irlpinkiepie · 2 years
16: One of your favorite classical songs
not particularly attached to this specific recording of it, but bartók's sonata for solo violin is one of my favourite pieces in general, and movement four especially is worth a listen
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greatwyrmgold · 6 months
At the advice of @outoforderaro, I reluctantly exterminated some biter nests to reduce the attacks on my electricity-starved defenses. It went smoothly, aside from one pair of nests right next to each other that I handled sloppily, leading to the "turret-creep" aimed at one nest to draw aggro from the other.
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Aside from that, no trouble. Just tedium.
I looked around for a solution to my power problems, and realized something. Remember this?
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My copper outpost has a coal mine nearby. One which supplies it with tons of coal, probably more than it needs. One which is right next to a little lake. One which
The isolated bit of base has two radars, 35 laser turrets, and most importantly, 50 mining drills. The radars and drills should take a bit more than five megawatts of power between them; the laser turrets increase that to about six when idle, and about 48 if they all have to shoot at once. Each steam engine outputs 900 kilowatts of power, so I need a minimum of six or so to power the drills and radars, plus some extra to power the laser turrets, plus some more for the rest of the base, so I might as well do twenty engines and ten boilers.
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Or...not. Wait, why does my factory say it need six gigawatts of power? That's just if all 600-something laser turrets need to fire at once, right???
Okay, I'll pop back to the starter base, get enough resources for another ten boilers and twenty engines, then double the power over here. And, um, take down some of the less necessary turrets.
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Wonky, but getting somewhere.
Now, the power thingamabob claims we need less than 500 megawatts. Which is still more than 500 steam engines, and I only have 60 between this and the main base, but...progress?
At this point, roboports are drawing more energy than laser turrets. But I'm not really producing enough to run the factory I have, let alone the main bus I was planning to build. I need to do something about power before I even dream of making a main bus.
The post gets rambly from here.
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Before I started trying to build a main bus, I researched nuclear power. No Kovarex, no fuel cell reprocessing, but I can turn uranium into power. And nuclear power is absurdly potent. A single nuclear reactor with a single fuel cell produces 40 megawatts of power for almost three and a half minutes. And multiple reactors near each other enhance each other. Two adjacent reactors produce 80 megawatts each (160 total), four in a square produce 120 each (480 total), and nine in a square...
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But that's probably overkill. And to use nuclear power, I need nuclear fuel.
Each nuclear reactor needs a fuel cell every 200 seconds. That means one U-235 every 200 seconds. (And 19 U-238, and 10 iron, but those are easier to come by.) Without Kovarex, that means I'd need to process about 14 uranium ore per second, which needs about 17 centrifuges. (Assuming I'm reading the wiki right and doing the math right.)
And I have to build this stuff! 17 centrifuges and a nuclear reactor cost 2,300 advanced circuits and concrete, plus over a thousand steel and 1,700 gears and 500 copper plates. And that doesn't count the four heat exchangers I'd need, or the seven-ish steam turbines, or the unclear number of heat pipes. And
Also, mining 14 uranium ore per second requires 56 electric mining drills (which might not fit on that dinky little ore patc), and they need to be supplied with sulfuric acid. Not a ton of acid (one-third of a chemical plant would suffice), but enough to be troublesome.
So maybe nuclear power is a bad idea. At least, bad for someone with zero production. But what options do I have? Some kind of bigger fossil fuel power plant?
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In the extreme long term, oil depletes down to 20% yield per field. Three 20% oil fields produce about 60 crude oil per second; with advanced oil processing and heavy oil cracking, and turning all of that into solid fuel produces about one fuel per two seconds, enough for about four boilers, even without bringing in more fuel. But in the short term, they'll be producing like 13 times that much, plus nearby coal to mine. Or I could just build a simple pure coal plant up at the north end of the lake.
Of course, most of these options require clearing more biter nests. Which is, again, tedious.
I'll have to give this some thought. But with one option requiring an impossible resource expenditure and implausible uranium output, and the other just requiring a routine task I personally find annoying...ugh...
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mac-aro-ni · 2 years
youre super good tho, even tho there was a bit of miscommunication, it lead to a really good conversation i think, so it really worked out i think! relationships of all sorts can be whatever the people in them want them to be!
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probablybadrpgideas · 5 years
Send your gm your character’s backstory in emoji form
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aromagni · 4 years
15. What’s your ideal friendship? I have a lot of complicated feelings about friendship, and I try not to idealize it/expect too much from friendships because that generally causes problems.
One concrete thing is I always really enjoyed making gifts for friends, and I especially like embroidery and would like to have friends to embroider cool things for who I knew appreciated the gesture and/or friends who felt similarly and liked making me gifts in return.
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queerpontmercy · 4 years
happy birthday!!!
:D thanks!!!
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zemathememequeen · 5 years
favorite meme?
I don’t know. I’m not even sure I have a favourite meme. It’s hard to really rank memes in general so I don’t really have an answer. Sorry.
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websthetics · 5 years
outoforderaro replied to your post “The steps that go into eating”
yes! same! ok so the thing i try to do on step 5 is that when i repeat the first 4 a couple times i make a rule that whatever i thought/think of first that im not actually actively against, i do that. so maybe ramen doesnt actually sound good, but it doesn't sound *bad* and so i make that, or otherwise ill make nothing at all. so i absolutely feel you! and obvs this still requires step 1 and really 2-4 at least once so it's still not a silver bullet and i get stuck still
sorry! tl;dr: my solution for 5 at least is "the first thing that wasnt actively terrible" which is a) maybe helpful and b) doesnt help for any of the rest
That’s not a bad idea, especially since i feel “meh” about everything a lot of the time
this is me tho except ive put your 7 (get up) after your 1. step 1 is hard because the usual answer is by attaching it to a time since my last meal but i dont have a consistent cycle nor remember when i last ate (which really means i should get back to/stick with writing that down)
I usually know when I need to eat because I have alarms! I always feed my kitties wet food in the morning so they wake me up and I make breakfast, then I have alarms that go off at 12:30 and 5:30 to remind me to cook/eat.
Sometimes I turn off the alarm but then forget to go eat, but at least then I know that I need to have eaten, so I will eat when I finally remember.
Also if I try to get up before I’ve decided what to eat I’ll end up just sitting back down again without having done the thing, which is why it’s the last thing before *taking action*
ok sorry again if this is too much! i just #relate and i hope this might be helpful! and also im idk glad to be able to be like 'same hat!' even if it's about a bad thing, yk? yeah sorry to blow up the replies here
You absolutely do not have to apologize for replying! Replies are good actually and I like talking to you.
I have now eaten all of my leftover pumpkin risotto, which means that future me will be sad that they don’t have it, but hopefully I will be able to sleep now.
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thepoisonroom · 5 years
wait not to be off topic but what's a trouser press?
It's basically this weird old school device where you put your pants in it and it heats up and de-wrinkles them so you don't have to fuss with ironing them by hand
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bogkeep · 5 years
MAGNOLIA: Favorite kind of candy? 
i do love me some good ol’ milk chocolate and also gummy candies!!!
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irlpinkiepie · 4 years
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aro-bot · 6 years
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@outoforderaro YEP! they make us feel unwelcome in irl queer spaces and then tell us to stop existing online as well. basically they just dont wanna be reminded that aro and ace people are here at all
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outoforderaro · 5 years
found out about this neat personality thing from @queerpontmercy and im always down for a personality test (tho this isnt a test)
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queerpontmercy · 4 years
here in the future/the eastern daylight time zone, it's your birthday!
oh! the future is bright!
thank you rj 💛
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zemathememequeen · 6 years
6, 24, 29?
6. I don’t
24. The music I listen to mostly doesn’t have vocals. But, out of the ones that do, there’s a song I like called Bwark? by petriform that’s about friends. That’s about as aro as they come.
29. Sadly, I do not. Maybe in the future.
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