#otis milburn headcannon
characters that are definitely autistic in my 100% professional opinion
chidi anagonye (the good place)
otis milburn (sex education)
jessica day (new girl)
castiel (supernatural)
amy santiago (brooklyn nine nine)
captain raymond holt (brooklyn nine nine)
feel free to add to the list I’m sure there’s tons more
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Being Otis’ sibling would include:
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AN// Spoilers for whole show. Also, sorry, this one I kind of ran with? Hope you like it :))
 You are a bit on the socially awkward side like your brother.
However, you’re more of an introvert; you let the world go around you and be a background extra rather than be a main in it’s story.
You’re more closed off, more defensive than your brother.
Your opposite on a lot of things, but balance each other out.
Your creative, he’s more academic
It’s mainly just the two of you and Eric. Best pals.
You, like him, are knowledgeable on sex, from your mother, even if you aren’t into that (the sex part or the other part)
Your mother always could tell with you, and assured you there was nothing wrong with it:
“Y/N, darling, you know there is nothing wrong with not wanting those type of relationships, right?”
“…Thanks, mum.”
Although it isn’t spoken, you both hold resentment for your father.
When Otis is picked as Adam’s partner, he gives you a panicked look. You, however, shrug; what can you do?
You are paired with Maeve, which is something that does annoy your brother:
“Trade?” He asks
“What? No. I’m not trading Maeve for Adam.”
“Y/N.” He pleads in a whining tune.
“Sorry, mate. Good luck though.” You wish him, leaving to follow Maeve.
For some reason, she gets the idea she can trust you and allows you to go to her house, knowing that Adam and Otis will not be a good pairing.
“If you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you, got it?” Part of her is kind of silently laughing at your scared face. You are quick to assure her this secret stays with you, to the grave.
As you talk, and do find out you have a few things in common.
Of course, you both don’t tell each other everything. But you get a decent reading on each other.
She can tell that, compared to your brother, you’re holding a lot more in.
“How is it?” She asks
“How’s what?”
“Being siblings with him?”
“Otis?” She nods
“It’s nice, knowing you have someone that kind having your back, you know? You can cock up horribly and he’ll still be there. He’s loyal.” You answer.
She considers it, “Not many of those people left.”
“Not as many as I’d like.”
Fair to be said, when you come in happy, and actually almost getting along with Maeve, Otis isn’t the most happy about this.
When the news about your mum comes out, you and him both storm out.
That leads to an argument;
“Why couldn’t we swap?” He asks
“You think it would’ve fixed anything?”
“I don’t know?! Just…”
Maeve is quick to stop your arguing, she knows how bad sibling arguments can get.
When it comes to Adam, you and your brother play rock, paper, scissors to see who it’ll be.
You win, doing the nerdy fist pump as he has to do it.
You see Maeve roll her eyes at your antics.
So, with Maeve bringing in clients, Otis doing the talking, and you doing the PR (in a way) the clinic is born.
However, there is a point of contention between you and your brother; Maeve.
He see’s that you both are genuine friends, with you going out more and more at night.
“Where have you been?” He asks you, whenever you come in (after your mum has asked you of course. Your honest with her)
“To see a mate.”
“What mate?”
“I have other friends, Otis.”
“I know, Y/N. It’s just –”
“You think I’m,” Cough, “Doing…that, with Maeve, don’t you?”
“It’s ok, Otis. I get that you like her and all. But, just to assure you, no, we’re not together. We are just genuinely friends.”
He seems happy for you, but you can tell there is a bit of jealousy.
However, you don’t hold it against him. You understand that he has feelings for Maeve, and do support him with it.
However, Maeve can read you well, so you try and be careful when you bring up your brother.
When the party at Aimee’s happens, you try and drum up business as well.
You get split up from the group, desperately escaping to the outside, only to see your mother outside:
“Oh, Y/N, darling, hello.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, just in the area.”
“…You were spying on us, weren’t you?” You accuse her.
“I – yes, darling, I was. I’ve already had this talk with your brother.”
Being in a house of constant sex therapy, and being the way you are (asexual, aromantic) can be a bit of a contradiction of times.
For example, when Otis has his wet dream, the topic does make you a bit uncomfortable.
Maeve calls you, asking you tom meet her. She tells you a time and tells you to get there on-time.
And you do, you go to the clinic just as she goes into the room. You get yelled at by the protesters, but you walk it off.
“Don’t you care about the poor child living in there?”
“At this stage? To be honest, more about the woman.” You’re honest, but not horrible to them about it.
You come in your casual clothes, just sit there and wait.
Otis joins you, flowers in hand and wearing a suit.
“Oh, bloody hell, you thought it was a date, didn’t you?”
“Classy first date.”
“Piss off.”
When Maeve comes out, you both great her and walk with her.
She texts you later: Maybe your brother is not so bad, after all.
Otis comes to you about the whole Jackson thing:
“I can sabotage him.”
“Of course I am, Y/N. I need your help –”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I’m not the talking guy, you are.”
“Yeah, but your more convincing.”
“I’ll give you the money he’s given to me and that I can’t seem to bloody lose.”
“But I thought you wanted to give –”
“I can’t lose it, Y/N! I’d rather not stare at it.”
“Then don’t?”
“Take it?”
“No, you take it.”
However, you do see how it ends, and do feel for your brother.
As much as you may not have supported his methods, you could see why he did it.
You both find out what happens to Eric, and both take the blame for it.
“Seriously, Y/N, you too? You’d rather pick this girl you’ve known for a few weeks at best over me?”
“It’s not like that –”
“Then what is it like?!” Words are exchanged, and he leaves.
However, then you meet Ola and Jakob.
Ola’s nice; friendly, sincere. You like her.
“So, you’re Y/N.” She says as a greeting, shaking your hand.
“That is I, madam.” She laughs at it.
You become good friends fairly quicky. But, she respects your boundaries about the past.
You see how close your mum is getting to Jakob, and it just doesn’t sit right with you.
So, you call Maeve. She’s quick to answer:
“Hey, uh – can…can we talk?” She detects the tremble in your voice.
“Where are you? What’s wrong?”
“I can’t really tell you over the phone.” You tell her to meet you at the bridge.
She meets you there quite quickly:
“You want to tell me what’s going on?”
You take a breath to collect yourself, “My mum’s met this new guy…” So, you tell her about how your mother seeing someone new feels off to you. And you confess to her that you don’t know what the fuck is going on with Otis and Ola. She just lets you ramble the whole time.
At the end, she grabs your hands in hers, “Have you told Otis any of this?” She asks, softly.
“…No. No, not yet, anyway. He’s got his own issues and –”
“You have needs too, Y/N. You can’t go running around for him, forever. He’s your brother, a good one, he’ll listen. But…I’m here too.” She vows.
“Maybe he can give me a freebee on a session?” You joking say.
“Yeah, have to pay, of course, but I can slide you in for a meeting.” She fired back in the same manner.
“Thanks, Maeve.”
She hugs you, not saying anything.
Then the dance comes around.
Starts off well enough, you say hi to all your friends.
You and Otis both make up with Eric. It’s nice to have your best mates back.
Then you both save Liam, both convincing him not to jump.
You, however, see that Maeve looks at your brother differently. You always hated that “friends don’t look at each other like that” bollocks. But, you see that she has it read all over her face as well.
Then Jackson talks about what Otis did.
You get out just at the end of their confrontation, and Maeve turns to you in anger:
“Did you know?”
“Maeve –”
“Did you know?”
You go to speak, but Otis speaks for you;
“Y/N had nothing to do with it. It was just me, Maeve.”
She just looks at you, waiting and watching for something to confirm the words are a lie.
However, when she see’s that nothing has happened, she accepts it and storms off.
Now you’re in an awkward situation; between your brother and a close friend of yours.
Both parties don’t want you to be forced to choose, so they leave you out of it.
However, there is a bonding moment with you and your brother; mainly learning about the book your mother was written on you both. Well, more Otis, but there is a chapter on you.
That’s when it all just explodes:
“You can’t just do that, mum!”
“Can’t do what, darling?”
“Can’t just – can’t just put our entire lives in that bloody book! You gonna mention dad? You gonna mention how you make your other child feel uncomfortable with all the sex talk? How the world wants them to conform to some fucking normality, but they can’t because they just don’t feel that way?”
Your mother can do nothing but watch as you breakdown in front of her, how it all comes bubbling to the surface.
Time goes on, however. And you start going to therapy sessions in school.
Maeve contacts you every so often, but you don’t really reply too much.
Your brother and Ola help you as much as they can, helping you get up in the mornings and including you if they go out for something.
Ola and you become closer friends as well, despite the weirdness of your mum dating her dad.
You bring that up to your therapist a lot.
The two (especially Otis) support you during this time. They encourage the therapy and talking to them when needed.
When school restarts, Otis keeps a close eye on you, knowing that you burned yourself out last time, and he won’t let it happen again.
When Maeve comes back, he makes sure to point it out, hoping that can help in some way:
“You seen Maeve’s back?” He asks, as he gets some books from his locker.
“Sure.” You answer, almost apathetically.
Eric sits with you on breaks and when Otis can’t be there, doing what he can.
Otis ignores the tension between himself and Maeve when he pulls her aside one day:
“You have English next with Y/N, right?” He asks her.
“Yeah.” She answers, already being able to tell where this is going.
“Can you –”
“Of course I’m going to keep an eye on him.” She finishes for him (ha)
And she lives up to that promise, doing just that as you write some things down whilst not listening.
When the teacher gets pissy at you, she stands up for you:
“Sir, Y/N is going through something, lay off.”
Otis thanks her for that after the lesson
Then you are off on the trip with your father Remi
You both find out the real reason for the trip. That he was using it as a way to get away from a newly broken up relationship and to find another.
Then comes the party.
You, in your state that has (sadly) been declining, drink till your hearts content. Eric and Rahim try to warn you, but you keep going.
You brother also spirals. Although, out of the two, you are way more wasted.
Ola arrives, and she is pissed. You haven’t exactly been keeping up with affairs.
You vomit in the sink, with your brother drunkenly trying to help you by patting your back, but he only ends up falling over.
It’s Eric who helps you.
Then he does his speech; in it, he includes you as he rambles (apparently being “on a roll”)
“And then there’s my sibling, Y/N. They’ve been struggling for a while, guys, and has anyone noticed? No, but I have, because I’m a good brother. So, even if I can’t have those two (Maeve and Ola) than at least I have, Y/N.”
The next day, before leaving with Ruby, he remembers parts of what he said, but to him it’s a blur:
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
“So, what? I’m just a second fiddle to them?”
“No, of course not. You’re my sibling, Y/N. That comes before anything. I was drunk, and pissed at them. I didn’t mean to leave you out or make you feel that way.”
The day out with Ruby actually helps your bond repair, as you both go back to old times; doing the weirdest shit together. In this case, helping a girl Otis had sex with.
Still, Ruby comes around to liking the two of you.
You both go to your father, united as one.
You both confront him on the pain he’s brought you, and how it hurt you both and how you both carried a part of the blame.
He’s quick to try to dissuade you, but you both move on.
However, you see that your brother has a revelation. He calls Maeve to explain it.
Then, he goes with you to therapy.
Despite it all, despite the things you could and do say to each other. Despite the way you both are different in many ways, you’ll always come back home.
You both care about each other. You’ve been through a lot.
You have each other. And, sometimes, that’s enough.
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happyandticklish · 3 years
otis milburn + knees??
Otis + Knees
Omg yes I love him so much thank you for sending this. Otis's knees are absolutely a 9, he will jump nearly a foot in the air if you squeeze the tops of them. Maeve tried the egg crack trick on his leg once and he let out this loud yelp and stood up, shoving her off. He apologized profusely afterwards, but she insisted it was fine and proceeded to wreck him many times later with this new information. The backs of his knees are a 10 though, he will burst into this panicked giggles and do everything in his power to curl his legs up in protection.
Thank you for the ask!
[send me a character and a spot]
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fluffyximagines · 7 years
Eddie Diaz
They All Know
Evan (Buck) Buckley
Can’t Stay Away
Chicago P.D.
Jay Halstead
We Are Partners
Couldn't Be Happier
Our Beautiful Girl
Lets Come Clean
Jay Halstead In Bed (Headcannon)
Don’t Go Back
Our First Christmas
Found A Baby
Feelings For You
Just Protecting You
I’m Still Mad
All Your Crazy
We Could Have
That Sounds Perfect
All The Firsts
Never Stop Fighting
Mouse/ Greg Gerwitz
A Silly Plan
Gossip Girl
Nate Archibald
Not Just Pretending
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Can We Talk
They Are Wrong
Outer Banks
Jj Maybank
I Don’t Care
Different With You
You’re My Girl
Not Kids Anymore
This Feels Real
Sex Education
Otis Milburn
A Little Jealous
Teen Wolf
Nolan Holloway
Talk To Me
To Love Again (Part 1)
To Love Again (Part 2)
Scott McCall
Never Hurt You
Not As Planned
The Fake Date
Stiles Stilinski
Feels Like Home
My Brother Says
Family For Christmas
Just A Puppy
Hit My Car
Definitely Worth It
The Flash
Barry Allen
Worry No More
You’re The Flash?
The O.C.
Seth Cohen
Can’t Deny It
The Vampire Diaries
Stefan Salvatore
Secret To Tell
What He Thought
The 100
Bellamy Blake
We’ll Be Okay
I’m Really Sorry
Just One Chance
Finn Collins
It’s Always Been
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