#orihara izaya fanfiction
hollisartsblog · 28 days
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durarara in 2024? unbelievable
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shibaleeart · 4 months
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Read that CANON side story where a succubus tried to seduce Shizuo by turning into Izaya
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kasururigoth · 6 months
durarara fans just LOOOOOOVE seeing either shizuo or izaya get kidnapped in fanfiction... So called 'free thinkers'
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ficresc · 5 months
He's probably running his hands through his hair; it's one of his nervous tics. He plays with his hair when he's anxious and Izaya had at one point found that endearing. Shizuo bounces his legs when nervous, bites his lip when worried, pinches the bridge of his nose when stressed. Most of all, he paces when he's uneasy. Izaya can see him doing all four of those.
til the war's won by izayas
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happyandticklish · 11 months
You Make It Hard to Breathe
Notes: The fandom has collectively decided that Izaya can't swim, and I've decided to run with it~
Summary: Izaya can't swim and Shizuo takes it upon himself to teach him how.
The sun beat down on him, a never-ending heat that was slowly but surely chipping away at Izaya’s psyche. He drew an arm over his face to try to block out the harshness of its rays, but light flickered in regardless making him squint. He was sweating. Sweating. Izaya Orihara did many things, but he did not sweat.
He flinched as a splash of water landed on his feet, drawing them back on his chair with disdain. “Do you mind?”
“That’s a lame move, you know,” the other man informed him at the edge of the lake. He had his arms propped up on the deck, kicking idly to keep himself afloat as he fixed Izaya with a grumbling stare. “You were the one who wanted to come here in the first place.”
“I enjoy the scenic view,” Izaya said idly. He had given up on fully blocking out the sun and chose to sit up instead, adjusting his towel underneath him. He should have brought sunglasses but it had been dark out when they left for the trip and he hadn’t thought to plan accordingly. It was unlike him, but the comfortability of packing in the morning with a sleepy Shizuo at his side had distracted him. The thought stirred a sense of prickling unease in him. It was only sunglasses, but it felt far too much like being off his guard. “Why would I want to splash around in disgusting mud water? It figures a beast such as yourself would enjoy these grotesque pleasures, of course.”
He flashed Shizuo a simpering smile, delighting in the glare it was received with. He turned back to his book, a collection of Russian poetry he had nabbed off of one of his rarer clients while they had been visiting the city. The page he had marked detailed out a short piece about the futility of life and the dread that came along with it. Cliché. Basic. Overdone. But the language was beautiful and there was nothing to say that Izaya couldn’t enjoy a more rudimentary read.
He was on vacation after all. The point was to relax.
Izaya wasn’t sure what had prompted the idea. Maybe it had been Shizuo’s insistence on clinging to him like a leech while he was trying to work, clearly bored out of his mind. Maybe it had been the overcast skies that sent a sense of gloom reigning over the massive apartment. Maybe he had simply wanted a change.
Shizuo hadn’t protested when he suggested the idea of a holiday vacation, merely raised a brow and scoffed in typical Shizuo fashion—that was his version of enthusiastic support. He hadn’t missed the glimmer in Shizuo’s eyes when they’d arrived at their outrageously small cabin, though. Izaya had to bite back a smile himself at how easily entertained he was. He didn’t allow himself to think that it was because the childlike fascination was cute, but Shizuo had figured it out if the sudden flush and averted gaze then had been any indication.
Now, he was finding that fascination annoying as several droplets of water landed on the top margins of his page. He sighed, tilting his chin down to meet Shizuo’s stare.
“Can I help you?”
“Get in with me.”
“And obtain the hundreds of diseases contained within that filth? I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”
Shizuo frowned. For a moment, it seemed as though Izaya had dissuaded him, but in the next, Shizuo was gripping the edges of the boardwalk and pulling himself up in one fluid, wet motion. The water lurched at the displacement and Izaya drew back in his chair as it ran up against the wooden platform.
He yelped when Shizuo approached him, scrambling out of his chair to escape the dripping mess before him. “No, absolutely not, you are soaking wet. At least dry off first.” He snatched up the towel on the chair and shoved it into Shizuo’s chest, but the other ignored it, instead reaching out to wrestle his book away. Izaya put up a valiant defense but Shizuo was stronger than him and far less concerned about potentially ripping the pages than the former.
Finally, Shizuo emerged victor, clutching the book victoriously over Izaya’s head. “Who comes to a lake house to read, anyway? You can do that back home anytime.”
He tossed the book over on the remaining towels in the grass and Izaya winced. It did look mostly unharmed. Maybe a little wet, which he held every intention of complaining about later. Now, however, he was focused on survival as Shizuo—with zero warning he might add—scooped an arm under his legs, catching him off guard as he swept him into his arms.
He convinced himself that the racing of his heart was due to panic and nothing else.
“Shizuo,” Izaya said firmly as the other led him towards the lake. He tried to keep the edging panic out of his voice but the ebbing waves below them was making it hard to focus. “Shizuo, if you don’t put me down right now—”
“Than you might risk actually having fun for once?”
Shizuo was smirking, clearly not understanding the dire stakes they were facing. They were at the edge of the boardwalk now and Izaya yelped when Shizuo started to drop him, desperately clinging onto his neck.
Shizuo paused at that. “Everything alright, flea? You seem…” he struggled for the right word. “Unusually uncomposed.”
“If you had bothered to ask that earlier you might have realized that sooner,” Izaya hissed, hating how the combination of sweat and water on Shizuo’s back was making it difficult to get a firm grip. “I’m fine, I just don’t like the water, so if you could just—don’t!”
Shizuo’s hold had slackened once more experimentally. They both waited in the aftermath of the noise that could only be described as a shriek of terror.
“Izaya…” Shizuo started slowly. “Do you not know how to swim?”
Heat flashed across Izaya’s face. “Of course I know how to swim.”
“So, if I dropped you in right now—”
“I will if you don’t tell me the truth.”
Izaya was silent for a long while. He wasn’t used to being on the other side of blackmail and he was not finding it to his liking. Shizuo’s stare was relentless, however, and the water rose in his vision in terrifying swells as it rode waves along the lake. He averted his gaze in what he hoped was nonchalance. “I just didn’t find it to be a necessary skill, is all. The whole concept of swimming is a ridiculous death wish anyway. Wading around in something that can kill you isn’t high up on my bucket list.”
Shizuo scoffed, rolling his eyes at the dramatics. Of course he wouldn’t be worried about something like this. Izaya had never met someone so unconcerned with their own safety. It would have been worrying if he hadn’t seen him survive all that he had—most of it inflicted by Izaya himself.
He ignored that particular twinge of guilt in favor of panic as Shizuo took a few steps back and then jumped into the shimmering water, Izaya still clutched in his arms.
The first thing he noticed was how cold it was. A freezing cold too, that shocked Izaya’s system as it tried to process the sudden temperature change. The second thing he noticed was how he was not able to breathe. He quickly slammed his mouth shut, trying to ignore the burning feeling at the back of his throat from all the water he had accidentally inhaled while shrieking. He kept his arms latched in a death grip around Shizuo’s throat as the latter’s worked to push their collective way to surface.
When they finally breached air all of five seconds later, Izaya gasped for much-needed breath, spluttering over the water clogging his throat. He was vaguely aware of Shizuo laughing in the background and he made a mental note to be offended by that once he was out of this freezing, over glorified bath.
“What was that for?” Izaya demanded indignantly once he could safely speak without coughing up saltwater.
“To show you that a simple thing like swimming isn’t going to kill you.” Shizuo raised a brow. “We’re not drowning, are we?”
They weren’t drowning, oddly enough. Through the reflections in the water, Izaya could see Shizuo’s legs idly kicking and keeping them afloat. One of his arms was preforming the same, lazy strokes as well, while the other curved protectively around Izaya’s waist. In theory, they were safe. This did not stop Izaya’s nails digging into Shizuo’s back from how tightly he was holding on, however. Shizuo barely seemed to notice.
“Shizuo,” Izaya said, forcing a casual, but firm tone of voice. “Put me back on the docks.”
“Not yet.”
“I want to show you that it’s fine. You’re going to have to learn to swim eventually, now is as good a time as any.”
Even as he said it, he kicked them a little closer to the shore, allowing Izaya to quickly reach out and grab onto one of the dock’s legs for safety. Evidently, he still had some humanity left in him.
“There, now you see—Izaya!”
It was a risky move and ultimately not worth it as Shizuo’s hand squeezed where it held on his waist, forcing an uncharacteristically panicked squawk out of Izaya.
The two froze for a moment, wading literally and figuratively in the aftermath of the unexpected sound. Then, Shizuo squeezed again. To his credit, Izaya merely let out a grunt this time, but it was too late—the damage had already been done.
“Swimming is an important skill,” Shizuo said, his voice coming out in a slow drawl that set Izaya’s nerves on edge. “You have enemies everywhere, flea, you really want them finding out that all it takes to take you down is a swimming pool and a lack of floaties?”
“I’ve survived this long.” Izaya hadn’t let go of the dock yet, torn between two insistent voices of instinct, one telling him to hold on for dear life and the other screaming at him that Shizuo’s hand was still wrapped around his waist—his stupidly sensitive waist.
“Luck. Luck that could fade.” Shizuo pressed his face into the crook of Izaya’s neck and the informant tensed, trying not to think about hot breath and teeth grazing his skin. “Let me teach you to swim or I’m going to tickle you until you’re suffocating from much worse methods than drowning.”
Izaya’s throat was dry. It was an impossible scenario. Being a pupil to someone like Shizuo in a scenario where failing could mean his imminent death was not his idea of a good time. On the other hand, the softness of Shizuo’s lips on his neck combined with the drumming fingers at his waist was frazzling his nerves with a giddy anticipation. The water seemed to make everything more sensitive too, his body already shivery and tense from the cold. Plus, tickling meant squirming, squirming meant Shizuo losing his grip, which meant Izaya sinking to the bottom of the lake and having his corpse nibbled on by some long-lost beast looking for a nice dinner.
He should never have suggested a lake house.
Fingers, wiggling, scratching, spidering over his waist. His hand snapped back like a slingshot from the deck, moving to wrap around Shizuo’s neck instead. Fluttery giggles were escaping, and shit, he was breaking too fast, he normally had more resistance than this, the helplessness of this situation was not helping matters—
“Have you made a decision? You seem a bit antsy there, ‘Zaya.”
Izaya merely shook his head, burying his own face in Shizuo’s neck. He wanted to rip his hand away, but he didn’t want to disrupt Shizuo’s concentration on keeping them afloat.
On the other hand, it really, really tickled.
A kiss, then a bite into the crook of his neck, soft little grazes of teeth that made Izaya practically whimper as he attempted to scrunch up his shoulders. Shizuo’s fingers squeezed once more before crawling up and circling around his ribs, so close to the undersides of his arms that Izaya was going more than a little mad. He cursed himself for not wearing a shirt today even though he had held no ideations towards swimming when they had arrived. Still, the shirt he had brought had been stifling in the heat, and he had figured it couldn’t hurt. Now, he would have much preferred the heat.
Shizuo’s thumb dug into the divot of skin right above his top rib. Izaya yelped, unable to help the sudden burst of frantic thrashing the action caused. “We’re going to d-drown you ohoaf! Shit!”
“We’re fine, I’ve got you. Of course, if you knew how to swim, I would never be able to pull this move on you again.”
Izaya whacked a hand into his back at the comment, hard enough that anyone else might have released him. Shizuo barely seemed to notice, responding only with quick, scrambling fingers under his arms. Izaya’s face was a bright shade of red that spread quickly and obviously down his neck and onto his shoulders. He needed to stop the stream of breathless giggles that he couldn’t seem to get control over, but it was hard when each twitch of Shizuo’s fingers sent prickles of goosebumps sprawling over his skin (something he would later blame on the cold of the water when Shizuo pointed it out).
For a while, they stayed like that. Shizuo’s fingers, mouth, teeth, and tongue all working to send Izaya into a flustered, gasping, whining mess of laughter as he struggled to stay afloat. And yes, perhaps there was some part of Izaya that was enjoying how securely Shizuo was holding him, his strong arm tensed and confident around Izaya’s back, or how the thrill of laughter almost made him forget about swimming and water and all the diseases he had most likely accidentally swallowed when they first jumped into the water. Maybe. Maybe he could admit that, privately, to himself, later on when he was safe in bed and thinking back on the day. But for right now, his only goal was survival, which meant Shizuo stopping as soon as possible.
Eventually, it was Izaya’s own sensitivity that saved him. Shizuo’s arm had shifted so that his arm served as a seat (a much safer position with how much Izaya was moving around), and his fingers had experimentally found their way to his lower thigh where, fastening on in a tight grip, they squeezed and Izaya nearly jumped out of his skin with a screech of laughter. Instinct kicked in faster than strategy did, and Izaya’s knee jerked up into Shizuo’s chin, temporarily forcing him to let go.
Izaya had only a second to rejoice that Shizuo’s hands were no longer tickling him before realizing that this meant that Shizuo’s hands were no longer holding him either. Luckily, he was only underwater for a couple seconds. In a desperate flail, he managed to slam his foot into Shizuo’s chest, propelling him towards the docks—a move that only worked as Shizuo had mercifully remained within reach. He quickly grabbed onto the dock, pulling himself back to safety as he spluttered and coughed, trying to hack up the water he had accidentally inhaled in his momentary plunge.
Shizuo was laughing. Izaya had almost died and Shizuo was laughing. He rubbed the spot Izaya’s foot had landed with a hum of approval. “Nice reflexes.”
Izaya had thankfully managed to pull himself back on shore, where he retreated back to the safety of his chair, fumbling for his towel. “You almost killed me,” he hissed. There wasn’t any real venom in his voice though. It was more embarrassment than anything else.
Shizuo raised a brow at the claim. He remained in the water, perfectly content to tread the watery death trap. “I’ve done far worse without you so much as flinching. Besides, it’s not like you mind the tickling. Or have you forgotten that I know about that?”
Izaya pointedly did not look at him as he retrieved his towel, wrapping it around his shoulders. “I did not enjoy almost drowning because of it.” Not a confirmation or a denial, if the court played the sentence back.
He did not so much see as felt the eye roll from behind him. “Dramatic.”
Izaya sent him a withering stare. That particular insult (perhaps compliment, but Izaya refused to take it as such) was a new one, and one that Izaya was quickly finding not to his liking. He snatched his book up, settling back into his chair. Still in an okay condition, and the cool air had dried any bits of the pages that had gotten wet. He held the book up like a shield for his face as he noticeably did not respond.
Shizuo held up his arms in an expression of surrender, though the grin of amusement was still present on his face before he dove back under the water. As Izaya flipped a page in the novel, he hid his own smile, though his had a more affectionate value to it, despite the irritation.
Next summer, he decided, he would teach himself how to swim.
Shizuo would not be invited.
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gemini-twinz · 1 month
Legend one: Braindance Angel
This is part of a Cyberpunk 2077 AU for Durarara!! I will be writing a fic soon titled Memory Reboot, but before I started, I wanted to write some small tests/warmups to get me comfortable writing for it. Here is the first one. Small disclaimer that this is self contained and Memory Reboot will not be in first person.
Good evening Setton. This experience has been modified specifically for your unique interface. Please enter your terminal password.
User: Setton
Password: *********|
D=#$%&&, (compiling shaders)&&7**~
R*%^&&(tuning emotional triggers)#$@@
R*%!!~+(synthesizing physical sensations)&***_=
R3^7**-(recalling memory)%--#$&--.--..--.*
Thank you for waiting! Enjoy your braindance…
I am seeing through the eyes of a man who seems oddly familiar in a way I can't place.
The man stands on the top of the tower of Arasaka and looks blankly out onto the city, blinded by the halo flashing a lovely memory into his eyes. He pays no mind to the flickering advertisements hovering above Night City's denizens, or the smog creating a fog over the damp and dimly lit streets. Teetering on the edge, he laughs, arms out as he blindly walks the edge. His movements are flighty and off tilt, almost as if he is in a drunken state, but I taste no alcohol on his breath.
It isn't until the city flickers and fries below him that I realize he’s not simply watching a braindance, he is inside of one. Somehow his BD wreath is still visible in his eyes, though it may be part of the BD as well. How does someone even record a virtue of a virtue? … Wait..
**&476(Amygdala not found. Switching to alternative method)&&$*2**
&%#3(Possible method found. Initiating)&<#**
A sorrow I have never felt before starts at the top of my neck and washes over my entire body, coldness in it's wake. I'm convinced my fingers may turn blue. My nerves feel like ice.
The man looks at his shaking hands.
I'm shaking with him.
The call of the void overtakes my senses as he looks listlessly over the edge of the building. There is no drop in the pit of his stomach, no nausea. There is no fear in him of falling, as if replaced by the invincible feeling of knowing he can fly. As he holds his arms in close to hug his body, I feel a smirk stretch across his face to reveal his chattering teeth.
With a flash like a nebula forming, great digital wings emerge from his back, flickering like a distorted hologram. Colorful glitches dance on each feather like sunlight reflecting on the ocean’s horizon. He opens his arms and looks wide-eyed to the moon with a sardonic laugh..
“Am I truly equal..?” He talks to no-one, tipping his head to look back down at the city streets. "Equal to them before you.. Or too wretched.." Silent contemplation takes him for a moment.. then he speaks up once more. “Try as I may, I.. have no place in heaven..”
And he tips over the edge with open arms.
He doesn't fly.
Thank god he closes his eyes, and all I hear is a wet, horrid crunch before awakening as if from a nightmare. Tuning credits roll on my visor, and I hear a voice memo, stark and cold as an AI.
“We at A.B. Virtue inc. hope your experience was an exhilarating one, and..
We urge you to consider challenging your biases..
Have a pleasant evening, Setton”
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Another book completed! Not entirely thrilled at how the cover came out and had a few problems along the way with the binding, but it is finished now. Alethia, and it's companion fic are very cute shorter Shizuo x Izaya fics. I've been meaning to branch out from the ships I've done so far, so that was nice!
Cover done via a wash of blue ink, then the designs painted on with gouache, with the shading mostly done via india ink. Titles done with Winsor and Newton's gold ink which I'm still not thrilled about, lol.
Oh fuck I just realized I misspelled the title. Ah ok. Here's your yearly reminder to double check titles when typesetting, and also when working on the cover kids 🫠
Fic below the link:
Aletheia (T, 22k)
After Izaya gets Shizuo hit by a train he visits him in hospital only to find out that the blond doesn't know who he is, the informant tries to abuse Shizuo at his most vulnerable, but for some unknown reason - he just can't.
“I suppose,” Shizuo continued, his tentative tone bringing Izaya’s focus back to him. “We must have been friends.”
The Sleep Deprived Tale of Kimura Kiyoshi (G, 700)
This is just based off of a comment on the last chapter of my fic Aletheia (if you haven't read that it will make absolutely no sense)
The story of the guard who was supposed to be watching over Shizuo when he climbs out of his hospital window to go and get answers from Izaya.
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
dude im being 100% fr shizaya fanfic writers were and are fucking insane
because my school banned ao3 (my fault, but that's not important), i saved a bunch of super long shizaya fics (which are PLENTIFUL for some reason, maybe because tastewithouttalent wrote so goddamn many) and have them open to entire work which allows it to stay open on my school devices without being “registered” per say
and they have been like. fucking destroying me
To Hell and Back by corteae started with “izaya and shizuo travel around the world and wacky shenanigans happen” and i was messaging my discord server like “SHIZAYA WORLD TOUR WOOOOOOO” and i was expecting wacky shenanigans and then suddenly everything went off the fucking rails in the way i LEAST expected it to happen
like maybe i wouldn’t have been so blindsided if i hadn’t skimmed through the tags so quickly but like it’s more fun that way. i hate when i actually see a ‘major character death’ tag warning because i want to be surprised
ANYWAY that was genuinely like. one of my favorite fanfiction reading experiences to date. it was like reading a whole novel with how much original stuff was in there but it was so focused on izaya and shizuo and characterized them so unexpectedly well that the original stuff never really felt out of place or forced even though it was so wild
and even though it got super dark at times it maintained this really hopeful outlook on everything and sometimes it was downright cheesy but it just WORKS for that fic and i love it because of that
and some of the challenges it made the characters go through just worked SO well for their canon characters especially post-ketsu and i gasped audibly at some of them and Ahrhghgghhfdgfd
and then the past few days i was reading this zombie apocalypse fanfiction (april 23rd by izayas) and it was like. the most depressing fanfiction reading experiences to date. i literally had a panic attack in school after i read this for a bit too long a session like holy shit it just felt so real and so heavy and hopeless
the writing was phenomenal and well-planned/foreshadowed and probably has the best shizuo AND izaya characterization that i’ve ever seen?? like i could believe things would actually happen in this way in canon. probably because their hate for each other is so intrinsic and they’re never really able to let go of that?? which is not what i expected because yes they bond and yes they care for each other but it was always in a way so that you could feel the wall between them, and even when they connect it’s only briefly, never enough to tear them away from their hatred fully
it almost feels shakespearean in how tragic it is?? everything is so character driven and all their downward spiraling is so poetic and sickening but utterly gorgeous to read. like at so many points you’re like GOD if only they had done this one small thing different, if only if only if only and it’s just htrgrhgfhgd drives me insane which is probably what izayas-san was going for lmao. esoecially at the end you can really feel the shakespeare tragedy kicking in
it’s notable that although it’s tagged shizaya and very much centers around their relationship, it’s much more an exploration of the will of human nature and their individual struggles with coping and growing from their experiences, and there’s like. no typical romance whatsoever
it’s about their sick, twisted, passionate love and whether it’s enough to save either of them or if it’ll kill both of them and just. god. i am empty after that fic i didnt cry but it feels like all the tears have been drained from my body i dont even know how to feel or how to function. i had to take a break from writing this review and it’s been a whole weekend and there’s still this weight on my chest that i cant get rid of :sob: for my sanity’s sake i sincerely doubt i could ever read it again but i honestly treasure that experience
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yvenno · 1 year
do yall have fictional characters you're hesitant to talk about on the internet because you like them/relate to them/see them on a spiritual level and you're kinda scared they're watching everything you do like they're god or a guardian angel
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bunnyseahorse-blog · 1 year
What is the first Shizaya fanfic you read that really made you love the ship?
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dragongarden98 · 4 months
Sorry, for not posting as much as I should, I don't think I am going to use Tumblr as much as I thought I would. But here's my new plot bunnies. Hope you enjoy it at least. Never mind I might be using it a bit more than I thought, also I will be going through and editing my mistakes and bad grammar. It will take a while so I hope you can be patient with me.
Fandoms Danny phantom. Durarara!!
Title: lonely souls no longer lonely.
Plot Summary.
Danny has to leave home because it's no longer safe in Amity Park.
Danny was caught by the G I W and he was experimented on.
In this fanfic Danny was adopted by the Fenton's when he was a baby. He is actually the illegitimate son of Orihara Shirou and is Izaya's half brother, that he has no idea about and didn't even know existed in the first place.
The rest of this fic would be focusing on Danny just trying to survive in the Ikebukuro. But he keeps getting mistaken for izaya.
This will have Shizaya and Izaya and Shizuo adopting Danny. Shizaya is important to the story but it's not the main focus, instead it's a secondary one.
Title: X Marks The Spot.
Fandoms Danny Phantom. Teen Titans.
Plot Summary.
It isn't safe anymore for the Fenton siblings in their own universe, so they leave their home dimension and they go to the DC universe.
There were some complications leading to Danny and his clone Ellie (Dani, I'm calling her Ellie because it's easier) becoming babies in between the ages of 1 month and 6 months old.
It's mainly just BAMF Jazz, she's raising her kids, kicking ass, and stealing stuff from evil corporations and Rich assholes.
50/50 if it is Jazz X Dick, but we'll just have to see.
The story would pick up where the Teen Titans cartoon ended. Perhaps the black and white monster could have been a ghost. Maybe we learn why Tara came back. FYI I know that there's a Teen Titans comic called Teen Titans go, not the same as that cartoon, it's set in the original series. Point is I'm not following the comics I'm going to do my own thing.
Fandoms Durarara!! ark survival evolved.
I had an idea for a story, but I have gotten some of the lore of ark completely wrong so my original story idea is completely scrapped.
Title: Records of a Forgotten Hero.
Fandoms Danny phantom. MHA.
Plot Summary.
Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki are in an accident that gives them multiple quirks? And they are very confused on what's going on.
Danny leaves behind a video diary for the three new halfas. So they can understand what is going on, and why they have multiple quirks now.
I don't have much of a plot figured out for this one yet.
Title: The Runaway Babies.
Fandom Durarara!!.
Plot Summary.
Two young girls come to Ikebukuro to make a new life for themselves. They end up getting a bit more than what they bargained for, but a happy ending all the same.
Don't have very much for the story except the OCs end up adopting both Izaya and Shizuo instead of being adopted by them. The OCs are similar to izaya and shizuo.
It's a shizaya kid fic. Kids adopting their parents instead of the parents adopting the kids.
Title: a bond between two souls.
Fandoms My Hero Academia. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Bakugou and Deku wake up in the past and in the bodies of Izaya and Shizuo.
And they have no idea why, but now they have to figure out what happened to them and why they're here, and simultaneously deal with Izaya and Shizuo. Izaya and Shizuo are not happy that Bakugou and Deku are in their bodies.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with this fic, but I had so many ideas, but no real cohesive plot.
It's a reincarnation and soulmate AU. BakuDeku. Shizaya.
Bakugou is in Izaya's body and Deku is in Shizuo's.
Series title: Demons Of Gotham.
AKA, DOG. lol.
Fandoms Batman. Danny phantom.
Plot Summary.
Two demons have entered Gotham City and started attacking most of the rogues.
And at the same time Wayne Manor is being haunted by something or someone.
This is just going to be a series of one shots and maybe a few multi chapter fics. It's just meant to be a bunch of funny, wholesome, and horrifying (for the villains at least) stories about Thomas and Martha Wayne haunting Gotham (and kicking Joker's teeth out) for Jason, because he deserves better.
Series title: MHA Trip to DC.
Fandom MHA. DC animated universe. DC extended universe. Batman Wayne family adventures.
Plot Summary.
Just another series where MHA characters and DC characters. i don't have a story at the moment.
Just a bunch of ideas and scenes.
Title: The Missing Piece.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
I don't really have much of a story right now. but it would be a Shizaya x OC.
Title: only fleas.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo has a onlyfans.
Izaya is a big fan of his.
Probably a one shot but could be multiple chapters. it's just meant to be some fun shizaya smut.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Post Ketsu.
3 years have passed since Izaya left Ikebukuro and Izaya ended up getting kidnapped by a serial killer.
Izaya manages to escape but it's being hunted by the serial killer.
So thinking this is his last chance he calls his sisters and his friend Shinra, he even calls Shizuo and apologizes to them.
But no one picks up for whatever reason, except Shizuo.
Was inspired by an episode of SVU.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo and Izaya wake up in a strange Lab. But they don't wake up together. Instead they wake up in different parts of the lab at different times.
They soon learn that the world has been overtaken by monsters. And they themselves are slowly turning into monsters as well.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Mermaid AU. Inspired by the movie Deep Blue sea.
Essentially it's the plot of the movie but replacing the sharks with mermaids and one of the mermaids Izaya. Maybe the other two mermaids or his sisters.
Shizuo is the shark handler guy. but instead of sharks it's mermaids.
Not the exact plot of the movie but definitely inspired.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo wake's up in bed with Izaya, and is mortified. He's not sure what happened. He's planning on leaving, but he wants answers (and he would feel a little scummy for just sleeping with someone and leaving them right after.)
During all of this Izaya is asleep.
one shot fic where mostly just shizuo unsure what to do.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
This is the story with all the alternate versions of Shizuo and Izaya.
Shinra thought it would be a fun idea to clone them. that goes as well as you would think.
Now all the clones are loose, and Shizuo and Izaya don't know that they were cloned.
It is much chaos. In short the children have gotten loose and they're causing mayhem.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
The story just has one alternate version of Shizuo.
Delic is Shizuo's cousin and Izaya doesn't know about him.
But Delic knows about Izaya and decides to mess with him.
Examples are, flirting, calling Izaya cute while he's flustered, etc etc.
And all while he's pretending to be Shizuo. It also helps that he has Shizuo's strength.
Now what does Shizuo think about this? Who knows, maybe they both start messing with Izaya. And Izaya is just frustrated with whatever the hell is going on.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo becomes an assassin and uses a cover named, Ruby No Yubiwa. Izaya became a manga artist by the pen name of Toudaimoto Kurashi.
I don't have that many ideas for the story.
Plus Toudaimoto Kurashi is kind of like an Izaya if he had never met Shinra.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary
Izaya was sold to the Oriharas by his mom, or he was kidnapped by the Oriharas when he was a baby.
So he had no idea that he was kidnapped and/or adopted.
Depending on which version it's either his grandparents were still looking for him, or his parents and grandparents were looking for him. And as a last resort they go to the media. Another thing they can do in their desperation to find him is go to a certain informant and that's how they find out the truth.
inspired by another fanfic as well as an episode of SVU. I'm not sure where the story would go. I think it would be an interesting idea if Izaya had a family he never knew about. how would he deal with that?
Izaya has a secret child that no one knows about. Not even his family.
Unfortunately the mother of the child went missing, leaving Izaya to raise the child on his own. Another unfortunate thing is that Ikebukuro learns that Izaya has a kid, and Izaya decides to hire Shizuo as a bodyguard to keep his daughter safe.
I'm not sure what to do with this story. I just think it would be interesting if Izaya had a secret child.
Possible shizaya?
Izaya wakes up injured and in an apartment that he doesn't recognize. Turns out the apartment is Shizuo's.
Unsure how he got there, Izaya tries to figure out what's going on and how he ended up in Shizuo's apartment.
Meanwhile Shizuo is trying to take care of Izaya and keep him from getting out of the apartment.
Every time Izaya is close to getting out of the apartments. Shizuo freaks out and stops him from getting out.
It almost seems like Shizuo is scared of something.
Erika and Kyouhei have made a bet. The bet is who is right about the nature of Shizuo and Izaya's relationship. If Erika is right. Or Kyouhei?
If Kyouhei is right and those two aren't in a romantic relationship then Erika can't talk about them being in love for one month straight.
But if Erika's right... Who Knows! I haven't really decided on that one.
Shizuo and Izaya are trapped in The Sims. (It's totally Shenra's fault for that one.)
Shinra keeps the two of them separated. He gives them their own rooms and different parts of the house he made with them just until he figures out a way to get them out.
Shizuo has his own space far away from the "Flea" and Izaya is far away from the "Protozoan." Why aren't they put on separate lots because Shinra wants them to stay in the same place so it's easier to get them out. But unfortunately (though fortunate for the reader) this will backfire for all three of them.
Because somehow Erika gets a hold of the game; she has no idea that it's the actual Shizuo and Izaya and proceeds to live out her Shizaya fantasies.
This is going to be absolutely chaotic and I love it.
So have you ever seen the show "The amazing world of gumball?"
Well if you haven't you don't have to for this all you need to know is that there was an episode where an obsessive yandere ice cream girl (this show is very weird) gets a hold of a fanfiction note? What's the fanfiction note, think of Death Note but instead of killing people it instead brought fanfiction to life.
Now imagine if Erika got a hold of such a book and all the stuff that would happen.
So it's up to Shizuo and Izaya to stop her because yeah it's all fanfiction about them together as a couple.
But will they be able to stop her before it's too late?
It's Erika's birthday and she's had a Shity Month! (Again blame Shinra for what's about to happen.) Shinra wants to be a good friend and make her birthday special so he decides it's a good idea to get Shizuo and Izaya into a relationship with each other.
At least that's one version. I just want a fic where Shizuo and Izaya are forced to pretend that they are in a relationship.
Erika Was Right!
I just want a fic where Kyouhei has an existential crisis because "Holy Shit Erika Was Right!" What was she right about?
Well obviously she was right about Shizaya.
Post katsu.
Izaya had a one night stand before the events of post ketsu with Shizuo.
This resulted in Izaya getting Pregnant.
He gives the baby up for adoption after they're born, the birth happens eight or nine months after post-ketsu.
(Also the years have been altered slightly, instead of the events of the anime taking place in 2010 and 2015, instead it would be 2008 to 2009.)
The baby is all grown up and he's strong and ill-tempered just like his dear old dad Shizuo.
And now he wants to find out who his parents are? Will he ever get the answer? Who knows?
Eri compilation. Six villain stories and six hero stories.
Have some ideas for this.
The bat family ends up in the marvel universe. Will they get back home?
I don't have very many ideas for this.
The Bat family ended up in the 2004 The Batman series. Bat family minus Bruce and Alfred.
I have no idea for this one either. Well I have one idea but that's kind of it.
Jazz Fenton is female Tim Drake.
She left her home dimension because of some stuff that happened. The thing that ultimately gets her to leave is when Dick tries to have her put into Arkham.
She leaves to another dimension and she ends up getting turned back into a child. She finds a little baby boy that was abandoned in a dumpster and she would name him Danny, later gets adopted by the Fenton's.
Izaya is heartbroken after getting rejected by Shizuo, so he leaves Ikebukuro. Shizuo regrets what he said to Izaya. So now Shizuo is trying to find Izaya.
Will Shizuo be able to find Izaya, will he ever get the chance to apologize for the hurtful things he said to Izaya. Or will it be too late.
FYI the stuff that Shizuo said to Izaya was pretty damn hurtful. Like a really brutal rejection. Even people who hate Izaya or think that Shizuo was being way too mean towards Izaya.
Durarara crossover with Backrooms.
Izaya gets trapped in the Backrooms.
Crossover with Durarara and the SCP Foundation. Shizuo is some kind of entity that broke into site 19. Izaya is one of the agents and he fights Shizuo. Shizuo decides after their fight "this guy is really hot." And wants to make Izaya his husband.
Izaya is given a love potion.
Anri and Izaya are siblings. Similar to idea one they don't know their siblings.
Might combine this with idea 18.
Sayaka (Anri mom) had Izaya when she was a teenager and gave him up for adoption. The Orihara parents adopted and raised Izaya.
Izaya and Shiki are Father and son. Shiki knows that Izaya is his son. But Izaya doesn't know that Shiki is his dad.
This idea could also be combined with 18.
And could even be combined with the previous idea.
A crack fic.
A fusion of a few ideas, 1, 18, 35, 36, and Shiki now has a bunch of kids. And all three of them have issues. lol.
Secret relationship series.
A series of fanfictions about Izaya and Shizuo being in a secret relationship with each other.
Izaya and Shizuo are too horny for their own good.
They do it in Shinra and Celty's apartment. Don't worry they did clean up most of the condoms, but there were a few they missed.
And they do it in a dumpster and they get caught by Simon. Well at least they're no longer fighting.
I'm sure if this idea is Canon to 38
Danny phantom and Gargoyles crossover.
Durarara but everyone are cats.
Shiki and Shizuo have a talk.
It's a shovel talk.
Possibly Canon 38.
Izaya gets the aged and turns back into a small child. And now Shiki and Akabayashi are taking care of him.
Inspired by another fanfiction.
Shizuo has the ability to control Izaya thanks to the caller around Izaya's neck. But he ends up going too far, and hurts Izaya really badly.
Don't worry there is no SA stuff in this one.
Bakugou swaps bodies with yang.
crack one shot.
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So this is actually the same story I've already posted about a year ago. The plot is the same (as much as there is an actual plot..) but I rewrote it in a way. I just like it more now.
So, yeah. You can check it out if you want. Or not. It really depends on you.
As if we don't all read over and over again about the same a**holes falling in love though.. 😑
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ficresc · 4 months
"You know what I mean," Shizuo says exasperatedly. "We've never had an actual conversation about us. Relationships are about compromise and… you don't compromise. It feels like I'm always the one compromising. I moved in. I changed my schedule. I do what you want. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like we're dating. Sometimes it just feels like… I'm just in your life." 
til the war's won by izayas
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Hi my beauties!
Just stopping by on our favorite, toxic boyfriends birthday to let you all know I love you!
And also to let you know, new content is on the way! 🤩 New chapter of Sharp Edges in on deck and I’m finally opening myself up to new projects again.
Thank you all for always supporting me and my creativity. 🥹💕
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Tickletober Day Twenty-Two - Vampire
Notes: We’re all just gonna pretend like the last day I posted wasn’t all the way back on day nine, everything’s fine, I’m so totally caught up right now. Prompt taken from @lizzienaut ‘s list, for the request by @tickles-tea. The Vampire!Shizaya AU owns my entire heart, so here you go~
Summary: Izaya has a tendency to bite and Shizuo’s ticklish.
Cold, refreshing air hit his lungs, sucked between gritted teeth. He tried to focus all his energy on breathing, as opposed to any other inconvenient plans his body might have in store for him. Such as moving. He curled his fingers against the brick behind him, listening to the distant sounds of traffic in the background. A streetlight flickered near them as flies bumped uselessly into the bulb and luminous shadows danced across the buildings as a result.
“Did you know that your heartbeat is racing right now?”
Shizuo tensed, palming the stone again like it might turn into an exit. “It’s cold.”
“It’s barely winter, try again.”
His lips were soft and each word seemed to vibrate against his skin. The urge to move, to flee, to push the other man away, bubbled up underneath Shizuo’s skin and he shoved it down through some Herculean force of will. He could see the glint of Izaya’s teeth reflected in the light. They didn’t look that sharp, but Shizuo knew firsthand how much damage they could do. In theory, that’s what Shizuo should be worried about right now. In practice, he had other, more pressing concerns on his mind.
Another kiss, delivered softly into the crook of his neck. Shizuo’s shoulder jerked up helplessly. It really wasn’t that cold, but Shizuo was sticking with that theory if it would help explain the goosebumps flaring out from each spot that Izaya touched—ripples in a pond.
“How am I supposed to act when my boyfriend tries to rip out my throat?” Another kiss, this time deposited higher, closer to his jugular. Shizuo couldn’t help but squirm at that, trying to disguise it as a simple readjustment. “A gazelle doesn’t sit still for the lion.”
“That’s a rather dramatic comparison,” Izaya said dryly, pausing to lean back and give him an annoyed look. “It’s just a small bite, you’ll hardly even notice. Besides, it’s not as if you haven’t done this before—don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet now.”
He wasn’t wrong (Izaya rarely was, and it was one of the more irritating aspects about dating him). Izaya had fed from him countless times in the past, but that was before they had been on such… friendly terms. Shizuo was used to it being rough and desperate, hands gripping his chin and holding it firmly but gently out of the way like Shizuo’s struggling was a mere inconvenience to him. He wasn’t used to this gentle prelude Izaya was preforming now. His skin seemed to tingle where Izaya’s lips touched it, his every nerve helplessly aware of his position.
It had never been so defenseless before.
Shizuo huffed, purposefully tilting his neck back this time with a confidence he didn’t feel. “Don’t be stupid. Just get it over with already.”
“Ah, Shizu-chan, so impatient,” Izaya sung musingly, but he returned to his neck, continuing the soft trail of kisses up the column of his neck.
Shizuo grimaced, mostly to do something with the energy coiling inside him. “Do you really have to do that?”
“It’s supposed to be a tactic to calm you down,” Izaya answered in a surprising show of honesty. He spoke in-between kisses, and Shizuo put his best efforts into slowing his heartbeat down to something reasonable. “Like how doctors distract you before they stick the needle in. It hurts less if you’re not all tensed up. 
“Which,” he added, almost as an afterthought, “doesn’t seem to be working. You’re not nervous, are you?”
Shizuo huffed out a shaky breath that spiraled in the air between them. It wasn’t an answer, but Izaya had grown good at reading him—too good, in Shizuo’s opinion.
Izaya pressed his palm against Shizuo’s chest, his touch cold even through his shirt. They both listened to the insistent thrum of his heartbeat, a paranoid call to danger. “Are you still worried I’ll kill you, after all this time? After all the opportunities I willfully ignored because you seemed far more interesting alive than as a soulless corpse?
One finger traced gently around the area where his heart would be, as though miming cutting it out. Each touch was too light—too intentional. The city noise was swept away by the wind, and all Shizuo could focus on was those piercing eyes and the hissing breath still too close to his skin and the nail dragging against his shirt—
“Ignoring me isn’t a smart idea, you know.” Izaya quirked a brow, the gesture effortlessly calm—the exact opposite of Shizuo’s racing mind and heightened nerves. “If you’re too scared for one simple bite—”
“Your annoying vampire breath is tickling me, that’s all.” The words snapped out of him before he could take them back; anything to wipe that condescending look off his face. “I’m not afraid of those toothpicks you call teeth—"
Shizuo stiffened. Izaya peered up at him curiously, the same look a child gives their new toy; it wasn’t comforting when directed at you. “What?”
“You’re ticklish?”
“But you just said—”
“It was a figure of speech, alright? Enough with all the damn questions.”
This was not how this night was supposed to go. Izaya was a vampire, a monstrous beast of nature by all accounts, and Shizuo was human, and in no way, shape, or form should tickling even enter into that equation. Depending on Izaya’s mood, Shizuo should either be dead in a ditch by now or back in Izaya’s apartment for far more extraneous activities. Instead, his face was hot with an embarrassment he hadn’t felt in years and he wanted nothing more than to take his chances and make a run for it. At the very least it would buy him enough time to come up with an excuse out of this.
He had forgotten about the hand on his chest, the one that now resumed its tracing, only now its target drifted farther down, curving against the folds in his shirt. Instinct jerked Shizuo’s hand to stop him, but Izaya was faster, snagging Shizuo’s wrists and slamming it next to his head on the wall. Shizuo exhaled sharply, panic flaring and dying within his chest all in the course of a couple seconds.
“Stop lying to me, Shizuo.” The use of his name, his actual name, not some silly nickname or derogatory title, sent him on high alert. “It’s exhausting and you’re not slick enough to pull it off.”
Izaya’s finger had finished its descent, and now begin the process of carefully tugging Shizuo’s shirt up. Shizuo tried not to move, tried not to give him any indication that this was getting to him, but Izaya’s knuckles kept brushing against skin and his stomach muscles jumped and twitched in protest. 
Izaya’s hand slipped under the hem of the undershirt, laying flat against his stomach and Shizuo hissed sharply.  
“Your hands are cold.”
“I’ve heard dying has that effect,” Izaya replied wryly. He twitched his hands, grinning when Shizuo lurched back—not that he had anywhere to go, backed against the wall as he was. “Is something the matter?”
Slow, gentle taps against his abdomen, like the world’s laziest drumroll. Shizuo bit the inside of his lip to keep himself from doing something stupid like smiling. It didn’t tickle, not in any real, concrete way, but the anticipation of knowing it could, was making him nervous. He still had one hand free, but it remained hanging uselessly by his side. He wanted to yell at it to move already, but his body refused to listen to him.
“So silent and stoic, very admirable.” Izaya was teasing him, and Shizuo hated how helpless it made him feel. He should stop this. He should really say something, anything to stop this. “I’ve always loved that about you. So willful and yet so easy to rile up at the same time.”
“I’m not—mmhe!” A sudden curl of Izaya’s fingers had his mouth snapping shut again, concealing a sound that he refused to identify as a laugh. He squeezed his eyes shut to avoid the knowing look practically radiating off of the other.
“You’re not what? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
He was smiling now, and once it was out, it was impossible to pull back in. He shoved his other hand deep in his pocket, clenching the soft denim in his hands. Nails curled in and out across his stomach, a gentle, spider-like movement that was driving Shizuo up the wall. Izaya was still watching him and he tried to tell himself it didn’t tickle, that if he held out a little while longer maybe Izaya would give up.
And then Izaya leaned in again, bracing himself on his stomach, and pressed another series of kisses against his neck that ended in teeth scraping lightly over the vulnerable skin.
“S-Shit!” Something akin to a giggle slipped out as Shizuo jerked his shoulders up in defense. “Izaya!”
“Something the matter, Shi-zu-chan~?”
Each word formed new vibrations against his skin and Shizuo’s hand jolted out of his pocket to grip at the other man’s shoulder. Not that it did him any good; trying to move a vampire was like trying to move a brick wall, heightened strength be damned. Instead, Shizuo resorted to crumpling back against the wall and trying to stifle the frankly embarrassing noises slipping out of his mouth despite his best efforts.
“How about this?” Izaya’s hand slipped around to his hips, resting just above the bone. “You admit you were lying and I’ll consider stopping sometime within the next hour. That seems fair, don’t you think?”
Shizuo was denied a chance to answer as Izaya started squeezing suddenly, sending shockwaves of sensations coursing through him. He wanted to point out that nothing about this situation was fair, but each argument shriveled up into a fit of cackles as he doubled over under Izaya’s cruel methods.
He had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
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kokomilk-ao3 · 2 years
Blow Up Louder | Chapter 3
Tumblr media
Fandom: Durarara!!
Relationship: Heiwajima Shizuo/Orihara Izaya
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Road Trip, First Meetings, First Kiss, One Night Stands, Canon-typical Violence, Dom/sub Undertones, Rough Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Blood Kink
Words: 3733
DAY 3 – Road trip / College AU / There was only one bed:
Izaya and Shizuo, two very different college students from Tokyo, are forced to share a motel room when their bus breaks down in rural Japan.
Thank you @shizayasweek! ✨I hope it's okay that my Shizaya Week just turned into Shizaya Year, since I’m still on the third prompt nearly two months after the dates… Slowly but steady? 😅
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