#otp: stay away from the door
romanoffsbish · 2 years
Mind Games
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Darcy x F!R (if you squint)
"Please...say something." (26)
Warnings: Gaslighting, Trauma, Jealousy, Fighting. (Happy ending tho)
18+ | Minors DNI | Alluded to SMUT
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Natasha was pacing around the expanse of the common room, you'd just uttered the words that held the power necessary to break her. There was no denying Natasha and you were in love, but somehow it is all the woman ever did. After every hookup she'd reiterate that you and her were just helping one another manage your stress, but then she'd ask you in a whisper to stay, and you always did, because deep down this relationship meant more to both of you.
The team knew, and they were all actually rooting for you, Tony even called you his OTP. Natasha would roll her eyes, deny the claims, then fuck you so good that night you let it go. This went on for two years, the both of you were basically inseparable; until you were.
This last month you'd mistakenly said it, those three words that she conveyed with a lingering kiss came out of your mouth like word vomit. Everything changed, she stopped answering your texts, switched out from being your mission partner, and even flirted with others on the team to make her point to you crystal clear that this whole shebang wasn't real.
Except it was real, that was the problem, the woman spent her whole life living in fables. Every night a new persona, a new mark to hit, nothing ever stayed the same for long with her. Change was ironically her only constant, so to suddenly have this beautiful, bubbly woman taking the space of the cobwebs in her heart was foreign. Not necessarily unwelcome, but for the time being it felt that way to her, and now her tactics to keep you at arms length worked, but fuck if she wasn't regretting it all now that you were willingly moving on.
Her eyes stung with the tears she'd been holding in since the night you walked out of her room, and she pushed you out of her life. She felt like she couldn't breathe, as if the walls were truly closing in on her, and trapping her in with her pain. As she'd watched you head off to get ready for your date, without even sparing her a glance, she knew she was losing you.
Fear still held her tightly in it's grasp, but you were more than worth the risk of venturing into the unknown, because truth be told she's already fallen, and she didn't take a parachute. Without you there to catch her, she'd likely crash and burn, as she honestly deserved. However, she wasn't one to give up easily; if this was truly her last chance she'd take it, and most importantly she wouldn't squander it.
"What are you waiting for?," Tony snapped at the still woman, and Natasha shook her head to bring herself back to the moment., "Go!," he instructed, then as if she were a mindless robot her legs moved her out of the room, and up many flights of stairs to get to you, arriving just in time as you exited your room in a stride.
The woman was already winded from the trek up, but once she saw you in that dress, you genuinely took her remaining breath away. She'd grown so used to seeing you in your mission suits, and lazy day sweats that she'd forgotten just how good you looked in a full on get up. Not that you were not pretty enough otherwise, because you were, but this specialty look really accentuated your natural beauty.
Natasha was so enamored by said beauty that she narrowly missed her window to stop you. The familiar dinging of the elevator pulled her from her stupor though, and with all the speed in the world she made it through the closing doors before you could safely descend in peace. The redhead cringed at your cold demeanor as she brought her eyes up to look into yours, but with the sudden drop of the machine she was aware she was on borrowed time., "Y/N..."
"Save it Natasha.," the bite in your tone was so out of character for you, it truly shattered her heart to know that she'd hurt you this badly., "Y/N, please..," she was desperate to explain herself, to tell you she was ready to love you how you truly deserved, but the valid anger was rolling right off you as you shouted., "No!"
"I fucking need you to listen to me, please!," Natasha yanked on the emergency button as she saw you staring in relief at the single digit numbers., "Natasha, what the actual fuck?!," she simply shrugged at your angered words, then she swiftly grabbed your outstretched hands, twisting you about until your arms were crossed over your body, and your back was slammed into the elevator wall., "Natasha..."
"Stop being so stubborn Y/N, and let me talk.," she shut your attempted warning down, and in a moment of calm before the storm you nod, far too curious to see where she's going with this elevator ambushing to not., "Thank you."
"I-.," she paused as she finally met your eyes, this is the closest she'd been to you in over a month, and that knowledge nearly causes her to crumble. The woodsy smell of your cologne, her favorite from your vast collection, hits her nostrils and tears brim in her eyes at all the associated memories that come with the scent., "Nat?," you were rightfully furious, but that didn't mean seeing her on the verge of tears didn't hurt you just the same., "What is it?"
"Please, don't go out with them...," her words are hardly even a whisper, but the closeness of her face to yours allows you audibility, and the settled anger brews with a renewed passion., "You can't be fucking serious right now Nat, you have no right to ask such a thing!," it hurt to see her flinch at your unfamiliar tone, but fuck if it didn't also feel good to air it all out.
"You're the one who ended this, actually no, you fucking iced me out like I was nothing to you, I was just a hole for you to fill until it got too fucking real for you.," your harsh words truly upset the redhead, because never in this entire time had she sought out to use you. Sure, she might've recently reacted adversely with all of her baseless flirting with others, but up until she got freaked out, she'd been only yours. She'd never even so much as looked at another person; how could she when you were always stood in the same room for her to gawk at?
Natasha watched with a blank stare as you suddenly made limited hand gestures before continuing on., "This was nothing, now move out of my way.," you attempted to shove her off, but she slammed you back into the cooled metal, causing you to involuntarily huff., "I said listen to me, not to speak out of turn.," you glared at her attempts at dominance, but you reluctantly gave into her as her hold tightened.
"This.," she dropped her hold on your hands to convey your message more clearly, her pointer finger pressing into your chest before her own., "Was far from nothing, and you know that!," she took in another shaky breath, hearing you say what you did really left her feeling broken. The anger you felt was valid, she even knew she deserved to be shamed, but that didn't stop the feelings of insecurity and pain from festering; holding onto her tattered heart without mercy.
"It was stupid, icing you out, but it happened. There's no undoing the past, no one knows that better than me Y/N, but fuck, hearing you talk about your date awoke something within me.," the truth in her gorgeous green eyes was far too overwhelming for you so you dropped her gaze, but she quickly remedied that by lifting your face back up so she could look into your eyes., "I already knew it was love when I couldn't fathom sleeping alone after having the pleasure of your warm body up against mine, and I can't go on another day pretending it's not all that I want or need, because I fucking need you Y/N."
The confession was all you'd ever wanted from her, the truth you'd always felt in her lingering touches, but were never likely going to hear. Finally hearing it though was bittersweet, to have needed some adverse cause to leave her lips made it hard to appreciate the sentiment. It left you at a loss for words, and Natasha even more desperate., "Please...say something."
"I-.," your lip began to tremble, the words you wanted to say hanging in the thick air as you lost all of your resolve. Crying for the first time really since that first night when you initially cried yourself to sleep; being angry was easier, but now, with her looking at you so tenderly, it was all you could do to breakdown before her., "I'm so sorry, I-I—fuck I can't believe I hurt you like this, please forgive me detka, please."
Natasha pulled your trembling body into her own, guiding your face into her neck, and she felt a bit better when you desperately wrapped your arms around her waist to pull her closer., "I'll do anything you need moya lyubov'.," she whispered, placing a shaky kiss to your temple, "I love you more than my access to words can explain, I need you more than Tony needs his Whiskey, or more than Steve needs an enema."
"Natasha, for the love of God.," you groaned at the mental image now flashing in your mind, but the lighthearted tone made her heart calm., "What? You always say he needs to pull the stick out of his pompous ass, I'm agreeing.," you giggled as she offered further explanation, then after a few short moments of that it was back to the tense silence, but she still felt relief as you hadn't shoved her away from you yet.
"Natasha?," she tensed at the use of her full name, but she pulled back slightly to face you, and the daunting symphony of her mistakes., "Yes detka?," you melted into her hands as they held your face so softly, even more so as she used the familiar Russian pet name for you., "What took you so damn long? Why couldn't you love me back then too? Why only now?"
The redhead sighed, but it didn't stop the sound of her heartbeat pounding in her ears., "I've never been good with consistency Y/N/N. All I've ever know was constant change, and how to hurt the people I was meant to love.," hearing her own words led to tears falling as she recalled Yelena, the first person who'd been broken by her selfishness, then she remembers her sisters forgiveness, and this all starts to feel a whole lot less intimidating for her.
"Please, do understand that just because I never said it before, that I've still loved you all along.," her rough thumb brushed away your steady stream of tears, while she continued telling you her truths., "I've needed you from the very beginning, it was an instantaneous feeling, I'd never experienced it before, and it scared me so much that it was now my truth."
"I've never needed anyone before, but when I lost you it was like everything around me was dulled.," her eyes matched her sentiment as you gazed into them, the light all but gone., "The warmth of the sun turned frigid with everyday I woke up without you by my side.," she shivered as if remembering the way it felt., "Coffee became bitter without your laughter filling the kitchen in the morning to sweeten it up as we ate our differing breakfast together.," you instantly smiled, remembering how she ate her boring toast and oatmeal with a black coffee, all while taunting you for using all the creamer in the place, essentially "tainting" the coffee, and your dental health as you usually coupled it with sugary cereals or confections.
"Nothing work's right without you Y/N, I'm bombing all my missions, I am not sleeping much or eating, I am unable to even think about anything else but how I hurt you.," she leaned her forehead to yours., "I'm in love with you, wholeheartedly so, and I will do whatever it takes to win you back Y/N. All I ask is that you don't see her tonight, cancel the date, and accompany me up to the rooftop instead."
Natasha pushed the emergency button back into the slot, falling into you briefly as the machine jolted, and in a moment of weakness both of your lips collided for a short embrace. Once the doors dinged the redhead pulled away from you, making quick steps to get to the exit., "Please consider it, I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but I'll be waiting up there until eight just in case Y/N.," and before you could even so much as think, let alone respond, she was gone, much like she'd been all month long.
The doors closed as your body didn't move to leave the elevator, instead you slid down the wall of it while tears fell down your cheeks., "Friday, take me back up to my room please.”
As soon as you entered your safe space you fell into the bed, screaming loudly as you thrashed. On the one hand, your heart only beat for that infuriating woman, but on the other hand you never know if it could beat for another if you had no choice but to move on. Except, you no longer found yourself forced to move on, all you’ve ever wanted was waiting on the rooftop, so you’re not sure why you couldn’t move.
The clock beside your bed read 7:45pm when you finally glanced on over at it, both of your offers for the night expired at 8pm, and so you got off the bed, fixed yourself up at the vanity, and once again entered the elevator, shakily telling Friday to take you to the desired floor.
When you made your way to the common room you saw Darcy looking a little hopeless, and it all faded away when she looked up at your face. A bright smile adorned her face now that you’d arrived, but she failed to see your sad gaze., “I’d thought we were going to miss the movie, but I think we’ll still make it if we leave now.,” her hand reached for yours, but when you were hesitant to grab hers she already knew., “Oh.”
“Darcy, I’m so sorry.,” she gently squeezed your hand while smiling at you., “Hey, don’t do that, I knew what I was up against when I asked you out, and I still tried because you’re worth it.,” she pulled you into her arms for a hug., “I’m just happy to know Romanoff finally figured that out, but don’t make it too easy for her either.,” she pulled away, chuckling along with you., “Wouldn’t dream of it.,” you two shared one more squeezing of your hands before she left out the door, and you made your way to the elevators to see about mending the past.
Natasha sat on the decorated floating bed with her head in her hands, the clock having already surpassed eight about fifteen minutes ago, and her body deflated with each minute that went. Pain began to gnaw at her chest once more, and the sobs she desperately tried to fight off came tumbling passed her trembling lips. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault but her own that you chose the likely safer bet of moving on, still she was cursing the gorgeous scientists name as her body shook so violently that the ding of the elevator went completely unnoticed by her.
Though she’s a spy, she failed to see you at all, so she gasped when two hands adorned with silver rings settled over her thighs, looking up with red eyes, and a torn up lip she saw you. Her hands reached out to ensure you were real, and not just her fucked up mind playing tricks on her, and when you settled your warms hands over her frigid ones she knew it was you., “Y-you came? What about Darcy?”
“Darcy’s amazing—truly, and she’s got never breaking my heart on her side.,” you noted the obvious and the woman bowed her head in shame., “But my God Nat, your touch alone ignites something within me that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find elsewhere.,” you took her hands off your face, maneuvering them until they were on your hips as you moved to straddle the woman on the floating bed.
“You’re like my soulmate or something Natty, I’d never believed in that kind of thing before this, but now I know it’s not only a fairytale.,” your fingers lifted her face up to meet yours, her emeralds glossed over in pain, but still as beautiful as ever as you gazed right into them., “I love you Natasha, with all my heart.,” her lip caught between her teeth to hold back a sob., “More importantly though, I forgive you.”
Natasha couldn’t bare it, your forgiveness was not deserved, but she was incredibly grateful. Her arms were tight as they wrapped around your waist to keep you close, and she began to whisper that same tired phrase., “I love you.,” over and over again. Increasingly afraid that if she didn’t say it, like all the times before, that you’d leave her alone in her deserved misery.
“Don’t say another word.,” you cut her off with your lips slamming to hers while you pushed her into the mattress., “Show me instead…,” Natasha wasted no time as she flipped you over, pressing you into the firm mattress, your reality soon began to blur as you were made to gaze up at the stars. The woman who owned your heart did as told, using her hands she loved you as she always should’ve, your mind slipping away from you as she never slowed down, you began to see beautiful constellations of your very own making as you closed your eyes, and gave Natasha all of you—for good.
3,063 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 😳
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ynyaan · 9 months
𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚 | 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 ⋆˙⟡
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Daydreaming about Geto Suguru being emotionally in pain but regards it as nothing due to the fact he thinks he needs to be the strong one to hold everything in place.
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Satoru, Shoko, Nanami, Haibara. Geto Suguru feels as if he needs to always be strong, putting a carefree smile on his face to keep everything—everyone, intact. They were all tired, fighting, losing, grieving. Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer was no easy feat, and the burden was even heavier on Geto.
You hear keys jangle at your door, your lover had finally arrived home, “Suguru!”
“Hey.” He responds softly, He was a man of few words, yet you paid no mind with it. He opens his arms as you launch yourself at him.
Geto hugs were often soft, filled with love, and hands that search for warmth. But this time, it felt needy. His hands were not hugging you tightly but rather loosely hanging on your waist, his face buried into your shoulder, his bun being seen as you rest your chin on his neck.
“—ru’?”, you hummed twice now. You were sure he wasnt listening, which was unusual. He always listened to you and your needs, whatever it may be or whenever it may be, he listens.
“Suguru?” You repeated for the third time.
“What is it, love?” He murmurs, clearly not caring what it was you had to say.
“Are you okay?”
He stiffens. His body rigids for a moment before sheepishly going back into his relaxed state “uhuh.” He sternly says, nodding slightly.
You squeeze his shoulder, he was gripping your waist now, his face shifting to the side, looking away from you.
“You know you dont always have to be okay, right?” You slowly say, tracing his arm with your free hand while the other smoothens his neck.
Geto grips your waist even tighter, a silent plea to stay by his side for as long as you allow yourself to.
“…mhm.” He says weakly. Geto sniffles, your shoulder slowly becoming damp.
You kiss his forehead, the night surely to be filled with assurance and soft exchange.
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Prompt credit from: @novelbear otp prompt #19
𝙢𝙮 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤 ───⋆⋅☆⋅⋆── 𝐼'𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 <𝟥
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joosthead · 2 hours
7 or 29 with joost from the otp questionary please 🙏
₊˚⊹⋆ prompt: 7. what’s the first thing that changes when they have feelings for each other?
₊˚⊹⋆ cws: none
₊˚⊹⋆ reader: gn!reader but normal au coded
₊˚⊹⋆ junote: a little cheese for u anonnie thank you for requesting :3 i’ll be answering 29 in a diff post bc someone asked 29+30 and they go together p well so stay tuned 👀 p short drabble tbh but i just wanted to make it look pretty
the first thing that changes when you start having feelings for each other is… nothing at all, really, in terms of behavior. he already loved making you smile, loved making you laugh—the romantic feelings were just a plus, and an even bigger reason why he wanted and needed you around. you were already the first person he showed his music to, the first person on his speed dial.
the hardest thing to adjust to was honestly the physical aspect of it all; how was joost going to hold back from someone so beautiful? how did he ever back when he didn’t have feelings for you? touch was already a large part of your friendship. always an arm around your shoulder, or a loose hand around your waist when you walked together.
still, just friends, though.
when you’d come to shows, you’d fuss over the finishing touches on his outfits—the first show back once he’d realized he liked you, he wore a dress shirt and a tie, not realizing you’d come up and adjust it for him after he tied it in the mirror. pretty fingers handling him delicately, your eyebrows knitting together at how haphazardly he tied his tie. “so many years of practice, joosty, you still can’t do it better?” you quipped quietly, so focused on helping him.
he’d known how to do it perfectly most his life—then you came along.
for once, he was quiet, just watching you as if the roar of the crowds outside and the voices of rushed roadies and security weren’t right outside your door.
“so handsome, joost. you’ll do amazing,” you said, and it was enough to tune out the noise. you hugged him around the waist, and he knew how far gone he was.
after that, he tried to keep away from you physically out of respect, but you two always orbited around each other regardless—stopping himself from walking with you, cuddling with you, taking your hand and squeezing it just once before letting go… that was impossible, and even with all the new feelings floating around, he wasn’t going to stop himself.
so yeah :3 he gets all bashful smile looks down at ground when you call him out “where my hug at” style cuz he always does that to you when you don’t hug him … the hypocrisy!!! /j
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 87- Wild N Out
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Chapter Summary: Jennie guest stars on the show Wild N' Out with Angelina. Matt Rife tries to shoot his shot with Jennie while he has been in her DMs for weeks.
Words: 8,000+
Author's Note: Wild N Out is one of my favorite shows! If you aren't familiar with it, I highly recommend watching YouTube videos about the show. They have their own channel and have tons of videos for you to get an idea of the different games and banter they have.
This is one of my favorite chapters! It was so fun to write and edit!
If you are easily offended or aren't that into jokes, perhaps this show and chapter are not for you and you are welcome to skip it.
I used some of the lines from the Wild N Out YouTube videos I've been watching to add to the chapter. So I hope you like it! I liked the build up for this. It started tame and then got crazier.
-------- "Your hair~! Finally, she has dyed her hair! You give Justina Valentine a run for her money," Angelina giggled and pulled Jennie in for a tight embrace.
Jennie flew to LA to join Angelina and stay with her for a little while before they flew to Georgia for their Wild N Out recording.
"Haha, thanks sis! I still need to hide my hair from the public. So human hair wigs it is,"
"I'll help you put it on,"
"Jennie! You're here! I've missed you!" Angelina's little brother, Tyrone, pushed Angelina away and went to hug her.
"Rude!" Angelina complained.
Jen laughed. "I'm happy to see you. You're getting taller,"
"I know! I'll be taller than you one day," he grinned.
"I see it,"
"And for the record, she has a boyfriend. So stop drooling," Angelina called him out.
"Still? Aw, when are you gonna break up with him?" he whined, causing Jennie to giggle.
"Dummy, she is not breaking up with him! Nobody is ruining our OTP! Now if you don't mind, we need to catch up, so leave us be,"
"Can you play video games with me later, Jennie?" he ignored his sister who looked offended by that.
"Sure," she beamed. "I'll play some games with you, later on,"
"It's a date!"
"Oh Lord..." Angelina rolled her eyes and grabbed Jennie to drag her to her room.
She shut the door and locked it so her brother wouldn't barge in. Laying on the bed, Jennie joined her and they began to catch up.
"Soooooo, how are the boys? They surviving well without you?" Angelina asked.
"From what I heard, not really. They're struggling a bit," Jen laughed. "But they're doing all right. Just working on the comeback. With Yoongi, Agust D is a huge success. I'm so proud of him,"
"I heard! He has BARS! A to the G to the U to the STD! That song is hot! I heard you played the guitar for a couple of his songs,"
Jen stared at her in surprise. "You noticed?"
"You have a unique sound. It's easy to tell it's you because of how you play. I think it's amazing you're doing that. The boy always has such a soft spot for you. It's so cute,"
"That is true. Namjoon is working pretty hard on the album. A lot is on his plate,"
"Yeah, he told me and kept apologizing for not having much time to talk with me. But it's cool. I get that way when I'm working on new music,"
"To tell you the truth, he's pretty stressed. And so am I. I keep thinking about my song. I just don't think it's going to be well received. Part of me wants to change it but they're not going to do that, everything is set in stone,"
Angelina playfully nudged her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll be singing your truth and how you feel. Don't even worry about it or pay attention to any negativity. Focus on performing it when you guys go on tour,"
"Speaking of our tour when it's announced, I hope we get to go to more American dates. Big Hit is underestimating how many people around the world want to see us. K-Pop is getting more attention as the years go by. We need a real-world tour this time. Not just Asia, a few places in Europe, and so on. I want to go everywhere and perform with BTS. So, how is life with you?"
"I've been just doing more shows on TV as a guest star and doing collaborations. Also working on the new music. Things are getting there."
"You excited for Wild N' Out, soon?"
"Oh, you know it! I am always~ on that show! Are you excited? You get to have a chance of getting a belt! I'll have you know I won the belt quite a few times,"
"I expect nothing less from you. And yeah, I am excited, too. I'm not much of a rapper although I'm still learning from Yoongi but I hope I can spit a few bars to win some points,"
"You'll do fine. It'll come naturally. I hope they don't roast you too much. Expect them to come after the boys, though,"
"Mentally preparing. I will defend Bangtan's honor. It'll be a fun experience,"
"I really wish I was a part of the cast," Angelina sighed at the idea.
She had been a fan for years and always felt like she could be a great cast member of the show. She nailed it when it came to the games with her quick wit.
"To be a part of the show, ugh that would be awesome. I love the show so much. I feel so...at home there," she went on.
"Have you thought about asking Nick?" Jennie asked as she pondered about Nick Cannon.
"What? No way. I feel like that'll be too...forward. I mean I like being a guest on the show, so it's all right. And like Justina, she is so damn good at what she does on the show. I feel like I can't compare."
"Angelina, you'd be a great addition. Talk to him,"
"Ah...you flatter me. It's all right, just forget about it, okay? Anyway, let's watch a movie. I'm feeling Waiting To Exhale. What do you think?"
"Yeah, let's watch it. I'll make the popcorn,"
Jennie made a mental note to talk with Nick. Maybe she can help her. Angelina was stubborn and too modest about these things. But Jen could give her that extra push.
As Jennie and Angelina watched the movie, they laughed at the awkward sex scene.
"Grr?" Jen laughed. "Oh my gosh..."
"I hate men who do that. It's so weird. Why you so extra with it?" Angelina cringed. "And what's even more embarrassing is that she ain't even enjoying it,"
"Have you had a bad lay?"
"Oh hell yeah! Oh my God, there's this one guy I met at an after-party of an award show, right? Way before Namjoon. He was flirting it up, saying all the right things. He was talking all this mad shit about him having girls not walk the next day, right? This man lasted like 30 seconds and fell asleep. I was so mad. I pushed him off the bed and cussed his ass out for tryna play me,"
"Yikes~! That's uh..."
"I know! I feel like the guys who don't talk much about their skills are the best ones because they know how to put it down. And a lot of these guys I've encountered like to brag about their size but don't know what the heck to do with it. All talk, no action. It's annoying,"
"But don't you worry. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to that,"
"You have a favorite part when it comes to that?"
"If anything, I would say that pillow talk is the best part for me after everything is done. You'll love it." Angelina said enthusiastically. "I feel like you and Jungkook will just be vibing and enjoying each other's company after that special moment. Watch you two be talking about video games and then end up playing some video games afterward,"
"I mean, it could happen. I see it," she giggled.
"Is Jungkook a cuddler with you?"
"Yeah, all the time,"
"That'll be the best, having you in his arms. You'll see. I usually leave after doing it but with Namjoon, it's so different. I like listening to him. I can listen to him talk for hours. We go into some deep conversations, too. He's so smart,"
"That he is, sis,"
As they continued to watch the film, they watched as Angela Bassett's character put all of her husband's items on fire. Jen was shocked at how real the scene looked as her character yelled and cussed about him.
She shook her head. "He took all the money and left her with the kids. Ridiculous. Divorcing her for that white woman,"
"I know, ain't it screwed up? Men really ain't shit. Wasted all those years of marriage to end up like this? I'd be so mad." Angelina added.
"You and I both,"
And once the office scene between Angela's character and her husband came about, Jen continued to be speechless at how they shouted at each other.
"Man, I'm amazed at how much rage you can have when someone cheats on you,"
"Can you imagine?"
"I can't even imagine it. And I never want to."
As the movie went on, Angelina chuckled after thinking about Matt Rife, "So...Matt really all in your DMs?"
"Yes! Oh my gosh. And he comments on a lot of my stuff, too. I replied to tell him I wasn't interested but he's still trying to spit game and I've been ignoring the messages. Did you see he's following some of my fan accounts?"
"Wow~! How do you think it'll be on the show?"
"I'm hoping it won't be too bad and that he learned his mistakes from Zendaya,"
"We'll see, sis. He wants you bad,"
"I'll let him down gently,"
"Well, if he gets too much, then make sure you embarrass his ass on TV,"
When the movie was over, Jennie spoke, "Hey, you know how I have occasionally talked about wanting a tattoo? I want to get one before I go back to Korea. Big Hit gave me the okay. I want to get the friendship tattoos with you,"
"Oooh! Let's do it. You still have the idea you showed me on your phone, right?"
"Uh huh. We just need to figure out where we want to get the tats,"
Angelina took out her laptop. "Let's research!"
For the Wild N' Out taping, Nick Cannon had excitedly opened up the show and shouted out DJ D-Wrek and the Wild N' Out girls.
"There are two teams battling head to head to see whose the funniest. And usually, it's my team cause I be cheating. I'm just gonna put it out there like that," Nick joked. "And I changed it up this season. We doing it bigger and better. I want y'all to make some noise for my new squad! It's the Gold squad!"
For this episode, the Gold Squad consisted of DC Young Fly, Becky Robinson, Darren Brand, Emmanuel, Karlous Miller, and Matt Rife.
"And we have a very special guest. She is the reoccurring champion here on Wild N' Out, one of the youngest and most successful up and coming rappers today, and can kick your ass if you cross her, give it up for my girl, Angelina~!"
Angelina walked out excitedly, wearing a Gold Squad hoodie, and gave Nick a big hug.
"How you feel!?" he asked.
"Elated man, elated! This my happy place, I love it here!" she beamed, earning loud cheers.
"It's good to have you back. You ready to get down, today?"
"Hell yeah, always,"
"All right, that's what I like to hear!" he replied as she went over to her team. "I can't even front, we got a little bit of competition this episode. It goes down. Y'all make some noise for the team with the dream, it's Platinum!"
The Platinum Squad walked out consisting of Timothy DeLaGhetto, Justina Valentine, Chico Bean, Hitman Holla, Conceited, and Charlie Chips. Nick then proceeded to announce Desiigner as one of the co-captains of the team. 
After shouting him out, he went to announce Jennie. "Now we have another special guest here to represent the Platinum Squad as the co-captain. Someone here to try to take my belt. Not only is she singing in Korean but she is also sticking to her roots and bringing it down in the K-Pop scene! Y'all make some noise for my girl Jennie~!"
Jennie walked out with a big smile, waving at the crowd as everyone cheered. She had on a curly human haired wig that resembled her natural hair to hide the comeback color. Along with ripped jeans, she wore a cropped Wild N' Out platinum hoodie.
"Jennie, today you get a chance to take my belt, how you feeling? You ready?" Nick asked after embracing her.
"Born ready. Let's do this!" she said happily.
"Confident! I like that! Let's get to it then! Platinum squad y'all make some noise for your team captains over here!"
As things settled down, Nick went on to announce the first game. "This is a classic game we like to call Let Me Holla. It's real simple. We bring a Wild N Out girl to the stage, and each cast member gets the opportunity to holla at her. Now if it's funny, it gets a bell. If it's not funny, it gets a buzzer. The team with the most bells wins. Y'all know how we do. Y'all ready? Let's wil' out,"
Once the Wild N Out girl arrived on the stage, Darren Brand suddenly made a dive over to her, sliding on the floor. He then got back to his feet.
"I just slid in yo' DMs," he said, making everyone laugh.
Gold Team- 1 Point
Platinum Team- 0 Points
Next up was Conceited and Hitman Holla to represent the Platinum team as they approached the Wild N Out girl.
"'ight watch this. What's up, baby?" Hitman Holla greeted her with a charming smile, making her giggle. "You remind me of the 20 letters of the alphabet,"
"There's fuckin' 26 letters of the alphabet," Conceited called him out, making everyone laugh.
"Silly me. How could I forget that U, R, A, C, T," he flirted as everyone cheered.
"Okay, that was smooth," Jennie said, impressed with his game.
"No, no, hell no, that's only 25!" Conceited brought up to DJ D-Wrek. "He still missing one! He can't count!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Silly me," Hitman Holla apologized before moving in close to the girl. "You can get that D later,"
That statement caused the crowd to go wild along with the cast members who were shooked.
Gold Team- 1 Point
Platinum Team- 1 Point
DC YoungFly strolled over to the girl next.
"Come here shawty," he called out but she didn't budge. "Oh, she tryna play hard to get. Come here shawty. Bring that ass here, girl!"
Gold Team- 2 Points
Platinum Team- 1 Point
Chico Bean pretended that he was ordering something. "Let me get a number two...one three and the rest of them digits,"
The girl didn't seem too impressed and neither did the crowd and he was met with a buzzer.
Angelina casually wandered over to the girl with a smile. "What's up, baby?"
"What's up?" she smiled.
"Now, if I wasn't buying this drink, would you still check me out?" she revealed a can of lime-a-rita which made the girl laugh.
Gold Team- 3 Points
Platinum Team- 1 Point
'Okay, I think I got one,' Jennie thought and stood up, walking over to the girl.
For this, she pretended to look disappointed. She let out a sigh and rubbed the back of her neck.
"Man...I'm so bummed," she said.
"Why is that?" the Wild N Out girl asked.
"I wish we could go to the movies together. But they don't allow snacks in," she replied as she was met with giggles and cheers from the crowd.
Gold Team- 3 Points
Platinum Team- 2 Points
Matt Rife chuckled softly at her pickup line as he gazed at her.
'Man, you are cute...' he thought to himself.
Ever since she walked on the stage, his eyes were on her. He was definitely getting distracted.
With Jennie, she felt that someone was watching her and glanced over to catch Matt staring. He quickly looked away, trying not to make it obvious but she knew what he was doing.
And so it begins.
The question on her mind was, what was he going to do?
As the game progressed, the teams went on to give out the smoothest pickup lines, with Platinum and Gold being tied at five points. Matt Rife approached the stage and the crowd cheered for him, anticipating what he was going to say.
"Wow. You are beautiful," he complimented the girl. "Now, as much as I would like to shoot my shot at you, there is someone else in this room that I've had my eye on for a while now and I want to holla at her instead,"
The crowd and cast got hyped up, anticipating his plan once Matt turned around and put his attention on Jennie.
"Ohhh shit!" Desiigner yelled as Jen's stomach dropped.
"Oh, word!?" Nick shouted.
"Wait! Wait! This is against the rules!" Conceited complained. "It's supposed to be the Wild N' Out girl! Not our co-captain! Leave her alone!"
"Give him a chance!" DC Young Fly defended him.
"He gon' embarrass himself! Zendaya 2.0" Hitman Holla claimed as that made the crowd laugh more.
"No, he not!" Darren Brand spoke.
"Yeah, so chill! I want to see this!" Emmanuel replied, hushing everybody.
Matt had made it very clear ever since Jen was announced to be on the show, that he was quite fond of her and wanted to shoot his shot. He had to at least try to flirt with her. He also wanted to redeem himself from the whole Zendaya fiasco.
"Um, are you serious?" Angelina complained. "She is wayyy out of your league,"
"Aye! You're supposed to be on his side, we're a team," Nick pointed out.
"Here he go," Justina Valentine chuckled while Matt's team cheered him on.
Jen felt her face flush at the commotion. She wasn't expecting to be put on the spot this soon. It was only the first game!
After the commotion died down, Matt went up to Jennie and gently grabbed her hand. He watched as she stood up to face him. His gaze on her grew more intense as he gave her a charming smile.
Yeah, Matt is a handsome guy. But in Jennie's eyes, no one could compare to her man, Jungkook.
"Jennifer Walker...wow..." he checked her out. "Damn, you look so beautiful today,"
She smiled politely as he released her hand. "Thank you,"
"I watched American Hustle Life. I heard you're into older guys,"
Ah, he must have watched the clips of her gushing over Tony.
"I have said that, yes,"
"Now, I'm single and I'm a few years older than you so that's a check off your list. And I hear you have this thing called an ideal type...you talked about what you want in a man,"
"I have," she agreed, surprised at how much research he put into this.
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"All your reasons are valid. And I fit the description. But I couldn't help but wonder about your ideal type in a more physical way. I bet you want a man that has experience. Somebody that knows exactly..." he leaned in close. "...what he's doing and how to take care of a queen like you. Somebody that can handle all that. I'm that man,"
His statement caused the crowd and both teams to go wild. So much commotion surrounded Jennie as she processed what he had said. She became amused at his bold statement and maintained eye contact. He was not going to fluster her. No way. 
Oh, how she wanted so badly to say she had a boyfriend on National Television. But she refrained and decided for this game to let Matt have his fun. She'll think of something to embarrass and shut him down in one of the next games. This won't be the last of the flirting.
'Ooooooo he about to die~,' Angelina thought with amusement, thinking about what Jungkook and the rest of Bangtan were going to think of this when this aired.
This was getting juicy. She thought about Jungkook's reaction, how Jennie was going to handle Matt during the show, and if Matt was going to flirt more later on. She decided to let nature take its course and not get involved. Since the Amity days, Angelina would always come to her aid in situations. But over the years, she has seen Jennie hold her own and was interested to see how she was going to handle this Matt situation during the recording. If she could have some popcorn to go with this entertainment, she would as she watched Jennie laugh softly and gently push Matt away since he got a little too close.
He took a few steps back from her light push and asked, "You don't have a boyfriend, do you?"
"And if I do?" Jennie replied smoothly.
"If you do?" he ran a hand through his hair, "Well, I can confidently say that he won't be your boyfriend for long,"
'HA! He is so thirsty! How delusional can you be!?' Angelina thought as she snorted at his response.
Jen couldn't help but chuckle at that. He really thought he had a chance? If he thought she was going to leave Jungkook for him, he was sadly mistaken.
"And what makes you so confident?" she asked.
"You may not hear a lot about the girls I've had and I may not have as many as some of these guys on stage but just know my satisfaction rate is higher. And you can find all that out later if you let me have your number," he offered with a soft smirk.
The crowd hollered at his words and a series of dings were heard.
"Yes! That is what I'm talking about!" Darren Brand praised with Nick.
Once Matt heard the bell for his team, he smiled victoriously and grabbed her hand to give it a soft kiss. Releasing her hand, he sent her a wink and went back to his team, high fiving Nick and some of the other cast members.
'Celebrate while you can Matt. This is far from over,' Angelina thought to herself as she anticipated what Jennie was going to do.
"DJ D-Wrek! Who won that?" Nick asked.
"Gold team got the most bells," he announced as the Gold team celebrated.
"For this next one is a classic game I like to call talking spit. You know how it go. We gon' have some Wild N' Out girls bring out chairs, some water, and some buckets out here. Myself and Miss Jennie are gonna sit down in chairs, fill our mouths with water and each team member is going to get the opportunity to make us laugh so hard that we spit our water out. The team that makes you spit the most, wins the game! Real easy! Y'all ready? Jennie, come on up here, please,"
Jennie smiled and got up from sitting with her team. Taking a seat across Nick, she sipped some water, holding it in her mouth. All she had to do was try not to laugh that much. Hopefully, she can win for her team this time. She wanted that belt.
"Gold squad wil' out!" DJ D-Wrek announced.
Angelina decided to go first, smiling mischievously at her best friend. Jen knew what was up and narrowed her eyes.
"Yo, Jen, I ain't even gonna hold you...I may need to steal a few of them smart-"
Quickly spitting out her water, she shouted, "Hell no!" which made everyone laugh.
"Ha-ha~! Works every time!" Angelina said victoriously.
"It's on sight after the show," Jen added and was answered by Angelina sticking her tongue out at her.
Gold team 1 Point
Platinum team 0 Points
Chico Bean stood behind Jennie and began to make an improv song, dancing while she joined in, dancing in her seat, "A wha-a wha-a wha-a wha. I said I'm chico bean, yeah you heard what I said. Me and Jennie both got some big ass heads!"
She chuckled as she threw her head back, keeping the water in.
"...yeah you know what it is. No, I ain't gonna stunt, mine big in the back, hers big in the front," he went on as Nick was struggling to keep the water in. "Hey, uh, water wet wet and when we put our shirt on we make the neck stretch. I say uh, hey, the water wet wet and when we put the shirt on we make the neck stretch!"
Once DC Young Fly jumped in to do the shoot dance, Nick couldn't help but spit out his water and laugh. Jennie high fived Chico Bean for getting the team the point.
Gold team 1 Point
Platinum team 1 Point
Emmanuel stood behind Nick and waved at Jennie. She politely waved back and listened eagerly to what he had to say.
"I've been thinking about this. This is all curiosity. I've seen some photos and I want to know what you think," he went on as she watched him curiously at what he was getting at.
He took out a printed photo of the BTS members and their "coconut" haircuts. "I don't know how you do it, Jennie. Do you ever just stare at BTS and be like, damn! What is with them and that yee yee coconut ass haircuts they got on?" he said, causing her to immediately spit out her water, turning to the side.
Nick spat out his too while she covered her mouth, laughing wholeheartedly.
"Why he do them like that?" Angelina asked, cracking up with the rest of the cast members.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 2 Points
After wiping her mouth with a Wild N' Out towel, Jen put more water in her mouth as Tim DeLaGhetto went up to get Nick to laugh.
"Nick, when I listen to a Nick Cannon album it gives me a special feeling y'know," Tim began. "Like when you wake up feeling good, right? You get in the shower you all fresh, you feelin' nice. And then you gotta take a shit right after?"
The audience laughed while Nick spat out the water.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 3 Points
DC YoungFly walked up behind Nick and pointed at her.
"I will make you laugh, little girl!" he said, making her smile in amusement.
The two battled in a stare down for a moment as everyone watched in anticipation.
"FIRE~!" he suddenly shouted, making her widen her eyes. "FIRE~! FI-RRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE~!"
As she heard him sing Bangtan's song, she struggled to keep the water in her mouth.
"You didn't spit, yet? Man! That's the only lyric I know. It seemed to be working so FI-RRRRRRREEEEEEEEE~!"
Thinking on his feet, he thought of the other English that he heard from the song. "Everybody say LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! Say LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! I do-ont know the rest of thee-ee woor-oor-oor-ords!" he said on beat for Jimin's part.
Nick pointed at Jennie and it looked like she was about to spit as she covered her mouth, leaning forward. He stomped his feet at a rapid rate while pointing as he stood up. But in the end, they both kept the water in their mouths.
Charlie Chips stood behind her next.
"Keep the water in your mouth if you think Angelina is real..." he said to Nick as Nick nodded and kept the water in his mouth. "Keep the water in your mouth if you think Justina is real...Okay, come over here," he asked for the Wild N' Out girl, Teresa Top Notch, to join him on stage.
"Keep the water in your mouth if you think everything about this is real." he went on, gesturing to Teresa, as Nick continued to do so.
Jennie watched as Teresa spun around and posed, looking as beautiful as ever.
"You see Nick? This is my whole thing," Charlie ended up snatching the wig off Teresa once she began walking away.
She was left in her wig cap which caused Nick to spit out his water and run out of his seat while loud laughter and screams surrounded Jennie.
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Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 4 Points
Jennie covered her mouth, laughing while Teresa started to playfully hit Charlie. Miss Bangtan was glad she didn't get her wig snatched off. That would have been disastrous since she was trying to hide her new hair color for the comeback.
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"You shut up! Sit down! It ain't funny!" Teresa laughed and pointed at Nick to get back in his seat.
"Wow...I was not expecting that," Nick said on the mic once he got back in his seat.
As the game continued, both teams were tied up yet again, and this time with Gold catching up to the Platinum team, 4 to 4. 
Matt Rife took the stage and stood behind Nick. Everybody was wondering what he was going to do after the stunt he pulled on Let Me Holla. Anything could happen.
"Now this is a win/win situation for me. So, it's all up to you on how you want to do this, baby girl," he announced, making her confused.
One, did he call her the nickname Jungkook likes to call her?
And two, what the hell did he mean by win/win situation?
Jennie raised an eyebrow while Angelina began freaking out in her head that Matt called her baby girl.
"If you want me to kiss you, keep that water in your mouth," Matt requested.
Jennie snorted in amusement while making an effort to keep the water in her mouth. Meanwhile, the audience and cast were shooked at his boldness and started freaking out.
"Kiss who?!" Conceited shouted.
"Kiss where!?" Chico Bean added.
"Not this again!" Karlous Miller laughed.
"Matt really got some balls today, huh?" Desiigner laughed.
"She has a choice! If she keeps the water in her mouth, that'll let me know she wants me to kiss her and I'll kiss her," Matt explained. "Spit it out, well then that's one extra point for my team. Like I said. Win. Win,"
Angelina covered her mouth. She mentally saw Matt's grave get dug deeper. She already thought about Jungkook wanting to beat his ass when he watches this episode. Oh gosh, Jungkook. When this episode dropped, she wanted to get all the tea on Bangtan's reactions.
Jennie continued to process what was happening. She felt like Matt was bluffing. There was no way in the world. Not after Zendaya. Another thing was she wanted to win. She did not want to lose this game. Her eyes were on that belt. To take it back to Big Hit and place it in her studio. 
She watched him as he began to walk over to her while the crowd was cheering in anticipation.
"Jennie, spit out that water!" DC Young Fly shouted. "Spit it out, now!"
"Spit it out!" Becky Robinson joined in.
"No~! Hold that water in! We need the point!" Charlie Chips said.
"Hold that water in! Hold it! We need the point! We need the point! Take one for the team!" Tim yelled.
"You sure you want to kiss him, baby?" Justina asked her.
The constant yelling of the teams made the pressure in the situation rise as she continued to keep her water in.
"Don't do it! Resist!" Hitman Holla shouted. "This white boy is not going to win this game! Keep it in the mouth!"
Matt kneeled in front of Jennie. "Make a move, quickly. You gonna accept my kiss or spit that water out?" he teased, raising an eyebrow.
'So, this the game you playing? Bring it. Come closer...I dare you,' Jen thought, narrowing her eyes.
Angelina bit her lip in anxiousness as she watched the scene unfold.
'Girl, what are you about to do?' she thought.
As Matt inched closer to her face, puckering his lips, Jennie ended up slapping him in the face to block his advances. That caused Nick to spit out his water and laugh with the rest of the studio. 
When he got slapped, Matt stumbled to the floor and held his cheek in surprise.
"GIRL!" Angelina laughed out loud, holding her stomach. 
Miss Bangtan never ceased to surprise her. This was hilarious and a perfect reaction.
"REJECTED~!" Platinum squad hollered and jumped up and down in excitement and laughter.
"Damn, can you slap me again? That was hot. Playing hard to get, I see," Matt laughed and got back up on his feet, rubbing the side of his face. 
Jennie looked taken aback by his reaction.
He...liked the slap?
She swallowed the water and spoke in Korean with a smile, saying that he was an idiot for trying that cheap stunt and she was going to punch him if he ever did that again.
"I dunno what she just said but it was hot," he replied with a chuckle.
"Y'all make some noise for our girl, Jennie! Thanks for being such a good sport!" Nick praised and went to high five her once the Platinum team won the game.
"Y'all ready for the next game? It's a fun one, it's called Now You Wild Out. We gon' drop the beat, we gon' bring both teams up and DJ D-Wrek is gon' give us some topics and we wild out and improv about it right on the spot. The team with the most bells wins the game. Y'all ready? Gold team step up. Platinum step up. DJ D-Wrek drop the beat!" Nick announced as an instrumental of 50 Cent's In Da Club came on. "Uh! Come on y'all, uh! Now you wild out!"
"Your topic is going to court," DJ D-Wrek announced.
"Now you wild out!" everyone chanted.
In a whiny voice, Nick started, "I don't wanna go to jail, I don't wanna go to jail, I don't wanna go to jail, now you wild out!"
Pretending to get handcuffed, Chico Bean shouted, "You goin' to jail! You goin to jail! You goin' to jail! Now you wild out!"
"My lawyer's white! My lawyer's white! My lawyer's white! Now you wild out!"
"You bout to be in the cell! You bout to be in the cell! You bout to be in the cell! Now you wild out!"
Scared by his statement, Nick covered his butt and shouted, "Not with you! Not with you! Not with you! Now you wild out!"
"Pause! I'm going out!" Chico Bean quickly walked away, making everyone laugh. 
Gold Team 1 Point
Platinum Team 0 Points
"Your topic is the zoo!" DJ D-Wrek announced as Emmanuel and Hitman Holla went at it.
Playing the part, Emmanuel began to act like the animal as he announced, "I'm a monkey with it, I'm a monkey with it, I'm a monkey with it, now you wild out!"
"Well I'm a bird with it," Hitman Holla flapped his arms like they were wings. "I'm a bird with it, I'm a bird with it, now you wild out!"
"I'm a lion! I'm a lion! I'm a lion! Now you wild out!"
Hitman hesitated and that allowed the Gold team to get another point.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 0 Points
"Your topic is the club," DJ D-Wrek announced as Angelina and Justina Valentine went up.
"I'm in VIP, I'm in VIP, I'm in VIP, now you wild out!" Justina said.
"I'm gettin' free drinks, gettin' free drinks, gettin' free drinks, now you wild out!" Angelina replied, pretending to be given drinks.
"I'm dancing on yo' man!" Justina got close to her, twerking. "...dancin' on your man, dancin' on your man, now you wild out!"
Thinking about Namjoon, Angelina replied, "And I'm beatin' your ass, beatin' your ass, beatin' your ass, now you wild out!"
Her statement made everyone laugh and she got the point for her team.
Gold Team 3 Points
Platinum Team 0 Points
"Your topic is being rich!" DJ D-Wrek announced as Tim and Darren went at it.
Kicking his feet up, Tim shouted, "Shine my shoes, bitch! Shine my shoes, bitch! Shine my shoes, bitch! Now you wild out!"
"You want a latte? You want a latte?" Darren pretended like he giving out drinks, "You want a latte? Now you wild out!"
"I'm Nick Cannon! I'm Nick Cannon! I'm Nick Cannon! Now you wild out!"
"I own this! I own this! I own this! Now you wild out!"
Tim fumbled his words and Gold received another point.
Gold Team 4 points
Platinum Team 0 Points
The Gold team was truly kicking some tail with their quick wit. Wanting to try to get a point, Jennie stepped up.
"Oh, Jennie? You want a shot at this?" Nick looked surprised as the crowd cheered.
"Yeah! I'll go!" she answered with a smile and danced to the beat.
"Oh, then it's my turn, now!" Matt stepped up.
"Oh, here he goes, about to get embarrassed again," Hitman Holla said, making everyone laugh. 
"I got this. I got this," Matt reassured everyone.
"Would you leave my girl, alone? She's not interested!" Angelina called out.
"Chill~. Don't be a cockblock,"
"She don't want you, dumbass,"
"Your topic is relationships," DJ D-Wrek announced.
"Now you wild out," the audience said while both teams danced to the beat again. "Now you wild out!"
Matt looked directly at Jennie with a flirty smile. "You into white boys? You into white boys? You into white boys? Now you wild out!"
Shrugging, Jen waved him away. "I am but not you, I am but not you, I am but not you, now you wild out!"
Her comment made everyone laugh wholeheartedly while Matt continued to remain persistent.
"Give me a chance!" he replied while his team backed him up by looking like they were begging her to say yes. "...give me a chance, give me a chance, now you wild out!"
Dancing to the beat, she remained unbothered. "No way, no way, no way, now you wild out!"
"You know you want this," he flexed his arms. "...you know you want this, you know you want this, now you wild out!"
Looking around confused with her team, she stated, "Who lied!? Who lied!? Who lied!? Now you wild out!" she pointed at him.
"I still smashed," he shrugged and jumped to the beat, causing the Gold team to look at him in surprise and get hyped. "...I still smashed, I still smashed, now you wild out!"
Thinking quickly on her feet, determined to not stutter, Jennie dropped it down low, balancing nicely as she moved her hips, knees, and ass up and down to the beat of the song, distracting him as both teams yelled. Laughter around the studio rose in volume when she spoke. "Was it in though? Was it in though? Was it in though? Now you wild out!"
"HEYYYYY, MISS WALKER!" Angelina shouted, loving her performance as she watched Jennie get back up, awaiting Matt's response.
Almost fumbling with his words, Matt managed to say, "M-my dick can definitely hit it right! And my tongue is better, my tongue is better, my tongue is better, now you wild out!"
Putting him out of his misery, Jennie grabbed onto Desiigner, letting him wrap an arm around her while she rocked to the beat with him. With Jungkook on her mind, she replied, "I've had better head, I've had better head, I've had better head, now you wild out!" 
As soon as she pulled that stunt, everyone freaked out, while Matt couldn't think of a comeback for it.
Angelina smiled proudly at her. 'That's my girl!'
Gold Team 4 Points
Platinum Team 1 Point
"Man! We had that!" Nick complained.
"So, I really can't get your number or something?" Matt whined to her.
"No, dumbass!" Angelina smacked him upside his head as the crowd laughed.
Desiigner high fived Jennie. "That was good! Good shit, good shit!"
Desiigner went on ahead to represent the team while DC Young Fly went up.
"Your topic is graduation," DJ D-Wrek announced as the energy in the room heightened with them both dancing.
"I fucked my teacher today!" Desiigner jumped on beat with his team following his movements. "I fucked my teacher today! I fucked my teacher today! Now you wild out!"
"You didn't make it!" DC pointed at him with his team. "You didn't make it! You didn't make it! Now you wild out!"
"I put my grrrrr on the desk! I slap my grrrrr on the desk! I slap my grrrrr on the desk, I slap my grrrr on the desk!"
Yelling and moving his body wildly, DC answered, "A KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA! A KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA! A KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA! Now you wild out!"
Jennie laughed along with the entire studio. What the hell was going on?
Getting hyped like he was in the studio when making music, Desiigner began to do his one of signature adlibs with his team backing him up.
Jennie loved that no one questioned it and went along with what those two were doing.
Moving his body vigorously with his team following him, DC shouted, "BOOP-BOP-BOP-BOP! BOOP-BOP-BOP-BOP! BOOP-BOP-BOP-BOP! Now you wild out!"
Determined, Desiigner crossed his arms. DC was speaking his language and he was not having it. He was going to win this battle.
Moving in rhythm, he responded, "Whoop-de-scoop, whoop-de-scoop, whoop-de-boop! Now you wild out!"
"You stupid! You stupid!" DC walked away, allowing the Platinum team to get the point although Gold had won the game.
Their time on Wild N Out began to come to an end as they went on to the final round. Wildstyle. Jen had a blast and hoped that one day she could come back with better rhymes and play different games.
"We got Jennie and Desiigner holding it down for the Platinum squad while we got Angelina on the Gold squad, give it up! It's time for the bonus round and it's called the?" Nick announced.
"Wild-Style!" the audience shouted.
"Yep. Freestyle rapping here at Wild N' Out. We focus on them jokes so each punchline is one point added to your total score. So, the game can go either way. It's anybody's game, right now. Gold squad step up. Platinum squad step up. DJ D-Wrek, drop the beat!"
Once the beat started with both teams on stage, everyone moved to the beat while Nick encouraged the crowd to clap their hands.
"Uh. Clap your hands, y'all. Clap your hands, y'all. Yo, Miss Jennifer Walker, you a real big talker. After you left Amity, we forgot who you are. But don't worry, I'm sure Angelina can still make you a star,"
Gold Team 1 Point
Platinum Team 0 Points
The crowd ooohed at his statement while Jennie kept her composure and let out a chuckle. When Angelina heard what he said, she widened her eyes.
He was not holding back today.
Nick continued. "You left one group so when you leavin' the other one? You tend to do that when you not having any fun."
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 0 Points
Speaking her mind, Jennie went off. "Coming for me you must have a death wish. Bangtan is charting, where you at on the charts, bitch?"
Loud hollers were heard around the studio while Nick was taken aback that she had that energy in her. The way she put emphasis on 'bitch' threw him off.
'Suga is creating a monster,' Angelina thought as she dropped her jaw, impressed by how she fought back.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 1 Point
"I left for better opportunities, ones that SongStress couldn't give me," she went on. "I auditioned for something I love and Big Hit chose me,"
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 2 Points
"That's my girl! Tell em!" Justina praised with the rest of the Platinum squad.
"'ight. 'ight, excuse me, Miss Walker," Nick backed off and turned his attention to Desiigner, who stood next to her. "Yo Desiigner, you my man you know that what. But why every time you rap you sound like you bustin' a nut?"
Gold Team 3 Points
Platinum Team 2 Points
"I got the 44 hangin' from the baseline. Beat you like the iPhone 4 with no facetime," Desiigner dissed.
Gold Team 3 Points
Platinum Team 3 Points
Angelina stepped up. "Ayo Desiigner let me talk to you real quick. Look, your energy is great, it's really unrivaled but every song you sing need to come with subtitles. I mean I'm glad that you came to play but no one understands what the fuck you say,"
Gold Team 4 Points
Platinum Team 3 Points
Next up was Chico Bean and he called out Nick. "Ayo, this what y'all do not know. Nick makes three hundred thousand an episode. When he get the bread, he go and buy some clothes and spend the rest of the money on Amber Rose!"
Gold Team 4 Points
Platinum Team 4 Points
"Hey!" DC called Chico out after the laughter died down. "What you talkin' 'bout Nick! I don't like hearing that shit!"
"Yo head look like a microphone! I can't believe you got a scar on your face. You still live at yo' momma's place. And you ain't got no house of your own. Nick keep spendin' yo money on phones,"
"You talkin' bout owning a house. Listen that's funky! I know somethin' bout you! You stay with yo' aunties!"
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 4 Points
"Yeah, I stay with my auntie, fool! What you think I'm supposed to do!? Nick ain't paying us no damn cash! I'm out here on my ass!"
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 5 Points
"Karlous, how you doin?" Justina called him out. "You look like old dirty bastard. A little bit dirtier, less of a good rapper. They said you fly? Well, I don't wanna lie. You look like chlamydia personified,"
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 6 Points
"Hol' up. You betta get the white girl cause she already dead," Karlous responded. "She got the red hair but what about the head? Is it fly? Do you know?" he turned to one of his teammates.
"I don't know," Emmanuel answered.
"Is she freaky?" Karlous went on.
"I don't know,"
"Is she a hoe?"
"Maybe so!"
"Well, then you will never fuckin' know," Justina answered as the audience went wild.
Jennie laughed out loud and high fived Justina. She aspired to be so quick to turn the tables like that. She had some thick skin.
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 7 Points
Becky Robinson stepped up to represent the Gold team. "Jennie, sweetheart, get over here. Let me talk to you," she gestured to her as Jennie went back in front of her team. "Little miss high and mighty, the one that likes Nike. You say you can rap but I doubt that's likely."
Gold Team 6 Points
Platinum Team 7 Points
Jennie grabbed the mic and spoke, "Correction, it's Miss Bangtan and yeah I'm the girl that loves Nike. I'm rapping right now and the chance of you winning ain't likely,"
Gold Team 6 Points
Platinum Team 8 Points
"BTS, BTS, go back to them weird Asian boys. How the heck you go from Amity to trashier noise?" she questioned.
Gold Team 7 Points
Platinum Team 8 Points
"Whew~!" Nick spoke up, thinking that was the end of the face off while the crowd responded in surprise that she went there to talk about her group.
"Weird?! Weird Asian boys!? BITCH!" Tim called out, ready to get involved in the freestyle. "Jennie, you got this or do you want me to go?"
Jennie turned to Tim and smiled in reassurance, telling him she got this, and turned back to Becky. "Bitch, I'll go back to my amazing Asian boys after I win this belt. You got three seconds to get the hell out of my face before you get a welt. Trashier noise? Girl, be for real. Compared to you, our music brings more appeal. You wouldn't last a day in Bangtan's shoes, let's make that clear. Bangtan is selling out venues faster than your career."
Everyone cheered loudly at her response while Becky broke out in laughter and nodded. Jennie high fived Tim as he cheered her on.
Gold Team 7 Points
Platinum Team 9 Points
Now Jen had some unfinished business and turned her attention to Matt who was standing behind the Gold team, quiet as ever.
"Matt. Get over here," she called him out.
"Uh oh! Uh oh!" Nick hyped up the confrontation. "This gon' be good!"
Matt laughed and stood in front of her.
"Matt, your game is tired like Advil PM. I know I am desired but do me a favor and stop sliding in my DMs," she announced.
Matt nodded and spoke up, "Okay, I slid in your DMs but stop with the front. Stop being in denial with this reject Matt publicity stunt. I guarantee that after the show you'll be calling my phone. I meant what I said on Let Me Holla, so let me make your mind blown,"
Jen rolled her eyes. "Face it, just face it. You brainless, you brainless. You said your tongue is better but I think that's outrageous,"
"Outrageous? You know you want a demonstration! After that, you'll be asking for a bae-cation," he smiled confidently.
"Cute. DJ D-Wrek, can you cut the beat, real quick?" she requested as a series of oohs were heard. 
Angelina placed a hand over her heart, in surprise. "Nani!?" she exclaimed.
Oh, he was done for. Jennie was getting mad. She could tell by the annoyance on her face.
"Hm. Okay..." Jen prepared her thoughts and looked directly at him. "Matt, get it through your thick skull that I don't want you. I am not Zendaya from Disney, I can punch the shit out of you," 
Angelina continued to have her hand placed over her heart as she stared at her best friend in astonishment. She had leaned back as her reaction was priceless and was about to become a new meme.
Out of nowhere, Jennie began to speak in Korean, which made Matt look at her in confusion. She had talked about what a joke he was and turned to the camera to give Bangtan a shoutout and that she would be back in Korea soon.
Switching back to her native tongue, she put him out of his misery once and for all. "You ain't the first, you ain't the last but just know you will not be the one to smash. You might as well give up just like the others. All hot and bothered cause you can't get me under the covers. You only think with your second head so think of a new plan. But let's face it, Jennie don't want you, one minute man,"
After she finished, she dropped the mic. The studio was filled with loud hollers and laughter while Matt's face became flushed as he chuckled.
DJ D-Wrek repeatedly pressed the bell, indicating that it was all over.
Angelina had cheered with the cast and she ended up falling dramatically on the floor during the commotion. Meanwhile, Desiigner got excited and patted Jennie on the back, praising her.
"Yo! DJ D-Wrek! Who won that!?" Nick shouted after everyone calmed down a bit and Angelina got back on her feet.
"I got to give it to the platinum squad! Make some noise for the platinum squad, yo!" he announced over everyone's cheers.
"Woo!" Jennie jumped up and down, excitedly as she celebrated with her team.
A Wild N Out girl came on stage with the belt and presented it to Jennie after she went to hug Nick.
"She came through and took my comedy championship!" Nick announced as she happily accepted the belt and raised it up in the air in victory. He then shouted out Desiigner and Angelina.
Jen let out a content sigh. This was awesome. She was glad she was able to do this, today. And now she got to take this title home. Another award for BTS.
"What do you want to say?" Nick asked her as he gave her the mic.
"This has been such a fun experience, thank you so much for having me! And shout out to BTS and BTS ARMY, I love y'all! Thank you!" she said.
She then switched to saying thank you in Korean for the boys and reiterated that she missed them and would be back very soon. After bowing, she was then hugged by Angelina and had her hand raised in victory.
"That's what we talkin' about! Everybody on they feet! And make some noise for Desiigner~!" Nick announced as he closed the show with a performance.
After recording, Jennie hung out with the cast to take pictures and discuss the show. The vibe was full of high energy as they laughed about their favorite moments and roasted Matt for being rejected. What Jen loved about it was that there were no hard feelings and people didn't take any of the disses seriously. If only more people could vibe like this.
"You did well! Great job, today!" Nick Cannon praised her.
"Aw, thank you! It's harder than it looks to think quickly on your feet. You guys got that," Jen grinned.
"It is but you held your own. Especially on wild style," he laughed at the memory of her calling Matt a one minute man. 
That was the utmost disrespect and a huge blow to his ego.
"Ha! Had to hit him where it hurts. Can we take a selfie?"
"Yeah, let's do it,"
Taking out her phone, she gave it to him so he could raise it in the air for a quick photo of them smiling happily. She'll make sure to post it after her little social media break is over.
"Thanks so much for having me. This was a fun time," she beamed.
"Anytime! We hope to see you and Angelina back on the show sometime,"
"Most definitely. And speaking of Angelina, she really is in her element on your show, huh?"
"Got that right. In the last episode, she was in she went off on everybody. It was one of the highest-rated episodes to date. She a real gem,"
"That's Ang for you. One of the best. Have you thought about adding her as a cast member? She'd be a great addition!" she suggested excitedly.
She watched as Nick smiled at the idea and he discussed how well she would hold her own in the games with clever clapbacks and rhymes.
"She really would be a great addition, wouldn't she? I'ma talk to her. You think she'll want to?" 
"Absolutely! She will accept with no hesitation,"
Jen felt pleased that it seemed like he was highly considering having Angelina join the cast. She hoped it went well when he talked with her. She knew how much it would mean to her if she got to be a permanent cast member.
Following some photos and mingling with other cast members, Jen went to hang out with Desiigner who still had a large grin on his face. What she loved the most about him was how positive he was and how happy he looked. His energy was infectious.
"Mama, you funny as shit. You a savage,"
She laughed. "Thanks. It was so fun teaming with you,"
"Likewise, mama,"
"I also think it is so dope and inspiring with what you accomplished. We're nearly the same age and you out here making moves ever since Panda dropped. I hope I can make an impact like that with my music,"
"I 'preciate that. It's all about the music and what we love to do. We both young and hungry in this industry. We gon' make it big,"
"Got that right. Heck, we could even make a few songs together,"
"Oh, hell yeah. For sure,"
The two took photos together and then with Angelina. Desiigner then took out his phone to take an Instagram video.
"Yoooo! With my girls! Beautiful black queens! Jennie and Angelina! You know what time it is! Wild N Out! Stay tuned, it's comin' out real soon! Ya-a-a!" he laughed.
"Platinum squad~! All day!" Jennie stuck her tongue out.
"Gold squad!" Angelina repped her team.
"Boooooo!" Jennie and Desiigner playfully said before they all laughed.
"Y'all some haters," Angelina playfully rolled her eyes and walked away from them as the video ended.
Once Desiigner went off to goof around with DC Young Fly, Matt approached her with a nervous smile.
"All right, I got the hint. I apologize for coming all over you like that," he chuckled nervously.
He did look pretty apologetic with his face looking a little pink.
"It's okay," she responded.
"B-but just know I'll still wait for you if you ever change your mind,"
She laughed. "Well, you'll have to wait forever,"
"Damn..." he sighed in defeat and nodded.
"I have a boyfriend, that's why," she proudly told him. "After rejecting you quite a few times as well as in the DMs, I thought you'd got the hint,"
"Wishful thinking,"
"Regarding my man and I, we're keeping things private until we are ready to announce it,"
"Okay, I respect it. Damn, whoever he is he's lucky,"
"Nah, I'm the lucky one," she smiled as she thought of how much she missed Jungkook.
"Man...your boys, especially your boyfriend and fanbase gon' kill me, huh?" he chuckled nervously at the thought, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeaaaaah, they are."
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lavellenchanted · 1 year
kiss prompt - end of war kiss and OTP of your choice!
It is strange being back in England. There’s an almost surreal quality to it, for although British forces were at war with Napoleon for over a decade, the British shores remained untouched by the fighting - if you wished it you could believe the war had never happened, unlike travelling through Europe. 
If it weren’t for the cold wind and the bare trees, Friedrich might have thought it was only yesterday that he had left London instead of eight months ago. The city is as busy as ever, even with half the ton decamped to their country estates for the winter. People stroll through the streets in fur-lined hats and coats, their laughter and voices ringing through the air. 
For a brief moment Friedrich envies them, for their easy smiles and the fact that they only know what it cost to stop Napoleon from newspaper reports and not from seeing it firsthand.
Pushing his darker thoughts away, he turns his horse on to Berkeley Square and his heart lifts as he sees the familiar white stone building at the far end of it. Going by the rules of society it is, strictly speaking, too early for social calls but Friedrich’s sure that those inside will forgive him. His Aunt Charlotte, on the other hand, may not; she was rather put out that, his ship having arrived no more than two hours ago, he came to the palace just long enough to greet her and borrow a mount before setting straight back out again. 
But in truth she only has herself to blame. She is the one who introduced him to Miss Sharma, after all.
Being away from Edwina these last months has been more difficult than he could have ever believed was possible. He has thought of her every day, every hour, since they parted, and in the awful, bleak weeks when he was unable even to write to her it was remembering her that gave him the strength to keep going. The embroidered handkerchief she gave him before he left still sits in the inside pocket of his jacket, right over his heart. In his darkest moments he would pull it out, running his thumb over the neat, careful stitches that her hands had made and lifting it to his face so he could breathe in the perfume that still clung to it (orange blossom and jasmine, he has since learned from one of her letters).
Sometimes he would try to conjure her in his mind to talk to her, imagine her responses and how she would look at him with those wide, expressive dark eyes that always seem to see straight through him, but he could never quite get it right. She always surprises him, when they talk, sees things that he never would. It’s one of the things he loves most about her.
He has been able to write to her again while he’s been in Paris, taking part in the negotiations on the treaty written following Napoleon’s abdication and recapture. It has been a drawn-out process, the days long and tedious and full of arguments. Getting each letter from England, seeing her looped handwriting and hearing her voice on the page has kept him sane through it all.
Her latest letter arrived only two days ago, and sits now in his inside pocket with her handkerchief. It is thanks to that letter that he knew exactly where to find her when his ship docked. The Bridgertons are spending Christmas at Clyvedon with the Duke and Duchess of Hastings this year, so Edwina and her mother, both feeling a little out of place, have chosen to stay with Lady Danbury in London. Friedrich can’t help but be a little grateful for that, since Clyvedon would be another two days’ ride away.
A maid or a footman must have seen him coming, because as he draws his horse to a halt outside Danbury House and dismounts the front door swings open and Lady Danbury’s butler peers curiously out, obviously trying to determine the identity of their unusually early visitor.
“Good morning,” Friedrich smiles, striding up the steps. “Is Miss Sharma available?”
He has to give Lady Danbury credit in choosing her staff; the man does not so much as blink at finding a prince on his doorstep. “Your Highness, please come in. I shall enquire if Miss Sharma is able to receive guests.”
The winter wind in Britain does not get anywhere near as cold as it does in Prussia, it must be said, but it is certainly chiller than it was in Paris and still has enough of a bite that it is a welcome respite to step inside into the warmth. Friedrich’s coat and gloves are taken by a footman and he is shown through into the parlour to wait. 
He has been standing warming himself by the fire burning cheerfully in the hearth for perhaps two or three minutes when he hears the sounds of some running in the hall, their footsteps getting louder as they get closer, and then the door burst open and -
Edwina was clearly not prepared for a visitor; she’s wearing a simple lilac day dress, the only ornamentation a satin ribbon at her waistline, and her hair isn’t dressed yet, falling down her back and shoulders in loose waves that gleam like silk. She’s staring at him like she can’t quite believe he’s real, the dark eyes that he’s dreamed of so often moving slowly over his face.
She’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen.
“Hello, Liebling.”
With a smile, he holds out his arms and Edwina doesn’t hesitate to throw herself into them. He lifts her off her feet, burying his face in her hair and feeling a quiet burst of joy as the familiar scent of orange blossom and jasmine wafts over him. She holds him tightly, trembling a little in the circle of his arms, and when he finally puts her back down and she looks up at him he can see tears gathering along her lashes. 
“You’re here, you’re really here,” she’s saying. “When did you . . ? I didn’t realise you were coming, and I can’t - I’ve missed you so much -”
Her voice breaks a little on the last word, like she didn’t quite mean to say it and is tripping over it in surprise as she realises she has said it, and it’s all too much for Friedrich. He doesn’t trust his voice and there’s nothing for it but to lean in and gently kiss her tears away before they can fall.
“Oh.” She gasps quietly, her eyes fluttering closed beneath his lips. 
“Ich habe dich vermisst, meine Süße,” he murmurs, bringing his hands up to cradle her face and covering her mouth with his.
It’s foolish and reckless and not at all what he intended to do when he set out from the palace, but he can’t bring himself to care. All he knows is that he has longed for this woman with an ache as fierce as anything he’s ever known, he has thought of her each night since he’s been gone and there were moments when he came perilously close to dying and his only real regret was that he wouldn’t get to grow old with her. So now that she’s here before him, he cannot bear to not be kissing her.
Fortunately Edwina doesn’t seem to mind. Her fingers have curled into the front of his jacket and she’s lifting herself up on her toes to press herself more closely to him. Her lips are soft and warm beneath his, moving tentatively at first and then more surely as they find their rhythm, their breathing growing heavier. Each stroke of her mouth is a revelation, making his heart race faster, and he thinks he might just like to lose himself in doing this forever -
They break apart like startled deer, and Friedrich can’t be entirely sure when his mind is feeling rather dazed and slow, but he thinks Edwina has to hastily turn a snort of laughter into a cough when they see Lady Danbury standing in the doorway, leaning on her cane, watching them what appears to be exasperation more than anything.
“Do forgive me for interrupting,” she says drily.
“Lady Danbury,” Edwina starts, “We were just -”
“Whatever you are about to finish that sentence with, I suggest you don’t. Regrettably my vision remains perfect in spite of my advancing years, and any other explanation would be an insult to my intelligence.” Lady Danbury’s words are precise, but they lack the sharpness Friedrich knows she is more than capable of, so he can only assume she doesn’t mind too much. Especially when after another moment she sighs and looks up. “I suppose, since you are freshly back from the war, Your Highness, I might overlook the impropriety this once. Edwina, I am going to fetch your mother. I expect it will take a few minutes. When I get back, I should prefer it if there were either a ring on Miss Sharma’s finger or at least six feet between you.”
With that, she turns and sweeps from the room in a manner almost as imperious as Friedrich’s Aunt Charlotte. 
They stare after her for a moment, then catch each other’s eye and dissolve into quiet giggles. As they laugh, Friedrich reaches to pull Edwina into his arms again and presses one more swift kiss to her lips.
“Well, Liebling, I’m afraid I cannot bear to be six feet away from you,” he says, and pulls a ring from his pocket. “So I think it will have to be the former.”
kiss prompts
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just2bubbly · 9 months
Hey there, anon! Thank you for the ask- took a long time to get back to this but I'm finally out of the writer's block (as I'm procrastinating instead of studying for my ese) Here's a short drabble about these two! Hoping you like it! :)
Cinder's Perspective:
The room's quiet, if you select to ignore the faint snores coming from the young Emperor who was huddled on the bed, his manuscripts and tablet scattered around his sleeping figure. That's how Cinder had found him when she was halfway through the door chucking, "You won't believe what I'm about to get—"
Lying in a very discomfiting position that would likely leave him sore after he woke up. She checked her inner time clock, it was too early for him to be sleeping.
"It seems dad is too tired to hear our endeavours, Sadie," she whispers to her buddy, who continues to waggle her tail from the mischief they had had.
Cinder releases the leash from her collar and tells her to stay put as she cleans mud off her paws. Sadie sniffs in acknowledgement and gets cleaned. Leaving her with some treats, Cinder gives her husband attention.She approaches the bed, clicking a picture of Kai dozing off since it was too adorable to miss and also as evidence of how much he overworked himself that could be used in an argument about his health.
Cinder gazed fondly at him, as he continued to be lost in the realm of slumber having no idea that his two favourite people were there staring at him. She takes the reading glasses away from his face and keeps them on the side table after which she continues to gather the documents and arrange them chronologically so it would be easier for him to work on later. She does look at it's content without meaning to and learns that he is still caught up in the Asian Summit recordings that happened last week and makes a mental note to ask him about it later.
Once she has cleaned the bed and arranged his material aside, she quickly soothes him into getting in a more comfortable position and covers him with a duvet but thinking better of her unfinished work and unwritten drafts she decides to join him.
"Do you want to join us, Boo?" She asks Sadie, knowing she would be jumping at the first opportunity to get into the bed.
She barks as she jumps onto the bed, making room for himself near Kai's feet followed by Cinder who wraps both with the duvet. Kai somehow sensing her presence pulls her closer and cradles her to his chest, which fills her with warmth. She breathes in the smell of fresh sheets, his cologne and the musky scent of grapevines and feels at peace.
Kai mutters something in his sleep, making Cinder smile. Sadie curls her body between the two, already lost to sleep. Her mind gets sulled as tunes into the soft and steady heartbeats of Kai and the rhythmic rise and fall of Sadie's small body makes her fall asleep too.
A/N: My college friend has made me a dog person so couldn't help but add her doggo's name in this fic!
Taglist: @gingerale2017 @salt-warrior @slmkaider @cinderswrench @cindersassasin @impossiblesuitcase @justcatchrosesandthornes @fangirlforever0704 @kaider-is-my-otp @cosmicnovaflare
14 notes · View notes
autumnslance · 1 year
Year of the OTP - May 2023 - Illness
((Prompt List Here. A sick fic, but I avoid details on bodily fluids. 3200 words; a bit shorter than last month! ARR Late Patches.))
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Thancred woke coughing, stomach heaving and head pounding like Amalj’aa war drums. His tongue was a slab of sandpaper in his sour mouth, and his stomach spasmed again, the acid rising.
“Here,” a familiar voice said, gentle hands guiding him toward a bucket just as another wave hit. What came out was mostly liquid, and tasted even worse than when it had gone down the night before.
The hands held him steady as he spent a few minutes retching, his minder rubbing the back of his neck.
And not the person he had been expecting.
He took the offered towel to wipe his mouth as she set aside the bucket. He didn’t want to look at her just yet. Not in this state.
“Water?” she asked.
“Please,” he answered. “Not quite ready for my coffee yet, I’m afraid.”
She huffed a brief laugh and stepped away, leaving him leaning over his knees. Sitting up, let alone standing, seemed a terrible idea. He heard the tap running in his little washroom.
From the direction of his fireplace, a piercing whistle sounded, the noise splitting his head, and she cursed in her native tongue as she rushed to stop it.
“What the hells was that?” Thancred asked through the renewed ringing and pounded in his skull.
“Tea kettle. Here,” she said, setting a tray on the nightstand.
There was a glass of water, and a cup of tea steeping now; it took him a moment to identify the scent. “Is that a ginger?”
“For the nausea. Start with the water, I’ll return soon.”
“You don’t have to—”
She gently squeezed his bare shoulder—someone had gotten his shirt and boots off—as she pressed the waterglass into his hands. Then she walked away, his door opening and clicking shut again.
He sat on the edge of his bed and sipped the water, slowly, mindful of the empty bucket left nearby; she must have also dealt with that when getting the water. He wasn’t as observant as usual this morning.
So when Aeryn returned a few minutes later, he was sure to look up to give her at least a weak smile. As awful as he felt, she didn’t look much better. Her midnight hair was falling out of its cord, strands wisping around her drawn-in face. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her tanned complexion seemed ashen. She obviously hadn’t changed clothes recently, her rumpled red shirt in need of a good wash. She wasn’t wearing her usual tall boots, and he realized they had been left by his desk, her jacket slung over his chair.
She carried something steaming on a tray, and the scent of chicken broth set his empty stomach to rumbling.
“You’re too kind,” Thancred said. “Were you here all night?”
She set the tray down. “I helped Riol guide you here, but then he was called away on Braves business. You passed out before we got your boots off. I told him I’d stay, since Minfilia’s out.”
A cold sweat broke over him; he didn’t remember her arrival in the Rising Stones, didn’t remember returning to his room, didn’t remember because he had passed out…
“Can you eat?” she asked.
“I…I think so,” he managed to say, swallowing bile of another sort threatening to rise. “Is this…chicken soup?”
She nodded. “Had F’lhaminn make it. Chicken, hard-boiled egg, vegetables, noodles, salty broth, plain toast to help soak it up; all one needs to recover from a hangover. So say the alchemists back home.” Aeryn shrugged. “Always worked for my Papa, anyroad.”
He raised a brow at that as he stirred the broth; it was still rather hot. “A hard drinker, your father?”
She didn’t answer right away. “For a time, after Mama passed. Rashae—my eldest sister—convinced him to stop.”
“I see. Apologies, if I roused painful memories.”
Aeryn shook her head. “It just was.”
He cautiously ate a few spoonfuls. F’lhaminn had outdone herself on so simple a dish for his wretched sake, and his weakened stomach made it easy enough to eat slowly and savor it. He remembered the tea, and took a few sips there, too.
Thancred recalled why it had been so damned easy for Moenbryda to goad him into drinking that strange dark liquor she’d wheedled from a Mamool Ja trader.
“I thought you were in Thanalan?” Preventing yet another attempt at Ifrit’s summoning, that he yet again could not help with.
Aeryn nodded. “Soon as we’d dealt with Ifrit, we received word of Harriers moving a large number of crystals near Whitebrim, so made sure Iceheart wasn’t calling forth Shiva again. T’was a false alarm, thankfully.”
“Still, you must be exhausted, between all the fighting and teleporting.”
She smiled weakly. “I’ve had better weeks.”
“You don’t have to tend to me,” he said.
Aeryn gestured for him to keep eating the soup and drinking the tea, which he did. “You let Moen goad you.” The ‘again’ was unsaid, but present in her tone. “And you asked not to be left alone when you get too deep in your cups. So I stayed.”
It was usually Minfilia, or Yda; once Y’shtola, and she had been gentler than he had expected or deserved. He couldn’t bear to ask F’lhaminn, Papalymo, or Tataru, and he didn’t trust their newer members. Alphinaud was out of the question, when the lad was even present and not tending to his new Grand Company. Alisaie likewise wasn’t an option, even if she weren’t in the Waking Sands most often between her investigations. Urianger, too, was not present often enough, but had stayed the one time he could.
Not that Thancred tried to allow this to happen too often.
He had never dreamed of asking Aeryn to tend to him when he over-indulged. To try to keep him from going too far, imbibing too much—and failing that, helping him keep from losing more time, more memories, more of his control…
Aeryn collected his empty soup bowl and tea cup, passing him a refilled water glass. “A few more bells of rest, and you’ll be fine,” she said.
“Indeed; I feel much recovered for your ministrations already,” he said, giving her one of his more charming grins. It triggered the expected blush on her dusky cheeks, and if anything, showed how wan she herself was. “I shall take it easy today, but you must also promise you will take your rest, my friend.”
She nodded, stifling a yawn. “I have need of a shower and a long sleep myself.” She paused, looking at him biting his lip. “Go on, make your jape.”
He pretended to be affronted. “What? Surely you don’t expect me to suggest we save time and water by showering together! Why, t’would be untoward, my lady!” He gave her an exaggerated wink.
Her blush deepened and spread up her ears as she laughed. “Yes, you’re all right.” She collected her boots and jacket. “Oh, I did manage to find a new book in Coerthas—one of the merchants we aided had it on hand. Mayhap this evening we can give it a look.”
Thancred grinned. “Sounds like a plan,” he agreed. She smiled in return, and took her leave.
A plan to keep him occupied and not get into another drinking contest with Moenbryda. He bit back the uncharitable thought; Aeryn, being Aeryn, likely was simply thinking of their similar literary interests and the lively debates they tended toward. It would be a welcome distraction, from both their lovely colleague’s formidable stamina, and from Aeryn and her too-few blessed comrades facing off against such threats as primals for their sakes yet again.
Thancred bathed, changed his bedsheets, and slept more, having found that the extent of his capabilities—gods, what was in that western liquor?
He had no nightmares of cruelly laughing Paragons stealing his days and puppeteering his actions; just dreams of the ocean waves outside Vesper Bay, drowning out the Scions’ conversations, though their laughing camaraderie was visible from the distance he kept himself.
By evening Thancred felt sentient enough to make it to the common room. Moenbryda was thankfully not in this evening, apparently off to consult with Urianger. In fact, it seemed a good number of his colleagues were away, leaving him alone to sit at the bar as F’lhaminn came out of the kitchen.
“Hello, Thancred; feeling better?”
“I am, thank you. Next time Moen ropes me into a drinking contest, please stop me.”
“That’s the third time you’ve asked, and I’m sure you’ll again ignore any attempts on the fourth,” she replied dryly. “Feel up for dinner?”
“Please,” he said. “Have you seen Aeryn this eve? I should thank her, and she mentioned a new book besides.”
F’lhaminn shook her head. “Haven’t seen her since passing her that soup she insisted upon for you. I am glad it seems to have worked.”
“As am I.” He masked his disappointment; Eorzea’s champion was ever in demand for her time and attention, after all.
The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough, chatting with his old friend, and eventually getting into a card game with some of the off-duty Crystal Braves. Thancred stuck with water, not even trusting a common ale after the previous night’s antics, and retired just slightly earlier than his usual post-midnight hours, and fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep.
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When Thancred finally shuffled out of his room at what the rest of the world incorrectly considered a “reasonable hour”, he turned the corner and paused at seeing Aeryn slowly moving through the hall herself. Normally she was already far too full of far too much chipper energy at even earlier hours than this.
“Good morning,” he said as cheerily as he could manage before coffee. “I’m sorry to have missed you last night.”
She turned toward him, about to speak, but swayed so alarmingly he automatically reached out to grasp her arm.
“Are you all right?”
“‘M fine,” she said. “Are you feeling better?”
“Right as rain, in no small part thanks to you.” He could see how flushed she was, a light sheen of sweat on her skin though she shivered, and her eyes seemed almost glassy. He put the back of his hand to her cheek and then her forehead, with no flinch nor protest from Aeryn.
“You’ve a fever,” he said. “Back to bed with you.”
“I know, but I needed to get food and liquid…”
He turned her around and walked her back to her chamber. “I’ll handle that; I do owe you, after all.” He tried to sound charming and light about it. She made a weak sound of protest, but otherwise did not fight him. “I’ll be right back,” Thancred said.
Aeryn nodded, leaving the door unlocked. He actually had to make sure it latched properly.
Thancred strode with renewed purpose to the common room. “Ah, there you are,” F’lhaminn said. “I nearly put the last of breakfast away.”
“Set some aside if you wouldn’t mind,” Thancred said. “And do you have more of that soup from yesterday?”
F’lhaminn tilted her head. “I do, why?”
He pitched his voice lower. “Aeryn’s ill; bouncing from Thanalan to Coerthas and then home again seems to have taken a toll on even her resistance.”
“Poor dear; I’d wondered where she was. I’ll get her food and juice—some of that mint tea she likes when feeling poorly—and medicine and see to her. Thank you for—”
“Actually, I can take the victuals and medication to her, whilst you tend to your other duties.”
F’lhaminn’s coral eyes watched him over the rim of her glasses. “You’re hardly one to play nursemaid.” She then sighed. “This isn’t your fault, you know.”
He suppressed a wince. “Perhaps not, though I certainly didn’t help, and I do owe her. So if you don’t mind…?” He gave F’lhaminn his sheepish charming smile, the one she knew he used when wheedling a favor from her but often gave into anyroad.
“Very well; we can start with what’s available now, and I’ll bring more later on.”
Thancred nodded, and soon enough had a full tray to carry down the hall, balancing carefully to knock on Aeryn’s door, wondering—but doubting—if she had fallen asleep.
“Come in,” was the faint reply, and he quickly stepped inside.
She might have changed back into her sleeping shift, but it was difficult to tell as she was wrapped in a blanket. She sat upon a furnishing he wasn’t sure to call either a large armchair or a small sofa, set in front of her fireplace.
He had never actually been in here before; not since they’d each claimed their rooms and moved in, at least.
“You ought to go to bed,” he admonished, setting the tray down on the low table next to the sofa.
“Cold. But can’t get the fire going.”
“F’lhaminn will stop by with more, but for now there’s a draught for your fever and a light repast.” He turned to get the fire going for her.
Aeryn was dutiful about her medicine, downing half the tall glass of juice with it. “Thank you.”
“Of course; ‘tis the very least I could do. Is there aught else you need right now?”
That little crease between her eyebrows formed as she thought. “I could use the pillows from my bed. If you don’t mind? I don’t want to move if I mustn’t.”
“A far better patient than most,” he noted, walking around the partition splitting her bed from the rest of the apartment. “Dear gods!” She made an interrogative noise. “Commenting on the frankly obscene amount of pillows you keep.”
“It helps me sleep.”
“Well I’m not bringing all of them,” he said, choosing a couple of the large ones. “This ought to do, if you won’t lie down.”
“I can rest here,” she said. “Now that I have all I need, and you’ve got the fire going.”
“Huh. Usually around here it’s a fight to keep anyone abed when they ought to be resting.”
“Drives me up a wall,” she muttered, adjusting her pillows and blankets. “Risk more harm with injuries, prolong illnesses. S’stupid, for such a smart group.”
He laughed. “If nothing else, this fever has loosened your tongue.”
She blushed, ducking her head. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, the candor is refreshing. ‘Tis an unusual mindset for an adventurer, I’d think.”
“Wasn’t always,” she said, propping her chin on her hand as she watched the fire. “I studied magic, but everyone thought I ought to formally study alchemy, ‘specially after nursing my mother.”
“Ah. Got used to taking care of others that way, then?”
“And myself. I didn’t,” she hesitated. “I don’t like to be a bother.”
“My dear, the last thing you are is a bother,” he said sincerely, and smiled as she blushed again. “And on that note, is there aught else you need at the moment?” She hesitated, that blush deepening and spreading further. “Come now; out with it. You’ve already seen me at my worst, if it helps.”
“S’nothing like that, I just…Um. Could you maybe…stay? And read with me? I’m not going to be able to sleep yet but dunno that I can focus well enough on my own and I don’t wanna be bored and…” she shrugged as she trailed off.
“Rambling, even, with this illness,” he teased. “But very well. I must admit, I was disappointed we missed our reading last night, but we can make up for it now.”
She smiled gratefully. He brought the desk chair over, found the book with a little direction—her pack was more of a stuffed mess than he’d expected—and ended up doing most of the reading, as Aeryn listened and offered her comments and opinions as usual.
F’lhaminn checked in, bringing more soup and tea for them both. She said little except a reminder that Aeryn needed to rest, and debating character motivations and plot impacts in a novel stopped counting with as animated and argumentative as the pair could get.
“She’s not wrong,” Thancred said after F’lhaminn left, as Aeryn sipped her tea. “I should let you get some sleep. We can talk more when you’re feeling better.”
Aeryn made a face, but nodded. “Thank you, for staying.”
“Of course. Need anything before I go?”
“Make sure the fire lasts, if you don’t mind? I’m just going to sleep here.”
“Very well.” Thancred said, checking on the logs and prodding them into a longer, slower burning arrangement as she adjusted her nest of blankets and pillows.
“Thancred? Might I ask a…delicate question?” she asked, already sounding drowsy.
“By all means.”
“I’ve been wondering, since yesterday…does it bother you?”
He tensed. “Does what bother me?” He thought of the dark gap in his memory of the night before last, and of the few others preceding it, and before that the too long, too dark loss of time and control and…
“The scar.”
He frowned. “You’ll have to be more specific, I’m afraid.” He recalled that his shirt had been removed along with his boots; he had not always had an easy life, the reminders of that scattered across his skin. It was not the first time he had been bare-chested before a comrade, but he didn’t have anything recent that was particularly interesting or eye-catching.
“The one I left on you. When,” she hesitated.
“…Ah.” That one.
Part of his waking and realizing how much time he had lost, what all that bastard had done, had been finding out how damaged his body was afterwards; Lahabrea had neglected to do much eating or sleeping, and it had taken its toll.
There was also a magically-enhanced rapier cut on Thancred’s chest, from when Aeryn had driven the Ascian out of his body.
“Happily, the Elder Seedseer and Y'shtola are rather adept with healing magics. Though I must say, obtaining such an impressive mark from the Warrior of Light and having lived to tell the tale is quite the boon when speaking to ladies,” he said, keeping his tone teasing.
“I just…I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t be; I shan’t ever be able to repay what you did for me.” He continued to poke the fire. “You know, I’ve never asked; did I leave any marks upon your lovely frame?”
“That was Lahabrea,” she said through a yawn. “You’d never willfully hurt one of us.”
He sucked in a breath, a sharp ache in his chest at that trusting response. “I’d like to think not,” he said quietly. “Yet I was the tool which he used. And you did not answer.”
She still did not. When he finally turned to look, her eyes were closed, though he was certain she was not actually asleep yet.
“All right,” he conceded. He made certain she had water near at hand, and turned down the lights. He paused at the door to look back, and was fairly certain even in the dim light that she was surreptitiously watching him. “Rest well, Aeryn,” he said as he left.
He stood outside her room for a long moment, knowing it was only late afternoon, perhaps early evening. Part of him wanted a drink. A greater part of him knew that was a bad idea, especially with one of those few he trusted to watch over him now ill herself, after already tending to his inebriation.
Perhaps a sparring match with Hoary would serve as a distraction. Thancred ambled down the hall, rubbing at the spot on his chest where under his shirt sat the scar from the friend that had pulled him out of the dark.
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elisela · 2 years
January OTP Prompts:
Old bookstore on a cold day for Sterek
Happy New Year! 🤍
mountain man sterek, bookshop au, fluff
“Mountain man is here,” Scott whispers in his ear, hands gripping Stiles’ shoulders as he carefully moves behind him in the narrow space. “Biographies.”
Stiles nods and glances around the small cafe space. The tables are occupied, but no one looks like they’re about to need a second cup, so he feels free to announce, “Just going to go get a new bag from the back,” to Kira, despite having just done that no more than thirty minutes ago.
But Scott must have also said something to Kira because she just nods with a grin, and Stiles leaves the counter before fate can intervene. And if he can just see into the history section from the very edge of the double doors that lead into their dismal excuse for a kitchen, that’s no one’s business but his own.
He stays there until Mountain Man leaves the shop.
Mountain Man is an enigma. Stiles had been certain, the first time he’d walked up to his counter, that he was going to be gruff and rude, like the assholes from the bank across the street that treat the small space like their personal conference room and bark out orders without any regard to the fact an actual person was taking them. But his eyes—which are so beautiful that Stiles wrote four atrocious poems about them in his Intro to Poetry class—had been kind, and when he’d given his order he’d said please twice, and Stiles had fallen head over heels.
In fact, the majority of Stiles’ assumptions about him have been proven incorrect, so he supposes that out of the two of them, he’s likely the rude one. He’d figured Mountain Man was there for the coffee, only to be surprised when he caught a glimpse of the man at the registers an hour later with a stack of books in his hands. His assumption that he was only getting the latest quickly read and easily digestible thrillers was shown to be wrong when Kira spotted him buying classics the next month, and then Stiles stopped assuming anything about him at all.
Except, of course, for the fact that he lives up in the mountains that surround their small little college town (the boots and beard give that away), works with his hands for a living (always calloused), is somewhere in his late thirties (laugh lines around his eyes, silver beginning to streak through his beard) and has no significant other—though that last one might just be wishful thinking.
“Stiles, could you go see if Allison can trade us for some ones?” 
He takes the twenty dollar bill from Kira and steps out from behind the counter. The store’s been dead all day, he’s pretty sure there are still a stack of ones sitting in the register. “You’re not fooling me,” he says, and she grins back at him.
“Who said I was trying to?”
Allison’s up at the front register, leaning her elbows on the counter and texting, phone in front of her face. It’s an act that would get the rest of them written up, but Allison’s clearly fine with taking advantage of the fact that her parents own the store and Stiles can’t really fault her for that. If his dad were running it he’d probably delight in kicking people out the moment they asked if someone could help them find a book with a yellow cover.
And in front of Allison, browsing the small section of puzzle books and journals, is Mountain Man.
“Hey hey, boss lady,” he says. There’s no way to angle himself to keep Mountain Man in view, but if he bends over enough he can sort of see his reflection in the poster-covered glass windows.
She sets her phone down and grins at him, snatching the bill out of his hand. “Hello yourself, coffee boy. No token of your appreciation this time?”
“Kira’s making it as we speak,” he says, and she shakes her head when he uses his in-store radio to quietly order it. “But if you could be so kind in the meantime—”
“You’re such a dork,” she says fondly, pushing a stack of dollar bills into his hand. “Go get my coffee, I’m practically asleep up here. I told Dad no one would come in today, there’s three feet of snow on the ground.”
“Maybe someone could convince him to close early,” he says, walking backwards out of the section. His gaze strays to Mountain Man and when their eyes meet, his heart starts beating double-time. He glances down at the books in his hands—a few that Stiles recognizes from the YA section, even more from the display of queer novels that Allison had set up for Valentine’s day. “Good selection,” he says, “Red, White, and Royal Blue was good,” and spins around in his haste to get back to the cafe.
Kira’s holding a cup in her hand, but pulls it back towards her when he flings himself over the counter. “What?”
He needs water. Or to plunge himself into a snowbank to cool his overheated face. “Please remind me that straight guys read gay love stories too so I don’t go do something reckless.”
“That hasn’t been my experience at all,” Kira says cheerfully, pushing him upright and handing the cup over. “Go get his name, at least.”
Mountain Man is gone by the time Stiles gets back up there. 
He stashed his marker somewhere. He knows he did, he always has it to write the orders on the cups, and most of the time he puts it back in his apron pocket—except when his pockets are full of the bags of espresso beans he was supposed to restock before the swarm of banker bros took over the place. He’d taken their orders, empties his pockets, and then promptly spent the last five minutes looking for his marker, which seems to have grown legs and walked off on its own.
A throat clears above him when he’s crouched down checking the overflow shelves under the register for the third time unsuccessfully, and admitting defeat, he straightens up.
Mountain Man is in front of him. 
“Hey,” he says, instead of welcome to Argent Books like he’s supposed to. “Whatcha havin’?”
“Medium vanilla latte, oatmilk, please,” Mountain Man says. He hands over cash, much to Stiles’ continuing dismay, because it would so much easier to get his name from a card, but doesn’t leave when Stiles calls the order to Kira and slides a cup along the counter. He just stands there, look of discomfort on his face, until he says, “Did you really like that book?”
Stiles raises an eyebrow.
“The, uh—Red, White, and Royal Blue,” Mountain Man says. “Did you really like it?”
“Yeah,” he says, and then, “well, no, it’s not really my thing, but everyone else liked it. I haven’t actually read it, I started the first chapter but I wasn’t in the mood for any kind of coming of age story and the romance—maybe if it were like, a gay detective novel, that shit would be cool. Or sci-fi—have you read This is How You Lose the Time War? That was good.”
He’s about ready to fling himself into the dumpster out back when Kira appears at his side, handing the cup over with a grin and Mountain Man, clearly sensing an opportunity to get away from Stiles, thanks them and walks away.
“Why don’t you go take inventory in the back until you don’t look like a tomato,” Kira says kindly, patting his flaming cheek, and he doesn’t need to be told twice.
The afternoon picks up and although Stiles doesn’t forget about the awkward encounter, he at least puts it out of his mind—until his phone buzzes in his apron pocket and he picks it up, expecting a text from Scott or his Dad, and promptly drops it straight onto the floor.
“Oh,” Kira says, peering around his shoulder at the picture of This is How You Lose the Time War laying on a couch, folded flannel blanket underneath. “Did I tell you I gave Mountain Man your number? I wrote it on the cup—you were never going to get around to it!” she says, whacking his arm. “And I’ll take your gratitude any day now, he’s clearly interested in talking to you, though sometimes I can’t imagine why.”
He only spends a minute hyperventilating before leaving the cafe area, snatching a familiar pink book off a display table, and taking a picture in return. Thought I’d give this another try, he writes under it, and follows it up with maybe we could meet up for coffee and talk about them.
He presses send before he can think about it, and breaks into a grin when the reply comes back quickly.
I’d like that.
He’ll worry about getting Mountain Man’s name some other time. 
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earthgrudgefear · 8 months
sai for ask game :D !
ooo i Never talk about sai, good pick
favorite thing about them: i love how much he loves. does that sound stupid. like he was put on team kakashi as a Tool for danzo and obviously at first they're all fighting but the more he spends time with them the more attached he' gets. he literally asks to stay on the team longer (forever) and he might not understand initially but he does Love that team and they love him,,,
least favorite thing about them: no he works too hard for me to criticize
favorite line: not a line but a recurring scene, whenever he says something truly profound and then goes "at least that's what the book says" and sakura has to hold herself back
brOTP: sakura. they're literally best friends.
OTP: this is a good question.... i guess i don't have one! i don't feel super pressed to romantically involve him with anyone? just as long as he gets the friends and chosen family he deserves
nOTP: i've never seen a really bad sai ship??
random headcanon: i think he knows everyone. i think he's going around talking to people, maybe he paints for them. the old lady who runs the little shop a block away, the man who sits on the corner of that one restaurant, the young twins who live a few doors down from him whose cat who keeps getting into his house somehow. they're not strangers, y'know? he knows all their names and he talks with them. sure they think he's a little weird and sometimes he's rude, but his intentions aren't bad and he's a great listener.
unpopular opinion: i'm sorry i don't even know what the popular opinions on sai are 😭
song i associate with them: okay okay i found this one way faster than i thought so let's say life mother mother
favorite picture of them:
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Crazy of him,
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fang-and-feather · 1 year
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Sweet Meetings
Ikemen Vampire - Vlad x Reader, Coffee Shop/Flower Shop AU, pre-relationship
Prompt(s): strawberries
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You had just gotten some fresh strawberries when Vlad came to visit. You weren't expecting his reaction to it, or your reaction to him.
Thanks @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978 for hosting this
Also written for Year of the OTP July, prompt: coffee shop au, from @yearoftheotpevent
I thought I wouldn't be able to finish this one this month... Like most of my other AUs this is just a small scene of what I might make into a bigger fic later...
IkeVamp Masterlist // General Masterlist // AO3 Link
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You hummed happily as you cooked. It was a fine summer morning, the kind that easily put you in a good mood. Besides, you had been having the happiest mornings since you got this new job.
The bell at the front door rang, and you smiled to yourself. The shop was still closed and your coworker had a late shift, so it could only be the owner of the flower shop across the street.
Not long after you started working, you had brought some flowers from him to decorate the shop. His bouquets were so wonderful that you started visiting him every morning.
At some point, without reason or warning, you had switched to him delivering the flowers directly to your shop instead.
“I’m in the kitchen.” You informed.
You were busy putting the final touches on the cake you were baking, and he didn’t come to see you either. Footsteps could be heard moving from side to side in front of the shop, occasionally accompanied by the sound of someone searching through the cabinets. You didn’t worry, though. By now, you recognized the footsteps of anyone who frequented the shop.
You chose to look, though, and as you opened the door, Vlad was standing on the other side.
“Having a busy morning?” He smiled, and you stepped back to let him in. “It seems like every time I see you, you are hard at work. So I already set up the flowers. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Like you’re one to talk. Since you started making the deliveries, I can aways count on seeing you at the same time, and your shop is aways so busy afterward.”
“Flowers always make people so happy. I especially lie how you smile when I stop by.”
Vlad smiled at you. He had this friendly smile, with a mystical air. A smile that had lured you from the first moment you laid eyes on him. A smile that tempted you to unravel all the secrets behind.
But Vlad was so ethereal, so fleeting, like he wasn’t even human. Like he wasn’t even real.
Even if he wasn’t, you would want more time into that dream. More time with him. So, at each of those encounters, you tried to buy more time, to delay the inevitable parting.
At first he slipped right through your attempts to grasp just a little more of his attention, but, as time went by, he lingered more and you felt like you were growing closer. It still seemed like he would disappear if you fully reached out, though.
“Are you going to stay for a drink again? A friend brought some fresh strawberries this morning, so I was putting the finishing touches on some mini cakes.” Although you were hoping he’d say yes, you weren’t expecting the way his eyes lit up, like a child on Christmas morning. You chuckled and picked a strawberry from the basket behind you, coating it into the cream you had made for the cakes, and held it to him. “I tried a new cream recipe, too. Want to try it?”
You froze when he ate the strawberry right out of your fingers, lips brushing your skin.
“Sorry.” He said, when he noticed your reaction. His smile was the same as ever, though. He neither looked like he was sorry, nor like he’d done it on purpose. Then why was your heart beating so hard over an honest mistake? “It was delicious, though. I always love to try your cooking. Would you join me, though?”
“Sure. Take a seat while I make the drinks.”
Good thing you could dismiss him for a moment. It was difficult to recompose yourself with him right there. At least you would have time to calm down before facing him again.
He had invited you so smoothly and you were already in a fluster that you had hastily agreed. But, except for you preparing and serving the food, it sounded like you being invited on a date.
“Don’t read too much into it.” You whispered to yourself, trying to ground your overexcited brain. “Friends eat together all the time.”
Your brain still insisted that, even if this wasn’t a date, you had just found a way to his heart. But since when did you want that? You had never considered your interest in him in such a way. When had Vlad become more that the friendly neighbour shop owner to you?
Your time together would be short. There was little time left before you had to finally open the shop. But they would be some long minutes if you had to endure your new fixation. You only hoped that, next time you met, you had already sorted your feelings.
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IkeVamp Masterlist // General Masterlist
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allylikethecat · 8 months
January OTP Prompts
I'm not sure how closely this one follows the prompt, but alas I was inspired *by* the prompt and that's how this whole thing works right? Thank you so much for all the continued support on these! We are in the home stretch! (I also didn't proof read this one, like at all so if it makes even less sense than usual that's why)
WARNINGS: Discussions of past drug abuse, and speculation that Fictional!Matty has relapsed (he has not)
27. Ringing bells
Matty was missing and George was losing his mind. The warning bells had gone off ringing that morning even if he hadn’t realized that’s what they were at the time. Matty had been moody, more subdued, snapping at anyone who dared acknowledge him, scratching at his arms and fidgeting as he moved eggs around on his plate without actually eating them. George had found himself growing irritated at him, they didn’t deserve his abuse. Matty had snapped that he was fine and to lay the fuck off when Ross had asked how he was doing. I’m not going to run off and get high, Matty had snarled, you can stop looking at me like that. 
He had pushed his plate away, his phone still sitting on the hotel restaurant table. “I need a cigarette,” he said, standing up. “I’ll be right back.” 
That had been three hours ago, and no one had seen Matty since. George wondered if he had left his phone on purpose, knowing he was easily trackable via Find My Friends. George regretted not standing up, not chasing after him with an I'll join you. But he had been thankful, in the moment for the relief, the ability to roll his eyes at Ross, commiserating over Matty’s antics without the man in question to see them. Soon dread filled his belly as the minutes ticked by and Matty didn’t return. George knew they were all thinking it, even if no one dared speak it outloud. 
“I’ll just call him,” said Ross, “make sure he didn’t get trapped talking to a fan or something.” That’s when they realized his phone was sitting on the table. The screen lit up, the device vibrating silently as the line rang.  
He wasn’t in their hotel room, he wasn’t in the fitness center or the garden. The woman at the front desk was unsure if she had seen anyone matching Matty’s description leave through the front doors. George wanted to cry. They had been doing so well. Things had been going so well. Matty had been doing better. He knew that being back on tour was hard for him, the come down from the admiration of a roaring crowd to the silent isolation of a nondescript hotel room giving him whiplash. He knew that Matty still fought cravings every day, but he met with his therapist bi weekly and was making an active effort to stay healthy, to stay clean.
He needed to call Jamie, he needed to call Tim and Denise. He felt like a failure, he was supposed to be the one keeping an eye on Matty, keeping him safe and instead he had lost him. Matty disappearing to god knows where and getting into god knows what. He was Matty’s partner, Matty was his other half. He saw the signs, he knew that Matty was having a bad morning and instead of treating him with compassion he met him with annoyance. 
They walked through the ground floor of the hotel a third time, growing desperate. George wanted him to be in the hotel, wanted him to be sitting just outside some little side door rather than out in the world where anything could happen to him.
“DON’T LET THE DOOR CLOSE,” Matty shouted and George blinked, not actually expecting to find him sitting on a small loading dock, surrounded by a twelve foot fence topped with barbed wire like he was imprisoned. 
“Matty?” George asked in disbelief, standing in the doorway, holding it open with his body as Matty flung himself into George’s arms. 
“I came out for a cigarette,” said Matty, he was crying, tears of relief George realized. He blinked, shocked to find he was crying too. “The door shut behind me and locked, and I didn’t have my phone.” 
“You’re okay,” said George, running his hand down Matty’s back, the words a mix of comfort and vocalizing his own relief. “You’re okay.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
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wataksampingan · 2 years
Spoilers for Ep 68 because I really do have to scream somewhere
(baby girl I love you; you’re so strong, and smart, and resourceful, and so very absolutely kind, it shatters all expectations -- but darling, you were up at a godforsaken hour worried about him so you went to check on him. When you heard the imperial representative was visiting, you immediately ran downstairs to see if he was alright, (implying your concern he would relapse because of the stress). You’ve been admiring his work ethic and responsibilities as head of a household he wasn’t originally meant to lead, to say nothing of all the various times you had to turn away because something in you noticed he was good looking.
Sweetheart, I think we can at least acknowledge you like him. Like, just a bit.
...no? You’re just worried about this man and his family because you have to stay with them for another 6 months? Not going to acknowledge that treating Theo’s beloved ward/nephew with such genuine care and affection is at least going to endear you to him? You’re not even going to ask yourself why Gloria and Phineas would have such a serious discussion in front of you without thinking about it?
You’re just... you’re just going to... ah. Okay. He’s just walking with you in the same direction. When he said he wants to walk with you, you think he just wants to know if you’ll keep his secret. And when he says you already said that, you’re just... confused. Why he wants to walk with you. And ask you about that trip you went on.
....okay, Perry. Alright. We’ll uh, we’ll pick this up again in another 60 chapters I guess.)
do I really want another 68 chapters before they actually touch each other’s hands without gloves OF COURSE I DO BECAUSE SLOW BURNS ARE THE BEST WOUNDS TO SELF-INFLICT--
also that instant 180 change of expression from ‘Burn down this entire cursed empire’ to ‘my love just walked through the door and I don’t want to scare her with my face’? perfection, A+, 5 stars, no notes, I have been fed in the way only a Chinese-style eight course wedding dinner could fuck up your digestion and it has been GLORIOUS, THANK YOU ARTIST SEUNGU
but this entire chapter of OTP hinting just means something terrible is around the corner again and MY LIL HEART IS FIT TO BURST IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THESE BABIES
The strong implication that Phineas is Gloria’s actual son is also good to know. A friend and I had been theorizing that Theo and Saoirse’s father was the son of a previous wife, but at least now we know Phineas is Gloria’s, whether by direct blood or strong affection. Enough to the point that Phineas calls her “eomoni” when he’s exasperated.
[low pitched keening intensifies]
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kendsleyauthor · 1 year
26 Grayson & Xander <3
((OTP Prompts))
@marydublinauthor 🌸
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“What are you doing here?” Xander asked.
Grayson stood straighter and tried to look like he wasn’t nursing an awful headache. “I feel better,” he lied. “You don’t have to worry about me.” 
The backstage area was teeming with people a couple hours ahead of the show. Everyone was so focused on their own duties, no one stopped to pay attention to the intense glare Xander aimed at Grayson.
That wall all the warning he got before Xander scooped him and started for the exit.
“Xander!” Grayson squirmed, but even on his best day, he wouldn’t have been able to stop him. “Seriously, I’m fine! This is ridiculous! Prints don’t get sick!”
“Obviously, they do.” Xander pushed past the door and headed for their chain of tour buses. “You can take one more night off. The show’s not gonna fall apart just ‘cause you’re not there.”
“It’s actually super possible,” Grayson protested, though his tone was becoming half-hearted. Some delusional part of him wanted to ask if he could stay curled up in Xander’s arms instead of in the bus.
Xander brought him into their shared bedroom and set him on the pillow. He leaned in closer to Grayson. “If I see your face out there, I will get you. And you won’t see me coming until it’s too late.”
“That’s… ominous.” 
“Good.” Xander pushed away from the mattress and sauntered for the door like the terrifying guardian angel he was.
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Kenny McCormick x reader
💌 As Long As I can Remember: Chapter 6  💌  
Summary:  You moved to south park in the 4th grade. You weren't expecting what came next. After seven years of friendship you were about to make a move but what happens when Cartman's OTP gets in the way of what you desire most.
Notes:  Overall Kenny x reader but also some Craig x reader, I wrote this over a decade ago but I'm feeling nostolgic, this was written for a friend a long time ago
💌 Word count: 1,347 💌  <= Previous | Chapter 7 =>
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You were gasping for air as you ended up on Kyle's door step. You were about to knock when you noticed that the door was slightly ajar the inside was dark. Without thinking you opened the door and just walked in, worst mistake you could have made, ever. Within a few seconds you found yourself to be completely tied up and dragged to the backyard. There you saw Kyle wearing a crown made of sticks and a long elven robe. Stan was by his side and you frowned "Kyle what the fuck dude!" 
His  eyes widened with shock "Shit! Sorry (Y/N), untie her!" The one dragging you only looked at you then back to Kyle "But my lord, she could be one with the enemy." Kyle only frowned "Oh like Grand Wizard fat ass would ever let a girl play on his team." Stan nodded in agreement helping that one guy untie you.
"So you are playing this stick of truth game too." You scoffed and folded your arms avoiding eye contact. 
"I thought you liked this game?" Kyle said as he helped you off the floor. You sighed "I do but I'm not a part of it. Wizard Fat Fuck was all like "I'm not letting a fuck'n girl play" and then Kenny was saying he doesn't want me playing because I could get hurt." 
Kyle looked at Stan who shook his head. Kyle kept staring with puppy eyes. "Dude are you serious" Stan looked back at Kyle as he just looked a little hurt and disappointing "(Y/N), I'm sorry but I have to agree with Cartman, I can't let you play." you turned and slowly walked to the door "I don't think I would be able to live with myself knowing that you got hurt because I let you play."
You turned back around to face Kyle tears starting to well up in your eyes. "You're all ASSHATS I can protect myself!" you yelled and ran off ignoring your friends as they call your name. That's it you needed to do something to prove yourself, again. You quickly make your way to your room and put together some supplies and an outfit.
"I hear by dub the, Lord Nekomimi, give them hell." You say to yourself in the mirror. You were wearing something similar to Stan but with a big black cloak and cat ears and tail because, why the fuck not? I mean you couldn't be a human and you couldn't be an elf so nekomimi it is. You open your bedroom window and jump to the tree spying on Kyle and the rest of the elves as they talk about rushing the Humans in a few minutes. Quickly you gracefully jump down and take to the shadows you were going to beat them in obtaining the stick if it was the last thing you would do. You sneak in the backyard behind Cartman's house and look through one of the gapes in the fence. The coast was clear. You take a few steps away from the fence to get a running start as you hop the it. It took a lot more strength than you thought, but you made it without making too much noise hiding in a bush by the tent. You see Cartman and Butters leave the tent with binoculars in their hand
"According to the one of our carrier pigeons they should be coming soon." Cartman said to Butters as they continued walking. Now was your chance you walked into the tent and saw Kenny reading a playboy magazine all you had to do was stay out of sight you crawl behind the pedestal, the stick was sitting on and you held your breath as you start to make a grab for the stick. closely watching Kenny once you grab the stick you sit back down behind the pillar. 
"ALARM! ALARM!" You and Kenny jumped at Butters screaming Alarm. Kenny dropped the magazine and dashed for the front of the tent. You pulled out your pocket knife and cut your way out. You quickly look to make sure no one saw you as you climbed the tree behind the tent hopping back over the fence as you heard Cartman Scream "The Stick! IT'S GONE!" Welp that's your cue to run, and run you did. You kept running to the tree house in your backyard, quickly crawling up the ladder and pulling it up. You were collapsed on the floor panting, your heart was beating really fast but you didn't care. Pulling out your phone you took a picture and posted it to FaceBook. You smiled like an idiot as you started hearing the notification noises.
(Y/N_L/N) has uploaded a new picture 'Hey boys looking for this!'
        ~Stan Marsh, Kyle Brofloski, Kenny McCormick and 12 others like this
Eric Cartman : YOU FUCK'N BITCH! I told you that you can't play!
(Y/N_L/N) : But I have the stick now and I say that I CAN
        ~Clyde Donovan, Craig Tucker, Kyle Brofloski and 21 others like this
Clyde Donovan : She's right 
Stan Marsh : I did not see this coming, Kyle Brofloski maybe we should have let her play.
Kyle Brofloski : I told you! Now we have to go get the stick back from, um (Y/N_L/N) where are you?
(Y/N_L/N) : My backyard in the tree house ^ ^
The fourth graders assembled around the tree house. All of them waiting for an opening to get the stick. A young girl role playing as Lord Nekomimi stands in a tree house with the stick of truth, it turns out that today, is the day that she didn't think things through at all. She just paced back and forth as the commotion from outside got louder. She would have to say something before things down there get too out of hand. She takes one last deep breath before appearing in the window
"Grand wizard fat fuck of the humans and King Elf Kahl." the backyard became quiet letting you speak "Here I hold the Stick of Truth, now according to the rules, I now control the universe. The Nekomimi faction would like to give the leaders of the human and elves a chance to negotiate for the stick, if they choose too. If not prepare to fight for it." You looked out to see Princess Kenny trying to reason with Cartman but he's not having any of that. On the other hand Kyle seems to have persuaded Stan to let him negotiate. Of course the grand wizard had to have the first words "I do not and will not acknowledge the fact you're playing so we'll just take it from your girly fingers. Kenny starts to argue with Cartman as Kyle and Stan approach the base of the tree.
"Lord Neko, we would like to negotiate." You smile and dropped the rope ladder for them to come up. "(Y/N), how did you get the stick anyways." Kyle asked as you all sat down on the floor. "It wasn't that hard seeing as how you guys made a pretty good distraction, but that's beside the point." You smiled and Kyle sighed "Stan and I came to the agreement that you may take up the title as Princess-"
"You mean Prince (Y/N)"
"Uh Prince (Y/N)?" You shrugged at the red head's words "Yeah, let me be your son." Kyle and Stan looked at each other "Why?"
"Why not, and well Kenny's already a princess. Plus if Cartman is so pissed off that a girl is playing then why not be a boy?" Kyle looked at Stan before putting a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Welcome my son." You handed the stick to Stan, took off your ears and tail before you hugged Kyle "I won't let you down father!" All three of you laughed "I know you won't, Now let's kick some ass!"
Afterwards back at the base you were officially introduced to the elves. "I would like to introduce my long lost son, Prince (Y/N)."
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lavellenchanted · 1 year
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss + an otp of your choice?
It is surprisingly easy to slip inside the Moon Palace unnoticed.
Endymion had been prepared to spend a good portion of the night - if you can still call it night, here where the sky is always dark and full of stars and there is no real day to compare it to - carefully working his way inside, past the guards on patrol. Instead luck, or maybe fate, seems to be on his side, because while he’s hiding behind one of the pillars outside the gates, trying to discern any patterns in the guards’ patrol routes, another delegation arrives for the ball.
They’re from one of the outer planets, he thinks, but crucially all the attendants are wearing a silver and white ensemble that’s not too different from the disguise Endymion is wearing. As they sweep past him, it’s not hard to step out a couple of paces behind as if he is one of them. The lunar guards barely spare him a glance, just one attendant among many. 
He peels away again once they’re inside the palace, before one of the actual attendants realises there’s a sudden addition to their group that they don’t recognise - but by that point they’re at the doors to the ballroom and there is an entire crowd into which he can disappear. 
There are representatives here from every planet (well, every planet except Earth, apart from him, and he’s not supposed to be there), and some Endymion thinks might be from outside the galaxy. Their clothes glitter jewel-bright as they move and dance around the floor, the steady thrum of laughter and voice filling the air. Music underscores it all, light and quick and energetic. 
Another time, Endymion would have stopped to memorise each face and try to place them against names, information to be taken out and poured over later to try and work out where the alliances and friendships, rivalries and enmities lay. At balls like this there always dances happening beneath the surface, of currying favour or trading barbs and seeking power. They may be beings from other worlds but Endymion has found over the years that politics doesn’t really change that much from planet to planet – even if the Silver Millennium does manage to keep any conflict from truly boiling over.
He’s not here for politics, though. He’s here for one reason and one reason only. 
He keeps to the edge of the room, which is circular in layout and conveniently designed with pillars stretching from floor to ceiling between each gold-framed window that he can easily stay behind, unseen. There are only a handful of people here that would recognise him if they saw him, but if any of them did it would not go well. 
Finally, when he’s about halfway around the room there’s a break in the crowd and there, suddenly, he can see her. 
Princess Serenity stands nearly in the centre of the room, of course, as is only to be expected of the guest of honour. Instead of her usual white dress, today she’s wearing pink, a pale blush that brings out the colour in her cheeks. It sits off her shoulders, with a ribbon at the waistline where the skirt falls in ruffled layers. There are matching pink roses in her hair, which remains pulled into her signature, shimmering golden buns, so that even with a lace mask over her face there is no mistaking who she is. As Endymion watches, she smiles brightly at the diplomat she’s talking to - someone from the Mercury delegation, if he remembers rightly - and holds up a hand to cover a laugh.
Endymion’s breath catches in his throat, just as it does every time he sees her. He has wondered, often, if there will ever be a day that it doesn’t, and he’s beginning to believe there never will be.
He glances around, but doesn’t see any of her four Senshi nearby (though he has no doubt that they will be). When they don’t appear in another moment, he adjusts his mask and starts weaving between guests and across the floor.
Anyone immediately coming up to greet the princess will be calling attention to themselves, which is precisely what Endymion does not want to do, so he doesn’t head straight to Serenity. Instead he circles around and just brushes past the woman she’s talking to, so that he can casually glance over her shoulder and for the briefest second catch Serenity’s gaze before he disappears back into the crowd.
When her blue eyes widen, he knows he’s succeeded and it’s all he can do not to grin uncontrollably as he winds his way back to the edge of the room and then out the open double doors that lead into the gardens. 
An alcove set into the wall made a good place to wait. The minutes seemed to stretch on and on but, sure enough, there finally came the sound of footsteps on the marble floor and then Serenity’s voice calling, “Endymion? Where are you?” 
“I’m right here.”
Leaning out, he caught her hand in his and tugged her back into the alcove with him. She let out a squeak of surprise, but as his arm came up around her to steady her and pull her close against him her face broke into a wide smile.
“You really came,” she said wonderingly, reaching up to pull the mask from his face and then discard her own.
“Of course I did.” Endymion brings a hand up and curls one long strand of her hair around his finger. Despite the fact that this is technically the most dangerous thing he’s done all night, he feels nothing but calm and knows it’s because of her presence; the warmth of her in his arms, so close he can feel her heart beating as fast as his own, the beauty of her smile, the brilliant blue of her eyes that he could so easily get lost in. “You didn’t think I’d miss your birthday?”
Her cheeks flush, and it’s easily the most endearing sight he’s even seen. “I hoped not. It was why I asked for a masquerade. But I wasn’t sure if you would be able to . . .”
He chuckles, admiring her cleverness. For days he had been agonising over how he might manage to see her today, until he had caught word of the masquerade ball.
“Nothing would have kept me away.”
“Oh?” Serenity tilts her head to the side and raises an eyebrow at him. “Not even your knights?”
There are very few people that Endymion can say he feels close to, and even fewer that have the confidence to tease him. It is part of being a prince - he is responsible for his people and must one day lead them, and he had always been taught that to do that he must hold himself apart from them, mindful of his status and power. He cannot make friends like an ordinary man, and since childhood he has had a reputation for being staid, aloof and unapproachable, with walls around him that few can get past.
Since the day he met Serenity, she has had no qualms about barrelling straight through those walls and jumping over any distance he might seek to keep between them. And he adores her for it, more than he has the words to say. With her, he’s not the Prince of Earth but just Endymion; fully, completely himself, in a way he has never been before.
“I’m here, am I not?” he replies, with a brief, flashing grin.
“And how did you get past them?”
“I told them I wanted to spend some time by myself in Elysium, to connect with the planet.”
By now he’s sure they will have discovered his ruse and know where he’s gone. Fortunately they are sensible enough that they won’t barge into Silver Millennium to drag him home, but Endymion has no doubt that they will be waiting for his return. Kunzite in particular will be furious, and Endymion suspects that their sparring sessions will be even more gruelling for a while.
It’s worth it though, to be here.
“How very sneaky,” Serenity says, but delightedly, making it a compliment. “Perhaps I can play a similar trick to visit you soon.”
He should tell her not to, that it’s too dangerous, but that’s an argument he’s been having and losing with himself since he first found her on Earth.
Instead he just says, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too.”
Her words are so soft they’re almost a sigh, and as she speaks she lifts herself up on to her tiptoes and brings her face up to his until their lips are only a hairsbreadth apart. Endymion smiles, leaning down to close that last space and brush his mouth over hers. Trailing his hands up her arms and shoulders, he kisses her long and slow, softly, almost reverently - because she deserves reverence, this perfect, precious girl who shines brighter than any star, who holds his heart and who has, to his eternal joy, chosen to give him hers in return.
Time seems to stand still, the world around them fading until there is nothing but her and him, the sound of their breathing, short and shallow, and the feel of her hands clutching his shoulders and her mouth moving beneath his. Then Serenity makes a quiet noise of frustration and tugs at him, pulling him closer, and nipping at his bottom lip with her teeth, telling him quite plainly: she wants more.
Obediently he wraps his arms around her, pushing her back against the wall of the alcove until their bodies are flush against one another and her head tilts back so that he can deepen the kiss. He sweeps his tongue over hers, tasting the champagne she’s been drinking. Her perfume fills his senses, making his head swim, and the way her arms have moved up to wind around his neck, her fingers running through his hair, sends electricity crackling through his veins. 
It is a miracle, consumed by her as he is, that he hears the footsteps at all. But some rational thought lingers at the back of his mind and he realises abruptly that the clacking sound he can hear isn’t either of them but someone else. 
He lifts his head, breaking the kiss; Serenity starts to protest but he lifts a finger to her lips and slowly her dazed, passion-filled eyes clear and alarm starts to creep over her face as she understands. They withdraw as far into the alcove as they can and hold themselves as still as possible, barely daring to breathe. 
“Do you want to take a turn outside?” a voice asks, and is answered by a hum and chuckle and then, 
“No, not right now. Let’s go back to the dance floor.”
The footsteps fade into the distance, but it’s only when they can no longer be distinguished from the general background hum of noise from inside that Endymion and Serenity relax, letting out a joint sigh of relief.
They turn to look at one another, only to find themselves so close that their noses brush. Serenity giggles, but only for a moment before her smile dims.
“Do you think there will ever be a day when we don’t have to hide like this? When we can just be together?”
“I don’t know.” Truthfully Endymion doesn’t see how it’s possible, unless they run away somewhere to the farthest edges of the galaxy and even then perhaps not. He wishes, not for the first time, that they had been born simple, ordinary people, who could spend their days hand-in-hand in the sunshine, able to love each other freely and without fear. “But I do know that I will cherish whatever moments with you I am given. That if I were given the choice, I would always choose to love you.”
Serenity lays a hand against his cheek, brushing her thumb over his cheekbone. “So would I.”
Endymion smiles, and leans down to tenderly kiss her again. “How long do we have?”
“Not long,” she says, regretfully. “I told Venus I wanted some air, but I can’t disappear too long or someone will notice and come looking for me.”
“Well, then.” He presses several feather-light kisses to her lips, her cheeks, her nose, until she’s laughing breathlessly. “We’d better make the most of it, hadn’t we?”
Stepping back, he bows and stretches a hand out towards her. 
“May I have this dance, Princess?”
She’s luminous as she replies, “Yes, my prince. You may.”
kiss prompts
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gaelic-symphony · 1 year
A Year in the Life: August
Twelve vignettes from the married life of Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss, written for the Year of the OTP writing challenge.
This installment is also part of @imagining-in-the-margins' Summer Sunshine challenge.
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Prompt: storm
Words: 762
Warnings: none
Read on AO3 or below the cut
            Tara looked out the window at the ominous gray sky and hoped the rain would hold off just a little longer.  The tropical storm had already made landfall just south of Snow Hill and was rapidly heading inland towards Northern Virginia.  It would be hitting Tara and Emily’s neighborhood soon enough, but Tara just hoped it wouldn’t be before Emily got back home.  She’d gone out to stock up on the essentials before they had to hunker down and wait out the storm together, and Tara really thought she’d be back by now.
            She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Emily’s little blue Hyundai turn the corner into the driveway.  Emily got out and popped the trunk open, and Tara propped open the front door for Emily to bring the groceries in.  As she did, the sky opened up, and water began pouring down in sheets.  Tara slipped her shoes on and grabbed an umbrella from the stand next to the front door, and she ran outside to her wife as Emily pulled up the hood of her windbreaker in a futile attempt to stay at least a little bit dry.
            “I’ve got this, baby,” Emily shouted over the sound of the torrential rain and the wind picking up, “You should’ve stayed inside and stayed dry!”  She pulled out two shopping bags full of canned soup and batteries and other emergency storm supplies.
            Tara shook her head and took one of the bags from Emily.  “Don’t argue, just get inside!”
            The wind whipped around them as they hurried inside and pulled the door closed behind them.  Emily peeled off her sopping wet windbreaker and shook out her silver hair, dripping water all over the floor.
            “Em, come on!  Towel!” Tara chided, but the grin across her face betrayed her amusement at watching her wife shake her head like a wet dog after a bath.  She took the second bag from Emily and brought them both into the kitchen to put away the groceries.  Her wet socks squelched across the floor to the pantry, and she was stocking the shelves with canned goods when Emily came in, a towel draped around her shoulders.  She crept up behind Tara and wrapped her arms around her waist.
            “Mmm, we should get you out of these wet clothes,” Emily purred, nuzzling her face against Tara’s neck.
            “Emily Prentiss, are you just trying to get me naked?” Tara teased.
            “And so what if I am?”
            Tara spun around and pulled Emily even closer as a mischievous grin spread across her face.  She tilted Emily’s chin up with one finger and kissed her.  Just as she started to slide her tongue between Emily’s soft lips, there was a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder, and all the lights went out.
            “Ah, damn,” Tara sighed.
            “Good thing we’re prepared for this,” Emily said, reaching into a kitchen drawer and pulling out two flashlights, “Guess this means a romantic candlelit evening for us!”
            She went upstairs and rummaged around in the linen closet for the box of scented candles they’d received as gifts from people who didn’t know what else to get them.  When she came back down with the candles and a box of matches, she found Tara hunched over the fireplace.
            “Watcha doing, honey?” she asked.
            “Building us a fire,” Tara replied.
            “It’s 85 degrees outside,” Emily laughed, “I don’t think we need a fire to stay warm.”
            “But we could snuggle up together all nice and cozy,” Tara said, looking at Emily with those pleading eyes that Emily just couldn’t say no to.
            And when they were snuggled up together on the couch in fresh, dry pajamas drinking canned soup out of coffee mugs in front of a roaring fire, Emily had to admit that it was pretty nice, even if they would have been plenty warm without it.  She put her mug down on the coffee table and swung a leg over Tara’s as she turned to straddle her lap.  She smiled softly as she admired her wife’s face illuminated by candlelight and twisted one of Tara’s curls around her finger.  Tara giggled softly as she brought her lips to Emily’s and smiled into the kiss.  She gripped Emily’s hips and pulled her closer, and Emily snaked her arms around Tara’s neck as she parted her lips to allow Tara’s tongue between them.  Outside, the wind howled around them and the rain slapped down violently against the roof, but inside, Tara and Emily were too wrapped up in each other to notice.
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