#fun crossover crack
magicpiano · 2 months
I have seen a few DCxMarvel dimension travel fics, and quite a few of them are of them are Peter Parker post-blip. Which gives me a crack fic idea: everyone who got snapped ended up in the DC universe. Yes, all of them.
The current world population is around eight billion, so half of that would be 4 billion... Yeah that would cause so so so many problems. But the DC universe is used to crazy shit.
Obviously there would be a sudden influx of "new" heroes and villains but with absolutely no context it is hard to figure out who is who.
Batman immediately trying to make contingency plans for all these new heroes and villains as well as figure out their civilian identities but this is very difficult because literally no records exist yet.
Magic users from both worlds team up, but I think they were still unable to fix it, the infinity stones were just too powerful. Also I think Dr. Strange and Constantine can't stand each other.
While I am at it, Wonder Woman and Loki would probably hate each other too. DC is more Greek but it has had their own version of Norse mythology, so maybe they are the same and have beef?
They would struggle to feed and house that many new people, but getting them jobs and integrating them into society would be hard too. And good luck proving anything anyone says. "You swear you have a law degree from Harvard? Okay I guess."
Do doubles exist? Yeah a lot of people probably don't have an alternate universe double, but it stands to reason some do. How do you deal with having a new kind-of twin? Or a dead friend or relative coming back, but different? Or even someone you never knew/doesn't exist in this world insisting they are family.
Some au double ideas I have seen people toss around are: Dick Grayson as Richard Parker, Kara Danvers as Carol Danvers, Steve Trevor as Steve Rogers, and Slade Wilson as/being somehow related to Wade Wilson, but I am sure there are other fun ideas out there too.
The snap didn't just affect humans/earth! So other planets are having the same problems.
Then randomly, five years later, just when people were getting used to the change, they all disappear again without warning. This causes as many problems as the original appearance did.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
So this is in the context of the bruce clone au I made a while back.
This is after the batfam find out about him being Bruce’s clone and he is staying in the manor for a bit cuz you know, family bonding.
And one light after so much sleep deprivation and coffee Tim accidentally called Danny “dad” which sparks a chain of events where the next morning at breakfast when all the fam is visiting Danny bust’s down the door and shouts, “IT IS I, YOUR UNCLE BROTHER DAD!” Which caused Tim the facepalm and everyone else to laugh (except bruce becaue he doesnt know if he should laugh or be mortified)
Some sinarios i have thought of, (with the help of @lompio )
Jason: oh crap, bruce isn’t going to like this.
Danny: don’t worry, your under parent supervision
Jason, shrugging: good enough with me!
Tim: we have to do something! But Bruce wont let us- Danny do we have permission to use the bat plain?
Danny, looking up from eating a box of cold takeout: wha-? Yeah sure!
Tim: thanks!
Danny: stay safe!
Danny: Damien, as your father I should tell you not to hold such petty grudges for small things. But as you BROTHER I say lets go get that lil’ bitches ass!!!
Damien: I take back what I said about this being childish.
Bottom line is: Danny is the dad only when it is convenient for him!
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cheebuss · 1 year
can you do a spy warrior cat?
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Have two!
Corner drawings bigger under cut
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I cannot wait for Wish to come out this year! Some crossover art with the original wish lady because we love pretty tall women ✨️💙
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Another Miraculous Crossover Nobody Wanted (DCxML)
In the midst of so many Batfamily/Miraculous crossovers, the thing I feel so many people forget is that the Waynes are...well...themselves.
Sure, they're awesome vigilantes. Trained in martial arts and with great mental fortitude to help them against the likes of Scarecrow's fear gas, Joker's venom, and Mad Hatter's manipulations.
...the problem is that Hawk Moth is a whole different ballgame.
He doesn't target their fears or dreams. He targets ANYTHING. Like petty annoyances. Frustrations. Sleep deprivation. Obsessions. Things the Batfamily generally try to ignore on a regular basis.
If he can akumatize and reakumatize the same man over his love of pigeons and people who feel they've been wronged over silly reasons, there's SO MUCH that could come from the complete dysfunction/emotional constipation that is the Wayne family. Remember, ANY frustration or annoyance or upset counts. 
Meaning Ladybug and Chat will be having their hands full with the Waynes until they leave.
And given that Hawk Moth comes up with the silliest costumes and powers...
...the others would never let them live it down.
It was a beautiful day in Paris. And an absolutely wonderful vacation to the City of Love, where everything was peaceful and nothing was wrong.
Dick stood at the window looking out over the city.
Tim was on his computer doing some reports. Possibly Wayne Enterprises work, but more likely mission work.
Damien had apparently gotten tired of grumbling and was focused on sharpening his sword—which Bruce really shouldn’t have let him bring. But given the situation, he couldn’t argue against letting Damien have something that would help him stay calm.
Cass had found a magazine to occupy her time, though she seemed somewhat confused as to the male teen model that kept appearing in nearly every line.
And Jason…
…he was grinning. And watching Bruce with such anticipation, looking downright hopeful as he waited. Not helping was that he was holding what appeared to be a brand new camera, fully prepared to start recording.
Bruce knew why.
But he would not give him the satisfaction.
Because nothing was going to happen.
Absolutely nothing.
Bruce twitched.
And his pen cracked from the sheer amount of pressure he was putting on it. Which was admittedly an annoyance, but wasn’t that big of a deal…
…if it wasn’t the 15th pen he’d broken in the past three hours.
It was fine though.
Nothing was wrong.
He was calm.
A muffled voice could be heard from outside despite the room being on the seventh floor of a building. Which of course was a coincidence and not because someone was actually right outside the room….and the building.
And perhaps if Bruce tried really hard, he could convince himself was just someone singing a line out of “American Pie” and not someone talking about butterflies.
Because there were no butterflies outside. Because he was fine!
Not the slightest bit upset!
At. All.
“That’s thirty-three…” Dick counted.
Bruce sighed.
“Did she come back to the roof?”
“Actually, she never left.” Tim confirmed, not even looking up from his computer. “She stopped leaving after the last incident and has just been standing there for the past couple hours now, catching them as they come.”
A long pause.
“Her partner has been bringing her water and snacks. And keeping watch whenever she has to leave to hibernate or use the little bug’s room.”
Bruce groaned.
Why couldn’t it be a villain? Or a fan or stalker? He could deal with those. He dealt with them all the time.
It was the well intentioned young superheroes that he had a harder time dealing with. The ones that wanted to help but were misguided in not understanding that their help wasn’t necessary.
“Thirty-four.” Dick droned.
…no matter how many magical butterflies implied otherwise.
“Maybe we should do what the nice Ladybug hero asked and finish up our business in Paris?” Tim suggested.
“I refuse!” Damien shouted, jumping to his feet. “This villain has made a mockery of us and it must not be allowed to stand! I will not leave until he has been caught and my sword has tasted his blood!”
“Damien, we don’t kill, remember?”
“I wouldn’t kill him.” Damien said, looking away with a pout. “Just…dismember him a bit.” He frowned, consideringly. “Maybe cut off his arms. He can’t continue villainy then, right?”
Tim sighed.
“So that’s a no on going home early then.”
They heard a noise from the roof.
“Is she leaving?” Bruce asked, trying to hide how hopeful he was.
“Nope. It’s her catboyfriend back again.” Dick replied, blithely.
Bruce sighed.
“Do you think they’re dating?”
“Dick.” Bruce warned.
“Because the city seems to be really hamming up the romantic angle between the two and it’s kinda hard to not see.” Dick continued. 
“Even if it is kinda weird that they’re essentially shipping teenagers.”
“Speaking from experience there, Dickie Boy?” Jason cut in, cheekily.
“Stop it. Both of you.” Bruce ordered. “The goal of coming to Paris was supposed to be to deal with the emotional terrorism from Hawk Moth.”
“A little hard with all your emotional constipation there, B.”
Jason smirked.
“Or should I say ‘Justice Man’?”
Bruce twitched.
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mushkirbs · 5 months
Damn bro in twst
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He would get along great with Grim and acedeuce (no, he wouldn't, maybe for like the first five seconds)
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auroramoon-draws16 · 7 months
The lord himself: okay, who changed my handle?
Wine and Die: i’m unsure, but it is accurate 😌
The lord himself: Ezio?
Wine and Die: sì
Wine and Die: 🥰🍷
The lord himself: ofc ofc
Apple Support: I still don’t understand mine.
The Matrix: it’s a technology/poe joke altair
Apple Support: I see.
The lord himself: okay, that’s funny
The lord himself: Sixteen?
The Matrix: yup and it was me
The lord himself: yeah that tracks
The Matrix: has anybody seen connor? i let him borrow my switch and i need it back
The lord himself: Idk
Wine and Die: 🤷🏻
Apple Support: He’s with the pirate near the stage, they’re discussing seafaring abilities with a pointy eared, blonde child.
The Matrix: thnx!!
(The Matrix has gone offline)
The lord himself: oh, speaking of blonde children! The new guys are breaking your pots in the back, Ezio
Wine and Die: MERDA 🏃🏻‍♂️💨
(Wine and Die has gone offline)
Apple Support: As enjoyable as this is, there are some giant, mechanical beings outside the bar, Desmond.
The lord himself: shit, coming!
(The lord himself has gone offline)
(Apple Support has gone offline)
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epsiloneridanistar · 2 months
My brother and I did a collab for this meme we saw and it went off the rails
You can find his TikTok at: chaotik_mushroomsart
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xovera-toz · 8 months
Universe where the Gravity Falls forest is loosely connected to The Unknown and when Bill tears into the dimension, Beast!Wirt, who senses that something is seriously amiss, is like.
"You. What are you doing."
"Ohhhhh look, a wild little demon, crawling out of underworld's bushes- Can't say I've met you before! Well well well, I'm Bill Chiper, the one and only ruler of this dimension~ You?"
"Um. The Pilgrim. At your service."
"You have manners! What a delight! I'd thought you were some feral midget. What with how you appeared from your little domain..."
"It's not- you know what, nothing. Nothing. But... Would you mind closing that big ahh rip in the sky? It's disturbing the frogs."
"Ha ha HA! The frogs...
"Fym nuh-uh."
And then after some back and forth, Wirt, visibly done with Bill's bull, treathens everyone with the watchful eyes of black turtles. Because that's literally the best, scariest thing he can come up with.
But the other demons have no idea what this means, that the turtles he's talking about are pint sized on a good day, and they come to the only conclusion-
The AXOLOTL has minions.
Cue a lot of hurried apologies, demons scrambling over eachother to disappear back into the darkness they had come from, and a confused Wirt.
"How'd you do that?"
Dipper would ask, his sense of danger knocked sideways for the time being. He just faced a three dimensional triangle for fairness' sake.
"Uh. Bye."
And that's the last the Pines family ever hears of The Pilgrim.
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seariii · 8 months
So, @roseofcards90 said that Stark from Frieren looks like a 0309 fankid, and me loving Frieren + her encouraging me, i made some headcanons for it
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For those who dont know the character, his name is Stark, he is kind, silly, a people pleaser, in general he is a good boy, he is strong, a warrior and fights with a big axe. (Frieren is set in a fantasy world)
Stark + 0309 (probably platonic? not the main focus) found family
Like on the anime, Stark grew up on the shadow of his brother, always training, but without ever getting any recognition or support from his father. His brother on the other side, would always make space for him he was who taught him what kindness and love felt like, always caring for him, always watching over him, till his last breath
After their village got attacked and Stark had to run away, leaving behind everyone he ever knew, believing himself a coward that could never improve, he came across two adventurers
Seeing the red hair of one of them, which reminded him of his family and other people from the village, he felt shame, fear and immense guilt for having left everyone behind for his own survival (HE IS STILL A KID GUYS) 
Mikoto and Fuuta stared at the random kid confused, and when Mikoto noticed that he was about to cry, he kneeled down and tried to talk with him, to make sure he was okay
Fuuta was also worried about the kid, but he has never been good with words or feelings, so he just asked where the kid was from and Stark began to cry, which made Fuuta panic and take a couple steps away from them, leaving the work to Mikoto
Mikoto eventually managed to comfort him and learnt about the tragedy that struck his village. Knowing Fuuta and him wouldnt have what it takes to save the village, and also knowing that he cant leave a child alone, Mikoto decided to offer Stark to join them on their travels, Fuuta was prepared to refute, but when he saw Stark’s face full of fear and guilt, he couldnt help but see a bit of himself on the kid
Mikoto’s plan was to bring Stark with them for a while and then leave him in an orphanage or somewhere that would be safe for him, so he wouldnt have to grow up traveling, and so he could grow up in a nice home
But he didnt take into account of the small group growing attached to each other
Fuuta quickly noticed Stark’s true potential as a warrior, and with a bit of excitement of teaching someone something he loves he asked if he would like him to train him. Stark was scared, remembering how it was to be trained by his father, but agreed, wanting to make himself useful
Stark was terrified, he couldnt bring himself to fight any monsters, even the easiest ones to kill, and Fuuta was starting to grow frustrated with that, but whenever he was about to raise his voice, he would see Stark’s face full of horror, so he would just sigh loudly, kneel beside him and try his best to convince him to try it
It was certainly a learning experience for Fuuta, having to learn basic communication skills
One time, they were on a small town, Mikoto was always in charge of gathering information from the town folk, while Fuuta would take care of buying the supplies for their journey. Stark had grown up a bit and most of the time would stick with Mikoto. But this time he went with Fuuta, they split the list of what they needed and got to work each on their own. After a while he heard a loud noise coming from the forest, doing a quick scan on the area he noticed the people from the town appeared worried and scared, and he assumed it was a monster attacking. He was TERRIFIED, he was about to run to look for Fuuta when he heard someone say that “the adventurer with the silly face went to check on the river bank” which made his heart drop (and the supplies he had bought). Even as terrified as he was, his legs moved on his own and he ran towards the place where he heard the loud noise.
When he arrived he found Mikoto unconscious on the floor and a monster about to eat him, Stark stared at the monster, paralyzed, not knowing what to do, his hands were shaking and he felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. Stark and the monster stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, until the monster launched its attack. Stark quickly drew his axe and defended himself. As they fought, Stark screamed for help, hoping anyone would come to their aid
On the other side of the town, Fuuta heard the first loud noise, and soon after heard more and more loud noises, making him worry about his team, he quickly searched the town, and not finding them he assumed the worst. He ran as quickly as he could, ready to unveil his sword and save his comrades, he kept hearing Stark’s cries for help, but when he finally arrived to the scene, he found Stark, still calling for help, with his axe on the monster’s neck as the monster was slowly disintegrating
Fuuta felt extremely proud of him, and after checking up on Mikoto, he congratulated Stark, which made Stark surprised, not having ever received that treatment from someone else
when they came back to the town, the people received them with cheers and gratefulness, apparently they had been struggling with that monster for a while and they will be able to go back to their normal activities now
After that, Mikoto keeps telling Stark how strong he is, he keeps wrapping an arm around his neck like an affectionate brother, Stark feels slightly embarrassed by this, but cant help but feel happiness. Fuuta just answers with “he is but he needs to keep training” to which Stark nods his head
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616 Marc: Khonshu, I know your listening. Make yourself useful and get me to sleep.
616 Khonshu: ... (proceeds to do just that)
616 Marc: Khonshu, I know your listening. Make yourself useful and get me to sleep.
my AU-MCU Khonshu, somehow linked and taken the place of 616 Khonshu:...Where is your bed?
Marc: Wha...(Suddenly stands up)
Khonshu: Your bed. Humans sleep on surfaces that don't give them backpain. So where is your bed.
Marc:...your, your actually listening?
Khonshu: Of course I'm listening. Your the one who called me, so where is your sleeping quarters. And your sleep wear? Your out of duty now so you should at least take off the suit. It's unhygienic to wear battle armor to sleep.
Marc: Hygiene?... Since do when you care about that?! You know what? Just get me to sleep.
Khonshu: ...I'm in jail not some instant sleeping pill Spector. At least change to something more comfortable than a suit the worm wears.
Marc: Worm? You wear this suit!
Khonshu: I'm talking about Steven Grant. And take off that mask. Unless you want me to do it for you but I'm in jail right now.
Marc: It's your fault you are in jail in the first place, so get me to sleep right now!
Khonshu: Oh, You want me to help you go to sleep? Get a proper bed first! And change to something that won't give you a rash in the morning! How long have you been wearing that mask? For the love of Mut, take it off when you sleep! It's battle armor not sleepwear. I got send away for 5 minutes and suddenly you don't know how to change your clothes? Your 40 not 4 years old. Learn! To! bath! You call yourself my priest but don't practice hygiene?! All priest are required to practice basic hygiene you idiot! If you don't take a haircut right now, I am going to break out of Asgard myself just to give you a fucking bath with the strongest soap in the cosmos can find. Consequences be damned! And get a glass of milk while you're at it! Maybe even learn some meditate if you cannot sleep, because I can't with your constant whining!
Marc: ...You wouldn't dare. Khonshu: (super pissed right now.)
--- A creaking noise from above was Marc's only warning when a fully assembled Ikea bed crashed through the ceiling and lands loudly next to Marc, who jumps back in surprise and just stares at the bed as it caused dust to scatter in the air, before settling down.---
Khonshu: Here's your fucking bed you overgrown toddler. Now get some fucking sleep!
Marc: Whe...where did you get that from? (Points at the bed in disbelief)
Khonshu: I'm a god you dick. The sheets are 100% Egyptian cotton and scented with lavender that can help promote sleep. You will lay down on that right now and close your eyes, or I will drop something even bigger than a bed. Like my actual fist to knock you out, I'll even bring my Asgardian cell with me. And these chains are very, very heavy.
Marc just stares at the new bed in disbelief, and shock. When he called on Khonshu, he didn't expect the god to actually answer back. But he is more surprised at the tone, Khonshu sounded pissed. The voice and reverb are the same, but something is different. Very different.
Now he has a new functioning bed in his empty room, and a hole in the ceiling.
Marc didn't want to touch the bed, thinking that it might be a delusion. He didn't eat dinner, or lunch, or anything for that day so it might be a hallucination from the hunger. But the sound feels real, the room shook like something actually crashed through it. He can even smell a faint whiff of lavender, just like what Khonshu said.
The bed looks way to real to not be a hallucination, and Marc remembers Khonshu's threat.
Marc already knew that Khonshu is real, the whole Avengers saw the god. And even though he sent the god to jail, the idea that Khonshu will try to break out just because Marc won't sleep on a proper bed is too ridiculous to believe.
Not as ridiculous as having a bed literally crash through the ceiling and get nagged at by the god Marc punched in the face.
The man is just too tired and sleep-deprived to care right now. Carefully he sat down on the bed's mattress. Which is way softer than he expected, but also firm in a way that it won't swallow your butt.
Now fully convinced that the bed is real, he lifted his legs and laid down facing up. Looking through the hole in the ceiling and saw the hole extends all the way to the building roof, showing a small view of the night sky.
And of course, Marc can see the small round disk of the full moon. It looks faint though, not as bright as he remembers. Like it isn't fully formed yet and just a shadow of what it is.
Yet looking at it, he can feel his eyelids feel grow heavy whether he wants to or not. He took in the lavender scented sheets until his mind finally fell into silence as mental and physical exhaustion took its toll on him.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Crack fic idea where Damien was promised off to some observants to marry the ghost king at 18 or something (the observants hoping it would mellow out their king thinking that the ancients locked him away was only a temporary fix)
But when Danny defeated Pariah Dark, not only did he get his titles but also his fiancé (unbeknownst to him)
And on Damien’s 18th birthday a green portal opens up and a bunch of ghost eyeballs drag him in and Danny wakes up one day being prepped for a wedding he knew nothing about!
And the Batfam going crazy trying to find Damien!
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anxiouspotatorants · 5 days
If Sean Gunn had more guts he would lock Amy Sherman Palladino and James Gunn in a room and not let them out until they had written the wackiest, wordiest yet somehow completely logical Gilmore Girls x Guardians crossover short of our until now unknown dreams
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kierancaz · 11 months
Wait so if Fellow and Gidel are twisted versions of the characters from Pinocchio that means that Pinocchio is canon in twisted wonderland universe and if Pinocchio is also a character in Shrek does that mean that he can tie their worlds together and make Shrek and therefor Puss In Boots canon in twisted wonderland ??
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nobodyfamousposts · 7 months
New Dolls Crossover
Because I have no shame...
Shadow: I am the ultimate life form!
Littlebug: (Looks unimpressed)
Littlebug: (Sitting on Shadow's head, patting him and oblivious to his glowering)
Sonic: (Trying not to laugh) Uh….you….you got a thing there.
Shadow: Shut up.
Littlebug: n_n (Pat pat)
Shadow: I am the ultimate—
Littlebug: (Spritzes Shadow)
Sonic: Looks like someone thinks the "Ultimate Lifeform" needs a bath.
Littlebug: (Spritzes Sonic too)
Sonic: HEY!
Shadow: (Smirks)
Littlebug: (Waves the spritzer, warning him to be nice) >:c
Sonic: ...fiesty little thing, isn't she?
Shadow: She is a good judge of character.
Sonic: ...
Littlebug: (Stares)
Sonic: ...wanna go on a run with me? Meet some of my friends? Not try to destroy the world?
Littlebug: (Smiles)
Sonic: I'll take that as a yes.
Shadow: Wait. Don’t you dare!
Sonic: (Runs off with Littlebug)
Shadow: Get back here!
Amy: (Hugging Littlebug) SO CUTE!
Sonic: Welp, Amy loves you. No surprise there. Tails is busy, so next up is bothering Knuckles.
Knuckles: Halt! No one's getting the Master Emerald—oh, it's you guys. And what is this?
Littlebug: (Stares)
Knuckles: (Stares in confusion) ….are you Cream's or something?
Littlebug: (Tilts head)
Knuckles: No, she's not food.
Sonic: ….you can understand her?
Knuckles: …you can't?
Sonic: Of course we can't go ONE day with a new friend without Eggman messing things up.
Knuckles: We need to get the chaos emerald, but it's in this vault and we don't have the key.
Sonic: Oh, I'll just speed over and—
Littlebug: (Makes a Lucky Charm key)
All: (Stare in amazement)
Amy: (Uses it on the door and it opens) It works!
Littlebug: (Proud)
Amy: Good job, little Lady! (Pets Littlebug)
Littlebug: (Even prouder, happy with pets)
Sonic: ….it's cool. It's fine. Was only gonna go super fast. Because super speed. Kinda my thing.
Amy: Shush.
Knuckles: …can she just….magic up a chaos emerald while she's at it?
Littlebug: (Pauses, looking thoughtful)
Sonic: (Stops her) Don't.
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number1villainstan · 2 months
Making a JJK/RGU Crossover for Fun and Profit
Assumes working (but not in-depth) knowledge of both RGU and JJk.
Content warnings for anything that applies to either RGU or JJK (so discussions of abuse in general, sexual abuse specifically, rape, incest, death, gore, body horror, unreality, w/e). Ohtori Akio and Ryomen Sukuna are their own warnings.
Warnings for major JJK manga spoilers up to chapter 263 and for major RGU spoilers if you haven't watched the show.
Disclaimer for RGU fans: This isn't gonna be an in-depth analysis of either work. Or at least that's not the focus. There may be some of that in the body of the work, but if you're here for insightful commentary, this is not the post for you. However, if you're here for taking a dumbass idea way too seriously (for fun), then this is exactly the post for you.
And with those out of the way, let's get started, shall we?
What kind of crossover?
There are several different ways you can combine elements from two or more different stories, but you often end up having to throw away or twist certain elements to fit the other world/story, because lore (or magic system or a character's backstory) from one story may conflict with lore from the other story. You end up getting setups like characters from one story acting out the events of the other story, or characters living out a version of their own stories but in the other story's setting, or characters from both stories interacting in a setting separate from both stories.
However. Every once in a while, there's a combination of stories that allows you to preserve both settings, while having them be in contact with each other, and RGU and JJK is one such combination.
This lies in the enclosed nature of Ohtori (the setting of RGU) and the nature of cursed energy and techniques (part of the setting of JJK). When you combine these aspects of both stories, you end up with the crack crossover theory that Akio is a cursed spirit, and Ohtori is his domain expansion. It's a shockingly tight explanation for why Ohtori is Like That, especially coming from a work in a different genre and that is not in conversation with RGU at all (so far as I know). It explains how the world of Ohtori can be so unconcerned with physical laws, such as "there's no way for the pillar and stairs to support the dueling arena's weight" or "there's no topologically valid way to get from the forest to Akio's living room on those stairs" or "Ohtori's not by the ocean, so Ruka can't be both on campus and overlooking the ocean on a bench"; how illusions and tricks of the mind are so prevalent; why the dead can cheat death, if not forever; how Akio can be aware of nearly anything that happens at Ohtori; why time is so incredibly fucking weird (implying temporal/spacial manipulation cursed techniques on Akio's part); why Ohtori is practically fine-tuned to maximize misery in the long term.
Ohtori being a domain meant to capture teenagers and feed off their cursed energy not only provides another explanation for what Ohtori is, it fits very neatly into RGU's themes of abuse and how to break away from it, adding an extra layer onto Akio's ability to control everything about Ohtori. Akio being a cursed spirit also fits his backstory--if we take the flashbacks as indications of what happened, although not True Narratives, we can imagine Dios as a jujustu sorcerer who played the hero too much and ended up dying from exhaustion, with Akio being the cursed spirit that was his resurrection (much like how Sukuna is canonically a resurrected sorcerer). This also implies that Anthy herself may be a sorcerer, one who was likely thrown to the wolves (the cursed spirit that was Akio) upon his death, and who Akio has been imprisoning inside his domain since said death.
Unfortunately, this explanation isn't quite as tight as I would like it to be. There are several wrinkles to consider. Number one is that multiple characters leave and return to Ohtori over the course of the story, while domains are meant to be incredibly difficult to break out of given the barriers necessary to uphold them. Ryomen Sukuna and Fushiguro Megumi both demonstrate barrier-less domain expansions, but Megumi uses natural barriers (such as the inside of a warehouse), and Sukuna's usage of a barrierless domain expansion is seen as "divine". However, if we expand the boundaries of the hypothetical Ohtori domain expansion to include the town surrounding campus, and posit that there must be a second school there, we solve this problem by providing a place to go for Saionji when he's expelled, for Wakaba to go grocery shopping off-campus, for Ruka to be in the hospital, and for Shiori to attend school before transferring back to Ohtori, without them actually exiting Akio's sphere of influence, and furthermore
This is where we run into problem 2: keeping a domain expansion as big and as complex as Ohtori active for at least several months, for likely decades or centuries, requires an insane amount of cursed energy, and that we've never seen a domain expansion that large in JJK canon. Even Sukuna's 'divine' domain expansion in Shibuya, although he covered several city blocks, was a very simple domain, and wasn't as large as both Ohtori and its surrounding area. Furthermore, making Akio extremely powerful is a thematic sacrifice I don't want to make--part of what makes the finale so powerful is that Akio ends up posing less of a threat to Utena and more of an annoyance, although he's more powerful in Adolescence. (Some fans may say that I've already made a thematic sacrifice in making Akio not human, because part of the message of RGU is that normal, well-liked human beings can abuse other people without not being human, and their abuse may even be enabled by being well-liked and socially cushioned. To that I say: you are correct, but unless you have a smoother way to integrate the settings of RGU and JJK it was a necessary thematic sacrifice for this thought experiment. Also that I'm not all that interested in stories about humanity, being only technically human myself.) This is why I've made references to Akio siphoning off the cursed energy of those attending Ohtori, because it works both practically and thematically--this way Akio gains the cursed energy necessary for maintaining such a complex domain expansion by sucking it out of the students he's trapped inside, and it's a commentary on the soul-sucking (hah) nature of school and abuse and on how cultural systems of oppression and abuse need people to uphold them because they have no power on their own. But I doubt that Akio would get enough cursed energy from simply a bunch of non-sorcerers, which implies that there must be at least several sorcerers (or just people with abnormally high amounts of cursed energy) attending Ohtori; it would also make sense to say that Akio would keep these deeper energy reserves (so to speak) closer at hand than the rest of the student body. Yes, I'm going there: the Student Council + Utena are likely sorcerers themselves who haven't realized it yet, and Anthy is likely the most powerful sorcerer of anyone there, which would be part of the reason why Akio keeps her so close (and why she's implied to be able to do things like influence the arena and set all of those animals loose on Kiryuu Nanami). However, they would likely be unable to access any cursed techniques of their own, because Akio's influence would siphon away so much of their cursed energy.
So, to recap: Akio is a vampiric curse and Ohtori + the surrounding area is his domain expansion, and he feeds off the misery of the students he has trapped inside his domain; in addition, Anthy, Utena, and the Student Council all have sorcerer levels of cursed energy, along with potentially a good portion of the "unspecial" population, but in most of their cases have functionally the same power levels as normal people due to Akio's vampiric nature.
Okay, but so what?
Having a setting like this is very fun, but it can't reach the level of story as it is; currently it's just a crack crossover theory/headcanon. In order for this to become a story of its own, we need characters and we need a plot. Given how character-driven RGU is, and how the world of Ohtori responds to its characters' emotions, most of the plot can be extrapolated from our choice in characters and from how the world of Ohtori is set up. The main thing we need, besides choosing which characters, is an inciting incident. I have a simple one ready: whoever monitors these things in the jujutsu world has received reports/evidence of high levels of cursed energy where Ohtori is, and sends in our characters to investigate, thinking it would be a normal mission, and they end up entering the domain expansion and becoming students at Ohtori.
But who are the characters?
We've got several options for characters or character groups to send in to Ohtori, and we can safely assume that the RGU characters will start fundamentally the same as they are in canon, only changing in response to the actions of the JJK characters introduced to their environment. I also strongly doubt that any of the JJK characters we would introduce would have a rose crest ring, or come in with Akio's approval--in other words, they broke in, and they start as "unspecial". It would also make the most sense storywise to send in teenagers (or those who look like them); adults would likely be stonewalled out of getting close to Ohtori campus. That being said, let's go over some options and their consequences/implications:
The First Year Trio
The protagonists of the show: Fushiguro Megumi, Itadori Yuuji, and Kugisaki Nobara, with Ryomen Sukuna tagging along with them. You could do a Junpei Lives AU and include him as well, but I won't, since I'm focusing on bringing together both canons, which means Junpei is fucking dead. Let's go over each of the characters:
Kugisaki Nobara:
potential for Weird Sibling Shit: none, unless she has a sibling we never hear about in canon.
potential for Sunlit Garden Shit: low to medium. It's implied that she doesn't miss her country upbringing, and she talks about a girl she admired being bullied away by unsympathetic folk in her neighborhood, but nostalgia has a way of twisting the truth, so it's not impossible.
potential for Shining Thing Shit: low to medium. If Maki enters with her, then she may end up having her as a shining thing; however, there's not any one specific person or ideal that she tends to fixate on.
is she Stuck In Her Coffin: I'd say no. She's very assertive and seems not to care about what others think, and she's unafraid of interacting with the world.
Kugisaki Nobara would hate Ohtori. Loudly. And violently. Despite being mostly gender-conforming appearance-wise, her personality directly contradicts Ohtori's 'ideal woman', and she'd likely draw scorn from the general population. She'd probably make a fascinating parallel with Saionji; her violence is usually played for laughs at the other person's expense, or for making herself look badass, while Saionji's violence usually makes him look like a dick or earns him a trip to Clown Town. (Some of this difference is in what they direct their violence at, of course, but not all of it.) They're also both incredibly stubborn, unlikely to go along uncritically with tradition, extremely direct, and often eager to throw the first punch, so to speak. She'd also probably outright refuse to talk to Akio on the basis that he has "bad vibes", and if she ever hears about the shit he pulls with other teenagers she'd (attempt to) put a nail through his skull.
Fushiguro Megumi:
potential for Weird Sibling Shit: medium to high. We likely wouldn't see his older stepsister Tsumiki come back to life like Ruka, but healing Tsumiki is a main motivator of Megumi's actions in canon, and she was the one who took care of him after both his dad (her stepdad) and her mom (his stepmom) abandoned them (or died, in Toji's case, but Megumi doesn't know that). Strong case for Weird Sibling Shit even if Tsumiki doesn't show up.
potential for Sunlit Garden Shit: low to medium. He did NOT have a happy childhood, and he hates his dad. The only thing he would want to go back to the past for would be to see Tsumiki awake again (which would tie into Weird Sibling Shit). But, like I said with Kugisaki, the memory-warping effects of nostalgia cannot be underestimated.
potential for Shining Thing Shit: low to medium. Probably his 'shining thing' would be Tsumiki.
is he Stuck In His Coffin: Honestly, probably. At the beginning of canon he has hangups about his own power and self-worth, and struggles with expressing himself openly and honestly. (Actually, I don't think he gets better at expressing himself over the course of canon aside from whaling on curses.)
Fushiguro Megumi is probably the character who's most susceptible to Ohtori's emotional manipulations out of the whole JJK cast. His personality is most similar to Juri's, I think, in the way he's emotionally constipated and finds it difficult to express his feelings to other people. Thankfully he doesn't have a Shiori, both in the sense of being hurt and of hurting someone else from stonewalling them (unless you count Sukuna, but we all know Sukuna can take it and also deserves it). Given his relationship with Gojo (his main parental figure), he may be somewhat more vulnerable to Akio's manipulations, or he may be much less vulnerable given how much he rags on Gojo.
Itadori Yuuji:
potential for Weird Sibling Shit: none. He's canonically an orphan and an only child (iirc).
potential for Sunlit Garden Shit: high. He is not doing well--he's been possessed by a demon, slated for execution, his grandpa is dead, and his pre-canon friends are in the hospital. There's no way he doesn't wish to turn back the clock in some ways, to go back to when life was simple and safe.
potential for Shining Thing Shit: low. He doesn't have anything specific he obsesses over, although you could argue that he could obsess over the goal of beating Sukuna, especially in the late stages of the manga.
is he Stuck In His Coffin: No. He's much better at making connections and expressing emotion and vulnerability than someone like Megumi, and he's shown in canon to be respectful of others (aside from like. Sukuna and Mahito, who both deserve the disrepsect) no matter their gender.
Yuuji isn't as vulnerable as Megumi to Ohtori's emotional manipulations, but that isn't to say that he isn't vulnerable at all. He's a lot like Utena herself personality-wise, and I think he's vulnerable in similar ways as well, especially in a desire to go back to a time when life was simple and safe and guaranteed. His attachment to Gojo may also make him especially vulnerable to Akio's carefully-cultivated aura of "coolness".
Ryomen Sukuna:
potential for Weird Sibling Shit: none, unless he has a sibling that survived the Heian Era as a curse (highly unlikely) AND he's actually attached to that sibling (even more unlikely). The only time Sukuna mentions anything like having siblings it's to say that he ate his twin in the womb, I don't think he puts much emphasis on family of any kind
potential for Sunlit Garden Shit: none. Man's out here living his best hedonistic curse life all day every day; anything that might trigger Sunlit Garden-type nostalgia in someone else (like being stuck in Itadori's body or having to deal with Akio's siphoning his cursed energy away) he views as an annoyance or a threat, but not as evidence that the Past Was Better.
potential for Shining Thing Shit: none. He's practically his own shining thing.
is he Stuck In His Coffin: lmao no he got out a long time ago just cuz he decided it wasn't comfy in there
Sukuna is, hilariously, the JJK character with the most comedic potential in this situation. There's two ways he could go, with him either being stuck in Yuuji's body the whole time (which confines him to being a menace to Yuuji) or, my own preference, him getting his own body at Ohtori, which allows him to go off on his own and do weird shit, which I like too much to not do. Watch as he makes all the right logical steps as to why Ohtori Bullshit is Wrong Actually and then his conclusion veers so hard to the side that we end up in territory that is maybe actually Even Worse. "This whole Dueling Game thing is bullshit" yes "Anthy should have way more agency" yes "the kids should be fighting proper death battles cuz they value the thrill of the fight" nO. His reaction to Akio would literally just be "you need to learn how to respect your betters". He's utterly impervious to Akio's and Ohtori's emotional manipulation and yet he keeps Missing The Point. Everyone else is Suffering(TM) and he's just off doing hot girl shit with Nobara or trying to figure out how to get his cursed energy back. Ohtori may be Hell but Sukuna is literally a demon.
Bonus Characters
My original plan was to go through a lot of different JJK characters/character groups, but it's late and I want to be done with this so those will have to wait until a reblog. But to wrap up quickly, I'll do Maki&Mai and Uraume.
Zen'in Maki and Zen'in Mai:
potential for Weird Sibling Shit: very high. Not only are they twins who have been split apart by jujustu society, Mai ends up dying to 'free' Maki, and there's one panel where it looks like one of them is kissing the other one (who's unconscious) on the mouth. Yeah. They're up there with Miki and Kozue for Weird Twin Sibling Shit.
potential for Sunlit Garden Shit: medium to high. Some of the flashbacks for them heavily imply that there were some very high-nostalgia-potential moments in their childhood, before they realized their inequality.
potential for Shining Thing Shit: low for Maki (who doesn't care anymore), high for Mai (who would idolize Maki in some sense, or at least desire that Maki come back).
are they Stuck In Their Coffins: Mai yes, Maki no. Maki's already decided to leave the Zen'ins behind when canon starts, but Mai is still trapped in her own desire to go back to the way it was ('won't you stay at the bottom with me?' iirc).
Maki and Mai would be hard-pressed to survive in Ohtori's environment. Mai's something like Shiori, methinks, while Maki's just trying to get out again. They already have a deeply fucked up relationship, and Ohtori would probably just warp it further and drive them apart even more.
(This entry is formatted a little differently.) Uraume is an interesting character, especially with the implication that they and Sukuna genuinely enjoy each other's company. Their gender, or lack thereof, would also become much more important in RGU's story, despite being mostly just a side note in JJK's. It would be more difficult to get them in, because they don't have anyone around to order them inside, but if they got word that Sukuna was potentially lost inside a rogue curse's domain expansion they'd have a personal motivation to enter the story.
Pros of having Uraume in this story:
A straightman (straightperson) for Sukuna's bullshit to play off of, like in a comedy duo
Interesting parallels and contrasts between Uraume's serving Sukuna because they genuinely like him and Anthy's whole Rose Bride stuff, especially in the third(?) episode when she claims she wants to be the Rose Bride
Would force interesting questions and developments in the narrative of the crossover story, in the world of Ohtori (how do they deal with someone who isn't gendered if they have no information on which box to put them in?), and in certain RGU characters (Saionji: "are you a boy or a girl?" Uraume: "I'm neither" Saionji: "oh i see" Uraume internally: three. two. one. Saionji: "WAIT YOU CAN DO THAT?").
Cons of having Uraume in this story:
their no-gender swag is too powerful, if they stepped foot on Ohtori campus the whole school would spontaneously combust
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