kajmasterclass · 4 months
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coolladydot · 1 year
Biblioteca umbrelor (recenzie)
Închipuie-ți că toți cei din jurul tău ar sta și ar citi nestingheriți, continuă bărbatul izbind cu sticla în masă. Toate cuvintele și propozițiile ar zbura în vârtejuri prin aer, ca fulgii de zăpadă într-un viscol. Bărbatul ridică mâinile și începu să le agite într-o serie de mișcări circulare. S-ar amesteca unele cu altele, s-ar împreuna în propoziții neinteligibile, s-ar despărți ca să se…
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dianapopescu · 1 year
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7 aprilie: Evenimentul zilei - Organizația Mondială a Sănătății
Pe 7 aprilie 1948 a fost fondată, de către Națiunile Unite, Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS), o agenție specializată a ONU responsabilă pentru sănătatea publică internațională. Cu sediul în Geneva, Elveția, are șase birourui regionale și 150 de birouri de teren în întreaga lume. https://www.diane.ro/2023/04/7-aprilie-eveniment-zi-organizatie-sanatate.html
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tryingoutsol · 2 years
god, I wish I was religious because boy do I need something to believe in
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rimbaud-fan-page · 11 months
This is not war, this is a massacre.
I want to make it very clear that I stand with Palestine, I stand with the people in the West Bank and Gaza, I stand with Palestinians everywhere. If you claim to be neutral or in anyway support the heinous actions of the Israeli Government, this page is not a place for your intolerance.
For anyone who is uneducated on the matter, I will provide links below so that you learn more. For anyone that wants to support the people of Palestine, I will provide links to resources so that you can provide that support.
Even if you have no money, you have something to give to Palestine, and that is your voice. The Israeli government wants to sweep this under the rug, pretend like it's a war against Hamas and not the genocide that it is. As of recent, Israel has cut off power and communications within Gaza, which has left all without means to contact each other and the outside world. Hospitals in Gaza are running out of supplies and power to treat the wounded, if power and support is not returned, thousands of innocent people will die, many of those being new-born babies. Hamas is not in the hospitals, nor in the schools, nor the neighbourhoods that Israel has been bombing, by now it should be blindingly obvious that the actions they are taking are against the people of Gaza, and not Hamas.
Israel has closed the borders to Gaza, there is support waiting just outside it's walls, but they are being deprived of the food, water and medical supplies that could save lives. This is inhumane, disgusting behaviour, and anyone who condones these actions needs to wake up.
Don't allow this genocide to carry on under our noses, don't allow innocent lives to become statistics, show your support and share their stories, whether that is donating money, sharing posts about what is happening, or simply staying educated, do not let Israel continue these actions in silence.
Links to learn more:
Links to support Palestine:
Google Doc of charities that are supporting the Gaza strip:
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tuesday-is-a-good-day · 11 months
This is not war, this is a massacre.
I want to make it very clear that I stand with Palestine, I stand with the people in the West Bank and Gaza, I stand with Palestinians everywhere. If you claim to be neutral or in anyway support the heinous actions of the Israeli Government, this page is not a place for your intolerance.
For anyone who is uneducated on the matter, I will provide links below so that you learn more. For anyone that wants to support the people of Palestine, I will provide links to resources so that you can provide that support.
Even if you have no money, you have something to give to Palestine, and that is your voice. The Israeli government wants to sweep this under the rug, pretend like it's a war against Hamas and not the genocide that it is. As of recent, Israel has cut off power and communications within Gaza, which has left all without means to contact each other and the outside world. Hospitals in Gaza are running out of supplies and power to treat the wounded, if power and support is not returned, thousands of innocent people will die, many of those being new-born babies. Hamas is not in the hospitals, nor in the schools, nor the neighbourhoods that Israel has been bombing, by now it should be blindingly obvious that the actions they are taking are against the people of Gaza, and not Hamas.
Israel has closed the borders to Gaza, there is support waiting just outside it's walls, but they are being deprived of the food, water and medical supplies that could save lives. This is inhumane, disgusting behaviour, and anyone who condones these actions needs to wake up.
Don't allow this genocide to carry on under our noses, don't allow innocent lives to become statistics, show your support and share their stories, whether that is donating money, sharing posts about what is happening, or simply staying educated, do not let Israel continue these actions in silence.
Links to learn more:
Links to support Palestine:
Google Doc of Humanitarian aids to support Gaza:
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vitasexualiiis · 1 year
Mori + Dazai in Dark Era:
Ever since finishing the Dark Era novel in full, I can't stop thinking about the end where Dazai confronts Mori??
After almost every exchange they have, Mori asks Dazai some very leading questions:
"Very well. You have my permission. However, I would like to know why." "Of course, he's a dear ally of ours, but is he worth sending executive-level men to the front line to save?" "I understand your plan, but but in all likelihood, Oda doesn't want help. What do you think of that?" "No matter what the cost, you have to get yourself dirty to keep the Port Mafia going. [...] you must also willingly perform any logically conceivable atrocity. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "What remarkable inference. There is nothing that needs correcting. I have just one thing I'd like to ask: What is wrong with that?" "It's a win-win situation. So why are you so angry?" "We have always brought darkness, violence, and cruelty to this city. Why is that a problem now?" "Stay, or do you have a logical reason for going to him?"
etc., etc. I assume the story is (textually) painting two pictures: one, that Mori is, above all, rational, and will win this argument no matter what. The second, that Dazai is no longer acting rationally, but is being lead by his emotions--something that, up until this point, was something he didn't (intentionally) give into.
Dazai didn't say a word. That was just about the first time he'd ever been unable to articulate his feelings. Logically speaking, Ougai was right, and Dazai was wrong. Ougai's narrowed eyes harbored a tinge of cleverness, as if they could see into his heart. It was the same kind of light that was once in Dazai's eyes when he looked upon his enemies or allies
Obviously Mori is asking these questions so he can refute them, but it does genuinely make me wonder if he has an ulterior motive here? We know that by this point, their relationship has deteriorated. Mori says, "It's not often you come here yourself." Which is a far cry from Dazai being his confidant and right-hand-man in Fifteen.
Are his questions rhetorical? Is he genuinely telling Dazai, "If you can give me a better option, I will take it"? Is he defending himself, knowing that he hurt Dazai immensely? Is it a plea for rationality? Is he testing his loyalty?
Does he want Dazai to realize he's languishing in the Mafia? ("Why are you so angry?") Is he giving him permission to live authentically--outside of the Mafia--by making him admit that he no longer holds its values?
Is he simply laying everything on the table so that Dazai can make the choice he needs to make? Or, is he pushing him away intentionally, knowing that Dazai will hang on until it kills one or both of them?
The thing we need to understand here, is that Mori never hated Dazai. He was (is?) afraid of him, yes, but Mori (STILL!) wants him by his side. Dazai was his confidant, his project, the ace up his sleeve and his heir.
Yes, Mori got the permit, and it was all worth it in his mind, but it's a Pyrrhic victory at best.
Two weeks after Dazai leaves, Mori is STILL described as "listless," and outright refuses to replace his executive seat (which...iirc he never has).
The organization had received an item of great value, something that more than made up for the total pecuniary damage and loss of talented subordinates. That included Dazai's disappearance as well. Logically speaking, the results couldn't have been better. Everything was going according to plan. Ougai folded the document [Oda's Silver Oracle] into a misshapen paper airplane. Then, with his chin still resting on his hand, he threw it. The deformed plane almost immediately crashed into the floor. "Things sure are going to get boring around here..."
Sooo...yeah. It really makes me wonder just what Mori was trying to accomplish with Dazai during all of this, and especially during their final exchange.
Was one of his sacrifices as boss Dazai's presence and loyalty? For the health of the organization? For Dazai's health and happiness?
I dunno! Given what we're shown here, I'm kind of inclined to believe it was a little of everything.
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darkmaga-retard · 22 days
The push for insect consumption is part of a larger “green agenda” promoted by organizations like the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization, claiming insects are more sustainable protein sources than traditional livestock.
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
August 30, 2024
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JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Rojava’s women’s revolution under threat in Afrin [UPDATES]
Women from the Tirbesipiye-Cizire Canton in northern Syria (known as “Rojava” in Kurdish) held a women-only demonstration through the city centre on February 9…
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plagiarised-passion · 11 months
This is not war, this is a massacre.
I want to make it very clear that I stand with Palestine, I stand with the people in the West Bank and Gaza, I stand with Palestinians everywhere. If you claim to be neutral or in anyway support the heinous actions of the Israeli Government, this page is not a place for your intolerance.
For anyone who is uneducated on the matter, I will provide links below so that you learn more. For anyone that wants to support the people of Palestine, I will provide links to resources so that you can provide that support.
Even if you have no money, you have something to give to Palestine, and that is your voice. The Israeli government wants to sweep this under the rug, pretend like it's a war against Hamas and not the genocide that it is. As of recent, Israel has cut off power and communications within Gaza, which has left all without means to contact each other and the outside world. Hospitals in Gaza are running out of supplies and power to treat the wounded, if power and support is not returned, thousands of innocent people will die, many of those being new-born babies. Hamas is not in the hospitals, nor in the schools, nor the neighbourhoods that Israel has been bombing, by now it should be blindingly obvious that the actions they are taking are against the people of Gaza, and not Hamas.
Israel has closed the borders to Gaza, there is support waiting just outside it's walls, but they are being deprived of the food, water and medical supplies that could save lives. This is inhumane, disgusting behaviour, and anyone who condones these actions needs to wake up.
Don't allow this genocide to carry on under our noses, don't allow innocent lives to become statistics, show your support and share their stories, whether that is donating money, sharing posts about what is happening, or simply staying educated, do not let Israel continue these actions in silence.
Links to learn more:
Links to support Palestine:
Google Doc of Humanitarian Aids to support Gaza:
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 month
This may get ugly
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dianapopescu · 2 years
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27  februarie: Ziua Mondială a ONG-urilor
Ziua Mondială a ONG-urilor este marcată anual pe 27 februarie. ONG este o abreviere pentru "organizație neguvernamentală". Ziua Mondială a ONG-urilor are obiectivul de a se recunoaște, celebra și onora contribuțiile fundamentale și impactul profund pe care aceste organizații îl au în întreaga lume. https://www.diane.ro/2023/02/27-februarie-ziua-mondiala-ong-urilor.html
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torahtot · 11 months
collection of charities & orgs helping people in israel & gaza
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Hey sorry for initially posting this as a message to mods! it was very late when i wrote up the first time lol
Hello, my name is V. I'm looking for support and validation, advice not wanted.
For the past 21 years I've lived in an abusive home. After some lengthy trauma processing I realized this abuse likely didn't start or stop anywhere, it just changed over time. In the past my dad was very physically abusive and both my parents were very verbally and emotionally abusive. Now that I am older it's ebbed in frequency but its still very much there, and financial abuse has gotten even worse now that I have my own assets. But that's precisely the problem.
All my life, my reality has been denied. Despite being told to keep the abuse behind closed doors, I refused and have told everyone about what happened to me to everyone I can think of. But every time I did, my situation was never considered "enough." my parents never faced any repercussions for their actions--law enforcement nor CPS ever questioned them--and still don't; even now if they make some sort of snide comment that hurts my feelings, they're quick to use emotional manipulation and red herrings to deflect accountability. I realized this month just how trapped I am here: if I attempt to leave, I'll lose access to my car, my health insurance, my bank account, pretty much everything that will help me survive on my own. That realization has spurred suicidal thoughts and a self harm relapse like no other. I'm currently unemployed after having to quit my job due to having my hours cut with no opportunity for overtime and only have about 900 dollars to my name as of now, so moving out isn't an option.
All this has given me a deep sense of shame and self doubt when speaking of my abuse. Despite having CPTSD from the abuse and still get constant nightmares and flashbacks, if nobody believes me when I say I'm being abused, or if they do believe me but don't share the same sense of urgency I do about it, then maybe it really isn't so bad and I'm just incapable of tolerating normal things, and if that's true, then maybe I'm not fit to exist in a world that is filled with these normal, intolerable things. My head fills up with thoughts like, "Stop talking about it, nobody is taking you seriously. No matter what you say, even if you can confirm its abusive, nobody will believe you, nobody will save you, because its your fault for not being able to handle this normal behavior."
In a last ditch effort, I have applied to stay at a respite house out of state for a week. My parents are out of town at the moment and I thought it would be refreshing, but then my brother decided to use this time to get incredibly drunk and act like a drunken asshole to me for 3 days then leave me alone for 2 days without telling me where he was, so that's a dream crushed. There's no respite houses in my state so I have to cross the border and drive for an hour and a half but its no big deal. I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents that I'm leaving for a week and have to turn off the tracking apps they force me to use (on the house's website it states that the address is not public for safety reasons and idk if Life360 can pull the address of the place and give it to my parents) but I don't think I care anymore. All I want is someone to affirm to me that what I'm experiencing is real, it's abuse, and I don't deserve it. Maybe there's people there who can do that for me. If my parents want to punish me for this, then I can't stop them. This is all I have left.
Putting these here so I can find this post on the TL
Hi V,
I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been going through. It's hard enough to experience this magnitude and multitude of abuse, but to be essentially gaslit on top of it makes things unimaginably worse. It seems that being financially dependent on them unfortunately works in their favor in order to keep you trapped in this dynamic.
Being minimized and dismissed, even by organizations like CPS, can be incredibly discouraging and it makes sense why at times you feel like what you're going through isn't severe or important enough. The people who try to convince you of this cannot dictate reality - you know what's going on and that's good enough. But that's hard to feel when you're trapped and surrounded by people who don't believe you no matter how much you're struggling. That's amplified by the internalized gaslighting of telling yourself that your experiences don't matter. It's a horrible situation to be in.
I work in a domestic violence shelter so if you need help finding somewhere safe to stay, I am happy to help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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adinasmithh · 6 months
The Top 7 SEO Agencies in India to Hire in 2024.
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