#orc oasis
oracleact · 2 years
I wish more monster romance books in regards to the commissioned art that pairs with said books would use actual orc features for their orc characters.
if you’re going to write about a giant hunky orc male then commit! give me the beauty of the orc body and heritage! the misshapen mouth due to overbearing tusks; traditional markings and scars from hunting and battle; the large, rough hands that still hold their lover ever so gently - give me it all!
it’s sad seeing just normal human male forms being given tiny tusks and green coloured skin. the orcness is completely lost there.
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malcolmschmitz · 5 months
Desert-dwelling orcs. An undead firebird. An old grudge.
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Karvek, a cowardly orc lacemaker, must travel into the desert to get to a silkworm oasis. But the last caravan saw an undying, flesh-eating firebird. With a beast like that roaming the desert, there's safety in numbers. And his only traveling companion is a former friend, Alkett. She betrayed his tribe; Karvek still bears an ugly grudge. If they're going to survive the journey through the desert, Karvek must face that grudge- and the two of them must clear the air.
READ THIS IF YOU LIKE: Tolkien's orcs (but wish they were people); orcs in general; Dune (the desert bits); The Left Hand of Darkness; complicated worldbuilding told through dialogue and character details
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hey there!
Firstly, a bit about me. Call me Apidae. I'm 27, nonbinary, and have been roleplaying for over a decade. I exclusively write third person, past tense, usually about 2-4 paragraphs (3-7 sentences per) but can be as much as the discord limit. I'm a huge fan of ooc chatter and will happily chat when too busy to roleplay!
What I expect from a good match:
Third person, past tense
Multiple response per day (2+)
Communicative and friendly
23+++ (for my comfort)
Writing sample that meshes well with mine
I write plenty of different genres, some of my favorites are historical romance, high fantasy, and science fiction. But I've of course written things like post-apocalypse, pulp fiction, horror, and thriller.
Right now, I'm seeking a couple plots that I've been thinking about. These can be plots that I've had prior and done with another person, or things I've never done before.
Orcish Found Family: A human baby is found by an orc chief and taken in. We follow as she finds a place amongst the orcs and grows to be one of them. This is both an eventual romance (between the adult human and an orc she grows alongside) but also a heartwarming plot as this orc learns about fatherhood through an unorthodox way.
Fantasy Survival Inspired by a Webcomic I can't fricking remember: This surrounds a single person, starving, tired, sick, etc, who lives on the outskirts of a city. They know not to enter the forests to the east because it's protected by beings of ethereal beauty who possess magic. They keep anyone who goes there against their will, using them for labor and help. To the west, half man, half beast, with massive golden stone walls that prevent entry but an oasis within. Which will they choose to try their luck with?
Thanks if you read this far, hope you like what you see and remember to send a description of your writing style and a bit about yourself, and have a writing sample handy!
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youngbirdtraveler · 2 months
Hey there! 
Firstly, a bit about me. Call me Apidae. I'm 27, nonbinary, and have been roleplaying for over a decade. I exclusively write third person, past tense, usually about 2-4 paragraphs (3-7 sentences per) but can be as much as the discord limit. I'm a huge fan of ooc chatter and will happily chat when too busy to roleplay! 
What I expect from a good match: 
Third person, past tense
Multiple response per day (2+)
Communicative and friendly
23+++ (for my comfort) 
Writing sample that meshes well with mine
I write plenty of different genres, some of my favorites are historical romance, high fantasy, and science fiction. But I've of course written things like post-apocalypse, pulp fiction, horror, and thriller. 
Right now, I'm seeking a couple plots that I've been thinking about. These can be plots that I've had prior and done with another person, or things I've never done before. 
Orcish Found Family: A human baby is found by an orc chief and taken in. We follow as she finds a place amongst the orcs and grows to be one of them. This is both an eventual romance (between the adult human and an orc she grows alongside) but also a heartwarming plot as this orc learns about fatherhood through an unorthodox way. 
Fantasy Survival Inspired by a Webcomic I can't fricking remember: This surrounds a single person, starving, tired, sick, etc, who lives on the outskirts of a city. They know not to enter the forests to the east because it's protected by beings of ethereal beauty who possess magic. They keep anyone who goes there against their will, using them for labor and help. To the west, half man, half beast, with massive golden stone walls that prevent entry but an oasis within. Which will they choose to try their luck with?
Thanks if you read this far, hope you like what you see and remember to send a description of your writing style and a bit about yourself, and have a writing sample handy!
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kaesaaurelia · 1 year
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Made little Hero Forge guys out of every single character I've ever played at least one session of in a TTRPG. (The ones with closeups I've played for more than one session.) Details under the cut.
Top Row:
Literally Just Terezi Pyrope, Pathfinder; half-orc Investigator Made for a Pathfinder oneshot wherein my friend was playing a Vriska-inspired character. I feel the need to disclaim that we did not kill or maim anyone out-of-game. I don't even remember if we killed anyone in-game because I remember it being pretty puzzle/trap-focused?
????; Ryuutama; Crafter/Autumn Sorceress I'm kicking myself that I don't remember her name. She was a seamstress, and in the specific world we were playing in we were the descendants of space colonists, so I decided her ancestors would be from a culture with really pretty fabric patterns.
Ylva Truehand, D&D 5E; half-orc monk. A herbo if ever there was one. Accidentally became the figurehead of a coup d'etat at home and had to Leave Right Now Immediately. We only got to the part where we all met at an inn before outside circumstances meant the campaign fell apart.
2nd Row:
Katja, 3.5E D&D; human cleric prestige class (maybe a Radiant Servant of Pelor?) My very first TTRPG character! I played her in a high school friend's historical-fantasy-inspired homebrew setting campaign he ran one summer in college. She was meant to be an army doctor for Fantasy Imperial Russia and we were doing an escort mission across a desert that was, iirc, disputed territory between three superpowers? Mostly I remember killing a lot of ninjas and then stumbling across a magical oasis where the water was magically pacifying, finding the mineral that was responsible for this effect, grinding a bunch of it into powder, and then making our GM's life a living hell by slipping it into NPCs' drinks whenever we wanted something from them.
3rd Row:
Safira, Stewpot; Paladin/Artisan. This one's pretty obviously an expy of my angel OC Vehuel. Stewpot is a game about retiring from adventuring so the character concept for her was "Holy warrior chosen by prophecy to kill a great evil with a magic sword; accidentally fell in love with the great evil. Eventually killed it anyway. Deeply traumatized."
Yarrow Tunneler, Mausritter; Acorn sign wireworker. Yarrow came out so cute here! A lot of stuff in Mausritter is randomly assigned and I think her class was one of those things, but I liked the wireworker thing (basically she's a mouse electrician) and one of her starting bits of equipment was a spool of wire. There weren't any good wire spools on Hero Forge, but I managed to make a battery-looking thing for her to carry around on her back.
Esca Glowfin, Ocean Tides; mermaid. Yeah so the game wanted me to choose whether she was going to be a mermaid or pirate but I wanted to be both so I made it work. The actual character concept I had in my head does not look much like this but turns out one of Hero Forge's weaknesses is deep sea benthic horrors with needle teeth. So I just made her hot. Sorry, Esca, you probably deserved better.
4rd Row:
Minu Darzi, Shadowrun 5E/Definitely Not Shadowrun At All; elf face. This one's an expy of my demon OC Nisroc, but like, a very very tiny sliver of Nisroc's whole schtick. I tend to describe her as "what if Grendel's mother was a shitty grifter who wanted to be an influencer?" but she shoots a lot of people so I feel like her sphere of influence is powerful but limited to like. Influencing people to die.
5th Row:
Royse, 5E D&D; Aasimar rogue. Another Vehuel expy, this one much younger and less traumatized. Royse was made for a West Marches group I didn't really vibe with. The one session I played was great but the out-of-game downtime stuff felt like a part-time accounting job and I don't have any interest in accounting. Anyway Royse was fun and she was gonna be a Swashbuckler.
Pandora (& Scylax), Worlds Without Number; mage (Necromancer/Beastmaster). For the oneshot group I'm part of we've started doing a test combat session at the end of Session Zero to make sure our characters aren't going to die immediately, and after that our GM decided we should be using the Heroic rules. In the combat trial, Pandora used her one (1) spell slot to mind-control one of the wolves that were attacking us and it killed a bunch of the rest of them, so given the opportunity to add another 1/2 mage specialization I picked Beastmaster and gave her a wolf. I really liked some of the lore for this game but oof, it's super unforgiving. (I think it might be a good starting point if you wanted to play a Locked Tomb campaign, though?)
Zamira the Magnificent, Blades in the Dark; slide. This character was a disgraced stage magician who accidentally killed her assistant (maybe sawed them in half?) and I liked the concept but our Blades in the Dark party really didn't end up doing much RP, even though we are a very RP-heavy group; I kind of wish the game had facilitated it more.
6th Row:
????; Tempus Diducit; Weird Scientist. Tempus Diducit is a no-prep chaotic game about a time travel crisis where a lot of things are randomized; mostly I remember there being superintelligent octopi and making strong acids, and also me having a lot of very annoying ideas involving my specialized knowledge of both cephalopods and chemistry.
????; Subway Runners. I remember very little about my Subway Runners character but basically this is a no-prep game where your character sheet is entirely randomized and every character is probably at least a little Done With This Shit because every Subway Runners PC is a gig economy worker whose shitty gig job is fixing an urban fantasy public transit system full of extremely weird shit. I think by the end of the session all our characters had cat ears.
Miriam; You Awaken in a Strange Place; marine biologist. Once more my specialized cephalopod knowledge comes back to bite me in the ass! (Also, this is the second Miriam on the list; 'Zamira the Magnificent' was a stage name.) YAiaSP is another no-prep chaotic game; you also get to make up all the skills your characters have, and Miriam was good at Identifying Marine Animals but bad at Working Under Pressure, which was great because they were in a locked submarine murder mystery and identifying marine animals was basically of no use whatsoever. I think in the end she failed a Using Scientific Equipment roll and then bluffed that she had actually gotten the DNA results to get the murderer to confess. This is unethical if you're in law enforcement; if you're a professional marine animal identifier it's still unethical but I think it's also kind of impressive. Only I forget if it actually worked, so maybe it wasn't.
7th Row:
Heshky, Pathfinder 2E; half-orc investigator. I have literally only ever played half-orc investigators in Pathfinder, which is very funny to me. [Edit: This is no longer true! I have a dwarf ranger now.] Heshky here is not much like the Terezi expy, though. He is an expy, but of one of my OCs rather than someone else's and his backstory is that he's a former mob accountant whose boss died in circumstances that were technically not his fault, so he had to leave town for a while. I would absolutely love to play him somewhere else; he was made for my one-shot group but we ended up stretching that Pathfinder one-shot out to like 5? 6? sessions and I got very attached. (If I played him again I miiight not start him out as an investigator though, because he almost died like 3 times.)
8th Row:
Zirane, I'm Sorry, Did You Say Street Magic, baker. ISDYSSM is a cooperative worldbuilding game so I kind of forgot there was a character I played in it, but apparently I did! This guy lives in a fantasy city and works at a cafe owned by some mystery person (possibly a vampire?) but he's not worried about that. He is good at baking, but likes experimenting with weird combinations of flavors, which sometimes means his extremely well-made baked goods taste regrettable.
Kjersti, Session Zero; war-witch deserter. Session Zero is a character creation/development game without character classes; it can actually be played solo as a writing exercise too! So I just kind of went wild here. I really like the concept I ended up with and keep meaning to post what I wrote up for her; over the course of the game she went from annoyed arcane college student to spoiled rich girl to army deserter trying to survive a magical war crimes-induced apocalypse and daydreaming about overthrowing her own government in no time at all.
Edie, Genesys; dwarf mad alchemist. The setting we decided on for the Genesys one-shot was cyberpunk fantasy, a bit like Shadowrun but if magic had always been in the world, so I decided to pull out one of my old, old LJRP characters (Ed Espis) and repurpose her. Edie grew up a third- or fourth-generation corporate citizen and very privileged, but when her parents died under mysterious circumstances and she was fired shortly thereafter, the company decided she had to pay off all the resources they had invested in her entire family so now she's broke and has to do crimes (petty) instead of crimes (war) to live. She ended this session by shooting a guy in the head but listen, he extremely deserved it.
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stagmalinay · 1 year
Session 01 part 1
Alright, I have had the strangest day.
First, I wake up in a void and talk to some guy. Well, he sounded like a guy, and he said he wanted to use me as some errand boy, which was fine, I guess, Deshi was leaving for another time anyway, so I said why not, and then got randomly transported to another world. Like Deshi did. It wasn't Earth though.
So anyway, I wake up naked save for this weird belt holding a tiny pouch. Didn't do much to cover anything and the guy never told me what I would be fetching, so I just sort of looked around where I was and tried to find something to wear. I was in some old decrepit buildings and wondered for a second if I'd been transported to the future or something, I remember Deshi saying the future looked something like that, and found a bunch of stuff. It was dimly lit there, so it was kind of hard to see anything, but I found some shiny red, green and clear rocks, some plain clothes which I promptly put on, a second outfit that I stashed away just in case, some cloth, some bone jewelry, thin wooden sticks, and some dirty rocks that I think was food at some point, but it tasted like dirt so I'm not sure.
Anyway, in the midst of my search, I run into a guy with pointy ears and he throws dirt at me. I think I feel it crawling over me at some point, but it goes away and doesn't do me any harm, so I just kind of go the other direction. But then I run into this giant green thing, and it's breathing. He's a little shorter than Lord Carroll, but I decide it's best to leave him alone for the time being.
I search the rest of the cave and end up running into the dirt guy again huddled up into a corner facing away. He really wasn't paying me any attention, so I decided to say hi and scared the crap out of him. He was apparently already scared because of some creatures hanging out on the ceiling of the space in this area. I didn't know what they were, so I left those alone too.
I kept searching around for some stuff and realized that dirt guy was following me. He wasn't doing anything, so I just left him to his business and kept investigating.
Eventually, I came back to the giant green thing and searched the rooms around there. Well, the green thing woke up and decided to make a fire. I chose to stay out of sight but Dirt Guy just went right up and sat next to him. I'd never seen someone with green skin before, but I didn't think it was a good thing. Even so, they didn't do anything violent or dangerous, so I more or less just observed them freely. The green guy got up and left and then Dirt Guy left afterwards. I decided I might as well leave because there really wasn't much left in this building, if you can call it that, and went outside.
It looked like morning and I didn't see the green guy anymore, but Dirt Guy and I saw this small town in the distance and headed there together. Dirt Guy really doesn't talk much.
Here, I learned a lot. The town was called Silver Axe Oasis and this goblin guy who ran a bank helped fill in a lot of information for me. Dirt Guy was a half elf, which was why his ears were pointed, and the giant green guy was a half orc, which was why he was green. I thought that was really weird that they were basically people, but not people. I'd never even heard of orcs and goblins and elves before.
Anyway, this was apparently a tourist spot and the goblin showed me over to this area so I could watch the show. This small hairy guy came out, clearly drunk, and proclaimed himself king where he was pelted by a bunch of red berries until everything was bathed in red, except the small outlined area where Dirt Guy and I were standing. Then he just sort of returned to this room and the goblin went and changed his clothes. Gotta admit, it was a really nice looking outfit before, but the one after was nice too.
After the spectacle, Dirt Guy decided to go and fuss with the chair the king had sat on before, mocking and miming him in silence. I couldn't help but smirk and before I went back into the bank, the half orc must've fully woken up by now and was charging straight into town towards Dirt Guy. For a second, Dirt Guy looked terrified and then just... disappeared. He held up the chair for protection though and I could tell where he was because he never put the chair down. I really had to laugh at this point and soon, the half orc and inviso-Dirt Guy were fighting over the chair until the chair got destroyed.
At this point, I had no idea what was going on, but I was thoroughly entertained. I don't understand anything that's going on in this world, but whatever.
I head back into the bank, the goblin referring to Dirt Guy and half orc as my friends and then fed me and gave me water, which I very much needed. It wasn't too bad. Then the goblin admitted that he liked me, or at least I was easier to interact with than the other two, which I agree, and gave me an explanation on their money system. To be honest, I prefer the favor system of Thera.
Then I had to pay a platinum coin to Pouro who apparently teleported us to Mugen's, the half orc's, home town, so I did. And that's only the half of it.
I'll tell you more tomorrow, but I gotta say, totally understand Deshi's confusion with things on Thera now. As normal as it may seem in some ways, absolutely nothing is normal in a world different from your own.
CONTEXT: Author started a DnD campaign playing as me. Sessions are on Tuesdays and I'll be posting about my experiences after each session. I'll split them up so they aren't too long. Enjoy! And it turns out, I don't care if you're "human" or not, I'll still flirt with ya. 😘
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2005
After a busy year, 2005 is slightly calmer for KOKIA. There is no full album release this year, although she does release two new singles and features in other projects. She has been performing more often over the last couple of years, and that trend definitely continues from now on. It may be in preparation for next year, which will prove to be a big milestone in her career. There are also some events for the movie Origin: Spirits of the past (Giniro no kami no agito ('silver-haired Agito') in Japanese), for which KOKIA provided the opening and ending songs. But we'll see those again next year!
◆  Lives and events ◆
January 22 Social Welfare Corporation Habataki medical-induced AIDS chairt concert (Aichi prefecture Kinrô Kaikan hall)
February 2 Mizu no oto Vol.10 ('sound of water') (Shibuya O-West)
February 6 Aeon Yono city store KOKIA LIVE (Saitama, Aeon Yono) ※ 2 performances in 1 day
February 11 Zexy Ibaraki/Tochogi/Gunma version  presents Happy Valentine Radio (FM Gunma) ※ Live broadcast by FM Gunma
March 20 NTT DoCoMo presents EXPO LIVE PARK 2005 (Aichi, Oasis 21, Milky Way Square)
March 27 National Junior High and High School Student Selection audition! Ima doki? ('Right now?') idle contest (Shibuya BOXX) ※ live guest performance
April 28 KOKIA Special Live for Mother's Day ※ Live broadcast by OCN MUSIC WEB
April 30 ORC200 12th anniversary, Radio Osaka 47th anniversary, Festival of Thanks song festival (Osaka, ORC200 2F atrium, ORC square)  ※ Live recorded broadcast by Radio Osaka
May 8 VOICE2005 Kikoemasu ka? Chikyuu no utagoe ga... ('Can you hear it? The singing voice of Earth...') (Aichi, Ai-chikyuuhaku ('Love the Earth expo'), Nagakute site of the Ai-chikyuuhaku venue)
May 29 Daido Institute of Technology school festival (Aichi, Daido Institute of Technology, closing party performance)
【KOKIA June Garden (Tokyo, Blue Jay Way)】 June 7 - KOKIA June Garden ~talk talk~ June 9 - KOKIA June Garden ~girl talk~ ※ladies only performance June 10 - KOKIA June Garden ~talk talk~
July 24 KOKIA SEASIDE LIVE with Takeshi Senoo ~crystal sound meets amazing voice~ (Kamakura Prince Hotel, banquet hall Shichirigahama beach)
【KOKIA Summer Live ~Taiyou kara no okurimono~ ('A gift from the sun')】 ※ live tour for people who bought the single time to say goodbye in-store and won the raffle August 22 - Osaka, Flamingo August 23 - Fukuoka, ROOMS August 25 - Tokyo, Shinjuku, Minotaur 2 August 29 - Hokkaido, Kuu August 30 - Aichi, Club H
August 28 7th (21 seiki no mori ('Forest of the 21th century') outdoors musical festival (Gunma prefectural forest park, 21 seiki no mori forest venue)
September 16 KOKIAn 2 year anniversary commemorative performance (Tokyo Metropolitan Teian Art Museum) ※ fan club-exclusive event
September 19 COCOON 1st Anniversary Special Live (Saitama, COCOON new urban center, Cocoon Plaza)
October 18 KOKIA LIVE Aki kana tsukimikai ('autumn moon viewing party') in MANDALA ~hokkori shimasho poku poku no yoru~ ('let's get warm and fluffy for a rhythmical night') (South Aoyama MANDALA) Additional performances on October 19 and 21 for 3 in total
October 22-23 NTT DoCoMo presents MUSIC LIVE IN Okinawa & new musical mobile phone experience event (Mihama multipurpose venue, Carnival Park Mihama) ※ 2 performances on both days, for a total of 4 performances
November 5 Special live talk to commemorate the opening of the mobile site and forest page of Giniro no kami no Agito (Origin: Spirits of the Past) (Shibuya DUO)
November 6 Double GIFT ~Cafe Classics Vol.4~ Genta Utsumi album 'preview' and Yuri Hiranumi album release commemorative live (Tokyo, HAKUJI HALL)  ※ Surprise guest performance of the song Daiji na no wa tsuyoku omou koto (‘the important things are the ones you think about often’)
November 10 Otani University school festival, Shimei festival ~garden party~ (kyoto, Otani University)
November 26 JA BANK Presents LIVE in MIE 2005 ACOUSTIC COLLABORATION 4 (Mie prefecture culture hall, big hall)
November 27 AIR-G' presents KOKIA Talk & Live (Aeon Sapporo Naebo shopping center) ※ 2 performances in 1 day
December 11 Special Christmas ceremony for the movie Giniro no kami no Agito (Origin: Spirits of the Past) (Tokyo, ADK Shouchaku square)
December 12 KOKIA LIVE in Motion Blue ~NY, Manhattan no yoru o mou ichido ('night at Manhattan, one more time')~ (Motion Blue, Yokohama) ※ 2 performances in 1 day.
December 17 DoCoMo×LACHIC SWEET CHRISTMAS KOKIA special live (Aichi, LACHIC 1F passage)
December 20 Xmas Live 2005 KOKIA dinner live. Sparkling Christmas! ~oshii jikan ni kanpai~ ('a toast to a delicious time') (Tokyo, Hotel Grand Pacific Meridian Palais Royal)
◆ Releases ◆
February 23 Release of the single dandelion (Victor Entertainment) ※ end theme for the Nippon TV show Super TV jouhou saizensen ('front line of the news')
July 21 Release of the single time to say goodbye (Victor Entertainment) ※end theme for the Fuji TV show Kinyou entertainment ('Friday entertainment') B-side song Shiawase no hanataba ('bouquet of happiness') is the end them for the Nippon TV show Shin! Dotchi no Ryôti Show ('The New Dotch Cooking Show')
◆ Other releases ◆
February 23 Release of the Hiroshi Ashino album Côte d’azur kara no kaze (la brise de la Côte d'Azur) ('breeze from the Côte D'Azure') (King Records) ※ Composed the song Larme ('tear')
March 30 Release of the DVD Minna no uta best hit collection ('songs for everyone') (EMI Music Japan) ※ Recording of Yuukyuu no mori ('forest of eternity')
July 27 Release of the singe Peace road under the name Roppongi Dansei Gasshoudan Club with KOKIA (Colombia Records) ※ Song commissioned by Samsung Japan for mine clearance on the Thai-Cambodian border. Performed only the title song, Peace road.
November 2 Release of the Yuri Hiranuma album Mada minu eiga no tame no ongaku ('Songs for movies you haven't seen yet') (Dreamusic) ※ Wrote and performed the song Daiji na no wa tsuyoku omou koto (‘the important things are the ones you think about often’)
◆ Books ◆
March Release of the piano score collection Piano hikigatari KOKIA / uta ga chikara + dandelion ('voice accompanied by piano / songs are strength') (Doremi Music Publishing Co.,Ltd.)
◆ Other ◆
Performed the song This is your life for a TV commercial for Olympus China.
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fnrrfygmschnish · 2 years
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Some drawings of various species I’ve been poking around with as part of a random just-for-fun worldbuilding thing, lined up next to each other to give a general idea of how tall they are in comparison.
From left to right: Gnome, dwarf, elf, orc, and human.
Gnomes are actually made of fresh clay, and need to stay moist and out of direct sunlight to avoid drying up and either cracking or becoming too stiff to move.  As such, they live underground in a network of tunnels and caverns that’s come to be known as “the Gnomelands” (or Gnomegardren in their own language), and stick to shady or very moist areas if they’re ever stranded on the surface during broad daylight.  Their “beards” are in fact growths of crystalline or metallic substances, rather than anything close to hair.  They have no need for food, which sometimes leads to awkward situations when they have to attempt to take care of visitors from species who do need to eat -- a guest in a gnomish home may be served something which is only technically food, such as a raw potato or a hard and very moldy loaf of bread that has probably been in storage ever since the last guest came through months or even years before.  “Where do babies come from” is a philosophical question for a gnome rather than one of basic biology, because nobody knows what causes one particular lump of clay to spontaneously come to life and shape itself into a new gnome.  They are possibly immortal, though only in the “can’t die of old age” sense; they can still be killed, and it’s usually assumed that a gnome that dries up completely and hardens into a little statue is killed in the process.
Dwarves are pretty much like you’d expect -- short and stocky, bearded, can see in the dark, usually live underground, and known for mining and a love for gold.  Their attachment to gold isn’t out of greed, however, but rather for religious reasons -- they believe that all the gold that exists came crashing to the world’s surface in falling stars sent by the sun-god Khom ages ago, and that because of its divine nature it is the preferred offering to their entire pantheon of gods.  Gold coins are never used as “everyday” money, but rather donated to temples, where they are often smelted down and shaped into temple decorations or exchanged for other forms of money to be used to pay for temple repairs and improvements.  All dwarves grow beards, though dwarven women typically have thinner, wispier beard hair and much less mustache growth; a total lack of facial hair is strongly associated with disease in dwarven culture, so shaving is all but unheard of.  Their bones are actually denser than those of other humanoid species, contributing to the overall sturdiness they are known for.  Dwarves can interbreed with humans, though the resulting “half-dwarves” are usually indistinguishable from full dwarves.  They can also interbreed with elves, producing what the elves call Lugreleth (”Dark-Elves”) -- slightly shorter and more muscular than elves, with better vision in the dark and a strong dwarven tendency to grow beards (which is all but unheard of in full-blooded elves!)
Elves are known for their pointy ears, keen senses of sight and hearing, and unusual hair and eye colors (dark blue hair and bright yellow, green, or red eyes, for example.)  There are two major racial/cultural subgroups among the elves, the Lonneleth (”Moon-Elves,” so called because their legends claim that they once lived on the moon and were forced down to the world’s surface by some lunar catastrophe ages ago) and the Bosq’eleth (”Wood-Elves.")  The Moon-Elves’ society is based in the far western desert, with their capital city being built in a “forest” of gigantic cacti that has sprung up around a major oasis, though they have been known to travel far from their home country both over land and by sea.  The Wood-Elves, on the other hand, are more isolated and prefer to stick to the swampy forests of the Mureen region in the southeast, where they build their houses high in the branches of the trees with complex networks of ladders, stairs, and walkways which can be raised and lowered to different levels as needed.  The two races of elves speak essentially the same language, albeit with different slang terms and a bit of linguistic drift, suggesting that the two must have some common origin.  Elves can interbreed with humans, producing Miteleth (”half-elves”) who closely resemble full elves, but with slightly shorter ears.  Further crossbreeding with humans causes the elven traits to fade, until eventually after several generations you end up with slightly longer-lived humans who may have unusual hair or eye colors.  The elves refer to hybrids with less than a quarter elven ancestry as Belideth (derived from Belido, “round-ear,” their name for humans.)  Some say that elves and orcs can interbreed, with the result being green-skinned, pointy-eared goblins -- but both the elves and orcs are insistent that this is false and that the occasional goblins seen in the western mountains are a third, unrelated species.
Orcs are muscular, tusked, and typically green-skinned (several different shades of green are possible, ranging from the rare darker blue-greens to greenish-browns to even paler yellowish-green tones.)  They are known for their tough skin and their even tougher stomachs.  Orcs are extremely omnivorous scavengers by nature, capable of easily tolerating food that would be unpleasant or even downright unsafe for a human, whether that would be due to decay, parasites, some other contaminant, or all of the above.  Contrary to popular belief in some parts, Orcs are not inherently any less intelligent than other species... but currently their culture is struggling through something of a “dark age” thanks to a succession of several corrupt leaders (and their supporters) who have pushed them further and further toward a way of life that values an aggressive, paranoid, and anti-intellectual concept of “Orcishness” above all else.  All problems are blamed on supposed threats from outside (especially the elves), and orcs are strongly encouraged to distract themselves with athletic competitions, religious rituals, and large quantities of alcohol and other mind-altering substances rather than thinking about their situation too much.  Of course, not all orcs simply go along blindly with this; orcs have always made long journeys on foot from time to time, and now some families have taken to simply never returning to their homeland (or at least not the regions closest to the capital, where things are at their worst), living as nomads in other lands.  Orcs and humans can interbreed, resulting in half-orcs who are more human-like in appearance (albeit with small tusks and greener skin than any full human) and even taller on average than either of their two parent species while retaining much of the orcish muscle and toughness.
Humans are... well... they’re humans.  You’re probably a human.  You know what a human is already!
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historiasdehernas · 10 months
Sonhos de Areia: Episódio 38
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Aventura: A Queda de Rino
Episódio 38: Falha no Plano
               Depois de um reforçado café da manhã, o grupo se dirige até o Bairro das Presas, lá eles tem uma reunião com Zandro, onde os dois lados entram em acordo que os orcs da Tribo das Presas precisam começar a se mesclar a sociedade do Oasis para que tenham um futuro. Assim, eles arquitetam um plano, onde os heróis receberiam a ajuda dos orcs para derrotar Uri e a Guilda Salamandra, retomando o Bairro da Ex-perança dos bandidos e começando ali a expandir seu convívio com o resto de Calaena, enquanto os orcs mais jovens se formam em tecnomância ensinada por Selina e nas artes comerciais da Guilda dos Comerciantes.
               Só resta um ponto, convencer Oorgue, o líder da tribo, a apoiar esse plano, Zandro diz que tem conseguido convence-lo, mas agora resta aos heróis provarem seu valor em frente ao poderoso clérigo de Haras. Dito isto, o grupo vai até a tenda de Oorgue onde explicam o plano, mesmo o líder vindo de uma tradição de guerra ele entende que não é assim que garantirá o futuro de seu povo, mas antes ele gostaria de testar os heróis, ver se eles são fortes de verdade. Icarrion se voluntaria para um combate singular em nome da deusa da guerra para tentar provar seu valor frente ao grão-clérigo.
               Nas ruas do Bairro das Presas, os dois devotos se enfrentam com uma grande plateia observando seu embate, Icarrion desfere golpes rápidos e se defende como o cavaleiro que é, enquanto Oorgue investe em golpes destruidores, mas lentos com suas técnicas bárbaras de combate. No final do combate, o elfo utiliza os poderes da julgadora arco-íris para sobrevoar o orc e descer numa investida feroz empunhando sua espada, Oorgue também prepara um poderoso golpe com o poder de sua divindade centrada em sua alabarda pesada, assim Icarrion desfere um golpe poderoso contra o clérigo, mas é nocauteado logo em seguida pela quantidade massiva de dano causada por Oorgue.
               Depois de um longo descanso junto a tribo das Presas, o grupo vai falar com a Guilda dos Comerciantes, firmando um negócio para que seu negócio de produtos de higiene ajude os orcs mais novos a terem empregos e um lugar na sociedade de Zoror. Após firmarem os contratos com Hiro, o comerciante que tocaria seus negócios enquanto estivessem fora e seria o empregador dos orcs, o grupo nomeia sua empresa como Fragmentados INC e partem para o Bairro da Ex-perança junto com os orcs para derrotar a lâmia Uri.
               Os heróis conseguem chegar até a sala onde está Uri, a batalha começa rapidamente visto que o grupo chega determinado a mata-la, a lâmia e suas esposas lutam contra o grupo , mas acabam caindo uma a uma, durante a batalha os heróis escutam explosões e gritos vindos do lado de fora, presumindo que os orcs estão em conflito com os bandidos. Após derrotarem Uri a porta para o quarto onde estão explode, de lá saem muitos magos e guardas da Distribuição de Água, aparentemente os governantes da cidade estavam cientes das ações do grupo e dos orcs.
               O grupo encontra uma passagem secreta embaixo do divã de Uri, lá eles correm por corredores até chegarem a um quarto secreto, para sua infelicidade, lá os estão esperando três punhos solares, eles enfrentam os heróis, mas acabam por ser derrotados graças as táticas conjuntas de Mira e Tokoyo, que utilizam de um poderoso veneno para paralisar os monges. Um dos inimigos consegue fugir do campo de batalha e os heróis não o perseguem, usando os túneis subterrâneos para fugir do Bairro da Ex-perança.
               Eles correm até onde está Ongo, enquanto estão sendo perseguidos pela DA e possivelmente outros Punhos Solares¸o kobold rapidamente ativa a Manopla da Boa Viagem, teletransportando os heróis de volta para a Estalagem do Dayo, em Calaena.
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oracleact · 2 years
If I had an orc BF with the same body as the orcs from WoW I would be turned on ever second he talks.
Oh! I have an idea,,, make a poll about about orc romance
1. She & Male orc
2. He & male orc
3. She & female orc
4. He & female orc
oh me too…I’d be so utterly fascinated watching my orc bf talk - about anything! I love watching how the mouth moves with those gorgeous tusks as a type of obstruction. also orc voices themselves are always beautiful; really soothing to listen to no matter what gender the orc is or what language they are speaking.
I shall make that poll for you here too: my first use of polls on tumblr is for orcs and I love it 😌
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malcolmschmitz · 1 year
Quarreling orc lacemakers. Ever-burning, undead firebirds. An old grudge...
And a free book.
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I'm giving away a free copy of my short story, To Clear The Air, to anyone who signs up for my author mailing list.
Karvek, a cowardly orc lacemaker, must travel into the desert to get to a silkworm oasis. But the last caravan saw an undying, flesh-eating firebird. With a beast like that roaming the desert, there's safety in numbers. And his only traveling companion is a former friend, Alkett. She betrayed his tribe; Karvek still bears an ugly grudge. If they're going to survive the journey through the desert, Karvek must face that grudge- and the two lacemakers must clear the air.
Click the link at the head of the post- or click here- and download your free short story!
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darkmangaka · 2 years
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Cypher is a massive supporter of gymnastics within her own city, but around the world. She especially makes an effort to help fund them in small towns that normally wouldn't have access the sport.
This is a scene of Cypher congratulating a young orc girl from one of those small towns winning her first medal. Even though she placed 3rd, it was a massive achievement since only a year ago the girl and her town had never even heard of the sport.
Not only does Cypher try to fund these programs, but she makes an effort to go visit those who she sponsors, to Grand Priestess Welsh's headache.
"Winning gold medals at the Omega's is exciting, and a proud moment for me, but I've done it before and I'll have centuries to improve my craft. But, to see someone with a finite number of days, dedicate those precious minutes to this sport which I've become so fond of. That makes me happy, and to see someone who I've been able to enable to excel, well that's something that brings me pride. Each and Every time." - Cypher
Read the newest chapter of Devil's Deal and more lore free!
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whatlandremembers · 2 years
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Perdantes de la Grande Guerre, dommages collatéraux, victimes des batailles, toutes ses races sont désormais moindres. On ne trouve ces peuples qu'en petit nombre et ils ne pèsent que peu dans la balance politique. Contrairement aux trois Grandes, les peuples mineurs sont de nos jours des demies-races. Mélangées aux trois grandes pour survivre, tous ont perdu beaucoup de leurs caractéristiques physiques et magiques d'antan. Petit à petit ces races sont devenues humanoïdes. Les mineures sont moins présentes sur le forum. Le nombre de personnage sera donc limité. 
Au début des temps, les nymphes pouvaient être vues dans tout Valarya. A chaque cours d'eau, forets, plaines, montagnes, si vous tendiez l'oreille, vous auriez pu entendre leurs rires et leurs chants. Habitantes de la Nature, elles furent réveillées de leur sommeil profond par les elfes charmés par leur beauté. Ressemblant à de jeunes femmes pleines de vie, les nymphes vivaient généralement en petit groupe (4 ou 5 nymphes) dans des oasis de verdure cachés des regards. Les nymphes offraient protection aux jeunes femmes de tous les peuples et bénissaient les fiancés. Vivant principalement de cueillette ou de dons des autres peuples, elles étaient appréciées de tous les peuples, inoffensives, les nymphes avaient néanmoins la réputation d'êtres naïves. Si les forêts sont abattues, les cours d'eau pollués les nymphes en souffrent et finissent par dépérir. C'est ce qui se passa lors de la Grande Guerre. Chaque clan fit de l'habitat des nymphes un champ de bataille. Et alors que l'enjeu de la domination de Valarya se jouait entre l'Alliance et les Orcs, aucun de deux clans ne prêta attention aux complaintes de douleurs de ces êtres. Elles périrent les unes après les autres, tantôt sous les coups des uns, tantôt sous les coups des autres. 
DE NOS JOURS. Aujourd'hui, les nymphes ne sont plus qu'une poignée et n'ont plus rien à voir avec celles de l'ancien temps. Diminuées et affaiblies par cette guerre, elles ne communiquent plus autant avec la Nature, ni avec la Magie. Une bonne partie des nymphes se trouvent à Eredhel où leurs chants enchantent les jardins de la capitale. Elles s'occupent parfois des accouchements ou officient les mariages, gardant un lien puissant avec les jeunes femmes de chaque peuple. 
CHARME. Les nymphes possèdent une aura bienveillante qui leur donne un avantage indéniable, chaque peuple semble adorer les nymphes, leur beauté et parfois même, semble croire tout ce qui peut sortir de leur bouche. Certains médisants pourraient même dire qu'elles savent influencer les plus faibles d'esprit. 
MAIN VERTE. Les nymphes ont toujours eu une appétence particulière pour s'occuper la flore de Valarya. Auparavant, lors du printemps elles faisaient facilement naitre des bourgeons, éclore des fleurs et pousser certains arbres. Aujourd'hui, c'est leur aura qui semble plaire particulièrement à la végétation et certains de leur chant pourraient avoir un effet plus puissant que l'engrais.   
nota bene : Toutes les nymphes sont nées assignées fille à la naissance. Si une nymphe accouche d'un enfant assigné fille, l'enfant sera nymphe, tandis que l'enfant assigné garçon aura les caractéristiques du peuple du paternel. Cependant, pour les persos nymphes tous les genres peuvent être joués.
Les djinns étaient un peuple simple mais puissant. Chaque clan djinn vivait au loin des autres peuples de Valarya et entretenait des relations relativement pacifiques avec tous. Pourtant l’avènement du dragon Laballion changea la donne. Lorsque le dragon arriva sur les terres de l'Est en ravageant cultures, élevages, il massacra également les djinns osant combattre contre lui. Les flammes maitrisées par ce peuple n'eurent aucun effet sur le Dragon, alors que le feu du monstre brûlait attrocement les djinns, pourtant insensibles à la chaleur. Les djinns envoyèrent de nombreux émissaires auprès des autres peuples pour demander de l'aide. Personne n'y répondit.  Ils durent donc, pendant plusieurs centaines d'années, subir le lourd tribut imposé par le dragon : de l'or pour son trésor caché au coeur d'un des canyons de l'ouest, bêtes et parfois jeunes gens pour son appétit insatiable.  Ils ne prirent pas part à la Grande Guerre en temps que peuple, cependant, de nombreux jeunes djinns rejoignirent les rangs de la Grande Alliance individuellement. 
DE NOS JOURS. Les djinns sont aujourd'hui une race rare. Ses membres sont scindés en deux groupes : à l'est au sein de leur ville native, une cité troglodyte nichée au sein du désert, et l'autre à Eredhel. Leur capacité apyre les rend très appréciables dans la capitale technologique. Elle est très recherchée dans les forges et les ateliers. 
FEU. Leur pyrotechnie s'est désormais transformée en une simple aptitude à ne pas sentir la morsure de celui-ci. Certains semblent pourtant avoir conservé la capacité de maitriser le feu (le créer, l'éteindre et le diriger), mais ils sont assez rares. Leurs pouvoirs ont diminué avec leur nombre. 
MIMETISME. Avant la Grande Guerre tous les djinns pouvaient devenir invisibles, désormais c'est du simple mimétisme. Ils parviennent à se fondre dans leur environnement comme des caméléons. Mais ils sont toujours repérables si on y prête attention.
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mobauniverse · 2 years
Destiny RPG -mmorpg GameOnline (Android) Gameplay
🎮 DOWNLOAD 📲 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mmorpg.game.dldl 📲 iOS N/A
🎮 SIZE 893 MB
🎮 DESCRIPTION = Game introduction = "Destiny RPG" is a MMORPG mobile game, role -playing, large multiplayer battle games, immortal game, root playing game online, online RPG games, online PVP action game. This is a Fantasy world. Players will play a "Dragon Guard" here to defend the Destiny world
== Game Features == -The global server Players from more than 100 regions around the world player here. Players can compete with each other, you can make friends to form a legion, challenge different bosses and real dragons
-Guardian system Players can have a little angel and little demon. The angel provides huge additional combat effectiveness and damage reduction ability. The little devil can increase the experience of killing monsters by 50%.
-The top equipment system Equipment will be one of the most effective items to increase combat effectiveness. Equipment such as wings and weapons can be obtained through BOSS challenges and dark dragons, or you can build your heart through forging books.
- Cross server battle system The soldiers can join the guild and gather with other players. Release your enthusiasm for PK in a huge map. Become the most respected soldier in the world.
-Anting system You can tame multiple epic mounts. The mount will accompany the player to cross infinite darkness and resist different challenges.
= Game World View = The story of "Destiny RPG" starts from the Destiny continent. Everything originated from the dragon's breath. It was born between the real dragons of the universe's flood and the creation of all things. True Dragon Yongmian, guarding the Destiny continent, can only awaken the sleeping real dragon only with extreme darkness and chaos. But at the beginning of Shin Long's sleep, the wisdom life that had given dragons to a very small number of Destiny continent was given. These people who have passed down from generation to generation will assist the hero of Zhenlong's reincarnation, and they are called "Dragon Guards". Long Wei is a very talented person or creature in wisdom. Some of them have become followers of the Dark Dragon Caesar because of pursuing eternal life and extreme power. Organization, because they want to bring the night to the Destiny mainland, they are called "Yong Ye Army". The mission of the Dragon Guards is to crush the "Yong Ye Army" conspiracy and defend the dawn of the Destiny mainland. The Dorland continent is the largest mainland of Destiny. On this vast land, human, orcs, dragons, elves, dwarfs and other races reproduce each other. In the Destiny continent, there are vast forests, beautiful oasis, cold glaciers, hot volcanoes, deep dungeons, and other diverse style of landforms. Welcome to the Warriors to open their own sobbing gods here!
💌 COPYRIGHT MATTERS & PAID PROMOTION Email [email protected]
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“Uh oh…”
When someone says something outta pocket about your half orc/half tiefling boyfriend and now you have to unleash the wrath of the seven seas on their bitch ass.
Left- Oasis Solum she/her (Water Genasi/Human hybrid Class: sorceress
Right- Bahk Brightwater he/him (Orc/Tiefling hybrid Class: Barbarian
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spartanblacksmith · 2 years
To The End
A Humans are Space Orcs story inspired by Stellaris.
In the point of views of several characters.
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Star date: April 23, 2260
Location: Galactic Community building on Planet Dune in the Elger system of the Deterian Empire
- Ambassador Abon, age 30
It was a hot day on the desert planet of the Deterians. A planet covered in sand, with only a few oasis to sustain it. This city, surrounding what they call "The Great Oasis", became the capital for the Hyena-like species.
Not very suitable for my tastes. As I sit next to the window in the Galactic Community headquarters, I ponder my own world. My home world, Olympia of the Skarian Empire, covered in tropical trees and intense humidity, was more suited to my Owl-like race. It was a definite opposite to this world.
"Admiral Abon."
I turn to my assistant standing in the doorway. "Mican, it's Ambassador. At least temporarily, until Regan gets over his surgery."
"Right, Mr Ambassador." He goes to salute, but quickly bows instead.
"Still can't tell when I'm joking with you? It's fine if you call me Admiral."
Mican merely glares at me. "You know I'm very literal, Admiral."
"Sorry. *Chuckle* Is the transport ready? I'm ready for us to get off this world. Not even this office can cool us enough."
"I know, sir. My feathers have been molting all day. The Galactic Community meeting a whole two weeks, and every time I go outside, I'm sure I'll evaporate. How the Deterians survive with all their fur, I'll never know."
He brushes a few old red feathers into the big trashcan by the door. It's full of old grey feathers from myself and even more from my staff members.
"But no, the transport isn't ready yet. I wanted to brief you on some terrible news."
Slightly alarmed, I ask "From what? It isn't the King, is it? I know he's 103, but-"
Mican cuts me off. "No sir. It's the Terran Ambassador. He's asking around for help in a significant crisis in the Terran Empire."
For a moment, I ponder the Terran Empire. A robust people. Strong, if a little stubborn. The bipedal humaniods made great advancement into the galactic stage.
Already at 6 colonies and a strong fleet. Perhaps the 3rd largest number of systems of the 8 empires we know. Unfortunately, this expansion has been costly on their technological development. I think they're currently at 6th. Unlike us, 2nd only to the Fallen Empire of Ferra.
I shake myself out of thought. "I can't imagine what troubles they could get into. Unless it's those Yinto troublemakers again?"
"I'm afraid so sir. Reports are that Yinto saboteurs planted a plague bomb onto every farming district of their Empire. Their food stores are almost empty."
I was shocked when I heard 'Plague Bomb'. "By the Gods. A plague? That violates Galactic law! How could they?"
"Um, not quite. The Yinto Envoy sent to defend their case says it's not technically against law. It doesn't affect humans, but their soil. Their farms can't grow anything and any crops still planted have died."
I curl my claws in anger. A loop hole. A tiny loop hole they have used to completely devastate an empire they wish to expand into. The serpent-like species already have the the largest empire, the greedy snakes.
"Security had to restrain some of the humans who then tried to attack the Envoy. No charges are being pressed against the humans, however, the humans are on the verge of starting a galactic war."
"Those slithery villains! A plague that doesn't kill people but starves them. I'll make sure the snakes don't get away with this." I start writing some notes about selecting sanctions and arguments against their case. "What of the ambassador?"
My assistant looks at his clipboard he keeps on his belt. "He's asking for assistance in food supplies. It's for enough Food Units to last his people until they can remove the plague and replace the soil. Estimates are at 8 years."
"Hmm, simple enough. What's the amount?"
My assistant hesitates. "Um, 30,000 units, sir."
I almost drop my pen. 30,000? I calculate a few numbers. It does make sense. 7 growing planets to feed for 8 years. But few have that kind of supply to even give. The only ones I can think of are the Yinto's and our own Skarian Empire.
"What are the responses from the other ambassadors?"
"The other assistants are also waiting. News has yet to come in. But projections are slim."
"...Perhaps put the transport on hold. I have a few calls to make."
Hours pass by. It's the afternoon now. Perhaps our trip will have to be delayed 'til tomorrow. I end my call with the King Olin of Olympia, feeling a little better.
Mican returns to the office. "News, my friend?"
He looks solemnly to the floor, clipboard to his chest. "Yes. Bad news, Admiral. All the other empires said they would provide no assistance in any capacity. The Terrans are on their own."
I click my beak in disgust. A crisis, and they do nothing. Not if I have anything to say about it.
I head out of my office. Mican follows close behind. "Which way is he?" Mican starts to lead me to the Terran office.
The humans inside were sullen. Some were pale as ghosts, worried for the future. I saw one sitting in a corner, sobbing into a handkerchief. The lead, Ambassador Durin, was standing in front of a table covered in papers, head lowered in defeat.
I walk through the door.
Star date: May 1st, 2260
Location: Terra (Locally called Earth) in the Sol System of the Terran Empire
- General Thomas, age 28
A blonde man shows me his rations ID. I run it through the card reader and see his family of four haven't received their rations for the month. I signal Rogers and David to place the food box in their truck.
"Thank you, sir." The man shakes my hand.
I place my hand over his. "Don't thank me. We still got a long way to go. We're gonna need to be tough in times to come. Maybe I'll be thanking you soon enough." The man nods back to me.
I let him go and he heads back to his vehicle with his family inside. After the men load the food, the truck leaves the Ration Distribution Center.
I look around the area. A large parking lot surrounded by two tall, wide, and curved buildings, almost like parentheses. The people under my command at their stations are also distributing boxes to the populace. Keeping their cool. Level headed.
Even with tanks sitting just outside the lot, with machine gunners in the higher windows, to make sure there were no food raids.
I wish it were easier. It's only been 4 months, but I miss the market. Now, with the shortage, we can't even choose what we get.
Even worse, I worry what we're gonna do. We only have enough for another 2 months. And with the alien empires refusing to help...what can we do now?
Another citizen approachs my station.
"Hello Ma'am. How may I help you today?"
She opens her mouth to answer, but is silent as she looks up. I notice everyone is looking up. I turn and see ships. Hundreds of medium transports, sitting in lower atmosphere.
"GENERAL!" I turn to Captain Barra, hurtling towards me on quick feet. She stops in front of me. "Sir, you're needed on the landing deck."
"Is it good news?"
"How can you tell?" She was almost bouncing with joy. Something she only does when the news is absolutely good.
"Just a hunch. For moment, I worried we were being invaded, but then I saw your smile from a mile away and thought, 'Surely Barra would notice, unless she didn't look up again'."
The brunette pouted at that one. "It was one time. One time I miss a pirate ship while on the lookout. He was a lousy shot anyway. Like I said, you're needed on the roof."
"Alright then." I pat Micheal on the shoulder, "Take care of this station, I'll be back."
We head to the landing deck, the bounce in the captains step returning slowly as we progress.
We exit the rooftop door, to the look of Ambassador Frank shaking hands with a Skarian, one of the Owl folk, along with both of their staff. The Skarians chest was covered in medals.
"Hello there, Ambassador Frank."
"General Thomas. Wonderful news. Unimaginable news. Um..." He gestures to the Skarian.
He composes himself for a moment, adjusting his translation device. "Greetings, General Thomas. I am Admir- Ambassador Abon. As you are in charge of the food supplies at the moment, would you mind signing this?" He hands me a clipboard with some papers on it. Some standard trade documents.
For the entire 30,000 Food Unit request.
I felt a little dizzy upon reading that. "You're covering the entire amount?"
"Yes, General. Although it may taste a little bit of walnut to humans, so keep that in mind when cooking. My people like to think themselves as generous. Ideals and practice are different though. When we heard no one would help you, we took it upon ourselves to cover what you needed."
I stand straight, trying to prevent myself from shedding tears in front of Abon. Signing the document, I hand it over to his red-feathered assistant. "Thank you, but won't this hurt your Empire?"
"We currently have a surplus farming economy. We may have to tighten a few belts for a while, but we'll be fine. What are we to ignore a fellow in need."
"Do you want nothing in return?"
"Now that you mention it, may I have a coin?"
Quizzically, I take out a gold colored coin with the founder of space travel, Mr. Hertz, on the face, from my back pocket and hand it to him. If represents a whole unit. (A dollar)
"Thank you. My home world only ever used paper currency." Abon spins the coin in his taloned claws. "This coin sure is an oddity. I appreciate the business." The Ambassador winks at me as he pockets the coin.
I nod to him. "Barra, get word to the storage silos. They have a lot food coming their way." Barra salutes and goes back inside.
I turn back to Abon. "I can't thank you enough."
Abon nods and pats his fist against his chest. "Your friendship is more than enough." He turns to his assistant. "Mican. Time to head home." As they are walking back to their transport, Abon says "Until we meet again, General Thomas."
Star date: October 10, 2277
Location: Titan Star fortress, located in the Titan System of the Skarian Empire
Admiral Abon, age 47
An explosion rattles the bridge. I see debris fly across the view screen. "Damn those rotten tomatoes! 'Sparrow 7' has been destroyed. Status report, Mican."
Mican tells from his station at the rear of the bridge. "14 Eagle class cruisers, 7 Hawk class cruisers, 30 Raven class destroyers, and 20 Sparrow class corvettes remain in fighting condition sir. Titan still at 60% percent capacity. Unfortunately, 7th fleet was forced to retreat."
Good numbers. Great even. If only the fungiloid Rotarrions hadn't teamed up with the lizard folk of Cardia. The Rotarrions approach from the northeast from the hyper lane of Renala. While the Cardians, approach from the northwest from the Gengar hyper lane.
Almost double the military might of what I had in under my own command. "Where is Admiral Deren with the 2nd and 3rd fleets? He is supposed to be here."
"He left later than he should have, and now he's being held up in a solar storm in the Jakar system."
I place my face in my wings, trying calm my anger. The foolish Admiral. In a smaller sized Empire like ours, you use the knowledge of your environment to your advantage, not walk into a solar storm we knew about for weeks.
"Then we have no choice." I open a fleet wide broadcast. "Men. It doesn't look good. But we will fight, to the last ship. If they break through, it's only a few jumps to Olympia. There, they will succeed in subjugating our people, our friends, our families. We cannot allow the enemy to set foot on our homeworld. We shall let these fools know we are not to be trifled with!" A resounding cheer comes from the communications module as all the captains give their agreement.
"Give it to them!" A volley rings out from my ships as the firing continues.
Among the yelling for reloads and reports, no one noticed the single message meant for the Admiral.
Star date: October 20, 2277
Location: Titan Star Fortress, located in the Titan System of the Skarian Empire
Admiral Abon, age 47
Alarms ring out through the ship. Shields have fallen and the armors about to give out. We've lost all of our Hawk cruisers and half of our Raven class destroyers. Almost every ship is down to only armor left. Titan station is surrounded by fighters, chipping away at it. It's own defense craft were overwhelmed 3 days ago.
"Admiral?" Mican asks from behind his bandages. He got hit when his computer station exploded from a large impact. Covering his eyes and forehead, he has refused to leave my side, in case I needed advice.
"Yes, Mican?"
"It's bad isn't it?" Mican asks.
Medic Tannan, tending to Mican, looks up from his patient to the Admiral in a look of despair.
"Yes, it is old friend. I don't think we'll survive to see the festival of stars, after all."
Mican gives a weak chuckle. "Shame. Shano and the girls were looking forward to it. She's going to get so mad at me."
"I'm sure you can convince her to forgive you. If we make it out of this alive."
Strategies and battle plans cycle through my mind, but nothing comes up. The enemy simply has too much firepower. We will be, no, have been overwhelmed for days. The end is near.
Suddenly, an enemy cruiser is hit and explodes of to the right on my screen. It sends shivers up my spine and my feathers on edge. "What in the blazes-"
A call comes through on the communications. "Sorry we're late, Admiral Abon. You're so darn far away, and the Rotarrions 5th fleet slowed us down."
I couldn't believe my ears. I push the talk button on disbelief. "General Thomas!? What are you doing here?"
"Well, I saw a friend of mine getting ganged up on by two school yard bullies. Now, from where I'm from, that's mighty rude. So I convinced my government to go to war with the allied Rotarrions and Cardians."
"You...did that? For us?"
"Well, what are we to ignore a fellow in need?"
"You cheeky little-"
"No time for banter, old friend. Let's turn these punks into a scrap yard. Admiral Williams?"
I can hear another human, a woman, over the communicator. "Alright men. Attack! 2nd and 3rd fleet, focus on the Rotarrions. 4th and 5th, get the lizards. 1st fleet, get those fighters off of Titan station."
I can see the Terrans on my screen now. Fresh ships and fighters head to our rescue. The enemy is in panic at what to do. Many of the Skarian fleets are battered but still kicking. And now the enemy have an entirely new force bearing down upon them.
I knew it. Those fools threw everything they had at us, save a fleet or 2. Now they shall pay.
"Admiral, is it true? The Terrans are here?" Mican says from his seat. Medic Tannan is doing their best to calm him as he almost got to his feet.
"Yes it is." I activate the fleet broadcast system. "This is Admiral Abon. The Goddess of Luck has granted us favor. The Terrans have come to reinforce us. Stand firm. Stand strong. And most importantly, survive! Because if you die, I will personally punch your corpse. Over!"
"That seems a bit excessive. You would have to get into a space suit-"
"Sarcasm, Mican."
"Ah, right."
Star date: November 3, 2277
Location: Nest Shipyards, in the Ying system, next to the planet Strider, of the Skarian Empire
Admiral Abon, age 47
The ships in the repair bays look like they've been put through the ringer. And I know my sailors have been through a worse time.
It is certainly a sight, seeing a Terran corvette removed from the side of a Skarian Eagle cruiser. Mican, now without bandages, but in a wheelchair because of hospital policy, sits next to me, looking out onto the crafts.
"Madman, to do that." I look to my left as General Thomas approachs. "Sorry about that."
"No, Thomas. I would very much like to honor Captain Barra for her brilliance. If not for her plugging the hole in the ship, the crew would have been lost to space. I've gotten word that the men of the S.S. Rivers would personally love to throw her crew an honorary banquet."
"She would be delighted to attend." He looks over to Mican, who's wheeling up to him. "Hello again. You look like you've seen better days."
Thomas shakes Micans hand. "I have. But thanks to you, I can live to see more."
"You're welcome." Thomas assumes his regular military stance and we all gaze upon the fleet that took a battering at Titan.
I start thinking about Admiral Deren and Admiral Williams, going through the enemy empires. They are expected to surrender within days, as they have no fleets and their shipyards have been seized. The humans will take a few systems for their trouble, and the Skarians will do the same. Perhaps teach them not to throw hands so eagerly.
"Say, Thomas."
"Yes, Abon?"
"I was going to ask what your people wanted in return. For helping us."
Thomas thought for a minute. Then he smiled. "Say, you don't happen to have one of them stones that I hear about? The talismans your people keep?"
I look over at the General, and hand him one I had in my pocket. "My people usually carry two of these. Back when we flew regularly, we tied 2 larger stones to our belts to make sure we were strong fliers. Now we just keep these small talismans of the god of the skies."
I hold it up and observe it. A Skarian Wing, fully extended, was on the face of this small stone octagon. I put it into my shirt pocket. "Thank you, friend."
"General." Captain Barra approachs us from down the hallway. "Here are the reports." She hands Thomas a packet of papers.
"Thank you Captain. Oh, and get your crew into their uniforms. You're the guests of honor at a banquet being thrown by the S. S. Rivers crew."
"As thanks for saving them." I add.
"Oh, gives me a great excuse to get Jerry to shave." Barra starts bouncing back down the hallway.
"Jerry?" Mican asks Thomas.
"Barra's fiance. He's the captain of a destroyer."
"I see. I wish her the best of luck."
Star date: December 31st, 2299
Location: Red Beach, on the Resort World of Dawn, in the Dawn System of the Terran Empire.
General Thomas, age 68
Sunset at 6 p.m. It was a sight to behold. My grandchildren playing in the sand with Skarian children. A radio plays music on a table to my right.
"Sarah, careful, he can feel it when you pull his feathers. Be nice." Sarah looks at me, nodding vigorously, patting Tino on the back for pulling his feathers.
"Thank you, Thomas. I didn't want to be rude." Admiral Abon sitting to my left sips on his drink.
"It's all right. Sarah can be a little much. She takes after her grandmother with that."
"I heard that, Thomas." I flinch and Jesse looks to me, a little peeved. Silver hair flowing in the breeze, a bright orange sundress, and I can see her giving me that frown that I know I'm in trouble. She goes back to building sandcastles with little Robert and Sarah.
"She's going to hold that one for a bit, isn't she?" Abon asks.
"Yes, she is."
A hearty chuckle comes from the Admiral. "A yes, what a lovely pair you two are. Very lovely." A scowl comes over him again. "Unlike that silly little - "
"Oh, Abon. Give Edin a chance. He's gonna be your son-in-law tomorrow."
"I know, I know." He throws up his wings in annoyance. "Give him a chance, everyone says. He's a great guy, everyone says." He lowers his wings back to his sides. "He's not even military. The boy's an electrician. A scrawny one at that."
"Oh, come on, that's not a good enough excuse. He's got his own company of electricians. I know you're just mad at having to give your little Rana at the wedding." I take a sip from my tea, smiling at the fact that even across the galaxy, a dad can be overprotective of his daughter.
"Remember how hard your son, Ren's, father-in-law gave him such a hard time marrying his daughter, Yin?"
Abon shifts slightly in his chair. "Well...*sigh* you're right. And Edin is a nice kid. Treats her well. She's 26, old enough to know bad from good. And his home isn't bad."
"Yeah, a 3-story tree house definitely isn't bad."
"No. It-"
A broadcast on the radio interrupts the music and Abon. "Today, on the turn of the millennium, King Polik of the Skarian Empire gives a speech on Dawn, at the Stone Plaza. There he will commend the Terran Engineers for their part in the construction of the Terran/Skarian project, Planet Dawn. After this he will-"
"May I ask you turn the channel." Abon says as he lowers his hat over his face.
"Sure." I change it to the the rock channel, but apparently it's on all channels. I simply turn it down. "Quite stubborn, aren't you?"
"King Polik. An absolute buffoon. Compared to my future son-in-law, Edin is a gem."
"You don't mean that."
"I do. He has only taken the throne 5 years ago, and he has done unimaginable stupidity upon our empire."
"It's not that bad. So what he cancelled all of the Gateway projects. You still have the one in Titan, which is only 5 jumps away from the other side of your Empire."
Abon simply looks at me, deadpan. "We are the smallest empire, Thomas. Everything is 5 jumps away. Our 12 planets are the most packed in the galaxy.
"But that doesn't mean we won't need more Gateways. A simple 3 more at each border point and our homeworld, and we would never be cornered or outflanked again. And reinforcements from the Terrans are only one Gateway away." Abon angrily sips at his near empty drink, looking at the ocean.
"How do you even drink from a straw with a beak?"
"Elongated straws." Abon shows me a normal looking straw, but with a space for the beak to clamp down on. He sets it down and continues.
"And another thing, he's far more stubborn than I am. He refuses my advice, his most senior officer. Our research should be going into our ships, not this, this, this trade war with the Yinto's."
"And don't get me started on his loan approval to the Anton Council, who made a federation with the Rotarrions soon after. Backstabbing insectoid's, the lot of them.
"Look, you're angry, I get that. But I'm sure the kid will see eye to eye with you eventually."
"And if he doesn't."
I look at the ocean. "There's always retirement."
"Come on, Mr. Gloomy bird." I get up from my chair. "Let's see how your sandcastle skills are. The girls are waiting for us."
"Oh, all right. My darling Tear will get mad at me if I don't join her playing with Tino."
Star date : July 7th, 2304
Location : Terra (Locally called Earth) in the Sol System of the Terran Empire
Admiral Abon, age 74
A magnificent sight. A giant structure, the Sky Knights Federation Headquarters, stands in front me. 4 spires in a triangular block. 3 spires for 3 members individual offices, 1 bigger spire in the middle for all 3. A big enough complex for the 3 Empires that banded together to cohabitate.
Only 6 months ago did the Terrans, the Skarians, and the Deterians join together in this federation. A momentous occasion. But on the bureaucracy side, it's not so easy. 3 different systems to merge together and learn. The paperwork has been atrocious, or so I heard.
As for where all of these federation activities would play out, we all chose Terra. Not only did they have a Gateway in the Sol System (Much to my annoyance that Polik still won't do the same) making for easy travel, but the environment was splendid.
Not a desert like Dune, and not too humid like Olympia. Good enough for us.
"Sir?" Mican asks me. "Is something wrong?"
"No. Thank you, Mican. I was lost in thought for a minute there. Shall we?"
"Yes sir." Mican pulls up his clipboard. "The King is expecting us in half an hour. From the looks of it, we'll get there", he says as he looks up and down the massive structure, "on time."
"Well, then let's get walking." We get to the lobby. As usual, there are dozens of tired Terrans, rushed Skarians, and bedraggled Deterians all over the lobby, taking a break from the madness going on in the offices above. So many voices, not even my translator can pick them all up. Some of the Skarians that recognize me stand and salute.
"At ease. Just passing through." They sit back down, explaining who I am to their co-workers. A little bit of awe creeps in to their faces.
"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite birds." I turn to look at President Thomas walking over to me and Mican, Admiral Barra at his side. I shake his hand. "How are you doing, old-timer?"
"Me? You've gotten wrinkles on your wrinkles, you fossil."
"Perhaps, but your baby feathers are considered museum artifacts these days."
I start laughing at that one. "Little do you know, a museum actually has one of my baby feathers on display."
Thomas starts laughing with me. We settle down and I ask "So, how's your new position? Being President for 2 years now?"
"Give me my rifle, hammer, and my battalion any day. It's so stuffy in these offices. And the paperwork." He started flexing his hand, open and closed. "I spent 4 hours signing things before I came down here. I got a cramp in my hands."
"Sounds like torture."
"Ha ha ha. So, here to see the visiting King?"
"Yes, hope he hasn't given you much trouble."
"Besides the horrible guest manners?"
Mican grasps his clipboard against his chest. "Oh no. He didn't."
Admiral Barra chimes in. "Yes he did. He was found having an orgy with his Harem in the central board room only 2 days ago. Then asked the interns who accidentally walked in on it to join them."
I cringe at the last part. It was terrible to say the least. The Debauchery the King has showed of late. Even trying to pass the Chemical Bliss edict, thankfully Parliament blocked.
The worst part was that a Harem was unheard of on my world.
The Terrans assumed that the King was allowed a Harem, considering he didn't go anywhere without them.
Truth was, Polik was cheating on Queen Gela, and everyone just lies to the other Empires.
And it pains me to lie to my old friends.
"Yes, well, he's only gotten stupider. Embarrassing the Empire like that. I knew he was a fool."
"Yes you did. I guess the next few years are gonna be a rough ride." Thomas says with a half smile.
"Thank you, for the heads up. At least we can do a little damage control. Where's Polik at now?"
"Talking with this merchant. He's trying to sell him this weird Orb."
"Orb?" Mican asks, a little curious. "What kind of Orb?"
"Don't know. Big, silvery thing." Admiral Barra raises her hands in an outward gesture to show how big it was. "Sitting as big as a corvette. Said it's a portal."
"A corvette sized magic Orb? What's the price?" I ask.
"Don't know. Thomas and I heard you were coming, so we came to greet you."
"Then let's get there, pronto. Heaven only knows what that Orb is, and what Polik will say." We start towards the meeting room.
Something stirs in my gut. A feeling of dread. Whatever this thing is, we must not let it out of our sight. I try to reason with myself. It's a trick. A con. He's trying to sell some silver, saying it's mystical. Your instincts are overreacting.
But the feeling doesn't escape me.
The group enters the meeting room. The scene does not bode well.
"You expect me to believe this thing is a portal? It's ore shaped like a ball. That is all." King Polik, a sliver feathered Skarian, standing the tallest in the room, is shaking his wings dismissively at the merchant sitting in chair across the table.
A strange being, unseen before. Hiding behind a mechanical breathing mask, but I could tell he was odd, considering he was the first being I've seen with 10 arms and 4 legs.
"You forgot to mention that, Thomas."
He quickly looks to me, the merchant, then back to me. "Oh, right, sorry."
"Abon. Finally you're here. Throw this fool out of my sight."
"With due respect, sire, I'm 10 minutes ahead of schedule, and I haven't seen what Mr..."
With a raspy voice coming from his mask unit, the merchant says "Rouck."
"Mr. Rouck has to sell."
"I agree. This could be important." President Thomas backs me up. Admiral Barra nods beside him. Mican stands to my left, chin held high.
"It's a trick. This merchant is trying to sell us some metal for more than than a fleets worth."
"And if the 'Orb' is true? What then? We wouldn't want it to fall into the hands of the Yintonians." Thomas let's that sit in the air.
Polik merely looked around us. "Ughh, fine. Have it your way. Mito, have all my plans pushed back today, and ready my ship."
"It's Mican, your Majesty."
"Shall I have your name changed to Mito?"
"No sir. Sorry sir." Mican heads off to work. I would have loved to wipe the smirk off of Polik's face at that moment. But Thomas places a hand on my shoulder.
"Let it go."
A moment passes. "Fine." The three of us head out.
Star date : July 7th, 2304
Location : Terra (Locally called Earth) in the Sol System of the Terran Empire
Admiral Abon, age 74
In orbit of Terra, the view is astonishing, even after all the years I've seen it. A big blue marble, covered in large chunks of land. The sight of Olympia is still greater, in my opinion. Perhaps it's bias. Perhaps it's the feeling of flying higher than my ancestors ever did. I'll never know. But Terra is still a good sight.
"We're coming up on the Orb now, Admiral."
"Thank you Mican. Let's see what it is."
Mican and I head to the bridge. Halfway down the hallway of the Kings ship, we pass his Harem room. A near naked Rotarrion female leaves the room to head to the bathroom, followed by a Skarian female in nothing but her feathers.
Mican covers his face as they pass. When we're further down the hallway, he begs "Please don't mention to to Shano that we were on this ship. She'd kill me."
"Shano couldn't even hurt a fly, you know that. But don't worry, I won't mention it."
How the King even finds a Rotarrion sexy is beyond me anyways.
"If Tear were still here, she definitely would have beaten me to a pulp."
A moment of silence as we walk down the hallway. Tear had passed away from natural causes but a year ago. "Sorry about that sir."
"No worries, old friend. Just love your darling Shano with all you have. That'll be enough."
"I will, Admiral."
We reach the bridge the same time the others do. The merchant is on the view screen, now that's he's boarded his own merchant vessel.
A large, tube-like vessel with a big, rotating ring around it was sitting in orbit. The thing was huge. Even bigger than the new Terran Battleships sitting close by. The technology on the merchants ship looked ancient, but powerful and advanced as well.
But the ship was not the thing that captured everyone's undivided attention.
4 silver Orbs were mounted on the ships hull, locked in what appeared to be containment shields. They weren't difficult to spot. Even though they were on the dark side of the merchant vessel, with no lights upon them, we could see the orbs clearly, as if they projected their own their own light.
Every fiber of my being was yelling DANGER at me. These things were dangerous.
"There are 4." I nearly jump when King Polik speaks. "You told me there was 1 Orb."
Rouck answers. "Yes, there are 4. I offer one to you, as I will the other 3 federations that will contain the Orbs."
"There aren't 4 Federations. There are 3."
"There is yours, the Forester Federation, the Yinto-Cardia Federation, and the Ferra Empire."
"That's 3 Federations and one Failing Empire."
I notice every Deterian on the bridge are shivering at the sight of the Orbs. The Terrans hair are standing on ends. Even my own feathers are furling.
Rouck simply shrugs his shoulders. "Still 4. It takes a significant amount of resources to contain each Orb, and I can no longer continue their containment. So I ask -"
"You dare question my Empires ability to put a little shield around some balls of silver? If that's the case, we don't want any of them."
I hurriedly try to salvage the situation. "My lord, I'm sure he meant no offense. As for the Orbs, I think they're the real deal. They are dangerous. My instincts are telling me so."
"Mine as well." President Thomas cuts in. "Perhaps if you would like to offer this to the Terran Empire if King Polik isn't interested?"
Rouck taps his many fingers together in thought. "Yes, perhaps we could -"
"Are you serious?" Polik stomps his foot on the floor, pulling everyone's attention. "Once again, you and your pet soldier, colluding against me. I'm quite tired of it, you old bag of bones."
Thomas and I accidentally say in unison "Excuse me?"
"You two know what I mean. I know what you say behind my back. You disapprove of my decisions. You're always going around me to get your silly projects through. You make fun of my Harem. You make intergalactic deals without my knowledge."
President Thomas intercedes. "My apologies, King Polik, but we make these deals only for the good of our people, both the Skarians and Terrans, even the Deterians sometimes."
"No excuse to cut me out!"
I get a little frustrated at his juvenile anger. "I must make these deals because you refuse to do anything. You just hoard our resources instead of use them. We even have 6 half made Gateways that could save our people tons of time and fuel if we just -"
"I've had enough of you, you prude! Always with the reasons, the lectures, the blah, blah, blah!"
Polik now strutting in a circle, looking at me, thinking he's so clever, for some reason beyond me.
"You wanna know what I think?" Polik looks to Thomas while still talking to me.
"Father made a mistake approving your request to give the Terrans those food units all those years ago, the ungrateful punks."
Mican flinched at what was said. Thomas was frozen. I lost my temper. The insults that Polik has laid made me see red.
"The Terrans have more than made up for that, all those years ago. They rescued us in the War of Titans Hold. They helped us upgrade our forges."
"It's thanks to them that the other federations that surround us don't attack. They more than triple our size and strength. Thomas here was the reason we even got this federation together."
"As for you, you're are a spoiled brat, that lounges around, cheating on his wife, Queen Gela! And his name is Mican, you dunce!"
"You mean he isn't allowed a Harem?" The Deterian Envoy asked, quizzical now.
King Polik was silent at that outburst. He was looking around the room, a clear scowl on his face. He rounds on me. "YOU DARE! YOU ROTTEN VULTURE!" He was poking the tip of his talons at the medals on my jacket. "I HEREBY STRIP YOU OF YOUR RANK! YOU'RE FIRED!"
Slightly shocked, but unsurprised, I straighten up, tearing my Admirals patch off my jacket and toss it to his feet. "Gladly. Working for you was exhausting anyways."
Everyone in the room was utterly surprised at what just unfolded. All but the merchant.
"If this fool is a central leader to your federation, then I cannot trust that you can hold even a single Orb. Good bye." Rouck closes the call. In the window, we see his ship start moving in the direction of the next hyperlane.
I've lost my job, and we didn't even get the Orb. What a horrible day.
Thomas tried to talk in my defense. "King Polik, please reconsider your decision. Abon has served loyally for many years."
I raise my wing. "Don't bother. I'm glad to be rid of it. Now I can go home and not have to bother with Polik."
Polik took offense to that. He swung his wing in the air. "Well, begone, all of you. I'm tired, and I'd like some alone time, thank you." He presses a button on the bridge control panel.
After a minute, the Skarian female from earlier walks in, in a nightgown this time. "Ah, Treu." Polik says as he hugs her, pulling at her underwear.
"That's our cue." Thomas says. We all walk out of the bridge, except the poor crew that have to stay to pilot the ship. It was a long, slient walk back to the hangar.
On the transport back to the surface, Barra tries to offer words of comfort, but I tell her it's fine.
"Like I said, I spent most of my life in the stars. It's about time I spend it with my family. Rana's trying for her first child now. Tino's getting into the 3rd grade now, and his mother, Yin, is expecting her 2nd child now. It would be a shame to miss that."
Thomas nodded. "I can understand that. Jesse tells me I need to take more vacations."
Mican, sitting next to me, looks sullenly at his clipboard. "Well, I won't be needing this anymore." He tosses into the trash. "Shano's gonna be seeing a lot more of me now."
I give him a raised eyebrow. "There's no need to do that. You still have your job, I think."
"No, no, if I'm not assisting you, I'm certainly not assisting the next Admiral, nor Deren."
Admiral Barra starts laughing at the mention of Admiral Deren. "Deren, oh Deren. Say, now that you two have more free time now, you can come see our next war games and watch me run circles all over that old sailor."
I chuckle at that. "You realize you and I are old sailors."
"No, No, you and I are more... Veteran sailors."
"Veteran Sailors." I nod slowly at that. "I like that."
Star date : April 26th, 2319
Location : Fortress Planet Gibraltar, in the system Alexandria.
General Thomas, age 87
The enemy stood at a good 7 feet tall, like a human would. A being made of pure energy, with head to toe armor made up of a solid light that resembled silver.
His left handed weapon was an arm mounted cannon. His right handed weapon was a sword of light, that I had seen cut through concrete.
The Unbidden, they called themselves. A race of maniacal warriors that wanted to hunt every species to extinction for sport.
Good thing it's not immortal, because it'd be awkward to see him get back up after I blast a hole in his chest.
He disintegrates into sparkles and disappears. His friend runs to me and tries to stab me. I deflect it and kick his leg from under him, then smash his head with my hammer.
My genetic modifications, the only reason I remain in combat ready condition, allowed me the ability to fight these monsters on the frontline. Much to my joy, I still fought and looked like a 40 year old.
My division is currently routing the enemy throughout The Endless Forest as their ships burn in atmosphere, our fleets ambushing them. A good fight indeed.
"Drive them back! Go!" I get on my communicator. "Trent, take the 5th tank company and take the ridge! Isaac, remind the air support to keep the fighters away from sector 34, we can't lose momentum on the ground." My captains sound their confirmation.
Another squad of Unbidden charge at my position, most getting cut down by machine gun fire. 3 reach me though.
I deflect a shot with my hammer and blast one with my gun. I keep deflecting sword swings for a minute, until my lieutenant blasts ones head off. Gives me the chance to sweep his buddies leg and repeat a hammer smash to his lightbulb head.
I back up, letting my younger subordinates take the line. I take a breather.
"I am getting older. Nice job Wendy."
"Thank you sir. You're needed at the command tent."
"What do you mean? I'm a little busy here, if you hadn't noticed?"
"It's urgent, General. And besides, the enemy here is all but dead anyways."
"Perhaps. What happened now?
I see the worried look on her face. "King Polik is dead."
Star date : May 1st, 2319
Location : Olympus Citadel station, next to planet Olympia, in the Skor system
Admiral Abon, age 89
First day back in 15 years, and the place is in utter disarray. So many soldiers running around, carrying ammunition from the stores to their weapon placements.
I'm nibbling on some fish jerky as I read devastating reports next to a large window looking over Olympia.
The King died but a few days ago. The rotten luck that Polik was in charge of the entire Federation Fleet.
After Mr. Rouck left, he went to the Yinto-Cardia Federation. They purchased all 4 Orbs, promising to keep them contained.
They lied, as our spies noticed they had begun research into the orbs. They figured out how to unlock and activate them. As it was a portal, they figured whatever was on the other side, they could use in galactic conquest.
They were wrong. So very, very wrong.
6 months ago, the stupid Yinto-Cardia Federation activated one, which triggered the other 3 as well. And the Unbidden swarmed through.
In less than a hour, their orbital research stations were overrun. In less than a day, the portals grew to be large enough for whole fleets passage through. In a week, a force stronger than even the fleets of the Federations came through.
The Yinto-Cardia Federation were too late to stop them. Even worse, in a last act of spite, they closed their borders to the rest of the Galaxy. They even enforced this by firing on any ships that got close.
The Unbidden destroyed all in their path. Every station. Every fortress. Every Gateway. Every planet. Down to the last animal.
It wasn't until the last planet was destroyed that whatever enforcement of their borders was left behind.
And there was few that could attempt to stop them at that point. Even more fleets and hoards of ships had come forth. Breaking them was going to be challenging.
Hence is why Polik should never have been in charge of anything, much less the Federations fleet.
A collection of ships supported by all 3 empires, the Sky Knights Fleet was a force to be reckoned with. A dozen of Terran Battleships, several tens of cruisers from the Skarians and Terrans, a ton of Deterian destroyers, and multiple squadrons of corvettes from all 3.
Shame command of this fleet was rotated every 10 years. Polik sat his personal cruiser as the flagship and charged the entire fleet at the nearest portal. Poor Admiral Williams of the Terrans was trying desperately to tell him to wait until she arrived, to support his attack.
He wouldn't listen. Better to hit them now before they get any bigger, he said.
Little did he know, they already were.
The fleet popped in to the system, faced down with hundreds of enemy ships.
They fought for weeks. So many ships fell. The only accomplishment was that they successfully destroyed the portal.
But the fleet was decimated. Polik's cruiser didn't make it. I felt regret for the servants and the harem that perished along with him.
After everything was over, only a single Terran battleship, 2 Skarian cruisers, and 4 Deterian corvettes survived. They made it to the nearest repair bay, reportedly being held together with literal duck tape.
But they wouldn't hold back the Unbidden advance.
The Forester Federation was safe, due to the Fallen Empire of Ferra being in between them and the Unbidden. None of the cowards would venture forth to fight.
The enemy knew the real threat. The Sky Knights Federation.
The Deterians faired well in their defense. A few Star bases were destroyed, but they held the enemy fleets at Gunk Citadel. They even launched a surprise attack, destroying a second portal. They did lose half their forces, so they can only defend now.
The Terrans laid a trap for the incoming hoards that were sent after them. The first Star Citadel was evacuated, fired upon by the fleets. The Unbidden army's landed on the planet, thinking it was gonna be a simple target.
They were then assaulted on all sides by the Terran fleets. Their armies, led by General Thomas, laid waste to the Unbidden.
Definitely learned the hard way that you don't mess with Terrans.
The Skarian front was a little more complicated. King Polik was very confident in victory, so he ordered everyone to hold the line, no evacuation orders. So we held the line.
They attacked Titan Citadel. No orders. They destroy Deren's fleets. No orders. They surround us from the west, north, and south. No orders. Titans Gateway is destroyed. No orders. Then Polik perishes in battle.
Queen Gela takes over. She immediately reinstates me. My family protests, but I must serve in these dire times, so I head from my home to the palace. I see all the facts. The Queen asked me if we needed to evacuate.
I tell her we should have evacuated 6 months ago, but now...
I turn to Mican, freshly dressed in his old uniform, nibbling on a biscuit, walking over to me. "Hungry, aren't we?"
"Yes. I forgot how terrible, but satisfying military rations were."
"Yes." I bite out the jerky. "Not many hot meals ahead of us."
"No. How long?"
"From the look of it, next month. Maybe 2 if Cardinal Citadel holds out longer."
"No hope for escape?"
"Only if that was finished." I look in the direction of the half finished Gateway, sitting uselessly at the edge of the system. What could have been our salvation, only a reminder of a bad decision.
"Shame, sir. Have you thought of a plan?"
"Yes. But I dread making the call."
"Why, Admiral?"
"Mican... It's just Abon now."
"S-, Abon?"
I explain what has to be done, and Mican drops his biscuit in despair.
Star date : May 2nd, 2319
Location : Gibraltar Citadel, next to Planet Gibraltar, in the Alexandria system
General Thomas, age 87
I pass through the decks of the troop transport docked to the Citadel, doing a quick inspection of the men. Bruises, cuts, and burn marks. Nothing boot camp didn't throw at them already.
"Yes, Captain Trent?"
"Call for you, sir. It's Admiral Abon."
I clap my hands. "Oh, yes. I'll be able to tell him the good news. Our forces will be underway to intercept the Unbidden fleets and fortify their worlds."
"Yes sir. Admiral Barra and Admiral Williams have gathered all 8 fleets. Williams is just rounding up some straggling enemies then will get back here. 40 troop transports are ready to drop multiple divisions on the Skarian worlds to defend them."
"Good, good. Estimates?"
Trent looks at his charts again as we head to the commutations room. "Travel will the difficult part. Titan's Gateway has been destroyed -"
"Titan's fallen? Already? We gotta move fast then."
"It'll be a 2 and a half month trip. We have to go by hyper lane. Through what used to be Yintonian space, then we have to break their lines to reach the Skarians."
"Indeed. We hit the west and break'em. Tell Ronald to load more HE artillery and less AP artillery, it's more efficient against shields."
"Yes, sir." Trent heads back up the hallway and I enter communications. It's a big room full of men monitoring Unbidden comms, trying to figure out their language. A big screen sits on one wall, for long range communication.
"Call for me?"
A young officer nods to me. "Yes, sir. We had to descramble and encrypt it, but it's there."
"Good, pull it up." The screen comes to life, some static at the start, until Admiral Abon comes on.
"Hello, ya old bird."
"Thomas, good to see you still kicking some butt. How are you?"
"Great, we got some good results here. How about you? I see you're more than ready."
Abon has similar genetic modifications to me, allowing him to look and fight like a 40 year old version of himself. He was also decked out in Skarian armor, complete with Razor Wings and a shoulder cannon.
He raised a Razor Wing to examine it. "Yes, well, rough days are ahead." Abon looked very muted.
"Well, don't you worry. We see the Unbidden bearing down on you. We're preparing an interception fleet to counter -"
"That won't be necessary." Abon's response took the room by surprise.
I look at him quizzically. "You mean you've already beaten them?"
"They've turned a different course?"
"I'm confused."
Abon can't look the camera on the eye. "We desperately need your help, but your fight is elsewhere."
The other men in the room, distracted from their computers, are listening to this conversation.
"Our fight is with you, to protect your people."
"I wish it were. But the portals of the Unbidden must be closed before they bring in another wave. If you send your fleets to our aid, the Galaxy will be overrun and we all lose everything."
"No, No. We can handle that new wave that they -."
"We've done the numbers, Thomas. The Yinto-Cardia Federation allowed them to grow too much, and the Forester Federation won't get off their butts to fight. Even if you'd left now, we'd already be dead 2 weeks, for they will reach us a month before you do."
Abon looks me in the eye, more serious than ever. "You're the only ones who can break through their defenses and destroy the portals. Only you can save the Galaxy."
"But... What happens to you?"
"... We are left to our own devices."
I take a small lap, trying to process what Abon just said. "You mean to leave you to die? To your extinction?"
"It's not ideal. We will try to hold as long as we can. We don't expect to survive, but we will take as many of them with us."
"Abon, this is foolish."
"Thomas... Do the math. There is no other choice. I'm sorry, my friend. Good-bye." Abon ends the call and the screen turns off.
All of the officers look at me, stunned. The Skarians have told us that we must leave them to die.
I stare at the screen, pondering what I can do.
"Contact Admiral Barra and Williams. As well as the science division, I need calculations."
*6 hours later*
3 different 10 yard whiteboards. Full of equations. Scientists and military personal sit exhausted all around the observation room after writing all of it out. And nothing positive.
Abon was right. Our battle with the enemy in Gibraltar took to long. We won't reach them in time to save the Skarians, unless they hold Olympia longer than 10 weeks. And even if we did, the Unbidden would succeed in the end.
"Then we have no choice." Williams shook her head in defeat and continued, "We must make hast for the portals while the Unbidden focus on the Skarians."
"Can we do nothing?" Everyone looked to Admiral Barra as she asked that question. "25 worlds worth of resources, a military of immense strength, and the Terran Empire can do nothing? They're our friends."
"More than that." Now they look to me, standing next to the white board. "They are our Brothers and Sisters in arms. When we were at our darkest hour, 59 years ago, they arrived to help us. Now, they face the abyss, and have decided to face it alone, so that the rest of us might survive."
I look out to the window, to the planet below. I think of my family. My daughter, when she was small, eating a ration from Olympia. My son, dogfighting alongside Skarian fighters over Titan. My grandchildren, who I couldn't face if I didn't return with their "Aunt" Yin, "Uncle" Tino, and more.
I make up my mind, and solidify my resolve.
"Well, I say nay. I have a proposal. But it will not be an order. Not a suggestion. Not even an offer. Only a question."
Star date : August 15th, 2319
Location : Olympia, Capital of the Skarian Empire, in the Skor System
Admiral Abon, age 89
The Great Tree.
The oldest, tallest tree in the forests of my homeworld. This tree carries within it an entire city. 20,000 homes.
It was an old custom that if you lived in the tree, you had to live light, and not use anything flammable. You were allowed to run a business out of your home, though.
Nowadays, the businesses are held at the base of the tree.
It carries multiple platforms, made for Skarians wishing to take flight, land, or hop off of to travel to the base quickly.
I remember the first time I took flight from the top when I was only 8. My family traveled from our home to the Great Tree for my initiation into Skarian culture, as does every Skarian, except the more ill ones, without the strength to fly.
I stood so high up. My father stood next to me, as he would hop as well to catch me if something happens. We jump as hard as we could.
Halfway down, I open my wings, and take flight. As we were gliding, my father shed a tear mid-flight.
I wouldn't understand why, until I did the same when I flew next to Ren's and Rana's first flight from the Great Tree.
We flew all the way down to the pastry maker. My family traditionally celebrated by getting a biscuit from Geno's Bakery, and challenging the kids to see if they could reach Claw Plaza, the lowest platform on the tree.
Such great memories.
I knew every soldier on the ground was dying inside as they saw the Great Tree turn to ash in the attack of the enemies bombardment.
Thousands of fighters lit the sky as the Air force tried desperately to hold the line in the skies of Olympia.
I stood in the trenches of the inner rings of Talon Fortress, one of 8 Mega Fortresses built on Olympia last month to protect our people. Each Mega Fortress has tons of underground bunkers, holding what's left of our species, nearly 5 million each.
Including my entire family, deep in the bunkers of Razor Fortress, along with Queen Gela. The enemy have yet to engage it, so we've been sending our wounded to it.
Including my son, Ren, whom we had to pull from the wreckage of his fighter. He crashed into our trenches (harmed no one) after he killed an Unbidden corvette in atmosphere.
I nearly fell apart on the spot, seeing him on the gurney, and his leg on a second.
He would be fine, the surgeons assured me. He'll need 6 months of physical therapy after his leg reattachment surgery, but he'll be fine to join the military again. If a miracle happens though and we all live.
I look over to Mican crouch walking over to me.
"Abon, you're spacing out again."
"Sorry, sorry. It's just...", I look over to the Great Tree once more.
Mican looks briefly at the tree, and shakes his head. "Yes, well, we have no time to mourne. The enemy has pushed back the western flank."
"Blast it all! If we lose the outer trenches, we'll fall in no time." I get on my radio to contact captains Wahh and Iroh. "We must take back the western trench line. Mobilize your men and meet me at Sector C." I receive a confirmation.
"Good." Mican lifts his rifle. "Let's give it to them."
"Mican, why don't you stay here? Keep an eye on -"
"Oh no, Abon. I'm not sitting here, letting you have the fun."
"Oh, all right. Come on." I move through the trenches, as well as my personal guard and Mican at my side. "Sorry, Shano asked me to keep you safe as long as I could."
"No worries, friend. I know she's scared. We all are." An artillery shell explodes harmlessly above the trenches, making a few younger soldiers jump. "Me? I'm just sad little Hana will never jump from the Great Tree now, but grateful my family is within this fortress."
"Indeed. I know many were not so lucky."
As we weave through the trenches, I think back to the desperate attempts of the other worlds who tried to force their way past the blockades of the Unbidden. In private vessels and military ships, none made it past.
"Coming up on Sector C, now." Mican looks to his map. "Just around this - OH SH-" Mican stuffs the barrel of his rifle in the face of a surprised Unbidden and fired. His pieces of light splattered into the face of his buddy behind him, stunning it temporarily. We had encountered a platoon of enemies at a corner turn of trench.
My squad engaged them, whom was faster than I thought. I entered melee and cut down several enemies in a spin move with my Razor Wings.
My military genetic modifications included a special something from the Terrans that I personally requested.
An Adrenaline organ. The Human organ was artificial and designed to enhance a Skarian's soldiers combat effectiveness. Although only I and 7 others volunteered for it.
This will be the first time it's activated outside of the hospital when I first got it. A rage enters me. An Unbidden punches me in the face. I rip him limb from limb in near slow motion.
An Unbidden had jumped up above the trench in an attempt to fire down into it. My shoulder cannon blasted him into oblivion.
"COME ON, MR. LIGHTBULB! GET SOME!" I flew into more enemies, slashing and screaming slurs and obscenities as I go.
Now I get Thomas's intensity in his duels.
I catch sight of Mican directing the rifleman into blasting as many of the light creatures as possible. "Over to the right! Hit the heavy weapons one! That one, the one who - nice shot, Kan, you got him."
I steady myself as a bigger enemy, possibly a captain approachs. A shot is deflected off his chest plate. Oh goody. "COME ON THEN! COME GET YOUR DEATH!"
I start swiping at him with my wings. He starts trying some swordplay with me. I slice his sword arm off. He tries to lift his cannon at me, but I stab him in the face. He pops into light particles. "TRY AGAIN, YA BA -"
And I hear blaster fire and screaming behind me.
I turn, and see another platoon has flanked us. They've gunned down the riflemen line.
And Mican lies over the body of Kan, both bodies burnt with blaster marks.
I charge the new platoon and black out. A daze comes over me.
I emerge from my trance holding my hands to Mican's wounds as the medics apply medicine to the wounded soldiers around me.
"Goo...good...fight Abon" Mican weakly says to me, as he lies on his back.
"Thanks... If only I could remember it. What happened?"
One of my guards, Frenz, comes over. "You were nuts. Killed almost all of them single handed. We had to get out of the way of you and Mican or suffer the consequences."
"Ah, well, it was nothing." I look to the medic. "How is he?"
"He'll live. Although..." He pulls a fried piece of Mican's liver out of him, much to his discomfort. "This is gonna take a while to regenerate." He tosses it to the side and applies a bio-seal bandage. "Corpsman, take him to the surgeons."
"No... I... Can... fi..." Mican passes out, eyes closed, rifle falling out his hands. I put the rifle back into his arms. The corpsman carry him away on his stretcher, along with Kan and the other wounded.
"... I'm gonna miss'em." I say as I looking at him going down the trench.
"Don't worry. A week in the tanks, and they should be stable."
"Yes... If we have a week."
"..." The medic merely gets back to his squad.
What am I doing? Getting all melancholy? I am Admiral... I am Abon. I must stand strong, even if it is our final days.
I wave to my men. "Come on then. We need to take the western flank." They assemble with me, and we move to the fight.
*3 Days later*
The smoke is unbearable. The Great Tree was once a marvel, it's destruction a tragedy, but now, a nuisance. The smoke from it blotted out the sky. Only from our watches could we tell if it was day or night.
The smell was also terrible. When it stood, it smelled like Terran apples. But apparently, when it's burnt, it smells of wet, dirty socks.
No wonder they didn't like fires in the tree.
"If we make it out of this, I'm leaving this part of the story of the Great Tree out of it." Captain Iroh was covering his beak with a napkin as we were talking about what we'd do if we made it out alive.
We were all holding our rifles in our laps, sitting in the trenches. A few privates we're scanning the enemy position, seeing if they were resting or preparing to charge us again. They seemed to be resting for now.
We were all sitting in clusters through the section of trench.
A private, Uni, I think his name is, chimes into the officers conversation. "Me, I'd open that Skarian Furniture store on Gondor, in the Terran Empire. I always wanted to do that."
"Gondor?" I ask. "Whatever for?"
"There's a Skarian community there. Little Olympus, they call it. I bet they need a carpenter."
"Really? What about Skyward, on Dawn?" Iroh looks to Uni seriously now. "It's an entire city full of Skarians. They even have flying lanes for Skarians, unlike most Terran worlds. I'm sure you'd love it."
"Well, you see... Oh, you'll think it's weird."
I lean forward. "Go ahead. You're amongst friends."
"Ya see, I got this girl..."
"Ah, a Skarian girl living on the Terran world."
"No. A Terran girl. Her names Gwen."
"...Oh. Really?"
"Really?" Says Iroh as well. Many of the others, I can see, start listening in.
"Yeah, she's real great. She sings like an angel, loves gliding, and she's gorgeous too. We're even thinking of adopting a child together, ya know, after we're married some years."
"You find her attractive? She finds you attractive? How is that even functional in bed?" Iroh just looks really confused now.
"Hey now. That's personal." He shuffles his feathers a bit, "...Well, she likes my soft feathers and rough hands. I like her silky skin and warm body. And, for some reason, male humans and male skarians got similar packages."
"We do?"
"Yeah. It's -"
A loud explosion sounds in the distance.
"Where was that?" I ask Iroh.
Iroh gets on the landline phone nearby him. The last of the cell towers were destroyed yesterday. Now we only have short range radios and landlines.
He punches in the lookouts number.
"Captain Iroh, badge number 678-567. Where's the attack?" A moment passes. A wave of grief passes over Iroh. "I see. Thank you."
He places the phone back onto it's holder.
"It was from Flight Fortress. The Unbidden have breached the last of their trenches. They'll be overrun soon."
"And Razor Fortress after that..." I say with a heavy heart.
The decision to tell Thomas to abandon us feels a whole lot heavier now that the day of our doom looms ever closer.
"I'm not gonna open that furniture store, am I?" Uni looks to me, a worried soldier, holding his rifle close, just like everyone here.
I look to my shoes, a scowl on my face. I have no options.
"... I -"
The phone rings and Iroh picks up. He listens for a few seconds, and tears flow freely from his eyes.
"Iroh, what's wrong?"
All while sobbing, Iroh tells me "It's Flight Fortress, Admiral! The Terrans have beat the Unbidden back!"
Star date : August 18th, 2319
Location : Olympia, Capital World of the Skarian Empire, in the Skor System.
General Thomas, age 87
"Down there, hurry up. The Unbidden look like their getting up from their beauty sleep."
Captain Trent looks back to the 131st Division behind me. "COME ON, YOU HEARD THE GENERAL! CHARGE!"
We run over the outer trenches and into a large Unbidden force caught off guard. A wave of ballistic and lazer fire erupts from our line into the Unbidden forces.
Sparks flew from my hammer as I blow through the enemy. One, two, three, and more. My captains take charge and plow through the enemy.
I see the Skarians moving towards us, locking the Unbidden in a hammer and anvil situation.
I almost felt sorry for them. Then I smelt the burning rotten socks. No, not sorry anymore, as I punt one into the air. One of my riflemen skeet shoots him out of the sky into a falsh of lights.
I turn towards the noise and it's Admiral Abon, slicing and blasting his way over to me.
I raise my arms in greeting. "Abon my -" *Gunshot into Unbidden soldier* "friend. How ya doing?"
"How am I doing? I'm furious, you stubborn -" *cuts down and blasts another Unbidden* "Oaf!" We hop into a foxhole to talk as the battle rages around us.
"You were supposed to hit the portals!"
"We are. Admiral Barra has taken the 1st through 4th fleets and is heading to the northern portal and Admiral Williams is taking the 5th through 8th fleets and is heading to the southern portal."
"But, how did you get through?"
"Well, we took some volunteers." I look up to the multiple transports flying overhead, escorted by hundreds of Terran Fighters that have reinforced the weakening Skarian Air Force.
All of whom are in a heated dogfight with the enemy air force.
"All of these transports are filled only with soldiers who accepted this suicide mission. The 131st to the 140th. And the 9th fleet."
A look of surprise rises on Abon's face. "9th fleet? You don't have a 9th fleet."
"We do now. The other fleets broke off volunteers of the captains who wanted to break through the Unbidden lines. We even had to turn down a few, make sure Barra and Williams had enough. Which, by the way, the western border is clear."
"Thank you, but I don't see how that helps. Even with you, we're vastly outnumbered. We can't save this world."
"No, but -" *Radio static* "Yes, Trent?"
"Perimeter secured sir. Ready to land the S.S. House. We might want to make it fast though, the LED's don't seem too happy about a 3rd party landing on their fight."
"Bring her in." I look at Abon. "You're gonna love this."
Abon looks up into the extremely smoky sky and sees a sight to remember.
An armored colony ship descends onto Talon Fortress. I see in the sky the air force is fighting valiantly, but it's rough going.
"A... Ship..." Abon was at a loss for words.
"Yep, it can carry 5 million people in that bad boy. We have 3 others headed to Razor Fortress, Wing Fortress, and Flight Fortress."
"The 9th fleet is engaged with the Unbidden fleets, but they should be able to escort the colony ships out of the system. There's only 4, so they'll have to make a second trip. Hopefully we can all get out of here, together."
"I... Don't know what to say."
"Nothing, my friend. Your friendship is good enough."
Abon simply shakes his head at that, a small chuckle coming from him. He looks to me and says "That will take too long. We can only hold for so much time."
"We can double that time. And we'll never know until we try, will we?"
Abon looks at me, beaming with a new hope I see rising in his chest. "Yes."
I look around. "Where's Mican? He's usually at your side at all times?"
Abon looks a back to the fortress. "He was wounded 3 days ago. He's sitting in a healing tank now. I suppose he'll be going with the colony ships."
"What about you?"
"I would love to be there with my family, but my place is here, being the last Skarian on Olympia to leave."
I nod and hand him a piece of jerky from my pocket. "The story of soldiers, my friend."
He nods back and takes the jerky.
"General!" The radio on my belt sounds. "It's Captain Isaac. Unbidden are charging from the east."
"Roger that. Get 7th company over to the line."
Abon radios one of his captains. "Wahh, get the 5th platoons riders out to the eastern flank."
I raise my hammer. "Once more onto the breach?"
Abon raises his Razor Wings. "Why not?"
We charge out of the foxhole and back into the fight.
Star date : June 23rd, 2342
Location : New Olympia in the Frank System, of the Sky Knight Empire (Formerly the Terran Empire)
Admiral Hilda, age 30
23 years. It was 23 years when they came. The Unbidden. They came to destroy us. Everyone. But they failed. And here we stand.
I now stand in Hero's Plaza, where a pair of statues of my grandfather, Admiral Abon, and General Thomas are placed.
It was built by the Terrans, a monument to the friendship of Terrans and Skarians from the moment Abon received a gold dollar from Thomas.
It will stand in the Green Tree, a new Great Tree the Terrans built for us, for as long as we stand.
"Hilda?" My mother, Rana, calls to me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I turn to her. "Sorry, I was thinking."
"You always think when you're here. Your grandfather was the same way. He was so sappy when we went to Great Tree, thinking about ancestors and stuff."
"Grandmother Tear was the the impatient one, wasn't she?"
"Level-headed and strict, not impatient."
"Yes. Shall we get going? Mican and Father must be waiting."
"Indeed. I think they're over by Cloud Point."
It was to be my initiation. I didn't get a chance to fly off the Great Tree, as every Skarian had done before me. Now we could do so with the Green Tree, this new tree made on New Olympia.
As we made our way there, I saw a human woman and a skarian man holding the hands of a skarian child, on their way to Claw Plaza. Perhaps they were also on the way to an initiation.
"After you two jump, wait for me at The Frozen Cone, okay Uni?"
"You got it, my darling Gwen." He kisses her on the cheek. "Don't be mad if Terrance gets one beforehand, though."
"Frozen cones!" The little child exclaims.
My heart lifts a little. The Green Tree opened to the public almost 9 months ago, but it feels like home.
It's a long way from before.
I remember the dark days deep in the bunkers of Razor Fortress. And thinking the underground was no place for a Skarian.
I remember the giant ship that broke through the smoky skies, flying past all the bad guys, escorted by the Terrans.
I remember everyone boarding it. My whole family was beside me, but one. I had asked where grandpa Abon was. I was told he and great uncle Thomas was defending the planet.
I remember feeling afraid when we were flying past a space battle. Many Terran ships were fighting glowing ships out the viewport. After we had hopped out of hyper speed, it got a little slow. The Terrans on the ship were nice. They cooked us good food and comforted us in our troubles.
I remember landing on a Terran planet. It was a big green field, next to a large building. It was to be our new home for a short time.
The 4 big ships that dropped us off flew back to pick up more people from Olympia.
I remember the tears that fell from my face hearing that only two ships returned.
The defending forces were overwhelmed. Some of the surviving soldiers said that they had simply run out of ammunition, only armed with swords, hammers, and claws.
A fortress had been overrun. The last 3 were evacuated by the ships.
The enemy fleet chased down an empty colony ship, so that the others might escape. They didn't make it.
One was gunned down over Olympia's skies.
Two made it to the hyper lane point.
The Terran task force suffered 70% casualties. The surviving soldiers, transports and ships of both military's all rallied around the remaining colony ships and bolted out of the Skor System.
My mother cried so much hearing that Grandpa Abon and Great Uncle Thomas were in the overrun fortress. They held for weeks, drawing most of the fighting towards them, and fell only a day before the evacuation ships arrived again.
I remember the cheers as the news that Admiral Barra and Admiral Williams had destroyed the last portals. Cheering rung through the refuge camps for weeks as they heard about hunts for the last of the Unbidden.
Then the Terrans let us colonize 5 different planets. They had some terra forming projects that the Terrans were working on, but we needed worlds. They already had 25. What was 5 for the Skarians?
We got to work building our new homes.
Eventually, we got big enough that the Terrans suggested cutting a section of space off for ourselves.
I remember on the television of Queen Gela saying no. The Skarians were content on being part of the Terran Empire.
The Sky Knights Federation became the Land Rover Federation. The Terrans changed the Terran Empire to the Sky Knights Empire.
So many memories. I pat my mother on her hand and she hugs me as we approach Cloud Point.
"Well, here they are." Mican says from his chair. His wife, Shano, stands behind his wheelchair. After he was wounded, Mican lost the ability to walk, much to his disappointment. But he still carries on.
"Hello. Glad to see you both. Thank you for coming."
Shano gives a small bow and walks over to me. "Anything for little Hilda," she says as she pinches my cheek. "We're so glad you're doing this. Our grandson, Gren, he did this as soon as they opened the doors. He was so excited."
I hug my great aunt Shano. "I'm excited too. I just don't bounce like Gren."
"I know dear." Shano goes back to Mican, placing a hand on his shoulder, looking at me as if I was graduating highschool all over again.
My father comes up beside me. "Shall we?"
"One second." I check my pockets. I checked to see if I was holding my Talismans. One, a large stone octagon with a Skarian wing, and one a large Terran gold dollar with Mr. Hertz on the face. I place them back into my pockets. "Ready."
We come up to the edge, looking onto the city at the base. I mentally plot our course.
"Over at Rosa's? Admiral Barra's waiting for us there."
"Let's go then."
I ready my wings, and jump.
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