#p: cat 🦴
sunny-system · 1 year
So tired of the rhetoric that narcissists are always abusers, let’s get one going instead that narcissists are always the prettiest, smartest, most talented person in the room instead
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gigabyte-flare · 1 year
(A Gigabyte Flare One Shot)
Summary: The year is 2123. The latest craze to hit the market are Hybrids, humans genetically engineered to have animalistic traits, born and raised to be the perfect companion. Your mom convinces you to get one since you live alone in a big city, however you get way more than you bargained for
Word Count: 3.8k
Pairing: puppy!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Pet play, dubcon, oral (f receiving), somnophilia, sex [p in v], mommy kink, breeding kink
A/N: Finally hopping on the puppy!Leon band wagon! Huge shoutout to @nexysworld for creating the adorable puppy!Leon for this fic's banner and for her and @elfven-blog for enabling me to write a puppy!Leon fic. Also lightly inspired by the puppy!Leon POV series by Nekrophil/ABP0RNS on Twitter (go check them out, their artwork is *chef's kiss*) Enjoy!
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“Hybrids, the latest craze in New Los Angeles for human companionship. Humans spliced with animal DNA and raised to be your best friend! Hybrids are the perfect addition to any household! Adopt your Hybrid today at your nearest--”
You abruptly change the channel, sitting in a living room with your mom at her condo.
“Those things freak me the fuck out…” you say, mindlessly scrolling through channels.
“Hybrids? Aw, really? I think they’re cute!”
You turn to your mom, giving her a disgusted look, “really? You don’t see anything wrong with those things?”
She shakes her head, “no worse than the cyber augmentations people get, sweetie”
You watch your mom ponder for a moment, her eyes suddenly widening, “you should get one!”
“What-- Mom, no!”
“You’re in that apartment all away across town all by yourself, it’ll be good for you!”
How you got dragged out to adopt a Hybrid is beyond you. Your mom somehow convinced you to at least go and look at what they have available for adoption. You lean your head against the passenger window and watch the sights of the city. You mindlessly listen to your mom rattle on about how excited she is to look at the Hybrids and you picking out one, which finally draws your attention.
“Whoa hold on, Mom, I never said I was buying one! I just said I would look, that’s all!” you draw your attention back out the passenger window, “besides, I can’t afford one, you know that. I’d never have enough credits in my lifetime for something like that.”
“Hun, I’m going to help you with that, don’t worry. This is for your wellbeing, after all!”
The large neon sign proclaiming that it was the location of a Hybrid adoption center made your stomach sink. Your mom pulls the car into the parking lot, getting out and practically dragging you out of the passenger’s side to go into the building. The reception area is a blinding white, a stark contrast to the neon grunge of the city outside. The woman behind the desk greets both of you both with a smile.
“Welcome to the Hybrid adoption center! How can I help you ladies today?”
Your mom grasps you by your shoulders, pushing you forward, “my daughter wants to see the Hybrids available for adoption today!”
“Oh that’s fantastic!” the receptionist says, her smile still plastered on her face, “what kind of Hybrid are you looking for?”
You look at the receptionist with a confused look, “what do you mean what kind?”
“Well, we have different kinds that are spliced with different animals! However, our dog and cat Hybrids are our most popular, would you like to start with one of those?”
You look at your mom for a moment before shifting your attention back to the receptionist, “um… I guess the dog ones…?”
“Great choice! Now then, I’ll notify our active adoption coordinator and have her come out to take you to see what we have for dog Hybrids, have a seat!”
You and your mom take a seat in the waiting area. You lean forward, fiddling with your fingers as you both wait. Your mom was more excited to see the Hybrids than anyone. You just wanted to please your Mom and move on. You had no intention of adopting a Hybrid. The sound of a door sliding open makes you jump as a woman with a clipboard comes out to you and your Mom.
“Are you the two ladies here to see our dog Hybrids?” she asks enthusiastically.
“Yes we are!” your mom immediately answers, practically jumping out of her seat. 
The woman motions for you both to follow her, you do so reluctantly. She leads you down a set of pure white corridors before coming upon another door that slides open. Both sides of the room were lined what you could only describe as cells and you see them, the Hybrids. You expected to hear barking for some reason, but that’s not the case here. They all are saying hello and grabbing the bars that keep them in their cells. 
“They can talk…?” I ask.
“Yes! Hybrids are perfectly capable of human speech! Did you have something in particular in mind for a dog Hybrid?”
“You should get a male--” Mom interjects.
The coordinator just laughs, “we have plenty of males to choose from, let’s take a look!”
The first thing you notice is all of them are naked, making this whole situation even more awkward. Hybrids were quite literally people with animal parts grafted onto them; it was quite unsettling to you.
“How is this even ethical?” you whisper to your Mom.
“Stop it!” your Mom scolds you. 
Most of the Hybrids were much too… eager and hyper for you, making you a little uncomfortable. It wasn’t until you got to one of the last cells when a Hybrid actually caught your attention. He, of course, was nude like the rest, but he wasn’t jumping all over the place trying to get your attention. He was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and, admittedly, he was quite gorgeous; you were bummed he was a Hybrid and not a human. He finally notices you, rolling over and smiling as he grasps the bars on his cell.
His voice is gentle, “hi there! I’m Leon!” his matching blonde tail wagging back and forth. 
Something you hadn’t noticed before was that all the Hybrids had two sets of ears, their human ears and their animal ears, “do they all have two sets of ears?” you ask.
“So their animal ears aren’t actually ears, they’re simply appendages meant for cosmetics. Their human looking ears are their actual ears.” the coordinator replies, “this is Leon, he just turned 21; he’s a very calm boy, very loyal and friendly, but protective, too.”
“Oh sweetie he’s perfect for you! Look at him! He’s adorable!” your mom exclaims before speaking to the coordinator, “she lives in an apartment all by herself.”
“Oh! Leon would be perfect for you! What do you say?”
Your gaze shifts to Leon, his pretty blue eyes practically pleading at you, his tail still wagging. 
You let out a heavy sigh, you can’t believe you’re actually doing this, “I’ll take him.”
The next few days were a blur, consisting of filling out paperwork and buying things Leon would need for when he comes home. Thankfully Hybrids eat the same things humans do, so you just have to make sure you buy for two instead of just for yourself. The day came for Leon to come home to your apartment and your first order of business was getting clothes on him, having him naked all the time was just way too weird. That was proving harder than you anticipated. 
“No! It’s itchy!” Leon whines, kicking off the pants and underwear you had put on him for the fifth time before curling up on the floor.
At that point you conceded defeat, you were just going to have to deal with him being naked for now. You guessed it made sense, he’s probably been naked his entire life. You watch him as he plays with a rubber bone you had bought him, immediately noticing his canine teeth were much sharper than a normal human’s would be. You look over in the corner where you had a large crate set up, it was actually at the coordinators recommendation that you get a crate for him even though the idea of putting him in it made you really uncomfortable. You’d hope you wouldn’t have to use it.
Your attention returns to Leon, who’s still playing with his bone happily, sporting this new collar you got him. It was a blue leather collar to match his eyes and had a bone shaped tag that had his name on the front and your contact info on the back.
“Leon,” you suddenly call to him, holding your hand out, “wanna play fetch?”
Leon immediately perks up onto his haunches before crawling over to you with the toy in his mouth.
You tried your damned hardest not to focus on his very large dick, even flaccid it was quite large. Again, you curse that he’s not a human internally. He drops the toy from his mouth into your hand and you reach out, giving him a scratch behind one of his dog ears. His cheeks turn red, leaning his head into your touch. 
“Aren’t you a sweet boy…” you say before tossing the toy gently. 
Leon chases after the toy, picking it up in his mouth and bringing it back over to you for you to throw again. You do this a few more times before Leon decides he’s had enough, he climbs up onto the couch next to you, laying his head in your lap as he stretches out across the rest of the couch, his tail making a rhythmic thumping sound as he wags his tail. You run your fingers through his hair, looking down at him.
His blue eyes look up at you and he smiles, “I love you, Mommy!”
You feel your breath hitch at his words, but you quickly recover and smile back, “love you too, Leon.”
“Leon, get back here right now!” 
You never thought you’d be starting your day chasing Leon around the living room with a pair of boxers in your hands.
“Leon, come on! My best friend is coming over and I can’t have you running around naked, at least wear these boxers for god’s sake! I even cut a hole in the back for your tail, just get over here so I can put them on!”
“No! It itches!” Leon protests, somehow managing to stay one step ahead of you as he darts around the living room on all fours.
After a while, you manage to corner him on the couch, quickly slipping on the boxers, making sure to pull his tail through the makeshift hole you had made. He starts to pull them off when you scold him.
“Leon, no! Do you want to go in the crate?”
Leon stops, pulling the boxers back up and giving you the most pathetic puppy eyes, “no, Mommy…”
“Then they stay on at least until my best friend leaves, ok?”
Leon nods, climbing off the couch, grabbing his rubber bone before climbing back onto the couch to chew on it. 
“Thank you… good boy…” you say before you work on cleaning up your apartment for your best friend to arrive. 
About a half hour goes by when you hear your phone go off, a notification displaying that there is someone at the door. With a couple of taps on your phone, your best friend’s face appears on the screen.
“Hey there, I’m here!” she says, giving you a big smile.
“Hang on Hailey, I’ll be right there!”
You go up to your apartment door, push a few buttons on the key panel next to the door and the door slides open. Hailey, your best friend since you were kids, comes in and gives you a hug.
“It’s been too long! What is it that you wanted to show me?” Hailey asks. 
You motion for Hailey to follow you into the living room, where you find Leon still contently chewing on his bone, the boxers thankfully still on.
“Is… is that one of those Hybrids?!” the shock is evident in Hailey’s voice.
“Y-Yeah… mom convinced me to get him; his name is--”
“Hi there!” Leon sits up, his tail wagging in full circles as he looks to your friend, “I’m Leon!”
Hailey leans over to whisper into your ear, “are all Hybrids that hot?”
You elbow her, “shut up! It’s hard enough to deal with as it is without you mentioning it!”
Leon looks between the two of you, cocking his head in confusion, his tail still wagging, now hitting against the couch. 
“Listen, I’m pretty sure most people fuck their Hybrids, like, look at him, how could you not?”
“Hailey, no! That’s fucking weird.”
“You’re telling me that you haven’t at least thought about it?”
“We’re not talking about this, not in front of Leon.”
Leon, meanwhile, has returned his attention to his rubber bone, chewing it aggressively when he suddenly picks up an unusual scent, one he’s never smelled before. He stops chewing, flaring his nostrils as he sniffs the air. Whatever it was, it smells sweet, almost like a wildflower. He quickly realizes that it’s you that smells like this, even though it was so faint. He wanted to get up and stuff his nose into you to take in more of this sweet smell, however, he knew he’d get in trouble, especially with your friend being here. To his dismay, you and your friend went back into the kitchen to hang out, bringing that irresistible smell with you.
In the dead of night, Leon is restless, tossing and turning in his plush bed that sat at the foot of your bed. The smell from the other day has only become stronger over time and it was getting to Leon’s head. The smell was making his cock hard, something he hadn’t really experienced until now. It is almost painful; just him simply running his fingers along his cock made him flinch. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, he sat up, carefully climbing onto your bed. You were laying on your back, sound asleep with your legs spread open.
Leon gently crawls his way between your legs, the intoxicating smell emanating from the spot between your legs; he notices a dark spot on your panties. Gently, he presses his nose against the wet spot, inhaling deeply as his tail wags back and forth.
That’s it… that’s where that smell is coming from…
He glances up at you, you’re still sound asleep. He gently hooks a finger on your underwear, pulling them aside to reveal your glistening cunt to him; it practically makes him salivate. He hesitantly runs his tongue over your slit, his eyes fluttering closed as he savors the taste of you. You suddenly stir, your hips shifting slightly as a soft moan comes out of you. Your eyes flutter open and you look down to find, to your horror, Leon between your legs, eating you out. 
You blink a few times before shouting, “LEON!”
Taking his mouth off of you, Leon’s eyes widen as he pushes himself off the bed, letting out a soft whimper as you sit up and cover yourself with your blanket. 
“In your crate!” you point to the bedroom door, your face beet red, “now!”
“Mommy… I’m sorry… I just--”
Leon’s puppy ears droop and his tail tucks itself between his legs as he crawls out into the living room. You follow behind him, making sure he puts himself in his crate before shutting the crate door behind him. Looking up and whining at you, his fingers grip the bars of the crate as he stares up at you, pleading to you with his blue eyes. Unfortunately, you simply shake your head at him and walk back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Leon feels tears well up in his eyes as he grips the bars on the crate. 
What did he do wrong? He was only doing what his instincts told him to do, why was that bad? Releasing his grip on the crate bars, he makes himself as comfortable as he possibly can in his situation, crying himself to sleep, your sweet scent still lingering in the air.
You didn’t sleep a wink the rest of the night, between the sounds of Leon’s cries echoing through your bedroom door to just the thought of waking up to Leon eating you out disturbed you to your core. You finally get yourself out of bed, throwing on your pajama bottoms before walking out of your bedroom. You find Leon awake in his crate, his eyes red and puffy from crying all night. Upon seeing you, he immediately sits up, gripping the crate bars, his tail wagging so hard it was a blonde blur. Against your better judgment, you walk up to the crate, unlocking it to let him out. 
As soon as you open the crate door, Leon bolts out, wrapping his arms around your legs, holding you tight. The fact that he buries his nose into you and deeply inhales doesn’t go unnoticed by you. 
“Thank you for letting me out, Mommy! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll be a good boy, I swear!”
You pry his arms off you and push him away, “Just… just go play with your toys Leon…” you say before walking into the kitchen to make yourself coffee and breakfast. 
Once you have your coffee and breakfast, you practically collapse at the small dining table, rubbing your face with your hands. What are you going to do? You could start crating him at night, but something about that didn’t sit right with you. Suddenly, you feel something rest on your lap and the sound of something thumping against the floor. You move your hands away from your face to find Leon’s head resting in your lap, his tail wagging against the floor.
“What’s wrong, Mommy?” he asks, his blue eyes looking up at you, his puppy ears erect and alert. 
“Nothing, Leon…” you say with a sigh, “you must be hungry. I’ll make you something to eat…”
You get up from the table and over to the stove where you make him some eggs and bacon. Once finished, you put them on a plate and set it on the floor in front of him and watch as he scarfs it down. You sit back down at the table and slowly pick away at your breakfast and take sips out of your coffee mug. You feel Leon rest his head onto your lap again. You look back down, finding him looking up at you longingly, his tail wagging insistently. 
“What is it, Leon?” you ask, leaning back in your chair.
Leon doesn’t say a word, however, as he climbs up until he’s face to face with you, staring directly into your eyes, his tail still wagging. He lets out a soft whimper as he grinds his hips into the side of your thigh. You happen to glance down, greeted with his painfully hard member rubbing against you. Looking back up at him, Leon whimpers again, his hands softly caressing your arms.
“Leon… are you ok…?”
You watch as Leon swallows hard before he continues rutting himself against your thigh, his breath trembling.
“I need… to mate with you…” Leon finally replies, his grip on your arms tightening as he continues to grind into your thigh.
Your heart begins to race as very conflicting feelings begin to overtake you.
This is so wrong, you think to yourself.
That thought doesn’t stop you as you lean forward, giving Leon a gentle kiss on the lips, cupping his face in your hands. Leon deepens your kiss, his tongue dancing with yours before playfully biting your bottom lip. You stand up from the table, leading him back into the bedroom, shutting the door before you begin to undress. As soon as you're naked, Leon stands up on two feet, pushing you into the bed face first so that your backside is propped up. You feel yourself tremble in anticipation as you feel Leon climb onto the bed behind you. You flinch when you feel his cock caress your soaked slit, coating itself in your arousal before he pushes himself inside you. 
“Oh… Oh god--!” you cry out as Leon’s length fills you completely, pushing into your g-spot almost immediately, your fingers gripping your sheets. 
You hear Leon whimper as his hips begin to move into you. He starts out slow, but he quickly gains confidence and begins to thrust into you harder and faster, his hands gripping your hips so hard that you’re bound to have bruises later. 
“Yes… oh yes, Mommy… you feel so good…” Leon moans as he pounds into you harder, “am I a good boy…?”
“Yes…” you reply in a breathy moan as your eyes roll back into your head, “you’re such a good boy, Leon… you fuck Mommy so good…”
You feel his hands grip your hips even tighter as he pulls your body to him, thrusting into you even harder, his loud moans and whimpers filling the room along with the wet sounds of your needy cunt taking him. 
“Aaaaahhh… f-fill me up with your puppies Leon--!” you suddenly cry out, your pussy walls squeezing around his cock as he continues to thrust into you.
Leon growls in response, placing one of his hands onto your back to push you into the mattress as he fucks you relentlessly. His instincts are in overdrive, his thoughts completely overtaken by his burning desire to breed you. 
“Oh my god… you’re such a good boy, Leon!” you praise him, completely drunk off his cock, your legs trembling as you’re filled with complete ecstasy.
You suddenly feel his cock start to swell inside you and you quickly realize he is knotting. It feels surprisingly good, making you feel full. You sit up on your knees, pressing your back against his chest as he continues to thrust into you. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, nuzzling your cheek against his as his hands find their way to the front of your body, caressing your breasts as his chin rests on your shoulder.
“I can’t wait…” Leon starts, his voice rough, “to see your belly full of my puppies.”
You repeatedly moan his name, the word fuck and good boy as he pounds his cock into you, your legs starting to feel weak as they violently tremble. Before they give way, a sudden warmth fills your pussy as he pushes himself inside you as hard and deep as he possibly can, his hands gripping both your breasts tightly as he bites into your shoulder. You let out an animalistic moan as you also cum on his cock, your greedy cunt milking his seed deep inside your womb. 
Both of you collapse onto the bed in exhaustion with his length still buried inside you, ensuring that not a single drop of his cum is wasted. His arms and legs wrap around you as his face nuzzles into the back of your neck. Your whole body is trembling, completely overwhelmed by how good Leon was for you. You reach back, running your hand through his hair and caressing one of his puppy ears, whispering softly to him that he is a good boy.
You’re going to get used to this.
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intynidad · 1 year
Nyahahaha!! (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ Helloooo!! From now on I am called 🐈‍⬛ anon!! (If no one has claimed it)
And these days Loner has been on my mind
do.. i decided to write something for you! And maybe we can get some more info on him >:3
The cat charm on your bag jingled as you walked, Your headphones adjusted around your head playing your favorite song to distract you from the world, What you didn’t notice though was a tall lanky boy watching you from afar..
He bit his thumb and wiped the drool from his chin there was a very prominent blush on his face, You were just so cute! So oblivious of him following you, it made him feel an electric zap from his spine and on his crotch, he felt so warm.. His pants were starting to get tighter and tighter, He tried to hide the tent in his pants, And to distract himself He finally got the courage to text you..
Loner 👽🦴
Hi Y/n, Can I ask you smth? Y/N 💗💐
?? Loner 👽🦴
can I come over to your house?
Y/N 💗💐
Yeah, But you have to wait like 10 mins outside bcs I’m at a cafe..
he shuddered in pleasure after reading the message, He started jogging to get to your small apartment as fast as he could, it was like a 15 minute walk, just when he arrived he saw you opening your front door, He gazed at you lovingly just observing you, You noticed him “Hey! You got here!” You said smiling at him, He smiled back blushing a bit “come on let’s enter.” You said while putting away the keys in your back pocket, He walked in the cozy apartment, He smelled you everywhere, you, YOU! He couldn’t get enough of it, You watched his hungry gaze, He was clenching his fists the veins on his hands and forearms were popping out all over, He took off his hood, he would take off the whole sweater but he had no shirt under, but he was really sweating, He walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch, You looked at him “Hey, you are really red and sweaty, maybe you can take the sweater off?” You asked him softly, “U-uhm, Yeah!..” He took off his sweater and you saw that he was wearing one of those compression shirts, You Slowly Analized his body, he had a perfect waist and his abdomen was completely flat, you actually kinda felt envy, You moved your gaze to his arms, they were very lean but certainly there was a strong bicep but not noticeable, He had very prominent veins running up his hands and arms, you scooted closer to him “May I touch your hands?” You asked him with puppy eyes, He looked over to you Blushing intensely.. You truly didn’t know how you turned him on, how much he LOVED you.. “mm-m P-please!”.. Well that came out more desperate than it was supposed to, You softly started pressing on the soft veins, they were so warm so full of Blood..
He noticed that your eyes were lingering on his veins, He was going to work on the surely, He was getting hotter and tighter around his genitals, He couldn’t help it.. He tried to hide the tent in his pants, hoping you wouldn’t notice A part of him wished that you noticed, Your eyes wandered to the part he was covering up, you softly giggled “Do you have a little problem?~” He immediately lifted his gaze, he was softly panting “Yes!! Ple-please!!” He begged desperately
he started stripping taking the teasing too seriously, you analyzed the choice of clothing he had on, He had a pastel pink lace underwear with white bows, he had a small bra like top that was lace with some small bows that covered up the nipples, you took a hold of his chest Ned started fondling with the nipple, you massaged it for a while then started pinching it hard, he moaned loudly from the pain, it was so painful in such a euphoric way, you pinched and pinched until his nipples were red and swollen,
His glasses were on the tip of his nose from squirming so much under your hold,
You decided to move on to his genitals, the lace panties did a horrible job at holding back his erection, you softly slid it down his thighs and watched as his warm cock bounced out and stood tall, you did notice the wet stain on his underwear and raised an eyebrow at the stain,
The tip was already red and swollen leaking some precum, you teased the head with your thumb while softly dragging your nails from the base to the tip, his balls twitched along with his whole dick, You landed a hard slap on the base and you watched as it bounced everywhere, he moaned pornographically, You put a hand on his neck and gave a firm squeeze to his neck, you started pumping his dick at a godly pace he felt the knot in his stomach starting to become undone,his body bounced up and down he put his hands over the one hand you had on his neck,
Just when he was about to finish you landed a blow on his dick attempting to ruin his orgasm, but it only made it better he loudly moaned while he twitched and the famous white sticky fluid landed all over his stomach, he thought you were finished with him, “What a pretty slut for me?~” “Auugh!~ I-I am! Me!” He said desperately, you slapped him in the face leaving a red mark on his cheek he whimpered and moaned, he was already so overstimulated, he could cum again right now! You decide to suck him off right there and Now, you bobbed your head up and down while swirling your tongue on the tip, you shoved his dick down all the way down your throat, you deepthroated yourself, He felt like cumming again, with one kitten lick of your tongue he cummed twice the quantity of cum and you held it all in your mouth, and you had been feeling evil that day, so you “kissed” him and transferred all his sperm into his mouth, you pinched one of his nipples “Swallow it.Now.” You commanded with a sadistic look, he swallowed every single drop, a bit trailing down his cheek, you licked his cheek and swallowed the bitter substance,”Slut.” You said with an evil smirk, He groaned from exhaustion..
“I’m yours. I will always be!, use me as a toy, I am your slave! Fuck me stupid! I will always worship and adore you no matter what!”
lmao forgive me if it’s bad, I was in a hurry 🐈‍⬛
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I fucking love it this is so good I lov you 🐈‍⬛ anon
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Jack Skellington x Shy human in disguise reader (sfw)
(Author's note: Every month is spooky month, skulldogs are very gender 🖤)
THIS IS LONG AF, A WHOLE ASS BOOK, don't say i didn't warn ya :)
(Y/n)= your name, obvi lol
(F.s.a.n) = Favorite Stuffed Animal's Name
(C/e/c) = costume eye color
(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(F/C) = favorite candy
Your text is orange
(feel free to imagine a different outfit for it) (Your costume ⬇️)
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Fall, its the best time of the year. Its the perfect temperature outside, the air smells of apple cider and burning fields, and the trees turn those beautiful hues of red, orange, and yellow. And most importantly, its the season of your favorite holiday.
Its the day before Halloween, you and your friends decide to play a scary, more intense version of hide and seek. Its basically hide and seek mixed with tag and frightening costumes. After grabbing your favorite stuffed animal, you meet up with them in the nearby forest. Because a scarier setting makes for a more thrilling game.
After a while of catching up, the game starts and you run to find a spot to hide. As you run, you just can't help but laugh a bit at the exciting tension that comes with the game, the thrill of the chase is something you've always loved. But only because you know its your friends playing, if it was someone you didn't know, that'd be a whole different story.
You stumble into a clearing.. a rather peculiar one with trees surrounding you in a perfect circle, all with different holliday themed doors. You look over and see one is wide open, the door is shaped like a pumpkin. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you approach it, and lean inside to get a better look, theres no floor.. its just one big hole.
Before you could actually leave though, the wind pulls you in, and with a startled yelp, you start to fall, with the door closing behind you.
You land in a huge pile of black and orange leaves.. where is this place? You look around to find the ground is a dark grey, but appears purple due to the moonlight, there's strange hills that come to a curled peak, a pumpkin patch with already carved and lit jack o lanterns.
You squeeze (F.s.a.n) close to you as you wander around.. where are you? How aren't you hurt from the fall? How will you get back?
As those questions race through your mind, you look over to what looks like a town in the distance, maybe someone there can help you?
You start towards the town, making sure not to step on any of the jack o lanterns or trip on the vines. You also had a run in with a particularly fat and cuddly black cat with a bright purple and orange collar around his neck.
You reach the entrance to the town, slowly, you step in. Why are you so hesitant? Doesn't something seem off here? The town is almost as dark as the rest of the land that surrounds, but its a bit brighter due to the street lights and lit windows.
As you wander in more you notice a crowd. Is there an event going on? Out of curiosity you step closer, but one of the townsfolk, a rather tall one, seems to have heard you. They turn around and... thats not a person.
You fall back onto the ground out of fear, there's a huge monster in front of you. It has snakes for fingers, long wiry hair, and a snake like head with sharp teeth.
Without thinking you get up and run, using the back alleys to hopefully lose it. You didn't realize he wasn't chasing you.
🖤-Pov change: Thing Under The Stairs-🖤
I watched as the small skull creature got up and ran. If only i was able to say something. But if there's one thing i can do, it's alerting the Pumpkin King about the newcomer. Surely he'll be happy to hear about a new community member... that one had a strange scent though, i must say..
🦴🧡-Pov change: back to Y/n-🧡🦴
You hide behind a wall a few blocks away from the town center, (F.s.a.n) squeezed tightly to your chest. This can't be real, right? You hide in a nearby bush when you hear foot steps, unaware that your tail is sticking out. A group of more monsters pass by none of them noticing you.
None of them... except one. It stops in front of your hiding spot. Its legs are thin, black and white striped pants covering them. Then you hear it speak.
"Hm? A tail, well if i recall correctly none of my plants grow tails." You hear it comment jokingly to itself. You internally curse yourself for not realizing your mistake. Before you can do anything, two large, thin, white hands wrap around your torso, and before you know it, you're lifted 9 feet into the air! Your limbs instinctively retract close to your body, you reluctantly look at what picked you up.
In front of you is a 10 foot tall skeleton staring into your costume's (e/c) eyes. You can't help but shake, small whimpers leave your vocal cords, much to your dismay.
After a few seconds of staring in wonder and curiosity, he speaks again.
"Oh wait, you're the new citizen The Thing Under The Stairs told me about! Its a pleasure to finally meet you, are you alright?"
He gently puts you down with a pat on the head, you just sit there, your limbs still curled close to your frame. He crouches down closer to your level.
"Are you alright? Did i scare you too much? We always love a good scare but we don't want to go too far."
"I-i'm fine.."
"Why don't you come inside, its awfully cold out here tonight." He holds his hand out to you.
Not wanting to anger him, you take his hand and shakily stand up. He then leads you inside his house, which just so happened to be behind the wall you were sitting at earlier.
He leads you to the couch and you sit down. He then leaves and comes back with mugs of hot apple cider and some pumpkin bread.
"So, whats your name?"
"Oh, I'm (Y/n).." you reply quietly.
"What a beautiful name, very fitting dare I say." He chirps with a smile as he picks up his cup of cider.
"I'm Jack Skellington, also known as The Pumpkin King!"
"You have a nice name too.. so.. mind if i ask where i am?"
He stops at your question with a puzzled look on his visage.
"You don't know?"
You shake your head no, squeezing (F.s.a.n)'s hand in yours. Your fear ramps up a bit when he lets out a chuckle.
"My dear, you're in Halloween Town! No wonder you ran away and looked so frightened, you were lost! No need to worry, friend! I assure you we'll make you feel right at home here!"
You feel relieved, but at the same time concerned. What did he mean by making you feel at home? Another question came to mind as well..
"So... Humans.. what do you guys do if one wanders in here?"
"Well, considering there's no known way out, we would let them stay with us.. on the condition that they become a monster too. Why?"
You pause. Become a monster? Like them?! Maybe its best that you keep on this costume for as long as possible.
"I-I was just curious haha... mind if i ask why that's a rule?"
"Well, while most of us are friendly, there are some of us who are... more hostile. Especially to humans, its for their safety. They keep their personalities and memories, but not their appearance."
"That makes sense.."
"So, what are you?"
"What monster are you?"
"Oh, uh, a skulldog."
"How peculiar.. and cute!"
He eyes you studiously as he sips his cider. You take a small slice of pumpkin bread, open the jaw to your mask as wide as possible and shove your arm in so you can actually eat it, it tastes amazing! All the while, Jack stares with a taken aback expression.
"Thanks for the bread, Jack, this is really good."
"....Oh, No problem! Strange, i didn't know that's how Skulldogs eat, how terrifying!" He exclaims excitedly. Good to know you can eat in your costume without suspicion.
"So.. where do i go then? If i can't leave, then where do i go?"
"Well, i have an extra bedroom you can stay in! It'll be nice to have someone else around. Why, you don't wanna leave do you?"
"Oh, n-no I'll stay if you want, thank you so much for the offer."
"Perfect, because its getting late and everyone needs sleep."
He says in a calm tone as he offers you his hand. You nervously take his hand with a blush. He helps you up then guides you to your room, which is only two rooms away from his. You walk in to find a very large bed with lots of pillows and some stuffed animals, bathed in a black light.
(Basically this, ignore my bad editing skills 🤣)
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"Do you like it?"
"Its amazing! A-are you sure you want me to stay with you though?"
"As sure as ever, tomorrow is a big day! Now then, the bathroom is across from you, and if you need anything, i'm at the end of the hall."
"Thank you Jack, goodnight."
"Goodnight, (Y/n)."
Your newfound friend leaves after giving you a hug. You sit on the bed and set your precious stuffed animal next to you. So you're stuck here forever.. you can't help but sigh at the thought. After a while of contemplating in silence, the fat black feline from earlier jumps on the bed next to you with a mew, startling you out of your thoughts. After a while of laying down with your new fluffy friend on your lap, you drift off to sleep.. maybe its all a dream.. a very weird dream... (Sorry to anyone severely allergic to cats)
💚💜🧡🖤Woohoo, a transition🖤🧡💜💚
You wake up to sunlight shining through the window and a knock on the door. You get up, get a different outfit on, and answer it to see Jack looking down at you with a bright expression.
"Happy Halloween!! We have so much to do today! Oh and i see Beelzebub has taken a liking to you!"
He exclaims as he notices the cat on the bed. 'So thats his name... Beelzebub.. Mister Bubs, i'm calling him Mister Bubs :)'
"Yeah, haha.. How long has he been around?"
"I don't know, exactly. He just showed up one halloween, the whole town loves him, even my dog Zero!"
"You have a do-"
You were cut off by what looks like a sheet ghost except it has ears and a snout with a glowing pumpkin as a nose. It floats over to you and gives you a lick on the face. 'How adorable!'
"I'm assuming this is Zero then?"
"Yep! Come now, i made breakfast."
Jack walks downstairs as you grab (F.s.a.n). You notice that Zero stayed, he tilts his head at you before flying downstairs, stopping halfway down to look back and see if you were there. What a charming little apparition.
After Breakfast, Jack shows you around and introduces you to everyone, The Mayor, Dr. Finklestein and Sally, The Thing Under The Stairs, The Witch Sisters, Behemoth, everyone. And thankfully most of them seemed to like you, apart from three kids in halloween masks, but hey, they probably can't hurt you.
"Well, dear (Y/n) what do you think?"
"Its very charming here, feels much safer in the day... I'm sorry, Jack."
He paused in his tracks. "Sorry? What for?"
"For being so shy and awkward around everyone, and you especially. You're very nice, in fact you're the best friend I could ever ask for."
"Ah, there's no need to apologize, for quite a few people, socializing is a very scary thing, and not in the fun way. If you need a break from socializing or maybe some help, feel free to call me."
He places a little bat plushie in your hands along with a scrap of paper that has his phone number on it. You give him a hug.
"Thank you so much, Jack.."
"Its no problem, what are friends for!"
You felt a warm feeling in your chest.. oh no.. it seems you're falling for a skeleton, and who know how long you'll be able to keep this act up.
🖤🧡💜Chapter 2, Mishap and Misery💜🧡🖤
The town was aglow with purple, orange, and green, festive decorations were everywhere. Earlier, Jack went over the plans with you after walking in on you singing. Apparently its a tradition for the town to have a big sing-along before giving out awards for certain goals and trick or treating. Since he loved your voice, Jack wanted you to join in, he thought your voice would be a lovely addition to the festivities.
You were NOT a fan of the idea, but you didn't want to protest, what if you hurt his feelings? So reluctantly you accepted. It went well for the most part you got through it all, and even made it to the end without your voice wobbling or stuttering.
It was after the end that it went wrong. As Jack let you down off his shoulder, you new friends came to congratulate you about your first halloween with them. But then you tripped over a vine, you fell forward onto your hands, and even though you weren't hurt too bad, there was one problem... Your costume head fell off.
You roll over in fear to see all of the townspeople including Jack, The Mayor, and your new friends looking back at you with shocked and surprised expressions. You grab your mask and start to crawl backwards away from everyone. You stand up and continue backing away.
"(Y/n), wait-"
But before Jack could finish, you sprinted away. They know what you are now, besides monsterizing you, who knows what else will happen? What if they're mad at you?
🖤💀Pov switch: Jack Skellington💀🖤
Before i could say anything, they ran off. There's probably so much going through their head. Then again, that explains that question they asked when we first met, it explains their fear, it explains a lot. But right now, we need to get them back, they could definitely hurt themselves. With that thought in mind, i get the town's attention.
"It seems our new friend ran off. If its not too much of a bother, i'd appreciate it if you all would help find them. Just think of it as a game of hide and seek."
They all agree, quite a few of them seem excited at the mention of a game to play.
"I have one rule though.." they all look to me. "Be gentle and kind with them please, they're very scared and i don't want to traumatize our dear (Y/n).. alright?"
Once again, they all agree.. except for Lock, Shock, and Barrel, they decided to go do something else. With that, we all split up to look for (Y/n), surely they couldn't have gotten far.
💜🦇Pov change Y/n woooooohoooo-🦇💜
You're sat under one of the hills that come to a curled peak, this one being directly under the moon. The only warmth out here is coming from your gloves, and the ever burning candles inside the Jack'o lanterns. But this is it, you're stuck here, you're trapped here, you'll be a monster if you go back.. but you might get hypothermia out here if you don't. You can't tell which is worse.
You can't help but sob into your gloves thinking about it. This goes on for another five minutes before you hear two sets of footsteps. You automatically go silent, you retreat further under the peak of the hill.
"Y/n?! Y/n, where are you, we're not going to hurt you!!"
"Y/n please come out, we're worried!"
You recognize the voice of Sally, and the Thing Hiding Under The Stairs, but you stay put, regulating your breathing so that you can't even hear it.. but then.. The Thing Under The Stairs says something.
"They're close by i know it. Their scent is very strong here."
'Uh, i'm sorry, WHAT?!?!'
Your heart beats faster and your breathing is shaky, are you gonna get caught because of that thing's sense of smell?! Who does he think he is, Tanjiro Kamado?!?!
"Y/n, please! We're worried!"
"Its okay, calm down, Sally. Tell ya what, i'll go get Jack and you just relax for a bit alright? Deep breaths."
"Thank you.." she lets out a sigh as Thing goes back to town. You can't help but feel bad for making her worry this much. After a few seconds of silence, you hear her walking around, you tense up as you hear her walk down the hill. You thought you were safe until you hear her footsteps coming back, this time at ground level.
You shove on your mask, and crawl out of sight over to the opposite side of where sally would be, and curl back up into a ball.
"Y/n, its just me, Sally. Are you here? Are you okay?"
Her footsteps approach again, you get up and start backing up, but once again you trip over a vine. And much to your alarm, the lovable patchwork zombie peeks around the hill and spots you.
"There you are, we were all worried sick! Why'd you run away?"
She rushes up to you and gives you a hug as you start crying again, after a while you calm down enough to speak.
"I- *sniff* I don't wanna be a monster, Sally.. I'm scared.. and not in the fun way." You choke out your feelings, might as well be honest.
"Shhhh, its okay. Why don't you want to join us? Its for your safety."
"W-what if it hurts, what if i'm ugly, what if we do find a way out and my friends *hic* don't recognize me? I'm scared.."
You cover your head with your hands, this is it. You're being Monsterized whether you like it or not.
"Y/n, its okay.. it doesn't hurt, you can choose what you look like, and i'm sure that if you do find your friends, they'll still love you.. but if you want, i can try to talk them out of changing you."
You lift your head up and your mask falls off. You look at sally, her eyes focusing on your (e/c) orbs.
"Do you- *hic* really mean that? You promise?"
"Of course, I'd never break a promise.. not to you at least."
"Thank you... so much.."
You give her a hug as she helps you calm down and stop crying. You then hear an all too familiar voice call out..
Its Jack, both you and Sally look up to see him approaching the hill, he then spots you and Sally. He rushes down and squeezes you both in a hug.
"Oh, goodness, I was so worried.. thank you so much, Sally."
"Its nothing. Y/n can you tell him or do you want me to say it?"
You stop for a few seconds and try to gather some courage to say what you need.
"I-i think i can do it.."
"Okay, i'm proud of you.."
Sally gives you a hug before heading back to town to give you some alone time with Jack.
"Whats wrong, Y/n? You're not hurt, are you?"
"I'm okay.. i just.."
You pause, your eyes welling with tears again.
"Jack, i don't wanna be a monster, I'm scared.."
Your voice breaks as you say that, your feelings spilling out with every word. He looks down at you with a look of condolence as he holds you close.
"I'm so sorry, I.... listen, i can try to talk the Mayor and Dr. out of it considering they're in charge of this. I want this to be your choice, Dear."
"*sniff* thank you Jack.."
As you hold onto him, that warm feeling in your chest appears again.. 'I really do love him don't I...' Your feelings make sense though, ever since you met him he's been nothing but the sweetest person you know.
🖤🧡Chapter 3, Romance and Honesty🧡🖤
You grab onto Jack's shirt as he carries you back to Halloween Town. After Jack explained to everyone that your monsterization situation would be settled later, and everyone agreeing, the two of you went trick or treating, went home, and watched some scary movies. As you munched on your (F/c) next to Jack, you couldn't help but notice that fuzzy feeling in your chest again, its getting more intense every second you're close him... maybe you should say something then.
"Hey... Jack?"
"Yes, my dear (Y/n)?" You blushed at the nickname
"Tonight has been.. really crazy to say the least and.. thanks for sticking with me through it all."
"Why, of course, what kind of friend would i be if i didn't?"
"That's the thing though..."
Jack looked at you in concern and worry.
"(Y/n), are you okay? Whats on your mind?"
"This is hard for me to say.. I...."
You take a deep breath as you avert your gaze, you feel Jack give your hand a light squeeze. you squeeze back before before continuing.
"Throughout the short amount of time we spent together, you've been so kind to me, even after you found out i was human, and.. to be honest, i think of you as.. more.. than a friend... I know it hasn't been very long and you can say no, I understand..."
You trail off at the end, that was a lot for you to say. You glance up at Jack to see him with a surprised look on his complexion, you then go quiet after muttering out an apology.
"Wait, don't be sorry. I appreciate you telling me, i really do, and (Y/n)?"
He gently places his hand on your cheek as he looks into your eyes.
"I love you too. I'm so proud of you for telling me, that must've taken up so much courage.."
You give him a hug and bury your face into his chest, much to his surprise. After letting go you yawn as you check the time on your phone. Its 1:45 AM. Jack seems to sense how tired you are, because he picks you up and carries you to his room.
He tucks you into his bed and crawls in next to you. Without thinking you snuggle into him, and give him a kiss on the cheek. He gives you a kiss on the forehead before closing his eyes.
"Goodnight my dear.."
"Goodnight, Jack.."
🧡💜Transition, tis now morning :3💜🧡
The light of day fills your eyes as they flutter open, along with Jack's figure wrapped around you. He moves around so he could get a better look at you, then brushes the hair out of your face.
"Good morning, my dear.." he says tiredly.
"Good morning, Jack."
As you try to get up, he gently grabs you and pulls you close. You look at him with a questioning gaze.
"Sorry.. i don't want you to have to get up yet.."
What a snugglebug, this of course gives you butterflies in your stomach. He really does love you, doesn't he? Say, why don't we do something for him?
"Okay, i'll stay.. but after a few minutes i need to get up."
"Why, darling?"
"Don't you want some breakfast, or at least some hot cocoa?"
He lets out a small chuckle as he nuzzles into you, jeez who knew a skeleton could be so cuddly?
"You really don't have to do that, you know."
"Its the least i can do, i owe you."
After about five minutes of snuggling then some hot chocolate, you get dressed and go on a walk with him, and you use that time to think about your situation.
🧡Chapter 4, Contemplation and Choices🧡
The air seems chillier than yesterday, the wind is blowing through your hair as leaves fly by. Your walk is interrupted by a leaf hitting your face.
Jack picks it off and brushes your (H/c) locks out of your face. You laugh a bit before thanking him.. but then you run into the Mayor.
"Ah! Well if it isn't (Y/n) and Jack, how are you two?"
"We're great! In fact, little (Y/n) and I are together!"
You blush and hide your face from embarrassment
"Oh, that's just amazing, isn't it! I actually have something important to talk to you two about, mind following me?"
You let go of Jack's hand as you slowly follow, making sure to fall behind before stopping completely. You stare at the ground. You know exactly where the mayor is taking you. The two of them stop in their tracks after they notice you're not following anymore.
"(Y/n), are you okay, dear?"
"No... i know where we're going, and I don't like it.. i don't want to be a monster."
A combination of stress and fear wells in your heart.
"(Y/n), I know how you must feel, i promise it doesn't hurt."
You stay silent, you don't want to follow, you don't want to argue. You don't want to go down kicking and screaming, but if it comes to it, you will.
"Can't they choose for themself, Mayor? Its the whole reason they ran away last night."
"I asked Dr. Finklestein about it like you asked, there's no other way, i'm sorry."
"...can i think about this please? I... need some time.."
"Of course, dear, take your time."
You give Jack a hug before running back to his house. You head upstairs and into the bathroom. You run a bath and add in a bath bomb and some bath salts before getting in. The water is purple and glittery, the scent of eucalyptus fills the air, helping you calm down..
With a sigh, you start to contemplate your choices to try and find a brightside to this, or maybe even a loophole. Because letting fear take over and clouding your mind, which is what you've been doing, isn't the best way to go about things.
The costume obviously won't work anymore, they all know, not only that, The Thing Under The Stairs would be able to tell by your scent that you're still human. You can't just hide forever, you can't run either.
Not much will change other than your appearance if you're monsterized.. you'll still be you, Jack will still love you. Heck, if your friends don't like you anymore because of something as stupid as appearance, maybe its high time that you move on.
You slowly come to terms with your situation as you soak, maybe it won't be so bad? Maybe you'll be okay, how bad can it be? After all you can choose what you look like.
With that thought in mind, you start thinking of creatures and designs. But you're interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Jack's voice.
"My dear, are you alright? You've been in there for a while, now."
"I'm okay, just relaxing in the bath, i figured it'd help clear my head."
"Ah, i see."
After getting out and putting some warm clothes on, you go downstairs to join Jack in the living room. You're ready to talk this out.
"There you are, are you doing alright?"
"Yeah, and... i've been thinking.. What if this isn't as bad as i thought?"
Jack leans closer, listening carefully.
"This whole time I've been letting my mind run, fear clouding my head.. which, isn't exactly smart. But.. maybe i'll be okay, even if I won't be a human..."
Jack hugs you close with a soft smile on his face.
"I'm so glad you feel better, my dear.."
🖤💜🧡Transition woohoo u now a spoopy creechur🧡💜🖤 (aka, a skulldog, except you now have a long striped tail)
You look up at the dark sky, the stars littered all over, freckles on the universe's visage. You bounce slightly in Jack's arms with every step he takes as he walks home. You're no longer human, but you're content.. this isn't so bad.
Fear can do a lot to one's cognition, it can lead someone astray, it can cause someone's undoing, it does a lot. But sometimes, being scared can be fun, though its usually a negative emotion, it is something to celebrate.
You're snapped out of your thoughts by Jack opening the door to your shared home, has it always been this cozy? Beelzebub and Zero hop onto the couch as Jack sits down with you still in his arms.
"... hey Jack?"
Your voice is different now, it has a slight distortion to it. Jack looks into your (e/c) eyes lovingly, willing to hear what you have to say. You open your jaw slightly to give the illusion of a smile.
"I love you."
"I love you too, my dear."
Requests are still closed, sorry :(
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revenant-coining · 10 months
:3 pronouns(in all the purrsons), names, and titles based on my vibes?(the blog I’m asking this with has a lot of terms to hopefully help get the vibes)
here ya go ^^
Names: Maim, Carnage, Cruor, Love, Fond, Yearn, Lover, Gush, Crush, Flush, Heart, Angel, Divine, Celestial, Meo, Feli, Felis, Feles, and Kitti/Kitty
1stpp: (i/me/my/mine/myself)
de/deca/decay/decayn or decayine/decayself
zo/zom/zombie/zombine or zomine/zombieself
di/div/divi/divine/diviself or divineself
i/fe/feli/feline/feliself or felineself
2ndpp: (you/you/your/yours/yourself)
3rdpp: (xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself)
the gore/the gored (one)
the decaying (one)
the rotting (one)
the loving one
the lover
[pronoun] who is lovely
[pronoun] who is love-filled
[pronoun] who is loving
the one with divine kisses
the one who is loved by all
the angel of love
the angel
the angelic (one)
[pronoun] angelicity/your angelicity
the divine (one)
the angelic one
the celestial one
the one from divinity
the astral one/the one who is astral
the one born from the stars
the one born from space
the one from the stars
the one from space
the one that shifts
the [noun] who shifts/the [noun] that shifts the shifting one
the shifting [noun]
[pronoun] who shifts
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun
@pronoun-arc , @reveningcontent
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This is the Villains Support Group Blog!
We are owned by a bunch of online friends! We enjoy messing around and having fun.
Here are the Admins!
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Name: Robin
Pronouns: He/It/Dino + more
Things they’ll be posting: Dinosaurs, random shit, paw patrol, octonauts, cats, other stuff, idk yet, you'll have to see
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Name: shart
Pronouns: it/he/neo's/xenos/microwave(/reff)
Things they’ll be posting: goofy stuff shark facts and complaints watch your back ill switch up like a pb&j
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Name: Rio
Pronouns: Any||Mainly She/Her
Things they’ll be posting: Gwendoline Christie content/memes, fun facts, random unhinged stuff
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Name: Valentine (Via or Valen for short)
Pronouns: He/They/It/Plush/Bun/Sweet/Kitty/Meow/🍰/🦴/💭/🍓+
Things they’ll be posting: Xenogender Coining, coining in general, Just Talking, Writing, Left Wing stuff Etc. !
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Things that they’ll be posting:I don’t know what I’ll be posting
Shit,I don’t even know why the fuck I’m here
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Name: cid or ray!
Pronouns: he/they/ze/xe & more
Things that they’ll be posting: the mimic, art progress, demon slayer, my favorite song artists, etc (there will be more >:3)
Reminder... >:3 im a tm fanatic (the mimic = tm)
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Any admins will be added later on!
Radqueers, Conservative, Transmed, Right Wing people, p[e]d[o] supporters
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shi-bxnii · 5 months
doodles of the twst boys + slight HC's and my SONA TEEHEE (need to update the card cuz man sm has changed :[ )
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Jack 🐺 HC's : He got so round face but its cuz hes got slightly chubbier cheeks, so when he gets his hair all messy or hes still wakin up he looks like the "He eated bees"
Sebek 🐊 HC's: Minor facial scars and scars in general, i dont think he'd have anything crazy since despite his brash behaviour he is very on about perfection, the TOP of his ears are bigger but not pointed also
Deuce ♠️ HC's: His hair is obviously more neat but when hes asleep or doesnt comb it/style it he has very messy and more noticabley longer hair in the back, at most it covers his nape, he also often falls asleep forgettin to wipe off his makeup (which earns him a scolding from riddle)
Ruggie 🦴 HC's: SNORES SO LOUD AND A DROOLERRRR, everyone who likes ruggie and self ships i hope u know i think he drowns u in drool cuz that mf sleeps like a tired dAWG /lh
Sona/Sebek meet:
Theyre both in class 1-D so on the first day of class Sebek immediately striked convo.
(In the game its stated there isnt exactly any girls enrolled which makes me believe it isn't inherently spos to be an all boys school but they just rolled with it since its p much only dudes who end up there, so for the first femme to be enrolled it sparked everyones curiousity teehee)
For the most part it was just Sebek being curious and nothing more but p quickly they always sat next to eachother and studied more as a habit.
SEBEK about my sona:
- is absolutely annoyed or worried, i have narcolepsy so sometimes P4 happens when i get just slightly too warm
- For the most part actually enjoys the convos they have since we study similar subjects and i particularly like potionology (Science club :3)
- When annoyed he purposely shuts up which sounds weird for sebek but he found out it quickly becomes WHOS LOUDER!! and got both in trouble each time
- Sometimes brings lunch to me since i be forgorten to eat
- Since hes in Diasomnia and my sona is Ignihyde he often prefers that they study in the library or in Diasomnia cuz he hates the enviroment of Ignihyde
- Overrall sees my sona as a good friend but also as a mild annoyance he very much doesnt need to deal with but he still does
MY SONA about Sebek:
- Thinks hes a bit silly and gets to uptight fast, annoys him on purpose
- Does secretly enjoy when he is a hardass cuz it means that there is likely competition ahead (ARIES 😭)
- When the vibes are calmer often falls asleep or gets physically close to be bothersome (think like a cat purposefully sittin on ur laptop during a writing)
- During potionology/science magic classes makes explosives or dictates the entire project which makes them bump heads
- During calmer vibes (part 2) they often just read or talk about random stuff though can often be over ruled by Sebeks "Malleus the great" speeches
- Sebek has been mad about someone leaving random food in his bag (ranging from sweets to full on meals), somehow he hasnt picked up its my sona 😭
-Overall sees him as a close friend and a friendly competetor
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Hey, this is our hellhole of an account. We're mostly going to post about omegaverse and such, because more than half of these brain parasites have misceanimalis features/experiences. There'll probably some reblogs of Hannibal or other brainrot medias No DNI, but we block liberally :p Under the cut is tags for posts and will be updated frequently
🌙 Talking - text posts that aren't misceanimalis or fandom related 🩸 Omegma - Misceanimalis 🥩 Brainrot - Fandom related ✨ Me fr - Individual identity/term 🌟 Us fr - Collective indentity/term 🍖 Psychological horror romcom - Hannibal ☁ Codependency: the show - Supernatural 🐾 Kitty Politics - Warrior Cats 🦴 Trauma babies - The Amazing Digital Circus 🎱 Sharpie spit horse - Homestuck 🐻 Har har har har har - FNaF ⭐ Beyond Canon - Dirk | he/it/chuff | miscefelis, omega 🍖 A Wolf At the Door - Will | he/stag/deer/snarl | miscecanis & miscecervidae, theta/iota (alpha + omega biologically) 🐾 Lights Out - Cain | he/it/mutt/snarl | miscecanis, omega-to-beta 💫 No Girls Toy - Jax | he/they/bun/digi/tal | miscelupine, questioning dynamic
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tuxncinnamon · 2 years
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Can I have treats Momma 😻♥️🦴 #catsofinstagram #tuxandcinnamon #tuxandcinnybrown #tuxamus #cinnybrown #catnip #cats #cat #catlife #tuxncinny #tuxandcinny #tuxncinnamon #happycat #happycats #kitten #kitten #kitty #happy #silly #sillycat #sillycats https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj55z-jLSv1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pluraltism · 1 year
The Sunny System’s Blog! (NEW AND IMPROVED 🤯🤯)
Hello again, we’re the Sunny System! Our original blog (@sunny-system) wasn’t a primary blog, and so for the sake of organization, we decided to make a whole new account. :P
We go by Sunny System, or Sunny, and collectively use he/him pronouns. Some of our special interests include psychology, art, cats, vore (in a non-fetish sense) and a handful of fandoms: (The Stanley Parable, Minecraft + Mcyts, Bugsnax, Undertale…) (feel free to send asks about our special interests!! it’s very fun to rant on about them lol)
A lot of our headmates are fictives, meaning they come from a source/media/fiction. Our autism greatly affects the way alters form, so we have a larger percentage of fictives. Please be respectful and treat them as you would any other person!
“Old” Blogs
“Old” in quotations because we (may) still use them:
@sunny-system - General blog, mostly reblogs
@skullsnbruises - Mcyt/Dsmp vore & g/t art blog [SFW!]
@nomsnax - Bugsnax general + vore & g/t art blog [also SFW]
@midasduoo - Clementine (📀) and Deo’s (🍁) blog
@georgenpdfound - George’s (🍄) regression + NPD blog
Headmates 🧠
Not a finite list of everyone, only those who care enough to post ^^ (no particular order)
🦴 Catskull, he/cat/meow/purr/paw
🍄 George, he/him
👾 Tom, he/him (minor?)
⚛️ Dr. Fizzlebean, they/them
🥞 Crumb, he/him
🍁 Deo, he/him
📀 Clementine, disc/she/he/they (minor)
☣️ Centaur, he/it/xe
🌼 Honeysuckle, they/them (minor)
❄️ Sans, he/him
👑 Techno, he/it/blood
☢️ Tubbo/Ponyboy, he/they/it
🦝 London, he/him (minor)
🌗 Orion, he/kit/mew
🌌 Crypt, he/xyr
⏳ Var, he/love/bug
Tags 🏷️
Emoji tags are to keep track of which alter posted, fee free to ignore them, otherwise refer to the list above ^^
General Tags:
# sunny reblogs , sunny art , sunny textposts
Fandom Tags:
# the stanley parable , tsp , tspd
# bugsnax
# bluey
# dream smp
Tw/Cw Tags:
# cw vore
(I’ll finish this another time, but all in all, we may post vore related content, or triggering topics, or nsfw, so basically any potentially triggering tags as well as fandom tags will be listed here)
DNI ⚠️
(Not complete but) DNI:
Endogenic systems, endo supporters, tulpas, fakeclaimers [I will not be getting into arguements over this. Genuine DID cannot form without childhood trauma] racists, xenophobes, antisemites … ableists, anti-self diagnosis, anti-cluster B, those who believe in ‘narc abuse’, pro-ana transphobes, anti-MOGAI, anti-neoprouns, anti-xenogenders, people who kink shame, pro-censorship; and generally anyone with bad opinions lol
Side note thing: if you don’t like vore or don’t wanna see it plz just block the tag(s) and let me be 🥺
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wingeddoggie · 1 year
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· — ABOUT 🦴
🐾 . fluffy, anne, river, fawn or fang !
🐾 . she / they / pup !
🐾 . 12-16, pupgender, aroace lesbian, auDHD, system
🐾 . dog + cat therian , questioning tails fictionkin
🐾 . carrd !
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· — BYF 🦴
🐾 . I reblog most of the time, original posts are not often or will be answering asks
🐾 . I use tons of tone tags + I need tone tags
🐾 . I type in caps alot in dms
🐾 . more 2 come !
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Remember that you are loved <22 !!
icon + header by beloved friend!! @1o55pm!!! ily !! /p
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sunny-system · 1 year
Hello There !
Welcome to the blog! We are the Sunny System, but you can call us Sunny, and we collectively use he/him pronouns.
This is where we post art/thoughts/writing/ and anything else in general.
Tags will go by:
# sunny art (drawings/edits/visual creations…)
# sunny writing (fics/ao3updates/drabbles…)
# sunny responds (replies to inbox messages)
# sunny posts (textposts in general, not including previous tags)
# sunny intro (alter intros)
Fronter tags:
# Poster: Name + Tag , # Tag
(i.e. # p: Cat 🦴)
Other tags:
# save for later , # important , # actually narcissistic , # actually autistic , # actually borderline , # dissociative identity disorder , # fictive art
ableist, racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, colorist, misogynist, fakeclaimer, anti-cluster-b, anti-mogai, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronouns, believe in narc abuse, trump supporter, believe age regression is sexual, NSFW blogs (those who post suggestive/explicit are fine, just not if that’s the only content) … basically don’t be an asshole & endogenic (supporters or systems) can interact with care
We don’t owe an explanation if we block you.
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tr1cerat0ps · 11 days
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about the littles nd body...
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about the body :;
bodily 18 . trans boy , xenogender , mspec gay . slavic / croatian
about the mind :;
neurodivergent , BPD , autistic , did system nd short memory .
the littles :;
miguel ( 🐢 ) , mikey ( 🛹 ) , mikester ( 🪅 ) nd korvin ( 🦴 ) .
about 🐢miguel :;
or whatever nickname !! uses it / woozy / pawe nd only neoprns !! woozys aroace unlabelled nd bixenary !! typing quirk is i = I ( lowercase i = uppercase I ) nd e / E = 3 ( lowercase e / uppercase E = three ) with “ :33 ›› ” in front of the text !! age regressor :; big age is 15 , little age is 3 - 6 !! pet regressor :; bat nd turtle !! source is TMNT 2003 mikey !!
about 🪅mikester ::
or any nicknames !! uses he / ono / eepy nd neoprns that r silly :P ono is genderflux bxy enby symmaic !! typing quirk :; all over the place TvT ,, e / E = 3 ( lowercase e / uppercase E = three ) ,, i / I = 1 ( lowercase i / uppercase I = one ) ,, a / A = 4 ( lowercase a / uppercase A = four ) ,, o / O = 0 ( lowercase o / uppercase O = zero ) ,, s / S = z / Z ( lowercase s / uppercase S = lowercase z / uppercase Z ) ,, l = L ( lowercase l = uppercase L ) nd w / W = v / V ( lowercase w / uppercase W = lowercase v / uppercase V ) !! age regressor :; big age is 15 ,, little age is 2 - 4 !! pet regressor :; turtle nd kitty !! source is TMNT 2012 mikey !!
about 🛹mikey :;
uses he / it / shim !! shim is boygirl abro acespec t4t !! typing quirk :; o / O = ★ ( lowercase o / uppercase O = filled star ) nd i / I = ! ( lowercase i / uppercase I = exclamation mark ) !! dream regressor :: big age is 19 ,, little age is 8 - 12 !! pet regressor :; turtle nd bear !! source is TMNT 2007 mikey !!
about 🦴korvin :;
or korv !! uses he / it !! it is trans boy aroacespec omni t4t polyam !! no typing quirk !! age regressor :; big age is 18 ,, little age is 3 - 6 !! dream regressor :; little age is 1 - 2 !! pet regressor :; puppy nd european pine marten !! one of the hosts of body nd body ( ? ) !!!
fun facts :;
body is a taurus !! our fav colours are green , purple , blue nd yellow !! our eyes are very sensitive to bright colors :(( we wear glasses !! we are mostly metalheads ^-^ we are in highschool for fashion nd design nd using that knowledge to try to make a battle jacket ( not even started that much TvT ) !! we have several cats nd 2 dogs !!! we are colourblind so if ya req w colours use hex codes or rgb codes ;)) nd finally ,, some of us r shy but we love talking to people !! feel free to message us whenever nd we will answer ( in asks or dms ) !!
onto the interests :;
we play a lot of videogames nd drawww !! minecraft, spiderman, pokémon , tmnt , tnmn , pou , talking angela 2 + so many more !! we also like a lot of shows nd movies :; lego ninjago , the lost boys , near the dark , power rangers nd a bunch more shows too !! we also watch some youtubers !!! bonus interests rr triceratops ,, bones ,, paganism ,, collecting tabs on cans nd collecting stuffies !!
anyways ,, if ya made it this far , thankk uu for reading aalll that !! also translation for typing quirk is always IN tags !! <333
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starfolk7 · 2 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Ooh, this is a good one! We're digging into baby's first fandom: Pokémon! If you like OG Mewtwo's story as much as I do (I know y'all are out there), then I cannot stop recommending Striking Back: Memoirs of a Clone by Ariadne_Dai on AO3! It is a BEHEMOTH of a fic, over 200k words, but it's a gorgeous retelling of that story with so many extra details. I genuinely cried reading it at points. It's just??? So damn beautiful??? If you're into that sort of thing, PLEASE give that author some love, they absolutely deserve it!!
And of course, I love p much any of the works my friends put out there, y'all are amazing!!! I haven't really read many fics lately, but this is just a cool reminder to dig in and find some more!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
There's SO many, tbh, but I think one that will always get me is the Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 story about Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. I can't tell you how many times I've said "I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride" when I'm stressed or plot things are happening in a game kdjdhdhd
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Oh boy, this one is about Gabe. *cracks knuckles*
I know a lot of this interpretation is probably played as a joke, but I've seen a lot of "Gabriel is a whiny temperamental bitch always" and that's just not true. Is he that when he first fails at something he was good at for the entirety of his existence? Absolutely! Mans hardly understands what failure is, let alone how to cope with it. But I think it does his character a huge injustice when people boil him down to just. That. He's so much more and such a complex character with tons going on beneath that helmet and haughty demeanor. Not sure if that's unpopular, but these are my feelings on it. I love Gabey-baby with all of his nuances okay fjfhdhs
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Y'know, I was gonna go with Genesis from the FF7 franchise on this one because I just recently finished watching a playthrough of Crisis Core, but nah. Let's throw it back to a classic: Lord Gwyn. Uhh he's got a cool beard, the lightning powers are pretty baller, and I guess good taste in architecture? That's about all I got for him lol
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Oh, absolutely. I find inspiration in a lot of things! SoulsBorne definitely shaped how I tell my stories, since it was basically me re-entry into fandom spaces. Those games really encouraged me to build up the worlds I was playing around in and I've gotten better at worldbuilding as a result! But I'll find inspiration in books, movies, other games, you name it. For a recent example, there's a bit of Sempiternal that's DEF gonna be inspired by Dune, as I just finished reading the first book not that long ago. I won't say what, I'll just tell you it's not the sand worms lmao
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
You know it! I've got a Siberian cat named after the First Vicar of Yharnam, Laurence. He's an absolute sweetie. Have some pics of the floor!
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schrodingers-romy · 6 months
i have no idea if i'm amnesiac but i feel like i'm SEEING your theme for the first time and i am LOVING it. aaah it makes me want to get myself cozy and dreamy and stare at the frost<333
i have GAME Qs for YOU as many as you'd like: 🍄(which includes self ships i think if you p-prefer?? but no pressure to interpret in Any way) 🦴🧩
Omg thank you!! Thats exactly how I wanted it to feel
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Tbh I have a lot of character ships and selfships so this was hard! I decided to go with a selfship (romy wet soggy cat moment). Satoru eats the frosting out of oreos and gives me the chocolate cookie part bc it's not sweet enough
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
I don't know if there is any one piece of media that inspires my writing. but sometimes when I have very bad writer's block I like to reread a good book! I did this recently with The Haunting of Hill House (god I wish I could write like Shirley Jackson) and it usually helps a lot
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
For self insert fanfiction it's reader being called princess. Biiig no for me for personal reasons. I just can't push past it. Also no paragraph breaks
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bananitass · 3 years
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. . . Cat ?? zZz ♡🍱 さくら
(´ ε ` ) Nayeon . . . :P 🍣♡ ?!
¥5.000 . . . 🍤♡ ^_^ ˖🦴!
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Orange ju!ce .☆
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