#p ; seira
hemlock-ia · 2 years
Diagnose: sexy  | S&H
The table was positioned in such a way that there was enough space in the office to have a couch and a comfortable chair next to it. There were several plants in the room as well, enjoying the daylight that came from the skylight. Hemlock had hired one of the more fancy places in the city to have his little practice. it had been easy to get the place, and a little plaque made but he didn’t have too many customers yet.
It was fine, he just needed an excuse to be here and since Dodo was already taking up the space of tattoo artist and some kind of kinky kitten was known to pierce- Hemlock decided to not delve into decorating the body but the mind. How hard could it be to be a therapist in this place anyway?
He did encounter a girl without a heart, vagina or brain. That had been exciting. Now he was here waiting for an appointment that had been made earlier in the week- there was the knock on his door.
“Ah, welcome!” He smiled, his black gums showing against his pointy pearly whites. “Seira, right?”
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besana · 4 months
learning new things ;
starter for @beseira !
sana has been a chronic job-hopper since she graduated high school. she knows it's not a great habit, but she can't help it, really. she just gets bored. going to the same place and doing the same things every day when they're not things she wants to do is just hard for her; after a few months, without fail, she ends up quitting, regardless of the job.
she's had a few food service jobs before -- waitress, delivery girl, a couple takeout places, but she's never been a barista. she likes coffee, and this cafe isn't too far from her apartment, so when she saw they were hiring she went ahead and quit at the grocery store she's been at for the last few months. that was about all that went into the decision. she's never really been strapped for money, with her parents still helping pay most of her bills, so she really just works to have spending money on her various incredibly expensive hobbies.
she walks into the cafe in a simple outfit, just a t-shirt and jeans with the sturdy tennis shoes she uses exclusively for her part-time jobs. her hair is up in a high ponytail, and her makeup is simple and natural -- though it did still take her twenty minutes to do it. she knows the value of a good first impression, after all.
she bows to the person at the counter as she approaches. "hi, my name is izumi sana. i'm supposed to start work today?"
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absquatulatexyaryan · 10 months
︵‿୨♡ Higanbana ♡୧‿︵
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Paring: Hyuga Norisha x OC
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Friendship, Action, Tragedy, Slice of Life, Light Mature(mention of blood, fight scenes and swearing) {P.S No Smut}
Chapter 2 (Part 2):
Visiting the orphanage in Nameless City gave her the opportunity to meet Smokey, Rude Boys, Lala, and Eri in person. She readily volunteered to be a teacher at the Nameless City School. She taught English, Maths and Painting to the children twice a week. She was told about the Central Lake, which was still severely polluted, how the government had practically given up, what had happened within the SWORD as a result of the Kuryu Group, and how urgently Smokey and Eri needed treatment and a lung transplant. This struck Seira and she went to meet Leora at JP Hospital the very next day where Smokey and Erin's treatment could be possible. She then got in touch with Damien and asked him to get her in contact with the organisation that dealt with the large-scale treatment of contaminated waters. He immediately got her in contact with them and Seira began to have a meeting with them. Soon after, her car arrived at the Rude Boys district port. When Seira finished the formalities and turned around, she noticed P, Yu, Takeshi, Lala, and Eri all excitedly looking at her car, while Smokey leaned against the broken debris and chuckled at their excitement. When Seira removed the car's cover P and Yu's jaw dropped. It was a black DeLorean Alpha5. Smokey and the others had a hunch that Seira was either the daughter of a wealthy person or something, but when Seira revealed that she had purchased the car with her own money and that her parents were average owners of a small company that went bankrupt after their deaths, it sparked their curiosity about what type of work she did before coming here even more. When she was asked she just gave them a vague answer saying she made things that she loved and made people fall in love with it. Seira often gave rides to the Rude Boys, Lala and Eri in her car on highways near Shannon district once in a while strolling around. So Makio told her about the festival being held in Druma Ikka and how she could paint live portraits for visitors and make money while also promoting her shop's opening in two days. Seira agreed without hesitation. She even called her cousin and told him she was back and that they should meet. He asked her why she didn't tell him he could have come to pick her up. Seira nervously told him that she had been here for a month now. She explained to him why she didn't contact him earlier because she was occupied with construction work but she very well knew that the reason was more than just that. He was very upset with her and sulky but the two agreed to meet at the stall that she would set up at the festival.
Makio took out the paintings Seira had made for reference which Shin and Kian had dropped off early morning at her apartment as she put them on display to attract visitors. While Seira took her supplies out, placed them in order and placed the empty canvas on the canvas stick. People were slowly getting interested in their painting stall as they started lining up to get their portraits sketched or painted. Makio was at the counter while Seria painted/sketched as per the customer's request. Their booth was soon filled with happy faces and delighted expressions. People who came for their portrait left with wide smiles and deep satisfaction. This made Seria feel a breeze of life enter her body as she continued to paint/sketch. Kizzy, intrigued, went to see why there was such a long queue at this specific vendor. Rocky, Katio and Koo were close behind her. Kizzy was so thrilled to get the group portrait that she pulled both Rocky and Koo into the queue. Katio was simply happy seeing his girlfriend excited and found the misery of Rocky funny. Rocky wasn't keen on having his portrait taken, but Kizzy's enthusiasm made him stick around. When they arrived at the counter, Rocky paid for the group portrait that Kizzy had requested, and they entered the stall shortly after. As they stepped through the red net curtain, Seria welcomed them. "Welcome to Seira's Painting Booth. Please take a seat." Seria said with a soft smile. Rocky looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. Her voice held warmth that he hadn't heard in a long time. Kizzy and Katio sat next to each other on the chair, while Rocky and Koo stood behind them. "Remove your sunglasses Rocky-san." Kizzy said looking up at Rocky who wrinkled his brows. "No, I won't." Rocky stated flatly. "Yes, you will. Remove them and hand them to me." Kizzy said sharply as she opened her hands monitoring Rocky to hand them. Rocky rolled his eyes in annoyance and handed his yellow sunglasses to Kizzy, who looked at Seira. "Could I ask you to keep them for me?" Kizzy asked politely with a sweet smile. "Sure." Seira said as she carefully took the sunglasses and put them on the table. Seria comes back, secures her apron's strings, settles down and begins painting them. "Are you new in SWORD? I've never heard of a portrait painter." Kizzy asked, smiling. Seira, who was painting the portrait, looks at Kizzy. "Not really. I was born here but my parents moved years ago to New York. I shifted back a month ago." Seira said with a smile, returning her attention to her painting. "Are you planning to open a shop for painting?" Katio asked curiously. "I am not opening a shop to sell art." Seira said without looking at them, her complete attention on the painting. "I heard from Makio-chan that you help her with her organisation work. How did you meet?" Kizzy asked politely. " We first met at a coffee shop. She helped me around with stuff then we bonded well and became good friends. Yes, I do work around with Makio-chan with her organization work. I volunteer in orphanages and other small schools in each district, teaching children how to paint and do other things. Helping around with other necessities for people in need." Seira said smiling as she got back to painting. "Are you the angel the kids don't stop talking about!" Koo questioned, surprised. He had often heard kids in White Rascals territory talking about an angel who gives Art, English and Maths classes one day a week. " If you are talking about the kids from the orphanage in your territory then yes, that is indeed me." Seira said, smiling, as she returned her attention to the painting. She was well aware that not only children from White Rascals territory referred to her as an angel, but that children from almost everywhere she went referred to her as such, to the point where even the elderly people she met referred to her as such. Rocky had also heard Koo mentioning this angel and had wanted to look into it. But the day he had arrived at the orphanage he got to know that the said angel had left for another district.
Rocky simply looked at Seira, who was painting with such concentration and a warm smile on her face. He wanted to know more about the angel lady in front of him. He sure knew that there was so much more to her and his curiosity to get more information about her was getting bigger because she was someone who frequently moved from one territory to another. Knowing how Makio was a person he just knew that the lady in front of him wasn't someone with bad intentions at least but who could know? "The portrait is finished. Here." Seira said getting up as she took the canvas off the stand, handing it to Kizzy. When they saw the portrait in front of them, all three of them were taken aback. The portrait appeared too lifelike to be one. The details were beyond words. Everything about the painting—the colouring, the strokes—was flawless. Rocky too was impressed with it and it was quite visible on his face. " You are not an angel; you are a goddess! Beautiful and exceptionally talented! This is the first time I've seen someone painting breathtaking art! Thank you soooo much!" Kizzy expressed excitedly doing small jumps. That made Seira smile fondly at her. "Thank you so much for your kind words. I painted what I saw before me. The beauty each four of you carry I tried my best to pour into it. I'm glad you liked it."Seira said with a tiny bow. "It's really beautiful. We appreciate you drawing for us." Koo said politely with a smile bowing as Kizzy and Kaito nodded in agreement. Seira's gaze locked on Rocky, who gave her a courteous smile and a slight nod. "Would you mind if I take a picture of you all holding the painting?" Seira asked gently while smiling. The three look at each other and then at Rocky who after a short pause gives a nod. Seira hastily grabs her camera and the four of them pose as the shutter clicks."Thank you so much for agreeing to click a picture." Seria said, happily beaming."I hope you will drop by Club Heaven soon. I'd be delighted to show you around. We have the most safest space and the best drinks to serve especially for women. I am sure you'll enjoy it." Kizzy stated as she held Seira's hand. Kaito and Koo nod in agreement. Rocky who had the canvas in his hand noticed that there was a smile painted on his face in the portrait. But, as far as he could recall, he hadn't smiled. "You painted me smiling when I wasn't?" Rocky found himself asking bluntly, which caused the three to give him a look of disbelief. Before he could say anything to make the situation better the four heard Seira chuckle. "You were smiling the entire time, sir." Seira said eyes shut tightly against the mirth with a warm smile.
After exiting the stall, Makio handed them a pamphlet for a flower shop. "Thank you for coming and do come by to the flower shop!" Makio said with a smile as she bowed. "Of course Makio-san I'll make sure to come by! Having a flower shop open in SWORD was something I always dreamed of since I love flowers. So excited to buy flowers after such a long time." Kizzy exclaimed enthusiastically to her friend as she hugged her. Rocky, lollipop in his mouth, couldn't help but glance back at the stall and then at the pamphlet in his palm. He was intrigued by Seira's aura and the way she carried herself with such confidence, and he just knew this wasn't the last he would be seeing her. On their way out, Rocky, Kizzy, Kaito, and Koo encountered Cobra and others. Naomi, who was talking to Kizzy, spotted the portrait she was carrying. "Oh my goodness, Kizzy-chan! Who painted this? It's incredible!" Naomi exclaimed surprised as Yamato, Chiriu, Dan, and Tettsu examined the portrait. " It's Seira's Painting Stall just a few shops down. I promise you, she is extremely talented! You should all get a group portrait done as well. Highly recommended!" Kizzy exclaimed as she showed them the portrait. "That is my cousin's stall!" Chiharu said as he looked at the painting with a huge smile. He knew his cousin had an immense talent in painting but seeing it up close made him feel extremely proud of her. " She's your cousin? Are you sure?" Kaito sneered in a playful serious tone, looking up and down at Chiharu."What did you say!??" Chiharu yelled as his forehead clashed with Kaito's as the two shoved each other while the others attempted to separate them. As Yamato, Kizzy, Naomi, and Tettsu attempted to separate the two of them, Koo and Dan got into an argument. With a scoff Cobra turned away as his eyes landed on the portrait, a little chuckle escaped him and then he looked at Rocky "So you know how to smile like a sane person after all?" Cobra said suppressing his smile as Rocky rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I know how to smile like a sane person." Rocky scowled as he motioned his hand away. After getting the four calmed down and exchanging goodbyes they part ways. "Hurry up let's go and check the painting stall out before the counter closes." Yamato said looking at the group. Kizzy before leaving had told them that in fifteen minutes the counter was about to close as many people had come over to get their portraits done. "We all are getting one whether you want to or not." Naomi said smiling but in a serious tone, as the rest followed behind the couple to the stall, Chiharu was ahead of all of them particularly overly excited. When they arrived, they noticed that the queue was long and that the people exiting the stall with the paintings appeared cheerful and contented. The Sannoh group patiently waited for their turn in the queue.
On the other hand, Hyuga finally came out of his shrine after a long nap as he stretched himself letting a yawn out and was greeted by Ukyo, Sakyo and the other Durma Babies. He could hear the loud noises of people from below where the festival was on run. " Let's go and have a look around." Hyuga said his voice carried the laziness that was still lingering even after a nap as he put on his red and white happi coat over his black hoodie and left the shrine followed by Ukyo, Sakyo and his men. Reaching the ground Hyuga looked around as the people who recognised him bowed especially the people who had their stalls set up. With his signature smirk look, he kept walking only to come across a certain stall where he saw Cobra and his members entering. This caught his interest as he looked at the huge line and then at the shop's name. " Seira's Painting Stall, hmm." Hyuga said in a low tone with his left eyebrow raised. "It's the shop Shu's sister and her friend Seira have put up. Heard she's new in town." Sakyo said filling him in with the details. This perked up Hyuga's attention. Hyuga knew Makio who was introduced by Shu when he joined. Getting a closer look at the stall wouldn't hurt, would it? "Oi! Oi! Hyuga-san! I see you have finally woken up?" An annoying voice that Hyuga recognised very well stopped him, and he didn't even try to hide his annoyance as he turned to look behind him. It was none other than Murayama, who was beaming widely and waving both his hands like an excited child, while Furuya had a small smile his hands in his pockets and Seki had a foolish smile. Hyuga was cursing himself internally at his luck of whom out of everyone ran into him.
{A.N: Whole Chapter 2 is finally out!! I hope you all enjoyed reading it! Please support this fanfiction a lot!Notes, Comments and Reblogs are appreciated! I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then stay healthy and happy!}
Copyright: All Rights Reserved @𝚊𝚋𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚊𝚗
[ NOTE: The plot, picture edits and the original characters in this fanfiction belong to me. All the credit for the high and low characters and other reference pictures goes to the original owner.]
{ P.S : If you'd like to be tagged under the post for update of the new chapter. Kindly comment below this post and I'll tag you in further chapters.}
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ma1aikat · 2 months
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seira, my oc
not my usual style but i just wanted to try something :p
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magnoliagrandiflora · 9 months
Tha erthoun k autoi p tragoydane to loco, kante seira kagkoures🤩
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maiden-after-dark · 11 months
For Doctor Seira: Armorless, Originium Zone - Libido, Originium Zone - Overburdened, and Environment - Predator (Talulah), and Emergency - Loss!
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The first to happen was her arousal state going to the max, followed by her massive tits only to grow EVEN MUCH MORE. Ripping her shirt, tearing it until it snaps off showing it being waist big causing her to have a movement speed plenty of 90%, the rest of her clothing vanishes into nothing as her squishy thicc stupidy fat tits were in full view with her nips completely harden leaking milk.
She was breathing heavily and then it hit her. "Wait. . . when you mean Talulah as a foe do you mean-" Before she could even say anything she was pinned against the wall a hand hot as molten flames was over her shoulder. This wasn't normal Talulah, no, it was Talulah The Deathless Black Snake.
Fear came to her knowing what this may mean as between her thighs a scorching heat from the hardened tip pressed against her softness as her body already seemed at a loss. intensely heated hands soon grope both breasts, kneading them with ease while spreading heat to the whoredoc's body. Suddenly! With an immense squeeze together she climaxes as milk squirts out of her nips. All she could do was pant like an utter bitch with those cow tits being played with. Then with another squeeze, 'Talulah' lets go and grabs her plump cheeks, pushing her closer onto that hot body colored in red-like flames. "P-please, have mercy-" yet none was found as the huge firerod thrust between her thighs, using them to please it and get it to start spewing it's gooey lava~.
While her body continues to fall father down to needing this, her massive jugs pressed and rubbed against the other as her ass was firmly squeezed! It was so hot and firm that it was branding her as she was lifted up with ease, forced to be made out with the same immense warmth invading her mouth as the tongue ordered her around. Juices leaked out as she came from all of this and once again as that huge cock thrust into her with ease getting all wet while starting to pump into her. All the doc could do is moan like an utter slut! She was a slave to this heat- this- she couldn't even think about anything but being fucked! Each thrust claps her fat cheeks, with each time heating her womb's entrance. Hearts appeared in her ears as her body felt like it was being corrupted and marked! Keeping her body like this and soon their kiss broke as she moans loudly, cumming as she yells out her submission~!
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cellenna86 · 2 years
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~hari pertama bersekolah dalam tahun 2023.. setakat jam 12 tengah hari hanya ada beberapa orang murid Kelas 7 yang datang.. menariknya tahun ini ada kembar seiras lagi dalam kelas 😅 tak sempat nak ambil gambar murid² lain sebab ibu bapa yang terlalu ramai membanjiri depan kelas dan kantin .. fenomena yang luar biasa 😂😂 inilah lainnya apabila anda mengajar Tahun 1 .. esok kita buat lawatan tandas lagi ya 😁 Murid ceria dan guru bahagia 😚 #mylifeasayear1teacher♥️ #skbj2023 #1keranji #firstdayofschool #bukitjelutongshahalam (at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqA3lr9PLd5Q04HRaQVLVDbr4mhNohyKqlvqVg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asixteenthrosecc · 2 years
December CC Haul Links 📃🔗
I have gathered all the links for everything I downloaded in December! 
Time to ✨S H O P ✨ 👀⬇️
💻 watch here
Head Shape Set
fable presets
6 nose presets
eye preset dump
female lip presets n1-3
Lip presets
body presets 1 + 2
lunar body preset
Saturnine Skinblend
SCULPT contour collection
Silence Eyes N65
Heterochromia Comet Eyes
- female
Aamira Hair
Aither Hair
Alice Hair
Andrea Hair
Anna Hairstyle
Bella Hair
Chloe Hair
Ciara Hair
Clark Hair
Cleo Hair
Da-Eun Hair
Daydream hair
Diablera Hair
Ellen Curls
Fern Hair
Frau Hair
Hazel Hair
Hecate Hair
Iris Hair
Kali Hair
Karol Hairs
Kenny Hair
Luma hair 
Maxine Hair
Megan Hair
Mila hair
Naveah Hair 1
Nevaeh Hair 2
Rei Hair
Riley Hair 1
Riley Hair 2
Rockstar Hair
Rose Hair
Rose Hairstyle
Ruka Hair
Sakura Hair
Scooby Set
Serena Hair
Sharon Hair
Snow Hairstyle
Tess Hair
Yara Hairstyle
Yasmin Hair
afro collection
bonisha braids v1-v2
braelynn braid bun
braelynn braids
jort hair
katara hair
kelani braids set
locs collection
maggie hair
north hair
panea puff
prue hair
pyrisha puff
rio's cornrows
twyla hair
- male 
Messy Locs
Mike Hair
Southern Sun
jae hair
Alvaro Hair
kids hair dump #1
kids hair dump #4
kids hair dump #6
kids hair dump #19
kids hair dump #21
kids hair dump #41
Chloe Hair
Little Ballerina Hair
Riley Hair
Chloe Hair
-facial hair
Beard Set
Spice lip kit
the aspen palette
eyeliner ultimate collection
lipstick ultimate collection
summer blush part 1
Prism Makeup Set
Mirage makeup set
pumpkin frost palette
Liner Set
- female tops
Rib Knit Crop Top
Racer Top
Ripped Sweater
Bear top
Wool hoodie
halloween cropped jumper
Boyfriend Jacket V1
Halloween Oversized Jumper
Yoga Bra (Fitness Collection)
Loose Tee
short sleeved t-shirt
Tico & Teco Tops
Himesh Jacket + bag
cozy sweatshirt
clothes set top
Vintage Blouse
- male tops
Elliot Shirt
Sleepover Set
- children tops
Wool hoodie
Himesh Jacket + Bag
xersei cardigan
- toddler tops
Himesh Jacket + Bag
- female bottoms
Yoga Pants (Fitness Collection)
Cargo Jeans
Zane Jeans
High Rise Mom Jeans
Boss Pants
Ruffle Waist Jeans
bianca belted jeans
Cargo Joggers
Taylor Jeans
Two Tone Ankle Jeans
Basic Pants IV
Mayli Tights
Anna Pant
clothes set skirt
- male bottoms
Sleepover Set
- children bottoms
palazzo pants
- female full body
Mandy Dress
Ribbed Bikini
Sweater overall dress
Monroe Dress
Monroe Underwears
sleeping gown
raven dress
Knitted Long Dress
Maid Dress
Kenzie Matching Set
Yareli Dress
Moka Dress
Josephine Outfit
- unisex full body
Festive Flannels
Monroe Jewellery
Epiphany Headpiece
Mermaid Piercings
3D Belly Button Ring
toasty toes socks
earring set
Chaotic Clothes Overlays
Seira Necklace
midsommar eyes
Stockings 7
AirPods Max
Starsign Necklace Set
Pearl earrings
knitted socks
Flower Charm Jewelry Set
Lace Socks 01
Divinity Earrings
- female
Riley Platform Heels
Essential Pumps Collection
Hesper Pumps
Blackout Chunky Heeled Loafers
Patent leather ankle boots 01
Rhinestone Jewel Embellished Boots
Shearling-lined Suede Knee Boots 01
Butterfly Leather Heels 01
Glittered Leather Sneakers 01
Leather Sandals 02
Crystal Satin Sandals 01
Crystal Leather Sandals 01
Platforms Leather Sandals 01
Embellished Leather Slides
Lace Up Sandals 01
Leather Sandals 04
Embellished Pearl White Satin Sandals
Leather Sandals 05
Pearl Wedding Sandals
Tall Rain Boots 02
Leather Loafers 01
Leather Sandals 06
Satin Pumps 02
Leather Pumps 01
Satin Sandals With Bows 01
Embellished Leather Sandals 01
Leather Pumps With Bow 02
Suede Ankle Boots 01
Suede Ankle Boots 02
Lace Up Sandals 02
- unisex
alive sneakers
Club C85 Sneakers
Tall Rain Boots 01
Adidas superstar
Child of Nature Tattoos
Betty full body tattoo
Lowkey Tattoos
Homemade Tattoos
Random Tattoos
Leaf Chest Tattoo
floral chest tattoo
QICC November 2022 Collection
Comfy Collection Redux
Simblreen Set
komfy collection
sienna collection
November 2022 CC Set
QICC May 2021 Collection
Red Carpet Set
October 2022 Collection
Mellow III
QICC February 2022 Collection
Mini CAS set No.1
Secret Santa 2022
Fiona Clothes Set
October 2021 Collection
Sentate X Trillyke 2020 part 1
Trillyke X Sentate 2020 part 2
Reprobate Romance CC Collection
Explorer set
Autumn City
November 2022 Collection
The Timeless Collection part 1
The Timeless Collection part 2
Jacquebazz Collection 001
Year of the Rabbit Collection Year of the Rabbit Collection pt 2
Glitter Collection part 1
Glitter Collection part 2
Slay Belles Set part 1 Slay Belles Set part 2
Autumn/Winter 2022 Collection
December 2022 Collection
default bra + panty
ridgeport archive - becky boots mesh
Thank you so much for watching! Disclaimer: I do NOT claim or own any CC mentioned! 🖤
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lastregattaluna · 2 years
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🧜🏼‍♀️🌊👑🐚🪸 #mermaidmelody #mermaidmelodypichipichipitch #pichipichipitch #pichipichipitchmermaidmelody #mermaid #mermaids #siren #sirena #sirene #sirenita #shell #Rina #Lucia #Luchia #Hanon #sara #seira #Coco #noel #karen #italia1 #cartone #anime #doll #dolls #dollcommunity #dollcollector #dollcollection #japan . https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuaCaet2vg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prism-stone-planet · 7 months
Watched the first part of the virtual Kiratto PriChan musical and it was a fun little thing. Sadame’s song was p cool too. My Japanese isn’t good enough to understand everything said but I got the jist of it I think.
I was originally disappointed I couldn’t buy the MyChara option in the crowdfunding thing but I feel like those who did kinda got let down unless they got the name call option because the MyCharas weren’t even 3d models and looked like cardboard stands lol and it was hard to see the MyChara’s in the audience.
It was funny that someone’s MyChara was just Aroma from Pripara lol and I think one was meant to be Seira from Aikatsu?!
I’m looking forward to part 2 especially since (spoilers under cut):
They teased that Anju might appear!!
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romios-gr · 7 months
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Εκοιμήθη ο π. Βασίλειος Βουλουδάης επί σειρά ετών στύλος της ενορίας Αγίου Νικολάου Πευκακίων της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Αθηνών.  Η Ιερά Αρχιεπισκοπή Αθηνών μετά θλίψεως ανήγγειλε την εκδημία του μακαριστού Πρωτοπρεσβυτέρου κυρού Βασιλείου-Ευαγγέλου Βολουδάκη του Εμμανουήλ, Εφημερίου και Προέδρου του Εκκλησιαστικού Συμβουλίου του Ιερού Ναού Αγίου Νικολάου Πευκακίων της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκ... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/ekoimithi-o-p-vasileios-voyloydakis-epi-seira-eton-stylos-tis-enorias-agioy-nikolaoy-peykakion/
0 notes
markingrecords · 2 years
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3rdプレスで再入荷しました🥀💧〰 国内で活動するアーティストJesus Weekendの1st EP。2010年代前半に同名のバンドで活動していたSeira Nishigamiが、ソロプロジェクトとして待望のフィジカルリリースです。「涙から生まれる新しい栄養」「人の目に見えるもの/見えないもの」をテーマに、さまざまな楽器や環境音、声、気配までもが呼応し合い、木霊して、美しく残酷な響きを生み出すサイケデリックなアンビエント。心の奥深いところでずっと響かせていたい。HappyのAlec Polonskyがギターで参加しています。 #markingrecords #vinyl #record #recordstore #indie #matsumoto #jesusweekend (Marking Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpo2myNBm0L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voxveganoficial · 2 years
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Leia até o fim! "Trato comum"? Alguém já viu algum gato pegando outro desse exato jeito? Normal pra quem? Pra humano só se for (sim, num caso de emergência, num resgate de gato bravo, medicação, por exemplo, seria plausível, mas não é o caso né 🙄😒). A menor questão é a anatômica (como pegar ou não). 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼O CRMV não entendeu a raiz da questão: 🚨o exemplo de uma atitude gros#seira e mal educada com os animais que esse sujeitinho deu para o mundo TODO🚨 ‼️Pessoas de visibilidade influenciam muitas e muitas outras. E esse foi o exemplo que esse Rodrigues deixou: 🔹aparece um animal, 🔹pode pegar pelo couro e 🔹jogar como se fosse um objeto atrapalhando! Nisso CRMV não pensou antes de falar 💩 na matéria! O CRMV não entendeu que a maior questão não é onde pegou, mas ⚠️COMO⚠️ pegou , POR QUE e ⚠️O QUE⚠️ fez! Precisava pegar pelo couro? Podia ter pego no colo, ou dado um toquinho pra ele sair da mesa! Tinha que ter jogado (mesmo sendo altura baixa)? Podia ter só abaixado e colocado no chão! PODIA TER TIDO UMA ATITUDE GENTIL, MAS PREFERIU PEGAR PELO COURO E JOGAR NO CHÃO. Isso diz muito sobre ele, e muito sobre quem defende ele! 🤔Aliás, o CRMV "apoiou" a atitude do Rodrigues. O mesmo CRMV que tem relatórios surreais aprovando RODEIOS como eventos onde não há maus-tratos com os animais. Bom, não precisamos dizer mais nada sobre a reputação de alguns (esperamos que poucos) veterinários do CRMV 🤷🏻🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏽‍♂️ 📢Recado dado @crmvsp Bóra refletir sobre as consequências de suas "aprovações"! #crmv #crmvsp #gateiras #maedegato https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl6cFtJrEsA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yumiiverse · 2 years
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This weekend! We all dive into Deep mycelium world. ✨🍄🍁Come join us❤️ ✺ 🧚‍♀️お得情報㊙️✺ 前売りチケット購入時、Enter coupon codeへ【YUMII88】と入力すると、前売り価格より10%OFFになりますので御活用下さい。 ✺ •⋖⫷ •⋖⫷ Mycelium Festival ⫸⋗• ⫸⋗• ✺ [Music and Art Festival] ■ DATE : 2022.10.01 (SAT) - 10.02 (SUN) GATE OPEN 11:00 START : 13:00 - CLOSE : 16:00 next day ■ PLACE : おおぐてキャンプ場 長野県下伊那郡下條村睦沢7144 @lake_oogute.camp 7144-59 Mutsuzawa, Shimojo, Shimoina District, Nagano ▼ ■ TICKETS ■ ▼ ON SALE: https://www.myceliumfestival.net/ 前売り 14.000 - ON SALE! 当日 16.000 •⋖⫷ •⋖⫷ LINE UP ⫸⋗• ⫸⋗• Psy Dub, Psy Trance, Techno, Live Musicians! ■ ▪️SPECIAL GUEST LiVE ▪️ ■ ✺ SYMBOLICO [LiVE Act] - Israel @symbolico ✺КUКAN DUВ LАGАN [LiVE Act] - Spain @kukandub ■ ▪️ Guest LiVEs ▪️ ■ ✺ Matsumoto Zoku / 松本族 - [LiVE] @reomatsumoto8 @koji66matsumoto ✺ Eki-Oneir-0 - [LiVE] ✺ ∞Yah-Ya∞ × Tea Young Day - [LiVE] ■ ▪️ Guest DJs ▪️ ■ ✺ REE.K - Space Gathering - ✺ HOBOBRAZIL - bar bonobo | H.I.M. ✺ YAMATO - TesseracTstudio | LIBERO ✺ YUMII ​- MERKABA Music ✺ RYOOKY - Digital Shamans Records | Meeting Point Festival @ryooky_ls_d ✺ KO-HEI - Hi-Lite | Moshi 2 Booking - ✺ EMIRI - Zenon Records | Libero ✺ LAZZZY- Transubtil Recs | onosim | 0=zero production ✺ KOJIRO - Re:birth Festival | Hypnodisk @kojiro_jp_rebirth ✺ TOSHIKI - DayDreamBelievers | Matsuri Digital Chill | 873net @toshiki_84 ✺ TARZAN - 山川DC | NEWTONE | MEiYOU @nowhere_man777 ✺ MICHIRU - 0=zero Production @michiru_zero ■ ▪️ PERFORMERS ▪️ ■ ✺ Light and Fire Show - @ashalelishow ✺ Body Expression Art - SEIRA ✺ Live Painting - HAYATO TERAGUCHI - ✺ Bubble art: ONCHI •⋖⫷ •⋖⫷ SPACE DESIGN ⫸⋗• ⫸⋗• ■ ▪️DECORATION▪️ ■ ✺ MUEO.ART ✺ D.D.B. Decorations @d.d.b_decoration_project ✺ StageWorks: Shinovi Creation ■ ▪️Sound Creator ▪️ ■ ✺ MMU / Meta Audio Sound System: Function One PA - MIURA Masahito ■ ▪️360° CHILL OUT SPACE ▪️ ■ ✺ @keigo_tanaka_music ■ ▪️ VJ ▪️ ■ ✺ @ryoutasugiyama Liquid Lighting Artist & VJ Grasshopper Lighting Syndicate #yumiilovesyou #merkabamusic #myceliumfestival2022 #lakeoogute #nagano #japan #universaltraveller (おおぐて湖) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCF5JoPqQL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prettyallfriends · 2 years
re: my previous post (which was an april fools. but like i literally did translate 95% of the opening sequence of aikatsu cinderella lesson!! even tho the games ass lol). gna give a rundown of aikatsu 3ds games since i wanted to compare them for myself (tldr: my no. 1 stage is the best)
cinderella lesson: its bad. so its a touchscreen minigame collection, but with like 3 minigames. the rhythm game is not based on aikatsu arcade! its mind numbingly boring. very few characters (soleil+otome+yurika, 3 other characters i can find 0 info on, and midzuki+kaede+sakura as password unlocks). song list literally doesnt matter bc its weird off-vocal versions. wouldnt recommend
futari no my princess/my 2 princesses: touchscreen minigame collection but its way better than cinderella lesson. the rhythm game is a touchscreen version of the arcade game (you can use the l+r buttons instead), theres way more minigame variety... but you have to do a tonne of repetitive minigames for design parts anyway. theres no freeplay afaik, so i cant actually check what characters are available (previous games base roster, plus seira+kii+sora at least. akari+maria+midzuki unlockable via password). if you want minigames, this is pretty fun honestly, vastly improved over cinderella lesson
365 idol days: akarigen s1. so they got extra help with development and its super apparent. theres finally button controls! they cut some corners (non-idol characters dont have 3d models anymore). starting characters are luminas+juri, pretty sure dlc includes madoka, rin, kokone, miyabi...? idk. presumably ichigogen is all here too since their songs are accessible from the start. if you want to experience aikatsu with a mychara, go with either this or the aistars game
my no. 1 stage: i think it has every main character aside from the aikatsu world tour characters (heartbreaking. where is yayoi give her to us), im p sure most if not all songs. a rhythm game through and through, but! no mycharas. tonnes of coords though, honestly a very good tradeoff, the ultimate aikatsu experience
aikatsu stars my special appeal: (theres a version called 'first appeal' which is just a demo i think? anyway um. its aistars season 1. what more is there to say
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xxxdoppel · 2 years
A long overdue post...
I've been wanting to do this for a while, but we have had so much going on with the game and the anime release that I keep pushing it back in order to give other posts priority, so here we go! My most recent acquisitions!
Beginning with Tart Nation! My goal was Pernelle and I did get her, but at what cost? Well, got spooked twice:
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Hikaru and Karin
I was enraged, to be honest. I had exactly 200 rolls and the last thing I wanted was a spook, but well... I eventually got:
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Pernelle Flamel
Okay, but the only way I was able to get her is because I bought her at the shop. 200 rolls and she wasn't part of any of them. It was really sad cuz I worked so hard for those stones... At least I got her. Gotta be happy for that.
With the free anime rolls, my main got:
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Himika Mao
I ADORE that final pose, it's so dynamic! She looks so cool! You guys know I'm usually never happy with getting new units, but she's an exception because of that P O S E. I'm a huge fan of illustrations like that.
I also decided to go ahead and buy a wellfare from the shop:
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Seira Mihono
It's taking me a while but I'm slowly finishing collecting the wellfares. The only one I'm missing now is Rion.
Now, my alt account:
Other than Mitsune, these free rolls gave me:
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Sayaka Miki
Why is Seyiku the first one of the HQ to appear? It happened to my main as well! Btw I just realized her background looks like Oktavia's "collar"(?) That's kinda badass.
What a journey. It's been so much fun to the point I wish it never ends! I truly wholeheartedly wish so...
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