selfcaredicas · 1 year
1/2 pacote de amendoim (250g)
6 colheres de sopa de açúcar mascavo
1 boa pitada de sal
- Torra o amendoim no forno aquecido a 180ºC até ficar dourado. - Descasca e depois coloca no processador com o açúcar e o sal. - Tritura aos poucos até virar uma farofa! O ponto é quando você pressiona e ela fica grudadinha. - Enche um cilindro pequeno e aperta bem a paçoca para dar o formato. - Desenforma com cuidado e tá pronto! ⠀ RENDIMENTO: 8 paçocas
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
It's okay to ask for more of the baby England au? Maybe the baby now a toddler and being cared by Port? 🥺
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council-of-beetroot · 11 months
5 and 7
5: what category of fics do you read the most? (angst, fluff, etc)
Well, for me I don't have much of a selection for a lot of my characters and fics so I usually just look up Hetalia Lithuania and just scroll until I find something interesting.
From what I have bookmarked I would say angst and historical is probably what I read most.
But yeah I need more fics
7: would you rather read a plot-focused fic or pwp?
I like what I call porn with world building. Like seriously give me pages and pages of how the universe in this fic works the way it does and why it means that these two characters are fucking eachother in this particular way.
As for plot focused ideally I like it but really depends on the plot.
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reallunargift · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask what are your favorite (or fandom favorite) names for fem Spain and fem Portugal?
Hey, of course! I usually see Isabel being used for fem Spain, and I think it fits her! For fem Portugal my favourite is Leonor :)
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haemosexuality · 2 years
Aww your cat loves Toga that's so cute! I bet Toga would love your cat. She's a cat person for sure. Might drink her blood though
i think paçoca is too filled with hatred to love everything. toga WOULD love her tho ur completely right shes def a cat person
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rodininetto · 2 years
Álvaro na estrada
Claudio Osti, Paçoca com Cebola Se tem uma coisa que a concorrência sempre consegue é fazer as pessoas se mexerem. O senador Álvaro Fernandes Dias, Podemos, que estava meio sossegado na pré-campanha de reeleição já que não via ninguém competitivo no retrovisor, agora está correndo o trecho em ritmo acelerado. Está percorrendo várias cidades do norte do Paraná em campanha. O motivo: no retrovisor…
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liemurienn · 8 months
9 people tag ★
tagged by mutual @a-luran :3 btw i’m sure the last film they watched is cool…. another movie added on my watchlist..
Last song : tender by stuck in the sound
Current obsession : is drawing masculine chests a sin ?
Last film : i rewatched ip man (the 2nd movie) just for those fight scenes and its wing chun propaganda
Currently reading : just finished reading the counterfeiters by a. gide
then there’s that spamano fanfic i paused reading ;-;
Currently watching : the new pope
tagging @doodlin-moons , @vimishu, @sorvete-de-pacoca, @artemiswolfheart, @ironic-orange, @wuhhluhhhwuhhh, @starsmadeinheaven, @cupcakes-and-british-tea, @jewelsmoment, @roszabell and anyone who would like to do it :3
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folightening · 7 months
@sorvete-de-pacoca You said Alpha Romano and Omega Antonio; it took a few days but here's one idea finished.
The earthy, sunshine scent that filled his nose, the too bright smile directed at him, and the singing tone of the greeting had all combined to render Romano speechless, staring blankly at the gorgeous creature before him. Left with no other option, he had fled inevitable embarrassment.
That was days ago and now he couldn't get the Omega out of his head.
Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. Omega best friend of Gilbert and Francis. Which meant he was undoubtedly spoken for regardless of what he smelled like.
Romano sighed and continued inspecting his options and ignoring his drink. He should go home. No one was catching his attention; no one matched him.
But before Romano could leave he smelled it. And like a fool he followed.
There he was, once again accompanied by the French pervert and the German weirdo. Antonio was laughing at something, Gilbert looked pleased with himself, and Francis was entirely too close to Antonio. As was his right but the sight still pissed Romano off.
This was ridiculous. He barely knew Antonio
Who was much too close suddenly, his scent assaulting Romano's attention and scattering his thoughts. He was ensnared in shining grassy sunshine, captured with no desire to leave.
"Do you dance?"
"Not really-sort of. For you sure."
Antonio's smile brightened - how was that possible? - and he grabbed Romano's hand.
He was too close and not close enough. Guiding Romano through the dance with an eagerness Romano could smell. Every move he made was a sensual promise of what could be. A promise of more to come if Romano just grabbed the chance.
"What did you do to me?"
Antonio laughed; "I could ask you the same thing."
So the Omega wanted him too. Knowing he wasn't the only one afflicted after their meeting made everything so much simpler.
It was easy to slide his hands along Antonio's clothed body. To breathe in his intoxicating scent, move into his space so close it bordered indecent. Antonio wasn't his - yet - they had no business being as close as they were. Yet when Romano grabbed his hips and nearly kissed his throat Antonio sighed and leaned into him.
He wanted nothing more than to own the Omega in his arms. He needed Antonio to be his. But that was lust talking; he just needed a night with Antonio to get it out of his system.
"Let's go," Romano demanded in a whisper.
Antonio's answer was to step away with a laugh, grab his hand, and pull him through the crowd. Following him was the easiest thing Romano had ever done.
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kaimaciel · 3 months
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That escalated quickly! 😱
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nullians · 10 months
wip tag game 🍎
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Thank you @sorvete-de-pacoca for the tag! :3
1. Tool or Human: "Can't it be both?" She looked at him and sighed. "When the moment comes, you'll only be able to choose one. How humans act and how tools should… these are two opposing ideologies" She looked at the five of them, mulling it through in their heads. Well, except for Azure and Midnight. She knew those two had already reached their answers. Opposite ones. "You don't have to answer now, or me, for that matter. It's just something you should decide so your path will be littered with fewer regrets."
2. Choose Your Poison: Midnight's hand is cold in his. Still, he looks at the man holding them without hesitation and says: "Kill me. That's the choice"
3. Watch Duty: His usual ear for a troubled thought was deep asleep, curled inside their sensei's embrace which was one of the few effective ways to keep his nightmares at bay. He looks in their direction with a tight expression, sighs, and resigns himself to his own nagging thoughts, his mind filled with the usual images of blood and steel clashing and the so much unfortunate feeling of bloodlust rising with the smell of iron that still lingers in the air. He huffs a few times to clear it.
4. But My Sword is Bloody: A better person would feel regret. Midnight doesn’t. He creases his eyebrows. He doesn’t. No matter how much he tries to force himself to, he just feels empty about it. Sees it as an inevitability.
Honestly, I think these are the only ones that qualify as proper wips lol. They are all for Naruto Online and are mostly Midnight-centred. Because I have my biases and am proud of them XD
Tagging: @celeryw (is this anything my partner in niche), @vulpiximisa @crazymadredfox @mulletfriend
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marukrawler · 11 months
Read somewhere that you ship Alice/Volt?? can i have some or all of the details because ive never seen the slightest mention of this pairing anywhere and im fascinated
ye i came up with it ✨
i think what it was is that i had an ore monogatari/my love story au in mind 2 years ago and needed to pick some characters so i chose alice, volt and shun.
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the au ofc never was expanded beyond that LMAO
then @sorvete-de-pacoca and i had a brief talk abt it and it was like. . .yeah im hooked now lmao they're both kind and empathetic, they use opposing attributes, they've both struggled with their own self-perception, who they are and what they've become. THEIR SIZE DIFFERENCE. i just think they'd look good together and their personalities would match nicely. they could be very domestic 🥰 i love it!!
i'm actually planning on writing an alicevolt thing that accidentally turned into a partial s2 rewrite so if you're interested in the ship, i guess that could be something to look forward to lolol
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selfcaredicas · 7 months
Para o mousse:
Creme de leite fresco
Leite ninho
Para o brigadeiro:
1 LC e 1 CL
6 paçocas
Para o merengue:
4 claras
180g de açúcar
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
How about UkArg flag? 👀 👉👈
I will be exculmulgated from my country. But here is my love for you.
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licic · 1 year
No one cares, but I don't care either, vibes I get from my mutuals:
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We just meet and I'm roasting you. But from you, I get sarcastic person who's tired of life vibes, I feel like I would hear from you the same i would hear from someone smoking at a bar with a tired face.
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Mom vibes. I can't explain but you're MOTHER, like a nice mom you can tell everything and that will give you the best hugs and advices.
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Cool older sister. That older sister who all of your friends like and helps you get away with your shenanigans. Maybe they're a bit of a bad influence sometimes, but who cares anyways?
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I feel like you would look like a wise and serious person who guides the protagonist through their journey but is actually a silly, but a very very wise silly.
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Congrats(or not)! From you, I get a relatable and lovable protagonist. You are the MC, deal with it. The public loves you and they don't have any deep reason to hate you at all.
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I don't get any specific vibes from you, but you're very nice to interact with.
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Thank you @sorvete-de-pacoca for tagging me!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with!
Last Song: In my sister's car she had a playlist of songs playing from theatre shows that take place in Russia so one of those probably
Three ships: Pruliet, Prupol, Lietpol
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment as i have too much school work :( I have five chapters left of DITR to read.
Last movie: Encanto
Craving: two things
1. These fake pop things that apparently don't taste like cola but I like them. (I haven't had regular coca cola or any pop in about a decade.)
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2. Time to write without work or class getting in the way. I don't know how you people do it because 300 words can take me an hour I'm slow...
Tag people? Alright I always feel bad tagging people for some reason... But here we go!
@luderailing @magictrio1118 @sakotisssss @apersonwholikeslotus @acethetically-doodles
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cardboxshelter · 2 years
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Gordon Ramsay has discovered TodoDeku
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