tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget me Not Complete Master List
Fandoms: The Originals/The Vampire Diaries/Legacies/TVDverse
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson/Dylan O'Brien's character Salem Helsing, Elijah Mikaelson/Hayley Marshall, Rebekah Mikaelson/Marcel Gerard, Freya Mikaelson/Keelin Malraux, and Kol Mikaelson/Davina Claire.
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I had no idea how any of it was possible for them to act as if they had never met me before in their long lives, how it was possible for them to claim to have absolutely no knowledge of me whatsoever when I had grown with them, loved, lost, and suffered, with them, changed with them in many ways just like they had changed when they became creatures of the night.
Despite all the moments I had shared with them, the memories we had made together at that moment I was nothing more than a stranger to them, a stranger who had miraculously reunited their family, but this family were unlike any other, this family was known as the Mikaelson’s, the original family of vampires, a family which had far more enemies than friends, and because of their long history of betrayals, treachery, and murder, there was not a chance in hell that either one of them was going to believe that I did this as some kind of selfless act...
Chapters and Links:
1 - Already Gone (2,529 words)
2 - Remember My Name (1,910 words)
3 - Father Returns (1,706 words)
4 - Almost Paradise (2,902 words)
5 - Here I Go Again (2,080 words)
6 - Once in a Lifetime (2,268 words)
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Buffy versus The Originals Master List
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Buffyverse, The Originals, Vampire Diaries, TVDverse.
Warnings: I do not own nor claim to own the copyrights to the following tv shows; “Buffy the vampire slayer”, “Angel”, “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries”. Nor do I claim to own any canonical continuation via comics, spin-off televisions and such. I do not claim to own any of the characters within either the Buffyverse or the TVDverse, I am purely doing this for non-profit as a fan of both worlds and fanfiction itself.
15 Plus: May contain medium to graphic displays of violence and torture, displays of witchcraft practice, horror elements, supernatural elements, sexual innuendos, and scenes of a sexual nature.
Major Pairings: Buffy Summers/Elijah Mikaelson, Cordelia Chase/Angel, Faith Lehane/Rebekah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson/Josh Rosza, Davina Claire/Kol Mikaelson.
Minor Pairings: Buffy Summers/Spike, Rebekah Mikaelson/Marcell Gerard, Elijah Mikaelson/Hayley Marshall.
Mentioned Pairings: Buffy Summers/Angel, Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane, Faith Lehane/Angel, Klaus Mikaelson/Camille O’ Connell, Hayley Marshall/Jackson Kenner.
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Rounds and Links Below:
Preliminary Round - Parts 1 and 2 (2,299 words)
Round One - Buffy versus Klaus (2,750 words)
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youwerethereforme · 10 years
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Always & Forever ♡#lovemynewbracialet #bracialet #theoriginals #klausmikaelson #elijahmikaelson #rebekahmikaelson #originalsfamily #alwaysandforever #yes #iam #addicted #season2 #whereareyou #missit #klayley #summer #mystuff #happyme #picoftheday #tvd
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Original Love
Warnings: I do not own nor claim to own the copyright or any of the characters within the TVDverse which consists of shows including “The Vampire Diaries”, “The Originals”, and “Legacies”. 18 Plus: Some chapters may contain graphic descriptions of sex, sexual smut, and fluff, that may be considered somewhat pornographic but only some chapters, think of it as a plot with some porn instead of porn with a plot. All chapters contain moderate to strong violence, language, and sexual innuendos. Strong displays of violence, gore, and torture, with supernatural horror elements and scenes of a sexual nature. F/F, M/M, F/M, GEN, OTHER +
Chapter 2 - The Price of Friendship
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Sometime within the 13th Century…
Darla Petrova had a rather tragic upbringing, having been abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage located south of France in a small town called Pierlot when she was six years old, under the belief her parents Emile and Germain Petrova would one day come back for her but they never did. The orphanage in which Darla spent the remaining of her childhood was run by nuns, nuns which were not particularly kind nor unkind but strong in their religious believes which mean when a sixteen-year-old Darla began showings signs of the traveler magic within her they quickly began seeing her as an apprentice to the devil, forcing her out of the orphanage, without a penny to her name. The town of Pierlot quickly began hearing the gossip about Darla Petrova from the loose lipped nuns as this young girl was quickly labelled as the bride of Satan, a label in which she found no choice but to revel in as she used her bad reputation to form a way of living, making an earning independently and using it to help create the one thing she always longed for, a home, a place to belong, a place that was hers, and could not be taken from her like everything else had been her whole life. Darla played the role of Satan’s bride very well using it as her niche within the sex market she had begun working in, quickly making enough to buy her own home, taking other women in as turning her house into a brothel, turning the seemingly quiet and perfect town of Pierlot into a fit of chaos as their hatred for Darla Petrova continued to grow. Despite having many reasons to hate all of humanity Darla had a soft spot for lost girls, girls that reminded her of herself, taking them in and teaching them the ways of life, living by her standards, creating a brothel out of lost girls who not only found themselves but learned to fend for themselves, to not rely on anyone, and most importantly answer to no-one. It did not take long for the women who lived with Darla Petrova to find their reputations just as tarnished as the so-called devil’s bride, however, come night many of these townsmen flocked to Darla’s little whore house, some of these men in question being powerful men which ultimately put Darla and her girls into a place of power themselves. Darla had built for herself a sinner’s paradise within the town of Pierlot, making the most out of nothing but what little happiness she found herself having was fleeting as she soon found herself going down her darkest path yet, led by a man she believed was her friend, a man who was more monster than man, a man who went by the name Kol Mikaelson.
Within their first meetings, Darla could tell there was a darkness within her new favorite client, but he also paid his dues and brought great humor, fun, and even more debauchery to her home proving himself quite a hit with Darla’s women who found themselves enjoying their time with Kol Mikaelson just as much as he clearly enjoyed them. Darla found the darkness she sensed from Kol alluring, knowing there was darkness within herself too, but it was not until one fateful night when the fearless Petrova woman was out for a late-night walk that she truly got a glimpse into Kol’s true nature and instead of being afraid or disgusted she found herself excited, intrigued and dying to get as much out of her new friend as she possibly could. “I’ve heard about your kind, it’s truly remarkable the kinds of creatures who walk through my doors, particularly the creatures that need to be invited in first,” Darla said to Kol after finding him in a dark alleyway, seeing him in full vampire face mode as he drank from a man’s neck, draining his victim of his blood before throwing the lifeless body to the ground. “I know I’m some kind of messed up version of a witch in fact that is how I earned the title of the devil’s bride, but it was not until I met someone like you that I found myself not only wanting to explore that side of me but wanting so much more than just a place to call home in a tiny part of a big bad world.” “You’re a witch? I’m generally good at spotting a witch but I must admit I did not think of you as one.” Kol admitted as he cleaned the blood of his victim off his face, his vampire face turning back to his normal face, as he walked over to the woman who had just witnessed his latest murder. “If I were a good woman then I’d scream right now, wakening the town to learn of a gruesome murder, however, everybody already knows I am not a good woman and those who are not under my roof are not my problem…you could murder every last one of them for all I care about,” Darla replied to the original vampire, shocking him by her lack of fear towards the situation she had found herself in. “There’s a darkness inside of me too but I am, but, a novice, and something tells me that you would make the perfect tour guide to lead the devil’s whore into true darkness.” “So, let me get this right, instead of screaming like a bloody banshee you’re wanting to make a deal with a man who you just saw kill another man?” Kol asked her with a smile on his face, clearly amused by her. “You keep proving yourself to be a far more intriguing creature than this simple-minded townsfolk could ever understand.” “I want you to teach me everything that you know to mold me into your perfect prodigy and truly embrace the darkness beneath my surface,” Darla demanded from the Mikaelson man. “I’ve had but a taste of power and I want so much more, I believe you could lead me to true power.” “And if I do agree to make you an accomplish in my wicked deeds it would mean showing you so much more than the limits of this small town, diving into one’s darkness should never be taken lightly,” Kol answered her, as he began genuinely contemplating Darla’s possible alliance. “If I was to say yes then you would have to truly be willing to do me one hell of a favor in return.” To get a taste of true power Darla was more than willing to do anything even help Kol Mikaelson in his mission to take his brother Klaus out once and for all, Kol being determined to be free from his older brother’s ruthless rules, but as these two new friends were about to learn, Klaus Mikaelson was not someone to underestimate, a lesson his own brother Kol should have already learned.
Darla Petrova came from an especially important bloodline being a descendent of the original doppelganger Tatia and the ancestor of doppelganger turned vampire Katerina, history would prove she was much more like the latter but one thing all three Petrova women had in common was they all became victims to the Mikaelson family. Tatia Petrova was a grieving Viking widow who defied death despite it being custom for her to kill herself following her husband’s death and instead moved to a magical town called Mystic Falls where she found love again with Elijah Mikaelson only for death to catch up to her as she was killed by a newly turned Elijah. Katerina Petrova found herself in trouble long before meeting Klaus Mikaelson, but she found more trouble afterward as she narrowly avoided being sacrificed by turning herself into a vampire and then lived an undead life on the run from Klaus for 500 years until she fell at the hands of her love Stefan Salvatore. Darla’s story began with her foolishly putting all her trust in Kol Mikaelson, under the belief she would leave Pierlot with her new friend and that he would show her a world that before she could only but imagine but sadly the truth to her story was a far grimmer fate for the self-made traveler turned small-town madame as the once-abandoned child find herself once again completely and utterly alone, this time only having one man to blame, Niklaus Mikaelson.
Late one night Darla awoke from her slumber to find her house eerily quiet, the sound of silence being something rarely heard within a house filled with beautiful women and their many clients, and so Darla climbed out of her bed eager to investigate the disturbing peace, leaving her room and making her way downstairs, and then into the living room, only to unwittingly walk into the most horrifying scene she had ever witnessed. “No!” She screamed in a fit of disbelief and horror as she looked around her blood-soaked and stained living room to find the women, she loved like sisters spread across the floor and the living room furniture brutally murdered. “It never ceases to delight me that people are still shocked to discover that crossing me is something one should never do.” Klaus declared after vamp speeding into the room, the blood of his victims on his clothes, his victims being the murdered women laid before him and Darla. “And yet there are still fools like you who continue to side with my idiotic brother Kol, had you sided with me I may have granted you a promise that only I could fulfill, but instead you chose to come for me, and now your whores are dead but do not worry because you will soon be joining them.” “But it has been days.” Darla cried as she struggled to take her eyes off the gruesome scene before her, realizing at that moment that the women she had promised to protect had died under her roof because of her actions, her longing for more, wishing at that moment that she had just stayed happy with what she once had, knowing now that it was all gone. “Kol’s always making a move on me I’d be a fool not to say compel a working woman or several of them under the very same roof he frequently visits to keep a willing ear and a spying eye on his movements,” Klaus admitted with a great sense of pride over unmasking Kol and Darla’s plotting against him. Without so much as a chance to plead for her life or beg for mercy, Klaus vamp sped over to the traveler, grabbed a hold of her neck with both hands, and with full force, instantly snapped her neck, before throwing her lifeless body to the ground. “Forgive me Tatia but the blood of your blood was too idiotic to be granted another day of breathing.” Klaus sarcastically mumbled to himself, unapologetically apologizing for murdering somebody of Tatia’s bloodline, not that it bothered him in the slightest. However, unbeknownst to Klaus he was not taking out an enemy like he had thought but had instead awakened a new, far more powerful enemy. Darla Petrova died that day, however since making her deal with Kol Mikaelson she had been drinking vials of his blood as insurance to give her some security while they plotted against Klaus and although none of their plans came to fruition, the vampire blood in her system brought Darla back from the dead so to speak. A secret Klaus or any other of the Mikaelson family would not find out for many centuries to come, Darla being far too smart to let them know she was still among them, plotting away as she set out to prove that a Petrova scorned was a far deadlier creature than a meddling Mikaelson.
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 10 - A Hybrid in Greece (Part One)
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Klaus Mikaelson did not know what awaited him in New Orleans but against better judgement he decided to not find out and take Kayne’s warning from the grave to go to the city of Athens in Greece, despite not knowing what awaited him in that city either, he determined it was time to fight against his cynicism and doubt and follow Kayne’s advice to go to Greece and seek out some solution to his recent woes. He had not heard from Elijah, Rebekah or Kol and his eldest sibling Freya confirmed Henrik had died once again, some small relief was given when she made it clear she would know if they were dead only for more concern to be added when Freya announced her plans to bring back the treacherous Henrik in hopes of him being less twisted without the hollow inside of him and of course there was another Mikaelson to be accounted for, not Hope because Freya promised not to alert her about her family’s current state of promise, but Klaus’ least favorite sister in law, Davina Claire-Mikaelson, who despite Klaus’ protests, had decided to join the hybrid in his trip to Greece eager to get her husband Kol back. Davina and Klaus’ relationship was far from a good one and to say it was strained would be an understatement considering they had both tried to take out the other on multiple occasions, sometimes with Davina winning, others Klaus was the victor, but mostly the two just caused each other more and more chaos until Davina fell in love with his younger brother Kol making the two bitter enemies suddenly family, and one thing they both agreed on was they would do anything for family. “Tell me again why we are blindly trusting the dead member of a family which have taken Kol and the rest of your family hostage for who knows what reason?” Davina asked Klaus, as she stormed into his hotel room within Athens, Greece, to find Klaus sat on the edge of his bed, seemingly in deep thought. “Last time I checked you were anything but trusting especially of a foe.” “Kayne is not a foe, or rather he was not always one…” Klaus replied, as he stood up to face his sister in law. “He started out as a…friend…a very dear friend.” “Kol told me all about the Black siblings, including yours and Rebekah’s romances with two of them so I get that he’s special to you Klaus but so was Aurora and look how that turned out?” Davina advised Klaus, applying a more tender approach with her brother in law than she normally would. “Kayne is not insane like Aurora was, besides he’s a ghost what on earth has he got to gain from lying to us now?” Klaus told Davina, as he reluctantly began questioning his trust of Kayne. “You know as much as I do the dead tend to hold more secrets than the living. Besides the dead are not exactly dead right now since Kayne and his sisters single handily destroyed the natural balance bringing you, Elijah, and god knows what else back.” Davina explained to Klaus. “I do see how trusting this ghost is pretty much our only option but I do not understand why someone like you is so willing to ditch all doubt when you have always been such a narcissistic bastard…no offense.” “Offense taken as always Davina,” Klaus replied with great sarcasm, before going on to say. “I would normally ignore everyone else and handle things my own way but that’s exactly what I did to him before and this time I have to try and make up for the past by trusting him now when I should have trusted him back then.” “And there it is…the great monstrous Klaus Mikaelson’s tiny beating heart beats once again.” Davina joked with her brother in law, gleefully annoying the original hybrid. “The only good thing to come out of this whole mess is getting to see a lovesick Klaus Mikaelson…however if your ghost ex betrays us I will stop at nothing to enact a vengeance on him that will make death seem like nothing in comparison…” “Spoken like a true Mikaelson.” Klaus answered Davina, while both somehow complimenting and insulting her at the same time.
Klaus and Davina spent the next few days searching the city of Athens in search of any signs to why Kayne had sent them to Greece or anyone who would willingly admit to knowing Kayne Black, or as he was known in Athens, Kagién Mávros, by the few who admitted his existence, clearly pointed out the witch and vampire, through reluctance, that the second youngest Black sibling had spent a great deal of time within this city, eventually leading them to the one person who admitted knowledge of Kagién Mávros, his husband. “In all my years I never thought I’d have the misfortune of meeting a Mikaelson never mind two of them.” Kayne’s Greek husband Estevan said, greeting Klaus and Davina outside of one of the many beautiful ruins of a Greek building that can be found within the city of Athens. “Am I supposed to believe that the centuries old witch Kayne Black somehow fell for you?” Klaus instantly insulted the man, looking the gorgeous Greek man up and down, his jealousy growing with every look, as he thought of Kayne with this man. “You’re more of an art exhibit piece than husband material.” “Like you would know what husband material is…” Davina scoffed at Klaus, before turning her attention to Estevan. “However, why would a good husband admit to Kayne’s existence knowing his history with the Mikaelsons is a little awkward to say at least.” “A few nights ago, Kagién appeared to me which only happens when one of us dies…” Estevan answered them both. “Which means I have a ressurection to perform and luckily I have a vampire to help me with the digging and a witch to help me with the magic so its not all taken out of me.” “What do you mean by every time one of you dies?” Klaus asked, curious to Estevan’s comfort with the idea of resurrecting somebody. “Has this happened before?” “Just how well do you know Kagién?” Estevan asked Klaus, instantly seeing rage appear on the hybrid’s face for daring to ask that question. “He has only ever died once before but luckily that time he had a body that time, however with all the lives he’s stolen over the centuries…” “When you say stolen you mean killed right?” Davina chimed in. “Taking another’s life is far more than just stealing although stealing is most definitely a part of it.” “Each time he drains someone’s life form he’s granted decades worth of life for himself…its not exactly what I had planned for either of us when we first met all those years ago but it is what has come to be.” Estevan explained to them both, while keeping a lot of mystery about the whole thing at the same time. “We need to reach a tomb beneath these very grounds if we are to bring Kagién back.” “What the hell kind of magic do you practice? Ressurection should not be easy and if it was then why the bloody hell did Kayne and his sisters destroy the entire afterlife to bring myself and Elijah back?” Klaus snapped at Kayne’s husband, refusing to believe his claims. “Because only I can bring him back from the dead like I did before because only I can bring back the dead without total chaos...clearly Kagién did not want to ask for my help knowing of what that help may require in return.” Estevan cryptically answered the original hybrid. “Okay we definitely need to talk about what kind of witch you are and the magic you practice but for now we should all get digging and bring Kayne back because clearly he must think he can help us out somehow which I really do not get considering he was the first to die at his mother’s hands.” Davina demanded, clearly having enough of Klaus’ jealousy, wanting to get her husband back as quickly as possible, no matter the cost. “His mother has returned?” Estevan asked, in shock by Davina’s revelation. “My ties to the afterlife has weakened recently but I had no idea that she was back…we must move quickly…and I’m afraid the both of you are just going to have to trust me if we are to be successful in bringing Kagién back to life.”
Once again against his better judgement, Klaus had found himself, alongside Davina and Estevan, deep down within the underground tunnels located underneath the city of Athens, as the three of them continued digging until they ground beneath them began to crumble out of nowhere, the tunnels collapsing within themselves, forcing them to fall several feet before landing harshly on to the ground. Klaus was the first to fall onto the cold hard ground of an underground tomb, with the shovel he used to dig falling shortly after him, launching itself into the hybrid’s stomach, causing him to scream out in pain as the shovel impeded itself into his gut. Davina was second to fall to the ground, her shovel quickly following suit too, but this time Klaus yanked out his shovel from his stomach with vamp speed and launched himself on top of his sister-in-law, so the shovel would launched itself into his back, injuring himself once again, while saving the life of his brother’s wife. Estevan fell to the ground shortly after them both, shocking both Klaus and Davina when Estevan’s shovel launched itself straight into the Greek man’s chest, only for Estevan to symbolize no pain before pulling it straight out of his chest, the wound instantly healing before he threw the shovel across the tomb. “So, you’re not a vampire or a witch?” Davina quizzed Estevan, as she pulled the shovel out of Klaus’ back before her and Klaus, former enemies, helped each other to their feet, Estevan quickly standing up shortly afterwards. “You must be one of those creatures who existed before the whole Malivore debacle.” “Explaining my origins would only serve as distraction to why we have come to this place.” Estevan replied, keeping his life a mystery from both the witch and the original hybrid. Klaus’ suspicions over the mysterious husband of Kayne Black only continued to grow, however, he quickly found himself distracted, Davina too, by the archaic, underground, tomb they had literally fallen into, looking around at the beautiful, delicate statues, each of which were magnificent masterpieces in their own right, before all eyes, including Estevan’s, were now focused on the coffin made of stone in front of them. “You need to start talking right bloody know!” Klaus shouted at Estevan. “I’ve never brought Kagién back before without his body, and the last time I resurrected him I told him it would be the last time I took another innocent’s life.” Estevan admitted to both Davina and Kol. “However, the man in there is no innocent…and his body will be the only hope we all have of defeating Sapphire before the world burns to her idealisms.” “So, you’re just going to magically dump Kayne’s body into someone else’s? I know how to do that, hell there was a time where Esther Mikaelson was doing that with her children at the drop of a hat.” Davina insulted Kayne’s husband, clearly infuriated by what she now believed was a waste of time. “There better be more to this or I am going to look the other way when Klaus kills you…” “The body before you both is the body of the supreme witch of the Divinity Coven, the original coven of light magics, Sapphire’s greatest enemy Auxentios…it is said he was as powerful, and as ruthless, as Sapphire herself.” Estevan revealed to a stunned Davina and Klaus. “He fell at the hands of Sapphire; they were each other’s first love and if folklore is to be believed…he was the father of Annabella and Magnus.” “That cannot be right, the Black siblings all had different fathers, I remember Kayne telling me that.” Klaus argued with Estevan. “He also forgot to tell you that he and his siblings are the children of that supreme bitch Sapphire, one of the world’s original witches, so I’m not so surprised he kept this one too.” Davina told Klaus, making a valid point in the process. “That part is mostly ancient rumors' to why the original coven broke off into two opposing covens, there are many other tales, I doubt Kagién ever told Annabella that theory let alone some momentary romance from centuries passed.” Estevan explained, while taking aim at Klaus and Kayne’s past at the same time. “Now if you excuse me, I have a rather difficult ritual to perform.”
Both Klaus and Davina continued to watch Estevan closely as he chanted in a long dead language, a language even Davina did not understand, as they monitored his methods, before being shocked by him pulling out a knife from his jacket pocket, both of them instantly convinced he was about to make an attack on them, only to be left shocked by Estevan’s next revelation. “This ritual requires a sacrifice, and I made a vow long ago to never sacrifice another for no reasoning whatsoever.” Estevan told them both, with a sense of sadness in his voice. “Tell Kagién I am happy with my decision, that I have lived long enough, and I am more than happy to sacrifice myself for him to live once more…” Before Klaus or Davina could respond, Estevan lifting the knife to his neck, slitting his throat straight across instantly, causing blood to pour out, as Estevan fell on top of the stone coffin, choking on his own blood much to the witch and the hybrid’s shock, as Estevan died one last time before their very eyes. “I guess the threating to kill him fell on death ears considering he was already planning to do away with himself.” Klaus said to Davina. “He must have truly loved him,” Davina replied, with tears forming in her eyes. “I just hope his sacrifice was not for nothing…” Suddenly the ground beneath them began shaking viciously once again, but instead of falling once again, Davina and Klaus watched as a bright light began shining from the stone coffin, lighting it up completely, the heat from the coffin disintegrating Estevan’s body to nothing but dust in the process before the lid of the coffin began to levitate, revealing the newly resurrected, yet still unconscious body of the supreme witch of the Divinity coven, Auxentios, as the original hybrid and the harvest witch hoped beyond hope Kayne and not Auxentios would wake up within this body…
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
TVDverse Master List
The most up to date master list of all my fanfiction series within the TVDverse including works for “The Vampire Diaries”, “The Originals”, and “Legacies.”
The Vampire Diaries
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The Hunter Diaries - 3 Episodes
The Originals
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The Originals: Bad Blood - 10 Episodes
Dracula: The Originals - 3 Chapters
The Originals: Always and Forever - 2 Episodes
Canary Carnage - 13 Chapters
Origins of Magic - 20 Chapters
Buffy versus The Originals - 2 Rounds (NEW)
Original Love - 3 Chapters (NEW)
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 7 - Home (Part One)
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MANY YEARS AGO…following the fall of the world’s first two covens; one of light magic and one of dark, the supreme witch of the dark coven, otherwise known as The Midnight Coven, did not want to admit defeat, knowing that if she could reunite The Midnight Coven then she would dominate the world especially now the light coven, otherwise known as sisters of the light, had broken up. Sapphire Black, The Midnight Coven’s supreme witch wanted to act quickly in a bid to not only be considering the queen of dark magic but the queen of all magic. However, the powerful witch underestimated one thing when planning world domination…her two eldest children. Sapphire’s eldest child Annabella Black did not take to the darkness within the power as easily as her younger brother Magnus, or at least not at first. Annabella was an idealist who believe the splitting of the word’s first covens could lead to peace amongst all witches and with much pestering she managed to get her brother Magnus to agree to her plans for potential peace. The only obstacle which stood in between Annabella and Magnus’ plans for peace among all witches and their hopes for the younger siblings Kayne and Primrose not be raised in a warzone like they did, was none other than their mother Sapphire Black and so Sapphire’s eldest daughter and eldest son quickly proved to be her undoing.
YEARS LATER…Primrose and Kayne were now all grown up and proving to be quite difficult to handle and although Annabella and Kayne managed to hide their guilt over their mother’s deaths from their followers the kingdom in which they built may have been magical but it was far from perfection. Annabella noticed the cruelness within Primrose, how she thrived with the darkness in which her power came from and how much her younger sister reminded them of their mother, she could see both good and bad in Kayne but feared he would go the same way as Primrose and worst of all for the eldest Black sibling was realizing her idealism for peace was no longer part of her brother Magnus’ plans. In the years following their mother’s death, Magnus and his siblings had not only not managed to stop the witch wars but many of their own kind had fallen victim to humanity and their fear of the unknown. Magnus had watched as many of his followers, friends and even foes were hung, drowned, thrown to their deaths or burned at the stake and these acts of violence only pushed Magnus further and further away from wanting peace. Annabella knew her brother Magnus’ heart had hardened in the years since the two of them murdered their mother, she knew her brother now wanted war not peace just like their mother once did and so she decided in order for the greater good of witch kind it was time to deliver Magnus Black the same fate as their mother. Primrose did not take much convincing to join Annabella in her treachery, having always had something of a rivalry with Magnus however, it was Kayne who took a lot of convincing to betray his own brother but eventually both Kayne and Primrose did what Annabella wanted, like they always reluctantly did and together the three Black siblings murdered their brother. Only this time Annabella did not get away from her second murder with clean hands, as the followers of the royal witch family soon began to suspect her and her siblings leading to them turning against their rulers and burning down their kingdom which forced Annabella, Kayne and Primrose to go on the run as they found themselves hiding out within a castle in the woods for many centuries until they were forgotten by their own kind.
AS THE CENTUIRES PASSED…it became clearer and clearer to Bella Black that her younger sister Rose Black had potential to prove herself an even more wicked witch than their mother, although by then Bella’s desire for witch peace had dwindled as she found herself only growing more and more tired by her siblings until one day the Mikaelson’s visited the castle in the woods which ultimately led to the three surviving Black siblings deciding to go their own way. Bella took to a life of peace choosing to love nature, nurture it and lived mostly in small cottages around the world as the centuries continued to pass, while Rose often put herself to sleep for large periods of time to avoid aging and often caused great travesty when awake, as Kayne chose to magically drain the youth from others to stop himself aging while finding himself beginning his life over and over again, failed romance after the next failed romance which would often lead to Kayne getting his hands bloody. The Black siblings were never meant to live forever just like every witch who would eventually succumb to death embracing both the beginning an end of their stories but it was through spite, determination, stubbornness, hatred and the royalty attitude which remained in them all that they refused to finish their stories but sadly for one of the three witches an end was coming whether they wanted it or not….
MODERN DAY “We are gathered here today for the funeral of one of my siblings…which sibling depends entirely on how you three fare depends entirely on these next few minutes.” Magnus announced, as his three siblings Bella, Kayne and Rose awoke to find themselves each tied up to a different plank of woods with witch proof chains, unable to move or cast a spell to free themselves, as they each looked around to notice they were in the woods somewhere. “Let them go Magnus your fury is with me not them!” Bella screamed at her brother, urging for him to let their younger siblings free. “You do not get to make demands anymore sister!” Magnus snapped at her. “You have been barking your orders for far too long…it is my time to be in control!” “Oh, please if you were meant to lead this family then you would have done by force centuries ago but instead you wound up dead at our hands.” Rose told her oldest brother. “You have never been able to live up to our family’s legacy and you will never will.” “Rose, please do not continue to be a bitch until our dying breaths!” Kayne warned the youngest Black sibling, before turning his attention to his brother. “Magnus…you do not want to do this…I know we betrayed you and we crossed lines no family should ever cross but you can be better than us by forgiving us, letting us free and allowing us all to try and be a family again.” “Poor naïve little brother you always were the most stupid person I ever had the displeasure of knowing with your desperation to be loved…so bloody whiny even as a baby you just continued to cry and bloody cry.” Magnus cruelly mocked his younger brother. “You have been played by your own emotions time and time again allowing people to manipulate, degrade and destroy you…you are a disgrace to this family’s legacy!” “Oh, spare me the entitlement you miserable bastard! Kayne is everything you just said and more but at least he has loyalty to his family,” Rose argued with Magnus, eager to stand up for her brother Kayne. “Death is not exactly permanent right now so take your best shot and make it bloody good because the minute we are able we will destroy you!” “I love the loyalty you three seemed to share,” Magnus laughed at his younger sister before turning to focus on his older sister Bella. “We shared that once Annabella, we were once so close we plotted against our own mother…do you want to tell them what we did to mummy dearest or shall I?” The look of pure fear across Annabella’s face was met by a silence that admitted great guilt, the silence of the witch acting as a confirmation for Magnus to reveal their guilt to their younger siblings. “Annabella and I killed our dear mother because she believed…and eventually made me believe…the world would be nothing but death and violence if we allowed our mother to live.” Magnus revealed to a stunned Kayne and Rose. “Liar!” Kayne shouted, refusing to belief Magnus’ claims. “Bella believed witches and humankind could live in peace among each other, she believed we could all live-in peace if we got rid of our mother who our dear sister saw as nothing more than an obstacle.” Magnus confessed. “It was not like that,” Bella argued with him, “I did what was right our mother wanted to be queen and she was willing to massacre everything in her way in order to get her self-created crown.” “So, you killed her…” Rose said in a state of shock. “You killed our mother for wanting to be the royalty she was!” “Yes,” Magnus answered for Bella. “And yet the world continued to grow more violent even after our mother’s death, witches were warring with witches and humans were torturing and murdering our kind…mostly their own who they believed were our kind but still the world had become nothing but death and violence.” “I only wanted peace, for us all to be safe…mother had created so many enemies that if we did not die at her hands we would have fallen at the hands of one of her many foes.” Bella told Kayne and Rose, hoping for them to understand her actions. “It was my job as a sister to look after you all and it was my calling as a witch to protect this earth.” “And what a god-awful job you did of that…monsters roam freely, creatures that should not exist ravage this world and if anything, there is eviler today than there has ever been.” Magnus informed his sister. “We killed our mother for a better world and when I realized that was never going to happen you convinced our siblings to help you murder me!” “You had become just as wicked as our mother! You wanted to wipe out the entire human race, if I did not do something there would be nothing standing to this day because your hatred would have wiped out everything including this family!” Bella attempted to justify herself for murdering her brother Magnus. “I always knew you were a clueless cheerleader for humanity sister, but I never knew you would put them before your own family.” Rose told her older sister, stunned by the recent revelations. “We did not question you when it came to killing our brother because we never questioned you…we believed you had our backs no matter what!” “I do!” Bella replied to her youngest sibling, begging for Rose to believe her. “All I have ever done is look after you and Kayne.” “Well that is not entirely true is it now?” Magnus chimed in. “The dead get to see a lot when nobody realizes their watching…” “Bella, what is he talking about?” Kayne questioned his older sister. “Before we left our home that we had spent centuries hiding from the world…” Bella reluctantly began to confess. “I considered killing you both…but only for a moment!” “Only for a moment!” Rose shouted. “You bitch, after everything we have been through together you were going to murder us like we were nothing!” “I feared you would wind up being eviler and more heartless than Magnus and our mother!” Bella admitted to Rose before preparing to confess Kayne. “And you Kayne…well I could see that loving heart you once had hardening and your hate for me begin to grow.” “Of course, I began to hate you, you forced my hand into killing my only brother and then kept us in hiding for centuries!” Kayne shouted at Bella. “But I still loved you because I believed in you…” “Annabella you assume each of us are more like mother than you, but it is you who reminds me most of her.” Magnus told his sister Bella. “Mother may have wanted to rule this wretched world but you are so damn desperate to save it you have not got a single connection in the world that you would not sacrifice for your cause.” “That is not true!” Bella screamed at the top her lungs, denying her brother’s accusations before focusing on her youngest siblings. “I considering killing you but I could not go through with it, I was there as use grew from babies to adults, I helped use harness your powers, I raised you after our mother’s death and I have loved use more than I have ever loved anything or anyone!” “You always claimed I was the family’s monster, mother’s double and most likely to follow in Magnus’ footsteps but the truth is you are the poison slowly hacking away at us all peace by peace until there is nothing left for you to manipulate or murder.” Rose said to her sister, while giving her a look of both disgust and hatred. “I admit I was a fool with the world on my shoulders back then, but I am not that person anymore.” Bella cried. “I would do anything for you or Kayne…even if you never believe a word, I say again please believe that!” “You better hope Magnus does away with us all because if not the moment I am released from these chains I will kill you!” Rose threatened her older sister, furious at her for her betrayals and ready to make Annabella pay the ultimate price. “We made a mistake killing our brother,” Kayne said, with a look of heartbreak on his face, devastated by his sister’s betrayal. “I second Rose on doing away with you once and for all Annabella.” Magnus stood there taking great delight in his siblings’ misery, especially the part in which Primrose and Kayne learned the truth about their eldest sister Annabella and watched with glee as they each declared war on their eldest siblings, but a simple rivalry was nowhere near enough to feed his lust for vengeance, in fact the second born Black sibling was only just beginning. “Here is the thing dear sister...” Magnus began to say as he walked towards his sister Bella with a sinister look on his face. “I would kill you now but that would just end your suffering…instead I am going to let you decide who deserves to die…it is what you seem to be best at doing…so decide Annabella, do I kill our brother Kayne or the baby of the family Primrose?”
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