#otp: I’ll always remember us this way
Hey.... Heyyyyyy.... How y'all doing.... take the Nimona headcanons that have been rotting in my notes app for the past four months
Ambrosius has kept track of the weirdest things he’s signed for a fan
At the very tippy top is a dinner plate a dog crate and a baby
And by baby I do mean living breathing crying baby
He tried really hard to find something else to sign but for some reason the parents were really insistent on it being their baby
And for some reason he did it
There are hundreds of photos of this infant with a signature on his forehead 
And that kid to this day will whip out his baby photos and show people that he was that baby 
Multiple knights (cough cough Todd) tried to recreate that situation but it didn’t have the same effect 
I feel like Bal gets really bad migraines (which kind of comes with the territory of using your head like a bartering ram) 
And when they do happen Nimona and Ambrosius do everything in their power to make sure that it doesn’t get worse 
I feel like Ambrosius is stupidly good at video games 
I have this little headcanon that books and games were kind of an escape for him
His own personal little oasis from being the golden child with a million expectations and responsibilities on his back 
He's not very good at playing with other people tho because he was always scared people would figure out who he was just based on his voice alone (and he’s not wrong for thinking that)
Nimona is also really good at video games (I mean she’s also half of the reason they were invented but that’s a long ass story) 
So because I’ve been away for so long I wanted to bless you with my friend's reaction to the movie
Just for some context tho it did take us months to finish because we all have work and school and we couldn’t see each other for a while so if I missed some stuff I’ll add it later
“Aw boyfriends” (When they were on the catwalk)
“Why are they so cute” “they’re literally my otp” and “they have cute banter” (The entire time before the knighting ceremony)
JB: “Oh she’s got Daddy issues huh” Me: “why do you say that?” JB “cause why else would she follow a man”(As they’re walking through the kingdom)
JB: “God what a fake fucking bitch I hate the way she talks” (As the director is scolding the knights)
“He knows him so well”(He hates freestyle jazz)
“It’s his boyfriend” “aw bae why’d you throw a smoke bomb at me” “look how frantic he is to find him” “he can’t shoot look at that face” (the entire subway/market scene”) 
JB: “I think this scene is curing her daddy issues and yours” (the alley scene)
(Same scene) KO: “why is he acting like it’s hurting him more?” Me: “Cause that’s his kid” KO: “wow this really is healing your daddy issues” 
JB: “What am I even watching?” “I fucking knew it she was such a fake bitch” (The squires video) 
“Oh my god he’s so embarrassing” “is he really jealous of a kid” “oh my god the director really doesn’t give a fuck huh?” “He didn’t say that out loud” “but does she?” “No” (Ambrosius freak out) 
JJ: “oh my god this is like Archane” Me: “shut the fuck up about Archane” (in my defense he kept mentioning Archane the whole time)
“If I could turn into a dragon I’d never turn back” “same I’d love to breathe cereal” (during the fight) 
“He’s so embarrassing why is he dying that dramatic” (proceeds to make fun of Ambrosius' “death” the whole time) 
“Did they really upload her confession to their version of YouTube” “is his account name really BalliSTAR?” “Why are they dancing?” “His username is Loins_of_gold? Why is he such a dork??” 
JB: “Awe nachos are totally their thing” “he remembered he’s allergic he still loves him!” 
JJ: “he’s a knight?” Me “have you been watching this movie with your eyes closed?” 
And then we freaked out about Ambrosius saying I love you and Bal not saying it back 
We said nothing when Bal pulled a sword on Nimona they kind of just sat shocked 
JB kept mentioning the flashback and after it happened all I said was “you wanted the flashback there’s your fucking flashback” while she sat in sad silence
They also just kept saying in shock “that’s her? That’s Gloreth” while I laughed 
We kind of spent the rest of the movie in silence until Bal and Ambrosius kissed at the end and then everyone collectively lost their shit
They lost their shit again when Nimona showed back up and JB went upstairs because even tho Nimona came back to life she was still sad
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domini-porter · 19 days
“today’s words brought to you, as always, by the notes app”
As always?? AS ALWAYS?? I don’t know why I can’t get over this. This is the second time I’ve seen you mention the Notes app and I continue to be mystified. Like I write on my phone sometimes, but only by necessity and always in Google docs. But the Notes app?? Does it have secret functionality I’m not aware of? Can you make comments or notations? Can you backtrack several sentences with an undo command? Is there an intermediary stage where you edit on a computer or does it go straight from the notes app to “Add Chapter”? This must be what Salieri felt like (minus the murderous part).
Keep up the good work. In the Notes app. Where you do all your writing.
I’ve written almost exclusively in the Notes app since there was a Notes app to write in! Something about having to sit at a computer changes writing from Fun to Work. I think it’s my academic history plus the misery of the random desk jobs I’ve had? But with good ol’ Notey I can sit on my back porch drinking iced americanos for hours while I daydream about my OTP. Bliss!
And nope, no extra functionality (if anything, I wish it had both a little more and a little less, like, I’d love to be able to add words to the dictionary, and why is there a table function in a text app? and why does my thumb hit it all the time?). I’m a pretty undisciplined writer in that I just brain-dump a chapter in one go, usually without outlining or anything; one of my favorite things about writing big stories is typing an unexpected sentence that means there’s suddenly a B-plot or twist I wasn’t anticipating. It’s not necessarily wise, or good writing practice, but it’s sure exhilarating! (I do think constantly about the story, though, and do a lot of mental composition, so often it’s more like transcription than creation when I sit down to write.)
The only sort of outline or broad story note I keep is a list of all the character names, since there are so many, and I either need to avoid repetition or remember what minor characters might continually reappear (all the rich families, for example).
In general I have maybe a line of dialogue or a mental image I build stuff around, and a loose idea of how I want the plot to move forward. I usually don’t know specifics until I’m reading the thing I just wrote, which lets me know what happens next. Very wild magic-esque, which is again fun to do, but also pretty risky, because what if I decide something in Chaper 4 that I have to remember in Chapter 18? Or someone says something in Chapter 9 that recontextualizes something from Chapter 5? What about the overall pacing? I don’t even have a sense of how long they’ll be (other than “long”). Fortunately, I re-read things to a neurotic degree, and have the great good luck of living with a person who loves to talk endlessly about the process with me, which keeps it all fresh.
Which is also where the Notes app comes back in! There’s a strong appeal about it being so immediate—the words are constrained on a smaller screen, and I type them one-thumbèdly, which is way slower than with all the fingers, so it’s easier for me to stay locked into one scene or beat. And all the previous stuff is just a back-tap away, when I need to reference it! I also read fic exclusively on my phone, so seeing it the same format while I’m writing forces my brain into that context more easily.
I do use a computer to post new stuff! I’ll copy the chapter into Word (I am an Old), but just to see the word count, and to save it in a master document. I do chapter posting on a computer too, because of the stupid paragraph-break formatting in the AO3 text editor. I mostly edit as I write, though when the whole story is done I’ve taken to going back and editing it like one would a traditional manuscript (indents instead of line breaks, being mean to myself about my love of adverbs, etc)(this also means I have the stories in novel form, if anyone wants to have a copy).
Basically, I’m a lawless brain-dumper who does no due diligence! I have a lot of admiration for writers who have discipline; I constitutionally do not. For example, I love reading about your process! It’s so different from mine, but it gets results, and it’s fascinating to see how other writers approach their work!
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 3 months
Sorry Hannah, I didn’t save the Hinny microfic since I typed it here 😔 but I got another one! Guessing you liked the first one? 😳 if so Dobnny approves!
Desire Set Ablaze (microfic Hinny)
He trailed kisses up and down the column of her throat. Taking his time nibbling on the sweet spot that would always have her dragging her nails down his back. He remembers when he first done it a weeks ago, he was shocked but quickly realized that the desire to make her come apart was becoming stronger with every passing second.
After reluctantly moving away from her delectable throat. Harry had to bite his bottom lip once he saw Gin’s freckled face scrunched up in both equal pleasure and annoyance of him no longer feasting upon her. If you ask him, that look rivaled her blazed one that she would give him before ever kissing him.
Hell, if only he had a camera he could take a picture of her right now just to show her hot fucking breathtaking beautiful she looks. The way her creamy breasts, that were decorated in a constellation of delicious freckles were slowly rising and falling. Even the two love bites he’d given her that were starting to darken close by her pink areolas, had made her look even more exotic. Honest to Merlin, he couldn’t help but stare at her, while she slowly opened her eyes and set her eyes upon him.
Who would’ve thought that sneaking out to the pond by the Burrow, while the rest of the family were doing chores would be the best bloody idea he ever had. He knew that their time under the blistering sun would surely come to an end soon. It was only a matter before either Ron or Hermione would make an excuse themselves so they could have a bit of a “walk” around the grounds of the Burrow. Yeah, as much as he loved his best mate, he wasn’t keen upon having him interrupt this moment he had with Gin-
“Oi! Are you going to just going to stare at me or can we continue?” Gin’s voice brought him out from his thoughts, Harry watched as she raised a brow smirked.
“I was just giving you a break, Giner-”
Before he could finish saying her name, Gin hand used all her strength to roll them over. His hot and sweaty back was now against the prickly grass. As he felt his girlfriend proudly straddle his thighs; Harry could only stare at the way each freckled thigh was now keeping him pinned to the earth beneath him. Not that he was complaining at all. Fuck, he could never complain, in reality this was his plan all along.
“Never, call me Ginerva…do you understand that Potter,” Gin gritted out as she slowly trailed her hands up and down his chest.
“Why not it’s your name isn’t it? Ginerva,” he smirked at the way her eyes narrowed at him.
“Seems like you’ve become a bit cocky, I’ll have to find a way to bring you down off your hippogriff.” Gin had said in a mock serious tone.
“Oh really, now how will you do that-” Harry had started to ask but realized that his girlfriend was clearly steps ahead of his game. He felt her lips begin a burning path down his chest, all while his treacherous body was begging for her to continue.
“Gin, you don’t-have to,” he groaned as he watched her red hair fan out all over his navel, she had quickly made it so close yet so far from his length.
“Oh, I most definitely do. Be a good boyfriend and hold my hair, will you?” Ginny smirked back at him, only seconds before watching her pink tongue lick the tip of his-
Woah, anyways that’s all I got for you my sweet-innocent little Hannah-Banana, hopefully this gets you through the day. Even though we both know that Dobnny is OTP, I suppose multishipping Hinny would be alright.
— sincerely yours, Dobnny anon
don't worry, dobnny anon, I have the og ask
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thank you for taking time away from your otp to write hinny. i love your hinny, it is great.
I am scared to see if you ever write dobbny smut
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fang-and-feather · 1 year
Love's Blessing
Star-Crossed Myth - Zyglavis/MC
Zyglavis plans a birthday surprise for his wife but not everything go as planned and he gets a surprise instead.
Written for Year of the OTP January Prompt: “Whenever I look at you…” from @yearoftheotpevent, FluffMonthly January's Prompt: January from @flufftober (where I live it was still January when I finished this, posting is what ran late) and Voltage Content Creation Callenge Prompt: Throwing them a surprise birthday party from @voltagefandomproject that served as a little extra inspiration to make this fic what it is, but mainly written for Feather's birthday.
So, Happy Birthday, Feather! (a little later because my computer and internet wouldn't let me post it on time) Here's a little gift for you! Thank you for running this blog with me and for being my inspiration to be here!
AO3 Version / SCM Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Zyglavis had never paid any particular attention to dates before he started dating and later married a human woman. He was aware of human holidays that made the gods’ work more difficult, but it wasn’t like he kept track of them before.
With her, though, these had become important events to remember. He was usually still busy, but Zyglavis made sure he could spend at least a few hours by the side of his beloved and picked out gifts when appropriate.
Not only holidays, but other personal dates. One of them the turn of the year that she insisted they spent together, and that also signaled the beginning of her vacation.
She made a point to take her vacation at the same time every year and spend the entire January with him so they could start the year together.
And that wasn’t the only reason the month was special, but also because her birthday was at the end of it.
Gods didn’t have the habit of celebrating birthdays, or of keeping track of them, but Zyglavis knew how important it was for his human partner. So he had already made plans for their date. Plans that were ruined from the morning by a message on her phone.
“Is it work?” Zyglavis asked, seeing his wife frown at her phone’s screen, then sigh.
“Three people called in sick today and they are understaffed. I was really looking forward to today but… sorry. At least it seems I won’t be leaving too late.”
She really looked down and Zyglavis was tempted to snap his fingers and solve the situation, but he knew what she would say about that. So he only hugged her.
“Work is work. You don’t have to apologize.” She snuggled in his chest and Zyglavis combed his fingers through her hair. “It is now what we were expecting, but I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll spend the rest of the day together.”
They stayed in each other’s arms until they realized she would be late.
As he watched her hurrying to get ready, Zyglavis thought of how ironic it was. Back when they were dating, and even sometimes after, it was always him who had to change plans or put them on hold because of work. She had never complained and was always careful of not asking too much from him. She never held it against him either, even if they spent months without seeing each other.
It wasn’t the first time the situation was reversed but, usually they didn’t have big plans when it happened.
Zyglavis used his powers to take his wife to work, then tried to decide on a new plan for her birthday.
Humans usually threw parties to celebrate these dates, but he didn’t want to share the little time they had with anyone, and she was outgrowing big gatherings herself.
But what about a small, private party? He didn’t know much about cooking by hand, but enough to bake her a cake. As long as he had a recipe, Zyglavis was good at following instructions and they had done that together a few times, enough for him to learn something.
Decorations he would have to do with his powers, but that didn’t seem like a problem. And he had already gotten a gift for her. He just had to choose a nice, romantic place. They couldn’t go far the human way, but Zyglavis believed she wouldn’t mind if he transported them there, considering the time they had.
So the major work was actually baking. He choose a recipe a little fancier than the one they used to bake together - which might have been a little ambitious of him, but Zyglavis was confident in what he had learned, living with her for two years, not counting the time they spent dating - which meant he had to use his powers to get some ingredients there weren’t in the kitchen.
The hard part was using kitchen appliances like a mixer. There weren’t proper instructions on how to assemble and use it, and working together meant his attention was usually somewhere else while his wife handled the contraption.
At least, since they started living together, Zyglavis had a kitchen in his room, so no one else needed to know how the first attempt went and the mess was cleaned with a snap. And Zyglavis learned fast from his mistakes, so the cake was ready with time to spare.
Zyglavis did some research on birthday party decorations and spots he could set their little party on and ended up settling for a place in the heavens rather than on Earth.
They usually lived in the gods’ mansion on Earth most of the year because it was easier for his wife to go to and from work on her own, so it was a good idea to spend the last moments of her vacation month in the heavens too.
When it came the time to pick his wife at work, Zyglavis was waiting for her but she wasn’t coming out, until he was informed she had passed out and was taken to the hospital.
Worried, Zyglavis snapped his fingers as soon as he was out of anyone’s sight, transporting himself to the indicated hospital to find her leaving and looking perfectly fine.
“Are you hurt? Why didn’t you call to me?” He immediately went to check her for injuries, but she hugged him instead.
“I’m fine, Zyglavis. I just got careless and ended up eating too many sweets in the last few days, and my blood pressure went down.” She laughed. “I didn’t want to worry you since it wasn’t serious.”
Well, she had complained about eating too much sweets a couple of days before, but she was complaining because she wasn’t exercising as much as she used to either and was afraid of gaining weight, not because it might make her ill, although he had advised her to cut a little on them, because he knew too many sweets wasn’t good for humans.
Although he could tell she wasn’t lying, there was a discreet tension in her eyes and voice.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. You don’t have to worry. Are we going home?”
“No. Since our plans had to be changed, I have a surprise for you. If you feel fine enough for it.”
She nodded and hugged him, which he took as an opportunity to transport them to a beautiful flower field in the heavens, where he had already decorated like he’d seen humans do.
“Wow! This is so beautiful.” She hugged him tighter. “Thank you, love.”
“It is our own private party. I used my powers to decorate, but I made the cake myself.”
“Cake?” She pulled away. “What cake?”
Chuckling, Zyglavis snapped his fingers before she could turn around, transporting the cake from his room and materializing a lit candle.
He’d made a small, three tiered chocolate ganache cake, not too sweet because she had been complaining about her recent eating habits.
“I know this isn’t half of what I promised you, but…”
“This is more than enough. Since I had to work, I was thinking we would just spend time together at home, but you threw me a party in a beautiful place. And you really made this cake without your powers! What else could I want?”
“But you are not entirely happy, my goddess. What is it?”
She didn’t think he hadn’t noticed the way her body tensed and her eyes only settled on him for a short time before darting around, did she?
“I just didn’t know how to bring it up…” She turned away, then back to him, but looking down, her voice low and cautious. “It is true that I had pressure problems because of the sweets, but that’s not everything…” She ran a hand through her hair and Zyglavis pulled her into his arms.
“Take a deep breath. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“I lost track of time for being in the heavens for a while and… I completely forgot to take my medicine on time…” Zyglavis knew where this was going before she finished and understood her nervousness all too well, so he hugged her even tighter. “Zyglavis?” She asked, surprised and worried.
“Are you happy?” was all he could ask, good and bad situations crossing his mind.
“I should be… no. I am happy. I’m going to have a child with the man I love. Why wouldn’t I be?” She pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, nervousness being replaced by determination and delight, that reflected exactly his last thoughts. “I know demigods are taboo in the heavens and that having this child won’t be easy, but this is the ideal life I always dreamed of but tried to ignore because I told myself we couldn’t… but we have overcome so much together already. Our love was forbidden from the start, but here we are, married and happy. And, you know, whenever I look at you, I feel like everything will be alright. It will be difficult, but our love can overcome any challenge in the end.”
Her words reflected his exact thoughts, and Zyglavis couldn’t help but kiss her.
“Yes. We’ll get through this together as a family. It won’t be easy, but I’ll do everything in my power to take care of you and this child and make you happy.”
“I know you will, and I will be the one to protect you. Like a family should.”
A family! Zyglavis had never entertained the thought, even after they got married. Every little step of their relationship had been marked by dangerous challenges, and this one might, too. But, now that it was happening, he would fight to keep that new fragment of happiness in their lives.
To think he would go so far to break so many of the heavens’ laws for the love of that woman. A human he shouldn’t have even met, but now he couldn’t live without. It was truly a miracle they had gone so far, and they would continue doing so for as long as they lived.
“Oh, the candle is melting!” She suddenly exclaimed. “Can’t have this cake going to waste when you have gone to so much trouble to make it.” She laughed and kissed him.
“And now we have one more reason to celebrate.” He interlaced his fingers with hers and the two walked to the blanket he’d set down like it was a picnic.
“Yeah. Thank you for supporting me, my love.” She turned her attention back to the cake and blew the candle. “My only wish is for our future happiness. And I can tell you that, because I know you’re the only one who can make it come true.”
Zyglavis kissed her again, each kiss deeper than the other.
“Happy birthday, my goddess.”
“Thank you for making it a happy day, because it wouldn’t be that happy without you.”
“We are the same, then.”
Because he would never be so happy if he hadn’t met her. He was a better god and a better man with her and their growing family could only make him keep growing as both, so no matter how many challenges they faced, Zyglavis knew nothing bad could come of their love.
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SCM Masterlist / General Masterlist
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lemonade-of-gods · 1 year
random ramblings
I have an exam tomorrow on literary criticism (structuralism, bakhtin and all that jazz) so I was playing around with my old otps as an exercise while studying huzzah, and the more I look back on it, the MORE nonsensical all the ship wars are looking
Because its one thing to not prefer a ship and its ANOTHER to just go delulu and say that the canon ship should not have happened because *insert nonsensical galaxy brain level argument here*, and yes I am talking about sasusaku, renruki and nalu
Like Sasusaku has always been the obvious choice, starting from the moment Sasuke went “who did this to you” in his rage to when Sakura calmed him down with a back hug. Sakura got taken a peg down after Sasuke scolded her for treating Naruto poorly. Sasuke THANKED Sakura before knocking her out and placing her on the bench and leaving. Sasuke began attacking Sakura proper AFTER she tried to kill him. There is a dynamic between them, there is ACTION in a way you don’t see with either Naruto or Karin. I could go on and on, but my point is, Narusaku or even Sasukarin was honestly never going to happen. If these two had to end up with anyone, it would be with each other. This is a classic ETL couple folks!! 
For Sakura particularly, Naruto represents an innocent and childish life (Naruto you’re a fine guy no lie, Hinata was suited better for you) and Sasuke is the dangerous option that forces her to sexually mature and grow up (remember, we’re focusing on structure here not the execution, whatever your opinions may be), so Kishi wasn’t wrong when he said that pairing Naruto and Sakura would have been unfair (paraphrased a bit). Naruto isn’t losing out much either, a gentle girl like Hinata who has loved him from the start (you see the pattern of first love coming up here?) was always his better match in the long run.
You can achieve the same effect with FTL as well, if we look at Renruki and NaLu. Kubo gave the angst of separation and pining with Renji and Rukia and the metaphor of “the stray dog barking at the moon”, which was not exactly a thing with Ichigo and Rukia. An argument can be made about “black sun and white moon”, but since Orihime gave the push to Ichigo for going to save Rukia, it didn’t quite feel strong. But in the interests of staying fair, I’ll say that we did have two options: bickering friends or, “we used to be friends but now we’re enemies”.
THEN came the nail in the coffin.  
Legit all bets were off the SECOND Ichigo tossed Rukia into Renji’s arms and basically gave his blessing/aashirvad to run away and basically saying ”Jaa Rukia, jee le apni zindagi” (Translation: go Rukia, live your own life, this one’s inspired by DDLJ hehehe). Like I would not give away the woman I am in love with to my romantic rival and tell him to TAKE HER AWAY. HELLO. THIS IS GOING AGAINST THE NARRATIVE BEHAVIOUR. THIS IS GIVING SECOND LEAD SYNDROME BEHAVIOUR. ICHI HAS BECOME THE KULJEET TO RENJI’S RAJ (Or more accurately Simran’s dad lmao.)
So what’s the point in saying all this, you may ask. Well, now that I’ve said it I’ll make my argument: STRUCTURE and NARRATIVE decides whether the author’s writing decisions were poor and not the reader’s preferences. And I’ve taken a neutral stance earlier on the last ship in my list but now I’m committing: NaLu HAS to be canon. 
I had said earlier that NaLi could potentially be canon, again for the sake of fairness, but looking at it now I’m changing my opinion. Natsu and Lisanna were set up to interact more but Mashima changed his mind halfway through and just didn’t do much with Lisanna. You can see how great his writing decisions are there, but the technicalities are to be reserved for another post, another day. If I am to try getting more fancy about it, Lisanna represents Natsu’s childhood while Lucy represents a mature and adult future.
Point is that by process of elimination, Natsu and Lucy have to end up with each other. Or remain as friends. Considering Natsu said to Lucy “we’ll be together forever”, these two will be a thing at some point in the future, unless Mashima pulls a HIMYM or something (TOUCHWOOD, even though the guy did canonize Gruvia, Gajevy and Jerza...)
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70s-show-diary · 1 year
What do you think of the downfall of Fez? S1-4 he was okay (a little unnecessary imho), but s5-8 he was unbearable. Practically every time he was in the circle from s5-8, I had to mute him, because I knew he was going to say something incredibly sexist
Hi! First of all, thanks for the ask! I love discussing That ‘70s Show with other people in the fandom. 😊
Since I’ve started running this blog on tumblr again, I’ve noticed that there is a lot more discourse about Fez and his problematic behaviors than there used to be like, five or so years ago, at least from what I’ve noticed.  So I appreciate you sending the question over my way, because I don’t think I’ve ever really addressed Fez’s behavior on my blog in the past.  Partly because its really in the later seasons that he really becomes problematic (and I’m still covering the early seasons), but also because there really wasn’t much discussion about it before now (again, at least that’s been my experience).
I actually quite enjoy Fez in the early seasons. Was he my favorite character? No, definitely not. Did he show some problematic behaviors then, too? I’d say yeah, some. But I don’t know that I personally would consider Fez from S1-4 to be unnecessary. I found Fez to be naïve, young, and oftentimes totally clueless, particularly about American culture, so I think a lot of his early season problematic behaviors (e.g., his fondness for using the term ‘whore’) are more of a reflection of him trying to learn American customs and not a reflection of who he is as a person. But I enjoyed watching him learn and seeing his friends show him the ropes, so to speak, by teaching him what was considered socially acceptable (for the ‘70s), but also giving him new experiences, like trick-or-treating on Halloween.
I think your choice of words – the downfall of Fez – is incredibly accurate. Because I actually like Fez from the early seasons, and the writers had a lot potential as far as what they could have done with his character as the show progressed to later seasons, it really is a downfall when Fez becomes more and more of a sexist, lazy, thoughtless pig. Whereas his naivety can explain his behavior in the early seasons (when he is still new to the U.S. and its culture), the same cannot be said for Fez in the later seasons. He knows better now, and the way that he behaves and the things that he says really are now more of a reflection of who he is as a person, and are no longer him just trying to fit in. I’ve only seen season 8 in bits and pieces, but the way Fez behaves in that season (especially towards Jackie) literally makes ne nauseous, and is just one of many (many, many, many) reasons that I will never watch season 8 in full or consider it to be canon.
That ‘70s Show is my favorite show for a lot of reasons, but the main one is that I love all the (main) characters. They’re like my friends, you know? I try to remember that the show is a sitcom, and I try not to always take what’s happening on the screen at face value. I really love analyzing why the characters do the things they do, especially when they’re doing something dumb, or thoughtless, or something that completely maligns with who they’ve shown themselves to be in the past. I do this a lot with Jackie and Hyde, because they are my OTP, and because its often just so easy to understand Hyde’s cold ‘aloofness’ or Jackie’s vapid selfishness as defense mechanisms because of their past experiences and traumas. I’ll admit, its much harder to understand Fez’s problematic behaviors in the later seasons, and there is certainly no appropriate way to excuse his behavior by finding some deeper meaning behind it. All that is to say, that when I’m watching the later seasons and find myself grimacing at what Fez is saying/doing, instead of just taking it at face value or trying to rationalize his behavior, I try to imagine a redemption arc (that the show never gave him) where he later atones for his indiscretions and tries to correct his mistakes from the past and use all the opportunities he has been given to make a difference. Because once upon a time, Fez did have the potential to be a great character. And that’s also the glorious thing about reading and writing fanfiction – we, as a fandom, have the power to give Fez the development and growth that the show never did.
Thank you again for the ask!
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shadowsong26x · 1 year
And here we are with BSG mix 3 of 3 from Ye Olde Days of like 2010-2012 XD Previously I’ve talked about my Season Three mix, Days Upon Our Knees and my Cylon ship mix, Heart of the Machine.
This one is a Baltar/Six mix; generally focusing on Head!Six and Caprica. I did remember a couple of the tracks going in (one because it was an actual Bad Choice--the only one on all three of these mixes that I don’t think should be there at all--and a couple that were good ones. But a lot of it I hadn’t remembered, so it was nice to go through it!
Also, at the end of the Actual List of 14 tracks, there’s a list of songs I’d include now if I were making it (and/or I’m Considering making another one and most if not all of them would be on it.)
All right, let’s get to it!
1/touch (clay aiken)      ah, this one. i can’t say it doesn’t fit them (because it does), but it’s. uh. this was my song for ‘yes these two have a lot of enthusiastic sex’ and i definitely could’ve done better here XD that being said, i do like it for them? the angel references are always a bonus.
2/voodoo child (rogue traders)      i actually think this is one of the better fits on this mix. and yes, like many people in general fandom/online circles at the time, i picked it up from that one doctor who episode But it’s now...way more associated with these two (specifically caprica’s confession/the attack) than that. there was also something of a fanvid in my head (i was never able to make fanvids lol), and i particularly remember that the transition from the first verse into the chorus lined up with that One Specific Shot of her pushing him down as the house explodes around them. so there it is.
3/i’ll be seeing you (linda eder)      i mean. how could i not, lol (this was the first version i had; i was given a whole album of her broadway covers. also i always forget that this song technically comes from a broadway show....and yes, i am aware that it’s also on the s3 mix in a completely different context but Still.)
4/devil inside (inxs)      i think this actually should’ve been before track two, and i’m not sure why it’s here instead? but yeah it’s that reminder of ‘look i love these two they are 10000% my blorbos but they are. not great people’
5/gone with the wind (international victim)      another song that i still like for them, but this one i think is too early in the mix. i mean, we’re not...super chronological here, for this middle part of the mix, but this lines up with gaius in the back half of s3, so having it This Early in the mix feels off to me now.
6/protege-moi (placebo)      so i also use this song for anakin skywalker XD and while i actually don’t think gaius makes the best parallel there (that would be my best beloved athena), the song fits both of them so here we are. it’s definitely not one that developed Such a strong association Elsewhere that it ruined it for anything else, anyway.
7/liken a razor (adam pascal)      this one’s more about head!six, i think. it’s not my favorite on the mix, but i can’t say it doesn’t work/doesn’t belong. it hits that combination of fear and need/worship pretty well.
8/she’s always a woman (billy joel)      the first of two songs that can best be summed up with ‘i love you despite the warning signs.’ XD this one, again, mostly about head!six, but also kind of about caprica in the sense that...while they were together, the first time they were together, she actively planned to murder him and not just everyone he ever loved, but everyone he ever knew or could have known, using him to do it, and yet he can’t help remembering the way she smiled, the way they argued about idk obscure math theorems, spending lazy mornings in bed with her talking about everything and nothing...yep. yep yep yep. ((there will be more on this subject in either this month’s or (more likely) april’s fill for the otp meme))
9/he’s a tramp (lady and the tramp)      i really don’t have much to say about this one except...like...can you really say it shouldn’t be here XD (and yes, this is the second ‘i love you despite the warning signs’ pick.)
10/not me (aida)      a transition song, starting to come back from their estrangement. the more i listen to it, the more i like it here? although again, slightly out of order; it would need to be switched with the next one except...
11/antebellum (vienna teng)      this is the Mistake Track. and not just because this song is now Inextricably linked with satine and bo-katan kryze (but their relationship is not the subject of this essay, lol). but i think even before i got back into star wars/clone wars, i was having second thoughts about this one. the problem is, this song was supposed to be during their separation. when it’s not like they don’t love each other anymore (they never really stopped; witness how caprica continues to respond to head!baltar), but after everything that happened--with new caprica, with d’anna, with...just...everything...does that really matter anymore? and it’s really fucking hard to find a breakup song that hits right for the two of them. most of them are too angry or too bleak, or not angry or bleak for the right versions. antebellum comes close, because it’s a ‘what was and could have been but will never be again’ sort of thing but...it just. doesn’t work. i did not transfer it to my ipod with the rest of the mix, and while i do want a song for that particular part of their story...the mix as a whole does work without it.
12/casanova’s waltz (drew sarich)      and once again, i cheated in terms of my ‘don’t repeat artists’ rule. XD but i do like this song in terms of him choosing to dedicate himself entirely to their relationship, even after everything. ...and being a dramatic little shit about it, naturally XD
13/save the best for last (a capella/vanessa williams)      and this is her taking him back. the version i have is an unsourced a capella version i got on a cd a member of my high school shakespeare troupe gave all of us when he graduated a year before i did, so...who the hell knows, i just have it marked as ‘a capella.’ but yeah, i like it, it fits things here, and there’s that sense of ‘finally we’re on the same page for the first time in our Entire Relationship, we can move forward together now.’
14/i believe (altar boyz)      i love this song. and i love it for them. i wrote a quick fic a while back (that really needed to be two), but it’s about the way the two of them come together, they work together, because love, their love, is about choosing one another and forgiving one another, and, well, believing in one another. it’s just. a good place to leave them, a great song for where they landed. also iirc it’s Not Weird because in context this song is in fact about the band itself/Each Other. not jesus
And now, some additional songs I’d probably put on a playlist for them if I was making one now. If the prior mix skewed more Baltar’s POV outside of the shared-POV songs, I think this one skews more Caprica (or at least I tried). There’s also a lot less Head!Six.
This is not what I would call a Complete mix. There’s some redundancy in terms of moments/aspects of their relationship that are covered, and there are other gaps involved (in particular, I don’t have anything with even Vague Pretentions to being a Sex Song like ‘Touch’ was for the prior list). Also I feel like it’s not super balanced in terms of Tone. But it’s a starting point, anyway. Accordingly, these aren’t numbered and the order, while vaguely chronological, is by no means set in stone.
what am i feeling/galavant      played Completely Straight in a Very Different Way than the original context; this is caprica starting to realize that she’s falling for her own honey trap.
if i loved you/carousel      this is basically the ‘the things men do for love’ scene (or her asking ‘do you love me’ in the miniseries). they’ve each independently realized they love the other (though not that it’s mutual) but Saying That Out Loud Lol No Why Would I Do That (would it necessarily be this cover? no, this was just the first that came up on youtube, lol. but also it’s hard to go wrong with these two singers sooooo maybe XD)
your love is my drug/ke$ha      tell me i’m wrong XD (this might not go on a baltar/six mix Specifically, if only because i had vague plans at one point for doing a six mix of Entirely Ke$ha Songs, one for each notable six, in part because of this Perfect Fit, and in part because applying ‘blow’ to corinne/armistice station!six is just So Perfectly Terrible i couldn’t resist XD)
blonde over blue/billy joel      this probably would’ve made the first list if it weren’t redundant in terms of both the point it’s making (which is covered by...a couple of different ones) and artist, but...yep.
bad romance/lady gaga      again, tell me i’m wrong. this one, the ‘you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine’ line hits particularly hard for these two. also is it just me or are Some of the ways she’s styled in this video kind of...Hitting Some Familiar Visual Notes........
my immortal/evanescence      okay but hear me out XD like, yes, this song is Notoriously Cringe but a) i have no shame at this point in my fandom career and b) these two--when they’re together--have this blend of Melodrama and Painfully Awkward Sincerity and there is no band (or song) which hits that note quite as well as this one. also the lyrics actually fit pretty well if you pay attention to them so shut up, don’t at me, it’s on the list.
silent symphony/drew sarich      this one is about their first reunion, on new caprica, and there’s...a lot of Thoughts i have about that, about how the love is there and it is real, but with Everything Else going on it’s just...there’s a level of Desperation going on, too. and i haven’t been putting full lyric transcriptions in these summaries (because they’re long enough without them lol) but a couple lines stand out: ‘thank god for the night/pushing the complications from sight/hushing our battle drums til the sunlight/tosses a problem from every direction’; ‘you still see a man who knows wrong from his right’; ‘come on and quiet down/and wrap your arms around me/calmly for now’; ‘if i can’t see your eyes/then i can hear you breathe/and we can find a warm, firm platform to plan from’
how to save a life/grey’s anatomy cast      look this is the version i heard in full first and i like it so shut up and bear with me. anyway, this is a companion to the last one, because it’s about the way he pulls away from her, and the way she tries for as long as she can, and their relationship just falls apart during the first half of season 3, even when they’re trying Desperately to make it work. again, not doing the full lyrics, but the end of the first verse in particular jumps out at me: ‘between the lines of fear and blame/you begin to wonder why you came.’
model prisoner/adam pascal     i thought of this when i was writing up ‘liken a razor’ above. i almost didn’t add it, mostly because a) trying to focus more on caprica’s pov; and b) trying to make it more her and less head!six and the second verse is particularly head!six, but...it works. and adds a different Tone Color to the mix, i think, which is Useful/Helpful. i don’t know why i went for liken a razor instead of this one on the first mix, since at least now i think this is a better fit, but here we are.
style/taylor swift      this is actually the song that got me contemplating doing a second mix for these two, way back before i even tracked down the original one and listened to it all the way through again. i was listening to it and it had kind of the right Vibe, and then i got to the second verse. stopped. backtracked to the beginning, and went, ‘well, shit.’ and i kind of like this as a closing track. it kind of fits the same moment/hits the same note as ‘save the best for last,’ except...not exactly. it couldn’t go any earlier than their final reconciliation, though. but it also feels a little...lackluster, almost? for their happy ending. i feel like i want to end on a more optimistic note.
make our garden grow/candide      so this one is a Hard Maybe, and only made this post when i was realizing that ‘style’ doesn’t quite hit the note i want for an Ending song. this song was actually the closer for my hypothetical s4 mix--but it does mooooostly seem to focus on these two so maybe this would be a better place? (no, cunegonde’s verse doesn’t really fit in either case but the first and third do) and even if the lyrics are no more optimistic than style, the Tone of the song is a little better...although now i’m second-guessing it even more, lol. well, i’ll leave it here for y’all to have Opinions about if you so choose XD
and also i’d throw a different cover of ‘i’ll be seeing you’ on there (and possibly title the mix I’ll Be Seeing You (Again) because well i think i’m funny) because Come On.
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starboundanon · 2 years
Just came by to say that your writing is brilliant and I often find myself thinking about your fics.
I remember when you sent anon asks to Owl about writing Starbound and fell in love with it as soon as you posted it. I never even thought I’d want to read a fic about Luke & Vader but then Rod came along and I read it just because I knew you wrote it and of course I loved it. HtD absolutely slayed me and made me obsessed with the concept of Vaderluke. You’re single-handedly the reason my OTP went from dinluke to vaderluke. I still love dinluke with everything in me but damn, do you have a way with vaderluke.
I’m so excited for the HtD finale and I know I’ll probably read it again afterwards for the millionth time while reading your new analuke fic too (what can I say, your fics are my not-so-guilty pleasure lmao).
I’m just so grateful that you’re willing to share your amazing writing with us Herbie and wanted to tell you again how much I appreciate you <3
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This ask got me every kind of emotional. I’d always hoped I’d be the reason one of you angels would fall into the absolute sin that is vaderluke with me, but — *sniff* — reading it with my own eyes just brings a smile to my face. 😭♥️
In all seriousness, thank you, my friend, for taking the time out of your day to write and send this to me. Your comments have been leaving butterfly-filled smiles on my face since Rod, and I’m always so incredibly touched and flattered that you enjoy my writing enough to say such kind things.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the ending of HtD, and hope that next week’s dive into pure analuke filth is a fair reward for hitching your wagon to my garbage horse all those long months ago. 💋Thank you again!
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psapphic95 · 1 year
Will you do 35 and 36 from the OTP ask post?
36.  Asks about your OTP: What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Hey! I just answered Q.35 below so I’ll just respond to the second one! 
It’d probably be easiest to split this into ‘what is their favorite place to kiss the other?’ in a sexual and non-sexual context.
In a non-sexual way, Regina loves coming up behind Emma and kissing her on the side of her head. They have a slight height difference (Regina is quite tall in this universe, and taller than Emma) which means that the side of Emma’s head is the first place her lips reach when she cuddles up behind Emma. She also likes the fact that Emma will always sort of flinch or tense up for a moment when Regina sneaks up and wraps her arms around her, but will soften and completely relax once Mommy gives her a kiss and Emma remembers who is wrapped around her. 
In turn, Emma likes kissing Regina on her cheek. It makes her feel all cute, like she’s some little virgin testing the waters. Especially when Emma is about to leave to go somewhere and Regina asks, ‘where’s my kiss?’ Emma gives her a little chaste peck on the cheek and scampers off before Regina can grab her and give her a proper kiss on the mouth. Also, she knows Regina thinks it’s so sweet and innocent, which is a trait of Emma’s that she adores so very much. 
Sexually, then, Emma’s favourite place to kiss is Regina’s tummy. It often starts off in a non-sexual way, maybe Emma is lying her head on Mommy’s stomach whilst they’re relaxing in bed. When the younger girl gets cold sometimes, she’ll crawl under the covers and situate herself between Regina’s legs to steal the body heat from her thighs and legs. Gradually, she inches Regina’s top up so that her soft tummy is exposed, and she lays her cheek back down on it. Realistically, she’s never able to stop herself for long, and Regina can count down the seconds until she feels tentative lips giving tender little kisses around her navel. It quickly turns into soft sucking, Emma marking Regina with hickeys all over her tummy. Of course, it turns Regina into a soppy mess between her legs and her hand finds Emma’s hair, grabbing at the roots and forcing her head lower with the instruction spoken between her moans. 
“Eat Mommy’s pussy, munchkin.” 
However, Regina knows that kissing Emma’s neck is a foolproof way to make her all desperate and whiny. Emma’s neck is one of her most erogenous zones, Regina likes to spend her time licking, biting, and sucking all over the sensitive skin there, marking Emma as ‘Property of Regina L Mills.’ Since we know Regina likes sneaking up on her baby, sometimes when they’re both undressing in their room at the end of the day, she’ll grab Emma from behind. Stroking the hair off Emma’s neck with one hand, tickling her fingers softly over the girl’s cotton panties with the other. Emma’s always surprised by the sudden attack though she knows she should be used to it by now, but when those plump, soft lips begin pressing wet kisses on the side of her neck, all she can do is whimper,
“Mommy, please…”
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the-pale-goddess · 1 year
What other fictional couple (it can be tv, movies, books, or even another fanfic couple) or celebrity couple reminds you of your OTP?
If you have any other pairings, give us one for them too!
Elsa! This question is everything, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw it in my inbox 😍 Please, forgive me this very late and extremely long reply!
I can think of two fictional couples that remind me of Ethan and Tiffany in some ways:
Roy Kent and Keeley Jones from Ted Lasso (aka the most perfect depiction of the grumpy/sunshine trope that scratches my brain just right. They’re literally Ethan x MC in a Premier League/Football AU ksbdkbdkdbdkb)
Aragorn and Arwen from LOTR
Some explanation below! Warning: spoilers included
Roy and Keeley are two charismatic individuals who are seemingly different, but end up being the ultimate OTP—two wholes that compliment one other.
He’s the type of guy whose happy face and mad face seem to be the same and people are both frightened of and impressed by him. She’s a huge flirt with a heart of gold and everyone loves her—as they should. He’s a football legend on the verge of retirement (don’t remember the exact age gap between them, but the internet says 8 years and I gladly accept jdhdkhdkb). She’s ambitious, capable and desperate to carve her own path.
From their very first interaction you just know that you’re in for a scrumptious slow burn; their chemistry is palpable, top tier banter proves how smart and fun Keeley is, uncovering how Roy’s exceptionally rough exterior softens significantly only for her. It’s obvious that they’re 100% horny for each other they’ve been into each other for quite some time now. They seem inevitable.
I absolutely adore how painfully real they are as a couple. Neither is perfect. Their flaws and insecurities make them do foolish things sometimes, but they always manage to find a way to communicate like adults, acknowledge their faults and solve the issue. Their relationship is based on honesty and accountability. They make a great team and together they’re unstoppable—they encourage, challenge, inspire, support and care for one another deeply.
They may seem tough and confident, but they’re never afraid to be vulnerable with each other and I think that’s the essence of E&T’s relationship too.
What’s more, we don’t really know much about Keeley and it gives me an impression that she’s one of those characters who are very friendly, honest and lively, easy to talk to and trustworthy, always around people, always nurturing others, and yet they share very little of what’s inside their heads, keeping any sign of their trauma, fears and insecurities locked from the outside world. And I bet there’s plenty to unpack here. That’s quite similar to what I imagine for my Tiff.
I could talk about the similarities between Reeley and E&T for hours or do some episode analysis, but I’ll spare you an entire dissertation on the topic kdhdkhdkdhkdh
As for Aragorn and Arwen, I obviously won’t delve into the fantasy and its irresistible charm, because it doesn’t apply to OH’s fictional world, but some bits of their love story feel oddly familiar:
The circumstances are against them and their relationship seems impossible.
He pushes her away. She never loses hope, never gives up and always chooses him despite all odds, inspiring his strength and igniting hope during the darkest moments.
So basically…That’s a short summary of OH1 and 2 kdhdkhdkdb Plus Liv Tyler has that ethereal glow, she’s giving off Tiffany vibes 👀
Thank you so much for thinking of me and sending this brilliant ask❤️
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rebelrayne · 1 year
for the character ask game, what about Suresh 🫣
Thanks for the ask, anon! Although… I did not finish S5. I’ll have some fun here I’m sure 😂
1 sexuality headcanon
I have no idea. Idk he gives me some bi vibes maybe? Remember I did not finish this and didn’t really play for him so 😂
2 otp
His hand. I’m not sorry. That’s all he deserves.
3 brotp
Suresh is nice enough to have friends? Lmao okay no, didn’t he have a fun banter with Finn? That always made me laugh a little. I know finn was more bromance with alfie but I did really like the Finn/Suresh banter still.
4 notp
My MC. She would have chosen him and stole the money like the boss she is 💅🏼 I honestly don’t know who to put him with. I think he had some growing up to do tbh. I’d like to see him at a reunion to have more genuine opinions.
5 first headcanon that pops in my head
That he flirts with Arlo to make MC jealous. I’m pretty sure I think that because @mrsbsmooth said so
6 favorite one liner from this character
I… don’t remember anything notable 😭 I was so stuck in S4 land and sad I wasn’t getting a reunion. All I remember is Finn saying “Beour.”
7 one way I relate to this character
I guess he must be a hard worker to be as successful as he is so I relate to him in that way. I also have had relationships where the person I was with was leaps and bounds more serious about me than I was about them. I think most of us have had that happen.
8 thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character
The fact he comes into the villa like, lol you’re going to fall in love with me again you missed me. If I missed you why tf did I sign up for love island to meet someone who isn’t you????
9 cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
We all know he’s a problematic fave. I’d love to see someone change my mind completely about him but… I just can’t like him with how he acts 😭 maybe one day I’ll give him a shot.
Character Ask Game
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naitosutan · 1 year
(I didn't know how to respond to your tags on your reblog so I thought I would just send you an ask-)
I'm glad you thought I had some good concepts, I'm terrible at explaining things so it's nice to know that some people understood what I was getting at. And your tsum tsum steek drawing lives rent free in my head, it is so fricking cute. I love tsum tsums!! And I was glad I could influence your love of Steek, kvasgi's art of Steek was one of the first pieces of art for that ship that I saw which was part of the reason why I got into the ship too! And your sister's art is super cute as well, I love it all so much, especially her AU!
Since I'm here, I'd like to ask you, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite ships?
Thanks again for the sweet response, have a great day!! ❤️❤️
@/steeklover AHH I’M SO SORRY I FOOLISHLY SAVED YOUR ASK AS A DRAFT ON MOBILE AND TUMBLR ATE IT 😭 Luckily, I had part of my response written already and I’ll try to reply as best I can to what I remember of your ask!
Did you know I’m a fool and inept at anything technology ._. I found the ask; somehow I saved the ask in my drafts completely separate from my response ahskkgj
Pls forgive me for the repost, I wanted to keep the original ask attached 🙇🏻‍♀️
I think you explained yourself pretty well! Legit, I always love reading your thoughts on Steek and seeing the ideas you have for them, whether it be your mood boards or playlists, I enjoy your ideas! You are THE Steek shipper to me so I really value your perspective on them and keep some of your posts in mind whenever I try to portray them!
Tsums are definitely a long standing obsession of mine lol Evie says thanks for the praise as well! Her AU means a lot for the three of us ✨
(Long post so favs and ships under the cut haha)
To answer your questions, I’d say Tweek is my favorite from the show, but Stan had definitely settled into also being a major fav of mine! When I was first watching it, I went into season six a bit bitter about Tweek taking Kenny’s spot but… he’s just a little dude :3 Simpsons Already Did It is one of my top favorite episodes lol Stan was a surprising favorite but I guess following him and his friends around the most, I really liked the way he was characterized and the struggles he deals with? I also love Kenny content 🥺🧡 Anything and everything for Kenny lol
Anyways, here are some of my top favorite ships!! As you can probably tell, my sisters and I have a lot of overlap in the ships we like, and tend to influence each other a lot lol I’m a multi-shipper who generally likes a ton of ships and also really enjoy crackships and rare pairs cuz of the untapped potential of interactions that could happen! I also enjoy polys but for simplicity I’ll put just pairings here! I had tried organizing them in a tier list but… it ended up as a ranking list anyways so…
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Stenny - I actually surprised Kim a lot when I first brought up that I liked her old flame lol My first and my fav ship, there’s something about them that makes me extremely happy and I can’t quite explain it. It probably has to do with their personalities and interactions, but I can’t really articulate it into words haha I also love all the fan created content of them! They’re lovely and adorable 💖
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K2 - The OTP of my sisters means a lot of amazing fics recommended to me that makes it hard to not love lol I’m not picky about how the dynamic is portrayed, I’m always down for these two together! They baby 🥹
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Steek - <333 SO much love for these two! Like I had said you were definitely a big reason for it. Plus why NOT ship your favorite characters together? They both have a tendency towards destructive patterns that I think the other could relate to, especially with seeking validation on their feelings? I think potential interactions between these two are severely under explored so I’m always searching for more Steek content!
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Revin - OKAY. This one was definitely a ship I shipped from the show before looking at the fan content lol Constantly seeing them together in the background just reminded me of playground crushes, and their moments were small but cute. AND THEN WHEN THEY BROKE UP I WAS DEVASTATED. CONFIRMATION THEY WERE DATING AT THE COST OF THEIR BREAK UP AND NEVER SEEING THEM TOGETHER AGAIN 😭 We’ve also headcanoned their personalities quite a bit and so I like to think of them both being a bit airheaded? Kevin constantly thinking about his sci-fi and Red seemingly not pay attention to things around her? Kevin calling their fruits sandwiches and Red just going along with it was also funny even if it’s just an animation error lol ALSO KEVIN BEING SO SAD AT THE BAY OF MEMORIAL PIGS DANCE AS RED DANCED WITH TOLKIEN I CAN’T 😭 I love little background details the most when it comes to characters, I think.
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Crenny - Again, Kim was a big influence in me liking Kenny ships, also Crenny has some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works I’ve ever seen and read? I think things would be pretty easy with these two and they’ve had some good moments together!
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Cryle - I know people say they don’t interact much but when has that ever stopped me lol They’re both stubborn in different ways, Craig more passive and Kyle more confrontational, I think? Like, I really liked the scene in Fishsticks where they’re both advising Jimmy. They were basically indirectly arguing against each other and I think that’s such an interesting and fun dynamic lololol There’s enough there for me to enjoy them together!
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Creek - Just LOOK at them lol. I do admit I like them a lot in the show but don’t seek them out in fanworks but they’re great <3
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Stendy - I HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT THEM TOO. Like Stendy is complicated but they’re also elementary school kids, of course they’re not gonna know how to relationship properly. But they’re still so messy?? And it’s just on their personalities mannn. I think Stan very much takes his friends for granted sometimes and especially his girlfriend. And Wendy isn’t a part of his friend group enough to really be comfortable discussing their faults? Like obviously he’s done some things and she has as well but things are always resolved offscreen or brushed aside so we never really see how they get over it. Basically they’re cute when he’s pining or when they’re domestically together and supportive but when they’re just not paying attention to each other they’re difficult lol
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Stolkien - Another ship from the show, I think their interactions are always so fun, especially in the later seasons 🥺💕
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Staig - I love rivals lol I think fandom plays up their hatred for each other a lot but Scauses really convinced me that they do notice each other lol That and Craig likes stirring the pot a lot XD
It feels like I’m missing so many characters and ships but I had to limit myself! Ten is enough haha (shout out to all the ships I do ship but didn’t make it to this list 😔) I tried to keep this short lol
I hope your days have been great as well!! Thank you so much for the ask!! 💖
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
Geordi if no one else has asked already, Deanna if you've answered for Geordi already
favorite thing about them 
he’s literally so good at friendship that he introduced an android and a borg to the concept of friendship. like that’s essentially two entire races that didn’t have an understanding of friendship until they interacted with geordi. I love that while he’s busy holding the ship together all the time, and while he’s an engineer and engineers are. not typically known for being outgoing, he’s still so good at relating to people and making them feel comfortable that ro laren, who has trouble opening up to anyone, straight up hugs him
that said, from a character building perspective, I also really like that it has limits and oversights. guinan has to tell him to take a different approach with barclay because just pushing him harder isn’t working (we’re ignoring for them moment the exact nature of what barclay is doing in the holodeck because they don’t know that yet). he immediately adapts and is successful in making that connection, but I think it’s really interesting to see that it isn’t always pure instinct and sometimes takes more deliberate effort. in tng lower decks, I definitely don’t think he comes off as the worst commanding officer, but it’s a different light than we’re used to seeing him in. it’s a critical situation, taurik is just one crew member among many, and I think it would ultimately feel out of place for him to be super friendly under these conditions even if we’ve seen him reach out to help/reassure subordinates before (ex. sonya gomez).
and these examples make sense in that, as kind and patient as he is capable of being, he IS still the guy trying to hold the ship together and who needs his crew to just do their jobs and you can’t always do that and be 100% unfailingly friendly. sometimes you are going to brush someone off or say something wrong to someone, so I feel like they hit a really satisfying balance there
least favorite thing about them
this isn't really about him it's about the show but he got some of the worst individual/focus episodes. like. in other people’s episodes he’s a cool funny smart guy and then in a lot of his it’s either like “haha geordi can’t talk to women” as though women aren’t, like, people and as though geordi is not really good with people or just kinda mediocre redos of other scifi media (although that said I was kinda fond of the manchurian candidate inspired one). they also just kind of tend to feel Weird in a way I can’t really explain. disconnected? idk. other people have talked about the intersection of racism and ableism in the ways aspects of this character were handled, particularly the romantic plotlines, and I definitely think that’s evident across a lot of his focus episodes. on one hand I wanna do a scene rewrite like I did for remember me for one of his episodes, but on the other, a lot of times it’s the entire episode concept that’s rough.
im very fond of the geordi/data/wesley engineering trio that pops up a lot i think they're fun and i also LOVE his friendship with ro laren in the next phase. i wish they'd drawn on that more going forward because it was two characters who hadn't had much of a reason to spend time with each other before so i think it would've been really cool to see them spending free time together willingly even just in the background of other episodes
i do think he and data are effectively married i do love their dynamic and i was surprised how clear it was that the troy and abed dynamic in community is a direct descendant. that said, i hate that like. all geordi content is in the context of this ship. the couple times I have gone into the geordi la forge tag to see geordi la forge who is my friend it’s basically all ship content
I don’t know that he’s commonly shipped with anyone else tbh? I’ll talk more about the leah brahms plotline later in a general sense but I do resent any implications the series tries to make that they would ultimately end up together just because she’s the one woman he had a significant connection with in the series. it’s one thing if like we knew she got divorced and saw them really reconnecting or something but you know they’re literally just namedropping her bc she’s the only woman they could think of that fits that category
random headcanon
I think it is geordi’s god given right as one of the only characters with a sibling let alone one that he was 1) aware of, 2) raised with, and 3) is on good terms with to have a series of completely incomprehensible jokes with his sister. she visits the enterprise and one of them says the absolute stupidest most contextless series of words and they’re both laughing about it and everyone’s just like. uh. okay. for comparison my most recent one with my sister is “you can cut a hot dog up into 16 pieces” so that’s the kind of energy I want here.
unpopular opinion
idk how unpopular this is here but I used to read imdb reviews for episodes before I finally developed some self control and stopped doing that but people on there acted like geordi was the creepiest person alive for the leah brahms plotline and I somehow suspect that opinion represents a racist double standard. I’ve said this before i think but I wonder how many of them were okay with barclay. like as far as I can recall, in booby trap he ran this program literally to try to save the ship, and he gets caught up beyond that as he’s working. it’s a high stress situation, this version of her is someone that he’s really clicking with, and even if he crosses some lines he never set out to do so. this is not a hollow pursuits situation where he created a simulation of a real person with the specific intent to have sex with her. in the followup episode, the real leah brahms chews him out for the program, he’s sorry for it, and he develops a genuine friendship with the actual version of her. I feel like this is a reasonable way for this plotline to be handled! it’s fair to think mistakes were made especially in the beginning since he was kind of specifically looking for a woman when that wasn’t necessary, and he did get hung up on a fake version of a real person to the degree that it impacted his relationship with that real person, but i feel like the intent wasn’t malicious, and those mistakes were apologized for and handled and there doesn’t ultimately seem to be any lasting harm. to me that doesn’t say “wow this guy is so creepy,” it says that he made some mistakes regarding boundaries but ultimately made amends.
song i associate with them
hmm I don’t think I have one? I don’t have one for most star trek characters tbh I was just lucky on the last two. that said electric feel by mgmt did just appear unbidden in my head so maybe it’s a sign.
favorite picture of them
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tendrael-umbra · 1 year
Rarepair tag game!
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.)
HP edition.
@youknowmevj said anyone can have a go and we’re mutuals so I’ll count that as a tag.
My favourite rarepairs:
Harry Potter/Tracey Davis: Tracey is just as much of a blank slate character as the oft-shipped Daphne, but has less fanon tropes applied to her, and her status as a halfblood could put her in some interesting positions.  Alas, she’s rarely used as anything besides a foil to Daphne, let alone shipped with Harry.  I personally enjoy headcanoning Tracey as having severe ADHD, making her a foil to my headcanon of Daphne being autistic.
fem!Voldemort/Bellatrix: Honestly, Bellatrix does tend to read as more of a lesbian to me, and I think that a lesbian version of this ship would be really good.  Alas, most fics that genderbend Voldemort do so with the sole intention of shipping her with Harry.  I don’t have any problems with that, but I do want to see more variety.  My fic, Unseen Perspective, is probably the closest I’ve seen to this pairing existing.
Harry/Delphini: There’s a lot of fun to be had here.  It puts Harry in a similar compromising position Tomarry but without potentially defusing the entire plot by removing the antagonist.  Unfortunately, Delphini would need to be born earlier for the fic to really juice it for all the drama it’s worth, and Delphini’s origin in Cursed Child is already contentious enough that many authors would rather ignore her than explore her character in different circumstances.  It would be fun for more fics to just use the “Voldemort’s daughter character” without necessarily tying her to Cursed Child.
Lily/James/Sirius: idk what it is, but I LOVE seeing these three in a triad together.  I like it a lot in the backstory for To Reach Without, and I remember Malarkia alluding to it as well, which really excited me.  I think it would be fun to see more often, either as backstory or in a fic.
Hermione/Daphne: I’m not sure why these two aren’t paired together given the relative popularity of Harry/Daphne fics, but I’ve only ever found a small handful of good fics in the pairing.  Despite the tropes associated with the Haphne pairing not always being the best, there’s a charm to a lot of them and I’d love to see lesbian versions with Hermione as the female lead instead.
fem!Harry/fem!Draco: Only seen this one two or three times, but it’s been consistently enjoyable each time.  I thought I had an issue with Drarry for a long time, but I think I mostly just disliked the way most slash fics are written, since they made me feel vaguely uncomfortable and sometimes a little dysphoric.  Making the pairing into a lesbian one made me realise that and I’ve kept a casual eye on the pairing.
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badlucksav · 2 years
About Me
For those of you new around these parts, I’m Sav: writer, artist, multishipper extraordinaire. I like a lot of pairings and a lot of fandoms. My interests are always shifting, but I’m always in the AtLA/LoK fandoms.
This blog has NSFW content, so minors DNI. All NSFW posts are tagged as such and content is placed under a cut.
Here are my current fandoms:
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: Legend of Korra
The 100
Six of Crows
Shadow & Bone
Spider-Man (Tom Holland)
Harry Potter
Stranger Things
The Umbrella Academy
Teen Wolf
Spy X Family
Law & Order: SVU
The Last of Us
Twilight Saga
Game of Thrones
Just because I haven’t made content for some of them doesn’t mean anything ok
Here are my current OTPs:
Irosami • Makorra • Makonora • Twiyor • Linko • YuTen •Jetko • Zutara • Bellarke • Kanej • Spideychelle • Dramione • Harmony • Stydia • Diego x Lila • Bensaro • Hellcheer • Jabella
I’d do a fic master post but…that’s a lot of work and no way I’d remember to update it, so you can find my Ao3 here, or by fandom:
• Avatar: The Last Airbender
• Avatar: The Legend of Korra
• The 100
• Six of Crows
• Spiderman (Tom Holland)
• Law & Order: SVU
• Shadow & Bone (TV)
• Soul Eater
• Harry Potter
• Spy X Family
• The Last of Us
• Guardians of the Galaxy
• Twilight Saga
You can find my art here on Tumblr but since the search function is kind of trash, you can also find it on my Instagram. My NSFW art can be found on my (18+ only) Twitter. And if you wanna see me randomly yell about things and retweet random content, follow me on my SFW Twitter too.
I am currently accepting prompt requests from these lists [x, x], but my inbox is always open and you’re free to submit ideas you have, but I can give no promises on if/when they’ll actually be completed. I’ll also write for more than just my OTPs, so feel free to send just about any pairing (barring inc*st etc). You can also come to my inbox or DMs just to talk about headcanons and whatnot! I love hearing from people.
I also open commissions sometimes! Most of the information is located below, but feel free to DM or email with other questions. I will always indicate on this post if my commissions are open or closed, but always feel free to message me in case I have an opening.
I also have a Redbubble shop that I was neglecting, but now I’m taking care of it, with some new designs already up and more to come!
I’m not one of those people who has multiple blogs for their different interests. This is a one stop shop, so you’re also going to see a lot of: random art I find, photography, shitposts, body positivity, LGBTQ+ posts, other fandoms I’m not super into but the art/post looked cool, memes, the occasional political post, and anything else that looks neat in addition to fandom stuff (I tag most of these #off topic).
I try to tag thoroughly, but if I miss something please feel free to DM or send an ask (my anons are on) and let me know (this also includes my Ao3 tags). I tag #off topic for things not fandom/writing related, #sav’s scribbles for my writing, #sav’s sketches for my art, #sav answers for asks, and #sav’s stockpile for things I’ve put in my queue.
I have run a few events. You can find the blogs here:
• YuTen Week (2022)
• Avatar March Madness (2022, 2023)
• Azulaang Week (2021)
• Zutara Mythical Creatures Week (2021, 2022)
• Avatar WTF Weekend (2022, 2023)
Lastly, ask me about my discord servers:
• Lin Beifong server.
• Scooby Doo server.
• Zutara server. (18+)
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Commissions are currently closed.
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roguescarlett · 2 years
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thanks for the ask, @verbose-vespertine ! I’ll move this over to mainblog rather than my swtor sideblog. I mentioned only like two wips in mind for Amelia x Sevika for Arcane AU I had.
Anyways, this wip snippet idea just came to me after I shared a headcanon I had about Sevika willing to offer fixing her S/O’s hearing aids without letting them get scammed out of their money. This came after the scene in episode 8 where we saw Sevika tinkering on her prosthetic arm and I like to think that she also a hand in DIY skills and can fix anything in her spare time.
My personal otp headcanon was that Sevika always looking out for Amelia, after knowing more about her history and her hearing impairment, so she take care of her needs before herself. Therefore act of service as her love languages. I really, really ought to write up random headcanons I got in mind for them sometime but me too shy.
have a small snippet that I can mustered up with. again, not proofread so it’s count as wip.
Amelia shifted awkwardly within her seat as the sound becoming more distorted in her hearing aids since she arrived to meet Sevika at the Last Drop--the music hadn’t helped much, she tried her best, and pretended to, understand the conversation around her straining her ears to hear, casting subtle glance with a small smile between Sevika and the players.
She hadn’t noticed the way Sevika checking back and forth on her inbetween turns.
Her head was pounding from the distorted noises and her ears were starting to get sore, pressing her finger onto the earmoulds to adjust the discomfort. Sitting through watching the gambling card game, she felt out of place, looking downwards to her hands rested on her lap--she had thought about calling it a night and head back to her rented apartment, hoping the issue with her hearing aids was an used battery.
Then Sevika’s human hand reached out at the corner of her eye, Amelia gazed from the palm of the hand to face attentively at Sevika, wondering if she needed something. She saw no cards on the table or in her prothestic hand saved for the screwdriver that she often carried around in her pockets for essential needs as her cigar laid in the ashtray. 
Amelia wasn’t sure if they were taking a break or decided to stop playing a little earlier than she would had thought. She continued to stare and tilted her head with a confused look.
It wasn’t until she watched her prothestic finger lifted to point at her left ear repeatedly and Amelia caught on what Sevika was trying to tell her--she was commanding non-verbally to pass the hearing aids over. She must’ve known her struggles after much observation since the two of them gotten together.
Amelia switched off her hearing aids and gently place them onto Sevika’s palm, watching her attentively set to work on fixing it with a screwdriver that she used to tinker on her arm. Sevika knew what she’s doing--which had left Amelia amazed by her skill, leaving her to wonder whether she wasn’t the first deaf person that Sevika had met in Zaun...
It didn’t take long for Sevika to return the hearing aids back to her. Amelia was surprised and mouthed her thanks before she pushed the hearing aids back in her ears. Switching the aids back on, she listened and focused on the noise level surrounding her--there wasn’t any distortion, it was plain clear without any issue. All she can hear were muffled voices and music playing throughout the club in the background.
“All better now?” Sevika’s raspy voice pulled Amelia out of her focus.
“Yeah, I can hear now.” Amelia affirmed with a nod.
“Good.”--she puts away her screwdriver into her pocket and picked up her cigar from the ashtray--”If it happens again, don’t hesitate to tell me, ok?” Sevika reminded her. 
“Of course, I’ll try and remember that.”
Now feeling satisified, Sevika signalled the card players to resume playing as they shuffled the cards around, she leaned back into the couch and patted her thigh, beckoning the younger woman to come sit on her.
“C’mere, Princess. My lap’s a little lonely without you.”
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