#otp: on love's light wings
natalievoncatte · 4 months
Kara knows, and that’s the problem.
She knows.
How does she know?
To put it simply, she’s Kryptonian. More specifically: a Kryptonian under a yellow sun, whose wavelengths of light bring forth her genetic heritage when she basks in its rays. If long lost Rao was once her father, Sol is her mother, raising her up to be all that she can be. A creation of a lost super-science, a power to rival gods, a force that made the Guardians tremble in their emerald tower.
Kara can see everything.
The world is alive with light. It cascades and bounces and caroms off of everything. More than that, Kara’s world is bathed in a thousand thousand hues the human eye will never know. When she looks at a person she can see the electrical conductivity of their skin and the heat bloom of their flesh and a myriad of other details, some of which other humans can pick up on a subconscious level, others that humans haven’t even discovered yet.
Kara can hear everything.
She can hear dog whistles and butterfly wings beating and the secret language of cats. She can hear the crackle of radio waves beating the atmosphere and the music of the spheres. She can memorize human heartbeats and pick out the slightest variation, the tiniest wobble that the owner of the heart never feels.
Kara can smell everything. She can sift between the scents of ingredients in her honey bun, detect poisons in a friend’s wine or flowers in a park half a state away. Sharks would be jealous of her. She can scent people but also their moods; fear smells horrific, sickly sweet and rotten. Joy smells hot and bold. When someone walks in the room, she can tell what they had for breakfast, smell of they’re sick, pick out the fragrances of their emotions.
Kara can feel everything. A touch can betray or affirm. To hear a heartbeat is one thing, to feel it another. Her fingertips can read the surface of another’s skin like braille and she can detect the slightest changes in temperature or perspiration, feel the thrum of contentment or fear in an embrace. Her touch is not dulled by her invulnerability. It as sensitive as her other senses.
Kara can remember everything. The day she stepped from her pod into the brilliant golden sunlight beneath a blue sky was the last time she would every forget; her now empowered brain can recall events in the finest detail, down to the soft timbre of another’s voice or the way her hair fell over her shoulder or the softness in her gaze. And so Kara’s memory is hers to be kept forever, never to lose the sight of her.
That is how Kara knows, and knowing that Lena Luthor loves her is a pain so terrible that she almost wishes she could be spared that pain. When Lena sees Kara, her heart leaps and her breath softens and she comes alive with light, bathed in an auric glow more beautiful than a red sunrise. Kara wishes that Lena could see herself as Kara sees her. Radiant, angelic, a little holy.
Lena loves Kara Danvers, the bumbling awkward nerdy shy girl from Vaguely Canada who brings her burgers and donuts and OTPs.
She doesn’t love Supergirl and Kara doesn’t think she could.
That’s how the torture happens. Kara’s infinite perception becomes a self-imposed exile. She sees and smells the way James lusts after Lena, right in front of her. Baffled, she listens to the calm in her heart when they kiss and once she wakes frantically in the night, reaching about to sift through the city soundscape when she hears Lena’s voice cry out, then the sound of Lena’s heart racing and other sounds, and not for the first time, she pleads with a god she doesn’t know to make her human and free her from this curse.
She seeks feeling of her own. It’s pleasant enough but it lacks something undefinable, like a pleasant chocolate cake that becomes unbearable because she could have had something far sweeter and more filling instead. He tries in a fumbling way but it’s to please his own ego more than sate her desire. Then one day he is gone and in his absence all Kara can feel is a dull numbness, a ragged wound with all the nerves scraped out so that only a dull absence has been left behind, leaving her broken in a way that cannot be defined much less repaired.
Kara cannot help but snap her attention to the sound of Lena growing agitated, no matter how distant or minor. She hears harsh words and the heavy thud of a limo door closing and hears the sharp intake of breath as James realizes the mistake he’s made, and though he is her friend and he matters to him she feels a feral, possessive joy that borders on the cruel. It is a hard feeling, a red feeling, a sharp smelling mean feeling that tastes cold on her tongue, this resentment of the man for having a pale shadow of what she could have but wouldn’t.
Lena loves Kara Danvers and Kara Danvers loves her back, but she can never know because to know she must know all of her. Know the Other, the Super, the Alien.
Kara is two people and one of those people has been, well, a bitch.
Because Kara feels spending else. A green feeling, a sick feeling, the feeling of blades flensing flesh from bone while her veins turn to glass and her body burns to ash, the shocking pain of a little piece of home. A little piece that Lena made and didn’t tell her, and Kara makes the worst mistake.
She stops being Supergirl and is just Kara Danvers in a colorful suit, angrily refusing to ask Lena the question: I love you, how could you do this to me?
She does love her. She loves her laugh and her secret smiles and how soft she looks when she’s deep in thought. She loves the pain in her, the mirror of her own. She cherishes it as she wants hers to be cherished, held close by someone who knows what it’s like to watch your world explode or slip beneath still waters and be gone forever. She knows what it’s like to wonder what could have been and know the price you paid for what you have now.
She wants Lena so terribly that she’d almost choose the pain of Kryptonite instead of an eternity of this longing. She needs her, craves her, thirsts for her.
One night Kara realizes what she’s been doomed to. Another will succeed where James failed, and Kara will be spared none of it, and it will endure forever. She will carry memories of Lena in another’s arms into the sun dies.
“I don’t know why I agreed to this,” Lena says.
Kara -Supergirl- says nothing at first.
“I have to fly you.”
Lena nods. She’s doing this for Kara, because Kara asked. When Supergirl extends a hand, Lena takes it and Kara gently lifts her from the ground into a bridal carry, and they fly.
The trip takes nearly an hour. Kara can’t fly too fast or too high. Lena accepts it without complaint.
They land far north of National City, where the warmer climate yields to deciduous rainforest. Kara brings them down on a bare hilltop, an island in a vast ocean of trees. Nearby on a folding table is a basket. It might be important later or it might not. She might have a life of joy or she might spend the rest of forever in a wasteland, waking each day to grief.
There’s only one way to find out. Part of her, the part that hopes, the part that makes her Supergirl, believes in this, in herself, in this moment. She has to, because the chain of events that led her here, flung across endless space to stand in starlight with the most beautiful woman in this world, it demands that it happen. This is fate. It has to be.
Supergirl stands beside Lena. She raises an arm and points.
“There. Second star on the left, and straight on till morning.”
Lena quirks an eyebrow and looks at her.
“You brought me out here for this?”
“Do you see that red light?” Kara asks. “It’s very faint. I don’t know if a human can see it or not.”
“I just see stars.”
“It’s Rao, my sun. I can see him. If I had a powerful enough telescope, I could see it. Krypton. The explosion won’t be visible to Earth for a thousand years.”
Lena looks up, her features bathed in moonlight- alive with a chaotic explosion of hues she’ll never see. She blazes in the night, her eyes a kaleidoscope from which Kara can never truly look away. She’s a rainbow.
Kara falters. Whatever she does tonight, this is it. This is forever.
“You said Kara would meet me here,” Lena says.
“Wait here, please.”
Kara turns quickly and walks into the dark, cape spreading behind her. Once she’s out of sight, she changes without restraining her speed, and walks back to Lena in a hoodie and leggings, hair in a loose ponytail and the back of her neck and hands in her pockets.
She walks back to Lena and stands beside her.
“Hello, Kara.”
“Hi, Lena.”
There is a tense silence between them. Kara devours the moment, consumes it so it will live forever, just in case this is the last time she sees Lena.
“We’re not far from the reservoir,” says Lena. “Why did you ask Supergirl to bring us here?”
Kara swallows hard. “I realized something really important near here.”
Lena turns to her. “What was that?”
“That there was someone who mattered to me a lot, and that I was willing to risk a lot to protect her. There was a moment where I thought I was going to have time make a choice, you or the chemicals. I didn’t have to but I would have. I would have picked you. I will always pick you. I can’t help it.”
Lena is not stunned. Her heart doesn’t miss a beat, but Kara can sense her apprehension, her fear, and something deeper than that.
“You’re Supergirl.”
Kara lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and her legs wobble. There it is. It’s done. She’s free.
“I should have told you sooner.”
“You should have. You should have told me when we fought about the Kryptonite. I thought you would, hoped you would. I wanted you to so desperately, wanted you to trust me.”
Kara’s heart sinks.
“Wait, you knew? How?”
Lena laughs softly.
“The way you touch me. When you pick me up and carry me somewhere, you have this way about you. When I’m in your arms I feel like I’m the most precious thing in the world.”
“You are,” Kara says.
“That and you told me you flew to my office on a bus.”
Kara makes a small, choked sound.
Lena scuffs the heel of her boot against the ground.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared. I thought if I did, you’d see it as a confrontation and feel threatened. What about you?”
“I’m Kara. Supergirl is something I do, not what I am. When I’m with you I’m just me. I lose that with everyone when they find out. Kara isn’t my secret identity. Supergirl is. I’m just me. I just want to be me, I need to be me, and when I’m with you I am most myself. It’s like laying down all my burdens.”
“Same,” Lena said, softly. “You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like an extension of my brother.”
Kara sighed. “Should we talk about the Kryptonite?”
“No,” Lena says. “Fuck the Kryptonite. Why’d you bring me out here?”
“To tell you.”
“Great, you told me. What did you think would happen next?”
“I thought you’d be mad.”
Lena nods and seems to think about that for a moment. Her pulse has quickened and her jaw is tight.
“Let me ask you a different question. What did you want to happen?”
Kara swallowed hard. “What I wanted was… for us to make up. Be friends. Work it out. I don’t want to lose you.”
Lena turns and looks at her.
Kara flinches.
“That’s bullshit, Kara, and we both know it. You’re a terrible liar. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the staff at CatCo know who you are. Don’t lie to me. Please. Give me the truth.”
Kara looks up briefly, past Lena. She sees that faint red glow and her heart swells in her chest.
“I love you. That’s the truth. I’ve been in love with you probably since our first lunch together and I want you so badly that I can’t breathe when I think about it. I know a dozen languages and half of them aren’t from Earth, and there aren’t enough words in all of them to tell you how kind and wonderful and beautiful you are. I love you so much that sometimes I think,” Kara fights the tightening of her throat, “I think I’m almost glad that I’m here and not back up there under that red glow. I don’t think I could choose a life without you.”
Lena lets out a long breath and Kara is bombarded with sensations. Lena’s pulse races and her shoulders relax and her skin blooms with an ethereal luminous riot of color.
“I’ll never lie to you again. I promise.”
Kara can taste everything.
Right now the only thing she can taste is Lena.
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Shadows of Fire (Azriel x Reader x Eris)
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Summary// You stumbled upon something that you should have never seen, something that would send two courts of Pyrthian into chaos if made public. After a week of trying to forget, the two men cornered you, leaving you nowhere to run even if you wanted. However, deep down inside, did you?
(Azris is like my OTP and writing this was SO fun. I love this idea of a reader sandwich and I cannot lie I have fantasized about this exact scenario multiple times. Enjoy this 4,600 smut fic! I hope you guys like it!)
WARNINGS: Smut, Threesome, Bondage, Edging, Orgasm Denial, MMF, Spitting
By the time you arrived back at your shared apartment, it was late. You weren’t even meant to be there tonight but the date you had planned went up in smoke. He was cocky and rude, staring at your breasts for most of the night while the rest was spent bragging about the women he slept with. 
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to him when you declined his invitation to go home with him but by the look on his face, he seemed shocked his moves hadn’t made you putty in his hands. You had to refrain from rolling your eyes when he sneered at you, storming off like a child.
Good riddance.
Your roommate, Azriel, had plans tonight and you hoped you wouldn’t be interrupted as you unlocked the door quietly. His late-night rendezvous often left at this time so your fingers were crossed that you wouldn’t walk in on something that would make your eyes bleed.
And it wasn’t that you thought he was unattractive. Anyone with two eyes could see that he was, with tan skin and a lean frame. Black tattoos covered his body which only added to his dangerous vibe not even counting the wings. You weren’t stupid enough to deny the attraction.
However, you also weren’t stupid enough to jeopardize a friendship for a fuck that could only end badly. Azriel didn’t “do” relationships and you had heard more than one girl leave angrily when he denied them the night. No matter how badly you might want to have sex with him you were not going to give in to the temptation.
The floor creaked under your bare feet as you gingerly walked down the hallway, keeping your eyes ahead as you strained to hear any noises. You cursed under your breath when you heard soft moans and grunts coming from his room, the smell of sex increasing with every step you took.
You picked up your pace and prayed to the Mother they didn’t hear you, not wanting to deal with Azriel’s agitation or god forbid a jealous woman thinking you were here to steal her man. As you beelined for your room beside his you saw the door to his bedroom slightly ajar and you froze when you heard something… unexpected.
“Oh, Az,” A deep, sultry voice moaned loudly. “I always knew you couldn’t resist me.”
That voice…didn’t belong to a woman. It also didn’t belong to just any man, at least not a regular one. Thanks to your emissary duties to the Autumn Court, you knew that voice like the back of your hand. 
That voice belonged to Eris.
Surprise was an understatement for what you were feeling as your feet cemented into the floor, your dark figure looming in the doorway as you saw the two of them. There were a few candles lit around the room, giving just the right amount of light for you to see the two sworn enemies in a very interesting position. 
Azriel had Eris pinned against a wall, his wings tucked in tightly as he bit and sucked at the red-headed male’s neck. Eris had his head thrown back in ecstasy, his hands digging into the Shadowsinger’s hips as he ground down onto his clothed thigh. They were both breathing heavily, their shirtless chests already coated in sweat. You knew you needed to leave, to pretend that you never saw the two of them like this, but something about them was hypnotic.
The way their bodies moved against each other, how Azriel’s shadows caressed the neglected areas of Eris while they shucked off the rest of their clothes. It was like they were the only two in the world. A thrill went down your spine at being such a voyeur to this scene, the taboo couple adding fuel to the fire as you felt yourself grow wet.
“I might put that mouth of yours to better use, prince,” Azriel growled as he grasped Eris’s cock through his boxers, his grin feral at how he melted into his touch. “You’re only good for sucking my cock anyways. Isn’t that right?”
One of your hands flew over your mouth to conceal the moan that wanted to escape as you watched Eris nod submissively, his knees hitting the floor as if it were the most natural thing in the world. It shouldn’t have been as hot as it was.
Azriel fisted Eris’s hair into his hand and guided him to his cock, his nostrils flaring as he got to work. You could only see his head bobbing up and down but your mind was ready to fill in the blanks, your fingers itching to bury themselves in your needy cunt.
“Oh, fuck, Eris,” The Illyrian growled loudly, his hips pistoning in and out as he used him as his fucktoy. You watched Eris palm at his red cock, the candlelight catching the bead of precum on his tip as he readily took everything Azriel gave to him.
Your fingers were teasing the waistband of your panties before you sent them further south, rubbing your clit through your underwear. It was just the right amount of friction that had you biting your tongue to keep quiet as you watched them. 
After only a few seconds of teasing yourself, you couldn’t wait any longer and hastily pushed your panties aside to shove your fingers inside yourself. You knew it wasn’t going to be enough but you kept fucking yourself, matching your thrusts with Azriel's as their moans grew louder. 
Everything was getting too hot, too fast, and you gripped the doorway to steady yourself, freezing when it creaked under your weight.
No, no, no, no…
Both men froze and turned to look where the sound had come from, their gazes full of surprise and what looked like anger as they took in your form, your smell, and your hand down your pants. You blinked once before yanking your fingers out of your still-dripping core and running out the apartment door, slamming into an innocent person who just happened to be walking by.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry!” You spluttered as you kept running, waving a hand behind you while weaving through the streets. The night air was cold on your skin as you looked behind you, making sure you weren’t followed before you finally stopped to lean against a building. “What the fuck have I done?”
Both of your hands went up to grab the sides of your head as you looked up at the stars, shaking your head in disbelief. You had lost yourself in watching them, their passion, and not only intruded on their very personal moment but also fucked yourself while watching.
You had just ruined not one but two relationships for a stupid, lust-driven decision. Azriel would never be able to look you in the eyes again and Eris…mother above, your already shaky relationship with his court has now crumbled completely.
“I am so screwed…I might as well pack my shit up tonight.” You mumbled to yourself, trying to stop your bottom lip from quivering as your anger turned to sadness. 
“Why would you do that?” A raspy voice asked from beside you, making you jump and whip around. Your eyes widened in fear when you saw Azriel leaning casually against the wall, Truthteller twirling in his hands. “Did you see something you weren’t supposed to?”
“Azriel, I-” You tried to explain, taking a nervous step back only to bump into a solid mass. Your throat bobbed as you leaned your head back to find a smirking Eris. “Guys, listen, I am so sorry-”
“Are you though?” Eris tilted his head, grabbing your forearms roughly and spinning you around to face him. “You could have run, you could have gone to bed, but you stood there watching us…”
“With your fingers shoved in your needy little cunt.” Azriel finished for him, pushing himself off the wall to come up behind you. “What you saw tonight…it does not leave your mouth, do you understand?”
You hesitated, your entire body on high alert as you were sandwiched between the two men, and you flinched when you saw Az’s eyes darken. Before you could blink he had his scarred fingers gripping your face painfully, his nose brushing against yours as he bent down and said, “Answer me.”
“I swear on my life.” You promised quickly, eyes flickering between the two of them. “I won’t tell anyone just please let me go, please don’t hurt me.”
He held you for a moment longer before letting go, both of them stepping back as you took in much-needed air with a hand over your chest. Adrenaline was coursing through your body as you started to walk away, resisting the urge to run, until something cool wrapped around your wrist and yanked you back.
Your feet stumbled but you caught your footing before you could faceplant, looking down to see one of Azriel’s shadows holding your arm. You lifted your frantic gaze upwards only to see them both smirking devilishly.
“Do you smell that?” Azriel hummed, raising a brow towards Eris as the redheaded nodded and clicked his tongue.
“I do…it’s the same smell that was in the apartment when Y/N was fucking herself,” Eris replied. You could feel a shift in the air as they watched you with wicked delight. The sound of your heartbeat was roaring in your ears as you struggled against the shadowy binds only to gasp when a rope of fire slithered around your other arm. “Where do you think you’re going, pet?”
“The fun is just starting.” The Spymaster smiled as they both tugged you forward roughly, sending you spiraling towards them until four large hands caught you and straightened you out. “You wanted to watch us so badly. Let us put on a proper show for you.”
“No, I don’t-” You tried to protest only to shudder when you felt a pair of warm lips on the shell of your ear, the heat of the fiery bonds increasing briefly as Eris dragged a hand down the side of your body. It shouldn’t have felt as good as it did and when you looked up you saw Azriel watching you with hooded eyes. 
“Are you sure about that, mouse? Look at how quickly you’re coming apart.” He snickered, cupping your face and running his thumb over your bottom lip. “We’ve barely even touched you and you look like you’re ready to burst.”
Eris continued his lazy exploration of your body while his mouth caressed your neck. Your hands were fisted at your sides as Azriel watched on, licking his lips as he slipped the pad of his thumb into your mouth. “Suck it.”
And despite all the qualms you had about this situation, about the two of them, you found yourself immediately listening to his instructions. You took the large digit and started sucking and swirling your tongue around it, the slight groan from Az’s throat only spurring you on.
“Good girl.” Eris whispered into your ear. 
Another shiver ran down your spine from his words as you closed your eyes to avoid the embarrassment of how much this was turning you on. However, Azriel seemed to want to watch how they were affecting you. Both of their bonds suddenly disappeared as you stumbled back, barely catching yourself against the wall as you glared at them.
“What the hell?” You huffed, crossing your arms before letting out a small shriek as Eris threw you over his shoulder. Your fists banged against his back while your feet kicked around but a loud, hard slap to your ass got you to still momentarily.
“Save your voice for the bedroom, pet. You’re going to need it.” He chuckled with a glance over at Azriel, the two of them nodding before you felt yourself drop into nothingness. Your stomach churned as you winnowed into Azriel’s bedroom, Eris dropping you roughly on the bed as the Spymaster swooped in from the balcony.
“I truly am sorry, more than sorry even, for invading your privacy.” You swallowed thickly, your palms sweaty. “What I did was wrong and perverted and-”
“Mother above, shut her up, Eris.” Azriel rolled his eyes, smiling when your eyes widened as a thick rope of fire tightened around your throat. It wasn’t tight enough to cut off your airway but you knew he could if he wanted. “Spare us the holier than though speech, mouse.”
“I’m just-” You tried to argue only to gasp when the fire grew hotter. Your skin starts to sweat from the heat and you realize that four more binds have wrapped around your wrists and ankles, spreading you open for the two of them. Eris also used the opportunity to burn your clothes to dust, the wind scattering it across the floor as he left you bare for them.
“You just what? You just stood there and watched as I fucked Eris’s mouth? Stood there and touched yourself to the sight of the two of us?” Azriel was now on top of you, his eyes dark and tone seductive. “Admit it, Y/N. Admit it to yourself that you enjoyed watching us. Admit that deep down inside you are nothing but a wanton whore.”
“I’m not!” You denied, frowning, only to thrash and struggle as a cloth was shoved into your mouth. “Mmm! Mphm!”
Azriel clicked his tongue while shaking his head, stepping back onto the floor and turning to Eris. “Shall we continue before we were so rudely interrupted?”
“What about her?” Eris jerked his head towards you as you still struggled against your restraints. He frowned and narrowed his eyes, the flames licking up your skin burning fiercely for a moment until you whimpered in pain. “I must admit, I’ve wanted to taste her from the moment she walked into my court.”
“As soon as she can admit to herself that she loves watching and being treated like this, she can join us. Until then…” Azriel trailed off, grabbing Eris’s hips and pulling him towards him. The redhead grinned and kissed him with a passionate fire you could feel from the bed, their teeth clashing as they hastily removed their clothing.
You bit down on the cloth as their cocks sprang free from the confine of their pants, both of them impossibly large and thick. Azriel had more length while Eris was slightly girthier, though you know what mattered more was how they used it. Wetness began to pool between your thighs once more as you wriggled slightly, trying to gain some friction.
“Knees. Now.” Azriel commanded, his chest rumbling when Eris readily responded and took his cock in his mouth. It was already hard and you moaned loudly when you saw Eris’s throat bob with every inch he took of the Illyrian. 
Your fingers flexed as you watched him swallow Azriel down to the base, the Shadowsinger making a choking sound before grabbing a fistful of red hair and holding him there for several seconds. Tears were welling up in Eris’s eyes as he struggled to breathe but he never fought against Az’s hold. He took everything he was giving him.
“Good boy, good fucking boy,” Azriel grunted, finally letting him come up for air as he turned to look at you. “Look at how wet you’ve made her, Eris. She’s soaking the sheets.”
“Fuck, she looks delicious…” Eris moaned. “Are you ready to submit yet, pet? Ready to show us how good you can be?”
You hesitated, struggling with the moral and immoral thoughts swirling around your brain, and whined when Azriel shrugged his shoulders and turned back to his lover. “Her loss.” He said, using Eris’s hair to guide him back to his throbbing dick. “Eyes on me, prince.”
He had no hesitation as he went back to work on his cock, his hands rubbing where his mouth couldn’t reach. Your mouth went dry as you saw Azriel grow more and more desperate, his hips snapping in time with Eris’s sucking. Every inch of your skin felt as if you were on fire and when you saw Azriel shove him all the way down his throat, spilling inside him, your resolve finally broke.
“Mmmph! Mmm!” You garbled through the makeshift gag, your pussy weeping with how desperate you were. They ignored you, lost in their own euphoria as Eris’s own cock jerked in need of release. 
“Don’t swallow it, greedy prince. Keep my cum warm for me while I check on our little voyeur.” Az smirked, gingerly pulling out of his mouth before strolling towards you. His cock was glistening with Eris’s spit and his own cum, already starting to get hard again as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Something to say, mouse? Do you need something?” He taunted, one of his shadows ghosting over your swollen cunt. It made you buck your hips as you struggled to talk, gasping for air when Azriel yanked the wet gag out of your mouth. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“I like it. I like it and I shouldn’t but I do,” You rambled, chest heaving with each word. “I’m a dirty slut who liked it just please, please fucking touch me. I’m begging you. I need it.”
Azriel mulled over your words, the shadow pressing more firmly on your clit. You knew if he kept going you would cum in no time, your inner walls already clenching as you bit down on your lip to try and control yourself. 
“Was that good enough for you, Eris?” Azriel asked, smirking when he saw him already climbing up the end of the bed. “Or should we make her beg more?”
“No, no, please!” You nearly cried, ignoring the burn from your bonded hands and feet as you tried to get up. “I promise I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll do whatever you want just please touch me.”
You flinched when Azriel’s fingers tilted your head to look at him, his eyes drinking in your tear-stained cheeks and flushed face. He studied you for what felt like forever before bending down until his forehead was touching yours. “You’re ours now, little mouse.”
Eris’s hot, wet tongue licked up your cunt as you were staring at Azriel and it made you cry out in pleasure, taken off guard as he latched onto your clit and started sucking on it roughly.
It was too much sensation at once and with how worked up you were, you already felt yourself teetering on the edge. Azriel seemed to realize as he crawled beside you and pinned your arms to the bed, Eris’s fire disappearing instantly. “Don’t you dare fucking cum, whore. You have to be given permission.” 
“I can’t-” You choked, your hips grinding down as Eris moved down to circle the tip of his tongue over your hole. “I can’t hold it! Please!”
“I said no,” Azriel growled, fingers digging painfully into the soft skin of your arms. “Stuff her full of my cum, prince. Claim her for me.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion until you watched as Eris pulled away from your sopping wet cunt, a small string of saliva following him, and spat Azriel’s cum onto your pussy. The sight of it had your toes curling as Eris gave you a devilish smile, sliding two fingers down your lips, collecting the cum, and then shoving them roughly inside you.
“Oh, fuck!” You yelped as he fucked his lover’s cum into you, his fingers curling with each thrust before he went back to licking and biting your clit. It was the hottest thing you had ever seen and you almost sobbed when Azriel pinned your hips down to keep you still.
All you could do was lay there and take it, desperately trying to fend off your orgasm as Azriel whispered in your ear, “Take it like the dirty slut you are mouse. Feel his thick fingers inside of you, fucking my cum into you.”
“She tastes so fucking, mmph-” Eris growled into your pussy, his amber eyes glowing like embers as he looked up at you. “So fucking good.”
“I bet she does, I can smell how sweet she is,” Azriel said, his fingers dancing down your body until he got to your breasts. “And look at how beautiful these are…just waiting to be marked up.”
He gave your right nipple a harsh smack at the same time Eris sucked your clit again, the pain and pleasure mixing in a toxic wave of lust. They had you seeing stars and they were just getting started. 
“Please, Azriel, Eris, please let me cum,” You begged, your bottom lip quivering as your legs shook with the effort to contain it. “I’ll be good, I’ll be a good girl.”
“You’re so cute when you beg like that, Y/N.” Azriel praised, goosebumps rising on your skin as his breath blew softly onto your neck. “So pretty, such a good whore. Do you think she should cum, Eris?”
Eris pulled back, ignoring your whimpers as he rose to his knees and pulled Azriel into a heated kiss so that he could taste your juices on his tongue. You huffed out angrily, nearly ready to stomp your feet as you felt your orgasm fade into nothing due to the lack of stimulation.
“Is my pet throwing a fit? Did you not already get enough attention?” Eris cooed, turning to watch you as Azriel kissed down his neck and palmed his cock until the High Lord was bucking into his hand. “Are you, ah, are you that needy?”
“Of course she is, look at her.��� Azriel mocked, sucking a large hickey onto the column of his throat before he pushed him back roughly. Eris landed beside you, his hair splaying out beautifully as the Illyrian roughly picked you up and had you bending over the edge of the bed. “Suck his cock, mouse. Make him cry for you.”
You did not need to be told twice, your mouth hungrily kissing his inner thighs and trailing up to his dripping member. It was thick and long, the tip red and begging for you to pay it attention. He let out a small groan as you kissed and licked the head of him, swirling your tongue round and round before a sharp smack landed on your ass.
“I said to suck his cock not tease him, little whore.” Azriel ordered, letting another spank hit your clit this time which made you moan. You nodded, eyes focusing on Eris as you took him all the way to his pubic hair. It tickled your nose as you watched the redhead lurch forward, his hands immediately flying to your head to hold you still as he rutted upwards.
“Stars above, that feels amazing,” He moaned, looking over you to Azriel who was stroking himself to the sight. You began to choke and only then did he finally let you go, his thumb reaching out to wipe away the mascara that was now smeared under your eyes. “Again.”
He gave you no time to prepare as he roughly shoved himself down your throat once more, his mouth hanging open in ecstasy as you did your best to breathe through your nose. You cupped his balls in your hand, rolling them around, which only spurred Eris on further. 
“Who knew you were such a good cocksucker, Y/N?” Azriel chimed from behind you, stepping forward to rub his hard cock through your folds. Each time he bumped against your clit it made you lurch back, trying to get him to enter you. “Maybe that should be your new title, hm? Just for us.”
“Only for us.” Eris echoed. “Fuck I’m going to cum.”
“Paint her face. Mark her in your cum.” Azriel growled, savoring the way you were both lost in your own pleasure as Eris suddenly pulled out of your mouth to spurt onto your face. You closed your eyes and took it, loving the way they were being so filthy with you before you moaned when you felt Azriel enter you from behind. 
“So fucking tight,” He gritted out as he fucked you wildly like a beast taking his bitch. Your whole body was jerking forward and all you could do was look at Eris, your eyes heavy-lidded as he swiped some of his cum off your face and held it out for you to taste.
You sucked his finger in greedily, enjoying the salty taste of him as he smirked back at how corrupted you had become. However, as soon as Az hit that spot deep inside you, you let go of his digit to let out a loud, whorish groan. 
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop!” You cried out, looking back to watch him pound into you from behind. With every brush over that spot, you felt your orgasm building once more, your walls clenching tightly around him which made him hiss through his teeth.
“You wanna cum on his cock, pet? Do you deserve it?” Eris teased, placing two fingers under your chin to force you to look at him. “Do you think you deserve to cum on his cock?”
“Yes, mmm, I do,” You pant, moaning into his mouth when he kisses you sloppily. He tasted of warm spices and Azriel, the combination intoxicating as your tongues swirled together. It made your already wet cunt wetter. “I’ve been good.”
Azriel grabbed your hips harshly, making sure to leave bruises on them as he felt his orgasm racing up his spine. His balls started to tighten and he couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted as he spilled into you, your orgasm following swiftly behind as you came and came and came.
Your entire body shook with the force of it as you all but collapsed onto Eris’s thighs, your ass still up in the air as Azriel continued to thrust shallowly into you. He grinned as some of his cum leaked out the side of your union, watching it fall onto the bed. 
“You made such a mess, little mouse,” Azriel noted as he reluctantly pulled out, scooping his oozing cum and shoving it back inside your sensitive hole. You whined, trying to move away but Eris forced you to stay still as the Spymaster continued to toy with your sex. “And you came without permission.”
“I-what? But you-” You mumbled, lifting your head to turn and gaze at him. “Eris said…”
“I only asked the question, pet. I never permitted you.” He said sweetly, brushing the hair out of your eyes as you swallowed in fear. “You should know better.”
“It’s alright, prince.” Azriel smiled, flipping you over forcefully before appearing over you. “We have plenty of time to teach her how to behave.”
The last thing you saw was Azriel’s hazel eyes before his shadows circled your head, blinding you as Eris chuckled into the night air. You sucked in a breath when you felt those fiery bonds return once more, locking you to the bed as they both set to work on your punishment.
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shyvioletcat · 1 year
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~ Aelin and Hawk Rowan ~
Just something silly and sweet for our beloved otp
The world passed by in a blur, Kasida’s stride eating up distance over the grassy plain. Each hoof beat resounded through Aelin’s body, the fast paced rhythm creating a symphony that only added to the thrill of the ride. Aelin trusted her steed completely, knowing she had the care for both their safety and avoiding unsteady ground. And they were not alone.  
Rowan swooped, his wing brushing her cheek. As much as she loved the gesture, it was distracting, and Aelin almost missed the turn onto the forest path. Bastard, he was trying to distract her. Kasida slowed just a little, her sure footing not faltering as the path was swarmed with vegetation. Aelin assumed Rowan flew above the trees to avoid entanglement in the branches. Their little race was almost over and she hoped she could rely on the thick, overlapping boughs to help her win. 
An obligation free morning had presented itself and tired of courtly nonsense stealing her away from him, Rowan had insisted they flee the palace. And he always complained about her affinity for dramatics when at times he was equally so. He had told her to dress for riding and meet him at the stables while he would sort out the rest. 
Aelin had taken the time to brush and saddle Kasida herself, basking in the simple and ordinary task. Sometimes it was nice to pretend that she didn’t have the weight of an entire kingdom on her shoulders. It had barely been a year since the war had ended, her country was still rebuilding and there was so much to do. Still, she needed to take time for herself or she might go insane. Aelin had Kasida fully tacked when Rowan appeared, a pack on his shoulder and a wide grin on his face. Then he’d told her to meet him by the stream and shifted. 
To get out of the city Aelin had used a small gate built into the outer wall, only for secret royal usage. Rowan had circled above her while she warmed up her steed, the mare impatient to run. When she was ready, Aelin turned Kasida to follow the edge of the Oakwald. And then they were off, Rowan’s screech of approval echoing. He understood her intention, this would be a race.
He gave another such call now, letting Aelin know he was still wth her. She was almost at the stream. With the thick foliage overhead she might just win. It would be hard for him to find a way through without risk to himself. Her fae senses picked up the sound of the stream, the scent of the damp soil. A few more moments and she’d be there. The trees parted, the stream was in view, and then there was a bright flash of light that had the over excited horse shying in surprise. Rowan stood there, leaning against a tree like he hadn’t a care in the world. 
“I win,” he had the gall to say. 
Aelin was nearly panting as she dismounted. Flames simmered at her fingers, the thrill of the ride and the indignation over what her mate had said only adding to the fire. 
“I was here first,” she protested.
Rowan just smirked at her. “I would say otherwise.”
“Of course you would.”
“Because I won,” Rowan reiterated. 
Aelin groaned in frustration, quickly tending to Kasida so she could graze but not wonder off. Then she was storming over to her husband, embers flying in her wake. 
“You cheated,” she accused. “You tried to distract me.”
Rowan dropped the pack to the grassy floor, standing a little straighter, no longer using the tree to take his ease. “I did no such thing.”
This time Aelin growled at him, baring her pointed canines. Rowan just continued to smirk at her. The insufferable, cheating bastard.
“Fireheart, it was only a little race.” All his words did was antagonise her further.
“It’s never just a little race.”
Rowan chuckled softly. “My apologies, milady. I must have forgotten how competitive you are.”
Aelin was right in front of him now, nearly chest to chest. “Memory problems tend to persist in old age.”
Before Aelin could even think of a new argument, Rowan had reached for her shoulders, and spun them so that her back was against the tree. His body crowded around hers, but Aelin was not ready to give in. She just kept looking up at him, defiance all over her face. 
Her mate ignored every ounce of malice she was sending his way, and lent in closer.  “Are you going to waste our alone time talking?”
There was a hand on her waist, and Aelin couldn’t help but arch into the touch. As it rose higher her breathing quickened at it had nothing to do with the exertion from the ride. Rowan moved closer, his nose brushing against Aelin’s in a teasing gesture. She was about to demand he do something more when he finally kissed her. She surrendered to it, loving the privilege of having Rowan so close. They saw each other every day, but finding time to truly be with each other was hard to find some days. 
She couldn’t help herself though, that fire of mischief still burned. Aelin broke the kiss, taking joy in the annoyance that entered Rowan’s green eyes. “And another thing—“
It seemed Rowan had had enough of her antics because he tugged her against him for another kiss, smothering her laughter. They stayed like that until they were both breathless and the only reason they broke apart was to catch it. Rowan’s hands weren’t idle though, they worked on untucking her shirt from her pants, touching the bare skin on her waist. That let Rowan recover and his breathing evened out, but with each insistent sweep across Aelin’s body her breath was hitching. Especially when those hands moved higher.
“Once upon a time I promised the first time I would take you wouldn’t be against a tree,” Rowan murmured onto the skin of her neck. Then he pulled back, watching Aelin’s face as he pressed into her firmer, so she could feel every hard line of his body. “It’s not the first time, is it?”
Aelin shook her head furiously, anticipation getting the better of her. They kept eye contact as she looped her arms around her neck and Rowan's hands slid down to her thighs. Cheating or not, Rowan had a point. She could argue this again later when they had more time. 
Aelin arched into him, inviting him to take more. “I’m waiting, buzzard.”
Rowan laughed and kissed her again, and this time they didn’t stop until they had both unraveled completely.  
Hope you enjoyed this little bit of canon silliness
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nepenthean-sleep · 5 months
Hey hey! For the character meme Gideon!
hello thanks for the ask :)
favorite thing about them i love how she speaks. someone said once that everything she says is like the wrong option in a video game dialogue choice list. all of tamsyn's characters have incredible dialogue but gideon is so goddamn funny especially. like it wraps around from being cringe to being funny again. her narration is excellent.
least favorite thing about them i'm gonna say what i said for harrow, everything about her makes sense for her character and her role in the story.
favorite line given the first answer here you can imagine this is extremely difficult for me. however. i'm going to go with a decidedly unfunny one from chapter 25 of ntn because it makes me feel insane.
Nona had never seen anyone so sad in her whole short life. It made her nearly afraid to die. “Nobody locks me up anywhere,” said Kiriona.
she says!!! while locked in her corpse by her dad!! after being locked in harrow's brain for a year by harrow!! after being locked in drearburh for 18 years by the ninth!! ohhhhhhh my god
brOTP sorry i'm going with gideon and ianthe because they hate each other and i just find that endlessly amusing
OTP griddlehark sweep
nOTP don't really have one, just don't like when she's shipped with men
random headcanon after she goes to canaan house she starts getting freckles because it's her first time in sunlight
unpopular opinion idk i don't really see people talking about this much but like she's an asshole. she has a mean-spirited streak. and like yeah i guess if your opponent in the cartoonishly evil contest is harrow it's gonna make gideon look like a much better person but like. idk everyone was shocked by her being a dick in ntn but it's not really that different from how she was before?
also i really really hate the fandom himboification of her turning her into a one-dimensional horny fuckboi vehicle for harrow to have 36 orgasms or whatever. or the opposite where they make her a loyal idiot golden retriever. butches often have personalities that are not either of these things, actually!
song i associate with them it is 100% absolutely from hell with love and sweet true lies, both by beast in black. not only do they sound like songs i think gideon would listen to, like, the lyrics are so.
Killed my light To serve your delight Now see me ripped apart Ripped apart
Another voiceless cry Another hopeless try I wish you'd open your wings and take me inside From hell with love I write Confess my passion crime Cause to my heart, soul and mind, you are kryptonite Oh babe
like cmon.
Baby, baby tell me more of your lies Say you want me for a lifetime I believe you even when I know it's a lie Love's so blind Sweet true lies
AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! thank you @oceanwrath for introducing me to these songs with your tlt art.
favorite picture of them again i can't choose just one there's so much good art in this fandom but my favorites are this FUCKING STUNNING kiriona piece by @nil-elk and this amazing one by @battletailors and this incredible piece by @notedchampagne and this one by @may12324 and this one by oceanwrath and listen ok i just really really like gideon nav 😭
thanks for the ask!
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unseenacademic · 5 months
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
"Everlasting love" by Love Affair. Or the original, lesser known but at least equally as good "Everlasting love" by Robert Knight. Timewise, it almost fits diegetically. Almost. 😊
🏡What is your perfect writing environment?
Me with my laptop on my lap, leaning against large pillows, with a glass of water/cup of tea/coffee or something stronger, depends on the mood and what I'm writing. Oh and very very importantly, without anyone walking around or behind me. I can write while doing other things, like watching TV, listening to music or talking to someone in at least one language lol, but I can't write with someone looking over my shoulder.
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
I'm gonna quote you on that and say all of them!! 😅😅 (if you want to know more about any of these, pleasseeee ask away 💜💜) but let's go with "It Never Could Have Happened in New Hampshire". There's also 'the Proposal Fic' aka my fourth and final contribution to the Valentines Day prompts (fun fact: the title is going to be a line from "Everlasting love", I'm not sure which one yet). "The Hospital Fic" which sadly still doesn't have a title is also something I'm actively working on and can't wait to finish it. I actually watched "What Kind of Day Has It Been" and ITSTG last night and wrote a lot of angsty paragraphs to preface the actual hospital scene. I actually have to credit you & your ask from a few days ago for my renewed interest in that fic 💜💜 Aaaaand finally, there's the "Missing Scene from Dead Irish Writers" that I hope to finish by the end of the month as a birthday present to myself 😅
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
The First Lady. It's The West Wing, exactly as it was, but Abbey appears in every episode! So Warner Bros + Max.
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
Wow, this one is sooooo good! It got me thinking. Okay, having watched Knuckles with that one episode where Stockard (or her double, they really messed that one up lol) beats bad guys up with a frying pan, I want to say Tangled. And I love LOVE "I See the Light", it's a beautiful song. Howeverrrrrr, my answer is The Rescuers! It's absolutely one of my favorite Disney films and honestly, it could work as a sequel to TWW
Thank you, friend! 💜💜
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harryissuchalittleshit · 11 months
Hey girl!! I'm new here to ur blog and I'm curious Abt ur ships and headcanons for Harry Potter characters? I love ur Harry and Weasley takes but I want to know all ur ships lmao I was looking to see if u had a pinned post but I don't so I figured I'd ask 💕
Hi! Welcome to my blog and thank you for asking about my ships, I have a lot of them and I'm going to try and link some of my stories from Ao3. I put everything under the read more as it turned out to be a lot longer than anticipated!
Bill/Fleur - I ship them in a sort of toxic downfall(?), they're just the kind of couple that I see rushing in too fast and then not dealing with any of their trauma.
Victoire/SJ - they fell in love while Victoire was visiting her grandparents in Paris, he's a few years older and super sweet and doting on Victoire. They have a great relationship.
Dominique/Lorcan - more of a friends to lovers story, but involve an unplanned teen pregnancy, a family tragedy, and also lots of cousin drama, they somehow make it work.
Louis/Anamika - I really adore them, both of them are so quiet and shy despite being on the younger side of their ridiculously big families. They find a peace and love in one another that I find so refreshing and honest.
Percy/Audrey - one of my top Weasley couples! I just simply adore the pair of them, Percy is so sweet to Audrey, her shoulder to lean on while the world pushes her down. And Audrey is the complete opposite of her quiet and studious man, but that's what makes him love her more.
Molly/Artie - they're not exactly a match made in heaven, but they are a second chance romance. They loved one another at 15/16 and they come back to each other again at 20/21. Sometimes mistakes happen in life and sometimes you wake up after a night of partying married to your ex-boyfriend.
Lucy/Devon - She's a nervous wreck at her best and he loves her despite her self-doubt. They care so deeply for one another and she gets more and more confident with him at her side.
George/Angelina - They're resilient, the couple that can manage anything as long as they're together. A sweet pair of soulmates that saw each other at eleven and never looked back.
Freddie/LeeAnne - Another pair of soulmates that met each other young and who love one another so deeply and completely despite the hardships it causes.
Roxanne/Sean/Sasha - Roxanne has been through everything, she has been through so much pain and Sean helped her get through it. Sasha helped her see the light after so much pain and their love is so true and sweet after everything that has happened.
Ron/Hermione - what can I not say about this couple? I adore Romione and think that they are such an amazing couple that have gone through so much together.
Rose/Scorpius - my first OTP in the next generation, I just love the thought of their family dinners. They're definitely a couple that go through lots of ups and downs, but that never lessens their love for one another.
Hugo/Lyla - I love them so much, Hugo is so wild and Lyla is so anxious, but when they come together they manage to become something so entirely beautiful and happy together.
Harry/Ginny - I do love a couple that find each other over and over and over again. They're a couple that love one another in every moment and I love writing them.
James/Marci - coming soon, Nano2023 project
Al/Maggie - they were toxic young couple at 17 and grow into a beautiful and ridiculously loving couple at 21. They go on to become a staple at Hogwarts as DADA professor and Hospital Wing Matron.
Lily/Ryan - She's a bit of a wild child and he's able to wrangle her in, they have a mutual love of music and dancing, and they find each other in their darkest moments.
Draco/Astoria - we love couples that grow and learn from one another and they do that over and over and over again!
Padma/Theodore - a rarepair but a good pair, they come together despite their differences and they are such good parents to any child that comes through their home
Susan/Dudley - my first real rarepair, I love them so much and the story I’ve created for them means so much to me. They found each other over and over again and they found love even during a rainstorm.
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g1deonthefirst · 5 months
for the character meme: our lady of the passion OR aim OR we suffer and we suffer hehe
aim for you my love 🌹
favorite thing about them:
aim's entire deal drives me nuts i'm obsessed with them. i love the way they talk especially they have such distinctive dialogue that makes them really fun to read and write but also the queerness in how theyre described — using she/her pronouns with the kids but also being called sir because the other teacher is ma'am, the way they dress, and ofc the inherited they/them pronouns. also their whole backstory or what we know of it is sooo interesting to me.
least favorite thing about them:
i think they could stand to treat nona a little more like an adult to be honest.
favorite line:
their whole speech to the kids about how they should judge people by their actions rather than what they say is both a really good line and also i think very relevant to how you're meant to read ntn.
aim and we suffer i think they should've gotten to sit around and shoot the shit.
aim/pash. like i said in my pash post no way they didn't fuck staying in such close quarters all the time. there's something about aim being half of The Message and seemingly quite revered and pash snarking at them the way she does with everyone that gets me too.
aim/any man. i haven't seen this but i just believe in my heart that aim's attracted to women.
random headcanon:
because aim is specifically described as a little person at one point iirc, i like to imagine that they have dwarfism. whenever i write them i imagine they have the ability to tap into memories of previous messengers because i think it's cool. maybe i also think that they had a partner they lost on lemuria.
unpopular opinion:
i don't know if people have enough opinions about aim that i can have an unpopular one. uhhh. they were probably right to call merv wing in given the chances that they were in the room with a lyctor even though it meant nona got shot in the head. i think they're deeply attractive like that scene where nona says "every furtive, fleeting, mercurial spark had gone, leaving something hard and old, something that touched light to some paper deep within nona." 🥵🥵🥵
song i associate with them:
HM!! maybe old ocean or bathed in sound by cosmo sheldrake given their whole zoologist who possibly has memories/knowledge of the earth before the bomb deal. although bathed in sound (and cosmo sheldrake in general) is also a very nona song to me. also holocene by bon iver i think.
favorite picture of them:
there's so few aims out there in the world tlt artists please im on my hands and knees. oh but i like the one from this art.
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I’ve been meaning to ask !!! Its possible you’ve already posted abt this BUT I got in an angsty mood recently and was curious, do you think Adam or Belle dies first? and how does the other cope with it ?
ooohhh i love that you Know i’m just crazy enough about them to know the answer to this question. i’ve thought TOO much about this, unfortunately! look you have one otp for six years, YOUR MIND WANDERS, OKAY?
okay so obviously in the ideal perfect world, they die at the same time asleep in bed in each other’s arms after a very long life of being so ridiculously in love. that way no one has to deal with anything (except the rest of their family, of course). that’s the ideal otp death scenario. BUT. i do have a sadder answer, yeah
so for a while i actually could not decide who would die first. it really wasn’t ideal either way because if adam dies first, belle has to go through experiencing his death TWICE in life. and if belle dies first, adam is… disaster. but ultimately, belle is by far the stronger one between the two of them, they both know it and always have, so i decided that adam would die first.
i once entertained the idea of belle dying first and adam just… oh my gosh… like they’re always very old when they die but even still it’s like… belle is the air that adam breathes… watching him lose her is so… dark. and grim. he really can’t live without her and the aftermath is far too upsetting to include it into my canon. he becomes so unwell…
now, obviously, belle is utterly heartbroken by adam’s death, and she doesn’t do all that much better than the alternative. i headcanon they both die in their 90s (no i do not CARE that they’re from the 18th century!!!!! they’re living long ass lives because i SAID SO!!!!!!) and it’s really no specific illness that takes adam. it was just his time. he was in bed for a week or so, too weak at this point to do anything else. belle never left his side, caring for him even though she had slowed down in her old age too. even as nurses and grandchildren tried to take over, she wouldn’t let them. she’d do anything for him. she’d take his place if it were possible.
he dies at the grand age of 98, surrounded by his family and loved ones, holding his wife’s hand. she can tell he’s nearly gone, but he’s fighting it. he loves his life too much now to leave it. he’s been sunbathing in happiness for over 70 years and he doesn’t want to let it go. but belle kisses his hand and tells him it’s okay, they’ll be okay. this family he’s raised, this family he’s protected, this family he’s loved. they’ll be okay. rest now, my love.
silent tears fall down belle’s wrinkled cheeks as adam turns and looks at her. though his face and body age, his eyes never changed. still the same crystal blue that she fell in love with. he looks at her and he squeezes her hand. his lips turn up in a slight smile. “my darling…” he whispers, just as his last breath escapes his lungs.
everyone knows he’s gone. he was husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, beloved king. he was rescued so many years ago, it seems none of it matters anymore. but belle remembers. belle remembers when her love was lost in the darkness. belle remembers when he accepted her light.
the following days are a blur. everyone is sad, but relieved too — in the way anyone is when an old, beloved family member passes. he deserved to die that way. life fulfilled, loved by plenty, surrounded by those who meant the most to him.
while the children (grown and old themselves, frankly) tend to announcements and letters and funeral arrangements, belle keeps to herself. she sits on the balcony of their chambers in the west wing. she watches another sunset alone. she hasn’t felt such sadness since her father died many years ago. she thought she would never recover from the deep pain she felt at his loss. but adam had been there to hold her while she cried. adam had kissed her head and told her things would be better again. and at the time she couldn’t fathom it, but she never left his arms. his warm, comforting arms. belle had never felt safer than when she was in adam’s embrace. and now… now she shivers under even the warmest of blankets.
they were old. and belle always thinks too much. she knew their time on this earth could not be much longer. and when adam could no longer get up, it was only a matter of time. what she did not anticipate was how utterly betrayed she would feel by death itself. how dare he be taken away from her? to leave her alone? she always prided herself on being able to do things on her own, but the true reality of it was devastating. she didn’t want to do anything alone ever again. she wanted her best friend back. who was she going to dance with now?
the last entry of her diary was short, but clear in how sad the queen felt. how lost she was, how high up in the clouds her head floated, with no one to keep her grounded. her heart had completely and irreversibly broken in two. she would see adam; visions of when they were young, and some when they were older. but he’d always vanish again before she could say anything to him. “where is my adam?” she’d ask her children when they found her. they would simply take her hand and kiss her cheek, asking her to come and sit awhile with the little ones.
a week after adam’s death, their children found belle in bed, having peacefully died in her sleep. they were devastated, but equally knew how much their mama loved their papa. they had always known of their parents’ grand love. and they knew this may just be too much for her. knew that dying from a broken heart was as real as it could be.
so, adam and belle were buried together, entombed in the rose garden behind the castle. their precious home. a huge, lovely structure was placed to honor them, with vines and flowers growing around it, and eloquent words on a plaque speaking of a beloved king and queen, who loved like no other.
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yzeltia · 2 years
Year of the OTP - March 'I Want to Be Your Cannary'
March: Fairytale "AU"
Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon &Zoissette Vauban's @saesama 's Kylnt Gohtawyn, @erickgage 's Erick Gage's @autumnslance 's Dark Autumn, @scalefeathers , @scalefeathers Bylti Blomstrandi, @healerstail Meya Ganajai, U'odh Nuhn, U'tyhka Tia, U'khuba Tia, Y'shtola Rhul, Most of Gridania, Y'zel Tia
Notes: Thanks to everyone who let me borrow their characters! Everyone also helped with line edits!
Script of the Play is from FFIX 's Stage Play "I Want to Be Your Cannary"
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U’rahn swallowed as he peaked around from backstage of Mih Khetto’s Ampitheatre. In the stands, Erick Gage sat, brow furrowed and arms crossed, Meya Ganajai and Dark Autumn at his sides, tapping his foot impatiently. Behind them, Y’shtola sat, one leg crossed over the other, watching with her lips pursed with amusement. Tail swaying, U’rahn looked back to his actors before jumping between his father and girlfriend before they could talk properly.
         “Ah! Son! Is that the lass that caught yourrr eye? I was just about to introduce myself,” U’odh laughed as U’rahn pushed him to the opposite wing.
         “There’s no time for that! Our audience is impatient! Just, go and wait until your que,” U’rahn huffed in a panic, feeling Nyx’s eyes on his back before hurrying out to center stage.
“Hey hey! So! This is the play  “I Want to be Your Canary” by Lord A’von Tia-“
“Lord Avonnioux ,” Zoissette called out from backstage.
“Er- Right. Sure. Anyway. This is the play…and, we hope you’ll consider funding it! I’m sure you’ll enjoy my take on it and if you green light it. We could bring in a lot of gil!”
         With that, U’rahn scampered off stage, U’odh rubbing his face with amusement then chuckling as he gave his son a thumbs up. Once the Miqo’te director ensured everyone was in place, he gave the nod to Blyti, Klynt, and Zoissette to take the stage. Giving a thumbs up, Bylti crossed out into the light, holding their arms out to the other two she cried, “Bereft of father! Bereft of mother! Nyxus! Thou hast lost even thy love!”
         Zoissette shook her head as she crossed her arms, voice unsteady as she dramatically flailed her foil, “Fortune hath escape’d thee! For what end shalt thou live?”
         Klynt stomped her foot while shaking her head, “For the sake of our friend…Let us bury our steel in the heart of the wretched L’eoh Nuhn!”
“Aye,” the other two said in union, holding out their swords before them as Nyx took stage, rushing in to cross swords with U’odh.
The two clashed away, U’odh seeming to earnestly defend himself as the other Miqo’te made several precise swings with her foil. As the trio hurried to their friend’s side Bylti stepped forward, “We shall back thee, Kinsman!”
“Pray, sheathe thy swords. This villain is mine alone,” Nyx responded mechanically.
Zoissette shook her head, stepping forward, sword out towards U’odh, “Nay, Kinsman! For I, too, have lost a brother to this fiend!”
U’odh shielded himself from Nyx’s attacks then let out a hearty laugh, “What ho? Out, vermin! Away! Though darest bare thy sworrrd before the Nuhn! All who stand in my way will be crushed!”
         “Treacherous L’eoh, my Kinsman’s sufferin’ shall not be in vain! For I shall instruct thee in his incomparable pain,” Kylnt shouted before looking back to U’rahn and hissing, “What’s with the swiven rhymin’.”
         All four soon brought their swords down on the Nuhn, who in turn parried them all, letting the quartet dramatically fall to the ground. Hopping back, he pointed his sword to Nyx as he backed off stage, “Arrr….Grrr….Thou hast not seen the last of me, Nyxus!”
         “Get your arse back here,” Klynt roared, starting to get up.
         Blyti stood up, getting in the way while whispering, “That’s not the line!”
         “I don’t care! Out of my swiven’ way!”
         “Consider this, Zidane! If Lady S'thola married L’rahn Tia, peace would reign over both their territories!”
         “That’s foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would suffer in this world!”
         The two began to exchange blows with one another, taking their dueling off stage and up the center aisle, onlookers starting to filter in the back rows. Clashing sword to sword, they yelled at one another before Blyti hopped back towards the stage. “We shall finish this later!”
         “Oi! Get your arse back ‘ere!”
         With that, everyone moved to the back of the stage where U’rahn was banging his head against a post. “Please, stick to the script!”
         “I was just given it some flavour! I feel like my character would talk like that.”
         “I think everything was fine son. Though your sweetheart doesn’t hold back. I thought she might actually strike me.”
         “Rahn requested that I make our battle scene look realistic,” Nyx chimed in.
         “Well, you had me genuinely fearrring for myself. Already has you calling him Rahn, does he?”
         “Hey hey! N-No time for this! W-We’ve got to get on stage Nyx,” U’rahn half-yelled before hurrying towards his wing.
         U’rahn let out a nervous sigh before watching Nyx come out the opposite side in a cloak. Hurrying out, he cleared his throat, side-eyeing the growing audience.
         “Nyxus? Sweet Nyxus,” he started before striding toward his girlfriend, “I fear I love thee more than I should.”
         “Rahn…Wilt thou be happy, married to lowly peasant such as I,” Nyx asked flatly, taking off her hood.
         “Prrrithee, call me ‘Rahn’ no more!”
         “Er. Nyxus, wilt thou truly cherish me, the Nuhn’s only son? Or is such a desire too dear to wish for!? After our nup….nup…nup,” U’rahn started before turning bright red and covering his face for a moment, earning a snicker from Klynt backstage.
         “Nuptials,” Nyx offered.
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         “Rrright. After those, I shall become no more than a puppet? A mindless puppet, never to laugh, never to cry? I wish to live my life under the sky. At times I shall laugh, at other times cry. For no life more insincere than that lived as a masquerade.”
         “So much consideration thou has given it! But worry not,” Nyxus assured him, mechanically, before letting him embrace her as she continued, staring blankly into the audience, “Cast away thy trappings of royalty, and I shall swaddle thee in a blanket of pure love! Never again will I part from thee! Pray, my love, make me thy canary to keep forever in the cage of thy chest! Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before the dawn can tell of our elopement!”
         U’rahn flicked his tail as he turned, watching Erick shake his head while Meya giggled. Dark looked on stoically, while behind her Y’shtola seemed to be sharpening her nails. He grimaced a bit then parted, taking a knee, “All my fortunes at thy foot, I lay, and I shall follow thee throughout the world!”
         “No cloud nor squall shall hinder us,” Nyx answered flatly before turning sharply and walking off stage, U’rahn reaching out toward her.
         “Oh, love is the sweetest joy and the wildest woe. All I wish is to be by my sweet Nyxus’s side.”
         Blyti moved out to the front of the stage, shaking their head, “Fie! It shall be war again unless this marriage is stopped. Ne’er will I let their plan come to fruition.”
         Hopping up on stage, he presented U’rahn with a rose, “Good day to ye, L’rahn.”
         “Good day…”
         “Wist thee of Nyxus?”
         “Nyxus!? What news dost thou bring?”
         With a sharp punch to the gut, U’rahn doubled over into the Viera’s arms before being carted off stage, earning a light applause from the growing crowd. Dropped on the ground, U’rahn looked up, ears wiggling with joy.
         “Nyx you were amazing,” he praised before getting hit on the back of the head by Kylnt.
         ‘You were swiven complain’ about me altering the words!” What was that stutterin’ out there?”
         U’rahn turned red then poked his fingers together, “Ah, well. That word…was going to imply that Nyx and I would…”
         “Oh for Navigator’s sake. That doesn’t bloody mean they're gonna swive!”
         “That is true. It is just a term for a ceremony. Did you not look up that word when you came across it?” Zoissette asked.
         “Oi! What are you teachin’ these damned Tia old man,” Klynt shot back to U’odh as he chatted with U’khuba and U’thyka, earning a shrug as he moved out to the stage for his next scene.
         “Where is he!? Where has my only son gone!? Oh! Blank, good man! Has those seen L’rrrahn,” U’odh projected as Bylti returned to stage.
         “Worry not, Nuhn! I shall make sure L’rahn marries S'thola. Be thou at ease.”
         “At ease, sayest thou? How can I rrrest not knowing he is safe? Could it be…thou hast betrayed me!?”
         “By my truth, sir, I betrayed none other than poor Nyxus!”
         “Thou has the gall to betray thy dearrrest friend! Wouldst though not betray me as swiftly?”
         Bylti took a step back as U’odh pulled his sword, “Stay thy hand, I merely…”
         U’odh ran his sword through the other’s arm, letting the Viera fall to the floor to play dead. Weakly, the violet haired Viera looked up, arm outstretched to U’odh, “I merely sought a lasting peace between the two tribes…”
         U’khuba soon ran onto stage with U’thkya, pointing to Bylti. “The traitor is dead!”
         “Oh! Cruel fate! A rose wilted before his time. Seeking only to preserve the peace between the two tribes. Such a noble heart, extinguished in his prime! A-“
         “Ahem,” U’khuba interrupted, elbowing his brother.
         “You two…quickly! Find L’rrrahn and bring him beforrre me,” U’odh ordered, once sure the hammy theatrics of his nephew was done.
         “Yes Nuhn,” the two answered before running off stage.
         “Wretched son! How dare he disobey his fatherrr’s wishes!”
         With that, U’odh stormed off stage, beaming to the group as Kylnt held U’rahn back from pouncing on U’thyka in a rage. Nervously, Zoissette peaked out at Y’shtola as Nyx walked by and moved to center stage.
         “The time for departure is long past. Where is Rahn?”
         Zoissette moved on stage, beelining to Nyx. “Nyxus, the ship soon embarks! Board ye the boat alone, and peace could come to both kingdoms, as Blyti- uh, as Blank so said….Speak Nyxus!”
         “He told me that he could not live without me,” Nyx answered, looking up as Lavendar and Rose, Zoissette’s fairies, fluttered the best they could in heavy bird costumes behind her, the latter thumping to the ground loudly by the time she got to the end of it.
         “So, the sun is our enemy too. The eastern sky grows bright. Will we not spread ourwings, as yonder birds in joyous flight,” she continued, Rose scooting off stage in the deteriorating costume.
         A whistle sounded out, causing Zoissette to turn away, facing away from the audience, barely orating as she scuttled sideways off stage to collect her fallen fairies, “Hark Nyxus! They cannot wait any longer! The ship departs!”
         “Could he have betrayed me? Nay, ne’er would my love speak false. I must have faith! He shall appear if I only believe! As the sun lends me no ear, I pray instead to the moons! Mephina, Dalmund! I beseech thee, wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish!”
         Nyx staring blankly into the audience, Klynt wandered out, crossing her arms. “Tribes be damned. This is more than a swive and sail! Wait, what villany is this!”
         As Nyx stood, U’khuba and U’thyka ran out with a net and pounced on her.
         “Gotcha,” U’khuba announced proudly.
         “No more shall you prevent the union of the darling S'thola and our cousin L’rahn,” U’thyka started, pulling a rose from his sleeve and holding it out toward the audience, “Then we too shall be allowed to find our own happiness, as our feuding tribes shall cease their squabbling over territory. If only I could be so lucky that this rose finds my waiting love.”
         With that, he tossed his rose toward Y’shtola, only to have it float right into Meya’s lap. U’khuba gave the other’s ear a pinch then pulled him off stage while Erick stomped down the center aisle and into the wing. As U’thyka’s scream sounded out, Kylnt moved to center stage, while Erick moved to return to his seat “Nyxus! Damned L’eoh and his minions! I shall find L’rahn before it is too late!”
         With that, she ran off stage, letting the now filled stands clap. Arriving backstage, Klynt tilted her head, finding U’thuka knocked out cold and U’rahn cracking his knuckles. “He’s got another scene! Why’d you flatten ‘em out!?”
         “Not sure about the boss man, but he keeps stealing the show!”
         U’odh sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose while U’khuba pushed up his glasses. Zoissette, freeing her faires, sent them to tend to the knocked out Tia and looked up at the group, “Is Zel ready? I wouldd very much like to finish this up.”
         “Right then, Lady Vauban,” U’odh said, nodding to her in thanks before sauntering out onto stage with a laugh.
         U’rahn sighed, watching U’khuba sit back up. Ears drooping, he hung his head and shook his head, “This is a disaster.”
         Feeling Nyx’s hand on his shoulder, he looked over and found her lifting up onto her tiptoes, kissing his nose. “This has been enriching.”
         His ears fluttered happily, “Yeah? You’re enjoying yourself?”
         “Yes, I do not think my acting ability is sufficient enough to be practically cast in a role like Nyxus. I am direct and lack certain inflection. I do not believe I’d have been cast as such by anyone else.”
         “What? I think you’ve been amazing,” U’rahn cooed, fluttering his ears.
         “You have bias due to your affections….I believe I am required on stage.”
         With that, she kissed his nose again then moved to stand between U’khuba and U’thyka, waiting for her moment on stage. Flushing, U’rahn touched his nose while Klynt made a gagging noise, then gave U’rahn a playful boot to the butt.
         “Tonight I shall finally see my son L’eoh betroth’d to S’thola! And then S’thola and her tribe will be mine! Gwahahaha,” U’odh roared out while her nephews escorted Nyx onto stage.
         “Your majesty,” U’khuba said as he bowed.
         “We’ve caught the worm,” U’thyka announced, black eye wincing.
         “Why, my poor Nyxus! Hark, m’lady. No matter how much thou dost treasrrrure U’rahn…er, L’rahn. No matter how deeply he might believe he doth love thee….Never shall I see him marry a peasant such as thee!”
         A bell rang across the stage, causing the Nuhn to point skyward, “When the bell strikes three, under the ax thou shall be.”
         As the bell rang again, the cousins put Nyx on her knees, and as the third sounded, U’khuba moved to pull an axe up high over his head.
         “Furthermore,” U’odh started before Klynt swept in with U’rahn, Y’zel following after, promptly tripping in a wedding dress, earning a hearty laugh from the audience.
         “Nyxus,” U’rahn cried out, Nyx soon breaking past U’khuba and U’thyka to embrace him.
         “Oh, Nyxus! I missed you so! I wish never to leave thy side. Prithee, lead me from this place,” the Nuhn let out, pointing off stage.
         “See L’eoh Nuhn!? Thou should give them your swiven blessin’,” Klynt roared.
         “Never! Never leave her side, thou sayest? Foolish banter! I’ll not allow it! L’rahn shall marry none other than this woman- S'thola Rhul! Is that not so, S'thola?”
         “A-Aye,” Y’zel answered, struggling to get himself up on his heels, wobbling as he tried to take steps toward the rest.
         “Aye! And this traitorous crew, I will put to death,” U’odh yelled out.
         Nyx and Klynt quickly punched into U’thyka and U’khuba’s stomachs, causing them to stagger back.
         “We are no match,” U’khuba grunted.
         “We cannot go on. Let’s away brother,” U’thyka echoed, fainting into the other’s arms to be drug off stage.
         “Pray, sweet son, come home to the castle with me!”
         “Nay, father! I shan’t return!”
         “L’rahn…trouble me no more. This wedding is for thine own welfare. Be mindful of that.”
         “Not if I can help it! Now is my moment of vengeance! For my parents, and for my love, L’rahn,” Nyx shouted loudly as she drew her foil, “I shall cut thee down.”
         The Miqo’te soon rushed in, attempting to stab into U’odh, only to have Nyx step out in front of his father while the cast screamed, “L’rahn!”
         “No…Rahn…” Nyx said flatly, looking down at U’rahn as he dropped to his knees.
         “Nyx…us…, forgive me. I still love my father…”
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         “L’rahn,” Y’zel squeaked out, falling over in the dress again.
         Rolling over, U’rahn reached up, smiling weakly up at Nyx as he took her hand, holding it to his cheek.
         “Prithee, forgive my selfishness, Father,” he loudly whispered, kissing her palm as he spoke to his father, “Spare my sweet Nyxus…”
         “What have I done!? Am I never to hear his loving voice again,” Nyx let out, speaking softly, “Am I cursed never again to feel his soft touch!? O, cruel fate! Thou hast robbed me of all I treasure.”
         Nyx lifted their sword, staring at it a moment.
         “Wait! Don’t!” U’odh cried out before Nyx plunged it into herself, playing dead beside U’rahn as the Nuhn dropped to his knees and hugged both into his arms and feigned sobbing.
         The crowd soon erupted into cheers as they finished. Perking up, U’rahn jumped to his feet, lifting Nyx up along beside him to bow before waving the rest out to bask in the applause. Eyes sparkling with excitement, U’rahn bowed over and over before hurrying off stage with everyone else.
         “Where did all those people come from. It was enough that the Archon joined the audience, but all of Gridania,” Zoissette moaned, trying to help Y’zel out of his dress.
         “I do say, it seemed we gathered quite the crowd. I’m sure Mr. Gage will be throwing Gil at us,” U’khuba agreed, offering to unzip Y’zel out of the mess of tul.
         “Wait, we have to do this again?” Kylnt asked, “If we’re doin’ this again I want my script changes written in.”
         “Ah, we’ll see about that,” U’rahn laughed before turning white as his father started to engage in conversation with Nyx.
         “My son is rrrather taken by you. You’re all he talks about,” U’odh laughed.
         “Rahn is still experiencing the limerence phase of our relationship. It is quite enriching.”
         “Haha! If that’s not a 5000 gil word! My late wife was full of those. Seems the Drake men have a quite the flame for those with brrrains.”
         “Rahn has not said much about his mother. Though, he does enjoy telling me the storytales she’d read him.”
         “Does he now? He’s neverrr been good with words on paper, but he could recite every story L’lolamo would read to him. I think he memorized them so that he could convince her he was picking up the words on the page,” he mused.
         “Ah! Hey hey! C’mon dad! Let’s not talk about that,” U’rahn breathed out, cheeks red, “Look! It’s the bossman!”
         Erick sauntered in with Dark and the two Miqo’te in tow looked around then set upon U’rahn who eagerly wiggled his ears.
         “So! What did you think?” U’rahn asked.
         “I’d very much like to ask about your naming conventions,” Y’shtola quipped, eyes piercing into U”rahn from behind Erick and Meya, “If I recall, the story was about a Hyur-“
         “Ah…well, I just kinda went with what I knew! Seeing that we’re mostly a Miqo’te cast,” U’rahn answered, “Wh-What about you boss? Miss Autumn? Miss Ganajai?”
         “I rather liked it,” Meya answered, looking to the other two.
         “You had a few hiccups; however, I think with some practice and maybe another look at casting it would be a fine production,” Dark answered with a cautious smile.
         “It would be…In fact, I believe we could have made quite a mint,” Erick started, “IF YOU HADN'T SWIVING PERFORMED IT FOR ALL OF GRIDANIA FOR FREE.”
         U’rahn blinked a bit, ears swayed back from the screaming before perking up as the realization hit him, “Oh. I guess we did do that.”
         “For Thal’s sake,” Erick groaned, shaking his head, the rest of the company and his family laughing from behind.
         U’rahn laughed too, then leaned over, putting his cheek against Nyx’s as he fluttered his ears. “Well, then there’s Limsa and Ul’dah next, right? If you’re giving us a green light then it’s playwrrright time!”
         Erick looked up; brow furrowed. “No! Not it’s not,” he called out, earning more laughter from the company. Exasperated, he shook his head again then turned to leave with Meya on his arm. U’rahn beamed then gently tugged Nyx back toward his father, taking a deep breath before once more letting his father get to know his girlfriend.  
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saharavalleyofdeath · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel OCs and Headcanons
A few things to know:
These are my PERSONAL headcanons
I DO NOT CARE if you don't like them. Just don't interact with this post.
I think the ships Radioapple, Pentious x Cherri and Huskerdust are cute. However they are not my OTPs or anything.
My personal favorite ships are:
RadioDust (Alastor x Angel Dust)
Charlie x Vaggie
Arakniss x Sir Pentious
Cherri x no one (for now)
Vox x Valentino
Lucifer x Lilith
Velvette x Vivianne (My OC)
Husk x Valerie (My OC)
Anyways let's get Started.
First let's do some Basic Info/Intros
Valerie Juarez
Nicknames/Alias include: Vee, Val, The Better Val, Ms. Jay, and Ms. Vee
Born on May 25, 1919 in New Orleans, Louisiana
Died on October 17, 1943 in St. Louis, Missouri
Cause of Death: Shot 4 times by a gang member while she was singing at a club and then died on the operating table at a hospital.
She is 5'3 and weighs 142.3 lbs
She is a moth Demon with similar colors to Angle Dust but more vibrant
Pansexual girly who ends up dating Husk. Her besties however are Alastor and Rosie.
She is an overlord. She rolls over the music industry.
She has a daughter named Dolores. This was with her ex husband.
She likes to sing, dance, read, and mess with the V's, and talk with Alastor.
She also likes to play cards with Husk, shop with Angel, help Charlie and Vaggie, and the chaos that Overlord meetings, hanging with Vox, and having tea with Rosie and Alastor
She dislikes Valentino, Velvet, board meetings at her studio, dealing with her fans, people who aren't innocents, exterminations and angels, and Susan.
She has claustrophobia and a fear of hospitals
She's a bit of a perfectionist and is very self-critical
Some pet peeves of hers are Valentino chewing with mouth open loud chewers in general and talking over people.
In her afterlife she wants to make a bit of a difference so how she runs her studio is when people come to her wanting to work they sign a contract for one year.
They then revise it after that year's over and if they want to leave they can leave no strings attached and if they want to stay they can. Her studio is more of a sanctuary for people who have suffered abuse and want to get out of bad situations
She's very intelligent and has a lot of wisdom
Some special powers of hers are music manipulation and siren song. She can control people's ability to sing and ability to play music as well as control people with sirens song. She can also change the volume of things and amplify her voice
She has a microphone staff similar to Alastor's that can turn into any weapon that she wants
Nicknames/Alias: Viv, Vi, ViVi, Doll, Darling, Love, Short stack
Born on April 23, 1980 in Los Angeles, California
Died on July 18, 2006 in Hollywood, LA, California
Cause of Death: Light fixture accident on a set she was producing.
She is 5'8 and weighs 157.3 lbs
She is a butterfly demon that has a human appearance with Butterfly wings. (So think Barbie a fairy secret.) Her wings also change color based on her mood.
Lesbian and is dating Velvet. She doesn't care for Valentino but he's okay sometimes and prefers Vox when she just has to vent about something. Though she does love cuddling with Velvet.
She is part of the Vees and is the overlord of publicity/production of film/publishing books.
Likes reading, hanging with the Vees, date nights with Vel, and scaring people
She dislikes people undermining/underestimating her, being weak, and feeling useless
She is agoraphobia and claustrophobia after about an hour and a small space but can usually hide these very well.
A pet peeve of hers is someone interrupting her work and she is a bit of a perfectionist as well
She's coming intelligent and logical
Her powers include charm speak persuasion and hypnosis. She's able to easily persuade people and uses her wings though a box uses a screen for hypnosis
The only ones that she doesn't / can't hypnotize or persuade very easily using her abilities are higher ranking people such as Lucifer, goetia's and sins. If she is able to do it however it takes a while and uses a lot more strength and focus
Her weapon is a scythe that was a present from the v's when she became one of them.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you want to hear back stories for any of my OCs!!!
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can-of-pringles · 1 year
My liveblogging notes from Good Omens S2 EP1 under the cut
They're insane for having the episode open like this ANGEL CROWLEY MY BELOVED AHH EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS- Crowley's confused face as Aziraphale trying to explain all the Earth stuff lol 'suggestion box' lol Aziraphale's quiet panicking over Crowley suggesting things and what he'd do 😅 There's too many feels Oh no….. ARE YOU KIDDING ME CROWLEY PUTTING HIS WING OVER AZIRAPHALE LIKE IN S1 I already love Maggie so much Ok fine Aziraphale is the only landlord I like /j The bench scene lol Ducktales reference /j Me watching this expecting to see my oc Kaia /j Interesting how it seems Crowley is still in contact with Hell but Aziraphale isn't in contact with Heaven anymore Crowley #1 duck fan /j Aziraphale is so me when I listen to music Also Gabriel jump scare 💀 Nina and Maggie otp Heaven has cell phones canon "I have no idea what that feels like" OK SURE 🙄 Aziraphale just stressing 😭 WHAT'S IN THE BOX?? Oh nvm :( Jim has Kenergy The plants in the back of the Bentley! Muriel! Old married couple Aziraphale and Crowley lol Maggie is so relatable Both Crowley and Aziraphale freaking out over Jim/Gabriel lol No don't fight 😭 Crowley is me when I'm angry /j Oh no locked in the cafe Not the flies in the Bentley.. Oh Crowley secretly being worried about Aziraphale being involved with this whole situation ARE YOU KIDDING ME THE APOLOGY DANCE?? HELP- Not the flashing red lights in Heaven lol
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see-arcane · 1 year
I’ve been listening to it on a loop for days now and I’m convinced London After Midnight’s Selected Scenes from the End of the World album could and should have been the soundtrack to a trippy goth industrial 80′s-90′s Dracula movie in the style of The Hunger (1983). Like holy hell
“Claire’s Horrors”: Full of synth pipe organs and baying wolves and moody Castle Dracula backdrop tunes as Jonathan deals with Bisexual Vampire Hell for two months with this blaring in every room.
(This is the voice you have learned to fear.)
Spirits seem to drift up through a darkened sky Drifting through dead branches in the night While in the moonlight we go down upon our knees Entwined together only we can see their beauty
Beneath the stars a bell begins to toll For reasons which we really shouldn't know So take a walk with me down to the cemetery Wrap me in darkness, Claire make love to me
I am thunder, I am rain, I am pleasure, I am pain Only in darkness can there be light, tell me angel have you prayed tonight?
“Demon”: Dracula making his moves on Lucy, full stop.
Through darkened streets and blackened gloom the candles dim in your bedroom rain reflecting shadows in the night the moon is full and through the mist I hear your voice I feel your kiss the line grows thin between what's wrong and right.
Burning flesh, pale as the stars no one knows just who you are drive the knife in deeper to my soul
“The Spider and the Fly”:  Renfield is blasting this at all hours on his Victorian airpods while Dracula catfishes him.
Empty hearts I can hear them talking I close my eyes and I keep on stalking my love, my love No one's aware of the hunger I feel It's something you or time cannot heal I need someone to help me rise above
Eternal bliss is something I can show you Spread your arms and let my wings enfold you, my love, my love In the darkness shades of crimson rapture The world is ours alone to capture my love, my love
“Your Best Nightmare”: Coppola would take the lyrics at face value for his DracMina OTP playlist. Listeners with taste know it’s serving nothing but hellish horror irony for That One Night in October.
Long after midnight, on a night like this I'd sit by my black-light and dream of your kiss Pulsating music filled my room and my head And I dreamed what it'd be like to have you in my bedI'm your best night, your best nightmare I'm your best night, your best nightmare
And then it happened, you were in my arms Your lips on my throat, your hands on my, on my... Two bodies together the intimate sin The pain and the pleasure could do mortals in How could you know what I'm thinking of? To me lust can be as beautiful as love Here tonight, your pure heart and soul Untainted passion should have no control
“Sacrifice”: Dripping with Jonathan and Mina’s ‘holiest love’ gothic horror romance drama front to back.
And here we go again, We've taken it to the end, With every waking moment, We face this silent torment
I'd sacrifice, I'd sacrifice myself to you Right here tonight Because you know that I love you
That is HALF THE ALBUM and at least five full music videos that could, should, and must be filmed in grainy moody scenery of mountainside castles interspersed with underground clubs with an all black dress code, eyeliner mandatory. And instead we got Francis’ never-ending migraine and Annie Lennox’s tragically misused “Love Song for a Vampire.” Shameful. 
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inevitablemoment · 11 months
Get To Know Me
1) Spell your name in songs
End Duet/Transformation - Susan Egan & Terrence Mann
Love Story (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Love Led Us Here - John Berry & Helen Darling
At the Beginning - Richard Marx & Donna Lewis
2) Why did you choose your URL?
"Inevitable" comes from the song of the same name from The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, and "Moment" is a reference to the song, "At this Moment" by Billy Vera and the Beaters, the anthem of one of my OTPs, Alex and Ellen from Family Ties.
3) What is your middle name?
Grace. But if I ever use it for an OC, I'm not trying to self-insert. It's just a very common name. My mom baby-sat two girls from different families for about eleven years, and their middle names were Grace, as well.
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
I don't know... I'd say mermaid, but
5) Favorite color?
Teal or pastel yellow, but I also love sage green or a good pale blue. And, obviously pink, but teal is like my top favorite color.
6) Song you love right now?
It's a tie between "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx, "Evermore" by Josh Groban, "In Whatever Time We Have" from Children of Eden, plus any Taylor Swift song.
7) Top four fandoms?
Michael J. Fox films and TV shows (particularly Family Ties, The Frighteners, Bright Lights Big City, and Spin City)
Literally any musical
The Hatchetfield universe
8) Tag nine people
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syntiment · 2 years
hello you've got me very interested in edancy, i love a good rarepair ;) im very curious, was there any specific thing that made you ship them, like a moment in s4 or something you read or saw that reminded you? im interested how you came to this ship, its intriguing to me and i'd like to hear your perspective on it!
also LOVE your art it's so beautiful and pretty and so warm and makes me have the warm fuzzies, i love it!!
Welcome to Edancy hell, we have matching jackets. I also call the ship Seven Miles with my friend so if you ever see me refer to that, I'm talking about Edancy.
They have a lot of very subtle moments on screen that really made me interested in their character dynamic. The fact that Eddie just knows that the Wheeler residence is seven miles from his trailer THAT quickly- the ways he's very touchy with her, Nancy's interaction with Wayne and not buying people saying he's a killer immediately. They share a lot of looks that give me a vibe. And also the entire scene with Eddie pep talking Steve "if it were me I would get her back" and then making Steve cover up can both be read as a bit of jealousy which is a fun take on it.
They very much fulfill that opposites attract quota in terms of aesthetics with Nancy being mostly dressed in pastels and seeming very put together and organized while Eddie is in a lot of dark grungier clothing with a more laidback and laissez faire attitude. And yet they have a lot of the same core values with both of them being fiercely protective of whoever they consider "their" people, they have a distinct lack of respect for authority because of being failed by those in power around them often, they both have rather niche interests and are sort of loners even despite the initial appearance (ie: Nancy has enough friends to be counted on one hand, none of whom are very close to her. And despite the Corroded Coffin boys being Eddie's group at school, none of them went looking for him when shit hit the fan). They're both extremely passionate and stubborn people, the perfect types to uplift and encourage one another through the pursuits of their interests and who are both independent and reliant in equal parts to make the balance of their relationship work very, very well.
In short, they have the perfect personality types to make a romance between them really work out long term. Plus, they both can understand and relate to a lot of what the other has gone through. Survivors guilt is a huge aspect in both of their stories.
Eddie needs someone who won't back down and will help him stand his ground and who's motivated and dedicated enough to be able to give him the fire to follow his dreams and stand against the tide. And Nancy needs someone emotionally available and light enough to remind her that there's more to life then the isolation and expectations she lets people press upon her, and someone who will put the wind under her wings when she's getting weighed down by her own self doubt and fears of failure.
And the other is quite literally the exact archetype to achieve those points.
I came into liking Edancy because they had a cute dynamic on screen but I'm also a collaborative creative writer in my free time (which is a fancy way of saying I roleplay really huge DnD scale elaborate storytelling venture epics with friends where we write canon and oc characters in a show/game/movie setting, in this case we're writing our take on Stranger Things Season Five) and my friend and I jokingly talked about them as a romantic relationship, quickly realizing just how good for each other they are. And the more we looked the more we discovered a really strong chemistry and it was all downhill from there basically. We're hooked. Edancy is by far my OTP right now, I'll die on this hill honestly. My friend is here with me, also dying on this hill LMAO.
ANYWAY THIS IS VERY LONG- but yeah, there's a lot about them that just... work very well.
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runawaymun · 2 years
since you already did Elrond, how about Maglor for the character asks? <3
1: sexuality headcanon
Aroace. Can't explain why I get this vibe, but that's the vibe I get!
2: otp
Maglor & his harp. See above.
3: brotp
I am constantly enamored with his (potential) relationship with Elrond. Especially during the early years, and then later upon (potential) rescue from his beach cryptid life. I go hard for forgiveness narratives -- and what I love so much about Kidnap Fam is that it is not a redemption narrative. At least not the way I write it. Maglor & Maedhros are not redeemed of their War Crimes because they decided to spare some kids. Or rather, they do not redeem themselves. Rather they are redeemed and they are sanctified by love, but also that doesn't happen when E&E are kids completely, because E&E are kids and they are bonding to their only caretakers, as kids to survive.
And yes love grew between them, but it isn't that love that I am fascinated by. It's the love that happened after. I am enamored with the idea that Elrond and Elros chose to love them once they were older and really understood things. And enamored with the idea that Elrond chose to forgive, because Someone Had To. Because the Oath will never be something that can be brought to Justice. There is no Justice for what was done in pursuit of the Silmarils. There is no Justice that would suffice for all the lives lost, for the lives that were destroyed, etc. etc. But I love the idea of Elrond going 'You know what, I'm Tired' and he chooses to be the one to bridge things and say: I forgive you. Because who is in a better position to forgive the Sons of Feanor than the grandson of Dior and great-grandson of Turgon, the son of Elwing and nephew of Elured and Elurin, who has some relation to pretty much everyone involved and who arguably has perhaps the best claim to Justice imaginable, because the man lost his parents, his Sindarin heritage (for a time), his entire goddamn childhood, and pretty much his entire early adulthood due to the Oath. He lost his birthright to two kingdoms.
He suffered so much and I am a slut for characters who suffer like that and choose forgiveness & peace. Not because it redeems the forgiven, but because there comes a point where justice alone will never be a satisfying end to the story, but forgiveness, to say enough is enough, to say let's end the cycle of violence, and no more -- because it brings peace to the person who forgives... yeah.... am I making any sense, here? I personally truly believe that the only satisfying end to the story of the Oath comes in grace. Justice can never be sufficient for all the evil that was done. And the point of forgiveness is that it is undeserved, and that it opens the door for healing.
4: notp
Maglor/any of the other Feanorians. I see this startling amount??? I also have this problem where I forget that White Fingon exists so every time I see White Fingon Russingon art my brain automatically assumes it's Maglor for a split second. Life is hard lmao.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
His hair is black but it's like a raven's wing where it catches the light and turns all sorts of different colors. :)
6: favorite line from this character
Uh I'm gonna be very unoriginal:
"For Maglor took pity upon Elros and Elrond, and he cherished them, and love grew after between them, as little might be thought"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Re my own interpretation I relate so hard to the tendency of being unable to let past mistakes go. It's one thing to have other people forgive you. It's quite another to learn to forgive yourself.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Any evil/abusive Maglor takes are just... yuck. I'll take "incredibly fucked up and in no way capable of raising children" but intentionally abusive is a take that I can't stand.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fav, of course!
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flowers-of-io · 1 year
Eris Morn, Savâthun and Xivu'arath for character opinion ask 👀
Eris has been answered!
favorite thing about them: [gestures to the whole her & the Traveler plotline] return to the Light or somethin'
least favorite thing about them: she's a horrible person who killed many, many people! And contrary to a popular belief I do not condone literal genocide. Star Jasmine loretab is brilliant and it makes me very uncomfortable
favorite line: "Go on, then. You know so much? Tell me who I am!"
brOTP: I'm torn between Immaru and Oryx here
OTP: the ship economy is in shambles, so I'm here like... either Rhulk or Eris or the Guardian, because there are a few really good Sav/OC fics out there...
nOTP: I've yet to encounter a bad Sav ship ngl. Sav/Crow squicks me a bit because of the power imbalance, but at the same time their dynamic is too good to be a nOTP...
random headcanon: she wears a lot of jewellery. This is what I'm missing in her canon look ngl
unpopular opinion: she likes kids
song i associate with them: please look at this playlist that is my magnum opus, I've sorted it chronologically and have fifteen reason for why each song is where it is. The lyrics doc is like 10 pages long
favorite picture of them: omg I don't know but it MIGHT be that shot of the siblings from the cutscene retelling the Hive's story where Sav is standing with a whole ass cleaver. I love it so much
favorite thing about them: she loves her siblings more than the sword logic itself
least favorite thing about them: we still know so little of her current motivations, but if she turns out to be wholly like 'my wretched Savathun, who is Wretched, and a Traitor, and there is no rhyme or reason to what she's done' I will shake her violently. Shush and go read the truest proof of love, and maybe then you'll calm down
favorite line: "He made us strong. He will lead us to infinity. Oryx my Brother loves me and this love is war."
brOTP: Haroktha and the other Super Old Generals of her army! They've been a squad for millennia. Sitting on some stairs deep within the Sea of Screams with a boombox
OTP: I'm wholeheartedly embracing @xivu-arath's aroace Xivu headcanon, but at the same time @aceofdumbass made me promise I'd write her a Xivu/Mara fic and I've been 👀 about this ship ever since...
nOTP: again, in general I don't really vibe with shipping Xivu with anyone but the concept of war itself
random headcanon: she doesn't have a palace in her throne world, and the whole place is more like a boot camp
unpopular opinion: she would still choose Savathûn over the Deep
song i associate with them: guess what? I have a whole playlist! "Do you have a playlist for every character in this fucking game?" Well I don't look very neurotypical do I
favorite picture of them: there are like. three in the entire canon. but I'll choose the one from the Legions Adrift grimoire anthology, where she is spreading her wings over Torobatl
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