#obey me archangels
hunn1e-bunn1e ยท 3 months
Did I randomly make a WHB and Obey Me oc? Yes, yes I did. Why? I have no idea, but here he is.
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(Yes, it's a picrew, I could not be bothered to roll out my art skills from the attic. Considering his personality, he can fit into either fandom, and I was too lazy to make another one, so deal with it.)
๐–€๐–—๐–Ž๐–Š๐–‘ - Archangel of Wisdom and Jubilation
Uriel was created to fill the role of spreading knowledge, wisdom and joy to humankind, though, after the disappearance of God/ the war in the Celestial Realm, he became bitter toward humankind and the demons.
While Uriel's allegiance will always lie with his beloved creator, he answers directly to the seraph Raphael, at his beck and call no matter the location or the situation he was summoned in. So long as it is his beloved God's will, Uriel will follow Raphael even into certain death.
Uriel was the fourth archangel to be created by god; in other words, he is exceptionally ancient.
At first glance, Uriel comes off as a kind-hearted and easygoing angel, however, he is an especially cruel individual. While he always sports a soft, almost fatherly smile, he can say the most audacious and ignorant things. He treats demons, humans, and in some cases even some lesser angels as if they don't have the capacity to think. Being the archangel of knowledge is something that he uses to his advantage to gain the upper hand in conversations, although, he has a tendency to gain interest in those who have knowledge of things he does not. However, depending on how knowledgeable that person is, Uriel's interest may cross over into a sexual interest or even an obsession.
Uriel's habits include harshly tugging on locks of hair when he's stressed, clasping his hands in a prayer hold when he's at rest, and biting his knuckles when he's focused.
Reading by candlelight, discovering and experimenting with hair care products, gardening, praying, admiring Raphael, praising Raphael, and playing the harp.
Uriel believes that, because he is an angel, he is above all other instances of life that do not originate from heaven/the celestial realm. In his eyes, all life that is not angelic is an eyesore and deserves to be wiped from existence as Raphael had said to him once before.
(Obey Me!)
God: As god is Uriel's creator, he loves and reveres him with every fiber of his being, and although the two hardly have any one-on-one interaction, Uriel will do anything asked of him by his loving creator.
Michael: As he holds the title of the Chief Angel, Uriel holds deep respect and admiration for him and will follow his orders without question, as he believes that out of all angels, Michael is the closest to God, so his decisions must be correct.
Raphael: Because God personally assigned Uriel to work under Raphael, Uriel feels that he has a much closer relationship with him compared to the rest of his superiors. Raphael's cold demeanor upon their first meeting was misinterpreted by Uriel as the seraph looking down on him for his lack of knowledge, thus starting his deep infatuation with Raphael.
Simeon: Uriel has had a deep connection with Simeon since the two met, despite their very differing temperament and views on certain topics. Uriel once stated that he would trust Simeon with helping the next archangel of knowledge should he ever die for any reason.
Luke: Despite Luke being a lesser angel, Uriel respects the young angel for his closeness to Michael.
Lucifer: Even though Lucifer fell from grace, Uriel can't help but respect and even yearn for him. The seraph of humility and arguably the most beautiful angel in the celestial realm (after Raphael, of course); Lucifer was Uriel's role model.
Satan: Despite hating each other's guts, both Uriel and Satan never miss a meeting for their weekly book club. The two talk for hours; having well thought and in depth discussions about the book of the week. It would be a nice image if you ignored the very obvious passive aggression and down right rancid aura that seems to radiat from the two.
Asmodeus: Uriel often admires Asmodeus for his beauty, although, he's not as beautiful as Raphael, of course. But he is still a rose in a garden of weeds in the end.
Barbatos: While he certainly doesn't like the fact that he's a demon, Uriel can't help but admire Barbatos' dedication to fulfilling his duty as the prince's steward. The man's patience seems to stretch on forever.
Diavolo: Uriel despises Diavolo because he has Lucifer under his thumb. Despite what Lucifer tells him of the prince's kindness and empathy, he just can't bring himself to see the good in Diavolo.
Solomon: Solomon always avoids conversation with uriel after their introduction for some reason, but Uriel still tries to speak with him anyway, he knows that Solomon must definitely have information that Uriel has little knowledge of and he's desperate to learn.
MC: Uriel considers them to be more of a pet or a wandering stray animal than anything else; seeing no real value in them as they are a human. (WHB?)
God: As god is Uriel's creator, he loves and reveres him with every fiber of his being, and although the two hardly had any one-on-one interaction, Uriel will do anything perceived as the will of his loving creator.
Michael: As he holds the title of the Chief Angel, Uriel holds deep respect and admiration for him and will follow his orders without question, as he believes that out of all angels, Michael is the closest to God, so his decisions must be by God's will even in his absence. The only reason Uriel would refuse an order from Michael is if it clashed with an order that he received from Raphael.
Gabriel: Because of his status as a seraph, Uriel holds deep respect for admiration for him.
Raphael: Because God personally assigned Uriel to work under Raphael, Uriel feels that he has a much closer relationship with him compared to the rest of his superiors. Raphael's cold demeanor upon their first meeting was misinterpreted by Uriel as the seraph looking down on him for his lack of knowledge, thus starting his deep infatuation with Raphael.
Zeruel: Before they began their raid on "Hell" and even after that, Uriel would occasionally hitch a ride on Zeruel's back or shoulders. Usually, shoving some other angel off so that he could take his preferred spot, Zeruel never seemed to mind though.
Barachiel: As a fellow angel of joy, Uriel and Barachiel get along very well, with the cherub often following him into battle and listening to his rants about why Raphael is logically superior to Gabriel.
Lucifer: Even though Lucifer fell from grace, Uriel can't help but respect and even yearn for him. The seraph of humility and arguably the most beautiful angel in the heavens (after Raphael, of course); Lucifer was Uriel's role model.
Leviathan: Uriel has a deep hatred for the Demon King Leviathan for the simple reason that the demon makes him feel insecure about his looks.
Gusion: After overhearing conversations between many demons in passing about how intelligent Gusion is and after encountering him on the battlefield, he became flustered by his smarts and ended up letting the demon live by accident.
MC: He regards all humans as dogs (because he hates them) or pests. Uriel has only met them once, but he tried to bring them back to Raphael, only to be stopped by a feral Satan.
๐–ค“๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–‡๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฑ๐–š๐–“๐–ˆ๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“๐–ค“
Ranged Sniper; he fires his loose feathers at unfathomable speeds toward his target, usually only bothering to finish off those already weakened by his comrades. Uriel is actually very proficient with a spear and could've been on the front lines, but due to his aversion to being covered in the blood of demons, chose to be a ranged unit instead.
Expert spearmanship, patient and versatile teaching, easily adapts on the go, expertise with string instruments, and eidetic memory.
God and Angels (the three seraphim specifically (especially Raphael)), learning, instructing others, reading by candlelight, admiring Raphael, receiving orders from Raphael, praising God, and taking care of his hair.
Non-angelic beings (obviously), getting his angelic robes dirty, unintelligent individuals, sweet foods, poorly taken care of books, "Hell", The Devildom, and the Human Realm.
Sophophilia: sexual gratification from the act of gaining knowledge or learning. This is displayed both when Uriel meets Raphael for the first time and is enraptured by his knowledge of God's will, leading him to need to leave due to becoming physically excited, and when he encounters the demon Gusion and is drawn in by his intelligent aura.
The Demon King Leviathan's hair appears much more silky and luxurious than his own, he was chosen to go down to The Devildom with Raphael (although it was Raphael who suggested he go, so he can't really complain.), and his feathers have begun to loosen due to the stress of being surrounded by idiots.
Athazagoraphobia: the intense or irrational fear of being forgotten, or of forgetting someone or something. Atychiphobia: the intense or irrational fear of failure.
Uriel doesn't particularly care whether his actions are viewed as 'good' or 'bad by anyone but the three seraphim and God. Thus, he'll usually center his moral compass around theirs instead of having his own.
๐–ค“๐•ฎ๐–š๐–—๐–—๐–Š๐–“๐–™ ๐•ฝ๐–Š๐–˜๐–Ž๐–‰๐–Š๐–“๐–ˆ๐–ž๐–ค“
(OM!) Purgatory Hall in the Devildom/(WHB?) Nomadic movements through hell while slaying demons and following behind the seraph Raphael.
Suspiciously Stained Book: The book that Uriel is often seen carrying around and reading in his free time. It is thought to be a personal copy of the Bible, but what is actually inside is still unknown. It's rumored that one time an angel was able to take a peak inside while uriel had it open and saw a bunch of drawings and diagrams of things they dare not speak of. But hey, do you see that on the cover there? Those suspicious white-ish stains, I wonder where they're from.
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๐–ค“๐•ฑ๐–š๐–“ ๐•ฑ๐–†๐–ˆ๐–™๐–˜๐–ค“
โ˜๏ธŽ Uriel does not like animals, especially those with fur. The only ones that he can stand are birds.
โ˜๏ธŽ Even though he won't admit it, Uriel considers (OM!) Lucifer, (OM!) Satan, (OM!) Barbatos, (OM!) Solomon, and (WHB?) Gusion as potential sexual partners and love interests.
โ˜๏ธŽ Although Lucifer fell from grace so long ago, Uriel still has a deeply ingrained respect for him, so much so that he still calls him 'Sir Lucifer' like he used to back then.
โ˜๏ธŽ Uriel has been banned from the Great Archive of the Heavens many times due to how often he gets off when reading books he hadn't read previously. The lesser angels assigned to cleaning the archive had complained about the stains and wet patches he kept leaving in the seats he occupied.
โ˜๏ธŽ Uriel and Simeon have been friends since Simeon's creation; with Uriel being present when the younger angel first opened his eyes.
โ˜๏ธŽ Uriel had always wanted to meet (WHB?)Solomon, but never got the chance to as he was too busy fulfilling the duties assigned to him by God through (WHB?)Raphael.
โ˜๏ธŽ When he and (OM!)Raphael first arrived at Purgatory Hall, Uriel insisted that the two share a room instead of having individual ones, thankfully for him, (OM!)Raphael agreed.
โ˜๏ธŽ Uriel finds himself more attracted to a person with status than a person with strength, but he still prefers smarts over status.
โ˜๏ธŽ Uriel absolutely can't stand sweet foods, he prefers his meals to be on the more bitter side, favoring fruits that make his jaw ache with its sour taste.
โ˜๏ธŽ One day, Uriel would like to try his hand at pottery.
๐–ค“๐–๐–Ž๐–”๐–ˆ๐–Š ๐•ท๐–Ž๐–“๐–Š๐–˜๐–ค“
(Obey Me!)
Event Reminder: "An event has arrived, come back immediately, I've no time for those who dawdle."
Inactive 1: "You do know that it's considered rude to ignore someone, don't you?."
Inactive 2: "I-it is not as if I'm worried for you, but hurry back, we still have much to speak about."
Login 1: "Hoh? So you finally decided to show your face?"
Login 2: "Hello again, my mortal pet.~"
You're Back 1: "Welcome back, it certainly took you long enough."
You're Back 2: "Hm? Oh, you've returned. What? Did you want me to congratulate you?"
I'm Back 1: "Haaah... I must apologize for being away so long, Simeon can certainly talk when it comes to the old days. Anyhow, let us continue our previous discussion."
I'm Back 2: "I've returned! Ahem- Now, what were you saying before? About those human social trends?"
Morning: "In the heavens, the sun has risen; I must say you surprised me, I was sure that you were of those simpletons who stayed in bed all day."
Afternoon: "Good afternoon, I do hope you've been spending the day more productively."
Evening: "Ah yes, the evening time is the best in the day. Sitting curled up with a book and reading by the candlelight.~ Don't you agree?"
Night: "You're still awake? Do you not value sleep at all? Tsk- Off to bed with you, little mortal. Weak beings like yourself need such simple things to survive, didn't you know?"
Touch 1: "Filthy demo- DAH! You-! Oh, it's you, little mortal. You caught me off guard just now. Did you need something?"
Touch 2: "Hmm~ Simeon did not embellish at all, you are indeed quite good with your hands. What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Touch 3: "Tch-! Do you not know how to keep your hands to yourself? Do mortals not know the concept of personal space?"
Skill 1: "Hah! Perish you ingrate!"
Skill 2: "It is my time to shine!"
Skill 3: "Feast your eyes on the power of knowledge!"
Majolish 1: "No need to say anything, I know mortal minds are unable to comprehend the beauty of angels."
Majolish 2: "Are you done gawking? Good, now go find me some accessories to make these rags look presentable."
Anniversary: "It would seem that you've had the fortune of knowing me for an entire earthen year, you must feel proud of yourself, as you should." (What in "Hell" is Bad?)
Lobby Touch 1: "You... What are you doing?"
Lobby Touch 2: "WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING! O-only-- only Sir Raphael is allowed to look at me in such a way!"
Lobby Touch 3: "I won't say it is envy, but I do wish that you were not marked as JUST food for the seraphim, then I could dine upon you with the one I admire.~"
Lobby Touch 4: "GAH! Iโ€is that a dโ€dog? It'sโ€“ it's disgusting! Gโ€get away, you little beast! Shoo! Nโ€no! Don't come any closer! Help! Sir Raphael, save me!
Lobby Touch 5: "You think yourself an intelligent person, do you? Hah! As if some mortal fool would be on the same level of intelligence as an angelic being like myself."
Lobby Touch 6: "Remember to smile~!"
First Encounter: "Hm~? My, My, if it isn't the child of Solomon, Sir Raphael will definitely praise me if I bring you back to him!"
Level Up: "I feel almost as if I've gotten smarter..."
Evolve: "Maybe my capacity for knowledge has grown as well?~๐”“˜"
Ultimate Skill: "Allow me to teach you the true feeling of despair!"
Upon Death: "S-sir Raphael... please... don't forget me..."
Victory 1: "Hmph, you simpletons never stood a chance."
Victory 2: "Sir Raphael... Did you see that just now?"
Defeat: "Damn you, filthy devil scum! How dare you embarrass me in front of Sir Raphael!"
Uriel's halo features either a large sun framed by two smaller stars or a curled feather or quill wrapping around the Hebrew character for knowledge, 'ื™ื“ืข', depending on where he is depicted and what he is representing at the time; jubilation or knowledge. However, in some instances, Uriel's halo is a combination of the two.
In the past, Uriel has been teased by other angels of the same or higher ranking about the shape of the feather in his halo. It's become an incredibly sore spot for him since then and as a result you might be able to catch him looking at it in reflective surfaces with a face of embarrassment and disdain. It doesn't look like a human child drew it... right? It's not wonky at all...
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๐–ค“๐•พ๐–š๐–•๐–—๐–Ž๐–˜๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–š๐–Š๐–˜๐–™ ๐•ด๐–™๐–Š๐–’๐–˜๐–ค“
Food: Black Coffee of Melancholy & Backstabbing Sandwiches. Medical: Bandage. Presents: Book & Perfume.
๐–ค“๐•พ๐–š๐–•๐–—๐–Ž๐–˜๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–š๐–Š๐–˜๐–™ ๐•ฟ๐–”๐–š๐–ˆ๐– ๐–…๐–”๐–“๐–Š๐–˜๐–ค“
OK!: Both shoulders & middle of his chest. NO!: his head & face. GREAT!: his clasped hands.
๐–ค“๐•ณ๐–š๐–’๐–†๐–“ ๐•ฝ๐–Š๐–†๐–‘๐–’ ๐•ฎ๐–‘๐–”๐–™๐–๐–Ž๐–“๐–Œ๐–ค“
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๐–ค“๐•ด๐–“๐–™๐–Ž๐–’๐–†๐–ˆ๐–ž ๐•ด๐–“๐–‹๐–”๐–—๐–’๐–†๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“๐–ค“
4%: His constellation is... Cancer!
36%: His favorite food is... sour fruit creame sanwiches!
64%: His ideal type is... someone who's smarter than he is!
๐–ค“๐•ด๐–“๐–™๐–Ž๐–’๐–†๐–ˆ๐–ž ๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–™๐–ค“
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒYou dog, where did Sir Raphael wander off to? Don't pretend you don't know; his radiance is too hard to miss.ใ€
Choice 1: ใ€ŒEr... whose this? How did you get my number?ใ€> Choice 2: ใ€ŒSir Raphael...? Is an angel messaging me now?ใ€>
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒThat doesn't matter. Just tell me where you saw him last, will you. You're wasting precious time that instead could be spent watching Sir Raphael rid this realm of demons.ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒHonestly, you humans. The only good one of the lot of you was that human Solomon. I overheard Sir Raphael saying that he was very intelligent and talented in alchemy. It's a pity that someone of such intelligence is a part of a lousy species.ใ€
Choice 1: ใ€ŒWait, you met Solomon? What was he like?ใ€> Choice 2: ใ€ŒI'm jealous, everyone has met Solomon...ใ€>
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒWell, it's not as if I met that human per se, but I did overhear Sir Raphael and the other two esteemed Seraphim speaking about him a long time ago. I was both envious and in awe of them to be able to meet a favored creation of our God.ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒOh to be there when he was up in the heavens, to pick his brain and feast upon his delicious knowledge. This event alone is yet another piece of proof why Sir Raphael is the best out of each of the esteemed Seraphim. He's so cool; with his brilliantly shining halo and that mysterious demeanor of his~ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒWait a minute! Why am I telling you this? It's none of your business in the first place! Nosey dog, quickly tell me where Sir Raphael has gone, I can't lag behind for too long!ใ€
Choice 1: ใ€ŒI'm nosey? Aren't you the one rambling on?ใ€> Choice 2: ใ€ŒHow am I supposed to know who's who?ใ€>
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒYou dare still evade my question? You humans are such a pain in the neck; always making excuses. Surely it's not that hard to tell the difference between a seraph and any other lowly angel? Are you implying that Sir Raphael is average? You fiend!ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒFine then. Since you want to fool around and attempt to deceive me, I shall find where you are and smite you. You dared to disrespect my esteemed and radiant lord, Sir Raphael, so you must be prepared to reap what you sew, you dirty dog.ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒI shall find you and personally deliver your corpse to my lord, surely he'll be pleased with me after bringing him a fine meal. He might even praise me with that cool look he does~ใ€
Choice 1: ใ€ŒMan, you sure love that Raphael guy huh?ใ€> Choice 2: ใ€ŒJeez, I didn't think I'd talk to a simp today...ใ€>
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒOf course! While I'm not sure what you're trying to imply with that wording, I am truly unworthy of him. But, what's not to like? That luxurious golden hair, those deep crimson eyes, that aloof attitude; he's absolute perfection! And on top of it all, he's nearly all knowing! Such a powerful, handsome, and intelligent being is worth the praise I give.ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒNow that I think about it, maybe its a good thing that you haven't seen him. Thise filthy demon loving eyes of yours aren't even worthy enough to view his shadow, let alone his ethereal being. I suppose I can't be too angry with you anymore for not seeing him; so I'll let you off for that grievance.ใ€
Choice 1: ใ€ŒI didn't really ask at all, but that's cool I guess.ใ€> Choice 2: ใ€ŒUm... cool?ใ€>
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒYes, he is cool, isn't he? Very cool. The coolest.ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒSay, you wouldn't mind signing a petition that I've written up would you? As a fellow fan of Sir Raphael, you must know that other angels are attempting to imply that he's below Sir Michael in favorability and standing. It's untrue, I say. Completely untrue. You mustn't believe a word they say!ใ€
๐Ÿ‘ค <ใ€ŒI shall forward you the petition in due time. Actually no, I shall add you to a group with my comrads, the petition has already been posted there. I expect to see your signature, my brother in admiration.ใ€
[You were added to "Sir Raphael's Admirers"]
๐–ค“๐•ด๐–“๐–™๐–Ž๐–’๐–†๐–ˆ๐–ž ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐–ค“
No m.list link(s) this time, sorry burrow dwellers.
168 notes ยท View notes
arlcchin ยท 9 months
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Raphael/Simeon/Michael x MC fr.
245 notes ยท View notes
devildomwriter ยท 1 year
โ€œLuke's blessing is very powerful, you see. It even rivals what angels higher in the hierarchy of the Celestial Realm are capable of. Though it would seem that Luke himself doesn't realize just how special his power isโ€ฆโ€
โ€” Simeon to Asmodeus and MC on Lukeโ€™s power (Chapter 58-5)
531 notes ยท View notes
onyourowndaisymae ยท 3 months
๐ฌ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐จ๐ง ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’”๐’•
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โ˜† ๐ฆ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ๐ข-๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ
โ˜… meeting and trying to impress your older sibling
โ˜… presenting the dateables (+ luke) with a friendship bracelet
โ˜… dateables (+ luke) presenting you with a friendship bracelet in return
โ˜… dateables (+ luke) playing minecraft with you
โ˜… hand headcanons
โ˜… social media headcanons
โ˜… comforting their partner who's struggling with a big chest
angst, hurt/comfort. demon brothers x afab!reader. reader has a big chest but is not explicitly female. mentions of insecurity and pain due to chest size.
โ˜… mistletoe mayhem
you bump into a certain someone slipping away at one of diavolo's parties. it's only then that you notice the seasonal plant hiding up above your heads.
โ˜† ๐ก๐ž๐š๐๐œ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ง๐ฌ
nothing yet...
โ˜† ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ๐ฌ & ๐๐ซ๐š๐›๐›๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ
โ˜… an unofficial pact mark
angels don't have pact marks like demons do. there's no physical sign of how deep your relationship with simeon is. you set out to remedy that in the best way you know how.
โ˜… simeon drops his roster for you
they've been alive for so long. but when you come into the picture? everything changes. suddenly all those previous lovers are discarded for a chance with you-- they'll offer themselves all for just a chance to taste you.
obey me characters x gn!reader. nsfw, mdni. exploring the characters' previous intimate relationships before the exchange program.
โ˜… staring at simeon (drabble)
โ˜… simeon & the ring of light (drabble)
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๐ญ๐จ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ž๐๐ ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ ๐š๐ฅ๐š๐ฑ๐ฒโ€ฆ โ˜… ๐›๐š๐œ๐ค ๐ญ๐จ ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ง'๐ฌ ๐›๐ž๐ฅ๐ญโ€ฆ
35 notes ยท View notes
hyperfixat ยท 1 year
babyโ€™s first masterlist :3
ao3 - i donโ€™t always cross post
obey me
levi fnaf err autism
mammon comfort lesson 16 og spoilers
simeon hurt comfort
the fantastic three cuddles
playing house w luke (platonic!!)
mephisto :3
yandere luci chronicle 01
yandere luci chronicle 02
levi + mammon / mc
mammon fluff 01
mammon fluff 02
mammon fluff 03
the fantastic three febuwhump muzzle
lover girl thirteen
demon brothers + affection
side chars + affection
belphie hcs (w a tiny bit of canon) โ€ฆ anon add on
mammon forget
chemist mc
gabriel (tmc)
paint his hair and brush his nails
inspired by a song
brain rot
nap time
my savior !! &lt;3
someone flirts w both gabriels hc thingi
rpg 01
rpg 02
honkai star rail
self aware suiana inspired
self aware 1
genshin impact
sagau in fontaineโ€™s court
all free to use w credit
mephisto prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
nb beel angst prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
courting prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
another mephisto prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
reverse gabriel au from that fic i wrote (free to use w credit) (tmc)
thirteen x mc (free to use w credit) (om)
argenti (free to use with credit) (hsr)
honkai star rail caelus and gepard sloppy
97 notes ยท View notes
imperialdelights ยท 1 year
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My interpretation of Michael from Obey Me~
I wonder if the Celestial war gave him grey hair...
199 notes ยท View notes
amateur-weatherman ยท 7 months
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what a wonderful thing the official Wattpad pinterest account posted
47 notes ยท View notes
obey-me-angel-bros ยท 1 year
Love Advice
I'm too excited to share this so no waiting!!!
OK SO! Today I was doing my tasks with Sir Jophiel's guidance when~!
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Ah, Sir Morning Star! Of course. Would you like the little one to leave?
Yes, that would be preferable.
-Morning Star
Understood~ Asmodeus, would you mind practicing playing your harp with the choir outside? I will call you when we are finished.
-Asmo doesn't seem too fond of the idea but with a little sigh leaves the archangel's office, never completely leaving but instead staying within earshot-
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After that I ran away of course and pretended to look at flowers, and I saw big brother Lucy leaving.
I don't know what happened while I wasn't there, but somehow Sir Jophiel's mood was completely ruined after this conversation.
And even though he said everything was fine...I could tell it wasn't.
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jaybeeart-vardathebeloved ยท 9 months
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Made a design for Archangel Uriel
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lemidvet ยท 8 months
I need an angel dating sim.. NOW
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lowcallyfruity ยท 5 months
Im making an Angel obey me oc but idk what to name her :(
I was thinking naming her after a woman from the Bible but Iโ€™m not sure :( or naming her a variation of seraphim (bc thatโ€™s what she is) ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ but Idkkk
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arlcchin ยท 9 months
NEED Michael to be a clingy,easily attached ,bipolar himbo. Or to be a crazy possessive and obssesive bitch , like as much crazy u can give me ๐Ÿ™(i need him to kin columbina from genshin impact, having beautiful and "no they could never do that" features and then they fucking threatens you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜)
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lostparadise-found ยท 7 months
Avatar of Pride, Furina
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Birthday: October 13th
Race: Demon
Likes: Theatrical performances
Dislikes:ย Criticism
The sixth oldest among the Seven Sins. She heads both the royal theatre troupe and the social media scene with confidence. Out of all the Sins, Furina is actuely aware of how the public views everything -- including she and her siblings.
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12am-motivation ยท 2 years
Something random I noticed when I finally got Lucifer's initial UR in the free pulls and read the story:
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So in The Glory Days, Lucifer and Diavolo reminisce about the first time they met when the former was still an angel. Before the brothers fell, RAD had already existed even when the exchange program was only about to happen.
Does this mean that in OM!NB, we get transported to a completely different timeline where RAD itself didn't exist before the War (since it says that it didn't exist yet)? Or was this just an error on the devs' part?
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devilfemdom ยท 1 year
IMAGINE straight after the bros fell, Simeon got demoted to an archangel and has to take sword fighting lessons
He was a Seraphim, at the top of the hierarchy, an angel of love, light and fire, one of the guardians of Godโ€™s throne
Now he lost part of his family, his status too and has to take sword fighting lessons from other Archangels, who used to look up to him
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anotherrosesthatfell ยท 1 year
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Special for who follow me in tumblr <3
summary of the video:
Nameless Angel or her human name, Haruka. She's a proud angel and an archangel. She's a guide to lower angels. Lucifer and Micheal.
Avatar of Greed, Avarice. Took a lot of interest in Nameless Angel. It could be romantically or it could be she just want the Angel's power.
so Avarice make her move by faking her kindness. Nameless Angel believe everyone deserves a second chance so she took Avarice kindness.
Avarice introduced Nameless Angel to human world where she meet a male human, name's Eric. He was a servant and treated unfairly.
Nameless Angel disguised herself as human Haruka and lead Eric to a better life. They fall in love while doing the process of helping.
Heavenly Father did not like this one a bit. God punished Haruka by taking her wings away and have her lead into immortal life until she repent her wrongdoings.
Avarice killed Haruka's family while she was still up in heaven. The baby Haruka had with the human held a lot of power that Avarice need to be the strongest avatar of hell. She ate the baby soul and took her eyes.
Haruka who is still mourning, look into Avarice eyes. The demon she thought she could trust, smile at her misery.
She still believe everyone deserves a second chance. At least, for some people....
Avarice is Rose and is also my profile picture
Now I need a song to make a meme for Lily...
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