#our flag means death s 2 spoilers
deardarlingthings · 8 months
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rosetintmyworld84 · 8 months
I feels cheap, is the thing
So on the whole for OFMD season 2, episodes 1-5 were perfect, and episodes 6-8 felt rushed, and any plot points that weren't part of the Stede and Eddie show were seriously pushed to the wayside. Think about all the scenes featuring the rest of the crew, in moments that aren't about Ed and Stede in episodes 6, 7, and 8. They are incomplete. I think ultimately we can blame WB for that, since there are less episodes this season. But that finale should have been much longer.
***OFMD Season 2 Spoilers under the cut***
They were trying to go for an epic battle, and instead we got a handful of fight scenes, everyone running away, and Izzy being shot and dying almost as an after thought.
I'm not really going to get into whether or not he should have been killed (he really shouldn't, because killing a character off just after all the massive character development for their redemption is cheap and overused and I thought OFMD was better than that), but it should have had way more of an impact. On everyone. Not just Ed. Because that was kind of the whole point of Izzy's arc this season, moving beyond Ed and finding family and belonging with the rest of the crew. HE'S THE NEW FREAKIN UNICORN FOR GOD'S SAKES! They should be EFFECTED by his death. And his final words shouldn't be consoling Ed, and telling him that he has friends now. For that scene, it should have been Izzy being fatalist and maudlin (you're born alone, you die alone), and ED telling him he has family, that HE was loved. Even Stede seems kind of unbothered about Izzy dying. For all that "Ed, Stede, and Izzy's arcs are tied together" it sure seems like Izzy became an after thought.
But again, ultimately everything felt incredibly rushed, and because of that we get half a plot. Think back to season 1, where we had a full season long arc of Jim/Oluwande, where they were basically the basis of the B plots for almost the whole season, sort of being a mirror to the main romance. So far in season 2 we get Jim and Olu getting new love interests, kind of? There was the beginnings of relationship development through episode 5, and then it just kind of stopped. Because we kind of stopped spending any real amount of time with anyone that wasn't Ed and Stede. We don't get the deep dives into the rest of the crew. We don't get something like the growth of the Black Pete/Lucius relationship over multiple episodes, without it being forgotten or overwritten (literally the entire plot of Izzy's relationship with the crew of the Revenge and Stede). Frenchie and Jim, integral in the first 3 episodes are afterthoughts. Roach, Black Pete, and Wee John are barely in the episodes.
We get some moments, but they aren't connected to anything else happening. It is all planting and no payoff. It's Buttons becoming a seagull to just make a weird cameo at the end. It's Stede leaving piracy with Ed after NO conversation at all. It's the crew riding off with Zheng and Spanish Jackie, and WHO THE HELL IS CAPTAINING THIS SHIP? It's the Republic of Pirates still under occupation, because they didn't do the big damn hero thing.
And I get it, they weren't sure if they'd get a season 3 so they wanted everything wrapped up, but the plot suffers for it. It's an amputated story, where nothing feels earned, or completed. There was more narrative weight tot he death of Karl the seagull than Izzy Hands.
I mean why have him make the speech about belonging, if no one seems to care that he dies?
All of this to give more air time to Ed/Stede, and they still didn't really complete that either. Things I loved about the finale, the opening with Ed totally not knowing how to do any actual fishing work, parallel to episode 1 at Jackie's with the occupation, Zheng getting used to failing, Izzy being a legend, and badass montage. Just really wish they'd have actually done something with this episode other than looking kind of cool.
I wish the last 3 episodes had the time they needed to breath and be full episodes, but here we are.
Anyways, the great thing about fandom is ignoring canon when we want, or fixing it, so I'm going to need lots of fic filing in the grieving of the crew, and also seagull Buttons raising Izzy from the dead on my desk by next week.
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casmick-consequences · 8 months
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literally the king of oneliners
[part 2]
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it-is-a-nightmare39 · 10 months
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(please turn to page 2 for more crimes)
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akantorrr · 8 months
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The Goldfish and The Kraken
Speedpaint and alternate versions under the cut :>
I really, REALLY could not decide if I liked the blue version more than the black and white ;w; I am suffering, they both look really gooddd
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mopeytwat · 7 months
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hikarielizabethbloom · 8 months
I don't know why but I find this very very very funny 🤷‍♀️
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o-wild-west-wind · 8 months
y’all out here saying Izzy’s death made no narrative sense because it’s a comedy show clearly haven’t seen the Shakespeare post…I’m sorry I really am but death immunity only applies to the romantic leads the genre has not changed babes
(I don’t mean this to be patronizing, but genuinely: critically analyzing and engaging with art is a skill, and an important one. it’s a tool that will help you in the real world, for real current events. use this as practice not to take everything at face value. sad art does not equal bad art!)
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theboredbori · 8 months
I've seen a lot of people over on twitter talk ab how fast paced this whole season is, especially there last two eps, and how we rlly should've gotten 10 eps (and fuck yea we should've, I would never say no to more of these fuckers pls MAX y'all better give s3 a good runtime at least) but honestly I feel like the pacing kinda makes sense, if you're looking at the story from Ed's point of view.
We've heard Ed say "this shit is going way too fast" twice now and I actually kinda enjoy being able to relate to him bc of it, bc yea the whole story is going a mile a minute and I completely understand him being overwhelmed by the whole thing bc same, bestie. My guy can't keep up with the speed everything around him is going at (after yknow, being left behind and then in a months long drunken rage/depression/whatever else happened there and then fucking Dying? And suddenly being reunited with the guy who left him who's acting like it's all okay, more or less) so I bet everything that's going on in his head is just ab as chaotic and messed up as everything we see on screen.
That being said, how they're going to wrap this mess up in 30 minutes next week I have no clue, it's either gonna be unhinged as fuck or they're gonna pull an extra ep out of thin air who knows
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kylacxie · 8 months
I'm not sane. them getting their inn, the pan to Izzy's burial spot, and buttons landing on it all in one shot. david jenkins when i catch you.
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ya'll yesssss the POLYCULE IS SO REAL
Jim and Archie be loving on Olu sm they're trying to get him with his girl Zheng and Zheng is all shy and stuttering even though shes a goddamn fearsome PIRATE LORD and shes like 👉👈 "ye-yeah i do wanna see him i guess..." with her little pigtails even though they just revealed jim and olu do in fact be fucking like its no big deal cause its JUST NOT and jim and archie are like 'yeah we're fucking doing it we're the best polycule partners fist bump'
mary this show is so gay i'm sobbing actually emotional please i can't breathe thank you david jenkins and crew.
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kyoko-has-awakened · 8 months
I hate it
I hate it so much
He deserved a happy life.
Not a happy ending, a happy LIFE.
Cause you could argue, he wanted to go, that was his happy ending.
Fuck that. Fuck that with a shovel. He deserved to be loved back and to be happy and content and I know I am projecting but this wasn't fair.
For fucks sake I feel like I lost myself along with Izzy.
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castieldelamancha · 9 months
stede's lil emotional "i should have told him how i feel" he better get his chance to say it now because my mental health depends on these two middle aged pirate guys in love
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