#p!sapnap x y/n
sanderchu · 2 years
Hi sanndd! Could I request dream x fem!reader Instagram posts like you did for tommy post face reveal <3 ilyy /p
Insta stories
Note: I got you bestie 🤭 I miss posting anyways
All fake post and tagging
Green- Dream
Pink- Y/n
Orange- sapnap
Blue- Gnf
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Cooking stream with my future wife(y/n), sapnap, and George in 15 minutes!!! So sit tight and wait for the madness to began
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Imagine trying to convince your girlfriend to not leave you 🥱so clingy smh [@ dreamwastaken] [@y/nwastaken] #solo #onmyown #idon’tneedwoman
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My girlfriend is cheating on my with my best friend 😔 they have onesies on and ordering food but never told me the dress code [@ sapnap] 😔 #lonewolfnow #theregettingalong #ilovey/n
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What happens after stream when he comes to me tired just from sitting down and playing minecraft, he’s such a baby and didn’t even let patches join us [@ dreamwastaken] #amothertoaclingybaby
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Even after his face reveal he still doesn’t wanna show his face but always wants to photo bomb, smh 😒 [ @ dreamwastaken] #clingydream #editorscomegetyourjuice
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Since so many haven’t seen us kiss on stream yet here you finally go 🥱 maybe it will actually happen on a stream, just not today ;) [ @ y/nwastaken ] #ilovemyfuturewife #nothoughtsjusty/n
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On the plane to twitch and this is what I see when I wake up with a sleepy sapnap next to me, Goodnight everyone 😴 [@ y/nwastaken] [@ dreamwastaken] [@ sapnap] #comegetthiscouple #sapnapissleepingonmyshouldersendhelp
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amor-brooklynn · 2 years
Dear, Brooke
Hello! I feel like you are being overwhelmed with work ik lots of people who love ur work and ik they have been asking sm of you I just hope u will be able to take a break soon! <3~
I was also gonna ask if you could please right a trope of Y/n and Sapnap going on a skating date by chance? I will completely understand if u turn down my offer I'm just like a huge simp for him ;P
Love, Anonymous <3~
thank you so much, anon! i am a bit overwhelmed but i'll be fine! thank you for your concern <33 and yes ofc! this was really rushed so im sorry if its bad :')
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summary: sapnap takes you on a date in the skate park and he helps you learn to skate <3
skater!sapnap x gn!reader!
cw: just fluffy stuffs, pet names (baby, sugar, darl'), thats basically it <33
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"you suck." sapnap insulted from behind you as you tried to balance yourself on the moving board from under your feet.
you scoffed as you rolled your eyes at his insult, "you know, maybe instead of harassing me about it, you could try and help me."
he chuckled, "aren't you the independent one?" he said as he leaned against the concrete wall of skate park, his arms crossed over his chest.
"wow. what a date." you joked, and carefully set your foot on the ground to help the skateboard come to a halt before you bent down and picked it up, keeping it hooked under your arm.
sap walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, your back in contact with his chest. he kissed behind your ear softly, "c'mon, you know i'm joking, baby." he whispered before settling his head on your shoulder.
you laid your free arm around his own, leaning your head back on his chest and inhaling his sweet cologne.
"so, do you wanna help me practice or not?" you whispered.
he hummed, "of course, sugar."
he let go of your body, as you dropped the board back down on the concrete.
you stepped onto the board, sapnaps hands finding and holding your hips.
"okay... so just move your feet on the board, like this." he instructed as he bent down to gently grab your ankle, helping you twist your foot to where it wasn't pointing to the front of the board. "this is how you want to stand when you move, okay?"
you hummed and nodded in acknowledgement.
"good. so now, move your foot to where you had it, and then push off with your other one." he instructed, and you listened.
"good!" he said, sprinting by your side as you moved. "okay, okay. now stop real quick."
again, you came to a halt.
"now this time when you move you wanna twist your feet to the side like how i showed you."
so you moved. you pushed off with one of you feet, the other one twisted at the front while you picked up the other one from the ground, resting it in the same position as the other one.
time passed by fast, you and sapnap laughing every time you messed up when he was helping you practice.
the sun had set in and you both were propped up on top of a hill, right by the skate park. sap walked up to you and bent down, resting right beside you, legs crossed over each other.
"thanks for the date today, sap."
he smiled and pulled you close. "no problem, darl'"
you leaned your head onto his broad shoulder as you both just waited for the darkness of the night to consume you both.
sap turned his head to place a kiss your scalp softly, and you nuzzled closer to him as he did so.
"i love you." he said as he rested his head on yours.
"i love you too, sap."
"you still suck though." he insulted once more.
"i swear, i will beat your ass." you laughed.
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awooga-llama · 2 years
Georgenotfound x Male! Reader
I was on something when writing this so I doubt it will make a lot of sense, also very angsty. I'm not gonna write any triggers, read at your own risk :p
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Nobody had seen George since Dream was taken to Pandora's box. (Y/N) was panicking because George was his world but so was Dream. Sapnap wasn't any help, the blaze hybrid wanted nothing to do with anything involving Dream, which included finding George and talking to the poor worried boy. As the only one awake during the night, (Y/N) couldn't get much sleep either and the fact that he hadn't slept for the past couple weeks had been difficult. The boy groaned as he sat up on his bed, rubbing at his eyes in an effort to force himself to go to sleep. But he couldn't. He knew it would be pointless to try and go to sleep so instead he pulled his tablet off the bedside table and began texting.
To: Punz
Sapnap isn't talking to me :( I'm worried about George
From: Punz
I wish I could reassure you... but honestly I don't even know what is going on with him...
(Y/N) sighed a little before replying
To: Punz
He hasn't really talked to anyone since the arrest..
From: Punz
don't worry too much about him. He knows how to handle himself, you need to worry more about you and ur feeling
To: Punz
Thanks man... I appreciate your support, even tho I know i can't worry about me til my boy comes home :(
From: Punz
You should try! You can always come to me for help when you need it <3
One day (Y/N) had both of his boyfriends home, dancing to disc eleven and cleaning the house and the next day he sits on the couch staring at the door waiting for one of his lovers to come back knowing the other one won't ever get too. The boy laid the tablet back on the bedside table, laid down in bed with the comforters pulled all the way up, and buried himself into George's pillow breathing in the mixed smell of the his Brit and Dream. (Y/N) closed his eyes letting the scent comfort him as he drifted away from reality until there was a quiet knock at the door. He jumped out of bed running to open it, not caring if anyone seen him in his pajamas. George stood in front of him looking down at the ground covered in dirt and debris. He had mud and grass stains on his jeans and was missing his signature smile on his lips. His white clout goggles were missing, revealing his tired brown eyes. He didn't say anything, just turned around heading to the bathroom to shower.
The first thing George did when he got there was take off his shirt leaving behind some of his bruises. He winced in pain from each step but tried not to make a sound as he walked through the hallway to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom the brunette immediately locked the door behind him and let the tears fall freely. Tears that he held inside for so long finally came spilling forth, mixing with the sweat on his forehead and falling into his sink and running down his face.
(Y/N) stayed behind in the bedroom. He had to restrain himself from fussing and cuddling George but he knew that his partner needed space. It took George nearly two hours to clean up his wounds, the whole time he cried silently into the bathroom floor. He hated himself for hurting those boys, he hated himself for letting Dream, his own best friend, his lover, manipulate him and cause so much harm and chaos. He just wanted to sleep for the rest of his life and never wake up again. George left the bathroom and headed back towards the bedroom where (Y/N) waited, his heart breaking in half every second he saw his lover sitting on the edge of their bed. George sat down, taking (Y/N)'s hand in his own.
"(Y/N), I-" he paused. No words could describe how he felt or how sorry he was but he knew it was true. He loved (Y/N) and they were going to get through this together, George squeezed his lover's hand and leaned forward kissing the palm of (Y/N)'s hand. Then he rested his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder. They sat like that for another hour, (Y/N) stroking George's hair as the other gently rocked him side to side and muttered soft apologies. Finally, at around midnight George looked up at (Y/N).
"I love you," he said, "and we will fix this. We'll fix everything Dream did and create peace in the land, every last person's face will have a smile on it when we're done." His boyfriend just gave him a tight-lipped smile and removed his hands from the other boys, wrapping them around his lover. The two of them layed down on the bed and listened to each other breath. It had been weeks since either of them slept good. Maybe that would finally change tonight. George still had to tell (Y/N) where he has been, that could be handled tomorrow though.
Tonight he simply enjoyed the feel of (Y/N)'s body pressed against his own. After a while, as their breathing slowed down and they eventually fell asleep, the two boys dreamed of happier times, better memories. And with the morning light peeking around the curtains they slowly drifted away together.
(Y/N) woke with a start when someone touched his shoulder lightly. He quickly snapped his head toward whoever it was then relaxed when it was just George who was smiling at him with a gentle expression. He stretched and pulled the blankets tightly around himself and burying his nose in them hiding a smile and the blush on his cheeks. George quietly laughed at his boyfriend and moved to wrap his arms around the cocoon of blankets that surrounded his lover. He buried his face in his hair and pressed kisses into the crown of his head and (Y/N) hummed contently.
They stayed in that position for awhile until George reluctantly pulled away. (Y/N) opened his sleepy eyes and frowned slightly, seeing that his boyfriend wasn't wearing his glasses. The boy reached out and grabbed George by the chin pulling him closer so he could kiss him softly.
(Y/N) pulled away, keeping hold of George's face as his mind focused.
"Warn me next time? Don't just run off and leave me hanging." He scolded. George chuckled and nodded his head before leaning in for another kiss. When the pair separated, George smiled once again.
"You know I would never just leave you hanging." He replied sweetly. (Y/N) sighed and smiled before sitting up.
"Come on. Let's go eat breakfast." he yawned before standing up and stretching his arms over his head, popping a few bones in his spine and shoulders. George smiled fondly and followed after his boyfriend as they made their way downstairs and poured themselves a bowl of cereal. They ate quietly enjoying each others company for the time being and the peaceful atmosphere. They finished and cleaned up, (Y/N) grabbed the dishes and rinsed them off and set them into a cupboard along with the cups he had used the night before, then walked back upstairs. George was lying in bed playing Tetris on the old gaming system Dream and him had bought a few years ago, he didn't have much of a reason to play and besides, he didn't enjoy spending money on something he wouldn't use but had anyways. He waited to see if (Y/N) was going to come in but hus footsteps walked pasted the bedroom door quickly. It sounded like he went to his office, probably to look at bills and mail. It was silent again for a bit before (Y/N) came back and sat down beside George who had stopped playing.
The (y/s/c)ed boy leaned into the older boy and placed his head on his lap. George chuckled at the sight and ran a hand through the boy's hair as the two stared at the game. George had stopped playing the game and the two of them just basked in each other's company.
They two of them wished they could just hide in their bedroom all day but knew they couldn't. They had to face the people outside of their home, see how everyone's doing after the chaos that happened weeks ago. (Y/n) and George decided to spend more time in front of the mirror trying to cover up George's bruises but it only worked for 2 hours. George wouldn't stop wiggling amd talking. Both boys were exhausted from the constant movement and physical exertion from trying to conceal the marks. They were finally ready to face the town.
As soon as the two stepped foot outside, they spotted the crowd forming in the street. Some of the crowd started yelling as soon as they recognized the boys. (Y/N) could hear the words the people were yelling, all of them negative. "traitors!" One yelled
"Gay bastards!" Another hollered while throwing random items, nearly hitting George.
"Go to hell!" There were worded ones being said but (Y/N) tried to block it out. George kept his eyes fixed on the ground so as not to cause any trouble and walked to stand beside a tree a bit further from the crowd without saying a word. (Y/N) didn't look at everyone but he could hear their shouting and sneers. He wanted to scream back at the crowd, to give them a piece of his mind but that would just be what Dream would've done. He was different. The boy scanned the mob of people and his eyes connected with a familiar pair of brown ones. Sapnap's. His own childhood best friend stands in the raging group of haters and he doesn't even try to stop it? Tears fell from the boy's eyes like rapid waterfalls. How could their ex lover, creator of the smp, villain of the land cause so much damage to so many lives including the ones he supposedly loved?
It hurt so much. But the anger built up inside of (Y/N) and it began pouring down onto everyone below. He couldn't stop himself, he knew he shouldn't give into inhumane habits, but this was all too much. He glared at them and screamed at them, the words pouring out of his mouth like venom that flowed with ease. George noticed (Y/N) storming off into the mob and turned to face the crowd but he had no time before a punch landed in his face knocking him to the ground. (Y/N) seen when the man grabbed George by the shirt collar and lifted him up. Just as he was about to hit him square across the jaw the sound of the crack echoed through the air and the man collapsed onto his knees in pain holding his right eye closed as blood trickled down his cheek. The stranger slowly looked to his right and saw (Y/N) standing there with a bloody fist clenched in front of him. In all honestly it should have scared him but somehow it didn't. He was too angry to be afraid. All he could think of was how he was going to make sure that his George never gets harmed by anyone ever again. He knew this same group of people is who hurt George when the brunette went missing. Before he knew it George's hand reached out and grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist, his other hand moving to grab the small of the other boy's waist. (Y/N) felt a strange pressure on his stomach and when he looked down he saw that the man was grabbing the waistband of his jeans.
Before his boyfriemd could say anything (Y/N) punched the random man hard enough to send him backwards falling to the ground, clutching his gut. (Y/N) turned around and rushed back to George who had gotten up and now held his broken hand protectively against his chest. (Y/N) crouched down in front of his boyfriend and gently picked him up bridal style.
The two ran into the forest, angry mob chasing them from behind. They were losing them but not quite fast enough. The trees flew by but after half a mile the boy's legs got tired. Him and his lover tumbled to the ground, he could hear the footsteps aproaching fast so (Y/N) did the last thing he could think of. He prayed.
"Dear whatever being is up there beyond. Please don't let any harm come to my boyfriend George, he doesn't deserve any of this, it was all our other boyfriend, Dreams fault. He was the one who became power hungry and wouldn't leave those two boys alone. I'm begging you, George, he's not in the condition to fight. Please protect him, take my life if it means saving his." (Y/N) dropped his head down tears falling, amd as the first one hit the ground the air sparked with static. Particles began floating around them, mainly around George a faint voice whispered over and over again, eternal sleep, eternal sleep. The boy could hear his lover's soft calm breathing, a small quiet laugh left his lips. The mob bursted through the trees and headed straight towards him. George stayed asleep peacefully, the crowd ignored him as if he wasn't there at all. He pulled out his communicator and sent one last thing to Punz.
To Punz
Forgive me please, I had to save him. Take care of George for me, never let Dream near him if he gets out. Thanks for being there for me earlier dude, I'll never forget you <3
The last thing (Y/N) saw before getting inpaled by Tommy's pitchfork was his favourite boy's sleeping face, at least he could sleep happily now. Forever.
Sapnap witnessed the death of his friend. He was the only one to stick around after he was murdered, spat on, stepped on. It was brutal. The dark haired man saw George dozed off, unharmed with a strange marking on his wrist, it appeared to be an XD. He could care less though. His focus had been turned away from the scene in order to keep it together but now it wasn't working anymore. Everything seemed blurry and dull, he didn't feel sad or angry, he felt numb. Like he was nothing more than a shell of his former self, the person who was supposed to help him keep going. The man dug a shallow grave and buried his dead friend in it. As soon as he was covered mushrooms with red tops and white spots began to sprout all over the too of it. They were his and George's favourites. This was the end of one life and the beginning to a new side of someone else.
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Accusations for the loyal
WC: 320
“Zealot. That’s what you are. A Zealot.” Sapnap accused teasingly.
Caught off guard Dream wheezed, “what‽”
“Yeah, your ridiculous amount of devotion to,” Sapnap put the title in air quotes, “King GeorgeNotFound”
“Well then, I’m more loyal. Or dedicated. Or something. Not a ‘zealot’” Dream protested.
Sapnap snapped his fingers, “Or, in love! That’s it. I’ve been trying to figure it out, you’re in love with him!”
Clapping his hand over Sapnap’s mouth Dream glared at him, “Shut up. I don’t think any of the royals would appreciate you yelling about my love for their King.”
Removing Dream’s hand from his mouth Sapnap rolled his eyes, “fine whatever. But the nobles would probably be ecstatic and try to set you up. They’ve wanted George to marry someone forever, and you can give them kids. It’s perfect to them.”
“Okay well, maybe I just want to hide my feelings and never talk about them because I’m just his best friend and nothing else.” Dream said in an angry fit, immediately shrinking back after saying it.
Sapnap shifted from side to side, “well then you’d be blind as hell to not realise George probably likes you back. I knew I was dense, but- dude...”
“What,” Dream spat.
“Dude, he talks about you all the time during court and stuff. How amazing you are. He sounds like you to all the other knights. Love struck fools they say. I didn’t believe it honestly, I tried to deny my friends were that dumb for so long. But alas, the illusion has crumbled before my feet. Revealing the truth.” Sapnap said with this almost sincere teasing in his voice.
Dream stared at him, “stop being poetic. George doesn’t like me, I don’t like him. It’s easy that way. Simple as that.”
Sapnap sighed, “whatever you say.” He turned out towards the King’s Garden, “Ohhhhhhhhh Geeeoooooooorrrgggggggee!”
Dream glared, turning on a foot to follow.
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
No thoughts just single dad Sapnap meeting his kids favorite teacher for like a parent teacher meeting or some event. Basically saps kid is always taking about how amazing the teacher is and stuff. Then they meet and boom- he’s literally like: *shocked pikachu face* and teacher is just like: yo- who’s this hella attractive young guy?? A dad??? Really?? And then teach sees the kid run up to sap
Not necessarily a request, just needed to share- been livin rent free in my head for days😤 anyway! Hope you’re doing well! And congratulations on 1k!! Totally deserved <3
Every time someone says they have something that isn’t a request and they just wanted to share it’s always something fire, like you guys really come out of nowhere with the greatest requests! Please come back with more thoughts, I love your thinking <3 /p /g /pos
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Summary: Your teacher meets your dad and is shocked
Pairing: P!Sapnap X Reader
Pronouns: he/him
[A/n]: requests are open, check out the 1000 follower special <3
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“Uh hi, I’m here for the parent-teacher conference.” The voice of a young man had the teacher turning around, setting her paperwork atop her desk beforehand.
“Hi! You must be (Y/n)’s guardian?” The teacher thought Sapnap looked too young to be a father, though he was here for the conference so he must have some legal guardianship over the child.
“Yeah, can I sit?”
“Oh of course!” Sapnap and the teacher both sat down, chatting a bit about how you had been doing in school and what your future was looking like. When the two were finished chatting and reviewing the teacher walked Sapnap out, talking no longer about you but about Sapnap.
“Dad! Can we get ice cream after dinner?” You came bouncing up to your father, clinging to his shirt as you interrupted the conversation between the two.
“I don’t know, did you get all your homework done while you were waiting.”
“Yes! Can we please get ice cream?” Your teacher looked shocked as you conversed with your father, this gorgeous young man standing next to her was your dad?
“You’re his father?” You and Sapnap looked at your teacher, not understanding her confusion.
“Uh yeah, kinda hard to believe but it’s true.”
“Of course he’s my dad! And he’s the coolest dad ever!” You wrapped your small arms around your father, trying your best to hug.
“You just- you’re so young and, I thought you were his brother.” Sapnap chuckled, shaking his head at the thought.
“Nah, I just look young. Alright well me and the little guy here should probably get going, it’s almost dinner time and you’ve probably got more parents to see anyways.”
“Oh right! Well, I’ll see you next time, and I’ll see you in class next week. Have a good afternoon!”
“You too!”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @minty-ghast @rokkyy @duddum-froppers @sortzz @eatensouls-s @vaxiwastaken
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shakirawastaken · 3 years
four course meal challenge :) (p!sapnap x reader)
 i know this is a a kinda old trend but i wrote it anyways !!! here’s a link to a video with the trend i’m talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkVEe4FVDuA
summary: you and sapnap decide to try a cool tik tok trend you found
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You had driven over to your best friend Sapnap’s house earlier that day with no motive or goal other than spending time with him. You both had played some mario kart, tried and failed to make cookies, and even watched a couple of episodes of The Office. Currently, you were both lying on opposite ends of the couch with your legs tangled with one another's. Sapnap was on his phone, seemingly texting Dream and George about future video ideas. You were mindlessly scrolling through tik tok. The room was silent but it wasn’t awkward at all. You scrolled through tik tok and came across this video that piqued your interest. The video consisted of two friends in their car and rock-paper-scissors to pick out drinks, appetizers, entrees, and desserts from various fast food places for their dinner that night. You saved the video for future use when you and your friends needed ideas for things to do when you get together. You continued to scroll through tik tok until you heard a low rumble from across the couch. Looking up, you made eye contact with a very sheepish Sapnap. 
“Sorry” he said, his voice coming out a bit raspy from the lack of use from the past hour or so. “I guess I’m hungry” he stated, rubbing a hand on his stomach in a feeble attempt to satisfy it. 
“I’m hungry too.” you stated, glancing at your phone, which read 7:30 PM. “Do you want to get food?” you said, not having the patience to actually make food in Sapnap’s kitchen. Nodding, Sapnap opened up Postmates and scrolled through the various options.
“Where do you want to get food from?” he inquired as his finger hovered over the screen, ready to click on whatever you say. You hummed as you tried to make up your mind on what you wanted to eat. Halting your thoughts, you brought up the video that you had found earlier. 
“Why don’t we do this?” you asked as you sat up on the couch to come next to your friend as you gave him your phone to watch the video. As the video progressed, a smile appeared on Sapnap’s face. 
“Let’s do it!” he said, throwing the blanket off of the two of you and standing up. He stretched his arms above his head, groaning from the feeling of his muscles loosening up from being in the same position for so long. “I bet I’ll win all of them.” he stated. 
You rolled your eyes, “not a chance” you said, as you grabbed your forgotten coat from the ground and slipped on your shoes. You waited by the door and watched as Sapnap looked around for his keys before finally finding them in his coat pocket. After he put on his shoes, the two of you walked out the door and to his car. You both sat down and buckled up. Immediately, he handed you the aux cord and you turned on the playlist the two of you had together. Putting your phone down, you looked at Sapnap who was looking at you with a “now what” face.
“Let’s rock-paper-scissors for who picks the drinks” you said as you stuck one palm face up and put the other hand in a fist on top of that one. Smirking, Sapnap does the same. 
“Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!” the two of you chanted as you both played the option you wanted. Sapnap played paper, you played scissors. Sapnap looked at you with a playfully annoyed look on his face before speaking up. 
“Where to?” he asked as he put the car in reverse to back down his driveway. 
“Taco Bell” you stated, pointing in the direction of the nearest Taco Bell.
“I knew it.” he muttered under his breath as he turned on the blinker and turned. 
You both sat in the parking lot of Taco Bell, with a Mountain Dew Baja Blast for you and a Wild Strawberry Freeze for Sapnap. Slurping on the straw, Sapnap set his drink down in the cupholder of the car and looked at you with a pointed look. 
“You may have won this one, but I will win the next one.” he stated, confidently as he put his hands out in the formation for rock-paper-scissors. “Ready to get beat?” he jeered with a slight snicker. You smirked and stuck your hands out as well. 
“You’re on.” you stated as you both chanted and moved your fists up and down. Sapnap played rock and you played scissors again. Grabbing his drink, he took another sip and smirked. 
“We’re going to McDonalds.” he stated as he put the car in reverse. Rolling your eyes, you smiled and continued to drink your Baja Blast and look out the window as he drove to the restaurant of his choice. 
You were both now in the drive-through of McDonalds, looking at the menu. “I’m going to get just medium fries.” he stated, obviously craving the food since he chose to come here. “What about you?” You examined the menu, not finding anything appealing to you except for the hashbrown. 
“I’ll get a hashbrown.” you decided, ignoring the fact that it was almost 8 at night and a hashbrown was part of the breakfast menu. You hoped they would give it to you. Chuckling and making some comment on how you were so predictable, Sapnap moved forward to the speaker and relayed your order to the person running it. You both continued through the drive-through and got your food. He pulled up to a spot in the parking lot and immediately started eating his fries, occasionally taking a sip of his drink as well. You did the same with your hashbrown, finishing a bit before Sapnap finished his fries. Bored, you tried to steal one of his fries, but he caught you in the act and glared at you before finishing off his fries on his own.
“Get your own food.” he playfully grunted out as he threw away the trash from your guys’ food in the trash can outside. Once he had sat down and put his seatbelt on again, you put your hands out. 
“Ready?” you asked and he nodded. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” you both said at the same time before glancing down at your hands. Sapnap played scissors and you played paper. He had won again. 
“LETS GO!” he clapped his hands, obviously excited. “We’re going to whataburger.” he stated as he put one arm around your seat and one of the steering wheels, backing out of the parking lot before turning towards the nearest whataburger. You couldn’t stop the big smile from spreading across your face at the pure happiness your friend had. 
After going through the drive through at whataburger and finishing off whatever you and Sapnap had bought from whataburger you turned 90 degrees in your seat, determined on winning this last battle between the two of you. Smirking, Sapnap turned as well, confident in another victory for himself. 
“Rock-paper-scissors shoot!” you both exclaimed as you looked down at your hands. Rock from you and scissors from Sapnap. “Wooooo!!” you exclaimed as you threw your hands up in the air and did a little victory dance in your seat. Smiling, Sapnap started reversing out of the parking lot. 
“Where to?” he asked, glancing over at you. 
“Dairy Queen.” you stated, mouth watering at the thought of having a world-famous Dairy Queen Blizzard. Nodding Sapnap turned into the correct lane. 
“I would have said the same thing.” he stated as he continued to drive to the place.
You were now sitting in your car, watching as the worker turned Sapnap’s Girl Scout’s Thin Mint blizzard and your Cotton Candy Blizzard. Smiling as you saw that nothing fell out of the cup, you thanked the worker as you held the two blizzards. Sapnap pulled into a parking spot and grabbed his food from you, jokingly moaning as he ate the first spoon. You did the same with yours. The two of you talked aimlessly as you continued to eat your food. You couldn’t have wished for a better best friend.
im hungry now. also requests and taglist open :)
taglist: @dropkickedanorphaninselfdefense 
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wrenqueenisboss · 3 years
imagine Christmas with the dream smp cc's
imagine laughing with the bench trio as they set up childish pranks on the older members. you may or may not help them with their pranks as well because, why not? it's the holidays
imagine flying into the airport to get A meetup with Dream and Sapnap. they bear hug the shit out you. hi you gu
imagine streaming together, laughing hysterically because someone did something stupid and funny
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zeroistyping · 3 years
Prompt: You and Punz are dating and you moved to Florida with him. When you met with Sapnap for the first time you all understand that there is some sexual tension soooo there is threesome in the end 👍🏻😋 (she/neutral)
punz x fem!reader x sapnap - sexual tension
feel free to request!
cw: threesome (obviously), name-calling, degrading, oral sex
nsfw under the cut, minors pls DNI!
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Your relationship with Punz was simple- you were a couple, finally deciding to move in together, but not just somewhere but in Florida. The same state one of his best friends lived- Sapnap. You'd move far away from home, into a house in Orlando, a place you've never been before.
But who cares? Now you not only have one but two men who could constantly stare at you. Who's eyes could constantly wander up and down on your body. They both adore you- Sapnap and Punz.
What first was always just experienced through discord calls, was finally happening in real life. Sapnap could stare at you in real life. Today would be the first time you would meet each other in person. (without you knowing. You probably would have dressed up a little bit for the occasion if you'd known beforehand.).
Sapnaps eyes were glued on you and your black sweatpants with a tight top with no bra underneath. He stared and practically took off your clothes with his eyes, Punz saw that too. And some weird kind of possessiveness made itself clear in his stomach.
Was it jealousy? Was he jealous that one of his closest friends was basically eye-fucking his girlfriend without hiding it? Right in front of him?
Was it anxiousness? That you may notice it too, and want to rather go with Sapnap than stay with him?
Or maybe was it even anticipation? Maybe he wanted this to happen?
The tension in the room was thick (not bad though). You all noticed it. The flirty comments coming from all of you didn't help either.
While Sap and Punz were sitting on the couch together, talking a lot about streaming stuff, now and then looking at you, you were unpacking the last few boxes that were left after moving in. Right in front of them.
And you didn't notice how they whispered something to each other, making a plan and discussing exactly what would happen in the next few minutes. You also didn't notice that both stood up. You only noticed it when hands just suddenly grabbed your waist.
But that weren't the hands of your boyfriend. No, they felt much rougher. The hands on your waist are.. softer. Still rough but softer.
You tried to say something when Punz suddenly stood in front of you. "Hey baby..", he said while grabbing your jaw- staring into your eyes with nothing but lust, desire and hunger displayed in his eyes. "Sap and I talked a little bit, you know? And we've agreed.. that you're a fucking tease.. a slut, if you will. Walking around like that..”
You let out a shaky breath and leaned against Sapnap who still stood behind you. "But don't worry, beautiful.. you're pretty while being a slut..", the man behind you whispered in your ear before pressing small kisses behind your ear.
"P-punz..?", you looked at your boyfriend who pulled your top up without saying anything. "Look at that Sap, look at how slutty she looks. She doesn't say anything against it, she just accepts anything I do. I bet you'd let Sap fuck you, right? You would let him fuck your slutty cunt while I would use your pretty mouth."
You melted under his touch when his hands started to massage your boobs. "Do you want me to touch you too..? You could always say no, y/n.", Sapnap said in a serious tone. "Please touch me Sapnap.."
His breath hitched and a smirk found its way on his lips. "Yeah,, you're that desperate huh?" You let out a groan and just nodded as an answer while Punz was still focused on your exposed boobs.
You all quickly found your way to yours and Punzs bedroom with your clothes being forgotten somewhere in the hallway. "You're such a beautiful woman. You are perfect.", Sapnap said while his face was buried in between your legs, licking over your clit and smirking like an idiot while two fingers were knuckle-deep inside of you. But he quickly switched from fingering you while licking your clit to pushing his tongue in and out of you and pressing down on your sensitive spot.
You would have answered, you would have thanked him for being such a nice guy, for praising you and for pleasuring you. But you couldn't, since your mouth was busy choking on your boyfriends dick. His thrusts are merciless, showing you just how much in charge he is. That he's in charge even though another man is satisfying you as well.
He had to make sure that you knew that you're his. Punz wanted your throat to hurt so much that it would hurt days after. He wants your voice to be hoarse and his taste in your mouth for as long as possible.
And in this moment you've realized, your boyfriend is possessive. He's open to letting someone else do anything to you (with consent of course), as long as you know that you're his and nobody else.
Another thing you've realized while Sapnap was eating you out like a starving man and Punz was face-fucking you was, that you're in for a incredible and most likely never ending night.
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bbimsz · 2 years
pairings : cc!dream, cc!georgenotfound, cc!sapnap x reader (separate)
pronouns : you/yours (2nd person pov)
warning(s) : nothing !! (if there are more please tell me)
notes : sososorry for being inactive or shit wtv, having loads of school projects and homeworks. A GIFT FOR ALL OF YOU, MY CHILDREN !!!!!!
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he is more cocky back then…i get the vibes a lot😟
dream would do anything to get your attention 😪
but he is a soft around you as well
need help with homework? he will help even he doesn’t know anything.
ong he has big big crush on you too much that he will die of love ☹️
the way he asked you out as well..oh boy
it was cute and cliche? i guess.
he asked you out by giving you a letter, i getting vibes as well from him that he asked you out by telling you straightforward that he likes you.
but you liked him too :D
he always saves a sit for you, everytime for class :(
overall, best bf ever 😩
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he is a shy boy
but a cute shy boy 😏(you get it?..no okay then😃)
everytime you would need help with homework or something that relates to studying stuff, he’ll help you :D
he eats lunch with you and sticks with you at break time :,)
honestly like a lost puppy :(
i think it would take like a long to confess his feelings for you..like he confessed to you almost the end of senior year 😟
how he asked you out? it was at graduation day and he told you to meet him at he back of the school and yeah lots of nervous stuff but he confessed to you (finally)
honestly he is a yes!
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everytime someone hits on you like anyone, he would get so petty (thats how i describe it) and would always scoff loudly to get both of the person and your attention. 😭
acts like a big wolf to everyone but a softie to you :(
when he didn’t pay attention to classes you would let him borrow your notes.
you’ve been observing him since day 1, that he doesn’t listen to classes, you would always write notes for him and yourself (it has to be neatly written and well explain so he can understand).
always flirts with you 😪 the pickup lines are so cheesy but sometimes cute :p
i think he asked you out at the random time. like he would confess to you when you both were having P.E 😬 but it was cute…….
but omg i remember ppl say that they got hey mamas boy vibes from sapnap…maybe it’s true haha
he is a 10/10 boyfriend, ‼️‼️‼️
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© bbimsz 2022. all rights reserved.
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gnfbeloved · 2 years
hi! my 21st birthday is on friday n i was wondering if u could do a hc w mcyt celebrating readers bday w reader who doesn’t really mind their birthday (like doesn’t hate the day, but thinks it’s just another day if that makes sense ?) thanks :P
this is so late ;-; im sorry aaaahhh
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⤜ mcyt x reader- birthday
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summary- cc!crew boys x reader who isn’t super into celebrating their birthday
notes- intentional lowercase, keysmashes, swearing, just soft fluff :)
song rec- nothing by bruno major
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he knew your birthday was coming up soon
so he asked what you had planned
you didn’t have any plans
yeah not with this man
wait, what do you mean you don’t have plans?
eh, i don’t usually celebrate my birthday
you know exactly what that “what” sounds like
anyway mans wasn't having it
but since it didn’t seem like you wanted a large party, he just invited some close friends over for cake
and spoiled you with a shit ton of gifts jhasjdh
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honestly he doesn’t go all out for his birthday either
so when you said you didn’t have plans he suggested inviting a few friends over to have cake
he didn’t tell you, but he made the cake
he made it while you were out
he had to call his mom auidhskjdhs
you thought it was really good tho ^-^
and when you asked where it was from he said he made it
you were like :0
yeah it was pretty cool :)
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like dream, he was super surprised
and adamant on doing something
so he took you out for fancy dinner
except by fancy dinner he meant having dream cook steak and vegetable and karl and quackity serve it
quackity had a dishrag on his arm as he served you steak, doing his horrible british accent
here is your plate, y/n
karl brought cupcakes :P
it was really chaotic but also your favorite birthday so far
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he was a little surprised when you said you didn’t usually celebrate your birthday, but he got it
he ordered your favorite takeout and got a movie set up
just chill cuddles on the couch :)
he surprised you with a cupcake :D
it was your favorite flavor :)))
you fell asleep watching tv with him
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he thought it was kinda strange that you didn’t celebrate
but he wanted to go along with what you wanted
so he asked if you just wanted to take the day off and chill instead
you agreed
you guys slept in late, and went to a movie
after the movie, you went back home
he tried cooking your favorite food
when that didn’t work, he took you to olive garden ajhksjd
you fell asleep watching shitty youtube videos at 2 am :)
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crystalcow · 3 years
I was actually wondering if you could do a Karl, BBH, Wilbur, and Technoblade version with head canons please
𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟//𝑀𝑐𝑦𝑡 !ℎ𝑐
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Karl Jacobs//BBH//Wilbur Soot// x reader !r !cc/ Tommy x reader !p !cc
Pronouns used: gender neutral!
Warnings: bad days, swearing, mainly fluff
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙨/𝙤 𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝗼𝐛𝐬
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You had just heard from your manager that they’re reducing your paycheck
That pissed you off
So when you got off the phone you seriously wanted to break down
Instead you looked over to the door that lead into Karl’s office
You saw he was streaming with Sapnap and the rest of the guys playing a Minecraft cooking mod
But in the end you remember what Karl told you a while back
“I don’t care if the world finds out, if you need me just barge in!”
So you did just that
You came into the room, tears stunning at the brim of your eyes
He hadn’t noticed it yet until small sniffles were heard
So he muted looking over seeing you before opening his arms
You climbed in nuzzling your head in his neck trying to calm down
The guys were freaking out as much as chat was
But the second he saw a rude comment he BANNED that one person and closed chat
“So um guys, this is Y/n.. not the way I was expecting to introduce them but!”
You punched his shoulder lightly starting to feel better in his arms
“I’m sorry” you whispered feeling bad for ruining the stream
He just kissed your head, lightly pushing your head down into his sweater
“No need to apologize! We’ll talk after stream alright?”
So he just carried on while everyone was just in mixed emotions
Sapnap and Quackity joked around about it obviously
“Oh my god, he’s replaced us!”
They just teased him for the rest of the stream while chat became more and more curious
After the stream ended you and Karl chatted about why you had suddenly started crying
He swore he was going to punch your boss
Talked you into quitting, maybe doing videos with the mr beast crew instead
But in the end you both decided to formally introduce you soon
I’m so in love with you
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Your day has gotten off from a really bad start since the beginning
You and bad had recently just moved in with each other
For some reason rat hates you
She wouldn’t stop nipping at you and barking at your sight
Bad was shocked at the little pups behavior, she was never like this?
So while he went off to stream Gartic phone with the pp crew
You decided to bake
Taking up a new hobby to pass time while he streamed
Ironically enough you had found a recipe for muffins
The pan was hot as you were careful taking it out of the scorching oven
But that’s exactly when rat decided to yap at you
She had decided to start barking as you attempted to calm her with treats
In return you got a bite to the ankle
You must admit, that little munchkin had sharp teeth
So you winced know pain, ultimately dropping the hot pan right onto the same leg
You whined in pain pouring a cup of cold water down on it trying to sooth the pain
Almost crying when seeing the baked goods rolled around on the floor
You knew Bad didn’t stream with face cam so you went to his office to console
He was laughing while drawing a picture of him and skeppy eating rat?
You know you wanted to do the same at the moment
He heard you come in, immediately taking notice of your shambled appearance
“Are you okay muffin?”
He thought he had pressed mute
but instead he had just muted the game and not discord nor twitch
You shook your head going forward to sit on his lap, wrapping arms around him
He loved hugs
But hated seeing you upset
“Oh my goodness he’s talking to Skeppy!” Velvet joked
But he didn’t hear it due to his headset pulled down
“Your puppy hates me and the muffins are on the floor!” You complained, fidgeting with his hoodie strings
“It’s okay, everything will be alright. Let her warm up to you, and we can buy muffins from that bakery Huh!”
You perked up staying where you were, the corners of your lips upwarding
“IS BAD TALKING TO A [ ] RIGHT NOW??” Puffy shouted confused
He definitely heard that tho
“Oh crud.”
He slapped his hand over his mouth, quickly muting as chat went bonkers
His friends on the other line were laughing and making different theories
“Hey hey look at me.” You held his face in your hands
“We can tell them! It’s about time we told your friends right?”
So you both gathered yourselves together
His voice was shaking the whole time as he explained the situation
Safe to say they were all inlove with you
Puffy and Gumi decided to keep you
But throughout the next couple rounds of the game
All the prompts were about the both of you
Hm lets say that velvet and ant made things a little dirtier then wanted..
But after he ended he posted a picture of the both of you
Your head was on his shoulder as he held rat
“You make my sun brighter” “You’re my sun!”
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝗼𝗼𝐭
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Tommy was making your life hell at the moment
When Wilbur had introduced you to the sleepy bois
He hadn’t expected tommy to kidnap you
You had woken up in your shared home with Wilbur and a couple other of his mates
The doorbell had rang like 5 or 6 times
But when you opened the door you hadn’t had expected to see a 6’3 blonde gremlin
“How the hell did you know I live here?”
“I asked Joe..”
You just looked at him confused and we’re about to call for Wilbur
But the blonde boy shushed you before you alert your personal security guard
“Your coming with me, I’m going to vlog and you’ll have to deal with it!”
For some reason you decided to go with it
You texted Wilbur saying that you’ll be out for a couple hours before leaving
You wish someone had warned you about making the worst mistake
The blonde kid had promised a fun day of shopping, food, and regular foolery
All you wanted was to become closer with Wilburs friends, especially the one he considered as a little brother
But noooo
You got bombarded by a swarm of raging 9 year olds at the train station
Apparently someone had managed to also steal your wallet
Tommy had apologized professedly but you just wanted to go home
While you had a camera shoved in your face while walking down the mall
Some douchebag spilled his drink all over you
Didn’t even apologize, just ran
So whilst you were: poor, tired, and already on the verge of a mental breakdown
You were now embarrassed and soaked whilst all of that had been caught on camera
Just to your luck, someone who had been a fan of tommy had also recorded it from their phone
It all ended up on Twitter
So now there was a viral clip t r e n d I n g
“So how’s being Wilburs lOvEr acting up for you” “you better not put that in the video-“ “HEY DICK GET BACK HERE!”
The relationship you had been building for the past year or so felt like it was crumbling down
After months of hiding away, staying far from flashing cameras and Twitter headlines
All crumpled down with one video
Wilbur had been totally oblivious to the whole situation after he deleted Twitter
He was confused when chat started blowing up, shrugging it away more focused on the geo guesser match
So when you were dropped back off at his office you quietly made your way in with the spare key
Making your precence known without disturbing the stream
His face had litten up for a second before dying back down
“Will I think we need to talk..”
He ignored the 95k people watching as he saw you crumple down in his arms
Everyone was spamming as mods had to put it in slow mode
A lot of deleted messages may I tell you
He was quick to just end the stream hosting Phil
“They all know! And tommy abducted me, this wanker spilled something on me and my wallet was stolen.”
You ranted on crying into his shoulder
He was sickened by the whole situation
He just rubbed his hand on your back muttering little sweet things
“How can I help?” He asked
He knew how stressful social media can be, how toxic it is
Making a mental note to scold tommy later
So once he had calmed you down, grabbing a hot chocolate from the office kitchen
You both sat and he tried distracting you
But you slowly fell asleep on him
He made sure to download the forbidden app to make a notice of it
“Yes I have a partner, but im sure none of that is your business. If you see anyone post that clip report it and ignore. Mine and Y/ns personal life don’t need to be shared if unwanted. ❤️”
He watched the clip first before deleting the app
Promising to not let you get hurt again
“Please don’t let this be our downfall”
“I wouldn’t know what to do without you”
𝐓𝗼𝗺𝗺𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭 !𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂
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You were just about done with it
You had concealed your anger while greeting mother innit
Storming your way upstairs into Tommy’s room, barging in
“You would not believe what those shit cunts did today! Her bad her little group of friends accused me of fuckin dating you? As if! Oh and they grabbed my phone right out of my hand, throwing it across the parking lot!”
You shouted in agony showing him your demolished screen as you plopped down into the chair next to his
At first you were confused as to why he was just staring at you with widened eyes
“What you big wank, oh.”
Your eyes almost popped outside of its sockets as you slowly turned to face the monitor
213k watching Tommy Innit Dream Smp!
“Shit.” You muttered turning your head down before slamming it against the desk
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.” You muttered over and over again as he just chuckled rubbing your back
He just akawardly laughed unaware of what to do in this situation
“Chat this is my best friend Y/n from college!” He shouted pulling his lips into a thin line
You lifted your head up doing one quick wave
The only one who knew you existed out of his friends were Tubbo and partially dream
So this especially came to a shock from the rest of them
He thanked Lizzy that he wasn’t in a vc at that very moment
So instead you both just decided to ignore it
He went on with his stream, pretending that you weren’t there hiding your head in his shoulder
silently weeping
Time to time you’d let out a laugh as he told a joke
A random media share popped up on the screen of your loud appearance
The both of you sending the middle finger off into the camera
You gotta admit he was your best friend, made you laugh none the less
Oh boy Tubbo was laughing his ass off watching the stream
That boy was having the time of his life
“That girl really was a bitch.”
Yeah you wanted to start
“A wank really!” He continued riling you both up
You lifted your head from his shoulder, spinning around in the black office chair
“A fookin skunk!” “A blimey blighter!”
You both were shouting, throwing out the insults just getting each other more and more hyped up
You were ready to grab your bag and drag him to go punch the lad
Mother innit..
You both in sync shouted ‘Sorry!’
I swear chat was eating all of this up
‘Alarm duo’ now trending?
But you looked back at your phone, hitting your head on the desk seeing it’s cracked self
“You know after the stream I’ll take you to the shop, get you a new one?”
Your eyes widened at the words
“I wouldn’t let you spend that type of money on me.”
So his cocky ass self just leaned back in the chair, arms behind his head
“Well N/n.. I’m a billionaire Aren’t i?”
Yeah that wasn’t the end of you two
One he did end you were forced into a call with Wilbur and Phil
“So your the one Tommy keeps ditching us to hang out with!” Wilbur shouted through the vc
Phil was just laughing
You had gotten along with them great, Tommy promising to introduce you to techno soon
“Best friends forever?” “That’s a long ass time don’t you think?”
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Aha I love this so much. I switched out techno for a platonic tommy because techno isn’t comfortable unless it’s his character.
As always! Request or ask anything and ask if you want to be on a taglist :)
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retroaria · 3 years
Sapnap: Fluff Alphabet
cc!Sapnap x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: just swearing
here’s my 500 Follower Event ^o^
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A is for Affection (How do they like to show affection?)
sapnap would give you so many compliments omg. he loves making you all smiley and blushy :) he just wants to make sure that you are always aware of the fact that he thinks you’re the most perfect thing to ever exist
B is for Bond (What kind of bond do you guys have? What could your relationship be labeled as?)
the best friend couple!!! sapnap tells you literally everything. any drama going on or any strong emotions he’s feeling, you know about it. most of the time, the second something happens his brain immediately goes “omg i have to tell y/n”. you guys always complain about the same things and get excited over the same things. you are genuinely one of the most important people in his life and he doesn’t know how he’d do it without you.
C is for Comfort (How do they comfort their s/o?)
he will literally drop everything just to hold you and not speak for like hours if you so needed. he strikes me as a naturally comforting person to the people he really cares about so I say he gets an A+ in this department
D is for Dates (What are dates with them like?)
dates with sapnap are either really chill or super fun. he’s the type of guy that would take you to play laser tag or to an arcade or a trampoline park. he’s like a little kid i love sapnap :3
E is for Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)
he’s a pretty expressive person when it comes to certain things. at the very least he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve a little so it isn’t hard to tell even if he does try hiding stuff. and like I said he tells you everything.
F is for Fiancé (How long into the relationship before they propose?)
I feel like he’s so young and he really just wouldn’t be thinking about that too seriously for awhile. like he loves you and you guys have talked about having a future together but he isn’t in any rush at all. hell just do it when he feels is the right time not matter how long it takes.
G is for Gentle (Are they gentle?)
it depends on the situation. he’s definitely the type of guy to pick you up from a super comfy position and just body slam you on the bed. but if he can tell you’re not in the mood to play around like that he’ll just sit down and hold you, so yeah he can be gentle. but most of the time be prepared for playful fist fights and getting picked up and thrown every now and then lol.
H is for Hand Holding (How do they like hand holding?)
sapnap always holds your hand. in fact he makes an effort to search for it whenever you aren’t holding hands. and sometimes he’ll even get whiny about it especially with like a lot of people around he’ll be like, “babe, why aren’t you holding my hand :( what if I get lost how are you gonna find me this place is big”
I is for I Love You (Who said “I love you” first?)
he did !! the first time sapnap said “I love you” was probably one of his most confident moments. he was so proud to be able to say it and so sure of himself and his feelings for you.
J is Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
YES OH MY GOD. he gets super jealous and it’s so easy to tell omg. his attitude starts to get like super bad and he is very clearly annoyed by the situation. he won’t ever be too overbearing about it and if you ever feel like he is once you sit him down and explain that he’ll back off a bit. but he’s still gonna be bothered by it so just always remind him that he love him and no one else.
K is for Kiss (What’s kissing them like?)
THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IM ACTUALLY GOING TO BE DESCRIPTIVE SO IM SORRY IF ITS CRINGE. anyways, he’d be a pretty deep kisser but not like full on making out every single time. he just likes to make them last and he isn’t one to just give you random kisses all throughout the day so it always feels special. kissing him makes you feel all warm and happy inside.
L is for Love Language (What’s their love language?)
sapnaps love language is quality time or acts of service!! i’d say mainly quality time. even while long distance he just likes having you on call while he does stuff or even just complaining to you about how tired he is while actively not going to bed so he can keep talking to you lol. he just likes having you around it’s a huge comfort for him. i say acts of service because he would get so giddy and happy anytime you did something special for him. he would show it off and brag about it forever and it would genuinely mean so much to him aahhajdxh i love sapnap
M is for Memories (Their favourite memory with their s/o?)
For your first time seeing each other irl, sapnap flew to where you live and you guys spent a whole week together. his favorite memories are definitely from that first week of seeing each other in person. of course you guys already had an amazing relationship while long distance, but there’s something so different about finally meeting the person you’re with in real life. it felt like he had to start over from scratch and you guys had to get to know each other all over again. also the idea of now having to build a physical bond. it was just such an amazing and beautiful experience. definitely the one that made him realize he really is in love with you.
N is for Nicknames (Their favourite nicknames given and received?)
IM SO BAD AT THINKING OF CUTE NAMES USHSJDH. probably just babe tho lol. for fem!readers, i can totally picture him using princess in a slightly sarcastic tone.
O is for Open (At what point do they start opening up to you about their life and feelings?)
mmm i’d say he actually starts opening up to you pretty early into the relationship. If you guys were like really close friends before hand he’s definitely already opened up to you. He doesn’t really have that many people in his life that he doesn’t trust.
P is for PDA (Are they into PDA?)
not really but he isn’t like super shy about it if that makes sense ??? like he’s 100% fine with hand holding, hugging, and light pecks when saying hello or goodbye.
Q is for Quiz (How much do they remember about you?)
I don’t think he really tries to remember stuff but he just does and he’s always making connections to you and things he sees and stuff it’s so cute :)
R is for Romantic (How romantic are they?)
he tries but he isn’t exactly the most romantic boy. like I said before you guys have a best friend type of connection so when it comes to romance he doesn’t go too above and beyond because he just doesn’t feel like he needs to. but on special occasions he will do something nice for you. He likes taking you out places !!
S is for Security (How protective/possessive are they?)
very much of both. once again, total sapnap vibes. i’d say he’s a lot more possessive than protective. he would never stop you from doing things like going out without him and having guy friends or making flirty jokes. he trusts you so much partly cus he’s a little narcissistic LMAO. but when a serious threat comes about he can get kinda crazy.
T is for Try (How much effort do they put into the relationship?)
GAAAAAA HE PUTS SO MUCH EFFORT IN!! you would probably be like his first ever serious partner so he would try his best at literally everything. in the beginning of the relationship you could totally tell how nervous he was at times but as you guys got more comfortable he just became an effortlessly amazing bf
U is for Uphold (How do they show you they’re proud? What kind of support do they give you?)
he talks about you so muchjahsjxjxh mostly to dream and george or on stream and he brags about you too. he can get pretty cocky about it but his friends can’t get mad because it’s literally adorable how whipped he is.
V is for Vaunt (Do they like to show off?)
YES OF COURSE !!! it’s sapnap guys…come on. literally any little accomplishment you make is turned into a way bigger deal than it should be because of him. he’s so proud of for literally just existing and he talks about all the cool stuff you’ve done all the time
W is for Wild Card (A random fluff headcanon.)
you guys really like going to different food places and eating different items compared to other places. THIS IS SO RANDOM LMAOO but like…sapnap would definitely have fun doing that
X is for X-ray (How well can they read you and your emotions/feelings?)
mmm he can usually tell if you’re acting strange or being distant. he cant always figure out exactly what’s wrong but he knows it’s something and he would confront you about it like almost immediately or whenever he thought would be a good time for you
Y is for Yearning (How much do they miss their s/o when they’re gone?)
he literally talks about you non stop when you’re apart. and when you guys are on the phone he comes up with all these plans for you guys to do when you see each other again and he always wants you to join vc on his streams if you can. in conclusion he misses you like crazy
Z is for Zebra (What kind of pet would they want with their s/o?)
A CAT!! or like a bearded dragon lol.
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school is literally kicking my ass so hard man 😔
i’m gonna try to write more, working on a karlnap weed fic rn too LMAO
I’m taking a major creative writing class rn so between writing for school and writing for tumblr i am so drained but i promise i’ll get back into the swing of things soon :)
love you guys, thank you for everything and stay safe <333
@crackityy @fantasy-innit @joyfullymulti @k-l-a-w-s
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accio-slytherout · 3 years
pairings: p!cc!dream team x streamer!reader
characters: Dreamwastaken, Sapnap, Georgenotfound
mentioned characters: none
warnings: swearing, shouting, fighting
reader pronouns: they/them
summary: After a long stream, (Y/N) decides to sleep but unfortunately the Dream Team seem to have other plans. That plan resulted into them being trending on twitter.
note: Thank you to @dreamwrldz for reading through this and correcting some mistakes, along with making the title! au where the dream team lives together but reader also lives with them, and uh, no covid, thanks.
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(Y/N) had just been enjoying their own relaxation time after a long stream they had just finished off, until something disturbed the peace. They heard obnoxious shouting from the room across theirs, shouting something along the lines of "PUT WATER AT THE BOTTOM!" repeatedly as if a record had been broken.
(Y/N), who was tired beyond belief, decided to brush it off and continue resting their eyes. Surprisingly, they did manage to get a few minutes of shut eye. However, they unfortunately woke up again to a series of argumental yellings periodically boucning off of each other.
Fed up and already annoyed enough as it was, they went out their room and into the room next to theirs with frustration written all over them. Bursting through the door, they shouted;
"GEORGE! Can you please shut the fuck up?! Some of us are trying to sleep here!"
Only to be greeted by George looking half surprised, and holding in laughter from the situation.
Loud wheezing rang in George's headphones, along with giggles in the background.
"What the hell?"
Dream managed to say between his contagious laughter. George started laughing along with the team, and (Y/N), confused as ever, looked at his monitor with instant regret.
There showed a minecraft respawn screen, and they suddenly realised what was happening.
Dream had said earlier that they were all going to record a manhunt at night with each other. (Y/N) had completely forgot about it since their stream had distracted them.
"Put it in the extra scenes Dream!" Sapnap exclaimed, while the rest of the people in the call collectively agreed. George relayed the message to (Y/N) with much amusement, and (Y/N) was embarrassed, to say the least. Scolding their friends in a video for a youtube channel with over 20 million subscribers was not really in their bucketlist.
Quickly apologizing, they went back to their room to drown themselves in self pity and embarrassment.
The next morning, (Y/N) went downstairs to get some breakfast, greeted by Dream, who was already eating his breakfast.
"So.. is it alright if i post the thing last night into the manhunt's extra scene?" Dream said out of the blue. (Y/N) had forgotten that happened. Clearly, it was embarrassing, but it would make good content for the viewers.
They decided to agree and let it slide for Dream to put it in his video. It went trending on twitter after Dream uploaded and many were to say the least, entertained. It was trending long enough to be given a personal description. Most of the tweets were just about how relatable they were and how they couldn't stop laughing.
#1 on Trending in the US, Streamer (Y/U) makes an appearance in youtuber friend, Dream's extra scenes for his famous minecraft manhunt series by telling the group to quiet down for their well deserved beauty sleep.
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ty for reading or interacting :D
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Perks of being a doorstop
WC: 440
“Just holding the door open” that was all Dream needed to do. And he was bored out of his mind. He had decided against face revealing right away, and he was happy with that decision. But that also meant he was a glorified freaking doorstop as George and Sapnap set up for their first Florida stream.
There wasn’t much planned but hanging out. But they’d been determined to set it up like a normal stream with a greenscreen before yanking it down. Like they always did.
And in a way, Dream understood. He did. It was funny. It was a good reveal. It was a reveal they liked to use every time. And it was a good reveal. It was a nice reveal. It always got a laugh and a gasp.
But Dream wished it didn’t require so much set up on top of how they were designing the rest of the streaming room. With blankets and pillows and all that. Snacks and games to play.
They’d even made a section behind the camera for Dream to hang out in that they guaranteed to him that they’d visit and sit with him throughout the stream. To basically just take a break and “love on him”.
It was very nice of them. But this part, was boring as hell. And he was grumbling as much; not very loud he’d thought not noticing Sapnap pass by holding something, a pillow.
When Sapnap reached up and kissed him quickly, “There to sate you.” before moving on.
Dream shut up. Very quickly. Sapnap walked back out, patting Dream’s cheek, “good boy.”
Dream smiled.
George passed a few moments later holding some water. He kissed Dream’s cheek, “Looking hot.”
Staring after him, Dream just nodded.
And on it went. A squeeze on his ass. Compliments, both sweet and sexual. And many, many, kisses. Lots of kisses.
Then they were done. And Dream was done being a doorstop, walking into the now finished and set up room. Collapsing onto the pile of pillows and blankets set for him. Noticing two water bottles and some snacks. He smiled, feeling aprecitory towards his two boyfriends.
George fell to the ground next to him, leaning towards his head. “Hey love.”
Sapnap joined shortly, “baby! Other baby,” full on falling onto the pile.
“Don’t you need to stream soon?” Dream asked, looking over at them.
Rolling his eyes, George slithered closer to him. “Nah, you’re more important. We’ll just say we got, ‘side tracked’.”
“That sounds weirdly suggestive George.” Sapnap warned, slinging his arm around his shoulder.
“I know.” George responded.
Both of his boyfriends sighed, “oh.”
“You love me.”
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
Can you do dad sapnap where his son comes on stream with him and a Dono come in and ask “say one thing you want your dad to know clear as day” and reader goes “if you ever send me to summer camp i might consider putting you in a retirement home, and you will forever be making my doctors appointment Love you”.
Some kids really do say the funniest things, and trust me I would know, they always bother me in public ;~;, anyways enjoy <3
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Summary: You’re one funny kid
Pairing: P!Sapnap x Reader (You’re his son)
Pronouns: He/him
[A/n]: Requests are closed, please check back later <3
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One thing you had gotten from your father was his sense of humor, that much was obvious. So when you intruded on stream, chat took the time to ask some funny questions.
“Hey (Y/n), what is one thing you want your dad to remember forever?”
“Uhm, probably that if he ever sends me to a summer camp I will not hesitate to put him in a nursing home.”
“That’s mean.”
“Oh also that he will forever be making my doctor's appointments.”
“I’ll be making them from you when you’re fifty?”
“Yes, now if you’ll excuse me I’m hungry. Love you dad!”
“Love you too!” Sapnap turned to the camera, shaking his head.
“He was joking, he wouldn’t put me in a retirement home.”
“Yes I would!” Sapnap burst into laughter hearing you yelling from the kitchen. Shaking his head once again.
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Taglist: @stupid-dummyfroppers @rokkyy @minty-ghast @joyfullymulti
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chippedaxe · 3 years
can u do a part 2 if 'hate is a strong word' maybe with some nsfw
Title: Hate Is A Strong Word P2
Warning(s): cursing, NSFW, arguing, fighting etc.., praising, degrading, maybe a bit of humiliation? Idk. , unprotected sex
Pronouns: They/them, afab
Synopsis: You and Karl end up arguing after you get jealous, resulting in sex between the two of you.
Pairing: c!Karl X Dom! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Part 1: Hate is A Strong Word (sfw)
Note: unedited*
- If some words don't make sense or spelling is wrong than sorry, I'm too lazy to proof read and edit my fics.
- written in my notes app
Karl put his hands up in defeat “I don’t understand why you’re so angry about this! I promise to you that nothing else happened!” Karl shouted “oh yeah? Then where’d you get that love bite from??” You pointed out a red mark on his neck “it’s a mosquito bite!” Karl argued back, you took a step towards him “oh? You’re calling Sapnap a mosquito now?”
“No! It really is just a mosquito bite! Please trust me on this!” Karl moved away from you “you know why I don’t like you seeing Sapnap!” You were on the verge of tears “holy shit- are you crying? Babe, I’m sorry I made you feel like this..” Karl approached you.
You got ready to fight and put your hands up “I’m not trying to hurt you, can I please just give you a hug? You’re not in the right headspace right now..” Karl reached his arms out to you. You lowered your defenses and looked away as you allowed Karl to embrace you.
“Why would you go out of your way to ignore my feelings? I told you to leave Sapnap alone for a reason!” You exclaimed “I know! I tried to avoid him but I couldn’t help running into him” Karl apologized “if I go to Las Nevada’s and talk with Slime boy- will he be able to truthfully tell me that nothing happened between you and Sapnap?” You started to cry.
“I wish you could just trust what I’m saying! Of course Sapnap and I did nothing!” Karl frowned “prove it! Kill him or something! Burn his house down!” You were hysterical “you know I can’t do that! Look- let me just make it up to you, do you want me to get you something to eat?” Karl caressed your cheek.
You slapped his hand away “if you want my forgiveness than you better listen good!” Karl’s ears perked up and he started listening right away “I’m gonna go to the kitchen and get a glass of water and when I come back I want you to be stripped naked on that fucking bed, alright?” You crossed your arms.
“W-what? Of course!” Karl’s cheeks heated up and he was quick to follow your instructions, struggling to pull off his clothes as you left the room. You walked down the stairs and slowly made your way to the kitchen, maybe you had just been overreacting but you wouldn’t let Karl know that he was right.
You grabbed a glass and poured yourself some water, sipping from it slowly while thinking about the whole situation. Sapnap was 100% trying to make you jealous so you knew you’d have to work harder to get him back!
You returned upstairs, opening the door and being met with Karl’s naked body spread on the bed. He opened his legs up shyly to you, revealing his hard erection he had gotten “oh baby.. look at you, you’re so gorgeous..” your lips pursed into a small smile.
“T-thank you Y/n..” Karl glanced away from you timidly, you walked over and crawled onto the bed. You began to slowly strip yourself of your clothes, pulling your blouse over your head and shimmying your pants to the floor.
Karl looked up at you, mesmerized by the way your body looked in the lighting “oh you’re so handsome..” Karl mouthed out to you quietly. Karl reached out to touch you but you slapped his hand away “no touching, this is supposed to be your punishment” you told him off for it.
You got between his legs and stared up at him intently, he looked down at you and puffed his cheeks out “well- are you gonna do anything?” He asked. “Not if my out keep being impatient, Karl!” You furrowed your eyebrows “okay okay- sorry darling..” he kept quiet and shut his mouth.
“Good boy, now stay still and keep your hips on the bed” you instructed him as you slowly leaned forward and licked a line up his shaft. He gasped and whines softly, covering his face up in embarrassment “you look so fucking pretty like this, why are you hiding from me?” You took his hands off his face.
His face was a pure red colour, sweat dripping down his forehead “I’m so embarrassed..” he mumbled. You brought your hand up and groped his balls for a moment, relishing in the way his body reacts to you “s-stop that feels weird!” Karl pleaded for a moment “do you really want me to stop?” You asked him again.
He kept quiet for a few seconds “n-no..” you smiled in delight and continued your actions. Karl bucked his hips up against your hand which resulted in you pinning his hips down “if you can’t stay still then I’m gonna have to tie you down- would you like that?” You threatened him “n-no please.. I can be good for you!” He gasped.
You nipped on the soft skin of his thighs, leaving a large bite on one of them. It started to bleed a bit so you just licked it up, Karl winced and closed his legs around your head “that feels weird!” He said out loud.
You rubbed and caressed his thighs gently “sorry baby..” you cooed, you got on top of him and straddled his lap. You grabbed the back of his head and brought him closer to you so you could have better access to his neck, kissing and sucking the light skin.
You tried not to give in to your thoughts but you couldn’t help but take a bite, ripping a loud moan from Karl’s mouth “ah!” He moaned. You pulled away and the both of you just stared at each other awkwardly for a moment “t-that felt good..” Karl admitted.
You went back to your work, marking up Karl and biting him whenever you felt like it. When you leaned back and admired him is when you saw how red his neck was now, you clenched your thighs together and gulped nervously as you realized you may have liked this more than you thought.
“P-please..” Karl begged “hm? Please what?” You asked “please ride me- or let me fuck you!” His hips rutted away against the air desperately “why should I give you anything you want? You were being so bad today!” You reminded him “please? I can be so good for you! I-if you let me touch you than I can prove it!” He pleaded.
You sighed and gave in to his demands, getting off him and laying down on the bed so he could touch you. Your skin was bare and the gust of cold air coming from the window every so often would make your nipples harden, you held onto a pillow gently as you felt Karl part your legs for you.
Karl licked his lips “this looks like the best meal I’ve ever seen in my entire life..” he commented as he stared at your wet folds, his fingers opening you up. Karl slid between your legs and stuck his tongue out, licking along your slit and moaning at the taste.
“Oh you taste so good.. how could I ever want to eat anything else?” Karl’s arms wrapped around your thighs to keep you glued against his face “a-ah! H-hey Karl, slow down!” You gasped, your hand grasping onto his hair which only encouraged him to go faster.
His tongue slid deep inside of you, exploring your fleshy wet cave. Your pussy clenched around him, your clit rubbing against his face as he worked hard to please you “I’m close..” you let Karl know. You released on Karl’s face and threw your head back, your legs shaking a bit as he continued to eat you out through your orgasm.
“Alright.. you earned it- come here big boy!” You invited him to fuck you, opening your legs wide enough so he could get buried deep in you. Karl quickly got to it, his cock sliding into your wet sheath and being surrounded by your warm walls.
Karl thrusted in and out with no pattern whatsoever, rutting into you harshly like an inexperienced teenage boy “y/n!” Karl moaned out your name as he started to go faster. Karl put his hand above your head to stabilize himself and keep him from falling over.
“P-please let me cum inside of you, please!” Karl begged “fuck- go ahead!” You arched your back and allowed Karl to cum inside of you. His load being shot deep inside of your vagina, coating your thick warm walls with his white semen.
Karl pulled out and flopped on the bed, panting heavily as he tried to rest “don’t go to sleep now! You still have a long day ahead of you, go get dressed you bum!” You sat up and encouraged him to get out of bed.
Karl groaned and got out of the bed, his legs shaking a bit as he stood up. He walked over to his dresser and began to get dressed, pulling his hoodie over his head and slipping on some pants. You felt lazy so you just threw a big shirt on and a pair of shorts, the two of you now dressed and ready to take on the world.
You finally got the idea to what your great genius plan to get Sapnap back was! You looked down at the ground and sighed, turning your head to face Karl and tell him what was on your mind.
“You know what, Karl baby? I want you to go see Sapnap right now and tell him how sorry I am for overreacting” you smirked. Karl had most likely thought you were turning a new leaf, being the bigger person when really you were just fulfilling your master plan.
Karl was littered with hickies and love bites all along his skin, you couldn’t miss them! Even his oversized hoodie couldn’t cover the marks up! Your plan was to expose his marks to Sapnap so he would finally see that Karl was yours and yours alone! Hopefully it’ll work.
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