#otherwise pretty good right???
nevergeneralize · 2 years
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It’s elementary…
Genshin/Yuumori thought experiment, courtesy of having too much fun with picrew
Albert and Ayato have a similar energy so Albert gets kin-assigned sword wielding hydro DPS who makes rude rich boy comments about opening chests. William is pyro / sword(cane) / support (I don’t think I need to explain that one 😂 ). They’re both 5*. Louis would be a 4* but a must-have support, a real darling of the Spiral Abyss set (in the Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett tradition), and I think he would perhaps be a dendro polearm. His elemental skill would split the polearm into elemental kniiiives for him to go sicko mode (Childe/Ayato-style) and his burst leaves a field of daffodils that do a little healing/boosting/elemental infusion because Louis obviously is forced to do everything around here
Sherlock is kinda already in the game in the form of Shikanoin so he’s an anemo catalyst DPS who Throws Hands. John would be a healer obviously, and I think an archer, since Army Revolver isn’t a weapon class in Teyvat. I wasn’t sure about his element so I picked cryo basically to balance the party (RDJ!Sherlock voice: he doesn’t mind.) Similarly not totally sure of element with Mycroft; he has a little Kujou Sara energy so he gets electro, and I think he’d be a bow sub-DPS with some kind of wildly-overpowered support ability. (And perhaps he’s the only 5* in this party, wouldn’t that be appropriate, Sherly. His banner/signature weapon would be some kind of lightning-powered steampunk monstrosity that’s really more of a crossbow, courtesy of Von Herder.)
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myrkulitescourge · 1 month
imo karlach’s soul coin usage seems like it should have been a little more significant than it was.
she only ever really stops to consider the magnitude of burning through a person’s soul for power during an origin playthrough—otherwise she rationalizes to the player that they’re doomed anyway, and if using them gives her an edge in combat, why not use them for good instead of leaving them to be used by evil? the dialogue with lann tarv in act 2, where he tells the story of each soul he's handing over to her, tries to humanize each soul coin, and still she doesn’t really budge and disapproves pretty heavily if she's told no in regards to using them.
it just seems like something that could have caused some kind of conflict between her and wyll, given he sold his soul to a devil in dire circumstances and takes issue with the player for sleeping with mizora, because she 1) is mizora, and 2) similarly expends tormented souls during her romance scene, even if for a different purpose. but it just... never really comes up?
i love karlach. but that seems like it should have gone Somewhere, from a writing standpoint? karlach values wyll as a person but is willing to use currency forged from souls like his for the sake of a temporary power up. she knows the soul is consumed when she uses them. that whole exchange with lann tarv is there to emphasize that every soul coin she destroys was a person once. but it all kind of loses narrative purpose if this combination of factors doesn't mean anything? karlach doesn't change at all in her willingness to use soul coins, no matter what the player says or how much she cares for wyll.
idk. missed opportunity that wyll doesn't have any dialogue about this, of all things.
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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My links
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compacflt · 7 months
OKAY I’M DONE‼️ tomorrow‼️
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(Subtract about 3-4k [in-progress notes and afterword for my print version—which will be sent to those who asked once i finish editing (might be a minute)!] but here’s proof)
sorry it took so long. I was really unhappy with a couple sections and decided to stop bitching about how unhappy I was with them on tumblr and take the time to rewrite them to a standard that I would actually be happy posting… which I thought would take like a week… silly compacflt… always triple the amount of time I estimate i might need… so sorry I’ve been MIA. ive been working on this the whole time.
but now I’m actually really happy with these. And with their completion, it means this series is over. I think this is an ending I can actually be proud of, now. so for me it was worth it.
also i think i should reiterate, these aren’t supposed to be read all at once, i just thought it would be crazy to post these dozens of individual one-shots as their own chapters. that’s crazy. Lol. so you can treat them like chapters if you want. or don’t. I’m not your mom
these sections (ice/mav retiring, getting married, hangster wedding, retired life etc.) will be posted tomorrow. Thank you for waiting‼️
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slavhew · 2 months
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realized i completley forgot to post these mspaint rufii. ig i was saving them to be part of a bigger sketchpile but i didnt get far on my replay :(
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fuzzyrain · 2 years
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a little ways away
Don't have this world anymore sadly, but I've still got the screenshots, so! Here's a little build for you all :)
Version: 1.14.4
Mods: Wild Nature; LDShadowLady's flower breeding; Placeable Items; Vibecraft/VSCO
Resource pack: A little taste of Jerm
Shaders: BSL shaders
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foreverppl · 1 year
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Moodboard for Amais Rena (he/they), lead singer of alt rock band Way Way Downers @infamous-if
#catch them being like ‘what happened to the MUSIC???’ every time some reality tv show drama goes down lmfao#having them be a homewrecker by romancing mrs. valentine so we’ll see how that goes#but also after playing the demo i’ve fallen down the seven rabbit hole and i CANNOT get out omg#anyway personality facts ig:#they toe the line between confident and arrogant but ONLY when it comes the music#like he’d never call himself the best but they know that they’re a good singer and the band makes good music#so they don’t usually care to listen to criticisms that say otherwise#can be a little intense and takes things way too seriously somtimes#loves their bandmates to death so he was def put off a little by g in that one convo#is OBSESSED with doing the pop punk voice/accent much to the dismay of everyone around them. they think it’s the most hilarious thing ever#still feels really guilty abt what went down w seven so is just sorta… taking whatever they dish atp#okay at social interactions just veers more on the detatched polite side of things in interviews/w fans and other ppl they don’t know#which is veryy different from how they are on stage.#on stage they fully embody the music and let themselves do whatever feels right. no inhibitions. a complete release.#lover of tight pants and nice cuban heeled boots#is pretty responsible but has issues being told what to do prob stemming from the whole absent parent thing (srry orion)#can play piano but only the basics. only learned to help with the songwriting process.#if underground wastebasket has a million haters amais is one of them. if underground wastebasket has one hater they are that one.#if underground wastebasket has no haters that means amais is dead.#my mcs#if: infamous#mc: amais rena (infamous)#mb
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analog-transid · 1 month
Went on a voice acting rant last night while watching Poppy Playtime with psys I'm going mildly insane
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
The tiny cellar. The door slamming shut. The darkness. Gils claustrophobia. The DRAMA!
For the wildfire one please! ❤️
"Someone! Anyone, please!!"
Thena walked a little more briskly. It had reached her ears so quietly and muffled at first, but there was no mistaking it now. Someone needed help. "Hello?"
"Please, help me!"
She picked her pace up to a light jog, the scenery looking much more familiar now. She kept telling herself she wasn't coming back to Gil's cabin - again - she was just...in the area. Her perimeter routes had changed, that was all.
It wasn't that she missed the place, or the host.
"Gil?" she called out, looking around for him. She couldn't figure out for the life of her where he was. She walked around the side of the cabin, but he wasn't by the wood pile, or chopping out front. He didn't seem to be inside, based on how she was hearing him.
"Gil, are you okay?!" she shouted back, her heart starting to beat faster. What the hell had happened to him? "Gil!"
"Gilgamesh!" Thena ran around the other side of the house. There wasn't much over there except the storm cellar door and where the water connection was. He had showed her the water main so that she could help herself to the shower in case he was away and had shut it off.
The doors rattled, being pounded on from the inside.
"Please, please, please!"
"Gil!" Thena shouted back, rushing to pull them open. They weren't locked, but the wood had warped over the course of winter, and now were wedged together in just such a way that made them seem impossible to get open now that they were slotted together.
"Thena, please!"
She slammed her foot on one door and pulled on the other one, stumbling back as it finally cracked open. If she didn't know him so well, it might have been terrifying, seeing someone as large as Gil come tearing up and out of the cellar in that state.
She tried not to fall over as Gil sank to his knees, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his face into her stomach. He was bawling like a baby, clearly having been hyperventilating in the cellar by himself. She huffed. "Gil."
"Thena, oh thank god, fuck, I-I thought-"
Thena tried a few times to try and pat his head - or something - without feeling weird about it. He was clinging to her like he'd faced down his worst nightmare, which perhaps he had. He wasn't being dramatic, or his big, sensitive self. He wasn't well. "It's okay, Gil."
He screamed into the material of her shirt, his whole body quaking. He was such a bear of a man but he truly seemed fragile, on the verge of crumbling. "I can't...I can't..."
Thena finally gave in, letting her hands fall over him as gently as she could manage. He flinched, and it only made her feel worse for him. But she rubbed his shoulder, ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm here, Gil. You're okay."
He took slower breaths, steadier with each slow inhale. He slowly sank lower until he couldn't even hold onto her anymore, seemingly ready to lie down on the forest floor.
"Gil, hey," she said gently, trying to have more than her usual charisma (lack thereof) with him. She knelt with him, holding his shoulders and making him look at her. "What happened?"
He groaned, his throat raw from screaming for however long he'd been in there. "I-I was checking on some stuff in the cellar. I always have the doors wide open, but they must have gotten blown over, or maybe something wandered by and closed them--I-I dunno."
"Okay," she nearly whispered, nodding and watching him closely. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, but his pupils were responsive. He was no longer gasping for air, his chest no longer heaving. She wouldn't be surprised if he was lightheaded. "It's over now."
He groaned again, rubbing his face. "Ugh, Thena...I'm sorry."
He was apologising?
"I didn't mean to freak out and," he blushed, typical Gil, "throw myself at you like that."
She tilted her head at him, and he looked truly ashamed and remorseful. "You never told me you're claustrophobic."
He shook his head, ruffling his own hair now. He looked like he'd been through hell. "Doesn't come up much, I guess. I don't exactly get put on cave duty that often."
Thena furrowed her brows. She would think that if his phobia was this severe that he wouldn't be put on cave search duty to begin with.
"Thanks for rescuing me," he smiled limply at her as she rocked back on her heels and flopped back on her butt across from him. "Sorry you had to come all this way to do it."
"I was," she shrugged, hoping she seemed casual, "passing by."
Whether he believed her or not, he chuckled and nodded, "well, you really saved me, so..."
Thena sighed, keeping an eye on him. It didn't feel right to just...leave him like this. She inhaled, poking him in the shoulder, "okay, hey, c'mon, get up."
He blinked at her as she pulled herself up and dusted off her grey jeans. "R-Right, you must have to-"
"Get inside, I'll make your disgusting leaf water for you." As soon as she said it she wondered if maybe she could see why she was known as a 'stone cold bitch' at the station.
Gil brightened like a dog being offered a treat. He looked up at her with those big brown eyes of his, "really?"
She turned away from him; he acted like she had asked him to marry her! All she offered was to make him some tea! "Today, Gilgamesh, before I change my mind!"
Maybe she could be a little nicer to the man whose life had flashed before his eyes in his own storm cellar.
But Gil picked himself up, hopping to fall in step beside her. He nudged her shoulder gently with his, "thanks."
She bit the inside of her cheek. He was making such a big deal about it. "Thank me if I make it right."
But even now, her growling did nothing to dissuade him from inviting her in. If anything, when she whipped the door open and stepped in ahead of him, he held the door open over her shoulder. Such a little gentleman (she rolled her eyes).
"Gil," she started while on her way to the kitchen.
"Yeah?" he asked, already kicking off his boots in favour of his sandals.
She lingered by the doorway between the kitchen and the main body of the cabin. "Next time you need something in that cellar...just call me."
She resisted the urge to press her forehead to the fridge door, feeling her face growing warm. "Just wait for me and I'll do it for you! You don't have to go down there again, is what I'm saying."
She continued on her way, digging out the kind of tea that was his favourite. She didn't know what kind it was, but she supposed she had smelled worse teas. And she knew how to put the kettle on. Maybe she would make herself a single mug of instant coffee with the boiling water while she was here.
"Thanks, Thena."
He was probably smiling that dumb smile that was kind of endearing. And she refused to go out there if he was going to catch her looking flustered over it. He could wait for his stupid leaf water.
This was why she was off search and rescue. Saving just one person made it feel worthwhile to do it again and again.
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jokaarija · 6 months
end of the year rant
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starchildghost · 5 months
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steelycunt · 1 year
sirius black would not wear a man bun. so stop it
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eeunwoo · 8 months
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the-acid-pear · 25 days
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The grind just never ends OT2
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Was Kaeya and Diluc’s whole Confrontation before or after he left the Knights? Bc if it took place AFTER…
It wouldn’t have been fire from Diluc’s Vision that hurt Kaeya, now would it?
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Bc according to the manhwa; Luc left his Vision as his resignation#//And allogenes without their Visons can’t use their respective elements#//So then#//It would have been the DELUSION’s fire that hurt Kae. Not DILUC’s#//Idk; good concept; I’m pretty sure Kae’s Vision story contradicts it tho#//But then it WOULD make sense why Luc was so quick to draw his blade and fight him over his truth#//Instead of hearing him out and trusting him; considering how close they were said to have been#//‘like twins’ they were said to be#//I do like this idea ngl#//WAIT WAIT#//THAT WOULD ALSO EXPLAIN WHY KAE WAS SO QUICK TO BLAME LUC FOR COLLEI’S FIRE CRIMES#//BC HE RECOGNIZED THE DELUSION’S FIRE#//I don’t think he actually SAW Crepus use it#//So either he could be operating on what he read in Luc’s discarded account of the incident#//Or he somehow SAW the flames firsthand to suspect Luc of all people FIRST#//Bc when he threw the accusations; Luc didn’t have his Vision back yet; so WHY accuse him of a fire crime otherwise#//Idk maybe I’m thinking too hard abt nothing lmao#//But it’s still a good plot bunny!#//Prolly also would make sense why Kae still wants to stick around him and not hold a grudge over the Confrontation either#//Bc Luc wouldn’t have been in his right mind; having the Delusion on him. the thing could have seriously messed with his emotional state#hc; kaeya#hc; diluc#//Canon between my muses on here; can vary for respective counterparts
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rubberbandballqueen · 10 months
the best part abt being enrolled in a calculus iii course is that it means i finally passed calculus ii. i have been enrolled in no less than FOUR different calculus ii courses, three of which failed to work out for various reasons, and literally NONE of this (calculus ii being a necessary course for me to take in college) would have happened had it not been for NUMEROUS FACTORS beyond my control but it's fine it's cool i'm learning NEW MATH for the FIRST TIME in FOUR YEARS and i am LIVING
#(i'd have taken calculus bc in high school thereby allowing me to take calc iii right off the bat in college had it not been for y'know.)#(The Numerous Factors Beyond My Control Which I Am Still Extensively Salty About To This Day)#like i don't even use the word salty like that very often anymore n i guess it's bc the slang fell out of use + i'm not as salty a person#as i used to be? idk BUT I AM STILL VERY SALTY ABT MANY FACETS OF MY MANDATORY EDUCATION AND THE DECISIONS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION#i hate school admin sooooo much but Anyway#the first calc ii course i failed bc the prof sucked ass#the second calc ii course i failed bc of quarantine hitting. i'd have totally passed otherwise i'm pretty sure#the third calc ii course i withdrew from bc i didn't vibe w the prof n also it was in the evening#then the fourth one was last winter n i was convinced i got a D or smth but i guess the prof had mercy n gave me a C or smth#WHAT MATTERS IS THAT MY SISYPHEAN HELL OF NEVER KNOWING IF I WILL PROGRESS IN THE ACADEMIC BRANCHES I WANT#IS NOW OFFICIALLY OVER AND I AM FINALLY TAKING CLASSES I'D HAVE OTHERWISE TAKEN THREE YEARS AGO but it is okay#bc life keeps moving forward n i will keep moving with it#in other news my boss asked me if i'd like to basically take the lead on our afterschool programs n like.#if it keeps me from having to train for sports good lord i might as well even tho i can see like.#so much more work coming out of this bc if i'm gonna run smth or make anything out of anything i Need it to be Excellent#but what do you DO with a bunch of kids in an afterschool program???? my coworkers are like 'play sports outside'#and also i have many questions and requests to make to my boss when i see her next but it's cool i'm writing them all down#the worm speaks
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