#organic rice cakes
ambrosiafarms · 11 months
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orgaincfirm · 2 years
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 we encourage readers to try both black rice and white rice and form their own opinions based on personal taste preferences. Experiment with different cooking methods, seasonings, and recipes to truly appreciate the unique flavors of each rice variety. Whether you prefer the nutty and chewy taste of black rice or the neutral and versatile taste of white rice, both can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and offer culinary inspiration in diverse cuisines around the world.
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onarrheads · 2 years
Organic rice cakes without salt (GUT Bio Bio-Reiswaffeln ohne Salz) per 100 g: Energy 388 kcal, fat 0.6 g, of which saturates 0 g, carbs 89 g, of which sugars 0 g, protein 6.7 g, salt 0 g.
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myhrtbrkr · 1 year
my summer meal plan! 🥒🥚🍵
// on a boring day at home:
—breakfast • choose between:
oatmeal (no toppings): 160 cals
fruit bowl: 50-70 cals
iced coffee: 40-60 cals
yogurt bowl: 130-150 cals
smoothie bowl: 100 cals
cheerios w/ almond milk: 140-160 cals (eat w/ caution, as it is easy to b!nge with cereals)
—lunch • choose between:
plain rice cake w/ hummus & cucumber: 110 cals
shirataki ramen: 20-80 cals (depending on toppings)
iced coffee: 40-60 cals
spicy cucumber salad: 10-80 cals (depending on sauces)
HALF tuna fish sandwich: (not sure on cals but good for protein and feeling full)
—snacks • choose between:
rice cake: 40-60 cals
yogurt rice cake: 80 cals
tea: 0 cals
diet soda: 0 cals
airpopped/organic popcorn: 35 cals per cup
mini pretzels: 100-120 cals (my favs)
pickles: 5 cals
HOME COOKING : small portions!!
EATING OUT : have both veggies & protein and have full knowledge of what you are taking in
avoid ice cream & dairy at all costs
always go for the lowest cal option
~ tips :
* just because everyone else is, doesn’t mean you have to either. stand out because you’re doing what they don’t have the courage to do
* never let free, open food be the opportunity to b!nge.
* overate in public? no worries! make up for it tomorrow with sweat and tears in the gym.
* keep the sweet treats as TREATS. bad dogs don’t get treats remember? don’t be spoiled either.
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drunkwhenimadethis · 3 months
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Organized the fridge and am having a mid-cleaning snack of smoked oyster and cottage cheese on rice cake 😇
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wifeyoozi · 4 months
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What i's save seventeen members' caller id if they were my boyfriends
seungcheol : ZUGARDADDY
jeonghan : asshole 💕💕
joshua : princess fluffy cookies creamroll buttercup sparkly heroine macho guy
jun : megatron 😼
hoshi : 🐯💥🎀 tiger 🐯💥🎀
wonwoo : my nerd 🫶🏻
woozi : RICE CAKE BOI 🍚 🩷
the8 : Chinese babe chingchong 🥢
mingyu : organic dildo
seokmin : king god general emperor majesty pretty beautiful gorgeous precious elegant luxury world high-top class bf
seungkwan : seungkwan :D
vernon : ZACH 💪🏻💕
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Risk It All Part 3/6
Read it. Even if you aren't a Ruben fan. Read this damn story!!!! Cuz it's gooood 🤭🤭
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Reader gets pregnant by Ruben. Although the two are not together Ruben promises to support her through the pregnancy, eventually letting reader stay with him until the child is born.  (This fic includes alot of angst and serious topics)
Things happened so fast once the test results panned out positive, saying that Ruben was indeed the father of your unborn child. He had you move out of Lina's apartment and in with him, after the two spent quite some time arguing about it. Nevertheless it was your words that got her to finally surrender. You told her that it was for the best, that you couldn't stay on your bosses couch forever.
"Call me." She said. "Anytime."
You nodded. "I will."
You felt homesick the first nights spent in Ruben's apartment. You had the urgent need to call your mother but there was a ten procent chance that she would even pick up. Drug abuse did that to a person.
You were up late one night, on the verge of tears, when footsteps emerged and the lights in the kitchen came on.
"You're up?"
Ruben appeared, an empty water bottle in his hand. He wore slippers and oversized basketball shorts, however nothing more than that. His bare chest was outlined in the dimmed light, his muscles lean and very very visible.
"I..." You said, wiping your runny nose. "I couldn't sleep."
He walked over to the sink, turning on the water to refill his bottle. Once the cap was on he turned back to you. "Is the room too hot? I mean, you asked me to turn the temperature up yesterday."
"The room is fine Ruben." You said, a faint smile on your lips. But it faded quickly and Ruben noticed.
"Hey." He approached you, lifting your head before it dropped. He held it between his hands, staring blankly into your watering eyes. "You're crying, what's wrong?"
You sniffled, shaking your head.
"No, tell me." His eyebrows furrowed.
"Y/N, please, tell me what's wrong?"
You pushed the words through your clogged throat. "Why aren't there any snacks in your apartment?"
You lifted your head, a dead serious look in your eyes. "I've looked everywhere, but nothing."
His hands left your face, scratching the back of his head. "Y/N, if it's snacks that you want..."
He went over to the nearest cabinet, however you didn't allow yourself to get too excited since you had already gone through the same cabinet twice.
"Here you go, snacks."
Your heart sank as Ruben slid a bag of unseasoned rice cakes your way.
"Ruben." You sighed. "Snacks aren't supposed to have fiber in them, or say 'organic' on the side of packaging."
"No. The label is suppose to spell out the words 'extra salty' or 'extra sweet'. And anything that resembles edible snacks in your home turns out to be sugar free."
Ruben batted his eyes, quite baffled by your sudden ranting. "Alright." He nodded. "Tomorrow. I'll get you some snacks tomorrow."
"Real snacks." You demanded.
"Yeeees. Real snacks, extra saltysweet or whatever."
"That's all I ask."
You wiped your cheeks, ready to go to bed now. Astonished, Ruben watched you retreat to the guestroom. Although the two of you had started out romantically, you both agreed that a more platonic relationship was best for everyone.
"Goodnight Ruben."
He stood in the doorway of his bedroom, water bottle in hand. "Goodnight Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow came, however Ruben was nowhere to be found. Instead you were startled on your way to grabbing breakfast that morning.
"Hello Y/N."
You held a hand to your chest, calming down from the sudden fright. "Whatta....who are you ?"
It was a young woman, perhaps in her early thirties. She was well dressed in a pantsuit that did wonders to her slim figure, carving an illusion that she had curves.
"I'm sorry to scare you. I'm Elena, Ruben's personal assistant and publicist."
"Ruben's what?" You frowned.
"Publicist." She smiled, like a well trained flight attendant. "Ruben said it would be a good time for us to meet now that you've settled in."
"He did?"
"Yes. He also told me that we should go over a few things about your arrangement."
"Um, okay...."
Elena smiled politly and gestured for you take a seat across from her. The table was already set with a light breakfast containing fruits, freshly squeezed orange juice and other healthy ingredients that screamed 'A fitness psychopath lives here!'.
"I take it that Ruben hasn't told you much about me." She said.
You nodded. "Not at all."
"Well, I'm happy to introduce myself. Ruben and I have worked together for a few years now, mainly focusing on improving his image as a professional athlete to increase his value in the market of brand deals and so on." Elena's eyes looked to examine you up and down. A bit unpleasant since, compared to her, you looked a mess. "When Ruben told me about your current situation, I interpreted it as a cry for help."
"A what now?" Who was crying for what? You thought. Because if someone deserved to do any crying, it was you.
"As you may understand, this sort of news could be quite damaging if not handled properly." She said, spelling it out for you as if you were a three year old. "Ruben has a very important image to up hold and having a casual situation turn into a public battle for custody is not what Ruben needs at this stage of his professional career."
"Excuse me?" You almost choked on a grape.
"Don't get me wrong Y/N. It is very clear that you and Ruben have no problem getting along. I mean everything has gone according to plan this far."
"Plan, what plan?" You frowned. Elena's bright eyes and plastered smile was beginning to feel sinister to you. She sighed and clasped her hands as they rested upon the table. "The plan is for you and Ruben to marry."
"Preferably before the child is born. Before you even start to show."
"Marry Ruben. Why would I do that?" You could think of a few reasons, mainly for the money, security and the tiniest voice in the back of your head that often urged you to confess your true emotions for him.
"It's the best way to minimize the damage" Elena said, unhinged for describing your pregnancy as something damaging.
"Alright, I think I got everything..."
A key turned in the lock, followed by Ruben stumbling through the front door and into the apartment. He was carrying bags upon bags of....you could see through them, outlining packages of Oreo cookies, Jaffa Cakes, Walker Crisps, Cheese Doodles and extra sour Sour Patch Kids.
"Ruben." Elena exclaimed, more than happy to see him. Ruben on the other hand....
"Elena? I didn't know you were coming over today."
"The sooner the better, don't you think?"
Ruben looked to you, perhaps knowing by the look on your face that Elena had told you about the arrangement.
"Y/N, let me explain..."
You stood, already making your way back to the guestroom room.
"Y/N, please. Let me expl...."
"Explain it to my ass Ruben."
It was all he could see as you strut back into your room, slamming the door behind yourself.
Marry Ruben?
There was no way.
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smallgodseries · 1 year
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[image description: An eight-armed figure in a blue dress and shoes, a striped blue and white apron with the tine figure of Small God Hummel sewn on, feathered headdress and blue bakelite bracelets stands in front of a dark larder – in which outlines of food jars and dishes can be seen. They bear 5 glowing jars that seem to be candles in primary colors. Text reads, “50, Kitsch Annette ~ The Small God of Organized Pantries”]
If she could make people understand one thing and one thing only, it would be this: that food has no moral value, and that anyone whose pantry can be considered “full” is a virtuous person in her eyes, regardless of whether that fullness is kale chips and quinoa or Girl Scout cookies and pre-mixed buttercream frosting.  She cares about the quality of the shelves, their fullness and fineness, not their contents or what the latest diet craze has to say about those contents.
If she could make people understand two things, it would be that a well-stocked, well-indexed pantry is a palace beyond price, a lofty cathedral filled with miracles waiting to be mixed.  Cakes to be baked, potatoes to be peeled, spices and seasonings over which people have so very often gone to war, ready to be sprinkled over meat or folded into casseroles.  Holes in the shelves are not to be borne; a regularly updated shopping list is worth a thousand impulse buys or once-a-year stocking runs.  Every household should, in her eyes, be able to shut its doors and sustain itself for as long as plausible.  She understands all too well that not everyone can afford the luxury of a proper pantry, and she weeps for those outside the warmth and light of her hearth, whose stomachs are too often empty, whose soups, when they exist at all, are too often unseasoned.
She would feed the world, given rice enough and time.
If she could make people understand three things, it would be that another cup of water can always be added to the pot, that one more potato can always be diced into the hash, that one more egg is not so great a sacrifice, for look, the poorest among her following understand these things, make their offerings both wise and wide, fill the bellies of those around them.  For even the fullest shelf will be empty in a moment if placed before the starving, and so she will accept no hunger among her faithful that could be filled, will believe no table full when a single plate more could be placed upon it.  There is always room to feed your fellows.
She was a god of harvest once, and plenty.  She still is.
But seriously, replace your spices every four years, or they won’t be anything but faintly scented powder, and that is a blasphemy in her sight.
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It’s working guys. I can see my entire hip bone sticking out. I gotta keep going, I can do this!
✨What’s been helping me be successful✨~
🌸Write out your plan for the day the night before, a simple yet organized list.☁️✨
🌸my fitness pal app to count my calories ☁️✨
🌸Yuka app to make sure what I’m eating and what skin care is good for me☁️✨
🌸I always have a zero cal drink, my favs r chamomile lavender tea, and zero Dr Pepper. ☁️✨
🌸easing into exercise, a one hour walk going a 4 mile per hour pace will burn about 200 cals ☁️✨
🌸if you do a hard workout one day workout the next so you don’t get sore☁️✨
🌸getting extra work to do so you are busy, or going to help family and friends. Just make yourself busy.✨☁️
🌸taking my dog and cat on a walk✨☁️
🌸making food for other people instead of food for myself✨☁️
🌸rice cakes as a substitute for bread✨☁️
🌸yoga and calm music to calm down when hungry☁️✨
🌸call a friend when hungry to distract yourself☁️✨
🌸go on a drive and sing and play music☁️✨
🌸go through your clothes and get rid of stuff you don’t wear☁️✨
🌸wear a face mask and take a bath☁️✨
🌸try a new hairstyle ☁️✨
🌸paint on something plain, I’ve been painting my door☁️✨
🌸take a 30 minute nap☁️✨
🌸play a video game☁️✨
🌸try your first speedrun on your fav video game☁️✨
🌸make a mini garden with some of your favorite flowers☁️✨
🌸go to your local AR workshop☁️✨
🌸make a very intricate meal for your animals☁️✨
🌸brew some tea and sit down and enjoy it ☁️✨
🌸deep breathing and aroma therapy☁️✨
🌸a long bath and some candles and bath salts and your fav calm music☁️✨
⭐️For the adults⭐️
🌺smoke a bowl☁️✨
🌺get some drinks with the homies ☁️✨
🌺gamble 🙈
🌺find a local chill bar and bring a book, and get some nice wine☁️✨
🌺make a savings account and plan. There r rly nice journals on Amazon for saving money✨☁️
🌺have some special time with your partner✨☁️
🌺adopt a new pet to take care of☁️✨
🌺get a gym membership☁️✨
🌺go to a car dealership and look at cars w/o the intention of buying one☁️✨
🌺invest in some late in life collage classes, it’s never too late to start☁️✨
🌺learn a new dance type that suits you, and learn with a friend. Maybe even go to classes. ☁️✨
Anyways stay safe out there yall, and block don’t report.
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ambrosiafarms · 10 months
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orgaincfirm · 2 years
This is a great day for us at Ambrosia Organic Farm because we are finally going back to our roots where we started in1993 as India’s first organic farm company* and the first farm to grow western salads called Lettuce, Rucola and Heritage tomatoes. Because of this and because of my age I became known to some as Saladbaba; hence the name of our subsidiary.
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Organic brown rice cakes are a low-calorie snack that can be a smart choice for individuals looking to cut calories. They are also sometimes produced with whole grains and offer a gluten-free option for persons with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
mean!dom!lottienat x bratty reader with aftercare, you can choose the plot!!
A/N: dear anon, this is definitely not what you asked for im sorry, don't come at me, or at least not ONLY at me because in fact, this is a collab with @lottienatswife:) go follow her lolllll, craziest collab ever. We are not smut writers and this is personally my first smut ever lol, we just decided to have fun with it!!!
Also this is pretty long :)
hope you'll enjoy either way :) (Marina if you see this go away this is not for you, this post is Marina DNI)
TW: smut, lots weird stuff, quirky seggs, tentacles are mentioned, dildo attacks girl's face, toys and ropes :)
Night at Lottie's
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“Where are you parents again? On a business trip” Nat asked from Lottie’s bed, Wannabe by the Spice Girls played in the bedroom, Natalie didn’t exactly enjoy that but whatever made her princess happy.
“They are at a funeral actually” Lottie answered from her spot in a rocking chair near the bed, lately she has been getting into reading, the current book she’s reading? Poems of Sappho, she told you and Nat multiple times that she would’ve loved to join a book club, if only those were real…
Nat frowned but before she could say anything Lottie continued “Uncle Joe passed away last night”.
After her affirmation Nat moved from the bed and got closer to Lottie, placing a hand on her knee “I’m so sorry Lottie…was it a peaceful death at least?”
“He was actually eaten alive by a dolphin-” Lottie couldn’t even finish her sentence, suddenly interrupted by the door slamming open, you were running for no apparent reason, maybe the writers just need a narrative expedient to make you end up sprawled on the bed…or maybe not…who knows? I definitely don’t.
Either way, Nat’s backpack, which was conventionally thrown on the floor, made you trip and not so gracefully fall on the bed, face planted in the mattress, bum in the air, emitting a little groan.
“Eager aren’t you?” Nat exclaims and without missing a bit she gets closer to you and just like you landed on the bed her hand lands on your ass, giving it a smack.
Lottie gasps still sitting comfortably on her chair, looking intensively at your interaction with Natalie “Little sapphics” she whispers with a hint of amusement.
“Hey!” you yell at the contact of Nat’s palm with your skin, but Nat doesn’t really seem to care since she has her hands already placed on your hips, flipping you around and manhandling you until your back was against the headboard, her body straddling yours and keeping your hands in hers. And even though you felt like a barbie being tossed around by a three year old kid you actually didn’t mind at all, and while you and Nat were clearly having the time of your life Lottie opened a package of organic rice cakes and munched on it while watching attentively “It’s just like national geographic” she mumbled to herself while chewing.
Nat leaned in for a kiss and who were you to comply after all, and as the smooching got more and more heated your bodies grew sweatier and sweatier, especially your hands, making Nat falter, causing your foreheads to collide in a painful crash.
*some time later*
As Natalie straddled you, with her hands on the wooden headboard this time, Lottie, finally may I add, got up from the rocking chair placing her rice cakes on in and walking to the bed sitting down on it next to Nat who was already aiming at your shirt pulling it off with ease, revealing your bra. Natalie shifts over to look for something in the drawer, rummaging through it and pulling out a quite peculiar object out of it.
“Is it a unicorn horn?” Lottie wonders as soon as she looks at it
“I’m pretty sure it’s a dildo Lottie” you said, still laying under Natalie, your affirmation made Lottie’s eyes squint “Then why is it rainbow?”
“I don’t know maybe it’s gay” you shrugged as Natalie kissed your neck not really caring about whatever conversation was going on between the two of you, raging hormones they say.
Slowly realising the destination of the gay allegated sparkly rainbow toy Lottie’s eyes widened  "NAT! NO.... IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH!!" Lottie yanks it out of Nat's hand, and gets out her purple- "it's not purple its heliotrope, damn I’ve told this to the production so many times and nobody listens"... heliotrope dildo... it was bigger than the rainbow one “It kinda reminds me of an octopus” you said as you looked down at the thing “Did you know that one of the tentacles of an octopus is actually it’s dick?”
“Not now Lottie please” Nat brushed her off as she started undoing your pants, pulling them off she smirked at the sight of your undies...Peppa Pig printed underwear was really something...Natalie bit her lip she took off her own pants, as did Lottie. Nat was wearing her super special underwear, pink Hello kitty underwear, Lottie on the other end showed off her spiderman (writers care to specify it’s PS game spiderman) panties.
"So…my little gold digger…” 
“Lottie, leave the dirty talk to me please-”
“SHUT UP...can I tie you up??" You look at Lottie... and shake your head, you already knew what was going to happen, she did it all the time, and you needed money for that one dinosaur pillow. As expected Lottie groaned and pulled out  her wallet which was conventionally already on the bed "I'll pay you"
 "deal..!" You happily take the money shoving it inside Nat’s bra “Keep it safe baby” you gave her breasts a pat pat “Since when are my knockers a piggy bank” she mumbled but neither you or Lottie paid too much attention to that.
Lottie had already taken out the purple…no wait…heliotrope ropes she kept stored in a small box and tied your wrists up to the bedpost. So now that you’re stuck like a worm on a hook Nat and Lottie exchange a knowing look, as Natalie adjusts a harness to her hips
“Kinda looks like a bricklayer's belt”
“Shut up” 
Then she immediately pulls off your panties and once they are discarded she lays her chin on the mattress to see your core "....mmph…" Nat hums in satisfaction once she sees the faucet was left running “While Lottie’s parents cry at the funeral I make this pussy cry” 
Suddenly Lottie shoves Nat away, taking her turn to stare at you. Determined, Nat pushed Lottie down the bed, gracefully slapping her face with the glittery gay dildo, and just like that, after she regained her spot on top of you, the object found its home…once again.
After a couple of small thrusts Natalie really started going at it and you started moaning, in that exact moment, jealousy creeped inside Lottie and once again Nat was shoved away, this time ruthlessly shoved down the bed and onto the floor. Taking Nat’s out of you so she could insert the heliotrope toy. Your faucet kept running, until it broke and Lottie cheered, she broke it first.. and Natalie groaned still on the floor, annoyed.
Lottie carefully unties your wrists, placing little kisses on the small bruises the ropes caused.  "You want shoulder rubs?" Lottie asked, while pulling you on her chest to let you rest your back against her breasts "What about pussy rubs?" Nat smirked.
Before you could answer, Lottie shoved a rice cake in your mouth as Nat just groaned, unbuckling her harness and throwing it aside. 
Lottie pampered you with little kisses on the top of your head while she rubbed both your shoulders and neck, slowly, Nat crawled back on the bed, giving a kiss to both you and Lottie, hugging the two of you and laying her head on your shoulder.
*later that night*
“Y/N? Are you still awake?”
 "I never got to fiddle with your riddle”
“Technically you-”
If you've reached the end, here's your throphy 🏆
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myhrtbrkr · 1 year
school day meal plan! 📚☕️
[ok i know this is a little foolish because it’s literally june 1st but my lacrosse season ended which i relied on a lot to burn off cals so now i have to REALLY watch what i’m eating & unfortunately i am a binger so i need to set a plan]
// end of sports season edition:
—breakfast • choose between:
✰ iced coffee: 0-40 cals (i go for either black or if i have the money, my simple dunkin order is a cold brew w/ almond milk + 1 splenda + 1 shot of vanilla which is around 50 cals)
✰ fruit bowl: 50-70 cals
dunkin refresher w/ green tea: 130 cals (bomb for a medium imo)
chia seed pudding (little to no toppings): 100 cals
✰ celsius: 10 cals
—lunch • ✰ ✰ ✰
[i have block scheduling so i have a 25 min free period in between my hour long classes so i usually eat about 2 cups of AIR-POPPED/ORGANIC popcorn, which is ab 70 cals yet rlly satisfying, and then skip lunch or eat little bits of my friends’ food]
diet coke: 0 cals (if i’m feeling snacky)
—after school snack • choose ONE:
✰ peppermint tea: 0 cals
tomato & basil rice cake: 50 cals
gum: 0-5 cals
popcorn: 60-70 cals
—dinner •
~keep it simple, go for what you know is better for you, and if you’re forced to eat something, make the portion SMALL or come up with a really good excuse on why it revolts you~
—dessert • choose between: (NOT ALWAYS)
cookie dough coconut milk ice cream: 190 cals (1/2cup)
yasso bar: 80-100 (FAVS)
fruit w/ yogurt: about 100 cals
★ ★ ★ if you have had under 400 net cals by the end of dinner, you may have dessert. otherwise, no, not by freewill at least.
:I’m literally just making these for myself so i remember but i hate spreading my disordered thoughts with yall 😭 i only want the best for everyone else, i’m okay with suffering lolll
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chewydolls · 1 month
She understands that, for most of Bagi's life, home was a time, not a place, that stretched far back into her memory and left her yearning for candies that had long gone sour, a camping tent taken over by the bugs, a twin who outgrew her.
Tina's own memories before the island are far from pleasant, but there are fragments between the confusion and shame she likes to look back on — sweets that were bought rather than made, the taste of rice cake in her tongue, cinnamon powder stuck on her fingers. She wants to give Empanada a comfort food she will cherish with all her heart, too. She wants to gift her daughter a childhood memory that isn't tainted.
My autumn-themed Bagina fic for @mcytsapphiczine is now on ao3. Check it out <3
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