impeartorachilles · 2 years
I had an itch I needed to scratch..hope you guys like it!!
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rotten-flesh-n-bones · 2 months
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Sketchbook pages of The Gays - they may not be very gay but at least they're canon. Knowing me, I'll probably draw them some more later on since I seem to be on a Mad Max (game) kick
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chocohybrid · 3 months
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the-thing-of-worms · 25 days
I kinda wish I was a hated animal.
You know, something ugly like a roach,
Or feared like a spider,
Maybe even something considered deadly like a shark or a venomous snake,
These creatures, though hated by most, are at least thought about,
As you take their life or ridicule them, at least you give them thought,
And amongst all those who would gladly exterminate me,
At least there are some who would stand in my defense,
When people raise their pitchforks, at least there would be some who jump up and cry "Wait!"
And maybe some of those hateful people would turn to the outcrier, bewildered, and give me a chance to escape.
I would get to live another day, be hated another day.
And, even better than living in the material world, I would live inside their thoughts,
Be the thing they fear, the thing they see creeping in shadow, I would be a monster, and I would be immortal, and by some maybe I would still be loved.
That's all we ever want isn't it.
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theoutcrier · 6 years
Playing Matchmaker
Rp with @imperator-ryan !!
During an outing where he was out gathering some more supplies for his new compound, Pittonii recognized a feeling of being watched. It was just about sundown over the wastes and he knew going alone at night was a deathwish. At this first sign of trouble, Pittonii knew exactly where to go. He ran like hell across the desert and quickly slid under a rusted out gate into the Crow’s Nest Outpost. Anyone possibly tailing him wouldn’t be stupid enough to follow him there. He hoisted himself up with a groan and smoothed the sand from his thighs as he made his way further into the Outpost. He kept an eye out for the CrowDazzle, as he’d most likely want some form of payment in exchange for shelter.
In Gastown, Outcrier was grumbling to himself over the duties thrust upon him by the ‘lazy bastards’ up top. He was one of the few who could still write well enough to send off important papers to neighboring compounds. He sighed as he scribbled the orders onto the pages of a very old sketchbook. It was a relic one may say, of the old times, but of course the Outcrier has no time to dwell on such matters when he was irritable. Folding the paper haphazardly, he shoved it into the hands of a warboy and shooed him out into the night with orders to take a crew out to deliver it. The note would be delivered by the crew to the third compound west of Gastown. It was a larger station than most of Stank Gum’s ilk, and more productive if the numbers Outcrier were calculating were true. The note was an order from Stank Gum himself, for the Top Dog to report to Gastown asap. Who that Top Dog was? The Outcrier had no clue, just that he was needed for something or other. After sending the note off, the racemaster decided that he’d get some sleep and slumped back in his favorite chair for a few Zs.
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deserteddepth · 6 years
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Pic by me.  I call it Acceptance 
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the-revhead · 2 years
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Mad Max draw the squad because I said so
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canonlgbtcharacters · 7 years
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The canon LGBT+ character of the day is
Outcrier from Mad Max (game), who is MLM!
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princelydisaster · 7 years
THIS IS STILL MY FAVORITE VIDEO (warning for loud noises & old memes)
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impeartorachilles · 2 years
I have a dire need for rp and crowdazzle with outcrier...
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desertfragments · 7 years
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Jay shrugs. “It said Outcrier but I dunno him, but I know he an’ Crow don’t like each other, so that’s whatchya get.”
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Sorry for not finishing the colored version (for now! I will most definitely finish it in the future and I’ll include some more stuff to go with it!), I was just not having it with this one - the style just doesn’t fit them in my mind?? I can’t explain it. Anyway… I’m normal about these two. Very normal. Incredibly normal even. Anyway. They are in my brain.
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chocohybrid · 2 months
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made this in 5 minutes before i had to leave for work (i was late)
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theoutcrier · 7 years
Coffee Shop AU
A rp with @imperator-ryan Crowcall & Pittonii/Zombi ~! ------- The smell of the shop always always made CrowDazzle smile when he opened up in the morning. Sweet sugary and cinnamon smells, savory bagels and sandwiches, even the soft music made him smile. His shop meant everything to him, and he would never trade it for anything- that is, if he could keep himself from choking the employees. When he had first opened the small shop he had two workers who promptly quit. He was devastated until he noticed that there was a local job center down the street. He put a help wanted poster on the door and soon he had a new cook and a server. The cook in question was a thorn in his side, always catcalling him from the kitchen window, but was very good at what he did. The server was easily distracted but otherwise no trouble...that was until the day a new customer had walked in for breakfast.
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deserteddepth · 6 years
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Be kind to yourself 
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wasteland-screens · 7 years
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The Outcrier
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