plagiarised-passion · 7 months
When I say I like all BSD characters, I mean it. I seriously mean all of them, and it’s just because Asagiri is so damn good at writing that I can’t bring myself to truly hate any of them.
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
When I say I like all BSD characters, I mean it. I seriously mean all of them, and it’s just because Asagiri is so damn good at writing that I can’t bring myself to truly hate any of them.
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
When I say I like all BSD characters, I mean it. I seriously mean all of them, and it’s just because Asagiri is so damn good at writing that I can’t bring myself to truly hate any of them.
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
Exactly!! It's important to be able to understand how abuse works, if not to forgive abusers but to understand that abuse often comes from a place of pain, and not due to the victim.
Mori is the definition of a necessary evil, just like the Port Mafia, if he does not exist, Yokohama falls to shit. BSD does not pretend to have characters who are entirely good nor entirely bad because that's simply unrealistic, but that kind of nuance just flies over the heads of some people and it drives me insane. Like you said, they are a product of their environments, and in real life, people live in those kinds of environments.
Especially with Mori, people ignore the fact that he was a surgeon in the war, he has seen and endured many traumatic events, and his actions are clearly shaped by that. He behaves like he's still in the war, death is normal to him because thousands of his patients have died under his care. To sacrifice a human life is nothing because that was done daily in the war. His mindset is borne in part from the war, and that's something that BSD draws a focus to, every single character is impacted in one way or another by the war.
Bsd is so complex, which is why many people struggle, because they don't want to look below the surface. Anyone can enjoy it, but Asagiri made it for the people who love literature, love to analyse and dig below the surface and ponder the why and how of the characters.
Everything needs to be surface level or spoon fed, lord forbid if something is supposed to be unclear or is simply sub-textual.
Truer words have never been spoken, seriously the debates I've had with some people where they deem my evidence as "wrong" because I simply haven't taken it at surface level. It's always "you're reaching" but that's what you have to do, you have to reach or you're just ignoring the details for the parts that are easier to grab at.
It was emotional/psychological abuse and manipulation but not physical or sexual abuse. The problem with this fandom is that they think abuse has to be physical or sexual to be harmful and traumatizing enough and that psychological abuse isn't as impactful compared to the latter. Which is a problem, it is also leads to painful mischaracterization of Mori, making him a lot more crueler and morally black than he is which is unfortunate.
I think the problem with Mori becomes that people tend to generalize him as this ultimate evil abuser. So they make him a sexual predator and a torture technician on top of his manipulative behaviour who got a kick out of hurting and maiming kids and justified it with a higher purpose/search for knowledge *cough*Shibusawa&N*cough*.
However Mori isn't some ultimate evil abuser. He is an extremely complicated character and not once is it actually mentioned or even implied that he is sexually attracted to children. However, Mori was infact physically abusive towards Yosano, less in the sense of beating her but rather using physical force to intimidate her.
He isn't a good person. But he also wasnt going around smacking kids across the room like some mustache twirling puppy kicking supervillain.
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
honestly my eye genuinely starts to twitch every time i hear someone label a certain bsd character as a good or bad person
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
Dazai: *makes 1 (one) joke about Sigma being three because he knows that Sigma isn't actually three but that he's only existed for three years*
The BSD fandom:
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
THIS!! THANK YOU!! Mori isn't a sadist, everything he does is for a reason, he didn't SA or torture Dazai, he was physically abusive towards Yosano because that was the easiest way to control her.
God his mindset is so fucked up but he's more than just an evil child child abuser and I'm SICK of people ignoring that his character is just as complex and carefully written as all the other BSD characters.
It was emotional/psychological abuse and manipulation but not physical or sexual abuse. The problem with this fandom is that they think abuse has to be physical or sexual to be harmful and traumatizing enough and that psychological abuse isn't as impactful compared to the latter. Which is a problem, it is also leads to painful mischaracterization of Mori, making him a lot more crueler and morally black than he is which is unfortunate.
I think the problem with Mori becomes that people tend to generalize him as this ultimate evil abuser. So they make him a sexual predator and a torture technician on top of his manipulative behaviour who got a kick out of hurting and maiming kids and justified it with a higher purpose/search for knowledge *cough*Shibusawa&N*cough*.
However Mori isn't some ultimate evil abuser. He is an extremely complicated character and not once is it actually mentioned or even implied that he is sexually attracted to children. However, Mori was infact physically abusive towards Yosano, less in the sense of beating her but rather using physical force to intimidate her.
He isn't a good person. But he also wasnt going around smacking kids across the room like some mustache twirling puppy kicking supervillain.
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
This is not war, this is a massacre.
I want to make it very clear that I stand with Palestine, I stand with the people in the West Bank and Gaza, I stand with Palestinians everywhere. If you claim to be neutral or in anyway support the heinous actions of the Israeli Government, this page is not a place for your intolerance.
For anyone who is uneducated on the matter, I will provide links below so that you learn more. For anyone that wants to support the people of Palestine, I will provide links to resources so that you can provide that support.
Even if you have no money, you have something to give to Palestine, and that is your voice. The Israeli government wants to sweep this under the rug, pretend like it's a war against Hamas and not the genocide that it is. As of recent, Israel has cut off power and communications within Gaza, which has left all without means to contact each other and the outside world. Hospitals in Gaza are running out of supplies and power to treat the wounded, if power and support is not returned, thousands of innocent people will die, many of those being new-born babies. Hamas is not in the hospitals, nor in the schools, nor the neighbourhoods that Israel has been bombing, by now it should be blindingly obvious that the actions they are taking are against the people of Gaza, and not Hamas.
Israel has closed the borders to Gaza, there is support waiting just outside it's walls, but they are being deprived of the food, water and medical supplies that could save lives. This is inhumane, disgusting behaviour, and anyone who condones these actions needs to wake up.
Don't allow this genocide to carry on under our noses, don't allow innocent lives to become statistics, show your support and share their stories, whether that is donating money, sharing posts about what is happening, or simply staying educated, do not let Israel continue these actions in silence.
Links to learn more:
Links to support Palestine:
Google Doc of Humanitarian Aids to support Gaza:
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
If you’re gonna come into BSD and start labelling characters as “good” and “bad” willy nilly, I need you to take a step back and think reaaaallll hard about why you think those things
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plagiarised-passion · 7 months
I seriously hate this fandom sometimes
BSD is one of the only anime's with focus on platonic relationships over romantic ones and somehow y'all are in here shipping Dazai with the man who abused him or Ranpo with the man who is for all intents and purposes, his father.
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
Soukoku just isn't toxic doomed yaoi the way some of y'all want them to be
I'm sorry, they're too stupid for that
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
People who headcanon that Mori SA'd Dazai are weeeeiiiiirdddd
Not only does that contradict everything we know about Mori and his relationship with Dazai, why do you want that to have happened. At some point or another it just becomes torture porn.
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
Teruko was always meant to be the one to kill Fukuchi
Now I’m probably not the only one to theorise this, but I’m using this as an excuse to ramble about Teruko. Not sure what this is, but it’s probably not coherent enough to be called an analysis.
First of all, I know many people have already theorised that Fukuchi had asked Teruko to kill him if Fukuchi couldn’t. Immediately after she stabbed him, he apologised to her. Because there was ever an ‘if’. Fukuchi knew that Fukuzawa “I would wish for the strength to protect those closest to me” Yukichi would never be able to do it.
And Teruko might not have realised that until she saw Fukuzawa fail to kill him.
And hence:
“You’re a coward!”
You’re a coward for letting me think that there was even a slight chance i wouldn’t be the one to kill you. You’re a coward for pushing this responsibility onto me. You’re a coward for not having the guts to tell me that I was always part of the plan. You’re a coward for making me clean up after your messy gay divorce.
And maybe even partly directed at Fukuzawa: You’re a coward for not killing him yourself.
Fukuchi knew that Fukuzawa wouldn’t do it. But he also knew Teruko would.
She understood that if they didn’t see the plan through, every person Fukuchi sacrificed, and every irredeemable action he took to make himself the villain, would have been for nothing. While not to the same extremity as Fukuchi, she’s certainly far closer to Fukuchi’s wavelength of “for the greater good” than Fukuzawa is. We know she’s capable of killing and torturing people. As a Hunting Dogs, she’s willing to sacrifice her body — and perhaps also her feelings:
“This isn’t fair! You knew how I felt!”
It isn’t fair that I have to choose between my feelings and world fucking peace. It isn’t fair that i have to shove my feelings aside to become a placeholder for someone who couldn’t fulfil their own role in the plan.
The plan hinged on Fukuzawa killing the ‘big bad terrorist’ and assuming control of One Order. Teruko had to step in and do what he couldn’t, then shove the sword into his hands.
“You killed him. That’s your line.”
Is it better or worse that she couldn’t even take responsibility for his death? Did she resent Fukuchi for the things he did and the people he hurt? Did Fukuchi think that would make her more wiling to kill him?
“I would sacrifice no more than 500 lives. …Is that a bad deal?”
By only revealing the truth to her last minute, she had no choice but to help see the plan through. But had he told her from the beginning, before all the damage was already done, would she still have worked with him?
Personally, I don’t think so.
I’ve seen quite a few theories that speculate Teruko to also have had involvement in the Great War, which would make her potentially quite sympathetic to Fukuchi’s cause. But she’s been shown to have very strong sense of justice, and refused to hurt civilians, even ones that were literally attacking her.
Global terrorism? Framing an innocent detective agency? Hurting her own teammates? I don’t think she would be willing to go so far just to place the entire fate of humanity into the hands of Fukuzawa, someone she barely knows. She does not have the same faith in Fukuzawa that Fukuchi does.
Fukuchi perhaps came to the same conclusion. Therefore, while he had always intended for Teruko to be the one to kill him, he would only tell her after it was too late for her to oppose him.
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
Dazai tries to find a reason to live through the mafia so he gives Akutagawa a reason to live by bringing him into the mafia haahahaha heehehehee Asagiri why are you like this
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
On Dazai and The Flags
Each one of the flags has at least one prominent behaviour or trait that is reminiscent of Dazai
In Pianoman's case it's both his disregard of authority (specifically of Mori) and flippant attitude towards death. Pianoman and Dazai are shown to not care about the orders of Mori, despite his high status, Dazai actively teases and ridicules Mori, and Pianoman is stated to ignore Mori's demands when it comes to his jobs, as well as deliberately going behind his back to give Chuuya more information about his past. Additionally, Dazai and Pianoman both kill with ease (with a few more mental breakdowns on Dazai's part) and seem to have a light-hearted attitude towards the death of others.
For Albatross it's his method of connecting with Chuuya, e.g. being a little shit. Similarly to how Dazai teases and makes fun of Chuuya, Albatross does the same thing. They both get on Chuuya's nerves purposefully, joking with him in order to form a repertoire, a back and forth of Albatross/Dazai teasing Chuuya and Chuuya going grr grgr >:(( but not actually being angry. Dazai and Albatross also find excuses to be around or in contact with Chuuya and tend to get physically closer to him than others.
Doc and Dazai both use unnerving facts to put up a front. Dazai discusses disturbing suicide methods out loud, and says unsettling things, in particular with his jokes about suicide and death, which carries similarities to how Doc casually discusses methods he uses to kill people, or seems to delight in gruesome ways to injure others, such as remarking on how he couldn't wait to slit Adam's stomach open. They also threaten Chuuya in joking ways, although he shows no fear at their threats.
With Lippmann it's the fact that he and Dazai are both proficient actors, whilst it is Lippmann's job, acting is so deeply ingrained into what he does that it seeps into the way he behaved towards others, such as how he is deliberately soft and caring towards Chuuya despite being a mafioso. Similarly, Dazai is always putting on an act, although his is more to mask the fact that he struggles with emotions and empathy, making him appear cold and calculating, he acts childishly, like a court jester. Referring to No Longer Human, Yozo specifically does this behaviour to "allow the humans to endure his presence", which may be similar for Dazai.
Iceman and Dazai show one very specific behaviour, and it's that both he and Dazai are observed giving Chuuya space, from the assumption that their presence infuriates him. Iceman remarks this during the party they throw for Chuuya, saying he hadn't wanted it to happen or for him to be present as he makes Chuuya angry. This scene is incredibly similar to how Dazai retreats after telling Chuuya is he activates corruption that his memories will be wiped. After telling Chuuya that, Dazai offers to come up with another plan that won't involve corruption, and then says he will leave Chuuya to think as "his presence will only distract him".
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
Stop calling ships Toxic
I feel as if “toxic” should be removed permanently from the hands of this fandom, because some will see any sort of conflict between two characters and slap that word onto their relationship.
“Soukoku is toxic 😢😢😢 Ranpoe is toxic 😭😭😭”
Please, please, think for like two seconds.
First of all, you cannot apply real world standards onto a fictional relationship, especially when their universe is very different to ours. The BSD equivalent of WW1 took place 15 years ago for them, violence and death are norms within their society. If Atsushi and Akutagawa were regular people in our universe acting like that, it would be a problem, but they aren’t, so we can’t be viewing their relationship through our lenses.
The world of BSD is not black and white and neither are it's characters, and, consequentially; their relationships. Of course there are relationships within the series that are toxic and/or abusive, such as Akutagawa and Dazai's, there's no question about that, but it's still not so simple. There's many layers to each character and relationship within BSD, and if you only ever look at the surface, you just won't understand.
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plagiarised-passion · 8 months
Ep 11: Goodbye Twilight Theory
Spoilers for the newest episode!!
That was fuckin something huh??
I have a ton of theories already, but I think the most plausible one is about the identity of Mr. Moon Knight from the very end of that episode.
As theories go, I feel this one is fairly simple;
It's Fukuchi, it's clearly Fukuchi.
Exhibit A: His scars are still present
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Exhibit B: The three circle imagery on masks
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Exhibit C: His hair is the exact same, down to those weird little strands at the front
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But how is he still fighting, we literally watched him die?
I hate to say it, it's the fucking bullshit time sword again.
Amenogozen has to have something to do with this, it is the space and time sword, and here we're seeing a younger looking Fukuchi, not to mention whatever this is is wielding Amenogozen, and he has been one of it's only users.
We already have an instance of a sword becoming a part of someone with Bram, and the Holy Sword that controlled Bram had once been human.
Amenogozen could easily be the same, what's more, it could be sentient.
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Amenogozen "speaks" to Fukuchi, it shows him things
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Looks similar no? It is simply external rather than internal.
In conclusion, the whackass Sword Moon Guy is Fukuchi being controlled by Amenogozen, and I'm SO fucking excited for the next chapter.
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