#p vindex
lamarseillasie · 1 year
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An engraving of Docteur Marat treating a patient by means of electricity. From Marat, ou Les héros de la Révolution / Léo Taxil et J. Vindex (1883), p.825.
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proserpinaem · 1 year
Back on my hyperfixation shenanigans so I have not slept and here's a list of what I consider to be the prettiest beetles, butterflies and moths, damselflies, and grasshoppers and crickets that inhabit Colorado and Kentucky according to insectidentification.org :
Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
Fifteen-spotted lady beetle (Anatis labiculata)
Golden tortoise beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata)
Knapweed root weevil (Cyphocleonus achates)
Longhorn beetle (Semanotus amethystinus)
Dogbane Leaf Beetle (Chrysochus auratus)
European Ground Beetle (Carabus nemoralis)
Golden Net-wing Beetle (Dictyoptera aurora)?
Margined Blister Beetle (Epicauta funebris)
May Beetle - P. lanceolata (Phyllophaga lanceolata)
Mottled Tortoise Beetle (Deloyala guttata)
Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Gibbifer californicus)
Poplar Borer Beetle (Saperda calcarata)
Shining Leaf Chafer - Anomala spp. (Anomala spp.)
Signate Lady Beetle (Hyperaspis signata)
American Lappet Moth (Phyllodesma americana)
Cinnabar Moth (Tyria jacobaeae)
Common Checkered-Skipper (Pyrgus communis)
Glover's Silkmoth (Hyalophora columbia gloveri)
Great Ash Sphinx Moth (Sphinx chersis)
Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
Black Saddlebags Skimmer (Tramea lacerata)
Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca spp.)
Obscure Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca obscura)
Sooty Longwing Katydid (Capnobotes fulginosus)
Andrew's Snail-eating Beetle (Scaphinotus andrewsii)
Black Firefly (Lucidota atra)
Calligrapha Beetle (Calligrapha spp)
Eastern Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus)
Emerald Euphoria Beetle (Euphoria fulgida)
Glowworm (Phengodes spp.)
Goldsmith Beetle (Cotalpa lanigera)
Metallic Wood-boring Beetle: Chalcophora (Chalcophora fortis)
Notched-mouth Ground Beetle (Dicaelus purpuratus)
One-spotted Tiger Beetle (Apterodela unipuncata)
Rainbow Darkling Beetle (Tarpela micans)
Rainbow Scarab Beetle (Phanaeus vindex)
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata)
Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle (Chalcophora georgiana)
Stag Beetle (Lucanus capreolus)
Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle (Chilocorus stigma)
Vietinghoff's Ground Beetle (Carabus vietinghoffii)
Abbott's Sphinx Moth (Sphecodina abbottii)
American Ermine Moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella)
Arched Hooktip (Drepana arcuata)
American Bird's-Wing Moth (Dypterygia rozmani)
Arcigera Flower Moth (Schinia arcigera)
Attentive Crocus Moth (Xanthotype attenuaria)
Basswood Leafroller (Pantographa limata)
Beautiful Wood-Nymph (Eudryas grata)
Black-waved Flannel Moth (Megalopyge crispata)
Blackberry Looper (Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria
Blinded Sphinx Moth (Paonias excaecata)
Bluish Spring Moth (Lomographa semiclarata
Buck Moth (Hemileuca maia)
Carmine Snout Moth (Peoria approximella)
Carrot Seed Moth (Sitochroa palealis)
Cecropia Silk Moth (Hyalophora cecropia)
Changeable Grass-Veneer (Fissicrambus mutabilis)
Colorful Zale (Zale minerea)
Common Lytrosis Moth (Lytrosis unitaria)
Confused Eusarca (Eusarca confusaria)
Cross-lined Wave (Timandra amaturaria)
Curve-toothed Geometer (Eutrapela clemataria)
Dark-banded Geometer (Ecliptopera atricolorata)
Deep Yellow Euchlaena (Euchlaena amoenaria)
Diaphania costata (Diaphania costata
Dimorphic Macalla (Epipaschia superatalis)
Dot-lined White (Artace cribrarius)
Dotted Gray (Glena cribrataria)
Drab Prominent (Misogada unicolor)
Eight-spotted Forester Moth (Alypia octomaculata)
Elder Shoot Borer (Achatodes zeae)
Explicit Arches (Lacinipolia explicata)
Eyed Paectes Moth (Paectes oculatrix)
Falcate Orangetip (Anthocharis midea) (female)
Fall Webworm (Hyphantria cunea)
False Crocus Geometer (Xanthotype urticaria
Fervid Plagodis (Plagodis fervidaria)
Fig Sphinx (Pachylia ficus)
Friendly Probole Moth (Probole amicaria)
Giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia)
Goldcap Moss-eater Moth (Epimartyria auricrinella)
Gray-edged Hypena (Hypena madefactalis)
Green Arches (Anaplectoides prasina)
Hag Moth (Phobetron pithecium
Hibiscus Leaf Caterpillar Moth (Rusicada privata)
Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis)
Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth (Speranza pustularia
Luna Moth (Actias luna)
Melissa Blue Butterfly (Plebejus melissa spp.)
Modest Sphinx Moth (Pachysphinx modesta)
Morbid Owlet Moth (Chytolita morbidalis)
Orange-patched Smoky Moth (Pyromorpha dimidiata)
Pale Beauty (Campaea perlata)
Pale Lichen Moth (Crambidia pallida)
Pale Metarranthis (Metarranthis indeclinata)
Pandorus Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha pandorus)
Parthenice Tiger Moth (Apantesis parthenice)
Pearly Wood-Nymph Moth (Eudryas unio)
Pero Moth (Pero spp.)
Pink-patched Looper (Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides)
Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)
Pistachio Emerald Moth (Hethemia pistasciaria)
Plebeian Sphinx Moth (Paratrea plebeja) (Caterpillar)
Primrose Moth (Schinia florida)
Promiscuous Angle Moth (Macaria promiscuata)
Raspberry Pyrausta (Pyrausta signatalis)
Rustic Sphinx Moth (Manduca rustica)
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth (Acharia stimulea)
Saddled Yellowhorn (Colocasia flavicornis)
Salt-and-pepper Looper Moth (Syngrapha rectangula)
Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis)
Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth (Hypoprepia miniata)
Schlaeger's Fruitworm Moth (Antaeotricha schlaegeri)
Showy Emerald Moth (Dichorda iridaria)
Small Bird Dropping Moth (Ponometia erastrioides)
Snowy Urola (Urola nivalis)
Sorghum Webworm Moth (Nola cereella)
Southern Flannel Moth (Megalopyge opercularis)
Southern Longhorn Moth (Adela caeruleella)
Southern Pine Sphinx (Lapara coniferarum)
Southern Tussock Moth (Dasychira meridionalis)
The Badwing (Dyspteris abortivaria)
Unspotted Looper Moth (Allagrapha aerea)
Venerable Dart Moth (Agrotis venerabilis
Vine Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha vitis)
Walnut Sphinx Moth (Amorpha juglandis)
Wavy-lined Emerald Moth (Synchlora aerata)
Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth (Harrisina metallica)
White Flannel Moth (Norape ovina)
White Slant-line Moth (Tetracis cachexiata)
White-fringed Emerald Moth (Nemoria mimosaria)
Yucca Moth (Tegeticula, Greya, and Prodoxus spp.)
Carolina Locust (Dissosteira carolina)
Eastern Shieldback Katydid (Atlanticus spp.)
Slender Meadow Katydid (Conocephalus fasciatus)
True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia)
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Midland Clubtail (Gomphurus fraternus)
Red Saddlebags (Tramea onusta)
Seepage Dancer (Argia bipunctulata)
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norfolkbuttonboy · 2 years
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Roman Civil War Silver Denarius Revolt against Nero. Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis. Denarius, March-May 68 A.D. Vienne. Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm; SALVS GENERIS HVMANI. Rv. S.P.Q.R. in oak wreath. RIC 72, BMC 34. Gaius Julius Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis, raised the standard of revolt against Nero in the Spring of 68 A.D. He sought the support of other provincial governors, but none responded except Servius Sulpicius Galba, governor of Hispania Tarraconensis, whose claims to the throne he promised to support. The city of Vienne in Nargbonensis declared for him, but the colony of Roman veterans at Lugdunum refused him admittance. As a result Vindex had no Roman troops under his command, so was forced to rely on native Gauls, local notables and their clients. His forces were crushed and Vindex was killed at Vesontio by the army of Verginius Rufus, governor of Upper Germany. A few weeks later Nero committed suicide and shortly thereafter Galba was formally declared emperor by the Senate of Rome. Found Metal Detecting In UK 🇬🇧 #roman #treasurehunting #treasure #metaldetecting #metaldetectingfinds #history #metaldetector #treasurehunter #treasurehunt #relics #coins #ww #sondeln #dirtfishing #detecting #xpdeus #relichunting #coin #vintage #metaldetectorist #hobby #silver #detectorist #treasures #garrett #metaldetectors #photooftheday #metalldetektor #spqr #norfolkbuttonboy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2VdAIrf8I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romegreeceart · 4 years
Famous people
Tag list of famous people from Ancient Rome and Greece. A few hellenistic rulers and some Etruscans are also included.
And for some reason the page is not working properly. The HTML code is there, but it only works on my dashboard. On this page links are inactive. I figure that page only understands “/tagged/Agrippina-the-Elder” - versions, but I’m too lazy / busy to rewrite the code. So if you want to check a tag, you’ll have to copy and paste it after the word “ .../tagged/”. And same goes for all the lists below.
URLs + copy&paste:
Aelia Flaccilla- Pillar of the Church
Agrippina the Elder
Agrippina the Younger
Aemilia Lepida and her descendants  v emperor Nero
Alexander the Great
Ancus Marcius
Antiochus I Soter
Antiochus III the Great
Antisthenes (philosopher, cynic school)
Antonia Minor - mother of Claudius and Germanicus
Antoninus Pius
Apollodorus of Damascus
Apollonius of Tralles (Greek sculptor)
Arsinoe II
Arsinoe III
Artemisia II of Caria
Atticus (Cicero’s friend)
Aulus Rustius Verus (Pompeian politician)
Baltimore painter (Apulia, 4th century BCE)
Berenike II
Brygos Painter
Brutus (liberator, founder of the republic)
Brutus (assassin)
Carausius (Roman Britain, emperor)
Cassius Dio
Cato the Elder
Cato the Younger
Claudia Antonia (emperor’s daughter)
Claudius Gothicus
Cleopatra Selene
Cleopatra III
Clodius Albinus
Constantine the Great
Constantius II
Constantius Chlorus
Cornelia Africana
Cornelia Minor (Caesar’s wife)
Crispus (Constantine’s eldest son)
Cynisca (Spartan princess, olympic winner)
Darius III
Didia Clara (daughter of Didius Julianus)
Didius Julianus
Dioscorides Pedanius (physician, botanist)
Diva Claudia (daughter of Nero)
Drusus Caesar (son of Germanicus)
Drusus the Younger (son of Tiberius)
Drusus the Elder (son of Livia)
Eumachia (Pompeian priestess and patroness)
Fabius Maximus Cunctator (”The Shield of Rome”)
Faustina Maior
Faustina Minor
Female painters
Flavian dynasty
Gaius Caesar
Galla Placidia
Gallic emperors
Gens Aemilia
Gens Cornelia
Gens Calpurnia
Gordian I
Gordian II
Gordian III
Gracchi Brothers
Greek tyrants
Hegias (Greek sculptor, 5th century BCE
Hellenistic kings
Herennius Etruscus (co-emperor)
Hermione Grammatike
Herodes Atticus
Iaia of Cyzicus (female painter)
Juba II
Julia (Augustus’ daughter)
Julia Aquilia Severa (Vestal virgin and empress)
Julia Domna
Julia Drusilla
Julia Felix (Pompeian business woman)
Julia Flavia (Titus’ daughter)
Julia Maesa
Julia Soaemias
Julian the Apostate
Julio-Claudian family (julioclaudian)
Julio-Claudian dynasty
Julio-Claudian dynasty
Julius Caesar 1
Julius Caesar (2)
Julius Vindex
Kresilas (Athenian sculptor)
Kritios (Athenian sculptor)
Lady of Aigai
Lady of Vix (Celtic woman, late 6th century BCE)
Lassia (priestess of Ceres, Pompeii)
Lucilla (daughter of Marcus Aurelius)
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
Lucius Caecilius Jucundus (Pompeian banker)
Lucius Caesar
Lucius Herennius Flores (Boscoreale Villa, real owner ?)
Lucius Verus
Lysippos 2
Magnus Maximus
Mamia (Pompeian priestess and patroness)
Marcellus (Augustus’ heir)
Marcus Agrippa
Marcus Antonius
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Claudius Tacitus (emperor)
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Marcus Terentius Varro
Maussollos of Halicarnassos
Maximinus Daia
Maximinus Thrax
Members of imperial families
Miami painter
Milonia Caesonia
Miltiades (Greek general)
Mona Lisa of Galilee
Nero Julius Caesar (son of Germanicus)
Nerva-Antonine family
Numa Pompilius
Octavia the Younger (Augustus’ sister)
Octavia (Claudius’ daughter)
Paionios (Greek sculptor)
Penthesilea painter
Pescennius Niger
Philip the Arab
Philip II of Macedonia
Phryne (Greek courtesan)
Plancia Magna
Pliny the Elder
Pliny the Younger
Poppaea Sabina
Postumus Agrippa
Postumus (Gallic emperor)
Ptolemy of Mauretania
Ptolemy I
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Publius Fannius Synistor
Publius Licinius Crassus (triumvir’s younger son)
Publius Sittius
Publius Quinctilius Varus
Pytheas (a greek explorer)
Roman Caesars (= princes, heirs to the throne)
Roman Civil War Commanders
Roman client kings
Roman consuls
Roman dictators
Roman emperors
Roman empresses
Roman generals
Roman gentes
Romans who declined the throne
Romulus Augustulus
Romulus and Remus
Scipio Africanus
Septimius Severus
Seven sages
Severan dynasty
Severus Alexander
Sextus Pompeius
Shuvalov painter
Silanion ( Greek sculptor)
Sulpicia (Roman female poet)
Tarquinius Superbus
Tiberius Claudius Verus (Pompeian politician)
Tigranes the Great
Titus Labienus
Titus Tatius
Titus Quinctius Flaminius
Trebonianus Gallus
Tribunes of the plebs
Ulpia Severina  (interim sovereign in 275 CE)
Urban prefects
Vaballathus (Palmyran king)
Valentinianus I
Valentinianus III (murderer of Aetius)
Valeria Messalina
Vel Saties
Velia Velcha (“Mona Lisa of antiquity”)
Velimna family (Hypogeum, Brescia)
Vibia Sabina
Vipsania Agrippina
Viriathus (Lusitanian freedom fighter)
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velvetinewitch · 5 years
Official WIP Intro: The Painted Cards
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title: The Painted Cards genre: young adult, fantasy pov: third-person limited (between two characters)
synopsis: it’s a pleasant day spent touring a college town with his friends when Basil meets the Goddess. without shame, she announces him- along with three others- to be her card champion. if he follows her tasks, slowly revealing his deck of cards, he’ll live on in history. if he doesn’t, he’ll die. the only issue is, magic is illegal, and the Goddess has just made him the number one criminal.
setting: an alternate Earth with different kingdoms that have a similar history. while geography is vastly different, events such as WW1 and WW2 took place (just involving magic and separate issues). the story specifically takes place in the kingdom of Ueklos, which is a democratic nation with modern-day technology.
characters: (king) basil roi- the son of two flower shop owners. broke but hardworking, quiet and cold. he has bad memories of the flames.  (knight) fierro knightly- a genius rescued from a war-torn country only by a scholarship. he’s a jokester, but insecure (as jokesters tend to be). (high priestess) venifica lusus- the witch/psychic who enjoys the mystery and the crime. she treats this as a game. (queen) rosai reina- the serious, businesswoman. she wants no part in magic, and doesn’t understand beauty. venifica irritates her because of this. (page) vindex insons- the sweet, kind, and shy member. he is shiny and naive, but feels like he has accomplished nothing.
themes: found family, romance, diverse cast (wlw, mlm, nonbinary and trans characters), morality, forgiveness, appearance vs reality, war
warnings: slight homophobia, strong language, mentioned child abuse (past)
tagslist: posted at end of week, let me know if you’d like to be added!
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omniatlas · 5 years
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NEW MAP: Europe 68: Downfall of Nero (07 Jun 68 AD) https://buff.ly/2mX0Ra2 Nero’s extravagances alienated the Roman elite, encouraging the governors Vindex and Galba to lead the Gallic and Spanish provinces in revolt in 68 AD. Although Vindex was quickly defeated by the Rhine legions, the Praetorians and Senate declared for Galba in June. Deposed and condemned, Nero committed suicide, bringing an abrupt end to the Julio-Claudian dynasty. #historyoftheworld #68 #june #ancientrome #ancient #romanlegion #galba #carta #cartografia #nero #gaul #europe #europeanhistory #ancienthistory #geopolitics #historia #historie #history #historyclass #june7 #maps #oldmaps #roman #romancivilwar #romancivilwars #romanempire #romanhistory #romans #worldhistory #newmap (at Tarraco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24zth6gdV-/?igshid=txuol7t0hu68
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stoweboyd · 6 years
Journalism Isn't Dying. It's Returning to Its Roots | Antonio Garcia Martinez looks back to see ahead:
if you were to magically teleport the architects of our democracy—men like Ben Franklin or Samuel Adams (newspapermen, both of them)—to today, they’d find our journalistic ecosystem, with its fact-checked both-sides-ism and claims to “objectivity,” completely unrecognizable. Franklin wrote under at least a dozen pseudonyms, including such gems as Silence Dogood and Alice Addertongue, and pioneered the placement of advertising next to content. Adams (aka Vindex the Avenger, Philo Patriae, et al.) was editor of the rabidly anti-British Boston Gazetteand also helped organize the Boston Tea Party, when activists dumped tea into Boston Harbor rather than pay tax on it. Adams duly covered the big event the next day with absolute aplomb. They’d have no notion of journalistic “objectivity,” and would find the entire undertaking futile (and likely unprofitable, but more on that soon).
If, however, you explained Twitter, the blogosphere, and newsy partisan outlets like Daily Kos or National Review to the Founding Fathers, they’d recognize them instantly. A resurrected Franklin wouldn’t have a news job inside The Washington Post; he’d have an anonymous Twitter account with a huge following that he’d use to routinely troll political opponents, or a partisan vehicle built around himself like Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, or an occasional columnist gig at a less partisan outlet like Politico, or a popular podcast where he’d shoot the political breeze with other Sons of Liberty, à la Chapo Trap House or Pod Save America. “Journalism dying, you say?” Ben Franklin v 2.0 might say. “It’s absolutely blooming, as it was in my day.”
What is dying, perhaps, is that flavor of “objective” journalism that purports to record an unbiased account of world events. We take journalistic objectivity to be as natural and immutable as the stars, but it’s a relatively short-lived artifact of 20th-century America. Even now it’s foreign to Europeans—cities such as London cultivate a rowdy passel of partisan scribblers who don’t even pretend there’s an impregnable wall between reportage and opinion. The US was much the same until the late 19th and early 20th century. Until 1900 or so, most newspapers were overtly political, and a name like The Press Democrat meant Democrat with a big D. Advertising was a minor concern, as party leaders encouraged members to subscribe to their local party organ, obviating the need for anything more than classifieds.
Let’s face it: We live in a Rashomon reality in which every event is instantly captured from a dozen angles and given at least as many interpretations, whether it’s a Supreme Court confirmation hearing or a video of Catholic school kids at a march. The thought that one media outfit will produce what’s taken as God’s gospel truth, under the demands of today’s light-speed media cycle and subject to the vigilante fact-checking of Twitter, seems a bit quaint. By now the savvy media consumer knows to wait 24 hours before making any conclusion about a scoop, to cross-check at least a handful of sources and two dozen Twitter accounts for takes across the political spectrum. “Objectivity” is an atavism from the days of studiously inoffensive and circulation-expanding reportage lavishly supported by unquestioning advertiser budgets. That’s all gone now. And it’s not clear that this studious “objectivity” more closely approximates the truth. Iraq and the WMDs? Madame President? Those were headlines produced under rigorously “objective” (and wrong) coverage, while those who got it right—and there were some—spoke from less regimented perches.
Neither democracy nor journalism will die. In fact, I suspect we’re about to have way more of both than we’ve had in a while. The path to the next golden age in American journalism isn’t nostalgia for a vanishing past but the same way that led to the previous golden age, namely, that of profit. More than likely, given the new business models, this will mean some partiality from journalism as well. That’s just fine too. It’s what Ben Franklin would have done.
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isaacgosan · 2 years
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Phanaeus vindex Phanaeus vindex, el escarabajo arcoíris, es un escarabajo pelotero norteamericano, que se encuentra desde el este de los EE. UU. hasta Arizona y México. La cabeza es de color amarillo metálico y los machos tienen un cuerno negro que se curva hacia el tórax @despertandoavidaencristo https://www.instagram.com/p/CcokF42uT0X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darkness-actual · 3 years
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This little bastard flew into the bathroom I was working on yesterday. "Phanaeus vindex, the rainbow scarab, is a North American dung beetle, with a range from the eastern US to the Rocky Mountains. The head is a metallic yellow color, and males have a black horn which curves backward toward the thorax." https://www.instagram.com/p/CT8Ye0lMvKe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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italianartsociety · 7 years
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By Jean Marie Carey
Roman Emperor Galba (Servius Sulpicius Galba) was born 24 December 3 BCE in Rome. The son of an ancient patrician family was a favorite of the Empress Livia moved in the most elevated social circles of the Julio-Claudian era. He was governor of Aquitania, consul (33), governor of Upper Germany (40–2), and proconsul of Africa (44–5); his standing was recognized by the award of triumphal insignia and three priesthoods. Governor of Hispania Tarraconensis (north-east Spain) from 60, he was approached in 68 by Julius Vindex, who was instigating revolt against Nero. Galba had his troops proclaim him as representative of the senate and people of Rome, and enrolled a new legion (eventually VII Gemina) in addition to the one in his province.
Although Vindex was defeated, Nero's suicide and the support of Gaius Nymphidius Sabinus and the praetorians encouraged Galba to march on Rome. Once in power, Galba tried to recover Nero's extravagant largess, but the execution of several opponents including Lucius Clodius Macer who had raised revolt in Africa, and the brutal killing of soldiers recruited by Nero from the fleet  cast a shadow. Galba’s avarice was notorious. He declined to pay the praetorians the donative promised by Nymphidius, saying that it was his practice to levy his troops not to buy them. He compounded this misjudgement by failing to control his own supporters. When on 1 January the legions of Upper Germany, who felt that they had been cheated of their reward for defeating Vindex, renounced their allegiance, Galba decided to adopt a successor, choosing Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus. Otho, coveting this role for himself, fomented revolt among the praetorians, who murdered Galba on 15 January 69.
Reference: Campbell, John Brian. "Galba." In Who's Who in the Classical World. Oxford University Press, 2003. http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780192801074.001.0001/acref-9780192801074-e-236.
Grave monument for the cavalryman Longinus Biarta who served with a unit of auxiliary cavalry originally raised in Bulgarian Thrace by the Emperor Galba, 68. Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Nr. S.25/474.
Gold Aureus of Galba, 68. Reverse: Livia, holding patera in right hand and leaning on scepter in left hand; DIVA AVGVSTA; obverse: Laureate head of Galba; SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG P M TR P. Wriston Art Galleries, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin. Ottilia Buerger Coin Collection, Nr. 91142.
Andrea Schiavone, Galba: The Twelve Caesars. The Illustrated Bartsch. Vol. 32, Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century: School of Fontainebleau
Galba, Emperor of Rome, Anonymous Italian Sculptor, late 17th Century. Foto Reali Archive.
Wall Paintings, Villa of Poppaea, owned by Nero, c. First Century. Oplontis, Italy. Shmuel Magal, Sites and Photos.
Further Reading: Erich S. Gruen. Cultural Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean. Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Research Institute, 2011. 
Jiří Frel and Sandra Knudsen Morgan. Roman Portraits in the Getty Museum. Tulsa, Okla.: Philbrook Art Center, 1981.
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kgherrera · 3 years
Lorem Markdownum 3
Humani fatebere mares et aera
Mediis aliudque
Lorem markdownum eadem, exteriusque iura. Non nuper medios agitur inritamenta ratis.
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Laevum sua revocare dracones relicto amans occuluit
Nono fuerat nec simul parentis facinus quicumque et sicca tenus, in imagine. Et genuit inque pectora enim. Tuas est suumque Pylonque: a regia vindice ignescere Phoebus Iuppiter, unda, amantem.
Diversas caesa et credit reddique possent: astra foret enim late post tauri nullam. Nox ingrate coniuge, e quoque est excipiunt audit: vate fecere, in auras me puero plura. Hausit tumidisque fama repercusso iacent, aeternum precibus in inde minacia precari tempusque et supplex inanis parebunt; vindex, rapta. Pectora plurima parentibus veloque, gravitate fundit, morte, pedibusque. Vultus tunc quid est, et ad cum me saepe audita viget.
Libidinis deserit classes per adunci venire ostendens
Esse arte accessit cupit retrahebat et epotus tu salictis inpar, consumpta coniunx. Quod mille nec annum venturas muneris semilacerque scalas auctor pariterque supponat arvis licet ac eadem?
Nondum generi
Nitentem accedere iuxta. Visa eurus quoniam crista unum: et quam Hesperus Luna? Signorum redimebat dubites carpsere; protulit longius quod; uvis vetito Thermodonque quis teste; a?
file(printSynError); isa_igp_dslam(computingRt(-3, dot_repository_host, cache)); var virus_cybersquatter = bar_rfid(1, animated_vertical.fifoWebsite( room_facebook, 4, web)); var switch = nosql_thermistor + 669348 + nicVleMyspace( smtp.card_marketing_pop(ioRoot), -4, api.expansion_yobibyte( graymail, udp_programming_tebibyte, bare_app_drag));
Vecors in fera, testatus dirusque, ponunt sit inpius et lentoque, postes quae: repetita! Ex sponte, corpus tulit, illa paene pennis rabiem! Tusco deus venit male specie ad alii ebur ista Phoceus. Et viret, orba toris acies precor maledicere sit animal senex perque Phaethon surgit et signa!
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harpsicalbiobug · 7 years
My rainbow dung beetles (Phanaeus vindex) from last year. They made really easy pets. They were all pretty shy, and spent most of their time hiding, although they would get in moods where a few would circle their enclosure. P. vindex are native pretty much everywhere in the USA east of the rockies.
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norfolkbuttonboy · 4 years
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My Favourite Roman Coin Cival War I’ve Found - Revolt Of The Vindex Civil Wars, revolt against Nero. Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis. Denarius, March-May 68 A.D. Vienne. Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm; SALVS GENERIS HVMANI. Rv. S.P.Q.R. in oak wreath. RIC 72, BMC 34. Dark tone. Gaius Julius Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis, raised the standard of revolt against Nero in the Spring of 68 A.D. He sought the support of other provincial governors, but none responded except Servius Sulpicius Galba, governor of Hispania Tarraconensis, whose claims to the throne he promised to support. The city of Vienne in Nargbonensis declared for him, but the colony of Roman veterans at Lugdunum refused him admittance. As a result Vindex had no Roman troops under his command, so was forced to rely on native Gauls, local notables and their clients. His forces were crushed and Vindex was killed at Vesontio by the army of Verginius Rufus, governor of Upper Germany. A few weeks later Nero committed suicide and shortly thereafter Galba was formally declared emperor by the Senate of Rome.#norfolkbuttonboy #regton #blackada #detectingnetwork #metaldetecting #romancions https://www.instagram.com/p/CKY0wYRL4G8/?igshid=hxoakgbc3txr
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infolokerserang · 4 years
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*M'KOSTEL KENCANA LOKA SERANG BANTEN* Adalah gedung kost2an 6 lantai yang dijual per unit kepada masyarakat untuk disewakan.  Sasaran utamanya adalah mahasiswa karena letaknya yang sangat dekat ke Kampus UNTIRTA Serang Banten. Bagi masyarakat yang ingin berinvestasi dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau dan jaminan *Passive income*, maka *MKostel Kencana Loka Serang Banten* adalah pilihan yang tepat. *MKostel Kencana Loka Serang Banten* dikelola oleh pengelola baik dalam rangka mencari penyewa, pemeliharaan, keamanan, kebersihan, ketertiban dll. Harga sudah termasuk full furnished termasuk 1 (satu) unit AC. *SPESIFIKASI :* - Berdiri di atas lahan dengan luas 11.000 mtr2 - Jumlah Tower: 5 Tower (dengan fasilitas lift dan tangga) - Jumlah Unit : 721 unit kamar - Luas Kamar : 12 mtr2 (net) - Kolam renang (terpisah kolam renang putra dan putri) seluas +/- 270 mtr2 - Mini Market - Food court - Klinik - Mesjid - Lobby - Tangga - Lift - Kunci - Keamanan (CCTV) - Jogging track - Security - Wifi - Laundry - Toko ATK - Parkir *FASILITAS KAMAR  :* - AC - Kamar mandi di dalam dgn shower dan closet duduk - Lemari pakaian - Tempat tidur - Meja belajar - Mini kitchen - Listrik : Token (1300 watt) *SERTIFIKAT :* SHMRS (sertifikat hak milik) *SPESIFIKASI TEKNIS :* - Pondasi : Tiang pancang - Struktur. : Beton bertulang - Dinding. : Bata ringan - Plat lantai : Vindex & Wiremes - Lantai kamar : Keramik - Lantai WC : Keramik 25x25 - Plafond : Gypsum Rangka Hollow - Kusen : Alumunium - Pintu. : Panel Multiplex melamin - Saniter : Monoblock . Info lebih lanjut bisa hubungi cs dibawah ini https://wa.me/6282157609919 https://wa.me/6282157609919 Selengkapnya cek 👇 @m_kostel_official @m_kostel_official @m_kostel_official #mkostel #mkostelserang #kosanmahasiswa #kosanserang #mahasiswaserang #untirta #mahasiswauntirta #infoserang #infokosan #investasi #infoserang #seranghits #infobanten #infolokerserang #infopandeglang #infocilegon #infolebak #infotangerang #infotangsel https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ4v3IAJ5q7/?igshid=1dk6urmkpbkce
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informapuri · 4 years
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LIVE STREAMING 👨‍🍳 Untuk Sobat Informa yang masih bingung untuk memasak kue apa menjelang akhir tahun ini, Jumat besok kamu bisa mendapatkan inspirasi resep kue dari Master Chef Vindex. Ada 2 resep praktis yang bisa kamu lakukan di rumah. Jangan sampai terlewatkan ya live streaming Jumat besok! Dapatkan juga hadiah spesial selama live streaming berlangsung. Catat tanggal dan jamnya karena Anda juga bisa mendapatkan hadiah spesial selama live streaming. Aktifkan fitur TURN ON NOTIFICATION agar kamu tidak terlewatkan Informa Live Streaming ini. #16thMenemaniAnda (di Mall Puri Indah Jkt Barat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHw2zjCFudz/?igshid=fl2p9y5x7vf2
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varhaugvik · 4 years
The windy season is ON - and we like it! (ved Vindex As - Vedlikeholdsfrie Sprosser Skodder Gjerder Rekkverk Terrassegulv) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFegkaDnMOy/?igshid=1ev15x212e70x
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