#originally had a diff vers of this partially written frm lilias pov
serenescribe · 1 year
If the three sentence prompt is still open then would you be able to write that scene from sleeping beauty where Aurora pricks her finger on the spinning wheel? But with overblot Malleus and Silver? (But Malleus still cares for Silver and doesn’t want to straight up kill him like Maleficent did)
[✐meme] three sentence fic meme [✐] ficlet frenzy
At the sight of his precious knight sprawled out against the stone floor in eternal rest, Malleus cannot help but smile.
It had been so easy to twist a meagre sliver of Lilia's dream, to lure away Silver with the drawling whisper of his name, enchantments swaying him along — away from the walls of the castle they're in, down a conjured path of twisting, shadowed corridors that does not actually exist.
And when Malleus conjured the spinning wheel, a curse infused into the prick of the needle, and coaxed Silver to step closer, to touch the tip?
It is a safe way to put the knight out of commission, to remove him from the equation altogether. Malleus does not wish death upon him, but Silver is slippery, his unique magic more trouble than he prefers. But by laying a curse upon him within his domain of dreams, Malleus no longer needs to worry about his unwanted intrusion, his dear knight so hellbent on halting his plans.
With a flick of his wrist, he lifts the slumbering boy up into his arms, cradled close in a princess carry. Silver's head lolls, eyes pressed firmly shut; Malleus cannot held but lean down and press a chaste kiss against the heated skin of his forehead, leaving a bare smudge of blot against his pale complexion.
At the sound of a familiar shriek, Malleus turns, greeted with the sight of Lilia, a fire burning in his crimson eyes, the silhouettes of Sebek and the Child of Man behind him. A gloved hand clenches tight around the doorway; "What did you DO to him?!" Lilia screams, anger ripping through his words at the sight of Silver in Malleus' arms.
Malleus only smiles. "I only did what had to be done," he breathes — and says nothing else. No, instead he lets his magic whisk them both away — to his castle in the depths of the abyss, where he shall lay Silver to rest within a silkspun bed draped with veiled canopies, watching over him while stroking a tender finger along his cheek, the boy remaining still and unmoving.
His knight will never wake up for as long as this eternal dream remains, but Malleus shall take care of him for the rest of time.
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