#ouat 3x16
onceuponarewatch · 2 years
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In which The Narrators Three discuss: Dr Seuss Corner with Lin, Dutch Angles, Wicked Wordplay, Tornadoes of Pixie Farts, Big Gross Vibes, Crimes Against Muppets, Crystal Gems, and the Kitzowitz’s AO3 Tags.
Listen to Once Upon a Rewatch:Spotify | Apple Music | Anchor.Fm | Stitcher | Google Podcast | Pocket Casts | Radio Public | Breaker|
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killianjonezs · 27 days
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Killian Jones Appreciation (4/∞) ↳ S03E16 - "It's Not Easy Being Green"
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avengerdaisy · 5 months
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Happy Birthday, @marvelbrooklyn!
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.16, It’s Not Easy Being Green
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x16 It's not Easy Being Green
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Note: I don't know who created the above gif. If you're the creator, reach out to me, and I'll add an attribution.
Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 649
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Emotions swirled within her that evening as she heard the knock at her door at the B&B and opened to find her son and Killian–windswept, smiling, excited–standing before her.  So many emotions, she wondered how they could all exist within one person and not tear her apart.
Grief over Neal’s death, anger over the Zelena for causing it, frustration that they’d survived the recent encounter but still been thoroughly trounced, relief that her son at least was safe and happy, something like butterflies at the very sight of Killian, guilt that she might, possibly, perhaps, in some small way feel….something…for him.  Not love of course!  Couldn’t be that, but…something.  But yes guilt that she could feel anything for someone else when Neal had just died, anger at Neal for his bull-headed stupidity in getting himself killed.
Yes, all of that, but above all, an overwhelming desire to run.  A part of her deep inside knew things were more complicated now, that she couldn’t just run back to New York, to the good life she’d thought she had, and forget about all of this–Storybrooke, magic, being the savior, her family, Henry’s family. Killian.  But the fact that she knew that was the case didn’t make the desire lessen.
Why, why, why couldn’t she just have an ordinary life?  A peaceful one?  One where she didn’t have to worry about some sadistic green witch turning her son into a flying monkey?  One where she could have an ordinary job (albeit one with more than a little danger and unpredictability)?  One where she could have a perfectly ordinary (even if kind of boring) man to love?
He was lying to you.  He was really just another one of Zelena’s flying monkeys, the honest part of her that she could never completely drown out pointed out helpfully.
And there it was.  Even her happy, ordinary life was an illusion.  But she’d built a happy, normal life for herself and Henry.  She could do it again, and she could put all of this behind her.
At least so she told herself when she was alone, when Killian wasn’t standing in front of her looking at her like that–like he knew her, really knew her to her core and loved her anyway.  It was terrifying.
“How did the queen fare against the witch?” Killian asked as soon as Henry disappeared into their room.
“She survived, but the rest is definitely more than a doorway conversation,” she said a little dismissively.  But Killian deserved more than that.  He deserved at least a little gratitude.  “Thanks for taking him.”
Killian smiled wistfully.  “There’s more Bae in your boy than you realize,” he said sadly.  
She could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice.  It was easy to forget–especially after the idiots the two of them made of themselves over her in Neverland, but Killian cared for Neal too, mourned him too. She prepared to say something comforting, something to let him know she understood and was there for him like he’d been there for her, but then he continued and touched on the heart of the issue.
“He needs to know about his father, Emma,” he said gently but firmly. “You can’t just take him back to New York when this is over and pretend like none of this is real.”
The fear, guilt and need to run bubbled up again, and she knew she couldn’t deal with this any more tonight. 
And so she ran.  Rather than answer, she smiled sadly, said good night and disappeared into her room.  One day, probably one day soon, she’d need to confront the truth of what he’d said, but that day was not today.  Today she just needed to shut him out, listen to her son gush about the fun he’d had with Killian, and pretend like normal was still possible.
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zeethura · 1 year
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Zelena Mills ➵ Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 16 | 'It's Not Easy Being Green'
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likehandlingroses · 2 years
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OUAT Rewatch 3x16 - It’s Not Easy Being Green
Magic isn’t about what you see...it’s about what you feel inside.
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jackiestarsister · 8 months
OUAT fanfic: "Requiem"
My latest update of "A Time for Everything" depicts Hook's thoughts during and in between Episodes 3x15 and 3x16.
Explored in this chapter: Who arranges funerals in Storybrooke, where no one aged for 28 years? How did Hook learn about the stages of grief? What did people talk about at Neal's funeral?
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50711170/chapters/134555035
Read on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14287129/13/A-Time-for-Everything
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vasfasan · 1 year
we rewatched the season 2 deleted jello scene with bestie today and we both literally melted at how domestic killian looks in a robe by the way, we watched episodes 3x15 and 3x16 too, but there will be no my ouat rewatch notes, because i don't really have anything to say about them🥶
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lumadreamland · 2 years
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365 days of ouat ladies: day 146
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thepirateandhisson · 3 years
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“My mom always seems to pawn me off on her friends that have boats when she’s working a case.”
“Your mother didn’t pawn you off on me; I wanted to bring you here.”
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 3x16 It’s Not Easy Being Green
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Love this episode!
So, I’m currently reading the OUAT graphic novel ‘Out of the Past’. It’s been interesting so far! I found out how Rumple got hold of Pandora’s box! I can’t wait to get to the Jefferson part!  
Also reading the Avis Blackthorn series. I’m on the first book and it’s very similar to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone thus far! But that’s my jam so I’m not mad about it! I’d deffo recommend if you like Harry Potter or fantasy and Wizarding schools in general!
And gonna watch A Very Potter Senior Year tonight! Wahoooo!  
But back to the rewatch. I just love sharing things I’ve been up to xD.
Poor baby Zelena! How did she survive that tornado??! And how did she manage to stay in her basket?! That was so cruel of Cora. I’ve always wondered if Cora knew the tornado was coming to whisk the baby off to Oz or if she just left her to die. Honestly, I’ve always leaned towards the latter. How awful!
Look at all those big flying objects that could have hit the poor baby!! She’s so lucky! Or I suppose she could have used her magic to stay safe. I’ve always wondered why Zelena was born with magic, whereas Cora and Regina had to learn it. My theory, and I may have mentioned it before, is that the magic comes from her biological dad’s side. I also think the ‘turning green’ curse is from his side too since I headcanon that he came from a long line of magic gardeners. Gasp! What if he was part nymph!!
Zelena’s adoptive mother seemed so kind and loving. I’m so upset that she died. Zelena’s life would have probably turned out much better. I still believe that Cora killed her out of jealousy or as part of a social experiment with her daughters or that Zelena’s adoptive dad killed her. I think Zelena was very young when she died since she craved a mother so much.
Aww. Look at the magic telekinetic baby. That baby is clever to make those hand motions. It might be out of necessity with filming, but she does not look like a new-born. It makes me wonder if Cora kept her for a bit and tried to make it work at first.
Please get that fire torch away from the baby!!
Why is Zelena’s dad so prejudice against magic? There’s got to be a story there.  
I want to know more about Zelena’s mum!!
It’s funny how Zelena’s mum picked a name that sounds a bit like Regina and like the name Regina, means what the child would grow to become e.g. Regina meaning queen and Zelena meaning green.
Poor Rumple.
Her father looks disturbingly like Rumple. Daddy issues much!
How does she shave him like that?!
Why is he so scared of magic? He’s even more scared of it then before! Unless my theory that Cora murdered Zelena’s mother is correct and he witnessed her killing his wife with magic?
He says, “now that your mother’s gone, I can finally tell you.” But in the episode ‘Sisters’ he says the same thing when Zelena is still a child. Makes me think she died many years ago.
Why is he calling her wicked? He’s so, so horrible. I hate him! He tried to hit Zelena with a stick as a child! I’m sure he was physically abusive to her. What an evil bastard!
“Wipe away those tears and put on a good face!”
After being so horrible to her, he dares to ask where she’s going? Away from you!  
I wonder what happened to him. I feel like Zelena didn’t kill him for some reason. Maybe she just never returned to him.
Also, he’s like one of 3 characters in this show to just be called ‘The Woodcutter’. Tagging is a nightmare.
I have such a crush on Zelena.
I would die for Zelena and Regina’s dynamic!
I wish they’d done the Wizard’s effects more like how they’re done in the movie.
Zelena seems so happy to have a sister at first!
The Wizard made a bad decision letting Zelena, a girl on the end of her tether, travel to where the sister who had had everything she couldn’t have resided. I mean, I’ve been there. Had to go live at some rich people’s house for like 6 months when I was 13. And me being so poor at the time that we could hardly afford food couldn’t believe my senses! It was hard not to want what they had, and I think that was completely natural. But you must control yourself, if you can, and accept that those things were just not meant for you at present. The trouble was, Zelena who had also been abused for years could not control herself when presented with a romanticized version of the life she could have had. I’m not surprised she done snapped!
Snow: “Are you sure that Cora didn’t booby trap her stuff. I mean, I don’t think a sleeping curse would be good for the baby.”
Oh, my goodness! For the love of God! There he goes pointing an arrow at Regina again! He can clearly see that it’s her! This is no way not intentional! Dude is trying to kill her. He wants REVENGE! He says he’s looking for Zelena but Zelena has red hair and he pointed that arrow at Reggie for a while!!
Hell yeah! It’s canon that Rumple thinks Zelena is the most powerful sorceress he’s ever encountered. So, he believes her more powerful than Cora and Regina. Cool!
And Rumple was still writing letters to Cora, even after she broke his heart. Golden Hearts LIVES, bitches!!
I get so freaking stressed when they hold flame torches! Like that could easily drop on Zelena’s head! This is freaking me out! Is it really alight??  
Wicked Gold playing hide and seek lmao!
Whoa. That is a lot of pent up anger. My poor bubby! Zelena needed a therapist. She needed Midwife!Zelena. Or Archie! (My wicked cricket heart!)
It sounds like the Spinsters were good to Rumple! It’s amazing that Rumple is sharing this vulnerable side of himself with Zelena. The last person he did that with was Cora. Maybe he sees Cora in her.
Careful Belle!
There Zelena goes playing hide and seek again lol!
Henry get away from those flames! I’m beginning to think I have a fear of fire.
You mean after all those hours Henry and Killian weren’t talking about Bae? What were they talking about then, I wonder?
Zelena’s going all out for this witch fight. You go sweetie! You have fun now!
So, if there’s not a curse on Zelena’s biological family then does everyone from the EF run the risk of turning green? If that’s the case, then no way was she the only one to turn green.
Those freaking gorgeous eyes. *sigh*
It appears that all Zelena must do to control Rumple is think a command. I guess people don’t need to say their orders out loud to him.
Zelena, honey, you’ve gone bananas. Don’t stab your sister! Rumple’s tutoring was definitely not a good idea for her with her state of mind. It really messed her up!
Turning green looks like it hurts.
Imagine Rumple using those heels. He’d have looked fab!
This witch fight is epic! One of my favourite scenes of OUAT!
Regina go weeeeeeeeee!
Getting thrown through a clock tower has gotta hurt.
Regina must have some sort of superhuman durability, ‘cause no way would she be that unharmed after being thrown like that.
Errr. That is so germs putting her heart in the dirt like that.
I wonder when Regina discovered that her mother didn’t have her heart in her chest.
Oh. Emma and Henry are staying at Granny’s. I suppose that makes sense.
Why does she specifically need Regina’s heart?
So, I’ve always gotten confused with this. Does Zelena want to be a baby again?
I wonder how long she was in the EF.
Oh yeah. I forgot the Wizard was from the Land Without Magic.
So, when he’s in human form, does he do Zelena’s bidding out of fear, because he wants to or because she’s still got some kind of control over him? It seems she has some kind of control over her flying monkeys.
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cogentranting · 4 years
I’m convinced that 90% of Zelena’s dialogue started with the writers staring at a white board that just had the words “wicked” and “green?” written on it in giant letters but the exchange: “This isn’t the wild west” “no dear, it’s the wicked west” is a special kind of stupid and it brings me delight. 
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avengerdaisy · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, @marvelbrooklyn!
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.16, It’s Not Easy Being Green
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castielamigos · 6 years
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