#otp: pen pals
mikaikaika · 1 year
It might be a governmental investigation to YOU , to ME we're on a date right now
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candlelightreader · 6 months
Can we talk about how absolutely final (read devastating) that "no" Grissom gave Sara after she asked him to dinner was tho? Just brutal delivery. I would not have survived it if I was her. Just would've folded and never talked to him ever again. Would've taken a vacation then spent it looking for another job because I would not have had the temerity to look him in the eye ever again. No way.
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ryukang1995 · 5 months
Why do I ship Liu Kang x Sonya Blade so much?
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Some folks probably wonder this, and I feel now would be a good time to post why I ship them so strongly.
As a kid, I always was curious about these two getting together, even though they never officially hooked up. However, there was a brief hint at their relationship in the non-canon Mortal Kombat novel by Jeff Rovin, which was published a few months before the 1995 film's theatrical release.
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This interaction actually made my curiosity over them grow, but if you dig deeper into their backstories, especially in certain incarnations like the 1995 film, they actually have quite a number of things in common.
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Both grew up losing family members. Sonya lost her father and twin brother while Liu Kang lost practically his entire family (his parents are very much dead in every incarnation while his brother was murdered in the 1995 movie). In addition to this, Sonya also lost her partner, who was also her fiancée, depending on which incarnation you follow.
They grew up being pushed to their limits to the point where they take their respective duties very seriously with Liu Kang being a Shaolin monk and Sonya being a Special Forces agent.
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So much that they don't really have time to settle down and raise families, and when they do have the opportunity, it doesn't last very long. Liu Kang turned down Kitana's offer to be king of Edenia by her side while Sonya divorced Johnny Cage.
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Their duties ultimately cost them their lives as Liu Kang was killed by the Deadly Alliance while Sonya sacrificed herself after being trapped in falling debris caused by Liu Kang's Revenant form (which isn't truly Liu Kang).
That is not to say they don't deserve to settle down, of course. They both deserve the absolute best, especially after what they go through.
Personality-wise, they can also be similar. Sonya is usually very stubborn and hard-as-nails, and while Liu Kang is usually more reserved, he can also be the same, especially in the 1995 movie.
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I know that most fans prefer Liu Kang with Kitana and Sonya with Johnny Cage since that was what became canon ever since the 1995 movie, and that's totally fine, but because of the reasons I highlighted, I made so much fan art and posts shipping Liu Kang and Sonya together to the point where they are a thing in my works based on MK, and they truly are my OTP, when it comes to the franchise.
Another reason for this is actually a very personal reason...
There are two women who I'm in contact with. One of them is my actual girlfriend named Haley, who lives in Arizona. We met since 2009 when we were both 13 years of age (she was born in May 1995 while I was born in August of that year). For a long time, Sonya was her favorite MK character while Liu Kang is mine, and this stuck with me ever since.
The other is a pen pal of mine who goes by the username @twinsand. Sonya is undeniably one of her favs, and she even dressed up as her. Not only does she ship CageBlade, but she also likes the idea of Sonya with Shang Tsung. We have been mutuals since late 2022, and I couldn't be any more grateful to have such a friend.
For that reason among others, I will gladly keep Liu Kang x Sonya.
If you disagree, it's all good.
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askkirito · 10 months
did one of those otp prompts on twt where i got, "slice-of-life, coffee shop & cafe au, letter, and see you again." heres the au i thought up. ;v;/
kirito discovering a note that eugeo left in one of the café's display books and them becoming pen pals where they leave each other letters tucked away in that book. its a café close to the uni that they both attend.
kiri picks the book up out of boredom one day while waiting for his coffee and the note that eu left in it slips out. kiri decides to write a response to it and when eu eventually returns to grab the note, he finds kiri's message.
sinon is the barista here. for no reason other than it would be funny. her getting annoyed watching these two idiots fall in love + consistently miss meeting each other by minutes and wanting to set them up, but lis stops her. she likes the drama. they're also the ones making sure no one else touches the book that kiri and eu have been leaving their letters/notes in btw.
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gingersprites · 2 years
Theon and Sansa write each other letters during their time apart; like most pen pals, they pass along news, provide moral support, and maybe fall in love.
Year of the OTP 2023 February prompt: established relationship/long distance
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sunnyskies281 · 1 year
Luke Atmey or Godot for the ask game?
How about both?
Luke Atmey
Sexuality: Gay gay homosexual gay. I mean come on. He says “love wins” in reference to Godot.
Gender: I mean. Look at my profile pic. Genderfluid.
OTP: Take a wild guess. Godmey.
BROTP: Adrian Andrews and Luke Atmey besties/unofficial siblings!!!! After Luke does the terrible shit, he has to work on repairing their friendship but it eventually works out in the end!
NOTP: Adrian. I see them as friends. I think they see each other as siblings. I don’t like the idea of them being together. However I’m not gonna attack people who ship them cause the reason I don’t like it is based solely on my Headcannons that others probably won’t have. So yeah.
Headcannon: clown. He was a clown, he got Max arrested, he has an emotional support cat named Bat (short for Battleaxe) and he’s the great grandchild of Enoch Drebber.
General Opinion: I want to carry him around like one of those purse dogs. I want to put him in a clown costume and take him to the carnival. He’s just such a guy
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male, although doesn’t mind being feminine every now and then
OTP: Gimme that Dimitri Allen-Godot-Luke Atmey polyculeeeeeeeee
And I love the idea of him and Jack Crowmack from Turnabout Gold Medal
And of course I love Miego
BROTP: Phoenix! After BTTT and jail and everything, let them make up! Be friends!
NOTP: Franziska. Like… the way I personally interpret Godot’s infamous “misogyny moment” (please for the love of god don’t make me talk too much about this I don’t want drama) is that he’s saying he hates Franziska cause of how she acts. Cause Franziska is acting like an authority on everything in the case when she’s literally just 19 years old and not even the real prosecutor. Godot hates her, and she hates him. I cannot for the life of me imagine them together, but I’ve seen people who ship them. Like I guess it could be enemies to lovers or something, but I personally can’t like it.
Headcannon: He was pen pals with Dimitri in prison, he’s lactose intolerant after the coma, and at some point he gets a service dog named Dogot. Oh and Godot is his last name, his first being Samuel. He’s a theater kid through and through.
General opinion: I love him he’s my boyyyyyy
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averaillisa · 2 years
How about Kazuha for the ask game? :0
Favorite thing about them
Honestly his playstyle is one of the most fun in the game so far for me, and he seems super OP if u build and use him right :O his burst is also gorgeous!
Least favorite thing about them
He's fun to play but I don't have him 😔
Favorite line
Hmm I don't rlly rmb a lot of his lines haha
Beidou is his hardcore mom figure and every one else on the Crux fleet is akin to family to him. Also, I think he + Wanderer and he + Venti could be interesting friends!
No otps, though I've seen some KazuScara content and think it's pretty interesting ngl ^^
random headcanon
He talks to Venti sometimes through the wind, but sort of like a pen-pal situation where he doesn't rlly know who Venti is. Venti thinks he's pretty amusing and a fun conversation partner though ^w^
unpopular opinion
Song I associate with them
Nothing again ^^'
Favorite picture of them
He looks cool here!
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i can’t remember if i already sent an ask (peace love adhd) so if this is a double then. sorry
thank you for the ask! ☺️ and no worries! The adhd struggle is real 😅
🍍 hmm.. would (marvel) Agatha x Wanda count as a rarepair? I adore her and Vision, and want her to be able to process her grief, but I can’t help but feel like there’s something to be explored there. I’m also a huge BugBorg shipper and realize there’s not a ton of ppl dying on that hill lol. And ok ok, can I be honest? After Quantumania, I kind of just felt like Hope and Scott have that Queer Best Friends vibe. I used to like them as a romantic pair but this movie made me realize how much they work as just platonic pals.. which is kind of funny because the film aimed for the romance arch by the very end lol. (This is all making me realize how much I should probably work on my Across the Universe fic asdfghkl)
🍓 OTPs!! Right now I’m obsessed with Olivia x Alex (SVU), and I also have been a Swan Queen (OUAT) shipper since I was, like, 14 years old, and now I’m 23 and still reading their fanfiction lolol. Meredith x Addison (Grey’s) shipper for lifeeee!! And Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn (Batman/DC) have always had my heart in a vice grip.
🥭 Okay, so, it’s very much an idea randomly popping into my head and slowly taking over my thoughts until I put pen to paper lmao. I’m never like, “hm what should I write?” Oftentimes I’ll pray that someone who’s a better writer than me has already written the idea and then I get frustrated that it doesn’t exist yet and I’ll just be like “ugh fuck it I’ll do it myself” 🤣
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
For the ask meme , what about jadzia ?
favorite thing about them
she’s just. genuinely very enjoyable. like I feel like other characters I have more specific things to say about them but she’s literally just very fun to watch I love her beautiful woman weird guy who is also a worm energy. her swagger her panache her power. all the scenes where she’s doing her professional science job and also just saying some vaguely insane shit are important to me. but then like I also think one of the most interesting things in her character was kind of unintentional as they were trying to sort her out where early jadzia was a lot quieter and more serious and theoretically more like she was before joining and then she just kind of evolves into her final form. like I don’t think that was intentional I think they just kinda went hmm this character isn’t working let’s try something else but I think the idea that sometimes it’s this gradual progression towards a balance (in a different way than it is for ezri later as well) is an interesting one.
least favorite thing about them
it’s too easy to talk about tears of the prophets and the whole like “she’s never mentioned that they want kids before now but since they’re killing her off she is now Woman Who Wants A Baby because i guess her death isn’t tragic enough otherwise, and it feels like cheating to talk about how “if worf hadn’t shown up it would’ve been you” (idr if that’s the exact quote and I refuse to look it up but it’s like that) is a horrendous retcon, but holy shit everything that happened at the end of s6 into s7 was like. it’s just so clearly spiteful?? like I’m not breaking new ground here we all know it but god.
also I do think her willingness to just like throw her life away for some random guy she met two days ago is kind of funny but if I knew her in real life it would drive me insane
benjamin!! literally just. I mean she has great dynamics with so many people and some of them didn’t even get ruined in s7 but they’re so important to each other both across lifetimes and as sisko and Jadzia Specifically that they gotta take the top spot
I do like worfzia a lot when they’re written well (90s trek loved the “a relationship can’t be interesting unless they’re fighting about dumb shit all the time” school of thought, and while some of their arguments made sense bc they had conflicting worldviews and experiences and shit that they should reasonably have to struggle to work out, some of them felt like they were more a feature of this). but also kiradax soooo deeply important to me from like late s1 onward and I simply think. what if they were wifes.
sigh ok I’m gonna talk about it but just like. I really liked what the julian and jadzia friendship settled into!! she wasn’t into him and he eventually got over it enough that they could become rly good friends!! and like I’ve said this before but I get if he still had lingering feelings ik that doesn’t always just go away but like. to treat it like it was ever remotely mutual is so disingenuous and a disservice to both characters imo
random headcanon
this is really specific but I like to think she kind of loosely keeps in contact with arjin (the trill initiate she was the field docent for) even if he doesn’t go on to be joined. I think it would be nice if they had a little like pen pal mentorship thing going on every so often yknow.
unpopular opinion
it’s funny I feel like there aren’t a lot of wildly differing opinions on jadzia. like generally speaking pretty much everyone thinks she’s enjoyable? I feel like I have seen people say she’s not the best written character and I don’t think they’re Wrong (and i do feel like to a degree they do more interesting trill stuff with ezri) but it also doesn’t. bother me that much in this case tbh.
song i associate with them
I can’t remember who it was anymore but someone mentioned recessional by vienna teng as a kira/jadzia song but after ezri shows up and it’s.
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favorite picture of them
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if I don’t talk about rejoined at some point during this I’ll die for real so here it is ⬆️⬆️⬆️ women kiss
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fremulon · 2 years
WIP tag game thank you @leilakalomi
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of  how non-descriptive or ridiculous. 
chapter 11
donor relations
canonverse jokes
heaven corporatizes the bookshop
sleepy au
baby you can drive my minivan
can’t count the reasons i should stay
iambic pentameter
hallmark christmas movie
latin sexting
celestial pen pal program
twilight but good
Untitled Document
hey is that why they call it giving head
life saver/creme saver
parks and rec snippets
valentine’s meet cute
Untitled document
literally why
bouncyboi/flappytaco otp
70 words
...that’s too damn many people to tag but do it if you feel like it!
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dylanlila · 3 years
Jo, I love you little weird beautiful person. Can I ask you what you think about Shirbert storyline??
Absolutely adored it, would love to write extensive meta in my style here, but I don't seem to be in the mood for it right now. Either way those two are very close to my heart and one of the few ships that I actually wholeheartedly ship and would legitimately die for. Also, gotta love my personal evolution of relating to Anne before and realizing (well, my friend pointed it out) I'm actually a Gilbert this past year. (medicine obsessed weirdo who loves suspenders!!!) Also Nonnie, I love the way you referred to me here shdjksjdjdjd
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mendokayalways · 5 years
me: *rewatching anne and gilbert finally getting their shit together in 3x10 for the 100th time*
me: ahhh serotonin
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notjustdrwhoboards · 5 years
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BNHA moodboard: Ojiro Mashirao/Shinsou Hitoshi - Pen Pals (requested by: anon)
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
“I mean, hero villain dichotomy is false, but sides are very real,” E said, glancing out at the city views as he leant against the balcony rails. “The schism is getting worse.”
“Undeniably,” B agreed, gaze focused on E instead of the city skyline. “It might be worth considering to,” he feigned hesitation, waiting for the other man to finish the sentence.
“Pause our arrangement for a while,” E finished, carefully selecting the words. “For, well, safety concerns.”
“Exactly,” B nodded. “Plus, I wouldn’t want to risk continuing the arrangement and have it end badly on a fight a few months down the road.”
E turned a little, giving B a half-smile. “So we could make sure it doesn’t end on horrible terms by, ah, pausing it amicably now.”
“Well, I personally think it’s a logical solution,” B shrugged casually.
“It is quite sensible indeed,” E assured him. “And also, this arrangement has been a pleasure. For me at least.”
“Likewise,” B said immediately. They shared a smile.
“You know, I was reading a certain Mr. Green’s works the other day,” E said thoughtfully. “Came across something that stuck in my mind.”
“‘Why be an agent? To protect the world from all other agents.’” E quoted.
“Eddie Drood,” B recognized.
E’s smile broadened. “Yeah. You like him?”
“Personally, I would say I like John Taylor from the Nightside better,” B shrugged. “Eddie’s okay, but he could be rather, um -”
“Narrow-minded?” E guessed, an amused grin surfacing.
“Occasionally,” B replied.
“He did change, at least to a degree. I think it’s part of his arc,” E hummed. “He’s very interesting though, has a complex relationship with his whole family that’s quite fascinating.” John Taylor, on the other hand, E thought, didn’t really count as having a family, but instead an odd bunch of friends and allies and frenemies to rely on. Interesting how each of them preferred Green’s protagonists differently, E thought.
“That’s true,” B acknowledged. “You know, maybe we could, uh, become pen pals or something.”
E arched an eyebrow, surprised. “And have literature discussion?”
“If you’re interested, that is.”
“I think I am,” E mused. “We shouldn’t talk about real life, or anything related to the schism and such, of course.”
“Definitely shouldn’t,” B said. “Safety concerns, and all that.”
“Yeah,” E said. A moment of silence fell between them, and E said, “Well, I guess we won’t be seeing each other in person for a while, possibly.”
“Possibly,” B agreed. “Take care. Stay safe.”
“You too,” E met his gaze.
B nodded, and after a brief hesitation, slowly turned to pick up his jacket from the coat rack in the hotel room. “Goodbye, Ernest.”
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thenewfist-blog · 5 years
“I have pillows, blankets, supreme comfort, and all that’s missing is you.” ( i had to bc soft babes oops )
Comforting Cuddles Starters ;; Accepting!
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Blue hues glance over to the spot where the man is splayed out atop the bed, taking in his form and the items he mentioned. He’s not kidding either... there’s more pillows on the damn thing than he’s ever seen on one singular bed before and the blankets are plush and the material looks soft to the touch too. It looks like every bit of it would mold to fit his body and cradle him there until he’s dumb enough to get up from it.
Add in the fact that John is already happily lying in all of it and Bucky is practically jumping onto the bed (after toeing off his shoes, of course, because he’s not about to let those ruin any bit of this).
There’s a soft chuckle that spills from his lips as he crawls over to where John is and allows himself to settle against the man’s side, his head resting on John’s shoulder. One leg winds up slung over John’s and metal fingers find their way to the man’s chest, drawing random patterns across it.
“ I‘m not missin’ anymore, “ he comments through a grin, “ and I’m not movin’ any time soon, so don’t you even think about movin’ either. “
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AU #170
Person A and Person B have been pen pals since their teen years, and have recently decided they might want to date. They both live on opposite ends of the world, and have only used pen and paper to communicate thus far. Meeting each other for the first time, B is shocked how beautiful A is. The way the described themselves on paper really didn’t do them justice…
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