#or whatever they’re called
blitzy-blitzwing · 6 months
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I made a Jazz. :V
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errorr-4o4 · 2 months
With the solar eclipse coming up later today o would like to remind everyone NOT TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD USE SOLAR ECLIPSE GLASSES!!!!!!!
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whorenerdking · 1 year
If you take a lot of context out of star twinkle it’s just a bunch of older men chasing a group of 13 yr old girls
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weirdtinkerbellversion · 10 months
Why doesn’t Tumblr have an option to like someone’s comment? Please and thank you.
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cherrysnax · 5 months
do u guys think mettaton got transformer anatomy
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thxnks4themrms · 6 months
do i reallyyyyyyyyyyy have to join the navy after i graduate high school dad? like ik that everyone on both sides of the family either get a job in the government/security or in medicine but like can’t i just go to med school idrk if i wanna serve my country…….
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truthdawn · 11 months
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ace redesign
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usernamesoft · 1 year
btw im dutch and a control freak perfectionist so imagine the absolute horror i went through every time the show pronounced a name wrong
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manitapaleta · 9 months
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I missed you dad!
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blitzy-blitzwing · 1 month
I’m outta town for the day and I hope there’s an opening at the salon. 🥺🥺
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i feel like the queer community lost when we started policing labels and making sure everyone used the Correct™ labels instead of letting a person decide what feels right for them
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Look I know we don’t really like soft SoapGhost but I do
I just like the thought of them together but the quiet moments. When they’re off mission and they’re exhausted to the point that speaking takes too much out of them, but they can’t seem to drift away from each other, which is surprising for Ghost.
Soap haphazardly tosses his gear off, relishing in the relief his feels while Ghost puts his gear and Soap’s neatly back where it belongs.
They both take a shower together. Soap washing Ghost’s back and hair for him while Ghost lets the hot water wash off the mission.
When they’re dressed in comfier clothes they both crash on the same bed together, barely fitting on it at the same time.
Ghost laying comfortably on his back, Soap laying comfortably on his side.
Ghost has his arm around Soap, his chin nuzzled against his head.
Soap has his arm around Ghost, his ear pressed right against his heart.
The two breathe slowly in unison, sleep not quite there but enough to have them dozing off together in the warmth of each other.
“Glad you made it, Johnny.” Ghost whispers into his hair, the first words he’s spoken since the landed.
“Aye…glad you’re still here, Simon.” Soap whispers back, not one to get any louder.
And after those last few spoken words, as if they needed confirmation they both were still alive, still there, they finally fall asleep.
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rottengurlz · 7 days
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toxic yuri vampires you will always be famous to me
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sirlanval · 2 years
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case workin’ hard or hardly case workin’ ?
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cryptid-muffin · 2 months
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literary nerds <3
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 3 months
@mcyt-aro-week day 3: solidarity / hobbies
It's a quiet day in Pixandria, all things considered, which is nice and rare these days. That is, until Pix hears the telltale sounds of rockets and someone skidding to a halt in the sand outside his storage room.
Pix closes the chest he was rummaging through with a sigh and walks outside to figure out which of his friends has appeared on his metaphorical front lawn. As he pokes his head out the door, he catches a flash of bright green- Jimmy, then, so this will probably be a relatively normal conversation, all things considered.
"Jimmy, hey, what's up?"
Jimmy turns around, frowning, and pulls his codboy hat lower than it's supposed to go so it covers his eyes- bad day, then.
Jimmy sighs, "Pix, can I talk to you about something?"
"Sure, sure, come on in," Pix ushers the man into the top area of the storage room and leans against one of the walls. "What's going on?"
Jimmy buries is head in his hands even further somehow and groans for a second before he starts talking. Very bad day, then.
"Well, I just left Rivendell cause Scott invited me to some sort of alliance meeting, except it wasn't really an alliance meeting, it was a date, and it was really clearly a date cause he had this tunnel of love thing going on and a picnic and it was really nice but I don't- I wasn't prepared and I don't know if I even like him- or anyone- like that but I didn't know how to tell him that in the middle of a date, so I pretended that I didn't know it was one, except it was so obviously a date so now he either thinks I'm even more of an idiot than he already did or that I was, I don't know, playing hard to get or something? I don't know how people think about these things, I just-"
Jimmy, who had been pacing and gesturing wildly the whole time he spoke, stops short, digs his palms into his eyes, and shouts a bit before stopping and looking up at Pix desperately.
Pix nods slowly. "Yeah, ok, that's... that's bad. So, first things first, the thing about not being sure if you like him, or anyone like that?"
Jimmy takes a deep breath and shakes out his hands a bit. "Yeah, I don't know, I think I've had like, one crush ever? And I don't even really know if that was a crush? And I like Scott, I do, even though he's kind of a jerk sometimes, but I don't think it's like that? I'm not sure."
"Ok, well, do you want to be in a relationship with Scott?"
Jimmy pauses, visibly considering. "I... have no idea."
"Ok, so, first step is, despite what you might think, not figuring that part out, because that's going to take forever. First step is getting on the same page with Scott.”
“Does it have to be? Can’t I just figure out what my deal is and then everything is fine forever?”
Pix chuckles. “If only it were that easy.”
“It’s just-!” Jimmy walks over to where Pix is leaning and joins him for about two seconds before sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. “I don’t know. I don’t know how any of this is supposed to feel, I don’t know how I’m meant to know if I like someone like that or not if I want to be in a relationship with them or what and I don’t know how everyone seems to have it so figured out!”
“I mean, I don’t think everyone else does, to be totally honest. But even if they do, well, it probably felt a lot more like… something for them.” Pix joins Jimmy on the floor, staring straight ahead as he tries to think. “Because in my experience, sometimes it feels like nothing because it is nothing, but sometimes it feels like nothing because it’s something but not with this person, but other times it feels like something even when it’s nothing-“ Pix has no idea what he’s talking about, at this point. He’s not equipped for these things, and he says as much. “Why did you come to me for this, I’m not-? Your sister’s married to your best friend, I feel like they’re much better equipped to answer the question of ‘How do you know when you want to be in a relationship with someone?’”
“I mean, probably,” Jimmy says, finally letting his codboy hat go enough that Pix can see his eyes again. “But, well… you’re you. We’re us, y’know?”
Pix does know. He knows that Lizzie is Jimmy’s sister, but Pix was the first person to see Jimmy without the Codfather head on. He knows that Joel is Jimmy’s best friend, but Pix is the one he asked to build the cod statue in his base. He knows that he’s Jimmy’s… something, and this is what they do. And that, however unfortunately, he probably is the best person to ask about this type of thing, even if he doesn’t feel like he knows what he’s talking about half the time.
Pix reaches out and puts his arm around Jimmy’s shoulders, and Jimmy instinctively moves to lay his head on Pix’s shoulder. Well, they’ll figure it out eventually.
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