#but decided to switch to mal
serenescribe · 1 year
If the three sentence prompt is still open then would you be able to write that scene from sleeping beauty where Aurora pricks her finger on the spinning wheel? But with overblot Malleus and Silver? (But Malleus still cares for Silver and doesn’t want to straight up kill him like Maleficent did)
[✐meme] three sentence fic meme [✐] ficlet frenzy
At the sight of his precious knight sprawled out against the stone floor in eternal rest, Malleus cannot help but smile.
It had been so easy to twist a meagre sliver of Lilia's dream, to lure away Silver with the drawling whisper of his name, enchantments swaying him along — away from the walls of the castle they're in, down a conjured path of twisting, shadowed corridors that does not actually exist.
And when Malleus conjured the spinning wheel, a curse infused into the prick of the needle, and coaxed Silver to step closer, to touch the tip?
It is a safe way to put the knight out of commission, to remove him from the equation altogether. Malleus does not wish death upon him, but Silver is slippery, his unique magic more trouble than he prefers. But by laying a curse upon him within his domain of dreams, Malleus no longer needs to worry about his unwanted intrusion, his dear knight so hellbent on halting his plans.
With a flick of his wrist, he lifts the slumbering boy up into his arms, cradled close in a princess carry. Silver's head lolls, eyes pressed firmly shut; Malleus cannot held but lean down and press a chaste kiss against the heated skin of his forehead, leaving a bare smudge of blot against his pale complexion.
At the sound of a familiar shriek, Malleus turns, greeted with the sight of Lilia, a fire burning in his crimson eyes, the silhouettes of Sebek and the Child of Man behind him. A gloved hand clenches tight around the doorway; "What did you DO to him?!" Lilia screams, anger ripping through his words at the sight of Silver in Malleus' arms.
Malleus only smiles. "I only did what had to be done," he breathes — and says nothing else. No, instead he lets his magic whisk them both away — to his castle in the depths of the abyss, where he shall lay Silver to rest within a silkspun bed draped with veiled canopies, watching over him while stroking a tender finger along his cheek, the boy remaining still and unmoving.
His knight will never wake up for as long as this eternal dream remains, but Malleus shall take care of him for the rest of time.
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Moooore descendants 4 incorrect quotes with Glassheart/CharmingHeart (they back)
(and other ships)
Red: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually bi.
(Girl. Same)
Maddox: Man, I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me all these chips and junk!
Red: I’M NOT! I was eating them and you took them.
Maddox: You said I should try some!
Red: I said they were good.
Maddox: That’s not how I heard it.
Red: Tomorrow’s the Cooking Contest. Maddox always tells me one thing every year. They say, “You might win if you’d stop eating your entry!” But how would I know whether it’s an award-winning dish without tasting it first? This may be a problem humanity will have to grapple with for eternity.
(AU. Red is a good cook)
Chloe: So how’s the food Red made?
Cinderella: It's great! Compliments to them.
Chloe: *goes to the kitchen*
Chloe: You're adorable.
Red: *blushes*
(again. Red is a good cook. She invites the Charmings for dinner and then asks them for their blessing when Chloe leaves)
Chad: we could make a boys club!
Maddox: Im non-binary.
Chad: Anti-girls club.
(Slay. Also can't decide if Maddox should be green or purple. Maybe even orange but I chose green for now. Will change later if I'm in the mood)
Red: Can you PLEASE peer pressure me into doing my project?
Chloe: Do it or you're straight.
Red: I said peer pressure, NOT THREATEN!
(That's too far, Chloe! Are you mad?!)
Chloe: Operation no more distractions is a go!
*not even 10 seconds later*
Chloe: Oh, look! A butterfly!
(She's either laser focused or cannot concentrate at all)
Red: *clicks pen*
Maddox: *clicks pen in response*
Queen of Hearts: Stop that.
Red: Stop what?
Queen of Hearts: You’re talking about me in Morse code!
Red: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out!
Red, to Chloe: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
(I'm surprised you kept your Head. And they absolutely did learn that because they had nothing else they could do)
Chloe: Come on, Chad. Nobody actually believes that Red is in love with me.
Chad, to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Red is helplessly in love with Chloe.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Chloe: Red, put your hand down.
(*raises hand* what more evidence do you need??)
Chloe: The salary of a clown is 51,000 dollars.
Chloe, gesturing to Chad and Red fighting: And yet these idiots do it daily, and for free!
Red: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why Chloe made me get tested.
(It is canon now. Headcanon)
Chloe: Anything else?
Red: Yeah. Stay away from me!
Chloe: Alright. See you in the room we share
(Literally them. Canon. can also be switched)
Queen of Hearts: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
(rather that and not off with my head)
Queen of Hearts: We are gathered here today because someone- *glares at Red’s coffin* -couldn’t stay alive!
(Oop-. Damn. She would care more tho. I think..)
Queen of Hearts: So you're looking for information on this thing, huh? Well, I feel like it must be from far away.
Mal: What makes you say that?
Queen of Hearts: If it's something even I don't know about, then I'm sure nobody else must have a clue. So it's gotta be from some faraway place. Impeccable reasoning, isn't it?
Mal: Your Majesty.. You don't have a clue about this thing, do you?
Queen of Hearts: *screams in anger*
(Just a meeting between two Queens ✨. Canon
Queen of Hearts: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Maddox: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
(ssSSHHhhH. Not so loud. Don't want you to lose your head. Canon tho)
Red: I’m terrible at expressing myself.
Uma: Don’t worry, actions speak louder than words.
Red: Yes, but my actions are also bad.
(Girl same. Getting advice from the principal ✨ she probably did something 👀)
Queen of Hearts: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
(She for real does make it everyone's problem)
Hope you liked it!
Wanted to add more but then it would have been too long.
So the next one has more of the OGs
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
HEYY, I saw you wanted descendants requests, so here's one:
Can I request a preference with whatever characters you want, where reader has another form (animal form, form with stuff like claws or wings or smth, I'll leave it up to you)
thank you thank youuuu!!! ; also decided to go with uma on this one cause I thought it would be cool enough considering she's got fun little octopus powers and shit ; but thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy! ; gang I did not realize this was supposed to be a preference... I apologize LMFAO
UMA HALI ; anamorph
summary ; as an anamorph, you can turn into an animal at your will, that animal being a cat
warnings ; language
word count ; 250
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even though it's kinda dumb, your anamorph is pretty useful
as a cat, you can sneak around places and are very agile
your power is also very useful to uma as well
if she needs backup or a spy, she's got you
you're really good at spying
she's joked around and tried to feed you cat food/treats before but you always switch back to smack her light heartedly
like gang... you don't eat fish in your octopus form? why would you eat cat food?
on that topic, you've tried cat food before
despite the pretty appetizing smell, it's awful, texture and taste wise
you also like hiding from uma in your cat form
hide and seek goes crazy w her, harry & gil
half the time when you're a cat on the street, they mistake you for a stray and try to feed you or lure you in to take care of you
then you morph back like "guys, you didn't realize it was me??"
and they try to joke it off like "omg no we knew we were just messing w you"
and they're giving each other "jesus christ were stupid" looks
you're able to spy on audrey during her villain arc and inform the gang on her whereabouts and what her plan is
you're a big asset trusttt
but uma loves parading you around
especially loves bragging to mal about how she has an awesome spy for a friend
like okay can we focus on your other traits please!
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
been doing research on writing plural systems for sif+loop in mundane modern aus, and i think i've got a solid idea of what i want to do! specifics may vary by au but i wanted a base set of headcanons to vary from, so sif+loop being a system can be a background fact of my au musings instead of something i have to reinvent every time.
(i'm a singlet so if any systems have concrit or thoughts they want to share i'd be happy to hear it! i'm not like planning a fic or anything currently, but it's still nice to not be working off of misconceptions for my silly little posts.)
siffrin took over as the main host in their late teens and doesn't remember anything from before that. in their early-mid 20s their work/housing situation was horrible and when they couldn't take another day like that, siffrin split into loop (who kept the mid 20s memories, with a new personality) and siffrin take two (who remembers the 17-20 era a bit better, but then there's a big gap). between the two of them they were able to cope better and hold a not-as-awful job and get a shitty apartment all to themselves!
siffrin fronts more often on average, because they're better at quietly accomplishing day-to-day tasks. but if he gets too overwhelmed or anxious (think their mini loop-backs in canon) then loop takes over, bc loop dgaf about some of the things siffrin worries about, and doesn't shut down as easily. but since they don't bottle up their feelings as severely, they're more likely to react outwardly and make rash choices like quitting their job, being rude, splurging on little treats, etc. so that's why siffrin is the default fronter for things like work and chores, when he's feeling up to it.
loop is fairly aware of what's going on while siffrin is fronting - sometimes they choose to tune more of it out, but they can catch most of it if they want to, and sometimes siffrin will talk to them or nudge them to pay attention. since they know at least the basics of what siffrin was up to, they can usually step in pretty smoothly when they need to take over! and it's very easy for them to take over, with or without siffrin's say-so, though they try to ask if it's not an emergency (and if it is an emergency, siffrin is likely trying to back away from the front anyway).
when loop is fronting, though, siffrin is entirely away, dreaming in the void. loop can nudge them for a vague opinion or relevant memory, but they can't hold a full conversation and they're not aware of what loop's doing. when loop puts them in the front again they're usually disoriented and need a moment for loop to tell them what's been happening. and again, loop is the one deciding to switch; sometimes siffrin might resist getting pulled back if they're still feeling bad, or get antsy and start reaching out if they've been asleep a while or are having bad dreams, but they're not gonna react to environmental situations since they're not aware of them.
mal is in there too but doesn't front. its role is to be socially hyper-vigilant, pointing out when other people might be upset at them so the alter who's fronting knows to fix it or avoid the person. it's been around longer than siffrin, and was helpful way back then, but now that siffrin and loop have worked out an effective balance and are fairly safe, mal's behavior is somewhat maladaptive (ha!). it's not super directly aware of the outside world like loop is, not anymore at least, but it does get secondhand memories from both siffrin and loop. it actually sometimes remembers facts and details that sif and loop both quickly forgot, because maybe those details will end up relevant to spotting and avoiding future problems - but since it got the memories secondhand and filtered them through a particularly paranoid worldview, it's likely to misremember subjective interpretations as literal truth, so you gotta take its claims with a grain of salt.
it mostly hangs out in the void imagining fractals and whatnot these days, keeping an eye on siffrin while they sleep. it occasionally perks up and chimes in with its pessimistic point of view when siffrin is really upset - it can communicate better with sleeping siffrin than loop can. loop is not on speaking terms with it because they're mad that it goes behind loop's back and makes siffrin more upset right when loop is trying to shield him from the upsetting situation. but siffrin doesn't mind it bc it's just trying to help in its own way, and sometimes it is helpful to face their fears in plain words instead of avoiding them. and siffrin will sometimes ask it for help with like, puzzles, because it's good at pattern recognition.
there's also a no-longer-quite-dormant alter that presumably fronted for much of the body's childhood. they don't hang out in siffrin and mal's void, and they don't talk to anyone else within the system. but now that the system is more safe and stable, every once in a while something will catch their attention and they'll gently push to the front and start talking. as soon as their train of thought is interrupted they're gone again, and the other alters don't even remember that they got usurped for a moment, a la siffrin's bits of telling childhood anecdotes in canon. loop and siffrin have surmised that they exist, and call them the lost one.
mal has also implied that there's at least one more dormant alter, but it's from before siffrin-and-loop's time and possibly mal's as well.
if something happens that's so distressing that siffrin retreats into headspace and loop won't take over either, the body goes into dissociated autopilot. it will follow basic one-step instructions (such as "follow me" or "eat this"), speak in a couple simple scripts (such as answering "how are you" with "i'm fine"), and complete rote tasks such as taking a familiar route home from work or going to bed. loop doesn't pay much attention because that would defeat the point / put them back in front, so they usually have very little if any idea of what happened in this state, but it is possible for outside events to catch their attention enough for them to try fronting again. otherwise they'll be back next time the body wakes up. siffrin, on the other hand, usually won't front for at least a day or two after this happens, and will likely have forgotten the events leading up to it as well.
it doesn't happen very often since it's the very last resort, after siffrin dissociating, loop taking over, and loop dissociating. loop and siffrin don't consider the autopilot an alter because it doesn't form memories, have emotions or opinions, or interact in the headspace; it just follows where it's led, by habit or outside influence. loop has argued in favor of trying to imbue it with more personhood so it's less uncanny for other people to interact with and can get loop's attention when the distressing thing is over, but siffrin argues that if it can think that defeats the point, and they'd just end up with this new alter and a new autopilot.
past all that, the specifics will depend on the exact au; particularly the ratio of loop time to siffrin time will depend on how much siffrin works and how awful their job is, whether siffrin and/or loop have friends yet, etc. but i think when they're doing pretty well they'd be happy with siffrin doing work/chores and most of the activities that they both enjoy (since then they'll both remember it), and loop fronting for maybe a third of their free time to do their own thing, and maybe here and there if something goes wrong at work. and then if siffrin starts feeling burnt out, they swap for a couple days of loop doing most things and siffrin just coming out for an hour or two. siffrin and mal probably talk maybe a couple times a month, unless siffrin is really going through it, in which case they might talk a lot for a couple days. it also might be possible for mal to eventually adapt a little more to being safe, and start providing a wider range of possible interpretations instead of just the worst case scenario.
ok that's all! and as i said, i'm totally open to feedback. :3
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abrakuxas · 2 months
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More classic Teen Titans (part 2 of my personal redesign/alternate version of some DC guys)
Part 1
Lilith Clay Jupiter/Omen (15) - In this version of Lilith I'd like to make her the daughter of Mr. Jupiter, yes, but also of Apollo. As a demigod she is the new heir of the same precognitive powers of the Oracle of Delphos. This is somewhat inspired by her pre crisis origin as the daughter of the Sun Titan Thia, but adapted to Apollo. She's good friends with Donna and teached her everything about the more human girly things. Her boyfriend is...
Gnarrk, the Cave Boy (16) - The last survivor of his people, Gnarrk is an artist, a painter of cave walls and a very smart boy. He kept his people's culture of praising the sun god and when Kid Flash accidentally sent the Titans back in time, Gnarrk was convinced Lilith was the answer to his prayers. The Titans saved Gnarrk when he was about to be killed by a beast and noticing that not only was he alone but he should've been dead, they decide the best they can do is take him back to the future to guarantee his living wouldn't affect the past. Gnarrk and Lilith become fast friends as she teaches him about the modern world and he teaches her about a culture never documented. Lilith and him are the last speakers of his ancient language and that means everything to him.
Mal Duncan/Herald (15) - Mal is a musician, he learned to play at the church his family went and developed into jazz after that. In a moment of near death experience he ends up winning a game against the Angel of Death. He wakes up surprised at the house of young genius Karen Beecher, now carrying a magical horn, a gift of the Angel for his victory, an item capable not only of beautiful music but of affecting space, allowing him to change the location of things and people, teleporting them or switching their places. Karen and him quickly fall in love. He is a support to the Titans, helping them get to places and maneuver in the battlefield.
Karen Beecher/Bumblebee (16) - A young genius working at S.T.A.R. Labs, she is an assistant to the mysterious doctor Arthur Light and his studies on light. Karen learns of a secret project of his to an organization called the H.I.V.E and the development of secret battle suit that used her own ideas and designs which her mentor stole from her. Betrayed, she steals the suit and destroys her own notes, bringing what she learned to the Titans together with her boyfriend Mal. With the help and support of actual superheroes she finished the suit and became the Bumblebee.
Duela Dent/the Pierrot (14) - Duela was raised in an orphanage where the only thing she ever learned about herself is that her mother said she was the child of a Gotham criminal to whom the woman worked for. Duela ran from the orphanage into a life of crime, trying to get into the underworld of Gotham to learn about her parents. She learned her mother worked to Two-Face and took the name Dent, but she soon found her mother had worked with multiple different villains and lost any hope of finding out who her dad actually was. After fighting Robin a couple of times, she learned to let it go, as she was too old to be the child of any masked villain in Gotham. He helped her locate an older crime boss who could maybe be her father but at that point she noticed she didn't really care, and only ever wanted a family. Robin then took the girl to the Titans and they slowly became her friends and family.
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skulla-rxcks · 10 months
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For @jellysnelle (I forgot when you answer shit it disappears from the inbox 😭)
Bottles and tears
Paring: drunk!changbin x Reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut, angst, nc
Warnings: n0n-con, eventually dubious consent.
Proceed with caution
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28
Please dm me if you’d like to be added to the taglist ^^
A/n: don’t know how this turned into angst, but it did D:
“Long time no see..” Changbin chuckles as he walks through the door. “At least it wasn’t as long as the last tour you guys did..” I reply.
“Looks like someone’s right for once.” He snarls, I watch as he walks into the kitchen, heading straight for the liquor cabinet. “So you just got back and, the first thing you do is drink? Really Binnie?” I sigh, disappointed by his actions but knowing I can’t really do anything about it. “Go to your room if you don’t like it.” I decide to listen to his suggestion, shutting my door and laying down on my bed with my soft blankets covering me. I notice that my headphones are fully charged so I switch them on and connect them to my phone, putting on some music.
I finally have some peace for once. I close my eyes as the sound of music fills my ears
“Binnie!” I yell out, hoping to get his attention. It ends up working. He opens my door and leans against the frame of it with a bottle of beer in his hand, clearly a bit more than tipsy. “Mmm? What do you want?” He asks with a smirk, his tongue peaking out and wetting his lips as he stares at me, waiting for me to speak.
“You’re on dinner tonight. Remember? Go make or order something.” I rub my eyes before slamming my face into my pillow, not wanting to communicate any longer.
“Fine.” Changbin sighs, leaving my room and slamming the door behind him. What’s with him? His mood completely changed as I said that. Drunk Binnie really is something else huh. A few minutes later he comes back into my room, his eyes sparkling with lust. “Food?” I ask. Hopefully he remembered, I mean not many people would forget a daily thing that’s needed in life. “Not hungry.” He replies.
He takes a seat in front of me and suddenly pins me down, hands on my waist, pressing me against my bed. I can smell the alcohol in his breath as he breathes on me. “Need you.” He demands as his hands rip open my clothes, making my bare body exposed to him. “What are yo- why..” I whine out under my breath. “Shutttt..” His grip on me gets tighter.
He grabs my face and kisses me roughly, I can taste the liquor on his tongue.
“G-get off me..” I cry, but the words are muffled by his kisses. My eyes fall shut and I start fighting against his grasp on me, trying desperately to escape. “Please stop.” I beg. “you’re drunk… Binnie.. please..snap out of it..” I sob out, feeling helpless as tears fill my eyes from pain.
The grip he has on me loosens slightly but only because I’m begging him. I try to move away from him, trying to crawl away, but he just grips onto my hips harder, preventing me from escaping. “Nooo.. please.. you’re hurting me.. please..”
“mm..just let me have you..” he sighs, slowly becoming sober again making him slightly aware of his actions but he’s too far to stop now. the sound of him unzipping his jeans fills the room, he doesn’t hesitate at all, he just pushes into me immediately. “o-ow… it hurts!” I moan as the pain runs through my body from him stretching out my cunt. tears slowly swell up in my eyes again.
“I’m so fucking sorry.. god..” Changbin starts to feel sorry for me as time goes on. He pulls out as soon as he gets close to his release, looking down at me with horror on his face. “s-shit.. I’m so sorry I don’t know what got into me and I-“ he sighs heavily, hugging me close to his chest as he apologises to me repeatedly. “drinking never usually gets me like this. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“What can I do to make it up to you..? I’ll do anything I really didn’t mean t-“ Changbin continues to plead, his eyes getting watery the more he thinks about the horrific situation that just happened. “Just keep hugging me. I’ll decide later.” I respond, my head buried into his chest as we slowly cry until we feel better.
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redsaurrce · 2 years
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𓈈 Once upon a night, a neighbor decides to play with his doll.
PAIRING : Yandere Neighbour Magician!Jimin X fem!reader
GENRE : smut, magician au, neighbor au
WARNINGS : mentions of black magic, calling reader doll, fingering, cumming, breast kink, flicking, nipple kink, voyeurism, somnophilia, reader under control
Taglist ꒱ @babyboo22 @theblueslytherin @yansob @apriljoon @xxxbangtanbabexxx @favfanfictsbts @seokjins-luigi @iffyleafy @effielumiere @getoutofthere @luvv2jade @bri-mal @xicanacorpse @emperatris-rinaka @strawberryjimin13 @eddiegirl-86 @jungkookminthairwhen @tornparts
Jimin looked at his window everynight, your figure taking in every sliver of moonlight that seeped through the binds of your room. You slept everyday like this, like an angel, not worried about anything in the world. It's so beautiful to see you like this.
His apartment was neither too close nor too far to yours, it was just perfect. Perfect for him to be able to see you clearly.
But he needed to not just see you, he wanted to do more. As a master of black magic, he took his skill to finally provide him the real thing, the ability to do anything to you.
Using his powers of magic, he had created a pretty little stuffed toy like the ones toddlers love to play with, there was a toddler in Jimin too except it wasn't innocent as his most precious doll was you.
He ran his fingers grazing the surface of the toy's hand and then looked at you to see you adjusting your hand from the ticking feeling.
He smirked when he got an idea. He lit up a matchstick and waved it at a distance from the toy, not too close for it to burn. Therefore even if the night was cool with the fan rotating in your room with full speed, you suddenly started to perspire due to immense heat.
In half asleep state you opened your shirt and pajamas and you slept in bra and panty. His mouth filled with water as he tried to drink in the image of your body, you were wearing a feather like soft bra and panty so he decided to keep up with his activity.
You started sweating so much that your bra became wet and almost transparent.
Because the heat was becoming unbearable, you got irritated and woke up to drink cold water, while you gulped in, few water droplets fell in your cleavage turning him on even more now.
When you decided to go back to sleep and somehow keep up with the heat, jimin blew out the matchstick, it was sixth matchstick in a row. He immediately switched on the aircon in his room and you suddenly felt a wave of chilly air hit your skin. At the sudden cold sensation your nipples grew hard and he bit his lips at the sight.
But soon you took a blanket and he felt disappointed. He was getting a boner and you had to do this? No- he has a better idea.
He switched off the AC and pressed the lower middle part of the toy.
Suddenly you felt a pain in your pussy. You brought your hand to ease out the pain but it wasn't helping at all. You opened your panty in frustration and he rejoiced immensely at his victory, finally being able to look at your pussy.
He then quickly kept the doll on his bed and quickly said a spell, a spell to control your movements. So when he turned the doll in a perpendicular manner, you felt like shifting perpendicularly as well, keeping your legs in front of the window.
Then he took the legs of the doll and spread them wide open.
You did the same while your eyes were still closed.
He made circles with the hand of the toy in its main part while you brought your fingers down there and starting circling them, everything wide open for jimin to see.
He moaned as he was feeling himself while he saw you enjoying yourself as well, his eyes were fixed on your vagina while his hands constantly kept on working on his dick. He whimpered as he saw juices leaking out of your vagina while he was starting to cum as well.
Your breathing became faster and as your breasts were springing up and down. He wrapped a paper around the doll's chest area and then he brought up its hands to tear the paper off, you repeated the same actions except you did it to your bra. They were paper like thin so that was a good thing.
Then he put on another spell on the toy, the spell where what he said to the toy would be obeyed by you.
He whispered near the ears of the toy, "flick your nipples baby." And you did exactly, you flicked your right nipple once. He whispered again, "keep flicking them until I tell you to stop."
So you started flicking your own nipples one by one, the area around them became red but he didn't order you to stop, you whimpered at the pain even though you had zero idea what was going on with you.
"Now with one hand slap your breasts and with another slap your cunt." He was impressed of how hard and nicely you were doing it, his whole window glass was getting stained by his cum by enjoying the sight of you doing whatever he told you to.
"Stop baby, now pull and twist your clitoris." You did so and let out a shrill scream at the sensation, fuck! The neighbors gonna hear you. Not that he was worried of waking anyone up, he simply didn't want anyone to hear your scream except him. "Husshh down! Don't scream!!" You bit on your tongue to prevent yourself from doing it.
"Now you should sleep babygirl- oh and put on your clothes, sleep tight love." He said not wanting to mess with you anymore, not like this at least.
So when you woke up in the morning with pain in your breats and groin and saw a torn bra lying on the floor, you checked yourself and saw there was indeed no bra you were wearing when you clearly remember that you had one, the very bra lying on the floor.
To your horror, there was sticky white jelly like liquid stuck and dried up on your bedsheets towards your window, in fact there was some on the wall beneath the window as well.
Just what the fuck had happened?
Oh well, you'd be getting your answers tonight when Jimin will mess with you tonight again, except not through a toy anymore.
You were his doll afterall.
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goldenharmony · 4 months
tumblr user goldenharmony im. head in hands. i am losing it over click link or whatever that show was called surely i dont remember. im fine (hello) please tell me you experienec with this show i neend to talk owiwiuwewiwijedhwejd.
Idk how you discovered Link Click (or mentioned it in your reblogs), but I use MAL a lot and noticed that s1 was pretty high on the rankings during its airing.
Then later that year, I watched Gigguk's vid on Link Click since he's an anituber I like. I do laugh at the fact that I read the title and was like "Nah, it's not better than Steins;Gate :) " since that's MY favourite anime (and a time-travel one), and he basically implied that it wasn't as great as Steins;Gate when handling certain aspects LOL (although still is praising the series throughout this review). Fun Fact - his vid on Oshi no Ko is the whole reason I checked out the OnK manga eventually since I read Aka Akasaka's Kaguya-sama and wanted more but the premise of "simp doctor reincarnated as his idol's child" sounded rlly sus LOL.
It's why I was also kinda confused when later on MAL, I saw that Link Click had a s2 but didn't hear any hype for it despite hearing a bit for s1. I guess that was cause of Gigguk's influence on the anime community since I don't think he watched s2 so there was no big anime influencer hyping it up sadly.
Eventually late last November, someone in the AquaKana server was being very vocal on wanting to push the Link Click agenda soo I decided why not - its been a long time since I watched a time-loop series. She was also a huge fan of Steins;Gate so I trusted her judgement.
Watched ep 1 in original before having to switch to Eng Dub after cause I was not clicking with the show due to being distracted by a new language that I wasn't used to hearing yet 😭But after that, I watched a few eps per day, binged s1 ep 7-11 in one sitting, and then binged s2 in one sitting as well LOL. I was also was waiting for CFE results to see if I passed - my major career-defining exam and watching Link Click actively helped me not stress on the days leading up to it because my thoughts were preoccupied by it.
S1 gave me a Vivy/Violet Evergarden feel with its short stories, and S2 reminded me more of Death Note with it being a suspenseful murder mystery involving supernatural powers. One thing I loved is finding some stuff that Link Click does unique compared to other time-loop series. For example - actively trying to NOT change the past, and instead using the looping to understand how to resolve issues in the present. I also like it leaning into the thriller aspect more compared to other time-loop series I've seen.
CXS and LG also fall into the 2 looper categories that most loopers do. CXS being the impulsive and emotional type and LG being the stoic and serious type who has gotten jaded from all their looping.
Also I am pretty fine with how QL has been handled so far, since its not a "female character" thing to me in how she isn't as prominent as CXS and LG but more of a "character who isn't CXS and LG" thing considering the series has a lot of characters but we don't dive too deeply in most of them. Plus she's been handled much better compared to other anime series that have the set-up of "2 male leads in a suspenseful thriller show, with a girl as an almost secondary character". Thinking of Misa from Death Note and Lisa from Terror in Resonance, who are disappointing in their roles.
I also like how the fight scenes are actually well-animated since most non-action anime included fight scenes are....not great LOL.
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maelstrom007 · 1 year
I've got the @ghouljams Fae!au brainrot, and I needed to write more about my OC Mal. This time, featuring ghoul's OC Love, and Fae!Ghost. Thank you so much for letting me borrow them! I hope I do them justice, and they're not too out of character. While it's implied that Mal already knows Witch (I think their friendship started well before this) I thought this was an interesting way to bring Mal into the darlings and 141's sphere of influence.
I hope you enjoy!
Mal stood at the far wall of their crafting space, studying their old leather bound notebook. It was an account of every project they’d ever undertaken here at the shop, filled to the brim with notes. Currently, it was open to the last commission on their list for this quarter, someone wanting a garment that would fill them with confidence after a particularly difficult time in their life. Before them stood several cones of yellow and orange cotton that they had dyed with this intention in mind. Now to decide what it would become. Mal closed their eyes, imagining the customer in their head, how their shoulders had hunched and neck sunk involuntarily. They needed something to straighten up, bring some height back into their frame. A jacket would do them nice. 
Mal took the cones to their warping board, a square frame with pegs hanging on the wall, and readied the yarn. Before they began Mal closed their eyes once again, taking deep breaths and pressing their bare feet firmly into the floor as they grounded themselves. Once they were settled, they imagined in their mind what their customer would look like in this new jacket. How their face would be full of warmth and joy, how much taller they would stand, the swagger and spring in their step as they walked. Mal let the feeling wash over them, filling themselves up with the giddy confidence. Full of energy, Mal began the warping process, tying an orange yarn to one peg and wrapping it around sequential pegs until it was as long as their fabric needed to be, then doubling back and following that same path back. 
Maintaining this confident headspace Mal continued on, occasionally switching between colors to create a shimmering ombre across the warp. This warp will act as the vertical threads when they weave the fabric later on tonight. Already they could see the gentle halo radiating off of the threads as the intent gets buried deeper and deeper. By the end it’ll be radiant like the sun. 
The slight jostle of someone attempting to open the front door made Mal accidentally skip a peg, breaking them out of their concentration. Immediately the halo of the current length they were working on dimmed, forcing them to backtrack and do their best to bring themselves back into the confident headspace. They didn’t really care if someone was at the door, there was no reason for anyone to be there and thus no reason to give them the time of day. Pick up was always reserved for the last week of the month, and they hadn’t pulled aside the heavy curtains hanging from the gutters that prevented humans from seeing the shop, and warned Fae from entering without an invitation. No, those get pulled when Mal’s commission list was empty and ready for new customers. Which it wasn’t. 
The jostle returns again and only a well timed breath keeps the bubbling anger from making its way into the warp. They tied it off and stepped away with a sigh. They couldn’t afford to keep having their concentration disrupted by the mystery person at the door. 
Opening the door reveals a girl, smiling brightly, “Hey, I think your doors locked.”
“It’s not,” Mal replies. Not in the physical sense anyway. Witch’s wards are strong and clever like that. Although they will have to check up on the curtains outside. Nobody should have been able to find their shop with them pulled shut, although now there was a clear section that was pulled to the side where the girl seemingly forced her way through. Those damn Moth’s were probably nibbling on it again. 
The girl stares at them for a moment, as if expecting them to say more. Evidently the silence becomes too long as she presses on, “Aren’t you going to let me in?” 
“Why would you want in?”
“Because you’re a business? And I’d like to do business here?” The exasperated look on the girl's face is enough to set Mal’s teeth on edge. 
“Pushy aren’t you?”
“Yes. Now come on, I want to get something nice for my boyfriend and he’s going to pick me up any minute now.”
Something about the girl’s big, insistent eyes made Mal’s resolve crack, “Fine. You’ve caught me in an indulgent mood.” Mal turned around, walking back towards the counter, “What are you thinking of?”
When the girl didn’t immediately follow they turned around again, only to see her seemingly stuck mid stride, foot unable or unwilling to touch the hardwood floor of the storefront. Curious. The girl seemed perfectly human to them, but looks could be deceiving. 
“You’re welcome in, for this transaction,” her foot fell with a solid thump, and she continued walking in as if nothing had happened.
“So I’d like to get something for my boyfriend.”
Mal settled in and flipped their notebook to a new page, “So you’ve said.”
“Yeah, well I know that he likes to cover up a lot, but recently his gloves have been falling apart and what with Winter coming up I don’t want his hands to be cold-”
As the girl talked, Mal kept a close eye on her chest, watching for any tethers that shone brighter than the others. Humans, and sometimes Fae, had a hard time deciding what their real intent was for a gift, and sifting through their tethers was always easier than getting it out of them through words. Except that the more this girl talked, the more her chest started to light up like a god damn christmas tree. She was tangled and pierced and snared on so many hooks it was almost distressing, and one in particular burned so bright it almost hurt Mal’s eyes to look at.
“Excuse me,” Mal interrupted her, “but may I?” they said, pointing towards the brightly glowing tether at the center of her chest. 
“Uh, sure,” she said, slightly confused but trusting all the same. 
Reaching out they gently snagged the tether with the tip of their pinky finger. Even with that small amount of contact all they could think of was LOVE LOVE LOVE. So much love, and passion, and desperation, and protectiveness. 
Within the next second, Mal’s ears popped as air that used to be in the space behind the girl forcibly vacated in favor of someone apparating there in its place. Mal stumbled back, eyebrows raised in shock as the absolutely massive fucker came into focus. Piercing brown eyes peered out through a pale white skull mask, with one hand wrapping protectively around the girl's chest and the other landing solidly on the table creating an effective barrier between them and Mal. 
“What’s wrong, Love?” The man's voice was deep, and although he was addressing the girl, (the capital L was obvious in his tone) his eyes never left Mal’s. 
“Well I was going to get you a surprise gift, but I guess that’s not happening anymore.”
“Why were they touching you.”
Mal straightened, “I received permission, if that is your concern. I was only attempting to see what her true intent was for this gift.” Despite the way he was glaring, Mal could tell this man didn’t think they were a threat, at least not physically.
On closer inspection the guys gloves did look as if they were threadbare, ready to fall apart if a stiff breeze came through. He was fae, no doubt about it, and even his human form commanded respect. Mal could see the shimmery effect of the fae’s obscura, hinting at a much larger and much more. . .sinister silhouette. They could do better, break up the outline of his body like camo on a soldier's fatigues, but something told them that he wouldn’t appreciate being upsold at the moment.
“And what was my intention?” Love looked almost giddy to know, leaning over the counter top with a manic grin on her face. 
Mal quickly looked between Love and the man, trying to gauge the pro’s and con’s of this whole interaction. 
“Go on,” he said. 
“Well, it seemed like Love here wanted to stake a claim on you. To possess and protect you as much as you do her.” 
Like a seesaw, Love rocked backwards into the man's embrace, wrapping her arms up around his neck and giggling, “Yeah, I guess I am a little obsessed with you.”
For once he looked a little bit out of his depth, and once again Mal almost had to shield their eyes from the sun that seemed to light up between the two. Jesus these two were co dependent as all hell. 
“So,” Mal said, desperate to get this conversation over with, “any design you want in particular?”
“Oh, right, I think his gloves should be dark black, with white details that look like finger and hand bones. And can you make them really warm and soft? Am I asking for too much? You’ll tell me if it’s too much right? Also-”
Mal dutifully took notes, not even attempting to get a word in edgewise as Love rambled on. Briefly looking up, Mal saw the masked man curled contentedly around and over top Love’s much smaller form like a mountain sized cat. It was hard to find him intimidating now that his eyes were full of love and adoration. 
What a strange pair indeed.
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YOU GOT IT BOSS. 🫡🫡🫡 IN YOUR INBOX ABOUT YOUR AUS. villain au...... you know I gotta ask about clarence. was he a hero or a villain...... if u domt have clarence figured out then. tell.me about mark <3 my wife. still not over the fact that he's a hero in this i have a lot of feelings about it.
i think clarence was a hero. bro was out here doing GOOD and HELPING PEOPLE!!! and mal. well tbh im not even sure wtf he was doing. i still have 2 figure out clarence and mal (if u have any ideas abt them LET ME KNOW PLS I THINK I NEED HELP FLESHING THEM OUT MORE) but mark. oughhhgh mark wimters. that man. i think the winters’ backstory stays mostly the same here. trickster kills mrs winters etc etc u know how it be. and mark. well he is clearly not doin super hot after that!!! idk how long in canon he was involved w overlord and villain stuff in general but i think it would be a few years at least. so i think before he got Too into villain stuff tide approached him and etc etc he joined watch. u know. he does not Want 2 be a big hero tho. he works with tide a lot but very clearly tries not to be seen too much. he and tide work as a Team. tide is the face of their duo and mark works behind the scenes. if they have a stealth mission and need a distraction tide is always the one outright attacking henchmen and being a nuisance and mark is sneaking in undetected. tide is fighting villains in the middle of the street and mark is in a back alley readying a beam of energy to knock out the villain from afar while they’re focused on tide. he doesn’t want to be well known!!! bro is Paranoid as fuck!! wants to keep ashe safe!!! tide gets that and they work as a team so fucking well they GET each other ok i love u tidalwave
also i have decided. mark is the one training the prime defenders. purely bc i think it would b fucking funny. his main focus is ashe and trying 2 keep him safe and everything he doesn’t care about the prime defenders!!! NO he is not going to get attached to these stupid fucking ex-vigilante kids who are only being heroes so they can stay out of supermax. no he doesn’t care that they’re basically in the same situation as him where they’re just doing hero work to stay out of prison. no him decking out cantrip in kevlar so she doesn’t die doesn’t matter he’s just trying to make sure his wards (that he totally doesn’t care about) stay alive so he doesn’t get in trouble with watch. he’s making extra macaroni for alan because the kid is big and needs more food it’s just logical to make extra for him so he can actually do well in missions don’t worry about it. he’s getting xavier a switch because the old wii console they had before is broken and x keeps complaining NO he’s doesn’t care don’t ask how much it cost the complaining is annoying just go play mariokart ok this is nothing. he’s such a fucking Dad he would quietly get a little attached after spending so much time with them. yeah he would give them up for ashe in a heartbeat if it came down to it, but after spending months training them and making them overcooked pasta and hearing cantrip yell at the boys for stealing her knives and watching alan run across the base with x on his back and putting blankets over them when they fall asleep on the couch…….. i think he would hesitate for a second at least
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blurry-little-stars · 2 years
Malleus Draconia Smut HC’s 💚
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guys please this is 18+ afab reader MINORS DNI
warnings: smut, breeding vaguely mentioned, biting. idk just don’t read if you don’t want to see horny thoughts below the line (word count 730)
-His horns are surprisingly a bit sensitive. (there’s a shocking amount of nerve endings in his horns. i can imagine it’s like our teeth) they are even more sensitive closer they are to the base.
-His horns are rigid yet smooth to the touch.
-He finds its amusing when you caress his horns he becomes flustered if you touch the base of them, he practically melts into your touch. He becomes pretty needy and touchy whenever you do this.
-His tongue is split, almost like a snake tongue. If he kisses with tongue it feels rather weird because of its texture. This isn’t taking away from the perks it certainly has.
-He loves just burying his face between your thighs and lapping up at all your sensitive spots. He finds it amusing and pleasurable watching the way your body reacts.
-He’ll start at a slow place swirling and pressing his tongue against your clit. As you get closer he’ll flick your clit with his tongue studying your body for any type of reaction. He’ll continue to tease you like this till you're begging him for some type of release. He’ll offer you a smile, proceeding to suck and lap at your clit till you cum.
-Pro tip: Please caress this man's horns while he eats you out. He’ll moan softly when you grab onto them. It encourages him to go faster.
-He’s a switch with a heavy, HEAVY preference for being top. (maybe one day he’ll come around and let you top more often).
-Humans are certainly strange to him. Especially the way humans are aroused. He often turns you on without even knowing. Especially with his gaze.
-He doesn’t get turned on very often, or at least when he does he doesn’t like to show it unless you're behind closed doors. He is a Prince after all and your antics mustn’t ruin his reputation, or at least that's what Sebek tells him. He likes to act calm for the most part but oh boy if you keep teasing him he’ll eventually lose his composure.
-He’s a dragon and a very, veryyyy tall man. He is 6’7 (200.66 cm) so he’s probably an easy 8in (20.32cm).
-When having sex with him for the first time, he’s hesitant, borderline scared. Afterall he doesn’t want to hurt you or somehow scare you away. He is very soft and gentle with you. Even his kisses are gentle, as if you’ll shatter into a million pieces if he is even the tiniest bit too rough with you.
-He won’t even move unless you tell him it's ok. He’ll start gentle and slow murmuring praises to you as he slowly picks up the pace. Now if you tell him you want him to be rough.. prepare yourself, it’s going to be a long night.
-To Malleus sex should be passionate and filled with love. He’ll whisper how much he loves you while going down your body, covering your skin with bite marks and hickies. He has the decency to only mark you in places where only you and him can see though it mostly to spare you the embarrassment.
-Speaking of that, he actually loves biting you and marking you. It’s like claiming you all for himself. He wonders if he is just possessive or maybe it’s the dragon in him.
-Malleus’ stamina is unparalleled and he can out-do just about everyone so on that note he may also have a slight breeding kink. It’s more of the idea of it cause at this time Malleus isn’t in for raising a child but maybe someday when he finally marries you.
-Personally I feel like Malleus wouldn’t exactly want you to call him anything in bed. Cute nicknames are ok like Mal, “Tsunotarou”, and My Prince are probably his only exceptions if used in a playful, loving manner.
-But he would definitely have a plethora of pet-names for you. His favorites being Darling, My Love, Dearest, and My Treasure. Occasionally he’ll decide to amuse you by giving you a silly nickname.
-Malleus can be a creature of habit and make things rather ritualistic so if you find your bedroom life getting boring you’ll have to encourage him to spice it up or you’ll have to do something yourself.
-Malleus is willing to try almost anything in order to satisfy your needs, though its partially because he is worried if he doesn’t fulfill your desires you might seek someone else but also he just wants to make you happy.
thx for reading!! recommendations, requests, and reblogs are welcomed 🫶
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thebluestbluewords · 4 months
guess who?
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In Blue’s Life News, I had a wedding yesterday! One of my friends brought me a very personalized gift, which is this AMAZING customized guess who game.
(I’m a tabletop game fiend irl, so this isn’t nearly as strange of a wedding gift as it looks)
After a successful round, we decided to switch to “vibes based clues only” which led to gems such as “would this character sue for no reason” (no, which eliminated Beast and Fairy Godmother) and “does this character have manic pixie dream girl energy” (also no, which eliminated Dizzy, Celia, and Mal).
we eventually both lost, after my answer to “would this character get bullied in school” led my friend to mistakenly eliminate Carlos, who would, in fact, get bullied in school.
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
Stomach Pain
Your whimpers had become the soundtrack to the day. You had woken up regressed and refused to age up. You had been extremely cuddly and clingy the whole day, although that wasn’t extremely unusual. You had spent the day just a tiny baby, needing your moms to hold you. 
Your moms were trying their best, they really were. At practice, they switched off who was with you. Usually- in the rare scenario where you were regressed at practice- you still loved to play. But today you adamantly refused. Kelley and Alex took turns holding you on the sidelines as you nuzzled as close to them as you could. Becky had known you and your moms for long enough to know that something was wrong with you, so she sent the coach a glare before practice began, begging him to protest. 
The worst part of practice was easily when Kelley and Alex both needed to be on the field. Luckily the goalies were taking a break, so they were able to hand you off to Ash. With a quick kiss to your head and an apology to Ash, they left your sobbing body in her arms. She managed to calm you down enough to the point where you were simply lying listlessly in her arms. Your eyes followed your moms on the field, but they showed no sign of understanding. 
You were well and truly small, no one on the team besides Kelley and Alex had seen you that small. You were nonverbal and completely dependent on them for everything. This also meant you cried- a lot. The two of them were barely able to stop your crying today. All through practice, and bus rides, meals and cool downs, you cried or whimpered or made some noise of distress. It was heartbreaking to everyone on the team. They all took turns trying to calm you and give your moms a break. Ash and Ali gave you a bath after practice which just consisted of you listlessly sitting in the tub. Christen and Tobin tried to handle nap time. After an hour of singing and reading and rocking, you finally were able to sleep restlessly for only 20 minutes. You were even more upset when you woke up. Your uncle- Frat Daddy Jr- stole you for a movie afternoon with the other youngsters. This entailed you crying quietly into Emily’s chest for the first half of the movie. After she slipped out to use the restroom, you found yourself sobbing in Mal’s arms. Luckily, Emily returned quickly and had grabbed your pacifier, so the second half was filled with your quiet hiccups. 
The whole team tried to get you to eat. When you wouldn’t even eat the ice cream you were offered, your moms decided to pull out their secret weapon. You hadn’t even had half of your bottle before you spit it out, crying. 
The day continued in a similar fashion. After you refused dinner, your moms took you up to bed and got you in pajamas, figuring an early night was in order. A knock on the door put that plan on hold. 
Becky came into the room, looking at where you were pitifully propped up against the pillows. You were in footie pajamas, a pacifier in your mouth. You looked absolutely miserable. 
“Hi sweetheart,” Becky starts, sitting by your feet, “I know that you have had a really hard day, and that’s okay. Sometimes we just have hard days. But, I need you to answer a very important question for me, okay?”
At this, you nod your head. 
“Good job! Is something wrong? Why have you been so sad all day?”
Again, you nod.
“Ok, do you think you can tell me what’s wrong? Maybe I can help you.”
You take a breath, trying to form your feelings into thoughts and your thoughts into words. Your face is scrunched in concentration until finally you manage to communicate. 
They were smart girls, they could figure it out. 
“Belly? Does your belly hurt?”
You whimper and nod. Finally, someone knew what was wrong. 
After a few more questions, you shaking and nodding your head in response, Becky has somewhat of an idea of what is going on. Pulling Kelley to the door with her as Alex snuggles you in bed, she says in a whisper, 
“I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’ll admit I’m worried. I think you guys should probably take her to the ER.”
Kelley nods, “I’ve honestly been thinking about it, I’m sure Alex has been too. Something is definitely wrong with her.”
With a ‘feel better’ and a pat on your leg, Becky is out of the door. 
2 hours later, the group chat goes off. Everyone grabs their phone at the collective ding, wanting to get any update they could. A text from Alex showed a video of you in a hospital gown. Kelley was sitting on the edge of the bed, cradling you as she rocked back and forth. Your hand, gripping onto her shirt, showed an IV getting some fluids into you. When the video starts, Alex’s voice is heard. 
‘A quick update. Little miss here has such an ouchy tummy because she needs her appendix out. She’s getting some fluids and pain meds now and they’re hoping to get her up to surgery in the next few hours. We won’t be back tomorrow, but hopefully we will be out of here the day after. After that, she’ll be out for a few weeks.’
The camera moves close to the bed as Alex’s voice changes slightly, ‘hey bunny, do you want to say hi to the camera? Our friends are watching!’
Your hand unhooks briefly from Kelley to wave before returning back to its previous position. 
‘I think that’s all for our update here. We’re still feeling kinda sick and really sad, but we’ll feel better soon. I’ll text you guys when they bring her up and any updates I get.’
The video ends with Kelley leaning her head down, pressing her lips to your hair. The team smiles as they hear Alex start to coo at you before the video ends. You were in good hands. As much as they all hated not being with you, they knew you would be safe. 
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total-drama-shark · 2 years
Like a month ago I off handedly mentioned in the tags of a reblog that Mike’s ROTI bio lived in my mind rent free and I want to share my thoughts on it in more detail!
The bio in question:
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// TW for very mild discussion and insinuation of trauma
First thing I wanted to mention is that alters switching in the bio is represented by ellipses, which I really like! With the ellipses being used both to signal switching and as aposiopesis, it gives a sort of text equivalent of dissociating which I think is pretty clever.
Second is how all the alters featured in ROTI make a cameo in the bio. While I understand why they did that, I cannot imagine the headache that must be rapidly switching five separate times in the time frame of what must be less than an hour.
An interesting thing about the switches in the bio, actually, is how they take place without any of the triggers we were explained the alters had in the series, which could indicate that they have more than the triggers shown on screen or that they don’t always need a trigger to be the cause of a switch (and realisticly would probably be the both) I have some few speculations as to how and why the switches took place in this:
We don’t have much to go off as to why Mike switches to Chester in the first question, my best guess is Chester got pulled to the front cause Mike was anxious or he’s better at dealing with interviews?
Svetlana fronts after Chester at the mention of movies, I like to believe the topic of movies could be a positive trigger for Svetlana.
The switch from Svetlana to Mike is interesting, we never got to hear the end of Svetlana’s dream and I can’t decipher what would bring Mike back to the front besides just, wanting to get back to the front I guess.
Mike is read recalling a childhood memory which is presumably unpleasant in some way, before Vito comes to the front. I personally believe that Vito switched to stop or prevent Mike from fully recovering that specific memory, maybe because it’s traumatic or something Mike isn’t emotionally prepared to confront yet.
When Manitoba switches after Vito his tone reads as frustrated, and we don’t see any switches after this. Possibly Manitoba got sick of all the rampant switching and decided to front himself and stop the other front accessing the front in the meantime, which would best work if he was a gatekeeper.
Something interesting about the interview is that it’s stated twice that Mike doesn’t have the best memory, specifically regarding his dreams and his childhood. The childhood part makes a lot of sense considering the nature and cause of DID and it’s really the only time the show ever seemed to, even if vaguely, acknowledge the implications of Mike having DID.
Different alters also mention different family members; Vito mentions working with an uncle in his first job, which is presumably the body’s uncle, and Manitoba mentions having a wife, which very likely isn’t the body’s wife. Personal interpretation is that Manitoba is an introject and his wife is an exomemory.
Lastly, it seems that the way the alters refer to fronting is compared to driving? Like Manitoba refers to who’s fronting as “who’s at the wheel” in the last question and in AS, Mal (while masking as Mike) tells Zoey that he’s “back in the driver’s seat”. Kinda neat way to describe it tbh.
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ttwt episode 6
“Last time, on Total Takes World Tour: our remaining players stopped by the charming Polish city of Krakow, but the only charms they got were pain, pain, and no game! Bonnie went a little AWOL when they decided to switch to a nocturnal lifestyle, but that still didn’t stop their team from using them as a personal love coach- again. Albert got some bad news, but it was Kelly who really took the cake for most pathetic episode ev-ah after their non-monogamous ex decided to return to monogamy.... for someone else. Ouch! What does this mean for Kelly? What will become of Team Mojo with their mojo gone? Find out now, on Total Takes World Tour!”
“And here we are fleeing from the Bulgarian police. Pricks,” Patrick says, shuffling his handful of photographs while his team peers over his shoulder. 
“Aww,” they coo as Patrick flips to another Polaroid of Kitty being tasered. “And here we are getting caught by the Bulgarian police.”
“You guys are so cute,” Sha-Mod says. “How long have you been together?”
Patrick stacks the images and puts them in his blazer pocket. “We’re not. We’re more like… business partners,” 
Albert and Michela make fleeting eye contact and then shrug. Across economy, Bonnie yawns and stretches, rubbing their eyes. Max turns to them. “How much did you get?’
“Enough,” Bonnie says, then sighs after Max continues staring. “Two hours.”
“How are we supposed to win with you on autopilot?” he snaps, then lowers his voice to a whisper. “You expect me to carry the team with THESE people?”
He gestures behind him to Kelly, Staci, and Phillip, the latter of which is staring intently at a cockroach on the wall and holding his temples. 
Bonnie sighs. “Fine, I’ll get a coffee,”
“This has got to be the best season yet,” Ass sighs as a manicurist paints their nails. “If beating the other teams will be this easy, we might as well move in here permanently.”
“You’d think they have the numeral advantage, but we’re actually doing quite well. I’m impressed!” Courtney adds on. They stretch in their plush, first-class seat and sigh happily as the smell of breakfast wafts in the room. 
Julia watches the interaction and rolls her eyes before sitting back and pulling a sleeping mask back on to catch a few more minutes of sleep She kicks back and Mal slinks into the seat next to her, pulling out an ink pad and stamping her thumb print to an index card. 
“Mal!” Courtney shouts, pulling out a spray bottle and chasing her to the other side of the cabin. 
“It’s for my charity auction!” she yells. “It’s for charity! Well- my charity! These fingerprints go for a lot of money in the Balkans!”
Courtney backs them into a corner and then sighs. Ass rolls their eyes. “Next time we lose, she’s out,”
“I can get behind that,” they take an exhausted seat next to them. “I found her collecting hair from the shower drain the other day.”
Ass shivers. 
Chris’ voice squeals over the intercom, making everyone jump. “Good morning, passengers! If you’ll look out the right side of the plane, you’ll see our next destination- Australia!”
Courtney and Ass peer out their window over a vast expanse of green. “Are you sure we didn’t take a wrong turn again? End up in Austria?” Ass shouts. 
“Nope. Welcome to the rainforest, mates! Now buckle in and gear up, our landing track is a little… um, crowded!”
Courtney looks back out the window to see an overgrown, crumbling landing pad. They sigh. “He’s so doing this on purpose,”
Economy class buckles in just in time- seconds after Bonnie figures out the seatbelts in their disoriented state, the entire cabin begins tossing around luggage, garbage, and miscellaneous rats like a salad. 
The teens yelp and duck as clothes, books, and the occasional snack stash fly at their heads. A rat wearing a crucifix necklace latches onto Patrick’s shoulder. 
Finally, after several minutes of bumping and bruising, the plane comes to a stop. Economy groans and stands shakily as Chris laughs like a maniac over the intercom. 
Albert rubs a bump on his head and turns to his right. “Um, Patrick, don’t freak out, but-”
“Oh, please. I’m not a wussy fruitcake like the rest of you,” he says. “A little turbulence is nothing to a sigma like me. Man up.”
“Yeah, okay. You have a rat on your shoulder,”
Patrick turns to his shoulder. He goes pale and shrieks, standing up and shaking in circles, screaming “GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!” while everyone else watches. Michela rolls her eyes. 
Patrick sits in the confessional in the fetal position, sobbing.
“Calm down! You’ll hurt him,” Albert says, scooping the rat off his shoulder. “He won’t bite.”
“What makes you so sure?” Max asks, raising an eyebrow. 
Albert holds him away and glares a little. “He won’t have to defend himself if he has nothing to fear,” 
ALBERT: "Max is... afraid of me. Interesting. Very, very interesting,"
Max rolls his eyes and drifts back over to Bonnie, helping them up to leave the plane. The rest of their team follows behind, then the Mojos. 
Outside of the great metal bird, the teens immediately swallow in the muggy, humid air. Birds chirp, mysterious creatures squawk and the rat on Albert’s shoulder squeaks nervously and scampers back into the plane. 
“Where are we?” Ass finally asks, hands on their hips and eyes lowered. 
Chris, busy picking his teeth with his pinky finger, looks up. “Hm?”
“I said where are we?”
“Oh, yeah. Forgot we were doing that,” he chuckles. “Welcome to the Dandenong Mountains!”
“The what now?” Sha-Mod asks, squinting. 
“Mountain range- well, more like hills and rainforest,”
Mal squeals. “OMG, in the original World Tour, the Amazons went to the Amazon forest, so does that mean that we’re going to the-”
“NO! There’s no Yaoi forest!” Chris snaps. He composes himself and smiles. “Today’s challenge is simple- you’ll be going on an itsy-bitsy safari for some of Australia’s finest- and deadliest!”
The teens shift uncomfortably and look between each other. 
“But don't worry, due to local laws we can’t have you capture any of the wildlife. You’ll be getting these!” he says as Chef passes around slips of laminated paper. “Your cards for species bingo. The first time to reach the finish line with a bingo wins first class- and avoids elimination!”
A bird squawks off in the distance. Team Yaoi looks between each other nervously, as every Mojo turns to Albert expectedly. 
“Ready? Go!”
The teens awkwardly amble off and begin moving through the brush. Team Friendship takes a leftwards path, Max in the lead while Bonnie stumbles behind him. 
MAX: “Maybe voting off Scruffy was a mistake. At least they knew how to lead a team of morons,”
“Keep your eyes peeled. A lot of these are big, so it shouldn’t be too hard to spot things,” he instructs, handing the team card to Staci. “Don’t lose this.”
She salutes and tucks the sheet under her sweater. Kelly gives her a thumbs up. 
“Y’know, I should be leading,” Phillip says, walking past Max. “I was in the boy scouts, but I had to drop out cause it wasn’t tough enough for a guy like me.”
He trips over a root and lands face-first in the dirt. Max steps over his limp body without a second thought and he sobs into the mulch. 
“This place is so cool- like we’re in Jurassic Park!” Sha-Mod says, petting a fern leaf. 
Albert passes by him, holding the bingo sheet. “Let’s hope not. And try not to touch anything you don’t recognize, the flora here isn’t known to be friendly,”
Sha-Mod quickly stands and hurries to catch up with the group. Patrick rolls his eyes. “Please. Afraid of a little plant?” he stops and stands over a shrub. “Oooh, I’m so scared.” 
A spider crawls out of the brush and sits atop the plant. He immediately screams and stumbles backwards into Michela, barreling her over. 
“Ow,” she grumbles, rubbing her shoulder while Patrick rocks back and forth on the ground. 
Albert backtracks and holds out a hand, which she accepts with a smile. He smiles back. 
ALBERT: “Okay, so, I lost my job. No big deal! I still have plenty to live for and now that I’ve been f-...f-f… fired- I can finally pursue them. I mean, I would've used the winnings to donate to the coalition, but when’s the last time I’ve taken a day off?” He smiles and his eye twitches. 
Albert stops the group in a small clearing to show them the bingo card. “Most of these are pretty easy to find. The spider that scared Patrick looked like a funnel web,”
He huffs and crosses his arms. “You’re welcome,”
“A lot of these are birds, so just keep your heads up. If we had time and gear, we could set up a really nice bird-watching party, but… a hike is just as good a way to see wildlife as any,” he shrugs. 
“You’ve done a lot of hiking, huh?” Michela asks, standing and brushing off her skirt. 
Albert hums and looks down at the sheet. “My dad and I used to do a lot of camping and hiking,” he stands and begins leading the group again. 
“Used to?” she asks, walking alongside him. He smiles sadly and shrugs. “Oh… sorry,”
After a brief moment of silence, Michela takes his hand and gives it a squeeze. Patrick rolls his eyes from behind them. “What a couple of fruitcakes, huh, buddy?” he chuckles. No response. “Um…”
Patrick stops and turns, prompting Michela and Albert to do the same. 
Sha-Mod walks through the thick jungle with swagger, taking wide strides and whistling to himself. He makes it some steps before suddenly colliding face-first into a tree- sending him tumbling backwards down a hill, into a creek, and then downstream. 
“That’s not good,” Michela says. 
Patrick smirks. “Relax, sweetheart. Chris never said we had to make it past the finish line with the whole team,”
Michela grits her teeth and steps on his foot. Patrick screams in pain and whimpers, scampering away. 
“OMG you guys, there’s Yaoi on this list!” Mal squeals, holding the sheet to the sky. 
“Give me that,” Ass snatches it back and reads it. “This says YOWIE, you dolt. There’s even a picture!”
“I thought that was just a bear. Someone isn’t well versed on their gay terminology!” she crosses her arms. “Besides, Yowies aren’t real.”
Julia rolls her eyes from behind the two. “But yaoi is?” 
“Duh! We have gay rights for a reason!”
“Can you guys settle down?” Courtney asks, massaging their temples. “I have a really bad headache.” They turn around for a second and a massive spider crawls off their back. Julia and Ass go pale and make fleeting eye contact, then shake their heads. “Let’s just keep going,”
“Cockatoo,” Albert says, marking off another item on the bingo sheet. “We’ve got echidna, spider, and cockatoo, but… no Sha-Mod.”
“I hope he’s okay,” Michela says, somewhat nervously. “He wouldn’t leave us alone with… that thing, would he?”
Albert scoffs a little, slightly offended. “The cockatoo hasn’t done anything to you,”
“No. I meant the other thing,” she points to Patrick, who’s busy taunting the plants to hurt him. They both shiver, and then laugh.
ALBERT: "Michela is a good person. She doesn't care about what other people think about her, or losing her job and her very reason for existing! I could learn a thing or two. If only it was just us on the team,"
“Anything yet?” Bonnie yawns, stumbling over another overgrown root. 
Max shakes his head and moves a branch out of the way for them as they walk ahead blindly. “We might be doing better if we were QUIET!” he shouts, turning to Kelly and Staci behind them, who quickly stop gossiping. 
Max massages his temples. Phillip walks alongside him, covered in bug bites and dirt. “I had a dream that I could control animals with my mind once. I wrote a poem about it, do you want to hear?”
Bonnie yawns again and scratches their head. “Where are we, again?”
He groans. 
MAX: “SOMETHING has to be done about this team. Bonnie’s been avoiding everyone because of their- whatever you’d call their thing with Caesar- Staci is too busy gabbing about girls and gossip to be of actual use, Kelly is only here for moral support, and Phillip is basically a pet,”
“Look, there!” Kelly says, pointing. Max stops dead in his tracks and looks in the direction they’re pointing. “A fruit fly!”
He slowly sits down on the forest floor, puts his head in his hands and rocks back and forth. 
Bonnie walks over to Kelly and Staci, who are staring nervously. “You broke him,” they say before slumping over and falling asleep on Staci’s shoulder. 
“Sha-Mod!” Michela shouts. “Sha-Mod!”
“Is it really such a wise idea to shout?” Patrick asks. “I mean- not for me. But you know, you might attract something dangerous for you.”
“There are no large terrestrial predators in Australia,” Albert says nonchalantly. “Anything in these rainforests that could kill you isn’t predatory towards people, and would only act in self-defense. So let’s try not to antagonize anything else, okay?”
Patrick rolls his eyes. 
It’s dark. 
The sound of bugs flying, mammals chittering, and birds crying out fills the empty air. 
Slowly, Sha-Mod awakes. He groans and sits up, scratching his head with his back to the camera. “Owie,” he says. 
Then, it’s bright. Too bright. 
“Wait,” he grabs at his face. The feeling of warm flesh fills the void where smooth paper should be. Sha-Mod ducks to the ground and sees the mulchy, emulsified remains of Lighting crumbled in the dirt. “Oh, no. Oh no. This isn’t good.”
Julia presses ahead, swatting at the jungle growth with her arm while Ass, Mal, and Courtney follow behind them. It’s beginning to get dark, the sun setting off in the distance. 
“Guys, I really don’t feel good,” Courtney mumbles. “My head is pounding, I think I have food poisoning or something.”
“Did you eat any of Chef’s scrambled eggs, cause those were definitely expired,” a voice from the brush says. 
Team Mojo walks out of the undergrowth, converging with Team Yaoi. Michela walks over to Courtney and scans them over. “Cramping at all?"
They shake their head. “No cramping, I just feel sick,”
She turns back to Albert, who sighs and begrudgingly steps forward to inspect them. “What are your symptoms? You could’ve been bitten by something,”
Ass and Julia look between each other with wide eyes. 
“Headache, and… I feel nauseous,” they say as Albert holds a hand to their head. 
“Well, you’re not dead yet, so it can’t be that bad,” Patrick says. Courtney rolls their eyes. 
“Do you remember handling any wildlife? Maybe you fell into a bush and startled something?”
“We went through some overgrowth earlier, but I’m sure it’s nothing,” Julia says. “We should really get going, thank you.” She grabs Courtney’s arm and pulls them away. 
The cracking sound of thunder stops Team Yaoi in their steps and Julia grits her teeth as a sharp downpour begins to cover the forest. “You wouldn’t happen to know how to make a fire, would you?” 
“You know, we really shouldn’t be doing this. It’s winter in the southern hemisphere, and-”
“SHH!” Ass hisses at Albert. “We are on a survival show. We. Are. Surviving!”
He grumbles to himself and sits next to Michela after she finishes lighting the fire. “I hope Sha-Mod is doing okay,”
“Hey, maybe Team Friendship found him,” she says, tossing the fire-starting sticks into the hearth. “Max would take care of him for us.”
Albert raises an eyebrow. “Would he?”
Julia studies the interaction cautiously as Ass hisses at Mal for getting too close. 
Michela’s expression shifts at the speed of light, and she takes on a new, more annoyed look. “What does that mean?” 
“I mean, I don’t know him, of course,” Albert says, raising his hands defensively. “But he seems kind of… mean.”
“You can say that again,” Julia mumbles, kicking a rock into the fire. Albert nods. “See?”
“Well, Julia deserves it,” Michela says. “But he’s not a mean person. Right?”
Patrick whistles passive-aggressively. Julia rolls her eyes and Courtney avoids eye contact entirely. 
“He seems fine to me,” Ass says. “But that’s probably not a compliment coming from myself.”
“I like his yaoi ships!” Mal offers. 
Michela stands. “Fine, if you’re all so sure, you can stay here on your high horses. I’m going to go find Sha-Mod,”
And then she storms off into the rain. 
Staci finishes hammering together a makeshift wooden shelter with a hand-held rock and ducks under it, where Max is crouching in the dirt. Kelly is shivering, and Phillip is scribbling in his notebook. Bonnie is fast asleep on the ground. 
“Well, this is delightful,” Max sighs. “Anyone else enjoying themselves? This is basically a cruise!”
“You don’t have to be so negative all the time,” Staci says, sitting down next to Phillip. 
Max rolls his eyes and pulls his knees to his chest. “How long has Bonnie been out?”
“A few hours,” Kelly says, matter-of-factly. “On the bright side, we’ve got two animals on our bingo card now!” 
He groans and puts his head in his hands. Staci sighs. 
STACI: “Okay, admittedly, I haven’t been carrying this team like I know I could. My plan was more to fly under the radar like in Island, and then cruise to the final five. But… if we lose, Kelly might get voted out. They’re not exactly a class favorite right now,”
Bonnie suddenly yawns loudly and sits up, rubbing their eyes. “Mhmm… what time is it? Did we win?” they awake and turn from side to side. “Where are we?”
“The rainforest, sleeping beauty,” Max comments dully, flicking a lint ball off his blazer. 
“What? But I have a match in like, fifteen minutes! If I miss a league tournament they’ll kick me off the team!”
Max glowers. “I don’t think that’s the team you should worry about being kicked off of now,”
Bonnie looks away. 
BONNIE: “I don’t exactly have a good catalog of coping mechanisms. Avoidance is numero uno,”
Michela walks through the thick jungle, staring up ahead at the high canopy. The rain has begun to clear up, but it’s not any easier to navigate through the dark. 
“Sha-Mod? Sha-Mod!” she shouts. “Come on, man!”
No response. She sighs, but trudges on. As she pushes through another overgrown fern, a rustling behind her makes her whirl around. 
“Hey, it’s just me,” Albert says. “I couldn’t sleep knowing you were out here alone.”
She opens her mouth to retort and he quickly holds up a finger. 
“Not that I think you’re incapable of taking care of yourself, this is just a rainforest at night. Not the safest place to be off-trail,” he says quickly. “I have full confidence in your skills. But I also wanted to apologize, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sure Max is… a nice person…”
“You don’t have to lie to me,” Michela snaps, walking ahead again. Albert trails after her. “Sha-Mod!”
“He just comes off as kind of rude! And you’re so open, and helpful to everyone…”
“I guess I just don’t see it,” 
“Sha-Mod, come on, man! Help me out here!”
“But…” Albert says, catching up to Michela and standing in front of her. She lowers her eyebrows at him. “I could believe that he’s nice to you, at least. You’re easy to be nice to.”
Michela looks away. “Thanks. I guess,”
“I won’t bring it up again, promise,” 
The two make brief eye contact and then hug for a little bit too long. From the brush behind them, Julia squints. 
JULIA: “Maybe Max isn’t a totally delusional control freak, after all. There is something going on between those two. But the question is, how can I get this to turn in my favor?”
Julia returns to the campfire and takes a seat. Courtney looks up. “Did you find any?”
“Oh, yeah. Um, no,” Julia says, leaning back. “Guess you’ll just have to rough it.”
“Great work. Really top-notch survival skills,” Patrick says, trying and failing to carve a stick into a spear. 
“As if you could do any better,”
“Oh, please. I bet you’re really regretting being dumped by me now, huh?” he chuckles, pointing his barely-formed spear at her. “I could do this in my sleep.”
“I broke up with YOU!” 
He smirks and rolls his eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, honey,”
Julia grits her teeth and sits between Ass and Mal, seething. Courtney chuckles lightly, looking pale and sickly. “Says the guy who got dumped here by his whole team,”
“Yeah, and not to mention your losing streak,” Ass rolls their eyes. “Really great ‘survival skills’, Bear Grylls.”
“And, for the record, it was Julia who broke up with you. It’s literally on my Patulia archive blog,” Mal nods. “Honestly, you should be so lucky you got to go out with her in the first place.”
“Yeah, what did you ever bring to the table?” Courtney asks. “Julia is smart, experienced, and a good leader.”
“We would never leave Julia behind with another team. And we hate her!” Ass says, jabbing a finger in his direction. 
Patrick grumbles to himself and half-heartedly tosses his spear into the fire. Julia blinks. 
Sha-Mod stumbles through the forest blindly. A large leaf has been tied around his face with a shoelace and, without proper eyeholes, he’s as blind as a bat. 
After walking into the third tree along the trail, he sighs. 
SHA-MOD: “Is this the universe punishing me for saying I needed time apart from Takes Three? I didn’t mean to get Joner voted out! I didn’t know I could do that with my mind!”
The rain picks up again and he sighs. 
A few minutes behind him, Michela and Albert are walking alongside each other, shoulder-to-shoulder. “I hope he isn’t hurt,” the latter says, scanning the treeline as if Sha-Mod might be up there. “Hey- possum. That’s another one for the bingo.”
Albert pulls the sheet out of his windbreaker and checks off another box. Michela raises an eyebrow and he stares back. “Bad timing?”
“No, no. It’s okay. But I wouldn’t hate it if we lost, I mean… Patrick has gotta go,” she says. “He’s been dragging his heels this entire competition.”
“Agreed. He’s been giving you a hard time,” Albert says, clicking his pen. “Poor Sha-Mod, though…”
The faint sound of a ringing bell catches both of their attention and they turn to each other. "Now?" Michela sighs before clearing her throat. “We should’ve just kept our heads, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“I thought so too, but then we lost Sha-Mod in the rain-for-est!” Albert continues. 
“Now if he goes missing-”
“-We definitely won’t be ‘winnin!”
“Oh, what would we do the-en?”
Sha-Mod stumbles through the foliage just yards ahead, coughing weakly. The faint, familiar dinging of the song bell sounds and he groans. He sighs:
“Lost here, woods are gonna make me boke,
Leaf in my face, get me outta this place!
Going solo was not what I anticipated, probably means I’m eliminated. Yeah, I’m out! Out, oooh, oooh, yeah, yeah, yeah!”
“Sha-Mod?” a voice comes from behind him.
Sha-Mod whirls around and runs through the forest towards the voice, stumbling over roots and logs before tumbling into a warm wash of light. 
When he looks up from the dirt, he sees Team Friendship watching him. Phillip finally squeaks out a quiet: “What happened to you?”
“I-I made it! I’m back! I’m safe, all by myself!” he says, pumping his fist. “I survived alone! I can do anything!”
“Okay, that’s great. Where’s Team Mojo?” Max asks sharply. 
Sha-Mod shrugs. “We got separated. I haven’t seen them since this morning,”
After a long, drawn out sigh, Max finally speaks. “Okay. We’ll find them in the morning,”
Team Yaoi (and Patrick) crowd around their dying fire, trying to shield it from the rain. A rustling from the bushes behind them turns everyone’s attention to the foliage. 
“Did you guys hear that?” Courtney asks nervously, looking from side to side with wide eyes. 
“It was probably just the wind,” Patrick says. “There are no large terrestrial predators in Australia. That’s something I knew all by myself. No one told me that.”
Julia rolls her eyes. 
“Maybe it’s Yaoi!” Mal squeals, kicking her legs back and forth. 
“A yowie,”
“I told you, yowies aren’t real, but yaoi is!”
The bushes rustle louder and everyone turns again. A large, ape-like creature jumps from the brush and roars. Everyone screams (especially Patrick) and takes off running into the forest. 
The “yowie” giggles and takes off its mask, revealing a short teenager. Kitty unzips the suit and then runs back off into the forest. 
Michela and Albert return to the campfire, wet and exhausted, and raise both their eyebrows at the sight of the abandoned embers and empty yowie suit. 
“I don’t even wanna know,” Michela grumbles. 
The sun rises over the mountains in the east, washing a new light over the damp earth. Bonnie yawns and stretches, looking much less pale and sickly than they had for the past few days. 
Max follows after, then Staci and Kelly rise. “Hey- where’s Phillip?”
As if summoning him from Hell, he arrives with his shirt full of berries. “Look what I found! Valuable asset to the team, right?” Max rolls his eyes. 
Through the fog behind him, Michela and Albert walk into the clearing. “And that’s a bingo,” the latter says, marking off kookaburra on their sheet. “Oh!”
Sha-Mod jumps up from where he’d been lying on the ground and throws himself into Michela’s arms. “IgotlostIwassoscaredneverleavemealoneeveragain!” he sobs rapidly. 
“We found him in the woods like a puppy in a wet box on the side of the road,” Max sighs. “Then he ate all our food supplies and scared off our last chances of finding a bingo.”
Sha-Mod sobs loudly in Michela’s arms. “Geez, alright,” she says, then turns to Albert. “See? Told you.”
He smiles and shrugs, then turns away from her to roll his eyes. 
Team Yaoi (and Patrick) come stumbling out of the fog next, all panting and exhausted. Once they’ve caught their breath, Ass whacks Mal upside the head. 
“Sure, let’s make it a party,” Bonnie yawns, then turns to team Friendship. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
The three teams- now reunited- cross the finish line at the exit of the forest, where Chris and the plane are waiting. “Wow, what happened to you guys? You look terrible!” he chuckles. 
The teens collectively glare at him. 
“Well, anyway. Let’s see those bingo cards…” he walks between the groups. “Two for Team Friendship, a full five for Team Mojo, and…. Surprise! Nothing for Team Yaoi.”
The team groans and he grins. “Lucky for you, this is a non-elimination round!”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Bonnie grumbles. Team Yaoi weakly cheers. Ass holds out their hand for a high five from Courtney, who swings and misses, then falls over. 
“Team Mojo, you’ll be enjoying first class,” he says, walking back in front of the groups. “The rest of you will enjoy gruel and grime in economy. See you there!”
Team Friendship groans. “Don’t look so glum, guys. At least I have these!” Phillip says, popping a small black berry in his mouth. 
“Yeah, I wouldn’t eat those if I were you,” Albert says. “Those look like nightshades.”
“They’re poisonous,”
Phillip goes pale and spits out the berry, scraping off his tongue and whimpering. 
"Some boy scout," Max mutters.
The plane jostles a little, shaking economy. Courtney snores through the turbulence, hanging limply in their seatbelt. Ass mumbles a brief “ew” as Mal drools on her phone, and they scooch closer to Julia, who’s staring ahead intently. 
Bonnie is fast asleep, back to a normal human sleep schedule after their soiree in the jungle broke their bad habit. Kelly and Staci are leaning on each other, snoring, and Phillip is mumbling to himself. 
Max, balancing his head in his palms, blinks slowly, staring ahead out the window into the dark. After a few moments of silence, Julia unbuckles herself and crosses the great expanse from one side of the cabin to the other while the plane shakes. 
She takes a seat next to Max and he sighs dramatically. “What is it now?”
“Calm down, I just wanted to talk,”
“I’m not falling for that again,”
“I’ll make it short,” she smiles. “You weren’t with Team Mojo last night, after all. If I were you… I’d keep a close eye on Albert.”
Max blinks and looks pale. And with that, she walks back to the other side of the cabin. 
JULIA: “No, Michela and I aren’t enemies- but we aren’t allies, either. That makes her fair game. I want Patrick gone, and if that means I have to pick off the only player that’s keeping that team together- so be it,”
13 notes · View notes
redsaurrce · 2 years
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Dune Of Danger
𓈈 Who would get killed between the fight of the good and the evil? No- Who would get killed between the fight of the evil and the more evil?
PAIRING: Yandere Sand artist wizard!Hoseok X Evil fem!reader
GENRE: Magician au, sand wizard artist au, reincarnation au
WARNINGS: SMUT, YANDERE and OBSESSIVE themes, Profanity, kissing, use of sand during sexual intercourse, cumming, p*ssy licking, breast play
Taglist ꒱ @babyboo22 @theblueslytherin @yansob @apriljoon @xxxbangtanbabexxx @favfanfictsbts @seokjins-luigi @iffyleafy @effielumiere @getoutofthere @luvv2jade @bri-mal @xicanacorpse @emperatris-rinaka @strawberryjimin13 @eddiegirl-86 @jungkookminthairwhen @tornparts @telepathytae @taeisbae13
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Evil. Lord created you evil with intentions of killing you by punishing you in the end for your misdeeds. You scoff everytime you think about it, your parents have taught you how to behave, how should the evils behave, the same way their parents have taught them and so on.. it was a lineage, even if it was evil. Even if it was inevitable, no matter how much you didn't like the idea of misleading humans, you always ended up doing it subconsciously.
As if this trait was present in your genes.
So you decided to take your swirl of evilness and direct it towards the bad people instead. For species of your clan, not harming at least one human once a week would make you lose your sanity, you start going insane, you feel your skin getting burned up.
In order to avoid the pain, the evil has to play its role. It was inevitable indeed. You grew up learning these things and at the age of eighteen you were officially assigned the job to mislead people into doing bad things.
And you did, because of you a whole rumor in Incheon spread like a wild fire within the past week- a rumor that there's a witch in the town.
You had your face hidden with a cloak when you heard a camaraderie talking among themselves on the table behind you. "Woah this soju is heaven!" A man said in ecstasy, "Damn it! This is the only thing keeping me sane while my woman is fucking other men when I'm not around." He said as his voice suddenly filled up with remorse.
"And you allow her to do that?" Another man snickered while whirling his tiny glass. "As if! I give her a good beating but she never fucking listens." He exasperated.
Your eyes went wide at the sudden confession. "Nah man maybe she doesn't know how beastly a man can get." A third man piped in, he continued, "if you allow me, let me fuck her too sometime." He winked.
The previous man scoffed, "Why would you do that when you have such a sexy woman as your wife?"
"You find my wife sexy? Dang you sound like you like her or something? How about we sleep with each other's wives for a few nights" With every passing minute their conversation kept on growing disgusting, how dare they think of their wives as some freaking toys?
"This is so unfair, why am I getting missed out?" The third person said pitifully. "I can share mine with you tonight." Another new voice spoke.
Enough! You couldn't hear these douchebags anymore so you stood up and left the bar tent.
Jimin switched on the news channel while he made designs on the pile of sand spread evenly on his wooden table. He used to run a workshop for people interested in sand art every weekends. It was early in the morning when he usually comes at 6 o'clock to clean his workshop then start making art for reference for his students who usually come at 9.
It was 8:43 in the morning currently when he made art while watching the news on the TV.
"Four men around their late thirties have been found hanging in the center square street, police have declared it as a suicide since there are no signs of any external perpetrator. Many locals believe that is the work of the witch who has been going around killing people who are known to be awful. We have a woman who's been the neighbor of one of the victims."
The news reporter passed a mic to a woman who seemed to be in her fifties, "The man who lived upstairs was completely vile, I often heard loud noise of beatings and screams of his wife and whenever he was away, I invited her over to spend some time at our unit. One day the man burst open our door and dragged away his wife harshly. All happening in front of my eyes."
"Haven't you thought of lodging a complaint to the police?" The reporter asked.
"I have but when the police arrived, the couple said there was no problem with them and after the police were gone I heard her scream throughout the night. It really really broke my heart. I have suggested her several methods to escape from him but the man always found her." Tears ran down the lady's cheeks as she remembered the incidents, "He became so delusional that his wife was actually going around cheating on him." She sniffed. "Poor girl, she deserved none of these, I'm actually content that her husband's gone. She can heal now."
Jimin closed the news as he heard the footsteps and faint chatters of his students coming in.
"Hey did you hear about the witch?" Rei whispered among her friends, "Yeah and I totally look upto her. They should call her a fairy instead of witch to be honest." Wonyoung pouted in dissatisfaction.
"Right! Hollywood has romanticized superheroes killing off villains, what about our witch who is actually punishing bad people in real life?" Yuna said while opening her converse to keep on the shoe shelf. Jimin had strictly instructed for no one to enter the art room wearing shoes, it makes the place messier given how they worked with sand.
"Alright everyone, gather around here and observe this sand art." He smiled at his students.
"This art.. " Jimin blinked at Mi-jo's side who felt uncomfortable looking at the artwork.
"What is it Mijo?" He asked. "Why did you draw someone dying?" She asked him.
He had a crooked smile, "Do you see his body getting mixed with the sand?"
She nodded lightly and the rest of his students paid more attention to what he was about to say. "You guys know about zodiac signs right?" Everyone said yes in unison.
He exhaled and began, "Water, fire, earth and air signs.. do you know what's common in all of these?" The students shook their heads at his question.
He had a fade smile, "when you look up, all these signs depend on different constellations but, when you look down at your feet that touches the ground, there's sand. The thing common in all these signs is that no matter whatever the person's sign is.. they are going to return to the very sand one day, without any discrimination." He explained.
Jimin chuckled, "Alright class, let's begin our work."
"But sir we have marble below our feet instead of sand." The rest of the class including Jimin started laughing at Niki's words.
"Hey you get the meaning right, so stay quiet." Chaewon laughed and said.
"Mom I get it that you don't care about me but I'm about to die and I don't even know why, yet how are you so chill about it?" You looked at her in bewilderment.
"WHAT? A death order? What did I do mom?" You were flabbergasted and circled around the table to reach at her side.
"I don't know, a notice came through the mail and told you to visit the wizard's house for any query." Your mother said while reading her book by the fireplace.
"Look, I'm not a human so don't expect any humanly love from me Y/N, I get that your previous life's mother was sweet to you, but I've always been from the evil clan, I don't care if you die or not."
"You are truly evil." You whispered in anger as you clutched the paper of notice and stormed outside.
You went to the building written in the mail and cross checked the address, you were at the right place.
There were some bold letters on the entrance. "Yarel academy? Is the wizard a teacher or something?" You pondered.
You went inside but the rooms seemed empty, that's when you heard something rustle, you quickly went towards the direction of the sound and found a person doing some work. "Excuse me, do you know someone named Seungho here?"
The person looked up, you contorted your eyebrows as you looked at him. Hoseok?
"It's me. Seungho." He looked at you with a spark in his eyes. "Do you need an admission here?"
Seungho? So he played with his name Jung Hoseok a little and made this pseudonym?
You scoffed at him, "Did you summon my death request on purpose?" you raised your left eyebrow. He smiled and looked at you, "Seems like you know me."
"Quit the play Hoseok!" Your words dripped with venom. He looked at your gaze, it was new, it was evil. But that's who you were.
"Woah woah calm down Y/N, blaming others won't take you anywhere." He said with his hands dancing.
His smile grew sinister, "I was afraid you'd have forgotten me, Y/N."
Your eyes twitched, "How could I forget you? You, because of whom I lost my life in Sandezel and has been reborn as the evil- meanwhile you?! You live the same even after being reincarnated once again. You should've been in my place instead."
Your eyes grew narrow and you strided near his table of sand and grabbed him by collar, you looked at his eyes with pure hate, his eyes which had no regret, no shame.
"Did you already forget? You told me to burn down the papers of the head angel saying that it was inked with the devil's blood?" He looked at you intently as you said so.
"But who told you to listen to me?"
"You were the fucking head angel's top most guard. How could I not listen to you?" Hoseok nodded slowly at your reasoning.
"So.. why did you do it? Why did you tell me to do it?" You asked him with wide eyes, you've been waiting for this particular day ever since your memories from your past life have returned, and that was when you were six.
"Did you forget as well already? You refused to be my girlfriend Y/N. If I couldn't have you, it was better for us both to die." He said as he grabbed your hand tightly to remove it from his collar.
"You're unbelievable Hoseok, even after you are reborn as the sand wizard, you still think we can be together. I would rather choose death again, and this time voluntarily. It's better than to be your girlfriend." You said but just then you felt something brush off your hand.
You grinned and looked at him with craze, "No need. Just kill me."
You looked down at your hand which he was still holding, you quickly snatched your hand away in fright.
"Relax, the sand that fell off your skin were just some dead cells of your skin, but you now know well that you evil can't touch a single hair of us sand wizards'. We can turn you into sand anyday, anytime, anyway we want." He grabbed your chin and made you look at him, "And just because I'm not from the evil clan doesn't make me ignorant from the fact that once the evil dies, they are never reincarnated. I'm not telling you to be my girlfriend this time, just sleep with me once.. that'll be enough and I'll hand you over the paper for your request for death." He smirked as he saw your eyeballs shake a little.
He liked it, he liked this aura of yours, it was strangely turning him on, "Don't you want to continue to save a few more victims before you die, Y/N. I'm sure there are more disgusting men out there that you want to kill. You need to live Y/N but- I'm going to kill you."
A tiny tornado of sand started whirling on his palm, "Tell me Y/N, will you give me what I want and survive to save innocent people or rather die in vain?"
You grit your teeth as the memories of the men inside the tent flashed in your memory, "Just one night right? Fine. Just one night and hand me over the paper."
He smiled and ceased the whirl of sand. "Good decision."
You came inside the house he had given you the address of. You opened your magenta colored cloak hanged it on the stand and went to the room he directed you to go through the text message.
You opened the door to reveal him half lying and supporting his head with his folded arm.
The door closed behind you on its own just like the main door.
You opened your shirt and pants and sat beside him.
He ran his hand along your elbow and he back hugged you. You felt his breath tickle the skin of your neck. His hand ran down to your back and he opened your bra, letting it fall. He started kissing your collarbone as he went down and tore your panty.
He kissed your neck with eyes closed, leaving open kisses on your neck then your jaw and then turned you around to face him.
He looked at his palm for a second and a pile of sand gathered in it, he closed his fist and brought it above your chest and let them fall slowly.
The sand particles rolled down your chest, he brought his hand and brushed off your breasts, a little roughly. "I shouldn't let any sand remain on your boobs so that i dont get them inside my mouth later on.. right baby?" You immediately closed your eyes as he picked each sand particle one by one off your boobs and then your nipple in a way that he was pinching them.
He brought his mouth near them and blew some air, "Now they look clean." Then he kissed your boobs and starting sucking one while his hand was busy playing with the other one.
He then came up and deep kissed you for a significant amount of time leaving you breathless so you tried sucking air out of his mouth. He detached and you both pant for air.
"Y/N... here... take this sand and write your name on my chest." He created another pile of sand and gave it in your hands as he laid down and made you sit on his dick letting it enter your vagina.
You thought it was just another demand of Hoseok so you did it without a question.
You leaned down and wrote your name on his chest while you were overwhelmed by the pleasure of his hands working on your ass. Writing your name was simple, anyone can do that even if they had almost no sense left.
He thrusted his dick deeper as you finished writing, it made you arch backwards. He repeated the action until you cummed.
He made you lay down and he went down to lick your pussy. You were so delicious, you were so evil. Everything about you made him crazy for you.
You woke up in the morning to find Hoseok missing from your side but instead there was a file of documents. You quickly sat up and looked at it. Those were the papers of your request and order of your death. You immediately tore them to pieces and burn them using your powers.
Finally you felt liberated.
You got up to leave his home just when you felt something tight in your ankle. You looked down to see a think chain forming and appearing to clutch your ankle. You forcefully tried to break it and also used your spells but it wasn't working out.
Just then Hoseok came and stood at the door. "Hoseok what the hell is this?" He came near and held your hand and you the chain disappearing. "Here, read this document, the breakfast is ready so come quickly." He kissed your forehead catching you off guard and you quickly stepped away. "What the fuck are you insane?!" He smirked and left.
You opened the document and read-
"According the Act 578 section D-9 of the Supra Celestial laws, evil and wizard can claim each other by writing their names on each other's chest using water/sand. Once the act is performed they will never become separable, thoughts of leaving the other will result in immediate confinement at the same spot through water/sand chains with which the names were written.
With this act, we, the heaven coordinators and jury give our blessings to Miss Eun Y/N and Mister Jung Hoseok to become inseparable."
You gasped as you read the document, you felt dumbfounded, you felt numb. Last night he made you write your name on his chest and he would've probably done the same while you had no idea.
You felt vulnerable, you felt danger.
He was the dune of danger who now caused a storm in your life.
Hoseok smiled to himself.
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TYSM my dandelions of a vast meadow for reading this fic 💖 💗 hope you enjoyed and ofc, ur feedback is HIGHLY appreciated❤ MWAH!!
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