#p.s. i coloured you in green just from the vibes
next-autopsy · 10 months
Hi there Nex! How is everything going? Hopefully you’re doing good. Would you mind answering 1, 22 and 25 for the positivity ask game? Excited for your answer! Take care 😊🩵
Hey Vani! Thank you for your ask, lovely 💕
1- What is my fave part about being in the fandom?
Kind of the basic answer but I honestly do love the affection and support felt from y’all! This fandom has been so welcoming and kind and its really given me the courage to be more, do more and say more.
22- What quotes would I assign to my mutuals?
@malarkgirlypop - "Now remember boys, flies spread disease so keep yours closed."
@panzershrike-pretz - "Hey, you! That's right, you stupid Kraut bastards! That's right! Say hello to Ford, and General fuckin' Motors! You stupid fascist pigs! Look at you! You have horses! What were you thinking? Dragging our asses half way around the world, interrupting our lives... For what, you ignorant, servile scum! What the fuck are we doing here?"
@footprintsinthesxnd - "Hey Frank, this guy is reading an article that says the Germans are bad."
@sweetxvanixlla - "Oh Lord, grant that I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, or to be loved as to love with all my heart."
@land-sh - "We're not lost private, we're in Normandy."
@ronsparky - "We salute the rank, not the man."
@xxluckystrike - "Bull, smack him for me please?" (thump) "Thank you!"
@mads-weasley - "Sobel's a genius. I had a headmaster in prep school who was just like him. I know the type."......."Lew, Michaelangelo's a genius. Beethoven's a genius."......"You know a man in this company who wouldn't double-time Currahee with a full pack, just to piss in that man's morning coffee?"
@samwinchesterslostshoe - "June 6th... of last year?".... "D-Day, yes sir."..... "Haha, Alright, don't get hurt."
25- what colours do my mutuals remind me of?
@malarkgirlypop - Soft coral
@panzershrike-pretz - Firetruck red
@footprintsinthesxnd - Light teal
@sweetxvanixlla - An off white cream or beige
@land-sh - Crimson red
@ronsparky - Black or like really really dark gray
@xxluckystrike - Lavender
@mads-weasley - Dusty sage green
@samwinchesterslostshoe - Magenta
Don't ask why, I have no idea. Just vibes.
p.s: I'm so sorry if i missed you, i just can't think properly
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queerdraws · 11 months
HELLOOOO I hope you've had a good day :D I was just wondering how you end up with the colours for ur compositions :O? Are you the type to use a lot of colour adjustment layers (multiply, overlay, etc) to get at a satisfying hue, or do you just eyeball directly from the colour wheel? I remember you saying for one of ur pieces that u eyedropped directly from like,,, a dead corpse of some animal XD but i assume that isnt ur process for everything hahaha. Do you use a lot of references for the specific vibe you wanna convey?
ANYWAYS keep up the amazing work!!!
YOOO!!! I didn't recognize u at first omg (p.s. ty!)
The way I made the zolu playlist drawings isn't my Usual drawing / coloring process but I formed some sort of Strategy for it
Actually I think sharing the literal refs I used for each image would be fun and maybe demystify the art process
Pics below cut! 😊
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I mostly eyeballed from the colorwheel. I think I only used color adjustment layers on Chikai and Around the World to get a soft glowy effect in the clouds. BUT!! I'll frequently play around with adjusting the colors through the hue/saturation/luminosity sliders, or I'll go in to Tone Curve and play around with the levels until things are looking how I want. Especially for backgrounds
I also colorpicked from ref photos (like you mentioned w the lion eating a carcass). I GENERALLY tried to avoid overly referencing any one pic, but Simple song and Around the World were the two worst offenders 😓
---Color Choice---
I went by pure gut feeling at first while listening to the song, how the instruments sounded and what color they were
And then after that, I'd try and refine it a little more by Overall Vibes (making it feel more Glowy) (adjusting how colors interact w eachother like toning down a too-saturated color or making skin tones warmer or cooler to contrast w the background)
And then i gathered references n either colorpicked from them or I used them as vibe inspiration as i was painting
---More General Color Stuff...?--- This section is riddled with over-explanation.
-> To make a color stand out as Really Saturated, I surround it w neutral colors, esp contrasting ones (e.g. if I want a red to pop, I put it next to a cool gray)
-> if the overall painting is really warm (like, everything seems cast in a warm light) and i need to have a specific cool-tone color (like green), I take one of the warm colors and drag it a ways Towards the cool color I need (so , colorpick a red, and drag the slider until it's on yellow) and then desaturate it a lot. I then test that color on the piece and see if it Looks green. Same goes in reverse (cool-tone paintings that need a warm color) So, Like...for example: Zoro's hair is some really weird colors.
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-> I try to limit eyebuzz (places where two colors meet, where the hue [tone] is different, but the brightness [value] of the color is almost exactly the same. Basically, if you made everything grayscale, you dont want two grays of the same color right next to eachother [or, you want to do it intentionally?]) (called eyebuzz bc at really high saturation, two colors of the same value almost vibrate next to eachother)
(Sidenote: I think "eyebuzz" mustve just been a term my high school art teacher used bc i don't see any relevant results for it on google... there's probably a more professional term for this lol)
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I esp try to limit eyebuzz between foreground and background objects
I know some artists are intense enough about contrast that they toggle grayscale on n off as they're painting. I just kinda eyeball it.
This ended up really long again oh my goddd I think those are the main things on my mind when choosing colors...?
Hope this is helpful 😅
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People I’d like to know better
Tagged by @pedros-immaculate-vibes ! Thaaaaanks~ 💓
P.S. I know my main blog @fairy-cat-mother was tagged but I make posts/reblog from this one, I just can’t like posts from here too 🥲 so I hope you don’t mind me making this post from here.
Last song:
Before this, though, I was listening to the Halsin playlist that Dave Jones made, The Piccolo Snare song in particular <3
I listen to a lot of Nordic/Celtic stuff though in general…Wardruna, Faun, Skald, etc. And some cinematic stuff too—like music by Two Steps From Hell.
Favourite Colour:
Sage Green or Lavender Purple
I wear lots of neutral colours though like black, brown, and cream, with a lil forest-y green thrown in the mix. Love me some old knitted sweaters 🤗
Currently Watching: Not currently watching anything…except if watching my Durge attempt to romance Halsin counts lolol Baldur’s Gate 3 has me in a chokehold and I’ve been playing in any spare time I get hahaaaaa. Also had exams for my herbal medicine course this past Friday so uhhh technically I was watching a bunch of recorded lectures? 😅
Last Movie / TV Show: Fuck, it’s been a while…ummmm, I thiiiink the last show I watched was Loki? And the last movie…my younger brother and sister-in-law wanted to watch Five Nights At Freddy’s so I watched it with them haha wasn’t my favourite but wasn’t the worst I’ve ever seen.
Spicy / Savoury / Sweet: I have a baby tongue that cannot handle spice and yet I always go for the spice lol. I do like all three though. Probably overall, savoury would be my go-to. I love ✨soup✨
Relationship Status: Happily married to my big, burly, ginger-bearded Irishman and I love his grumpy-but-really-a-softy ass with my whole heart 🥰
Current Obsession: Halsin. Times infinity. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Man has GANKED my heart 😩 Also BG3 in general—also can’t stop, won’t stop 😈
Last Thing I Googled:
“Durge bg3 scene with Halsin”
It was for research…
I was trying to find out if the resist scene would work with Halsin. It sadly does not. 👀 Y e t 👀 LARIAN PLEASE MAKE ONE FOR OUR DRUID I BEG YOU 😭🙏
People I’d like to know better:
If you don’t wanna do it, no worries! Or if you were already tagged, my baaaaad—I just went by the peeps who interacted here/on my main 🥳 either way, y’all are cool and thank you for interacting!
Anywayyy, peace out until next time duuuudes~ 😎✌️
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7ndipity · 9 months
hii!! congratulations on your 2k milestone, no one deserves it more than you.🫶🏽
i'm not sure if you're still doing the shipping game, but if you are, i'd love to participate.
pairing: romantic.
star sign: scorpio.
chinese zodiac: golden snake.
favourite colour: green, blue and neutrals.
favourite drink: anything chai.
favourite animal: cats.
favourite season: winter.
my character traits: i'm honestly quite introverted. like i wouldn't go out partying and drinking just for the sake of it, i'd only go for friends. i'm kind of a homebody; in the sense that i really value my personal space and time, but i will always go out of my way for the people i care about, perhaps even teetering on the brink of people-pleasing.
at first glance, i might seem a bit mean, awkward or uninterested, but i swear i'm not - i just suck at making new friends. that being said, i do prefer to have two or three close friends as opposed to a whole group of acquaintances that i don't really connect with.
i love reading, writing, journaling and listening to music. binging old tv shows or movies is also a (pretty unhealthy) pass time that i enjoy. i think it's because i'm a bit of a night owl. but lately, i've been wanting to get out there more; experience new things/places as well as meet new people.
café dates are my absolute favourite, so i love going out for lunches with my girl friends and talking absolute sh*t or just straight up trauma dumping.
i'm currently majoring in english literary studies and history with hopes of becoming a teacher. i don't really know if it's going to work out because getting this degree has been such a nightmare, but oh well.
thank you for all the work you continue to put out, i really love everything you write. if you decide to pick this up, i can't wait to see your feedback. sending you lots and lots of love!! 🤍 (also, p.s. i'm sorry that this is so long).
Thank you so much!
I think I would ship you with Hobi or Namjoon, and to a slightly lesser extent Jungkook!
Namjoon and Hobi, though both quite social people, have similar interests and also really value their privacy and personal space, so I think they would be a good match in that they would enjoy helping you branch out like you mentioned without overstepping your boundaries. Plus, cafe dates and literature are like two of the top things that come to mind when I think of Joonie(also, mad respect for the duel major, I can't even imagine how hard that must be!✊💜)
You and Jk also seem to have slightly similar vibes, so I could see you guys potentially getting along quite well.
Also, from an astrological perspective, earth signs are typically really good matches for water signs, especially Scorpios(I'm also a Scorpio), as they tend to be really grounding in their relationships, so Joon and Jk would really balance with your energy.
Hope this was okay!💜
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hypergraphiacreads · 2 years
Do you have any tips on how to start annotating books?
I did it once for a British literature class and loved it! But the problem is, I was annotating poetry, and I’m not sure how to do that for non-poetry books.
Thanks for your time! Love your tumblr page too! :)
P.S. if you r got any poet or poetry Rex commendations, please send that too! :) I can never get enough poetry lol
Thank you so much for the question! 💚
First of all, I’m a minimalist at heart so I prefer to use just a pen, a ruler of some sorts (I’ve used a metal ruler but recently have been using the plastic edge of the tabs base I have) and the tabs are a recent addition as well, but I don’t tab or annotate every book I read.
My pen of preference is a green UniBall Signo DX in size 0.38, because I like the contrast from the white and black of the page, but any pen or pencil one is most comfortable using will work just as fine!
I annotate in two ways - by underlining and by notes.
• Underline ~~~ usually is used as a way to note a specific mood, more poetic language, description and or just a sentence that provides a vibe or atmosphere for what is happening.
• Underline —— usually is used to highlight important passages for plot development, character development, details
• Note in cursive is usually my personal comments, questions, ideas and comments from me subjectively and as my reading experience
• Note in capital letters is usually rewording or noting in the side an important detail in other words, usually to shorten a paragraph into condensed information about it
Only recently I have started adding tabs to my annotations.
I usually use a coloured thicker tab for ideas worth exploring and discussing more, usually that involves a theme the book seems to focus on
The slim black tab I use for important moments for the MC character, development, important characteristic that’s highlighted in an interesting way or similar
Regarding poetry - I don’t read enough of it myself and for that reason, I was gifted a book of complete works by William Blake so hopefully I’ll read it soon!
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genshin-latte · 4 years
Childe propaganda anon here! While it is expected that I request content for my clown, after reading the winter holiday prompts I would like to request a scenario for adventurer reader and diluc using the prompt "Come here, you're freezing". Maybe winter has fully set in, and the Dawn Winery is covered in snow, and the reader swings by from one of their travels, definitely underdressed for the weather change and Diluc offers them a way or a place to warm up. I just suddenly wanted soft cute winter vibes w Diluc 🥺💖💖💖
Lmao #2 was somehow the most requested but where’s the surprise. Also I put off posting this till my birthday, it’s the 21st here alr so yay! Smol birthday present for myself too 😳👉👈 Im legal I can write n$fw now
P.S they r both stupid
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Prompt #2 : “Come here, you’re freezing.”
Pairing : Diluc x gn! Reader
Word count : 1,210 words
Warning : mildly suggestive
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It was a little after dark, the air was piercing cold and the streets were dark except for the few dim lights. Your dragged yourself through the snow, your ragged breaths quickly turning into misty clouds. You shivered as you rubbed your hands together, attempting to create some heat.
You had planned to return earlier, but that commission took way longer than you had expected. By the time you were done the sun had set and you wouldn’t have enough time to get back to the city. Furthermore you had not expected for it to snow in the middle of your trip. So you headed to the closest place you could think of, the winery.
Snow covered the winery’s grounds as they settled on the wooden crates sitting just outside the entrance, the usually green grass was buried in white, the roofs were pure white, it was white as far as the eyes can see. The colourful fairy lights hanging on the building’s walls stood out compared to the rest of the scenery. You see a grass ring with the words ‘merry christmas’, hanging on the front door.
The sight made you smile, it was rather surprising. You hadn’t expected Diluc as the type to enjoy Christmas to the point he’d decorate the place. If anything, you had thought he’d despise the holiday, or perhaps it was the maids who decided to bring in the christmas spirits. Either way, it was a rather refreshing view.
The click of the wooden door brought you back to the present, the man from your thoughts suddenly standing infront of you. His usually tied hair falls loose to his waist, he was wearing an extra coat, and you notice that his gloves seem to be thicker than usual. It seems like he was about to head out.
“What are you doing out here?” He eyes your shivering form. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you try to shoo away the cold.
“Y-yeah... you see...” you trailed off, laughing nervously in the process. He only sighed, stopping your explanation
“Come inside.” He held the door open just enough for you to slip in.
“I-I thought you w-were heading out?” Your words trembled along with your body. He looks at you with his usual deadpanned expression “and leave you to freeze?”.
“Uhm. I-I guess?” You felt rather bad having to interrupt his plans, you know how he dislikes having them ruined. “Thank you.” You whispered as you took his offer, stepping inside the warm room.
He gives you a small nod, and perhaps it was just you but you could’ve sworn you saw his expression soften. You see him mouth something to his butler before leading you to the guest room.
“Achoo!” that was the third time you sneezed. You sat on his sofa across the fireplace, wrapped with layers of blanket, attempting to take a sip on the hot chocolate he had prepared for you.
You heard him sigh, he stood from his seat and moved beside you. You immediately felt warmer, perhaps it was because of his vision but you want nothing more than to snuggle him so you can feel more of his warmth.
As if he could read your thoughts, he said, “Come here, you’re freezing.”
“Huh?” You looked at him in confusion. Was he? Is he? If it wasn’t for the cold, your mind —you heart— would have combusted. You shifted closer anyway, awkwardly laying your head on his shoulder.
“Like this?” You hear his dissatisfied grunt as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. With your head resting on his chest, and both his arms around you, you could feel nothing but the rising heat on your face and your heart that seemed to beat twice, no three times faster.
It almost overlapped with his, but you could hear it, his heart beat was no more steady than yours. Was he nervous? You shifted your eyes to him. His gaze was locked on the window, perhaps he was watching the snow fall, or perhaps he just couldn’t face you.
The light blush on his cheeks was subtle, even more so in the dim light of the fireplace but it’s there, your eyes couldn’t have lied. You let out a little laugh, he was too cute for your liking. The way he averts his eyes and the way his lips would turn into a firm line, the things he does to hide the intense emotions he feels, it’s so endearing. You could kiss him right there, perhaps, you could.
“Hey.” Your voice might have cracked out of nervousness but that’s the least thing you’re worried about.
He turns to you, you didn’t give him a moment to spare and pulled at his shirt, pressing your lips against his. You pulled back, attempting to see his reaction though you didn’t get the chance to do so. He leaned in further as you move back, placing a hand on the back of your head to push you back for another kiss.
Things escalated faster than you would expect, the more you tried to pull back the more he’d deepen the kiss. His kisses soon turned needy, aggressive. In less than he minute, you had him pinning you against the sofa, your arms around his neck and legs tangled together.
“Mhm.. Diluc?” A small moan left your lips, as he started trailing kisses down your jawline, nipping at the junction of your neck. You might have started it but you no longer had any idea what was happening.
Hearing a knock, you shifted your eyes towards the door, whilst your companion had pretended to ignore it. He saw your attention was no longer on him, placing a thumb on your chin he caught your lips once again. Tongue pushing past clenched teeth, you couldn’t help but melt into him.
“Master Diluc?” You recognized that voice, it was his butler, he must have told him to come earlier.
He groaned, upset to have been interrupted. He stood up, fixing his shirt before approaching the door. You were frazzled. Perhaps the intrusion was what you needed to catch your breath.
You see the butler peek in through the gap of the door before the redhead shut it close, a tray of cookies in hand. He placed the cookies on the table before settling himself beside you, sighing in frustration.
It was fine during the heat of the moment, but now, embarrassment was starting to get to him. Well, you were the one who initiated it but he doesn’t understand what exactly you had meant by that.
“Sorry.” You coughed out, sensing that he must have been uncomfortable. You didn’t even dare to meet his eyes.
His brows furrowed as he looked at you, he didn’t mean to make you upset. He just... doesn’t know how much further you would’ve let him go. He doesn’t, he never wants to hurt you.
“Do you mind...?” You felt his hand brush against your thigh. You finally looked at him, biting your lip out of nervousness. The gesture only made his impatience grow. He wanted nothing more than to ravor you.
You let out a timid smile at his gesture,
“No, not at all.”
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atruththatyoudeny · 4 years
Monthly Reads | October 2020
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Happy 28th! I probably sound like a broken record already but I have to say it again: this fandom has an insane amount of talented writers! I am in awe! Every single one of you is my hero! ♥♥♥ Here are all the 23 fics I read and loved this month:
✧ Welcome to The Rivalry | 2tiedships2 | a/b/o - strangers to lovers - enemies to lovers - rivalry - college - 19k “Welcome home!” Niall yelled, clapping his hands in excitement. “Isn’t it great?” Louis looked between Niall and the house, unsure how to respond. “I don’t understand,” Louis finally managed to say. “Aren’t we a little old to be living so close to campus?” Niall scoffed. “You’re only twenty-four for fuck’s sake. There is still plenty of partying left for us to do. What better place than one street over from where a car was set on fire after the Michigan game last year?” “Is there proof of that? Did the car have Michigan plates or something? Is there a photo I can send in a DM to Wolfie?” As if on cue, a Twitter notification popped up on Louis’ Apple watch. He had tweeted again. Or a reverse You’ve Got Mail au inspired by the Ohio State/Michigan rivalry. Featuring duplex neighbors, (kind of) enemies to lovers, and an anonymous Twitter feud between omega Louis and alpha Harry.
✧ Back to Seventeen | crimsontheory | teacher - soccer coach - 26k As a first grade teacher in a small town in Illinois, Harry’s life is pretty simple. He loves his job, is close with his family, and has a best friend he would go to the ends of the earth for. When a new soccer coach starts at the local high school, things start to get a bit more exciting for Harry. Because that coach just happens to be Louis Tomlinson; the guy Harry was unrequitedly in love with in high school. Or the one where Louis moves back to his hometown and Harry realizes he’s still not over his high school crush.
✧ Sigh for Sigh | logogram | historical - a/b/o - regency - miscommunication - pining - marriage of convenience - 11k When his father's sudden illness forces Harry to get married in a hurry, he's delighted that Lord Louis Tomlinson is the one who makes him an offer. Being married to Louis is just as wonderful as he imagined, except for one thing-- they haven't mated yet. Or the one where they're both idiots, Harry's afraid to say what he's thinking, and Louis's just trying to be honorable.
✧ We Can Find a Place to Feel Good | yeah_alright | 1960s - High School - school dances - 8k 14-year-old Harry is ecstatic to finally be old enough to experience the time-honored tradition of school dances. But with each year that passes and each dance he attends, he’s realizing they’re not all he used to hope they’d be. Especially when he can't actually dance with the person he most wants to. Maybe he and Louis can figure out their own ways to keep dancing, anyway.
✧ At Risk, I Fold | clare328 | canon compliant - established relationship - angst - emotional hurt/comfort - miscommunication - anxiety - implied/referenced alcohol abuse - 15k 2015 is a stream of hotel rooms and whisky on the rocks, tired glances and touching hands under tables. It’s the bears and the bees under a rainbow sky, and Harry and Louis have to figure out how to grow up together, instead of apart.
✧ Carry These Feelings | LadyLondonderry | fae Á faires - established relationship - magic - 3k Harry is one of the fae, and has to return to Court once a year to please the Queen. He makes a detour on his way home to Louis. Two weeks and I'll be home.
✧ Hung Up High in the Gallery | lovelarry10 | friends to lovers - slow burn - pining - 14k "Louis, lay still!” Louis sighed loudly, and Harry watched his chest puff out as he inhaled deeply, the breath he let out loudly making Harry’s curls shift. “I am, stop being so fussy. Can I see yet?” “Nope,” Harry remarked, smiling to himself. “I’m doing your chest next. Shit, this is going to look so good, Lou. Your tan and these colours… why haven’t we done this before?” “Because we haven’t been this drunk in a while, and it never occurred to me until tonight?” ❁ ❁ ��� ❁ ❁ ❁ When Harry’s best friend, Louis, comes to support him at his art show, he decides they need to do some celebrating afterwards. How fast do the lines between friends and lovers get blurred ... or better, get painted?
✧ Love you in the dark | Perzikje | historical - wedding night - arranged marriage - dubious consent - 10k The story of a historical wedding night: in which Louis is quite unaware as to just how clueless his brand new husband is about sex. They try their best to figure it out together.
✧ Victorian Boy | audreyhheart | historical - victorian - royalty - enemies to friends to lovers - slow burn - angst - murder mystery - 101k Victorian AU. Harry the virgin Duke of Somerset knows little of love, while Louis the sly Duke of Warwick knows too much. When the two dukes come together for the Bilsdale fox hunt in York, Harry finds himself drawn into Louis' bed. But when secrets from Louis' dark past come to light, Harry fears that the fox isn't the only one being hunted.
✧ the anticipation of knowing you | sweetrevenge | strangers to lovers - neighbors - light angst - 13k Hello Neighbor! Just wanted to let you know that you were having sex so loud and scarily I called our building manager and security officer because I thought you were hurt. P.S. I sent them away when I heard you yell ‘cock’. I’m sorry that I heard that, but I wanted you to know in case they stopped by to check on you or something. Sorry! Your neighbor Louis Tomlinson in apartment #306 After Louis overhears his next door neighbor having sex, he doesn’t really expect anything but awkward hallway encounters to come from it. Instead, he’s surprised to find himself in a whirlwind pen pal relationship with the sweet, albeit loud, baker next door.
✧ We'll Be All Right | dandelionfairies | married couple - accridents - 13k Harry is performing his one night only show in LA but there are four very important people missing.
✧ The Last Song of Your Life | reminiscingintherain | famous/not famous - Rays of Sunhsine - homophobia - 21k As Harry glanced around at all of the faces, he froze as a very familiar pair of blue eyes leapt out at him. A pair of eyes that he hadn’t seen since before the One Direction bomb exploded. A pair of eyes that he never expected to see again. ~~~~ or the famous/not famous AU, with first love, miscommunication, interfering bandmates, and adorable little sisters.
✧ Her | jaerie | a/b/o - trans character - transitioning - dysphoria - anxiety - quarantine - 7k The buttery swipe of a high quality lipstick was almost a sexual experience in and of itself. This time a deep colour with purple undertones which drew out the emphasis of long, dark lashes and perfectly contoured cheekbones. It was a look for loose and styled curls, feeling the classy formal nightclub vibes reflected back from the mirror. The silky plum coloured slip dress would be perfect to debut. The tags still needed to be cut free from the new garment that hung in the closet, but tonight was the night to set it free. When Harry gets home, she can finally be who she wants to be. Letting someone else in always feels like a distant daydream to her... until it suddently isn't.
✧ Loving You's the Antidote | lululawrence | Stylinshaw - a/b/o - touch deprivation - hospitalization - soulmates - polyamory - anxiety - friends to lovers - no smut - 11k Nick and Harry had never been an obvious match. When eighteen-year-old Harry, newly presented as an omega, came home freshly bonded to Nick, a man nine years his elder and a beta no less, Anne had been more than skeptical and Eileen had shared some harsh words of her own. That didn’t deter them, though, and their families soon realised there really was something special about the bondmates that allowed them to work together almost seamlessly. It was only a few months later that Harry started getting sick. Or the one where Harry and Nick have been able to keep Harry's disorder at bay over the course of their relationship, but when they move to London and away from their support system, they find themselves in desperate need of help.
✧ Like A Neon Sign | reminiscingintherain | canon compliant - mentions of death - fluff - 8k Harry had always been perfect to Louis, through every age, through every stage, and in all the important ways, he was proud to have been able to witness the growth that Harry had experienced first-hand.
✧ We Had Everything | lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) | exes to lovers - getting back together - famous/not famous - 3k “You know Harry’s coming, yeah?” Louis’ fingers twitched, faltering where he was straightening the knot in his tie as he tried to ignore the false nonchalance in Zayn’s voice. He had no idea how he missed the name on the invite list, how he skipped over the initials on the small gifts, didn’t notice the elegant swirl of Harry’s name inked onto an emerald green place card. Or, Louis and Harry fell apart, and Louis' never forgiven himself. He gets a second chance at Zayn and Liam's wedding.
✧ True To Your Heart | reminiscingintherain | Mulan AU - a/b/o - 13k The world was at war with itself. In the small country of Enilenif, in a tiny, often overlooked corner of the world, young Alphas were quickly signing up to fight, desperate to protect their Omegas and their country as Aidem began to attack their borders. A few defiant Omegas tried to enlist as well, but were firmly turned away with disapproving looks by the staff in the office. Harry Styles was one such Omega, sighing heavily as he kicked at a small stone on his walk home.
✧ What the Water Gave Me | larryatendoftheday | fantasy - mermaids - long distance relationship - 29k When a mermaid crawls out of the sea to listen to Harry sing, it changes everything.
✧ it’s hard for me to go home | localopa | angst - breakup - getting back together - 5k don’t call me baby again
✧ The Prince and the Thief | jaerie | Fairy Tale - a/b/o - strangers to lovers - violence - kidnapping - threats of rape/non-con - 19k Harry is an omega prince locked in a tower and Louis is the thief sent to kidnap him. Nothing turns out as planned.
✧ Up On The Shore | wordsnnotes | Eroda AU - magic - epistolary - friends to lovers - childhood friends - emotional/psychological abuse - angst - long-distance relationship - domestic violence - 34k Magic has been outlawed on Eroda ever since President Cowell came into power, and all the magic people had to go live on the island of Stonell. Things are not looking good for Harry when he finds out he's a magician and his abilities seem more and more out of control. Thankfully, his best friend Niall's mother has the idea to put him in touch with Louis, a magician boy living on Stonell. They begin a secret correspondence and drama ensues. Or: Louis hides his feelings under sarcasm, Harry is too sweet for his own sake, everyone is a rebel, the mums are amazing, Harry's dad is a jerk, and I'm struggling to make it understandable without using normal narration.
✧ this town's just an ocean now | louistomlinsons | exes to lovers - friends to lovers - summer romance - miscommunication - childhood friends - light angst - fluff - 31k “I have really great friends. Do you remember Louis? You guys were always hanging out when you were growing up.” Harry remembers Louis. Harry remembers Louis. Suddenly, his throat feels way too dry, despite the ice cream he keeps licking at. He chokes a little on a chocolate chip before saying, “I, uh. I remember Louis.” Her face brightens. “We have dinner every Sunday. He owns the house now. His parents moved further north, and he wanted to stay here, so they just gave it over. Now if you want to worry about someone being lonely, that’s who I worry about.” inspired by watermelon sugar, featuring picnics on the beach and boys being dumb
✧ I Am the Blinking Light | dearmrsawyer | ghosts - shipwreck - 19k There is a legend of a lighthouse far out to sea. It can’t be found on any map, and those who do find it never return. They say a ghost haunts the lighthouse, and you can hear it calling out in loneliness on the ocean waves.
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hyunlore · 3 years
tag game <3
rules: answer 8 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better!
tagged by: @emeraldenha (i would’ve done an emerald colour but i don’t know how 😭)
relationship status: ahaha funny question 😐 i reread my favourite exo fic series on here last week, finished a crime kdrama (flower of evil) by myself and started another (tale of the ninetailed) by myself again within a day. very much single if you couldn’t already tell lmao
favourite colour: purples, pinks, greens and browns. earthy colours but also pastel colours!!
three favourite foods: kimchi jeon from the korean restaurant i regular, vietnamese rice paper rolls and salmon because my nana and i love it.
song stuck in my head: love love love (acoustic ver) - exo / first love - exo
last song i listened to: blockbuster by enhypen ft. yeonjun ‼️🤬🎸💥 for the vibes yk
last thing i googled: my secret santa gift from my friend! i opened it in safari so i could bookmark it for keeps 💗 other than that i was googling shino acnh lmfao 🤕
dream trip: i’ve always wanted to go to japan since i was little and i had originally planned a trip with my mum to japan and seoul for jan 2020 but the pandemic happened so we never got to go :/my best friend and i always talk about going on a trip together to japan too so that’s where i want to go <3
anything i really want: hmm. maybe for me to get out my my writing slump and or slump in general and live my life to my best ability. i feel like i can do better and try harder to enjoy things i like more and take better care of myself 💗
tagging: (optional ofc! i just think you’re all cool people and would love to get to know you more!) p.s i don’t have 10 people to tag because i’m super shy and don’t talk to many people 😭
@yeonbins @0x1lovebot @gongiz @nyuheart @ryuflix
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deliahscrush2003 · 3 years
How about 💿 + Jo Ferguson?
My sweet @lilac-lemonade, dependable as always when I'm in need for a song ask game 😊 Thank you so much for this one, Jo and Casey don't get as many ask as Lou because she's my main character but they are still my babies and without Jo, Lou's story wouldn't be possible so it's always a delight to see an ask about her in my inbox 💕
P.S. All songs are from the blooperverse playlist which you can listen to here.
Johanna "Jo" Ferguson: Five Songs That Remind Me of Them.
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I associate Jo with very sexually-empowering, it-girl songs. Sticking with the decades theme, I feel like Jo resonates with the colours red, black, and neon greens and purples. Glittery little numbers and black leather jackets, she would fit right in with the retro scene and dominate the night clubs.
While Lou pays homage to the classic vibes of the swinging sixties and Casey is the epitome of the pastel sweaters and tight jeans of the early 80s, Jo is all about the rock and glam of the late 70s to mid 80s so it's only natural that the songs that remind me most of her resonate with that time period.
"Does Your Mother Know" by ABBA (1979)
Is a very fun, catchy, and cheeky song. She's the type to dance the night away in strangers arms, smirking and teasing them with things they cannot have. I specifically image this song with her and Peter Maximoff, and I feel like it really captures the casual, fun-loving cat and mouse vibes of their relationship.
"Roxanne" by The Police (1978)
Now, I know the song is about a prostitute but even the frontman, Sting said that its supposed to be about real feelings, a real song that's dressed up as something silly which I feel relates to Peter and Jo's entire relationship - something that actually has hidden meanings, real feelings, an emotional depth that most can't see past its 'all fun in games' persona. I can imagine Jo dressed in this red satin number while Peter serenades her with an air guitar 😂
"Barracuda" by Heart (1977)
Every time I listen to this song, it brings me back to that scene in Charlie's Angels where Lucy Liu is dressed up all in tight, squeaking black leather and ultimately ends up leading a worker's strike as a distraction for the mission the girls are on. The pure sexiness and badassary of that moment was admittingly one of my sexual awakenings (I have a list) but I just felt that it had Jo vibes written all over it. So, if anyone wants Jo summed up in one scene, that's it!
"Long Cool Woman" by the Hollies (1972)
Jo's the kind of chick that really captures the attention of any room she walks in. She's fierce and it shows in her glowing green neon eyes, the way she struts, the way her mouth moves and the passion in her voice when she speaks. Her smile is Cheshire cat and she has known to be easy to fall for, but her attitude makes it hard for anyone to get her to accept their love. Oh, I listened to this song and immediately decided to make her 5'9 because I thought it was fitting.
"What I Like About You" by the Romantics (1980)
Keeping with the red, rock and roll theme that I have going here for Jo, this song had to make the list because I can totally imagine it being up there as another song Peter serenades Jo with. Leather jacket and red are her thing and its what comes to mind when I hear this song. Slicked back hair, rockafella vibes and the bright red can of cola. Red lipstick, iron-curled hair and the specific type of sex appeal that only Jo can pull off.
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dreamiesformula · 5 years
Triggered - Seo Changbin
When the one person you trusted to not break your heart does just that... how do you recover? Broken one too many times before can you forgive him?
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To say you were insecure was an understatement, your whole life you were made to feel less than everyone else, worthless, ugly and a waste of time. That was until you met Seo Changbin rapper for famous idol group Stray Kids, exactly 2 years ago today. He made your life worth something, he made you feel loved, wanted, needed he made you feel beautiful. So you wanted to make him feel special and surprise him with lunch, before your very exciting anniversary night but shit backfires!
Y/N’s P.O.V
He is everything that’s good and I felt so bad about having to rush to my best friend Jack’s house early morning, but it was only cause he is helping me to organise Binnie’s surprise for tonight! Dinner at his favourite restaurant, 2 tickets to a Chase Atlantic concert being performed in a bar (since he said he wanted to see my favourite band live with me), then back to my place for a long night of appreciation and sentimental words, oh and loving.
Walking into the JYPE building even after all this time still made me nervous, I’d brought enough for the 10 of us to eat but probably would end up making sure Changbin ate enough for the both of us. I make my way to the dance studio where they undoubtedly are overworking to perfect their lastest comeback, but to my surprise I hear them talking.
“I just can’t handle Y/N today man, the stress and exhaustion may be getting to me but god I can’t deal with her insecurities. Every night she’s crying over something new, worrying I’ll leave her, skipping meals. Every single time I come home she’s panicked and I can’t deal with her insomnia one more sleepless night I’m gonna lose my shit.” I hear Changbin ramble on, standing at the door awe struck and frozen with fear. I hear footsteps...
“That’s not nice Changbin!” Jeongin defends me, bless him he’s always been so kind to me.
“Yeah maybe you’re being a little bit harsh, she’s had it rough and on today of all days you shouldn’t be bagging out the girl you’re dating.” Chan agrees knowing full well what today was while Changbin seemed lost.
“Today of all days? What do you mean?” Tears start rolling down my cheeks as the foot steps getting closer before you could process the door swings open revealing a very shocked looking Jeongin and scared looking Chan.
“Don’t.” I choke out handing Chan the food and with blurry vision and my head up high looking Changbin dead in the eyes. “I know where I stand, happy anniversary btw asshole. Enjoy it on your own!” Sarcasm lacing my voice as I spin on my heels ignoring the pleads of the boy who was and is my world.
Changbin’s P.O.V
I go to chase after her, I was dumb, I didn’t mean any of it. I said it myself I’m just tired and stressed, one things for sure, I need her.
“Changbin, Jyp is on his way and you know that, you can’t leave now.” Woojin scolds.
“Hyung, I cant just let her leave, not like this, not today, not anyday. I need her I was just being a dick, you all know that.” I say pointing to the members.
“I’m sorry but right now Woojin is right, she’s already gone, your damage has been dealt.” Minho backs Woojin up looking at the boy sorrow filling his eyes, Minho of all people knew the extent to which Changbin needed Y/N.
“Did you really forget what today was Bin?” Felix asks, his voice a whisper as he stood beside the boy.
“Yes.” He breaks “I fucking forgot.” He colaspes to the ground in his own sorrow he doesn’t hear his boss entering the studio.
“Changbin, what’s wrong?” The man dressed in casual attire sounds genuinely concerned.
“I-I -I’m just a bit cranky today sir, I’m sorry.” He stands up momentarily regaining his composure.
“Well you boys have tonight off, but I wanted 3 racha to go to a show tonight. The group is an Aussie group, I figured you’d like that Chan...” he chuckles to himself “the point is to widen your musical exposure and hopefully give you some ideas for beats, composition and you’ll have a chance to talk to them afterwards. In return they’ll come to your show later this month, their manager wanted them to have some free time and they wanted to check you boys out after hearing that you’ll be watching them.” They all nod Changbin regretting so afterwards.
“The show starts at 8pm, goes for about 2 hours and you’ll meet them afterwards. Changbin I know it’s your anniversary but is there anyways you could call Y/N, I’ll pay for your make up date, I know how inconvenient this must be and I’m so sorry.” He smiles genuinely patting the boy’s back and walking out.
“Fuck as if it couldn’t get any worse.” He grunts turning to Chan who’s still holding the bag.
“She brought this for us.” Chan says followed by “She’d want us to eat it regardless.” A bittersweet smile on my face as I realise exactly the magnitude to which I have just fucked up.
“Yo mitty, so I’m coming to your show tonight, was wondering if you and the boys wanted to get drinks after. Like old times back home!” I ask excitement filling my broken voice, my voice hoarse from an hour of sobbing until I decided I’d just go to my friends concert and let lose. Have a good time like we used to!
“You know I’m always down for that, but we gotta meet with some idols or something after who are coming, you’re more than welcome to join back stage. We can race fireball like old times?” The boy chuckles over the line.
“Alright Cave, you’re on!” I smile proudly knowing I’ll kick his ass just like old times!
“Alright cutie you’re on.” With that he hangs up the line, cutie was what he used to call me in highschool. Some junior tried to hit on me during our last year and he swooped into rescue me, I miss those times. No broken heart, no betrayal, just a bunch of idiot friends having a good laugh and writing some songs.
I get dressed while calling Casper to update him on the situation. I take my lacey black bra and pair it with some black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of combat boots and leather jacket to top off the bad ass bitch vibe for tonight. Put my piercings in, necklaces on, straighten my hair and do some light make up and boom ready to have an awesome time. Despite the ever growing pit of grief in my stomach, was I really that needy? Desperate? Clingy? That I managed to make Changbin the man who would always call me the love of his life, hate me.
Changbin’s P.O.V
3RACHA pulling up looking hot as fuck. Chan dressed in his mixtape 4 outfit (cause that’s a fat OOF 🤤), Han Jisung wearing his outfit from the boxer street video (p.s author loves her baby UWU he’s so handsome.) and Changbin wearing his outfit from SBS Inkigayo ep 997 (because Oml What an absolute king of I am not a goth but black is such my colour and I own this shit). Okay visual cue out!
“What the fuck is up Seoul? We’re Chase Atlantic thanks for coming out tonight.” The crowd screams “it’s super amazing to be here tonight and we hope you all have a dope time, our first song tonight is Triggered. I wanna hear you get loud.” A man with long dirty blonde / brown hair hypes the crowd up and they begin. The music itself wasn’t bad but most of the lyrics went in one ear out the other, lots about drugs but then again I only picked up half the songs contents but after all we were only there to listen to their use of sources, beats and their instruments so if it works, it works.
Next was a song called Swin, Cassie, Into It, 23, Lust, Friends, Uncomfortable, Drugs & Money, Right Here, What U Call That, Ozone, Devilish, The Walls, Okay and then they talked for a little. I scan through the crowd from our seats which were front section of second level as I was not really understanding what they were talking about until I see her, there she was, Y/N here, or at least I think it’s her I can only see her back but she’s got the jacket I gave her on. It had a SPEAR.B patch on the back, one she had designed for me when we were only known as 3RACHA. Surely it’s her the hair colour and jacket, surely that’s MY Y/N.
“Oi Chan?” I turn to the blonde haired Aussie to my left “is that Y/N?” I question pointing to where the girl is.
“Looks like it, that’s her jacket after all and this is her favourite band.” He looks slightly annoyed I hadn’t put two and two together, Aussie band, Chase Atlantic. Y/N always talked about how one day we’d go to their concert and we’d be the hottest couple because she had me. I told her I wanted to go see the things she loves. Jesus today keeps getting worse. Time ticks on and I can’t help but watch her, the girl I love, dancing with some other guy, laughing, singing, being happy. When I left her broken-hearted.
“This is our last few songs, these are You Too, Meddle About and Like A Rockstar! Enjoy Seoul you’ve been fucking awesome.”
I watch by as she gets crazy, let’s go and enjoys herself. Was she really unphased? No, I could tell, I know her better than anyone.
The boys wrap up the show and I watch as the lead singer leaves before we head back stage. My eyes searching for her, but she’s no where to be seem.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“MITTY” I scream as I hurl myself at my oldest friend who’s laying in the green room couch. “CUTIE!” He screams back tickling me “how the fuck have you been man?” I ask as we spend time catching up we hear a knock. “Yeah come in” Mitchael screams “bro my fucking ears, Jesus” I complain getting off of him and going towards Clinton as he’s where the drinks are. “Clint? Gimme something strong yeah?” I plead “Jesus rough day?” He chuckles “you have no idea man. No I fucking dear” I sigh turning around and regretting it instantly.
There he stood, Seo Changbin looking as good as ever. Without much thought I down the entire drink and head back to sit with Mitchel, Chan breaks the momentary awkward silence “hello it’s nice to meet you, we are 3RACHA.” Chan extends his hand to Mitchel but instead he bro hugs him, “how’d you enjoy the show man?” Clinton asks Changbin as they bro hug “uh... it was really good, I-I really like the uh compositions of your music-c.” I smile slightly to myself he’s doing so well my precious boy, Y/N SNAP. OUT. OF. IT. “That’s so nice, thanks bro.”
The night or the next hour and 30 minutes at least consisted of everyone sitting on the couches sharing advice, ideas, stories and me on my phone. “You know this little chick right here is pretty good with a beat, we used to have jam sessions and she always started our old songs.” Mitchel looks down at me as I occupy the space next to him, “she even sends us samples and lyrics still to this day, cutie over here got mad skills.” My eyes go wide knowing full well Changbin just heard and understood everything that was said, I hum from behind my phone screen too scared to look up in fear I’d meet his eyes. Those same eyes I can feel burning a hole into my forehead right now, “how about we watch some of your videos, I know we get to see you live soon but aye give us a sneak peak!” Clinton changes the topic, my life saver. Chan pulls out his phone and everyone huddled around where he was sitting I stand at the back close to Changbin just too rest the waters, knowing he was both sad and jealous I didn’t want to escalate things. He notices my position and while everyone is focused on the phone snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer into his side “baby, you know I love you. I was a dick I am so sorry. I need you to stay with me. Please love.” He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine as he peppers soft, sweet kisses along my neck, “we will talk about this later” I muster up all the courage I can to detach myself from his side and go back to sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone. “Y/N, you good?” Clinton asks knowing I’ve had a few drinks “yeah boys, all g” I smile.
“Talk about sick beats man, those are dope. So you make all your own shit. Composing, mixing, lyrics. The whole lot yeah?” Changbin nods “yeah the whole lot.” He smiles confidently, fuck he’s making this hard.
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thefatfeministwitch · 6 years
Today I’ve asked you, witches, to share some of your favourite, and most used crystals using the #howrealwitchesdo hashtag and I’ve seen so many great responses already! I’ll be posting my own to Instagram later, but I thought this was a great time for a Sketchy Herbs & Magic Rock! We haven’t done that in a while! If you’re a new reader, this topic started on the podcast, where I pick a crystal and magickal herb that work well together or have similar purposes and essentially profile them and give you ideas for working them into your magick.
My galaxyite palm stone quickly became my favourite as soon as I brought it home. Some nights I fall asleep holding it and when I wake up it’s still in my hand. It’s a new favourite but I can’t imagine not having it now.
Borage, on the other hand, is a flower I’ve loved a long time. As a baby witch, I found a recipe for “love plums and biscuits” for the Ostara Sabbat in a witch book – it called for candied borage flowers. The internet was still relatively new and googling things was so much harder than it is now. I searched high and low and asked every person I could what candied borage flowers were. I eventually found a book in the library that talked about the flowers in their non-candy form and fell in love. They’re beautiful. They’re tiny purple and vibrant blue flowers in a perfect 5-point star shape. They taste sweet like honey (sucking on clovers anyone? Honeysuckle?) and the leaves are fuzzy (my fave) and taste like cucumber!
Element: Air + Aether Chakra: Third Eye Planet: Jupiter Uses: Psychic power, astral travel, courage, easing discord, inspiration, happiness, easing pain and grief, opening the third eye, spiritual connection, grounded joyfulness, safety
Isn’t it gorgeous? Borage flowers are one of the few truly blue foods we have and they really stand out. They’re very tiny, but they grow in clusters and are easy to harvest and even grow. The fresh flowers can be candied and are absolutely delicious, and the leaves add a nice cucumber flavour to ice tea or lemonade.
Borage is aligned with the element of air, and a lot of its uses concern the mind and our higher chakras. IRL borage contains chemicals that bring on feelings of calm or euphoria when you drink them in a tea or inhale the smoke; metaphysically they open your third eye chakra, increase and focus your psychic abilities, and help you connect to spiritual and celestial planes.
I associate borage with stars, and with those feelings of safety and spiritual connection, I get when I’m star-gazing. To me, it’s a bridge between us and the celestial plane – both the physical stars and planets and that realm where we can access things like our spirit guides and akashic records. I’ll add it to incenses, mojo bags, and baths to help along and increase psychic work. I always include it whenever I do any star magic like star scrying or drawing energy from the stars. It’s also a really cool addition to dream pillows and other dream magick work and aids astral travel! You can simply put some borage under your mattress or pillow before sleep or astral travel and ask that borage for the strength to travel far, and also protect you and bring you home safely.
Iranian Gol Gavzaban (Borage tea) from purpleavocado.de
You can eat Borage on salads or desserts, but one of the tastiest and prettiest ways is in Borage tea. Depending on where you live you might be able to find commercially made borage tea at the grocery store, it’ll usually be in a section that carries Middle Eastern/Iranian food. These blends might contain valerian and lemon and lime, which is great, but if you can get ahold of borage yourself I like this classic Iranian recipe for Gol Gav Zaban, which is borage tea:
2 Tablespoons borage flower, Gol gav zaban
¼ teaspoons saffron dissolved in 1 tablespoon boiling water
2 rock candy (Nabat), or sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
It’s really simple, and it’s sweet and refreshing but also very calm and happy. Check out the rest of the recipe on The Persian Pot.
Chakra: Crown Uses: Cleansing and repairing the aura, psychic powers, spiritual growth, star magic, connection to aetheric, galactic, faerie, and other spiritual realms; eases anxiety, easing the pain of isolation and loneliness, astral travel, transformation, lifting spirits, protection, new moon magick, grounding, balance
I am absolutely in love with galaxyite. Not only is it a new find for me, but we didn’t even discover it until 1995 in Quebec. Bonjour, Galaxyite! It’s similar in colour to Labradorite, and features it’s textbook blue/green but somehow still black, sparkle. In galaxyite those sparkly bits are just much smaller, which creates a stone that looks like you’re staring straight into space.
The main use of galaxyite is working with your aura. This crystal helps cleanse, repair, and energize your own personal aura. If you’re working on seeing auras or connecting more with yours use galaxyite in your meditations. Carry it with you if you regularly feel the need to cleanse yours or that you have a lot of negative energy coming at you all the time. To cleanse my aura I excuse myself to a quiet place, center myself and cup my hand with the galaxyite in my palm and “brush” downward a few inches from my skin and visualize the crystal like a little aura sponge. leaves it all neat and clean and bright!
Galaxyite (or Galaxite sometimes) is a highly spiritual crystal and I often use it for opening my third eye and crown chakras, divination, and meditation. I’ll often put the stone right on my third eye or the crown of my head in these times, and when my friend gives me reiki treatments we always have it up near my head. Since finding galaxyite I always include it in star magic like I described above, and my new moon rituals. Labradorite is a great stone for working with new moon energy and chilling out its sometimes harsh vibes, and I find galaxyite has that same power. it also helps put you in touch with spirit guides, or your akashic records (for example) and aids spiritual growth, which is a big theme at the new moon. The best part about including galaxyite in magick like this is that it’s easy to get lost, or float away, so to speak. galaxyite is very grounding. It makes me feel grounded, calm, and safe. Scott Cunningham talked of star/space-related magic as an extension of earth energy, and I believe that. The stars only look the way we see them from our vantage point on earth. If we were somewhere else they’d appear totally different. Up close they’d be really different! Galaxyite reminds us that the stars and heavens really aren’t that far away, and are apart of our natural world.
  You can get Galaxyite palm stones from SageGoddess
  So why all the star magic talk? October 6-10 is the Draconid meteor shower here in the Northern Hemisphere! The Draconids are cool because they’re visible much earlier in the evening, versus the wee hours of the morning. They’re a fairly slow or sleepy shower, but that makes seeing a shooting star or meteor all the more special. Meteor showers are another great way to observe and honour the connection of the earth and the stars. Since this meteor shower happens “in” the constellation of Draco, the dragon, this is bound to be a very lucky time to make yourself some wishes! I love meteor showers and star magic, which is why I’ve already posted a lovely little spell for making meteor shower water and a wishing well, read it here. If you’re interested in stars you should also check out Star Magic by Sandra Kynes.
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  from 5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Witch by Gilly Sergiev
    Sketchy Herbs & Magic Rocks: Borage + Galaxyite Today I've asked you, witches, to share some of your favourite, and most used crystals using the #howrealwitchesdo hashtag and I've seen so many great responses already!
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sisterssafespace · 3 years
Assalamu alaykum🤍🤍🤍
Thank youuuuu 🌼😊 I am better now, yesterday I was in my weepy oversensitive mood, but your words were pure honey :)🤍 May Allah oncrease you in goodness🤍🤍🤍
- 🤍
P.S: today's text color is green lol beCAUSE, don't mind me ahahah i just love to write in colours, I find it relaxing
P.P.S: Thank u for the advice about anxiety. I do some of those things but the problem is that usually my anxiety episodes (also I have tummy aches and dizziness and pressure drops when I'm anxious) and sensory overloads happen at school, and I have some very nasty teachers (some of them tho are good) and they only worsen the situation and don't allow me time to get myself together, so I just ask to go to the toilet to recharge (and DIScharge from ~some~ people's loudness and negative vibes), except I can only go to the toilet in some hours, and certain teachers don't tolerate it. But I will start doing istighfar as you told me 😊 and hope for the best🤍🤍🤍🤍 Jazakillahu khairan, you are soooo kind
Wa alaykum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu habibty 🤍🤍
You can use alllll the colors you want, as long as you are comfortable and having fun here 😍💚
I am sorry some teachers are insensitive and lacking knowledge on how to care for or at least understand the mental health of the students. And I can totally relate to the anxiety symptoms. I have the same and more :') * sending you hugs * May Allah swt alleviate our suffering and take away the heaviness in our chests. Ameen 🤍
Take care of yourself sweet one, things will get better in shaa Allah 🤍
- A. Z. 🍃
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ashafriesen · 5 years
7 Days And 6 Nights Portugal Itinerary
7 days and 6 nights Portugal Itinerary
Last year was a little low for me when it came to travel, due to family issues. Last November, when I realised that hubby was traveling to Portugal for work, I seized the opportunity. November is also a month when my Anniversary falls so this became a trip for just the two of us :). If you have been married like me for 16 years you will realise how much these breaks are important for bonding.
A lot of people combine Spain with Portugal but I would not recommend the same as there is enough and more to see in Portugal itself, especially if you are constrained for time.
Spain With Kids: Our Family Trip & Travel Experiences In Spain
Our journey started on not such a great note because our flights got cancelled a day prior, so we had to rebook and we reached a day  later than expected and at midnight to Porto.
We chose an apartment very close to the Douro river, at a walkable distance to all the main attractions in Mouzinho Oporto tourist Apartments, a small but cozy studio apartment for two. Here are details of my 7 Day and 6 Nights Portugal Itinerary. Hope this helps you plan your vacation. 
PORTO: Portugal Itinerary
On our very first day in Porto, it was pouring from the word go. It was super cold but we managed to cross bridge over the Douro river to go to the city across which is called Gaia.
The bridge that connects Porto And Gaia
While we all know Porto as a beautiful city by the Douro river and is famous for its Port wine, in actuality, Porto has nothing to do with Port wine! The Port wine actually was brought to the limelight because of the British and some of the famous and the oldest wine cellars belong to them and while port wine is actually produced in the Douro valley, 140 kms away from Porto.
The city of Porto along the Douro River
It is stored in Gaia in wine cellars and not in Porto. The ones to visit are Calem and Sandeman for sure. You can book online in advance or buy tickets over there, but do check on their tour timings online. They have fixed timings and if you just land up like us, you can waste a few hours with nothing to do.
The Calem Wine Cellar, Gaia Wine tasting in Calem
Enjoying my glass of port wine at the wine tasting in Calem
The entire city is located on hill tops, so you see bunch of old colourful houses from the river and its bridge. A walk by the river or a river cruise is highly recommended. The cruise is just 15 min and in that time you can see all the 6 bridges and go to the point where the river joins the sea. Porto has beautiful view points from where you can watch the sunset. Its undoubtedly is one city that has one of the most beautiful sunsets.
Beautiful sunset in Porto
The things to try when you are in Porto is definitely Portuguese Nata( an egg yolk Tart), Super Bock Beer and Francesinha( I am aware that this word is made by joining France and Sinha and I wonder if we had anything to do with it ????). A very interesting story around Nata is that it was discovered because the nuns used to use egg white to starch their clothes and a lot of yolk was wasted so hence this sweet was invented. It’s yummy, by the way. While I have an egg allergy, I tried it and loved it.
Superbock beer and Portuguese Nata- a must try in Portugal
Francesinha on the other hand is a lethal layers of sausages and meat combo with cheese and sauce on the top and the Portuguese claim that it’s so lethal that you can have this only once a month. There is a vegan version too, I skipped this one but if you are a meat lover, it’s a must do.
The best way to discover the city of Porto is by foot. The streets are cobbled so I would definitely suggest to wear comfortable shoes. I was grateful for my sneakers. I would recommend two nights and if you can extend then do visit the Douro valley tour from here.
Porto city view
P.s.- A lot of info here courtesy the walking tour I did with SANDEMANs NEW Europe 
LISBON: Portugal Itinerary
On Day three, we took a train to headed to Lisbon. It’s just 2.30 hours by road or train from Porto. Luckily for us the weather was wonderful here, with an occasional shower here and there. Lisbon is a metropolitan city but the history and culture of Lisbon is as bewitching, or more, as Porto. We stayed in the Corinthia Hotel here but would not recommend it as it’s pretty much away from main tourist attractions. Stay in Alfama area. 
Grafitti in Lisbon
If I could sum my entire stay in Lisbon, it would be in three words – history, culture and Gastronomical experience.
As usual, I started exploring Lisbon on Day 4, with free walking tours to understand the city and its culture well. This time I chose Take Lisboa tours and I found our guide Yuri extremely passionate about the history of the city which made the tour even more interesting. 
If you look into the history of Portugal, it has had its share of downs, with invasion by Napoleon, the great earthquake of 1755 which nearly wiped out 85 % of the city and the reign of Salazar. They finally got their independence with the famous ‘Carnation Revolution’ in 1974 and it’s only after that their economy started growing. So it’s a European nation that’s still evolving. What will strike you is the friendliness of the locals and you will feel at home at once.
Lisbon has distinctive areas which you need to visit
Baixa – This is downtown, starts around a famous square (Rossio) and ends  at Praca de Comercio.
Chiado/Bairro Alto – Here is where you find the night-life. Portugal is known for bar hopping and nightclubs.
Alfama – Old neighbourhood around the castle. This area was initially the habitat of prostitutes and had hamams as it was rich in hot springs. Legend goes, the word Alfama comes from ‘The Hamam’.
Av de Liberdade – Do not miss the “High-end” shopping in this area.
Belem – Here is where you find the most historic monuments and the famous pastry, Pasteis de Belem ie historic cream tart
Docas – marina area with restaurants and night life
 Parque das Nacoes – The new modern area of Lisbon
Of these I would totally recommend walking tours of Baixa, Belem, Alfama and Chiado. You can explore these areas later at your ease in the day. 
It’s also one of the cheaper European countries so will not create a big hole in your pocket. Of course, you still have to look out for pick pockets.
My absolute recommendations of things to do in Lisbon
Do the heritage tram route of 28 or 24.
28 number heritage Tram Lisbon
View points – Cafe Bellissimo near Carmo covent, Belem tower, and St George’s castle.
Eat at bistros, vintage cafes and michellen star restaurants. Food is reasonable unlike most other European countries.
Walk around in the Chiado area, Alfama, Belem and soak the culture. Visit the Jerenimos Monastery, museum of coaches, Lisbon Cathedral, Carmo Convent etc.
Cathedral at Lisboa- The structure that stands tall even after the earthquake
If you have time- visit the LX factory. An offbeat place with multiple boutique shops and restaurants. Loved the vibe there. The place is famous for products it makes from corks so definitely buy a bag, shoes or hats made of it. It’s a great tool for recycling.
A chocolate cafe at the LX factory, Lisbon
Learn about the famous poets of Portugal- Fernando Passeo, Luis De Camoes, Almeida Garret to name a few.
Posing with Fernando, the poet
*Go to a Fado concert- The powerful music style is described as nostalgia and longing. * Check out graffitis across the city. You will also realise where Mario Miranda derived his inspiration from.
Graffiti in Lisbon
*Drink Green Wine- yes, it’s a thing and has only 6% alcohol.
Green wine- a must try in Lisbon
*Do Tagus river cruise if you have the time. *The nightclubs and bars in Lisbon are open till 9 am!!! They really party! And Bairro Alto is your area to be.
You can walk everywhere but remember it’s all uphill and downhill mostly and cobbled streets. Uber is super cheap, so use that when needed.
SINTRA: Portugal Itinerary
Day 5, we decided to explore  the lazy, small, historic town nestled in the hills about a 30 min ride from Lisbon called, Sintra. Being stationed a bit up it’s temperature is always a little lower than Lisbon unless I, like an eternal optimist decided that it’s going to be a sunny day and it really was!
The Whimsical Pena Palace At Sintra
I did a private tour to Sintra with my friends, since hubby was busy. We walked through the city centre and the by-lanes soaking the entire vibe of the city.
With My Friends in Sintra
The vibe of the town of Sintra
Things that we missed and would like to do the next time is the Moorish castle and the Quinta da Regaleira – A lavish mansion and fascinating gardens that contain hidden tunnels and secretive religious symbolism because apparently the person who owned it was a free mason.
Quinta Da Regaleira
Our guide Feliciano from GetYourGuide took us to this non touristy beach, Praia da Adraga, which had beautiful waves, caves and a cove from where the waves would break and come like a froth to kiss your feet. It had to be my most favourite place to visit.
Praia da Adraga beach near Sintra
Our last stop was lunch at a beach town Cascais further away where my girlfriends and I finished off a pitcher of Sangria, listening to some College romantics in a town square. Unfortunately, I don’t have pics of this place. This place also has the biggest casino so do visit if you like casinos.
This is how wonderful my holiday was. We were in Portugal for 7 nights and I liked just walking around the place. If I had to go back here are a few places I would like to add to my itinerary;
Aveiro – aka Venice of Portugal
 Coimbra – Seat of oldest University of Europe
Evora – Old Roman Capital and centre of wine regions, Alentejo
Faro – Capital of Algarve, touristy beach region of Portugal
Geres national Park- to enjoy the amazing landscapes
Have any questions about Portugal? Planning a trip there? Comment below and I will get back.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
We got to preview MDM Flow's new foundation and we were SO impressed
We got to preview MDM Flow's new foundation and we were SO impressed
Flawless Base Foundation, £10 for 30mL, MDM Flow
Founder of MDM Flow, Florence Adepoju, started her beauty empire in her parent’s garden shed. Launching first with lipsticks specifically to suit women of colour, she’s now busy perfecting a foundation for all skin tones. We were so impressed by her story, it’s in the current issue of GLAMOUR magazine, and we quickly jumped at the chance to trial her beloved Flawless Base creation before it hits the shelves.
Samantha McMeekin, Beauty Content Writer Hani Sidow, Beauty Columnist
Combination skin with an extremely oily forehead that refuses to behave. The rest of my face can be slightly on the dry side, but a decent A-grade student otherwise.
Combination skin that changes depending on the weather. Currently, I am dry as a desert but I use a lot of moisturising oils and serums to feed my skin. Despite all of this, my nose is unbelievably oily.
I say I like natural coverage, buuuuut what I mean is – I’ll have a green juice but then wash it down with pizza – kinda natural. I like my skin to feel good, but I also like to treat myself to some coverage, ya know? Let’s just meet in the middle and say ‘medium’ coverage. I think ‘satin’ is the finish I’m vibing most these days because I have to be on the fence about everything apparently.
I suffer from hyperpigmentation, especially around my mouth, which is very common in people with deeper skin complexions. This means I prefer a warmer-toned foundation with hints of yellow as it stops me from looking ashy around those melanin-rich areas. I love a dewy finish that looks like skin but still has a full coverage (is that asking for too much?).
I’d been avoiding trying a serum foundation for a while. Why? Because I am a notorious ‘spills makeup on everything’ clutz. And for those who, likewise, haven’t tried a serum foundation, they are RUN-NY. Creamy textures tend to be the safer option for my white tops.
BUT I love Florence’s story and the way she’s constantly connecting with her consumers to deliver on her products – so I did it for her. And, hot damn, I’m glad I did.
I am actually so annoyed that it took me so long to try a serum foundation now, because it’s perfect for me. SO comfortable and SO buildable. If I’m having a good skin day, a light layer will do. Family of unfortunate spots residing on my chin? Dab it on for days. But, either way, my skin feels nourished and can breeeathe. I applied it with a damp beauty blender and it was a match made in smooth heaven.
By the way, the MDM Flawless Base is so accurately named, I can’t even. My skin looked flaw-less. Just enough dew to look fresh, but not shiny. Just enough coverage to hide everything, but no cake. That runny formula is on to something. I don’t know what’s in it, but Florence does (because she made it) and she also made sure it was vegan and cruelty-free.
Each day I wore this foundation, I had compliments galore. I wore it for up to 12 hours at the most and it didn’t fail me. It’s very similar to The Ordinary’s serum foundation, but MDM Flow’s definitely lasted better on me, matched my skin tone that teeny bit better (p.s I wore the shade 495) and kept my oily forehead under control for longer. Touch-ups were still needed, so it wasn’t bullet-proof, but it was pretty decent considering how comfortable it felt.
I wish I could find a negative to make this review more ‘authentic’ but I actually can’t. It’s the perfect ‘middle’ foundation – in terms of coverage and finish.
My ONLY qualm is that you can’t go and buy it RIGHT NOW. It’s currently only available for pre-order, with a campaign running to help boost production. Get behind this amazing UK woman and her makeup creations – she’s going to be big.
This was a brand I had never come across before, so I was really excited to try it.
The first day I tried it, it was going to be a long day. I was a little scared as I didn’t know what to expect and how it would last for an extended period of time. I prepped my skin and then applied the foundation using my beauty blender, exactly as I usually would.
It was a super runny texture so I was a little relieved, as I am not a fan of thick foundations. I used the shade 307 first all over my face, since it was the closest match to my skin tone. The colour was a little more orange than I usually go for, so I brightened my under eye with the shade 802 which made literally the perfect highlighting colour for my skin. The texture of the foundation was so smooth to the point it didn’t even look like I had anything on, just flawless skin.
I then set my under eyes with powder and completed the rest of my makeup. When I went outside to take my daily selfie, I noticed how dewy my skin looked and I was living for it! I got into work waiting for someone to notice that I had changed foundations. What felt like years later, my colleague Chan asked me “what are you wearing today?” – FINALLY! She told me that I looked ‘so glowy’ all over – thanks, Chan!
When I got home later that day at around 9:30pm, my skin still looked flawless. It was a little oily on my nose but, honestly, I don’t think anything exists that can tame my oily nose. I noticed the colour I used all over my face oxidised a little; but it was still a pretty good effort for a very long day.
The following day I tried the foundation again, only this time I mixed a little of the 802 with the 307, and it definitely made a difference. I definitely loved them more together, as the colour blended perfectly into my skin and the tone of yellow and orange was just right.
I’m now a serum foundation convert and will be telling EVERYONE.
A little goes a long way with this foundation, so it would last you while. It’s pretty sheer but buildable.
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