#otp: silver dove
elfyourmother · 2 years
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Haurchefant Week - Day 1 + 2  - Opportunity/Discovery
Still I remember the day my lord father granted me the stewardship of Dragonhead. Twas meant to be an honor, an expression of the unwavering faith he has always possessed, where I am concerned: that I could be the leader of men he always knew I could be, for he had molded me as such, as much as my trueborn brothers. 
But I knew it for a manner of exile. No matter that it was not so far from the Holy See—twas far enough from the storied Pillars, with its wagging tongues, and farther still from the ancient demense of House Fortemps, within whose walls I had been scarce more than an interloper since the day I was born. Twas an exile I accepted gladly, for such reasons. 
Seven years did I stand steadfast as Lord Commander. I had the utmost faith in dearest Emmanellain—more than most—for I knew the hidden depths within him, and had seen him grow much over the past moons. And I would gladly follow my beloved wheresoever she went, wheresoever she desired—pray do not mistake my recollection for regret, for the question scarce passed her delectable lips ere I fair leapt to answer in the affirmative. That she would want me, still, though my body be broken, and believe I had aught to give moved me beyond measure. 
Still, my enthusiasm for the endeavor she set before me availed me not that day we stood before the southgate, and the long road to Mor Dhona stretched out before me. Twas no mean thing to walk away from my men, from what I had built in such pride and determination for so long. 
Dragonhead was a fortress, of a surety—but I made it a home, not merely for myself, but for all who dwelled within those ancient and unyielding walls. The defense of my homeland was my pride, aye, but too the manner of hospitality I instilled in all who dwelled within those walls. A millennia of blood and sorrow have made my people hard in many ways, but I know the warmth within Ishgardian hearts, and ever did I strive to keep such a hearth as warm and merry as the Fury grant me strength—for my men, that their hearts be sustained in their duty, but too, for all who passed through those gates. No stranger would go hungry, no traveler be unsheltered. Tis the honor of the strong to protect the weak, so remarks the Enchiridion, after all. A knight lives to serve. The peace I knew not in mine own House flourished in abundance at Dragonhead, by mine own will. 
I am not ashamed to confess that a river of tears streamed forth from mine eyes, to leave that peace. And I for all lived vicariously through tales shared by sellswords and adventurers before the hearth and in scintillating pleasure’s wake, I had never set a foot beyond the borders of my homeland. But she steeled me, my Gisele, with a gentle hand, and eyes which shone as dazzling amethysts in eternal winter’s sun. Full glad was I to embark upon this journey with her, as a newfound Scion of the Seventh Dawn. 
And how remarkable a journey it would be! Little did I know my life would change so dramatically as a Scion, in so many ways. Such wonders have I seen, the places I have been! That I should know them at her side has been a greater blessing still, and the better part of it. Through her, and our comrades, have I learned much of myself and the world, achieving things even I could not fathom—but the truest measure of what it means to be a knight, have I learned from my sweet sorceress most of all, more than any other, even beyond soothing incantation or graceful step. One requires neither blade nor shield to serve; and betimes yet more is required. Even what seems a curse—mine aether, inexorably bent to the Light by the eldritch power of the Primal that shattered my body and near claimed my life—might be made a gift, channeled through the White Arts to heal, and made me a hunter of sin eaters such as Norvrandt had never seen. These lessons I cherish most of all. Gisele taught me I had as yet more to give than I believed in the darkest hours of mine own despair, no matter should my shield arm betray me, betimes.  
Never have I been so proud as to serve as her oathsworn champion in the name of the Fury—not when I won my spurs, not when I assumed command of the fortress. To be Knight to my Sorceress is the greatest honor on life. Who could have possibly conceived how my life should change so irrevocably, that day she stepped into my office for the first time, alongside Alphinaud and Master Garlond, bearing weary tears in her eyes and a plea for aid. Not I, nor anyone, I think. And my heart could not soar any higher for it.
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bludpudding · 1 month
what are your favorite fics featuring boyd characters?
listen now I am personally not a writer but I do work in character design and world building. I’ve helped my babe @breedaboyd out with a few different fics now and I’ll be real he truly brings the magic to my visions. obviously I’m biased but our joint projects are some of my favorite fics of all time I cannot plug them enough
our two most notable works are:
Safe Haven - Donald Pierce has never had a heat, what with him being a late-blooming Omega. Maybe he can make the best of a bad situation when his heat finally hits and an unexpected hero comes to the rescue.
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I am so in love with Kurt Ackerman it’s not even funny. precious gentle giant guard dog. but I will step aside for Don’s sake. konnie otp they are married in every universe
The Angel and the Preacher - Nick Reiner is a preacher at the local church. Ryan (aka Miracle Guy) is a fallen angel-come-superhero. In an effort to quell his homesickness, Ryan stumbles into the church but accidentally initiates the final fall of Preacher Nick. Soon, their world devolves into fire, passion and blood. It's only by nightfall that the two men manage to affirm and accept their blossoming bond before facing the dawn together.
chariot wrote some bomb ass poetry for this one I still lose my mind over it
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some bonus art of ryan !! boyds are always so fun to redesign
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here are some of chariot’s solo works that I think about a LOT:
Pupinthian - Morpheus turns the Corinthian into a kind of man/dog hybrid. It's not too bad. [AFAB!Cori ☓ AMAB!Reader]
Like Cats and Dogs - You decide you've been out of the dating game for a little too long and decide to go for a night on the town to see what you can find. You end up getting a little more than you bargained for in a tall, blonde Adonis of a man who crosses your path.[Intersex!Cori ☓ AMAB!Reader]
Take Your Silver Spoon, Dig Your Grave - Ten instances where Johnny and Cal crossed the line of MC president and mechanic, drawing inspiration from the music of the time period. [AMAB!Cal ☓ AMAB!Johnny]
Wishful Sinful - Professor Stephen Tynan is your Human Sexual Behaviour Professor and you've had your eye on him for quite some time. Realising this isn't the most appropriate setting to be crushing (hard) on a person, you decide to ask if you can switch classes. But will that make any difference? And what will Professor Tynan have to say about your intentions on leaving his class? [AMAB!Tynan ☓ AFAB!Reader]
His Little Dove - While walking back from another town, a snow storm hits and you have no other choice but to rush into a mysterious, nearby cottage despite rumours of a terrifying beast lurking the area. Did you make the right choice? [AMAB!John McBride ☓ AFAB!Reader]
My Love, Mine, All Mine - Tooth-rotting fluff + Valentine's Day with Mo Lundy [AMAB!Mo ☓ AFAB!Reader]
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kitramune · 1 year
My friend approached me a while back like "I've been making dumb OTP questions if you want to answer some." And I was like "Hell yeah, shoot." So I thought I'd share my answers, since they were all InuKag ones. I had an absurd amount of fun thinking about these, cuz that's just how my brain works, apparently. ---- Q: If Kagome and Inuyasha were shiny [Pokemon], what color hair/eyes would they have? Inuyasha can't just be black. A: Hmmm... I guess Inuyasha would be gold since everyone tries to say his hair is silver, not white. Like full on sparkly metallic gold. Kagome can be blue because:
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Q: If they were a season, what season is either one? A: Inuyasha is spring cuz he has a lot of energy and the "rebirth" theme with him being sealed and then brought back. Kagome is autumn because the manga starts in autumn which means it's her birthday, and she's vibrant but sensible like the colorful leaves without being OVERLY vibrant like spring would be. Q: What gemstone would either be? A: I think Inuyasha would be rose quartz because it reminds me of a heart and he's a loving boi who got ended and revived by different loves, and gets his strength from it because he's more capable of feeling it thanks to being half human. Kagome I think would be jade because it has healing and protection qualities and she's got spiritual powers and is usually the medic throughout the whole series. Plus her green school uniform aesthetic. Q: What is their favorite weather? A: Inuyasha likes it just after it rains because there are tons of different unearthed smells. Kagome likes light rain because the sound helps her focus and she gets an excuse to stay inside and be lazy with hot tea or baths. Q: What music genre does either seem to prefer? A: I think Inuyasha would like reggae or soft rock because that's what dogs are supposed to like according to studies, LOL. But they have a beat that appeals to his more upbeat energy while also being able to lull him into relaxing. I think Kagome would also like those genres but might have a soft spot for traditional Japanese music and mantras because she grew up in a shrine so she probably heard them through her childhood more than others might. Q: If they were a Pokemon, what type(s) would they be? A: Hmmm... Inuyasha would be Ground Type because he's named after a nature spirit and most of his attacks are wind-based, with another being diamonds, so very earthy. Maybe mixed with Dark Type because his final move is literally opening a portal to Hell, and because he turns human based on the moon cycle. Kagome is Fairy/Grass because of the whole holy powers and herb healing. (And Grass and Fairy both have the most healing type moves.) Q: What type of herb/plant would they be? A: Kagome is a yarrow because of the arrow pun and it meaning "healing, protection, and everlasting love". Inuyasha is an olive tree because he was literally looking for peace and friendship his entire life and like the whole dove thing he found it after a long wait. Q: What zodiac sign are they? A: Kagome is a Taurus and Inuyasha is an Aries. Cuz the colors AND the personality traits match up. ---- I love these types of questionnaires, and if anyone has different answers, I'd love to hear them!
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charnelhouse · 3 years
Persephone & Hades with the mandalorian
A/N: DAMN how did you know this is my OG OTP and I am a fucking ho for greek mythos. There is a little gore in this, but that’s it. Also, kidnapping obvs. I pulled the concept of Hades being scarred from Lore Olympus because that shit is amazing. I’m not sure if that was in any of the original myths, but I couldn’t find anything.
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He’s cold. 
Blue-black cold. The moon burns its pearl shine over the back of his helmet. 
He is broad and towering – a looming structure that you cannot parse. He has no face. There is only his great helmet, an utterly beautiful piece of armor. The infamous helm of darkness – the one magically gifted to him by the liberated cyclopes during The Great War.
He looks so strange among the field of flowers and pale wheat. A smear of tar across your Summer.
His voice echoes when he speaks to you. It is built from ghosts - drawn over teeth and skulls and tombs. His armor clinks like the gold coins that are delivered to him from the spirits on their final walk. 
When he steals you, he doesn’t give you reasons. He doesn’t mind your tears or your fury or your desperate, frantic pleading. 
“Little goddess,” he says – indifferent and flat. “This is fate.”
Hades doesn’t touch you. He doesn’t try anything.
“This is your home now,” he announces softly. 
It’s a palace of bones and white stone. It is dark and wet and yet it is peaceful. There are no screams or jingling chains or crying, broken spirits. There are meadows of mist. Fields of frost. Enormous copper bowls of flame.
You have your own room. Your own bed. He gives you servants and dresses and thousands of books. He is wealthy beyond measure – the god of the riches that grow below the Earth. 
“Anything you need,” he tells you. “Anything at all. You ask and it’s yours.”
“I’d like to go home,” you reply.
He clenches his fist at his side. 
“I’m sorry,” he says between gritted teeth. His cape billows in the icy wind that whistles through his marbled hall at his back. He looks frightening with his height and his stillness and his blank face. A predator without the good grace of a warning. “But it is out of my hands, dove.”
You narrow your eyes, the heat in your chest blossoming to something volcanic. 
“I didn’t want this,” you hiss. 
“Careful,” he warns as his gloved hand reaches for you. He seems to think better of it and returns it to his belt. He tilts his helmet down, motioning to the floor and when you follow his gaze you realize that a spray of lilies has burst from the ground. A sprinkle of blood-red roses in all of the white. Funeral petals. 
“Your anger,” he remarks, almost amused. “Your anger is your power then.”
And then he’s gone, whirling away in a shock of ice. You taste iron in your mouth from where you’ve bitten through your tongue.
He doesn’t try to scare you. He never corners you or uses his body to overwhelm you. He simply watches from afar. 
He avoids you most of the day, spending his hours in Tartarus. The only time you see him is at dinner, where you spoon lush blue fruit into your mouth and drink black wine. 
He barely talks. His armor speaks for him as it creaks with each heavy step he takes. His Beskar blinding as he moves through his palace like a wraith. Silver steel like the platinum rivers that flow through his kingdom. 
You’ve heard that he’s horribly scarred. That Kronos tore him apart as he climbed up his father’s belly. Every piece of flesh is hidden from you.
Maybe, it’s true. Maybe he’s hideous.
But his voice. His voice. 
You are so alone here. You have no one. You fall apart in your bedroom, crying until you have nothing left. You miss your mother. You miss the golden fields of wheat. The reflective pools of turquoise water. The full caress of the hot sun.
One morning, he comes up behind you, gently touching your shoulder. 
“I have something for you,” he murmurs. “A friend.”
“What friend could live here?” you snap before you are bowled over by a furry, black beast.
The dog’s three heads lick you all at once. They nuzzle their pointed wet noses into your neck. Its body is enormous, muscular and silky – the color of obsidian. 
“Cerberus!” he barks, tugging him away from you. “I’m sorry – I didn’t – “
But you’re laughing, bright and warm, as you climb onto your knees and wrap your arms around Cerberus’s neck. 
“He’s adorable!” you squeak, kissing one of his cheeks. 
He is momentarily silent, before he visibly relaxes when he realizes you’re fine.  He even chuckles and it sounds like smoke. Dark and heady. “That’s not usually the first thing people say when they meet him and – oh – it seems you’ve decorated him.”
You pull back to see that you have created garlands of brilliant pink blooms around each of the dog’s necks. They are bright against the black – startling. 
“It suits him,” Hades assures as you roughly rub one of Cerberus’s ears. 
You give him a sideways glance. His arms are crossed over his broad chest as he watches you with the guardian of the Underworld. 
“You’re humoring me,” you quip.
“Is it working?” 
You can hear him smiling, and it confuses you. 
He’s your captor. He has stolen your life. You don’t reply to him, instead you choose to press your face into the warm scruff of the dog.
“I would like you to be happy,” he insists. “I can hear you weeping in your room, little flower.”
You bristle at his pet names. He is cold. He is a King with only corpses for subjects. He took you from your mother. 
You stand, squaring your shoulders. Flowers the color of old milk appear -  ripe with the spoiled scent of rot. Moss shoots from the ground. Thorned vines spill from your fingers before they wrap around his legs and arms and across his cuirass. He steps back in surprise. 
“Don’t listen then,” you growl as you storm back to your room, Cerberus at your heels. 
Hecate comes to you to offer comfort. Her three faces gleam in the reflection of your mirror. She brushes your hair, runs her violet knuckles over your skin. The way she had done when you were a child and needed comfort.
“I cannot go home?” you ask, shoving your chin into your hands. 
“No,” Hecate replies with the echoing warble of her three voices. “It is…complicated.”
“Make a doorway then,” You brush a tear from your cheek. You were sick of crying. 
“It’s not that simple,” she murmurs. 
She smells like nightshade and the strong brew of herbs. She smells like your mother. 
Cerberus rubs one of his snouts against her thigh and she strokes his forehead. “Shouldn’t you be guarding something?” she teases as the dog yips.
“Hades gave him to me,” you shrug. “He takes up about half the room.”
“This dog has eaten thousands of men,” Hecate grins. “Isn’t that right?”
He wags his tail. 
Hecate rubs your shoulders. “You’ve only gotten more beautiful down here.”
“Maybe it’s because this place is hideous.”
It’s a lie. 
Hecate frowns. “It’s lovely in its own way. Hades will change it if you ask.”
“Why are you on his side?”
She wrinkles her brow, offended. “You don’t know the politics of this. You don’t know everything.”
You twist around. “Share it with me then. This includes me. I’ve just – just been kidnapped from everything I have ever known.”
“Hades is good,” she presses. “Far better than the other Gods that could have been chosen for you.”
“But -”
And then Hecate is gone – disappearing in a puff of glittering magic. She leaves the imprint of the moon on your bedroom floor.
You finally see Hades at his worst. You see why mortals fear him – why the Gods fear him. Why Zeus has banished him to his palace beneath the sod. He is his brother’s equal in all ways, though more calculating and less brazen.
He’s his match and you know that if he wanted to take over Olympus, he could. Your mother had said as much. Hades just doesn’t care enough to do it. 
You wonder what he does care about.
You accidentally get lost in Tartarus, which should be a near impossibility. It is a maze. It is deep: as far from the palace of the Underworld as the earth is to Heaven. You ignore all of Hades’s warnings about moving toward the core, past the relative safety of the upper levels of his world. You go through the doorways and down staircases you shouldn’t. Your feet get soaked in black, gooey sludge. There is old blood here. There are the howls of the imprisoned:
Titans who have been caged in the pit. Constant screaming from the mortals who have been damned to eternal torment.
King Sisyphus
Rolling boulders. Tubs with cracks. Vultures. Livers. Straw rope. Apples just out of reach. All tasks made for frustration and despair and humiliation. An eternity of futility.
They call to you. You feel invisible talons in your skirts – your flesh and bones – as they pull you into the abyss. The Fertility Goddess. The Life Giver. The Rebirth.
You hear a wail – high-pitched and frantic – and it takes you a minute to realize it’s coming from you. They cut into your legs, the soft flesh of your belly. You bleed ichor – pink and gold and shimmering as it flows through the divots in the stone floor for the damned to drink. 
You’re clawing at the floor, sprouting vines and coiling trees and poisonous flowers and still they drag you into the deep. 
You hope death will be easy. You hope it won’t be too painful.
And then the tunnel shakes – trembles with the fury of an earthquake. There is a blur of silver as you are ripped away from their grasping hands. Powerful arms lift you up and grip you tight before you are gently placed at the doorway to home.
He roars, racing down into the darkness to punish and hurt and destroy. It’s a slaughter. There is the flood of blue light and you press your face into your lap and cover your ears. They cannot die. You know this. But, Hades is just doing it to do it.
Because they hurt you. 
You don’t know how long it takes. You don’t know how much time passes.
Finally, Hades returns to your side. He brushes your hair from your brow.
“Persephone,” he whispers and it’s full, packed with heat and concern and sorrow. He carries you back to your room, cradling you to his chest. He is shivering with a live wire of power. It’s overwhelming his system as if he had utilized far too much of it. He cannot seem to calm himself.
When he places you on your bed, he stumbles, falling to his knees before his hands are at the hinge of your jaw as he tilts his helmet to stare up at you. 
“Goddess,” he murmurs. “Sweet one – you are – they have hurt you.”
You peer down at the mess of your legs, your ripped dress. Your life force is streaming down your calves, painting Hades’s armor. There is a red handprint across his visor, which you know doesn’t belong to you. He tears his gloves off and you are stunned to see that his naked hands are lovely – they are golden and smooth and as big as he is. He runs them over the gashes and the gouges and the slit skin. He mutes the pain.
“What can I do?” he pleads. “What – how can I help you?”
You can’t find your tongue. There is fear – so much terror that is still choking your lungs and caging you in.
You try to catch your breath, calm the stutter of your heart. You screw your eyes shut. You see them still: pupils like rubies and emeralds and amethysts. Forked tongues and their seductive, gritty voices. Bones for fingers. Expressions slack with utter despair and hatred. The smell, though. The smell had been sewage and steaming innards. Brackish water.
“Breathe,” he soothes. “Breathe.”
You fist your hands into his cape and – despite it all – you fall into him. You push your nose into his throat as you cling to his neck. His arms slowly come around your shoulders, his fingers threading through your hair as he tucks you against him. There is the soft crush of peonies and warm honey and when you lean back, you realize that you have dressed him in flowers.
They look terribly out of place with all of his armor and the blood that still drips down his visor. Red and viridian and gold splattered on white-velvet blooms.
Blood from mortals and Titans alike.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
He tuts, a gentle noise of protest before he’s hauling you back into his arms.
“Don’t be,” he hushes you. “Get it out, little goddess.”
And then you’re sinking deeper into his embrace. He smells...oh he smells...not like death or blood or carrion flesh. He smells like juniper and mint and muddled incense. He smells like winter air. Frosty wind that burns the tip of your nose.
You can just make out the underside of his jaw - another flash of golden skin. 
“Your skin,” you remark softly. “It’s...I did not expect it to look like that.” 
“Like what?” His tone curious, charmed.
“The sun.”
Something ragged rumbles from his chest and he tightens his grip around you, hauling you flush against his armored body. 
You will hate him tomorrow, you think. You will find your fury when the terror subsides. 
Part II
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marnie1964 · 3 years
Ok Gimme John Kreese
favorite thing about them:  the worst guy of all time. basically the chernobyl elephant's foot if the elephant's foot was an elderly veteran. i think he has a very good idea of what all he can get away with, so it's lot's of fun to watch him push his luck.
least favorite thing about them:  he's a fake feminist for not killing tory's landlord
favorite line:  from the scene where he dresses down terry in the dojo--i love the deeply under appreciated implication that he doesn't really feel any solidarity with other veterans and sees anyone who died in the war as a loser. a++ villainy
brOTP:  i hope that tory spends season 5 speaking for him from prison like the mouth of sauron, or maybe more accurately like one of those teenaged girls that l. ron hubbard gave orders through in sea org (can you imagine anything that would be more heartening for tory than making multi-millionaire terrance silver tear up?)
OTP:  him and silver, i'm so invested in this it's kind of embarrassing. i'm obsessed with the way terry drops what he's doing to lose his damn mind any time kreese shows up out of the blue and bats his eyelashes at him. the amount of power that kreese holds over terry is incredible relative to all of terry's money, status, and physical prowess--it’s a relationship between man and dog. i can't wait to see what he does to get back at him next season.
nOTP:  he isn't popular enough that i've come across one
random headcanon:  if anybody in cobra kai fits the role of femme fatale it's kreese. he's ruined the lives of numerous promising young men by luring them from the straight and narrow, he showed up to johnny's door in the dead of night in a sultry puff of smoke, he pushed terry into a downward spiral by winking at him (#girl). the only reason people don't recognize this is because he's 75 and has plate glass chest hair, do better.
unpopular opinion:  so, so many, but first and foremost i think that he loves johnny to bits and pieces. it's just that his love is completely worthless because he's a terrible human being <3 i also think that his relationship with johnny is rife with uncomfortable subtext 
song i associate with them:  labrador - aimee mann, which pretty much sums up his relationship with everything. note the gun is dropping doves rather than ducks
favorite picture of them:  john kreese cardboard cutout
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17, 19, 21 for Payal and Aakash for the OTP asks please?
Sorry I'm being so greedy!
Haha no no I like greedy people XD And thank you for enthusiastically taking part in the OTP asks!
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17) What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Akash: Busy markets, fabrics, chikankari, potatoes, diyas, sunrise, incense, kajal, silver, zardozi and love remind him of Payal
Payal: white, doves, lenses, chandeliers, embers, fireworks, fresh water, clean linen, ittr, comfort and home remind her of Akash
19) If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
Akash: "If life gets to us, then remind me, I was never happier than the day you agreed to marry me."
Payal: "I will always be with you Akash, no matter what happens."
21) How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
For worse
As we saw in the show, the lack of privacy and their utter dedication to their family can make them grow apart as they have no time for each other.
Since they both know they love and chose each other, they forget that they still need to learn about each other and need to communicate - they both overestimate the other's understanding.
For better
Akash has really grown into his own post marriage. Especially with Payal. He realises focusing on self isn't a bad thing. His sense of humor has increased (given how much he loves Payal's laughs). And finally, he has become more expressive. Also, he has stopped blaming others or putting responsibilities of events on others and focuses more on what he can do.
Payal has learned to communicate - demand conversations if necessary. She is less hurt, knows how much weight to give to events. She does not hide anything from Akash and is more resolute about what she instinctively feels right.
Thanks for asking :D
Lots of love,
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shi-daisy · 4 years
Silver Lining
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Hi everyone! So here's my entry for the mythology theme of Ulquihime week. This time out little otp will be put into the Dionyisus and Ariadne shoes. I know we all love em as Hades and Persephone but give that themes been done many times before, I wanted to try this one instead. Side note: I'm gonna dunk on Ichigo again. I do love him tho but since I needed someone to be Theseus for the myth and I'm still salty about the ending, poor berry boy is getting stuck with that (Sorry Ichi, you're still baby!) Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 5 Mythology
Silver Lining
Orihime had been staring at the sea for almost an hour now. The hem of her dress would soon be dry, but that wasn't much of a consolation.
She had been left stranded in the shores of Naxos during the night. As her husband Ichigo, had left without her. Upon realizing what had happened she rushed into the water to call out for him, but deep inside she knew it was a waste of effort. By now he must've been a thousand miles away.
Orihime began to cry again, what would become of her? There's was no way for her to escape the island, and with no food or shelter it was likely she would perish in two or three days. 'In the end, I'm certain no one will even remember me...'
Her sobs didn't let hear the sound of footsteps coming toward her. Orihime almost jumped as she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder.
"Careful, little dove. I'm not here to hurt you."
Orihime remained silent. The man who just appeared before her, had the look and speech of a god, but which one? She first assumed he was the Lord of the underworld, given that he had dark clothes and, sparkling green eyes, and pale skin, but that couldn't be right, as said God almost never left his domain. The scent of wine, was what gave her an answer.
"Are you, Ulquiorra?"
"You've guessed correctly, dear. God of festivities and ecstasy, at your service. Now tell me, what is it that a lovely lady like you is doing here?"
He offered her his hand, Orihime took it and stood up, trying to control her tears as she explained.
"I was abandoned here. My husband, he defeated the Minotaur of the labyrinth and we escaped together afterward. But he's left me here."
"Oh my, that's such a cruel fate. My deepest apologies, lady....um..."
"That's a lovely name. Here," The god materialized a goblet of wine and gave it to her. "Maybe a drink would do you good."
She chuckled. "Thank you." The wine was cold and savoury, it did help her aching throat. All the crying had left her weak.
Ulquiorra looked at the lovely girl with curiosity. Why would a man abandon such a pretty wife? Not to mention smart. Ulquiorra noticed she had a golden thread of yarn tied to her wrist. 'That's probably how she navigated the labirynth.'
"Orihime, would you like for me to take you back to your beloved?"
She almost dropped the cup at his offer. She could go back, go back to her husband. 'But who in their right mind would want to go back to him'
"No. I'm not returning to a man who left me for dead."
"Then I can take you to Crete. Your parents must be worried sick."
She shook her head. "I can assure you they're not. After I destroyed my father's labirynth, he all but banished me. I don't have anywhere to go."
Ulquiorra placed his hands upon her face, wiping away her tears. "Don't weep, little dove, it's not befitting of you. There is another place where I can take you, somewhere you'll be very happy."
"My domain. Should you chose it, I can make you a goddess, I can make you my wife."
Her face went red. "M-me? But I am just a mortal woman, there's nothing I can offer you or your domain."
"That dosen't matter. To be honest with you, I am not as social as my cults seem to think. It's a little lonely being the one who of provides the drink and joy for a celebration yet have no one to share it with.
I've always wanted a wife, but never found a person I could be at ease with. You however seem to have a very calming presence, little dove. I'm inclined to think you're intelligent, since you helped destroy the labirynth, and also kind, in helping someone else at the cost of your familial ties. Not to mention you're quite beautiful as well.
If you become my wife I promise we'll be equals, you'll have a palace of your own. You'll be properly loved by me."
That last sentence made her shiver, Ulquiorra's voice as he said it was so sincere yet commanding. Orihime couldn't resist.
Standing on her tip toes, she gave the god a soft peck on the lips. "I accept. I'll be your wife."
Ulquiorra smiled. "Very well then, let's go home."
He took off his cape and wrapped Orihime in it. Then he picked her up bridal style.
Orihime blushed but still found the gesture very sweet. She clung to him tightly, slightly scared of the height difference, and that if she didn't her clumsiness would cause her to fall.
"No. I couldn't be scared of you. I just don't want to fall."
"Don't worry. I won't let you."
He leaned in for a kiss. Orihime quickly reciprocated, a little embarrassed that her new husband would get her so flustered with one deep kiss.
"Don't get impatient dear. When we get home, I intend to give you more than just a kiss."
"I think I'd like that very much."
With one last look at the crystalline sea, she was whisked away by the god.
True to his word Ulquiorra gave her everything he had promised, making her a goddess in the process. As they stood before the other olympians during their wedding ceremony, she knew their names would now be interwined forever, and that she'd be remembered in centuries to come.
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TAGGED BY: @princesssarisa​
@ardenrosegarden​ @giuliettaluce​ @gravedangerahead​
Favorite thing about them: Oh my sweet boy, he is a sensitive poet that only wants to distance himself of violence and to share his love (for Juliet and for love itself) with the world.
Least favorite thing about them: That fact that when Tybalt kills Mercucio, he blames Juliet for “turning him affeminate” (weak) and decides to kill Tybalt in relation, believing this will prove that he is “man enough”. This obviously is the biggest mistake he ever commited.
Three things i have in common with them:
-His melancholy.
-I also can sometimes find dificult to communicate my true feelings to friends and relatives.
-I also love Juliet Capulet.
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
-Nobility status.
-Training to fight with a sword.
-I can’t improvise poetic dialogue the way he can. And i don’t have his french.
Favorite line:
“I fear, too early: for my mind misgives Some consequence yet hanging in the stars Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night's revels and expire the term Of a despised life closed in my breast By some vile forfeit of untimely death”.
 “What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?
O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night”.
“ If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss”. 
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek”!
 “She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art As glorious to this night, being o'er my head As is a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds And sails upon the bosom of the air”.
“ Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this”?
 “Amen, amen! but come what sorrow can, It cannot countervail the exchange of joy That one short minute gives me in her sight: Do thou but close our hands with holy words, Then love-devouring death do what he dare; It is enough I may but call her mine”.
“Ah, Juliet, if the measure of thy joy Be heap'd like mine and that thy skill be more To blazon it, then sweeten with thy breath This neighbour air, and let rich music's tongue Unfold the imagined happiness that both Receive in either by this dear encounter”.
“This gentleman, the prince's near ally, My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt In my behalf; my reputation stain'd With Tybalt's slander,—Tybalt, that an hour Hath been my kinsman! O sweet Juliet, Thy beauty hath made me effeminate And in my temper soften'd valour's steel”!
“ This day's black fate on more days doth depend; This but begins the woe, others must end”.
“Alive, in triumph! and Mercutio slain! Away to heaven, respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now”!
“O, I am fortune's fool”!
“Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel: Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy love, An hour but married, Tybalt murdered, Doting like me and like me banished, Then mightst thou speak, then mightst thou tear thy hair, And fall upon the ground, as I do now, Taking the measure of an unmade grave”.
“ It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east: Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die”.
“ Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death; I am content, so thou wilt have it so. I'll say yon grey is not the morning's eye, 'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow; Nor that is not the lark, whose notes do beat The vaulty heaven so high above our heads: I have more care to stay than will to go: Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. How is't, my soul? let's talk; it is not day”.
 “Come hither, man. I see that thou art poor: Hold, there is forty ducats: let me have A dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear As will disperse itself through all the veins That the life-weary taker may fall dead And that the trunk may be discharged of breath As violently as hasty powder fired Doth hurry from the fatal cannon's womb”.
“Art thou so bare and full of wretchedness, And fear'st to die? famine is in thy cheeks, Need and oppression starveth in thine eyes, Contempt and beggary hangs upon thy back; The world is not thy friend nor the world's law; The world affords no law to make thee rich; Then be not poor, but break it, and take this”.
“I pay thy poverty, and not thy will”.
“There is thy gold, worse poison to men's souls, Doing more murders in this loathsome world, Than these poor compounds that thou mayst not sell. I sell thee poison; thou hast sold me none. Farewell: buy food, and get thyself in flesh. Come, cordial and not poison, go with me To Juliet's grave; for there must I use thee”.
“How oft when men are at the point of death Have they been merry! which their keepers call A lightning before death: O, how may I Call this a lightning? O my love! my wife! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet3040 Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there. Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet? O, what more favour can I do to thee, Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain To sunder his that was thine enemy? Forgive me, cousin! Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair? shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous, And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that, I still will stay with thee; And never from this palace of dim night Depart again: here, here will I remain With worms that are thy chamber-maids; O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest, And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss A dateless bargain to engrossing death! Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Here's to my love”!
“O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die”.    
brOTP: With Mercucio and Benvolio.
OTP: With Juliet.
nOTP: With Rosaline, Benvolio, Mercucio and Tybalt.
Random Headcanon:
-His favorite colors are: blue, green, white and silver.
-His favorite fairy tale is Rapunzel.
-His favorite greek myth is the love story of Orpheus and Euridice.
-In a Modern Day Everybody Lives AU i made in collab with @giuliettaluce​, he becomes an English Lit and Poetry professor. To know more about it, read it here:
Unpopular Opinion: Yes, Leonard Whiting is a good actor and he was a very good casting choice for the role of Romeo in the 1968 movie. But the cuts of many of his lines, like the one where he thinks that killing Tybalt as a regaining of honor and his dialogue with the apotecary, tones the characters actual complexity and intelligence way, way down, and is the cause of the popular misconception that Romeo is an impulsive bratty teenager.
Song i associate with them: 
Flor, Minha Flor (Grupo Galpão), wich is the theme of Grupo Galpão’s montage of Romeo and Juliet: 
Favorite picture of them:
Sir Ian Holm, 1967
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Dolhai Attila, 2001
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Adetomiwa Edun, 2010 
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Eduardo Moreira, 2012/13
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Lucien Laviscount in the Still Star-Crossed series, 2017
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blueboltkatana · 4 years
Harry potter?
Yass thank you!
The first character i fell in love with:
Not surprising but it was Ron Weasley. He made me laugh sooo much i adored him immediately
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I loved Hermione to bits when i started reading the books and i still kinda do like her, but much less than in the beginning.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Drarry, i used to really like drarry, but the fans could be insufferable sometimes and i could barely find a good fic that wasn't *yaoi* so i gave it up
my ultimate favorite character™:
Ron for sure, hasn't changed since day one
Prettiest character:
Luna Lovegood god bless queen
my most hated character:
Uhhhh Umbrige probably but I'm gonna surprise you by also adding Slughorn in here since these two remind me of my asshole teacher so yeah (i didn't include any of the death eaters or voldy cause it's obvious why i hate them but these two are more personal)
my OTP: don't think i have an otp per se, just, any ship with Ron and someone who loves him (Romione, Rarry, Reville ect)
my NOTP: uhhh any ship with professor/student as well as ships with the death eaters that are you know... Toxic and abusive. Everything pretty much depends of how the ship is handled.
Favorite episode(chapter): The silver dove, i think by now you can guess why lol
Saddest death: Remus and Tonks (no Fred is alive i don't know what you're talking about)
Favorite season (book): welllll I'm gonna sound cliche but i love book 2 and 3 the most. Book 2 made me fall in love with the story and book 3 really cemented my love for Ron
Least favorite season (book): i hate book 6, book 5 wasn't the best but i was passable, book 6 was a fucking mess and i hate it and everything that happens in that book either is out of character or completely useless and unimportant i hate it.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Idk why the fandom is obsessed with Bellatrix what the duck is wrong with y'all she tortured Neville's parents and Hermione please stop acting like she's a "strong whamen" she's a monster.
I also dislike the crazy adoration for Snape when he just a shitty teacher *at best* like y'all need help
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Sirius Black, i don't *love* him but he's quite likable and if he'd had the chance to live like a normal person he would have gotten better at handling his grudges (13 years in a torture prison isn't good for your mental health)
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Neville and Luna. They are treated like shit throughout the story, especially Neville. Bitch give my kids happiness or i will cut you up!
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Snape/James lmao yes don't ask questions
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lynfantasy · 6 years
If I can submit two, then I'd like Azula from AtLA and Garnet from SU.
For this character ask challenge.
Oh my stars. Okay then. Let’s go with Azula first.
Full disclosure, I haven’t seen A:TLA in at least a few years, so these answers are based on memory. As I said in the post asking for asks for this challenge, I plan to rewatch the whole series soon, so I’ll see if my answers change.
I should also warn for hints of salt bleeding into this, because A:TLA has been very strongly associated with Voltron in my mind, and certain... recent comments from Voltron show creators... yeah.
Favorite thing about them: The show did a really good job of humanizing her. There’s this saying about antagonists in writing: “Every villain is the hero of their own story.” I think she’s a brilliant example of that. In the scenes featuring just her and her friends, she seemed like someone you could root for... annnd then she’d do something power-hungry or crazy again, leaving the audience like “oh, right, that’s why she’s the villain.”I also admire that there was no redemption-baiting with her. She never expressed views that went against her empire’s values, she never tried to rebel against her father, and she never showed sympathy for the rebels. She was always truly on the antagonistic side, from beginning to end, and yet she was still complex and interesting. That’s admirable character design and storytelling. She stood in strong contrast to Zuko while being just as real and complex as he was.
Least favorite thing about them: Um... I don’t know if I have any complaints based solely on the show, and while I started to read the comics, I’m not up-to-date with the current edition. However, thinking back on how they handled her insanity, especially in the early comics taking place not long after the show, I have a bitter taste in my mouth, so to speak. They could have handled that more delicately. It was clear that the writers had her snap more for the drama of the final battle than because it makes sense for her psyche to have broken in that fashion under those circumstances. On the other hand, it did have proper build-up and foreshadowing, at least from what I remember, so I’ll give them partial credit there. (They certainly did better with her than some people did with a certain other character.)
Favorite line: The immortal line that comes to mind is her terrible flirting attempt. “That’s a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful. You could puncture the hull of an Empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea... because it’s so sharp.” It never ceases to amuse me that this silver-tongued manipulator has absolutely no clue to how to flirt with people. A+ character design right there.The other line from her I remember is when Toph tells her that she’ll know if she lies, and Azula deadpan makes up the most ridiculous lie ever conceived, and Toph has to admit that Azula is a perfect liar. I don’t remember what exactly Azula said, but the whole interaction was golden.
BroTP: Mai and Ty Lee for sure. Their interactions were fantastic, and I loved seeing them together as a team up until things fell apart. In a better timeline, they somehow all ended up on the same side of even the final conflict, or they at least made up afterwards.
OTP: Uhhhhhh?? I don’t think I ever shipped her with anyone. Knowing my own personal tastes, though, I’m probably going to end up shipping her with Mai and Ty Lee, because the only thing better than platonic team bonding is romantic team bonding in my opinion.
NoTP: I never really dove into the fandom for this show, so I never saw the more bizarre or uncomfortable ships. I’ll just put out a blanket “no thanks” on incest and a big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for everything else.
Random headcanon: I feel like she doesn’t get along well with cats because they’re just too much like her. She actually prefers dogs because they’re easy to order around and eager to please.
Unpopular opinion: She’s a great villain, but for the love of goodness, don’t use her a pattern for other villainous characters. Azula only makes sense in her environment. She only has depth because the story was crafted in a way that showed different facets of her. If you take her out of that context, she turns into any scheming, manipulative, stereotypical “pretty-type” cartoon villain. The lesson to learn from her is not what to do with villains, but how. Connect them to their world, their people, their environment. Use the story to show them in different lights. Contrast them with their more heroic foils. Compare them with other antagonists in their world. Humanize them by giving them solid connections and goals as well as things and people they truly care about. Make them interesting and let the audience guess what comes next by giving them clear motives and goals. And most of all, do all of that consistently. Anyone can write a villain with a silver tongue and a pretty face. Not just anyone can design a character you can root for when you see them alone with their friends and then be horrified at two seconds later when they’re hurting innocents and yet root for again when they celebrate with their friends afterwards.
Song I associate with them: Um... I guess I could cite Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco? It works for multiple villainous characters, though, so that feels like a cop-out. Maybe Victorious (also by P!ATD)? Natural by Imagine Dragons also comes to mind as a possible song that could fit her, especially with a somewhat darker interpretation of the lyrics.
Favorite picture of them: Well, I don’t have any saved, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t reblogged any. But that outfit she was wearing during the beach vacation episode was pretty cute.
Alright! Thanks for the fun challenge with this one. Love her, hate her, or both, Azula’s a very interesting character. The show wouldn’t have been the same without her.
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elfyourmother · 2 years
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kayliemusing · 4 years
19: Valentine’s Day!
do you have a crush on anyone? - No, I’m a lonely sack :(
what’s your favorite candy? - Maltesers! Sweet, but crunchy too.
favorite love song? - There’s a few. Can’t Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley,  Lover by Taylor Swift, Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran, and Cowboy Like Me by Taylor Swift. 
what was your first kiss like? - I’ve never had one because I’m boring
what was your last kiss like? - Once again, never had one of these but you should listen to Last Kiss by Taylor Swift
sexual/romantic orientation? - Heterosexual
do you prefer poems or love letters? - BOTH PLEASE. Even better, poems that are written like love letters OR love letters written like poems. Anyway, if no one in the world writes me a love letter or a poem, I will die sad.
favorite fanfic trope? - Enemies To Lovers
have you ever been in love? - No and it shows.
favorite milkshake flavor? - Vanilla. Don’t criticize me.
dinner dates or brunch dates? - Brunch!
favorite flowers? - Water lily’s, but I also love sunflowers and daisies. 
favorite perfume/cologne? - Her by Burberry
favorite candle scent? - Apple Cinnamon in the fall and winter and Black Cherry Merlot in the spring and summer. I also like anything vanilla-y.
what’s your ideal first date? - Something that’s fun or relaxing. i.e. a walk, picnic, going to some kind of museum and then afterwards a late night drive. Something really laid back. Not super into dinner dates because I generally can’t relax in restaurants because I have a lot of stomach issues so I’d hate to be on a date and be nervous the entire time.
favorite love story? - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. Also: I low key find the bonnie and clyde love story romantic.
what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear? - Confidence. See also: dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet? - Vanilla.
snow, rain, or sun? - Rain
sweetest romantic memory? - I don’t have one because I don’t really have a social life of any kind. But one time I was leaning with my back against the wall in class and I felt someone on the other side of the wall in the other room sit against the same wall so it was kind of like we were sitting back to back and I think that’s beautiful.
favorite dating sim (and favorite character)? - I don’t totally know what this means, but if it means what I ~think~ it does, my favourite dating sim game is Doki Doki Literature Club which I technically didn’t play but I watched the Game Grumps play it, and my favourite character was Natsuki
fictional crushes? - Oh where do I start: Gansey from The Raven Cycle, when I was 12 it was also Fang from Maximum Ride so I’ll give him a shoutout, Cassian from ACOTAR series by Sarah J Maas, Josh Templeman from The Hating Game, Tom Valeska from 99 Percent Mine, Cardan Black from The Folk of the Air series, Jake Connelly from The Risk, Tristan Rosier from a Crown of Bitter Orange, Hawke/Casteel Da’Neer from the From Blood and Ash series, Luc from The Origin series, Daemon Black from the Lux series, Reid Diggory from Serpent & Dove, and Arcturus from The Bone Season series. There’s more but-
what’s your dream wedding like? - I want it to be fall or winter-ish wedding (i.e in november or december). I’d like for the service to be in a rustic setting, like a barn or something like that. Then I’d like the reception to be in a fancy little hall with cute little christmas trees or lanterns as centerpieces on the table. I want my dress to be super whimsical looking with long sleeves that are kind of see-through but have a lacy-like pattern and a cute puffy skirt, and then my bridesmaids will have red dresses. A cute idea I saw on Pinterest (yes I’m that person) is a gingerbread-esque cake. Then there be other things like fairy lights and candles and maybe a photobooth. I also want their to be music playing the entire time and it’ll be entire love-song playlist. There will be a dance floor too!
what makes you blush? - Being put on the spot/feeling embarrassed
do you believe in love at first sight? - No
do you believe in soulmates? - Yes because I’m a sap
denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets? - ALL DA JACKETS. Right now I’m really into oversized denim jackets though.
what’s your sign? - Pisces
are you single? - Always and forever <3
do you prefer to charm, or be charmed? - Be charmed
guitar or piano? - Guitar
favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)? - Clueless, I think. There’s tons but that’s my feel good movie.
do you fall in love easily? - I’m not sure because I’ve never had the opportunity to fall in love. I feel like I probably do.
valentine’s decorations: yay or nay? - Nay
would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal? - Be proposed to. I don’t mind how I get proposed to as long as it’s not in a restaurant where everyone is watching. I feel like I’d want it something cute and for it to be a story to tell.
cloud gazing or star gazing? - Star gazing
do you like to dance? - If I knew how to dance then yeah, but all I know how to do currently is a little jig.
what’s your OTP? - Cassian and Nesta Archeron from ACOTAR series (a court of silver flames if we’re being technical) by Sarah J Maas.
kittens or puppies? - Kittens, but pups are cute too
coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? - Hot cocoa!!
favorite soda? -  Rootbeer or Diet Coke
do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa? - Gazing wistfully is my talent.
favorite ABBA song? - Dancing Queen. It’s a crime that I don’t know more.
fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice) - I’m not doing this but I’ll do Taylor Swift albums. Okay so I’d marry Evermore, I’d f Red, and I’d kill Reputation.
favorite pajamas? - My long sleeved pink shirt with my hella fuzzy pink pj pants
favorite liquor? - I’m not super into drinking, but I really liked this Boone’s berry dessert wine my sister’s best friend brought over once. 
do you think about love a lot? - Too much if we’re being honest
a walk in the park or a walk on the beach? - Park, but a walk on the beach at dusk is *chefs kiss*
hand kisses or nose kisses? - Nose kisses!!!!!!!! (i’m screaming internally) 
what’s your dreamhouse? - Okay this is the best question anyone can ask me. Let me get my pinterest board for reference. My dream house is literally a farm-style house with a wrap around porch and lots of yard. Then in the backyard there would be a patio with fairy lights strung up around a Pergola and a firepit for the summers. Also: a big glass deck. Interior wise, again I love farmstyle and I especially love really soft neutral colours like soft browns, tans, whites, creams, etc. I also really like brick feature walls (bonus points if it’s in the kitchen). I’d have a writing room that’s built specifically for my writing time with big cozy chairs/couches, and I’d love a library room too. I want a big kitchen too with a massive island and white cupboards, and barndoor style sliding pantry doors. In the bathroom, I like white tile and then a glass shower and a clawfoot bathtub because I’m bougie. I also want a spiral staircase because my imagination can’t be stopped. I really like ceilings with wooden beams too! Anyway, that’s the basics of my dream home lol. (But if you’re asking if I was absolutely filthy rich I would want the most bizarre glass floor (just like a little section) by the spiral staircase with a koi pond in it so I could walk over the fish. Idk I love the idea of that.) 
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jaegertango · 7 years
Crimmus stuff I never posted
I was originally gonna write a bunch of Christmas drabbles for my OTPs and stuff - and then only actually completed one of them. Whoops. Here’s the only one I actually got done because it’s super short and kinda lame, but. Yaaaay for Rex.
Quiet was not Rex's forte.
He bit his lip, and then had to force back what would have been an even louder hiss as he realized how sharp his teeth were. Trying to be as silent as possible about the Iron Raider was not an easy task. The Draenei captain towered far too massively to make any of his steps quiet, especially with those mighty hooves of his. He had to time this correctly, and he only had a limited frame to do it in. While he and his Raiders had taken on much harder tasks before, this one was important enough that Rex actually felt *nervous. He hated that – the pirate was never nervous!
So why did he feel like if he messed this up, he would absolutely die?
Grumbling, the huge Reaver tilted the barrel on its side, walking as carefully as he could manage as his gaze turned upward. A sea of stars matched the ocean reflecting it, those endless lights and nebula twinkling merrily in the frigid air. It might have been chilly, but Rex hadn't taken any precautions: his chest was still as bare as when he was still in Hillsbrad. Apparently, the Draenei was too worried to even care about freezing, for even as another layer of shivers rocked his muscular body, he ignored it bluntly. The cold meant he was going the right direction – the Kaldorei sailors had taught him that long ago. Cold winds were North winds – and this special stop he needed to take was as far north as he needed to go.
All of the other corsairs had fallen asleep. Chief among them was Kyleri, the one that Rex wanted to keep asleep the most. She deserved the best night's rest possible, especially after the day that he and his Raiders had just put her through. While not necessarily bad, it was definitely eventful – a true life of a Raider. The Kaldorei seemed pleased to be aboard his ship though, and it made the Draenei's heart sing like the Naaru back in Shattrath. He hated to admit it, but the pirate did miss those tunes – and the fact that he had condemned his Raiders to a life of crime only made him regret it more.
Shaking his head, he pushed away the bad thoughts. There was no time for brooding – Rex had a job to do! Setting aside the barrel, the titanic Reaver observed the ship's deck with a one-eye leer, making sure everything was settled. Pleased with his inspection, he turned towards the doorway to his cabin – and froze.
It was fifteen feet away – and if he moved from his spot, he would destroy all of his hard work.
Rex kept halted, looking around anxiously as he realized he had just trapped himself. He probably should have thought this through a bit better, but the Draenei was never one for thinking too hard – the first thought was all that counted most. Now though, he wasn't too pleased with that line of thought. The pirate needed to get back to his room, and there was no way he could move to there without outside help. Maybe if he jumped? It was worth a try. The corsair inhaled deeply, bent his legs and-
The cabin door suddenly creaked open, and the Draenei hastily moved back up into a standing position, grinning eagerly as if he wasn't about to cannonball directly at the open door like a missile.
“Kyleri! Rex thought you were asleep!”
“I was – I missed the teddy bear that kept me warm,” the Night Elf murmured gently, starting to open the door more than a crack. “What are-”
“Uh! Nothing! Rex is just-”
But Kyleri had already opened the door broadly, her silver eyes wide as she gazed onto the deck of the Iron Raider.
He had somehow taken the snow he had collected, and multiplied it by six. The deck was coated in a cloak of white, unblemished by any footprints, and the only part left uncovered was where Rex stood trapped. Small strings of tinsel fluttered in the cold wind, and the brilliant light of the stars above made the white snow dance with color. An aurora gracefully shimmered along that frost, creating so many different colors that there had to be entirely new ones undiscovered by mortal eyes before. Kyleri could only gape as Rex tentatively tried to move forward, only to realize he would destroy his creation if he did so.
“Rex was supposed to surprise Kyleri later,” he grunted sheepishly, scratching at the back of his head. “He knows the aurora is prettiest near Winter's Veil, especially on snow.”
“Rex...” the Kaldorei started, but with her hands over her mouth, she seemed at a loss for words. The Draenei only smiled simply, holding his arms out broadly.
“Rex wanted to give Kyleri a gift. This is-”
He was interrupted as the Kaldorei suddenly rocketed through the air, landing in his outstretched hands and clinging to him happily, hugging tightly.
“It's so beautiful! Rex, you shouldn't have-” was all she could do as Kyleri pressed her face into his neck, nuzzling against the Draenei eagerly as he held her. This affection was enough to bring some strength back in the corsair, for he chuckled raucously and looked down to her merrily.
“This? Just the background setting! HERE is Rex's gift for Kyleri!”
With a surprising amount of dexterity, his tail scooped up a parcel, and then offered it to the monk. It looked very messily wrapped – it was a bundled mess of giftwrap shrouded haphazardly around it. There had to of been at least ten feet worth of gift paper used, and that also included at least four different gaudy bows of different colors. When the Night Elf finally managed to shred through all of the paper, she held up a very big shirt – definitely in Rex size. It was far too massive for Kyleri to use, and yet she held it up ecstatically as she flipped it over to the front, which had a treasure chest symbol on it, and big bold letters emblazoned upon it: Keep yer eyes off me booty!
“Rex knows it isn't much, but he is happy to give Kyleri the shirt off his back if it means keeping her on his ship!” the Draenei spoke fondly, grinning widely. “That one is one of his favorites too!”
Kyleri looked utterly dumbstruck as she looked down to the shirt, to the pirate clutching onto her ever so tenderly, to the sky dancing with an infinite amount of colors above. Her silver eyes almost seemed to well up, and suddenly Rex looked highly nervous – he didn't want her to cry. Luckily though, she dove back into his chest, hugging him tightly and laughing as she did so. It brought a rumbling chuckle to the Draenei as well, and he held her warmly, enough to keep away the chill of the world around them. When they finally broke away from the hug, the Kaldorei looked back up towards Rex's scarred face and smiled gently.
“I wanna try it on.”
“Rex isn't sure if he can destroy the snow though,” he grunted a bit offhandedly, gazing at the perfect layer of ice worriedly. “He wanted it to be perfect for Kyleri's-” “If you take me back now I can show you your gift.”
Within two seconds, Rex had thundered across the deck and into the cabin, making it to the bedroom in record time as the Iron Raider now had several massive hoofprints marking its snowy deck, but all had gone silent in the night – at least for a few moments.
And then they banged for four more hours.
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peculiarmindset · 7 years
2 Spooky 4 U: The Jumpscare Burp
-Person A is usually a shy person, that’s why Person B is surprised when they find out that Person A isn’t shy when it comes to burping- and they tend to burp LOUDLY.
-Your fave OTP are having a make out session when Person A accidentally lets out a large burp in the middle of it, and although they both get very embarrassed, Person B assures them that it’s okay and they continue to make out.
IT’S A TWO-FOR-ONE HALLOWEEN-THEMED KINK INDULGENCE FEST! This is my first time writing for my kink, and I’m really nervous about sharing, but I hope you enjoy! 
Even curled up into a defensive ball next to his fiancé under an impenetrable fortress of blankets, Viktor was still terrified.
The killer was in the house.
And yet, the scantily clad young woman insisted on strolling around wielding naught but a kitchen knife and some lingerie. Run, you идиот, he wanted to scream at the screen, but he knew it was no use. She was as good as dead.
All of this was none other than Yuuri’s idea. To celebrate the beginning of October, and thus the beginning of a month-long buildup to Halloween, he insisted on watching a horror film each weekend. The Japanese skater picked some C-list horror flick under the assumption that it wouldn’t be too scary and would help his boyfriend acclimate to the season.
Well, he was wrong. Viktor trembled and whimpered as the tremolo of the orchestra crescendoed, foreshadowing the heroine’s impending, gory doom. His eyes darted nervously around the screen before he blacked them out with his slender hands. With each soft pat of the girl’s bare feet, Viktor’s heart fluttered faster. Goosebumps broke out on his porcelain skin, glistening with a cold sweat. The sound, the strings vibrating forebodingly, it was all too much. Even Yuuri was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Any second now, the killer would appear, any second now, but when—
Suddenly, the tense silence was broken by a massive roar, guttural and prolonged. Viktor jumped, yelping, and dove underneath the blanket. The adrenaline of the jumpscare sent electricity flying from his chest out through his fingers. With each shallow puff of air he sucked into his terrified lungs, the blanket bulged in and out. The poor Russian cowered under the blanket, afraid to even poke his head out, until he heard laughing.
“Y-Yuuri?” He stammered. Things seemed safe now. As his silver hair breached the lip of his blanket fort, Yuuri reached out to stroke it and calm him. But Viktor could not figure out for the life of him what his fellow skater found so funny.
“Vitya!” Yuuri cooed. “Oh my god, I am so sorry!” His other hand wiped a tear from behind his glasses. Tears of laughter? Viktor noted.
Viktor looked up at Yuuri with wide and confused eyes. “What just happened?” Yuuri returned the look with kind eyes: sympathy, with a strange mix of guilt.
“Babe,” he said with humor illuminating his speech. “I just burped.”
“Wha-?” Viktor cocked his head ever so dramatically. “Really?” Was that the sound he had heard: the veritable explosion that shook both the couch and the skater’s fragile soul? Something that big had come out of somebody that small? That was nothing short of a gastric miracle.
“Yes,” Yuuri snorted. As if on cue, he turned his head to the side, raised his fist to his mouth, and let out another reverberating AAauuurrp! The burp was just as long as the last one, yet notably wetter and grosser. “See?” Yuuri paused to survey the shock plastered on his boyfriend’s face before throwing in an after-the-fact “Excuse me.”
Viktor balked, but then furrowed his brow in consideration. After a few moments, he realized that, indeed, he had never heard his lover burp before. Yuuri was, of course, always wallowing neck-deep in anxiety. Even after all these months together, Yuuri still tried to maintain the perfect image for his idol turned coach turned fiancé. So in reality, it was no shock that he’d never heard his boyfriend belch before. Yuuri had certainly heard tons out of Viktor, being the shameless and overconfident goof that he is.
“Wow!” Viktor finally gushed. With a whistle, he gave his head a sideways shake. “That was impressive!”
A salmon pink blush developed across Yuuri’s soft cheeks, which dimpled as he smiled. “Heh heh, thank you?”
“I’d give that a gold medal!” Viktor continued with a cheesy wink. Yuuri snorted.
“That means you’ll have to marry me, then, right?” He said with a seductive eyebrow wiggle. Viktor shot back a devilish smile and leaned toward Yuuri to lock him into a passionate kiss.
However, at the last second, Yuuri’s face blanched. Viktor heard the gurgle making its way up his lover’s throat and knew what was imminent, but neither had enough time to react.
Yuuri let out his loudest burp yet, gurgling and drawn out for several seconds, scaring both himself and Viktor in the process. Yuuri launched himself back against the arm of the couch while slapping a hand across his mouth. Viktor did the same. For a few seconds, the two men only exchanged wide-eyed, shocked glances. The air was as tense as it was burpy.
The silver-haired Russian was the first to break, dissolving into a fit of hysterical belly laughs. Yuuri joined him, leaping forward and landing in his boyfriend’s lap, facing up. Viktor’s face simply lit up when he laughed, and it was beautiful.
“Excuse you, моя любовь,” he chuckled, giving Yuuri a tap on the nose with a single finger. The gassy guy looked all too pleased with himself. He giggled and pulled his lover into their first actual kiss of the night, and it wouldn’t be their last. 
*PM- Oh my god, anon! That's was perfect! Ughhh....it was filled with the grossness, blushiness fluff that I love to read about, especially when it involves our lovable goofballs. And it's given me an idea to write something special for Halloween. Feel free to submit further works here and you really did a good job! :)  
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dimsummandu · 7 years
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GOT7 Hogwarts Moodboard AU Introductory Post
Kunpimook Bhuwakul (Bambam) : Slytherin
Third Year | 10″ Sycamore, White River Monster Spine, Springy | Member of the Silver Spears | Dove (Patronus) | Half Blood | Metamorphmagus (special ability) | Magical Theory, Charms, Transfiguration (best subjects) | Jackson Wang, Mark Tuan, & Im Jaebum (best friends) | Kim Yugyeom (Boyfriend)
Extra AF
This boy is just doing too much. All the time. For no reason other than to just be doing it.
Most people call him Bammie
Kunpimook is a mouthful - he also won’t really respond to it, mostly because sometimes he forgets it’s his name because nobody calls him that. Like, what are you even doing, are you new here!? “Kunpimook? Hello!? Kunpimook? BAMBAM!?” “What? Were you talking to me? Call me by my name then, idiot.”
Cute AF
Bammie also serves looks like nobody’s business. Probably the most fashion forward wizard in the goddamn country, okay?
Which is probably why Bammie likes being a metamorphmagus so much. He can change his hair, eyes, and facial features at will to basically whatever he wants.
Sometimes he uses that advantage to make himself look older. His hyungs call him out on his bullshit every time, though. “I’m at least ten years older than you!” “Yah! I will smack you into last night.” <-- Jinyoung, probably.
Sassy AF
He’s also obsessed with keeping up with the latest celebrity trends. Wizarding or Muggle world - he does not care. His favorite thing to do is piss off purebloods with muggle trends.
Smartass AF
Refuses to work out. As far as he’s concerned that shit is annoying.
Legs for days - like where TF does he put them half the time, nobody knows.
Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t recognize him. He seriously loves to use his ability to mess with people.
Bammie loves to invent spells. He excels in Magical Theory and outside of creating his own fashion line when he leaves Hogwarts (because that’s happening one way or another), he really wants to create spells and charms. He’s good at it, too.
Meme face AF
On the one hand Bammie can be a very mature kid, especially since he’s only a third year.
On the other hand, he’s a little shit and he enjoys giving his hyungs premature gray hair.
This boy is in love with Kim Yugyeom LET ME TELL YOU.
Friendship Goals
Relationship Goals
Broship Goals
OTP Goals
You name it - YugBam has already taken the title for it.
They’re so freaking adorable it’s not even funny.
Jinyoung and Mark love to embarrass them by giving them fake sex talks  over breakfast.
Bammie holds a special place in Jackson’s heart. Jackson will purposely mess up Bammie’s hair, Bammie will then tell Jackson he’s an old fatass with no legs, Jackson will threaten to hang him up by his toes and beat him like a pinata and Bammie will retort with, “You can’t even reach that high.”
Two peas in a pod, those two.
Seriously though, Bammie is so in love Yugyeom. It’s so cute. All fluttery and what not.
It makes JJProject wanna vomit...but in a good way. Sort of.
Protected AF
You touch one of Jinyoung’s children and you’re going to die.
That being said you so much as look at any of Bammie’s friends sideways and he will concoct the most elaborate payback and you will suffer.
Don’t forget this boy IS in Slytherin and he is NOT to be trifled with, peasant.
He is typically a people pleaser but Bammie is one of the most ambitious kids in the school. He knows what he wants and he’s gonna go after it and if you’re in his way you’ve got two seconds to move before he forcibly does it for you.
He’s smart, too. So don’t think he can’t.
Jokes for days.
He’s not as funny as Jackson, but he sure as shit tries. When they get together you either can’t breathe because you’re laughing or you’re eternally in facepalm mode pretending you don’t know them. There’s no in between.
Bammie has great grades. He’s a Slytherin and he’s got shit to do, and he’s not about to let an F get in the way of his dreams.
He’s not insane about it, though like SOME people are YESHEISREFERRINGTOMARKBUTWHATEVER.
He has, on more than one occasion, incurred the wrath of Tuan (I fucking love you if you get this reference btw) by bothering him during exam time. They’ll be in the library, Mark will be hunched over his study notes with coffee in his free hand and ignoring the Earth and everything on it. Jackson will be in the room with in, being smart and actually leaving him alone but studying next to him nonetheless just so he can be close, and he’ll see Bammie creep in out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh, come on, hyung. Look at him. He’s got crazy eyes.”
“They’re cute crazy eyes. Don’t bother him.”
“Come on, it’ll be funny!”
“He’s going to kill you - you know that right?”
Bammie acknowledges this, but he is determined. While Mark is focused solely on the chaos that is his study space Bam will move Jackson so he’s out of Mark’s eyesight and morph himself to look like Jackson. His ‘prank’ is in motion.
He’ll come up behind Mark and practically yank the coffee cup from his hand. This will certainly get Mark’s attention...probably not the kind of attention you want from him though.
Looking as Jackson, Bammie will say, “Kisses MarkiePooh!” and puff his lips out like a fish.
“I will give you literally three seconds to give that back to me.”
“Aw, but Markipooh, you wouldn’t hurt your boyfriend, would you?”
“You think I don’t know what my boyfriend looks like? One.”
“What do you mean? I just wanted a kiss.”
“What? You missed tw--”
Mark has his coffee cup back in his hand and poor Bammie is on his ass turning an odd shade of maroon as the hex forces his features back to normal.
“Good one, baby.” Jackson tells him, knowing Mark is already back on Planet Bananas. “To be fair, I told you not too, punk.”
“Who are you calling punk, half pint!?”
Bam is going to get himself killed via his hyungs one of these days. I’m telling you. That’s basically his school year in a nutshell - trying not to die from pissing them off.
They love the crap out of him though. So he’s safe...most of the time.
Trust me, you want Bammie on your side. For one thing, he’s a great ally to have and not somebody you want for an enemy.
For another, he’ll totally fix that horrid fashion sense of yours.
“Oh my god, if I see you wear those awful shoes one more time...”
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*pictures and gifs aren’t mine. i made the moodboard but the pictures i got off of tumblr and google. credit to their respective owners.
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For the answer meme uh, 002 with Shard?
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: Love him. He’s like....one of the characters I used the most (or at least from the Sonic fandom)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lancelot from @crimsonxknight, Flask from @mobian-of-science, and he’s actually in a poly-ship with one of my OCs on the main blog ( @welcome-to-the-chao-garden ) and with Radar from @artificixl-heart
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Rotor (from @rotors-freedom-fighters) and Shard do have a bromance going, and maybe Nicole (I mean he probably has a crush on her, but I am both into the idea but not enough to put her on the list of people I romantically ship Shard with). But I’m willing to bet that there’s probably Shard with Silver or Larry.
My unpopular opinion about this character: HE WAS TAKEN FROM US TOO SOON. .....I’m also 99% sure I just made him Deadpool when I rp as him sometimes. ...not sure if that’s unpopular or not, but if not, it would be cool to see him in IDW but with the shit that’s happened, it mmmmight be for the best to not do that? 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: MORE. SCREENTIME. WITH HIM AND THE TEAM AND CHUCK. GIVE ME. SOME OF THAT WHOLESOME. FAMILY. CONTENT.
my OTP: Oh jeez. Uh....I’m not sure but I think because of how often I interact with them, I guess Lancelot? Now granted, I still stand by my ‘I like this ship a lot, I just don’t know if I consider it OTP’ type feeling so this is at least in the top three out of...three ships I do have with them.
my cross over ship: ......I literally don’t know! But this is also mostly just me going ‘I haven’t fully dove into the Sonic crossovers areas, even in fanfics (despite....doing so in the past when I was a teen-Red and I was....more into lol random humor’ type stuff) so -shrugs-’ Hell if you guys have a few suggestions, you’re more than free to throw them at me.
a headcanon fact: He actually knows how to make chili dogs like how Uncle Chuck makes them because Uncle Chuck taught it to him (or at least after he was remade as Shard and Uncle Chuck tried one of his chili dogs. ....yeah his version before wasn’t great.
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