#otome games are a fascinating medium...............................
bmpmp3 · 2 years
has anyone ever seen an otome game yandere characters who aren’t either 1) the weird quiet guy who makes it obvious somethings up or 2) the outgoing friendly childhood friend who you’d least expect. I’m partial to the latter because i love surprise (the first otome game i ever finished was the very infamous Amnesia: Memories) but im like curious about the possibilities. whats the flirty archetype look like with some yandere sprinkled upon it. what about the oresama. the sweet and quiet one could be good for a twist
*carefully places handsome anime boys under a microscope and drops mysterious chemicals on them to see how they behave*
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missserpentia-fae · 4 years
Take Care of Them
Warnings: Hmm..? If you’re touchy on religion, I’d advise you to not continue reading. Also when God is mentioned, I try not to put the word God in case I offend someone so most of the time it’s Him or Father unless I think I’m being repetitive
Also I know in real life, Uriel is female but for the sake of the story and to stay with the fact that it’s an otome game, most of the characters MC meets will be male.
Takes place after Lesson 18 but before Lesson 19
Pairings: Obey me boys x MC/Reader
Idea: God talking to MC in a dream or such about the brothers
Part 1 / 2 
Chapter 3
They opened their eyes and knew immediately that they were back in Purgatory. They turned around to see God but he was accompanied by someone else, an angel. MC stared at the other being in fascination and awe, taking in their appearance. The other divine being stood at 5’7 and was slender with cream skin. He had piercing pale pink eyes and his long, thick, pale red hair was tied into a high ponytail which seemed to be flowing behind him. He was clad in an ivory shirt with long wide sleeves and a pair of leggings, a pair of slipper shoes on his feet and a light brown medium-length jacket was draped on his shoulders. Two-giant glass like wings in the form of an eagle’s wings hung low against his back almost like it was attached to the middle of his back rather than at his shoulder blades.
Just gazing at the angel gave the human a strange sense of love and warmth that seemed much too different than the aura that He was giving off. MC approached the two, God smiling and welcoming the gaping human, “Hello, my child. It’s good to see you again.”
They nodded blankly, still staring in awe at the angel before He introduced the angel, “Let me introduce to you one of the seven Heavenly virtues.”
“Hello, dove.” The angel bowed, taking hold of the human’s hand and placing a kiss against the back of it. The human flushed beautifully as the angel introduced himself, a smile on his handsome face, “I am Uriel, the youngest virtue. I am the Symbol of Chastity.”
The angel straightened up and MC stared up at the angel, “So your counterpart is Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust?” The human stated, the statement almost sounding like a question.
Uriel smiled, nodding, “That’s right. Asmodeus was the Symbol of Chastity before I become the Symbol. Ever since the Celestial War and Asmodeus fell, I was appointed.”
The human looked at Him who was just staring at them expectantly. “Do you hate Asmo?” They turned to the angel, their voice quiet almost like they were afraid to offend the angel, “You know, for falling?”
“Hate?” Uriel asked, tilting his head to the side as he thought it over before he shook his head, his pale red hair whipping out behind him from the movement, “Oh. I don’t. I could never hate any of my fallen brothers. I just… I was close with him before he fell. I would even call us best friends.” His smile fell before he continued, his pale pink eyes seemingly staring into the human’s soul, “But he chose to stand by his brothers than to fight for the Celestial Realm. I had no choice but to fight against him. Every day I regret not doing more, I always think I should have done more to guide him back to the correct path but I guess my bond with him was not as strong as his bond with his siblings.”
MC looked thoughtful. Uriel asked, his large eagle-like wings fluttering slightly in curiosity, “How is he? Is he doing well?”
The human nodded before they spoke out enthusiastically. “Yeah. I think he’s enjoying himself. I could do without him being so narcissistic and being very flirtatious towards me but I guess that comes with being the Avatar of Lust.” They giggled to themselves like they were sharing an inside joke before they continued, “He’s still as beautiful as ever if what Simeon says is true. I can understand why he was once called the Jewel of the Heavens.”
Uriel smiled, sharing a fond look with his Father as the human continued with their rant. MC seemed to realize that they were ranting before flushing, embarrassed for getting too out of control, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get off topic.”
Uriel and God seemed to share a conversation with just their eyes before Uriel looked away from Him to look at the human, “I heard you made pacts with my fallen brothers.”
“Oh! I have. Except for Lucifer but that could be because of his pride. He wouldn’t allow some human to have power over him.” MC smiled before getting the shock of their life.
“How would you like to make a covenant with me?”
MC stared up at the angel who was just flashing them a polite smile. They seemed to finally process what was asked, snapping themselves out of their daze before exclaiming, “Wait. What?!”
Uriel chuckled at the look on the human’s face before MC muttered under their breath, their eyes glazing over in thought, “I thought only demons can make pacts with humans. I didn’t know that it was even a possibility that an angel could make pacts as well.”
He piped up which drew MC’s attention away from the angel and their thoughts to Him, “For angels, it is called covenants, not pacts. Angels can make covenants but it’s not something that happens usually, actually it’s very rare for angels to make covenants. For the one reason that you cannot summon an angel like you could do with demons. There isn’t some kind of incantation that allows humans, magical or non-magical, to summon angels. Covenants are much more powerful than pacts.” The human hummed in thought as He continued explaining, “Pacts and covenants are different as well. Pacts appear as tattoos on a human’s body and there is always some kind of give and take relationship between the two. In your pacts with my sons, you were promised protection that didn’t end with your soul being taken when you die. In exchange, you were to provide companionship to the demons you made pacts with. Another is that in pacts, you need magic to call the demons to your side.”
He gestured to the Symbol of Chastity who was watching the human’s expression carefully with his pale pink eyes, “Covenants, on the other hand, appear as rings. The covenant doesn’t have a give and take relationship so you don’t need to worry about needing to give anything to my angels in exchange for their service. You don’t need magic to call on them as well. You only need to kiss the ring of the angel you need to call and they will appear. On the rare occasion that you do get in danger, they can sense your soul’s distress and will come to your side. Ah, you can also call on their powers instead of calling on them but it takes a significant amount of energy to use their angelic abilities especially since you don’t have magic.”
“We can always make the ring appear as simple jewelry to not alert any demons of the covenants." He looked over to towering angel, "However, we cannot hide the rings from my angelic sons. So Simeon and Luke will know immediately that you have made a covenant with an angel."
MC looked thoughtful before nodding, turning their head to stare up at the towering angel, "I would like to make a covenant with you, Uriel."
The Symbol of Chastity allowed a smile to light up his handsome face before he reached into his wings. He plucked a single feather from the bottom of his wings and the human could only watch in fascination as he crushed the feather in his fist. Uriel opened his fist to show that the feather turned into a light green signet ring. He took MC's left hand and slipped the ring on their pinky finger, leaning down to press a kiss on the ring. They watched as the ring seemed to adjust itself to fit snug on their finger and they could feel the ring pulse with power. MC took a closer look and noticed the seal on the signet ring which looked suspiciously like handcuffs linked together. Uriel smiled as he traced the symbol, explaining as he stared into the human's eyes, “It's my symbol, the symbol of chastity. I have the power of mind control and control over fire. In addition to my angelic powers, each virtue has a weapon of choice. Mine is a bow and arrow. Because of our covenant, you can call both my angelic abilities and my weapon. You can call on my weapon without draining your energy but I have to advise you to not use my powers until you can expand your energy levels. I may not be the strongest virtue but my power still takes a lot of energy to use.”
The human nodded before asking, looking up at the angel in thought, “Does that mean that I have to practice chastity to keep your covenant?”
Uriel laughed before shaking his head, “No, you don’t have to but it would be advisable.” The angel gestured to the ring on their finger, “Please call on me if you ever need help or even just want company. I would like to get to know you more. I know you can’t call on my demonic brothers for help so I would feel at peace if you call me when you’re in danger.”
MC smiled, staring at the ring on their pinky finger before Uriel looked at his Father. He bowed to the other male before speaking, “I must get going my Lord. It was such a delight to meet the little human that has captured the interest of my fallen brothers. I shall see you soon, my dove.”
They flushed at the admission and He dismissed the angel. MC watched as the angel spread his already large wings and took off into the sky, waving down at them before he disappeared from their sight.
They looked down at their arm when they felt the icy sensation going down their back, only to stare as their hand started to flicker in and out of existence. He pulled the human into His arms, leaning down to press a kiss on the crown of their head, “We weren’t able to talk much since I wanted you to get to know my angel better. I promise to tell you all about my fallen sons as soon as you wake up.”
“See you soon, my child.” Were all that the human remembered as they fell unconscious, the Divine Being’s comforting face being the last thing they saw. 
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tetrakys · 4 years
Hey Lara, what do you prefer? Do you prefer Moonlight lovers, My Candy Love or Eldarya?
Ooofff this is a loaded question anon! Wait sorry for the long post, I have to try to order my thoughts.
MCL is my first otome game ever, the one that started all, to this day it still has some of my most beloved 2D husbands, I spent almost 9 years with this game and it’s not over yet. Some of the company’s decisions have made me suffer a lot and while I think LL is the best written season so far and it still has some of the silliness typical of MCL, it’s too realistic in some of its topics, or maybe I should say too realistic-grown-up. It’s less dreamy, less falling in love with the concept of love, it’s more a simulation of grown up life which is not exactly what I signed up for.
Eldarya is, in principle, the most fascinating game. The one with the most potential and with my favourite LI ever. I am aware, though, that everything I like the most in Eldarya, are things that have not been successfully developed to their fullest: Lance as LI, the world building, Erika’s evolution into her powers, the LI’s personalities etc. We could say that I like how these things sound in my head. The hope is that these will be improved in S2, although the deletion of two LIs is a big problem. Also, I absolutely despise the AP system of S1, having to go back and forward and getting lost all the time takes a lot away from the immersion and enjoyment of the story, I’m ok with a movement based system as long as it doesn’t have probabilities. This is going to change in S2 but we don’t know yet if for the worst or best. Whatever they do I hope it’s calibrated well to not make the game crazy expensive. Ah, also, I HATE the QTEs.
Moonlight Lovers is a completely different matter, it’s new so I’m not attached to it in the same way as I am with the other two games, however this is the first game that I started as an active member of the fandom, with MCL and Eldarya I was a lone wolf player for a long time, ML is instead something I am sharing with other people and I truly believe this makes the experience more enjoyable. ML has some pros and cons: it’s more expensive by far, although after they modified the cost per dialogue things are much better, also the routes are short and lately the turn over is quick so you don’t have time to get attached to the characters in the same way as games that have been around for years. However, I really appreciate that the main focus of the story is the relationship with the LI and their background story, while the time spent with secondary characters is usually minimum. I also like how Eloise has a different personality depending on the LI and that while the main events are often the same, each route is completely tailored to the LI so it has a different flavour from the others. Personally, I don’t get bored with ML. There are things that I don’t like (at all) in some routes but they annoy me, not bore me. There is a sense of mystery and what if until the end of the route. Also, I like the three endings system because while it makes me crazy it also keeps me on my toes and forces me to really reflect on the characters personalities and story and not just consume the medium passively. But, as I said before, the problem is that ML is short. If there is no S2 (and even if there is), the game won’t become a long-term staple of my otome life as the other two.
I guess I could say that MCL is the glory of the past, Moonlight Lover is staying in the present, and Eldarya is my hope for the future.
Sorry for the long essay 🤭
I should also add that Henri’s Secret is probably my favourite game story-wise, full of heart-stopping moments and I binge-played it in 3 days.
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ooffies · 4 years
gumdropfairy matchup request~
Hello! May I request a matchup? Sorry if it is too long. ><
Synopsis: I come off as distant and awkward. I don’t talk much and if I do, I am agreeable and soft-spoken. I would say I am sensitive, transparent, emotional, understanding, curious, carefree, and clumsy. I am expressive and am not afraid to show my feelings, people would say I am an open book. I always cry at sad movies or scenes where you're supposed to cry. I have 4 siblings and it's fun but tiring at the same time, I'm the butt of every joke and am treated like the youngest. I also like to tease those I am very close with. I am expressive and (sometimes childish) with those I am very close to and agreeable with the general public. In a group work setting, I am diligent and reasonable when doing my job.
Habits/Interests/Dreams: I say 'what the heck' a lot, it's a habit tbh. I rant when I am passionate. A dream of mine is to enjoy life with people I love, to travel, capture beautiful scenery and eat lots of sweets! I like learning about international cultures, languages and funky things like did you know smelling your own fart prevents  Alzhimer's disease because of hydrogen sulfide and egg-smells? LOL.
Travel, psychology, and society-related documentaries interests me. I am currently a (elementary) A2 level Korean, I want to study more of the language because I like Korean music and culture. The concept of time travel, multitudes of reality and isekai worlds intrigue and fascinate me, I like reading fictional stuff about it. I have good knowledge of geography. My siblings always tease me when the number 13 shows because.....I want to always avoid the number and really hate that number. I used to do judo in high school and I have a fascination with martial arts. :D
Likes/Dislikes: I like pastels, sunsets, flowers, photography, sweets, fried foods, skincare, sparkly stuff, lip gloss, memes, dad jokes and games.
I dislike it when people assume things about me like they know me (when they really don't), condescending people, ignorance, waking up early and seafood. I like my freedom and want to be independent, and dislike it immensely being forced to do something I don't want to do. I really don't like listening to lectures (doesn't everyone though?). I'm not academically inclined but I have decent grades. I really don't like math and chemistry T_T
In depth: I am pretty sensitive when people criticize or judge me only if it's constructive but if it is outright just to insult me than I will say something bc that upsets the heck outta me. Because I have such a big immediate family (there's 7 of us) I am family-oriented so playing Obey Me really reminds me a lot of my family(esp siblings I have 4). In fact, I do get irritated easily and I am working on my short-temper. I am understanding and always try my best to not look at things just in my perspective but others as well. I am pessimistic in nature but I do genuinely want to see the good in people and in life. When thinking about my feelings and knowing the why I feel the way I do and how it affects others, you could say there is emotional intelligence. :)
My insecurity without a doubt is caring too much on what people think of me and how content I am with myself. I think this is because of me, my past "friends" who judged me so critically which had a negative effect on how I see myself. Because of that, I have very few friends. In fact, I don't really have any. I kind of just lost my self of self and trust for people. And my insecurity with of how unrefined, incompetent or unlikable I am, I've been told a lot to "grow up" and "stop asking dumb questions."
I want to be loved and not to be judged so harshly. Since I am slowly becoming an adult I have to discard my awkward, playful tendencies in front of others. 
Hobbies: otome games, learning Korean, pilates/ workout videos, eating, and bothering my siblings
My Fangirl self: I am a big fan of Avatar:The Last Airbender and One Punch Man (Genos is husbando material lol). I also really like Free and Haikyuu. Hot 2D men, babies, and puppies are my weaknesses. I read a lot of romance, isekai, and action webtoons/mangas and like watching it too.
Appearance wise, I'm 163 cm, and Asian so I have medium standard straight dark hair, round brown eyes, and I'm slim. 
Thank you!~
Hey hey! Sorry for the really long wait! Let's get right to it!
I match you with......................... Beelzebub!
He loves learning about you and the things you love! Every day he feels that he learns something new about you! He loves listening to you talk about your passions and interests. You two also talk about your families and being the youngest siblings.
You two are fried food buddies, always trying new fried creations and you guys sometimes even fry random things so you can try them! Lets just say that fired toothpaste idea Beel had wasn't his best fried food idea.......
Beel once ate a whole tube of your lip gloss once cause it "smelled good". He felt super bad after that a bought you a bunch of your favorite lip gloss as an apology.
Always gets worried when you cry, even if it's at a sad scene in a movie. He's always there to comfort you when you're angry or stressed. He gives the best hugs in the world.
You actually got hom into Avatar the last Airbender. He enjoyed the show a whole lot and he nows comes to you for show recommendations cause he says you have a good taste in TV shows.
He loves hugging and holding you. When you two are out in public together, he is always holding your hand. His favorite place to kiss you is your lips and his favorite place to be kissed by you is his cheek!
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@gumdropfairy I hope you enjoyed it and once again sorry for the wait! This whole pandemic really has me stressed and feeling down, I was really unmotivated. But now I'm feeling better and will try to write at least one match up every day! Thanks for the request have a lovely rest of your day!😊-ooffies💛
Match up requests: closed
Asks: open!
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obeymematches · 4 years
gumdopfairy matchup request~
Hello! May I request a matchup? Sorry if it is too long. ><
Synopsis: I come off as distant and awkward. I don’t talk much and if I do, I am agreeable and soft-spoken. I would say I am sensitive, transparent, emotional, understanding, curious, carefree, and clumsy. I am expressive and am not afraid to show my feelings, people would say I am an open book. I always cry at sad movies or scenes where you’re supposed to cry. I have 4 siblings and it’s fun but tiring at the same time, I’m the butt of every joke and am treated like the youngest. I also like to tease those I am very close with. I am expressive and (sometimes childish) with those I am very close to and agreeable with the general public. In a group work setting, I am diligent and reasonable when doing my job.
Habits/Interests/Dreams: I say ‘what the heck’ a lot, it’s a habit tbh. I rant when I am passionate. A dream of mine is to enjoy life with people I love, to travel, capture beautiful scenery and eat lots of sweets! I like learning about international cultures, languages and funky things like did you know smelling your own fart prevents  Alzhimer’s disease because of hydrogen sulfide and egg-smells? LOL.
Travel, psychology, and society-related documentaries interests me. I am currently a (elementary) A2 level Korean, I want to study more of the language because I like Korean music and culture. The concept of time travel, multitudes of reality and isekai worlds intrigue and fascinate me, I like reading fictional stuff about it. I have good knowledge of geography. My siblings always tease me when the number 13 shows because…..I want to always avoid the number and really hate that number. I used to do judo in high school and I have a fascination with martial arts. :D
Likes/Dislikes: I like pastels, sunsets, flowers, photography, sweets, fried foods, skincare, sparkly stuff, lip gloss, memes, dad jokes and games.
I dislike it when people assume things about me like they know me (when they really don’t), condescending people, ignorance, waking up early and seafood. I like my freedom and want to be independent, and dislike it immensely being forced to do something I don’t want to do. I really don’t like listening to lectures (doesn’t everyone though?). I’m not academically inclined but I have decent grades. I really don’t like math and chemistry T_T
In depth: I am pretty sensitive when people criticize or judge me only if it’s constructive but if it is outright just to insult me than I will say something bc that upsets the heck outta me. Because I have such a big immediate family (there’s 7 of us) I am family-oriented so playing Obey Me really reminds me a lot of my family(esp siblings I have 4). In fact, I do get irritated easily and I am working on my short-temper. I am understanding and always try my best to not look at things just in my perspective but others as well. I am pessimistic in nature but I do genuinely want to see the good in people and in life. When thinking about my feelings and knowing the why I feel the way I do and how it affects others, you could say there is emotional intelligence. :)
My insecurity without a doubt is caring too much on what people think of me and how content I am with myself. I think this is because of me, my past “friends” who judged me so critically which had a negative effect on how I see myself. Because of that, I have very few friends. In fact, I don’t really have any. I kind of just lost my self of self and trust for people. And my insecurity with of how unrefined, incompetent or unlikable I am, I’ve been told a lot to “grow up” and “stop asking dumb questions.”
I want to be loved and not to be judged so harshly. Since I am slowly becoming an adult I have to discard my awkward, playful tendencies in front of others. Even though I have low self-esteem it bothers me when being told that I did something or said something, it discredits my character and what gives one the right to tell me what I did or said when I know myself more than them?
Relationships: I honestly never had a boyfriend or any real close, close friends but I have a very close sibling who I grew up since I was an infant and it’s my younger sister (only by 16 months). She is truly my best friend and sister. I tend to like who are confident but also cool, they’re not domineering. I also find myself liking those who are opposite from me. The airheadness in me juxtaposed with my partner’s grounded nature. I’m pretty reckless and clumsy myself so it’d make sense if someone is reasonable and well-coordinated which would balance us out. My pessimism balanced with his optimism and/or realism.
I can offer my close companionship, humor, someone to listen to your troubles/ranting, and someone you can have ramen with and have conversations about anything without having restraint. Someone who I can be free with. Someone who can accept my flaws and who can help me improve myself and I would do the same for them.
We can laugh together, spend time with each other, make each other cry, fight and be there for each other when we are feeling low. A best friend and a partner for life, someone who would not harshly constrain, judge or tear me down as an individual. Wow, I am crying writing this. I am so idealistic about what I want in my relationships mainly because I never had one but deep down, I don’t think it’s like that in real life.
Hobbies: otome games, learning Korean, pilates/ workout videos, eating, and bothering my siblings
My Fangirl self: I am a big fan of Avatar:The Last Airbender and One Punch Man (Genos is husbando material lol). I also really like Free and Haikyuu. Hot 2D men, babies, and puppies are my weaknesses. I read a lot of romance, isekai, and action webtoons/mangas and like watching it too. 
Appearance wise, I’m 163 cm, and Asian so I have medium standard straight dark hair and I’m slim.
Hey! Thank you for your request! Sorry for the wait!
It was pretty hard to decide who would be the best partner for you. I thought about Beelzebub or Leviathan. Because Levi is into animes, mangas and Asian culture, but Beel loves food and his siblings especially Belphie. Hope you like my decision, because I decided to choose Beelzebub!
Here is why:
I think it’s ideal for Beel to have a quite clumsy girl with him. I can imagine when you, for example, fall down on the stairs and he catch you! He would protect and take care of you. He would be right there for you when you can’t reach something! 
He may look serious and mean, but actually he isn’t!
When you watch a sad movie or when someone judges you, he would try his best to make you feel happy again. Make you some food or maybe cuddle with you! 
You mentioned that you are an open book which would make Beel understand you even more. Being transparent is very important if you want a healthy relationship!
He is very close to his brothers. He would do anything for them. His best friend is Belphegor, and I think it’s good because your best friend is your sibling too. Imagine all of you hanging out like a super big family!! I think Beel can get along with pretty much anyone. 
Beel is very positive and rewarding so it would be ideal for you as there would be a balance. 
Both of you loves to eat, it would be a great date to go eat something, or make food together. I’m sure he will share his food with you! (Especially if you share your food with him too) Trust me he knows the best places to get food from! Also when you travel, he is going to encourage you to try food you maybe wouldn’t otherwise!
He would think your “what the heck” habit is cute though. Imagine him smiling so cutely to hmself every time you say it! If you two hang out a lot he might start saying it a lot too!
Beel would love to hear your voice so talk to him about everything! You can trust him! He is not too talkative himself, so your tendencies to rant gives a good balance!
Moreover he would support you in everything! He is one of the most supporting brothers!
Also don’t worry. He has 6 siblings, it’s much worse than 4, he knows what you mean when you say you are tired!
Beelzebub would join you to watch differents shows  or animes, but make sure there’s food!
I’m sure you would enjoy the time that you spend together! He can be very adorable and careful. Maybe he would invite you to the gym or hiking (or maybe to do judo), but reward you with a kiss for example.
He would make your day better for example with a romantic dinner or to just go out and watch the sunset with a picnic even if it’s the day you don’t like, so he tries to get your mind off it. 
Leviathan would join you if you want to play games or listen to kpop. Of course while this make sure you give food to Beel to make him less jealous. But he is not the most jealous type, so really there’s not much to worry about. 
Furthermore, if you don’t want to wake up early, he would stay in bed with you and cuddle. But sometimes Belphegor would be a better partner for this and he would treat you as his sister.
He would hold your hand until he falls asleep. Think about that!
Chemistry and Math is definitely not Beel’s favourite ones as well. You better get help from Lucifer or Satan! But Beel won’t judge you based on your grades!
He would laugh at your jokes, and try to make you laugh too!
He wouldn’t judge you and say mean things to you because he would really value you and you would mean the world for him beside food.
He needs emotional support though.(SPOILER depending on where you are in the story) Sometimes he blame himself for some mistakes. Thats why it’s nice that you are emotionally mature, he definitely needs someone he can rely on emotionally as well. 
Also he will make sure that you don’t think about what others think of you! He loves you the way you are! 
He is the youngest, so you can be childish together!
He is pretty flexible and confident, so no turn-offs so far!
He is the tallest one so I think you would look super cute next to him (he is like 205 cm lmao)
I think he is really patient and actually encouraging so hanging out with him will definitely boost your confidence!
I think in canon he never really had any relationship before either, so it would be amazing to learn about relationships together! 
I think theres no thing like “thats not how it is in real life”, you just have to keep looking. Fortunately Beel has similar values as you, as he can be shy and that makes opening up to someone hard - meaning the friendship can last some time before you establish a relationship. A healthy relationship is based on being best friends with your partner, so I think you are on the same page. 
Maybe sometimes you and Belphie would team up to prank him, what do you think?
He definitely adores that you care for yourself and that you are stylish! Asmo probably knows more about these than Beel, but thanks to Asmo’s influence Beel will suprise you with how much cosmetics he can name!
So in conclusion he is a very supportive boyfriend, and you are also supporting him through the journey of healing from the past. A very cute relationship and you two can do anything together. He can get you do some sports and you can get him to watch some shows on rainy days. However food is something you both enjoy a lot, so restaurant or cooking dates are common! Even if you travel. Knowing that you can trust the other no matter what will boost the confidence of the both of you! He can be less talkative but that’s fine because you can talk! He is also rather optimistic, so there is a balance in that as well. Sometimes he might get jealous of Levi or Belphie if you hang out with them too much, but thats just something to have a conversation about. He is cool and rather chill, definitely gets along well with your family too, which is very important because both of you are family-oriented! 
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recentanimenews · 5 years
An Explorer's Guide to the Wonderful World of Visual Novels
Visual novels! Once decried as a “niche” by the masses, they have slowly but surely wormed their way into video games as a whole. Persona became a visual novel, then Fire Emblem. Now Saya no Uta, Gen Urobuchi's disturbing cult “classic” (?!) is available on Steam to stumble upon. There are fewer barriers than ever before to experiencing this varied, historic and often misunderstood medium.
    But where to begin? Some visual novels are very long. Others are quite lewd. A number of them (even the ones people love) front-load their most boring material at the beginning, and save the best moments for the last hour of what can be twenty or thirty-hour games. Picking up Saya no Uta without being primed for the extremes of the medium is a recipe for despair. But don't be afraid! Many of the best visual novels being made today are only a few hours long, encompass many approaches and genres, and are acceptable for all ages. In this piece I will lay out a path that you, dear reader, may follow into the thickets. Some things to keep in mind:
1. Every one of the games featured here is legally avaliable in English. If you know Japanese and are willing to spend some money, feel free to experiment on your own!
2. The games featured here range from appropriate for teenagers, to appropriate for mature audiences. Content warnings will be marked as needed. That said, almost none of these games feature the kind of graphic sex you'd see in old-school titles like Fate/Stay Night; the exception is the final title, included for completionism, which is truly sordid and not appropriate for anybody (but I like it).
3. While I've had some experience with the medium, BL and otome games are huge blind spots of mine, so I won't embarrass myself by pretending expertise! If you're interested in exploring those fields, I've heard good things about Code: Realize (get the collector's edition with the extra content!), Hatoful Boyfriend and (if you're OK with some NSFW material) Coming Out on Top.
With that said, let us being our journey!
  These games last about two to three hours, but will stick with you longer than that. Don't assume these are “beginner games” simply because they are short! I could argue that collectively, the three titles here are the best on this list.
    Butterfly Soup is Brianna Lei's follow-up to her cult success Pom Gets Wi-Fi. It's free! It's also one of the most acclaimed visual novels ever by the mainstream games press, scoring praise from folks like Patricia Hernandez and Steve Gaynor. As for what it's about: it's the story of four girls on their high school softball team, two of them are in love, and there are many funny jokes. I found the ending to be abrupt, but if you're looking for good vibes and some much-needed encouragement to stay true to yourself, I highly recommend this game. Plus it references Matt Mullholland's excellent “My Heart Will Go On” performance, which earns it extra points in my book.
  Content warnings: Brief depictions of parental and physical abuse (no visuals!), ableist slurs.
    We Know the Devil is “what if Kelly Link wrote Revolutionary Girl Utena?” Plenty of anime and games channel that energy (my beloved What A Beautiful visual novel series among them) but few do so as succinctly and distinctively as Aevee Bee, Mia Schwartz and their team do in this game. The result is a punk, unsettling take on magical girl stories set in a Christian summer camp, featuring sneaky world-building and some striking body horror. You'll feel for the cast and their struggles, and cheer in the True Ending when everything goes completely off the rails.
  Content warnings: Psychological and body horror, alienation of queer youth in a religious setting, freaky music.
    EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER is a game about gay antifascist folks fighting fascists across the desert while riding giant robots made of meat. It's the equivalent of a zine you'd pick up at a fair, willing to dive into messy topics most games shy away from and wholly uninterested in sanding away any rough spots. The music is great too! Play this game if you want to beat up Nazis in a giant meat machine called ROOTS AMONG ASH.
  Content warnings: Body horror, mentions of self harm and abuse, suicidal ideation, alcohol, gender dysphoria, loss of bodily autonomy, apocalyptic ideation. For mature audiences!
  These games are a good bit longer, ranging from five to fifteen hours to beat. If you enjoyed the earlier entries and want more, try some of these!
  The House in Fata Morgana is a bonafide cult classic, a game made by a small studio that earned itself a legion of die-hard fans in the visual novel space. At first glance it's an entertaining genre pastiche, four tales of doomed love centering around a cursed mansion. But read past the first four chapters, and suddenly the real story comes to the fore—the tale of two ordinary people and a love that lasts for centuries. Fata Morgana takes some huge swings, tackling societal oppression, intersexuality, recovering from past trauma and learning to move on from those who have wronged you without having to forgive them. Its success at landing these swings likely depends on the reader, but I found Fata Morgana's heart to be in the right place. Couple that with one of the best soundtracks in video games, and you have an experience that is worth it even at 0% off.
  Content warnings: incest, domestic violence, racist and sexist remarks, psychological manipulation, homophobic and transphobic remarks, sexual assault, child abuse. For mature audiences!
    Heart of the Woods is, as of yet, the most ambitious game made by Studio Elan. It's a supernatural mystery where two adult women travel to a small town in the cold and dark to investigate some strange occurrences. What they find leads to unexpected romance, but also incredible danger. Heart of the Woods is sweet, it's funny (Tara is hilarious!) and as has come to be a running theme in this piece, the music is excellent, courtesy of Sarah Mancuso and Kris Flacke. Heart of the Woods is a game made by people who clearly have a lot of affection for visual novels as a medium, but had enough discretion to snip out the bits they weren't fond of. It also comes with a plethora of accessibility options, allowing you to customize everything from the text to the music to your needs.
  Content warnings: Parental abuse, alcohol, light horror elements, some sex scenes you can enable with an optional R-18 patch. For mature audiences!
    As for Seabed, it's... yuri ASMR? It's difficult to describe, as the appeal of this one for me isn't so much the story—which is intriguing, but very slow-paced—as it is the feel of it. Everything from the music, to the sound effects, to the text, contributes to a languid feeling unlike every other game in the medium I have played. Seabed won't be for everyone, but few titles match its distinctive atmosphere.
  Content warnings: alcohol, partial nudity. At least one sex scene that isn't too explicit by the standards of the medium. For mature audiences!
  These games range in length from fifteen hours to fifty... and beyond! If you're looking for the experience your Japanese-speaking friends fell in love with back in the days of fan translations and frantically searching online for information on Type-Moon properties, this is it! 
    Imagine that you have an idea for a great Japanese TV-drama, but you decide to make it as a visual novel instead. Wanting to produce as authentic an experience as possible, you hire actors and have them act out every scene in your script as you take multiple photographs depicting every twist and turn in the plot. Imagine the sheer amount of time and labor it would require. Then multiply it by five, let the player switch between these narratives with the ease of hitting a button on a gamepad, and tie them together into a vast meta-narrative. That's 428: Shibuya Scramble, one of the most ambitious visual novels ever created and a game that was famously awarded a score of 40 by the Japanese games rag Famitsu. Despite having an enormous and complicated script, it was localized into English just a year ago. Don't miss out on this bizarre and fascinating video game! If you're a fan of the Yakuza series, you'll be right at home with 428's brand of lunacy.
  Content warnings: Violence, drugs, alcohol, some bad language.
    Umineko: When They Cry is a lot.  A gonzo mystery story that starts as a riff on And Then There Were None, it swiftly mutates into a hundred-hour game of four-dimensional chess. It was made by a small team, scored by the music of the gods, and is fully committed throughout to its brand of sentiment, metaphysical rambling and extreme horror. Some might say that Umineko is overwrought, but that is the point: the game is memorable for its excess, not despite of it. If you're looking for a taste of the full VN experience, complete with shocking twists, a weird obsession with trivia and far too many words, this is the most authentic you can find that's appropriate for all audiences. Please play with the original art! It's charming.
  Content warnings: Parental abuse, blood and gore, people getting killed and suffering fates worse than death at the hands of witches (???). For mature audiences!
    And now we come to [NSFW] Wonderful Everyday, everything your anxious friend told you about visual novels. It's not just that Wonderful Everyday has sex scenes, it's that it takes less time to list what triggering and problematic content is not in the game than what is in it. It references Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Cyrano de Bergerac. The game isn't afraid to take huge, unexpected shifts in tone and aesthetic in order to scare or destabilize the player. You might be wondering: why recommend a game like this, which many would find morally abhorrent? All I can say is that Wonderful Everyday is the game that convinced your Japanese-speaking friends to read Wittgenstein. It's a cult classic, a title unavailable in English for years that came with the highest praise imaginable: that it was a profound work of art, that it would change your way of thinking forever. After finally playing through the game two years ago, my feelings were more mixed; but there's no mistaking that few games better personify the visual novel medium's eccentricities, indulgences or shoot-for-the-moon ambition than this shaggy, gross, but fascinating video game.
  Content warnings: suicide, psychological and body horror, multiple variants of sexual assault, extreme bullying, extreme violence, bestiality (thankfully cut down for release in the US!), a transgender character who is handled in a pretty specious way. Many graphic sex scenes. For very mature audiences!
  There's even more great titles out there that I couldn't fit on this list! The high stakes and interface-shattering plot twists of 999. The countless games being made in engines like Ren'Py, Choice of Games and Twine. South Korean visual novels like Nameless and Mystic Messenger. No matter what kind of person or reader you may be, there is a visual novel out there somewhere for you. I wish you luck in your endless journey of discovery!
  Are you a fan of visual novels? Do you have any (safe for work, if possible) recommendations? Please let us know in the comments!
Adam W is a features writer at Crunchyroll. When he isn't eagerly awaiting the announcement of the Girls' Work anime by Type Moon, he sporadically contributes with a loose coalition of friends to a blog called Isn't it Electrifying? Follow him on twitter at: @wendeego
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miyaio · 8 years
desu 2 meta brings out the tl;dr beast in me b/c i’m always thirsty to talk excessively abt this game.
My favorite parent-child relationship
- i think otome and koharu win by default, tho io’s brief scene w/her mother and the background we get on her relationship w/her parents is v heart-wrenching.  i love the way otome’s single mom status is depicted–it feels very nuanced and sympathetic, without shying away from the way having parenthood thrust upon her would realistically impact otome’s life and koharu’s.  when otome mentions in tri arc that she misses being koharu’s mother, despite how selfish that would be (as it would come in exchange for her cousins’ lives), i teared up, ngl.  koharu herself is also really precious, tho i wish we had a consistent appearance for her–it seems to change between vanilla desu 2, ds2a, and tri arc?  
runner-up goes to airi and her dad, despite the fact that she thinks he’s dead.  the dera-deka sub-arc is well-worth doing at least once, imo.  it made me bawl, and it’s also necessary for 100% compendium completion.
My favorite sibling relationship
- can i say saiduq and the other septentriones?  yamato and miyako are the only sibs we see onscreen (tho airi mentions having a little brother), but tbh, i’m more interested in miyako’s side than i am in yamato’s.  what goes on in the septentriones’ minds–if they even have “minds” as people would perceive the concept–is fascinating to me, and i really wonder what saiduq thinks abt his former “siblings”.  does he simultaneously pity and envy them for lacking his autonomy?  does he see them as extensions of polaris’ will that deserve to be beaten down by humans?  the denizens of the akasha stratum are one of my fav aspects of desu 2′s worldbuilding, so i’m always hungry for meta on them.
My favorite family relationship (other)
- airi and ronaldo in a found family situation………  i love the way their dynamic develops, w/neither one aware of how strong a connection they really share.  i do wish we’d had more of them bonding over their memories of airi’s dad (which i’ve always hc’d as happening at least on egalitarian route), but seeing how similar the two of them really are is always cute.  airi loves her gay uncle 2k17
My favorite friendship between two people
- uffff this is so hard b/c i like a lot of my ships b/c of their friendships……..  ig i’d make it a tie between hibiki + daichi and jp’s trio’s dynamic as a whole?  even tho jp’s trio isn’t two people, haha.  one thing i really like abt hibiki in comparison to like, every male protag ever, is that it’s p heavily implied that he’s not popular at all.  the one thing ds2a did right was hibiki’s backstory, which i think still fits in w/gameverse!hibiki’s description as someone w/a “blank” past.  his friendship w/daichi and the relationships he forms w/the main cast mean a lot more in the context of daichi really being his only close friend at the start of the game, imo.  s/t i love abt hibiki + both daichi and io is that their friendships are based on equity, abt hibiki supporting the others and working w/them as equals to help them realize what wonderful ppl they are in their own right, rather than him being the ultra-charismatic authority who’s always Cool and in control.  like, this is the guy who has such Serious dialogue options as “RAINBOOOOOOW!!” and “tell everyone yr gay for yamato”.  hibiki being really isolated from most ppl aside from daichi feeding into his decision to pursue the human admin end of br is a meta for another time, ig.
jp’s trio’s various relationships are all v interesting, in terms of the spokes of the triangle and all three of them together.  it’s really refreshing to see that kind of dynamic between adult women who are professionals–their bond feels a lot less??  transient than it might between yet another group of high schoolers.  you get the sense that all three of them being adults is what lets their friendships bloom and be so important to them, as the people they were in high school are hardly the same people they are now.  the event in tri arc where fumi and makoto take care of a fatigued otome and tell her that she can lean on them, too, really made an impact on me.  all three of them play off of each other so well in a variety of settings, and it lends a v mature, multifaceted air to their dynamic.  otome taking a different faction than fumi and makoto, and how different fumi and makoto’s own reasons for joining yamato are, is also worth mentioning in that the three of them aren’t always in agreement, and that’s a part of friendship, too.  
My favorite friendship between a group
- team nagoya………  i’ll be the first to say that i dislike both the extremist routes.  whether or not the writers intended to make the player feel that way is subjective, and may well depend on where a player falls on the smt alignment continuum, or even on desu 2′s version of that continuum.  either way, i at least liked egalitarian better than meritorious b/c team nagoya has such a strong rapport w/one another, compared to the cognitive dissonance-riddled mess that is team osaka.  based on their dialogue from any daichi route, the members of team nagoya definitely know they’re not necessarily vying for the best solution to their very legitimate concerns.  they’re a lot easier to sympathize with b/c their grievances are very real–as joe says in “dream’s end”, while society may be growing less prejudiced over time, for many people, there is no time to “wait for things to get better”.  the problem lies much more in going thru polaris to make a change, as the ending p clearly (and horrifyingly) demonstrates that polaris just uses team nagoya’s passion for its own ends.  
at any rate, the interactions between the four of them are great, from ronaldo and airi’s aforementioned dynamic, to joe and otome’s complimentary playful attitudes, to how airi represents the future that all three adults are fighting for.  it’s really telling that team nagoya consists of three adults and one teenager–otome puts it most clearly in her post-defeat dialogue on daichi routes when she says that she was fighting desperately (yet short-sightedly) for the future of the world’s children.  imo, airi really represents that future to the three adults, as a teenager who has already had so many doors closed in her face due to inequity.  airi’s own stubbornness, selective self-flagellation, and issues w/moving on aside, schooling in particular really is s/t that can shape a child’s entire life, and i’m sure ronaldo, joe, and otome realize that.  so seeing how well all four of them interact w/each other and how airi represents both the best and the worst of team nagoya’s ideals def makes them my fav faction.
My favorite mentorship
- speaking of airi’s interactions w/the adult cast, makoto + airi is so good…..  i love how constructive makoto is w/airi, giving her the tools she needs to move forward in life w/o telling her to get over it, or denying that airi’s been screwed over by forces well beyond her control.  makoto’s not a perfect mentor, but (as her name suggests), she’s honest w/airi, and owns up to it when she reacts too harshly.  i think it’s great to see makoto helping someone in a way she knows for sure is right, in contrast to how uncertain her cognitive dissonance abt other issues in sep arc must be making her feel.  on the flipside, airi gets to begin moving forward w/life again, which in turn contributes to helping her reconsider her own alienating abrasiveness (can you tell i like airi b/c she and severa are so similar……).  the moral of airi and makoto’s mentorship isn’t “never ever give up on yr dreams b/c you can only ever have one True goal in life”, nor is it “there’s no need to challenge injustices done unto you b/c if you don’t rock the boat, life will move on eventually”.  airi’s sub-arc comes to a more nuanced conclusion, and i don’t think she could’ve gotten there w/o makoto’s influence.
My favorite rivalry
- does hinako and yamato count?  i love how often she calls him out, and how she’s not afraid of him in the least.  while i doubt yamato sees hinako as much of consequence, she makes her beef w/him plain, w/o going “DIE HOUTSUIN MY JUSTICE IS SCREAMING” ala ronaldo www  her voice is much-needed in a lot of situations, too.  her confrontation w/yamato over whether or not he cherrypicked the results of the medium compatibility tests to get rid of io is really well-done, esp if you infer that hinako knows abt io’s own disastrous confrontation w/yamato earlier on friday.
My favorite hatred/antipathy
- while i know miyako and yamato don’t straight-up hate each other, their dynamic as enemies (or at least in opposition to one another) is great.  i’m not just saying this b/c i love seeing yamato get dragged, i promise–there really is just s/t satisfying abt miyako not taking his shit at all, despite her own cognitive dissonance and his valid points abt the futility of her plan.  yamato -> saiduq is also fairly interesting, tho ds2a bloated itself so much w/a tepid exploration of how their dynamic could potentially be explored that i’m not too keen on meta-ing it more.  yamato is kind of a hate sink amongst the cast, tbh www  saiduq’s own rebel angel-turned-usurper dynamic w/polaris is p unambiguous hatred, but it’s v interesting, given how saiduq feels he has no choice but to die as polaris’ sword on every other route.  really seeing him shuck that alcor designation (ppl who call saiduq by that name when he explicitly says he dislikes it still drive me bonkers in 2017) and take up heaven’s throne is v satisfying.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon
- do u have a moment to talk abt how we were robbed of more io-joe interactions………  if anyone’s actually read this far, you probably do lmao  in any event, i think this is mostly a limitation of how the fate system is constructed, and you can see the writers stretching and experimenting w/it in tri arc.  if future desu games expand into s/t like fe’s support system, where you can see the fate system-equivalents between all characters, sometimes w/o the protag even present, i think that’d be a great step forward.  i bring this up for one area in particular where i really wanted to see more joe-io interactions: on tuesday, after io’s parents die.  joe has a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it line in his own fate system w/hibiki abt how his own parents are dead, but it’s not framed in a more genre-typical “tragic orphan backstory” way.  it really raises the question about when someone whose parents have died is too old to be called an orphan, given that joe is only 25.  
this dialogue suggests that the losses are then fairly recent, tho joe writes them off w/his patent-pending brand of escape-avoidance.  for all his flakiness (his term), tho, joe really does try to fill a big brother role for tokyo trio, and this is where i think he and io could have some v fruitful interactions.  i think that most of the cast isn’t really faced w/the immediacy of the high likelihood that their families are dead, w/the exception of chars like joe, jungo, airi, and keita, who all lose parents prior to the game.  io, on the other hand, watches her mother die in her arms.  she displays astounding resilience and focus in how quickly she draws herself back together after the loss, despite her r5 confirming that she had pretty constant suicidal ideation throughout the rest of the week (and quite possibly before the game, too).  as joe is the closest to io out of the four aforementioned characters at that point in the game, i really, really would’ve loved to see his take on providing her comfort and guidance in the wake of her sudden loss.  i think it would’ve been a good set of conversations for both of them, especially if you buy into the reading that both joe and io let themselves die should the player fail to prevent their death clips.  in this respect, i’m interested in the similarities between joe and io, and i think a good heart-to-heart between them early on in the game would’ve led to a variety of other interactions.
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