#oraya doe
mvlkavian · 2 years
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C1AIR3 says goodbye to Oraya, but not for forever hopefully!!! Oraya made friends with everyone like GOOD friends with everyone she was super into hanging out with everyone, but I think her and C1AIR3 made better friends. Her romance scores were ok most of the time, but they mostly enjoyed goofing around....
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nevzatboyraz44 · 10 months
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قبل 3 سنوات، أعلنت كوبا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية أنها وجدت العلاج النهائي لسرطان الرئة وسرطان الدم وسرطان الثدي. كوبا، التي تمتلك أكثر المختبرات الصيدلانية تقدمًا وأفضلها في العالم، لا تمنح براءات اختراعها للعالم لتجنب استخدام الأدوية لأغراض تجارية، ولكن يمكن لأي شخص يريد الذهاب إلى كوبا والحصول على العلاج مجانًا... وخاصة المرضى الذين يعانون من سرطان الرئة. إذا كان لديك المال، يمكنك الذهاب إلى كوبا بميزانية قدرها 3000 دولار و4 دولارات فقط أو يمكنك البقاء لمدة 5 أشهر والحصول على العلاج... وفي الوقت نفسه، لدي أصدقاء أصيبوا بمرض السرطان في مرحلة متقدمة للغاية وتم علاجهم في كوبا... نصيحتي لك هي أن تحضر أكبر عدد ممكن من الدفاتر والقلم عند الاستعداد لرحلتك إلى كوبا. لأنه لا يوجد ورق ودفاتر في كوبا، فهي متعة كبيرة بالنسبة... كوبا لا تتطلب ذلك تأشيرات تركيا، جواز سفرك يكفي... إذا كنت قد قرأت معلومات مفيدة، يرجى مشاركتها، ربما تعالج مشاكل شخص ما..! (اقتباس)
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Vincent, the vicious Vampire King who doesn't show his emotions to anyone being protective of/worried about Oraya does things to my heart
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sweetpotatoreads · 2 months
For Fans of Carissa Broadbent's "The Serpent & The Wings of Night" - Romantasy Read Alikes:
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Are you a fan of Carissa Broadbent's "The Serpent & The Wings of Night"? Did you enjoy the complex enemies-to-lovers relationship of Oraya and Raihn? Are you hungry for more romantic tension and action-driven storylines? Did you enjoy the murky allegiances and slow-burn qualities of their relationship? Did you also enjoy her rich worldbuilding in this Fantasy Romance? See below for some read alikes!
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Nights of Iron and Ink by Shannen Durey
Featuring a confident heroine Vera, this book is a little more explicit in its depictions of violence, language and romance scenes than Broadbent's novel. If you enjoy a dark and mysterious Fae non-human male character, known as 'The Enforcer', pairing up with a not-quite human Vera to uncover a sinister plot, this is a great read!
Set in first person point of view, this novel is both action driven and complex in its characters and politics. However it is adequately fast-paced and centered through Vera's point of view, readers will enter a kingdom where humans are either sent to be fodder for supernatural beasts, or as slaves to the Fae kind.
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Reign and Ruin by J.D. Evans
Again, a slightly spicier read than Broadbent in its explicit romance scenes, this story follows the Naime, a heir of the kingdom of Tamar being pushed to marry for political allegiances, and Makram, a prince of the neighboring kingdom Sarkum. Richly inspired by the historical Middle East, this Romantasy is told in the third person, as well as dual points of view, this read is a little more densely plot driven (with court politics), however, the romance takes center stage with a slow-burn and a secret blossoming relationship. Both characters are competent, powerful mages, and the narrative does encompass societal issues such as gender and trauma. While this book has slower pacing than Broadbent's book, readers who enjoy political and historical aspects of fantasy realms will also enjoy the romance dynamic between Naime and Makram.
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Quicksilver by Callie Hart
Another Fae read! This author is also not afraid to be more explicit with its depictions of violence and explicit open-door romance scenes. From the very first page, readers will delight in the heroine Saeris Vane and her sassy, headstrong personality as she fights and thieves to survive as a low class citizen in the City of Zilveran. The pace is quick. driven by Saeris's need to survive not only her thieving ways but an unforeseen encounter that leaves her transported to a world entirely unlike her own, and having to team up with a cold, cruel Fae warrior known as Kingfisher. Another slow-burn in the romance department, readers will enjoy the banter between Saeris and Kingfisher, and a cliffhanger at the end is reminiscent of that 'I need to read the sequel!" feeling just like Broadbent's book.
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From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Armentrout's book features a 'scrappy', resilient heroine named Poppy who similar to Broadbent's Oraya -- has supernatural powers and an entire kingdom's fate resting on her shoulders. Trapped in a life she doesn't want as a Maiden, she is tempted by the royal guard known as Hawke Flynn who is supposed to ensure her Ascension, however, desire abounds...Their banter is electric, and again, this author is unafraid of explicit romance. This story is fast-paced and ends on a cliffhanger as well. One appeal aspect to be aware of is that this book does deal with sensitive topics such as abuse (past child neglect and abuse).
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A Court This Cruel & Lovely by Stacia Stark
Humans with powers in this kingdom are killed if they are found to be ‘Corrupters’, and Prisca is forced to leave her home village when her secret power is threatened to come to light. The King of her kingdom drains humans of their powers until returning it to them on their 25th birthday, the magic seemingly to be used in order to defend against a Fae rival kingdom. However, this places Prisca’s life in danger as she has an innate gift. She meets a mercenary with green eyes, a man named Lorian that she had dreams of before they met, who is both her savior and a grumpy and yet irresistible man she must come to rely on. This world is well-built like Broadbent’s, the ‘hate to love’ banter between characters is well written, and there are plot twists that keep the reader on their toes.
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Curse of Shadow and Thorns by L.J. Andrews
Like Oraya, the heroine in this book, Elise, has a royal responsibility to keep her family and throne safe from a supernatural threat (her ancestors stole the crown of a Fae King). However, she shirks her royal duties in favor of gambling, until her uncle negotiates a marriage contract. However, when she meets Legion who is tasked with keeping her safe as his charge, a forbidden romance occurs, as well as danger and political intrigue when her kingdom experiences a coup. As Elise escapes with Legion, a secret about Legion’s past and his identity is revealed. This is the least explicit read alike, as it has behind closed doors romance scenes, which is ideal for readers who don’t prefer explicit appeal aspects of the other read alikes.
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animezinglife · 4 months
I don't love the War of Lost Hearts vs. Crowns of Nyaxia debate when it comes to promoting either series to new readers through the lens of one being better than the other.
Obviously, we're all going to have our preferences, but while Carissa Broadbent does explore a few similar themes, they're really not comparable in terms of what the story offers.
The War of Lost Hearts is absolutely massive in terms of scope and scale. It feels more like a high fantasy RPG, meets Game of Thrones, meets Fullmetal Alchemist. I'd argue she does a great job of job of handling the multiple POVs, the intensity, and the devastation that never results in a truly happy ending--that someone's hero is another's monster, and that somebody's victory is someone else's world shattering.
Crowns of Nyaxia is much, much tighter because it's told through duologies and focuses on one clan/coven at a time. You get to stay with Oraya as a narrator throughout the entirety of the first book, then alternate between her POV and Raihn's in the second. While we do get multiple perspectives and still have some nuance from other characters, keeping the plot and conflicts so intimate to just these two characters lends a different kind of strength.
Do I think from a craft standpoint she grew as an author and that Crowns of Nyaxia is objectively better writing? Yes, but I think most people's preferences will fall more to the style of storytelling they prefer and both the type of world, scale of conflicts, and how they intertwine.
They both have a lot of strengths. It just depends on what a reader is looking for.
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bookishbethanyerin · 7 months
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• arc review: a fate inked in blood •
Meddling gods, a grimy-hot warrior prince, political intrigue, unanswered prophecies, forbidden romance, and a woman with the kind of power kings will kill for – yeah, you will absolutely want to add A Fate Inked In Blood to your TBR. And should probably bump it up to the very top.
(Especially if you lived for the dynamic between Raihn and Oraya in the Crowns of Nyaxia books.⚔️🔥)
The first book in Danielle L. Jensen’s new series, A Fate Inked In Blood is a fast-paced and action-packed story that is compulsively readable. Seriously, I gobbled this sucker up in nearly one sitting and was *very* annoyed I had to put it down to, uh, sleep.
Though some of the twists here won’t necessarily come as a surprise, getting to them is still a ton of fun. And as the tension (both steamy and political👀) between characters and situations builds, don’t be surprised if you find yourself very literally on the edge of your seat.
This does end on a cliffhanger, but I will argue it’s the good kind – while it absolutely leaves you wanting much, much more, you’ll feel like you’re standing near the edge, eagerly anticipating what’s to come rather than pushing and falling with no end in sight.
I had an absolutely fantastic time reading this, and am looking very forward to what’s to come with this series.
⚔️A gigantic thank you to Del Rey for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy! A Fate Inked In Blood is out on February 27th!🛡️
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opalrarity · 1 year
So does someone want to cast Daisy Ridley as Oraya in the Serpent and the Wings of Night after the Writers’ Strike???
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wondereads · 1 year
Weekly Reading Update (08/07/23)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor (8/10)
It's been a while since I read a male main character, and Lazlo is a really strong one to start with. The characters are really the strong part of this book. I loved both Lazlo and Sarai; they're easy to empathize with and genuinely good people. Their romance is also well-written and quite passionate, probably my favorite part. The plot isn't amazing, but it's still good; I like that there's this history of war and gods and monsters but the main conflict forgoes that in favor of the very human conflict of hate and prejudice. However, I did find a lot of a the middle of this book dragged quite a bit. It was good I enjoyed the romance as much as I did because it was most of what kept me going.
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (10/10)
This book was so batshit insane and astonishingly wonderful. As is par for the course for The Locked Tomb, it was incredibly confusing but also stunningly executed. The work with POV in this book is great, using third, second, and first person in a way that hints at some situations revealed towards the end, and also making Harrow an unreliable narrator, making the reader doubt even the things that would usually be taken as fact. The mysteries of Lyctorhood are far from revealed, and the revelations in the latter third of this book completely blew me away. Looking back, a good majority of this new information is foreshadowed, and it's just so well-written. If I hadn't promised myself I'd be alternating between this and The Poppy War trilogy, I'd be picking up Nona the Ninth right now.
The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent (CR, 40%)
I took a break from this book, but it's still feeling a little hard to get through. The plot has kind of started to follow a routine of trial>Oraya does something dangerous>recuperation>Oraya and Raihn get closer>trial again. There's really nothing that's pulling my attention right now, but I will finish this book.
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim (CR, 20%)
I've just started this book, and I've been looking forward to it. On one hand, I like that it's a little more on the simplistic side (especially after Harrow), and the characters are really likable. However, it does feel quite rushed in some places; the scenes just need more room to breathe to allow the reader to dwell on the significance of what's going on. Still, I'm enjoying the twist on this classic fairy tale.
Immortal Longings by Chloe Gong (CR, 3%)
I've only just barely started this one. Unlike Chloe Gong's other books, I'm not familiar with Antony and Cleopatra at all, so I'm going in mostly blind. Having only read the first chapter, all I can is that the world seems interesting so far.
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morsrattus · 9 days
Pentan Cultural Overview: Non-Pentans
There are a number of different peoples in and around Pent who are not the Pentans, and each one tends to be treated differently. Some are traditional allies or subjects, others traditional enemies.
The Half-Men around Pent generally do not ride horses, though the Lunars have a mix of horse and non-horse-based cavalry forces, and the Dara Happans use a mix of ridden horses and chariots. The Orlanthi are known to ride horses, as well.
The Lozarli
The Half-Men of Pent proper are mostly made up of the Lozarli, a culture that generally follows the Pentan way of life, but does not accept the ways of the horse. They accept the Law of Yu-Kargzant, but primarily worship Lozarl, Oria, Eyritha and the Herd Mothers. Other Pentan gods also appear in their worship, but without their horse secrets. The Lozarli often possess secrets of Earth magic, and may use Orayan names for their gods, especially if they live along the Arcos River.
They make their livings as farmers and sedentary herders, living in small villages scattered throughout Pent. In areas around monasteries or mines, they are often permanent subjects of the Pentans that run the monasteries or mines, and are often distinguishable from their rulers primarily by their inability to ride. Those Lozarli who live along the Pentan rivers typically worship the local river god as equal to Lozarl and Oria.
The Orayans
Oraya is closely related to Pent, and many Pentan alliances have conquered it, demanding tribute from its people. Several Pentan tribes have lived in Oraya throughout history, as well. However, the majority of its people in the Third Age are Half-Men farmers who follow a pantheon of Earth goddesses.
In the time before Sheng Seleris, Oraya is disputed. The spread of the Lunar Way is continuing, and several tribes of the Pentans that inhabit the area are converting, integrating the Red Goddess and Seven Mothers into their worship. The Half-Men of the region have traditionally worshipped the goddess Daroria, whom the Pentans identify with both Oria and Eyritha, as the creator of all things, from which all other gods descend. The Seven Mothers cult is likewise growing among their number.
Oraya is being actively targeted for colonization by the Lunars, and will become a central zone of conflict in the Seleran Wars.
The Zarkosings
The Zarkosings are the people of the valleys Jarst and Garsting as well as the shores of the Elf Sea. They are primarily goat herders and farmers, generally paying tribute to the most powerful tribes of Oraya or the Andarkon. They descend from an ancient hero, Zarkos the Founder, and were once a holding of the Dara Happans. All that remains of Dara Happan rule today is a Second Age Sun Dome temple of Yelmalio in Jarst, which rules independently but usually pays tribute to whichever Pentan tribe has conquered the region most recently.
The Zarkosings, also called the Zarkos and Ozarkos, tend to resent their Pentan orverlords and the demands for crop tribute. They reject the Pentan ways and cannot ride horses, but are known to be extremely skilled skirmishers with powerful sling magic. Their chief gods are their ancestor Zarkos the Founder, and the beast gods Father Lion and Mother Goat, whom some say are named Durbaddath and Miapora.
The Balazarings
The Balazarings, also called the Votanki, are the human inhabitants of the Elder Wilds, a culture of hunter-gatherer clans who are great masters of dog breeding. Their dogs are highly prized in Pent, but the Balazarings are otherwise considered poor and not worth conquering for tribute, especially as the Second Age stone citadels their leaders reside in are irritating to siege. Instead, they are typically dealt with by trade caravans on their way to buy lumber from the elves of the Elder Wilds.
The Balazarings primarily worship the spirits of the Elder Wilds, and particular the hunting spirit Brother Dog. Others have adopted the ways of the southern Orlanthi or the distant Lunars, while others follow Yelmalio as best they can or attempt to learn the ways of Kargzant to use with their small ponies.
Besides the many powerful spirits the Balazarings worship, they also venerate the hero-king Balazar, who founded their way of life after the destruction of the Empire of Wyrms Friends, and pay respect to ancient Zarkos, who is their distant ancestor.
The Chen Dureli
The Half-Men of Chen Durel are seen as the remnants of ancient cousins to the Pentans, deluded and seduced by darkness and falsehood. They were conquered long ago by trolls, and then again by the Dragon Emperor of Kralorela, and the two have battled each other ever since. As far as the Pentans are concerned, the Chen Dureli are worth raiding for their wealth, but attempting to force tributary conquest on them is foolish, as it means getting in between the trolls and the Kralori. Better to sell mercenary services to either side. Chen Durel is also a vital trade partner, as they are the only way to access Kralori goods without having to raid.
The Chen Dureli primarily worship the Black Sun, whom the Pentans identify as a strange form of Basko, but their worship bears little resemblance to the Pentan worship of that god, being derived from a trollish understanding. They also worship strange past suns, such as the Blood Sun and the Solar Storm, which the Pentans claim must be false or forbidden descendants of Yu-Kargzant, and the dark anti-dragon Sekever, whom the Pentans do not understand at all. Other troll gods, Kralori practices, and even some adoption of Pentan shamanism or Lunar gods can be found among the Chen Dureli, who take sides between their Kralori overlords and their former troll masters.
The Chen Dureli also consider trollkin to be part of their society, broadly equal to humans. The Pentans consider trollkin to be a small, weak sort of troll that is treacherous and stupid, but less dangerous than normal trolls and easier to kill. Pentans who deal extensively with the Chen Dureli tend to be less openly hostile towards trollkin, but still tend not to respect them.
The Kralori
Reaching Kralorela requires passing through either Chen Durel or the Shanshan Mountains, never a short journey and often not an easy one. However, the Kralori are one of the wealthiest peoples near Pent, and so they are a favorite target for raiding, often organized by alliances to gather more warriors and thus retrieve more silk and other valuable goods. Trade with Kralorela is indirect and must be done through Chen Durel, a fact which only encourages the Pentans to see the Kralori as fearful xenophobes.
The Kralori are the traditional enemies of the Shanshan Mountains beast people, and much of what the Pentans understand about the Kralori comes from them. They believe the Kralori descend from dragons that interbred with humans and lost their draconic nature and understanding.
The Kralori worship many gods, which the Pentans identify as dragons or parts of dragons, and Pentans stereotype the Kralori as having few proper priests, only strange mystics who pursue the secrets of dragons. The Kralori identify some of their pantheon as antigods, which oppose the gods and the mortal peoples of the world, but the Pentans have never had a firm understanding of what this theologically means. Their most important deities, as the Pentans understand it, are their ancient Emperors, the three of whom the Pentans care about most being TanGatHa the Ancestral Dragon, whom the Pentans identify as an ancient sky dragon or deity that may or may not be the father of Yu-Kargzant, the Yellow Emperor HeenMaroun the Sun Dragon, whom the Pentans identify as a draconic form of Yu-Kargzant, and Metsyla the Eagle Phoenix Emperor, whom the Pentans identify as possibly a misunderstood form of Kargzant or possibly another, unknown son of Yu-Kargzant.
The Lunars
The Lunar Empire is a growing power in the west of Pent, having risen with the Red Moon and defeated the Carmanian Bull Shahs that once threatened the lands around Dara Happa. They have quickly spread to encompass the Dara Happan lands, preaching their Red Goddess and her mystical nature that embraces all things. Most Pentans do not particularly like the Lunars, who are rumored to consort with Chaos and known to recruit and work with the Blue Moon Plateau trolls.
The Red Moon has a bad reputation in Pent. It rose into the sky during a terrible famine, and it was seen as a bad omen and an enemy of the hero AgartuSay, who led the Pentans out of that famine in a Hero Contest. The claims of the Red Goddess to be the daughter of Yu-Kargzant and the true ruler of all things, whose son is the khan of the world, do not help her case among traditionalist Pentans, who consider this claim a usurpation of Yu-Kargzant's rule and a denial of the true way.
The Lunars worship the Red Moon as a goddess, supported by the Seven Mothers, mortals who transformed her from a mortal soul into a divine awakening in some mystical process that most Pentans find difficult to follow but which apparently made them into demigods in service to the Red Goddess. The great leaders of the Lunar Empire who spread this religion now are the Red Emperor, who is the son of the Red Goddess, and Hon-Eel, a priestess of immense power over the earth and life.
The Lunars' cities are quite wealthy, making them both an attractive raiding target and an attractive trade partner. Tensions are rising, especially as Lunar missionaries make their way into Oraya and even Pent proper in trade caravans. Pentan tribes have repeatedly supported wars against the Lunars, seeking their wealth and power, but others such as the Char-Un have converted to the Lunar Way after losing to Lunar forces. When AgartuSay returns as Sheng Seleris, the conflict will come to a head, as the Lunars try to deny his power as the avatar of Yu-Kargzant, and he will seek to deny the Red Goddess' right to rule over the sun. The Seleran Wars will become the central conflict of the age.
The Dara Happans
The Dara Happans are, to the Pentans, the archetypal urban civilization, and the name for them is, in fact, simply the City People, though that term is now also used to refer to any culture that primarily lives in towns and cities. They are seen as foolish cousins to Pent, the people from whom Hyalor emerged but also the people whose ways he rejected.
The Dara Happans are generally seen as effete, wealthy and fundamentally unable to rule themselves. At the Dawn, they were ruled over by the Sons of the Sun, a splinter group of Pentans that returned to Dara Happa and were eventually corrupted by their urban ways. The Pentan view is that the Dara Happans are continuously conquered by others, but corrupt them with their immense wealth and never end up truly changing. Their latest conquerors are the Lunars, whose Red Emperor is trying to adopt the Dara Happan ways to pacify them, as so many conquerors have done.
The Dara Happans' chief god is Yelm, the Sun Emperor of the universe, whom the Pentans identify with Yu-Kargzant. They share many gods with Pent, but reject others, including the beloved Galana Horsequeen. They disdain Rebellus Terminus, whom the Pentans identify as West King Wind and claim bent knee to Yu-Kargzant, and they reject Kargzant as a barbarian, binding him in chains and calling him Yelmalio. Worst of all, they claim the chief of gods under Yelm is Antirius, whom the Pentans say is the source of all the weakness of the City People, an inflexible and tyrannical deity. Most Pentans feel sympathy for the Dara Happans and several tribes have ridden to aid rebellions, but as a whole the tribes tend to believe them essentially unable to free themselves from Lunar rule due to their inherent weaknesses.
The Praxians
The Praxians are the southern neighbors of Pent. They live a similarly nomadic lifestyle, but Prax is a much poorer land than Pent, often unblessed by good rainfall and strong rivers. The Praxians are also one of the most hated enemies of Pent, because while they share many cultural values, the Praxians commit one of the most disgusting acts Pent can imagine: they ride herd animals that are not horses. The disgust tends to flow both ways, for the Praxians despise the horse.
The Praxians are respected for their strength in battle, but that is all. They are frequently mocked in Pentan stories, most particularly those involving the trickster imp Niti Fer a Waha, who was impressed by their evil god, Waha, and took to emulating him and borrowing his name, proving his every act foolish. War against the Praxians is fierce when it occurs, but is primarily over grazing rights along the border with Prax and the Wasteland rather than raids for wealth. The Praxians are seen as a poor people whose wealth is largely in their herds, which have not usually done well in Pent when stolen.
The chief gods of the Praxians are the Herd Mother Eirithia, whom the Pentans identify with Eyritha, the Storm Bull, whom the Pentans identify with South Rage Wind, and their son, Waha the Butcher, whom the Pentans reject as an evil deity for tricking humans into riding animals that are not horses, though at least they recognize that these are true herds, whose mothers were mistreated and bound by a bad brother. Some Pentans believe that the Praxian herd gods might be rescued from bondage to Waha, but others claim that they deserve their fate for rejecting the ways of Pent.
The Orathorn
Castle Orathorn sits in southern Pent, one of the few major structures that is neither a monastery nor part of a mining settlement. It is the home of the Orathorn, a small collection of immortal, blue-skinned sorcerers served by undead slaves. The Pentans have never been able to drive out or defeat the Orathorn, though the wizards have also shown little desire to leave their castle and fight in the first place, so they have not often tried.
The Orathorn have ruled their castle for as long as anyone can remember. Legends speak of their arrival some time before the Darkness, but there is no clear agreement on when they arrived or from where. They are said to have been related to the Blue Logic Men that were defeated by Hurfor, and the Cult of Judges have long hated them. However, the hatred is not returned. The Orathorn have been used as mercenary sorcerers by various tribes throughout history, and while their use is seen as somewhat shameful and wrong, they have achieved a certain level of acceptance in Pent. They are evil sorcerers, but they are evil sorcerers of Pent, better than outsider sorcerers.
The Pentans have very little understanding of the beliefs of the Orathorn. They know the wizards reject worship of gods, and that there are less than a hundred of them in total. They also know that the Orathorn are sworn to raise as undead every person they kill, which is part of why they are terrifying mercenaries, but also have been known to show up to defend the healers of Erissa from other undead or the forces of Chaos and are known to be exceptionally skilled at healing sorcery. The cult of North War Wind says that the Orathorn have sworn to defeat Death, making them very dangerous fools.
The Orathorn neither herd nor farm, though some say their skeletal servants raise food for them within the castle, and occasionally pale merchants with skeletal horses and servants will ride out to trade from Castle Orathorn. Most tribes that travel near Castle Orathorn have learned that attacking these merchants risks drawing down the wrath of the sorcerers.
The Orlanthi
The Orlanthi are a distant people, relatively young by Pentan reckoning. They live in the lands around Tarsh and Dragon Pass. Once there were older Orlanthi in Dragon Pass, but all of them were devoured by dragons during the Dragonkill Wars, at the end of the Second Age. Their lands were left empty until eventual resettlement from other parts. Indeed, the Windburner Pure Horses, who were driven into Prax after their failed effort to destroy the Four Winds tribes, eventually settled in the distant lands of Dragon Pass.
The irony is not lost on those Pentans who keep track of distant lands. The Windburners, now calling themselves the Grazelanders, have surrounded themselved with those who follow the gods they once hated. The Orlanthi worship Orlanth, after all, and the Pentans identify him with West King Wind. They also worship Ernalda, whom the Pentans identify with Oria, and either Elmal or Yelmalio, both of whom the Pentans identify as a misunderstood Kargzant and have some difficulty telling apart.
The Pentans tend to consider Orlanthi strange people, lawless and unconcerned with justice. They are decently wealthy but bad subjects for tributary rule, as they are as wildly independent as the Pentans themselves. Most are too distant for easy raiding, though, and in general, the Pentans give little consideration to them.
Trolls, the Dark People
The trolls first emerged into the world in Pent. Before the Darkness, no trolls left the Underworld, which had been their home. However, they were blinded by Yu-Kargzant's light when he passed into the Underworld, and Basko led them to the Hellcrack, from which they poured in uncountable numbers. Now, they can be found across much of the continent of Genertela. The Pentans know several truths: trolls are always hungry, trolls can and will eat anything, including people, and trolls hate and fear fire, for it blinds and burns them. Trolls are one of the ancient enemies of the Pentans, though in some cases, they can be dealt with peacefully, and they will almost always help fight Chaos.
While a significant number of trolls inhabit North Pent, they do not have their own trollish culture or nation. The Pentans are unsure why, but the trolls of North Pent have always ended up forming only small clans that may or may not claim allegiance to one of the troll nations that neighbor on Pent. Generally speaking, Pentans consider themselves at war with trolls at large and will attack most trolls they encounter if they believe victory is possible.
Trolls all share certain gods. Most notable is their worship of Kyger Litor, the mother of all trolls. Besides this, the most common gods are Zorak Zoran, a god of hatred and destruction who is the enemy of many Pentan gods, Argan Argar, the troll god of trade and shadow, and Gorakiki, the goddess of insects, and the goddess Xiola Umbar, the troll goddess of mercy and the only troll god that is friend to Yu-Kargzant.
The Chen Dureli Trolls
When the trolls emerged from the Hellcrack, they split into many groups that went in many directions. However, those who chose to follow Basko further went east, to the lands of Chen Durel. They were welcomed by the people of Chen Durel, who embraced the Black Sun and welcomed the trolls as their new rulers. They ruled over Chen Durel for centuries, often warring with their southern neighbors, the Kralori.
The Kralori defeated the trolls seven hundred years ago, in the Second Age. When the Dragon Emperor returned to Kralorela at that time, he drove most of the trolls from Chen Durel's best lands. They fled further east and north, into their bastions in Dozakiland, Eristiland, and Koromondol. They have ruled these lands ever since, demanding human sacrifices and tribute from the few humans that make their homes there. Despite their demands, many of the people of Chen Durel remain loyal to their former masters and support the return of the trolls. They foment rebellion against the Kralori and make alliance with the dark people and their shadow demon allies.
The Pentans tend to see the trolls of Chen Durel as the least bad kind of troll. They honor Basko in their own strange and brutal way, after all. While no troll can be trusted, the trolls of Chen Durel have proven to be potential allies in raiding the Kralori, and their constant wars against the Half-Men of Kralorela have made them reliable clients for mercenary work. Most trade with trolls is done with those who hail from or descend from Chen Durel. The trolls of Chen Durel worship Basko the Black Sun as one of their chief gods.
The Snow Trolls
The Snow Trolls descend from those who traveled northeast after exiting the Hellcrack, settling on the Glacier of Valind. They are easily the most hated kind of troll, for they serve the gods of Winter and carry with them the snows and chill winds. They can be easily told from other trolls by their thick furs, though it is unclear if these are part of their bodies or things that they wear, and by their wielding of terrible ice. They are often accompanied by hollri winter-demons.
The majority of the Snow Trolls live across the White Sea, but they are well known for sailing on ice-boats to attack the Pentan coastline, taking livestock, wealth and captives back with them. None ever return, and they are as willing to capture and eat other trolls as they are Pentans or Half-Men. The ice trolls are nearly impossible to negotiate with, save through the cult of Elyu-Ene, and no Pentan has ever seen a trollkin among them. The Pentan troll clans that align with the Snow Trolls of the Glacier tend to be highly aggressive.
Pentans almost never make peace with the Snow Trolls, who forego the worship of Argan Argar in favor of the hated Himile and Valind. They are, however, also known to be followers of the troll god Boztakang Chaos Killer, and can be relied on to help fight Chaos no matter who they must work with to do so. This temporary alliance will last only and exactly until the Chaos has been defeated, however.
The Blue Moon Plateau Trolls
The trolls of the Blue Moon Plateau west of Pent are wealthy and powerful, either allies or subjects of the Lunar Empire. They do not hate Chaos as much as most trolls, and they have proven nearly impossible to drive out of the Plateau in the few times Pentan warlords have tried. The trolls of the Plateau are sometimes found serving alongside the Lunar forces.
Blue Moon trolls are generally viewed with intense suspicion and fear by the Pentans. The only constant they have been able to trust with most trolls is their hate of Chaos, and the Blue Moon trolls do not seem to have that. They are treacherous, dangerous, and worst of all, safe from most cavalry attack in their caves on the plateau. While the Snow Trolls may be more aggressive, the Blue Moon trolls are one of the most fearsome enemies near Pent.
The chief goddess of the Blue Moon trolls is reportedly the invisible Blue Mon Goddess, Anilla, though they also worship the Red Goddess of the Lunars. Most Pentans assume that the Blue Moon trolls must not worship the normal troll gods, but it is hard to say for sure.
The Dagori Inkarth Trolls
The trolls of Dagori Inkarth left Pent for the south, following the hero-warlords Gore and Gash. They have been the masters of the land between Prax and Pent, marking the land itself with darkness. Dagori Inkarth is a land of shadow and darkness, particularly the area known as Shadows Dance, where even Yu-Kargzant's light cannot fully drive out the shadow that lies on the land.
The trolls of Dagori Inkarth are wealthy and have been a frequent target of raiding since before the Dawn. It has proven entirely impossible to dislodge them from Dagori Inkarth or to conquer them for any real length of time, but it is possible for a brave Pentan warlord to exact tribute for a time or steal away glory and wealth from their giant insect ranches and mushroom farms.
The trolls of Dagori Inkarth are more devoted to Zorak Zoran and Gorakiki than trolls elsewhere, and also worship the Mushroom Mother, Mee Vorala. They are some of the most conservative and trollish trolls around, disdaining the worship of less traditional gods like Basko, Himile or the Red Moon.
Elves, the Tree People
According to Pentan legend, in the time before the First Herd formed, the Tree People ruled over a great forest that covered much of Pent and Dagori Inkarth. Their rule was relatively benevolent, but they fought each other, the trolls, and many other peoples. It is not remembered what, exactly, destroyed the Pentan forests before the coming of Chaos, but there have been no elves in Pent proper ever since.
The elves are found in the Elder Wilds, south of Pent. They are generally considered not worth raiding, as they do not gather wealth in the way most Pentans understand it. Further, they are known to be friends of Kargzant and kin to Oria. Instead of fighting, most Pentan dealings with the elves are through trade. Pentan caravans travel to the Bear Woods, where they trade metal goods other things the elves cannot make for valuable wood, which is rare in Pent.
The Pentans know that the elves of Bear Woods are different in some way from their more wild neighbors in the High Wood to the south, but are unclear on what the difference is. They know the elves worship the goddess Aldrya, who is a daughter of Oria and some ancient god, and that a rare few elves worship Kargzant (or perhaps Yelmalio). They are also believed to worship plant spirits, though in general, the Pentans have little understanding of elf practices. They know that the elves hate farmers, however, for overcutting trees.
A smaller group of elves live in the Redwood Forest in Dagori Inkarth. They provide less trade for the Pentans, but caravans still occasionally head to their woods to buy lumber. They are enemies of the trolls of Dagori Inkarth, and it is considered honorable and brave to help them defend themselves from troll attack.
The Dragonewts are a mysterious people, small fragments of dragons which live independent lives as dragon-men. They make their home primarily in the Elder Wilds and Dragon Pass, though some can be found in Kralorela. Dragonewts do not make any effort to talk to humans, and the Pentans do not have a clear understanding of them.
Once, they did talk to humans. These humans built the Empire of Wyrms Friends in Dragon Pass, and they tried to become dragons themselves. The Pentans agree that this was foolish - a dragonewt can become a dragon, because a dragonewt is clearly a portion of a dragon already. A human becoming a dragon is much more difficult, only ever achieved by Godunya, Dragon Emperor of Kralorela. He was the sole survivor of the Empire of Wyrms Friends.
This is because the people of the Empire betrayed the dragons, stealing their powers. An army of Dara Happans, Carmanians and Praxians went to Dragon Pass to defeat their powers and the dragons alike. The dragons, angered, rose up and slew everyone, sealing away Dragon Pass until it was reopened by the Windburner Pure Horses, who sought refuge after being driven from both Pent and Prax.
The Pentans did not take part in the battle with the dragons. They tend to find dragonewts strange and fascinating creatures, wise but consumed by inhuman mysteries. Pentan legends treat dragonewts as dangerous beings who act unpredictably, but who speak in riddles that grant wisdom and power if unraveled. It is considered bad luck to harm a dragonewt, though having the strength and audacity to kill a full dragon is admired and glorious.
Beast People
The Beast People is the category into which the Pentans place the Hsunchen cultures around them - animals who are people, rather than humans who can become animals. They typically do not consider Beast People capable of committing crimes, especially if their actions are close to those of the animals they are related to. Pentans tend to be predisposed to like Beast People, or at least to view them in a similar way as they do normal animals. While it is not technically illegal to eat Beast People, it is considered extremely unlucky and very likely to curse you.
Qa Ying, the Eagle People
The Qa Ying, the Eagle People, are not actually Hsunchen - but the Pentans neither know this nor particularly care. They see a people who are born with wings and live in the high mountains and consider them to be eagles in human shape. Qa Ying are seen as the chosen and blessed children of the skies, and to see one is very lucky.
Qa Ying clans tend to live high in the mountains, and so trade with them is relatively infrequent. They are most often seen when they come to raid herds for food. Despite their penchant for raiding, the Pentans remain largely very positive towards the Qa Ying, and try to drive them off with minimal violence. Most Pentans are completely unable to tell the warring Qa Ying clans apart, though.
The Qa Ying are known to worship a god they call the King Violent Wind, whom the Pentans identify as West King Wind, though they reject Oria and other earth goddesses. Instead, they say that he is married to the Merciful Rain Consort, whom the Pentans identify as Tarhel, Heltar, or both. They also worship an eagle god, the Blazing Wings Hunter, as one of their progenitors and the lord of sky shamans. The Pentans identify this as the god Vrimak, friend of Tholm. Last, the Qa Ying follow the Inner Wind Sage as the lord of wind shamans. The Qa Ying have more shamans than priests. They do not speak the secret names of their gods in public, using only titles.
Damali, the Fallow Deer and Antelope People
The Damali are the collective herds of the Deer and Antelope People, making their homes in the foothills of the Shan Shan range. They divide themselves into a number of clans, each of which follows the spirit of a specific kind of fallow deer or antelope. The Pentans tend to see them as nervous, fearful people. They are not wealthy, and typically have little worth the effort of stealing, so Pentans rarely seek them out.
The Damali live as nomads, moving through the foothills and surviving on what the various plants they gather and the small animals that they hunt. The Deer People are generally peaceful and do not raid the Pentan herds, so they are seen as lucky to run into. However, Pentans are more than happy to prey on deer and antelopes, so most Damali try to keep their animal kin away from the Pentans and approach them only when there might be some benefit.
The Damali do not worship gods, per se. They honor Damal, the Antlered One, but most of their time is spent on the local spirits of the land and the animals. They are led by shamans, whom the Pentans have noted typically wear the clothing of the opposite of their gender.
Chen-Ga, the Snow Leopard People
The Chen-Ga are very rarely seen, the Snow Leopard People of the high mountains of the Shan Shan. The Pentans know them as amazing warriors and ambushers, dangerous to fight and for little reward. The Chen-Ga sometimes descend from the mountains to raid herds, but it is almost never worth reprisal when they return to their mountain homes.
The Pentans have little peaceful contact with the Chen-Ga, knowing of them mostly from their enemies, the Lo-Fak and Damali. They are said to be pure hunters, disdaining any who raise animals or garden. Some say they are able to fly, but the other Beast People say this is not true.
Most Pentans know little of the Chen-Ga beyond this. Some say they worship the winter gods, Himile and Valind, but others say they disdain gods in favor of spirits. They are said to descend from Chengar, the White Hunter, and some say they worship Sakkar, the Hunter of Men and Sabre-Toothed Lord of Fear.
Hsa, the Tiger People
The Hsa live in small family groups spread across the Shan Shan range and parts of northeastern Pent. These families are loosely connected into clans that meet when issues threaten more than a single family, but it is rare for large groups of Hsa to gather unless preparing for war or disaster. The Hsa are aggressive and respected for their strength.
Pentans prefer not to fight the Hsa when they can, but Hsa raids on herds can end up forcing the conflict. The Hsa do not gather wealth as the Pentans reckon it and are strong, stealthy fighters who do not easily give up. The only saving grace is they rarely raid in large groups, but they are adept at avoiding reprisals. They can be negotiated with, but it requires a skilled tracker to find their lairs in the first place.
The Hsa are known to follow their ancestral deity, Hsa, the Tiger God, and to call on his children as spiritual guardians. They have more shamans than priests, but some are known to worship a figure similar to Kargzant, whom they call the Spear Man or Light Keeper. Sometimes, the Hsa are known to call on elfin magic, but it is unclear where they would meet elves.
Lo-Fak, the Yak People
The Lo-Fak are highly respected by the Pentans, stereotyped as wise mystics and sages. They travel the mountains and valleys of the Shan Shan range as well as the plains of northeastern Pent, moving between semi-permanent settlements depending on the season. With the Yak People travel their large herds of yak kin, which they care for with the patience and attention that Pentans treat horses.
The Lo-Fak tend to be large, well muscled and able to carry a young yak on their shoulders, and the Pentans rarely fight them. While they possess herd wealth, it is generally seen as morally wrong (as well as often dangerous) to harm a Lo-Fak and worth doing only in times of great need. Many Lo-Fak clans maintain friendly relations with Pentan tribes near their range, and trade is common. Sometimes, the Lo-Fak will request Pentan aid against their enemies in Kralorela in return for some of the best yak calves any Pentan has ever seen.
The Lo-Fak maintain sacred monasteries honoring their Herd Mother, Lo-Fa, which are considered sacred and forbidden to harm by both Lo-Fak and Pentans alike. They also worship Storm Bull, whom the Pentans call South Rage Wind, and their monks are known to commune with spirits in the way shamans do, as well as to pursue more esoteric mysteries of the dragon they call Korgatsu, the Ancestor of All Beasts.
Gord-Un, the Gopher and Marmot People
The Gord-Un are enemies of the Pentans since the time of the Great Darkness. They are small people, half the size of the Pentans on average, and live underground in tunnel complexes and cave systems that are often ruled over by trolls. In the Darkness, the god Tholm nearly wiped out the marmots and gophers of Pent and nearly killed their divine father, Gord. The Gord-Un have never forgotten nor forgiven.
The Pentans and Gord-Un rarely interact directly, and almost never peacefully. The Gord-Un prefer to hide underground rather than face Pentans in open battle, for they cannot match the military prowess of Pentan riders. However, they are essentially impossible to drive out of their tunnels, many of which are too small for a Pentan to enter upright and far too small for a horse. The Gord-Un are known to leave deadfalls and other traps to attack the Pentans and cripple their horses, particularly Pentan hunters, whom they hate above all.
The Gord-Un are known to live in large communal groups within their tunnel complexes. They have several tribes, each of which is tied to a specific kind of gopher or marmot. All honor Gord, the Digger in Darkness, as their progenitor and chief god, but have more shamans than priests, who deal with the spirits of darkness as well as the marmot and gopher spirits. Some follow troll gods, particularly Jakaboom the Dancer, Zorak Zoran, or Argan Argar.
Ri-si, the Woodpecker People
The Woodpecker People are a rare and generally peaceful people who live in the foothills of the Shan Shan mountains, particularly the more wooded regions on the Kralorelan side of the range. They are skittish and avoid conflict, retreating to the sky or the mountains to avoid harm. They have little material wealth by Pentan standards, but their great skill at woodcarving sometimes leads tribes to raid them for their lumber or to trade with them for their craft, depending on which seems easier at the time.
Some Pentans consider it wrong to attack the Ri-si, as all birds are ultimately favored by Yu-Kargzant, but others say that woodpeckers gave up the high skies to become pets of the tree spirits and forsook the nature of Fire for Earth, and therefore it is acceptable to raid them. The Ri-si do not attack others often, but are known to stealthily steal herd beasts for food when they are desperate. If pressed, they are skilled archers.
The Ri-si worship Ridra, the Wood Tender, as their mother, a god of woodpeckers. They also worship as her spouse Aldra the Tree Wife, whom the Pentans identify as the elf goddess Aldrya, kin to Oria. They also rely heavily on shamans dealing with plant and mountain spirits, whom they say follow the path of Flamal, the Green Father.
Pujaleg, the Bat People
The Bat People make their homes in the forests and foothills on the eastern side of the Shan Shan mountains. They are known to the Pentans, but rarely encountered except during extended raid campaigns into Kralorela. They are a small people, generally around half the size of a normal Pentan, and are known to divide into different clans, each of which is said to be a different kind of bat. (That said, most Pentans are unable to tell bat species apart.)
The Pujaleg are not generally seen as worth fighting. They are poor warriors by daylight, but they are excellent at hiding and move in darkness with extreme stealth. When angered, they attack by night, making full use of their stealth. Therefore, it is usually seen as a better idea to avoid conflict with the Pujaleg unless they have something truly valuable. As followers of darkness, they cannot easily be trusted, but they are more trustworthy than trolls and can be traded with for valuable dyes.
Little is known of the Pujaleg's religious practices in Pent, but they are said to worship a bat goddess called the Dark Sky Mother, and to have shamans who deal with spirits of darkness and insects. They are said to pay respects to but not actively worship Gorakikki, the troll goddess of insects.
Huan To, the Anti-Dragons
The Huan To are very confusing to the Pentans. Superficially, they resemble Dragonewts, but with a distorted, oversized head and mouth. They appear to be Chaotic in nature, but they don't act like most Chaos beings. They are known to practice evil arts of necromancy, but do not appear to be sorcerers. They act in ways that are vaguely similar to Dragonewts, in that they do things that do not make sense a lot of the time, and they claim to be followers of or perhaps parts of the Shadow Dragon, Sekever. Unfortunately, the Huan To do not explain themselves or their connection to Sekever beyond that there is a connection.
It would be easy to assume they are simply Chaotic Dragonewts, except for a few things that don't fit. The Pentans know enough about Sekever and his place in Chen Durel to know he is probably not a creature of Chaos - especially because the trolls do not hate and fear him. Likewise, while they seem Chaotic according to the followers of South Rage Wind, the Huan To and trolls do not hate each other and rarely fight.
In fact, the Huan To are much more reasonable and able to communicate with humans than other Dragonewts, if they are Dragonewts at all. They are still alien, but understand the idea of rewarding those who help them, and are happy to part with wealth and resources in exchange for assistance in their goals. Those goals seem to largely involve the destruction of the Dragon Emperor of Kralorela, as far as anyone can tell. While the Kralori hate and fear them, the Huan To have frequently hired Pentans, Praxians, Beast People, trolls, and other enemies of Kralorela. There are rarely betrayals, either. Their associations with Chaos and undeath keep the Pentans at arm's length, but it is not too rare for a Pentan tribe to work with a Huan To leader for a time.
Dwarves, the Stone People
Pentans have very little direct contact with the Stone People. There are a group known to live in Prax, and another, different group that live in the Elder Wilds, near the lands of Balazar. The former are too far in a hostile land to speak with, and the latter refuse to speak with the Pentans or trade with them directly, though sometimes dwarven goods can be gotten from the Balazarings.
It is generally assumed, however, that the reason for this hostility was the theft of the secrets of iron. The Pentans know that dwarves hate theft and have very, very long memories, for they are the children of stone, which does not forget. The Cult of Judges say it is best not to deal with dwarves, for they practice unholy sorceries and deny the good gods, but their works have always held interest for the Smiths of Pent, who want more dwarf secrets of alchemy and metal.
The dwarves are said to worship their creator, who is called Mostal the Eternal, and the sages of Pent believe the goal of the dwarves is to remake the entire world in his image. However, no one can be sure, as no Pentan has spoken directly to a dwarf in living memory. The Balazarings say the dwarves are reliable but never negotiate - they simply present a deal, then leave if it is not accepted. They also say the dwarves have terrible weapons and should not be fought.
Gonn Orta and the Giants
The Giants of Prax and the Elder Wilds are large, violent beings who are mostly too difficult to communicate with to be worth bothering about. They possess little usable wealth, though sometimes their homes contain vast amounts of food, and they are too dangerous to be worth fighting. Worse, those in Prax are sometimes allies of the Praxians, assisting the hated perverts in fighting.
However, there is an exception: Gonn Orta, a giant who is a priest of Issaries. He runs a large fortress at the edge of the Elder Wilds which is a useful trading post. Many Pentan caravans have traveled there, finding rare goods and dealing even with enemies without trouble. Peace is the law at Gonn Orta's Pass in the Rockwood Mountains, and none dare break it, for risk of both the giant's wrath and that of the god Issaries.
The Pentans are unsure how long giants live. There has always been a Gonn Orta, as long as the stories have been told about trade and travel. Some say it is a name inherited from father to son, others that Gonn Orta is older than the Dawn.
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mvlkavian · 2 years
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C1AIR3 takes some much needed time to think....
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aranict · 1 month
Ended picking up The Serpent and the Wings of Night after being really disappointed with When The Moon Hatched, and hell, its infinitely better? Its honestly a very good read if you're expecting what it promises to be - think hunger games in a vampire court setting, with all the politics and drama that such a thing would ensue. But so far I've been loving all the characters who are not just walking archetypes, but have a more layered personality... Oraya herself is very likeable for a FMC, she avoids the obnoxious brat / ultimate tsundere syndrome that a lot of NA heroines suffer from. She's strong but she's considerate, and for all her rebellious streak, does not go running wildly making bad decisions for the sake of them... I dont know I just love her so far. Also dont get me started on Vincent my heart is torn already for this guy and how much he loves Oraya as if she were his own daughter :')
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fusillisarah · 8 months
Re: the magic system in the Crowns of Nyaxia series……. Ummmmm what are we doing here.
Ummm I’m very confused how everything works here. Oraya has no clue she can use magic substationally and blows Raihn out the window? When she’s been threatened before? How is this any different… is she just supposed to be like Raihn brings out a different side of me like……. That cannot be how it works.
And then the WINGS. Please. You must be serious. Like all the sudden she can fly, like okay I can see that foreshadowing but now she can conjure and get rid of them only a week after having them? And having them be nailed through? I mean I guess she says Ketura helped her or whatever but like there’s practically not an iota of detail. At one point she wishes them away and it dosent work and then all of sudden it just does. Idk I’m just nawtttt buying it.
One more thing about the wings: when they go to the desert Lilith (recently turned) can’t fly the whole way but all the sudden Oraya can? Like a week straight of flying after finding out she has wings 8 days before? Where is the logic.
Everything is sorta like “ummm she has the heir mark now!” When that seriously explains practically nothing. Raihn seems to have very slight heightened magic, I know they say it’s way more powerful now but WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE!!! Show me don’t tell me.
And then when Oraya saved Raihn from the coup she’s bloodthirsty and basically in a haze? Come on I just am not buying it one bit. I practically rolled my eyes when a single human (sure, HALF vampire) took out 30+ armed trained vampire soldiers.
Don’t get me wrong I like the books. I’m about 75% of the way thru the second. But the magic is making me pissed the hell off. There is no explanation, rhyme, reason, etc.
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Finished The Serpent and the Wings of Night and it made me so sad! I loved Raihn and his relationship with Oraya (even though I kinda want to throttle him for betraying her) - also Vincent broke my heart :( In spite of all he did, he really loved her; I'm going to miss him.
I'm thinking about doing more SJM books; is Crescent City any good? I've got Throne of Glass but I know CC is urban fantasy which is slightly different. Also trying to hold off on getting Fourth Wing bc I've got a really long flight coming up and I want to save it for then; if I buy it now I'll end up bingeing it for sure. Have you had a chance to read it yet?
Raihn's betrayal of Oraya was so heartbreaking, especially because Oraya gave up everything for him! But I also can't blame him, considering everything he's been through. It's just unfortunate that Oraya was caught in the middle of it all. And as heartbreaking as it was, I loved it! Because I love the angst!! Lovers to enemies. And them being opposing heirs... is just *chefs kiss* The drama of it all! And don't even get me started on Vincent. He is a dilf and I'm his number one stan. I definitely cried at his death. Just thinking about his last moments and his last words to Oraya makes my heart ache.
Both ToG and CC are good! So I'd recommend both! ToG's a really great series, that's a bit more consistent and well thought out then SJM's other series and it's fully completed, so no waiting for the next book, which is a plus. It does start out as YA though, and then as the series goes on get's more mature. But if you're wanting to read adult, then go for CC. It is a different vibe with it being urban fantasy, like you said. But I LOVED the first book, Hoeab, it's one of my top SJM books! And the characters are great! You'll love Ruhn for sure! He's my beloved! The second book, Hosab isn't as good as the first imo, as it suffers from some retcons and the author changing their mind with where they wanted to take the story, but overall I love the CC series!
And no I haven't read Fourth Wing yet! I have the book, but I thought I'd wait for the second book to come out, in a few months, before I read it so I can read both books together.
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luxmaeastra · 9 months
Rhain turned from the war preparations. He was thankful his mother was dead, that his sister had been ReMade.
He had no ties left to this land, Natalia's idea had legs.
Why work against each other?
Why not work together to secure everyone's future?
They were all tired of centuries of war. But this was the last leg, this was all that was left.
He exhaled, looking to Oraya as she got ready. She turned to him, gripping his wrist and digging her nails in.
"You ready?"
He wouldn't stand by, he wouldn't be a coward. This was war and these trade routes would bring prosperity to everyone. Most of their kingdoms had gone bankrupt in this never ending war.
There wasn't any good choices left.
He exhaled, pulling her closer.
"Do you think less of me that this hurts me Oraya? I barely remember the land and it's like killing a piece of my soul to do this."
Vaalbara was beautiful, it thrummed with life. It thrummed with magic, those siphon stones could be the key to so many different things.
They needed them.
She pressed closer, her grey eyes hard.
"If I wanted someone perfect I'd have chosen one of those nobles Rhain. I like your flaws, it reassures me that you have a soul to feel anything at all. Let me kill, you direct me. Let me take that stain for you."
Magnus reached for his riding leathers, his dragon riders had already suited up. He scanned them, taking an extra second to look at Pazley. She wasn't watching him, but that was fine.
He looked to Sebastian who gave him a nod and turned away.
He climbed his dragon, flicking his tongue and they rose to the air.
Sebastian was the general, directing forces. It was Natalia that had wrote the treaties, that had organized how the trade would work.
But it was Sebastian that would force the Changeling clans in Vaalbara to bend or die.
Vaalbara burned, and burned. Sebastian stood in the ashes of one of the clearings watching the world burn. He turned to Rhain, sliding his eyes back to horizon.
The Ridderak had finally found common ground with them. Money, profit, power - what else motivated anyone now? Safety perhaps but they'd all have that soon enough.
He spotted Viren's pack prowling through the underbrush, he could feel Sarai's Light Wraiths taking to the trees and continuing their burning. Her Blood Wraiths stuck to the ground, massacring any enemy forces that got too close to her mate and his wolf pack.
"How does it feel?"
Rhain looked up from the forest floor to Sebastian.
"Like a world is dying. That these are it's last death throws."
Sebastian gave a nod and turned away.
Leesan stared in horror at his father, turning away.
"That wasn't sacrifice, that was cowardice!"
"Leesan -"
"You and Estelle's parents basically say the same thing. That their suffering somehow matters less than the luxury we have -"
"It's not about luxury."
Rhain tried to control his temper. He loved his boy, his curiosity. His scholarly mind had only been enhanced with Day's training. But Day's Princess wasn't him. Sarai and Viren had raised their children in a sheltered life. He respected them both, but this - this blind eye wasn't how he and Oraya raised their own.
Leesan glared right back, and Rhain fought to control his temper.
"It isn't about privilege, luxury - it was about survival. We had no money left Leesan after those centuries of war. We all were exhausted and just wanted it all to end. So we made the deals we did to -"
"At the expense of the people who lived there! At the expense of history and the rare flora and fauna that are now lost Papa! There has to be some change! There has to - we have money not right? Why can't we change that? You came from there right? Surely Vaalbara should be saved now that you can -"
"You ask for us to go back to a world where they will demand our heads," Rhain snapped. "You think we can just go back to how it was? You think that everything will go smoothly and there will be no consequences!"
He respected the drive his son had found, he admired the young male he was becoming, but he wasn't seeing the big picture. He wasn't seeing the consequences.
He stood stall, his fingers tightened at his side he ground his teeth trying to ease his temper once more. "Do you wish to see your mother and I in chains? Or see your siblings wasting away because we have no money to pay for food? Or how about your mate and children-!" No, he wasn't going to go to that level. That was his anger, that was his rage.
"We made the choice and the sacrifice for what was best, we did what we thought would save us all. We did not make this deal lightly, we did not do it not looking at the whole picture Leesan. Sometimes sacrifices are needed."
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blackwindsreads · 10 months
The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King ★★★☆☆
Rating - 3.5
Overview - In the wake of the Kejari, everything Oraya once thought to be true has been destroyed. A prisoner in her own kingdom, grieving the only family she ever had, and reeling from a gutting betrayal, she no longer even knows the truth of her own blood. She’s left only with one certainty: she cannot trust anyone, least of all Raihn.
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Plot - Essentially, half of this book was Oraya grappling with her feelings for Raihn and dealing with the fact that she is reluctantly but clearly in love with the man who killed her father. The second part of the book is the rebellion attempting to retake the House of Night from the House of Blood and Raihn's enemies in his own court.
Honestly, the book dragged for me and Orya's struggle with Raihn felt both too drawn out and too short to allow time for Oraya to get over the fact that Raihn is her father's killer too fast. The fact that they were going to get back together was very clear and made the start of the book feel repetitive.
The coup at the wedding was probably one of my favourite parts of the story and felt more high-stakes than some of the battle scenes.
The ending was neither shocking nor too boring, falling somewhere in the ''meh'' section for me - the introduction of the gods at the end was a pleasant twist and I enjoyed the scenes of Oraya interacting with them.
Overall it felt that as soon as Oraya and Raihn were together, the fire of the heart of the book sizzled out for me.
Characters - I did not feel like we got any groundbreaking development across the book, not even in Oraya's case - if anything, she felt uncharacteristically lost for me at the start of the book.
Mische was a disappointing read to me - her shock meeting with the character who turned her was both confusing and underwhelming, and her supposed drama felt very brushed over, explained lackingly and made Mische feel like a random insert popping up here and there for Oraya to note how she is not smiling or acting like herself. Felt like an odd narrative device to introduce her story but still leave it laying by the side of the road with no clear direction. Perhaps this is going to be unpicked more in future books..
Raihn is more of the same ''I am strong and a bit of a brute but I am a cookie at heart'' that I often feel we get with MMCs in fantasy, especially after they ''get the girl''.
Septimus always was one of the more intriguing characters in my eyes and I wished we would have seen more of him.
What I liked most - I would not say that specific moments really stood out for me - the plot was plotting, but felt drawn out. I would highlight the wedding coup yet again as some of the stronger parts of the book, but overall I did not find it very memorable.
What I hated most - The pacing felt off and the inevitable ''get back together'' between Oraya and Raihn in the first part of the book felt like I had to sit through hundreds of pages until the inevitable is going to happen and the plot will proceed.
Final thoughts - I still enjoy the world of these books and wish that the plot moved along a bit more quickly. I also feel like some of the worldbuilding could be better, as some of the rules of the world are still feeling a bit muddy to me, making some of the characters' intentions unclear too. Not a bad read overall, but does not make me scream for the sequels either.
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mistwraiths · 1 year
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2.5 stars
Me and this book did not get along.
I like vampires, I like fantasy, I love magical competitions/trials. However, I found this book to be dreadfully boring. I wasn't entertained while reading it nor was I ever on the edge of my seat, nor did I find myself caring about the characters at all. So instead it just felt way, way too long.
The worldbuilding is paper thin. If at any point I asked myself a single question about anything in this book, it made a plot hole. We're told multiple times the human districts is "protected" but our main character kills like 5 vampires a night feeding on people and NEVER even thinks about why or how or where's the protection, instead just pats herself on the back. What were the Hijai and Rishan vampires fighting for?? Like they're both Nightborn??? What's the point of the goddess doing this competition every 100 years??? Like she's gives a gift but what's she's getting out of it?? Why did it start? She's not a loving goddess either so like why do they love her??? Why are these vampires living literally in the desert?? How are they able to literally leave the castle during the competition??? How is the king not supplying Oraya with poison filled blades not cheating?? How is an ATTACK on the goddess' own palace during HER competition not sacrilegious and despite her activity, she does NOTHING????? I could go on.
This book doesn't have bad writing by any means. It absolutely is plot-driven more and while I could punch holes through things, I can appreciate the fantasy. I like that Oraya struggled with grief of a death of a friend. Vincent was by far the most interesting character. I loved that he did truly love her and while he wasn't a GOOD man, he did what he believed he needed to do. And I loved that Oraya loved him despite grappling with the horror of what he's done. But honestly it does feel like Oraya never really actually put thought about anything or anyone.
Raihn. Look, I like him, I do. But BOY does he have the "I'm not like other men/other vampires" going SO HARD for him. He's not Born, he's Turned. He's rugged, not beautiful. He cares about humans. He's nice. Etc, etc. And of course, he's keeping secrets too. He's Rishan, which of course is her father's enemy. I found it also a weird choice that when they finally group together, the author chooses to skip time to be like "they trained for 3 weeks" and we miss at least a CHUNK of them possibly beginning to know each other.
Other than Vincent, Raihn, and Mische, there's really no other characters that matter. Mische I found almost juvenile at best, really you're laughing at anyone who makes a sound like flatulence?? We don't get to spend a lot of time with her before she's sidelined anyways. Oraya is an okay character. I liked her but never loved her.
How things happened and ending was fairly predictable. Nothing was truly very shocking. It also lasts longer than it should. But it IS a little funny how hypocritical it turns when Raihn like WELL POWER IS A BLOODY BUSINESS and it's clear the city is being attacked within likely both vampires and humans which is the same thing Raihn didn't agree with. And is like well we'll change it AFTER. Like sir you aligned yourself with the House of Blood who aren't good and you abandoned your people so they don't want you either? And then Oraya is forced to marry, locked in her room with FOUR locks on the outside and cursed windows (but she's not a prisoner?) and her throne is stolen after the love of her life murders her father on front of her. I'm sure it'll all be fine and forgiven though in the next book.
This was just a very average fantasy book. I absolutely can see why people would love this!!! I just couldn't help being BORED and couldn't help questioning things that didn't make sense while reading this.
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