#otp: biological crisis
dreamingsnowflake2013 · 7 months
So both of my theories were right.
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While looking for Yi Joo Do Guk finds her notebook, she drew the man with who she crashed, and he begins to have a seizure! IT WAS TOTALLY HIM! He might not fully remember, realise or accept it, but he died with her. Death has been their matchmaker, insane!
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Yi Joo is the real granddaughter and her father's biological child, she learns about it when her 'mom' comes to visit her grandpa and he hides her in the wardrobe, getting the shock of her already shocking life. Talk about identity crisis! First, she had thought she was an orphan, than adopted nobody, only for her to turn out to be the biological daughter of her awful family, plus her adoptive mom is actually her evil stepmother.
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daemon-in-my-head · 2 months
OC profile: Ellifain
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Got tagged by @wafflerageface (ty 💕), @sakurainhellagain @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @kawareo have fun if y'all want, or those that want to do this feel tagged rn
Full name: Yeah, about that, do you want the alias, the name he went with mainly or the true name? I might've gone overboard here. Ellifain is an alias he uses cuz reasons, the name he's registered as a citizen with and the one his family gave him would be Fionnlagh Starym, there's a whole ass backstory about his name, why he isn't using it, if he ever uses it again etc but too much for here. Feel free to ask though. Oh but, Gortash kinda knows his name? Listen y'all it's complicated. I like it when they suffer.
Gender: Male but is too busy having an identity crisis to care for it
Sexuality: aspec
Pronouns: he/him/they, doesn't really care for the same reason as above though
Father: biological; Bhaal, adopted; Anfalen Starym
Mother: biological; Bhaal(?), adopted; Saelihn Starym
Siblings: biological; Sarevok Anchev, adopted; Elanil Starym. Orin is just a niece, she's not Bhaals kid (though he does treat her like a sister)
Birthplace: praise the vague canon, I suppose he was created in Gehenna before Bhaal dropped him like a hot stone in the Gate
Job: Cult leader
Phobias: being viewed as Faithless or False, the cold
Guilty Pleasures: 'artistic' worship, dancing, sitting in the sun like a lizard, playing with Cadis
Alignment: neutral evil with chaotic tendencies
Sins: vivisections, murder, extortion, blackmail, skipping the fine prints, skipping work, arrogance, do you need the whole list or does this suffice?
Virtues: protectiveness (he's really not a good guy)
This or That
Introvert/Extrovert: Extroverted introvert(?), prefers to keep to himself or his small group of people he does not hate, but can be charming and extroverted in a rather manipulative fashion if duties require
Organized/Disorganized: Organized, not thanks to Scels help
Close-Minded/Open-Minded: Very open-minded, for better or worse. Please stop eating people that's not a balanced diet.
Calm/Anxious/Restless: Restless, can't sit still for 5 minutes. Needs to fiddle with something if he's not occupied
Disagreeable/Agreeable/In-Between: In-Between, will hear you out but if he considers your idea to be foolish he will call you out and become incredibly stubborn about it
Cautious/Reckless: Reckless. Does not give a damn as long as only he's involved, if others could be put into unfortunate situations however he'll reconsider and be somewhat careful. If he likes them that is
Patient/Impatient/In between: Patient, he'll get what he wants eventually, one way or another
Outspoken/Reserved/In between: Reserved, he will not talk or say more than he has to in order to convey his point. Local tyrants hate this trick.
Leader/Follower/Flexible: Flexible but prefers to lead
Empathetic/Unempethic/In between: In between, tries his best to be empathic but some things he simply can't comprehend or refuses to cuz of his own past
Traditional/Modern/In between: In between, mainly traditional but isn't afraid of introducing new things to the cult or his life
Hard working/Lazy: Hard working, solely cuz he avoids sleep and can't sit still for 5 minutes. Lounging is his archenemy
OTP: Gortash. Duh. Though things happened with a certain Drow in between
BrOTP: Astarion, platonic murder worsties, finally an elf that doesn't look at his appearance with disdain cuz they're the same in that regard. Lae'zel is cool too, they could share beautiful moments of identity crisis together
NOTP: Shadowheart, she's a constant painful reminder of the memories he's lost, oddly enough something he'd rather forget (his whole stick is running from uncomfortable truths lol) edit; also he has that whole Sehanine and moon bit going on so Shart thought he's a selunite, didn't go well for either of them lmao
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driverwhore · 3 years
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dusik and only to Hyejin his selfless act
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misskatesharma · 3 years
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"sorry, sorry, bang, bang"
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hisone-herdone · 3 years
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha / Episode 13 Stills
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mylittleredgirl · 3 years
trekathon: disco 1x11
“the wolf inside”:
pretty impressive that an episode can start with a man cradling his dead husband’s body and then get more distressing from there
it’s worth it to me though, personally, because mirror sarek is a prophet and it’s really working for me
the opening credits come a full 14 minutes into the episode. six teasers before breakfast and discovery laughs in the face of god
not like a Prophet™️ prophet:
the regular kind
or actually maybe he just mind-melds with people sometimes and then wows them with his psychic knowledge of their inner selves idk
i also really loved mirror!soval beyond all reason. apparently all i need is an older vulcan man who’s anti-fascist and pro-goatee 
sarek’s confused math lady face as he tries to process finding his own katra inside michael’s head
michael has longed her whole life to hear sarek say something that nice about her and she only had to travel outside her quantum universe to do it
the i.s.s. suffering:
michael’s narrated slow-motion existential crisis feat. sexy nightwear
there’s a shot in the unsettling bath scene with steam curling around michael’s face that’s pure cinematic art
michael and prime!saru both lying to each other in this episode to spare the other’s feelings
also the “i will call you saru after a respected friend” parallel with the emperor telling mirror!saru about “a starship captain named saru” 🥺
i don’t think i mentioned last time how much i enjoyed seeing the iconic shenzhou transporter room again and really wish i had done so before it turned into the iconic shenzhou execution chamber
i LOVE that keyla gets to stand up! and walk around! and contribute to the plot!! and the continuity between this and “terra firma” of her being michael’s right hand
“terrans don’t apologize” but keyla DOES apologize to michael. you know i don’t like going extra curricular for info but emily coutts said in a ready room episode that she thinks their mirror universe selves may have impulses to Be Good that they have to suppress the way that we have to reject our evil impulses
anyway, i assume we’re all here for shipping mirror captain burnham/commander detmer
michael insisting she’s still starfleet so she has to foster this coalition of species... that fire of federation optimism....... we love to see it 💗
and also voq is there:
i can’t tell you how much i secretly hoped that THIS TIME ash tyler would manage not be voq after all
the reveal coming because he heard part of the activation phrase in his own voice is inspired though
he TRIED to stay HUMAN for MICHAEL how am i supposed to just LIVE WITH THIS
michael and tyler’s lovely scene in bed together made me think about how this is michael at her most traumatized, and tyler of course is traumatized in ways that literally defy understanding, so it’s this beautiful broken thing
and holding that up against season 3 michael who has moved through so much of her trauma and is ready for a sweet and loving relationship with a dude who rescues animals and loves her almost a full 90% as much as he loves his cat
like obviously, given the secret klingon agent of it all, it’s not exactly “falling in love with the right man for the right time,” but i like the way discovery challenges the draw of OTP and instead gives us “people can love deeply for a time and then can love someone else just as much later, because all of us grow and change and seek different things at different times to help us do that”
i don’t understand how any of this works:
really thought i was hanging on to the mechanical theory of How Spores Work as presented until now, but tilly said “neuronal link” like i should understand it and the whole house of cards came down
still not sure how hugh becomes a spore ghost. “fungi have the biological aptitude to link death with life” and “wherever you are, i hope he’s with you” sets it up, so i EXPECT that paul in the mycelial network will meet hugh, but instead it’s mirror paul in a sexy leather uniform
actually i don’t understand transporters anymore either. where is the discovery when they beam tylervoq aboard? is this like in aos where sometimes transporters just work over enormous distances? did they jam some spores into the transporter buffers?? 
EvilWatch 2255:
“i feel that your suffering has influenced your judgment”
really love lorca and all the mirror universe characters turning away from the explosion while michael stares directly at it
now that she’s a character i Know And Love rather than the standard cartoon villain one expects from the mirror universe i cannot WAIT for this.
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onebizarrekai · 4 years
full name: edward quinton
gender: cis male
sexuality: pan in denial
pronouns: he/him
family: dad, stepmom, geno his stepbrother, biological mother
birthplace: san diego
job: student
phobias: rejection, being himself, doing anything that could possibly make people think things about him he doesn’t want them to
guilty pleasures: investigating supernatural things, eating too many cookies, reading comics, generally just not minding his own business
morality alignment?: lawful/true neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
marking anyone with a chastity virtue feels dirty
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: close-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: unemphatic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: he’s still having a queer crisis I sort of feel like I’m morally obligated to say he’s traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: edward/isaac even though honestly those two are hot messes
ot3: still edward/isaac/drew probably
brotp: edward and barry and absolutely also edward and dez
notp: edward and his garbage second girlfriend
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altheadajoysoul · 4 years
full name: Andrew Veredus
gender: Male
sexuality: Pansexual
pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
family: Daiko (Biological brother), Creator!Althea (Creator), the rest of the Universe-less OCs
birthplace: Void of Creation
job: Althea’s Embodiment of Literature
phobias: Being lost, Not fitting in/Not knowing his place, Identity Crisis
guilty pleasures: Headpats and scritches
morality alignment?: Lawful Good
sins - Envy
virtues - Diligence
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: Anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Follower
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working
otp: N/A
ot3: N/A
brotp: N/A
notp: Andrew x Daiko/Henry/Any other adult
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fanfictionlive · 2 years
What are the Types of OCs You Like?
It seems that a lot of OC writers here seems to be discouraged by negative perceptions and pure irrational hatred. So how about discussing our favorite types of OCs?
As a reader, I used to avoid OC-centric fics (which I am neither proud or ashamed of, which is as valid a taste as any) but learned to love some types of OCs. I think it might be meaningful (?) to discuss our favorite types of OC fics, since one of the major prejudice of them is that all OCs are author-insert Mary Sues (which is never a good reason for hate, as long as they are not on your SAT reading list—but that’s another story).
Anyway, my favorite types of OCs are:
Children of My Favorite Ship. They can be biological children of m/f OTP or adopted ones. The fics centering them are joys to read for many reasons. First, they are a sign of the continued love of my OTP and show (indirectly) how their relationship progresses to the next stage. Second, since these children have something common with OTP, it’s really easy to love them. Third, their story is set in the cannon world after OTP’s adventures are over. So I get to see the result of the canon story’s ending, and how the world is after that big adventure/war/crisis.
Cupid OC. OC helps my favorite pair get together! Enough said. I particularly like it when OC is older and parental or grandparent-like figure.
Supportive Love Interest OC. This is a bit specific. OC is a love interest to the canon character who is not a part of my OTP (naturally, I don’t click anything that breaks up my OTP—not that I have many OTPs), and who is canonically single or have a partner that I don’t approve. This canon character is neglected in canon and/or meets a tragic fate. In this type of fanfic, a Supportive Love Interest OC enters to make his/her life better. The key term here is “supportive,” which means the center of the story is still the canon character and his/her struggle. OC helps him/her to solve problems and have a happier life, rather than doing everything for him/her. I think this type of OC fulfills a sort of primitive desire that many fans of unfortunate characters share—to intervene with the story and make their lives better.
Variant: Supportive Sibling/Friend OC
Observer OC. OC is the side character in the canon, who offers a unique spin on the story. For example, OC might be a subordinate of the archvillain, a waitress at the café where the main cast regularly visit, a long-suffering friend of MC, etc. Done right, this can offer a very interesting perspective on the world and characters of the original story.
What are your favorite types of OCs in fanfics?
submitted by /u/MostlyUnserious [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/HdeRAhn
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driverwhore · 3 years
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*Hong I like her as friend Dusik*
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driverwhore · 3 years
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"I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve." PRIDE AND PREJUDICE by JANE AUSTEN
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driverwhore · 3 years
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noun "an act of holding someone tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection."
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misskatesharma · 3 years
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"continue what you were doing"
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driverwhore · 3 years
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misskatesharma · 3 years
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"yoon hye-jin, i love you"
"hong du-sik, i love you"
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hisone-herdone · 3 years
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha / Episode 13 Stills
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