#other: Sebastian Reyes
choccy-milky · 3 months
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⭐ HL x ghibli! ⭐
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hoarding-niffler · 2 years
Ominis: How is it going, Sebastian?
Sebastian: I have this headache that comes and goes
*Imelda walks in*
Sebastian: There it is again
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weirdraccoon · 9 months
Hogwarts Legacy and what kind of Youtubers (ot tiktokers whatever) they are cause this idea just bit me in the brain
MC: one of those explorers who may or may not find the gates to hell in a cave. Also touches everything they find. Cursed ever since they played with a ouija board in a cemetery to win a bet. Lives. Talks about their pets while breaking into creepy abandoned buildings. Keeps a collection of creepy stuff over their bed. Some might think they're a psychopath.
Garreth: Recipes!!! But he doesn't have butter so maybe oil works? And he doesn't have that brown sugar but what if he adds some oil to the regular white sugar? He thinks the blender doesn't work until he realizes he didn't plug it in. First hundred videos are mostly about how to react to kitchen emergencies. Then he turns out to be an amazing cook and everyone misses when he used to set the water on fire.
Ominis: AITA reddit reactions, Karen-videos reactions, Wedding-drama reactions. Loves petty stories the most. (Gossip. He lives for gossip.) He makes live-especials where he criticises his best friend's latest video, not caring that said best friend is sitting right beside him. People ship them for some reason and he just goes along with it. (No one has told him Sebastian blushes when he fake kisses him on camera).
Sebastian: Book and movie reviews, he likes to compare them to decide which one was best (books always win in his channel). His lives are about him playing some videogame to either destroy his opponents or destroy the story. The ones he actually likes have their own section on his channel and it's clear he loves them by edition alone. He also has videos where he tries to pull pranks on his bf but either Ominis is very lucky or very innocent. Was the one who started the Sebinis ship (unknowingly) and will be the first to admit his feelings one day.
Imelda: Extreme sports and challenges. Has touched a lot of dangerous beasts just for the thrill of it. She was the one betting MC to play with the ouija board. She wanted to try jumping off a plane without a parachute but apparently that was not allowed and if she dared to do it anyway she wouldn't be welcome on a plane anymore. Most parents hate her channel but she says it's their fault if their children are idiots who try what they see on the internet.
Amit: Constelations and stuff about the universe, planets and stars. One day he mentions the zodiac signs and his fate is sealed. Realizes there is some truth to the zodiac and becomes one of the more popular channels on zodiac and astrology. Still hates when people think astrology is the same as astronomy. Tries to teach people. People ask about their zodiac houses. He learns about zodiac houses.
Poppy: cientific facts about animals and birds and bugs and anything that fits in the animal kingdom. Defends spiders when people say they should be burned. Recognizes weird shapped worms with one single glance. Tries to get people to be kind to animals even if people fight each other. One time she saved a wolf from death. Then she fed a deer. She also rescued a fox. Animals often visit her house to be pet or fed and she loves it.
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thenevarranaccord · 18 days
This may be an unpopular opinion but Sebastian Sallow is one of the top duelists at Hogwarts. Insomuch as dueling counts as a sport—and I believe it does and should—Sebastian has been a jock this whole time.
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zetadraconis11 · 9 months
HL Incorrect Quote #19
Garreth: Where are you going?
Imelda: To get MYSELF a gift because somebody didn't get me one!
Garreth: I told you I did! It's coming here on Friday!
Sebastian, knowing full well that Garreth got Imelda an engagement ring: *eats popcorn*
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devzik · 2 years
Sebastian has heavy drummer of a rock band energy and I don't think you can change my mind.
Bonus: Poppy is the bassist, Natty is the lead guitar, MC is the vocalist, Imelda is the manager, Ominis is the sound guy, and Garreth handles stage production.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Do you think Hogwarts has anything like senior superlatives? If you haven't heard of those, or have never heard them go by that name, it goes something like this:
Person A - most likely to be a celebrity for reasons xyz
Person B - most likely to be late to their own graduation because of reasons xyz
What superlatives would you tie to Ominis and Sebastian (and possibly the rest of the companions in HL) during their last year or their current year?
If Hogwarts doesn't, they most definitely SHOULD. I couldn't help but think about ones for most of the gang lol, please enjoy my silly thoughts.
Sebastian Sallow - Most likely to break a world record
It's no secret to anyone in Hogwarts that Sebastian usually throws himself at things full force, so it wouldn't shock anyone if he became the best at whatever he chose to do. It's what record he'll break that's the question--youngest Hogwarts professor? Most destructive Confringo? Who knows?
Ominis Gaunt - Biggest gossip.
I'm sorry, but I FULLY embrace the headcannon that Ominis is a total gossip. People often say things around him in quiet whispers, but he has EXCELLENT hearing. While he doesn't start or spread rumors for the sake of causing drama, he can't help but love being a fly on the wall to learn all about it.
Natsai Onai - Most involved
When Natty came to Hogwarts, she decided she wanted to be part of everything she could. Crossed Wands, Head Girl, Chaser on Gryffindor's Quidditch team... she couldn't get enough. Everywhere you look, there she is.
Poppy Sweeting - Most likely to brighten your day
Poppy Sweeting is a ray of sunshine, as long as you're her friend. Thankfully, she's friends with most everyone--as long as you don't mess with magical beasts. She's alway there to give hugs and let you pet one of the nifflers she's hiding in her bag.
Imelda Reyes - Most likely to be a professional athlete
Pretty self explanatory. Everyone knows Imelda is destined to be a world-renowned Quidditch player. Not only does she have the drive to reach the top, but the skill and passion, too. People are placing bets for which team will offer her a position first.
Garreth Weasley - Most accident prone
Again, pretty self explanatory. The boy's a walking fire hazard. While Professor Sharp has a secret fondness for the troublemaker, he's also looking forward to the day that he won't have to use Reparo on his classroom tables every time he leaves the room.
Leander Prewett - Most likely to be married first
This is all because of @ellivenollivander 's headcannons of him, honestly. He's a family man and can't wait to start that chapter in his life. He doesn't feel the need for excitement and adventure like many of his peers--he's ready to settle down and create his own adventure, beside someone he loves.
Amit Thakkar - Most likely to talk your ear off
Do you know anything about this kid??? He can't WAIT to tell anyone who will listen about the comet coming in March. Or about the new book he read in Gobbledegook. Or about the hippogriffs he saw flying out of the forest the other day, he can't believe you missed them. Or---
Bonus: MC - Most likely to save the planet.
They already saved Hogwarts. It wouldn't be any surprise if they did more!
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sanguinesky-if · 9 months
Sanguine Sky
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DEMO [Public] [Updated 11/05/2024] genres: romance, modern-fantasy, supernatural, mystery, dark-fantasy.
Sanguine Sky is a work-in-progress modern dark-fantasy interactive novel. The story is heavily focused on romance, characters, and relationships.
The story rated 18+, contains mature and distressing content that may be triggering to certain individuals. It is recommend to check the full list of warnings before you proceed to the story. Please exercise caution and take care of yourself.
Word count [Public]: 96k [excl. code] | 116k words [incl. code] Word count [Patreon]: 180k [excl. code] [Updated 07/09/2024]
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You are a detective, tasked with investigating mysterious murders that have taken place in your normally quiet and peaceful hometown, Fallenmor. 
With two victims confirmed already, the initial one being your former mentor, Detective Bergmann, the situation couldn't seem more dire. Or so you thought until you received the news of another body, a possible third victim, discovered at the police station. In your very own office. 
An accident, a mere coincidence, a straightforward warning, a looming threat, or something entirely else… Whatever is happening, you feel it affecting you, awakening something both significantly familiar and distinctly foreign inside of you.
If only you knew that this was just the beginning… Things could have been different. 
But back then, in your ignorance, your singular concern lay with a pressing question: if you failed to find the murderer, who would become the next victim?
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➤ Play as male, female, non-binary or trans; straight, gay, or bisexual.
➤ Customize your appearance and shape your personality.
➤ Take on the role of a detective, immerse yourself in the work of the police station.
➤ Embrace the mystery of your existence, or reject that inner sight of you.
➤ Seven romance options to choose from. Select their gender, be shy or bold, or focus on your goal without pursuing anyone.
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All ROs are player-sexual and gender-selectable [M/F].
Kyle / Keira Moreno
Your colleague, a police inspector, and one of the rudest people you have ever met. Sharp and stern, K is surprisingly perceptive, and they use it to really see you. The good, the bad. Everything. Appearance: icy blue eyes, dark red hair, very pale skin.
Alexis 'Lex / Lexie' Conlan
Your best friend, and also your former partner from times when you were just a patrol officer. With a heart of gold and an approachable attitude, L always chooses you over the others. Appearance: forest green eyes, copper hair, beige freckled skin.
Morgan Schoivell
Your other colleague, a highly-skilled lab technician. M is rather reserved when it comes to emotions, and after almost a year of working together, M is still a walking mystery for you. Appearance: dark brown eyes, ash blonde hair, light skin.
Roderick / Rebecca Reyes
The commanding agent of the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) team sent to catch the killer. Overbearing and ruthless, R has their own way of getting things done. Appearance: gray eyes, blonde hair, pale skin.
Theodore 'Theo' / Theresa 'Tess' Vazquez
Another member of the CID team. With a cocky smile, T is full of flirts and sneering comments, regardless of the occasion. T has no doubts about what they want and isn't afraid to vocalize it. Appearance: dark green eyes, black curly hair, rich brown skin.
Isaac / Iris Brailsford
I looks the most mature and approachable of CID's fellow agents. Looks can be deceiving, though. Working behind the scene and watching from afar, I carries all the scars within. Appearance: hazel eyes, dark brown hair, olive skin.
Sebastian / Selena Goldstein
Someone new and temporary, S has a velvety voice and a perfect smile that doesn't reach their eyes. You're not sure if your paths will cross in the future, but something tells you S can't be trusted. Appearance: black eyes, long black wavy hair, bronze skin.
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Other notable characters:
Your twin-sister: Your sweet, kind, caring, and gentle twin sister. She always tries to be there for you, and show how much she appreciates you, no matter what. Chief of Police, Kendrick Nash: Your boss, who is not handling his job so well after the recent death of his husband, Klemens Bergmann. Detective Klemens Bergmann: Police chief's husband, who happened to be a senior detective and your mentor. He was the first victim, murdered under mysterious circumstances.
A full list of warnings is available in the demo before beginning of the story. I recommend to check it before you proceed to reading. Please take care of yourself.
Links: DEMO | CoG forum | Q&A | Romance | Tags & Links | Patreon | Ko-Fi | Error Reports |
Thank you for your interest ♥
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morelikeravenbore · 8 months
Good Boy
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC | Needy Sebastian | spicy one shot 🔞
Needy/slightly unhinged/traumatised Sebastian, post-uncle murdering. All sexual acts are consensual, good ol' P in V against a wall.
Warning: SMUT. 18+ CHARACTERS. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Contains sexual content, reader discretion is advised.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
Word count: 1.4k
[WATTPAD] [AO3] [HL fic masterlist]
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Sebastian Sallow was whimpering as he pressed his girlfriend against the wall of the empty classroom, pinning her small body between the cold stone and the urgent heat of his much-larger frame.
His day had been bad from the moment he'd woken up, exhausted after a long night of intrusive thoughts and horrific nightmares. Sweat-soaked from thrashing about for eight hours straight (and not in a fun way), he'd disentangled himself from his sheets and dragged himself, grumbling and dishevelled, into a day that had steadily gotten worse and worse.
First, he'd endured the wrath of Ominis Gaunt, who'd been in so foul a mood that even Salazar Slytherin himself would've quaked in his boots to witness it, then sat through all of his least favourite subjects in a row - including a double period of History of Magic - and finally, been forced to spend several hours flying around the Quidditch pitch in the pouring rain while Imelda Reyes shouted at him that he a useless sack of ugly, half-sprouted potatoes.
As if all that wasn't bad enough, he'd trudged into the Great Hall for dinner so late that he'd only gotten scraps to eat, stubbed his toe on the Slytherin table on the way out, and when he'd finally tracked down his girlfriend in the library, he'd been forced to wait, silent and brooding, for her study group to fuck off so he could finally be alone with her.
When finally - finally - she'd bid them goodnight, Sebastian had marched her directly out of the library, pulled her into the nearest empty room by her elbow, and whined, petulant and needy, into her open mouth, barely able to form the word 'please' as his fingers dug into her waist.
There wasn't much Sebastian couldn't handle; he was an orphan, after all, had survived a foray into the Dark Arts (though hardly unscathed), used all three Unforgivables without much moral objection, and - since there's no point beating round the bush about it - had used said Unforgivables to murder someone.
Yet despite all the tragedies he'd endured in his comparatively short life, the insurmountable odds stacked against his own happiness, and the way he seemed to possess a natural proclivity for fucking things up, the only thing that ever truly unraveled him was love. Or, more specifically, the acute sting that came when he felt himself in danger of losing it; a sting which manifested as a singular, all-consuming need to find relief in physical intimacy.
In other words, Sebastian Sallow liked to fuck his pain away.
'Bad day?' asked his girlfriend, her sweet voice muffled against his chest as he caged her against the wall.
Unable to form a coherent reply, he leaned his full weight against her, groaning into her hair as he rolled his hips against her navel, pressing, pressing, pressing into her warm body until all her breath squeezed out in a tiny huff. He backed up a bit, giving her just enough space to breathe without letting the heat between them cool, but he was too far gone the way of desperation to allow more than a few inches of separation.
Wordless, he yanked the hem of her blouse free from her skirt and slid it up to her chest, groaning at the feel of her soft skin beneath his calloused palm.
She felt like fucking flower petals. Wings of a fucking butterfly.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
'It's alright, I'm here.' Wiggling some space between them, she stretched up to kiss the underside of his chin; the only part of his face she could reach, even on her tiptoes 'What do you need?'
He whined again, all decorum lost as his lips grazed her temple, his breath hot on her skin. He cradled her face, pressed a kiss to her forehead, her eyebrows, her nose, breathed in the scent of her hair, lost his fucking mind - but he couldn't speak. Not with his words, at least.
'Sebastian, look at me.'
With great effort, he peeled his lips from her neck and looked her in the eyes. Love stared back at him, bright and pure and clear.
Love so brilliant it was staggering.
'Have you been good?' asked love.
No, answered the darkness in his head.
Good? Had he ever been good?
He dropped his head to her shoulder.
'No,' he moaned, 'I haven't.' He licked his way up the slender column of her throat - 'I'm not good' - nibbled her jawline, kissed her chin, pressed his aching cock against her stomach - 'I'm sorry.' His voice was small, unfamiliar. 'I want to be good. You know I want to be good, you know it.'
This wasn't entirely true; he did want to be good, but only when he was with her.
'Why haven't you been good?'
'Wanted to... Hex your study group...' he moaned. 'Wanted to destroy everyone... To keep you... For myself.'
He was panting now, his words broken between frantic kisses as he worked off her blouse. He tossed it carelessly over his shoulder, discarding the first barrier that stood between him and love.
'Called Ominis a twat,' he went on, thrusting against her stomach with increasing urgency. 'Purposely let a Bludger knock Imelda off-course... Enjoyed both... Immensely.'
When she made a sound of disapproval into his mouth, he only became more frantic, desperate to find the places where love dwelt in her body and coax it out with his mouth, his fingers; to suck on it, roll it around on his tongue, sink into its warm, wet depths.
Her bra was the next barrier to be eliminated. If love lived in her nipples, his lips would surely draw it out.
'What about - the dreams?' she moaned, arching into him, sweetness in his mouth.
'Yes,' he whimpered, ashamed.
Yes, the dreams. Fucking Merlin, those awful visions of forbidden curses, of Dark Magic flowing like poison through his veins, green and red lights flashing intermittently.
Visions, so like premonitions, of being bad, rotten.
'Tell me about them.' She tangled her hands through his hair and pulled. He hardly felt it.
'Dream - b-bad.' Speech was hard. 'Dream of being bad.'
He looked her leg around his hip, bunched her skirt up to her waist, rutted mindlessly against the warm, damp spot between her legs.
That's where love lived.
His cock ached for admittance.
'I'm bad.' His voice was strained, hoarse. 'N-not a good boy.'
Then his cock was out, hot and throbbing in his hand.
Fuck, love was so close. Fuck, he needed it.
Her underwear pushed to the side. Slick heat coated his swollen tip.
Crying out against her skin, 'I'm bad, I'm sorry, I'm bad.'
Sinking in slowly.
Frenzied and stupid with need, Sebastian pounded her against the wall until he was too fuck-drunk to hear the cruel voices in his head, until all he knew was blissful, wonderful, perfect her.
When her first orgasm shattered through her, he watched, entranced, as love shone from her every pore and gushed over his cock and rang like music from her mouth. His knees buckled with the force of it but he couldn't stop, not now - not until he was drenched it in, drowning in her love, soaked through.
He couldn't stop through her second orgasm.
Nor her third.
Not even when she was limp and blissfully spent in his arms, eyes rolling back in her head and mouth agape.
Not even then.
Because even if he was bad, he would always be a good boy for her.
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Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your writing, you do such an amazing job!! I was wondering, if you have the time and are taking requests, could you do how each character cuddles with MC? Can be platonic or romantic, and I was wondering if you could also add professors. Thank you so much, I hope it's not to much to ask!! Have a great day/night!!❤️
A/N: romantic cuddling for the friends, platonic cuddle/hugs for the professors :3
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: This boy is a snake. Full body wrapped around MC like a python. He won't let go easily, either. But he's warm and gives many kisses, so the entrapment is worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: Physical touch has rarely led to good things in his life so MC will need to be patient with him. Once their relationship is to the point that he feels safe with them, he cuddles with his hands constantly mapping their body. He will have every part of them committed to memory.
ANNE SALLOW: She likes laying on top of them with her face on their chest. She finds their heartbeat soothing. She also likes hearing it speed up when she's feeling cheeky.
IMELDA REYES: Physical touch isn't one of her love languages, so she doesn't go out of her way to cuddle them. She doesn't reject it, She finds MC's affection cute, but she'll be reading or messing with her wand while she lays there with MC attached.
NATSAI ONAI: She is the big spoon. She must protecc. She whispers all sorts of sweet nothing's while she's holding them and gives little neck kisses.
GARRETH WEASLEY: Cuddling him is dangerous because MC never knows what he'll do. This goof can't help but make MC laugh. He loves hearing it. He'll boop their nose, lick their face, even tickle them for a reaction.
LEANDER PREWETT: Long boi with long limbs. MC is tangled in him with little hope of getting away. He has quite the wingspan, so even if MC is on the other side of the bed, he can just casually reach over and yoink them to his side.
AMIT THAKKAR: Hope MC likes his voice, cause he's a talker. MC is his captive audience and he will go on and on and ON about just about anything. Mostly astronomical topics, but he goes off on tangents.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's the little spoon. Doesn't matter how tall MC is compared to him. They could be the longest mfer or just a little backpack, he loves them either way. He feels held.
POPPY SWEETING: Smol. Turns into a ball like a little hedgehog. Might get lost in the cushions or blankets, so hold tight. Also a bit of a squirmer, sometimes struggles to get comfortable. She'll settle down eventually.
ELEAZAR FIG: Dad. Hugs. Like, sit on the couch under his arm, dad hugs. Warm and comforting and loving. MC will likely fall asleep.
MATILDA WEASLEY: She's not too much of a hugger, but she won't deny one if MC asks. They'll be short but comforting.
CHIYO KOGAWA: She's not much of a hugger but if MC really needs one, she'll oblige. Might be a bit awkward, but she means well.
AESOP SHARP: MC will have to be strategic. First, gain his trust. That's the hard part. Second, catch him in a good mood. Third, MC must ask ONLY when no one else is around. His affection is very private. Fourth, (optional step) liquid luck.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Favorite Uncle vibes. Playful bear hugs that crush ribs and pick MC up off their feet. Best hugs for when MC needs a laugh.
MIRABEL GARLICK: Very much a hugger. MC can hold her as long as they need to. Let all their worries and stress melt away in her genuine embrace.
MUDIWA ONAI: She gives the best Mom hugs MC could ever experience. She'll go so far as to hug MC in her lap and rock them like a child, even if MC is tall.
BAI HOWIN: If MC needs affection, she suggests they seek out mooncalves or puffskiens.
DINAH HECAT: She is more affectionate than she lets on. If MC is stressed and needs a hug, she offers one without prompting.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He's a ghost. Move along.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She's not an affectionate person. MC will get more warmth from a glacier.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: If MC knows what's good for them, they won't touch him. Ever.
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fierymiasma · 1 year
ꕥYou Look Better In Greenꕥ//Sebastian x MC
NOW WITH PART 2: And You Look Fetching in Yellow
Summary: In which Sebastian sees the new transfer student wearing someone else's scarf and proceeds to absolutely lose it.
Word Count: 1.5k
|| Masterlist || AO3 ||
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Ever since the new 5th year joined Hogwarts and knocked Sebastian on his ass (while stealing his heart at the same time), Sebastian developed a new morning ritual.  He would arrive, as late as possible as usual, to breakfast, plop down on the empty spot that Ominis had so nicely saved for him, listen to Imelda prattle on about some boring Quidditch news, and sigh and longingly stare over at the Hufflepuff table.
It was always something different every day, much to Sebastian's delight.  Sometimes she would wear the most eccentric outfit, a clashing cacophony of mismatched colors that only she could pull off while being the most gorgeous witch in Hogwarts.  Sometimes she would arrive late, wiping the sleep from her eyes, tired from their shared late night misadventures.
This morning Sebastian was unlucky.  Sitting directly across from Poppy, she was obscured from Sebastian's gaze.
Even more unlucky, Imelda Reyes decided she had permission to sit next to him.
"Did you see what the new Hufflepuff was wearing today, Sebastian?"  Imelda teased.
Ugh.  "No, why should I care?  It's not like I spend my mornings just ogling her."
"Of course not."  Imelda said breezily.  "It's only been the talk of the entire school.  Surprised you were the last to hear about it, what with you practically drooling over her every morning."
Ominis snorted into his porridge.
"I have no idea what you're on about.  What she does doesn't concern me in the slightly."  Sebastian lied like the lying liar he was.
Imelda shrugged.  "Oh, that's a shame.  And here I was about to bring you the news that your favorite Hufflepuff is most definitely off the market now.  Looks like someone got to her before you did."
"WHAT?"  Sebastian bellowed.
Imelda grinned.  "See for yourself, pretty boy."
Playing right into her trap, Sebastian stood up, now blatantly searching for the Hufflepuff.  He was able to angle his view around Poppy.  A part of him was excited to see what ridiculous set outfit she was wearing today.  Sebastian didn't see what the fuss was all about.  Nothing unusual, her usual Hufflepuff robes, a grey sweater, and-
-And a Red and Yellow Gryffindor scarf.  
His mind went blank.  The usual bustling of voices in the Great Hall silenced themselves.  Sebastian could feel the heat erupt in the back of his eyes.  His wand shot dangerous hot sparks, itching for a fight.
Who, in Salazar Slytherin's name, gave her that?
She was wearing a Gryffindor scarf in front of the whole damn school.  Anyone who was anyone knew what that meant.  Why, it was practically a front page advertisement on the Daily Prophet!  Wearing another House's apparel meant you were seeing someone.  Off the market.  No longer available.  Every other day you would see a Ravenclaw girl wear a new black and yellow tie.  A Slytherin showing off their newly acquired blue coat.  It was a possessive silly schoolboy thing, but if you were an eligible bachelor or bachelorette, you wore your gifted scarf with pride.
Who in Merlin's name would claim what was rightfully his?  Who would be daft enough?
He didn't even register that his body was moving, until he was halfway across the Great Hall, making a beeline straight towards the Hufflepuff table.
"Morning."  He greeted Poppy and the new transfer student stiffly, interrupting their conversation.
"Oh Sebastian!  Good morning!  Did you have any of the strawberry tarts?  They're especially good today!"  She beamed behind the offending Gryffindor scarf that was around her neck.
"Who gave you that?"
"Oh, well, I'm pretty sure the House elves make the tarts from scratch and then they sort of apparate it up here.  I'm actually not quite sure how their magic-"
"Who gave you that tacky thing?  Was it Garreth?  Prewett?  I always knew that weasel was up to no good.  I should remind him o-"
She looked at him in alarmed confusion.  "What on earth are you talking about Sebastian?"
Sebastian felt his jaw clench.  So, she had no idea.  Of course she wouldn't.  She was a new transfer student, immensely popular and with half the school falling over themselves fawning over her.  It had to Prewett.  Only that sniveling bastard was underhanded enough to trick Sebastian's Hufflepuff into something so nefarious.  Practically broadcasting to the whole school that they were dating.  Gryffindor chivalry indeed, taking advantage of someone like that.  He bet all Prewett had to do is go up to her with his big, ugly nose and manipulate her into wearing that disgusting thing.
"Your scarf," he spat.  "Who gave it to you?"
Her eyes darted at Poppy who gave her a bewildered shrug.  She blinked in confusion, almost as if she forgot she was wearing it.  "Oh, this?  It's so cozy and warm, isn't it?  I think it really matches with my complexion!"
Sebastian could practically feel his back molar crack.
She continued, unaware of the inner storm brewing inside of Sebastian.  "Natty and I were out at Hogsmeade and got caught in the rain.  My poor scarf got soaked, and I haven't had a chance to learn the drying charm yet.  She was nice enough to lend me hers instead!"
He deflated, wand dropping into his pocket; fight forgotten.  "Ah…Natty…the other…transfer"  Of course.  It wasn't that long ago that Natty transferred and was learning all the nuances of the social intertwining of a different country much less Hogwarts social etiquette.  Probably thought all of this was silly anyway.
"Is something the matter, Sebastian?"  She leaned over placing her gentle hand on his forehead.  "You're awfully red.  You're practically burning up!"
Poppy tried to hide her laughter behind her hands.  
Sebastian's blush was so strong it practically hid all the freckles on his face.  Arms flapping around, he pushed away her hand from his forehead.  "Never mind me.  It's a miracle you didn't get sick wearing that silly thing.  If you really needed an extra scarf you should have come straight to me."
He started undoing his own warm green and silver scarf.  And with the most nonchalance and charm he could muster, he gently wrapped it around his Hufflepuff's neck.  Green and silver framed her rising blush so nicely.  Something deep in his stomach purred possessively in approval.
"There.  All better.  Those colors match you better anyway.  Red and yellow look awful on you."  He flushed.  "Not that you ever look awful.  You look fantastic.  One of-No, the best looking person at Hogwarts."  His ears burned as Poppy practically howled in laughter unable to hold herself back any longer.  "Um, best looking friend at Hogwarts.  Much better than that old Ominis anyhow."
His Hufflepuff blushed, trying to hide her smile behind her newly acquired gift.  The butterflies in her stomach were practically doing flips.  "Thank you, Sebastian.  Y-you're not so bad yourself, for a Slytherin."
He nodded stiffly.  "Well, if you ever need any more just ask me.  Slytherin is a good look on you."  He wasn't sure what to do now that his mission was complete.  "Um, don't ask Ominis though.  He…um…he hates it when people borrow his clothes.  Gets all particular about his things.  Just come to me whenever you need anything."
Her eyes swam in amusement, and she brought Sebastian's scarf closer to her face, inhaling the rich dark scent left behind.  A rich oak wood, some warm-scented cologne, and a slight musk that was undeniably Sebastian.  Her eyes never left his gaze as she gauged his reaction.  "Oh, how lucky, that I am friends with the most charitable Slytherin I know.  It's nice to know that my friends are so concerned about me."
Sebastian's knees felt weak.  He mustered up the energy to croak out, "Well, it's not all charity.  It's nice having friends in my debt."
She got closer to him, in the mood for something a bit more daring.  "Well, I would hate to always be in your debt.  There must be some way to repay you."
His mouth gaped open.  For once, the manipulative, charming Slytherin was at a lost for words.
"How about I treat my favorite Slytherin to some Butterbeer?  My treat?  I have to start paying back some of that debt somehow."
Sebastian's mouth was dry.  "If I have nothing better to do, I suppose I'll join you.  It's not like I'm doing anything."  (Ominis wouldn't mind getting ditched.)
"It's a date then."  Sebastian choked at her words.  "7'oclock.  Three Broomsticks.  I'll see you then."
Sebastian nodded stiffly and promptly marched himself to the Slytherin table, a bit bewildered as to what just occurred.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚
Poppy's laughter finally subsided, as she finally got a moment's rest to wipe the tears away from her eyes.  "Blimey, I can't believe that worked.  I knew borrowing Natty's scarf was a brilliant move."
The other girl smiled, gently packing away the old scarf borrowed from Natty back into her bags, right on top of her very own and very dry Yellow and black scarf that was secretly tucked away.  "What can I say Poppy?  Sometimes to catch a Slytherin you got to think like a Slytherin."
Part 2
AO3: fierymiasma
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kleinundscharf · 2 years
Imelda “trash talk is my love language” Reyes
Sebastian “tf you mean you know other men?” Sallow
Garreth “I’m just happy to be here” Weasley
Ominis “blind but definitely not mute” Gaunt
Poppy “don’t give a fuck about those unforgivables flying” Sweeting
Leander “all bark and no bite” Prewett
Lucan “all I see is dolllar signs” Brattleby
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sparxyv · 2 months
Milena Student ID 💜🦅
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I decided to finally issue a proper introduction to Milena Chase for you guys so she doesn't remain a face without a story any longer 😤
Thank you for the template @kiwiplaetzchen !! 🫶
Brace yourself for a big infodump - here is Milena's backstory etc etc 🫠
Milena Jacqueline Chase was born in 1874 to a French muggle, Henri Marie Chase, and a Japanese witch, Miyuki Hoshino.
Milena is the oldest of seven siblings.
The Chase Family™ is extremely rich, like, buttloads of money rich. Coming from a long line of vintners, they founded one of the leading brands of the best quality wines in Europe, as well as owned a luxury hotel in central Paris.
Milena's grandparents on her mother's side lived in Feldcroft, and still do. They often watched over the Sallow twins after their parents death when Solomon was busy. (Milena does not know her grandparents. 👍)
Miyuki - Milena's mother - was a Slytherin in Hogwarts, and was friends with Solomon Sallow.
Life Before Hogwarts
Growing up, Milena and her siblings resided in their family's hotel in Paris, France. Since their parents were too busy with business and galas, they were raised by the housekeepers and servants that worked at the hotel.
Milena was homeschooled, undergoing typical muggle education with many tutors over the years. She gained a passion for learning early on, intensively studying practically anything that piqued her interest! (my little Matilda LOL)
Milena did NOT go to Beauxbatons, yet showed signs of magic very early on. The only reason she was aware of magic and wizardkind because of her mother's house elf, Teeley. (we love Teeley 🫶)
She had so much free time on her hands that she'd mastered and studied so many different things, making her a true jack of all trades! Some of these things include - Chess, fencing, horseback riding, painting, embroidery, baking, PLUS she's fluent in German and Russian (in addition to English and French).
I'm planning on going more in depth with Milena's relationships in a series of separate posts so I'm just going to list her closest friends 💜
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Imelda Reyes
Athol 'Mousey' McGregor
Samantha Dale
Amit Thakkar
Natsai Onai
Garreth Weasley
Poppy Sweeting
Sacharissa Tugwood
Richard Jackdaw
Alignment - Neutral Good
I really think of Milena's personality as close to the in-game MC as possible, but I do tend to wander from that sometimes.. 😗😗
Milena always strives to help out people when faced with trouble, but never actively seeks out problems to solve - they just always seem to find her. Nevertheless, she always takes on difficult situations and rises to the challenge.
It helps a lot that she's very self-assured, something that came out of spending most of her childhood alone and taking care of herself AND others. That being noted, she's a natural born leader. Milena is assertive and logical and can easily adjust and adapt to many different situations - which makes her the perfect person to deal with a certain Slytherin boy who's emotions control him and not the other way around.. 👀👀
Milena is an ambivert. While she enjoys socializing, she's also comfortable being alone. She doesn't exactly prefer one over the other though. Socializing comes easy to her, and she has a secure attachment style when it comes to her relationships, never really feeling insecure about them or getting jealous easily. Milena tends to be more mature, and she never internalizes things when people are rude - but because she's so calm and mellow, people are usually either drawn to her or intimidated by her.
As a Ravenclaw, Milena is naturally curious! She's constantly on the hunt to learn new things, which is why she enjoys exploring outside of Hogwarts so much, taking in everything she can about the hamlets and just the Highlands in general. Her curiousity helps her find wonder in even the smallest of things. She's very open-minded, yet nearly always at least slightly skeptical when it comes to new things. She can be very opinionated, but is always open to other perspectives.
Milena is not one to be overly expressive with her emotions (but to be clear - she doesn't hide them either 😗), yet she does have a side of her that naturally comes out only when she feels comfortable. With friends like Sebastian especially, she feels like she can let loose and be more playful as well as a bit snarky/sarcastic.
Additional Fun Facts!
I've already mentioned this before - but Milena's absolute favorite things in the world are BIRDS. Birds of all kinds. She knows everything about every species, and I mean everything. And somehow, birds naturally flock to her like she's some type of woodland princess.
Milena's hair is NOT naturally curly/wavy, nor is it naturally auburn! Prior to Hogwarts, she used a charm to change her hair color, but it seemed to have some extra effects on her hair texture too..
Milena doesn't often speak French after arriving at Hogwarts, but since it's her native language, she finds it much easier to express herself in French even though she speaks near-perfect English. She also enjoys sneaking in French phrases to occasionally mess with Sebastian since he has no idea what she's saying 🥰🥰
Her love language is gift-giving, but when it comes to receiving it would be acts of service and quality time.
Is VERY passionate about potion-making.
Becomes an animagus in the summer before sixth-year, her animagus form being a giant golden eagle!
Already mentioned but she's quite fearless, except for when it comes to mooncalves. (She's more creeped out by them than scared of them, though.)
More of a dog person - Raphael is the exception 💜
Seeker for Ravenclaw in her sixth-year!
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masqueradereveler21 · 2 months
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Welp I’m bored and I wanna post something so here’s my contribution for the day:
This is actually the earliest version of Gwendolen I ever created; originally her name was Dalia Atherton and she was a Gryffindor. Her background was generally the same; orphaned, no memories, except this version was from London and raised in a standard orphanage, not a convent like Gwen was. Having her in Gryffindor also meant that she was exceptionally closer to Garreth and Natty in general, and was a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker. I also liked having her in the same house as Professor Weasley as it gave them something to bond over. This character, unlike Gwen, was not in a love triangle and instead was in a relationship with Ominis Gaunt; her relationship with Sebastian was more of a brother-sister dynamic, as she reminded him a lot of Anne. Her dynamic with Imelda Reyes was also very different; they had the more traditional Slytherin-Gryffindor rivalry and despised each other immensely.
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I ended up changing this as I wanted to focus on the dynamic between Sebastian, Ominis, and a female Slytherin character….but I lowkey miss this girl and wonder if I should rework her story and start from the ground up with her 😫😫 also just wanted an excuse to post these commissions done for me by @whoisflattery !!!! Their work is incredible and I highly suggest reaching out to them for commissions!
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girl-named-matty · 6 months
Hogwarts Legacy characters and my first impressions of them pt.1
Semi-in order of when you meet them.
Eleazar Fig: Cool guy, seems to care a lot about me so that's nice.
George Osric: This guy is TOTALLY the villain. Why would he just come out of nowhere and be acting so weird and like he doesn't want anyone else to hear what he has to say? (LOL sorry George 💀We all know how that ended)
Ranrok: Naww who is this- DID HE JUST KILL THAT GOBLIN?!
Professor Black: Annoying. Annoying, Annoying, Annoying. GO AWAY.
Professor Weasley: She's awesome, super sweet, and she's in Gryffindor and I'm in Gryffindor so that's nice. Oh, wait a Weasley???
Cressida Blume: She's cute. Has cute freckles.
Nellie Oggspire: I need to be her friend IMMEDIATELY.
Garreth Weasley: Oh this guys a cutie--OH SHOOT HIS LAST NAME IS WEASLEY.
Natty Onai: Her name is Natty... and mine is Matty... We now we HAVE to be best friends.
Professor Ronen: Oh, he seems like fun!
Sebastian Sallow: Woah wait why are they fighting. OH SHOOT IS THAT GINGER KID ABOUT TO DIE- Oh, never mind. Was this guy allowed to do that? Is he gonna bully me? Should I be suspicious of him? Oh, well either way he's kinda cute.
Professor Hecat: Oh, she's cool.😎
Lenora Everleigh: So cute and has a very beautiful name.
Sirona Ryan: An absolute queen. Gave me free butterbeer and she seems really considerate of the other shop keepers. Oh and she defends me so yeah absolute queen.
Victor Rookwood: Uhh who is this guy? Oh shoot wait is he supposed to be another villain? His top hat is kinda goofy ngl. Also what kind of a threat is "Can't drink butterbeer forever?". I don't know whether to be intimidated or to laugh. Maybe both?
Theophilus Harlow: MY EYEESSSSSSS! 😭😭😭 (Sorry but he looks nasty)
Professor Garlick: OH SHE CUTEEEEEEE.
Leander Prewett: Oh I HATE THIS GUY GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! SEBASTIAN SALLOW SAVE ME. PROFESSOR GARLICK HELP. (I promise I have changed my ways and I now love him)
Professor Sharp: OoOooo he looks intimidating but he is very handsome.
Andrew Larson: ANOTHER CUTIE RAVENCLAW! (throwing him in here now bc I'll tell you guys I didn't even know he had a name until like six or seven+ months ago so I got my first impression of him online LOL)
Lucan Brattleby: This kid looks fire. He's my little brother now and nobody can stop me.
Eric Northcott: He hasn't said a single word yet I do not like him. (Sorry Eric girlies)
Ominis Gaunt (1): Why does this guy keep talking to me in the hallways. Is he mad at me? WHAT DID I DO?! Oh, shoot wait is he blind? CAN HE SEE WITH HIS WAND??? DAWG THIS IS AWESOME. also he's really pretty.
Richard Jackdaw: Why does he look and sound exactly like Garreth? Is this another Weasley I don't know about?
Madam Kogawa: She looks cool. Kinda intimidates me tho and I have no idea why.
Everett Clopton: His voice is kinda annoying and we got in trouble but he did teach me how to go super fast on a broom so I'll give him that much.
Percival Rackham: Don't like him. I don't know why but I do not like him.
Professor Howin: ...is that dodo bird actually gonna attack me or are you just saying that-
Poppy Sweeting: Aww she looks cute. She is very small but obviously that doesn't stop her from defending beasts from bullies LETS GO! Oh also she's got a cool hippogriff friend!
Imelda Reyes: Oh, I am going to beat her time by a LANDSLIDE just because she said that to me. (rivals to lovers fr)
Lodgok: Oh he seems really nice for helping us but should I be suspicious of his connections to Ranrok?
Gladwin Moon: Saw this guy earlier and he was acting weird. And now I figure out it's because of some statues. Can this school get any weirder?
pt.2 coming soon 👀
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Soft lazy morning sex headcanons (Hogwarts Legacy)
Was in the vibe for some fluffy smut HCs, so figured I might as well make this one my first for HL. Also, I changed up my usual sequence for this post to reflect the order in which I wrote them (sue me)
NSFW (18+), obviously.
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Poppy Sweeting 🦡
You don’t know how she does it, getting out of bed and already having finished half of her chores by the time you wake up
That said, she doesn’t protest when you pull her back in, telling her that mornings are for sleep
Her giggles turn to soft moans when you start placing sloppy kisses on her neck and your hand sneaks down into her skirt, your fingers working her clit with an expertise that has her unravelling at your touch alone
Within moments her clothes are off and you two are back between the sheets, the sweetness of your lovemaking ridding you of any sleep still on your mind
She’s always the first to cum, her little whines stifled by your lips
You’ll lie basking in your afterglow together, and she asks how she’s ever going to get anything done when you treat her like that.
Ominis Gaunt 🐍
Sleep might be the only thing in the world he loves more than you, so you know you have some competition
Pressing soft kisses to his nape or caressing his lobe with your lips doesn’t seem to work, even though the little trembles running through his body don’t escape your notice
You know he’s awake, so you have no intention of letting him off the hook that easily
You kiss your way down, making sure to pay attention to every small birthmark and imperfection on his creamy white skin
He finally catches on when you’re past his navel, his fingers lazily tangling themselves into your hair as you close your lips around him
You don’t stop until you hear him groaning, his release betraying his awakening
He’s fully intent on returning the favour, which means it’s well afternoon by the time you’re both done. Totally worth it. 
Natsai Onai 🦁
There’s nothing better than waking up holding the stark naked form of your Gryffindor goddess in your arms
You take the time to kiss each other awake before she gets up to prepare a bath for you both
Sliding into the soapy water, you could easily fall asleep all over again as you relax into her arms, her breasts cushioning your back as she starts taking care of you
She gives the best massages, tenderly washing your arms and shoulders as you feel yourself getting lighter
It never comes to that though, as her hands get to work practising that special kind of magic that has you moaning out her name within minutes
She gently works you to your climax, after which she’ll draw out the aftershocks by placing gentle kisses on your shoulders
There’s definitely no better way to start the day than Natty’s baths.
Sebastian Sallow 🐍
You know last night was good when you pick up right where you left off
He has you pinned down easily, breathing into the crook of your neck with a wanting that leaves you melting like honey into his embrace
Running his hands all over your body is something he’ll never be able to resist. He knows all the little places that make you squirm, leaving no inch of skin untouched
Whether it’s taking you in a gentle spooning position or devouring you as you ride his face, he always treats you like royalty, not allowing himself any pleasure until you’re a sweaty hot mess
By the time you both have your needs fulfilled, the sun is already up and you’re probably even more tired than before
That doesn’t stop you from cuddling until you fall asleep again. The world can wait, especially with the arms of that dreamy Slytherin boy wrapped around you.
Imelda Reyes 🐍
It’s literally physically impossible for her to sleep in. She’s always up when you awaken to a new day, either doing push-ups or stretching her ethereally fit body
You often just lie there and admire her as she works out, relishing the way her muscles move under her delightfully exposed skin
She knows that you’re ogling her and she loves it. If she’s in the mood, she’ll taunt you with some teasing remarks to reel you in
It doesn’t take long for you to bite, and within minutes you’re entangled in all kinds of special yoga exercises that have you both sweating and crying out each other’s names
You tend to end up in a heap of limbs on the floor, which doesn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, when you feel Imelda’s lips on your naked skin again, you figure the two of you could perfectly go for a few more rounds…
Amit Thakkar 🦅
Mornings with Amit are quite peaceful. He tends to stay up late to study, so he’s often still asleep by the time you wake up
He loves it when you use your body to wake him up, softly kissing his neck while you interlock your legs with his
There is no escape from some welcome friction as your sensitive parts start rubbing together, your hearts beating as one as you hold each other close
Things quickly escalate and soon you kick off the sheets, the breeze of cool air bringing relief to your hot bodies
You love it when he comes first, trying to bring him just a little closer with your legs before you come crashing over the edge, burying yourself in his neck to stifle your moans
You’ll need some help untangling yourselves when you’ve both ridden out your highs. That’s alright; all the more an excuse to keep him in bed a little longer.
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