retrogamingloft · 1 year
P.T. Barnum's Acrobats Longplay (Magnavox Odyssey 2 Game) A Circus's knock-off. Despite getting 10 lives, the game is a lot harder than the Atari title.
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modus-41 · 1 year
Barnum's Dinosaur Zoo (Riveted RPG)
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Behold, the greatest and most awe-inspiring Spectacle of our Time! It is my honor to announce the opening of our Newest Attraction, THE BARNUM DINOSAUR ZOO!! Our Expert Team of Explorers has returned from a perilous expedition to the Mysterious Jungles of South America, bringing with them a Menagerie of Prehistoric Creatures and Long-extinct Flora. That’s…
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weevmo · 1 year
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Took some time to develop a character @kmodoposts and I are working on - Inspirations include Charlie Chapman, Jim Henson, P.T.Barnum, and Bert from Mary Poppins!
Head in the clouds and hands in his work - Bailey Stew is determined to build the life and "family" of his showman dreams 💫🌈
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phillipcarlyle · 7 days
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"You brought joy into my life."
Phillip Carlyle/P.T.Barnum
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aviel-gillinski · 2 months
( @gracexiong )
Aviel is always so careful with his curious fingers when he comes into Crow & Chalice. So many interesting herbs and little baubles and crystals... he could spend all day jotting down notes on the things he sees. The prices that sometimes seem a bit odd, the ingredients that he's not sure are 100% legitimate. But who is he, besides a human? Certainly an experienced human- one who knows the truth, and who seeks more truths. And so he knows of witches.
But it's always so fun to decipher what's real and what's not. What's a P.T.Barnum scam, and what's the real Fiji mermaid.
"Grace!" Avi smiles as he sees the owner, an air kiss blown to her. "I have another crystal I found that I'd love to show you. And... I found a few odd little assortments of items, in a few abandoned buildings around town... laid out in very particular ways... took some photos, would love to hear if you think someone was attempting a spell... but you know I need your expert eye, my dear."
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themirthofanation · 2 years
Our generation’s answer to P.T.Barnum.
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askbarnum · 4 years
Does Phillip have any secret hobbies?
I'm not sure whether you'd class it as a hobby...or particularly secret for that matter. But a lesser known habit of his is his collection of pinecones.
Occasionally at the office I would put on my jacket and find a pinecone in the pocket. I never really thought much of it outside of that it could be a prank from someone in the troupe, or perhaps something one of my girls had given me to hold onto that I'd simply forgotten to give back.
It was only when I was bunking with Phillip for a period of time that I found out he was the culprit. I was rummaging through his drawers one morning in hopes of stealing a pair of socks, as my last pair had just torn a hole, when I found an entire drawer full of pinecones.
When I asked about it he only shrugged and bashfully claimed he finds them interesting.
I've noticed consistently since that he almost unconsciously picks them up occasionally when we are out together and seems visually excited when he finds a large one.
Admittedly I find it a bit bizarre and don't understand it at all. Though I can't deny it's... rather endearing.
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Being the youngest performer at Barnum’s
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When you saw the flyer you were wary but hopeful that there was a place that would accept you
Barnum was surprised to see a kid show up, but when he saw your abilities, he knew that this would benefit both of you
You were a few years older than his daughters so he pretty much saw you as one
You immediately got along with the others, Anne & W.D. took you under their wing from the start
When Phillip joined he was shocked and confused that someone of your age participated in the circus
You saw the bond between Phillip & Anne from the start, doing your best to appease W.D. when he found out
The rioters at first claimed you were being manipulated by your fellow performers
When they realized you actually liked being a member of the circus, they became even crueler towards you
Devil Spawn & Witch were some of the kinder names they called you
If your makeshift family didn’t want to fight them before, they were thirsty for blood now (You were a kid!)
They all saw their younger selves in you & always looked after you
When the building burned down, they made sure you were one of the first out & safe
You were devastated when Phillip ran in for Anne only for her to come out from the back
The relief you felt when everyone survived was a weight off your shoulders
When Barnum decided to continue with the use of tents, you followed
They were an odd family (not for their appearances & abilities) but they were the best one you could ask for
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Escena de la película El Gran Showman ^^ ^^ ^^
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basilbrush · 6 years
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A PDF pattern to make your own ‘The Greatest Showman’ cross stitch.
The Greatest Showman fan art.
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queenmarie4 · 6 years
The noblest art is that of making others happy.
P.T.Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
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jimrmoore · 4 years
"Rose's Royal Midgets and Other Little People of Vaudeville". A Review by Dominique Jando.
“Rose’s Royal Midgets and Other Little People of Vaudeville”. A Review by Dominique Jando.
In the first half of the twentieth century, performing troupes of Little People ⏤ then popularly known as Midgets ⏤ were undeniably, in Europe or in the United States, the main drawing cards of any variety or circus production that featured them. After their appearance in M-G-M’s “The Wizard of Oz,” the Munchkins’ everlasting fame has been a testimony to their timeless appeal. “Midgets” were not…
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“They don’t understand you, but they will.” – P.T. Barnum
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disastanielsen · 4 years
If Hugh-Jackman-as-P.T.Barnum started a cat-mouse game trying to outsmart me then let down his guard and allow himself to be vulnerable in front of me I would simply fall in love with him
Rip to James Gordon Bennett oh wait nevermind
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invisible-goats · 5 years
Top 5 Books I Read In 2019
- Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows: a Sikh girl agrees to teach English at her local temple and learns that old people lead rich lives as her glass gradually moves from writing letters to writing stories for fun
- How To Fall In Love With A Man Who Lives In A Bush: an ESL teacher in Vienna meets a mysterious man who teaches her to love life
- The Seven Death of Evelyn Hardcastle: Aiden Bishop relives the same day, each time in a different body, as he tries to prevent the murder of a young woman
- The Mermaid: A mermaid leaves her home by the sea to star in P.T.Barnum’s American Museum
- The Nameless One: The first of the Cade Trilogy of the Edge Chronicles. An orphan heads for the city to make his fortune, but things soon go awry onboard the ship taking him there
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naksus-blog1 · 5 years
Yrityksen digitaaliset kanavat
Oletko koskaan miettinyt digitaalisuutta sen kautta, että kun sinä käytät omaa digitaalista kanavaa, se on sinulle etu ja mahdollisuus työpaikan digitaalisuutta varten. 🤔 
Yrityksen, niin pienten kuin suurienkin, digitaaliset kanavat jaotellaan kolmeen eri osa-alueeseen. Niitä ovat omat digitaaliset kanavat, ostetut kanavat ja ansaitut kanavat.
Omat digitaaliset kanavat
Ensimmäisenä kerron hieman mitä oma digitaalinen kanava on. Tämä on sinulle varmuudella tuttu ja käytät tällaista jollain asteella joka päivä. Sosiaalinen media on varmasti jokaiselle tuttu termi jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Viestintää voidaan tehdä missä tahansa sosiaalisen median piirissä olevalla ”työkalulla”. Ja juuri nämä työkalut ovat niitä omia digitaalisia kanavia, esimerkkinä muutamia twitter, facebook, instagram. Monilla kouluilla, yrityksillä, liikuntaryhmillä ja seuroilla on omat facebook tai/sekä instagram sivunsa. Niillä julkaistaan tietoa, tarjouksia, kuvia ja kaikkea tarpeellista tietoa aiheeseen liittyen. 
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Kuva: HubSpot Reports
Ostetut kanavat
Toinen käsite on ostettu kanava. Tämä voi olla sponsorointia, isoja bannerimainoksia tien varsilla tai vaikkapa tv- tai radiomainontaa. Yksi minkä osuus varmasti tulee vielä kasvamaan hurjasti, on sponsorointi ja sitä kautta ostettu näkyvyys yrityksille. Muotibloggareita ostetaan käyttämään ja testaamaan yrityksien tuotteita ja tekemään niistä videoita eli vlogeja ja kirjoittamaan blogeja. Nämä ovat ainakin nuorison keskuudessa hyvin suuressa suosiossa, niin kuin alla oleva vuoden 2018 tutkimuskin sen osoittaa. Tilastokeskuksen vuosittan tekemä tutkimus antaa hyvin mielenkiintoista lisätietoa monesta digitaalisuuteen liittyvästä aiheesta. Tämä tieto on hyvin tärkeää myös pienille aloitteleville yrityksille. Tällaisesta saa hyvin osviittaa siitä millaiseen ympäristöön kannattaa sijoittaa se oma ostettu mainonta.  
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Kuva:  Tilastokeskus Väestön tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttötutkimus 2018
Jokainen meistä on varmasti jakanut joskus jonkin yrityksen tuotteen tai suosituksen omilla digitaalisilla sivuillaan. Se on yritykselle ansaittua kanavointia. Yrityksien täytyy voittaa asiakkaiden luottamus ja antaa myös mahdollisuus jakaa omaa tuotetietouttaan. Nämä ansaitut kanavat ovat yritykselle kultaakin tärkeämpi. Tietenkin oman arvonsa sitten jakeluun tekee lehdistö. Mistä pääsemmekin mahtavaan lausahdukseen, jonka yhdysvaltalainen liikemies P.T.Barnum lausui jo1800-luvulla. 
"There is no such thing as bad publicity”
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Kuva: P.T.Barnum
Mitä mieltä sinä olet tästä ylläolevasta lauseesta, onko se sinun mielestä vielä  “ajanhermolla”? 
Naksutellaan taas! 
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