#or try out new labels
ghastbutlikegay · 2 years
btw i love queer people and being queer
#nothing prompted this i just really love queerness#im just. thinking about how fucking cool it is to be specifically genderqueer#(a term ive recently realized describes me pretty well)#like!#i do not fit into the traditional idea of gender roles and the gender binary#and it's like. it feels really fucking liberating to just not even care whats expected of me#thats also why im considering sticking it/its in my bio next to he/him#i still describe myself as 'a dude i guess'#but theres like. so much more than that going on with my experience with gender#which is kind of expressed through like. my interest in assorted alternative subculturs#my clothes and makeup#my use of whatever gendered terms i feel like using toward myself in the moment#i simultaneously feel like a weird little creature that doesnt have a gender but is emulating human gender for fun#and just some guy who also happens to like wearing skirts and nail polish#also! seeing other queer people exist is so fucking cool#and im filled with love for other queer people every time i hear someone try new pronouns#or grow their hair out or cut it off#or try out a gnc look#or try out new labels#or talk about queer love and attraction#or when someone with rainbow socks and a pronoun button compliments my hair#or when the closeted queer kids at the party see me there in my black jeans and half-open button up#with my short hair and painted nails#and go 'this is the first person im going to come out to'#'this person is safe. this person understands'#it's just. so fucking cool#i love queer people. i love being queer
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
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oh yeah red envelope WIP btw
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captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
If I could create a law of the internet it would be this: There is no word so specific or so well-defined that people online won't misuse it until it is absolutely meaningless.
That shelf is going to buckle under the weight of all the words we've had to put up on it and we are still finding new words to redefine into oblivion every single day
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zymstarz · 7 days
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yeah sure that's how i'll [re]come out
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#zymart#zymtalk#rant in the tags ->#okay listen to me this is really important and also i have a witness. this was not intentionally supposed to be posted on june 1st#the stars just aligned for this to be at its funniest. which means its also easier for me to dismiss LOL#i drew this like a week ago after trying to draw a whole like. 5 page comic about it and then stopping it mid-board#bc it was horrifying imagining being perceived that much. so i needed to make it into a joke instead and this was the funniest route#and then i was like 'UGH. UGH!!!! i can not be 20 and deal with this like im 13. if i dont post it by the end of the week#then [the witness to all my rants on this topic. shoutout to twig bc they got the most of it] can joke abt it as if i did anyway'#and now its the end of the week and i looked at the date and went 'oh my god didnt may just start what happened'#'WAIT ITS JUNE FIRST. GOD. THATS TOO FUNNY TO NOT SAY SOMETHING' and who am i if i dont prioritize the bit honestly#in all honesty. kinda hate it! not bc of internalized homophobia but actually bc of internalized arophobia that has somehow been emphasized#after having my brain shift from '1000% aromantic without a doubt no exceptions' to 'just arospec ig lol??'#but tragically as it turns out. you can not just try and self analyze yourself into speedrunning closure.#horrible news for the oscar zymstarz community frankly#SO i needed a way 2 justify shoving this off my plate and into the trash as fast as possible.#im impatient and cant acknowledge my own emotions. its a flaw im working on it#oh and for all the ppl who know the running gag abt 'my allegations' [i do not have any real allegations for anyone not in jems server]:#that was in fact just a running gag for like well over a year and a half. like that was just a long running bit COMPLETELY unrelated to thi#i only started having this weird sexuality shift or whatever not too long ago lol. like long enough to go through 4 of the 5 stages of grie#[evidently bc like. im posting this. i got close enough to 5 to throw in the towel ykwim]#but on 'oscar zymstarz emotional acknowledgement' time that is....... not long.#but yeah ig tldr like. still ace [thank god] just arospec [probably demiro? i hate trying to figure out my own labels] instead of Aro now#idk none of this is that deep but also like it kinda is unfortunately bc i have to actually talk abt it to be able to ignore it ykwim#but i did! we're done talking abt it now! and now i can act like i dont care and try to make jokes about it to speedrun the rest of it#anyway. Happy Pride everyone. Fukign kitty.#side message to jem. by no means does this mean im not still gonna bully you. its a sign of love but also it is you specific bullying 🫶#you are not safe
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friendofthecrows · 11 months
Watching shows like: can I have some good mentally ill representation?
The shows: sorry, all we have is extremely watered down and inaccurate schizophrenia labeled as "depression." We may have a bit of neat-freak labeled as OCD if you get here 6am thursdays.
Me: I don't like either of those options.
Shows: oh we made a one-line joke about a skinny mean-girl having anorexia :) Will that do?
Me: ...I think I'm going to go ask the podcasts
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*rattles the bars of my cage*
hey mechs tumblr?
what the FUCK do you mean the angel drank bottles of dionysian wine?
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crossbackpoke-check · 6 months
Hello, im wehaveagathering from my main blog, im kind of obsessed with your hockey poetry edits and I think your blog is great! I guess I kind of have a dumb question, where do you find the images you use for your edits? Did you say Getty in your tags?? I’ve gotten into making icons recently (and i have ideas for poetry edits hrrrghhh) but it’s hard to find high res images. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a nice day :)
first of all thank you so much 🥹 and second that’s absolutely not a dumb question!! i do pull a lot of images from getty and i’ll also download pictures from sports articles (i got a lot of the hugheses pictures from online access articles, for example), or sometimes from instagram/facebook/twitter if an account is public. freely admitting that i am not technologically advanced? inclined? in the slightest here, but the image editing software that you use and how you import/export photos with it makes a difference in the quality of them as well!
if you haven’t seen them yet, i would also recommend checking out @simmyfrobby @national-hockey-lesbian @hauntedppgpaints @tapedsleeves @starscelly and @captainbradmarchand’s blogs just off the top of my head!!! they might know more places to get high res images and also i love their work 💕🫶
#sorry can’t type hands all butterfly hearts i’m just out here like 🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭💕💕💕#@ everyone i tagged ty i love you i hope you don’t mind the tag 😘 also i KNOW i am unintentionally forgetting people so tag them at will#forgive me i am eepy. we are running on <4 hours of sleep and over 18 hours awake 🫡#liv in the replies#join the club!!! join the club!!!!! we love the hockey poetry edits!!!!!! i’m so excited to see what you create!!!!! :)))))#the process of me finding images is very much like. either i have a vision in my head and i troll getty looking for it or my screenshots#if i know i have one l m a o but either way i am always 68 pages deep in a hyper specific search labeling my photos like ‘ohHHH buddy’#‘menace 1 abd 2’ ‘but he’s not a cup winner’ ‘ohhhh the nolpat media scrums are rich earth’#‘because WILLY WON’T CUT HIS HAIR’ ‘deJA FUCKIN MILK BAYBE’ ‘is it truly sn edit if u don’t find a devastating baby pic’ ‘yes MF last line’#and so forth. like. glad it’s comprehensible to ME but if anyone else ever tried to use these photos based on file name alone i am so sorry#also i forget that y’all can’t see all of the metadata notes on photos to know where they’re from :/ i gotta be better abt making it clear#also on the note about image quality i just need to state for the record i am so photoshop whatever illiterate.#i learn one (1) new trick on GIMP a year maybe two if i am lucky & no i have never figured out consistent sizing 🫡 but the one hack for res#i HAVE figured out is that when i do edits i usually make a whole doc w/the poem lined up on it (helps me keep somewhat consistent sizing)#and then i export that document as a pdf and edit the pdf in the software instead of trying to screencap or jpeg or anything. PDF quality >#that is probably so convoluted lol if anyone has tips please lmk i am always learning#ANYWAY. rambling u did not ask for but is inherent to Me.#have a great day too!!!!! you literally made mine so 💕😭#wehaveagathering#indecisor
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
Do queer people who gatekeep sexualities and gender identities have nothing better to do like genuinely what is your problem. The whole point of the community is that gender and sexuality are more fuckity wuckity than man or woman, gay or straight and in almost 2024 we STILL have mfs going “nah that’s not a thing :/ you don’t belong in the community” unless they’re causing harm to others I seriously urge you to shut the fuck up. It is the easiest thing in the world to just say “hmm I don’t really understand that. But it’s their life and none of my business” and just move on with your life and let people live theirs. I do not give one iota of a fuck if someone identifies as a wolfgender they/them/bun/bunself AMAB transmasc who is only attracted to butches with curly hair and brown eyes IT DOES NOT AFFECT ME. I’m happy that they’ve found a way to express their identity that feels true to them and then I think about it no further. Like it takes active mental energy and emotion to get pressed over how someone expresses themselves and I don’t understand why you’d put yourself through that stress and then decide to be bitchy and make people feel like shit for being themselves. I’m seriously getting so tired of people in the community acting like it’s a fucking competition or you can only join if you meet X Y and Z criteria as if it’s some college mean girls sorority club. People are actively trying to take our rights away all the time and while this is happening we’re helping them by tearing our teeth into our own. Great
#I’ve just had enough of it exclusionists can fuck off I want nothing to do with you#You’re honestly no better than those LGB Without The T dickheads trying to kick people out for being ‘too weird’ or ‘not queer enough’#I’m always seeing people saying intersex people don’t belong or asexual people don’t belong. What the fuck is wrong with you#You think cishets just treat them normally once they explain who they are? I’d love to live in your world#Yeah they get treated totally fine in a world where ‘virgin’ is used as an insult and babies have forced genital surgery#[sarcasm]#Absolute dumbassery mental gymnastics Jesus Christ#You sound like edgy Conservatives with all the ‘X isn’t real it’s a new thing kids have made up’#That ‘weird’ gender or sexuality label you’ve just found out about? Has always been around#Always. You just have to look for it#And even if it is new WHO. FUCKING. CARES.#The last thing someone who’s just discovered themselves needs is more bigotry from the people who are meant to accept them#Unless they’re literally doing blackface or are an actual zoophile or some shit leave them the fuck alone they’re not hurting anyone#They’re not. I promise you being confused by something you don’t understand isn’t harm#Where’s that post about how discomfort and harm aren’t the same thing#Work on that shit.#Anyway I need to stop you all do my fucking head in#personal#vent#rant#queer discourse#queer politics#queer infighting#queerphobia#lgbtq#queer#trans#transphobia#acephobia#anti exclusionist
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boreal-sea · 2 years
Guys. I was already looking forward to bottom growth just as a concept, but lemme tell you. Actually HAVING it? So fucking awesome. I'm considering making a second blog or a side blog just to talk about how great bottom growth is.
Do not be afraid of bottom growth. It fucking rocks. A chungus clitungus. A lil sausage. A Mr. Bean. A teeny weenie.
It's the best thing in the world.
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i have to say... i think the mta is moving in the right direction with this (relatively) new winter weather service map... its certainly more readable than some of the other new map designs theyve piloted recently though i do think the lack of geographical references in some areas is a problem. also why did they have to put the little walking guy in a hat and cape (????) like ok cute but it took me like 5 mins to figure out what it was lol
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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pre-holiday leave crumbs
#sk8 the infinity#kyan reki#hasegawa langa#renga#hey. if I give u a bottle labeled wine with somethin else inside. would u drink it#anyways. tomorrow I Travel#The Turbulance evened out alright! so the Traveling could no longer be postponed#three days on da road babeyy (<- shaking and crying)#goin to a market! I'll try to get a new kitchen knife there. will be better than whatever the fucks goin on in our kitchen rn#anyways. post-fic haze has settled in once again I am simply no thought. this will continue for hopefully five hours#until I gotta get up for car time#kinda whittling down the 20yo reki design slowly to get to a point where it feels Correct#20yo langa is already perfect. maybe to nobody but me but I stand the fuck by it#I believe in langa looking like a guy lesbians would hit on by accident in his 20s. I hold myself to it#oh yeah if ur asking. no that was not a cigarette in the first pic. sorry Im a tightass about smoking thats a lollipop#in my head its the pickled mango flavour that alpenliebe already made a hard candy version of here#hard sour candy shell with. chili salt core. it is good (?) but it hurts my stomach (I will not stop eating them)#also if u catch the acc name going outside the panel in the comic. its bc I could NOT leave it at just 'random white girl'#it has to be the full thing I cannot do this fake fictional twitter user like that#literally the only preliminary caution I take for funny comics. nothign else makes sense I dont care. this is necessary however#anyways. it is time for baku to be horizontal and shit. so here we goooo#have a good nite lads! idk what will happen in the next 3 days! will most probably be silent! and then dip pen comms will open again#eat well sleep well! two daysborday until labor day
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elvenking42 · 6 months
#when i was in high school i played a party game with some of my classmates at a get-together where you had to rank people on questions#yearbook style awards really. whos the most handsome. who's the most annoying etc etc#i flew under everyone's radar except for the question who do you think will die a widow#i dont know. i think about that alot. because i was still so unsure of myself and my relationship to gender and sexuality#it sort of felt like everyone in the room pointed a finger at me and labled me UNLOVABLE#and sure. the events of a house party in 2017 shouldn't still effect my day to day life but its sort of hard to ignore that feeling#it wasn't an especially kind thing to leave me with when i graduated and went off to college#i never tried dating in college. i think that unlovable label sort of hung over my head for my entire formal education#i had friends who did date during college. with varying degrees of success. and im really happy for them#but i couldn't bring myself to try and put myself out there. i didnt feel like i was a suitable enough person to even attempt it#idk. then covid hit and i jjst dont enjoy meeting new people#and now im 24. my little sister has more dating experience under her belt and I'm really starting to love up to that dying as a widow omen#whatever. i dont wanna be annoying and sad on everyones feeds I know thats bad manners#but i dont talk about it and ive been thinking about it alot#ill delete this later or something. if i remember to#personal
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
been cosigned by the bi women in my life to say this but i think the whole ‘bi women are 100000x more likely to be victims of partner abuse’ thing gets...almost victim blamey if u think abt it too hard. do we believe that there are men who are totally fine to date as a straight woman but if you’re bi they become Abusers or are we just avoiding thinking too hard about the reality of dating a guy who would hypothetically be beating u if u were bi. are we saying the abuse happens because they’re bi? anyway the elephant in the room is that we’re talking about self-reported statistics here and bi women are more likely to be feminists and informed about consent and coercion and so on in order to RECOGNISE abuse. meanwhile a majority of straight women don’t even believe in marital rape and we know a lot about the lengths people can go to avoid labelling what they experienced/are experiencing as abuse. + DUH sexuality is self reported too so of course going through abuse at the hands of men can be a factor in a woman unpacking compulsory heterosexuality and realising she isn’t straight.
i think it’s important because in one narrative, victim-blaming myths about IPV are subtly reinforced in the name of advocating for bi women while the other recognises that abuse can happen to anyone but bi women are informed and autonomous and not just helpless victims with no choice but to play dating life russian roulette 
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tj-crochets · 1 year
hey i just wanna say, its nice to know other people get fucked over by the 'spices' label on shit at the store. it sucks but you aren't alone in being screwed over by corporations keeping secrets. (i'm allergic to capsaicin, the spicy chemical in chili peppers)
hopefully ur safe food will never be out of stock when you go looking
It is very nice to know I'm not the only one with allergies the "spices" label make very hard to handle, and I'm sorry you're also in this unfortunate group I'm not allergic to capsaicin myself but I can't tolerate it well because it's a vasodilator, so if I eat spicy food it tanks my blood pressure. So, like, not the same, but I know I personally have a lot of trouble figuring out the spice levels of foods I buy, and that's with me being able to tolerate some capsaicin. I'm sure it's a lot harder to try to figure out when you're allergic to it. I hope your safe food is always in stock and never changes their ingredients!
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
i'm not saying this to make any sort of point but as someone who works in canadian theatre, the wga strike is going to have an interesting effect on live entertainment too, like i know multiple people who have lost their jobs or will lose their jobs soon because so much american television is produced here and obviously the iatse union is standing with the wga which it should and i also know that when film crew are out of work like this they often turn to theatre because it's a different local of the same union (and a lot of them started in theatre) and they wind up pushing permits out of work because film crew are usually members which means they get first dibs on all calls even if they don't have much live entertainment experience and even though attitudes in theatre and film are VERY different. And i really really hope the wga gets everything they want, they deserve that and more, but i also hope it happens quickly before young iatse permits get priced out of this city and we get into into another situation like the one right after the pandemic
#when the pandemic hit and live entertainment pretty much died for a few years#most established theatre iatse guys moved into film so when theatre started up again there was this huge crisis#and iatse was so desperate for permits they were literally advertising for them on facebook and weren't requiring advocates or anything#which is a massive fucking deal and also how i got my permit#but it also means theres a ton of experienced film iatse members who aren't averse to jumping ship to a familiar field#and all those new permits who found their opening in that crisis are now in danger of being out of work#in the most expensive city in the country#and as someone who works at a theatre that's labelled a learning theatre by the union (we get all the green permits)#it's going to be very interesting to see what happens next#fortunately we don't pay as well as many of the other venues in the city#but we're more likely to offer steady work#so film guys who want cash will take the jobs at the high paying venues doing dailies and weeklies#and the ones who just want to keep busy will wind up here#i have two very good friends who work for the film union#one decided to take a vacation during the strike (good for her) and the other was let go from star trek and intends to go back to theatre#but knowing the attitude of the well established members and people who got used to film there are going to be Problems#so depending on how long the strike lasts this could actually have some serious ramifications for a lot of people outside of the wga#again i'm not trying to make any sort of point here just getting my thoughts in order in the wake of all these tumblr posts about the strik
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bahrmp3 · 5 months
#personal#now that the new year's has passed I feel like I can talk about it I did not have a good time lmao it started fine I guess? I was going to#play music for the new year but then mum made a comment about me still on laptop so I shut it bc ok fine let's not#then it was down hill from there? like I ignored it and was like let's not make a thing out of it so we are saying what we liked this year#/ what we want to do and mum goes and for my son I want x y z and didn't mention me so joe asks her and for if she has anything to say for#me? any wishes? but she doesn't lmao later on she goes (if only you would say what you want we do not know anything about you)#she didn't even mean it she said just to hurt like I was taking a video of this and lit off frame my face is dropping#later on she goes (and you didn't even say what you wish for us either) as she leaves and later when I'm talking to my brother#and I protest this he goes (welp what can I even say? like I told you before are pretty selfish) and idk what to say I was surprised I#don't think I'm selfish tho? I legit was the one to cook for us and got cake? I try so much but keep being labeled selfish this is the#second time he tells me that in the last two weeks I think and both are unfounded ngl anyway all of this pales in the last thing#so we call dad to say happy new year! Well joe does and I mean ok I was still pretty upset about what happened an hour ago so ofc I wasn't#cheerful when calling dad lmao but like I was saying all the right things anyway? but Joe kept gesturing at me to smile its a phone call#and after the phone call he has like (why are you always so depressed? if I were you and I finally got a laptop I would be flying from joy#why are you always so down? why can't you just be happy?) and I honestly don't know what to say lmao ok so I wasn't flying from joy with#my laptop but idk how to say it here but then like what's worst? being hurt and not a person recognising that you are hurt? and in fact#asking you why aren't you smiling? or idk being too depressed for others?? what's funnier is mum later on was like (don't let anyone words#change you you shouldn't yield to others) in reference to Joe's speech but like hello mama?? not 2 hrs ago???#anyway so I asked her if I shouldn't be listening to her words then? and she was saying yes with confidence like does she not#see either how she hurts me? how she keeps hurting me voer and over and over???#God I should have made that pizza and truly be selfish maybe I wouldnt have been hurt like that#tbd
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