants to take care of your sick ass all the time, idiot!”
ANNA GRACE (14 yo, 2nd year Middle School)
Formerly “Anna Ratri”
Norman’s biological sister and Ray’s step-sister
The “motherly” one out of the trio siblings
Thinking that Ray was scary when they first meet, but this changed after Ray taught her how to properly take care of sick people when Norman got hit with a high fever and their Mom wasn’t home
Formerly Norman’s partner-in-crime against Ray, now mostly taking Ray’s side to team up against Norman
Good at cooking but loves Ray’s cooking more
Had a childish crush on Ray years ago, but grew out of it eventually because Ray keeps treating her just like he treats Norman
Arguably the most popular girl, nicknamed the “School’s Princess”
Turning down love confessions almost daily
Joins the Fashion & Design club with Gilda
Gilda is both her best-friend and her favorite senior at school, much to Norman and Ray’s displeasure
Vice President of the Middle School Department’s Student Council, which makes her popular among the teachers too
She really loves the idea of soulmates, but sadly she was born with “defects” and didn’t get the “proper” soulmate mark
She’s dating Nat anyway, even though Nat’s actual soulmate is not her
Works part-time as child model, she met Nat when she’s doing photoshoot for the promotional ads of Junior Pianist Competition that Nat participated in.
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birdycurtains · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
once again thank you sm @ironndred for tagging me!! :)
Are you staying home from school/work?
yes ma’am. online classes, have not, nor ever will be the move. i have learned nothing, thank you mr. governor for not passing all students during a crisis. it’s hard enough that a whole class is missing their graduation, and so many senior milestones :(
If you’re staying home, who is there with you?
i have my kitties! mickey and goose are the loves of my life. 
Are you a homebody?
most times, yes. i can’t say my day-to-day schedule is different than before quarantine began lol.
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
a nyc trip! i love that city so much, and i love visiting the met even more and i’m so sad i can’t go this year. i guess the art isn’t going anywhere..
What movies have you watched recently?
- spider-man homecoming: this one is a must, i could watch it every day if my emotions could handle it, always tugs on my heartstrings
- jumanji: the one with robin williams of course, such a nostalgic movie for me, i remember watching the vhs tape dozens of times.
- andddd harry potter and the chamber of secrets and prisoner of azkaban
what can i say? i’m a simple girl of simple things, i see a harry potter marathon and i can’t help myself
What shows are you watching?
- daredevil: i love matt, foggy, and karen so much...
- tiger king: like everyone else.. i just couldn’t look away
- law & order: svu: i am on a mission to watch from the beginning!
What music are you listening?
- Mother Mother: Oh Ana
- Lincoln: Saint Bernard
- Declan McKenna: In Blue
- Kacey Musgraves: Golden Hour
- Sufjan Stevens: Mystery of Love, and the album Carrie & Lowell
- the 1975: jesus christ 2005 god bless america
- phoebe bridgers: the album stranger in the alps, garden song, and the gold
- and always, absolutely any song by fleetwood mac or the smiths.
What are you reading?
all the fics of course, if you have super angsty heart breaking fics for literally anything please send my way i’m trying to break my own heart here.
and shakespeare for a class. i usually enjoy shakespeare, until it’s for a grade.
What are you doing for self-care?
sleep till noon, cook up some bomb ass food, don’t do my assignments on time, and go on pinterest and tiktok for hours.
Any big projects you’re working on?
yes actually, @starkerdreams gave me some inspiration to hop on my keyboard and attempt to play it, so i have some sufjan stevens chord progressions to work on. 
always adding to my art portfolio when i can, so that’s technically an ongoing project?
and i’ve been trying to more present in my ship communities on tumblr, so i’ve been working on more content and what not :)
Plans for when the quarantine is over?
go exploring in some abandoned places i shouldn’t be, go to chinatown and eat, and do some things i shouldn’t with my best friends lmao.
da taglist: @sarcasmandsugar @silentsunplays @honeybunstarker @diablefatale @disaster-dan
y’all responded to my last tag, but no need to do this one if you don’t want to do another :)
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emi2680-blog · 4 years
Life Begins at 40 and so does my Freelancing Journey
The news was all over about the recent #Lebanon explosion. The videos I saw, feels like it was only from a movie scene. It was surreal for me. At least 157 people were killed and thousands are wounded in a massive explosion that shook #Beirut on August 4, 2020 Tuesday. Hundreds have been reported missing, raising fears that the death toll would still go up. With the current pandemic that is crashing the healthcare system in every nation, how can this happen? How would even their hospitals accommodate the patients needed to be treated from the pandemic, then this explosion? What's with the year 2020, I'm wondering. What's happening next? Everyone is getting anxious. All boils down with nothing is certain in this world. Economy and means of living is crashing too. We have to do something. I know it's not easy, but there is no way that we should give up. Am I late to start my Freelancing Journey? I am in a situation wherein I have to earn for a living that I can stay at home. It was last year, when I have been reading some articles and feeds from the Facebook, about working from home. #Freelancing, working thru a computer desktop or laptop and earning relatively higher than regular jobs here in the Philippines. I was starting to entertain the thought of trying these out. But to be honest, I am not confident about myself. I had that fear that I can't do it. And I was skeptical with Facebook pages that sell online courses. I don't know where and how to start. Until finally, I saw a Facebook ad from Filipino Virtual Assistance. The courses' lessons, prices and notes indicated were understandable. And I got that instinct, this is it! Something sparked inside of me. I told myself, I wouldn't know if I can do this, if I wouldn't even give it a try. I enrolled in their #Freelancing Course, and it was not a smooth path. It was overwhelming, to be honest. There were times, a lot of times actually - that I told myself, I can't do this, it's so hard. I almost gave up. But of course, there is no way I would do that. And I should say, Coach Grace and the whole FVA Academy, were really supportive. They told me, that I can do it. And taught me to believe in myself. I started putting up my Upwork and Olj accounts. Taking the baby steps, I found myself watching the videos, working on my assignments one by one and submit them to Coach Grace. And I felt good whenever I submit a portfolio. Because these #portfolios are the symbols of me overcoming my fear. I was so eager to finish the course, whatever it takes. I know there's a lot to learn. And learning all these things, trying something new at my age today? I should say that," Life begins at 40 ". Was it a coincidence? Lol. Maybe. All I know right now is, learning should be continuous. Persevere, push yourself out of your comfort zone, and pray to the Lord for guidance and strength. What happens next after I finish the course? Am I really finished? No. This is just the start of my #Freelancing journey. A lot to learn, and a lot to accomplish! Not only to earn for a living, but to have that sense of fulfillment, that I have done something relevant and wonderful in my life! Not only for me, but for my family as well. Feel free to view my website and get in touch with me. My contact information are on the website. God bless! 
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dotzines · 5 years
Tumblr media
Artist Spotlights!
🎤 Sigil★Eyed 🥁 spookyfanny 🎷 Spoopypluto
🎺 Stephanie Giovinco 🎸 Tian Masaki 🎻 Tyangerine
Interview below the cut!
Introduce yourself
🎤 Hello~ I'm Erin! A lazy but friendly artist who loves bright colors~ https://sigileyed.tumblr.com/ 🥁 i’m a nonbinary comic artist/illustrator and a stay at home parent to a toddler. i am working on my first webcomic, foxgloves, a lesbian horror mystery, which will begin next year. you can find my portfolio, commission information, and social links at http://spookyfanny.carrd.co 🎷 Hello I'm Spoopypluto! I am your average digital/traditional anime artist and I like to play video games and drawing from time to time. I love magical girls and pokemon! If you want to find me you can check Instagram and Tumblr @Spoopypluto ♡ 🎺 I am a narrative illustrator from New York, NY. I work in both traditional and digital media specializing in a very old technique called egg tempera where I make my own paints and gesso to use on panel. I have a deep love for storytelling and that is the basis for all of my work, whether it be traditional or digital. You can find me on Instagram @StephanieGiovinco and on Twitter @StephGiovinco 🎸 Hello! My name is Tian and I’m a freelance illustrator / graphic designer. I am quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, so be patient with me…! Q u Q I love video games, art, photography, basically anything that involves the arts. I do mostly traditional art and occasionally digital art. You can find my work at www.artstation.com/tianmasaki. Most of my work involves colorful and detailed abstract background as I strive to bring a smile to your face upon seeing my work. I want to express a certain feeling from me to you. Overall, nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy my work! 🎻 Hello! My name is Ty! I'm an artist and an animator. This is my first time getting into a zine, and i'm very excited. I'm a big fan of Pokemon and Touhou, and i even have a few original stories. My work can be found here Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tyangerine/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mintdeagon?s=03 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/poptropica893 DA: https://www.deviantart.com/tyangerine Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mintdeagon
Do you do commissions post? Where can we find the info?
🎷 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=167xlfPH1QszkjbYlG0craV5CQly_htgC
🎻 https://twitter.com/mintdeagon/status/1131347796399992833
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
🎤 yup! usually music~ mostly pop 🥁 usually, i am either listening to music or rewatching my favorite tv shows while i work. 🎷 I listen to music or watch videos while I draw, usually for background noises but when it comes to music I like it to listen to certain genres and themes to keep my mind at a creative mode. 🎺 I'm big into music, I believe that it can influence how and what I come up with. A lot of the times I will have a specific playlist for a piece just so I can keep a consistent mood through out a piece. If I want to have a neutral setting while I work, I usually just throw on a murder mystery documentary and get to it. 🎸 All the time! It helps me focus and relax at the same time. Sometimes a song can inspire me to draw through art block as well. My genre of music can go from pop to hardcore rock, then back to instrumental and indie, in many different languages as well. 🎻 I do! It's helpful background noise.
What’s your favorite music artist/band? If you could ask your favorite band/music artist one question, what would it be?
🎤 A Crow is White has been a favorite for a while now~ i really love their whispery vocal style~ 🥁 i would simply ask stevie nicks for her best witch tips. 🎺 This may be unbelievable, but I don't have one particular absolute favorite artist/band. I love so many different types of music it is so hard to pick one favorite. I guess if I really had to pick *one* I would pick Ella Fitzgerald. I would love to ask her what it was like to be a woman of color making a living as a jazz artist in the era that she lived. 🎸 I have too many to list, but if I could ask one question to my favorite musician, then I would want to know what inspired them to make a song. 🎻 Yoko Shimomura! I wonder how she always seems to make dynamic music
Do you play an instrument? If not would you like to play one? Which one?
🎤 nope but i've been interested in picking up bass~   🥁 i have been teaching myself the ukulele the last couple years! my favorite songs to play are “f*ck was i” by jenny owens young and “us” by regina spektor. 🎷 I don't play any sadly haha 🎺 Sadly, I am not able to play any instrument. I just completely skipped that in school. I think I would really love to play the guitar or banjo. The guitar because it is an instrument thats sound really excites me in music. And the banjo because it is notoriously hard to play, so it would be cool to say I could. Maybe even a hurry-gurdy. Who knows. 🎸 I used to play the electric piano back when I was young, but not anymore. If I wanted to learn an instrument again, I would like to play an electric guitar because of guitar hero. [LOL] 🎻 I actually played multiple instruments in middle school. They were all percussion instruments!
Which song(s) are you going to draw?
🎤 i'll be illustrating Hi-speed Muteppou by A Crow is White 🥁 “i wish i was the moon” by neko case 🎷 I will be doing Dream Dream Dream by Madeon 🎺 I am going to be illustrating Past Lives by BORNS 🎸 Lollipop - Mika Battle Symphony - Linkin Park and probably more if time permit. 🎻 Katte Ni Kaizou Shite Mo Ii Ze - Kenji Ohtsuki
What do you expect from this zine?
🎤 i'm really curious to see the variety of music~ Maybe i'll find a new favorite band! 🥁 i expect to hear a lot of cool music that i have never heard before! and also push myself to work outside of my comfort zone. 🎷 The wonderful pieces everyone will be making with the songs they have chosen and even listening to some of the songs they had picked! 🎺 Just to have a whole lot of fun and discover some new music. Maybe even make some new friends in the art world. 🎸 I am excited to see how everyone interprets their favorite songs through their own means. I also thank you for letting me be a part of it as well. I can’t wait to see the zine in full blossom! <3 🎻 I expect to have a fun time with it! I can't wait to see the finished product
Anything else you want to add?
🥁 so excited to be a part of this zine and seeing people’s interpretations of their favorite songs 🖤 🎷 Thank you for making this zine, this is my first time working in a zine and I hope I do well for this project! ♡ 🎻 Thank you, Dot Zines for accepting me!
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