#orgone plates
orgoneindia012 · 2 years
How Can You Positively Impact the Different Chakras?
If you have indulged in yoga or meditation classes before, you probably have heard of chakras then. You might already be aware how significant it is to keep the chakras open and unobstructed. The chakras are basically linked with nerve bundles, organs and glands that not only affect the physical but mental health as well. Also, they influence the emotional and spiritual state of an individual. But sometimes you may find the chakras being negatively impacted. In such times, buying high-quality healing crystals online can be helpful as they create balance and alignment.
What is a Healing Crystal Stone?
Crystals are basically rocks that have unique atomic arrangements that affect electrical charges, light refraction as well as other physical properties. These have been used over centuries for protection which aligns smoothly with one's own fluctuating energies. They also impact the vibration, frequencies and functioning of the human body. There are many healing gemstones available including premium quality orgone crystal, clear quartz, black stones, pyrite, tourmaline, rose quartz and more.
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How to Use the Healing Crystals?
Once you have purchased top-quality crystal stones online and have them delivered, you can use them in multiple ways. Wondering how? Well, some of those ways are underlined below.
●     For Meditation Purpose
Meditation is useful to eliminate stress and acquire mindfulness. However, there are times when the mind might wander during meditation and focusing may seem difficult. This is when using crystals for focus can be beneficial.
As crystals symbolize mantra, emotion, and intention - they can help one to get back on the right track. Simply put, the healing crystals work as a grounding tool on a more practical level. Furthermore, the healing crystals are often seen used by healthcare professionals to carry out their practice like massages, chiropractic, and more.
●     Can Be Worn
Another way crystals can be used is this. As crystals are natural beauty, they can be worn on the skin or in clothes to benefit from their vibration of it.
This can help the chakras and the energy centres to align with the crystals and work together perfectly. Not to mention, they also increase the appeal of an individual besides boosting their confidence.
●     Keep in the Wallet
Here comes another best way of using a crystal stone. Yes, you can keep them in your wallet or purse as they can assist in clearing obstructions in your finances besides offering other benefits.
●     As Decorative Item
Lastly, the crystals can be used as a decorative item in the interior of the house to eliminate negative energy. One can place them in the areas where negative energies feel stronger.
Healing crystal stones are undoubtedly useful in many ways. To choose the perfect one for yourself, you can consult with your therapist. Unfortunately, if you don`t have one, then you can consult with the experts at Orgone India which is the leading consultant and seller of such gemstones. They offer the best items at highly reasonable rates which is hard to find anywhere else.
Orgone India is the biggest manufacturer and supplier of orgone crystal tower and has a wide range of orgone plates, crystal stones, pyramids, orgone wands, merkaba, pendulums, orgone cones, pendants and balls. Ask the crystal vendor where the crystals are from to learn more. They could even be able to provide a certificate of authenticity for particularly chakra stones.
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youzicha · 8 months
The serendipitous discovery of spiritual healing therapy boxes reminds me of how Wilhelm Reich invented his famous Orgone Accumulator. The timeline was something like
In the 1930s, Reich discoveres that it you heat matter to incandescence and let it sit for a while in a test tube of water, and then look at it carefully through an optical microscope magnifying beyond the diffraction limit, you can see seemingly alive, moving, blue-glowing "bions".
in the 1940s he finds that "sand packet bions" (from heating beach sand) glow so intensely that his eyes start to hurt when he looks into the microscope. (An ophthalmologist says his account is "fantastic", and prescribes dark glasses). Trying to detect the radiation on photographic plate gives a shocking result: the test plate fogs, but the control plate (without bion culture) fogs as well! Reich realizes that the entire room must be suffused with "orgone radiation". Indeed, if you spend 5 hours in complete darkness, you can learn to see a blue glow around living organisms even using your bare eyes.
Reich builds a box to isolate the radiation from the sample, but surprisingly, the radiation is visible even when the box is empty. Evidently, the box is concentrating orgone from the atmosphere, so Reich sells the boxes as a cancer/neurosis/etc treatment.
In the early 1950s he uses the idea of concentrating/focusing orgone radiation to discover the "cloud buster", an empty metal tube connected to the ground with a wire which sucks up orgone. You aim it like a bazooka towards a cloud to dissipate it, or aim it just next to the cloud to make it grow bigger. By using a battery of many tubes the effect can be made stronger. (Also, you can use them to shoot down UFOs, but it's maybe best to not do this because it may provoke an interplanetary war.)
The most obvious parallel is that once you have trained yourself to see the Divine fragrance/Orgone glow, you can see it in all kinds of places. But also, both stories have this delightful Calvin and Hobbes atmosphere where ordinary household objects like boxes and tubes become fantastic toys. I guess the key is to keep your child-like sense of wonder.
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
on the famous fda injunction against him
On 10 February 1954, after seven years of investigation, the Food and Drug Administration finally served Reich with a twenty-seven-page complaint, containing a proposed injunction against the inter-state shipment of accumulators. The essence of the Complaint was that the orgone accumulator did not work—could not work, since orgone energy did not exist. It cited various publications by Reich to show that he believed the accumulator could cure cancer, but made no mention of the various qualifying clauses Reich himself had added in The Cancer Biopathy.
Dr Charles Kelley, in an article on ‘The Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich’, has described the Complaint as ‘so vicious, so false, so twisted and sick, that it was difficult to believe it could ever be taken seriously in court’. But a study of the actual Complaint (reprinted in full in Jerome Greenfield’s Wilhelm Reich versus the USA) hardly justifies that description. Taking into account the basic attitude of the FDA—that Reich was a crank—it is, on the whole, a fair and balanced document. Moreover, if the FDA believed that there was no such thing as orgone energy—and that therefore the accumulators were worthless—then they had no alternative than to try to prevent their use; for patients who relied on them rather than on proper medical attention were placing their lives at risk.
Reich should have been rational enough to see this, and to concede that in future the accumulators would not be shipped across state lines. Instead, he made his most appalling mistake so far—possibly the greatest single mistake of his life. Instead of appearing in court to try to try to explain his position, he wrote the court a rambling, four-page ‘Response’, quibbling about whether the FDA was the ‘US Government’, quoting Abraham Lincoln on freedom, and talking about ‘conspirators whose aim is to destroy human happiness and self government’. Reich’s main argument was that the court was trying to interfere with the course of scientific investigation; therefore, he said, he did not intend to appear.
Reich was missing the point. The FDA was not trying to interfere with his research; only with the sale of what they considered to be a quack remedy across state lines to finance that research. But the whole tone of the Response was bound to irritate even the most open-minded judge. Its last sentence: ‘ ... I submit that the case against orgonomy be taken out of court completely’, sounded like a challenge. The judge took the view that the Response was a ‘crank letter’, and the FDA seized the opportunity that Reich had offered on a plate by demanding a default injunction against him, which Judge Clifford promptly granted.
In retrospect, it is almost impossible to understand what made Reich play into the hands of his opponents. For this was not simply a question of being forbidden to ship accumulators across state lines. The sting of the Complaint was contained in its penultimate paragraph: a plea that Reich be forbidden to do ‘any act whether oral, written or otherwise’ to promote the sale of the accumulators. But the Complaint lists a dozen or so of Reich’s publications which could be regarded as ‘promotion material’. It included The Function of the Orgasm, The Cancer Biopathy and most of the later books, including The Murder of Christ. In effect, the FDA was asking that all these works should not be sold outside the state of Maine. And here Reich was on very firm ground indeed. The most incompetent lawyer in America would have pointed out that this was a violation of the right of freedom of speech, and that the suppression of books—except on grounds of obscenity—ran counter to the whole spirit of the American Constitution. No court would have granted such an injunction under normal circumstances, and the FDA probably took it for granted that the judge would refuse to ban Reich’s books. By writing the court a defiant ‘crank letter’, Reich took the only possible step that could have led to the suppression of some of his most important works.
The question of Reich’s motives will probably never be clear. The most obvious explanation is that his persecution mania had reached a point where he believed that the banning of his books was as likely as the banning of the accumulator. But surely any lawyer—or for that matter, any intelligent American citizen—could have told him he had a powerful case? Here the answer could be that Reich’s followers were deserting him in droves—and that those who were left accepted whatever Reich said or did without question.
There remains one other hypothesis that seems to me plausible. As long ago as 1920, Reich had identified himself with Peer Gynt: ‘It is the story of an individual who ... gets out of step with the marching column of the human herd. He is not understood. They laugh at him when he is weak; they try to destroy him when he is strong.’ Reich had written his own scenario, and the thread of ‘outsiderism’ runs throughout his life. He almost gives the impression of being determined to be misunderstood and rejected; to be understood and accepted would embarrass him. And the later identification with Christ suggests that, unconsciously at least, he wants to be crucified. The root of the urge could lie in his sense of guilt about being responsible for his mother’s suicide; but this ‘Freudian’ explanation could be too glib. It seems just as simple to say that his belief in his own genius was linked with a romantic conviction—based on self-pity—that greatness invites martyrdom. For what would Reich have done with success and world acclaim? It is impossible to imagine that haunted, suspicious face relaxing into a smile of reconciliation. If Reich had been given the Nobel Prize. his acceptance speech would have been a torrent of reproach and scorn. His unconscious mind was geared to the idea of persecution and martyrdom.
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hermes-gems · 2 years
Multi Color Agate Oval Zodiac Plates ◇ DM / WhatsApp / Email / Telegram for info ◇ [email protected] ◇ Telegram: @HermesGems #SemipreciousStonePlates #ZodiacPlates #ZodiacSignPlates #AgateZodiacSignPlates #ZodiacCoasters #AgateZodiacCoasters #AgateZodiacPlates #Agate #BlackAgate #Meditation #SemipreciousStones #HealingCrystals #crystalhealing #HealingStones #Healing #crystals #7Chakras #7ChakraCrystals #7ChakraStones #ReikiCrystals #ReikiStones #ReikiHealing #ReikiCharged #Reiki #OrgoniteCrystals #Orgonite #OrgoniteStones #OrgoniteProducts #Orgone #OrgoneCrystals #OrgoneEnergy #OrgoneStones #OrgoneProducts #HermesGems #HermesJewelry #Hermes
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fowardfashionfindz · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Orgone Octagon Shaped Pendant with Purple Amethyst Crystals.
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asra-crystals · 2 years
Bulk Crystals Wholesale
Asra Crystals is a wholesale supplier of high-quality crystals, gemstones, and minerals. They specialize in providing a wide range of products, including tumbled stones, raw crystals, healing crystals, and crystal jewelry.
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witchysmagicalhaven · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mixed Gemstone Chip Tree.
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longslow · 2 years
Rainbow angel aura quartz
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The improved perceptiveness helps you see the path ahead of you and overcome the challenges that are keeping you from moving forward. The beautiful quartz crystal can improve your ability to understand your own thoughts and hear the unspoken words of others around you. Moreover, this powerful healing crystal is great for those discovering a new path or trying to achieve a goal. Natural aura quartz crystal is excellent for increasing focus and building connection with your inner self during meditation. Many use angel aura quartz for the benefits of reliving stress and balancing their mind and body. And it is a great healing stone for those who need to rejuvenate their minds after a long day. This beautiful crystal symbolizes a positive energy that invigorates the user. Also known as the “attunement crystal”, aura quartz is a powerful healing stone for communication. What Is Angel Aura Quartz Crystal Meaning?Īngel aura quartz crystal represents insight and connection to your inner consciousness. And these natural plated aura quartz crystals have different energies and healing properties than the typical clear quartz. On the other hand, white angel or rainbow aura quartz is typically plated with platinum. Mystic peacock aura quartz, for instance, is usually coated with titanium. And many aura quartz crystals have different colors as a result of the coating metal. Want to learn more about gems, minerals, and crystal healing? Join our private Facebook group at Want to learn more about perfume and aromatherapy? Join our private Facebook group at aura quartz is a natural clear quartz that has been carefully plated for the rainbow aura.Īlso known as AB quartz, mystic quartz, or aurora quartz crystal, aura quartz comes in different shades of color. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~Ĭharge your tools with orgone energy on my custom Orgonite Charging Plate.Īnoint your crystals and gemstone jewelry with my SG Anointing Blend. Yours will arrive lovingly parceled along with a single leaf of white sage and cards describing the properties of the stones. Please choose the size that calls to you from the drop-down menu. I have three sizes to offer you: Small (about 0.5-1”), Medium (about 1-2”), and Large (about 2-3”). This listing is for one (1) Rainbow Aura Black Tourmaline in Quartz. However you choose to work with yours, may it serve you well. You can also have the Small and Medium sizes of this stone wire wrapped to wear as crystal jewelry. Meditate with it, allowing it to infuse your practice with powerful protection. Place this Rainbow Aura Black Tourmaline in Quartz on your altar, nightstand, desk, or anywhere in your home for stability and security. It activates all of the chakras for alignment, helping to release energy blockages. The layer of titanium brings its own metaphysical benefits to the stone, including strength, courage, endurance, tenacity, and banishing of fear. Rainbow aura is created when a stone is permanently bonded with titanium. It possesses a high vibration that immediately draws people in, and it can be used to magnify frequencies of abundance, light, and love – or any intention you wish to amplify. Quartz expands and intensifies power and energy and activates the Soul Star Chakra, your connection to the stars, and other dimensions. It counteracts energy depletion, wards off nightmares, and generally keeps you feeling safe and well. Black tourmaline is grounding and also brings awareness, love, and divine wisdom. Even in the midst of chaotic situations, this stone acts like a vacuum cleaner, clearing negativity. The deeper magic of this Rainbow Aura Black Tourmaline in Quartzīlack tourmaline is a Root Chakra gem of divine and psychic protection that creates an energetic shield around you, deflecting negativity and preventing loss and theft. If you could use powerful stability and shielding, this is your stone. In quartz, the properties of this stone are magnified. Black tourmaline is the MOST protective stone you can work with – it protects people, places, and things. It adds the gifts of courage and tenacity, bolstering the strength of this potent gem, and results in a gorgeous iridescence, infusing your aura with the entire rainbow spectrum of light. Rainbow aura black tourmaline is created when black tourmaline is bonded with titanium in a permanent treatment. It was custom-made for Sage Goddess, and the stone is sourced from China. This Rainbow Aura Black Tourmaline in Quartz is the perfect talisman to keep you safe and guarded against low-vibe frequencies.
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crazyskirtlady · 5 years
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thesensories · 3 years
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Flower of life/chakra symbol orgone energy charging plate- with labradorite, aura quartz, pyrite,moonstone, selenite in the 1st layer, and shungite, black tourmaline, selenite, iron, aluminum, brass and copper. (X)
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orgoneindia012 · 2 years
Shop Orgone Vastu Plate
Orgone Vastu Plates are the world's most powerful and effective protection devices using the power of orgone energy. These devices will protect you from all unwanted negative energies and heal any negative energy that has a hold on you right now. These plates will defend your home and office against malicious psychic attacks, spiritual attacks, emotional manipulation, environmental pollution, bad feng shui, geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog.
Visit Now: https://www.orgoneindia.com/category/orgone-octagon-or-vastu-plates/
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hermes-gems · 2 years
Natural Agate Plates ◇ Natural Hakik Plates ◇ DM / WhatsApp / Email / Telegram for info ◇ [email protected] ◇ Telegram: @HermesGems #AgatePlates #AgatePlatter #AgatePlattersAndCoasters #AgateCoasters #HakikPlates #Agate #Hakik #SemipreciousStones #HealingCrystals #crystalhealing #HealingStones #Healing #7Chakras #7ChakraCrystals #7ChakraStones #ReikiCrystals #ReikiHealing #ReikiCharged #Reiki #OrgoniteCrystals #Orgonite #OrgoniteStones #Orgone #OrgoneCrystals #OrgoneEnergy #HermesGems #HermesJewelry #Hermes
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magicienbrest · 4 years
Was Nazi Occultism Based on Hermeticism?
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Clerics have had consistently a solid effect on all rulers, beginning with Pharaohs. Hermeticism is an archetype of speculative chemistry; speculative chemistry is an archetype of freemasonry. Study of the mysterious comes from the Sun - it is the blast of Light.
Hermeticism is an antiquated assortment of mysterious lessons and its convention depends on an unusual idea of two suns, which additionally moved into speculative chemistry. By the expression "mysterious" we signify "covered up to our eyes" - the term is these days regularly supplanted by the more current one - exclusiveness. Speculative chemistry, though halfway a beguiling instrument of certain (mysterious) gatherings to oversee archaic heads, was separated from its actual experimentation with issue additionally an otherworldly way with little known way of thinking; a few adepts accepted that they could discover the Philosophers' Stone (an emerged quintessence of God accomplished by compound exploring different avenues regarding substances). The advancement of accomplishment in one's work was named as Black Sun - or Sol Niger - an old catalytic term. Hermes Trismegistos (antiquated Egypt), who should be the creator of different old contents about hermeticism, had been an Egyptian.
Dark Sun
At the point when he opened the 6th seal, I looked, and view: there was an incredible seismic tremor; and the sun got dark as sackcloth..."
Disclosure 6: 12
The image of Black Sun had been utilized in antiquated China over 3000 years before Christ - the nephrite plate is found in archeological unearthings in graves of higher Chinese position. It is a plate with a hover gap in the center. The opening most presumably means obscurity of the sun during sun overshadow; the expression "dark" comes from this marvel of nature.
Dark Sun is all the while an image of Indians and it tends to be found in a few antiquated societies as well. Does this name imply that overshadowing has consistently been viewed as an entryway to mysteries and desires for huge changes? Nazis utilized this image as well. Why?
Prima Matra and Vril
Prima Matra is an old term. The Matter, as per this idea, had its most flawless internal quintessence at the earliest reference point of Creation. It is Prima Matra.
Vril is a mystery energy known in spiritualist waters under different names, for example, Holy Spirit, Mana, Prana, Philosophers' Stone, Chi, Kundalini, Ilu or Orgone... The term Vril comes from a fascinating individual. Edward Bulwer-Lytton was a dramatist, artist and government official (1803-1873). He composed a book (a sort of an ideal world like Francis Bacon's New Atlantis) entitled The Coming Race where he depicts a serious expert race living in the underground, which the writer had visited while investigating mines with his companion. The book is composed influentially to such an extent that numerous perusers began to trust it had truly occurred. Moreover, it additionally turned into a reason for foundation of few mystery social orders.
The name of the Nazi military association SS could at the same time stow away from see another message - a mystery SS part - an association in the association, as can be accepted by German truncation for Black Sun, which is Schwartze Sonne. A fascinating contention that may uphold this idea is the authentic presence of Black Sun in the Nazi heraldry (SS image was likewise: two blazes of lightning looking like S inside a dull circle).
A Vril society was framed, as guaranteed by writers Bergier and Pauwels in the 1960's, who likewise composed another popular book entitled Le Matin des Magiciens. An exceptionally solid mechanism of the mystery Vril society was Maria Orsitsch or Orsic (composed in an unexpected way, as it is a Croatian name) and she was first referenced in a book composed by the above writers (Bergier and Pauwels): Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend: von der Zukunft der phantastischen Vernunft. The Vril society was absolutely a female gathering and Maria had purportedly contacts with extraterrestrials. Yet, this was not by any means the only mystery bunch referenced regarding history of Germanic and Nazi mystery developments. DHvSS (in German: Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein) is a gathering of "men of dark stone" the birthplace of which returns to middle age Europe when Templars originally visited the Orient. Of few other comparative gatherings we may likewise specify Thule Society, which began in 1911.
Vril as a gathering crawled to life again from its dark natural surroundings and it is by and by known as Causa Nostra. Their site has likewise some reference to German naval commander Canaris, who took an interest in enemy of Nazi resistance. Wilhelm Canaris was the head of Abwehr - German insight; he additionally remained behind endeavors to kill Hitler. Canaris likewise spared lives of various Jews. Nazis executed him toward the finish of World War II. Canaris could be associated with numerous other mystery exercises of the Nazi Germany. See here magicien close-up Mulhouse
This is a baffling German goddess, yet just a speck of data is accessible about her; in any case, a few references interface her inception with Assyria. Isais is fundamentally the same as the Egyptian goddess Isis. Knights had supposedly imported her to Europe from the Orient in the year 1220 and in this way the gathering DHvSS had been shaped with Ilu as Holy Grail. I have this data from Thule sanctuary, which is dynamic in present Europe and has its site however just in German.
Sacred goal
It isn't any excellent cup as a great many people would think, yet rather a dark dish or stone Jesus had supposedly tanked wine from; the individuals who have confidence in the presence of this stone believe that it has solid marvelous forces. The principal reference about the Holy Grail made Chrétien de Troyes in a sonnet in around 1180-1191.
Hints of hermeticism are maybe still noticeable including freemasonry. The greater the mystery comes into our hands, the more we are drawn by the attractive belonging and darkness of it into the obvious peculiarities of the universe. The response to this current article's title is...hmm... likely yes.
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lali-loves-art-blog · 7 years
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This orgonite chargin plate is very special. It is strong but eminates such a pieceful and gentile energy... great to charge your drinks or just to stand next to your cumputer, tv.... i use mine on the night stand next to my phone :)
it is full of metals, amethyst, clear quartz,rhinestones and a marihuana lief in the middle :)
colors are blue - greenish... 
*for more info or ordering this beautiful charging plate send me a message* 
you can also check out my instagram page @lali.loves,art for updates and more photos..
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witchysmagicalhaven · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Clear Quarts Gemstone Chip Tree.
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designsbykaren · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Orgone Ohm Pendant ✨🔮.
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