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Don’t give them a taste of their own medicine. They already know what it tastes like. Give them a taste of your own medicine. _ _ If they lied, let your medicine be honesty. If they played with your emotions, let your medicine be maturity. If they broke you, let your medicine heal. If they made you cry, let your medicine make them smile. _ _ These remedies of yours may take years to work, but they work. And they last. So be patient. _ _ Stay true to yourself. And remember this: it is better for people to value you for who you are, not for who you pretend to be. Who you are lasts a lifetime. Who you pretend to be changes like the change of seasons. _ _ Don’t be afraid to be yourself, even if it means removing yourself from lives that you want to be in. - #NajwaZebian ********************* #Purpose #Pleasure #Passion #ReBirthwithLaToniaTaylor - Claim Your Mp3 Gift ♡ #ReBirthYourJUICY #MentalWealth #FeminineMagic #FeminineLeadership #Spiritpreneur #PoetsofIG #AuthorsofIG #OrgasmicAbundance #abundanceminset #HolisticBusiness #HealthandWealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B_I8i6yB977/?igshid=ueyrpq3gavql
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This is a good season to share this, AGAIN. Orgasmic ABUNDANCE! Yeah, they go together! ~ Personal Share ~ So many people are working out their unmet childhood needs in their business and ministry by viciously wanting to be accepted in "a circle", while living in a box. [Selah] _ _ Approval is sought via performance alone. Then Guarantees are expected from the work one has done on self, guarantees a "Savior" complex. I know because I got delivered from that, give thank. _ _ I gave birth - to myself - over and over again, as necessary! _ _ The entire game changes when you approve of yourself, honor your gifts with the investments necessary and be willing to CREATE THE CIRCLE, defy the box. Then, let your life/light be THE ANSWER to "Who does she think she is?" #PurposePleasurePassion #ThatsJuicy Today, I affirm - I Am Orgasmic Abundance. Access YOUR #OrgasmicAbundance Learn More from my Teaching Series: #TheOrgasmicAbundantWoman or Experience The #RitesofPassage [Link in Bio] #YouMatter #WhoDoYouThinkYOUareNOT? #ReBirthYourLife #ReBirthYourVision #iAmREBIRTH #REBIRTHINTERNATIONAL #ReBirthCoachingTip https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPQhhsh2AW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1txs15jhf6faa
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Renewal is RADICAL when "the majority" is doing the same thing. You get to choose m! _ I didn't post my #BlackFriday specials yet, ya know? _ Eventhough I planned for it, I felt The #Retrograde pull unlike the last one. It isn't negative AT ALL. It's more of guidance and a leaning into rather than FORCING. - The Feminine Business offers THIS guidance & MORE. ((On Sale NOW)) Renew your capacity to MANIFEST from a softer, NOT weaker position! [Link in Bio] ■ Code: 50Off ■ when you get to the cart. Get The Entire package of giest expert & I talking #MoneyMagic and The #DivineFeminine for 50% #ReBirthandEmergeTransformed 🦋 #FeminineBusinessModel #OrgasmicAbundance □□□□■□□□□■□□□□■ #SalesCycle #BlackFriday #BloggersofIG #Podcaster #OnlineLearning #Latergram #ReBirthSunday https://www.instagram.com/p/BqjaVANBQcs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wfb3n33geaoc
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#TaurusFullMoon FOCUS, Vibe & Gratitude. My moon is in Taurus + 3 other planets. I can't help myself. . . ❣#Devotee . Artwork by @poeticallyillustrated . "Focus On Me" Him: I protect you from behind. Putting you first, your needs, and desires. Midnight chocolate skin that glows and glostens. You are my star! A beautiful mind to compliment your body and strength. I feed off of your energy. The fuse to my hustle. We raise mountains and replenish the earth with just an embrace. As we levitate amongst the midnight sky and above the calming sounds of rushing water I am focused. Focused on you. Original +prints and canvas prints available on poeticallyillustrated.net #ArtistofIG #Venus #FullMoon #Astrology #Lovers #SacredSexuality #Love #LoveisMyReligion #FireandDesire #Earth #Water #DeepThought #Loyalty #Nurturer #MoneyMindset #Workaholic #NoNonsense #Taurus #Scorpio #8thhouse #kundalini #Sensuality #OrgasmicAbundance #ReBirthandEmergeTransformed
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#55 #InTheVortex: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ #Sacred is The Woman who activates her #OrgasmicAbundance NOW and nourishes her #Juicy #OrgasmicAbundance #FeminineIntelligence & is The #Rebirth of her DESIRE, Voice & Vision! 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 #PurposePleasurePassion #ReBirthandEmerge #EmergeTransformed #ReBirthInternational http://latoniataylor.com CIRCA #CincoDeMayo
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#EmergeTransformed through #ReBirthInternational 🦋 Signature Programs: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #TheJuicyYOU - 30 Day Immersion Living in Your Sweet Spot ♡ #JuicySpiritAwakened - Rites of Passage for Adult Women ♡ #JuicyLiving/QuantumLeaps - PRIVATE Vision Mastery ♡ #OrgasmicAbundance #Mentorship - Feminine Business Model Implementation ♡ #SuperSoulSiStarSunday #PrayerCircle - fellowship of women growing forth in Goddess. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #PurposePleasurePassion #TurningBlindpostsToBreakthoughs with #TheRevCoach #ChiefTransformologist #JuicySensei #SpiritualMidwife #TransformationDoula http://rebirthinternational.net
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The Ancestors are always communicating with us, as energy never dies. It only changes form." "You have been born into the 3-dimensional world to access the Divine Presence hiding behind a creation that seems so solid." - Michael Beckwith REbirth Your Call & Response: (Link In Bio) 🦋 http://rebirthinternational.net #EmergeTransformed #ReBirthInternational #SuperSoulSiStarSunday #GoodGirlsGoneGoddess #OrgasmicAbundance #TheJuicyYOU #JuicySpiritWoman #JuicyLiving #TaylorMade
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It's Transformation Season! As I rise after FULL DAYS & nights of movement & deliberate CREATION, I reflected on "what's next"? I am aware of some "tolerations" in my life, that were previously acceptable in the name spiritual practice. Some call it taking the high road! In other words, I didn't need "certain" friendships to rise to accommodate my desire for support or celebration. Why? I understand that I am responsible for meeting my "needs" in a variety of ways. While this is true, I've grown to understand that, I may not EVER NEED certain things to share space & time with those I socialize. However, I no longer have to KNOWINGLY tolerate or be tolerated by ANYONE! Tolerations eventually are acidic to an alkaline environment. Tolerations are designed to be temporary. Tolerations are an ENERGY, even when words are unspoken or time has passed. Tolerations are a form of settling for the "lesser evil". Tolerations are pretending NOT to know what you do know or being unwilling to find out FROM SOURCE or The Source. Tolerations will eventually cause you to lose your voice or misuse it in the outbursts/assumptions, in order to hold on to something that's not real. Again, if there is any "Giving Up" to be done for Lent, in order to nourish your own RESSURRECTION - What are your "tolerations"? I choose to be in relationship to CHOICE ENERGY! It may require that you choose yourself, FIRST so that all matters of relating align. Love, Sex & Money tolerations show-up in matters of the heart and spirit, as feedback. (Link in Bio) Note: It's not personal because The Law of Detachment is necessary for The Law of Attraction to work. ☆ Last question: Are you willing to let that chord be cut, in order to rise to the occasion your life is calling for? I am. ~ La Tonia Taylor, The Revcoach #TaylorMade #LentenMusings #AlwaysReBirthing #EmergeTransformed #JuicyLiving #OrgasmicAbundance 40 Days Living in Your Sweet Spot is an option. 3/1 Start. Http://EmergeTransformed.info
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When food is Medicine, we heal ALL contracts with Deprivation! 😉 What are we really feeding, anyway? #ElectricEating charges our body for #OrgasmicAbundance. #HealthisWealth #OAWoman #EmergeTransformed ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Thx for this resource @trimsanity ・・・ Vegan bodybuilder Torre Washington... Torre is a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified coach and six-time champion pro-competitive natural bodybuilder with pro cards in four distinct bodybuilding organizations. Raised vegetarian since birth and vegan since 1998, Torre built his physique entirely on a vegan diet without the aid of supplements. #VeganStrong #VeganSexy •••••••••••••••••••••••• Wednesday at 9pmEST We continue to Open The Way to receive MORE‼️ http://rebirthinternational.net/word/events
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Study & Show Thyself Approved! #IntegratedSpirituality + #KnowThySelf = #PotentWomanhood #OAWoman #SpiritualEconomics #OrgasmicAbundance #ArtandScience #Metaphysics
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