talesofpassingtime · 11 months
Outside is wind, the insects which like the sweat. Inside is smell of heaters, echo, being jammed in together, tarp is overclose to baseline, not enough of room, bells inside clubs which ring the hour loudly to distract, clunk of machines vomiting sweet cola for coins. Inside roof too low for the lob. Bad lighting, so. Or outside: the bad surface. Oh no look no: crabgrass in cracks along baseline. Who could give the total, with crabgrass. Look here is low net high net. Opponent’s relatives heckle, opponent cheats, linesman in semifinal is impaired or cheats. You hurt. You have the injury. Bad knee and back. Hurt groin area from not stretching as asked. Aches of elbow. Eyelash in eye. The throat is sore. A too pretty girl in audience, watching. Who could play like this? Big crowd overwhelming or too small to inspire. Always something.’
— David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
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The family is the cradle of the world's misinformation. There must be something in family life that generates factual error. Overcloseness, the noise and heat of being. Perhaps something even deeper, like the need to survive. Murray says we are fragile creatures surrounded by a world of hostile facts. Facts threaten our happiness and security. The deeper we delve into the nature of things, the looser our structure may seem to become. The family process works toward sealing off the world. Small errors grow heads, fictions proliferate. I tell Murray that ignorance and confusion can't possibly be the driving forces behind family solidarity. What an idea, what a subversion. He asks me why the strongest family units exist in the least developed societies. Not to know is a weapon of survival, he says. Magic and superstition become entrenched as the powerful orthodoxy of the clan. The family is strongest where objective reality is most likely to be misinterpreted. What a heartless story, I say. But Murray insists it's true.
Don DeLillo, White Noise
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moxxtrack · 4 years
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Overclosed by moxx
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moxxdark · 4 years
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Overclosed_4 by moxx
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moosefeels · 4 years
A-Yuan is too young to have buried so much family. Lan Wangji stands beside him in the soft rain and they both look at the grave Wei Ying is in. 
Jiang Wanyin would pay for a grave for Wei Ying in Port Townshend, in the community where Wei Ying was living with what remained of the Wen family. There was no body to bury, no remains to repatriate-- even if the issue were cost, which it isn’t, the only expense would be the funeral in Yunmeng as opposed to the funeral here. Wei Ying’s own family would not bury him among their own. 
Lan Wangji’s uncle does not understand him. He does not respect his choices. Still, Lan Wangji knows that should he die suddenly, he would be buried among his ancestors. Buried near his mother. 
In the terrible storm of Wei Ying’s death, of the violence he was subject to in this beautiful place, he has also had to come to terms with the depth of the Jiang’s abandonment. 
“Lan-Gege, I’m cold,” A-Yuan says. 
Lan Wangji nods. “Let’s go to the hotel,” he says. 
The drive is short. It is raining and the sky is grey. The trees are tall and overclose. The very air feels mournful. 
A-Yuan doesn’t say anything. He watches out of the window. 
Wen Qing told him that A-Yuan cried at the hospital, before Lan Wangji arrived. He hasn’t cried since, though. 
A-Yuan steps into the hotel room and climbs onto the bed. Lan Wangji takes off his coat and  sits down in the chair. He takes off his shoes and socks. A-Yuan does the same thing, and then takes off his suit jacket. He is careful as he lays it out on the bed, away from himself. He lays down, still in his shirt and pants and little necktie. He looks as little as a seed and just as precious. 
“Is it okay to have a favorite?” A-Yuan asks him, looking up from where he’s lying on the pillow. 
Lan Wangji’s heart clenches. He reaches down and brushes A-Yuan’s hair away from his face. Wei Ying never cut it and never took him to a barber. It falls free from the neat ponytail Lan Wangji gave him before they left for the funeral. 
“It is,” Lan Wangji replies. 
A-Yuan doesn’t say anything. 
“It is okay to have a favorite,” Lan Wangji says. “And if your favorite is not me, if it is your baba or your uncle, I will not love you any less. I will still take care of you.”
A-Yuan sniffs. Lan Wangji is content to study the curtains in the hotel room. 
“You’ll still let me stay with you and the bunnies?” A-Yuan asks him, voice trembling. 
“Always,” Lan Wangji answers. “I promise.”
“I miss Baba,” A-Yuan says. His voice is so little. So quiet. So sad and so scared. “Baba is my favorite.”
Lan Wangji lays down on the bed next to A-Yuan. He pulls him into his arms. “I miss him too,” Lan Wangji says. 
Wen Yuan cries. 
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saintkevorkian · 3 years
  The family is the cradle of the world’s misinformation. There must be something in family life that generates factual error. Overcloseness, the noise and heat of being. Perhaps something even deeper, like the need to survive. Murray says we are fragile creatures surrounded by a world of hostile facts. Facts threaten our happiness and security. The deeper we delve into the nature of things, the looser our structure may seem to become. The family process works toward sealing off the world. Small errors grow heads, fictions proliferate. I tell Murray that ignorance and confusion can’t possibly be the driving forces behind family solidarity. What an idea, what a subversion. He asks me why the strongest family units exist in the least developed societies. Not to know is a weapon of survival, he says. Magic and superstition become entrenched as the powerful orthodoxy of the clan. The family is strongest where objective reality is most likely to be misinterpreted. What a heartless theory, I say. But Murray insists it’s true.
White Noise, Don DeLillo, 1985
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Firewatch, plenty of space to crop, my current wallpaper | iPhone X Wallpapers
Firewatch, plenty of space to crop, my current wallpaper | iPhone X Wallpapers
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Firewatch, plenty of space to crop, my current wallpaper
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The teeth and smile can have significant anti-aging effects. As we age, teeth get worn down and discolour. Our jaws overclose, the chin rotates out and wrinkles may appear. The lips don’t elevate as much when we smile and less teeth are visible. This is a case in conjunction with @elements_wellness_medispa but the first step is to rejuvenate the smile with porcelain veneers and crowns. We did a “bite lift” to increase the facial dimension. Veneers were placed to provide more lip support, lengthen the teeth and brighten the smile. These type of cases are relatively conservative because it is mainly additive. We are replacing missing tooth structure with bonded ceramic. Beautiful smile design by renowned cosmetic dentist @dr.gothsiu #antiaging #facialaesthetics #smileaesthetics #aestheticdentistry #plasticsurgery #faciallydrivendentistry #prosthodontics #prosthodontist #facialcosmeticsurgery #cosmeticdentistry #yorkvilletoronto #yorkvilleveneers #torontoveneers #yorkvilledentist #yorkvilledental #torontobeauty #torontobeautyblogger (at Yorkville, Toronto) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuAleK_nPaI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u3db6x5gsuqu
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bambamramfan · 7 years
Have you read or would you consider reading homestuck?
I read up through the middle of Act 6. I caught up on things at the very end. I even backed the Kickstarter.
Hussie is an extremely talented creator. The symbolic vocabulary he developed in MSPA is amazingly powerful (classpects, god tier, relationship styles, all the different ways of labeling things and putting them in emotionally resonant boxes.) People really, really care about these, and for good reasons. That deserves a lot of respect.
However, it’s fundamentally a pagan story, about harmony that is disturbed and eventually restored, complex divine symbolism, and endless cycles of death leading to rebirth.
The 2001 Darwin award for the most stupid act was posthumously conferred onan unfortunate woman from the Romanian countryside who woke up in the midst ofher own funeral procession; after crawling out of her coffin, and realizing what wasthe solar parallax: the unbearable lightness of being no onegoing on, she blindly ran away in terror, was hit by a truck on a nearby road, and diedinstantly. . . .Is this not the ultimate example of what we call fate? The question of freedomis, at its most radical, the question of how this closed circle of fate can be broken.The answer, of course, is that it can be broken not because “it is not truly closed,” becausethere are cracks in its texture, but, on the contrary, because it is overclosed, thatis, because the subject’s very endeavor to break out of it is included in it in advance.That is to say: since our attempts to assert our freedom and escape fate are themselvesinstruments of fate, the only real way to escape fate is to renounce these attempts, to acceptfate as inexorable. (Oedipus’ fate—killing his father, marrying his mother—wasrealized through his parents’ very attempt to avoid it: without this attempt to avoidfate, fate cannot realize itself.)
- Zizek, “The Parallax View.”
Although perhaps what you want is: Kanaya is the best troll. I am a Seer of Heart.
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talesofpassingtime · 1 year
Outside is wind, the insects which like the sweat. Inside is smell of heaters, echo, being jammed in together, tarp is overclose to baseline, not enough of room, bells inside clubs which ring the hour loudly to distract, clunk of machines vomiting sweet cola for coins. Inside roof too low for the lob. Bad lighting, so. Or outside: the bad surface. Oh no look no: crabgrass in cracks along baseline. Who could give the total, with crabgrass. Look here is low net high net. Opponent’s relatives heckle, opponent cheats, linesman in semifinal is impaired or cheats. You hurt. You have the injury. Bad knee and back. Hurt groin area from not stretching as asked. Aches of elbow. Eyelash in eye. The throat is sore. A too pretty girl in audience, watching. Who could play like this? Big crowd overwhelming or too small to inspire. Always something.’
— David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest 
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@saugokis || sc.
     “Oooh, dead?”  Saying that like it’s something to be excited about. “Ah, just as well, then, yeah?”  She sidles up to the witch’s side --- she is a witch, right? correct technical term? --- and peers overclose at her hands.  “I would love to see it, ya.”
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chrisengel · 7 years
...subjective freedom implies a form of self-determination which begins with the thwarting intervention of drive followed by the redefinition of my causality: it corresponds to ‘my ability to choose/determine which causes will determine me. “Ethics”, at its most elementary, stands for the courage to accept this responsibility’ (Žižek 2006b: 203). This “positing the presuppositions” (Hegel) is the minimal but crucial power of the subject, through which we can retroactively assume a new causal link. Put differently, the causal link in which we are embedded creates an effect it cannot contain and threatens to subvert the cause itself. This is why freedom, for Žižek, has the form of a loop: we have a chance to disconnect and opt for a different cause, i.e. choose a process of subjectivation with a different content. The whole point is that while I cannot choose directly what I will be in the future (as that would entail bypassing the process of subjectivation through the other), I can nevertheless embrace change by transforming my past, identifying with one of my past history’s un-actualized causal chains. The key move towards liberation thus begins with perceiving my cause as virtual. From a political angle, the Žižekian “defence of lost causes” (such as communism) is precisely the attempt to actualize an opportunity that was missed at a given historical conjuncture – and that, if actualized, could change the future.11 This is why Žižek endorses Hegel’s claim that infinity is not to be conceived as endless expansion but ‘active selflimitation (self-determination)’ (Žižek 2006b: 205). Why? Once again, because nothing escapes necessity, including its own excess:  The question of freedom is, at its most radical, the question of how this closed circle of fate can be broken. The answer, of course, is that it can be broken not because “it is not truly closed”, because there are cracks in the texture, but, on the contrary, because it is overclosed, that is, because the subject’s very endeavor to break out of it is included in advance. That is to say: since our attempts to assert our freedom and escape fate are themselves instruments of fate, the only real way to escape fate is to renounce these attempts, to accept fate as inexorable. [. . .] accept fate as inevitable, and you will break its grasp on you. (207) What this means is not that we should simply accept the current state of things as fate, as something we cannot change,12 but rather that we should change it by recognizing its nullity, the fact that, precisely as necessity, its foundations are void. If we agree with this understanding of freedom as overidentification with the causal chain inclusive of its un-actualized causes, perhaps the key political questions, simple as they may sound, can be put along these lines: what is it that brings about the dimension of drive? How can drive be connected to a specific political project that actualizes our lost causes? The starting point must be that every authentic political decision, for Žižek, is ultimately marked by its radical contingency, its abyssal trans-strategic value – which not only guarantees that we are acting freely, but also makes it impossible for us to establish a priori what will happen after the act. However, we could still legitimately argue that a politics of the Real, that is to say a politics founded upon (as opposed to “bewitched by”) the axiom of the irreducible amalgamation of Symbolic and Real, needs to find ways of strategically conceiving a given project as “driven”, i.e. as an intervention in the Real, rather than activate itself after the (f)act. More precisely, we should claim that drive itself – the intrusion of traumatic negativity opening up the potential for change – can take place as the (unexpected, excessive, pervasively unconscious) result of our concrete political engagement with a lost cause, no matter how such engagement is pre-empted by its ideological context. What if the problem that lies ahead concerns the necessity to become aware of how the gap between our inevitably limited strategy towards “promoting change” and change itself is already immanent to our strategy? The wager here is that the conscious definition of, and engagement with, an authentically subversive political strategy already necessarily includes drive and the dimension of the act, for although the act brought about by drive is by definition incommensurable, it can be conceived as synchronous with the attempt to disturb the core of the hegemonic ideological constellation. If the act emerges ex nihilo, its incommensurability and unpredictability must nevertheless be conceived as an integral part of the strategy that targets the inconsistency of the ideological edifice – which means that the real question has to do with the strategic definition of the feasibility of an intervention that successfully politicizes class struggle.13 ..... what I am suggesting here is that the disruptive dimension of the act be conceived not only as the explosion of unstoppable revolutionary urge at the level of ontic reality, but also as the vital component of that surplus of thought which typifies the psychoanalytic approach.
2010 - Vighi - On Zizek's Dialectics
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planetmemes · 6 years
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When you reach your later 20s
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abitmoredetail · 8 years
[BLOG] Some Friday links
[BLOG] Some Friday links
blogTO notes the rapid expansion of A&Ws across Toronto’s neighbourhoods.
Centauri Dreams reports that none of the exoplanets of nearby Wolf 1061 are likely to support Earth-like environments, owing to their eccentric and occasionally overclose orbits.
The Dragon’s Gaze links to a paper looking at high-temperature condensate clouds in hot Jupiter atmospheres.
Lawyers, Guns and Money reportson…
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Illest Motherfucker Alive Song Lyrics – Kanye West
Illest Motherfucker Alive Song Lyrics
Illest Motherfucker Alive Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Kanye West from Watch The Throne Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Kanye West ” in Year .
Lyrics of Illest Motherfucker Alive :
1985 white Lamborghini Countach, 2 of em I need a slow motion video right now Cause I? moving in slow motion, slow motion Feelin·like Hype Williams shooting a nigga Shooting a nigga, hey hey hey I need a slow motion video right now ay ay Damn baby, pussy can? be your only hustle Unless you bad as Naomi Russell I mean a lot of niggas got money So basically, Russell ain? the only Russell Russell Brand, Russell Crowe Zero Zero Zero Zero, a whole lot of 0? What you after, actor money? You in line behind currency, yeah you after money Bullet proof condom when I? in these hoes Got staples on my dick (why) fuckin·centerfolds And I swear to God they so cold Got a nigga in Miami wearing winter clothes I got my fur on feelin·like Jerome She got her fur too, we get our his and her on Don? look at the jewelry, or get your blurr on Too close, you comatose so dope you overdose Get back, you overclose Oh no, the hood was strugglin·br>But then I blessed them with that Polo Niggas was making music and then my first solo·br>Collo Drolo sponsored by Manolo She got Zeppi Notos ready for some photos Yeah and I? cold bitch, please try to keep the door closed Lanvin thousand dollar tee with no logos Let me show you what I see when my eyes closed Take it how you want til a nigga dead (Til then I? the illest motherfucker alive) Whole world aiming at a nigga head (Because I? the illest motherfucker alive) Holla, King Hov, I? exactly what the fuck you think 11 in a row, Bill Russell rings, Michael Jordan swag Y’all think Michael Jordan bad Nigga I got a 5 more rings than Michael Jordan had Elvis has left the building now I? on the Beatles ass Niggas hear Watch The Throne, yeah it? like the Beatles back Bey Bey my Yoko Ono, Rih Rih complete the family Imagine how that? gon’ look front row at the Grammy’s Fuck your awards like Eddie Murphy? couch The Roc is in the building we should have stayed in the house I don? even know what we doing here Seems to me a complete waste of gear Just a fuckin waste of time, a complete waste of bottles Niggas fashion is weak, they be wastin·all the models Got the over-sized Rolley let me show the how to do it When I say it then you see, it ain? only in the music Basquiats, Warhols serving as my muses My house like a museum, so I see em when I? peeing Usually you have this much taste you European That? the end of that way of thinking, nigga never again Know when to leave when the heat is coming, I learned that This is where DiNero would be if he ain? turn back Fuck Sosa, this Hova this is real life This is what the ending of Scarface should feel like I need a slow motion video right now Cause I? moving in slow motion slow motion Feelin·like Hype Williams shooting a nigga Shooting a nigga hey hey hey I need a slow motion video right now ay ay Slow motion slow motion……
Illest Motherfucker Alive Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, English, Hollywood, Illest Motherfucker Alive, Kanye West, Watch The Throne from WordPress https://ift.tt/2TjA4lm via IFTTT
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