togrowoldinv · 1 year
Mama Nat Masterlist
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Hi everyone! I wanted to put my soft mama Nat fics in the same place, so here’s this masterlist.
Find my main masterlist, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, and Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2 here. Follow my library blog @togrowoldinvlibrary for fic updates!
I’m also going to include more information about the kiddos below all of the links. Happy reading!
A Few Chicks: Spending the perfect Saturday with Natasha and your kids
Clingy Ali: Your daughter wakes up sick and she clings to Natasha.
Cookie Monster: Morning snuggles with the family
Even Though I’m Leaving: Natasha says goodbye to your daughter before leaving for a mission
Family of Four: A couple of soft moments with Natasha and your daughter after the birth of your son
Gingerbread Houses: You and Natasha start a new holiday tradition with your kids
Golden Egg: Clint invites your family to the farm for an Easter celebration and egg hunt
Her Girls: Nat gets home from a mission and needs some healing snuggles.
Her Greatest Protector: Reader is married to Natasha and they have a daughter together. Your daughter wakes up sick and you’re out of town, but Natasha takes care of her.
Her Hero: When your daughter says she wants to be like Natasha when she grows up, Nat has a hard time believing that’s a good thing. You are there to assure her that it is.
In Her Arms: You’re Nat’s wife and get hurt on a mission that she wasn’t on. She worries about you with your kids and the team as she waits for you to get out of surgery.
In the Dark: When the power goes out, Natasha makes the most of it
Let the Record Show: You and Nat make an important decision about your careers
Like Otters Do: You and Nat celebrate your oldest daughter’s birthday with a day at the zoo.
Mother’s Day: You celebrate Mother’s Day with Natasha
My New Dream: Family movie night!
Safe & Sound: Natasha sings your daughter a lullaby
Snow Day: You and Natasha play with your kids in the snow.
So Loved: You come home from a trip and reunite with your family
Something to Cherish: Natasha always knows how to comfort her daughter.
Storms Rolling In: You have a family tradition when the weather outside gets messy
Stuffed Animal Emergency: When her daughter’s stuffed animal rips, Natasha comes to the rescue
Team Mom: You coach your daughter's softball team and Nat brings the team snacks.
The Best Day: Natasha takes the kids to the park.
The Best Medicine: Natasha comes home from a mission to find you sick with a cold and your daughter worried about you.
The Family Grows: You and Natasha have been fostering two children. You have an important conversation with the oldest one
The Godmother: You and Natasha ask Maria an important question
Through Her Eyes: While tucking your daughter in, Natasha overhears you telling the little girl about her mama’s hero ways
Valedictorian: Your daughter is the valedictorian of her class and the whole team and family watches her graduate
Walks Like a Duck: When you show up at home with ducks, Natasha tries to say you can’t keep them. With the help of the kids, you might just change her mind
Welcome Home: Natasha comes home from a mission to be with her family again
We’ll Have a Little Girl: You and Natasha find out some big news about your baby.
When Did She Grow Up?: You and Nat’s daughter has her first date.
Winning Goal: You and Natasha watch your son play soccer and fluff ensues
You Are My Gift: Natasha and the kids make you a Valentine’s Day breakfast.
Meet the children:
Alianovna Yelena (Ali): Ali is the oldest child. She loves basketball, spending time with Natasha, and is a great student. Ali is your concert buddy and you have so much fun together.
Ivan Steven: Ivan is the second oldest. He plays soccer, basketball, and golf. He loves spending time with Uncle Tony and wants to help protect the world from harm.
Jackson Philip (Jack): Jack is one of newest kids to the family. He was adopted by y’all along with his little sister. Jack plays soccer and basketball. He also spends a lot of time with his uncles, but Sam is his favorite.
Belle Ann: Belle is the second youngest kiddo. She loves princesses and her Aunt Yelena. She’s adopted as well. Belle loves to snuggle and can often be found in Natasha’s office anytime she’s working.
Taylor Rose: Taylor is another new addition to the family. She clings to her brother Jack, but she also warmed up to you quickly. Taylor loves dancing to music and wants to be a ballerina when she grows up.
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earthling-wolf · 5 days
What D&D Alignment is Leonardo "Leo" Alvarez from Echo?
if you don't know the details of this project, check here
What D&D Alignment are the characters in Echo?
Leo is Chase's red wolf ex-boyfriend, and the one who initially suggested the reunion, he is very dedicated to both his family and his friend group in regards to his role as self-proclaimed leader and protector, unfortunately, he frequently acts selfishly due to his obsession with Chase, I give him the starting alignment of LAWFUL NEUTRAL
"In 2015, after receiving the memo that Chase would return to Echo during Spring Break for his final project, Leo organized a get-together for the whole gang, eager to mend his broken friend group and reconcile with his ex-boyfriend. Things go well for the group initially, and Leo's plans of balancing Chase's work with group activities work fairly well. On Sunday, Leo talks to Chase about their relationship and attempts to convince the otter to get back together and return to Echo. When Flynn blows up at the group and they split off from one another on Monday, Leo storms off toward the lake pursued by Jenna."
the get-together was mainly to get back with Chase, but I will give Leo the benefit of the doubt and assume his desire to reunite the group was genuine (at least at first), LAWFUL GOOD since he is doing something that benefits him but also tried to do so in a manner that benefits the group also, trying to create a win-win situation
"If Chase chooses to pursue Leo after the confrontation at Lake Emma, the story follows Chase and Leo as they reconcile their relationship. After helping Chase with his project and sharing a series of intimate moments as Chase stays over at his house, Leo and Chase revisit their high school football field. Here, Leo successfully convinces Chase to get back together with him. Unbeknownst to Chase, however, Leo spends the week preceding this moment telling the rest of their friends that Chase wants to be alone to isolate him from the rest of the group and ensure that he has time to convince the otter to take him back."
"When the hysteria begins on Saturday, Leo and Chase are confronted at the diner by Duke and Brian. Leo manages to create a window for Chase to escape pursued by Brian, while Duke kidnaps Leo at gunpoint and holds him captive in his basement. Leo is harshly interrogated by the weasel over the day regarding the hysteria and his or Chase's potential roles in its cause. Eventually, Kudzu and a recently rescued Chase arrive and manage to rescue the wolf after a brief altercation with Duke and Brian in which Leo ravages Duke's arm with his teeth. Afterward, Leo takes charge of the group and decides that the best course is to escape town immediately (though a mysterious creature prevents their attempts to do so)."
"Leo's behavior becomes noticeably unhinged throughout Sunday, as he becomes increasingly possessive and obsessed with Chase to the point that he all but forgets about the rest of their friends. He also becomes progressively more violent, nearly killing Clint despite the ringtail's lack of aggression and even forcing Kudzu from his home when he begins to perceive the raccoon as a rival for Chase's affections. Despite this, Leo is oblivious to Chase's exit in pursuit of Kudzu and subsequent kidnapping, as it is implied The Embrace appeared to him in his bedroom. When Chase returns alongside Flynn, Leo confronts him regarding the future of their relationship just as the group attempts to escape the town via the "ghost" train Clint had informed them of."
2x CHAOTIC EVIL for Clint, 2x NEUTRAL EVIL for Kudzu
"If Leo is told that he and Chase will work things out later, he pulls Chase off the train after the otter boards it and inadvertently severs the otter's legs from his body as the train passes over them. Leo then shoots Kudzu (who jumped off the train in an attempt to help Chase) and takes Chase back to his house, where he cuddles him until he bleeds to death."
"Should Chase break things off, however, an emotionally devastated Leo will intentionally stay behind in Echo as the rest of his friends depart. For the next two years, Leo would cry for Chase every night, though he eventually found the strength to move on and even stopped wearing his anchor bracelet. Upon meeting up with Chase again two years later, Leo chooses not to stay in future contact with Chase for both of their sakes, though he smiles at the idea of someday meeting up should the otter ever pass through the area again."
"Leo plays an extremely limited role on Carl's route. On Wednesday Leo arrives at the Hendricks' mansion to hold a surprise birthday party, an idea he came up with himself to spend further time together as a group. On Friday, Leo meets Chase at the diner to talk about how the group has drifted apart and suggests that the group meet up together at Lake Emma itself as a final sendoff to Sydney to gain closure. This comes to pass on Saturday, when the group converges at the lake and successfully begins to move on only for Chase to nearly drown himself. Leo is last seen getting into a fight with a belligerent Flynn. It is unknown what happens to him during the hysteria, though Chase mentions that he "can't believe the things [he] went through" that night and that Leo no longer speaks with the rest of the group following the incident."
"Leo once again plays a minor role on TJ's route. He again attempts to hold a surprise party for Carl on Wednesday, though the ram's disappearance on the day of the party causes this plan to fall apart. Leo does not participate in the events of the treasure hunt, instead spending the week working at his father's shop. On Saturday, Leo appeared briefly to talk to Chase to apologize for his absence throughout the week, explaining that he felt somewhat frustrated by Chase ignoring him and that he was sorry to have missed spending time with him and the group due to his feelings. Leo then suggests that Chase return to visit on a future occasion before departing."
LAWFUL GOOD for the party, LAWFUL NEUTRAL for working, NEUTRAL GOOD for apologizing
"On Wednesday, the day of Leo's surprise party for Carl, Leo becomes upset at Flynn for taking Carl with him to the reservation that morning without notifying the group. Later, Leo confronts Flynn on his approach to the party, accusing him of using it for another chance to learn what happened on the day Sydney died. On Thursday, having last seen Chase with Flynn and being unable to reach him, Leo goes to Flynn's house and expresses (ultimately accurate) suspicions of Flynn sleeping with Chase due to smelling the otter's scent on Flynn and all over the house. Later in the evening, he texts Chase to request a talk with him alone and in person."
"On Friday, he plans a barbeque with Chase, Jenna, TJ, and Daxton at Chase's old house, where Chase can choose to dance with him. They then meet up inside where they reminisce about their childhood together. Should Chase choose to talk with him, he reveals that after Chase left Echo, he had a sexual relationship with Flynn and visited the smoke room but decided it wasn't for him as he preferred to do it with someone he loved. He also reveals how badly he took their breakup, choosing to pretend Chase is still with him. Should Chase choose not to talk to him, Leo rushes off to work without being able to clear the air regarding their relationship."
"On Saturday, after meeting at the town hall and interrupting Flynn's interrogation with TJ, Leo defends Chase after it is revealed Chase killed Sydney at the lake. After Chase is punched by Flynn, Leo physically retaliates. When Clint begins firing shots outside, Leo accompanies the group sans Chase to Flynn's house to determine the next course of action. Depending on whether or not Chase chooses to talk to him at the party, Leo's behavior throughout the rest of the route varies wildly."
"If Leo can clear the air regarding his relationship with Chase, he will attempt to rationally navigate the increasingly hysteric town and defend the group, including Chase when he reconvenes with the group. Leo appears to be reluctant to believe Chase is capable of murder but leaves the possibility open. After being teleported into Lake Emma during an unsuccessful attempt to flee town, Leo will dive down to rescue a still-submerged Daxton."
"If Leo is not able to obtain closure, however, his behavior will appear disturbingly fixated on Chase. He will hallucinate the otter on multiple occasions, insisting that Chase has called him despite his phone being dead and denying the possibility of Chase being the culprit wholeheartedly. This will also cause the Embrace to manifest throughout the hysteria, first during the confrontation at town hall and later in the car during the group's escape attempt. When the group realizes Daxton is still underwater, Leo remains fixated on Chase's safety. This forces Flynn to have to rescue the drowning salamander."
"Regardless of Leo's behavior on Sunday, he, Chase, Jenna, and TJ go to his house to wait out the night following the incident at the lake. What happens to them afterward is unknown, though it is mentioned in the epilogue that he and Chase remained separated and that Leo either left Echo or remained in town depending on whether or not Chase talked to him."
"Leo plays an extremely prominent role on Jenna's route due to their ongoing rivalry and shared history. Leo quickly takes notice of Chase seemingly avoiding him, making him increasingly desperate to spend time together. This is compounded by Jenna's behavior, which he perceives as an attempt to keep him and Chase apart by making him look bad."
no alignment for now
"On Tuesday, Leo meets up with Chase, Jenna, and TJ at the diner, where he tells them about his plan to have a birthday party for Carl. He drives the group to the mall the next day, where he asks Chase about his college relationships and starts getting sexual with Chase before being rebuffed. After being scolded by Jenna, he breaks a pinball machine in the arcade before storming off."
LAWFUL GOOD for the party, CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for the grinding, and CHAOTIC EVIL for breaking the machine
"Following this event, Leo is noticeably much more short-tempered and surly toward the rest of his friends. Upon discovering that Carl has gone missing, Leo takes accountability for having failed in his role as the "protector" of the group and attempts to search for the ram nearly single-handedly. He also finds himself dodging the police, who are seeking him for his act of vandalism at the mall."
LAWFUL NEUTRAL for searching for Carl because at this point is mostly to gain Chase's favor, CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for dodging the police
"After being updated on Jeremy's possible involvement in Carl's disappearance, Leo goes to confront the fox and his friends on Friday before being beaten up by Brian. Chase takes Leo back to the hotel to attempt to treat his injuries, only for him to get into another argument with Jenna in which he confronts her over her blatant attempts to get under his skin. He also reveals to her Chase's habit of texting him while drunk while away at college before The Embrace manifests, much to the horror of his friends."
"Shortly after, Brian arrives and abducts Leo and Chase. They are then held in his trailer alongside Carl before Duke, Brian, Jeremy, and Clint returns with a captive Jenna and Micha. After Carl is sent off with Jeremy and Clint and the group is left alone with Brian, the sadistic bear sews Chase and Leo together before he is killed by Jenna's "guardian angel". They then attempt to find the rest of their friends and escape town."
"The group then encounters the van that Leo and Micha used to film their sex tape, much to their mutual embarrassment. Upon being confronted with his past and errors, Leo apologizes to Micha for having essentially abandoned him and reflects on his unhealthy obsession with Chase. From this point on, Leo returns to his generally normal state of mind. He accompanies the group throughout the rest of the route as they save Carl and either head to the hospital while Jenna floods the town or stops Heather from doing the same. In the good ending, Leo officially refers to Chase as his ex-boyfriend receives an apology from Jenna, and seems to be developing a new friendship with Micha."
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braveclementine · 16 days
Tattoos Cheat Sheet
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Steve: Golden Retriever
Bucky: Baby bear
Sam: Falcon
Nat: Fox
Tony: Peacock
Loki: Snow Leopard
Stephen: Octopus
Clint: Hawk
Thor: Wolf
Penny: Red Panda
Elizabeth: Okapi & Cheetah
Wanda: Butterfly
Bruce: Sea Turtle
Vision: Parrot
Rhodey: Lion
Pietro: Otter
Elijah: Summer Tanager
Violetta: Panther
Lan: Chameleon
T'Challa: Black Panther
Fury: Shark
Maria: Whale Shark
Scott: Ant
Hope: Dove
Blonksy: Gorilla
Katya: Snow Leopard
Kate: Swan
Peter: Caterpillar
Mai: Penguin
Ahni: Tree Frog
Trang: Rabbit
Ghaida: Eagle
Josh: Panda
Kamala: Tarantula
Carol: Cat
Nebula: Cobra
Gamora: Hedgehog
Quil: Giraffee
Drax: Snapping Turtle
Mantis: Praying Mantis
Hogan: Pangolin
Volstagg: Squirrel 
Sif: Tiger
Fandral: Seahorse
Heimdall: Owl
Shuri: Otter
Okoye: Mountain Lion
Shang-Chi: Kangaroo
Sharon: Cuckoo Bird
Brock Rumlow: Alligator
Jackson Rumlow: Crocodile
Valerie: Heron
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visualnovelzombie · 1 year
Furry Visual Novel Book Club: Echo Week 11 SPOILERS
Hi everyone, here is the SPOILER discussion post for “Echo - Leo’s Thursday and Friday”
Links: Previous - Next - Original - Spoiler Free Version
Feel free to respond in reblogs/replies/or asks :D
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We start Thursday with Chase and Leo driving down the road, the two finally learning what happened to Carl. The ram was in the crawlspace left to wander about without Chase spending the night with him. Chase and Leo discuss Chase’s project, the two chiding to each other the merit of college in the process.
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RANT: If you think Leo is a hard-line Republican/Trumper and use this part ‘evidence’, you can’t fucking read. Even without Howly’s Trump statement re:Leo retraction, that’s a VERY fucking different thing in 2016 and has a LOT of context. This liberal thing is literally Leo lashing out at his own failings/fall to pressure from his father, as well as his irrational anger over Pueblo ‘stealing’ Chase from him. This is the second time Leo expressed interest in College in someway, and is regurgitating hate/ignorant speech as a coping mechanism. Please learn to read and not just fucking meme.
They plan to meet with TJ later to make up for bailing on him Tuesday, and discuss filming out the rail-yard in the meantime. The scene changes to the rail-yard, the track ‘Oldwinds’ playing, a rustic American Western piece.
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Insane Posting: Okay add this to my Samuel x Chase ship folder, lets go people lets go!
Chase films the rail-yard while Leo fetches water bottles, until eventually the rustling of grass startles Chase.
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Okay now this is interesting in a ‘meta’ lore sense. So this is obviously some kind of supernatural being. Something fucking with Chase. I don’t think there’s enough evidence to say what yet, even Socketman right here and right now doesn’t track to much. But more importantly it’s described as dragging, similar to the ‘slithering’. I think this gives more credence that the entity that chases after Carl and Chase in Carl’s route isn’t necessarily the entity that stalks Sam and Chase in the Murder Pitt. Maybe it’s just how some/all of the entities move on a physical space.
While trying to find the source of the sound, Leo arrives on the scene, scaring Chase.
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Everyone bullies my poor otter boy... and that makes him kinnie
Come Over begins to play as Chase asks Leo how he made the dragging noise, to which Leo acts completely clueless to. Distracted by Chase’s stomach, the two end up flirting with each other, rubbing and admiring each other’s body.
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Another reference to Route 65, the two sharing another moment together in this place that means... everything to them. They’re begging, end... and beginning of the end. Chase’s ‘Sunset Station’ if you will.
They kiss gently… at first. The sudden shock encouraging them to make out more fully. Before the two can continue, Kudzu shows up, catching the two in their PDA. The track changes to Neutral as the conversation shifts. The raccoon teases the pair but otherwise partakes in casual conversion with them afterwards. Leo thanks the raccoon for helping the two last night, the track Quiet playing as the conversation shifts. Kudzu warns Leo that Clint is being more violent and the pair should avoid him. Leo becomes more and more agitated at the insinuation that Clint threatened Chase.
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Sidenote: AWOOGA. Thank you Howly, Based God, for including full muzzle wolf kisses in Latino Wolf simulator route. Truly a visionary ahead of his time.
Chase changes the conversation topic, inviting Kudzu to the park with the pair and TJ. The group pick up TJ off screen and on route to a park in Payton, we learn that Chase isn’t a good swimmer when compared to other otters. Closer to the park itself, Chase and TJ talk in the backseat, the lynx admitting to Chase that he felt like the trip was a mistake, and he felt like he shouldn’t have come. 
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Chase very literally ignoring everyone for his and Leo’s sake again. Also more of the coldness Chase generally has towards TJ... more ‘evidence’ the Chase we see on that Route isn’t fully him IMO. This definitely calls into question how good of a friend Chase is, and if anything how Leo and Chase treat everyone else when they’re together is the most outright toxic and rude thing they do with each other that is probably harder to ‘fix’ than most things.
…Before the mood can shit to much the group arrives at the field, dividing the teams for a match of soccer.
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TJ completely dominates the game and the group laugh about the imbalance in players. As the group prepare to leave, Chase and Kudzu have a moment to themselves to talk. Chase apologies for being racist and the conversation turns cold, with Kudzu hinting at something heavy happening to the him whilst in Payton.
The scene cuts to later, with Chase returning to the rail-yard for more footage.
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Two important things here that are back to back. Chase literally goes out of his way to make the town look WORSE than it already his. His mind is so poisoned and made up about the place, that he’ll make sure everyone else feels the same way. Poising his own-well and all that.
As Leo’s motif/time of day is the setting sun, this is also a ‘foreshadow’ or hint towards what’s coming. No matter what happens with Leo... it has to end. They’re to far gone in their delusion and lack of communication to fix things. The Sun WILL set on the two... Bittersweet and all.
Clint wanders into the rail-yard while on a walk, eventually noticing Chase. He’s high on something and doesn’t remember the night before. Chase notices he has a gun in his pocket and tries to keep him calm..Clint talks to Chase, ignorant but not completely hateful… at least to being gay itself. and gives his perspective on Leo.
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We get more of Leo’s anger and rage here. Leo took out his feelings, and continues to do so, by bullying those weaker than him. Clint not having a place to relax or be himself, with his home life dominated by his abusive father, and social life dominated by Leo... the ringtail ended up ‘worse’ arguably because of Leo. While child-selfishness and anger and Echo’s general ability to ramp up negative emotions, even outside of the Hysteria, is definitely call to ‘shield’ Leo, Chase and the audience is finally starting to learn that there’s an anger and darkness deeper down that we’ve been shown so far.
Clint seemingly threatens Chase with a gun, demanding to know why he’s out here. Chase calms him down by referencing his camera, and Clint tells Chase a story about someone dying the in 50’s hopping trains. Clint reveals his father would always tell him that story, and that sometimes he sees the man in it, even purposely coming to the rail-yard to see him at times. Clint walks off afterwards and Chase hurries back to Leo’s house.
When Chase arrives, Leo is eating a TV Dinner, having ‘cooked’ one for Chase as well. Chase asks Leo if the wolf ‘bullied’ Clint, and Leo almost admits to it… before the cheapness of the TV dinner causes the two to jokingly tease each other back and forth it with, the two man-handling each other on the couch as a result.
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Insane Posting: Hi, my local goon cave called and they requested both of these go up on the wall, framed and blown up to 5x6 feet each... But more seriously Howly’s... ‘interest’ in Latino men (Looking at Leo and Devon) is on full blast here... and by god am I looking.
Two two fall asleep on the couch together, both exhausted from the day
Insane Posting: Chase’s musky ass didn’t shower and Leo was fucking smooshing him into that couch... Hot
Friday opens with the two at the library, Chase actually working on his project doing some research. Chase learns that the man in the story was real, and that he reported being saved by some creature.
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HOWLY PLEASE. Literally learning the cost of staying with him like this. Not learning or changing, but literally dangling his legs into the abyss.
Leo bugs Chase to grab dinner and the two make plans on where to eat.
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This is such a dark and twisted view into Leo. Up until now, beyond anger issues, he’s been relatively ‘okay’. But this is where thing turn manipulative and truly concerning. Not only for what he’s doing, but for outright lying to Chase. Leo’s a troubled man, and this turn to outright manipulation and control to get what he wants is dark and fascinating... It isn’t enough for me to ‘cancel’ him myself, or completely disavow the two (as highlighted later), but it’s definitely one of the very much actual ‘red flags’ Leo displays. This is where he’s at his lowest point in my opinion. There’s a difference between coddling and ignoring the situation he’s manipulating (Agreeing with Chase with the music, only pulling strings) to OUTRIGHT lying, bringing it up to put others down... to lessen them to Chase. One of the more intense things Leo does in the whole novel.
The two eat at a steakhouse, Leo insisting he buys, and on the way back they take a detour to Payton High, the pair’s old school. They reminiscence about school, Intimate begins to play. Chase mentions he would repeat high-school to fix mistakes, while Leo wants to relive it for its own sake. Chase learns that Leo is deeply tied to his past, upset he doesn’t feel the same anymore. 
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This is their doomed fate I love so much. They share interests, mutual body attractiveness, displays of affection, and bond and find comfort in each other... but fundamentally they want or need different things. Echo bound them together, anchoring each other to the rocks of the craggy shore... And in that web of mistrusts and falsehoods and circumstance... love bloomed. Leo and Chase truly care for each other, they truly want each other to be happy, and both WANT to be happy with the other. But their rock, their flag in the sand, their Rubicon... IS Echo. It IS the game. It IS the point. The point isn’t that they’re toxic and abusive and hate each other deep down. It’s that they’ve built themselves up and torn themselves down on the idea of the past, both positive and negative. Of Echo, of the Town itself, of The Entity and the Player and of Sam, of the things that make up the ugly and good: together. It’s tied together fused forcibly and neither of them are able to TRULY dissect and separate themselves from it (Insert Micha in Brian’s trailer) from it. Sure Chase agrees to try Echo again... but only for Leo himself, not because he’s okay with the idea, or receptive to loving or even just living in the town. It’s all at a cost to himself, to his freedom, and to each other. The two can’t move on or find happiness when neither of them is truly willing to compromise... and that’s why they’ll be each other’s Sunset. That’s why they can’t work... because just like this town, they’re only moving in circles...
Chase comforts the wolf, the two embracing on the stadium stand.
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This is where my main ‘defense’ of Leo comes from. He’s a troubled man but he’s willing to try and learn. He’s willing to make himself better, to make his partner happy. Deep down all he wants is TO love, to provide and be with someone who makes him happy. His motives are good... his actions aren’t the smartest.
Leo pours his heart out to Chase, begging him to stay. Chase is hesitant, not wanting to stay tied to the town. Leo tells Chase to try again after school, even if it’s just for awhile. So that they’ll know for sure.
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And the crux of it all.. Leo wants closure. Three years ago Chase just didn’t break his heart, but left the wolf in state of chaos. He couldn’t move on, couldn’t accept the hand fate dealt him. Leo wants that chance. He truly believes that Chase and him CAN work, that the two deserve to TRY. Leo wants to give what’s in his heart to someone else... He doesn’t take the best actions, hell he probably doens’t know HOW to. But the wolf is trying... trying to fight for what he wants. The fact its wrong and sick makes it even more compelling...
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Damn Chase... what else is going to STRIKE you.... But more seriously, the author is reminding/foreshadowing that ignoring everything comes at a cost...
The track Bittwerseet begins to play when Chase chooses Leo. 
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The two embrace and kiss passionately on the stadium steps, the two feeling each other’s love.
The scene switches to the two on Leo’s bed, the two doing a bit more than ‘fooling around’. The scene cuts to afterwards, Leo singing in the shower with Chase on the bed. Leo’s phone wakes up the groggy otter and we’re met with a Choice…
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And that’s where we’ll cut it for here. This part was EXTREMELY emotionally taxing (positive) so I wanted it to be a bit shorter, and this next part needed to be cut in half for the Spoiler Free version. Feel free to choose either option and read until the next choice (this screen):
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Sidenote: I love this visual bug when fast forwarding to this screen LMAO.
For next Week, Spoiler will be in one post and you can read as normal, but Spoiler Free will be separated into two separate posts. I would recommend waiting until the end of the Route to read the ‘other’ side, but this changes will reconvene after the choice that leads to the next day.
Thank you again everyone, and especially listen to me rant about Leo Alvarez for forever ~
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full-moon-ships · 5 months
F/os as marine life for mermay!
Clint: marine otter
Ghost: orca
Soap: tiger shark or blacktip shark
Bigby: bearded seal
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pherryt · 4 years
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Made for the @buckybarnesbingo​ Discord Party Game - and as a fill for a Bucky Barnes Bingo Square .
Note - the owl, otters, waterfall, stream and lantern are all photos I took personally.
Used Prompts from the game: Whiskers and Wings
Title: Unexpected
Square filled: Y2 - Wings
Ship: WinterWidowHawk
Rating: G
Wordcount: 955  (HOW? This was supposed to just have a small caption?? Not a freaking mini story - i’m supposed to be in BED!)
A Fantasy Au where Bucky gets away from HYDRA and finds himself lost in the woods. Without a better idea, just trying to get as far away as he can, he follows a stream going deeper and deeper in, stumbling and finally stopping when it becomes too dark for even him to see.
But then a light beckons him on further, and he can't resist the call of it. It illuminates his path, all pine needles and fallen leaves, the light always staying just out of reach. He should be scared. He should be panicking. HYDRA could be right behind him - the light could be HYDRA - but he keeps going anyway.
Finally, he stops beneath a lampost, old iron and warm golden glass, nestled in among the branches of a tree. It doesn't belong here, and yet it does.
The light of it reflects off a waterfall and a ledge that seems to go behind it. He'll need to hide from HYDRA and he needs to rest, so he cautiously edges behind the waterfall, finding himself in a large cave. 
He goes deeper into the cave and there's another light and he’s just as entranced as he was the first time, unable to stop his feet from moving forward. The fear he should be feeling has been replaced with calm. Not the calm that HYDRA forced on him, the calm of an empty mind and blindly following orders. 
It’s a kind of calm he hasn’t felt in decades, the calm of peace, of serenity. It’s… beautiful and he doesn’t want it to end.
Then the light gives away and he finds himself in the mirror image of the same woods he’d left behind - only it’s daytime now, not night. He wonders, at first, if he’d gotten turned around, if he’d lost time. But there are other things that don’t add up.
Like the fact that he’s suddenly sprouted wings, of all things.
Bucky had often wished he could fly free but this was… nothing like he’d ever expected. 
He flapped mostly white wings clumsily, trying to launch himself into the sky. He wasn’t sure what kind of bird he’d become, but the light was far too bright and his eyes squinted against the sun until he slid back under the canopy of leaves. He flew and he flew, over the waterfall and continuing to follow the stream towards its source - he didn’t want to get lost and it was as good a direction as any other.
Hydra would never find him now, he thought.
What had wrought this magical change, Bucky didn’t know, but if it kept him free of HYDRA, then that was all he really needed.
He flew for hours - Or maybe days - just reveling in this newfound freedom, when something attacked him from above. Bucky desperately tried to fight back and get away from the larger bird, but could not quite do it, unused to the form as he was. An arrow flew between him and his attacker, scaring the other bird away. Bucky tumbled, exhausted and injured to the ground, where a red haired woman picked him up.
She soothed him, carrying him in his arms as he hooted up at her pitifully and struggled weakly to get away. People meant danger. 
He’s brought back to a cottage by a lake, nestled in the trees so closely you almost couldn’t see the structure was there. They are met there by a man with a bow and the two of them take him in.
They do not hurt him.
Bucky watches warily, and now even if he knew how to become a man again, he doesn’t wish to, for surely they’d turn on him if he did?
But they help him, heal him, talk to him and around him, like he can understand every word that they say. And he does, but how do they know that?
The archer is a tall man, and she calls him Clint. The redhead is smaller, and he calls her Tasha. And they talk about things that don’t make sense. They talk about shifters and witches, magic and worlds and Bucky’s head is whirling. They must be crazy. He must be crazy. This was some weird fever dream, an escape from whatever HYDRA was punishing him for this time.
It’s all so impossible that everything that comes after rocks his world. Because a few days later they bring him outside to get some fresh air and their bodies shimmer and twist and their human forms fall away to reveal a pair of river otters that dive into the lake and swim and play.
He watches them, fascinated, and he wishes… he wishes he could join them. Every day he’d spent with them, he’d found no evidence of evil, and every indication that they could be trusted. They’d left him alone for hours at a time, and now he knows why, as they spend time in the water, diving and swimming. Playing tag, he thinks.
At last, they come up out of the water and shake their fur dry, curling around each other in the sun, basking in it, taking a small nap.
And when they wake, they stretch and shimmer and twist again and they’re human again. And he’s watching them in so much fascination, so much yearning for that same sort of closeness and touch, that he doesn’t realize he’s done the same.
Until they smile at him, and hold out their hands and draw him into their home.
“It’s nice to meet you at last,” Clint says, grinning at him with kind and understanding eyes.
“We’ve been waiting,” Tasha says, her smile smaller but no less genuine.
And Bucky finally realizes - he’s home.
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unsafescapewolf · 2 years
So I draw a lot of pairings, but I thought I'd share my rare pairs that I hold dear:
Kudzu and (rehabilitated) Clint
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Sydney and Jenna
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And Chase and Vincent
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Otters Assemble!
There have to be more of us then there are of them.  (Could also be, "did someone say fish tacos?")
-- ccb
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loutrem · 6 years
I got the sims 4 (illegally 👀) and made a punk human named Nat Sulli, her soon-to-be-gf goth vampire roommate named Shayla Cissé and their kitty, Clint
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cambionic-moved · 7 years
who is a more useless twink: dorian grey or luke skywalker
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togrowoldinv · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
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Welcome to my endless supply of Natasha fics! Find them categorized below and part 2 on my main masterlist!
Affection: Natasha comes home from a mission and soaks up your affection
As Long As I'm With You: You have a post mission conversation with Nat.
Change of Scenery: For the past few years, you’ve been the main doctor for the Avengers. Most of the time you do things like ice their body parts or stitch up simple wounds. But sometimes they require more help than that. Coffee, Pancakes for Two: Natasha orders you breakfast based on one of your favorite songs
Days Like Today: When you can’t sleep, you and Natasha have a brief but meaningful conversation about your future together.
Don’t Go Wasting Your Emotion: You and Natasha watch Mamma Mia and you find out she just might be more familiar with it than you thought.
Fourth Favorite Color: After a mission, the feelings you and Natasha have for each other come to light when you share a hotel room
Grocery Shopping: A little girl recognizes Natasha in the grocery store.
My Favorite Coach: Natasha and the team find themselves at a high school volleyball game where her wife is the coach.
Not A Big Deal: After getting home from a mission, you try to hide an injury from Natasha.
Sunday Drives: A tradition becomes even more special to the two of you.
The Good Stuff: Natasha tries to cook you a Valentine’s Day dinner.
The Mission: When a mission calls for fake dating, it doesn't go exactly as you planned. It goes much better.
The Perfect Gift: Natasha throws reader a surprise birthday party. She tries to find you the perfect gift.
The Soundtrack of Us: An anniversary with Natasha.
Through It All: On your wedding day, you reflect on your relationship with Natasha.
To Do This Right: After a mission forces you and some of the team to lay low, Nat and Clint take everyone to the farm.
Two Great Years: You and Nat go to your favorite diner.
Warmth: The start of something special.
You’re My Best Friend: A soft night with Natasha.
Soft Mama Nat:
Clingy Ali: Your daughter wakes up sick and she clings to Natasha.
Her Girls: Nat gets home from a mission and needs some healing snuggles.
Her Greatest Protector: Reader is married to Natasha and they have a daughter together. Your daughter wakes up sick and you’re out of town, but Natasha takes care of her.
Her Hero: When your daughter says she wants to be like Natasha when she grows up, Nat has a hard time believing that’s a good thing. You are there to assure her that it is.
In Her Arms: You’re Nat’s wife and get hurt on a mission that she wasn’t on. She worries about you with your kids and the team as she waits for you to get out of surgery.
Let the Record Show: You and Nat make an important decision about your careers
Like Otters Do: You and Nat celebrate your oldest daughter’s birthday with a day at the zoo.
My New Dream: Family movie night!
She’s Ours Forever: You and Nat adopt your first kid.
Snow Day: You and Natasha play with your kids in the snow.
So Loved: You come home from a trip and reunite with your family
Something to Cherish: Natasha always knows how to comfort her daughter.
Team Mom: You coach your daughter's softball team and Nat brings the team snacks.
The Best Day: Natasha takes the kids to the park.
The Best Medicine: Natasha comes home from a mission to find you sick with a cold and your daughter worried about you.
We’ll Have a Little Girl: You and Natasha find out some big news about your baby.
When Did She Grow Up?: You and Nat’s daughter has her first date.
Winning Goal: You and Natasha watch your son play soccer and fluff ensues
You Are My Gift: Natasha and the kids make you a Valentine’s Day breakfast.
Auntie Nat:
Best in the Whole World: During a visit to Clint’s, Lila doesn’t want to share her Auntie Nat
Case of the Missing Vegetables: When date night turns into babysitting night
Let’s Stay Here: You and Natasha take a trip to see the Bartons. It’s full of happiness and laughter, as well as important revelations.
Lucky To Have You: You reunite with Nat after a few days away from her, and see her interact with the youngest Barton kid. Fluff ensues.
Part of the Family: Natasha takes you home to Clint’s farm for the first time.
A Hard Day: On a difficult day, Natasha’s love makes you feel better.
A Promise: When Natasha goes on a mission, you anxiously await her return. It comes differently than you expected
Always: After a tough day, Natasha holds you.
Bad Intel: Your first solo mission doesn’t go as planned.
Everything Will Be Okay: After she returns from a successful mission with Yelena, you have an important conversation with Natasha.
Hear It in the Silence: Nat comforts you after a tough day
Home: Since you moved into the compound, a certain comfort has been lacking. You discover that a home isn’t about the place you live, but about the people you are with. And you finally find that home.
I Love You Too: During a fight, things go sideways. Injury leads to confessions.
It’s Okay That You Need Me: After a tough mission, you pull Nat out of her own head.
Like The Rain: The rain always brings you and Natasha together.
Morning Kiss: You know Natasha will always kiss you before she leaves the house. Or at least you thought so.
Nostalgic Silence: You still don’t know how it happened. One minute you and Natasha were doing just fine and the next minute she was packing her bags. She left without any words. A simple goodbye kiss to your lips is the last lingering memory you have of her. It was as if she took all of your other memories with her.
Open Arms: You come home to find Natasha upset, but you know just how to make her feel better.
She’s Your Natasha: After missing for years, Natasha returns and finds things aren’t quite the same anymore.
She Will Be Loved: When Natasha won’t stop training, you ease her mind
To Save You From the Wreckage: Natasha helps you down from your panic.
Together: There’s a conversation you and Nat have to have.
Tomorrow and Forever: Natasha gets a call that the other Avengers need help, but she doesn’t want to leave you
Twisted Necklace: When you’re forced to choose a side, things get tense.
Unpacking: After Natasha moves in with you, you have an important conversation about her feelings
Whatever It Takes: When you and Natasha travel to Vormir, the only thing that you return with is a broken heart. But perhaps there is hope to have after all.
You're Safe: You've been married to Natasha for two years, but the team doesn't know. That is until Natasha gets hurt on a mission.
Feel Better: Natasha is always there for you when you are sick
Heart of Gold: After you get married, you and Natasha buy a house together and you run across something of importance while unpacking boxes.
Her Superpower: Natasha is there for you when you’re stressed out about a major project for college.
Made For You: When she needs you, you comfort Natasha.
Peace: When you’re listening to music late at night, Natasha asks to listen with you
Sick: Just a little blurb of Nat comforting reader when they wake up sick in the early morning. Involves a very soft Nat.
Surprise Birthday: You don’t typically like your birthday or even celebrate it, but your teammates make it very special this year (platonic)
Sweet Dreams: When you have a nightmare, Natasha helps you calm down and get back to sleep.
The Greatest Privilege: Natasha is there for you when you’re stressed out about your workload.
We’ll Find the Light Again: You come home from work emotionally drained. Natasha always knows how to make you feel better.
We’re Here For You: You and Nat comfort Wanda after a rough day of being fugitives.
You Are Everything: Nat reassures you that a happy marriage doesn’t always mean having kids.
You Will Always Have Me: Natasha calms your anxious mind.
Don’t Go, Please: A battle ends in the worst possible way.
I'm Not Going Anywhere: Nat gets hurt during a fight and you are there to get her to safety.
I’m Not Going Anywhere Part 2: The aftermath of Natasha’s injuries.
Love Just Isn’t Enough: A relationship crumbles.
Until We Meet Again: While she’s on the run, you find Natasha. You just have to see her.
As the Stars Went Out: part 2 of Until We Meet Again
We Can’t Bear to Let Each Other Go: It’s never easy for Nat to leave for a mission
You’ll Think of Me: This is a story about endings.
A Lot, A Lot: Dating your best friend’s sister was a bad idea. Secretly dating your best friend’s sister was an even worse idea.
Best Friend’s Sister: You definitely have a crush on your best friend’s sister. How could this go wrong?
Career Day: Wanda asks Natasha fill in for career day for her sons where she meets you, their teacher, and she instantly knows she likes you.
Work Wives: You and Natasha work together as teachers and are coaches. Everyone calls you work wives, despite being just friends. Perhaps you are destined to love each other as more
Chopping Wood: You watch Natasha chop wood.*
Gym Happenings: Things heat up after training with Natasha. *
Worth Your While: It’s a scorching hot day, but ever since you moved out of the city with your kids Natasha is determined to get work done outside. You help her and she helps you. *
The Blind Date: Wanda convinces you to let her set you up with one of her friends. You didn’t know it would be an Avenger friend.
You’re the One That I Want: You get hurt on a solo mission and Natasha is upset that you didn’t ask for backup. *
Meeting the Mini Poser: Reader meets Yelena for the first time.
Mini Poser Saves the Day: Part 2 of Meeting the Mini Poser.
Mini Poser Babysits: A continuation of the Yelena series.
Mini Poser Calls for Backup: Yelena babysits for you and Nat. When there’s some drama with your oldest child, Yelena calls in backup.
Requests for Natasha are open!
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
Don't mind me just coming at you with another ask....
Enjoying a drink on the dock with Nick, but he drugs you
CYM as every day household items (can be cleaning products, furniture, equipment etc.)
This is so fun I fucking love it. I’m doing some things specific to my home lol
- My Charlie Bears collection @treatbuckywkisses
- The otter I sleep with at night @thanatosfic
- My Bucky shrine @buckybarneschokeme
- My Nintendo switch @vibraniumcollar
- My PS5 @jobean12-blog
- My Laptop @ambrosiase
- My manga collection @beelicious-barnes
- The 1000 cranes from my wedding @bemine-bucky
- My skincare collection @angrythingstarlight
- My sea themed keyboard @navybrat817
- My Winter Soldier tsum tsum @lookiamtrying
- My Winter Soldier backpack @sunshinebuckybarnes
- My DVD collection @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
- My sex toy box @cockslut-padalecki
- My cat tail butt plug @sweeterthanthis
- My cat ear headband @bitchassbucky
- My Super Sonico figurine collection @suchababie
- My SANS:401 course books @dreamlessinparis
- My TV and streaming service subscriptions @soldatspet
- My bath salts @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
- My Mario Kart banana @clints-lucky-arrow
- My Korean food collection @bubblebuckys
- My fluffy blankets @stuckysdumbbitch
- My iPad @metalbuckaroo
- My pin collection @bibbidibobbidibucky
- My book collection @syntheticavenger
- My DnD books @late-to-the-party-81
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part of my lake house getaway
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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This week's reading log is here! I read quite a lot again this week. Some old favourites but I also discovered some new ones. One of which is definitely an all time favourite now because I just cannot stop thinking about it! I also posted a rec list of Stucky fics that have less than 100 kudos, in case you are looking for more fics to read. 
🌻 indicates a favourite, 🔒 indicates a fic is only available to AO3 users.
The Amazing Adventures of Bucky Barnes by impossibletruths [Stucky, 11,5k words, Teen]
Steven G. Rogers writes and illustrates the Amazing Adventures series, a set of super obscure children's books about superheroes. Bucky’s daughter thinks these books are the best thing to grace the earth since hot chocolate. Unfortunately, they're nearly impossible to find. But when Nat asks for a signed copy of the new book for her birthday, Bucky promises to do whatever he can to make it happen.
It all sort of escalates from there.
a shrinking violet no more by thiccbuckybarnes @thiccbuckybarnesfic [Stucky, 7,1k words, Explicit]
He drinks up everything Bucky says as he promises himself, commits himself. Steve aches to touch him, to undress him and reveal that sweet body, to bring his omega pleasures that he cannot fathom. He wants to open this flower, take his body like no other ever has, to hoard every moan and tremble. His blood sings at the promise of it, the certainty that their bodies will be joined as one in mere hours. Steve simply cannot wait to devour his omega whole, to make him his forever.
5 Times Bucky's Friends Heard About Stevie and 1 Time They Met Him by heartsdesire456 [Stucky, 2,9k words, Teen]
5 times Bucky's friends in the Army think he's got a firecracker of a girlfriend waiting on him back home + the time they actually meet 'Stevie' and realize how wrong they were
Nine Lifetimes by otter [Stucky, 7,8k words, Explicit]
So maybe trying to please his accidental cat and impress his hot neighbor aren't the best reasons for Bucky Barnes to get his shit together. The end result's the same, right?
Misery I Need by mwestbelle [Stucky, 2,5k words, Mature]
"You've seen his file, right?" She let out a low whistle. "What a shame. To do that to such a pretty omega."
They thought he was asleep. She didn't mean anything by it, and if she knew that he'd heard he's sure she would have apologized. But it's her voice that he hears whenever he feels out of place, uncomfortable in his skin. What a shame.
OR a different take on Steve Rogers' body issues
snakes and snails and puppy dog tails by Tator [Stucky, 17,5k words, Teen]
“I thought you said you had a golden retriever named Rogers.”
Barnes’ eyes immediately went wide. “What the fuck, Barton? Shut the fuck up,” he hissed at him before waving one hand in front of his neck in a slicing motion. And, Clint knew that look all too well.
“Bucky!” Someone called from somewhere behind the archer. “Did you tell your teammates that I was a dog?”
Or the one where the Winter Soldier has a secret boyfriend
The one where Steve and Bucky reconnect by chicklette [Stucky, 2,8k words, Mature]
Me to Kat: I really want a fic where Steve and Bucky date while Steve is smol, then they break up, and then reconnect when Steve is big, but Bucky doesn't know he's big, and Steve loves that because he's 100% over people liking him for his new looks.
Kat: And you're not writing this why?
Me: *grumble.* fine.
Keep You Like An Oath by attackofthezee (noxlunate) [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
The kid, sounding possibly more indignant than anyone Bucky’s ever heard before says, “It’s not like I throw the first punch! I just maybe, possibly, throw the second.”
Bucky thinks three things:
‘Oh shit, that’s my soulmate.’
 ‘Jesus christ, maybe don’t use your face as a fist if you’re gonna punch people.’
 And ‘Oh my fucking god, that’s my soulmate.’
In which everyone is born with the first words they'll hear their soulmates say written on their skin, and of course Bucky and Steve are each other's.
you can write it on your arm by luninosity @luninosity [Stucky, 3,1k words, Mature]
In a bookstore in D.C., Steve Rogers is signing copies for fans. Bucky Barnes comes to find him.
I have walked through the valley by liionne [Stucky, 8,5k words, Teen]
"Listen, I'm on a very tight schedule here, I don't have time to talk to idiots--"
"Okay, fine, then I'll just hang onto your weird three headed dog thingy then, shall I?" Steve snaps.
"That's what the tag says." Steve mutters.
"Who even is this?" Steve asks, feeling exhausted from the entire conversation.
"James Buchanan Barnes." The voice - James - answers. "Lord of the Underworld. Owner of Cerberus. I'll see you in three days, Steve."
Steve finds a puppy on a post-graduation road trip. It spirals from there.
🔒 after hours by brideofquiet [Stucky, 7,2k words, Explicit]
None of it’s exactly how Bucky pictured working for a chef he’s admired since he was a teenager, from the food style to the fucking—but he likes it. Wouldn’t trade it.
Off The Record by Brenda [Stucky, 9,1k words, Explicit]
"This is a serious coup, James. Steve Rogers has never sat down with a member of the press and given an interview. Ever. Do you know how rare that is for the fourth-string star on a cable reality show, much less the biggest movie star in the world?"
One-On-One Exclusive by Brenda [Stucky, 2,3k words, Teen]
"Steve, come on, there's no way to tell this story without making myself part of it. Without talking about this. Us," Bucky emphasized, waving his hand between them.
"Isn't that sort of the point?"
"A good reporter never makes themself the focus of the story."
"Except, in this case, you sort of are."
break loose of loss and longing by victoria_p (musesfool) [Stucky, 3,5k words, General]
"What do you think of the speculation that you and Steve Rogers were lovers?"
"What? Who thinks that? I don't think about that. Why would I think about that?"
maybe bi guy by obsessivereader [Stucky, 3,3k words, Mature]
Steve: i saw that guy again. i think i’m not as straight as i thought i was
Unknown number: i hate to tell you this but you got the wrong number pal. but hey, i’m bi. i’ve been there. i can talk you through it if you want
Or Steve embarks on a journey of self-discovery assisted by a helpful stranger who likes to make really bad puns
You can't hurry love by obsessivereader [Stucky, 8,5k words, Explicit]
“Jesus!” Steve hurries forward. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Before he’s even halfway into the room, the man’s already on his feet and turning around. He has a face as perfect as his ass. High forehead, square jaw, pink lips with a hint of a natural pout. Short, wavy, dark brown hair. His wide, deep-set eyes are a clear and luminous gray. Those eyes widen as the man takes in the sight of Steve staring at him.
Something about that wide-eyed, slightly nervous look catches at Steve’s memory. “Bucky?”
Steve remembers a shy, sweet teenager, with soft round cheeks, eyes too big for his face, and a wild head of hair. If this really is Bucky, some time in the last few years, he grew into his face and is now so gorgeous that Steve’s having a little trouble breathing. The lean, toned body beautifully displayed by a black shirt and gray pants don’t help the breathing situation either.
“You… have a beard now,” Bucky says faintly.
or, Bucky finally gets to do something about his decades-long crush on his best friend's older brother…
Seven Is A Lucky Number by vespertineflora [Stucky, 1,9k words, Explicit]
Bucky's already noticed that the super soldier serum seems have some unintended side effects, and he makes a promise to Steve to prove just how much it enhances certain activities.
🌻 Misplaced Pencils by Somanywords @somanywords [Stucky, 13,4k words, Teen]
“Ma, I’m going to start drawing,” Steve says.
“Are you now?” she asks interestedly, sitting across from him. “What kinds of things will you draw?”
He stares at his spoon, giving the question the full attention it deserves. “…Things every artist should know how to draw,” he starts slowly. His Ma nods. “Things that are interesting to me…and Things that are beautiful,” he finishes.
Or, Steve and drawing throughout the years. Also Bucky.
Coney Island Sunset by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
Childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers spend a lot of time knocking around Brooklyn together. One summer day, they while away the day at Coney Island, and Bucky makes the best decision of his life.
🌻 you're not my homeland anymore by emilywithoutY @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place [Stucky, 65k words, Teen]
"Here's the truth: when you were leaving you kissed me in the kitchen, angry, red-faced, crying. I pushed you away when I wanted to swallow you whole, burn you into my skin, press you into the hollows of my bones, until your cells became a part of me.
How's that for a secret?
I said I wouldn't ask you for anything more, but I'm a greedy bastard. So I'll ask you for this: not forgiveness, but a goodbye, if you can give it to me."
The ghost of Bucky Barnes turns to keep walking down the next floor of stairs as Steve finally gets his mouth working.
The ghost turns around.
Or, it's the age old tale: Two boys grow up together in Brooklyn, inseparable until they are torn apart by death and war. This, our story, starts in 1990. But the truth for some people is that, no matter the universe or timeline, fate has a way of reuniting them with the ghosts of their past.
🌻 Pisces Season by dreamsinthewitchouse @dreamsinthewitchouse [Stucky, 6,4k words, Teen]
Unlike Bucky, Steve can’t get drunk because of what the serum did to his metabolism, but he still likes beer, and Bucky knows it’s because he likes the simplicity of it, likes remembering how drinking it used to feel, before the war. He watches Steve lift a bottle to his mouth, take a swig, teeth flashing.
Steve’s let his hair grow out a bit, which is a pretty great look on him, but the truth is that every single version of Steve, ever, has made something in the bottom of Bucky’s stomach twist into an unsolvable knot.
Bucky knows he’s probably got what Natasha calls his smitten kitten look plastered all over his face, but just then he’s way past caring since it's Steve, now looking back at Bucky across the room, mouth curled in a smile.
The one in which Bucky and Steve live happily ever after with their Avengers family and nothing hurts (and Bucky snacks and naps a lot). Also, it’s Bucky’s 101st birthday.
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visualnovelzombie · 1 year
Furry Visual Novel Book Club: Echo Week 14 SPOILERS
Hi everyone, here is the SPOILER discussion post for “Echo - Leo’s Sunday (Part 1)”
Links: Previous - Next - Original - Spoiler Free Version
Feel free to respond in reblogs/replies/or asks :D
This week we start the end to Leo’s Route… lets jump in
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Leo calms down considerably, leading Chase to Carl… who was sleeping where he and Chase had woken up in Carl’s route. Banter begins to play as Chase is reunited with another one of his friends. We learn that Carl wouldn’t wake up until Leo touched him, similar to how Carl’s touch woke Chase and Raven up during Carl’s route. Carl describes running around a series of hallways with no exits until he was woken up…
The group head out in one of Carl’s cars. As they start to head out of town through the desert towards Payton, the group stumble on a grizzly scene. Chase’s car is crashed, Duke’s body sprawled along the roadway… with a monster with a hairless body and impossibly long limbs sits in the middle of the street.
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A CG titled - Justice...
Leo peels off, flooring the pedal. The monster teleports next to the car and stares at Chase… before disappearing again. The group panic but don’t discuss it much more, the thing apparently not following them. After some time, Leo slows the car down… everyone starting to notice that without turning they’re not headed in the opposite direction on the road, back into town. Leo turns the car around and they try to leave again… only to end up back at Chase’s crashed car.
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Huh ... like you’re only moving in circles
Leo brings the car to a stop as the group tries to decide what to do… a scratching noise followed by the back window getting shattered causes Leo to rush back into town. On their way back into town, the creature appears on top of a distant hilltop… before disappearing and appearing next to the car a few seconds later, sending the car crashing off the road.
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The car crashes into Lake Emma, sinking below the water. Tj is panicking as Kudzu and Carl escape through the back window. Leo is refusing to leave without Chase, all while the OTTER tells him to leave him be, that he’ll be fine. The water submerges Tj and Chase, the lynx stuck in his seat-belt. Chase is able to undo the seat-belt from the other side and saves Tj from the car, pulling him up and swimming out. Chase surfaces and finds the car far from the shore. Tj mutters incoherently as the two make their way back to safety.
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Chase feigns comfort, silencing Tj over his murder of Sydney Bronson.
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The terrible experience shocks Tj, realizing what Sydney must have went through when Chase drowned him. Tj isn’t the same for the rest of the route, not speaking to Chase, avoiding contact, and being cold and unresponsive. He fully remembers now, what they did to Sydeny. He doesn’t reveal anything though... either desperate to get out alive... or for his own sake.
Kudzu comes to comfort the two, Leo shoving him out of the way to panic with Chase instead. Chase and Leo both have head injuries... Leo picks up the still catatonic Tj and the group march back to Leo’s house. As they approach the house, Leo is wary of the broken window (which only happens in one timeline!) Interestingly enough Chase doesn’t comment that Brian would did it, which calls into question if it is SUPPOSED to be wishy-washy on what actually happened?
Leo scouts the house alone while the rest of the group stay outside. Tj has ‘snapped’ at this point, becoming silent. A scream rings out from the house and everyone rushes inside to help. Clint is being held at gunpoint by Leo, begging for mercy. Leo is about to shoot him before Kudzu reveals that Clint let Kudzu know where Chase was being held captive at.
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Clint offers information on an escape route to get Leo to drop his gun and the wolf eventually complies.
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These are mainly here for people who can’t read that think Leo is acting on complete free will and volition here, not completely and utterly possessed by the hysteria. Also these are good examples of it.
Leo is unable to stop intimidating Clint, so Chase pressures the wolf into the hall so Kudzu can get the information from Clint. Chase suggests some food and dry clothes to calm everyone down and Leo agrees. The scene cuts to twenty minutes later with some light heated-banter and the track neutral.
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We’re treated to the absolute bare minimum of fan service as the try to collect and calm themselves…. Though Tj is still despondent. Kudzu comes in from the other room and tells the group Clint’s plan: A train has been running on the abandoned lines and the group should jump it to escape the town. The group dress as the dryer finishes and eat a vegetable stir fry (woo Leo remembered Carl) as they discuss the plan.
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Kudzu and Chase both try to calm Leo down. the wolf acting more and more violent. The tensions rise and Carl tries to calm the situation, Leo shutting him down with a food comment… Argument begins to play. Leo goes to ‘check in’ on Clint, with Kudzu and Chase stopping him. Leo punches the raccoon, sending him tumbling and leaving him with a bloody nose. Leo threatens Chase with a gun to get away from Kudzu, the wolf then kicks the raccoon out of his house. Leo finds his room empty, Clint escaping through the window.
Leo’s anger turns on a dime, immediately becoming doting and… possessive of Chase. Drag begins to play.
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Chase complies with Leo’s insane request and actions, terrified of the wolf whose completely unhinged and out of his mind at this point.
Leo rocks the two of them back and forth, cradling Chase in his arms. Carl stares in horror from the door-frame. 
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Leo’s guilt and trauma from losing Sydney that day still rings out... suffocating his friends.
The passing of a nearby train causes Leo to stop and go check on it. Chase decides to check in on Kudzu at his trailer, Carl (whose deathly afraid of Leo at this point) begs him to stay… Chase stumbles into a tree that shouldn’t exist between Leo and Kudzu’s house, and right before he can orientate himself he hears a voice, causing him to scramble and eventually fall on the floor. Kudzu, who was out watching the train, helps the otter up and reveals that he had seen Jenna outside. The pair are unable to look for her in the unnaturally dark night, Kudzu running to get some flashlights.
After a few moments they spot Jenna, who shoulder-tackles Kudzu to the ground. Chase is able to snap her out of it, but Kudzu responds before noticing and pins Jenna to the ground. After a bit of conversation the group head into Kudzu’s trailer for shelter. They explain the situation to Jenna.
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Even Jenna knows that if Leo is truly acting the way the pair are saying, that something is deeply wrong with him.
Jenna reveals that Tj had woken up a few days ago in an altered state, running to the lake and repeating Chase’s name over and over again… unresponsive. Drag plays
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The first time the game is really telling the player that something is off with Sydney and Chase... Sam even confirming it.
Sam speaks as Hysteria drones in the background… Chase says he has no idea what’s going on.The voice calls Chase a liar. Chase’s head spins as Jenna continues the story, Tj becoming violent and more unresponsive in it.
“The water changed that day and for the first time you knew what water felt like to everyone else… suffocating.”
Jenna continues her story, saying she experienced several odd events and doesn’t remember much, like being in a dream. She describes a monster from her childhood that would appear in her closet. Jenna excuses herself to use the restroom, and Kudzu and Chase end up sitting next to each other.
Kudzu reveals that he lost someone to gun violence, and the situation in Echo is bringing back those memories. Chase has to pee… again and doesn’t want to wait for Jenna so he decides to go to the side of Kudzu’s trailer. Just as Chase starts to urinate, Brain rushes in from the darkness, grabbing the otter in both his paws and carrying him off. The bear throws Chase into a nearby trucks and drives off with the otter. Chase pisses himself.
En route to their destination, Chase attempts the door handle only to find it missing. He tries to roll down the window but the hand crank makes enough noise to alert Brian who stops him from trying again. Chase notices that Brian isn’t being horny, and is instead desperate for trying to ‘stop’ whatever is happening.
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Brian gives us a minor lore tidbit, corroborated by information from other routes and other games. The Entity is after those that are guilty...
Reckoning begins to play as we learn about Brian’s backstory as the pair make their way up into the mountains. Brian reveals that his mom had left him and his dad when he was only six, his dad telling him that aliens abducted her. He was living in Payton but found a boyfriend in Echo. During one of their hookups he saw a flying saucer in the sky, sensing an evil presence from it…
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The ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM amount of understanding/sympathy for Brian is given. We know he’s an irremediable monster... but maybe the Entity saw that he could be, and pushed him in that direction... Arches showing us just how much Brian and it are attached...
As they pull up to their destination, we learn that Brian is tortured every night in his dreams by a facsimile of his mother. He blamed his boyfriend, outing him in revenge for bringing the bear to Echo.
“Didn’t stop the dreams, though.”
Brian is desperate to stop his dreams, completely enraptured by Duke’s tales and hellbent on stopping his own torment. He begs for Chase’s help and the otter agrees, too scared to defy the bear.
Brian says that everything IS tied together, the monsters, the aliens, and that he wants to stop it. He sets off into the desert and Chase follows him. Brian leads them into a side mine-shaft and the two enter the town’s mines. They pair walk through the mines for some time, Brian revealing he doesn’t see aliens anymore… just the people he’s killed. The pair come to a narrow tunnel, both needing to move sideways to enter. The room they enter reeks of death and rot.
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Sam fully wakes up now, entering the cavern that he killed Jack in... the one with the gold.
Chase begs Brian not to kill him, Sam berating him for not taking action. Sam and Chase talk to each other in Chase’s head… Chase wondering why he’s ‘returned’.
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Sam is more ‘real’, not insidious or dark like normal. He says it’s because of the mine, it being the ‘source’ of everything. Sam admits that he’s still a simulation, something being controlled by something else. It’s been with Chase ever since Chase killed Sydney… 
Brian reveals things got bad for him when he started seeing Rachel, Duke’s ex-wfie. She had accidentally died during one of Brian’s sex-for-drugs with the couple. The two had buried her in the very mine shaft Chase finds himself in. Brian buries his victims here… each time he kills one another apparition appearing to torment him. He doesn’t stop because it gets him off too much…
The bear points a gun to the back of Chase’s head, Sam still tormenting Chase with his guilt... to much of a coward to admit it to Brian when it would provide the slimmest of hopes of escape
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Just as Brian is about to pull the trigger, Chase calls out to Sam… asking for help. We’re met with a ‘choice’.
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The game plays its hand. Not only are most choices meaningless, but they’re not yours. They’re Sam. He’s been making the decisions for Chase, guiding him as the otter shuts himself off.
A creature stands in the doorway… some sort of alien-like being with grey skin and long fingers.It approaches Brian, form flickering and unstable.
Due to the flickering and red-skinned nature of the creature, I am reading it as some sort of version of Socketman. It only comes when Chase calls on Sam, and Sam is apart of Socketman. Sam also isn’t afraid of this particular monster, when we know many are after him...
Brian trips on the flashlight, snuffing it out. A tape-recorder like sound plays as the thing and Brian scream in the darkness. Chase trips and falls into the grave and we’re treated to a vision of Brian kidnapping one of his victims from a club.
Chase gives up, residing himself to his fate, but Sam commands him to get up… through a dialogue option. 
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The narration switches to second person… describing ‘the otter’. Sam knows the tunnels, remembers them like the back of his hand from when Yao and Nik instructed him.
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He leads Chase in his body out of the tunnels… Just then… a pair of red eyes appear at the end of the tunnel…
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...or one of Sam’s demons.
Sam recognizes the shape, it’s ‘the lizard’, just appearing warped… in the shape of Socketman.
Flynn appears, now recognizable. The narration switches back to first person as the heartbeat sound stops. The two leave in Flynn’s truck as Chase is unable to answer what happened. Chase describes the mine as ‘Chaos.’... The otter asks Flynn how he found him. Flynn says he followed the only road up and saw Brian’s truck, and just happened to know about the back entrance. He reveals he’s been at town hall trying to manage the situation, and only came to Leo’s house after looking for everybody. 
The pair arrive at Leo’s house, the wolf telling people not to leave, and they hug out Chase’s return. Just as Kudzu stops his hug, Leo comes from his room, angry and disheveled.
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Leo says Chase was with him in his room, that the otter never left, and is lashing out at everyone for saying Chase was missing. Just as the situation becomes heated, Tj, whose been keeping watch, lets the group know another train is coming. The group are planning to jump the train, Flynn and Kudzu going first to help everyone else on.
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Leo has completely fallen out of touch with reality, begging Chase to stay with him, and going on and on about the things they ‘just talked about’. Leo demands Chase answer him, the otter telling him to wait till they escape to parse out what’s happening.
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Leo wants an answer and wants it NOW… we’re met with a choice.
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“We’ll work something out.” -
Chase chooses to avoid the subject, pushing back the issue at hand till later. Leo is unsure of Chases response… but they cant stop now, the train is here. Kudzu and Flynn make it the caboose with ease. Kudzu and Flynn pull up Carl from behind Chase as the group continues to run along the train. Jenna and TJ successfully make it on board as well. Chase makes the jump, landing both feet on the steps of the caboose. Leo reaches for Chase on the caboose…
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Chase is pulled backwards, choked on his shirt as he tumbles from the platform, his legs falling under the back wheels in the process, getting dragged for a short distance before coming to an abrupt stop.
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All sounds cut as soon as Chase realizes what’s happened to him. Chase’s mind is completely blurred, caught in shock. Kudzu hops down, using his belt as a tourniquet for one of Chase’s stumps, telling Leo to do the same with his. The track ‘Death’ plays, the raccoon slumping over Chase’s body as three gun shots ring out.
Leo makes it to Chase, pushing Kudzu’s body aside with abandon.
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We’ll figure something out…
Leo picks Chase up and the scene cuts… 
Chase is sitting at a table with his parents and Leo, the Hunters asking the wolf typical questions of a new boyfriend… the pair playing footsies under the table… The scene cuts again, now in Leo’s bathroom. Leo puts Chase in the bathtub, bandaging his wounds… Chase flashes back again to spending a lazy day with Leo, cuddled on his chest in the afternoon sun… Chase comes to again, now in Leo’s bed with him, bandages bleeding onto the sheets. Chase says he’s cold, limbs shaky. Leo holds him closer to warm him up…
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A figure leers at Chase from the room again. Chase flashes back to his first kiss with Leo…
The room is red again, the creature staring at him… Chase feels nothing as the screen fades… The Credits begin to roll as a twisted version of the opening theme, aptly named “Echo Theme Dark” begins to play over distorted and darkened CG’s of Leo… We’re sent back to the main menu…
“It’s over.” -
Chase stands up for himself, ending a cycle keeping him chained to Echo.
Chase realizes that if Leo is going to force the issue, he can’t comply. 
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Kudzu steps in to tell the pair to leave and Leo attempts to pull his gun on the raccoon. Chase puts himself between the two, causing Leo to stop. Leo drops the gun, and the group run after the approaching train. They board the train in the same manner as last time, except this time, once he lands on the caboose, Chase looks back for Leo. The wolf hadn’t moved from his spot, now alone and crying. 
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Leo choosing to stay behind, to abandon them in their escape… hurts Chase more than anything.
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The track, “When Your Arms Were Around Me” begins to play as the group rides off into the horizon. Chase begins to cry…
Sam speaks out-loud now…
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The two reach their tipping point together… the hurt and pain Echo brings and thrives off of sending both Chase and Sam over the edge, the two cry for a long time together… Kudzu eventually motions for him. As they leave Echo, the Sam’s dark emotions grow dimmer… but the pain in his heart for Leo becomes greater and greater.
It’s here Kudzu reveals that it was his boyfriend that was murdered in Payton, a mugging gone wrong. Chase and Kudzu embrace before heading into the caboose. Everyone is inside, including Clint who had jumped the train before them. The train arrives in Payton as day breaks. -
The scene cuts to ‘Saturday’, Chase on the phone with his mom on the road into Echo, Kudzu driving. It’s been two years, and with Chase planning on leaving the area for good he wants to say goodbye to Leo one last time. Chase kisses Kudzu on the cheek, the two a couple now, before heading out of the car to Leo’s.
Leo, no longer wearing the anchor bracelet, offers the two a beer and to come inside for a few hours, but they decline. Chase and Leo walk over to the rail-yard, leaving Kudzu in the car. We learn Carl and Leo are really the only people left in town, Carl now going to school in Pueblo. Chase is leaving the area and had quit school after the events of the week. Leo is moving back with his family in Payton, and the train the group had boarded was a timely antique piece headed on the way to Payton for display. 
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The two talk about the past two years…
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Chase thinks to himself about the mental health struggles he’s been going through… and chooses to say he’s doing fine. Sam chiding him for it.
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Chase apologies, admitting fault … Leo reveals how he’s been doing as Epiphany begins to play.
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Leo reveals that he’s been broken inside. Nearly non functional, curled up and hurting from losing Chase how he did. From losing his friends, to hurting people, to losing the love of his life. He’s torn up and brutal to himself, worse off than when Chase left to school... broken and alone.
But recently... he’s getting better. He’s working through the hurt, through the self-imposed isolation he’s given himself to atone... to make himself better, for him.
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Leo apologies. He admits his faults, he takes responsibility for his actions... and the route of the problem is brought to light again. His desire to protect Chase. to be his anchor, his rock... hurt them both. And while he can’t undo the hurt... he can still love, he can profess his love, and he can be stronger and better going forward.
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Leo refuses Chase’s number... he wants to heal and be better on his own. ... and also maybe not relive the thirst texts and temptation he knows Chase will fall to...
The two promise to see each other another day, to find each other in a better place. The two say their goodbyes to each other… 
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One last time… one last sunset signalling their goodbyes. The begging in the rail-yard at sunrise... and ending their relationship for good at sunset in the same location. They’ve moved on from each other, from the strength and support they gave each other, for the young-love and safety and freedom of queer love, because the sun has set, and it’s time to move on.
Chases closes the door to the car and credits well… the aptly named Blurry by Lillybug plays as the CG with the two of them at the high-school is displayed to the side… (aptly named because I started fucking ugly crying the first time!)
So that’s Leo’s route. There’s no happy ending for him and Chase… just the consequences of years of neglect and hurt. The two separating one last time, with the uncertain promise to see each other one day, when they’re both better. The voice is still with Chase even… just more hurt and guilt the two both cling too, Chase ashamed and embarrassed for feeling like he sent Leo down such a lonely path. 
It’s probably no secret that Chase/Leo is far and away my favorite ship in the game, and they’re complicated and difficult relationship sure paints that oddly, especially with the context of Leo’s route itself here. I truly believe the apology and hurt the two go through in the fallout of the their actions ‘atones’ them in meta sense from the shit they pulled. Leo’s biggest non-hysterical action being the phone scheme, and him fully and openly apologizing for it here, now when he can think clearly, is indication of his growth from that event. Leo no longer wanting to stay in contact with Chase is both their own comeuppance. 
We know from Word-of-God that Leo even pays for his sins on the bad end, killing himself in the morning once coming to and realizing that he killed Chase the night before. Two-tormented souls, doomed by fate to stay apart all stemming from that day at the lake stemming from the connection we now know Chase has with Sydney and that day… and the sins that to them together.
We know there’s MUCH MUCH MUCH more context with them, context that makes this doomed romance plausible, one that shines a light on the darkest corners of Chase... one that makes them both a better fit together in light... and better together in darkness.
So I’ll announce it here. Instead of the normal one week break for book club between routes, I’ll be taking a hiatus. I absolutely LOVE doing these, but it takes up an entire day for me and I’ve never once spread it out over multiple days like I said I would... hell these are supposed to come out Saturday because I’m supposed to work on them during the week... I’ll start back up again when I finish Silent Echoes. It only needs three more chapters and I REALLY want to finish my story. It’s been back-burned so long and I want to move on, feel free (in my mind) to work on smaller scale stories and start full production on my followup series... it’s just hard to do both that AND this. It made me go a little insane, devoting my ENTIRE weekend to Echo. I’ll be back with a poll to select the next route, hopefully within a month or two! Thank you everyone for putting up with my delays, and I’m looking forward to finishing this game with all of you once I can.
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stevetonyweekly · 2 years
SteveTony Weekly - April 3
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 Happy Sunday!! Here’s what I’ve been reading this week. As always, leave your fic authors some love if you read and enjoy their stories! 
**Indicates my recent favs 
Nobody Does It Better by BlossomsintheMist
Steve frowned, and reached out with his still gloved hand, but he stopped before his hand reached Tony’s gauntleted forearm, and then he just stood there, looking at Tony, a strange, wistful, yearning but somehow determined look on his face. “What,” he said. “Not supposed to be your friend? Well, too late, Tin Man.”
Steve's in love with Iron Man. Tony's in love with Steve. The only problem is a little matter of identity. Early 616 canon identity porn Steve/Iron Man get together fic.
You Are Home by nightwalker
It was Steve who’d wanted to go out and choose the house themselves. Tony hadn’t even thought about it - sure, people did that, he watched the home improvement channel sometimes when Peter got to the remote before anyone else so he knew how it worked. But it had never occurred to him that he should do it.
The Onion Ring Proposal by nightwalker
Now the entire restaurant was staring at her, but that was what happened when you tried to put a leash on Tony.
You and Me and Him by navaan
If you live in the same house, it’s really hard to keep your secrets. Especially if you are good friends. He doesn’t mean to watch as closely as he does, but it’s obvious to Steve that Tony and Iron Man are in a relationship. Right?
Everybody loves Goose. by captainstars 
She just turned up at the compound one day, and none of them had the heart to turn her away. Clint identified her as Fury's cat. It was odd, Fury hadn't seemed like a cat lover, but you never knew with some people. Goose was a gorgeous Ginger, and Steve loved her pretty coat.
Content warning: Endgame spoilers.
Potts & Stevens by captainstars
A collection of my Potts/Stevens fics reposted from Tumblr. Each chapter stands on its own and can be read individually.
A Coincidence called Fate. by captainstars
The first time Potts met Stevens, the man had come limping into the infirmary. His face was pale, but he held himself upright.
Finding Peter by gottalovev 
Steve knows he's overprotective when it comes to Peter. His son's safety is his main concern, especially after how he lost Tony when Peter was just an egg. When the first day of school is a disaster and Peter is kidnapped, he's determined to find his son and bring him home.
Tony was kidnapped five years ago and brought to Hydra World, where he's part of a show featuring Natasha, also a pigmy merperson, Rhodey the otter and Clint the sea lion. His resolve to escape goes into overdrive the day the handlers bring in a small merkid named Peter that reminds Tony so much of his late husband Steve.
Sugar Sweet by viklikesfic (v_angelique)
Part figuring out how to assimilate Steve's sexuality into modern ideas of orientation and gender, part burgeoning D/s relationship, part mild-to-moderate sugar daddy exploration. Basically, Tony's creative and Steve is a very, very good boy.
Sugar, Spice, and Spankings Are Nice by viklikesfic (v_angelique)
 “Y’know… that was sweet of you, Steven. Offering my coat in public like a sweet little sugar baby.” His voice goes sharper, and he slides one glass across the counter, gesturing with a flick of his eyes. Steve approaches, cautious even though Tony’s physically smaller and weaker than him. He knows who the prey actually is in this relationship. “Let’s toast… to our friends,” Tony offers, mild, holding up his glass. Steve clinks, suspicious.
“To friends.”
“You know… they’re not going to be able to decide whether to see you as Captain America or as Stark’s little bit of something on the side, now.” Tony smirks as he delivers the punchline, and Steve inhales sharply. He still takes a sip as Tony does, the liquid smooth and smokey on his tongue and warm going down. “You wanna be my trophy husband? A prize I can show off? Cause we could do that.”
The More Things Change by cookinguptales
Steve's not entirely sure how seduction works nowadays, but he's learned from the best.
The color of your dreams paints my body blue. by captainstars
“Does he know?” Tony asked again. It was the words he could speak, so he spoke them.
Sam’s eyes dipped to Tony’s chest, “Of course he knows. Anyone would.” He cocked his head to the side, “Just Tony, you bleed blue.”
The bandages were stained. Tony pressed his hand as firm as he could. The color of the skies in the Golden Centaur’s eyes, the color of the skies on his palms.
“Dragon blue.”
a catalog of non-definitive acts by firebrands
Tony's seen the way Steve watches him, trails after him just for a moment, then catches himself. Let it never be said that Tony Stark doesn’t pay attention. At least, when it matters.
Or, Steve, Tony, and the emotional fallout of keeping secrets. (Set in some nebulous time pre-AoU.)
Search and Rescue by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) 
Tony inhales slowly only to have to fight down the instinctive urge to sneeze at the damp, musty scent that fills his nose. Ugh. Can't the bad guys ever spring for a decent lair?
Tony gets captured. Steve gets mad. Clint's just along for the ride.
Drunken Confessions and Using Your Words by athletiger, betheflame
Tony and Steve are clearly in love with each other. Every one knows it. Except them.
Until one night where Steve in a tuxedo combined with too many cocktails pushes Tony over his edge and he sends a text.
Newlywed Game by Neverever
When Mojo kidnaps the Avengers to play game shows, Steve and Tony have to play the Newlywed Game while Natasha engineers the team's escape. Steve and Tony think they're the worst choice to play the game.
Admiring the Scenery by Annie D (scaramouche)
Steve’s used to people checking him out, but when Tony does it, it feels… different.
Blue Lips, Blue Veins by romanoff
Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark's always have had iron in their backbone.
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otterskin · 3 years
Otter Recommends Stuff I like : CLAYMORE (Manga & Anime)
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Synopsis: Sword-wielding women warriors are humanity’s only defense against supernatural beings of appallingly destructive power.
"The depiction of women in anime/manga" is a phrase sure to send a shudder down the spine of many a feminist, unless Hayao Miyazaki is specifically mentioned. When 'Shounen/Seinen' is specified, that shudder becomes a wince. Yes, it is not a medium friendly to female viewers, who often have to put up with constant boob jokes, butt shots, panty flipping and far, far worse.
But there exists a notable exception - one that came out over a decade ago. It follows a typical shounen/seinen structure - it's a battle manga, with power-ups, finding allies, and following the weakest of a group as they go on a journey to become stronger. But as always, it's the muscles on the bones that really matter.
Our hero is Clare (ha-ha, the first and last letters of 'Claymore'), and the series is constructed primarily around her struggle with trauma, reconnecting with her emotions, and most importantly and rarely in this or any fantasy story, her relationships with numerous other women.
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Teresa of the Faint Smile with a young Clare, in a flashback near the start of the series.
Claymore follows Clare, a warrior who travels from town to town in a Celtic-inspired landscape, slaying shapeshifting monsters called 'Yoma' at the behest of 'The Organization', who charges for the service. Those who can't afford to hire a Claymore are the mercy of the flesh-eating creatures, who cannot be easily killed by regular humans. Only the 'Silver-Eyed Witches' stand a chance - for all Claymores possess silver eyes and bleached hair, thanks to surgeries carried out by the Organization on young girls to make them part Yoma themselves, giving them enormous abilities while allowing them to keep their intelligence and humanity. However, it comes at a terrible price - the more power a warrior accesses, the more distorted her features will become until she risks 'Awakening' and becoming the most dangerous type of Yoma of all - An Awakened Being.
The Claymores are outsiders in the societies they defend, despised for their half-Yoma nature. On top of that, they are kept isolated from each other, patrolling separate territories according to their rank - numbers 1 through 47. They lead lonely lives, killing monsters until they either fall in battle or become full monsters themselves.
As a child, Clare followed her hero (a Clint Eastwood type named Teresa) into service as a Claymore so she could avenge Teresa's death at the hands of an Awakened Being.
However, she is nowhere near as powerful as Teresa, not even close, and remarkably, spoilers, she never becomes as talented or amazing as her mentor. In fact, while Teresa was ranked one of the most powerful Number 1's of all time, Clare is stuck at number 47, the weakest of all the Claymore.
Instead, an isolated and distant Clare slowly learns to make bonds with her fellow warriors and find strength in their varying relationships, as well as learning from them and improving what skills she does have with their help and sacrifices. Some are friendly, some are new mentors, some are antagonists, some are peers, some are foils, some are rivals, but all end up being sisters of a kind - a camaraderie that Teresa wasn't capable of inspiring.
The one exception to the female cast is a young boy who joins Clare in the early story. Raki, who is something of the token dude, trails after Clare the way she once trailed after Teresa, helping her find her humanity again but never being her sole motivation. Heck, he often disappears for long stretches in the tale, and while Clare looks for him she is still primarily motivated by her desire for vengeance and eventually her desire to free her sisters from the control of 'The Organization', a thinly-veiled allegory for the Patriarchy and the Military Industrial Complex. He never takes her away from that motivation or goal, and when he is around, he's a refreshingly supportive presence who cares and looks out for the emotional well-being of Clare - a role that's usually left to a woman in most action franchises.
It's not perfect; while there's no voyeuristic, leering camera, there are a few characters who get armour with garters on them in the final arc (sigh), but they are ignorable and few, and not the only armour available to the female cast, who still mostly wear functional pieces. The default Claymore armour is quite chaste and even has those massive shoulder pads. Most of the time, the costuming for the women deserves to be on r/reasonablefantasy. (Although I could have done with a better breastplate for the usual Claymore armour, they at least don't bother with nonsensical boob armour and just wear a light-weight leotard, relying mostly on their pauldrons to protect them.)
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Clare's model sheets from the 2007 anime adaptation.
What might be controversial but which I've always loved is the design of creatures called 'Awakened Beings'.
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Since 'Awakening' is compared with the pleasures of sexual gratification, and once Awakened, former warriors lose their humanity and empathy and only desire to eat human flesh, the designs tend to feature body-horror takes on the nude female form (although not all).
Since the series is running headlong into the concept of the 'Monstrous Feminine', with each Awakened Being designed to reflect some aspect of the original warrior before they lost themselves to berserker rage, there's a thematic reason for the nudity. An Awakened Being is beyond the control of the Organization, free from her uniform and the constraints of society - so of course she's 'hungry' and 'exposed' and must be killed before her appetites destroy the world.
So of course, the Organization sends women to kill the Awakened Beings, pitting women against women, just like they do by ranking them and isolating them.
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Eventually, our lead women learn how to harness the power of Awakening without losing their humanity - and this threat to the Organization's control gets their heads on a chopping block, but also finally allows them to meet and become allies. (How's that for a metaphor?)
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This series scratched an itch I wasn't even aware I had at the time - a show with a 99% female cast, where women got be every sort of character on the roster, interacted as people, got to be heroes and villains and friends and failures and weak and vulnerable and powerful - it made me painfully aware of how deprived we've all been of good female representation in fantasy and action series. The sheer breadth of female characters who come and go on the page is staggering at a certain point - you are given a wealth of women who are normally tokenized in other series, all unique, none with the burden of being 'all of womankind'. While I have made the subtext pretty clear in this write-up, you could watch and read the whole series and it might never even cross your mind that the cast is all female, outside a minor plot point made about how male Claymores tended to awaken faster and so were discontinued by the Organization early on, leading to the all-female ranks.
There's no lampshading, no 'look at us so feminist' shallowness searching for praise or validation. It's only been in recent years that Claymore has been looked back on as something of a feminist classic in manga. Most people took it as it was presented - a fantasy series with big swords and monsters. And that was for the best - I'd hate to see Claymore treated as an 'eat your vegetables, good for you, trying very hard to have a message' type series, because it is concerned first and foremost with being an entertaining dark fantasy action series with shounen and seinen tropes. Its feminism arises naturally from just writing so many multi-faceted female characters and treating them and their stories with respect.
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The one-season anime is a decent adaptation but is left unfinished with an ending that is original to it. I recommend the anime, the dub is great, but the manga is especially well-illustrated and you'll need to read it eventually to get the full ending. If you want some big monsters fights and women uniting against all sorts of crazily-designed baddies, then this is something to check out.
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