#otp: nathan drake x elena fisher
hanalwayssolo · 5 years
Double dose here. OTP questions 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 18, and 27 for our fave life changing pair: Rafe x Leti boo. And let's do Nate and Elena too. Have fun!! 🌞🌞🌞
Thank you so much not-so-anon @oc-musings for sending this in!!!
Rafe x Leti
3. What is one thing that one person does that drives the other absolutely crazy?
Leti sends Rafe random selfies in her lingerie, and sometimes, she does it at the most inappropriate time. She usually knows what Rafe’s schedule would be like for the day, so more often than not, she sends it whenever he has a meeting or he’s out and about, chilling with his friends. And Rafe, god bless his soul, would lose his shit over this. He knows she’s tempting him on purpose, and she knows he can never quite resist her. Which is both true. Most of the time, Rafe never even replies to her texts. He just drops everything and he drives straight back home.
4. How would they describe one another?
For Leti, Rafe is the first man she genuinely loved; for Rafe, Leti is the only person who ever loved him right.
6. What moment made each person first realize they were in love with the other?
It both happened for them on their third date in an amusement park.
For Leti, it was that moment when Rafe took her to a food stall that served her favourite food, and he knew exactly what to order for her, down to the sides and the extra toppings she usually asked for. And she couldn’t even remember explicitly telling him about what her favourite food was or how she wanted it. But she did take him one time to a night market that had a similar food stall. Did he seriously pick all of that and paid attention? Anyway. It was then that Leti realized, This guy is a keeper.
For Rafe, it simply happened when Leti took his hand and dragged him to the photo booth, and she laughed and he was struck by the sound of her laughter, like How could I have possibly gone through life without knowing that sound, as if that had immediately filled a void inside him, and it was then that he knew. All he could think of was, This is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.
9. What was their worst fight about? Who apologized first & how?
Their worst fight happened post-breakup. Said breakup happened when Rafe proposed and Leti, who was not ready yet at the time, turned him down. And so wanting to get back together, Leti reached out to Rafe and apologized, but he was pretty hurt by what had happened and so it has been really complicated for them to navigate their relationship ever since.
12. What would both say is their favorite memory of the other?
Always that sweet third date.
14. What are their love languages?
They both thrive in physical affection, but Rafe is someone who is particularly generous in spoiling Leti with gifts, despite her begging him not to keep spending such lavish things just for her.
18. What was the biggest hurdle in their relationship?
Well, apart from the failed engagement, there’s also Rafe’s obsession with Avery’s treasure, so.
27. One headcanon you have about this OTP
Regardless of whatever they’ve been through, whether they are together or not, Rafe is always ready to leave everything for Leti and to go through violent lengths just to protect her. And by going through violent lengths, I mean this:
One time, sometime after their breakup, when Leti got herself injured after getting into trouble with the man who hired her for a hacking job, Rafe secretly paid her a visit when she was unconscious. He took care of all her medical bills. He immediately asked his men to find this bastard who hurt her. That man’s body was found on the river the next day.
Nate x Elena
3. What is one thing that one person does that drives the other absolutely crazy?
Elena having to endure Nathan’s lies Okay, but seriously though, on a positive note, it drives Elena crazy when Nate keeps leaving her notes in random places apart from the fridge, like her journal, inside her camera bag, on her computer. And the notes are usually very suggestive in nature, and if not, it’s really explicit, like, “can’t wait to make love to you tonight,” or “you look really nice without clothes on, babe.” (She never throws it away, though. She keeps it tucked at the sleeve of her journal.)
4. How would they describe one another?
Elena might consider Nate as a pain in the ass, but he is her pain in the ass. Because despite his faults, she loves his bravery and his capacity to care for others, and there is nothing more in the world that she loves than being by his side.
On the other hand, Nate is just lost without Elena. He has never imagined someone could ever endure him with such grace and patience. He feels fortunate to be cared for and loved by someone like her who cares and loves so deeply, and honestly, he would be a complete idiot if he lets go of her again.
6. What moment made each person first realize they were in love with the other?
It both happened for them in Nepal.
Nate was waiting for Elena to recover from her injuries. He hated himself for it, that he had to wait for something like this to happen to Elena for him to realize how he can’t afford to lose her, and all at once, it hits him like a ton of bricks that, shit, I’m in love with her. 
Elena, on the other hand, realized her feelings for Nate when she woke up and found him sleeping on the side of her bed, holding her hand, his face still damp with tears. 
9. What was their worst fight about? Who apologized first & how?
Their argument in King’s Bay still takes the cake. (And we all know how that went down.)
12. What would both say is their favorite memory of the other?
The first time they met. Because who would have thought that a thieving fraud and a journalist would ever get together? (They’re also pretty fond of telling this story to Cassie. Lord knows she already knows this story by heart.)
14. What are their love languages?
They’re both big on acts of service and quality time, for sure.
18. What was the biggest hurdle in their relationship?
When Nathan lied to Elena about the whole quest to find Avery’s treasure. I mean, that pretty much challenged their marriage, the fact that Nate was unable to be fully transparent and honest to Elena. 
27. One headcanon you have about this OTP
I’ve already written about this here, but again, here it goes:
I think at some point when Elena tells Nate that she’s pregnant, Nate kind of freaks out about it? Like, he feels that he isn’t ready yet, and he fears that he might end up being like his old man. But instead of going through that anxiety on his own, here is where he finally learns to be completely open and honest to Elena. (With a little push in the right direction c/o his brother, who would’ve thunk.) And to his surprise, he isn’t the only one who is anxious about it. Elena feels the same way, too. And Elena’s relief at that moment listening to Nate, him confiding in her with such intimate openness after what had happened to them feels like a massive weight has been finally lifted off her chest.
otp ask meme
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rainboweemart · 3 years
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Been replaying Uncharted series for a while and it revived my feelings for these two. 
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charlie-cutter · 4 years
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This is so meH.
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kaleliashepherd · 5 years
Ok but...
Imagine Elena Fisher with her hair loose...
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rvchelking · 6 years
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I love you. Same to you, cowboy.
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akajustmerry · 6 years
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“Miss me?”
Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake & Mircea Monroe as Elena Fisher in  UNCHARTED - Live Action Fan Film (2018). Dir. Allan Ungar     
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annaoi · 6 years
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And the smack talk begins.
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tombralderarchive · 6 years
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—I love you     Same to you, cowboy.
insp (x)
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valerieofavonlea · 6 years
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this is more than a little indulgent… (3/∞)
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battleshipnalena · 7 years
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“I’ve seen you play. It’s running and jumping, and I have a natural talent for that."
“Why is the boulder chasing me? I did nothing to this boulder.”
“What? That’s it? Oh you gotta be kidding. I practically had it.”
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serah-chan · 7 years
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hanalwayssolo · 5 years
ღ!!! nate and elena!!
Who is the first one to wake up in the morning: Nate. I mean, the fact that he starts working at Jameson’s office before sunrise is pretty telling.
Who’s the one to make breakfast: Nate. Because he always leaves for work very early, he takes the time to make breakfast for Elena, accompanied by a silly love note or two, e.g. “Send me sexy photos from your shoot today, I love you.”
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: Nate. But on weekends, Elena returns the favour because this is the only time Nate gets to wake up a little late from his usual weekday routine.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: This will be a surprise, but… it’s Elena. Like maybe she stirs awake when Nate is getting ready for work, and she teases him to come back to bed, which Nate couldn’t quite resist.
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Elena. It’s one of her luxuries because she gets to work from home and write at the comfort of her own office, and Nate definitely doesn’t mind taking a day off (or calling fake sick to work) so they can both stay at home together.
Who chooses the movies: Elena. Because Nate has shitty taste in movies, and it’s always either another rerun of Die Hard or Indiana Jones with him—the only two good films Elena can bear watching.
Who initiates the kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie altogether: Nate! Per usual!
Who orders lunch: Nate, when he or Elena can’t be bothered to cook.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: Elena. She likes stealing Nate’s fries, and she’s always like, “this is way better than stealing an artifact from you.”
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: Nate. He particularly does this when Elena is reading on the couch, and she lets him lie on her lap.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: Both. On rare occasions that Nate gets to work at home, they’re always trying to compete as to who’s going to get distracted first. Nate loses most of the time because Elena can play dirty, and by dirty I mean she would wear her sexiest lingerie while writing her article and Nate would just look at her and say: “I’m giving you three seconds to save that Word file.”
Who asks to get ice cream like a five year old: Nate. This only happens when he wins a game of Scrabble with Elena. Which is rare. He never does this when they play Crash Bandicoot.
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: Elena. She particularly likes taking photos of Nate, but taking unflattering photos of him is even more fun.
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: Nate! Elena is still learning to keep up with Nate’s sexual suggestions and innuendos, but she’s learning alright.
Who cooks dinner: Both, and they like taking turns.
Who cleans up afterwards: Both, too! However, Nate always insists to do the clean up afterwards because he finds washing the dishes strangely therapeutic.
Who stays up until 2 reading: Elena. Nate finds her reading habits unreal.
Who stares at their partner while they’re sleeping: Nate. A part of him finds this creepy, but he likes seeing Elena at peace like this. He still pinches himself sometimes that someone like her is married to someone like him.
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: Elena. Sometimes she wakes up before Nate, and she would watch him sleep for a moment, too. She never gets to kiss him goodbye before he leaves for work, so she often does this in the dim light of the blue hour, leaving a kiss on his cheek and forehead. Nate does not know this. This is her secret that she loves to keep.
Send me a ღ and I’ll fill this out about a ship
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rainboweemart · 5 years
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Elena is beautiful. 
I had to draw Nate realising it.
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paintingcrimsons · 7 years
Ok,another and I leave you. 20 and 22 with Rafe. Ps: I love your dabbles.
Title: Nightmares
Pairing: Rafe x reader
Warnings: Slight fluff, angst, mention of attack, nightmares.
Prompts: “You’re shaking, what happened?” + “Another nightmare?
A/N: So I kinda based this off of another oneshot I wrote a little bit ago, called Home Invasion. 
Sitting up, you gasped for breath, your hand on your chest as if it was going to suddenly stop your quickened heart rate. Putting your head between your bent knees, you could feel the sweat slowly dripping down your forehead, hastily wiping it away as you tried to control your breathing once more. Feeling the bed shift, you look over and see Rafe, your husband sleeping beside you. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and some comfy bottoms, while you were in pyjama shorts and a tank top, God knows how he deals with the heat sometimes. 
Making sure that he was still asleep, you got up from the bed, pulling the covers away from your sweat covered body. You took one last brief look at Rafe, before going into the bathroom to calm down, knowing that you didn’t want to wake him up, he was already worried enough. It had only been a few weeks since those men came into your house and threatened both you and Rafe, it was probably one of the most horrifying experiences of your life. 
Ever since that day, you had been getting reoccurring nightmares, ones that always ended up the same, both of you were murdered. Rafe had known about these nightmares, as you had woken up screaming a couple of times, and who wouldn’t be woken up by that?
He was worried to say the least, and although he didn’t show it, his eyes told a thousand words, but his lips told nothing. Closing the door quietly behind you, you turned on the light, blinking a couple of times to get used to the light in the bathroom. You then rested your hands on the sink in front of you, leaning against them as you looked closely at yourself in the mirror. You had prominent bags under your eyes, they looked almost purple and that worried you as you knew that you had not been getting enough sleep. You looked sick, almost as if you should be going to a hospital due to the way you were looking right now. 
"Hey,” Rafe’s muffled voice came from outside the door, you turned and even though he wasn’t in the room, you could feel the worry from him. Rafe wasn’t one to show his emotions, excluding rage, but now that he was with you, he was finally opening up and showing you these emotions that you had never really noticed before you had started dating. “Can I come in?" 
"Y-yeah.” You answered, clearing your throat as you knew that you had been crying during your sleep, changing your voice ever so slightly to make sure it didn’t sound like that to your boyfriend. You heard the door open as you were splashing your face with water, breathing in sharply when the cold water hit your warm skin. 
“Can’t sleep?” He questioned curiously, watching as you dried your face off and turned to face him. His shirt sleeves were now rolled up, showing his arms and his once perfect hair was now messy, a few strands falling down towards his eyes. You sighed and nodded, walking up to him and putting your arms around his torso. For a moment, he wasn’t sure what to do, and you knew that, before he relaxed and wrapped his arms around you, one hand softly stroking your hair to calm you down. “You’re shaking, what happened?” He frowned, in his half asleep state he wasn’t sure what had happened, his eyes searching your face as you pulled back, and his mind racing and trying to think of what could have happened. 
You hadn’t realised it until now, but you could feel your whole body trembling as you held onto Rafe’s shirt, clenching it between your hands. You didn’t answer as you felt and heard him sigh, moving to wrap his arm around your shoulder and guide you back into the bedroom. “It was just a bad dream, Rafe, it’s no big deal.” Once you had sat down, you watched as Rafe ran a hand through his hair, obviously stressed out. “No big deal, Y/N? You were attacked! And having another nightmare?” He raised his voice, pacing back and forth, his left hand on his hip while the other was rubbing his face. You got up, wrapping your arms around him from behind, which made him stop in his tracks. You felt him grab your hand and turn around, making you release your hold on him. “This is all my fault…my work, it hurts the people I care about, this is why I shouldn’t have anyone close to me.” His arms were around you as he rested his head on your shoulder. 
“This was never your fault, they went to a new low just to get to you,” You reassured him as you ran your hands through his hair. “I knew what I was going to be signing up for when we got together, and I knew it was going to be the same when we got married." 
"We’ll teach them a lesson,” he mumbled, almost too quiet for you to hear, but you caught it as your grip tightened. He looked up at you, holding your face in his hands as he pulled you in for a kiss. “I promise.”
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kaleliashepherd · 6 years
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They look so cute trapped together like that ♡♡
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rvchelking · 6 years
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- 𝑱𝒊𝒎 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒚.
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