cyan0corax · 1 month
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2 rounds before Grandma landed on the Hangman
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 month
D&D people I have a question of the UTMOST importance.
Can dragonborns reproduce with other races? Specifically elves? Or is that something left up to the fans to decide?
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orisacouture · 2 years
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Igba Osanyin For inquires, please send an email to [email protected] #igba #osayin #osanyin #osain #ozain #orisa #orisha #oricha #lukumi #lucumi #santeria #yoruba #diaspora #orisacouture https://www.instagram.com/p/CifLkIdA2qR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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4e7her · 1 month
fun facts about fenrir so far:
magic assassin boy
was almost trampled to death by a horse once
doesn't like strong scents
would have calla lilys and jasmines around him if he had flowery manhwa panels
tries to be nice when he can, burns down entire towns when he can't
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presexpre · 10 months
Collective Strength Expands: Japan and Bangladesh Join Forces in OSA for Security Enhancement
immediately after independence, Japan recognized the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on 10th February, 1972. Thus, one of the first nations to formally acknowledge Bangladesh was Japan. Since then, a cordial bond has grown between two nations. read more at:
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just-ffs · 2 years
So I hit the tag limits on the other post asdfjk-
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5:42 PM (5:42 PM) V.S Osian ( @septimus-heap )
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Patchouli
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
*Medical Herb *Feminine
*Small note: It is considered poisonous but only because the oil shouldn't be ingested. Since most essential oil cannot be ingested into the body, I did not include it into a poisonous category. Puchu~
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Folk Names: Pucha-Pot, Kablin, Pacouli
Planet: Saturn, Mars, Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Krishna, Athena, Set, Modron, Pan, Osain, Aphrodite
Abilities: Money, Fertility, Lust, and Carnal Desire
Characteristics: Is a hairy, aromatic perennial flowering plant that can grow to 3ft. It has square stems, oval leaves, and spikes bearing whorls of white to light purple flowers.
History: Native to Malaysia and the Philippines. It is now cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It is famous as an Eastern perfume oil due to its very strong scent and being known for being an aphrodisiac. The powdered version was introduced into an incense later on, while the dried leaves were used in India as a prophylactic, a medicine used to prevent diseases like malaria. Malays put dried leaves into their clothing to protect them from insects and used the oil to treat smallpox.
Growing Patchouli:
Is it easy to grow? Yes
Rating: Beginner to Moderate (depending on location)
Seeds accessible? No
How to Grow
Video Guide
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Usage:
A drop of the oil on money, handbags, and wallets can increase prosperity
Using the oil for aromatherapy can help ease the nervous tension and worry
Can be used in money and love spells (do not recommend for love spells since it can bring carnal desire instead of love)
Can be used in fertility talismans and a substituted for graveyard dust (supposedly)
Use to promote lust and attract people, especially for sex workers
Medical Usage:
Used to be used heavily in Asian medicine, featured in Chinese, Indian and Arabic traditions
Can repel insects
Can be used as an antidepressant and antiseptic
It can help with uneven skin tones and help clear skin conditions like skin eczema and acne
Can also help with varicose veins and hemorrhoids
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robertobaoriate · 5 months
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© Robert Obà Ení Orìaté
Consultas disponibles de Lunes a Sábado , puede hacer su cita llamando al (512) 326-2128 , estamos ubicados en Austin , Texas Estados Unidos
Consultations and readings are available from Monday to Saturday. You can schedule an appointment by calling (512) 326-2128. We are located in Austin, Texas, United States.
#robertobaoriate #Santería #Orishas #Sincretismo #Rituales #Espiritualidad #HerenciaAfricana #CulturaYoruba #MagiaBlanca #Devoción #ConexiónEspiritual #osain #obaoriate
#Santería #PaloMayombe #Ifá #Espiritismo #ReligionesAfro #CulturaAfro #RitualesSanteros #MagiaNegra #Adivinación #Orishas #Eleggua #Ochún #Ogún #Yemayá #Orula #Elegguá #PoderesMísticos #Espiritualidad #CultoAfricano #CreenciasTradicionales #AmarresDeAmor #Hechizos #MisteriosAfro #RitosSagrados #ConexiónEspiritual #MagiaRitual #CreenciasYoruba #TikTokEspiritual#SecretosAfro #MisteriosDelIfá#palo#palomayombe#congo#palomonte
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fire-emblem-poll · 8 months
FE popularity polls
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Another guy with the Sephiroth waist
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davidsoto666 · 1 year
En las culturas afroamericanas las piedras tienen un significado mágico, principalmente entre los grupos de origen yoruba, cuyo sistema religioso es la Regla de Ocha, pero que es más conocido como la santería. También en la Regla de Palo, que es de origen bantú, las piedras son relacionadas con los hombres.
Los otanes ( piedras ) son objetos que simbolizan el poder sobrenatural del orisha al que se le rinde culto.
Los yorubas les confieren una acción determinante a las piedras sagradas, que se denominan otanes. En las piedras de unidad monolítica se asienta el alma de los dioses u orichas; las piedras atrapan el poder y es desde donde emanan sus energías que influyen en la vida de los creyentes ayudándolos a vencer las adversidades y facilitándoles su mejor desenvolvimiento. Los santeros o cariochas adorarán dichas piedras para siempre.
Las piedras u otanes son seleccionadas por los sacerdotes o padrinos expertos en descubrirlas. No hay que confundirse, se pueden hallar un pedazo de muro de cemento o de concreto o un turrón de arena; ésas no son piedras. Se eligen de acuerdo con su aspecto, su color, su forma y el lugar en donde fueron halladas, ya sea en una montaña, en la superficie o desenterrándola de los brazos de Oggedé (la tierra). Para que sean aprobadas hay que preguntarles a los santos si cada una posee las condiciones interiores requeridas. Esta pregunta se hace por medio del oráculo de Biagué o de los cocos. Si alguna de las piedras resulta desaprobada en esta consulta, debe ser sustituida por otra.
Todas las piedras aprobadas pasarán después por un ritual de requisito, que es “el lavatorio”, en el cual son purificadas por el lavado en omiero acompañado de una letanía de cantos de Osain entonados por un coro de santeros sentados en semicírculo y dirigidos por el obbá. (El omiero es una sustancia líquida compuesta por aguas místicas, yerbas de fundamento y otros ingredientes secretos que este autor no puede revelar). El olor que desprende el omiero en movimiento y el esmero con que son tratadas las piedras por los santeros crean una atmósfera litúrgica donde se van liberando las fuerzas de la naturaleza y se experimenta una sensación indescriptible.
Cada uno de los orichas o dioses tiene sus propias piedras:
֎ ELEGGUÁ: lleva una piedra triangular de camino interna, sepultada en su figura de cabeza amasada con diferentes tierras, veintiún elementos vegetales y metales.
֎ OGGÚN: en su olla de hierros con siete instrumentos que representa el martillo, el yunque, el azadón y los clavos de vía, va la piedra de ogundá, que es traída del monte.
֎ OBATALÁ: en su sopera se depositan sus cinco piedras blancas calcíneas, cuatro son de Obatalá y una más achatada es de Oggé, a veces va envuelta en algodón y cascarilla.
֎ OCHÚN: lleva cinco piedras redondeadas tomadas de un río. Las llaman chinas pelonas, pero realmente se llaman ocheotan
֎ YEMAYÁ: se fundamenta con siete piedras. En Cuba se toman también de río; en Brasil y en Trinidad exigen que sean marinas. Son más porosas que lisas y se les llama oddiotan.
֎ OLOKÚN: lleva diversas piedras del fondo del mar junto con caracoles y conchas. Tradicionalmente se le ponían perlas, corales y hasta monedas antiguas.
֎ OYÁ: contiene nueve piedras arcillosas y marmóreas, con vetas rojizas y moradas, y se les llama osaotan.
֎ CHANGÓ: en su batea de madera se colocan seis otanes negros y alargados. También le pertenece la piedra del rayo, Obbaraotan.
Los collares que usan los santeros como protección también son piedras cristalinas, de diferentes vetas minerales, pues las cuentas de los collares nunca pueden ser de plástico. También deben pasar por un proceso ritual. Los collares o eleques son representaciones de los orichas y los otanes son el recinto donde habitan en esta tierra.
† Piedra del rayo. Es un monolito negro alargado y más picudo por uno de sus extremos. Algunos afirman que cae con el rayo, pero lo cierto es que debido a su energía magnética produce descargas eléctricas durante las tormentas. Ha sido usada como hacha por los grupos aborígenes del Caribe, como los siboneyes y taínos, y aparece en Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.
† Piedras preciosas. Los cristales son de agua y otros líquidos fosilizados. Desde tiempos remotos se tuvo la costumbre, en casi todas las civilizaciones, de ornamentar a las autoridades, como jefes, caciques y reyes, con piedras cristalinas que representaban el poder, tales como esmeraldas, rubíes y diamantes, los cuales se constituían en tesoros del reino y le daban fuerza económica.
† Ámbar. Es una piedra resinosa de alta frecuencia magnética. Fue muy importante para el descubrimiento de la electricidad. Pertenece a Ochún; es una piedra del amor y atrae la felicidad. Los zares de la antigua Rusia lo usaban como talismán.
† Azabache. Fue muy estimado por las antiguas civilizaciones árabe y judía. Protege a los niños del mal de ojo y aleja las maldiciones. Pertenece a Elegguá. Es una piedra vegetal muy valorada.
† Piedra volcánica. Se forma cuando la lava incandescente se enfría, petrificándose. Pertenece al dios Argayú, que es el patrón que premia el esfuerzo y trae la prosperidad. Nos advierte de las pérdidas.
† Cuarzos. Los cuarzos blancos y opalinos pertenecen a Obatalá. Regulan el equilibrio nervioso, fortalecen la memoria, aclaran la conciencia y traen la paz. Los cuarzos violáceos le pertenecen a Oyá y los rosas a Naná Burucú, que tiene la capacidad de eliminar las infecciones renales y mejorar la circulación. Tiene alta composición de magnesio.
† Turquesa. Es de las más antiguas piedras preciosas. Había un viejo refrán español: “una mano con turquesa no conoce la pureza”. Pertenece a Yemayá y protege el hogar y la familia.
† Lapislázuli y zafiro. Pertenecen a Olókum, que es un dios parecido a Neptuno, y aseguran la prosperidad económica. Se les considera piedras masculinas.
† Esmeralda. Son piedras que pertenecen al dios Oggún. Es suyo el poder de premiar el esfuerzo y ayudar a vencer a los enemigos. Protege la industria y la productividad.
† Granate. Es una piedra de Changó y procura el éxito y el triunfo en los negocios. Changó fue un soberano del pueblo de Oyo; es dios del fuego.
† Ágata, aguamarina y amazonita. Se consagran a Obbalantobaro, que es la unión de Las Siete Potencias africanas. Alejan la maldición y rechazan las malas intenciones enviadas por alguien.
† Obsidiana. Es un mesolito de origen volcánico; piedra muy cortante que en el mundo prehispánico se utilizó para construir puntas de lanza y los cuchillos con que se hacían sacrificios humanos para los dioses aztecas. En la santería se le considera un arma de Ochasi y el cazador.
† Topacio. En la santería se le atribuye al dios Inle, que es el médico divino y dueño de la pesca. Impide el acontecimiento de enfermedades.
El hombre soñó con la piedra filosofal y añoró que ésta le diera respuesta a las inquietudes de la vida, y plasmó esta búsqueda en obras literarias fantasiosas. Sin embargo, por medio de las piedras podemos obtener información histórica sobre la geología, los accidentes y fenómenos del planeta.
La naturaleza nos concedió además el aire, el agua y los alimentos para sobrevivir... lo mismo que la energía de las piedras. Cuando Olofi los alcanza con sus rayos divinos desde Olórum las convierte en sagradas, por eso agradezcamos su enseñanza y su protección cuidando del equilibrio ecológico que las sustenta.
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rosedosed · 2 years
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My final art fight attacks of 2022! This was SO MUCH FUN I love this time of year <3 Thanks for fighting everyone!
Characters featured:
Cole for Jekylldraws (Twitter / Insta)
Sanety & Brig for Onyan (DA / Toyhouse)
Olga for NieZnaszTejOsoby (@nieznasztejosoby/ Insta)
Davu & Osain for Pickleking (Insta)
Eva for ItsHex (Insta / Toyhouse)
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eguinkolade · 2 years
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Collection of Suyeres de Osain in MP3 format, at AsheExpress.MyShopify.com.
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orisacouture · 2 years
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Work in progress… #igba #osayin #osanyin #osain #ozain #orisa #orisha #oricha #lukumi #lucumi #santeria #yoruba #diaspora #orisacouture https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBBCHiJIua/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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4e7her · 25 days
a drop of silver in a sky of stars - character descriptions:
descriptions under the cut. read on ao3 or quotev.
fenrir osain verdandi:
the comet.
name breakdown: fenrir - the wolf that will doom the world to ragnarok. osain - fawn or baby deer. verdandi - destiny. 
fenrir has wavy jet black hair that reaches his chest, typically tied to the side in a braid. it's messy, even with repeated attempts from the servants to keep it neat and tidy. his eyes are like molten silver, swirling mercury hidden behind messy bangs and slitted pupils. 
underneath his left eye, he has two beauty marks, centered and directly below each other. his braid typically rests over his left shoulder, and it's not uncommon for him to try and hide his face behind his messy hair. the side pieces of his bangs go down to about the middle of his neck - if you get the chance to see behind his hair, you'd notice that he has an industrial piercing on his right ear.
his nose is crooked from repeated breaks, and he has a thin silvery scar going straight across his neck. besides that, his face and neck are largely unmarred, a contrast from the rest of his body. burns stretch across his arms and shoulders, typically hidden behind the clothes he wears, with various other scars all across his body. 
verdandi family:
moralis ivor verdandi:
name breakdown: moralis - river. ivor - forest warrior. verdandi - destiny.
straight black hair that he doesn't take much time to style, simply pushing it out of his face as much as possible. he has dark golden eyes, fox-like and intimidating, with a defined jawline and almost permanently furrowed eyebrows. as a swordmaster, he's broad, cutting an overpowering figure that often draws attention - even more so with the extravagance that he dresses with, the wealth just another symbol of their families influence. he has a beauty mark below the right of his jaw, close to his ear. 
siani atasi verdandi:
name breakdown: siani - gift from god. atasi - blue flower. verdandi - destiny. 
silvery wavy blue hair went down almost all the way to her ankles, with similarly colored eyes that were commonly upturned as she smiled wolfishly. she easily put on the air of a weak woman when it served her, but she couldn't have been so one-dimensional if she were to keep up with moralis. her maiden name was signe - meaning victorious. it suited her well. 
olwyn eirlys verdandi: 
cerberus' first head. 
name breakdown: olwyn -  white footprint. eirlys - snowdrop. verdandi - destiny. 
short wavy black hair, cut at an angle, with bangs mostly grown out and pushed out of her face. she has a beauty mark on her chin, under the right side of her lips, with gold-platinum eyes that seems to have flecks of blue in the center. her pupils are slitted, as are all verdandi's. she has an image worthy of her family reputation, though easy to amuse, contrasting her first impression. she's often seen wearing a form-fitting knights uniform with a harness slung over her chest to hold her sword to her back. 
caerwyn emrys verdandi: 
cerberus' third head. 
name breakdown: caerwyn - white fortress. emrys - immortal. verdandi - destiny. 
straight, dusky light blue hair that he can't seem to keep from touching, messing it up quickly even when it's styled nicely. he's often compared to the late duchess for it, the only child with her coloration, though his rose gold eyes carry the metallic glint of the verdandi family. he's not quite as broad as most other knights, finding it difficult to bulk up so heavily, but he does just fine with the build he has. he has one beauty mark above his right eyebrow and another under the left side of his lips.
revna blodwyn verdandi: 
cerberus' second head.
name breakdown: revna - raven. blodwyn - white flower. verdandi - destiny. 
she has waist-length straight black hair that turns silvery towards the ends, often gently curled. she's meticulous in her appearance, gunmetal black eyes hiding far more than she would ever say. she's taken to her father's tendency of dressing more ornately than perhaps strictly necessary, a dark rose blooming across high society. she's not often seen without her falcons, raised and trained by her careful hand. revna is a powerful enemy to make, controlling strings from the shadows, carefully manicured hands scheming situations as she needs. she has a beauty mark above the right side of her lips.
love interests: 
aeron caelfael euryn ingvar:
the sun. 
name breakdown: aeron - celtic god of battle and slaughter. caelfael - battle prince. euryn - gold. ingvar - protected by yngvi, god of prosperity and sunshine.
shining golden hair falls from his head, earning him the middle name that he fought so hard to gain. his eyes are a deep red, pools of blood that only reflect the name that he's made for himself. he does his best to look good, positioning himself higher and higher above those that once looked down on him, making them reflect on all that they've done as he puts them back into their place. between him and rhain, the people of the helix empire don't quite know which is better. around fenrir, he's pathetic and puppylike, but that quickly falls away to the frigid bloodstained prince he's known to be around anyone and everyone else. 
rhain madoc hefin ingvar:
the moon. 
name breakdown: rhain - spear. madoc - fortunate. hefin - warm, summer. ingvar - protected by yngvi, god of prosperity and sunshine.
rhain has textured black hair and red eyes bright like rose petals, or perhaps the crimson of a fresh wound. he's chiseled and strict, more muscular in build than his brother, with familiarity in almost every weapon. he used everything that he could get his hands on in the battlefield, after all. he has a twisted personality, just like euryn and everyone else in the palace, and see's his younger half-brothers attempts to frustrate him as nothing more than a childish tantrum. he likes annoying and 'pranking' people, amusing himself with his own sadistic tendencies. 
name breakdown: ceri - to love. 
details to be added. 
eldrid stigganndr skuld:
name breakdown: eldrid - beautiful fire. stiggandr - wanderer. skuld - fate. 
details to be added. 
seren mereid sunniva: 
name breakdown: seren - star. mereid - pearl. sunniva - sun gift, a saint who fled to norway.
details to be added. 
talesin ciaran hemlock: 
name breakdown: talesin - noble. ciaran - dark. hemlock - a poisonous flowering plant. 
details to be added. 
side characters:
name breakdown: sorrowful.
diedre has tanned olive skin (i could not find a face claim with darker skin. many apologies.) and a short pale green bob with almost soulless dark brown eyes, constantly watching how things unfold around her. her build is muscled and toned, with an assortment of small scars carefully hidden away. she's often simply described as 'hard to read'. the maid uniform she wears hides far more weapons than one might expect. originally, she followed the verdandi grand duchy as a whole, but has shifted her priorities to fenrir alone. 
hati, the wolf that chases the moon. 
typically very calm, hati only has a temper when it comes to protecting fenrir or arguing with skoll. he has medium length soft pink hair that covers half his face, styled just as neatly as he dresses. it is very rare to see him out of uniform. his eyes are a soft purple and he has a strong work ethic, anticipating every fenrir's every need. 
skoll, the wolf that chases the sun. 
defaulting to grumpy and argumentative, skoll is kind only to fenrir and rarely hati. he has short navy hair with a messy cut, jagged edges making it difficult to style. he has pale yellow eyes that seem to brighten when he does find it in himself to get serious. skoll is lazy and often modifies his uniform or disregards it entirely. 
​​​​​​​name breakdown: island of apples.
a rather simple girl, avalon has brown hair that's almost always tied up, starting as a braid from her crown that leads to a high ponytail at the back of her head. she has bright, innocent blue eyes, and works at the verdandi family villa located in the capital. pitying and empathetic - on the younger side. 
hywel deinel: 
​​​​​​​name breakdown: hywel - eminent. deinel - judge. 
young for his position, hywel is a tired man with dark brown hair and light brown eyes, serious in his work above all else. many of the other servants gossip about him, but he is faithful to his job and seems to consider himself above matters of the heart. moralis works him to the bone.
more to be added.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Osain, is the Orisha who rules over the healing herbs, plants and trees of the forest. Followers of Osain believe that plants and herbs hold the secrets of well-being and healing and see them as sacred. Special prayers and rituals must be performed before a Priestess of Osain can go to the forest to gather herbs for use in healing ceremonies and applications
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