#original: sao abridged
Weaver: Okay, I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people just died.  
Golem: Twelve actually.  
Weaver: Not the point.  
Weaver: Look, they're dead now. And really whose fault is it? 
Golem: Yours. 
Weaver: That's right: no one's.  
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orathearsonman · 3 months
yesterday i binge watched SAO abridged (1st season) with my family and it was way better than it had any right being. i laughed at almost every joke. I wanted to sucker punch kirito throughout the whole 17 episodes and yet still found myself rooting for him. the romance, despite both of them being Extremely Awful in their own unique ways, was somehow more believable than. a lot of anime relationships. they had a character named goddamn BALLSDEEP69 with NARRATIVE RELEVANCE and CHARACTER an
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pierswife · 6 months
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She really doesn't like him <3
... she also may still have some leftover anger issues from when she was a teen...
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transboykirito · 1 year
why am i getting anon hate for having breast implants. there’s like a thousand better reasons to send me anon hate i will literally give you a list
#reason number one i am literally a swiftie#i started shipping sugulis while watching extra edition#i still have not seen the first half of war of underworld#i zoned out for some of the scherzo of a deep night scenes because i was thirsting over agil and wasn’t paying attention#i actively despise quinella and will vocally thirst over other sao villains when her fanboys come into my inbox defending her#i have a petty grudge about asuna and sinon’s friendship because yes it’s cute but lis is meant to be asuna’s best friend#i hate mito and only like the parts of the progressive movies she was not in#i have a crush on he who shall not be named because he’s voiced by celebrity crush and he’s hot#i COSPLAY he who shall not be named and also quinella and i have cosplans for rosalia and spiegel#i have not read progressive and yet i recommend it to anyone who mentions aincrad because i’m annoying#kirisunas relationship is my favourite part of the series and i get bored if it’s been too long without them interacting#i watch the abridged and sometimes even enjoy it however i do not think it’s better than the original (and has its own seperate issues)#i genuinely enjoy fairy dance and it’s the part i rewatch the most because… issues#when i was much younger and much stupider i shipped kazuto and sugu (i do not anymore and also do not speak to those adults anymore <3)#i do not ship bercouli and fanatio and i ship him with quinella instead#i think alice is annoying as fuck and yui should have been brought to the real world first. heart <3
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kostektyw · 1 year
oh my god the only anime i follow is releasing a new episode in 10 minutes, im so excited
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neverendingford · 2 years
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projectcaramel · 18 days
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #7
The Brothers' Favorite Anime
Well-Known - SPY X FAMILY; he thinks it's cute and appreciates the sentiment of being able to live in a happy family despite the secrets hidden away. For obvious reasons, he relates to Loid the most.
More Obscure - THE CASE STUDY OF VANITAS; he likes the portrayal of vampires and likes to compare it to Bram Stoker's Dracula. His favorite character is Dominique de Sade, whom he refers to as "tragic and feisty."
Well-Known - ONE PIECE; he's just one of those people that loves to scream "THE ONE PIECE IS REAAAALLLL" and likes the treasure-hunting aspect combined with the camaraderie.
More Obscure - BLUE EXORCIST; funny, right? He used to mock Satan every time his name popped up until the couch was destroyed. He thinks Rin is cool and argues with Lucifer all the time that he's better than Yukio.
Well-Known - SWORD ART ONLINE; Levi likes the concept more than the characters if he's honest, but he thinks Heathcliff is a total boss.
More Obscure - THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW; like many people who watch Isekai, Levi thinks the tropes start to get a little too copy-and-paste after a while, and he appreciates the parody. He loves Cid and goes into great detail to explain why the anime is genius.
Honorable mention - SAO ABRIDGED because Levi also loves it 10x more than the original even if it's fan-made.
Well-known - BLACK BUTLER; A revenge plot mixed up with detective stories and a cruel demon butler that loves cats? He vibes with Sebastian and would like him *just a little more* if Levi hadn't pointed out that he looks like Lucifer.
More Obscure - MORIARTY THE PATRIOT; it's Sherlock but anime; what more could he ask for? When asked who his favorite character is, he usually can't decide between the Moriarty's because he likes all of them for different reasons and usually says William by default.
Well-Known - INUYASHA; Loves it for the romance and thinks Inuyasha and Kagome make a great couple. He even likes the "Inuyasha... Kagome... Inuyasha! ... Kagome!" moments.
More Obscure - KAGUYA-SAMA LOVE IS WAR; Wants to kiss half of the cast because they're beautiful and will sometimes yell at the screen when Shinomiya and Shirogane misunderstand each other (he ships it hard).
Well-Known - VIOLET EVERGARDEN; he cries every single time, but he loves it because Violet reminds him of Lilith, and he likes how it has a hopeful ending.
More Obscure - FOOD WARS!; It's literally a cooking show, and he couldn't be happier. The fanservice often goes over his head until one of his brothers mumbles something about it, at which point he might feel embarrassed.
Well-Known - JUJUTSU KAISEN; he likes it because it's more on the dark side; his favorite character is Mahito and has remarked at least once that he thinks it would be fun to carry humans in his pocket like that (he said this specifically to scare you).
More Obscure - MAOU-JOU DE OYASUMI; he loves this series because it's all about his favorite past-time. He often writes down what Princess Suyaris says, muttering "wow, I never thought about doing that..."
-- Caramel: I have watched a lot of anime. It was difficult to narrow down a list of more than 80 to 14, but I hope you enjoyed! --
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toskarinfr · 11 days
Toskafrench i don't know which timeline you're from but this one has sao abridged and it's actually good
people always substitute "I enjoyed it more than the original SAO" for "it's actually good" and I'm not sure if those two categories are the same to be quite honest
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always---wrong · 5 months
OKAY, so I know no one ever talks about SAO abridged on here but it's version of Kirito is like definitely autistic, right? I have the tism and I'm just saying, he probably has it too.
I'm not sure about the original Kirito since I couldn't get through season one but i genuinely feel so connected to abridged Kirito. He's so bad at socializing, he's so insecure, and he has a special interest in video games. I mean come on, he would rather live in a video game than in reality. Season 2 really shows the true scope of his autism. He went through serious character growth the last season so he's a lot less egotistical in this one. Because of this we can see what he was hiding before. He genuinely cares about Tiffany and their friendship and he shows this by directly stating it which is like a literal and blunt way to do things which can be autistic. He gets all excited about the new VR fairy game to the point he didn't hear Tiffany talk about his missing wife. He starts rambling and My God I love that scene so much cause he's just so happy and we don't get to see him happy too much. His little "Noooooooo," when he was acting out him destroying all the noobs lives in head rent free.
Kirito also speaks in a lot of sarcasm and movie references. And that is not necessarily an autism symptom but I do that a lot and so do a lot of other autistic people I know. He also takes things literally, like when Asuna (is that how you spell it?) said he really speaks from the heart in episode 2 and he responds, "I thought I was speaking from my mouth, guess that shows what I know about autonomy." He seemed completely serious too.
I just LOVE this Kirito so much to the point when SAO is mentioned I want to say I love that anime but then I remember that it's not the anime that I love but the abridged version on YouTube. Like, I see Kirito fan art and I have to remind myself that it's not the character I fell in love with.
I find it kinda funny that I resonate so much with a fan made thing rather then the original.
Anyway, this giant thing is just a scratch on the surface of reasons I love SAO abridged. The character development, humor, emotional moments and story beats are just so good.
I can go on and on about why I think Kirito is autistic too. Like, I only named a few things.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
The newest SAO Abridged is fucking spicy af
And once again it fixes some pretty awful shit from the original series
Long live Feral Asuna!!!
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upfrog · 1 year
So apparently SAO Abridged is still really good? It seems that they've pretty much settled into a once-per-year update schedule, which is a shame, and I was worried that SWE would lose their touch. People would get busy or move on, lose inspiration, something like that.
But no, seems not. The latest episode is continuing to be funny, while also building a stronger emotional core than the first season. The show has now progressed beyond what I've seen of the original show, but I'm still aware of some of the big critiques of the Aincrad(sp?) arc, and based on that incomplete knowledge SAO;A seems to be doing a really good job of responding to those critiques in a productive way. This was not the first time that I've seen an anime girl in a skimpy dress restrained by a tentacle beast, but it was definitely the most empowering way I've ever seen that position portrayed.
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womgi · 1 year
I just watched SAO abridged from the start. I hadn't realized that ep 17 was out yet. And can I just say?
Holy fuck.
What the fuck is the feels man? This storyline beats the original like the flash playing bongo drums. Fuck. I was crying so much. Damn you SWE! Why do you make me care for these fictional and terrible human beings so much?! And now you're gonna make us wait for an eternity to see what happens next. Shit. I hate this so bloody much! Why did the roller coaster just stop where it did? Fuck.
Damn it all. It was beautiful.
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kururu666 · 1 month
sao-abridged kirito has entirely overwritten my ability to perceive Actual kirito. like you can describe his motive from the original and ill be like no thats out of character. he wouldnt do that.
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transboykirito · 5 months
god i could write a whole essay about sao abridged and why it became such a cultural phenomenon and why it’s held its relevancy compared to other abridged parodies from the same time and also why the shift in internet culture has completely warped what sao abridged originally was and
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kob131 · 7 months
I was thinking: can a fan project be better than canon? Because i can think of a few things were I’m like “yeah that definitely could have been improved on”
Look, it's not like all mainstream media is the pinnacle of fiction. That some fan projects can improve on aspects of canon with the benefit of hindsight, like SAO Abridged (somewhat).
But I've said I don't believe a fan project can supercede the original and I stand by that. In large part because fan projects use so much of canon that they're basically writing on easy mode. Yeah, thinking up arcs for the canonical characters and working within canon is tricky. But the thing is- the basis for the characters, the themes of the original work, the details of their stories and the path made for them are already made. And fan projects often are given far more slack than professional projects, mostly for good reason given it's usually a labor of love that isn't directly meant to compete with the original in its niche. To say nothing of how fan projects can take as much time as they want whereas mainline projects have to meet deadlines and restrictions. Or that many will support ANY project with the 'Fuck X' label attached, regardless of quality.
You don't have to think up basic story elements out of nothing; workshop it from the ground up; compete in the general marketplace with no excuses given to you and fulfill a niche without the existence of an original as a crutch. That monumental task is what every creator who has released an original product has had to face. I've toyed with the idea myself and I know a modicum of how terrifying it is to try and build something new rather than making a fan project with so much already done.
I don't want to insult fan creators because they do good work. But I'm also sick and tired of people proclaiming a fan project as 'better than the original' and then getting assblasted when I compare them to said original and find it lacking.
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gen-the-greedy · 10 months
List of things I like so that I can remember that I like them, will update as my interests come to me in prophetic visions
I humbly request you engage me in conversation about these topics
Also for the record transphobes dni
Digimon (gabumon, gazimon, and impmon favorites)
Sonic the hedgehog
Mother series
Ace attorney
Smash ultimate (I main Mac and Falco)
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Revali from botw my beloved
Pikmin (have only played 4 but I watched chuggaconroy play the others back in the day)
Xenoblade 1 (mixed feelings on the rest of the series)
STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO why did it take me this many bullets to remember, got tier band
Fable (second game was never ported to PC so I haven't played it)
InFamous (haven't played second son)
FE three houses was good fight me (edelgard my beloathed)
Anyone remember Epic Battle Fantasy? Ebf 5 was so fucking good
Full metal alchemist
Red Vs Blue
The Princess Bride
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
Dr pepper 😎
I don't really care for the roleplay elements but I occasionally show up to my local larp group just to bash some heads
I just like martial weapons in general
Never used a bardiche but it looks like my kind of thing
I want to play dnd again but haven't had the chance (I mean I could dm a campaign myself but I don't wanna)
They Might be Giants
Lemon Demon/ Neil cicierega
Cake (the band)
Pie (the food)
Anything lemon flavored
The color purple (and that specific shade of lemon juice yellow)
Sao abridged
Calvin and Hobbes is responsible for my absentmindedly archaic and verbose vernacular that I have to go out of my way to subdue to not sound like a fuckin nerd
Coming back to this point, obviously my word choice was intentional but subdue specifically was not, I can't escape this curse
Also hitchhikers guide, but I was too young to actually remember any of it
Red Vox
Funny cat pictures
Fuckin love dragons when they're treated with respect instead of as giant beasts to slay or cute and "smol" I am very opinionated about this I grew up with
Eragon/ The Inheritance Cycle
I am way too opinionated about dragons I think I might be a kobold (the dnd ones not the german ones)
Gryphons are also cool but if you spell it Griffin dni
Might change my name to gryphon, I liked the sound of phoenix shortened to nick like in ace attorney but my friend's brother is already named that and that would get confusing
Been a while since I read Percy Jackson but I liked that
Dragon Age: Origins
Fable 3 totally ripped it's story from DA:O
I bite my ice cream cause I'm not a coward
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