#orthodox priest
kneelian · 3 months
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character design sketches digital/photoshop 2024
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pistis-agapi · 1 year
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Ο π.Παναγιώτης Τσιώλης (2021†), ο παπάς των Αγράφων, πολλές φορές περπατούσε μέσα στην βροχή και παρέμενε τελείως ή σχεδόν άβρεχος (όπως στην φωτογραφία). Πολλά παιδάκια έβλεπαν ένα άγγελο να του κρατά ομπρέλα και άλλες φορές να τον τυλίγει με τα φτερά του.
Fr. Panagiotis Tsiolis (2021†), the Orthodox priest of Agrafa (Greece), many times walked in the rain and remained completely or almost unwet (as in the photo). Many children saw an angel holding an umbrella for him and other times an angel wrapping him with his wings.
Отец Панайотис Циолис (2021†), священник Аграфо (Греция), много раз ходил под дождем и оставался полностью или почти сухим (как на фото). Многие дети видели ангела, который держал перед ним зонтик и иногда оборачивал его своими крыльями.
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viagginterstellari · 2 years
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Priest - Neamt Monastery, 2021
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sonadorayluchadora · 21 days
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I love my priest so much :') <3
Today I brought an old stoner friend and trans poet to Liturgy today. Being pretty obviously queer, she would go through phases throughout the Liturgy being very shy and then very bold in exploring an Orthodox service.
She asked me to go up with me to light a candle, as she was afraid to go alone. As I brought her, she had trouble lighting hers and began to fumble and become embarrassed, when another parishioner helped her before I could even get to her less than a few feet away. I smiled, crossed myself, and then lit a candle of my own to set a prayer for her.
My spiritual father saw this, and when both candles were finally lit, he smiled and bowed to me from the altar. He was proud of me.
When I first came to the parish I was still trans, my head was shaved and my boobs were OUT lol. He had met me with such love and kindness and welcoming then, as he had met my friend today.
I am now his spiritual daughter (his confirmed favorite one btw :3) and to grok his proudness of me, truly like a father, brought so so much joy to my heart.
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seraphim-eternal · 1 month
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Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I know that you always hear me.
John 11:41
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vintage-russia · 3 months
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Valaam,Russia (1889)
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tenyardstowitchyard · 26 days
The forgotten light
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what if Ghost... but Orthodox Christian instead of Catholic
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profesors · 9 months
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◾Bogdan Zimonyitsh (Serbian Cyrillic: Богдан Зимоњић; 1813 – 21 January 1909) was a Serbian Orthodox priest and Vojvoda (military commander) in two major uprisings against the Ottoman Empire in 19th-century Herzegovina: in 1852–62, and 1875–78. He is mentioned in archival sources along with other Serbian freedom-fighting priests, including Jovitsa Ilitsh(srb. Јовица Илић/lat. Jovica Ilić) and his associates Pavle Tvrtkovitsh(srb. Павле Твртковић/lat. Pavle Tvrtković), Mile Vitkovitsh(srb. Миле Витковић/lat. Mile Vitković), and Stevan Avramovitsh(srb. Стеван Аврамовић/lat. Stevan Avramović) who rebelled against the occupiers, and another priest, Petko Yagoditsh(srb. Петко Јагодић/lat. Petko Jagodić) of Shamac, who led the next revolt, while history records further armed clashes led by priests Mile Chulibrk(srb. Миле Чулибрк/lat. Mile Čulibrk), Marko Popovitsh(srb. Марко Поповић/lat. Marko Popović), Vaso Kovachevitsh(srb. Васо Ковачевић/lat. Vaso Kovačević) and Gatshina(srb. Гаћина/lat. Gaćina).
◾His son Petar Zimonyitsh(srb. Петар Зимоњић/lat. Petar Zimonjić), the metropolitan of Dabar-Bosnia, was killed by the Ustaše regime in the Independent State of Croatia in June 1941.
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queerorthodoxy · 2 months
It's important to remember that things like praying and fasting are for our benefit, not God's. They are meant to bring us peace and closer to God, but it's also important to make things fit in a way that feels right and is sustainable.
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divinum-pacis · 5 months
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Palestinian Christians take Holy Communion in the Greek Orthodox Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church in the West Bank village of Aboud, November 7, 2010. UPI/Debbie Hill
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It is perhaps unsurprising that I have actually quite a few friends who have broken free from cults / strict religious upbringing because although I was raised atheist I was also raised in an insular, controlling environment and it is interesting how we can find that little thread of philosophical freak inside of us and connect to it even before we know it's there
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orthodoxshe · 3 months
got my first two head coverings, one in black and one in white
i'm going to church very soon for the first time
fear and trembling intensifies
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seraphim-eternal · 3 months
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He knows your goings through this great wilderness. The Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing.
Deuteronomy 2:7
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