#organic vegetable shop near me
pluckk · 1 year
Building Healthy Habits: Incorporating Vegetables into Your Daily Routine
Did you know that only one in ten children eat enough vegetables every day? It's a concerning fact considering that vegetables are packed with essential nutrients that help our bodies stay healthy and fight off diseases. Yet, many of us struggle to incorporate these powerhouse foods into our daily diets.
So, the question is, how can we add more vegetables to our lives and make them a regular part of our meals? If you're someone who finds it challenging to include veggies in your diet, you're not alone. But the good news is that there are plenty of easy ways to buy online vegetables and make it more prominent part of your life.
Whether you're a picky eater, short on time, or simply unsure how to prepare vegetables, there are tips and tricks that can help. From sneaking veggies into your favorite meals to trying new recipes, with the help of organic vegetable shop near me into your diet doesn't have to be a daunting task.
In this blog post, we'll provide you with some practical and creative ideas for adding vegetables to your life. By the end of this post, you'll have a variety of strategies to try, making it easier than ever to increase your vegetable intake and reap the benefits of a healthier diet. So, let's get started!
If you are struggling to incorporate more vegetables into your diet? How much is enough?
The recommended range for adults is two to four cups per day, based on age and gender. It's important to note that there's a wide variety of vegetables to choose from, so don't force yourself to eat something you don't enjoy. A helpful chart on the My Plate site can assist in identifying what constitutes a cup of vegetables.
Incorporating vegetables from organic fruits and vegetables online shops into your meals or snacks throughout the day can help meet the daily recommendation. Trying different vegetables each week can help find which ones you enjoy the most. If fresh produce is too expensive, canned, dried, or frozen options are acceptable alternatives. Freezing vegetables can also retain nutrients and freshness.
It's important to check the Nutrition Facts Panel to ensure you're not consuming excess sodium. Adding herbs and spices can enhance the taste of vegetables. Celery sticks can be used as a garnish and also count as a cup of veggies.
The key to buy online vegetables to incorporate fresh produce into your diet is forming habits that can build over time. Starting somewhere is crucial, and the more days per week individuals consume fruits and vegetables, the greater their intake will be per day. With a little bit of trial and error, there are infinite ways to enjoy eating vegetables.
Why should one get the best stuff?
Eating vegetables is essential for maintaining good health as they contain a wide range of nutrients that are beneficial for the body. For instance, a medium broccoli stalk contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, and fiber, which all provide numerous benefits. Vitamin A helps keep skin and teeth healthy while vitamin C aids teeth and gum health and fights against free radicals that can cause cell damage. Calcium supports strong bones, while iron helps deliver oxygen throughout the body. Potassium is essential for cell, nerve, and muscle functions and is often lacking in the American diet. The fiber found in organic fruits and vegetables online are digested, but it helps maintain regularity and lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Additionally, fiber is beneficial for the gut's microbiome.
Furthermore, vegetables contain phytonutrients, which are plant compounds responsible for their color and texture. Although there is no daily recommended amount for phytonutrients, they offer significant benefits to our health. Studies are still ongoing to uncover the full extent of the positive impact these compounds have on our bodies.
In summary, consuming vegetables is crucial for good health because they contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. Incorporating a variety of vegetables into our diets can help maintain optimal health and prevent chronic diseases.
Key Takeaway:
Incorporating vegetables into our diets is critical for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases. Unfortunately, only one in ten Americans consume enough vegetables every day, which is a concerning statistic. However, incorporating vegetables into our meals doesn't have to be a daunting task. There are plenty of creative and practical ways to add more vegetables to our lives.
To start, it's important to identify how much is enough. The recommended daily range for adults is two to four cups per day, depending on age and gender. There is a wide variety of organic vegetable shop near you to choose from, so it's crucial to find the ones that we enjoy the most. If fresh produce is too expensive, canned, dried, or frozen options are acceptable alternatives.
Eating vegetables provides us with essential nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, and phytonutrients. These nutrients offer numerous benefits, from keeping our skin and teeth healthy to supporting strong bones and muscle functions. Additionally, fiber maintains regularity and lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Incorporating vegetables into our diets requires forming habits that can build over time. Starting somewhere is crucial, and the more days per week we consume fruits and vegetables, the greater our intake will be per day. With a little bit of trial and error, there are infinite ways to enjoy eating vegetables.
So, let's get started and prioritize our health and buy online vegetables incorporating more vegetables into our diets today.
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onlyhydroponics1 · 2 years
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Eating organic vegetables reduces the number of chemicals in your diet namely persistent pesticides and also can reduce the risk of cancer. The organic vegetable shop near me provides very fresh and high-quality vegetables. No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives are added to this.
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aramiyarkai · 1 month
Organic grocery store in Chennai | Organic store in Chennai
Explore Chennai's top organic grocery store offering fresh, pesticide-free produce, grains, and more. Embrace a healthier lifestyle with our wide range of organic products sourced directly from local farms. Visit today for a wholesome shopping experience!
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freshbasketorganics · 6 months
Organic Fruits and Vegetables near Me
Local product is sourced whenever feasible. You may help local farmers and lessen the carbon footprint of long-distance transportation by buying organic fruits and vegetables that are grown nearby. Taste the difference in every taste that comes from using fresh, locally sourced products. Our assortment of organic fruits and vegetables, which includes colorful bell peppers and crisp apples, is sure to please. We have something for everyone, whether your craving is for lush greens, luscious strawberries, or exotic fruits. You can experiment with different flavors and add diversity to your meals with our wide selection of veggies. We're here to supply you with the freshest produce available; all you have to do is search for organic fruits and vegetables near me. Visit our store now to experience the difference that organic fruits and veggies can make in your life.
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ayudaorganics · 8 months
Your Trusted Organic Vegetable Shop for Fresh and Healthy Produce - Ayuda Organics Welcome to Ayuda Organics, your one-stop destination for all-natural and sustainably grown vegetables. Our expertly curated selection of organic produce is handpicked from local farms, ensuring the freshest and highest quality products for you and your family's health. Trust us to provide you with nutrient-dense options that are free from harmful chemicals or pesticides. Join our community of conscious consumers today!
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thefarmersstore · 10 months
The Farmers' Store - Organic Food Store
The Farmers' Store is known for its curated selection of fresh organic products sourced directly from proud farmers across India. TFS was set up under the expert guidance of Kavita Mukhi, who continues to act as the leading consultant to help curate the store's 2000+ products and verify their legitimacy. An extensive range of products that include fresh organic vegetables, fruits, flours like organic khapli atta, milk, ghee, oil and all necessary home staples makes The Farmers' Store the best organic store online and offline in Mumbai. Customers have trusted TFS since its inception in 2017 and remain loyal to the organic movement to date. You can walk into The Farmers' Store in Bandra or enjoy same-day home delivery of organic lifestyle.
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edaymart · 1 year
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eDaymart.in's dedication to customer satisfaction is evident through its personalized approach. The store understands that every customer has unique preferences and dietary requirements.
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familygarden25 · 1 year
From Boosting Immunity to Weight Management: Unveiling the Incredible Health Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
It's no secret that fresh fruits and vegetables are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But did you know that they also offer a host of incredible health benefits beyond just boosting your daily nutrient intake? From improving your immune system to aiding in weight management, the benefits of consuming fresh produce are truly remarkable. Whether you prefer leafy greens, colorful berries, or juicy citrus fruits, the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in these natural wonders can work wonders for your overall health and wellness. In this article, we'll dive into the science behind the incredible health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables and explore how incorporating more of these nutrient-dense foods into your diet can help you feel your best both inside and out. So, let's get started and discover the amazing benefits of adding more fresh produce to your plate!
Nutritional benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are vital to maintaining good health. Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables online can help ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs to function at its best. For example, leafy greens like spinach and kale are rich in vitamin K, which is essential for healthy bones and blood clotting. Meanwhile, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are a great source of vitamin C, which is crucial for a healthy immune system.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, fresh fruits and vegetables also contain fiber, which is essential for good digestive health. Fiber helps keep you feeling full for longer, which can aid in weight management, and it also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which can reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Finally, fresh fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in water content, making them an ideal food choice for those who are looking to maintain a healthy weight. Incorporating more fresh produce into your diet can help you feel fuller for longer, reduce your overall calorie intake, and promote weight loss over time.
Antioxidants and phytonutrients in fresh fruits and vegetables
In addition to essential vitamins and minerals, fresh fruits and vegetables are also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Antioxidants are compounds that help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can harm your cells and contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Phytonutrients, meanwhile, are compounds found in plants that have been shown to have a wide range of health benefits. For example, lycopene, a phytonutrient found in tomatoes, has been shown to have anti-cancer properties, while flavonoids, which are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.
Incorporating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet can help ensure that you get a wide range of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which can help protect your cells from damage and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.
Role of fresh fruits and vegetables in boosting immunity
Fresh fruits and vegetables are also essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the production of white blood cells, which help fight off infections and other foreign invaders.
In addition to vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables also contain other immune-boosting compounds such as beta-carotene, which is found in carrots and sweet potatoes, and zinc, which is found in spinach and mushrooms.
Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can help ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs to maintain a healthy immune system and fight off infections.
Fresh fruits and vegetables for weight management
fruits and vegetables online in Chennai are an excellent food choice for those who are looking to manage their weight. Not only are they low in calories and high in fiber, but they also help keep you feeling full for longer, which can reduce your overall calorie intake.
In addition, many fruits and vegetables are rich in water, which can help keep you hydrated and feeling full. For example, a salad made with leafy greens, cucumbers, and tomatoes can help you feel full and satisfied without consuming a lot of calories.
Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of developing obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
Benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables for skin and hair
Fresh fruits and vegetables are also great for promoting healthy skin and hair. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and biotin.
For example, vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits and berries, is essential for the production of collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin looking firm and youthful. Meanwhile, vitamin A, which is found in sweet potatoes and carrots, is essential for healthy hair growth and can help prevent dry, itchy scalp.
Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can help promote healthy skin and hair and reduce the risk of developing skin and hair-related problems.
Fresh fruits and vegetables for heart health
Finally, fresh fruits and vegetables are also great for promoting heart health. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in compounds such as fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
For example, fiber helps lower cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, while potassium helps regulate blood pressure, which can also reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can help promote heart health and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
Conclusion: Make fresh fruits and vegetables a part of your daily routine
In conclusion, fresh fruits and vegetables offer a wide range of incredible health benefits beyond just boosting your daily nutrient intake. From boosting your immune system to promoting healthy skin and hair, the benefits of consuming fresh produce are truly remarkable.
Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases, and improve your overall health and wellness. So the next time you're at the grocery store, be sure to stock up on a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and make them a part of your daily routine. Your body will thank you!
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voidcat · 2 months
HIIIIII DANYL. 🫂🫂🫂 omg okay so you and togame. grocery shopping. who’s pushing the cart? do you guys have a list … or are you two just gonna go through all the aisles ? which one gets distracted by sales / snacks ?? do you guys go together or meet up at the end ??? ALSO. do you one of you snack while putting the groceries away at home ? are you guys gonna cook together right away or cuddle / wind down first ?!
HI ZEVIEEEEE sorry im replying to this so late !! T-T
okay okay so me and togame- my god thinking abt this made me sick to my stomach i/pos u have nooo idea ihihihiih ily
there's no list we die like men</3 jo just gets out of the way and i push the cart... if he pushes too slow or too fast, or skips any isles i wanna chek out upon seeing i'll start pouting. the cart gotta stand at specific angles, not block the way, me or any customers But be at an ideal lenght for me to organize what we've picked. once he masters the art of this (or when he realizes im exhausted and too busy rushing from isle to isle to pick up stuff, he'll do the pushing)
we both get distracted sadly... its a never ending hell.. he has learned to oversee any new product with strawberries and to block my view of them with his body though.. it works for a good 5 minutes, its impressive how good he is getting at it honestly... and all bc i get torn up abt wanting to try bc strawberry!! but also not bc: unhealthy, i'll kill my appetite, we got snacks at home yadayada (he surprises me later with them so its ok) we are together from start to finish! one only separates if we noticed something is missing.
depending on what we got, there can be snacking while or after putting away groceries. if we went to the bakery on the way home, rest in piece togame jo because he will have to pry those eclairs from my dead cold hands... if it's near dinenr time or if we are hungry we will start with the cooking after changing into home clothes but usually he tries to seduce me into taking a nap after getting home... sometimes it can evolve to... different activities. he is lucky i am quite prone to procrastinating ahahaha
if the shopping was done for a recipe i want to try, there is no luck for him though. wash those hands and get to cooking jo, you're prepping the vegetables this time. come one now the quicker we are done with it, the sooner we can have one-o-one time
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solitaryearthperson · 2 years
Shopping for Jess
Summary: The reader takes Jessica shopping for more stuff for the apartment.
(The reader is female and the age is 18+. The ethnicity/race is any.)
“Jess,” I said her name, shaking her shoulder a little to get her to wake up. 
The only response I received was another tired grunt and her digging her face further into her pillow.
“Jeeess,” I whined, shaking her shoulder harder, finally seeing her open her eyes and lift her head from the pillow. She turned and looked up at me with annoyance and her dark hair tangled and messy on her head, 
“What,” She asked, yawning.
“We need to go to the store.”
“Because you have no food.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t.” Maybe it was because of her being drunk damn-near 24/7 or being a super person, but Jess tended to forget that she needed to eat and eat regularly.
“I can order pizza or something, later.” She grabbed her cover and was about to turn to lay back down, but I quickly pulled it from her hands and pulled the rest of it off her. 
“We’re going to the store and picking up things to eat. Healthy food. Food you can eat everyday to be healthy.” I didn’t give her time to respond as I quickly turned and left the room, deciding to sit on her ugly couch and wait for her to get dressed and ready.
“I can literally just order something,” I heard her whine again as we entered another aisle. “Pizza, Chinese, Thai, Mexican-”
“But yet, you're picking up a box of cereal,” I interrupted her, looking over my shoulder to see her putting a large box of Frosted Flakes into the shopping cart.
“You said to get food I’ll eat,” she said, defensively.
Taking a couple cans of soup from the shelf and dumping them in the cart, I turned to her. “I said healthy food, as well.”
I looked down into the cart and counted all the things we had. Most of the things I picked up were cans of soup and fruit in case of emergencies, whole fruits and vegetables, frozen dinners, and various other things, while most of the things Jessica dropped in, were absolute junk food and booze.
“I’m super. I can’t get sick, remember,” she reminded me for the hundredth time.
“You’re not invincible. You need to stay strong and healthy.”
“I am healthy. And strong.”
“Drinking bourbon day and night, and only eating takeout is not what most doctors consider healthy, but okay.” I grabbed the cart and began pushing it into the next aisle. “You have any tampons?”
“Um,...” Jessica stayed silent, looking at me, unsurely.
“So you don’t know,” I continued into the aisle and picked up a box and dropped it into the cart. “Does being super mean no more periods or keeping track of them?”
“Excuse me if I don’t know the exact number of shit in my place,” she replied. 
“You need any toilet paper, paper towels...”
“Ummm,” Again, Jessica didn’t know the answer and once again, I wondered how this woman survived for so long.
"Okay, let's go get some more," I sighed turning the shopping cart around and making my way to the next aisle, Jess following closely behind me.
After we got all the things we needed for her place, me and Jess both paid for the groceries and, using her super strength, she carried all of them to the car, telling me to not worry about it and to just get in the car and relax. I had a feeling that she was just going to dump all of it in the trunk and not even try to organize or arrange it safely, but I ignored it, already tired from all of the searching and walking around the store.
I was trying to find the right radio station for us, when she opened the car door and got in.
"You put everything in the trunk," I asked, giving up on the radio.
"Yep," she replied, but she had a strange look on her face.
"What's wrong?"
She didn't say anything for a minute, her face looked as if she was contemplating telling me something.
"Thank you," she finally said, her voice stiff.
"For what?"
"For this," she pointed to the store. "For taking care of me. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Jessica," I could feel heat coming to my cheeks and decided it was best to begin the drive home now.
Putting my hand on the gear shift, I was about to place it in drive when I suddenly felt Jessica's hands grab my face and turn my head towards her to meet her lips with mine. Her actions took me off guard so at first I didn't do anything, but after a second I quickly reciprocated the kiss to her with enthusiasm. When I felt like I needed to breathe I slowly pulled away from her, keeping my face still close to hers.
"What was that for?"
"Cuz I love you and I don't say it enough," she told me, her pale cheeks turning light pink after she spoke.
Clearing her throat, she settled back into the passenger seat, trying to hide a grin that I could see was beginning to grow on her face. "So...let's go home and put all this shit up."
Like Jess, I tried to control the grin that was growing on my face and quickly put the car into drive. Jess wasn't good with expressing her emotions and she wasn't really a fan of PDA, so I knew it took a lot for her to do that, even if we're in the privacy of the v car. Pulling out of the spot and out of the parking lot, I began the drive back home, while my mind was coming up with different ideas to show Jess how much I loved her back.
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pluckk · 1 year
Fruits & Vegetables Online Market - Pluckk | The Process
Looking for an organic vegetable shop near you? Try Pluckk - your one-stop fruits & vegetables online market. Go through the Pluckk process to know more about us!
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Week 3: Excursions and Local Life Activities
This past week, I’ve been busy participating in activities put on both by Sant’Anna institute and through CIS Abroad. Sant’Anna organized several activities each week for students to sign up for, ranging from cooking classes to painting nights and hikes. The activities are great to be immersed in the local area and culture and to meet new people. There are around 150 students studying here and I feel like I talk to someone new about every activity! 
Recently, I participated in a tiramisu making class, a sunset yoga session, and a gelato making experience at a local, family-owned gelateria. I’d have to say the gelato making was my favorite as we got to sample both lemon sorbet (a personal favorite) and chocolate gelato that we helped make. The shop also gave us all a free cone with two scoops of any flavors we wanted after we finished the class!!
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(Shop owner leading the gelato making class)
CIS Abroad also organizes activities for us. They are not as often, but are usually bigger excursions. Over the last two weeks, I have gone on a wine tasting at the modest winery in Sorrento, a boat cruise along the coast to Amalfi, and a beach day at one of the beach clubs in Sorrento with lunch included. 
During the wine tasting, we learned about the whole wine making process from growing the grapes, how long each type of wine ferments in barrels, the different temperatures required for different flavors, and saw the machinery behind the packaging of the bottles. We then got to taste three different types of wine along with paired cheeses and dried meats, which was all delicious. 
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(Right: Table set-up for the wine tasting, old barrels in the back and a meat, cheese, and bread board spread on the table with wine glasses set up at each seat. Left: Me holding a wine glass in front of a stack of barrels)
The cruise might have to be my favorite excursion so far as I love to travel by boat and learn some of the history of the coastline. We passed by the area said to be where the sirens of The Odyssey lived, as well as many other locations of Greek and Roman myths. After around a 1 ½ hour boat ride (I only got slightly sunburnt), we docked in Amalfi and had around 4-5 hours to explore. The town is known for its homemade paper and I loved going into various local shops and hearing about each one’s process and looking at some of the beautiful artwork.
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(Left: Me and my friend standing on the dock with the part of Amalfi and the sea in the background. Right: View of Amalfi from the dock)
Lastly, I got to go to Peter’s Beach Club and hangout for the afternoon soaking up the sun and swimming in the shockingly-clear water. Usually, I just go to the small free beach near the institute so it was nice to experience the fancier beach with a sunbed and umbrella (the free lunch was a delicious bonus).
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(Picture of the couscous and vegetable bowl I got for lunch with the beach visible in the background)
Both CIS Abroad and the institute do a wonderful job immersing us students in the local area and keeping us engaged. For the next few weeks, I have several big trips planned and class is picking up with midterms, projects, and field trips, so stay tuned as my next blogs should be exciting!
Marika Ruppart
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento, Italy 
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aramiyarkai · 3 months
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Aram iyarkai is the best place to buy organic groceries in chennai , tamilnadu. We provide 100% naturally grown pure organic grocery products such as traditional rice, pulses, spices, oils & more.
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
2×2 - Grown-Up Situation 7
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata, Shinobu, Nagisa
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Yuuta-kun is learning things he doesn’t need to be learning…"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Downtown
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An hour later. At the filming location for 2×2, the downtown area near Yumenosaki Academy…
Yuuta: Alright, we’re here~♪
Hinata: You must be tired from the long trip! Shall I rub your shoulders, Ran-senpai? ♪
Nagisa: …Fufu. It’s okay, there is no need for you to flatter me like that.
Shinobu: Hm~… It doesn’t really matter, but this place looks awfully familiar, de gozaru.
Hinata: Does it~? This is the downtown area our Master’s shop is located at, it’s home for us 2wink~!
Yuuta: So you know, each time for 2×2 we spend time gaining "experience" of some kind over a week.
Hinata: But to be more precise, a rest period is needed to refresh and prepare for the next round, so it’s for about 5 days.
Yuuta: Yup. And for those 5 days, we dive into a “field” and gain some “experience" in accordance.
Hinata: Alongside the guests—The “friends” Yuuta-kun and I each invited.
And then we as pairs will have a “showdown” using the “experience” we’ve gained over those five days.
Yuuta: For example, with the religious cult—Which wait, I’m not supposed to say aren’t I, we became members of the organization and spent time as a believer.
That time, our “showdown” was to see which pair could raise their rank within the religion the most, right?
Hinata: Yup. That time, because I had invited and teamed up with Hasumi-senpai of all people, I was really taken aback hearing him say he was a heathen…
Yuuta: Instead it brought more attention to you, and you and Hasumi-senpai gained a higher rank and won the “showdown”. It wasn’t fair, Aniki, you invited someone who was a professional.
Hinata: If you have complaints, how about inviting someone other than Shinobu-kun, Yuuta-kun…?
Shinobu: That episode became quite the hot topic, or rather, controversial, de gozaru. So much so I started to get anxious if it was really okay to air, de gozaru.
Yuuta: Right. Of course, it was no physical interview by a reportage writer for some third-rate magazine, but I was able to find somewhere that could corroborate that it was a sound organization, just in case.
Shinobu: Truthfully, it was a pretty easy environment to relax and spend time in, de gozaru. And all the believers were very nice and kind.
I thought that I might have actually been prejudiced towards religion, de gozaru.[1]
Yuuta: While of course there probably are in fact some places that are genuinely dangerous, I don’t think there’s any need to be wary about all religions.
Shinobu: Yeah… Though, I do feel like I’m able to understand more about Shinkai-dono.
I found the time we were made to stay at a farmhouse and work non-stop on a farm to be more difficult, de gozaru.
Yuuta: But it was the classic example of a neat and clean idol doing muddy farm work! The gap between the two is interesting, isn’t it?
Shinobu: Well, that episode was fun in the end, de gozaru… By growing vegetables, I felt like I was able to understand Midori-kun a bit more, who comes from a family of greengrocers.
Hinata: I hope to learn from how you’re always finding the bright side of things no matter what!
Shinobu: For the record, the first episode was the farm work, the fourth episode was the cult religion, the third episode was living on 500 yen a day, and the second episode was living a celebrity life in a rich man’s mansion, de gozaru!
Nagisa: …Ummm. So in chronological order, it’d be farm work, celebrity life, extreme poverty, then cult religion, right?
Shinobu: Yes. After living a luxurious life as a celebrity, I was thrown into a life of extreme poverty, which made it even rougher for me, de gozaru.
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Yuuta: And that’s why we turned to cult religion. Oh no! ♪
Nagisa: …Hm. So the episodes Anzu-san were in charge of were the first and third, about farm work and living in extreme poverty.
Yuuta: Looking at it like that, it kinda feels like Anzu-san’s plans are some sort of rip-off—Or rather, it feels like something I’ve seen somewhere already.
Hinata: If anything, YamadaP’s throwing way too many curveballs.
Yuuta: His ideas are seriously outlandish and his content is just generally funky, isn’t it?
Nagisa: …Hm. I think that following in the footsteps of famous shows like Anzu-san is a good strategy in terms of getting consistent ratings.
…There will be no accidents if you take the high road.
Yuuta: And in this industry, there’s a surprising amount of rubber stampers.
And saying it’s like some famous program makes it easier for viewers to understand. If you say something tastes just like a delicious food that you’ve had before, it’ll sell to an extent.
Nagisa: …I see. However, if it continues to develop similarly, Anzu-san’s standing might deteriorate.
…Let us compare. Anzu-san’s episodes feel like something you’ve already seen before, while YamadaP’s episodes feel like something brand new.
…Viewers who notice this might guess that the producers alternate in running the show in their search for the “cause”.
Shinobu: ? And if that happens, what then?
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Nagisa: …Humans tend to compare two things side by side by deciding which one is better and which one is worse.
…Comparing Anzu-san and YamadaP, what Anzu-san was in charge of are something that they had seen somewhere before.
…So they may judge that it is unadventurous content that is boring with no surprises.
…The viewership ratings, in other words, are criticisms from a dimension different from this Producer showdown. One may conclude that Anzu-san is inferior to YamadaP.
…There is the possibility that YamadaP will utilize his personal connections to influence public opinion in this way, too.
…As a result, even if YamadaP loses the showdown in the end, it would mean that YamadaP would still be superior to Anzu-san as a producer.
…The world can be engraved with such impressions.
…Even if YamadaP loses the match, he can still win the game.
Yuuta: I see… That way, he can make a name for himself even without being the head of P-Association, a position that’s nothing but a hassle.
He’d come out more capable than Anzu-san, ES’ prided and prized producer.
Amazing. I’ve learned a lot. I see~, so there’s more than one way to do things…
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Hinata: Yuuta-kun is learning things he doesn’t need to be learning…
Nagisa: …Of course, at this point, we still don’t know if something like that will happen.
…It was simply just a guess of mine. But, I do think we should look at things from a broader perspective, and not just focus on immediate victors and losers.
…Both Anzu-san, and you guys too.
Yuuta: That one hits close to home. …During SS, I was too focused on the immediate victory, and lost the trust of many people as a result.
I don’t regret it, but I need to reflect on it. So that next time, I can do it better.
Hinata: … …
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As a small cultural note; generally speaking, the notion of “casual” religion is prevalent across Japan, with the way a lot of other cultures perform religion (i.e. with daily readings, prayer attendance) considered to be unusual in Japan. Practices like that face quite a bit of lack of understanding and are often broadly considered “cult-like”. That being said, this “cult religion” in question seems to be described pretty oddly and sensationally, probably for comedic value.
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thefarmersstore · 1 year
The Farmers' Store Bandra Pali - Organic Food Store
The Farmers' Store is known for its curated selection of fresh organic products sourced directly from proud farmers across India. TFS was set up under the expert guidance of Kavita Mukhi, who continues to act as the leading consultant to help curate the store's 2000+ products and verify their legitimacy. An extensive range of products that include fresh organic vegetables, fruits, flours like organic khapli atta, milk, ghee, oil and all necessary home staples makes The Farmers' Store the best organic store online and offline in Mumbai. Customers have trusted TFS since its inception in 2017 and remain loyal to the organic movement to date. You can walk into The Farmers' Store in Bandra or enjoy same-day home delivery of organic lifestyle.
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edaymart · 1 year
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eDaymart also stands out with its commitment to freshness. The store sources its products directly from trusted suppliers, ensuring that customers receive the finest quality items. From farm-fresh fruits and vegetables to premium meats and dairy products, eDaymart.in prioritizes freshness and quality at every step. This attention to detail ensures that customers can enjoy wholesome and delicious food with confidence.
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