lex-cursus · 1 year
What sort of accent does Niles have?
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It's admittedly had to place the dialect itself but I wanna believe that he might have something like a French accent an Orleanais dialect. Anyone who knows better can tell me as such but given the dark capital is smack dab in the middle of the area I based it on, it seemed appropriate.
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burnpheonix04 · 3 years
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Map of Orléans + Registration in French #orleans #france🇫🇷 #centrevaldeloire #loire #jeannedarc #fetesjohanniques #guerredecentans #histoiredefrance #zemmour2022 #loiret #foretdorleans #sologne #beauce #orleanais #usorleans #historiadefrancia #francia #placemartroi #valdeloiretourisme #frenchculture #redbubble #findyourthing #cadeau #tourism #christmas #noël #francaise #francais #frança #orleanais #orléanaise @valeurs_actuelles @charlotte_d.ornellas @orleansvaldeloiretourisme @france3centrevaldeloire @regioncentre_valdeloire @redbubble @redbubbleartists @histoire.de.france @histoirefrance @h_danshistoire @sieclesdhistoire @histoire_defrance @sauvons_notre_france @jeunecatholiquedefrance @terredefrance.fr https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHRm7BK7ee/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anarchotolkienist · 3 years
I'm very glad that more attention is being payed to french colonialism. I am very weirded out by the fact that this primarily seems to take practical shape only in demanding that french people speak... English.
If you want to change languge use, ask that they break their identification with french-ness, that they self-abolish their nationhood and their national languge, that they reclaim Occitan, Languadocian, Orleanais, Breton, Basqe... English is literally the only languge you could choose that is not an improvement over French in this political sense.
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wild that for a good 50 years there was a kingdom of iranian nomadic horsemen just casually tearing through europe (even briefly settled in orleanais, making orleans their capital.) and helped fight against the huns before eventually making their way to iberia and settling there alongside the migrating germans.
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riguetblogw · 7 years
Un week-end chargé ! Deux salons.
Un week-end chargé ! Deux salons.
Deux salons, l’un à Vendôme, l’autre à Veigné.
J’y serai seulement le samedi 30 septembre.
Le programme en suivant ce lien :
J’y serai le dimanche.
Toutes les infos en suivant les liens :
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Quelques photos non récentes de moi à Orléans, de moi et ma fille à Orléans dont j' ai la garde un week-endsur deux soit 4 jours dans un mois "ce qui est peu de temps, pour une maman auprès de sa fille, d' autant plus qu' auparavant nous fonctionions en garde alternée", et du paysage orleanais. Je vis depuis plus de deux ans dans cette jolie ville du centre val de Loire.
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1withthepen · 6 years
Information de base:  
Récemment, j’ai regardé le film ‘Ava’ en français. Lien vers Ava Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpxlr8dTYrQ.  
C’est un drame d’âge / romance avec un peu d’humour. Le film a été réalisé par Lea Mysius, qui est un ancien scénariste et réalisateur. Il a été produit par Jean-Louis Livi, Patrick Armisen, Fanny Yvonnet.  
Le film dure 1 heure et 45 minutes. C’est pour un public mature. Il contient de la nudité et de la violence et a été classé MA15 +. Il a été réalisé en mai 2017.  
D’autres choses intrigantes sur le film selon www.thefrenchfilmfestival.com sont qu’il s’agissait 
“Tourné sur film 35mm pour accentuer une palette de couleurs saturées de tons chauds et dorés, l’aveuglement d’Ava est aussi une métaphore de la tendance croissante de la société française contemporaine embrasser l’extrémisme, ainsi que la détresse sociale croissante: une méditation habile sur la politique, la sensualité et la joie de vivre de la jeunesse, une chronique rafraîchissante de la maturité d’une jeune fille.” 
Évaluation et récompenses: 
Il a reçu une note de 85% sur les tomates pourries. (Rotten Tomatoes) Le film a été nominé pour 10 prix. Il a gagne six. Parmi eux, le prix SACD au festival du film de Cannes 2017 et le prix du meilleur film au festival du film 2017 de Stockholm Vous pouvez visite IMDb pour la liste complète des monimations et des récompenses. 
Rencontrez le casting:  
Noée Abita: (comme Ava, Il est dit similaire. (A- va vs Ah-va): Elle est née en 1998 tout comme moi mais elle est déjà une actrice en développement. 
  Laure Calamy: ( comme Maud, la mère de Ava): 
Laure Calamy a 40 ans et est une actrice française populaire. Parmi ses autres rôles, mentionnons Park Benches en 2009 et en 2014 French Woman. Elle a commencé sa carrière d’acteur en 2000. 
  Juan Cano: ( comme Juan,  le ami de Ava) 
  Ce sont les trois personnages principaux, mais la distribution inclut aussi Tamara Cano (comme Jessica), Ismaël Capelot, Mila Cheuzzi (comme Ines), Carmen Gimenez (comme Carmen) et Sarah Utrera entre autres. 
Vue d’ensemble: 
Ava est une fille de 13 ans en vacances près d’une plage avec sa mère. Elle apprend qu’elle va perdre la vue. Alors que sa mère veut qu’elle profite de leurs longues vacances, Ava est têtue et indépendante. Ava exploré sa propre liberté, sa jeunesse et sa sexualité tout en luttant contre la perte de sa vision.  
Résumé détaillé du complot: 
Au début du film, elle vole un chien noir. Nous apprenons plus tard que ce chien appartient à Juan, un garçon en fuite. Au fur et à mesure que le film progresse, Ava explore sa sexualité et poursuit de nombreuses aventures avec Juan. Après de nombreuses petites rencontres avec Juan, Ava et Juan commencent à un lien unique. Bientôt ce lien se transformera en quelque chose de plus.Ava nomme le chien Loupo. Ava participe a un cours de char à voile, où elle rencontre Matthias (Baptiste Archimbaud), le fils du moniteur et plus tard, elle rencontre Tété (Daouda Diakhaté). Tete est la mère de son nouveau petit ami / amant. Quand elle raconte ses cauchemars à sa mère et qu’on lui dit qu’elle doit garder sa sœur à côté, Ava se fâche et se fâche. Ava abandonne sa petite soeur le lendemain et sort pour apprendre à guider avec d’autres sens. Elle plisse les yeux et utilise Loupo comme guide. Elle rentre à la maison pour écrire dans un journal qu’elle commence à garder. Plus tard, elle et sa mère se battent. Plus tard, Ava revient à la plage, les yeux bandés, se déshabille et va nager. Jaun, qui vit parmi les rochers, la regarde. Il ramasse Loupo alors qu’elle se précipite pour s’habiller, il s’éloigne. Ce soir, Ava a plus de cauchemars. Elle rêve de sa sœur mourante et d’étranges rêves sexuels. Plus tard elle trutns aux rochers pour chercher Loupo. Au lieu de cela, elle trouve l’espace de vie de Juan. 
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Effrayée, elle se tourne pour partir et tombe sur Matthias. Après avoir reconnu la femme qui discutait avec Juan en tant que serveuse Avan et sa mère rentrer à la maison. Loupo est sur le sol couvert de sang. Ava retourne dans les rochers pour trouver Juan. Il est étendu sur le sol blessé. Ava essaie de lui. Comme elle ne peut pas voir, elle attend jusqu’à demain matin pour se nourrir de Juan.Juan ne semble pas aimer Ava. Ava rentre chez lui en colère. Le soir elle passe du temps avec Matthias et ils s’embrassent. Pourtant, il n’y a pas de lien entre eux.Ava peint son champ de vision chaque nuit et le regarde devenir plus petit. Alors qu’elle retourne aux rochers et finalement Juan et elle passent la journée ensemble. Ils prennent de l’argile et peignent leurs corps. Puis ils vont à une plage nudiste et les gens avec le pistolet de Juan, volent d’eux. La police les trouve et essaye d’arrêter Juan pour embezzlmetn ainsi que de trouver Ava depuis que sa mère a signalé sa disparition. Ava prend le pistolet de Juan et menace les flics. Ils fuient.Ils volent un motercycle et passent la nuit dans un bâtiment abandonné. Juan dit à Ava qu’ils doivent se rendre dans une communauté gitane pour récupérer sa voiture. Ava appelle rapidement sa mère paniquée. Juan et Ava créent un plan. Ava posera comme aidant dans le mariage de Jessica.Ava se faufile dans un carvan à la recherche des clés et des papiers de Juan. Elle doit se dépêcher car la police est à proximité. Juan trouve Ava et ils s’enfuient de la police. Dans les bois plus tard dans la nuit, Jessica les voit conduire la voiture de Juan. Elle leur tend les clés silencieusement. Le film se termine sur Ava souriant radieusement à Juan. 
Mes pensées: 
Je pensais que le film était très bien fait mais parfois je pensais que l’intrigue était confuse. Je n’avais pas de sous-titres français et j’apprends toujours le français, donc si vous êtes comme moi, je vous recommande de le regarder avec des sous-titres français. Dans l’ensemble, mes deux scènes préférées étaient le vol de personnes sur la scène de plage nudiste et Juan et Ava sur la route. C’était très drôle et exspressif.
Si vous êtes intéressé à voir un film avec un truc à faire face à quelque chose de difficile dans la vie, je recommanderais Ava. Je pensais que le jeu était bien fait aussi. Par exemple, Ava et Juan semblaient tous les deux être de vraies personnes qui formaient un véritable lien. Je voulais en voir plus et en apprendre davantage sur Maud, la mère d’Ava.Je pense que le meilleur aspect de ce film était le tournage. J’aimais la façon dont la caméra ferait miroiter la perte de vision d’Ava à certains moments. Je pensais aussi que la bande-son était parfaite pour les aventures et les luttes qu’Ava ressentait. Je pense que ma plus grande critique de ce film n’a pas été d’avoir un peu plus de dialogue. Parfois, suivre l’intrigue sans dialogue était un défi. 
Sources référencées et si vous souhaitez plus d’informations:  
Photos gracieuseté de: 
Ava avec un pistolet :  
Affiche d’ Ava : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6194530/  
Laure Calamy: https://www.larep.fr/orleans/loisirs/scene-musique/2017/05/10/laure-calamy-un-talent-orleanais-dans-la-serie-dix-pour-cent_12396101.html  
Noée Abita: https://www.gettyimages.fr/photos/abita  
Ava dormant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WF9-e8J8t4  
Ava avec la crème glacée: http://critics-associated.com/ava-review/  
Ava et Juan: http://screenanarchy.com/2017/12/review-ava-nakedly-attacks-the-female-coming-of-age-film.html  
Ava et maquillage: https://en.unifrance.org/movie/42860/ava  
Ava et Juan/ moto: https://www.richmix.org.uk/events/film/bfi-london-film-festival-ava  
Juan Cano: https://www.afcinema.com/Le-directeur-de-la-photographie-Paul-Guilhaume-parle-de-son-travail-sur-Ava-de-Lea-Mysius.html?lang=fr  
Lea Mysius: http://www.semainedelacritique.com/en/directors/lea-mysius  
Note to readers: As many of you probably have already realized this post is very different from what I usually post. I am hoping that for those of you out there who might not know French you are still able to translate this page somehow and read it. For those of you who do speak French, I would love to hear your opinions on my writing. I am doing this for part of a school project but the more feedback the better. And for all readers I would love to hear your thoughts on this movie if you have seen it. As always I welcome any suggestions on movies to watch, music to listen to and books to read. I know I have not posted in a while but I promise after school ends here soon you can expect more regular posts.
Thank you, and Merci beaucoup.
-Eva M.M.
  Critique de film “Ava” pour le français 102 Information de base:   Récemment, j'ai regardé le film 'Ava' en français. Lien vers Ava Trailer: …
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rickkimler · 5 years
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Vintage Fine Arts Postcard, Fine Art Painting Painting, At The Seaside, By Artist Gabriel Herve.
Gabriel Herve
Also Known As: "Hervé", "Hervet"
Birthdate: circa 1610
Birthplace: St. Martin de Blois, Chartre, Orleanais, France
Death: December 17, 1675 (61-69)
Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France
Early Divided Back Era (1907-1914)
Publisher - Printer - Artist - Photographer - Museum
Printed in Paris
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1800any · 6 years
Public Sculpture Influences
For this Assignment, I have taken a look at the language of the plinth and two artists that work with sculpture and how they have influenced my artwork into being that it is. The main focus for my artwork is to shed light upon the atrocities of Christianity throughout time.
Hank Willis Thomas
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Hank Willis Thomas
History of the Conquest (2017)
Bronze Sculpture
The front lawn of the Old U.S. Mint at the foot of Esplanade Avenue has a new addition: a one-ton bronze sculpture of a young black boy riding a kind of mollusc called a Nautilus.
The creature’s bronze antennae now arch toward the fire station across Esplanade. It will stand lookout in that location at the edge of the French Quarter for the next three months, as part of the New Orleans-wide art exhibition Prospect.4. The sculpture’s installation showed the depth of work that it takes to put Prospect.4 together. All across town, installation crews and artists laboured to put 250 pieces of artwork into place.
There is a ripe quality to the sculpture due to the finish of the snail, reminiscent of fantastical elements which relate to surrealism. Thomas' work is infused with political sensibilities about race and wealth and power.
 So, in some ways, it seemed as though his sculpture may have been placed intentionally at a historic crossroads, at the edge of the wealthy Quarter, across the street from where slave traders once showed off their human wares and not far from Esplanade Ridge, once a stronghold for the city’s large population of free people of colour.
Thomas, who also does photography and film and other media, once made an exhibit of Nike "swoosh" logos superimposed onto the bodies of black men, recalling the branding of slaves by their owners.
His images displayed in the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., is called Strange Fruit after the Billie Holiday song about the lynching of African-Americans. The image is of two black basketball players playing a game of one-on-one, but above them is a noose instead of a basketball net.
Thomas was raised in a household filled with arts and activism. His mother is Deborah Willis, professor and chair of the Department of Photography and Imaging at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. His father is Hank Thomas, a long time civil rights activist who on May 24, 1961, rode out of Montgomery, Alabama, on one of the earliest Freedom Ride buses, along with New Orleanais activists
The New Orleans sculpture, which Thomas titled History of the Conquest, is based on a Snail with Nautilus Shell, a delicate 20.3-by-25.4-cm piece of art that was created in 1630 from a nautilus shell and gilded silver by German artist Jeremias Ritter. On top of the creature’s shell, Ritter placed a rider which was a well-modelled figure of a Nubian, enamelled in black, with a dark-red and green loincloth and carrying a bow with a quiver of arrows on his back. Other descriptions refer to the rider as a Moor. Both Nubians and Moors were black people who lived in North Africa.
In his proposal to Prospect.4, Thomas noted that some art historians had speculated that the snail motif was meant to symbolize the vilified, in this case the moor. The work speaks to the current cultural climate in many places of the world, with so much tension, fear and hostility toward people of colour and Muslims.
Yinka Shonibare
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Yinka Shonibare
Wind Sculpture (2018)
Steel armature with hand painted fiberglass resin cast
Yinka Shonibare was born in London and raised in Lagos. Shonibare returned to London in 1979 where he studied at Byam Shaw School of Art before obtaining his MFA from Goldsmiths College. Shonibare was awarded Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire’ (MBE) in 2004.
Shonibare’s work is a conversation on colonialism, race, authenticity, class, disability and beauty – but not without humour. He is a multi-disciplinary artist, allowing the form of his creations to be dictated by the idea as a practising artist for more than three decades and constantly reimagines his process across sculpture, painting, photography and film, with his signature ‘African’ Batik fabric as the axis of his practice. It is the ironic difference of the Indonesian-inspired, Dutch-produced, exported fabric as a symbol of ‘African’ identity and independence, that sparked Shonibare’s artistic work.
Shonibare regards himself as a cultural hybrid, a product of complex and layered relationships forged by centuries of global trade, migration, politics, and cultural exchange. His work reflects these currents in ways that often playfully invite us to look beyond appearances and assumptions about identity.
 Wind Sculpture takes on the paradoxical task of manifesting the invisible. We can’t see wind, but we do see its effects. Here the dynamic movement of a piece of fabric in a gust of wind is rendered in solid fiberglass at monumental scale. The sculpture is the first in a “second generation” that extends the artist’s exploration of this theme. It reflects a new approach to design and fabrication, achieving remarkable energy and balance in a gravity-defying form. Painted to resemble West African fabric, it dazzles with colour and voluptuous shape. It evokes a sense of freedom and possibility, which for the artist represents the originality of the hybrid. What we now regard as traditional African cloth is based on Indonesian batik fabric first brought to Africa by Dutch traders in the 1800s. For Shonibare, and for Wind Sculpture, identity is always a richly layered and dynamic set of relationships.
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msdonna2008-blog · 7 years
I usually don’t obsess over anyone famous, but that damn Luke James is something Fine!  And talk about talented!  His falsetto is a force to be reckoned with.  Before I get off into all of that, let me just give you my history on what eventually led to this secret love affair (in my mind) with the man who calls himself Wolf James (his name on Instagram and also his favorite animal)!  When I first got introduced to him, I had just begun working on the job I’m currently on.  I think I may have been there for a couple of months.  I remember that Saturday night I had to work and it was the night that Beyonce was in concert several blocks away at Toyota Center for her Mrs. Carter Tour.
I remember my lieutenant that was on duty the night had asked me if I knew who Luke James was and I was like, I don’t think so.  Then, she went on YouTube and showed me the I Want You video and told me that he was the opening act for Beyonce.
I had heard the song once but honestly didn’t pay much attention.   Then, he came out with Make Love To Me and I happened to be on YouTube and clicked on the video for it.  When I tell you that is one of the sexiest videos with some of the most beautiful black people!  It’s like they took that photo that you see in the opening of Good Times and made it come alive!  Oh and Mr. Luke ain’t so bad on the eyes, either.
Although, at this time, he was very clean-shaving and wasn’t rocking this sexy, rough and rugged, bearded look that just drives the ladies crazy!  OK, I’m getting too ahead of myself!  So, anyway, this became one of my favorite videos and I found myself constantly replaying it.  Oh, and let me not forget the guest appearances by Stacy Barthe, Omari Hardwicke (Ghost of Power), Kelly Rowland, and Terri Ellis of En Vogue-native Houstonian!  Anyway, back to Luke.   I began listening to other songs by him.  Being the random person that I am, I went on YouTube and did a search on Luke James music.  I happened to run across this song entitled, Hurt Me, so I clicked on what ended up being a live studio version, via ThatGrapeJuice.com.  When I tell you, Luke sang the Ish out of that song….It was like, he sang with so much feeling and intensity that I wanted to go find whoever this chic was who hurt him and beat her down (not, really, but…..).
Then, I saw the video for I.O.U.
I said to myself, he is going to do great things.  For a while after that, I had kind of eased away from checking him out.  Fast forward to January 2017 and the buzz/talk of the nation was the upcoming New Edition Biopic-a 3-part mini-series, which aired January 27-29th.  This biopic introduced to the world 11 talented young boys and men who were already accomplished in their own right.  But, this blog is about Luke, so let’s not lose focus.   Luke was cast to play the talented Mr. Johnny Gill and he did an amazing job portraying him.
One of the things, I remember Luke and the fellas saying, concerning the biopic was that they had 3 weeks to do with the original New Edition did in 30 years.   Although none of them knew much about the next fella prior to this project, it allowed them to develop a Brotherhood, which began to affectionately be called Black Boy Joy!  SIdeBar:  I love how these fellas who had never met, previously now are very supportive of each other’s upcoming projects and always showing love to one another.  This is definitely true Brotherhood!  So, after watching the Biopic and of course, rekindling my love for New Edition, I began delving into finding out more about each cast member.  Now, BET did a great job in casting.  From the Littles (the fellas who played New Edition when they were kids-Jahi Winston, Myles Truett, Dante Hoagland, Tyler Williams, and Caleb) to The Bigs (Algee Smith, Elijah Kelley, Keith Powers, Woody McClain, and Bryshere Gray).  (Luke James, character-Johnny came into the group much later)!
SIdeBar:  I love how these fellas who had never met, previously now are very supportive of each other’s upcoming projects and always showing love to one another.  This is definitely true Brotherhood!  So, after watching the Biopic and of course, rekindling my love for New Edition, I began delving into finding out more about each cast member.  Now, BET did a great job in casting.  From the Littles (the fellas who played New Edition when they were kids-Jahi Winston, Myles Truett, Dante Hoagland, Tyler Williams, and Caleb) to The Bigs (Algee Smith, Elijah Kelley, Keith Powers, Woody McClain, and Bryshere Gray).  (Luke James, character-Johnny came into the group much later)!   So, about Luke:  I began searching interviews and stuff on him, and when I tell you, this man has no filter!  He is a native New Orleanais and when he does interviews, that accent comes out sometimes and it is so adorable!  I’ve watched live performances of him and his stage presence and the way he commands his audience is something to behold.
He is the epitome of Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke, and Otis Redding, except a much younger version.  Matter of fact, he said Marvin Gaye is one of his idols and he would love to portray him in a biopic.  (Let’s make this happen asap).
He has so much sex appeal without even trying!  And that falsetto I mentioned earlier……Babyyyyy, let me tell you!!  Luke James is the kind of handsome in a rugged, manly kind of way (if that makes sense) and he’s not a pretty boy type.   His sense of style, his mannerisms, etc.  be on point!  So this is kind of a brief introduction to Mr. Luke James aka Wolf James.  In the next blog, I’ll go into more detail about his music.  In the meantime, you can check out his Luke James album on YouTube and his most recent single entitled Drip, which is a dedication/appreciation to Black Women! Also, he has 2 mixed tapes on datpiff.com.
I usually don't obsess over anyone famous, but that damn Luke James is something Fine!  And talk about talented! 
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dogbagngo · 7 years
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📍🇺🇸 Gamin is in the USA. 🍩 ⏩Un néo-orleanais rencontré à Denver nous a expressément conseillé d'aller déguster un beignet au Café du Monde 🌍. 🤗 C'est chose faite et en effet, il avait bien raison : c'est plus qu'une institution ici à Nola 🙏🍴🍹🍩 ! #nola #nouvelleorleans #neworleans #visitnola #lovenola #usa #louisiana #cafedumonde #beignets #yummy #doughnuts #instafood #delish #visitusa #frenchquarter #foodie #restaurant #delicious #foodpic #dessert #foodgram #eat #tasty #yum #sweeties #explore #dogbagngo #wanderlust #cafe #place (à Café Du Monde)
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toulouse3000 · 8 years
BEAUX-ARTS - ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996
BEAUX-ARTS – ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996
BEAUX-ARTS – ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996 25.00
BEAUX-ARTS – ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996 Prix : 25.00
Détails, Garanties, ACHAT IMMEDIAT Cliquer ici
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burnpheonix04 · 3 years
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Map of Orléans + Registration in French #orleans #france🇫🇷 #centrevaldeloire #loire #jeannedarc #fetesjohanniques #guerredecentans #histoiredefrance #zemmour2022 #loiret #foretdorleans #sologne #beauce #orleanais #usorleans #historiadefrancia #francia #placemartroi #valdeloiretourisme #frenchculture #redbubble #findyourthing #cadeau #tourism #christmas #noël #francaise #francais #frança #orleanais #orléanaise @valeurs_actuelles @charlotte_d.ornellas @orleansvaldeloiretourisme @france3centrevaldeloire @regioncentre_valdeloire @redbubble @redbubbleartists @histoire.de.france @histoirefrance @h_danshistoire @sieclesdhistoire @histoire_defrance @sauvons_notre_france @jeunecatholiquedefrance @terredefrance.fr https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHQGQqq3Ii/?utm_medium=tumblr
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riguetblogw · 7 years
Récits historiques des Quais de Loire, Jean-Louis RIGUET
Récits historiques des Quais de Loire, Jean-Louis RIGUET
Pendant le Festival de Loire
Qui se tient à ORLEANS
Du 20 septembre au 24 septembre 2017
Les éditions du Jeu de l’Oie
éditent un nouveau livre sur Orléans et son fleuve
Les Éditions du Jeu de l’Oie ont le plaisir de vous inviter 
au lancement officiel
le jeudi 21 septembre à partir de 18h ( et jusqu’à minuit), 
sur leur stand…
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toulouse3000 · 8 years
BEAUX-ARTS - ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996
BEAUX-ARTS – ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996
BEAUX-ARTS – ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996 80.00
BEAUX-ARTS – ORLEANAIS – Roger TOULOUSE, peintre et sculpteur 1918-1994. 1996 Prix : 80.00
Détails, Garanties, ACHAT IMMEDIAT Cliquer ici
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