#over TRAINING no less
fisheito · 22 days
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I started reading beastars so now HE's reading beastars .wait
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THEY'RE reading beastars
#nobody gets a prize for correctly guessing which character yakumo relates to most#when the anime first came out and everybody hopped on the hype train#i scratched my chin thoughtfully and wondered.... would i like this? it seems like i would like this. should i watch it?#and all my friends around me said 'nah you'll probably hate it. it's really sad'#so i trusted them and ignored beastars the whole time. until now. when i saw the entire series at my LOCAL LIBRARY!!!!#so of course the curiosity wins out and i start reading it and i REALLY LIKE IT?? WTF WERE MY FRIENDS ON ABOUT?#this is sad yes but most of the time it's FUNNY? and also ANIMALS R COOL? bruh. i can't trust my friends' opinions of me anymore#anyway. due to the nature of my current nuca fixation timing. i kept thinking of it while reading#drawing parallels that may only exist in my mind LOL#i can imagine yaku being a freak over legoshi and his quest to become strong but not falling to his instincts and etc.etc.#yakugaru having a manga reading session in either o their bedrooms... lying on the floor engrossed in beastly tales...#these two would absolutely have a debate about which chara is most similar to eiden#to yaku it is obvs haru but i feel like garu would see eiden in a less.... prey sort of way#or maybe they'd agree on the haru comparison!! but yaku might hesitate to voice the 'mr eiden... has to be protected...' thoughts#and garu would proudly proclaim how eiden and haru share traits like bravery/outgoingness/super cool and go-getter/wise and worldly???#i kept staring down louis like.... you're some mix of dante and edmond... and something else....#UGH i like all the characters... they all have their charms.... they are all such creatures#honestly yahya the entire time was just relatable content and after seeing the way he lived out the rest of his life *chef's kiss* GOALS#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival garu
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oatbugs · 2 months
i think if i painted my ex situationship i'd be cured it's the most shallow but intense connection i've had w anyone i think i am so obsessed w how she looks i want 2 photograph her/paint her forever rant in tags but ive talked abt it b4 so feel free to ignore
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lesbianaelwen · 1 month
I was wondering who kipperlily was reminding me of, and I finally remembered last night—ocean from ride the cyclone. as in, yes, these morals are fucked but also this is a child. it is the moral duty of the adults around her to foster better morals and traits like compassion and empathy. I can’t blame her for being so primed to be taken advantage of; that being said, if/when that influence is removed and if she is given a chance to change, that is on her.
in a meta sense, brennan has established that there is a difference in the teenage villains he creates, and the vast majority of them are not pure irredeemable evil—they were influenced/groomed into their role and given external support/the ability to be free from that and change, they take it. how I’m seeing it, that’s being set up for at least a few of the rat grinders.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
headcanon I have based on nothing but Frank's body language and attitude around Radar specifically whenever Hawkeye is within earshot is that like a week into Radar being stationed at the 4077 Frank said something characteristically out of pocket and nasty and Hawkeye just whirled around and flattened him
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 6 months
AU where Penelope has been hooking up with Anastacius, Claude and Diana and she is genuinely not aware she has been cheating on her partner the whole time because all blonde people look the same to her
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
i do find the difference between jpop/kpop showcasing people who didn't necessarily have the most raw talent to begin with openly working hard to become better singers or dancers vs the western, and specifically US obsession with acting like the only real talents are the ones who were "born" with it from day dot interesting.
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st-eve-barnes · 3 months
Having been without a car for about a month now I am reminded of just how unreliable Belgian public transport is. For someone who values punctuality so much and hates being late this is stressing me out every time.
One in two trains is always late, this is pretty much a given, even worse for buses though the delay time there is usually a little smaller. It also annoys me that when they announce delays there's not even an apology for the inconvenience anymore, like this is a just a daily normal thing here.
Oh, and every weekend there seems to be some construction works somewhere that add to -or even double- the normal traveling time for the train, something they conveniently forget to announce as well. Last weekend we were on the train with an older couple and they had no idea why the train was taking a different much longer route, they were genuinely confused.
In conclusion, our public transport sucks big time and I can't wait to have a car again!
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
theres way too much salt in this venn diagram
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I think it would be kinda funny if Roxy, with no attractions to run and not a lot else to do during the day, keeps getting really bored and showing up in the atrium with random shit that was discontinued years ago.
Like I dunno shows up driving a little train thing that used to drive people around all the different areas of the Plex or something and uses it to get people into areas they don't have a pass for as she runs over the staffbots that take your party passes. Starts her own robot wars thing on the main stage with a bunch of shitty remote controlled toys she found in the basement and taped a bunch of plastic cutlery to for weapons. Rallies a bunch of kids to call Freddy over and the second he pokes his head over the third floor balcony railing she fucking shoots him right in the face with a ball gun.
She does this kind of thing after hours too of course, but sometimes it's just a really slow day and she feels like the manager isn't mad at her enough yet lmao
#manager like: it's been a long week...#when it's only monday.#thing is she has literally nothing else to do#she's meant to entertain and she has no way of doing that other than arcade games and shit#which is bound to get boring eventually#hates golf so she's not playing that and she's banned from fazerblast#so either she goes and hangs out with the toddlers at the daycare (unlikely) watch a movie for the 800000th time in the theatre-#join Chica in her boring ass mazercise and fall over in a yoga class that's too slow for her#OR she can go bowling with Bonnie OR she can just piss the managers off and fuck off behind the scenes#just leaves to some abandoned area to entertain herself instead I guess#but like genuinely. she has so few choices and she's probably bored of all of them#why not spice it up with a remote control crab fight on the main stage? she's BORED!!!#she's got nothing better to do than hijack an old locomotive and start not-so-subtley sneaking people into places they didn't pay to go to!#some of these things don't even make her that much less bored but at least she's got something to do now!#might as well do it now she's got it right? management are gonna yell at her anyway!#choo choo motherfuckers Roxy just flattened a staffbot for shits and giggles!#quickly becoming the animatronic the kids think are so cool and amazing but are also too shy and nervous to approach#cause really who steals a fucking TRAIN?!#anyway.#roxanne wolf#fnaf security breach#WHY NOT PUT THIS IN THE MAIN TAGS ITS FUNNY#flys plex history#I guess? eh whatever close enough
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treewithabark · 7 months
At what point do you say, fuck it. I need to buy a waterproof longline.
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This point. This is when you say, fuck it. I need a waterproof longline.
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woke up before noon. feeling genuine hatred towards a lot of things right now
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lobotomizedlady · 2 months
I carry a knife and a taser with me at all times, dw lol it's not like he could stand up straight enough to reach me anyway
you're assuming the person in question is smoking fent and not crack or meth which can both look & smell quite similar. also knives and tasers are absolutely shit tier self defense weapons for a woman when going against a larger stronger man who is likely to just overpower you & take it. I also don't know what's fun about throwing coffee on someone who's already literally at rock bottom
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redbootsindoriath · 11 months
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Whichever anon sent me this today, thank you. There's no way you could have known, but a couple of days ago I suddenly and without warning lost a cat that I raised from the day he was born. When I saw this in my inbox I was confused at first, because what...checkmark...huh...but then I realized that it meant somebody had sent me something--out of the blue, just because--at a time that I really could use something good in my life, even something silly and fun. So, really, thank you. And green is my favorite "real" color, so having one of the checkmarks be green is pretty neat.
I've not really been able to draw anything worth anything lately, believe it or not, so here's the last picture I have of my Night Furry. He loved drives and walks, so earlier this summer on a road trip I took him to the top of the continental divide for a little hike.
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(Yes, he's wearing a harness. He had an adventurous and independent temperament, so there was always a risk of him running off to explore someplace where he shouldn't go alone. I didn't just make him wear it because I'm a cruel and stifling cat butler.)
#yo somebody talked to me#/end classification tags#his name is toothless by the way#after the dragon in how to train your dragon of course#ALSO by the way#i would NORMALLY give myself time to actually process this sort of thing and recover because i'm pretty sure i'm in psychological shock#but i'm moving halfway across the continent in like two days (less than a week after he got sick) so there was no way to just#cancel that or delay it or something#so i'm having to just get over it or whatever#👍#the car ride is going to be lonely but at least i have one more cat to keep me as good of company as she can#even if we've never been as close as toothless and i were#a VERY IMPORTANT note to all of the pet owners who follow me: PLEASE check your yards for poisonous plants#regularly and repeatedly even if there wasn't anything dangerous there before#even if you're only staying in the area for a little while#even if you only let your pets out under close supervision#even if you trust your landlord/landlady (if you rent)#because i was all of those and this still happened#check every single plant out there and be 100% sure you KNOW what each one is#did you know that silverleaf nightshade looks nothing like other kinds of nightshade?#neither did i because i never lived in this area before#anyway sorry for the dump y'all#i don't generally like to share a lot of details about my personal life but i think i'm not quite myself right now#poor little guy hadn't even lived half his expected lifespan so i wasn't ready for this to happen for years#i've been kicking myself over it for days even though i know the blame doesn't TECHNICALLY lie with me and it's messing with my psyche#he was a very special cat#in korean the term is 개양이 and google says the english is puppycat#a cat that is friendly and acts like a dog#i will likely never get a cat anything like him again and that's an awful thing to realize#i would go broke and risk my future to have him back which is stupid i know but he was really something else
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permanentreverie · 3 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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itstimeforstarwars · 4 months
I have written only 300 words in the last month and it was for cody day. This job is ruining my life.
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b-blushes · 9 months
i am feeling very apprehensive about it due to feeling Not Well (chronic illness style) BUT tomorrow i'm gonna pump up the tyres on my bike and do 5 very gentle non-out-of-breath-making minutes on my turbo trainer inside.... that is not even 2 songs' length i can totally do that and there is no need to be so so scared! If i can do it, then huge yippee and i can work on trying to hit a once a week routine, in which i can gradually increase the duration and intensity over time, and if i CANNOT. well then i know that i am not doing good which is also useful info to have and to tell my dr when i go soon (: I CAN DO IT!!!
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