#otp: allison x scott
visualtaehyun · 6 months
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
I've been up since like 3 am because of jetlag so I thought I might as well answer one of the thingies I've been tagged in, thank you @airenyah ✨️
3 ships
1) Scallisaac - Scott, Allison and Isaac (Teen Wolf)
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A perfect triad that first opened my eyes to poly ships and triads in particular! I gotta rec this one fic here that's been percolating in my brain for, oh, just- you know, a decade 🙂
2) River/Doctor - River Song and the 11th doctor (Doctor Who), or as I used to tag them- OTP: Whoney I'm home :D
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They were arguably my first major OTP after I first learned what that means lol I love a flirty dynamic, bickering, tragic fated lovers, and time travel! My time in the Doctor Who fandom was when I first taught myself how to gif and use photoshop (back when I still had it...) so there's a bunch of gifsets and edits still on my blog from around then, at least one of which I remember featuring this ship!
3) To no one's surprise, I gotta nod along to one of @airenyah 's choices: Destiel - Dean and Castiel (Supernatural)
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The amount of fics I read...! I even still have a 9 year old inactive sideblog that I made, posted a lot on, and then abandoned all within the span of one year lmao
First ship
I honestly don't remember but since one of my earliest fandoms was W.i.t.c.h., I'm just gonna say it was one of the canon relationships, like Will x Matt or either of Cornelia's romances
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Last song
Spotify tells me it's Blooming Just For You (꽃이 피는데 필요한 몇 가지) by NuNew and Paul Kim but that's kind of cheating since I've been using it as an alarm recently lol
So, checking my recently played, the next one down is จังหวะตกหลุมรัก (Magic Moment) by DIDIxDADA ✨️
Currently reading
I'm still reading เจ้าชายน้อย /jao chaai naawy/, The Little Prince in Thai, because I tend to read a chapter while marking unfamiliar words as I go but then the looking up of them all afterwards takes me forever so I'm kinda lazy about reading it 😂
Last movie
The Lost Lotteries, or in Thai: ปฏิบัติการกู้หวย (/bpa dti bat gaan guu huay/ = Operation Recovering Lotteries)
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It's a Thai comedy from 2022 that's basically about a heist but since I know folks here love First Kanaphan, here's my tumblr pitch: he stars as a spoiled rich kid, has a neck tattoo, and is in all of two scenes lol Also- not related to First anymore but- the characters are all nicely color-coded 🌈
Currently craving
Sleep 🤓 No but for real, jetlag is a bitch and it always only hits me after traveling back west which, like- usually people find it to be worse when traveling east so what the fuck is up with my inner clock hm????
No pressure tags: @zimmbzon @thegalwhorants @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @sunshinechay @khaostache @slayerkitty @bruisingknees @berestweys - if y'all've already played this tag, please do point me towards it 💕
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userlaylivia · 1 year
Top 10 OTPs!
awwww thank you bb <3
damon/elena (tvd)
bellarke (the 100) & stydia (teen wolf)
betty/jughead (riverdale)
pacey/joey (dawson's creek)
chuck/blair (gossip girl)
spike/buffy (btvs)
zeke/michaela (manifest)
sawyer/kate (lost)
jackie/hyde (that 70's show)
jess/rory (gilmore girls)
honorary mention: archie x veronica, barney x robin, scott x allison, adam x cassie, michael x alex
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phantomraeken · 1 year
My otp's for teen wolf
!!Ignore my spelling its late asf rn!!
Theo R. x Liam D. (romantic)
Kira Y. x Malia T. (platonic)
Stiles S. x Derek H. (platonic)
Scott M. x Allison A. (romantic)
Family dynamic's
Scott M. and Liam D. (father and son)
Derek H., Stiles S., and Isaac L. (father, father, son)
Allison A. and Lydia M. (sisters)
Mason H. and Liam D. (brothers)
Brought to you by an exhausted Theo <33
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 8 months
WBW, Addie Lewis?
Will actually tell Addie's real name this time? No, I don't think I will.
full name: [REDACTED] Ada Lewis
gender: Cis Female
sexuality: Pansexual
pronouns: She/her
family: Isabelle Lewis [grandmother]; Catherine Lewis [mother]; unknown father
birthplace: Beacon Hills, California
job: student
phobias: Hunters, Kate Argent, deep water
guilty pleasures: Star Wars and color pink
morality alignment: lawful neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Addie x Stiles
ot3: Addie x Stiles x Scott
brotp: Addie & The Pack; Addie & Scott; Addie & Derek
notp: Addie x Allison
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tim-lucy · 2 years
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kvtnisseverdeen · 4 years
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I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I've ever loved. The person I'll always love.
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bisexualallya · 4 years
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teen wolf aesthetic: scallisaac (scott x allison x isaac) stood on the cliffside screaming ‘give me a reason’
your faithless love’s the only hoax i believe in
dont want no other shade of blue but you
no other sadness in the world would do
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felicitykings · 5 years
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teen wolf 1.01 | swamp thing 1.01
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“Do you remember what it’s like, to be 16 and in love?”
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“Yeah....I do”
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danysghost-archive · 6 years
A Very Merry Mini Series
Hi there! This is my @stydiasecretsanta gift to @let-them-laugh, Zuzi! I’ve had a busy month, which didn’t leave me much time to work on the fic I wanted to give you. However, I thought it would be fun to finish out the year with this Stydia Christmas Mini Series! I’ll post a new part every day until the end of December. I hope you enjoy reading this, because I am very excited to write it!
Pair: Stydia, Scallison on the side. Warnings: None! Word Count: 522
PS: This is just me setting up the mini series. Not much happens, it’s short, but I think it’s a great set up and prep for the rest of the series.
The holiday’s were Lydia’s particular time to shine throughout the year. With all the fun clothes to wear, gifts to buy, and parties to decorate, she could do it all. The snow storms that had come through this winter grounded her flight, and just about everyone else’s, so a majority of the students were stuck in their dorm rooms until further notice. Her floor was full, and she was determined to cheer her friend’s up in time for Christmas.
“Ally, come on!” she pleaded with her best friend. Lydia and Allison had been close since they were young. They found themselves lucky enough to attend the same college, and were now rooming together. “It’ll be so much fun! And you know that if you support this with me, everyone will join in.” Lydia hopped onto the bed and gave Allison her widest puppy dog eyes.
The brunette grimaced. “I don’t know, Lyds. A secret santa for the floor? Does everyone on here even celebrate Christmas?” She closed the book in her lap and set it to the side. “Won’t we make some people feel bad?”
Lydia shook her head. “It doesn’t have to be a secret santa! It can just be a… a gift exchange, thingy.” She shrugged. “Please?”
They stared at each other for a few seconds, with Lydia’s eyes getting bigger and her lips getting poutier. She knew one of them would have to give in, and it didn’t take long for Allison to concede. “Fine! What’s the plan?”
It was nearly 10:00 at night when an envelope was slipped underneath Stiles’ door. His roommate was studying in the library, and he hadn’t been expecting anyone. Suspiciously, he crossed to the door from his bed, overdramatically investigating what the delivery had been. He picked it up, finding that the paper inside had a holiday design on it. “What the hell?” he muttered, seeing that it contained the information and two names needed for a ‘Third Floor Holiday Gift Exchange’, apparently. “Oh, great.” Taking one of the names from the envelope and leaving the other on Scott’s desk, Stiles crawled back onto his bed to resume his work.
It was five days before the gift exchange, and Lydia had somehow fallen behind. Usually, she’d have hand picked, wrapped, and topped off any gifts she’d need to give. But now, with the name she’d been given, she didn’t know anything about the person. She’d met them, sure, and they’d talked a little. It wasn’t nearly enough for her to buy a good gift, though. So today was about gathering intelligence. Lydia raised her hand into a fist, gingerly knocking on the door before her. There was silence for a moment, then a thud and quick footsteps. The door whipped open to show a messy brown haired, freckled boy in sweats, looking extremely startled.
“Uh, hi!” Lydia greeted cheerfully, feeling and looking the entire opposite of the person in front of her. “I’m Lydia, I live in 303 down the hall.” She handed him one of the hot chocolates from the tray in her occupied hand. “Do you wanna hang out today?”
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saracensmatt · 7 years
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times                        f o r e v e r                    frozen still
happy birthday @chairdelenazade 🎈
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Teen wolf ships in order
1. Sciles (forever the platonic OTP.)
2. Stydia (fight me. This is eternal.)
3. Sterek ( If had to choose a guy for Stiles.. it's Derek Hale. The character growth between them makes my heart happy. Also, have you seen him shirtless, damn.)
4. Scallison ( fuck you Jeff Davis. This could have been forever but you're an ass hat.)
5. Scalia ( the ship we never knew we needed.. until it happened.)
6. Thiam ( even if it's just platonic, the love-hate relationship is real. Liam punching Theo is my aesthetic.)
7. Morey ( I have loved them from the beginning, Corey's always looking out for Mason above anyone else. Everyone needs a Corey.)
8. Scira ( The ship that taught Scott to move on, and how to be by himself.)
9. Scydia ( I love their friendship, and their need to protect each other.)
10. Malydia ( The friendship and jokes between them are hilarious. Malia's crass compared to Lydia's caring is just a blessing.)
Honorable mentioned: Chrilssa ( honestly can't thank Jeff Davis enough for Chris and Melissa. Chris has become a father figure to Scott, someone that he looks up to and turns to for help, even though they used to hate each other. Mama McCall deserves happiness and so does Chris. I want a wedding at the end of next weeks episode in a flash forward damnit.)
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whatsername4 · 7 years
So Scott and Malia is really happening.
Excuse me while I go sobbing on the floor thinking it was supposed to be Scallison 
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“I always imagined the very last scene very specifically. It would be Scott, Allison, Stiles and Lydia. The original four, and it would show them many years later, they would think back to the battles they fought, the friends they lost, and the journey they won. And Stiles and Lydia would watch their children as they play with Scott and Allison’s children in a peaceful place, where everyone can just take a big breath.”  {Jeff Davis}
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tim-lucy · 7 years
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Stydia Encyclopedia: 2x06 “Frenemy” 
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exlibrisfangirl · 3 years
FOR THE CHARACTER ASK THING: Tell me about Chris Argent (Sorry it took me so long. I worked till late last night and have literally been busy all day today)
Ah, there she is! I was waiting with baited breath for the ask I KNEW would come... 🤪
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overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*/ LOML
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opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav / HOLY REDEMPTION ARC BATMAN
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otp(s): Derek (Dergent), Melissa McCall (McArgent) <- YES, I HAVE TWO OTPS FOR HIM... ONE CANON, ONE NOT CANON. MIND YA BUSINESS.
other ship(s): Not really
#noromo ship(s): Allison, Isaac (WE WERE ROBBED), Lydia, Malia, Scott, Parrish... look, I just really love the way Chris embraces his new role as Pack Dad, okay? Papa Argent, Mama McCall, and their herd of disaster children is a dynamic that means so very much to me...
crack ship(s): We all know the greatest ship of all is Chris x The Code, right? If he could marry it and have its babies, he would. Also: Dechrissa, obviously. 🤷🏼‍♀️
fav headcanon(s):
His crossbow and favorite guns have names. (He doesn't actually tell anyone that explicitly, but Melissa and Derek find out.)
His middle names are Henri-Gerard, after his ancestor and his father. His mother's name was Katrina; Kate (Katherine Marie) was named partly after her mother, partly after their ancestor Marie-Jean. As with many other things, the Argents like to honor tradition by reusing family names.
He had an old, silver fleur de lis (a family heirloom) hanging on the wall over his bed, the same way someone might have a cross or other symbolic religious ornament. He took it down after Allison died and now keeps it in his study.
He gets horrible nightmares... about Kate, about Allison... about lots of people and things, really. He's not a man who shows fear easily, but his demons come out to haunt him at night. He and Derek bond over that while they're out on the road together for weeks at a time.
I have SO MANY. I need to stop, or we'll be here all night, lol.
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send me a character and i’ll respond with...
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im-some-lionheart · 3 years
heyy i've literally been on your blog for like 4 seconds BUT i saw some ships that i love, so - do you want to do a list of your OTPs from every fandom? partly because it could be fun for you, partly because i need more serotonin which i only get from finding new ships haha
omg absolutely! First of all, thank you for asking 💕
I just started writing and this ended up being super long *hides in shame* I hope you enjoy it ✨
I love so many shows and ships, so I'll list them all below but if you ask what my absolute favorites are, I'll just add "!!!" to the fronts of the specific ships that make my brain melt, bc of how fucking much I love them.
The number of ! indicates the amount of brain damage that ship has given me, which is directly proportional to how many hours I could go on and on about them as characters and them as a couple and how perfect they are for each other.
Alright let's do this.
I'll start with the classics, and then move on to lesser known ones:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Queer as Folk US - Britin (Brian x Justin)
!!!!!!! Harry Potter - Wolfstar (Sirius x Remus)
! Harry Potter (ot3) - Wolfstarbucks (Sirius x Remus x James)
Harry Potter - Jily (James x Lily)
Harry Potter - Drarry (Draco x Harry)
Harry Potter - Scorbus (Scorpius x Albus Severus)
look- I know jkr is problematic, which is why I don't give her money anymore. But fanfic is free and I grew up with these characters, I will not let go of them. I have SO MANY thoughts about wolfstar and the Marauders jfc I could go on for hours.
!!! BBC Sherlock - Johnlock (John x Sherlock)
And any adaptation of Sherlock Holmes tbh, the Guy Ritchie movies are also *chef's kiss*
!!!!!!!! Supernatural - Destiel (Dean x Castiel)
fair warning here: Destiel is my otp and I believe in endgame Destiel but as I've said before, Dean is my emotional support character, which means I ship him with basically anyone who is strong enough to lift him up against a wall 🤗 which includes but not limited to:
Supernatural - Denny (Dean x Benny)
Supernatural - Drowley (Dean x Crowley)
Supernatural - Dean x Lee
Supernatural - Dean x Lissa
Also, if you've never watched spn... Idk what to tell you, you're in for a wild ride. Because that show is BRILLIANT but ALSO and (I cannot express this enough) at the same time it is a trashcan on fire. If you've watched it, you know exactly what I mean.
Alright, let's move on:
!!!!! Shameless US - Gallavich (Ian x Mickey)
!!! Teen Wolf - Sterek (Stiles x Derek)
Teen Wolf - Scallison (Scott x Allison)
Teen Wolf - Allydia (Allison x Lydia)
Brooklyn 99 - Peraltiago (Amy x Jake)
Brooklyn 99 - Holt x Kevin
Brooklyn 99 - Rosa x Pimento
Welcome to Night Vale - Cecilos (Cecil x Carlos
Welcome to Night Vale - Michelle x Maureen
WTNV is a podcast, not visual media but if you haven't listened to it, do yourself a favor and do it now!!
Sense8 (ot3) - Hernando x Lito x Danny
Sense8 - Raj x Kala
Sense8 - Amanita x Nomi
Sense8 (ot3) - Raj x Kala x Wolfgang
Glee - Seblaine (Blaine x Sebastian)
Glee - Huntbastian (Hunter x Sebastian)
Glee - Brittana (Brittany x Santana)
Supergirl - Supercorp (Lena x Kara)
Supergirl - Karolsen (Kara x Jimmy)
The Flash - Thallen (Barry x Eddie)
The Flash - Westallen (Barry x Iris)
The Flash (ot3) - Westhallen (Eddie x Barry x Iris)
The Flash - Harmon (Cisco x Hartley)
Davinci's Demons - Leonardo x Lorenzo
... Aaaand, I think that's all I can remember for the fictional ones 🤔 some of these shows I haven't watched in yeeeears, but I thought I'd add them bc why not.
Now. That being said...
These next ones might be problematic. But I *do* actually ship some rpf... I KNOW SHAME ON ME.
Now, I want to make it very clear that I only engage in fan discussions, I read fanfic, and then I move on with my life. I DO NOT bring this up to the people involved, nor their families nor their friends nor their partners. And I hate when people do that. I know these are real people and not fictional characters so I don't harass them about this, nor do it bring it up to them in social media or their concerts or in any possible way.
I just enjoy my anonymous tinhatting with strangers online, and then I get off the internet, and go to work, and see my friends, and I move on with my life. I simply like the idea of these ships. I like to imagine, from whatever little information I have received about these people (based on what THEY themselves have made available for me and others to look at and overanalyize) I like to imagine that this people had been at one point or another romantically involved. But I honestly couldn't care less if they weren't. I'm just having fun reading fics online.
My rpf ships are:
Larry (Harry Styles x Louis Tomlinson)
Kaylor (Taylor Swift x Karlie Kloss)
Swiftgron (Taylor Swift x Dianna Agron)
and I guess for the sake of fairness I'll add:
Taylor Swift x Joe Alwyn (bc unlike some gaylors and bi-lors I DO believe they're together for real, and they make me believe in love 🥺)
... Aaaand that's it. That's all the people and characters I ship. 😬
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