#p sure one of those gave me a virus
carnivxre · 8 months
Rb @ put in the tags w the stupidest way you ended up having to get your computer repaired from a virus or otherwise as a child/early teen
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angelsvoice1love · 2 years
After we fell
*Lee Soo-Hyuk*
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Soo-Hyuk: You what?
Y/n: You heard me. I...i want to...
Soo-Hyuk: Divorce. He said, his voice falling at the words.
Y/n: Yes.
Soo-Hyuk: Why?
Y/n: I never see you anymore, besides that when your here...your not here.
Soo-Hyuk: What the hell does that mean?
Y/n: We've been married 6 months, and in all those months we've been together I've only seen you for two months. T...thats not a marriage.
Soo-Hyuk: Y/n, please. He said, as he placed his hands on either side of your cheeks.
Y/n: No, I'm sorry. I can't, stay in a marriage where I'm all alone.
Soo-Hyuk: Y/n-
Y/n: NO! We only consimated our marriage, and three weeks ago we had sex once. Twice, Soo-Hyuk...that...thats not a marriage I want to be in. You replied, as you looked down at the ground. The papers have already been sent to your lawyers, please sign it as soon as possible. I don't want anything, no money, I don't want a thing, I have my own things and I want to just get out of this. You spoke, as you said your final words before leaving the house, and to the car.
Soo-Hyuk: Y/n, where are you going?
Y/n: That's none of your concern.
Soo-Hyuk: Please, I'll sign the papers, I'll do whatever you want...i just want to know you'll be staying someplace safe.
Y/n: I'll be staying with my mother.
Soo-Hyuk: Okay. I-
Y/n: Goodbye, Soo-Hyuk. You replied with a smile, as you drove off.
Two weeks later
Soo-Hyuk watched you from across the table as you signed the papers moving it over to his side, swallowing hard he took the paper slowly picking up the pen as he breathed out and signed the final part of the paper.
Judged: By the power invested in me, and the state of Seoul, I now officially pronounce you divorced. He said, as he stood and walked out of the room.
Soo-Hyuk: Y/n, if I may, who will be picking you up?
Y/n: I...um...no one. I was thinking of taking an Uber or a taxi.
Soo-Hyuk: Please...if it wouldn't be much trouble could I take you home?
Y/n: Soo-Hyuk...i-
Soo-Hyuk: Please. I know you moved into a new apartment, and your moving on with your new life...but all I'm asking is to make sure you'll be safe. I still care about you, despite what you might think.
Y/n: O...okay.
Later as you arrived at the apartment building, you walked in silence with Soo-Hyuk next to you seeing as he insisted on walking you to your door.
Y/n: Thank you.
Soo-Hyuk: Of course. Y/n, keep my number on your phone in case of anyt-
Before he could finish his sentence, you ran into your apartment running to the bath room as you started to vomit. Running into the apartment, he shut the door as he made his way to you.
Soo-Hyuk: Y/n? Are you okay?
Y/n: I don't know. I've been sick ever since two weeks ago...i...i don't-
Soo-Hyuk: Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital.
Y/n: No...its fine, i-
Soo-Hyuk: No. I'm taking you and I'm making sure you're okay.
Y/n: I don't want to be an inconvenience t-
Soo-Hyuk: Your not an inconvenience, now let's go.
Nodding you finally gave in, and followed Soo-Hyuk to his car. After a small drive you got to the hospital, and were immediately taken to get tested for any virus that could be in the blood.
After waiting an hour, the doctor came into the room were you and Soo-Hyuk were waiting for him.
Doctor: Well, I know why you've been vomiting so much Mrs Lee.
Soo-Hyuk: Please, tell me she's okay. He asked the doctor, as you faced him you could see the fear written on his face.
Doctor: No need to worry Mr Lee, it's nothing to worry about. Your pregnant Mrs Lee, congratulations.
Y/n: P...pregnant?
Doctor: Yes.
Soo-Hyuk: For how long?
Doctor: For 1 month.
Y/n: A month?
Neither of you spoke to each other as you drove back to your apartment, as you unlocked the door Soo-Hyuk placed his hand on your turning you around.
Soo-Hyuk: Y/n-
Y/n: Soo-Hyuk...what are we going to do? I-
Soo-Hyuk: Know that I'll be there for everything, I won't miss out on anything...i don't want to miss out on anything. I can't.
Y/n: What are you saying?
Soo-Hyuk: I want you to move back. Just until after pregnancy...maybe a little longer.
Y/n: Soo-Hyuk-
Soo-Hyuk: Please. I don't want to miss a moment. He said, as he placed his hand on your face. I want to experience every moment, every kick, every inch he grows, every laugh, his first steps and when he says his first words. I...I've always wanted this, I've always wanted a family with you. He said, as he rubbed his thumb lightly over your cheek.
Swallowing you bit your lower lip, as you pulled him down gently kissing him softly.
Y/n: Don't go. You whispered against his lips, as you held onto his jacket.
Soo-Hyuk smiled against your lips, as he picked you up bridal style and carried you into the apartment. Placing you down gently on the couch, he took your bag from your shoulder, and placed it on the coffee table. Next he took off your black heels, as he kissed your lips once again.
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Soo-Hyuk: Are you sure y-
Y/n: Shut up...and kiss me. I just want to be with my husband. You said, stopping fast, as you quickly sat up looking at him awkwardly. I...um-
Soo-Hyuk: Don't be. He said taking your hand in his. I want us to be together again, and if it means we need to build a strong foundation from the start, I'm willing to do that for you. I'm will to do anything to get you back.
You smiled at Soo-Hyuk, and stood up for a moment only to take a seat on Soo-Hyuk's lap. Smiling up at you, he held your hips keeping you in place.
Y/n: Truth be told...i never wanted to divorce, I just didn't know what to do. You said, tears falling from your eyes. Please don't hate me.
Soo-Hyuk: I could never hate you. He said, as he wiped the tears away. How about we start over? A new leaf, we both will put everything into this new relationship for each other and our baby to come. He said, placing his thumb on your stomach as he lightly stroked it. Just the three of us, I won't let my acting come in the way of you both ever again.
Y/n: Y...you want to marry me again?
Soo-Hyuk: Yes. I want to wake up next to you every day, kiss you every night, and see how our blessing grows up. If you'll have me. He spoke, as his right hand made it's way to your cheek.
Y/n: Yes. I do. I want you more thank anything in this world...well you and baby. You replied with a giggle.
Soo-Hyuk: Tomorrow, I'm going to buy you a new ring, sympolizing our new engagement.
Y/n: I don't need a new ring Soo-Hyuk.
Soo-Hyuk: No. I said new start, new leaf, new everything. And that includes this. Please.
Y/n: What do I do about the old engagement ring and wedding ring?
Soo-Hyuk: Well sell them. He replied, as he took your hand in his as he kissed your wrist. Now...for the time being I have more important things to do. He said, as his kisses made their way to your collerbone.
Y/n: Mm...a...and what's...t...that? You asked, closing your eyes as your hands tangled into his hair.
Soo-Hyuk: I'm going to make love to my fiance, the way I should've done a while ago. He smiled, as he picked you up carrying you to the bedroom.
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cannibal-witchh · 4 years
"I'm No Hero, Lady"
Reader(fem) x Carlos Oliveira
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Written by cannibal_witchh
Contains: Violence, gore, vulgar language, some fluff
Notes: I previously wrote a fluff fanfic about Carlos snuggling the reader in bed during a storm. The reader had a nightmare about the past which was the incident in Racoon City. This is the scenario that occurred when the reader is saved by Carlos before the end up together.
The previous story:
The city was cast in flames, the fire resembled an angry ocean of embers, quickly devouring collapsing buildings and destroyed vehicles. The decaying humans once recognizable, slowly met the fate of existing as the undead, as putrefing skin consumed them. There were several minutes of sickening screams, gnashing of teeth, buildings crumbling, and the blazing of an angry sea of heat. And the following after that was stilled silence, painful, vacant, lifeless, and numbing. The air almost seemed heavy, ears desperate and clawing for a sound to be stirred.
Several hours had past since a violent rage of a deadly pandemic disturbed Racoon City. You had been locked away in your supervisor's office at the museum, alone and terrified. You possessed no expierence in defense, you were simply a staff member of the local museum. It wasn't until an unfamiliar face offered you help, it was an incredibly risky gamble to take, but it was either be supposedly 'saved' or stay under a desk in a poorly protected office for however long.
"Y/N, I'm gonna need you to stay close to me, there's too many of those freaks roaming around, and from the little knowledge disclosed they are very contagious. A bite, maybe a scratch, will cause a nasty infection.", Carlos informed as you nervously followed closely behind. He was leading you through the south wing of the museum where the dinosaur fossils were displayed. It was eerie, the entire large room completely in darkness, and Carlos' gun light being the only illumination you both had. " Relax, I took all these fuckers out already. You're safe, lady. " he looked over his shoulder at you and gave a warm grin. It was hard to find complete emotional relief but he certainly was charming. His shaggy dark hair brushing on his forehead and above his brown eyes, his olive muscular figure, and his scruffy beard. He definitely was handsome and unusually young to be working in this field. " How many of them were there?", you whispered, darting your eyes all around the room, examining for any movement or noise.
" Maybe twenty, there wasn't too many."
" What about how many survivors you and your team found?"
" Sadly, just fifteen. Either civilians refused help and barricaded themselves in. Or they were found too late and turned into one of those monsters."
" That's awful.", you felt the sting of reality flood through your body. Just fifteen. You continued pacing attentively behind him as he held his rifle close against his chest. "Walk carefully over here, this is where I had to clear a group of them out.", he muttered as you both managed to enter the corridor leaving the fossil room. There were adleast ten dead bodies scattered along the ground. Gore staining the white tiles, the stench of expiration filling the narrow hall, and decoral tarnished and destroyed everywhere. Discomposure deluged your body, you froze, standing idle, and quivering. It was an electric feeling of absolute fear that paralyzed you. You would have to maneuver around carcuses that could still possibly be alive, and you were not in proper attire to protect yourself at all from their attacks. You dressed in a tight grey houndstooth pencil skirt, and a silk mint collared blouse. Definitely not fit for an apocalypse. Carlos turned facing you, realizing you had stopped following him. His expression was serious for a few seconds, and a few times he would glance behind him confirming nothing was there. " C'mon, Y/N, we don't have much time." He beckoned
" I can't, I'm afraid."
"I cleared all this hallway, I promise. I won't let them hurt you.'
"I'm sorry Carlos. I'm too afraid...", you admitted with humiliation.
" Lady, ugh...don't hit me ok?", he playfully smiled and swung his rifle around his back. He plodded over to you and quietly scooped you up against his chest. He let out a awkward giggle and started to regain his balance with your weight. For someone who just witnessed this horrible pandemic, killed the undead, and did this independently he sure was calm. It was comforting, though. "Sorry, but I'm not leaving you behind nor am I wasting time.", he glanced over at you, making brief eye contact. His eyes were soft, it didn't display the slightest fear, and his hair swayed side to side above his gentle eyes. For someone roaming around in rubble, blood, and sweat, his aroma smelled wonderful. He smelled of spices and his own sweat. It was strange but he didn't smell too bad. Carlos coggled back ahead, carefully stepping over corpses, and just as he promised, they really were all dead. Occasionally, he would bounce you up to gain more security when holding you. You draped your arms tightly around his neck to stay supported. His breathing was slow and quiet against your face as he carried you closer and closer to the exit. " Do me a favor, please. Please watch my back.", he requested finally making it to the exit. The exit sign flickered red, static occasionally sparking from the sign, and shimmering down onto the ground. You looked over Carlos' shoulder and with your relief, nothing was there. No rustles and no movements. Carlos was struggling to open the door, he continued to press against the bar of the wide door a few times until he finally gave up. " Fuck!", he quietly shouted as he stepped back from the door. He took a few more steps back until he had a little space between the door and him. He lifted his foot up and kicked out the door. The door rattled loudly and swung wide open. " Thank God,", he sighed in relief as he transported you outside the museum.
"OK, ok, you can let me go. Sorry, for the trouble. ", you bashfully removed your arms from over his neck, and he slowly lowered you to your feet. "Didn't like being held, huh? I'm just kidding, let's keep going.", he teased as he began walking down the alongated museum alleyway. The two of you had finally made it out of the museum, and the alleyways seemed relatively tame. There wasn't too many corpses lurking down it. And the ones that did approach the two of you, Carlos would resolve with a knife to their skull and quickly they would collapse. He tried not to resolve issues with his gun unless it was when it was absolutely out of control. A few minutes of carefully walking down the backstreet, there was an abrupt crash of shattering glass behind you. It startled you and you immediately drew your eyes to the direction of the loud sound. " C-Carlos...", you stuttered backing away in terror. The virus effected animals too. A large dog had launched itself out of the window, snarling and foaming blood from between its teeth. He stood in an agressively pose, not removing its eyes on Carlos or you. " Try staying quiet, Y/N. We don't need to attract more attention."
"P-p....please shoot it..", your eyes watered on the verge of a break down.
The dog darted forward directly at you, something yanked at your wrist pulling you backwards. Carlos had grabbed you leading you both into a full on sprint. " I don't want to fire off in such a small space. I'm not sure if other freaks are around and they'll go towards the sound. We have to be careful." He quickly clarified, dragging you by the wrist to the very end of the alley. The dog continued racing towards the two of you, snarling and barking loudly. "Carlos!!!", the dog jumped forward at you, nearly biting your arm but a bullet dove forward directly into its skull. The dog flew backwards in a pained whimper. " Shit!", Carlos cursed in frustration, he moved his head around examining all directions. " Fuck, fuck, fuck...we gotta go!", he gripped your wrist and began to guide the both of you back towards the middle of the alley. The dead had be drawn to all the barking and the gun shot. Unfortunately, a group was forming on both ends of the alleyway, and blocking any escape. " Y/N, look! ", a broken fire escape ladder hung in the middle of the alley, it was the absolute only opportunity to escape. Carlos squated down, holding his hands together to give you a boost up to it. " Go, go, go, ", he chanted trying to sound as hopeful as he could. You hoped up and grabbed the ladder, with as much strength as you could gather, you began to pull yourself up. The swarm of creatures got closer and closer and you feared for Carlos' safety. Come on climb already! He jumped as high as he could, latching on to the ladder, and pulling himself quickly up. He let out multiple gasps of air in exhaustion and then gestured with his head to continue climbing all the way up. "Let's get all the way up, away from these fuck faces!", you both felt rattling from the fire escape with each step and climb you both took. You felt unsecure having your weight, Carlos', and his equipment. Within a few minutes of climbing up very high, you both managed to get to the roof of the building. Carlos immediately dropped his gun to the ground and laid on his back. For minutes, he laid there breathing heavily as if he ran a marathon. You walked a few feet away from him, dropping to the ground, and covering your face in your palms. So many emotions churned inside your mind, you were exhausted, terrified, confused, and livid. What was going on? Tears began collecting in your eyes, you failed to suppress the tense emotions clenching your chest, your body quivering in shock, and you began to fall apart in your own hands.
"What's wrong, Y/N? Are you hurt?", a large hand squeezed your shoulder.
" No..., I just, I dont know if I can take all this.", you sniffed continuing to conceal your face away from Carlos'. You felt his large arms wrap around you, pulling you close against him, and he rested his head against your's. " I get it. I'm scared shitless too. But you know what, we aren't doing so bad. We've survived this long."
" I only survived because you decided to be a hero and save me! I would've died on my own. I'm useless!", you cried, feeling tears escape between your finger tips. "Woah, no, you aren't useless. Its not like every other day a random pandemic hits and you get used to this stuff. I've never dealt with this shit before in my life. This is new. Everyone is just trying to survive, you made it on your own for hours with no help. Don't be so hard on yourself." Carlos brushed his large hands against your arms trying his best to calm you. He wasn't exactly great with words but you could tell he tried to make effort. You lowered your hands, revealing your tired red eyes, your face sticky and hot from crying. You felt embarrassed but it was just so difficult to keep it together. " We are almost out of here, chin up.", he grinned, squeezing you against him warmly. " T-Thank you, I'm so sorry you're putting up with my shit.", you glanced from the corner of your eyes at him, too embarrassed to completely turn over to show your reddened face. " Stop. Look at me.", you obeyed his request, although it was hard, you turned to face him. " This is what I'm here for. I want to help and I am happy to help you. Its a plus that you're a cute lady running around in a pencil skirt too. " He teased patting the top of your head, ruffling your hair and giving a light hearted giggle.
Unexpectedly, Carlos' walkie talkie beeped and static flooded through for a brief moment. " Carlos, where are you? Are you alive?"
"Tyrell, I'm alive, surprisingly. I'm up on a roof across Racoon City's museum with one survivor."
"Good! I hadn't heard from you for hours wanted to make sure you weren't having too much fun. So you only found one survivor?"
"Just one. I looked in several areas in the B territory but either the survivors were barricading themselves and uncooperative or turning."
" Shit, well, the boss man says we have to make this our last run. Things are getting bad and we are borderline at max capacity. Hurry up! I will stall."
There was a beep following static and it then it ended. " Looks, like we have to go. I have to take you to the exit we made. There will be a bus and they will take you far from this city to safety."
"What about you? You make it sound like you're not coming?"
"My commands remain. I have to stay."
You felt your cheeks buzz with heat, he was directed to remain?
Carlos and you had waited on the roof top for adleast half an hour. He had given Tyrell an update before the two of you finally climbed down the ladder. Luckily, all the zombies had migrated else where. The two of you quietly hurried, it took nearly another fourty minutes before you finally saw a buses gathered by an exit. It was filled with a civilians, and surrounded by military workers. You felt relief hit you, as you saw other evidence of survivors and humanity. You looked over at Carlos, he turned to face you completely, and he placed a hand on your shoulder. "It was a pleasure helping you.", he smiled, squeezing your shoulder as he walked you to the bus. A doctor on his team examined you for any signs of infections before you boarded, thankfully, you were ok. Thanks to Carlos. You entered the bus and turned around to properly depart from Racoon City, and to depart from your hero. " Thank you, Carlos. You really are a hero.", you smiled displaying truely appreciation. Carlos chuckled for a second and shook his head. " I'm no hero, lady. Hopefully, I see you around. Hopefully, still running around in a cute pencil skirt! ", he winked playfully, as blush scattered across his face and your's. Was he flirting with you? "Just try finding me at museum then. Well, thank you, Carlos. Really. Thank you.", you leaned forward and pecked his cheek.
"Until then."
The bus door closed, and you moved to your seat. You watched as the bus began to leave, your eyes fixed on Carlos, as your view grew smaller and smaller of the city and him. You hoped maybe one day you would see him again. You hoped your hero would survive this. You believed he would.
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rhydium · 4 years
Info dumbo about the StarFinite story?
aright u asked for it anon GET READY [cracks knuckles] this is gonna be long so obligatory cut in 3, 2........
so the uh, the au! the story!! w/e yall wanna call it! full disclaimer, i only began working on this whole thing a while ago, but it's totally taken over my fukn brain. like, we're talking big hyperfixation hrs. am i cringe for being this invested in my own content? yes? cool i do not Care >:3€
i should also throw it out there real quick that i am kin w/ infinite, n this is actually one of my two canons (both of which are my own aus lmfao wow). i didn't go into it expecting it to be but sfsfsgdfs here we are ig!! for that reason it's got extra importance to me n this definitely contributes to the euphoria i get from it!! it's a lil odd writing ur own canon,,? but i kinda just go w/ the flow!
the au n, the story that i will start Eventually, revolves around infinite n starline (obvi) n it's honestly just ... the tl;dr is big healing momence n, what's this? uh oh sisters !!! they are falling in love 😳😳😳
uhhhh so infinite is an android, made by eggman. that's like, the most notable canon divergence here! super important context to have. i've got a whole big theory on the possibility of sega originally intending infinite to be an artificial being (which i explored in the works for my Other canon too), stemming from not only the scene in forces wherein infinite comments on sonic's "data", but a line of dialogue from tails in one of the last stages of the game where he Literally Says "so this is where eggman built infinite". that ... i mean. that contrasts w/ episode shadow pretty hard don't it?? would explain why that dlc was so rushed, n the comic too. ANYWAY adsfsfs um that's a seperate ramblepost. yeah!!!
they are also agender n use they/them (primarily) as well as he/him!! so i'll be refering to them w/ those pronouns!
after the war, infinite is taken in by the resistance n, instead of being dismantled, they're basically given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. it's agreed that they won't be reprogrammed, as despite the potential risks, it feels wrong to do so; like a violation of their free will, individuality n thinking. if infinite is to be a good person, it's not gonna be bc other ppl recreated their entire personality, it's gonna be bc it's what they themselves truly want. robot ethics idk man!! u can't tell me that sonic n co wouldn't offer this to infinite if they offered it to metal in IDW,,,, i am Standing By This!!!
it's, yknow, a bit rocky, at first. infinite has to really fight the urge to return to eggman (something they already tried once, before the resistance found them; they were cast out). it's a struggle against what they were built to do, against giving into unhealthy familiarity over facing a, while healthier, unfamiliarity. new faces, a new life, turning their back on their mission n creator, it's like, a lot.
they work for/with the sonic crew, rebuilding the world they tore down as deemed fitting justice, being closely monitored for a bit as a natural precaution. as it becomes apparent infinite truly no longer has any ambition to harm others (they don't have much ambition for anything, really), they're then granted more freedom, n start taking on more important missions!! it at least gives them something to do, keeps them occupied. they have issues with dissociation, unreality, whether they're truly a real person bc, well, android. feeling purposeless, n a lack of worth, especially. a need to prove themselves. heavy stuff. i'll kinda go into that a bit more in a sec. their work grounds them, if only temporarily.
n soooooo... IDW comic stuff happens. metal virus time. starline gets kicked out of the empire.
now, as the comics are ongoing, n as this is already an au, there's gonna be divergence, n i must admit i haven't planned out all that yet. there's a lot i have to consider!! infinite being w the resistance/restoration is a big game changer ... tho i Do believe that they were absent, likely on a far out mission during most of the chaos. eggman doesn't know abt them, nor does starline or anyone else other than the sonic crew; n some civilians that recognise them.
i'm not 100% sure of Exactly when it happens, but i think it's just after bad guys, that infinite is sent to locate n bring in starline. it doesn't prove too difficult. there's a whole, starline realising "oh fuck it's you???", some bickering n, the two don't hit it off right away. they're both kinda like. not mentally stable ddgddgdds,,,
so uh. starline ends up essentially going thru the same sorta shit as infinite. careful watch, rebuilding, all that jazz, making sure he can be trusted. he's like... very very lost, quite like infinite is. the world has kinda calmed down, in the meanwhile.
it's at this point i'm gonna go ahead n drop a bit of a ramble i subjected my friends to a while ago, to articulate the way i see the two, n their dynamic together!! i was considering making this it's own post a while ago!
analysing their characters a bit... let's look at starline. Like. so we have this, in bad guys, which SENT ME tbfh;
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i feel like it's the moment that triggers starline onto the path he is rn canonically,,, he's clearly like. rly mad n bitter. the core of this?? he wants his work n his efforts to be acknowledged.
he's big angry. still kind of in denial at this stage. he has himself obsessed w/ the idea of making eggman see him as Worthy, that if he just tries hard enough, that'll happen. he's dependent on eggman's validation, n i mean, it's no surprise; he's followed him a Long Time by the sounds of it.
then in the recent issue, hold the fuck up, bc we got, This;
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god. my god it's all comin together now homies. this???? this right here??? it is the CLASSIC "i have to do this to prove i'm strong n powerful n smart n worthy n should be respected please Give Me Acknowledgement" ..... n who else is Like That? can u see where im going w/ this?
i think most ppl are aware of infinite's character being extremely indicative of self worth/esteem issues n the need to prove themself, right?? the extreme adversity, repulsion, perhaps even fear toward the idea of being weak. the compulsion to prove otherwise, to show their strength, to become powerful, to conquer to make a point. their theme exudes this same energy as their behaviour in-game; an aggressive attitude, trying to assert themself, while if u rly listen...? the lyrics are actually really sad in places. it reeks of cover up, although composition wise, a v interesting thing to note is a lot of the more telling lyrics are prominent while some of the affirming ones are in the background. indicative of a desire to have their true feelings be heard but caught in a vicious loop?
okay okay that's yet Another different analysis. AHEM.
not to get deep on main (oh who the hell am i kidding that's the point of this entire thing) but i think starline has issues w/ his worth in a similar way to infinite. they both seem to have this need to Prove something, whether it's to others or themselves, n get caught in a toxic spiral of doing worse n worse things for Some kind of validation or acknowledgement. they'll go to really big lengths chasing that, n both of them ultimately sought validation in the wrong place n wrong way.
this is a big part of my starfinite dynamic,, n so, what happens, as they get closer n open up??? we have them BOTH realising together that they don't have to do fuck all to prove anything to anyone. they don't need to do all this to show they're strong n smart n worth something, not to anyone else OR themselves. they're enough as they are. they bond over that shared feeling that they have to do xyz, to prove themselves, n that desire to just finally be acknowledged n appreciated n help each other thru it. to help each other understand that other ppls approval, or lack thereof, doesn't define them, their strength, intelligence, and worthiness.
i feel like they have an interesting parallel between them in like... the above could be taken as a general analysis, but to go more in depth on this au specifically?? ...
starline followed eggman for presumably a long time n it no doubt left him feeling a heavy and deep regret for all that time wasted n spent on an unhealthy path. infinite kinda teaches him that what matters is what he's doing Now n also reminds him that if none of it happened, starline wouldn't have learnt a lot of the serious skills he has. n while starline still feels bad, he also realises himself that, he likely never would have crossed infinite's path if none of it happened. for that reason, he wouldn't take it back.
infinite has only been recently made, on the other hand. they haven't really existed long, yet, but so far their experiences haven't been very positive n it can be .... discouraging. starline sorta, shows infinite their limited experiences w/ the world are a very tiny fraction of what's out there, n things can absolutely change, yes, including for the better; that's the essence of life, a neverending, constant flow of change.
it's a big tale of moving on n letting go, honestly; made easier as they're doing it together. n as they heal n grow, well... these bitches gay. sfshshdgds like, ig that's putting it p bluntly but!! they start to trust each other, understand each other more. as they get to truly know who the other is, they both start developing The Feelings. they're both pretty oblivious n the reveal is totally unknown so far!! yeah, i know, bummer. i suck. boo. adafsfsds however i can say there will be lots of content in the making!! if that soothes the soul! i've got of ideas i hope to bring to life.
ofc there's still a lot of more specific things i haven't covered here so! if y'all want more juice hmu w/ more focused questions but !! this is the overview n i hope it was a decent read now that gave some uhhh! Cool Insight! yea!!! ✌
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
FTWD 6x07 - Details
Okay, let's talk details. Even aside from the major and obvious parallel I talked about yesterday, there were quite a few smaller Beth symbols throughout the episode.
***As always, spoilers for 6x07 abound below. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
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The first one was right in the opening shot. We see a deer being eaten by walkers and the camera zooms in closely on the deer's face and the eye. So, deer symbolism which points to both taxidermy elements of the episode, but also, deer symbolism = Beth. Which is important because of the Dakota both parallel, and it focuses in on the eye. (Sirius Symbolism).
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When Strand and Samuels ride ahead to try and figure out what happened to Terry, there's a tree fallen across the road. And it's obvious that someone cut it down. (Turns out to be Morgan.) But we’ve seen this kind of symbolism around Beth proxies a lot. We saw fallen trees in 5x10 after the storm, and right before the music box woke up. We also saw one in 6x14, just before Denise died. And obviously she was a big Beth proxy two. So, I seeing one in this episode right before Dakota goes missing is important.
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After they discover Dakota is gone, Strand says, "only one person matters right now and she's gone." So more of the “gone” symbolism and an echo of Daryl's, "she's just gone," from 4x16.
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As I said yesterday, Ed's hunting lodge sort of gave me white cabin vibes from the missing S5 scenes. When Alicia sneaks in, she crawls under a chain and squeezes through the door it's holding shut. I reminded me a lot of Daryl and Carol doing that and consumed, which was when they were looking for Beth.
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I’ll say it again, but the animals we see stuffed inside also symbols we see used a lot. The bear (bear symbolism), a bird of some kind. I'm not sure what kind it is. But it does kind of remind us of the blackbirds in the opening credits of TWD. A bobcat (cat symbolism associated with Daryl) and, of course, more deer. Later in the episode, we also see a boar’s head. (Pig Symbolism).
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Alicia finds Ed working on a walker which is strapped to his table in his basement. The whole set up reminded me a lot of the funeral home from Alone. Just having a body on a table like that and the fact that it was a walker, not a human.
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The songs playing are “Tonight You Belong to Me,” and “Jeepers Creepers.” I won’t go into either of them too much, but look up the lyrics. The first is about belonging to someone for a short time and the moonlight. The second is all about a person’s eyes. And both mention the dawn. So yeah, we can definitely read into those. ;D
I probably shouldn't read into this too much, but the names used in this episode definitely caught my attention. First, there's Ed. Carol's abusive ex-husband was named Ed. I'm not saying that has anything to do with Beth, but they could've used in the name of the world, right? And they used a name well known in the fandom due to Carol's arc. Next is that he had a daughter named Emily. Again, I'm not saying they're necessarily trying to use that as some sort of TD/return symbolism, but it was just a little jarring to actually hear Emily's name come up in this episode when there such a huge Beth parallel in it.
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Ed asks if either of them plays chess and then he plays Dakota. We’ve talked about chess before. There are a lot of reasons that they may use it as TD symbolism. For one thing, the Queen is all-important in chess. It's also a strategic game, where players are lost periodically throughout. Which might be the writer's way of symbolizing all the characters who have been lost. We saw it heavily around the governor, in the two episodes in S-4 where he had a lot of parallels.
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While Ed and Dakota play chess, was also a record playing. (No lyrics in this song, though.) He says, “Queen’s Gambit.” I’m not much of a chess player so I had to look that up. Aside from the mini-series that’s currently popular on Netflix, it’s a well-known chess move. Feel free to look it up on Wikipedia yourself, but let’s just say that it smacks strongly of a prisoner exchange.
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Ed turns the music on loudspeakers to draw walkers in. Obviously a music theme, but it specifically ties to things like The Big Spot in 4x01, or Operation Lead the Walkers Away in S6. They did this more recently in S10 to lead the Whisperer horde away from the hospital.
Ed has an interesting line when he's explaining himself to Alicia. He's trying is tell her that everything is his fault. That it's his fault his family died, etc. He makes a point of saying, "I created them, but I couldn't control them."
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I feel like this is an important theme. I'm not sure where it's leading yet, but I'm wondering if there will end up being a reveal that the virus was man-made and then got out of control. Or maybe it will have something to do with the helicopter group. I don't know. But it felt like a mic-drop moment, and like something we should remember going forward.
Also? At Grady, Joan said something similar to this to Dawn. “You can’t control them,” speaking, presumably, of the officers.
Then of course Morgan shows up, saying that he heard the music. I talked about how suspicious I am about Morgan showing up at the end of this and what it might mean for Beth yesterday.
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We also learned that, had Alicia's original plan to exchange Dakota for her and Charlie being released worked, she was planning on taking them back to the stadium. That caught my ear because there's been a lot of talk recently about Madison's return. You wouldn’t think she would still be at the stadium, but you never know. Maybe she is. After all the talk in the fandom about it lately, I just couldn't help but side-eye that a little bit. 
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Then Alicia and Morgan quarrel about what to do with Dakota. The thing that jumped out about this part is that Morgan basically wants to do another prisoner exchange, exchanging Dakota for the others in his group (presumably June and Daniel). They don't actually end up doing it, but it was sort of a nod to Grady.
 We also learned that Morgan was the one who attacked the convoy, trying to get a hold of Dakota so he could use her as leverage against Virginia. Again, something we saw just prior to Coda, with TF purposely setting a trap for the officers so they could use them as prisoners in the exchange.
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It’s also worth mentioning that, for the characters in the episode (Alicia and Charlie, though this was true of Al and Dwight a couple of episodes ago too) the moment when they saw Morgan was a resurrection moment. We, the audience, have obviously known  he’s alive since ep 1, but they haven’t. So this was someone coming back from the dead for them. 
We learn that Virginia may have killed her own parents. But we don't know how. Me and my fellow theorists talked about how trustworthy Dakota is. I do like her overall, but one thing that bugs me is that the main characters don't press her. For more information. She said before that not only is she Virginia’s sister but that she hears everything that goes on in that house. So, I think she has to no more than she's saying. But her go to answer about anything is, "I don't know." Personally, I don't think she's going to turn out to be evil or anything, but I do think she knows more than she's saying.
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Finally, Strand returns to Virginia and says that he's on her side and will help her bring back everyone Morgan has liberated.
For the record, while Strand always seems to have an agenda and to want to do things his way, I don't think he's actually working against Morgan's group. I think this is his way of being undercover and helping them from the inside. But Virginia believes him and takes him to where she's secretly hiding Grace, it was still very pregnant.
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Dun, dun, dun! End of MSF.
So, yeah. That's what I have for details. Anybody pick up on anything I missed?
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Au Cheetah!third doctor x reader
Notes : y/n and the doctor go on a adventure to a planet together and the doctor catches the Cheetah virus along the way. read to find out what happends 
Please ignore any spelling mistakes thank you 😊
Im so sorry this is a big mess😅 but enjoy anyway
Warnings: implied sexual content please read at your own risk, its not really detailt but its there so you have been warned
Words : 3067
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The doctor had decided to take y/n to a far away planet. He thought that y/n would enjoy it and she did the whole day they looked at old stuff and new stuff buildings, performances she even tried new foods she never had taste before.
"I want to show you one more thing" the doctor took y/n her hand and let the way. after 10 minuts of walking they both came to a big tree and there stood a stone bench against it, it over looked a big valey and the sun was begining to set.
"Its absolutly wonderfull" she looked in awe.
The doctor sat down on the stone bench and patted the side next to him "rest your legs we have been walking the whole day" he smiled.
Y/n sat down "i really enjoyed today, we should do this more often"
the doctor smiled back at her "you are right we really should do this more often"
Both of them looked at the sunset when "meow"
Y/n looked around when she looked next to her there sat a big black cat "oh hi there little one" she smiled, the cat walked up to her and started to rub against her leg (I don't know how the kitlings act im sorry if im wrong) "oh you want to sit with us" the cat meowed in respons. Y/n pated a place in between her and the doctor the cat jumped up on the bench and lay down inbetween them the doctor patted the cat his head without looking down on the animal but he kept his eyes on the horizon. after the sun had gone down y/n and the doctor went back to the TARDIS.
"I'll set the TARDIS back in flight to earth you get some sleep y/n we had a long day and you look tired".
"Alright i will see you in the morning doctor" she said while walking away.
The doctor walked around the console "that cat was mutch bigger than i had seen before on that planet but i have seen it before somewhere els but where?...." the doctor mumbled while pressing buttons and pulling levers.
The next morning they were back at unit y/n was still asleep but the doctor was up And about working on a experiment.
"Good morning doctor" y/n walked out the TARDIS.
"Good morning my dear did you sleep wel? "
"I slept fine i was exhousted yesterday so i fell asleep easy" she smiled while sipping her coffee/tea.
The doctor looked at her "y/n could you hand me that tube next to you"
Y/n did as she was asked and gave it to him, she looked him in the eyes "umm doctor i don't want to be rude but have you looked at yourself in the miror this morning?"
"No i haven't how so is something wrong with my hair?"
"No its not your hair"
"What is it then?"
"Its your eyes doctor they arn't blue they are yellow and they look like cat eyes" y/n handed him her pocket miror
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"I see what you mean i have seen it before but i can't quite place it unfortanetly....."
"Do you think its bad?"
"Honestly my dear I have no idea"
*Time skip*
"Hmm yes?"
"Are you going with me to eat something? I bet the others are already bussy"
"No i stay here i have to find out whats wrong with my eyes"
"Alright do you want me to bring you anything?"
"Just coffee my dear"
"Alright i'll be back in a hour" y/n closed the door and walked away.
"Now i got to find that book" the doctor said mumbeling to himself while walking in to the TARDIS.
As y/n walked in to the cafetaria she saw jo already eating "hi jo"
"Oh hi y/n how was yesterday?
"It was nice i saw a lot of new stuff we went to a market and we had dinner"
"How Nice i bet the doctor is hanging out in his lab again" jo teased
"Yes he is but thats normal the only strange thing is that the doctor his eyes have changed"
"Oh really? How so?"
"Wel they arn't their usual color they are yellow and look like cat eyes"
"Oh wow thats really weird anything ells difrent than the eyes"
"Not that i have seen its just strange"
"Oh wel i bet its nothig y/n"
"I hope so"
"Tell me y/n Do you like him?"
"Who the doctor?...." *sigh* "is it So obvious?"
"Wel yes it is"
"I don't know jo yes i like him but i don't think he's intrested in me"
"Why would you say that? Have you never seen how he looks at you? And the adventure you two went on looked more like a date than an actual adventure"
"Now you say so"
"But you like him?"
"Yes yes i do" y/n smiled softly
When y/n was done with dinner and talking to jo she went by the office of the brigadier she knoked on the door "come in, ah miss y/l/n hows everything?"
"Everything is going alright im here to pick up my papers that need to be looked trough"
"Ah yes here they are" he placed the pile of papers in her hands "hows the doctor doing?"
"He's bussy tinkering around but something weird is going on"
"Oh do tell"
"Wel his eyes have changed they arn't blue they turned in to yellow cat eyes"
"Hmm i see would you mind keeping an eye on him?" (No Pun intended)
"Dont i always Do that?" She raised an eyebrow while grining
"Yes alright" the brigadier grined back
"Well i got to get back If got to bring him his coffee he asked for" she smiled softly.
"Doctor im back and i brought your coffee" y/n opened the door
"Ah wonderfull thank you dear" he smiled and took the cup from her hands
"Umm doctor your teeth" she handed him her pocket miror again
"Oh no"
"What oh no have you found out what it is yet?"
"Not yet i hope to find it out soon"
"Are you starting to turn in to a big cat?"
"A cat?.... but of course y/n you are a genious"
"The cat we pet yesterday i think it had a virus with it"
"Do you know what kind of virus?"
"Im not sure i have seen it before but i can't quite place it where" he rubbed his chin and sat down on the desk
"But i pet that cat as wel so why am i not turning in to one" (I don't know if humans can catch the virus like i said i haven't seen the episode yet)
"I have no Idea dear"
"Oh wel i have to do my work and i got to keep an eye on you Mind if i sit here and sort trough the papers?"
"No not at all go on" the doctor stood up And walked to one of his other desks Y/n sat down on one of the lab tables and sorted trough everything.
About 2 hours later y/n was halfway trough sorting the papers. "Ugh i think i'll stop for today i can't concentrate anymore" y/n stood up "i think i'll call it a day im still tired from yesterday but first im going to take a hot bath"
when y/n left something happend in the doctor his head he went in to the TARDIS to his bedroom he started to gather a lot of blankets and cushions he placed them on the big canopy bed and closed three of the four canopy curtains to create a Nice nest for his future mate. When he was done the doctor went back to the lab and he forgot what he just did.
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The next morning y/n woke up late round 10 o clock She changed in a dress and high brown boots because y/n wanted to be comfortable in her outfit for the day she walked to the kitchen to get food "what to to get hmm" she looked in the cupboard after y/n looked trough everything she decided to go with (favorite breakfast) after eating y/n went to read something in the library.
When y/n was done reading she went to the doctor's lab "morning sorry i was late i woke up around 10 and went reading something in the library"
"Thats fine my dear would you mind giving me those cables on the bench over there"
Y/n grabed the cables "here you go" she placed them in his hands "any new developments from the virus doctor?"
"Not yet dear but i know what it is"
"Oh do tell"
"Well its the cheetah virus you can catch it from the cheetah people or the kitlings" he showed a picture of a cheetah person
"But we never came acros people who looked like cheetah's.... wait you said kitlings they look like cats right?"
"Yes big black cats that have Sharp teeth..... but of course!!" The doctor stood up "i told you before that the big cat we pated could be responsible for carying a virus that cat was the kitling i catched it from him"
"Um just curious what kind of symptoms are there?"
"Wel my eyes and teeth..... and well"
"Well? Go on"
He sighed "y/n the thing is that it can bring some events with this and its not for everybody"
"What do you mean?"
"Well cheetah people have mating season round this time of the year"
"Oh.. um" y/n started to blush
The doctor cought and rubbed his neck "Anyway would you mind bringing me some coffee?"
"Oh yes of course" y/n turned to the door to fetch some
About 30 minuts later y/n came back with the coffee "here" she placed the coffee in front of him it was already late in the afternoon
"Thank you y/n" he was about to place the cup to his mouth but then he snifed the air "do you smell that?"
"Smell what?" Y/n sat down at where she sat the day before to sort the papers picking up where she left everything to continue
"But don't you smell that then?"
"Doctor i can't smell anything besides dust, old paper and the smell of coffee" She said while not looking up
"It smells like..." he stood up And walked around while smelling the air and he came stand behind her "oh"
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"What oh?"
"Its you" the doctor leaned his nose in crook of here neck while inhaling her scent
"D..doctor pl..please stop" she was schaking
"You are ovulating"
"I told you that we are in mating season round this time of the year and you will be the perfect mate" he wraped his arms around her and picked her up
"D..Doctor put me down p...please"
"No you are mine" his eyes had turned to even smaller slits than before,
Jo heared y/n yelling from the doctor his lab she bursed trough the door with a tranquilizer gun jo shot the doctor in the back of the neck
The doctor let go of y/n and wipped around "Jo what have you...." he stopped mid sentice and fell to the floor.
"Oh jo thank goodness" y/n stood up shaking
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah im fine"
"What was he doing?!"
"Thats the cheetah virus its taking over him"
"Oh goodness what was he trying to do?"
"He wanted to make me his mate"
"Against your wil?"
"Yeah... I thank you for coming in on time" y/n looked at the doctor "we can't leave him just lying on the floor i think its better we bring him to his bedroom come on" y/n grabed him by the legs and jo grabed him by the shoulders together they brought him to his bedroom.
"Umm y/n?"
"Yes what is it jo?"
"Look" y/n turned around and looked at the doctor his bed it was full with blankets and pillows all made in a round shape on the king sized canopy bed
"What the?, where did he get all of this??? Oh never mind lets lay him down" they placed him on the bed "come one jo we got to leave" y/n locked the door and walked away, jo followed her
"What Are we going to do now?"
"To the library to find a book with tips or how we can stop the proces"
About 30 minuts of searching they still din't find what they were looking For "dear old girl would you mind helping us out?" Y/n looked at the celing she waited for a moment thill she heared something fall
"I got it" said jo "oh look it fell exactly on the page where we were looking For"
"Good now we got to make it i know that there is a medical lab in the TARDIS", The TARDIS had rearanged the rooms so that it was right infront of the library "thanks girl" y/n patted the wall "now lets see"
About an hour later the medication was done "so now we have to give it to him" walking out the door they went back to the doctor his bedroom "when will he wake up?"
"Soon we can't wait long"
"I got to keep him up right" y/n sat behind him
"Alright" jo gave the medications to the doctor "he wil wake up About 15 minuts from now"
"I'll stay here you can go on your way again thank you for helping jo"
"Of course y/n be carefull"
About 15 minuts later the doctor did indeed wake up
"Ugh what happend?"
"Well we had to knock you out because Well lets just say stuff was almost about to happen"
"Did i hurt you? Im sorry if i did"
"Its alright doctor but we could't let that happen not without consent or with force"
"I know im sorry y/n" the doctor hide his face in his head
"Its alright" she hugged him "But Look doctor I know you are infected and to be honest with you i have dreamed about becoming all yours but not like that i want to take it Nice and slow and do it savely and not jump in anything to quick" y/n trailed off looking to the side "i really love you doctor and i hope you love me as wel"
"I love you to and Y/n i swear that if you din't want this i would lock myself up And not come out thill this was over" he rubbed his thumb over her cheek. y/n looked at him with big eyes and she leaned in to kiss him, the doctor returned the kiss
"So do you want this?"
"God yes" y/n said breathless
He kissed her again then he started to undress her taking her dress off first when it was on the floor he looked at her "you look absolutly beautyfull" y/n blushed and looked away, the doctor took her chin and softly forced her to look at him y/n looked him deep in the eyes enchanted by their still yellow color. He undressed her tossing everything to the floor and then he undressed him self doing the same with his clothes.
"Are you still sure you want this?"
"As long as it is safe"
"Look in the Nightstand drawer" Y/n looked in there and grabed a condom she gave it to him "i would never do anything against your will y/n I swear".
"I know that doctor" she wraped her arms around his neck
the doctor put the condom on "if it hurts please let me know" y/n nodded.
The next morning y/n woke up entangeled in the sheets and cushions still completly naked "hmm what happend?" And then she remembered what happend the night before, grabbing the blanket she wraped it around her the doctor wasn't next to her anymore. A few minuts later the doctor walked in dressed in a black dressing gown he had a tray in his hands it was full with breakfast.
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"Good morning my dear" he kissed her fourhead and placed the tray on her lap
"Good morning"
"Did you sleep wel? " he asked while he nusseld her
"Yeah i did" she started to eat
"Are you cold?"
"Now you say so Yeah a bit"
The doctor stood up And walked to his closet and pulled out a silver satin dressing gown with fur around the sleeves and the end of the tie. He than walked back to her and placed it on her shoulders "here this should do it"
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"Thank you" after y/n was done with her breakfast she placed the tray on the night stand, she layed back down the doctor did so as wel he cuddled up to her she was about to fall back asleep when
"Prrrrrr prrrr"
"Uh doctor are you purring?"
"Oh sorry"
"No its alright don't worry" she smiled softly while running her fingers trough his hair.
They both fell asleep knowing that this would pass and that the doctor will be back to normal in a few weeks.
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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theantagonistsbliss · 4 years
My 2020 thus far..... in terms of girls.
November 15th, 2020
I’d like to start of by summarizing the amount of girls that have been a part of my life this year and have decided to up and leave for one reason or another.
Robyn C - I was casually seeing her from work. It wasn’t anything serious, but it was fun for the time being. I assumed we were going to continue seeing each other until she had to move to Vancouver for school; that was one of the appealing parts of the “relationship” because it would have an inevitable end not because of either of us but because of physical distance being placed....that ended early because she slowly stopped talking to me and started seeing someone else without letting me know. Dope. Found that one out through my roommate who knew for weeks. Stung a bit.
Sydney P - Aaaah yes this one. I simped for this girl really hard. Definitely not worth it though. This is the girlfriend that cheated on me the previous year. We didn’t talk for 6 months after that happened. Until I was an idiot and wanted to catch up and see how she was doing . Gave her a call and chatted for a while. We started texting again. I made it clear though that I didn’t want to hangout, because when we broke up I made it public that I caught her cheating, so it would also look bad on me if we were seen together again...because it was. Eventually I caved and we hungout in person...also one unfortunate night downtown at the clubs before lockdown, a very drunk me, her, and her friend ended up at her place and did some regrettable (But mostly awesome) things. Definitely shouldn’t have, but that night is burned into my memory now. Anyways, we were friendly for some time after that, even open about other people that we potentially wanted to start seeing or dating, and it was fine temporarily. Until she started seeing this guy that sounded awful, from her perspective not just mine. I sucked it up until she was drinking with him one night near my house and sent me DIRECTLY multiple snaps of them together kissing and what not, the day after I told her that I needed to take a step back from our friendship because I still had feelings for her. Huuuuuge mistake on my part for trying to keep her around and give her another chance. I clearly thought I saw something in her that wasn’t there, and she wanted me around as a friend. Which honestly I understand, I am a GREAT friend. Most of my good friends are female because of how open I am with them and how comfortable I am talking about my feelings. She felt that too, and wanted me to stay that way. But It would have been disingenuous to myself to ignore the feelings that I still had that she clearly didn’t. And after telling her that we CAN’T be friends anymore for those reasons, she disagreed and said I was “running away from the issue”. Which I’m going to chalk up to her wishful thinking, as she would assume me swallowing those feelings would have been better? I don’t know. All I know is that she is still with this dude and I shouldn’t have anything to do with her anymore. She wasn’t THE reason, but she was definitely a solid variable for me to leave Kelowna as I felt the need to physically distance myself from that kind of one sided toxic friendship. 
Katie B - Didn’t actually date her or anything this year, but she was my friend. And in my world where I was miserable and felt the need to move back home to save money during my last year of school because of the Corona Virus Pandemic, I thought it would be comforting to have a friend that I still messaged regularly to be waiting for me when I got home. But surprise surprise, we hangout one time and it felt...off. She was seeing some guy that hit one her when we were seeing each other, but to my knowledge it still wasn’t anything serious. BUT, she eventually told me that she was intentionally distancing herself from me to respect her now BOYFRIEND...when wee months before she was still sending me pictures of her ass while they were “dating”. To some point I can respect her decision but holy fuck does that timing suck for me. Thinking that I will have a friend in this tough time of isolation where there are few people I actually want to see in my home town. Jokes on me though, #BadLuckBrian
Abby M - for clarification, I never dated this girl. Not one time. Thank God for that though. We simply just messaged each other for years, talking fairly regularly. Because we never lived in the same city for the majority of our friendship we seemed to overshare a lot and be a lot more open with each other, since it was seemingly risk free. So EVENTUALLY, since I had to move back home we got to hangout...like one time. And previously we both said we had a bit of a crush on the other. We would not hangout again for weeks, maybe months, though I have had a lot of free time, same as her seeing as she lost her job and was making mediocre money from her mediocre only fans...Not the best romantic candidate haha, whoops. Anyways, I kept asking to hangout and eventually she said “no can do, I have a boyfriend”, which would be fine...if she didn’t lead me on for months. She said things like “Well I kept calling you my best friend, I put you in the friend zone”, buuuut simultaneously would send me nudes on the regular. Strange girl, strange thing. I called her out for leading me on and how that’s not okay and she simply just said I was simping for her haha. Sorry girl, I would NOT pay for your OF. Strange “Friendship” indeed. Truthfully I do miss some of the talks that we had when I wasn’t in the same city as her. When there was no real reason for us to be anything more than pen pals to each other. I think I learned something from this one. 
Makayla M - This one is the freshest. Scene, I’m still living in Kelowna. I match with her on Tinder, she seems like a cool girl. She wants to meet up for a drink. I tell her yes but I don’t want to waste her time and that I’m moving back home for approximately 5 months. She says that is unfortunate but still wants to meet because she thinks I'm a cool guy as well, at least over text/snap. We have a drink and hangout, its great, she’s great, we really get along. Nothing happens though, no kisses or anything, we both just go home. A few days later we hangout again, this time doing the “Netflix and Chill” thing. We have sex, its great, its fun, I don’t regret it. I leave in a couple days, on the night before I leave I’m having drinks with my roommates, end up going to her house instead of finding my way home, we have sex again. Still great. She's great. I leave the next morning. We ended up talking everyday for the next 4 months. I thought to myself “damn, she might actually still be into me by the time I get back!”. Which maybe was naïve of me. A few days after I told her that I found a new place and roommate in Kelowna and can actually come back she goes...quiet...We were talking pretty much everyday before this, so it was weird that she was being a lot more quiet than usual. It was like that for about a week. I was worried, maybe something had actually happened to her? I was about to straight up ask her roommate if something had happened to her of if I was just being ghosted. After about a week of that I messaged her asking if she was okay, suggesting maybe that she started seeing someone? She didn’t respond for another 2 days, but when she did she said “Hi! Sorry, I’ve been super busy with work. And yeah I’ve kind of started seeing someone”. Which for one, she works at a liquor store, not sure how busy she could be but oh well, and second ouch my heart. She definitely didn’t owe me anything, since we only really hungout 3 times, but I absolutely developed feelings for this girl over the 4 months of us talking everyday. We would send each other lude snaps, and cute messages about how we wish the other person was within reach so we could cuddle and give each other smooches & do cute things for the other. I was in it man, I really wanted this to be a possibility when I inevitably moved back. And then, once I am only 1 month from moving back she starts seeing someone else. I am immensely disappointed. Again, we didn’t owe anything to each other, but God I was into giving her more than she deserved. All I said to her when she sent that was “oh yeah I kind of figured, well good luck with that”. That was the last thing I said to her after months of sending cute nothings to one another. Disappointing is how I would describe that potential relationship. Right now I really want to message her, and let her know how much this upsets me that I can’t message her everyday like before anymore, and I know she will say “we can still talk and be friends!” but dammit I don’t want to be her friend. I want more than that. And I will not do what a younger version of me would do; say “Yeah I’d like that” and suffer silently when said person would get the benefit of having me as a great friend while I would be struggling to keep my composure around them. I’m still not sure if I should keep her on socials. I think it is still too fresh to think clearly about it. 
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mrs-denton · 4 years
Sappy Paul Denton x OC Fanfic [Part 2]
The Start of the Collapse
After Paul’s departure, Bebe’s eyes struggled to shut. She laid in bed and kept glancing over at her phone occasionally, half-expecting something from Paul to come up. When she realized worrying was futile, she put the phone down and laid it down on its charging pad. She was worried, but she tried equilibrating those thoughts with reasonable positive ones because she was pregnant. She had to avoid as much stress as possible.
Staying up to write, as she did on sleepless nights like these, she scribbled her thoughts into her diary until she crashed. In the morning when she awoke, the unwelcome feeling of first trimester morning sickness sharply seized her from her slumber. She went to the bathroom to alleviate herself from the nausea.
Treating patients at the hospital she worked at, including those with the Grey Death, was dreary. Their spirits were broken and some of them got desperate. She wished she could divulge the truth behind the virus, or at least what she knew, but it would likely get her fired. She made sure to wear the most protective gear—respirator, face shield, gloves, a gown, and foot covers. Her health was going to have to become her top priority if she wanted a healthy baby.
Hours ebbed and flowed with moments of hectic excitement during rushes of patients and emergencies, but inched like slugs when things were slow and she caught herself worrying about Paul. She wondered what time it was in Hong Kong—surely, at least half a day ahead—and if he was alive. She thought about JC as well and didn’t want any harm to come to the Dentons, namely because JC was a cool person, but especially because she knew Paul would be devastated if his younger brother should fall. She scrubbed the pressing thoughts away from the walls of her mind—months of meditation had helped—and she continued to show up at work.
She checked her work emails to see if by some crazy chance, Paul had been daring enough to send her a message there. But of course not—he would never do something to endanger them, especially with the Aquinas net. After what felt like a 12-hour shift, Bebe returned home with takeout and quickly checked her computer. There, an email from Paul—or rather, his alias—was sent hours ago while she was still at work.
“Hey babe. I made it safely to Hong Kong, thank god. Good news—everything’s taken care of. My brother and I are gonna be fine. The bad news is that I’ll have to be living here for a few months as I recuperate, as I predicted. I was in pretty bad shape when I arrived, which is why it’s going to take longer for me to recover. Tong wants to keep me under supervision for a while. But I’m already feeling better.
Things are pretty tight in HK. I’m a wanted man here as well. I don’t think making a move right now is wise, but I can’t wait to see you again. I’ll keep you updated whenever I can. Try to take it easy and don’t worry about a thing—I’ll take care of it. I love you, and I’m always thinking about you. - P”
Bebe typed a reply.
“My darling, I’m glad you’re alright. I was worried about you, but I also knew you’d make it through this. Give the doctor my sincerest gratitude—he saved the man I love. I’m also happy J is fine. I completely understand if you need to stay there—in situations like this, a doctor’s supervision is necessary even after the treatment.
Let me know how things go. I want to be with you but things have to be just right. I love you, P. I hope you get better soon. I already miss you. Hugs and kisses. Yours,
- B”
Within the following day, Bebe received another email.
“Bebe—so much is happening right now. I don’t have much time, and neither does the world. Just bear with me. I’m going to be fine, I think, but my brother keeps unearthing more of this conspiracy. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know something will, and if it does, it’s going to be big. I can’t explain everything over the net, but I promise I will when I see you. I don’t know how much time there is and I know this sounds crazy but you’ll just have to trust me. Withdraw your savings now. There’s a high chance the net might crash and everything will be lost. Savings, records, and all sorts of info. Make sure you have plenty of food and supplies as well.
No matter what happens, I will find you! And that’s a promise. Just stay where you are. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine. - P”
Something inside Bebe told her Paul wasn’t lying. Everything Paul told her before and everything they had researched and pieced together made sense. She knew there could only be so much more to this story than most people knew and few had theorized about. After typing her obedient reply, Bebe set off for the bank and asked to withdraw the entirety of her account. Her salary provided her with decent savings she had accumulated over a few years.
But she wondered if the funny look the bank teller gave her was indicative of ignited suspicion. She knew it was. She smiled as the bank teller discussed the request with the manager, who gave her a poorly-disguised look of surprise. Who else but a shady person would just want to remove all their chits from the bank? Only somebody that knew something that most people didn’t know would act this way . . . She would just have to lie and say it was for a potential family emergency. Or that she’s just paranoid and that there are rumors the banks will fail soon. Hearsay type of stuff. But no, the latter would be too suspicious. Just go with the family emergency, she thought. 
Signing some papers that would let the federal revenue office know the reason for her massive withdrawal, she questioned just what the hell she was doing. She stopped for a while and glanced up at the bank teller, who was too busy counting chits to notice her. Bebe questioned herself for a bit--she was blindly obeying Paul’s orders, which wasn’t really a problem in and of itself, but how could she really know what was going on? Paul wouldn’t lie to her though. She knew that man for three years and he never lied. She just had to trust him. Worst case scenario, she’d be tracked down. But if nothing were to happen, she could just say she got worried sick for an ailing family member and took the money out to help with treatments.
“Forty-six-thousand, two-hundred and fifty-nine chits, ma’am,” the bank teller said, fat stacks of the electric green notes neatly sitting on the counter.
“Thank you so much,” she said, handing them the signed papers. “Here you go.”
She opened up her purse and filled it with the money, trying to act naturally. The teller and his manager looked at her strangely, as well as the clients behind her. She felt herself tense up.
“Thank you so much,” she said again. “Have a nice day.” She had a habit of being overly-polite sometimes.
And with that, she carried her loaded purse all the way to her car and drove home, the tunes blaring and the pedal to the metal. Suddenly, the music stopped. Could this be it?
She checked her phone and noticed there was no signal anywhere. The music stream was buffering continuously until it lost connectivity for good. Moving to the network settings, she confirmed there really was no net anymore. She couldn’t believe it at first, and then, she did.
Parking her car, she rushed inside the lobby of her apartment building. There were people standing outside with their cellphones in the air, trying to obtain signal, their faces scrunched in bewilderment. Glancing at the far end of two blocks over where one of the P-Mobile buildings was, people swarmed into the store to complain about their phone services.
“Miss, have you heard? The net’s gone black—disappeared,” the alarmed security guard at the reception said. “Everyone’s internet just shut off. Even the phones, TV, everything. We don’t know what’s going on.”
“Oh my god,” she said. “I’ll have to check mine out. Thank you.”
She went upstairs and rapidly scanned her nanokey to her door, eager to get inside. What would she do now?
She checked her computer. The internet was gone. No new emails from Paul, just the cached one from before. As she sat in her apartment, she heard her neighbors arguing loudly in desperation. Turning on the TV, she checked every channel, finding nothing but static—ultimately confirming everything Paul told her. Glancing outside her window and down at the congested streets, violence intensified.
After a few days to a week of the world descending into darkness, reports of the global net crashing and burning appeared on every newspaper. A national emergency was declared, and speculating specialists wondered who was responsible, pointing fingers at foreign governments and even “traitors” within the United States. The zealously religious stood outside every corner, wailing that it was the beginning of the Apocalypse, and the conspiracy theorists held meetings in their garages, claiming it was aliens. But soon enough, the Dentons were named. Bebe paid close attention.
“It is suspected that terrorist JC Denton and his brother, Paul Denton, are behind this massive communications collapse worldwide. We are slowly but surely receiving letters that confirm the internet shutdowns in every nation. Agencies are investigating the matter as best as they can.”
Her heart pounded in her chest. She just hoped the bank tellers didn’t put two and two together and decided to send somebody after her. After all, there was nothing suspicious about a woman withdrawing all her savings a few minutes before the world collapsed. But she sighed in relief when she knew that they wouldn’t have been able to pull up her personal information without the internet.
She thought about her family. Her dad had left them before she was even born, and her mother died of the Grey Death before Ambrosia was released. Her cousins were all living their lives as married people with children, and her only living aunt was old now. What would they think, though? What would they think if she were to run off with a “criminal”, a “terrorist”, a wanted man? Crises were meant to be times where family stuck together more, but with Bebe leaving . . . would they label her as selfish? Crazy? Bad? She only hoped that one day they would understand that Paul was not the person the media and the government was portraying him to be.
They didn’t even know she was pregnant. Engaged? Yes. They knew Paul and they liked him. But the media was a powerful weapon, especially now that the people’s only source of outside knowledge was funneled via the last remaining newspapers. They could twist and besmirch the Dentons as they wished, and people would buy it. Not everybody, though, as there were people who had been following the Juggernaut Collective—until it disbanded—and a few other rebel news disguised as tabloids and conspiracies. But alas, the perceptions of Bebe’s friends and family could definitely be warped against Paul. She had to be careful.
But most importantly, she had to figure out what the next steps in her life would be. If only she could talk to Paul. She wondered if she should keep going to work—part of her would think it better to disappear from society at once and wait until Paul came back, but the other part of her couldn’t just leave all those poor patients behind. She knew there were other doctors and nurses who would do a fine job—but could she really just disappear now? Did she still have to keep up her façade of normalcy? As if she weren’t the woman of the second-most-wanted man in the world right now?
She got up and started packing, hoping that at least sorting this out would bring her more clarity. What were her favorite clothes? What could she stand to leave behind? What would be useful? She took her favorite shoes as well as personal keepsakes and important documents, neatly enclosed in file folders and manilla envelopes, and put them in a suitcase. Most of the money was also stored there. Then, glancing at her desk, she took note of her journal.
How could she leave this behind? She had to take it. Unless, of course, she wanted to be that mysterious woman who left her revealing memoirs in a secret diary. She considered the thought briefly and then took the journal, the pages automatically splitting upon a section with a dried red rose that had been stamped between the weight of the pages. It was the first flower Paul ever gave her. She instantly smiled as she felt the crispy, dark garnet petals on her fingertips, her mind going back to when the petals were bright as fresh blood and smooth like velvet.
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October 6, 2020
Heather Cox Richardson
In the past three years, it has so often felt like things were reaching the breaking point. But the image of Trump on the balcony of the White House last night, defiantly taking off his mask as he gasped for breath, truly looked to me like the beginning of the final chapter.
Today coronavirus infections continued to mount in the vicinity of the White House. At least 34 people near Trump have contracted the virus in the past few days. The press corps near the White House is down to a skeleton crew as the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, and four press aides have tested positive. So have top aide Stephen Miller and Admiral Charles Ray, the vice commandant of the Coast Guard Admiral.
Along with other military leaders, Ray attended an event celebrating Gold Star families last Sunday at the White House. That event included some of the same people who had been at the event the previous day in honor of Amy Coney Barrett, whom Trump nominated to take the seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Those who attended both events included Trump and the First Lady.
Senior military leaders attended meetings with Ray last week in a secure room at the Pentagon, and now are self-quarantining. They include the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley; the Vice Chairman; the Army chief of staff; the Naval Operations Chief; the Air Force chief of staff; the CyberCom Commander; the SpaceForce operations chief; the director of the U.S. National Security Agency, Gen. Paul Nakasone; the Chief of the National Guard, Gen. Daniel Hokanson; and the deputy commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Gary Thomas.
The White House has apparently not done any contact tracing, and it declined the help of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to do it.
The administration appears to be committed to a strategy of community spread, rejecting the use of masks and of distancing. Deputy press secretary Brian Morganstern told NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly that the White House still does not require masks because “everyone needs to take personal responsibility.”
That the White House appears to be the center of a coronavirus hotspot has hurt Trump’s reelection campaign. The infections in the face of the fact that the administration refused to take the virus seriously, the ride around the hospital to wave at supporters while endangering Secret Service agents, the struggle to the balcony in a strongman scene, all appear to have demonstrated not Trump’s strength, but his weakness.
His behavior today has reinforced that sense. Trump left the hospital last night and returned to a locked-down White House. The few aides who met with him were dressed in PPE, while the West Wing is virtually abandoned as people have decamped to work from home. Trump has been on a Twitter spree today, tweeting and retweeting his old material, “the Russia Hoax” and Hillary Clinton’s emails, which now feel like ancient history, disconnected from today’s pressing crisis. Tonight, he tweeted: “I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” He hit the same points again in another tweet: “All Russia Hoax Scandal information was Declassified by me long ago. Unfortunately for our Country, people have acted very slowly, especially since it is perhaps the biggest political crime in the history of our Country. Act!!!”
He sounds desperate. And on the heels of his tweets, Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) tweeted to the Justice Department “Per the President’s orders, can you please provide the [House Judiciary] Committee the full unredacted Mueller Report immediately? Thank you.”
Other dropping stories make it look like the tide is running against Trump.
Patricia and Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis, Missouri, couple who held guns on protesters in June, were indicted today by a grand jury on charges of exhibiting guns and tampering with evidence. Trump invited the McCloskeys to speak at the Republican National Convention. “What you are witnessing here is just an opportunity for the government, the leftist, democrat government of the City of St. Louis to persecute us for doing no more than exercising our Second Amendment rights,” McCloskey said.
Two weeks ago, the administration blocked strict guidelines for a coronavirus vaccine, but today the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released those guidelines over White House objections. This will make a vaccine before the election unlikely. Trump tweeted “New F.D.A. Rules make it more difficult for them to speed up vaccines for approval before Election Day. Just another political hit job!”
Today, the New York Times revealed the findings of an internal investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general Michael Horowitz into the policy of separating children from their parents at our southern border. The policy was engineered by Stephen Miller, but the Justice Department has tended to blame then-Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen for the policy. Horowitz’s investigation has established that then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were far keener on the policy than she was. In a sign of changing times, a 32-page response to the Horowitz’s investigation, written by Miller’s ally Gene Hamilton, said that Justice Department officials had simply followed orders from the president.
Facebook, too, sees the writing on the wall, and has announced that it will ban all QAnon conspiracy theory accounts. These accounts spread disinformation, including the idea that a heroic Trump is secretly leading an effort to round up a ring of pedophiles and cannibals based in the nation’s entertainment and political elites. The ban is one of the broadest Facebook has ever enacted.
Today, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said that a new coronavirus relief bill is imperative, but just hours later, Trump announced on Twitter that he was cancelling further talks between the White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Stocks dropped 600 points, and vulnerable Republican senators panicked. Biden released a statement including a pithy condemnation: “Make no mistake: if you are out of work, if your business is closed, if your child’s school is shut down, if you are seeing layoffs in your community, Donald Trump decided today that none of that — none of it — matters to him. There will be no help from Washington for the foreseeable future. Instead, he wants the Senate to use its time to confirm his Supreme Court Justice nominee before the election, in a mad dash to make sure that the Court takes away your health care coverage as quickly as possible.” A few hours later, Trump changed his tune.
Today both the New York Times and the Boston Globe endorsed Biden, and General Michael Hayden, the retired four-star general who served as the Director of the CIA under President George W. Bush, released a video not just endorsing Biden, but also warning that "If there is another term for Trump, I don't know what happens to America." “Biden is a good man,” Hayden says. “Trump is not.”
Financial services company Goldman Sachs today forecast that the Democrats will take both the White House and the Senate, and said a Democratic sweep would mean a faster recovery and thus would be good for the economy. Moody’s Analytics, a subsidiary of another financial services company, recently found that Biden’s plans would add 7.4 million more jobs to the economy than Trump’s would.
Today in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a town hallowed by history, Biden gave a blockbuster speech calling for the nation to put aside division and come together. He talked about race: “Think about what it takes for a Black person to love America. That is a deep love for this country that for far too long we have never fully recognized.” He talked about disparities of wealth: “Working people and their kids deserve an opportunity.”
And he talked about Lincoln, and how, at Gettysburg, he called for Americans to dedicate themselves to a “new birth of freedom” so that the men who had died for that cause “shall not have died in vain.”
“Today we are engaged once again in a battle for the soul of the nation,” Biden said. “After all that America has accomplished, after all the years we have stood as a beacon of light to the world, it cannot be that here and now, in 2020, we will allow government of the people, by the people, and for the people to perish from this earth.
“You and I are part of a great covenant, a common story of divisions overcome and of hope renewed," he said. "If we do our part, if we stand together, if we keep faith with the past and with each other, then the divisions of our time can give way to the dreams of a brighter, better, future.”
Heather Cox Richardson
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hystericalweenie · 5 years
Just Another Day at the Office Series - New Experiences
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part Two: Overthinking
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n had found herself stuck in a scenario she’d never thought she’d ever have to face: she’d been catching feelings for a coworker. While she attempted to adapt to her new job and work load, she also had to get used to these new feelings and figure out what the fuck to do with them. George made her want to take risks, she didn’t care about the potentiality of a broken heart with him, because falling in love with him made it seem worth it. Is George falling for Y/n too? Will he be able to reciprocate her feelings?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! Sorry this part’s so short! I have more ideas coming but they wouldn’t have fit right in this chapter ://
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s some sexual! tension! up! in! here! Brief mentions of sex, nothin’ too bad.
PSA: Everyone please stay safe out there! Protect your elders, family members with chronic illnesses/diseases/etc., and all those whose immune systems are extremely vulnerable to this virus!
My eyes peeled open at approximately three in the morning. The room was still dark, my naked figure still remained on top of George’s, and the previous events were clear as day in my head. This uneasy feeling rested in my stomach, a feeling of guilt, and it made me want to throw up. Feeling so vulnerable, like I’d exposed so much of myself to a man I barely knew, it was a new sensation and I felt almost angry at myself for my actions. Why did I let this man perform such an intimate action on me? Why did I do the same to him? It made me even more uncomfortable that we didn’t have a label on our relationship, that all he thought he was to me was a coworker. 
I wanted to cry, I wanted to sob my heart out and curl into a ball by myself, in my own bed. But, instead, I lay on top of George in my naked form, our skin flush against each other, as I fought back tears that threatened to spill from my confused y/e/c eyes. I wasn’t sure why I was so emotional, why I felt so exposed and guilty for having oral sex with George. Bree did this all the time, right? This felt different though, maybe because of the fact that we had an unlabeled relationship and the fear of being abandoned had been taking over me. Or, maybe, it was a sense of shame that I’d let myself lose my self control and got lost in the intimacy. 
Wherever this guilt and shame feeling was coming from, it was eating me alive and I had no idea what to do about it. I wondered how George would react when he awoke. Was he expecting me to leave, like a one night stand would? I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression, because I, most certainly, did not believe this to be a one night stand. I wished he would talk to me, that his eyes would flutter open and I’d be able to tell him how guilty I was feeling. I wished I could interrogate him with a label, because I needed to know what this meant. 
I couldn’t help the tears spilling out now, they dragged down my face and pattered onto his chest like raindrops. I wanted, so badly, just to be in my own bedroom, by myself without the worries of George seeing me cry and asking ‘what’s wrong’; there was too much wrong with my head at that moment, far too much to explain to him and if I’d tried, he’d no doubt think I was a lunatic. I sniffled, wiping my eyes quickly before I heard him stir in his sleep. I froze, stilling my body, hoping that I hadn’t woken him up. With one of his arms snaked lazily around me, his breathing returned to its previous steady rhythm. 
“I know you’re awake,” he mumbled.
I was wrong; he didn’t go back to sleep.
I sighed, feeling his fingers begin to trace patterns on my bare back. 
“I’m just thinking,” I answered back, my breath against his skin. 
He rested his chin on top of my head.
“What about, love?”
Love. Why did he have to do this to me, to make me feel so warm and safe after all of those feelings I’d been having? Why did he have to confuse me even more? Curse this handsome British man.
“What last night meant,” I admitted.
If it wouldn’t come out now, it’d come out eventually. I didn’t see any point in lying anymore. His fingers stopped abruptly against my back, before quickly resuming. I felt his warm breath against my hair, feeling him press his lips against my scalp. 
“What do you want it to have meant?” he questioned softly.
I brought one of my own fingers to the bed, tracing the flannel design on the sheets in hopes of making this conversation easier for me.
“I didn’t really want it to be casual,” I confessed, my eyes focusing on my finger tracing. “I’m not one to have casual sex, not that we actually had sex, but I think oral sex still applies,” I blabbered nervously.
“I’m glad we’re on the same page,” he muttered into my hair. “I really like you, Y/n. I was actually quite worried that you’d leave in the middle of the night.”
My eyes widened at his confession, butterflies making my stomach feel sick.
“I like you too, George. I’m just a little overwhelmed right now, I think.”
My finger led to his arm, tracing over the veins that traveled from the backs of his hands to his forearms. His skin was soft and warm, and I found this simple action comforting my anxious head.
“Do you want me to make you some tea?” he offered, now brushing his fingers gently up and down my back, differing from his previous design tracing. 
“No, thanks.” I traced my fingers up to his biceps, feeling him shiver under me as he reacted to the movement of my gentle fingers. “I’m feeling a bit better, actually,” I mumbled against his skin.
I felt him press his lips against the top of my head, keeping them there for a moment. I wondered if he was inhaling the scent of my lavender shampoo.
“I like this,” I added softly, moving my fingers down to the back of his hand. “I like just laying like this.”
He moved the arm I’d been tracing and wrapped it around me, joining his other arm. I felt him brush his cheek against my hair, nuzzling me. I couldn’t help the smile that crept onto my face as he embraced me lovingly.
“Me too.”
The second time I’d woken up that morning, I was feeling much better in contrast to the first time. Knowing George’s feelings for me and feeling him embrace me gave me some of the comfort that I’d needed. I turned my head so that my chin rested on his chest, as I watched him sleep. He looked so calm, there hadn’t been a single frustrated crease on his face. His bruised eye was a greenish yellow hue that day, signifying that it was properly healing, and the scab on his lip had reopened from last night’s activities. I gently ran the pad of my thumb over his bottom lip, checking for any blood. His eyes fluttered open, meeting mine instantly. 
“Has my alarm gone off?” he asked, his accent accentuated due to its raspiness and exhaustion. 
And as if on cue, the alarm on his phone blared. He groaned, his head tilting back in dramatic agony before reaching for the device and turning it off. He put his phone back down, before returning his attention back to me. A lazy smile took over his lips, his eyes swollen with sleep as he looked at me. His arms removed themselves from my back, as both of his palms grasped each side of my face, his thumbs stroking my cheekbones. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he commented, as his eyes observed my face.
My cheeks heated instantly before I gained the confidence to roll my eyes and push myself off of him.
“C’mon, we have to get ready for work,” I reminded him. My eyes widened. Work. “Shit, I have to get to my apartment.”
“Do you want me to whip up something quick for breakfast before you leave?” he offered.
I frowned, realizing the sun had already started to rise through the curtains of his room.
“I don’t think I have time,” I chewed on my lip. “But I really wish I did; I still have to shower after last night,” I reminded him. 
He smirked at the mention of last night. 
“Alright, at least let me walk you out to your car, then,” he pleaded.
I gave him a toothy grin.
“Of course.”
I changed into my clothes after the long process of looking for the fabrics strewn all over his floor. He copied my actions until the both of us were fully dressed and ready to leave. I grabbed my purse on the way out, which had been sitting in his kitchen. The chicken parmesan recipe reminded me of the way we washed dishes afterwards, how he’d told me about missing his family in England and how his father was Australian. Conversations like those, conversations about childhood and life before we’d met made me fall more and more in love with George.
As we made our way to my parked car, I leant against the door and looked up at him. The way his skin glowed underneath the rising sun, the way the beautiful colors washed over him and made his hair look golden. I slipped my tongue between my lips and fisted the collar of his shirt, bringing him to my lips. His arms immediately snaked around my waist as our lips moved intensely against one another’s, returning to our perfect rhythm. I could feel myself melt under George; he was absorbing me by the second and I knew I would be too far gone soon enough, but I didn’t care anymore. 
We finally released, as I gave him one last peck to savor the taste of his lips, the taste of him.
“I’ll see you at the office?” I smirked, watching his blissful expression. I hoped I was having the same effect on him. 
I drove away, leaving him looking fucked-out. But, God, I loved it. 
As soon as I entered the apartment, I was immediately met with Bree’s wide hazel eyes.
“I will tell you everything later,” I promised quickly, before hopping into the shower and taking possibly the fastest shower I’d ever taken in my life.
I threw on a dress, a jacket, and wedges and left the house, not even caring to do my makeup. I sped to work, praying that I’d be on time. And after rushing into the elevator and speed-walking toward my office, I was finally able to breathe regularly. I looked across to my brunette friend, my lips curling into a smile at his presence.
“You’re back today?” I queried, logging into my computer and settling into my chair.
“I am,” he confirmed, winking at me with his signature smile.
“Let’s get this mother fucking show on the road, then, shall we?” I clapped my hands together, opening my documents that I’d already written and sending them to him.
After work, I went out to retrieve my CBD oil for the article before returning to the apartment. But as soon as I turned the knob, Bree was shouting from the couch.
“Tell! Me! Everything!” she begged. 
I rolled my eyes, throwing my purse and my bag from the pharmacy onto the small kitchen table before making a seat next to her on the couch. 
“We did not fuck,” I stated.
“But you did something, right?” she asked, her eyebrows raising.
I nodded slowly, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. She scooted herself closer to me.
“Well, what the fuck did you guys do?” she urged. 
“Well, first, he taught me how to make chicken parmesan–”
“Y/n,” she interrupted, dramatically begging.
“We had oral sex,” I confessed with a sheepish smile.
Her bushy eyebrows furrowed at me.
“Wait, so he ate you out and you sucked his dick?”
I rolled my eyes at her raunchy language.
“Yes,” I sighed.
She stilled, her eyes boring into mine.
“Did he make you cum?”
The memories replayed in my head; the tightening feeling in my stomach, the shaking of my legs, the curling of my toes, his tongue; how could I have not orgasmed?
“Yes!” I practically screamed. “God, it was amazing.”
She threw a fist in the air.
“Thank fucking Lord, Y/n has finally got a guy to make her cum!”
I rolled my eyes, but it was true.
George was the first guy to ever make me cum. Who would’ve thought?
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pearloftheorient · 4 years
sorry to not be a fandom blog or roleplay blog for a moment. i just feel like i wanna express a bit of a heart-to-heart, just a quick rundown of whatever’s going on and how it all happened from my perspective. i mean i don’t even care if nobody reads this, but as someone who expresses a lot more in writing i feel like i should take this opportunity to help unload, you know?
so the lockdown definitely hit us here on friday the 13th in march, which didn’t feel as bad as it was. as a nurse i’ve had this weird concept that a lot of the common diseases that spread around can easily be blown up by social media (hold that thought for later lol) and i just you know, say you should just wash your hands, it’ll be okay. i mean i tend to take the logical route when it comes to health care?? because that’s what i studied and i feel like i owe it myself not to panic TOO MUCH. plus, my husband (an intellectual) also had the same attitude towards media being exaggerated, so like i’m copying his cool attitude as much as i can. i mean we even went to budapest just a week prior, watched a play, mingled with clusters and clusters of people..... and even though people already started wearing masks, i even make fun of them for wearing it wrong or just being quite excessive and wearing gloves in public (i still don’t like seeing gloves in public and if you’re a health care professional you might feel exactly the same way)....
and then they told me on that friday that all of the training days for the next three weeks that i have worked hard to set up, study for, book on rotas, juggled, invited speakers for (i’m a nurse-educator and i organise staff training as part of my job) are now to be stopped. my staff are now asking me about their learning opportunities, is the course gonna go on, and i feel a bit more responsible to give the correct information but i just don’t know where to get it??
then come monday, it was a whole different story again. since the non-clinical aspect of work has been indefinitely stopped, i am one of the people who had been expected to go back into the clinical area and handle patients (i mean i still do this despite my role, but i now have to do it more often). which was fine because handling patients is my happy place, i feel like it is within my remit, i know exactly what i’m doing most of the time, i have a smaller scale to tackle and that’s gonna ease my brain a bit while the world starts to fall into chaos. i’ve done this for the next few weeks. i did mostly clinical shifts, and just do some admin stuff like once a week?? just so i can keep up with the new developments and properly disseminate information, like what PPE are we gonna have, train people in wearing them, what we actually need to do if we get patients with COVID, crash courses for those who will be redeployed, cancelling and cancelling and cancelling study days and training days and finding multiple alternative ways so people still maintain standards despite not having the face-to-face training....
as a nurse-educator, i also feel like i should always watch the news and be aware of the latest guidelines, what WHO wanted us to do, how am i gonna apply this for my colleagues and the safety of our patients... so i’ve done that on a regular basis, and my brain is just filled with information and i actively help in setting up bedspaces with the initial instructions of what PPE to wear....
and then towards the end of march, people are dying. and the fact that it was building in numbers made it more real. and now i started to question what i already know, if we’re actually doing the right thing, but why do other countries do it differently?? why do other hospitals do it differently?? how come people are still on the street?? decisions from the government and the big execs just fluctuate and this trial and error approach just all of a sudden.....became the new normal. 
and then we’re all like, but we just have to work together - since all of our non-clinical stuff had been on standby then we can just focus on working clinically, doing patient care. and then i was given the instructions to gather nurses from my unit (we deal with neonates - babies - like i personally haven’t got a clue on how adults work anymore as i haven’t handled one for like 15 years) who can be redeployed based on their previous experience. redeployment sometimes is viewed as heroic, like wow you’re brave to work in adults despite your rusty experience just for the sake of helping with the pandemic, that’s Great. and then to some, it is their worst nightmare, being redeployed is like being fish out of water - going back to square one, not knowing exactly what you’re doing (remember how i was so confident doing clinical?? yeah that’s only for neonates). and then the solidarity feel like, yeah but at least you’re not alone? we gonna support you?? you’ll get all the special messages, a round of applause, because you’re doing something so brave. i wasn’t redeployed, but six of my colleagues are - and every time they talk to me about how stressful it was and how scared they were being uncertain all the time and surrounded by death and suffering, i felt responsible for putting them in that position.
and then i started to feel sadder and sadder. but i can’t stop working, i am physically well, i am strong enough and i am a Great addition to the numbers. besides, with all this redeployment, we are also receiving some temporary replacements who simply had no idea how neonates work! (it’s like a full exchange programme but with little training) and it is my responsibility to make sure they are trained (i mean look, we all did LONG ASS courses to reach where we are in terms of knowledge, months and months of clinical exposure to the area to gain experience, but now i’m asked to train all of them for just ONE DAY.) and so after training, i’m like this mother duck chasing all the ducklings making sure nobody goes astray. so that was the first two weeks of my april.
it’s also when i decided to stop watching the news or looking at social media about the virus because i have enough stress going on, and i don’t wanna like sound so depressed whenever i’m teaching this new people that are coming to us. i have to be open and warm and welcoming and maintain a cheery attitude despite my patience running so infinitesimally thin. i’ve always been known for my calmness and patience. i may be an anxious bean but i’m quite good in not letting it show in my handiwork.
so i know that’s been stressful - but the good things, i am definitely thankful for. people stepping up, working hard and together with less animosity. the free food was overflowing, i don’t even have to bring lunch at work anymore because there’s always something, even fresh produce because tbh everything hurt after a hard day’s work that you can’t even go grocery shopping :p we had this really posh resto that gave us free breakfast every single day and normally in this resto you like have to make reservations at least 6months before to be worthy lol. despite the back and forth decision making, we do have the right equipment to do our work, and with the virus not usually affecting the little ones, we are not heaving as much in terms of the amount of patients. and just the love, the supportive messages, the rainbow drawings, the applause - i mean just wow.
i guess the more i’m fueled to work harder. and the fact that i get to keep my job when a lot of people had been furloughed or lost theirs, i just feel i have to make it count and continue helping in ways i know how.
i have just trained the last two nurses to come (so far) when i got called that my husband got sent home because he got ill. and he is a nurse too, looking after adult patients with covid so he is getting far more exposure than me.
by protocol, i am automatically self-isolated because of him. and so for the last week of april, we are on a full lockdown, with him on a sickbed and me trying to “work from home”
i am working from home and my colleagues continue to ask me questions about work, i write guidelines, mark essays, basically all the admin stuff i’ve stopped doing because i have been pulled into clinical numbers. i constantly dreaded how my husband will be - knowing the scary stories about how the virus treated some people and the rising number of deaths, especially among frontliners. he was fine and got better, thankfully. and then i fell ill that very weekend - and i became a full dramatic binch for a week because my fever and muscle weakness definitely prevented me from doing anything productive. (this is when i binge-watched the untamed lol)
but then we both got tested and we’re both negative lol. whatever the fuck that was surely knocked us down but thankfully it wasn’t covid WHICH MEANS we should go back to work sooner rather than later. yay. we’ve been off for a total of 10 days.
and then i returned to work last week, and i felt so exhausted. apparently it was a common theme from those who had symptoms or had self-isolated (even though i am negative) and i just felt like those 10 days despite spending them mostly in bed, i felt like i ran a marathon that entire time and now i’m paying the price.
i still feel tired now after 4 days of work, and i haven’t even been clinical (they gave me the benefit of the doubt that it might be FALSE NEGATIVE) so i haven’t handled patients YET and instead focused on my admin work - which welcomed with its spiky arms fuck that shit we just had the most dramatic cases at work that i had to deal with, and that’s not even covid-related. and so my brain was also like scraped to the core lol
so anyway, yeah i guess that got long.
i mean i still haven’t talked about what’s happening in the background at this point, like my family (they are okay! thankfully. and my mom is very paranoid which means they are always taking care of themselves lol), the government in where i live and where my family lives (lotsa fucked up things happening right now out there too, dammit i’m so sorry philippines), and all my future plans for 2020 that have now been shitted on by this virus, but let’s not get overly dramatic now.
idk i just feel like pouring stuff out because apparently that’s healthy for you.
stay safe. wash your hands. stay at home if you can. frontliners - and i’m just not talking about my fellow nurses - TAKE CARE AND STAY STRONG. AND THANK YOU. but don’t be an extra hero. wear PPE when you come face-to-face with potential risks. take breaks. know where to draw the line.
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snakeysleepy · 5 years
Snakey Gets Hypnotized Part... uh... 7?
I haven’t been keeping track :p
But anyway, this episode features something you all have seen a lot lately.
Yep! It’s our friend the Hypno Virus!
...excuse me. I’m not sure what came over me.
Pleasure.exe just got a shiny new update! Version 2 just released yesterday and I finally had some time to run it.
Well, not like I normally could.
I had my sister visit, and she shares my room with me.
So my normal setup for running the virus was out of the picture. Now, if you’re into hypno kink like me, I bet you’ve resorted to using the bathroom as a private setting for trance before.
Right? That’s not just me?
Because that’s what I ended up doing. Sitting on the floor, laptop sitting on the toilet lid in front of me.
Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
And speaking of desperate...
Pleasure.exe booting up...
Rachel. We decide for you now.
I whimpered, plummeting into sub space. My surroundings no longer mattered. It was time to just give in.
Mindless Mantra
My heart pounded. This was a new one for sure. Mantras... oh they must have known how much I loved those. How much I loved the one they gave me.
No thoughts
No will
I obey what the hypno virus will say.
Need rolled over me in pulses. I loved those phrases with every fiber of my being. The virus was using them against me. Well, not against. I wasn’t against this in the slightest.
Rachel, begin to touch now.
Hear the clock tick, and feel the pleasure grow with each one.
Repeat your mantra until the bell rings.
Clock tick?
Then I heard it. Soft, mind numbing.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
My hands moved before I even realized.
I hadn’t heard these before. Already I could feel their effectiveness. The image it brought to mind...
A swinging pocketwatch. Gently swaying side to side.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
My mantra began to spill out of me. Words effortlessly spoken. The mantra was a part of me now, really.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
They sounded almost... earnest now. Like they were coaxing me into a frenzy of arousal. More. More.
Tick. Tick. Tick... tick.... tick...
They grew softer. I moaned, wanting them to come back. I was so sensitive. If the ticks played for just a bit more...
Bell ring.
My hands fell to my side and the mantra ceased.
It was never that easy, I knew that. The pleasure was at the Virus’ mercy now.
We have reveiwed your results.
Oh... I was lucky the last two times, maybe my luck would run out...
We have decided...
You will experience what you humans call an ‘orgasm’
Relief. Must still be on their good side.
Feel your hands move behind your back.
Feel rope tie them together, making it impossible for them to move.
Involuntarily they moved. That tingly, almost unnatural feeling when you’ve been triggered to move your body. Then I could feel pressure around my wrists. Arousal spiked in me.
I thought I was going to be allowed...?
Spread your legs for us, Rachel.
My breath caught in my throat. I let out a whimper in a shakey breath. What on earth were they going to do?
You hear a buzzing.
Yes, Rachel. We know about sex toys.
Oh. Ooooh.
Oh no.
Feel it now.
Arousal growing fast.
Bringing you closer.
My hips has already began to buck.
I had used my vibrator before when running the virus.
They knew. They had to have known. Those memories came back with a vengeance. The inevitable orgasm that would send shockwaves...
When you reach orgasm, you will type for Us:
Thank you for controlling me, Hypno Virus.
That nearly sent me over the edge. God, I wanted to be good, I wanted to thank them. So benevolent for letting me...
Sweet release swept through me. I lay on the floor and just let the waves take me. Then it was done.
Without hesitation I shakily typed as instructed.
Good obedient human.
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
[IDOLiSH7] DUSK TiLL DAWN (Story Translation 2)
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*Note: This is a Chinese-to-English translation using the official Chinese translation from the TW server! There’s a small chance that some phrases may differ slightly from the original Japanese text due to different wording and localisation, but overall there shouldn’t be too much of a difference so probably nothing to worry too much about xD
CHARACTERS: Iori: Io Yamato: Yamarson Mitsuki: Mick Tamaki: Tamathony Sogo: Somas Nagi: Nagistopher Riku: Rictor
(I will include the characters’ names in brackets even if they haven’t revealed their names yet, because it would just be too confusing otherwise. I recommend having the game story open as you read so you get a better feel of the characters’ actions and expressions, since I won’t be indicating them here ^^)   ---
??? (Rictor): Say, Io, we should be completely safe here, right?
Io: For now, yes. But I’m not sure how long this security wall will last…
??? (Rictor): That’s true… But Io, you’re really strong!
Io: Eh?
??? (Rictor): Didn’t you save me when I was almost attacked before? You were able to take it out in one shot, amazing!
Io: It was just good luck! And their movements are slow, so as long as you aim for their feet and attack, they’ll stop.
??? (Rictor): Oh, is that so! I think you’re also amazing to be able to calmly observe this! Unlike me, wasting so many shots because I panicked…
Io: I’m part of the archery club, so I’m used to aiming for targets. Once you’re used to it, you’ll definitely be able to do it, too.
??? (Rictor): Really…?
Io: Yes. You just need to breathe in, and relax your shoulders, and then try aiming for the target. Just by doing this, your success rate should increase significantly.
??? (Rictor): I understand…! I’ll try what you said next time!
Io: By the way, it seems to have become quiet suddenly…
??? (Rictor): … Don’t know what the situation outside is like right now.
Io: … This is…! T-Take a look at this. The streets have entered a state of panic! This monster is the same as the ones that attacked the hospital before!
??? (Rictor): This is…
Io: Sigh… Don’t know if Somas is okay…
??? (Rictor): Somas?
Io: He’s my classmate. We were together just before, but I needed to come to the hospital, so we separated. I can’t get in touch with him.
??? (Rictor): So worried…
Io: …
??? (Rictor): U-Um! I’ve never gone to school, but to have a classmate you’re on good terms with must feel pretty good!
Io: N-Not really… It just increases the things you need to worry about…
??? (Rictor): What kind of person is Somas? Ah… Sorry for suddenly asking something so weird! I don’t have friends, so I’m curious as to what friends are like…
Io: It’s fine, I’m about the same…
??? (Rictor): Eh?
Io: He… Somas is a friend I’ve known since I was young. He’s the kind of person who ignores everything around him once he becomes obsessed with something. It makes me worry… I bet he’s enjoying himself right now, praising the current situation as being “just like a movie” or something.
??? (Rictor): Really…! Somas is a really interesting person!
Io: You’re… Rictor, right? Why did you come here?
Rictor: I was called over by someone, but I wasn’t able to meet them…
Io: Who called you over?
Rictor: The doctors* who looked after me when I was little. They gave me this and told me to come…
Io: A letter…?
Rictor: “Oct.30 16:00 We’ll be waiting for you at Central General Hospital. We will tell you the truth.”
Io: … What does “the truth” mean…?
Rictor: I don’t know… But I think it has to be something really important.
Io: Is that so… You seem to trust them a lot.
Rictor: Yes! Those two are really important people to me! Ah, this was given by them as well! “Wear it anytime and anywhere, giving you good air anytime and anywhere! Recite the magic spell: Clean Air antivirus mask~” ** Pretty cool, right!
Io: Oh… Um, there was something I’ve been wanting to ask…
Rictor: What is it?
Io: What’s up with that mask of yours?
Rictor: What do you mean “what’s up?” Because it’s really dangerous outside, isn’t it? There’s stuff like viruses and bacteria everywhere, and the air isn’t clean! It’s so dangerous, so why aren’t you wearing an antivirus mask?
Io: Normal people don’t wear them! You really are a weirdo…
Rictor: Ah…! The security wall…!
Io: C-Calm down! Just accurately take them down one by one!
Rictor: I-I understand…!
Io: Huff, huff…!
Io: No, there’s no end to this!
Rictor: —! Io, watch out…!!
Somas: Io!
Io: Somas…! Great, you’re okay! I contacted you so many times!
Somas: Sorry, I think I dropped my phone while running… Ah, but these people saved me, so I’m okay! And I have a pistol!
Io: Pistol… So that’s how it is, isn’t this the gun that caused chaos during training?
Mick: Is he the friend you mentioned?
Somas: Yes! He’s Io!
Nagistopher: And this is?
Rictor: I’m Rictor!
Mick: …! Your white robes…
Rictor: Ah, I’m a researcher from the “World Reflective Unit.”
Io: The “W.R.U.,” so you’re an elite!
Rictor: Eh? Is that so?
Mick: Captain…!
Nagistopher: Hmm… Rictor, where’s the vaccine?
Rictor: Eh… Vaccine… Wh-Who are you people!? I can’t talk to people I don’t know!
Mick: What?
Io: Sorry, he’s been taught not to speak with people he doesn’t know.
Mick: Where did this overprotected young master come from?
Nagistopher: I’m Nagistopher, the captain of the special forces unit “I.DOL.” This is Mick, he’s also a member of the same unit. And they’re regular civilians.
Yamarson: … I’m Yamarson. I was attacked before, and they saved me.
Somas: I’m…
Rictor: You’re Somas, right!
Somas: Eh?
Rictor: Io told me you were a weird friend!
Io: Wait…! Don’t say things that could cause a misunderstanding!
Rictor: Eh… S-Sorry…!
Somas: Hahaha, it’s fine! Io often says that about me.
Nagistopher: Rictor, we’ve introduced ourselves, so now you know us. Is it okay now?
Rictor: Ah… yes, thank you. U-Um… Since you guys are searching for the vaccine… that is to say, the cause of the matter is that virus…?
Nagistopher: What does that virus mean?
Rictor: The “D-X virus”…
Nagistopher: … Is that so…
Rictor: I-Is something wrong?
Mick: So it seems that you know about the “D-X virus,” huh.
Rictor: Eh? Because, aren’t you guys here to look for the vaccine for the “D-X virus?”
Mick: The captain didn’t say what kind of vaccine.
Rictor: Ah…!
Nagistopher: I heard that the vaccine is in this hospital. Where is it?
Rictor: I-I don’t know! I’m just a basic-level employee… So I don’t have anything to say about this…!
Mick: Sigh… You said you’re called Rictor, right? We don’t want to get physical, either.
Rictor: P-Please wait a moment! This is top secret!
Mick: Top secret… Then why does a basic-level employee like you know about a virus that’s been classified as top secret?
Rictor: Th-That’s because… I grew up in the laboratory…
Yamarson: Hey! What vaccine are you guys talking about? Will that vaccine be able to stop infections…!?
Mick: Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. The streets have already entered chaos, and the virus is spreading out of control. If we want to control the situation, we need that vaccine.
Nagistopher: Rictor, please tell us everything you know.
Rictor: But…
Io: Rictor…
Rictor: … The vaccine… isn’t here…
Yamarson: …! Then where is it!
Somas: Yamarson! Calm down…!
Yamarson: … Sorry.
Rictor: In the lab… In the lab of “W.R.U.” It’s being protected in a heavily guarded place in there.
Mick: … I understand. It’s inside the lab, right?
Nagistopher: This is Handsome. Sugar, are you listening? The vaccine is in the “W.R.U.” lab. It’s inside the institute.
Radio noise (Tamathony): I’m listening~ I looked up the route and sent it over just now.
Nagistopher: Route confirmed.
Rictor: U-Um! Wait! It’s not the lab on ground level!
Mick: What? What do you mean by not the lab on ground level?
Rictor: There’s a lab underground, too. It’s there…
Somas: There are labs underneath this city!? S-So cool…!!
Nagistopher: Sugar, give me the underground map.
Radio noise (Tamathony): Hang on~ Underground, underground, underground~ Uh, Captain, I can’t find any information beneath the ground. Hmm~ But there’s an area where the information is especially messed up. Feels like someone messed with the data…
Nagistopher: Understood. Rictor, please lead the way.
Rictor: Eh!? Me?
Nagistopher: You’re the only one who knows how to get there.
Rictor: … I understand. This way, please.
Yamarson: Hey, the exit…!
Somas: Wow, this is bad…! So many Gathereds! It really is like a movie plot, right, Io!
Io: What are you saying! This isn’t a movie, it’s reality!
Mick: If this continues, we’ll be at a disadvantage… What should we do, Captain?
Nagistopher: Mick, prepare the grenade.
Radio noise (Tamathony): A grenade won’t be enough for a number as large as this. All of you get down, I’m coming~
Mick: Sugar? Don’t tell me you’re planning to…!
Nagistopher: Get back, quickly!!
Io, Yamarson, Somas, Rictor: …!
Radio noise (Tamathony): Disabling security system… Okay, I’m coming!!
??? (Tamathony): Tada~! Reinforcement has arrived!
Mick: “Tada~!” your head. Are you trying to kill us!
??? (Tamathony): Oh! If it’s Captain and Mick, there shouldn’t be a problem, right? See, aren’t you all alive and well?
Mick: We’re not the only ones here, there are regular civilians, too!
Io, Yamarson, Somas, Rictor: Sob sob…
Io: What exactly happened…?
??? (Tamathony): They look fine.
Mick: Seriously, you… Ah! Say, why did you come down! What about the helicopter?
??? (Tamathony): I set The Pudding to autopilot mode, don’t worry~ It’ll come when I call for it!
Mick: Call for it, huh… Sigh… But don’t you hate coming to the ground?
??? (Tamathony): Mm, I really hate it. But what I hate even more is encountering something I cannot analyse. So I want to make sure with my own eyes! Alright, no worries! I drank pudding drink before coming, so I’m super energized right now! Watch carefully~ Hey! Ha, hey!
Mick: Sigh… But it’s pretty convenient that you can be this energized just by drinking an ordinary drink…
Somas: Um… this person is…?
Mick: Ah, sorry, we got you guys involved just then. This is Tamathony. He’s our teammate. He can be a little weird sometimes, but he’s smart and good at combat.
Tamathony: That “weird” part wasn’t necessary~
Somas: I’m Somas, and this is my friend Io. Nice to meet you!
Tamathony: Mm~ So then, the one over there with glasses is Yamarson, and you must be Rictor, right?
Yamarson: Eh…
Tamathony: I heard everything through the radio~
Nagistopher: We should get going now… Otherwise we won’t be in time for the anime broadcast.
Mick: Uh… Captain, you’re still concerned about that…
Nagistopher: Rictor, please lead the way.
Rictor: Okay, I understand. We can get to the underground lab via the underground subway tracks.
Io: Underground subway tracks?
Rictor: There are hidden passageways in the underground subway tracks, and they can lead us to the lab.
Somas: Not just hidden passageways, but also an underground secret institute…! I’m so excited!
Io: Somas, even though I’ve said this many times, I need to remind you that we aren’t filming a movie.
Somas: Mm, I know that. But my heart can’t help but flutter…
Io: Sigh…
Yamarson: Anyway, let’s hurry up and go. If we keep staying here, those guys will come again.
Rictor: Right, hopefully the lab is fine…
Yamarson: …! Huff…
Somas: Yamarson, are you okay? You don’t look so well…
Yamarson: No, I’m fine, just a little tired is all.
Rictor: … Yamarson?
Yamarson: What.
Rictor: Have we… met somewhere before?
Yamarson: … I don’t know you.
Rictor: Is that so…
Io: Is he really okay? He really doesn’t look too well…
Tamathony: Hey~ We don’t have time for breaks. Oh right, Mick, give him that. That thing that can make people super high!
Mick: Don’t say it so weirdly like that. It’s just an ordinary energy drink! Here, even though it’s temporary, it should help you feel a bit better.
Yamarson: … Thanks.
Io: You okay…?
Yamarson: … Mm, I’m a bit better.
Tamathony: Then let’s go~
*Just a clarification that “doctor” here refers to the PhD kind of doctor and not the medical one!
**This is supposed to be a song, but I cannot for the life of me think of a less awkward way to translate it into English xD So just… imagine that he’s singing it with rhyme and everything ^^;;
Stage 1  |  STAGE 2  |  Stage 3  |  Stage 4  |  Stage 5
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d-dixonimagines · 6 years
REQUEST BY: @jodiereedus22 Hey, for a request what about the reader had an abusive boyfriend before the turn, but he kinda went missing and she thought he was dead, she started getting close to Daryl and they had a bond, and one day another group gets invited into Alexandria, and her boyfriend is there, he proceeds to start again where they left off and he starts beating her again, Daryl notices the bruises and her scared demeanor and gets very protective of her, beating her boyfriend up and making him leave? 
A/N: Ok, so I’ve had this idea in my head for probably a couple years or so, so when I got this request, it gave me the motivation to actually do it!  
TRIGGER WARNING: Physical and Emotional abuse 
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Being in Alexandria had been a breath of fresh air.  Waking up every day became less dreadful the longer you were there, surrounded by genuine people whose first priority was safety and survival.  You had Daryl now too, the one who rescued you.  He found you wandering aimlessly in the woods.  You had been lost for two days after your boyfriend had failed to make it back to you.  You didn’t say much when he brought you back to Alexandria.  You didn’t say much in general.  
Your relationship with Ross started out normal as any other.  You met, things were incredible and then they started to change.  It didn’t take long at all to see what kind of person he really was.  Constantly talking down to you, making conversations one sided and excusing it as you just not having anything interesting to say.  He got in your head a lot, feasting on your insecurities, which inevitably caused you to alienate yourself from your friends and family.  He told you it was for the best, that he was the only one who really cared about you anyway.  
Harsh words and isolation soon turned into shoving and cornering you, making you feel small and insignificant.  Because he never actually kicked you or pulled your hair or ever really “laid a hand” on you it wasn’t abuse, physical or otherwise.  You were being overly dramatic and trying to start problems for no reason.   Somehow you both ended up together when this virus broke out.  You wanted to go find your parents and make sure they were ok, but Ross had tried to convince you that it was probably too late for them and that you both should just go and try and survive.  You spent years stuck in a tiny cabin that ended up being “home”.  Many groups have wandered past, inviting you to go with them where there was food and water, but Ross always turned them away, saying you were just fine with what you had.  You tried desperately to get them to hear your silent cries for help, but it was never any use.  
It wasn’t until he left one day to look for food and never came back.  At first you were confused.  He was very particular about leaving you alone, he would have plotted where he would go and how long he would be gone.. he never wandered far.  The only plausible explanation that you could come up with was that maybe he was killed.  Maybe he wasn’t paying close enough attention and got bit by one of those death walkers. You waited another day or so before finally leaving the cabin.  You had no idea where you were, how far you were from a road or another town.  You hadn’t gone far when you did finally leave, and that’s when Daryl came across you.  
He tried to get you to talk, asking you questions about where you came from, if you belonged to any group, things like that, but you were vague.  Ross never let you talk to anyone else, let alone other men, so you kept it as short and to the point as you could.  If you knew anything about where you were, you probably would have let him walk off alone, but you wouldn’t have survived on your own.  He was quiet on the walk back to his community.  He kept his distance and only spoke to you when he was telling you things you’d need to know.  
There was a part of you that felt like you wanted to trust him, and eventually you did.  It had only been about a month since you arrived and the both of you were pretty inseparable.  It was probably because he was the one who saved you, you almost felt like you had imprinted on him, the same way a baby duck imprints on the first thing they see, as an object of habitual trust.  He was rough, but at the same time gentle, and rugged, but any time he did manage to touch you, it was smooth.  You couldn’t really explain it or properly understand it, all you knew was that he was good and you were safe.  
Today didn’t feel any different than the others.  The sun was shining, you could almost hear the birds chirping, you and Daryl were in the back learning how to shoot his crossbow, which was a lot more difficult that you had ever thought!  It wasn’t until you heard a commotion happening towards the front that prompted you both to go check out what was happening.  Apparently a group had been brought to the community.  Suddenly you froze, your whole body tensed up as you saw that familiar face standing amongst the new group.  Maybe it was shock because you thought he was dead, maybe it was fear because he wasn’t.  But once the crowed settled and you saw the group, Ross stood there, a genuine happy look on his face as he talked to people.   “You alright?” Daryl’s voice broke your train of thought.  “Yeah, I just..”  You took a few steps back, trying to get out of eyesight, but before you could turn and leave, you heard your name being called.  “Y/N!”  You stopped, feeling the color drain from your face.  “Y/N, oh my god.”  Ross rushed over to you, wrapping his arms tightly around you.  You made no effort to move, your arms dangled at your side as you tried to process what was happening right now.  “Where did you go? I looked everywhere for you.”  He looked you over.  To the rest of them it probably looked like he was making sure you were still in once piece, but you knew he was probably checking to make sure you didn’t have any sign of male contact on you.  
He glanced over at Daryl, not liking how close he was standing.  And Daryl eyed him back, sensing the difference in your demeanor.  “You know this guy?”  Daryl asked you, looking him up and down again.  “Of course she knows me, I’m her boyfriend.”  He answered for you, not giving you a chance to explain yourself.  “Alright, boyfriend, I was talkin’ to her.”  Daryl snapped back, instantly not liking this guy.  Before Ross could reply back, you wiggled your way out of his grip and took a step back.  Feeling completely overwhelmed and unsure about anything, you just walked away. Ross tried to follow you but was stopped by Daryl.  “You gotta answer some questions first.”  
Ross wasn’t going to be happy when he found out you had been staying with Daryl this whole time.  Pacing around the living room, you tried to think of what you were supposed to do.  Maybe if you packed up the few belongings that you had, you could sneak out and try and find a different place.  Daryl had mentioned another community they were connected to, maybe you could try and find it and stay there.  But Ross was too close, he’d stop you before you took a step off the porch.  
The knock on the door caused you to stop.  You hoped it was Daryl, but it was his house.  He would have walked in.  Slowly approaching it, you looked through the peep hole, your breathing being held as you saw it was Ross.  When you opened the door, he pushed his way through without saying a word.  He looked around for a couple seconds before turning to you again, watching as you closed the door.   “Where the fuck did you go?”  All of the warmness that he had shown the others was nowhere to be seen.  All that was left was cold darkness as his narrow eyes dug into you like daggers.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I..” “I’m not in the mood for games, Y/N.  When I came back to our home you weren’t anywhere to be found.  Were you taken?  Did you run?  What the fuck happened?”  He started to walk closer to you, slowly and dangerously, which made you move back.  Sometimes you wouldn’t even know you were doing it until your back hit a wall or something that prevented you from going any farther, like this instance.  You dropped your gaze and looked down at the floor, your left hand coming up to your right arm, subconsciously starting to pick at it. 
“I didn’t know where you had gone.  You never stayed away for very long, when you never came back, I thought something had happened to you.  I waited for you, but then I got hungry and needed to find something to eat or else I’d starve.”   He took another step closer to you, knowing you were trapped.  “Why didn’t you do just that?”  “I got lost.”  “Oh, you got lost.  So everything I had taught you on what you were supposed to do, that all just went in one ear and out the other.”  “No, I...” “Yeah, that’s what it sounds like you’re telling me.  I told you to always leave markers so you can find your way back.  You were just too stupid to pay attention.”  
He was in your face now.  “Ross, please..”  You tried to push him back a little bit, which angered him more and he grabbed your wrist tightly as he pulled it down.  “You’re worthless, you know that?  You can’t do anything right, if you had listened to me, we would have been right where we belong and not here in this place where everyone is delusional, pretending like this world isn’t fucked up.”  “They don’t...”  You spoke up.  “Excuse me?”  “They don’t pretend the world isn’t fucked up.  This is how you survive.  They put up boarders to keep those things out, they have food and medicine, they know how to fight.  We’d never survive as long as they would on our own.  They’re good people, and they’re nice and they’re like a family.”  
He laughed.  Letting go of your wrist to pinch the bridge of his nose.  “They’re like a family?  You don’t know these people, Y/N.  They’d kill you in a second if they thought it would benefit them.  And who the hell does that grease monkey I saw standing next to you think he is, disrespecting me and keeping me from seeing you?  I outta slit his...”  “Stop.”  You interrupted him.  Something inside you burned once he started talking about Daryl.  He had no right talking bad about him.  “What?”  His eyes narrowed.  “Just stop it. Daryl is a good man, you have no right coming in here and talking all this shit about these people who welcomed you.  He saved me, shouldn’t that matter to you?  I wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t found me.”   Before you knew it you were on the floor, a strong stinging sensation burning your cheek where he struck you.  He walked over to you and bent down.  “Don’t ever talk to me like that again.”  He reached his hand out and gripped your chin so you’d look at him.  “I don’t know what kind of ideas these people put inside your head, what that Daryl prick said, but you know too well not to speak to me like that.”  Pushing your face away from him, he stood up and headed for the door.  “We’re leaving first thing tomorrow.  I don’t want to hear anything about it”  He opened the door and walked out, slamming it behind him.  
It took you a long time to collect yourself again after he left.  Covering your face, you tried to control your breathing.  You were stupid to think you could ever be comfortable somewhere.  To be able to say what you felt without any backlash, to feel safe without constantly feeling that you were going to do or say something wrong.  There’s no way you could have known he was still alive, but you still blamed yourself for being so naive. 
The door opened again and you quickly straightened yourself up, thinking it was Ross coming back for more, but when you saw Daryl standing in the doorway, you let out a quick sigh of relief and stood up, wiping your face of the tears and straightening out your clothes.  “What happened?”  He knew what happened.  Anyone could have guessed by looking at the state of you.  “Nothing, I tripped and lost my balance. I’m fine.”  Your half effort at a smile was pathetic.  “He did this, huh? Your boyfriend.”  He shut the door.  Walking to you slowly, he looked you over, seeing the red marks on your face, the new bruises that had already formed on your wrist.  He moved again and raised his hand, causing you to flinch and turn away.  Frustrated with yourself, you tried to calm down, but was still on edge from earlier.   “Please, I don’t want to cause any problems.  I’m fine.” “You don’t have to be scared, you’re safe here.  He can’t hurt you anymore.”  You looked at him, wanting to believe the sincerity in his tone.  “It’s not that simple..” Your voice was low.  “He won’t let me stay.  We’re leaving tomorrow, and this great place will just be another memory.”  “You don’t have to go.”  “Yes..”  “No, you don’t.”  You let out a breath as tears broke free again.  Looking down, you covered your face so he couldn’t see you.  Ross always said you looked ugly when you cried.  You felt his hands on your shoulders, causing you to jump slightly, but his grip was gentle.  Neither of you really knew what to do next, so you just stood there.  You desperately wanted to be free of Ross, to live your own life as best as you could in this world.  Your forehead found his chest and you let his rest there.  It felt natural that you gravitated towards one another.  
Reality set in and you quickly backed up, heading towards the kitchen.  “He’ll come back.  He can’t see us like this.”  “He’s not gonna touch ya again.”  He followed right behind.  Keeping his distance as to not stress you out more, he leaned against the fridge while you looked out the window.  You could see him talking and laughing with his new friends.  It bothered you so much that he could be so cruel and not feel any kind of remorse for it.  There was no question about you wanting to stay, you were just scared if what he’d do if you finally stood up to him.  
You and Daryl talked for a long time that night.  You told him things you had never told anyone, and he listened to you.  It was something you hadn’t experienced in a very long time and it felt great to see that and feel like someone actually cared.  Good things never last, though.  The door swung open and Ross walked through, his bag over his shoulder as he called out for you.  “It’s time to go, get your shit.”  Standing up from the couch, you stayed as far back from him as possible. “No.”  It was hard to spit those words out, but you did it.  But he acted like he didn’t hear you.  “Come on, we don’t have all day.  I said let’s go.”  You paused briefly but then repeated yourself.  “No.  I’m not going anywhere with you.  These people are good to me, I’m tired of being pushed around and told what to do, I’m tired of seeing your stupid ugly face glaring at me all the time, no more!”  You raised your voice at him, finding the courage to finally speak your mind.  He stood there for a moment, taken aback, but then he just laughed.  Your confidence dwindled again as he looked at you smiling.  It was that look he gave you when a real bad beating was coming.  
“I knew these people got inside your head.  I’m sure that Daryl kid had something to do with too.  Are you slutting around with him?  Did he sleep with you and now you think you’re going to live happily ever after?  No one wants you.  No one can stand you but me.  You won’t survive without me.”  His tone got more sharp as he finished.  “Now get your shit and let’s go before I drag your ass out of this house by your hair.”  He started for you, his hand reaching for your neck, but right before he could get a grip on you, he was yanked back by Daryl who had appeared from the kitchen.  He rushed him out of the house and tossed him down the steps.  Picking Ross up again by the collar, he punched him until someone else stepped in to pull him off.   “You ever touch her again, I’ll kill you!”  He yelled as Ross was being dragged away.  “And if I ever see you again, I’ll shoot you on sight, that’s a promise, you piece of shit!”  You ran down the steps to him and pulled him back, trying to get him to calm down.  “Daryl, he’s gone.”  People were staring and chatting among themselves, wanting to know what this was all about.  Daryl didn’t move until he saw the gates close and lock.  Ross and his group had been escorted out and watched to make sure they actually left.  Daryl finally turned to you, his hands gently placed on your shoulders as he checked you out.  “You alright?”  You nodded.  Silent tears slipped down your cheek as you placed your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him, silently thanking him for all that he did.  Thankful that he saved you in more ways than just one.  
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Sekai Games announced several new console titles at E3 2019, including a Switch port of Regista’s Root Double: Before Crime After Days, a PlayStation 4 revival of Mr. Tired Media’s Undead Darlings: No Cure for Love, and updated release windows for previously announced projects such as World End Economica and Narcissu for consoles.
Get the details below.
Project LUX
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Developer: forgevision, Sekai Games, Mighty Rabbit Studios
Platform: PlayStation VR
Release Date: June 2019
The crime… is murder.
The story takes place in a court trial, set in a futuristic world where most humans have cyberbrains. The defendant on trial is an agent who coordinates with artists to create the data for cyberbrains to interact with people’s emotions. The victim is a girl artist named Lux. The jury has to investigate what really happened by reliving the memory data of the defendant.
The multi-end virtual reality adventure will finally be available worldwide on PlayStation Network in late June 2019.
Root Double: Before Crime After Days
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Developer: Regista
Platform: Switch
Release Date: Winter 2019
The year is 2030. Business is as usual in the isolated research city of Rokumei—that is, until several explosions suddenly go off in the nuclear research facility known as “LABO.” The city sends in “Sirius,” an elite rescue squad, to deal with the situation. But the situation only gets worse when LABO’s nuclear reactor melts down, sending the facility into lockdown—with members of Sirius and survivors still trapped inside.
With lethal radiation leaking everywhere and not enough anti-radiation medication to last until lockdown lifts, the survivors make discoveries that are more and more grim. In their struggle for survival, in a deathtrap full of fire and radiation, they learn that doubt is their greatest enemy, and trust their greatest asset.
The incredible adventure game from Japanese studio Regista is finally coming to Switch in cooperation with Sekai Games, and will be available on the Nintendo eShop in winter of 2019.
Fault: Milestone One
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Developer: Alice in Dissonance, Sekai Games
Platform: Switch, PlayStation 4, PS Vita
Release Date: Summer 2019 (Switch) / Fall 2019 (PlayStation 4, PS Vita)
Who were the attackers and what was their goal?
Where did Selphine and Ritona end up?
Will the two make it home safely?
And more importantly, what has happened to their homeland?
Follow Selphine, the bubbly, happy-go-lucky Princess and her sharp-witted but slightly misanthropic Royal Guardian Ritona, on their journey of a lifetime back to their homeland of Rughzenhaide.
The long-awaited console version of the Fault series comes to Switch this summer! Featuring brand new music and artwork, this version of fault is the most beautiful and crisp adventure yet, and is sure to be one of the best visual novels available on consoles so far. The PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions will be available this fall!
Tokyo Chronos
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Developer: MyDearest
Platform: PlayStation VR
Release Date: August 2019
An empty, deserted Shibuya where time has frozen over. A suspenseful mystery woven by eight childhood friends trapped inside.
Lost memories; A strange message: “I am dead. Who killed me?”
Who is “I”? Why did we lose our memory? Who is the killer?
Fragments shattered like a broken mirror.
Where does the truth lie?
To kill, or not to kill ─ YOU decide.
Featuring the all-star staff of Haruki Kashiwakura (Expelled from Paradise), Kou Segawa (Kimi ni Korosareta to Shitemo), Kazuma Miki (Sword Art Online), MyDearest delivers one of the most engaging and unique adventures ever in VR! Tokyo Chronos will be available worldwide in August 2019.
Heart of the Woods
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Developer: Studio Elan, Sekai Games
Platform: Switch
Release Date: Q1 2020
Maddie Raines has had enough. After years of serving as manager, editor, and general business-handler for her best friend Tara’s popular paranormal vlog channel, she’s finally ready to move forward with her own life. But when she agrees to take one last trip with Tara to the mysterious village of Eysenfeld, she’s suddenly swept up in a dangerous supernatural crisis that will change the course of both of their lives forever.
Heart of the Woods is coming exclusively to the Switch eShop, bringing Studio Elan’s emotional smash hit to the console for the very first time.
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World End Economica
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Developer: Spicy Tails, Sekai Games
Platform: Switch, PlayStation 4, PS Vita
Release Date: Winter 2019
Set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. A young boy named Haru has been chasing his wildest dream. His dream is to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so, he needs capital, a ludicrous amount of capital. What better place to get that amount of capital by using the stock market? There are two key rules that govern the stock market.
The first rule: Never take a loss.
The second rule: Never forget the first.
Only those who follow these rules are able to obtain enormous wealth…
The full collected package of Hasekura Isuna’s riveting adventure novel will come to Switch, PlayStation 4, and PS Vita in winter of 2019.
Narcissu: Lumiere Eternelle Edition
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Developer: Sekai Games
Platform: Switch, PlayStation 4
Release Date: Winter 2019
“Life is like a waiting room, except people don’t leave in the order they enter.”
So when it is time to leave, where will it be? And will you be able to smile in the end?
Narcissu is a thought-provoking visual novel series about terminal illness, living, dying, and the relationship between those leaving and those left behind. There are no miracles, no heroes, no villains in this story. Just life and the characters finding their own ways of facing death in an indifferent, relentless, ever-impartial reality.
Featuring music from two video game legends: Chris Huelsbeck of Turrican fame, and Hiroki Kikuta of Secret of Mana fame, this console edition collects all stories from the official Narcissu series into one game.
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Undead Darlings: No Cure for Love
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Developer: Mr. Tired Media
Platform: PlayStation 4
Release Date: Q4 2019
Undead Darlings ~no cure for love~ is a happy-go-lucky dungeon-crawling visual novel RPG about a group of zombie girls and Reginald “Reggie” P. Happenstahnce.
Reggie’s father was involved in the creation of the zombie virus and gave his son the only known cure along with this command: “Take this cure to where it can be mass produced.”
Since they don’t know how to use the cure in its current state, the zombie girls and Reggie travel together throughout a funpocalypse wasteland where they explore dungeons, fight weird monsters, and learn more about one another along the way.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 6 years
Monster - Part 1
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Not much in this one. A little day drinking, mentions of dad issues, and old vampire murders.
Author’s Note: I apologize for the time it has taken to get this first part out. Between getting that damn respiratory virus that was going around, the holidays and my visit to Mexico, writing was just difficult for me. But here it is and I hope you guys enjoy it.
"You've got to be kidding." Damon said as he looked at Elizabeth Forbes.
They had currently been standing in the middle of the Salvatore living room. It had been just hours after the new Mayor had taken over the office. In that time alone things had already been quickly changing. From Officer Forbes' perspective things were about to become interesting with these new found changes. She believed it was better to keep Damon in the loop than him find out later when the Mayor requested a meeting with him.
"He's doing this his way and creating a whole new council. There is nothing that I can do." Liz said as she placed her hands on her hips. "Founding families mean nothing to him in this moment or their status in this town."
"We must still have some kind of pull in this." Damon said trying to think of anything that they could possibly do to keep them all in the loop without having to sit around and wait.
"Unless you are extremely close friends with any of the Y/L/N Family, there is no way to get into any of the council meetings. I, thankfully, have known and been friends with his sister for some time and she trusts me." Liz said with a slight nod. "I'll try to keep you guys as updated as possible, but I have no idea how this is going play out."
"Y/L/N. Besides the obvious, why does that name sound familiar?" Damon asked. While it wasn't a name he had heard on a daily basis until Y/D/N came into town, at that moment it was sticking out in his mind but couldn't quite place where he has heard or seen that last name.
"His daughter was raised here in Mystic Falls. She's been the secretary to the Mayor's office for almost five years now. Mayor Lockwood had been the one to hire her in." Liz informed him. "You may know her name just by looking at some of the paperwork you come across from the office."
"Y/N?" Damon asked with a sigh. He remembered her from the occasional times he had seen her in passing. While he never actually spoke with her or gotten to know the woman, he knew who she was.  “Why am I willing to bet anything that she was probably feeding her dad information that he needs to know about this town to make these changes?”
Liz shook her head. "Lets not jump to conclusions. I've known Y/N for a long time and I am certain she knows nothing about the supernatural world. Her Aunt has kept her in the dark for a reason."
"There is only one way to find out for sure." Damon said as he thought for a moment before he grabbed a hold of his jacket.
"Damon." Liz said with a warning tone.
"What?" He said giving her a small smirk. "It’s not like I'm going over there to kill her. Just to talk with her and see what I can possibly get out of her."
Liz sighed as she shook her head slightly. "Don't do anything stupid to draw more attention to yourself."
"I make no promises." Damon called out as he made his way out the door. Just as he was about to reach the door, Stefan and Elena walked in. “Liz has some news for you.” He said walking past them. “And she’ll fill you in on where I’m going.” He said before Stefan could ask.
Y/N had been sitting at the bar of the Mystic Grill. She held a drink in one hand, a pen in the other, while she looked over the pile of paperwork that had been sitting in front of her. Her Y/H/C hair had still been pulled up into a neat bun that she had yet to pull out since she had left the office over an hour ago. The heel of her black pumps tapped against the stool as her leg bounced slightly.  
While she was all for her father becoming the Mayor of Mystic Falls, she hated all the paperwork that now needed to be done. All the paperwork that Mayor Lockwood had left unfinished needed to be compiled and on his desk by tomorrow morning. What also made things a bit difficult was her father’s request for specific files that she was going to have to track down. Many of those files were decades old and lost with in the archives.
From the corner of her eye she could see someone walk up to the bar beside her. “The last time I seen someone sitting here working away as hard as you are, he became a drinking buddy of mine.”
Y/N’s head turned slightly to look at the who had been speaking to her. “That position for me has been filled for quite some time.” She said before looking back down at the paperwork in front of her.
She knew exactly who had been speaking to her. Damon Salvatore definitely wasn’t a stranger to the town and she knew that. He was good looking and she was sure as hell he knew that about himself. While she did have a weakness for the man with gorgeous blue eyes, he had never once actually took the time to notice her as she had hoped he would.
Even at one of the recent Founders Party, she had tried speaking with him. Just a way to introduce herself and to try to get to know the man. He had only given her a vague answer before walking off to speak with Elena Gilbert. While Y/N wasn’t a jealous type, she knew when a person only had eyes for someone else. Before she could even try to get to know him, she decided against it.
“You can always have more than one drinking buddy.” Damon said as he took a seat on the stool next to her.
He watched as her Y/E/C scanned over the documents before her, before placing a ‘sign here’ post it sticker on the page before she continued on reading. The hand that held the glass slowly lifted, bringing the glass up to her lips as she took a drink.  “Not interested.” She said once she had swallowed the amber liquid.
Damon had actually frowned at that and Y/N hadn’t missed it. A slight smirk pulled at the corner of her lips as she tried to focus on the paperwork in front of her. While she may have been acting as if she wasn’t at all interested, there was a part of her that had still been interested in the man sitting beside her. She just wasn’t going to give in, for fear that this was just something he was wanting to pass the time.
“Is there something I can help you with, Damon?” She asked, finally looking over at him. She placed the glass down and turned slightly towards him. She watched as his mouth opened slightly and closed soon after when he couldn’t get the words to pass his lips.
This definitely wasn’t what Damon was used to. He was used to women hanging on his every word, without compulsion needed. Of course he knew he could be an ass and just compel her for the information or to even just have her tell her father he needed to be on the council. But the necklace she was currently wearing, he was almost positive that it had vervain hidden with in.
“How about just having a drink or two with someone other than your drinking buddy?” He asked. When he saw her eyebrow raised, he lifted his hands up as if surrendering. “Just until you are done with work. I could really use an outside opinion on a few things.”
Y/N chuckled slightly. “Isn’t that what the bartender is for?”
Damon looked over at Matt and grimaced slightly. “About that, he knows all about the problems. Wouldn’t really help with needing an outsider’s opinion.”
Y/N looked over at the paperwork before looking back at Damon and sighing. “Fine you have until I am done with this stack.” She said as she patted the paperwork in front of her. “And you’re paying for my tab as well.” She said with a grin.
“You’re kidding right?” Y/N asked as she laughed. The paperwork had been finished for quite some time, but the conversations they kept having had made it hard for her to decide it was time to leave.
“Not at all, there are several stories I could tell you about how easily it can be to embarrass my brother.” He said with a slight shake of his head. Damon had been telling her stories of his past that had kept Y/N laughing.
While it was completely off subject from what his ‘problem’ was, Y/N hadn’t seemed to mind. It didn’t hurt that she was slightly buzzed from the alcohol she had been consuming. It made things more interesting.
“That’s still not as bad as falling face first into a crowd at a festival in Richmond all because you were drunk enough to believe you could go crowd surfing.” Y/N said shaking her head with a smile on her face. Her hand absentmindedly reaching up to run her finger along a small scar that rested along her right temple.
“Oh I would have paid to have seen that.” He said giving her a smirk. “Now how exactly did the rebel child become the Mayor’s secretary?” He asked curiously. The whole time he hadn’t brought up her job at the Mayor’s office until now.
The smile she had from laughing fell slightly. “I was having a lot of problems out in Richmond and I when I came home, my Aunt had a job interview lined up for me. Surprisingly, I’ve been great at my job.”
“And how do you feel about your dad becoming Mayor?” Damon was sure that the way she answered this question would give him some of the answers he had been hoping for.
Y/N scoffed. “Not looking forward to it.” She shook her head slightly.
Damon’s eyebrow raised. “I take it the relationship between you isn’t a good one.”
“Nope.” she said popping the ‘p’. She looked down at the empty glass in her hand for a moment. “He was never around. To busy caring for his other family in some other state. But after news reached him that Richard Lockwood had died and that Carol took over, he decided to come here and try to ‘make the town better’.” Her finger ran along the rim of the glass. “Doesn’t help that he’s only been Mayor for a few hours and the mountain of paperwork I have to get to him by tomorrow morning is rather annoying.” She rolled her eyes slightly. “Both Richard and Carol both never gave me this much work in one night.”
There was a slight relief in Damon at her words. Liz had been right. Y/N had no clue about the secrets this town had hiding in its closet. He could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice that there was nothing off about her previous bosses.
“How can I help to take some of the workload off?” He offered. While it had been mostly for the purpose of wanting to know more about the new Mayor’s plans, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to gain her trust in the process. If she was his possible ticket into the council meetings, he’d help in any way he could.
“Um,” Y/N bit down on her lip for a moment, unsure how to respond to the offer. She had always been one to get her work done on her own, never really needing help. Her eyes moved over to the clock hanging on the wall. Her shoulders sagged slightly as she took in the time and sighed as she looked over at him. “Unless you know someone in Archives that would be willing to let me stay after closing, there really isn’t much.”
A smirk grew on his lips. “Believe me, I can get you all the time you need.” He said as he stood up and pulled out his wallet, placing down a few bills to cover the drinks they had.
“Seriously?” Y/N asked hopeful.
“Seriously.” He said with a nod. “Come on, grab your stuff. As long as we get there before closing, we’ll be fine.”
A smile grew on her lips as she stood up from her seat and collected her things. She really hadn’t expected to be spending hours speaking with Damon. She had almost cursed at herself for not just finishing up her work and heading over to Archives to get the files she had needed hours ago. But with Damon wanting to help, she believed it wasn’t so bad.
It didn’t take long for them to get there and for Damon to compel the employee to let them stay until she had gotten the files they needed. Y/N had been grateful that she even had a chance to do this. She knew her father would be upset if she hadn’t gotten the files for him by tomorrow morning like he wanted them.
“What is it that we are looking for?” Damon asked as he stared at the several aisles of shelves that were filled with boxes.
Placing her bag on one of the tables, she pulled out a sheet of paper that held a long list of old case numbers. Folding it half and carefully tearing it to avoid any of the numbers and letters her father had written, she held one half to Damon.
“Old case files that for some reason my dad wants to look over.” She said as she watched him take the half she offered to him and looked at the numbers.
“He didn’t say why he needed them?” He asked as he began walking down one of the aisle, looking at the numbers written on boxes.
“Something about needing to check if the case files were done correctly.” she said shrugging slightly as she walked over to a different aisle, searching for the ones on her half of the list. “My uncle was a cop here in Mystic Falls before he retired. He used to complain that someone never did the paperwork right. Guess dad just wants to check in on that now that he has the power of being a Mayor.”
That had made Damon suspicious. Even as he found the first file on the list, he knew that Mayor Y/L/N was definitely checking in on things. The file that he currently held in his hand was an old case file for an ‘Animal attack’. While Damon had killed his fair share of people throughout his lifetime, he knew he wasn’t responsible for that death.
Closing the file, he tucked it under his arm and moved on to the next file. He was definitely going to be keeping a close eye on the new Mayor, if he was looking into old case files. He had just found the next one when he heard a gasp leave Y/N’s lips and files drop onto the floor.
“What is it?” He asked turning in the direction she had went to and tried peering over the boxes. When he couldn’t see her right away, he began looking down each aisle until he found her.
Y/N stood in the middle of the aisle, several case files surrounded her on the floor while she held one in her hand.  As he walked closer to her, he could see tears flowing down her cheeks as she looked at the file.
“Y/N.” He said softly trying to get her attention.
She looked over at him, her Y/E/C eyes filled with tears as she did. “This is, um, my mom’s case file.” She said as she held up the file. “My Aunt always told me she had been in a horrible accident.”
“What happened to her?” Damon asked as he looked towards the case file. He could see that she was currently looking through the images that were attached to the file.
“The report says it was an animal attack.” Y/N shook her head slightly, trying to process the words she had read. “What animal does this?” She asked as she handed him the file. “I’ve never seen something rip someone’s head off like that.”
Taking the file from her, he looked down at the images, official statements and the reports. If there was one thing that Damon could tell from any kind of ‘Animal attack’ that Mystic Falls could try to cover up, it was the very thing he was looking at in the photographs. This was done by a vampire, no doubt, and he knew exactly what relative of his that had done it.
Part 2
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