#ouagh. anyways
sloth-sloth-sloth · 4 months
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A webweave for the amazing it's just a fish. by @ty-bayonet-betteridge ! one of the best fics i've ever read. happy completion! (heed the tags pls and thank you)
Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost / THE LOVERS by Studio Heartbreak / Matthew 25:35 (New International Version) / Sweet No Death by arcadekitten / on the romance of cannibalism by silas denver melvin (@.sweatermuppet) / edit by @.valentina-poem / A Complete Kingdom by komodobits [heed the tags.] / The Invention of Love by Tom Stoppard / THE LOVERS [again] / Under my Skin [again] / It Will Come Back by Hozier / White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi / THE LOVERS [again] / Work Song by Hozier / I Want You by Mitski
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marenwithanm · 7 months
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You know Zelda, most Links actually were children during their adventures. Breath of the Wild Link Georg who was over 100 years old was an outlier and should not have been counted
As you can see, I'm still not over the idea of a younger Link and older Zelda in alttp. She feels so bad about dragging a little kid into this whole mess 😭
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sirmanmister · 8 months
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The MacCready family deserves the literal whole entire world and nobody can convince me otherwise.
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tinyetoile · 9 months
Dunmeshi spoilers
One of the things I adore the most is that the characters make a big deal about Marcille's use of dark magic to revive Falin and how illegal and potentially disastrous it is and Marcille is branded with that stigma for the rest of the story (to the point the canaries assume she's the one who made Falin into a chimera) only to reveal that Falin was doing something just as illegal and potentially disastrous when she teleported them out of the dungeon all the way bacj in ch1. Like no wonder these two are so insane for eachother
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greensaplinggrace · 4 months
shipping het ships is just full of fucking pit traps isn't it. i mean you'll be so sure everyone understood the subversive gender dynamics, thematic otherness, and queer undertones threaded throughout both the relationship and the characters and then instead bam! 300 dom daddy fics where the woman is stripped of all personality and they're both acting like they're in the world's worst 90s high school educational video on identifying misogynistic red flags in couples
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chernabogs · 3 months
‘  where  has  choosing  goodheartedness  and  having  golden  hair  ever  gotten  you  ? 
hiii um this prompt with a prince silver au maybe? maybe him being kept in the dark about the war and living a perfect life, but then finding out about what the silver owls are doing / planning to do to the fae?
I took this in sort of a subtle approach, if that's ok! I was writing this and suddenly I was like hmmm what if someone nudged him to begin looking into things himself... and voila. Bean-nighe was the first thing I thought of. I did also tweak the line a little!
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Inc: Silver, his nanny, a Bean-nighe/Washerwoman, Leah & Knight of Dawn mention Warnings: Blood (I mean... washerwoman do that), implications of oppression (fae). AU-verse of Silver being raised by Leah and KoD. C7 spoilers, somewhat. Little bit of Scottish mythos in here too. WC: 2.4k Summary: After his nanny goes missing, Silver finds himself lost in the forests, where he comes across a woman washing strange clothing in a stream.
He only begins to clue in that something is amiss when his nanny is absent one morning. She’s a fae, with long hay-coloured hair and slate eyes that still hold a twinkle when she smiles at him. She only really smiles at him—her little sun—but otherwise wears a blank expression. Her eyes always fix to the floor whenever his uncle is with him and she shrinks into the shadows, his quiet nanny, only to emerge from her shell when they’re alone again. 
One time he told her that she felt more like a mother to him than his real one. It isn’t Leah’s fault that she’s absent for portions of his life—that goes part and parcel with being a royal, after all—but absence does not make his heart grow any fonder. His nanny had looked terrified when he said this. She had pressed a finger to her lips and begged him not to say that again, not to say that to anyone. 
When she vanishes, he looks for her. It’s what any child would do.  
He straps his wooden sword to his hip and embarks out of the white manor that is his home into the gnarled woods beyond. Where most children would shy away from the shadows, he strides forward, as brave as his father when it comes to facing the unknown. 
Or at least, as brave as he assumes his father to be. They so rarely interact, despite his name being ‘Silver’ after the armour that the man adorns. Silver, like blades that cut through the night. Silver, like the moon's rays that will touch on new land. The absence of him does not make Silver’s heart grow any fonder either. 
“Nanny?” He calls, his small voice lost to the vast space around him as his neat shoes become muddied from the earth. Assistants had dressed him this morning in fine garbs befitting his position as a young prince. Silver didn’t know why they bothered to begin with. By the end of the day, his knees were always dirty, and his palms scratched up from playing in the woods. Nanny would scold him as she washed the cuts clean and kissed them better, making the wounds vanish into smooth skin. 
When no one replies to his call, he pouts a little as his hand rests on his wooden sword. He isn’t allowed a real one quite yet. He’s still too young, according to his trainer, and needs to perfect working with a wooden sword before receiving iron. A wooden sword is sorely inefficient when it comes to creatures in these woods. Dire Beasts, Stygian Boars, Dryads and Elves—Silver has heard of them all through nanny’s stories at night. 
The Dire Beasts aren’t bad. He can probably climb a tree and wait them out if needed. Stygian Boars often just rooted around the dirt and could be easily bypassed so long as you didn’t spook them. Dryads and Elves, though, are more complicated. Dryads can use nature to their advantage and Elves can use their sharp tongues. Silver knows better than to cross paths with either of them. 
But he needs to find his nanny, and quickly. He wonders if perhaps she’s gone into the woods again to collect flowers and strayed off the path. He used to wake up every morning with a new bouquet by his bedside of flowers he’s never seen before—dark purple and tempting. By the evening, the flowers are gone, but the joy of waking up with them lingers in his memory. 
The space grows darker as he continues to navigate over roots of trees older than even his parents. His small hand grasps the wood to leverage himself as the air grows heavy and a new scent begins to invade him. It smells ancient as well and makes his nose curl as he wanders down an embankment. 
His path is soon interrupted by the sight of someone kneeling by the river that runs below, her back hunched as she appears to be washing something in the stream. He can hear her humming a soft, mournful sounding song as her hands work in a rhythmic manner, dipping the cloth beneath the stream before raising it up and submerging it again. It’s a mesmerizing motion that draws him closer to where she kneels. However, when his foot lands on a twig, making it snap under the weight of his body, the woman ceases her motions and turns her head to look his way. 
She’s an older woman, with the beginnings of wrinkles lining her face and a headscarf concealing her hair. Her dark brown eyes seem to peer right through him as her lips tilt down into a frown and she straightens up. “Boy. Why do you watch me from the shadows?” 
Silver feels the flush of embarrassment burn his cheeks as he rises, walking forward until he draws to a stop a few feet away from the woman. The wooden sword hits against his thigh as he moves, and the woman's gaze watches it with interest. When he’s close—but not too close—he wrings his hands together with a down-turned gaze. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disturb you,” he begins, studying the rocks by his feet as he speaks. “Can you help me?” 
“Help?” The woman’s hoarse tone pitches in amusement as he hears water sloshing again. He looks up to see that she’s resumed her washing. At a closer distance, he can also see the wicker basket by her side, the edge of another cloth peeking out from beneath the lid. “What a peculiar request. Most don’t want my help.” 
Silver thinks this a rather odd thing to say, but he rationalizes that perhaps others are just more cautious, and likely don’t have a missing nanny to worry about. The woman washes quietly for a moment before speaking again as she sets her cloth on a nearby rock to dry. It’s a white linen shirt, in a style that Silver had seen a few of his father’s fellow soldier’s wear. “What is a child like you doing wandering these woods alone?” 
“My nanny is missing. She likes to come into these woods to pick flowers, and I think she may have become lost.” Silver inches forward to squat near the woman by the stream. His small hand reaches out to splash in the water as the woman opens her wicker basket. “I was wondering if—”
His words cut off when he sees what the woman pulls out. It’s another linen skirt, like what his nanny would wear, but this one is not just white. A violent, scarlet stain mars the front of it, accompanied by the pungent smell of copper that makes his breath stutter as he falls back on his rear. His wooden sword clacks against the stones he lands on. The washerwoman seems unaffected by his reaction as she submerges the shirt into the stream and begins to scrub it. 
“Wondering if I have seen her?” The washerwoman then prompts as she scrubs away. Silver gawks at the sight. The only time he’d seen blood before is when he’s fallen and scraped up his hands on the cobbles in the palace’s courtyard. Even then, this was just a little blood. The skirt that the washerwoman is cleaning has far more than a little. Mutely, he nods. 
The washerwoman turns the fabric over before looking at him again. Her dark eyes seem far more lifeless and ancient now that he was closer to her side. “What is your nanny’s name?” 
The question makes him blink. He didn’t know his nanny’s name. She had only been ‘nanny’ to him, or ‘servant’ to the other nobles in the court. His hands reach down to nervously wring the bottom of his shirt. “I… I don’t know. But she’s a fae! With gold hair, grey eyes, and a kindest heart. I miss her. I want her to come home.”
His description makes the woman pause as her hands remain in the creek. Her face reveals none of what she’s thinking. “What is your name?” 
“Silver?” His answer comes out as a question as he frowns. He isn’t too sure why who he is has importance here. He’s looking for his nanny—shouldn’t she be the focus of the washerwoman’s questions? 
Still, the woman hums as she resumes her washing. “Your father is a knight, yes? What is it that you think he does?” 
“He helps people, of course. Lots of people like my father. But... I need to find my nanny, and he’s too busy to help me. Have you seen her?” Silver tries to turn the conversation back to his nanny again. He’s beginning to feel worried about how he still hasn’t found her, and soon it will be mid-afternoon. He’s been walking for a while in these woods now. 
“You must think of him as a noble man. What of your mother?”
“She’s a princess. She helps people too.” He can feel his worry growing as the washerwoman keeps cleaning. The creek ran red for a moment before clearing up again. When the washerwoman sets the skirt on the rock and reaches in her basket again, Silver winces and looks away. 
“You must think of her as a noble woman. Do they spend much time with you, or is it just your nanny?” 
“It’s… mostly just my nanny. She’s always with me, which is why I need to find her. Something isn’t right.” He looks back when he hears her hands submerge in the water again. The creek runs red once more as she twists and turns the fabric. “Please, have you seen her?” 
“Does your nanny let you out beyond the palace walls? Let you accompany your family?” The washerwoman’s lips turn to a frown—another brief expression of emotion. “Does she let you know how noble your family truly is?”
Silver feels himself shrinking back as the washerwoman’s voice drops. Slowly, he shakes his head. “No. I don’t see my mother and father often. They’re always busy, and nanny doesn’t like me to find them until they’ve been back for a few days.”  
The washerwoman nods as if this all makes perfect sense to her. She sits back on her ankles again before looking at him. Water drips off her forearms and a strand of dull brown hair has fallen free from beneath her headscarf. The washerwoman wrings out the clothing item she’s holding before tossing it aside with a carelessness that startles Silver. 
“Your nanny will not be returning to you. Your family is not as noble as you think. Go home, and do not let your court placate you any further. I detest having to wash the clothing of a child.” Her voice is dull and monotone as she grabs her wicker basket, now almost empty save for one more article of clothing. She pulls it out and Silver notes that this garb seems more expensive looking than the rest. It’s a silk shirt, and for a moment he thinks it looks like the one his father wore the last time he saw it. This, too, is marred by a brutal red stain across the front. 
“What do you mean she won’t be returning? Please, I need to find her!” His disregards caution as he inches forward, his small hand grabbing for the washerwoman’s arm. When he touches her skin, it’s as though his entire body is plunged into ice water, like it’s him that the woman is holding beneath the stream. She jerks her arm free with a gasp and it’s with this motion that he sees the sharp teeth she’s been hiding. She is not human—she’s fae, precisely like his nanny. 
“You may be young, but I do not believe in blinding the youth. Ask your father what your uncle truly does—ask why your uncle was the last to request your nanny’s presence. Do not go further into these woods. Your golden hair and good heartedness will not provide you the kindness and security that your towering palace walls do.” The washerwoman wrings out the shirt before tossing it into her wicker basket. She grabs the other items from the rock—somehow already dry despite just being set down—and tosses them into the basket as well. “Your nanny was a fae. It would be wise, young prince, to begin asking why so many of the fae that once served you are now absent.” 
Silver stares at the washerwoman in mute shock as she rises, tucking the wicker basket under her arm with a blank expression once more. Now that she was standing he could see other aspects of her indicative of her heritage. Her nails are clawed, her skin unnaturally pallid, and the hem of her skirt is stained like the clothing she cleans. She looks like death incarnate—and despite his child's mind, Silver begins to realize that something is deeply amiss. 
“I don’t…” he begins, wanting to know more, wanting to ask the woman what she knows about his nanny. Tears threaten to spill from his eyes as he scrambles to his feet. The wooden sword attached to his hip now feels even more worthless than before. 
The washerwoman hesitates. Her kind is not apt to console, or express kindness—she washes the clothing of those about to meet their end in a dispassionate manner. But the look of loss on Silver’s face and the harrowing future she sees before him causes her hand to reach out and tenderly brush back a few strands of his golden hair. It’s a brief comfort that she offers before drawing back. “Go home. It will soon be time for you to grow up, and you must not allow yourself to be blinded by those around you.” 
These are the last words she speaks before Silver blinks and she’s gone. The only traces of her are the wet stains on the rocks and the faint, lingering scent of copper. He can feel hot tears running down his cheeks, which he wipes away with a sniffle before grabbing his wooden sword again. 
His nanny is gone, and his family knows where she went. The sting of betrayal lingers in Silver’s chest as he turns heel and begins to run back down the path he came from. Even though he’s still a child, he knows now that something is amiss—and he’s going to find the truth, no matter what may stand in his way.
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foxlovsr · 11 days
This uumm thiss uh THIS FUCKING QUOKKA THAT I HATE (/silly) (they're just like me fr fr)
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Lazy ass drawing I'm sorryyy
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attollogame · 1 year
The update is now with beta readers after beating it with a stick a few times
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vergilbergart · 1 year
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promising a big fire, any fire.
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nejackdaw · 5 months
Anyway thinking about Celann "wanted to be a father/206 protective bones in his body/guilt issues" Skyrim being protective over Agmaer in really dangerous situations. Thinking about an injured Celann dragging himself to a fucked up Agmaer and worriedly hitting him with the, "kid, hey." Thinking about Celann taking one look at Agmaer (proud, overconfident, way too sure of himself) and going "oh, god, that was me once" and trying to keep an eye on him because WOW yeah none of the last decade has been at all pleasant. Thinking about Celann being particularly allowing towards Agmaer's endless antics and curiosity because he wants the boy to be happy. Thinking about pinched noses and long sighs and hands sliding down his face with an exasperated "Mara, grant me patience." Thinking about the Dawnguard as a family
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marenwithanm · 8 months
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@linkedspirit-fanartfunart drew my guy Wood a little while back (here), so since I just caught up on their amazing comic, I had to do a bit of a redraw! Unfortunately, no one has taught Wood to use his words to express frustration, so rip Hope's knee 🤣
Hope: What, you're supposed to be me? Pretty sure I was never THIS short!
Wood: !
Hope: I mean, I was a short kid, sure, but this is just ridiculous!
Hope: ACK!
Wood, mentally: Who's short now?
Hope: owwwww
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yutadori · 4 months
should i be crazy and ask the interviewer from friday for some feedback regarding why i wasnt chosennnnn
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sapsolais · 4 months
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intertexts · 4 months
yayyyy :]]
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t4tstarvingdog · 6 months
grief is so exhausting
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